Transcript of DAYLIGHT SAVING REFERENDUM - Queensland Parliament

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JULY 1992

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Daylight Saving Referendum

22 FebruaryI 1992

(Referendums Act 1989)

HEREWITH are submitted, for presentation to Parliament, statisticalreturns showing the votes recorded for "Yes" and for "No", at theDaylight Saving Referendum taken on Saturday 22 February, 1992.

"Are you in favour of daylight saving"


The Honourable Glen Milliner MLAMinister for. Justice and Corrective Services

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Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Referendum Timetable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

List of Returning Officers 4

Yes-No Cases 7

Sample Ballot Paper 11

Summary of State Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Summary of District Responses 13

Maps of District Responses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Details of Polling by District 19

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The daylight saving referendum conducted on 22 February 1992 was theseventh State-initiated referendum conducted since the establishment of theQueensland Parliament. Queenslanders voted at a federation referendum in1899, a religious instruction referendum in 1910, on the question of abolishingthe Legislative Council in 1917, at two prohibition referendums in 1920 and1923, and more recently, at a referendum held in conjunction with localgovernment elections on 23 March, 1991 seeking to extend parliamentary termsfrom three to four years. Only the 1899 and 1910 referendums were resolved inthe affirmative.

The conduct of the daylight saving referendum saw the introduction of threemajor electoral reforms recommended by the Electoral and AdministrativeReview Commission: the use of the joint Commonwealth/State electoral rolltogether with the extension of the franchise to more Queenslanders, and theintroduction for administrative purposes of the new electoral districts created byEARC during the redistribution of electoral boundaries in 1991.

Whilst the use of the Commonwealth/State roll and the new electoral districtsprovided tight deadlines and introduced a number of unique problems, thereferendum provided the Electoral Commission with an excellent opportunity toresolve a number of operational and administrative difficulties before the nextgeneral election.

The distribution of the IIYes/Noli arguments and the information and educationprogram designed to inform electors of their new electoral districts proved aninteresting challenge and was, by all reports, very successful. There was anoticeable increase in the level of electoral awareness throughout Queenslandduring the campaign.

It was disappointing that some sections of the community considered thereferendum an unnecessary indulgence and a waste of taxpayers' money. Thedivision of the vote in the Legislative Assembly on the question of a daylightsaving referendum indicated that the issue of daylight saving dividedQueenslanders as no other single issue has done. The issue was one whichrecommended itself to a direct appeal to the people of Queensland forresolution.

At the close of rolls on 22 January, 1,835,727 electors were enrolled and wereeligible to vote. By close of polling on 22 February, 89.56% of electors hadvoted with 99.56% of those recording a valid vote.

I wish to place on record my sincere thanks to the staff of the ElectoralCommission who worked long hours under adverse circumstances to enablethe referendum to be conducted as efficiently as possible.



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Daylight saving, the practice of rescheduling the day by advancing the clock bya specified time to prolong evening daylight, was first suggested by BenjaminFranklin in 1784.

The idea was popularised with the publication in 1908 of William Willet's Wasteof Daylight and the practice was introduced to conserve fuel during wartime inGermany (1915), Britain (1916), and in Australia and the United States in 1917.

Daylight saving was re-introduced in all Australian states during World War IIand operated during summertime in 1942, 1942-1943, and 1943-1944 (exceptWestern Australia).

From 1945 to 1967 the question of re-introducing daylight saving on a morepermanent basis was addressed on a number of occasions by individual Statesand at Premiers' Conference level.

Tasmania introduced daylight saving in 1967-68 and agreement wassubsequently reached to trial daylight saving from October 1971 to February,1972 in the ACT and all States except Western and South Australia. All Statesexcept Queensland, and Western Australia and the Northern Territorysubsequently adopted daylight saving.

A trial re-introduction of daylight saving was considered by the Queenslandcabinet in August, 1989 and a Bill providing for a trial daylight saving periodfrom 29 October, 1989 to 4 March, 1990 received royal assent on18 September, 1989.

Cabinet resolved that a daylight saving task force be established to monitor the1989-90 trial and report to Government by 30 April, 1990 on all aspects of thetest and whether daylight saving should continue to be observed in futureyears.

The task force reported on 27 April, 1990 recommending that daylight saving beintroduced for that part of the State east of 151 east longitude for the periodadopted by other States; that the scheme continue for a further two years' trialand review; and that a referendum be taken on the issue at the end of the twoyear trial.

Following a debate in the Legislative Assembly on 26 November 1991, themotion that a referendum belield onth-equesfion or dayliglitsavfng wasresolved in the affirmative (Ayes 43, Noes 40). The writ for the conduct of thereferendum was issued on 16 January, 1992 and Saturday 22 February, 1992was specified as polling day.


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Referendum Timetable

Thursday 16 January:

Wednesday 22 January:

Monday 3 February:

Friday 21 February:

Saturday 22 February:

Monday 6 April:

Issue of Writ

Close of Rolls

Start of Pre-poll Voting

Close of Pre-poll Voting

Referendum Day

Return of Writ


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List of Returning Officers

Wayne Douglas SWILE

Edward Joseph O'SULLIVAN

Leslie Gordon CLARKSON

John Thomas MANDERS

Mark Andrew CALDWELL

Anne Carmel BECKA

Geoffrey Thomas RABBITI

Raymond Arthur OVENS

Peter Edward SWAN

Alan Walter ARMITAGE

Kevin Mark LIDDELL

Shane Allan HARMER

Ronald William MUIRHEAD

John William MOTI

John William ESMOND


John Ernest BINGHAM

Colin James McKENZIE

Harold Arthur ATKINSON

Robert Lyall WOOD

Laurence Peter VERRA

Norman Richard LUDWIG

Keith Norman BRIGGS

Gregory Patrick DAVIS

Damien Barry MEALEY

Stephen George SHOREY

Neil Lester MALLER

Michael Thomas ROBINSON

Donald Ian McADAM



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Raymond Thomas HALL

Leanne Maree O'DONOGHUE

Leonard Walter RADNEDGE

Steven Roy AUSTEN

Clyde Lewis JONES

Peter Edward WALLACE

Anthony Gerard O'KEEFE

Lawrence William FIRTH

Glen Robert GRAHAM

John William DUDGEON

Paul Timothy SMITH

Terence James OTOOLE

Colin Glen YOUNG

Roy Anderson McCALLUM

Rodney James YOUNG

Geoffrey Raymond HARDIKER

Terence John O'SULLIVAN

Grahame John BERTRAM

Stanley Percy POTHECARY


Denis John COWELL

Michael Joseph VAGG

Wayne Neville GORMLEY

Lynne Michelle MURDOCH

Philip Patrick CONNOR

Robert Harold MAHONEY

David John HAY

Peter Edmund ALiCK

Barry James LEASK

Stevan Robert McLACHLAN

Noel John ROSS

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NERANG Barry Archibald DANN
























YERONGA Edward Charles WINTON·


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1. Since 1972, the eastern states of Australia, excluding Queensland, have operated on daylight saving

time each summer. Queensland has only participated in daylight saving since 1989. Since this time,

many of the difficulties experienced by the business community in the period when there was a time

difference between the eastern states, such as communication difficulties and operating inefficiencies

arising from the need to accommodate the different trading times, have diminished.

It has been indicated by businesses operating in south-east Queensland, where the majority of

businesses are based, that:-

*over 75% of these businesses favour daylight saving;

*nearly 90% believe that all the eastern states should operate on the same time; and

*nearly 40% of businesses expect to suffer losses if daylight saving were abolished.

As daylight saving is seen as a means of promoting commercial efficiency, then it is therefore in the

best interests of the State for it to continue.

2. Daylight saving gives you more useable outdoor leisure time at the end of the day during summer.

This allows people to spend more time with their families and friends and in the pursuit of recreational

and leisure activities.

3. Daylight saving can save energy because more natural light is used during the latter part of the day.

This can have consequent cost savings for the community and can be beneficial for the environment if

less electricity is consumed.

The Queensland Electricity Commission reports that there is a noticeable reduction in electricity

demand during daylight saving in the peak period of 6.00 p.m. and 8.00 pm. each day.-- --- ------ - -- --- - - - --- -

4. When Queensland operates on the same time as the other eastern states, the tourist and travel

industries benefit through not having to alter the schedules and itineraries of tourists and business

people travelling to Queensland from interstate and overseas.

Likewise the airlines, railways and bus operators do not have to alter their timetables to accommodate

different time zones between the eastern states.

Businesses associated with the tourist and hospitality industries may also benefit from the increased

daylight leisure time available to their potential customers.

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Queensland is such a vast State that the actual hours of sunlight vary considerably between differentparts of it. Daylight saving has an adverse impact on Queensland lifestyles and businesses because ofthis basic geographical fact.

Daylight saving is not in the best interests of Queenslanders for the following reasons:

1. Queensland has a typical tropical to sub-tropical climate with the average maximum temperature inany area of the State in January ranging from 30 to 42 degrees celsius.

The sun already rises and sets up to one hour later in the northern and western areas of the State, asthese areas are located west of the geographical line at which standard time for Queensland isdetermined.

2. During daylight saving, many people throughout the State who have to travel considerable distancesto work or to school have to leave home while it is still dark.

3. For school children, daylight saving also means that they finish school in the hottest part of the day,whereas they would normally still be in the classroom at the time when the sun's harmful ultra violet(UV) rays are at their most intense.

4. Businesses throughout the State need to operate on the same time as Brisbane in order to maintaincontact with suppliers. With daylight saving time, many businesses are not able to service the needs ofcustomers and clients who require access to goods and services during the latter part of the day.

5. For many elderly people daylight saving is an inconvenience requiring changes to daily livingroutines.

6. For many people, daylight saving means a denial of the opportunity to access their only source ofdaily news and current affairs, particularly through evening television programmes.

7. Many local authorities are opposed to daylight saving because it interferes with established workpractices.

8. Rural industries and some sections of the tourism industry are significantly disadvantaged due to thereduction in the amount of early morning daylight hours available in which to complete critical tasks.

9. The quality of life suffers for many families in the State during periods of daylight saving becauseof:

*Meal times - particularly the evening meal - being delayed because it is too hot to prepare and eatmeals at normal times.

This imposes an increased burden on the parents of young children as it puts the children out of theirfamiliar daily routine, upsetting both study and sleeping patterns.

*Many people whose hours of work are determined by available sunlight tend to work later in the dayduring daylight saving. This increases stress on families through less parental contact with children.

*A reduction in the opportunities available for those people who work later in the day to participate inevening community activities.

10. There is no evidence that the majority of Queenslanders benefit from daylight saving. Rather theminority benefit and the majority suffer a reduced quality of life.

11. There are already three time zones in Australia. Queenslanders and the various industries whooperate across time zones have always managed to overcome any difficulties involved. Any perceiveddisadvantages in this regard are far outweighed by the disadvantages suffered by a majority ofQueenslanders during daylight saving periods.

Page 16: DAYLIGHT SAVING REFERENDUM - Queensland Parliament at the Referendulll is cOlllpulsory.


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Form 0Referendums Act 1989





"Are you in favour of daylight saving"





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Daylight Saving Referendum Results


Total Roll: 1,835,727 (Close of Roll 22/01/92)

Yes Votes: 744,686 (45.50% of Formal Votes)

No Votes: 892,119 (54.50% of Formal Votes

Majority No Votes: 147,433 (9.01 % of Formal Votes)

Total Formal: 1,636,805 (99.56% of Total Votes)

Informal: 7,313 (0.44% of Total Votes)

Total Votes: 1,644,118

Yes Votes to Roll: 40.57 %

No Votes to Roll: 48.60 %

Total Formal to Roll: 89.16 %

Total Votes to Roll: 89.56 %

Total Districts: 89

Districts Voting Yes: 51 (57.30% of Districts)

Districts Voting No: 38 (42.70% of Districts)

Total Booths: 1,654

Booths Voting Yes: 588 (35.55% of Booths)

Booths Voting No: 1,035 (62.58% of Booths)


Section Formal Informal Total % of TotalNil Vote Type Votes

Ordinary (within own District) 1,400,097 6,374 1,406,471 85.55%

4.24 Absent (Outside own District) 160,356 617 160,973 9.79%

4.25 Drive In 2,126 14 2,140 0.13%

4.26 Interstate/ Overseas 556 4 560 0.03%

4.27 Pre-poll Voting 29,843 61 29,904 1.82%

4.28 Electoral Visitor 23,923 141 24,064 1.46%

4.30 Postal Votes 15,681 77 15,758 0.96%& 4.31 (includes General Postal Votes)

4.32 Not on Roll 4,223 25 4,248 0.26%

Totals: 1,636,805 7,313 1,644,118 100.00%


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1 Albert 11,702 6,186 17,888 62 17,950 20,145 89.10

2 Archerfield 11,944 7.172 19,116 86 19,202 20,928 91.75

3 Ashgrove 11,638 7,229 18,867 118 18,985 21,198 89.56

4 Aspley 11,599 7,551 19,150 99 19,249 20,811 92.49

5 Barambah 3,901 15,771 19,672 58 19,730 21,530 91.64

6 Barron River 3,766 12.602 16,368 36 16,404 19,107 85.85

7 Beaudesert 7,843 8,829 16,672 61 16,733 18,092 92.49

8 Brisbane Central 10,242 7,360 17,602 146 17,748 20,968 84.64

9 Broadwater 11,144 5,911 17,055 84 17,139 19.300 88.80

10 Bulimba 11,799 8,024 19,823 144 19,967 22,208 89.91

11 Bundaberg 6,377 13,706 20,083 77 20,160 21,930 91.93

12 Bundamba 11,037 7,098 18,135 102 18,237 20,074 90.85

13 Burdekin 3,312 16,550 19,862 65 19,927 22,022 90.49

14 Burleigh 11,893 5,125 17,018 95 17,113 19,327 88.54

15 Burnett 5,555 14,329 19,884 52 19,936 21,692 91.90

16 Caboolture 9,271 9,364 18,635 93 18,728 20,641 90.73

17 Cairns 2,931 12,888 15,819 56 15,875 18,899 84.00

18 Callide 2,302 15,849 18,151 49 18,200 19,319 94.21

19 Caloundra 9,191 8,127 17,318 80 17,398 19,586 88.83

20 Capalaba 11,596 5,677 17,273 69 17,342 18,730 92:59

21 Charters Towers 1,702 14,197 15,899 45 15,944 17,447 91.39

22 Chatsworth 12,652 7,701 20,353 95 20,448 22,155 92.30

23 Chermside 11,208 8,287 19,495 102 19,597 21,253 92.21

24 Clayfield 10,568 7,921 18,489 94 18,583 21,084 88.14

25 Cleveland 10,352 7,145 17,497 64 17,561 19,047 92.20

26 Cook 1,847 10,680 12,527 161 12,688 15,857 80.02

27 Crows Nest 4,882 14,694 19,576 70 19,646 21.271 92.36

28 Cunningham 5,062 15,652 20,714 75 20,789 22,231 93.51

29 Currumbin 12,348 5,023 17,371 68 17,439 19,971 87.32

30 Everton 12,526 7,259 19,785 95 19,880 21,391 92.94

31 Ferny Grove 12,489 7,481 19,970 71 20,041 21.708 92.32

32 Fitzroy 4,181 15,622 19,803 57 19,860 21,355 93.00

33 Gladstone 6,199 13,269 19,468 69 19,537 21,389 91.34

34 Greenslopes 11,351 8,103 19,454 104 19,558 21,541 90.79

35 Gregory 1,325 12,416 13,741 34 13,775 14,709 93.65

36 Gympie 3,524 8,603 12.127 27 12,154 20,791 58.46

37 Hervey Bay 7,100 10,174 17,274 82 17,356 19,088 90.93

38 Hinchinbrook 2,275 18,110 20,385 52 20,437 22,156 92.24

39 Inala 11,744 6,791 18,535 101 18,636 20,788 89.65

40 Indooroopilly 11,972 7,438 19,410 98 19,508 22,199 87.88

41 Ipswich 10.947 9,728 20,675 102 20,777 22,370 92.88

42 Ipswich West 10,406 9.983 20,389 100 20,489 22,398 91.48

43 Kallangur 11,062 8,247 19,309 73 19,382 21,084 91.93

44 Kedron 10,711 7,894 18,605 128 18,733 20,565 91.09

45 Keppel 5,677 15,029 20,706 71 20,777 22,548 92.15

46 Kurwongbah 11,377 7,405 18,782 69 18,851 20,401 92.40

47 Lockyer 5,570 14,889 20,459 90 20,549 21,901 93.83

48 Logan 13,077 6,100 19,177 105 19,282 21,421 90.01

49 Lytton 11,702 8,572 20,274 103 20,377 21,934 92.90

50 Mackay 5,022 14,740 19,762 77 19,839 22,086 89.83

51 Mansfield 12,696 7,835 20,531 95 20,626 22,358 92.25

52 Maroochydore 7,671 7,521 15,192 54 15,246 19,803 76.99

53 Maryborough 5,696 12,591 18,287 59 18,346 19,925 92.08


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54 Merrimac 12,395 4,306 16,701 79 16,780 19,275 87.06

55 Mirani 4,067 16,236 20,303 52 20,355 22,293 91.31

56 Moggill 12,396 6,719 19,115 102 19,217 21,235 90.50

57 Mooloolah 9,196 8,011 17,207 77 17,284 19,463 88.80

58 Mount Coot-tha 12,018 7,172 19,190 138 19,328 22,417 86.22

59 Mount Gravatt 11,679 7,687 19,366 108 19,474 21,240 91.69

60 Mount Isa 1,652 12,486 14,138 49 14,187 16,644 85.24

61 Mount Ommaney 12,468 6,861 19,329 99 19,428 21,348 91.01

62 Mulgrave 2,361 14,369 16,730 30 16,760 18,809 89.11

63 Mundingburra 4,581 15,036 19,617 90 19,707 22,379 88.06

64 Murrumba 10,471 7,641 18,112 84 18,196 19,728 92.23

65 Nerang 12,614 5,266 17,880 68 17,948 20,356 88.17

66 Nicklin 7,336 11,750 19,086 84 19,170 22,789 84.12

67 Noosa 7,010 5,903 12,913 54 12,967 19,820 65.42

68 Nudgee 11,660 8,902 20,562 104 20,666 22,259 92.84

69 Redcliffe 10,411 8,867 19,278 91 19,369 21,126 91.68

70 Redlands 11,055 6,987 18,042 76 18,118 19,909 91.00

71 Rockhampton 4,594 15,588 20,182 63 20,245 21,810 92.82

72 Sandgate 11,392 8,564 19,956 119 20,075 21,862 91.83

73 South Brisbane 10,850 7,556 18,406 158 18,564 21,969 84.50

74 Southport 11,986 6,104 18,090 65 18,155 20,466 88.71

75 Springwood 12,296 5,374 17,670 66 17,736 19,411 91.37

76 Sunnybank 13,319 7,175 20,494 108 20,602 22,341 92.22

77 Surfers Paradise 11,912 4,596 16,508 150 16,658 19,629 84.86

78 Tablelands 1,866 16,675 18,541 62 18,603 20,603 90.29

79 Thuringowa 4,272 12,898 17,170 49 17,219 19,263 89.39

80 Toowoomba North 7,032 12,593 19,625 104 19,729 21,392 92.23

81 Toowoomba South 7,143 13,171 20,314 69 20,383 22,031 92.52

82 Townsville 4,619 14,442 19,061 82 19,143 22,645 84.54

83 Warrego 1,180 12,797 13,977 13 13,990 15,271 91.61

84 Warwick 4,213 15,536 19,749 70 19,819 21,249 93.27

85 Waterford 10,943 5,944 16,887 70 16,957 19,257 88.06

86 Western Downs 2,303 18,436 20,739 78 20,817 22,165 93.92

87 Whitsunday 4,007 14,434 18,441 63 18,504 20,867 88.68

88 Woodridge 10,672 5,568 16,240 105 16,345 18,671 87.54

89 Yeronga 10,753 8,021 18,774 112 18,886 21,003 89.92

TOTAL 744,686 892,119 1,636,805 7,313 1,644,118 1,835,727 89.56


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YES RESULTS(% Yes to Formal)

• 76to 100.51 to 75II!! 26 to 50II] 0 to 25

Barron RiverCairnsMulgrave



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Ipswich West _____


YES RESPONSE(% Yes of Formal)

• 76 to 100• 51 to 75- 26 to 50D 0 to 25


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YES RESULT(% Yes to Formal)

• 76 to 100II 51 to 75[I 26 to 50EJ 0 to 25


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of AlbertNumber on roll qualified to vote..... 20145

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % Yes

Votes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Alberton 149 172 321 0 321 46.42

2. Beenleigh 1,921 1,091 3,012 8 3,020 63.78

3. Brisbane 24 7 31 0 31 77.42

4. Canowindra 519 268 787 5 792 65.95

5. Cedar Creek 80 101 181 0 181 44.20

6. Coombabah 25 14 39 0 39 64.10

7. Coomera 705 413 1,118 4 1,122 63.06

8. Helensvale 2,648 867 3,515 17 3,532 75.33

9. Hope Island 452 233 685 2 687 65.9910. Mt Warren Park 1,936 911 2,847 3 2,850 68.00

11. Nerang 542 268 810 5 815 66.9112. Paradise Point 18 14 32 0 32 56.25

13. Pimpama 259 173 432 2 434 59.95

14. Upper Coomera 613 380 993 0 993 61.73

15. Woongoolba 267 511 778 3 781 34.32

Polling-Booths Total 10,158 5,423 15,581 49 15,630 65.19

16. Section 4.24 1,150 579 1,729 12 1,741 66.51

17. Section 4.25

18. Section 4.26 6 0 6 0 6 100.00

19. Section 4.27 239 83 322 0 322 74.22

20. Section 4.28 14 21 35 0 35 40.00

21. Section 4.30 95 54 149 1 150 63.7622. Section 4.32 40 26 66 0 66 60.61.. _-

Totals for District 11,702 6,186 17,888 62 17,950 65.42


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of ArcherfieldNumber on roll qualified to vote. .... 20928

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % Yes

Votes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Acacia Ridge State School 1,608 964 2,572 17 2,589 62.52

2. Algester State School 2,616 1,209 3,825 11 3,836 68.393. Brisbane 56 23 79 2 81 70.89

4. Calamvale State School 821 434 1,255 6 1,261 65.425. Coopers Plains State School 1,732 1,089 2,821 15 2,836 61.406. Forest Place 158 233 391 1 392 40.41

7. Pallara State School 250 219 469 1 470 53.308. Rocklea 164 107 271 1 272 60.52

9. Salisbury State School 1,429 1,049 2,478 12 2,490 57.67

10. Serviceton South State School 150 112 262 3 265 57.25

11. Watson Rd State School 1,109 696 1,805 10 1,815 61.44

Polling-Booths Total 10,093 6,135 16,228 79 16,307 62.19

12. Section 4.24 1,386 695 2,081 6 2,087 66.6013. Section 4.25 0 0 0 0 014. Section 4.26 7 1 8 0 8 87.5015. Section 4.27 211 99 310 1 311 68.06

16. Section 4.28 165 192 357 0 357 46.2217. Section 4.30 78 48 126 0 126 61.90

18. Section 4.32 4 2 6 0 6 66.67Totals for District 11,944 7,172 19,116 86 19,202 62.48


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of AshgroveNumber on roll qualified to vote..... 21198

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % Yes

Votes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Ashgrove 1,319 938 2,257 17 2,274 58.44

2. Ashgrove West 1,126 730 1,856 8 1,864 60.67

3. Brisbane 133 60 193 2 195 68.91

4. Dorrington 870 759 1,629 10 1,639 53.41

5. Enoggera 374 253 627 5 632 59.65

6. Hilder Rd 1,055 510 1,565 2 1,567 67.41

7. Newmarket 1,099 826 1,925 12 1,937 57.098. Newmarket South 127 101 228 1 229 55.709. Payne Rd 1,595 888 2,483 17 2,500 64.2410. The Gap 2,105 1,157 3,262 23 3,285 64.53

Polling-Booths Total 9,803 6,222 16,025 97 16,122 61.17

11. Section 4.24 (Includes 4.32's) 1,398 635 2,033 16 2,049 68.77

12. Section 4.25}13. Section 4.26} 16 14 30 0 30 53.33

14. Section 4.27 206 92 298 2 300 69.1315. Section 4.28 155 213 368 1 369 42.1216. Section 4.30 60 53 113 2 115 53.1017. Section 4.32

Totals for District 11,638 7,229 18,867 118 18,985 61.68


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of AspleyNumber on roll qualified to vote. .... 20811

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % Yes

Votes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Aspley 1,764 1,337 3,101 23 3,124 56.88

2. Aspley East 1,094 723 1,817 8 1,825 60.213. Aspley South 1,913 1,032 2,945 15 2,960 64.964. Bald Hills 1,753 1,223 2,976 20 2,996 58.905. Brisbane 50 24 74 1 75 67.57

6. Carseldine 1,180 721 1,901 9 1,910 62.07

7. Strathpine 738 475 1,213 2 1,215 60.848. Strathpine East 776 527 1,303 10 1,313 59.55

9. Zillmere 659 431 1,090 2 1,092 60.46

Polling-Booths Total 9,927 6,493 16,420 90 16,510 60.46

10. Section 4.24 1,284 724 2,008 6 2,014 63.9411. Section 4.25} 7 6 13 0 13 53.8512. Section 4.26}13. Section 4.27 193 101 294 1 295 65.6514. Section 4.28 120 193 313 1 314 38.3415. Section 4.30 62 30 92 1 93 67.3916. Section 4.32 6 4 10 0 10 60.00

Totals for District 11,599 7,551 19,150 99 19,249 60.57


Page 29: DAYLIGHT SAVING REFERENDUM - Queensland Parliament

Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of BarambahNumber on roll qualified to vote..... 21530

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % YesVotes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Benarkin 24 94 118 0 118 20.34

2. Blackbutt 160 458 618 3 621 25.893. Boondoomba 3 77 80 0 80 3.754. Brigooda 6 68 74 0 74 8.115. Brisbane 9 14 23 0 23 39.13

6. Brooklands 11 91 102 0 102 10.787. Byee 7 98 105 0 105 6.678. Cherbourg 54 282 336 1 337 16.07

9. Cloyna 11 82 93 1 94 11.8310. Coolabunia 13 135 148 0 148 8.7811. Crawford 19 125 144 0 144 13.1912. Durong South 9 112 121 0 121 7.4413. Gallangowan 5 39 44 0 44 11.36


14. Goodger 15 123 138 0 138 10.8715. Goomeri 60 390 450 0 450 13.3316. Hivesville 9 118 127 0 127 7.0917. Inverlaw 9 162 171 0 171 5.2618. Ironpot Creek 0 39 39 0 39 0.0019. Jimna 13 48 61 0 61 21.3120. Kilcoy 267 882 1,149 0 1,149 23.2421. Kilkivan 62 301 363 1 364 17.0822. Kingaroy 748 2,622 3,370 18 3,388 22.2023. Kingaroy Hospital 55 140 195 1 196 28.2124. Kumbia 37 385 422 0 422 8.7725. Linville 31 48 79 1 80 39.2426. Maidenwell 14 130 144 1 145 9.7227. Memerambi 18 101 119 0 119 15.1328. Moffatdale 5 77 82 0 82 6.1029. Mondure 5 106 111 1 112 4.5030. Moore 24 104 128 1 129 18.7531. Mount Kilcoy 26 186 212 1 213 12.2632. Murgon 282 1,239 1,521 3 1,524 18.5433. Nanango 686 1,568 2,254 12 2,266 30.4334. Proston 47 304 351 2 353 13.3935. Sandy Ridges 4 77 81 0 81 4.9436. Sheep Station Creek 2 48 50 0 50 4.0037. Taabinga 139 595 734 2 736 18.9438. Tablelands 7 98 105 0 105 6.6739. Tansey 7 140 147 0 147 4.7640. Tingoora 41 208 249 0 249 16.4741. Upper Yarraman 3 54 57 0 57 5.2642. Wheatlands 6 75 81 0 81 7.4143. Widgee 10 102 112 0 112 8.9344. Windera 2 83 85 0 85 2.3545. Wondai 113 696 809 4 813 13.9746. Wondai Hospital 22 125 147 1 148 14.9747. Wonga Lower 10 53 63 1 64 15.8748. Woolooga 4 75 79 0 79 5.0649. Wooroolin 25 160 185 0 185 13.5150. Yarraman 144 452 596 1 597 24.16

Polling-Booths Total 3,283 13,789 17,072 56 17,128 19.23

51. Section 4.24 508 1411 1919 1 1,920 26.4752. Section 4.25 0 3 3 0 3 0.0053. Section 4.2654. Section 4.27 65 251 316 0 316 20.5755. Section 4.28 12 168 180 1 181 6.6756. Section 4.30 28 130 158 0 158 17.7257. Section 4.32 5 19 24 0 24 20.83

Totals for District 3,901 15,771 19,672 58 19,730 19.83


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of Barron RiverNumber on roll qualified to vote. .... 19107

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % YesVotes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Brinsmead 132 505 637 1 638 20.722. Brisbane 4 15 19 0 19 21.053. Cairns Base Hospital 40 92 132 1 133 30.304. Clifton Beach 165 472 637 4 641 25.905. Edge Hill 499 2,133 2,632 4 2,636 18.966. Freshwater 156 681 837 1 838 18.647. Holloways Beach 225 571 796 3 799 28.278. Kuranda 223 1,029 1,252 7 1,259 17.819. Machans Beach 69 373 442 0 442 15.61

10. North Cairns 96 365 461 1 462 20.8211. Palm Cove 52 119 171 0 171 30.4112. Smithfield 398 1,259 1,657 2 1,659 24.0213. Stratford 116 480 596 1 597 19.4614. Trinity Beach 492 1,340 1,832 3 1,835 26.8615. Whitfield 178 745 923 1 924 19.2816. Yorkeys Knob 212 621 833 3 836 25.45

Polling-Booths Total 3,057 10,800 13,857 32 13,889 22.06

17. Section 4.24 552 1,407 1,959 4 1,963 28.1818. Section 4.25 0 0 0 0 019. Section 4.26 2 3 5 0 5 40.0020. Section 4.27 110 237 347 0 347 31.7021. Section 4.28 9 64 73 0 73 12.3322. Section 4.30 19 50 69 0 69 27.5423. Section 4.32 17 41 58 0 58 29.31

Totals for District 3,766 12,602 16,368 36 16,404 23.01


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of BeaudesertNumber on roll qualified to vote..... 18092

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % YesVotes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Beaudesert 955 2,360 3,315 13 3,328 28.812. Beechmont 87 117 204 0 204 42.653. Brisbane 16 4 20 0 20 80.004. Canungra 375 380 755 2 757 49.675. Greenbank 338 261 599 2 601 56.436. Hillview 27 119 146 0 146 18.497. Jimboomba 1,660 1,252 2,912 12 2,924 57.018. Kerry 17 142 159 0 159 10.699. Kooralbyn 87 75 162 0 162 53.7010. Laravale 13 87 100 0 100 13.0011. Logan Reserve 401 331 732 0 732 54.7812. Logan Village 330 258 588 0 588 56.1213. North Tamborine 776 670 1,446 9 1,455 53.6714. Park Ridge 740 391 1,131 3 1,134 65.4315. Rathdowney 86 360 446 1 447 19.2816. St Bernard 293 225 518 2 520 56.5617. Tamborine 330 335 665 6 671 49.6218. Tamrookum 57 162 219 0 219 26.0319. Woodhill 134 318 452 0 452 29.65

Polling-Booths Total 6,722 7,847 14,569 50 14,619 46.14

20. Section 4.24 849 618 1,467 10 1,477 57.8721. Section 4.25 0 7 7 0 7 0.0022. Section 4.26 9 0 9 0 9 100.0023. Section 4.27 88 104 192 0 192 45.8324. Section 4.28 26 86 112 1 113 23.2125. Section 4.30 93 107 200 0 200 46.5026. Section 4.32 56 60 116 0 116 48.28

Totals for District 7,843 8,829 16,672 61 16,733 47.04


Page 32: DAYLIGHT SAVING REFERENDUM - Queensland Parliament

Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of Brisbane CentralNumber on roll qualified to vote. .... 20968

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % Yes

Votes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal1. Ballymore 312 253 565 3 568 55.222. Bowen Hills 92 50 142 2 144 64.793. Brisbane 393 255 648 7 655 60.654. Glenrosa Rd 211 150 361 3 364 58.455. Herston 170 116 286 4 290 59.446. Kelvin Grove 694 459 1,153 11 1,164 60.197. Merthyr 451 401 852 2 854 52.938. New Farm 999 783 1,782 18 1,800 56.069. New Farm State School 1,018 652 1,670 21 1,691 60.9610. Newmarket South 380 290 670 3 673 56.7211. Red Hill 440 280 720 2 722 61.1112. St Pauls Terrace 420 368 788 9 797 53.3013. Swan Hill 741 530 1,271 6 1,277 58.3014. Wilston 1,109 847 1,956 17 1,973 56.7015. Windsor 705 478 1,183 15 1,198 59.59

Polling-Booths Total 8,135 5,912 14,047 123 14,170 57.91

16. Section 4.24 1,538 835 2,373 15 2,388 64.8117. Section 4.25 0 018. Section 4.26 12 5 17 0 17 70.5919. Section 4.27 142 63 205 1 206 69.2720. Section 4.28 291 433 724 7 731 40.1921. Section 4.30 109 97 206 0 206 52.9122. Section 4.32 15 15 30 0 30 50.00

Totals for District 10,242 7,360 17,602 146 17,748 58.19


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of BroadwaterNumber on roll qualified to vote..... 19300

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % Yes

Votes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Biggera Waters Primary School 1,689 980 2,669 28 2,697 63.28

2. Brisbane 9 2 11 1 12 81.823. Coombabah State Primary School 864 325 1,189 7 1,196 72.67

4. Ernest 504 166 670 3 673 75.225. Harley Park 985 658 1,643 13 1,656 59.95

6. Labrador State Primary School 907 514 1,421 6 1,427 63.83

7. Paradise Lakes 638 400 1,038 1 1,039 61.468. Paradise Point 1,625 910 2,535 9 2,544 64.109. Runaway Bay 2,052 1,022 3,074 12 3,086 66.7510. Southport East 103 53 156 0 156 66.0311. Southport State High School 230 115 345 1 346 66.67

Polling-Booths Total 9,606 5,145 14,751 81 14,832 65.12r

12. Section 4.24}13. Section 4.25} 946 395 1,341 1 1,342 70.54

14. Section 4.26}

15. Section 4.27 313 118 431 0 431 72.6216. Section 4.28 165 159 324 2 326 50.9317. Section 4.30 92 84 176 0 176 52.2718. Section 4.32 22 10 32 0 32 68.75

Totals for District 11,144 5,911 17,055 84 17,139 65.34


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of BulimbaNumber on roll qualified to vote..... 22208

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % YesVotes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Brisbane 74 37 111 2 113 66.672. Bulimba 1,958 1,396 3,354 33 3,387 58.383. Cannon Hill 1,793 1,261 3,054 9 3,063 58.714. Hawthorne 962 640 1,602 13 1,615 60.055. Hemmant 407 298 705 2 707 57.736. Mayfield 364 234 598 1 599 60.877. Morningside 694 529 1,223 14 1,237 56.758. Morningside School 782 505 1,287 12 1,299 60.769. Murarrie 583 409 992 10 1,002 58.7710. Norman Park 721 500 1,221 11 1,232 59.0511. Norman Park School 678 415 1,093 10 1,103 62.0312. Seven Hills 917 641 1,558 7 1,565 58.86

Polling-Booths Total 9,933 6,865 16,798 124 16,922 59.13

13. Section 4.24 1,325 716 2,041 14 2,055 64.9214. Section 4.25 2 0 2 0 2 100.0015. Section 4.26 18 4 22 0 22 81.8216. Section 4.27 241 111 352 2 354 68.4717. Section 4.28 215 296 511 4 515 42.0718. Section 4.30 50 27 77 0 77 64.9419. Section 4.32 15 5 20. 0 20 75.00

Totals for District 11,799 8,024 19,823 144 19,967 59.52


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of BundabergNumber on roll qualified to vote. .... 21930

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % Yes

Votes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Avoca State School 29 15 44 1 45 65.91

2. Base Hospital 91 242 333 2 335 27.33

3. Brisbane 65 108 173 2 175 37.57

4. Bundaberg Civic Centre 192 339 531 0 531 36.16

5. Chel-Court Hall 663 1,118 1,781 11 1,792 37.23

6. East State School 179 513 692 2 694 25.87

7. Kepnock State High School 413 980 1,393 5 1,398 29.658. Millbank Progress Hall 270 670 940 4 944 28.72

9. North Bundaberg State School 331 785 1,116 9 1,125 29.6610. Norville Progress Hall 312 688 1,000 5 1,005 31.20

11. Norville State School 260 619 879 4 883 29.5812. South State School 530 1,213 1,743 3 1,746 30.41

13. St Paul's Anglican Church 594 1,223 1,817 5 1,822 32.6914. Thabeban State School 849 1,854 2,703 8 2,711 31.41

15. Walkervale State School 519 1,208 1,727 7 1,734 30.0516. West State School 166 415 581 5 586 28.57

Polling-Booths Total 5,463 11,990 17,453 73 17,526 31.30

17. Section 4.24 647 949 1,596 2 1,598 40.54

18. Section 4.25 0 019. Section 4.26 0 0

20. Section 4.27 148 260 408 0 408 36.27

21. Section 4.28 75 406 481 2 483 15.5922. Section 4.30 37 95 132 0 132 28.03

23. Section 4.32 7 6 13 0 13 53.85Totals for District 6,377 13,706 20,083 77 20,160 31.75


Page 36: DAYLIGHT SAVING REFERENDUM - Queensland Parliament

Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of BundambaNumber on roll qualified to vote..... 20074

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % YesVotes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Blackstone 290 206 496 2 498 58.47

2. Brisbane 29 11 40 0 40 72.50

3. Bundamba 1,072 755 1,827 8 1,835 58.68

4. Byrne Estate 722 601 1,323 5 1,328 54.57

5. Camira 307 156 463 4 467 66.31

6. Dinmore 346 240 586 3 589 59.04

7. Goodna 1,933 1,255 3,188 24 3,212 60.638. Kruger 2,323 1,187 3,510 19 3,529 66.18

9. Redbank 783 471 1,254 4 1,258 62.4410. Redbank Plains 1,234 679 1,913 10 1,923 64.51

11. Riverview 657 525 1,182 9 1,191 55.5812. Riverview Eventide 157 213 370 4 374 42.43

Polling-Booths Total 9,853 6,299 16,152 92 16,244 61.00

13. Section 4.24} 1184 799 1,983 10 1,993 59.7114. Section 4.25}15. Section 4.26}16. Section 4.27}17. Section 4.28}18. Section 4.30}19. Section 4.32}

Totals for District 11,037 7,098 18,135 102 18,237 60.86


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of BurdekinNumber on roll qualified to vote..... 22022

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % YesVotes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Airville 19 300 319 0 319 5.962. Alligator Creek 142 512 654 0 654 21.713. Ayr 265 2,096 2,361 4 2,365 11.224. Ayr Hospital 137 1,081 1,218 2 1,220 11.255. Brandon 73 678 751 2 753 9.726. Brisbane 4 21 25 0 25 16.007. Clare 13 282 295 1 296 4.418. Dalbeg 2 41 43 0 43 4.659. East Ayr 101 778 879 1 880 11.4910. Giru 38 481 519 1 520 7.3211. Gumlu 8 134 142 3 145 5.6312. Home Hill 196 1,987 2,183 9 2,192 8.9813. Inkerman 9 195 204 1 205 4.4114. Jarvisfield 11 304 315 0 315 3.4915. Kalamia 28 258 286 1 287 9.7916. Millaroo 1 74 75 0 75 1.3317. Mingela 1 49 50 0 50 2.0018. Murray 629 1,480 2,109 10 2,119 29.8219. Oonoonba 124 697 821 6 827 15.1020. Osborne 9 176 185 1 186 4.8621. Parkside Estate 64 685 749 2 751 8.5422. Ravenswood 3 106 109 0 109 2.7523. Stuart 64 317 381 0 381 16.8024. Wulguru 747 1,832 2,579 9 2,588 28.96

Polling-Booths Total 2,688 14,564 17,252 53 17,305 15.58

25. Section 4.24 521 1,370 1,891 5 1,896 27.5526. Section 4.25 2 4 6 0 6 33.3327. Section 4.26 0 1 1 0 1 0.0028. Section 4.27 71 369 440 5 445 16.1429. Section 4.28 10 118 128 2 130 7.8130. Section 4.30 16 106 122 0 122 13.1131. Section 4.32 4 18 22 0 22 18.18

Totals for District 3,312 16,550 19,862 65 19,927 16.68


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of BurleighNumber on roll qualified to vote..... 19327

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % Yes

Votes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Brisbane 14 8 22 0 22 63.64

2. Burleigh Heads 3,060 1,344 4,404 24 4,428 69.48

3. Burleigh Waters 1,865 651 2,516 13 2,529 74.13

4. Miami East 665 289 954 5 959 69.71

5. Palm Beach 952 560 1,512 13 1,525 62.96

6. Palm Beach North 2,363 1,040 3,403 16 3,419 69.44-

7. Stephens Community Centre 875 336 1,211 5 1,216 72:25

8. West Burleigh 448 228 676 5 681 66.27

Polling-Booths Total 10,242 4,456 14,698 81 14,779 69.68

9. Section 4.24 1,101 411 1,512 11 1,523 72.82

10. Section 4.25 0 1 1 0 1 0.00

11. Section 4.26 1 2 3 0 3 33.33

12. Section 4.27 262 72 334 1 335 78.44

13. Section 4.28 103 77 180 0 180 57.22

14. Section 4.30 174 101 275 1 276 63.2715. Section 4.32 10 5 15 1 16 66.67

Totals for District 11,893 5,125 17,018 95 17,113 69.88


Page 39: DAYLIGHT SAVING REFERENDUM - Queensland Parliament

Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of BurnettNumber on roll qualified to vote. .... 21.692

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % Yes

Votes Votes Votes Votes' Ballots to Formal1. Agnes Waters 47 113 160 2 162 29.382. Apple Tree Creek 57 184 241 2 243 23.653. Avoca Heights 694 1,516 2,210 6 2,216 31.404. Avondale 21 109 130 0 130 16.155. Bargara 645 798 1,443 4 1,447 44.706. Booyal 7 79 86 0 86 8.147. Bororen 44 213 257 1 258 17.128. Branyan 155 260 415 0 415 37.359. Brisbane 9 10 19 1 20 47.37

10. Bucca 7 89 96 0 96 7.2911. Bullyard 32 189 221 0 221 14.4812. Bundaberg 137 304 441 2 443 31.0713. Bundaberg North 185 436 621 1 622 29.7914. Burnett Heads 268 548 816 3 819 32.8415. Childers 303 818 1,121 6 1,127 27.0316. Cordalba 42 222 264 1 265 15.9117. Elliott 42 234 276 1 277 15.2218. Elliott Heads 176 292 468 0 468 37.6119. Gin Gin 131 817 948 1 949 13.8220. Givelda 29 124 153 0 153 18.9521. Gooburrum 67 254 321 0 321 20.8722. Goodwood 14 43 57 0 57 24.5623. Isis North 10 91 101 0 101 9.9024. Kalkie 152 425 577 0 577 26.3425. Lowmead 0 3 3 0 3 0.0026. Miriam Vale 57 270 327 2 329 17.4327. Mount Perry 19 212 231 0 231 8.2328. Oakwood 97 425 522 1 523 18.5829. Rosedale 62 223 285 0 285 21.7530. Sharon 165 340 505 0 505 32.6731. South Kolan 73 332 405 0 405 18.0232. Tegege 14 74 88 0 88 15.9133. Thabeban 433 890 1,323 7 1,330 32.7334. Tirroan 6 66 72 0 72 8.3335. Walkervale 45 78 123 0 123 36.5936. Wallaville 20 205 225 0 225 8.8937. Wartburg 63 96 159 0 159 39.6238. Welcome Creek 144 388 532 2 534 27.0739. Winfield 19 76 95 0 95 20.0040. Woongarra 182 410 592 1 593 30.7441. Yandaran 47 219 266 0 266 17.67

Polling-Booths Total 4,720 12,475 17,195 44 17,239 27.45

42. Section 4.24 611 1,222 1,833 7 1,840 33.3343. Section 4.25 0 044. Section 4.26 1 2 3 0 3 33.3345. Section 4.27 149 292 441 0 441 33.7946. Section 4.28 18 109 127 1 128 14.1747. Section 4.30 49 205 254 0 254 19.2948. Section 4.32 7 24 31 0 31 22.58

Totals for District 5,555 14,329 19,884 52 19,936 27.94


Page 40: DAYLIGHT SAVING REFERENDUM - Queensland Parliament

Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of CabooltureNumber on roll qualified to vote. .... 20641

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % Yes

Votes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Banksia Beach 509 398 907 5 912 56.12

2. Beachmere 690 637 1,327 4 1,331 52.00

3. Beerburrum 96 149 245 1 246 39.18

4. Bellara 1,083 877 1,960 4 1,964 55.26

5. Bribie 1,130 1,047 2,177 8 2,185 51.91

6. Brisbane 23 16 39 0 39 58.97

7. Caboolture 1,572 1,594 3,166 22 3,188 49.658. Caboolture East 679 694 1,373 11 1,384 49.459. Caboolture West 863 1,097 1,960 8 1,968 44.03

10. Donnybrook 0 0 0 0 0

11. Elimbah 182 265 447 1 448 40.7212. Morayfield 97 57 154 1 155 62.99

13. Ningi 563 458 1,021 10 1,031 55.1414. Toorbul 141 258 399 1 400 35.34

15. Wamuran 226 473 699 2 701 32.3316. Woorim 390 326 716 5 721 54.47

Polling-Booths Total 8,244 8,346 16,590 83 16,673 49.69

17. Section 4.24 715 688 1,403 9 1,412 50.9618. Section 4.25 0 3 3 0 3 0.0019. Section 4.26 3 1 4 0 4 75.0020. Section 4.27 144 114 258 0 258 55.8121. Section 4.28 102 145 247 1 248 41.3022. Section 4.30 49 53 102 0 102 48.0423. Section 4.32 14 14 28 0 28 50.00

Totals for District 9,271 9,364 18,635 93 18,728 49.75


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of CairnsNumber on roll qualified to vote..... 18899

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % Yes

Votes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Balaclava 267 1,167 1,434 4 1,438 18.62

2. Brisbane 10 13 23 0 23 43.48

3. Bungalow 51 415 466 2 468 10.94

4. Cairns Central 170 694 864 7 871 19.68

5. Cairns Hospital 80 338 418 2 420 19.14

6. Earlville 369 1,965 2,334 5 2,339 15.81

7. Edge Hill 264 846 1,110 4 1,114 23.78

8. Enmore 111 582 693 1 694 16.02

9. North Cairns 146 583 729 7 736 20.0310. Parramatta 381 1,576 1,957 8 1,965 19.47

11. Redlynch 80 394 474 3 477 16.8812. South Cairns 54 249 303 1 304 17.8213. West Cairns 310 1,900 2,210 9 2,219 14.0314. Whitfield 84 309 393 0 393 21.37

Polling-Booths Total 2,377 11,031 13,408 53 13,461 17.73

15. Section 4.24 452 1,283 1,735 2 1,737 26.05

16. Section 4.25 0 1 1 0 1 0.0017. Section 4.26 0 0 0 0 018. Section 4.27 69 239 308 0 308 22.4019. Section 4.28 15 248 263 1 264 5.7020. Section 4.30 17 82 99 0 99 17.1721. Section 4.32 1 4 5 0 5 20.00

Totals for District 2,931 12,888 15,819 56 15,875 18.53


Page 42: DAYLIGHT SAVING REFERENDUM - Queensland Parliament

Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of CallideNumber on roll qualified to vote. .... 19319

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % Yes

Votes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal1. Abercorn 2 57 59 0 59 3.392. Banana 9 191 200 1 201 4.503. Bancroft 4 76 80 1 81 5.004. Baralaba 20 313 333 0 333 6.015. Bauhinia 2 152 154 0 154 1.306. Biggenden 124 588 712 1 713 17.42

7. Biloela 593 2,705 3,298 8 3,306 17.988. Binjour Plateau 3 122 125 0 125 2.409. Blackwater 4 11 15 0 15 26.6710. Boynewood 6 104 110 0 110 5.4511. Brisbane 3 15 18 2 20 16.67

12. Coalstoun Lakes 9 121 130 0 130 6.92

13. Cracow 8 69 77 0 77 10.3914. Dallarnil 8 73 81 0 81 9.8815. Degilbo 6 103 109 0 109 5.5016. Dululu 9 115 124 2 126 7.2617. Eidsvold 42 462 504 5 509 8.3318. Gayndah 238 1,136 1,374 5 1,379 17.3219. Goovigen 3 161 164 0 164 1.83

20. Greycliffe 4 82 86 0 86 4.65

21. Grosmont 1 60 61 0 61 1.64

22. Gulugaba 4 80 84 0 84 4.76

23. Jambin 8 155 163 (j 163 4.91

24. Kalpowar 5 42 47 0 47 10.64

25. Lawgi 4 109 113 0 113 3.54

26. Monto 136 988 1,124 3 1,127 12.10

27. Moonford 3 79 82 0 82 3.66

28. Mount Murchison 13 88 101 0 101 12.87

29. Moura 234 1,166 1,400 4 1,404 16.7130. Mulgildie 15 263 278 1 279 5.4031. Mundubbera 140 865 1,005 5 1,010 13.9332. Mungungo 4 72 76 0 76 5.26

33. Orion 0 46 46 0 46 0.00

34. Rolleston 12 196 208 0 208 5.77

35. Taroom 40 729 769 1 770 5.20

36. Thangool 42 316 358 1 359 11.73

37. Theodore 50 564 614 1 615 8.14

38. Wandoan 22 581 603 0 603 3.65

39. Westwood 0 11 11 0 11 0.00

40. Woorabinda 0 3 3 0 3 0.00

41. Wowan 17 241 258 1 259 6.59

Polling-Booths Total 1,847 13,310 15,157 42 15,199 12.19

42. Section 4.24 373 1,813 2,186 5 2,191 17.06

43. Section 4.25 1 4 5 0 5 20.00

44. Section 4.26 0 6 6 0 6 0.00

45. Section 4.27 40 234 274 0 274 14.60

46. Section 4.28 4 104 108 2 110 3.70

47. Section 4.30 35 363 398 0 398 8.79

48. Section 4.32 2 15 17 0 17 11.76

Totals for District 2,302 15,849 18,151 49 18,200 12.68


Page 43: DAYLIGHT SAVING REFERENDUM - Queensland Parliament

Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of CaloundraNumber on roll qualified to vote..... 19586

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % YesVotes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Brisbane 23 4 27 1 28 85.192. Buddina 294 183 477 1 478 61.643. Caloundra 2,654 2,209 4,863 29 4,892 54.584. Currimundi 2,012 1,697 3,709 15 3,724 54.255. Golden Beach 1,049 1,275 2,324 8 2,332 45.146. Kawana 923 592 1,515 8 1,523 60.927. Landsborough 622 648 1,270 8 1,278 48.988. Shelly Beach 482 506 988 1 989 48.79

Polling-Booths Total 8,059 7,114 15,173 71 15,244 53.11

9. Section 4.24 710 584 1,294 5 1,299 54.8710. Section 4.25 3 1 4 1 5 75.0011. Section 4.26 7 4 11 0 11 63.6412. Section 4.27 232 185 417 0 417 55.6413. Section 4.28 98 171 269 3 272 36.4314. Section 4.30 57 62 119 0 119 47.9015. Section 4.32 25 6 31 0 31 80.65

Totals for District 9,191 8,127 17,318 80 17,398 53.07


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of CapalabaNumber on roll qualified to vote. .... 18730

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % YesVotes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Alexandra Hills 1,916 936 2,852 19 2,871 67.182. Birkdale South 568 342 910 3 913 62.423. Brisbane 32 7 39 0 39 82.054. Capalaba High 1,577 775 2,352 8 2,360 67.055. Capalaba Primary 2,005 991 2,996 11 3,007 66.926. Capalaba South 342 174 516 2 518 66.287. Coolnwynpin 644 253 897 0 897 71.798. Hilliard 769 283 1,052 3 1,055 73.109. Vienna Woods 1,639 836 2,475 15 2,490 66.2210. Windemere Rd 792 411 1,203 3 1,206 65.84

Polling-Booths Total 10,284 5,008 15,292 64 15,356 67.25

11. Section 4.24 1,031 484 1,515 3 1,518 68.0512. Section 4.25 3 2 5 0 5 60.0013. Section 4.26 5 0 5 0 5 100.00

14. Section 4.27 169 86 255 1 256 66.2715. Section 4.28 47 64 111 1 112 42.3416. Section 4.30 43 29 72 0 72 59.7217. Section 4.32 14 4 18 0 18 77.78

Totals for District 11,596 5,677 17,273 69 17,342 67.13


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of Charters TowersNumber on roll qualified to vote. .... 17447

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % YesVotes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Brisbane 1 7 8 0 8 12.502. Capella 51 501 552 3 555 9.243. Charters Towers 133 1,297 1,430 4 1,434 9.304. Charters Towers Central School 75 752 827 3 830 9.075. Charters Towers Hospital 43 1,022 1,065 1 1,066 4.046. Charters Towers North 22 270 292 0 292 7.537. Charters Towers West 75 794 869 2 871 8.638. Clermont 119 1,041 1,160 2 1,162 10.269. Clermont Hospital 49 527 576 3 579 8.51

10. Eventide 28 180 208 4 212 13.4611. Greenvale 14 105 119 0 119 11.7612. Hervey Range 11 61 72 0 72 15.2813. Homestead 2 77 79 0 79 2.5314. Hughenden 42 808 850 1 851 4.9415. Julia Creek 10 277 287 0 287 3.4816. Kilcummin 3 90 93 0 93 3.2317. Kynuna 0 13 13 0 13 0.0018. Maxwelton 2 25 27 0 27 7.4119. Moranbah 396 1,425 1,821 4 1,825 21.7520. Moranbah West 253 969 1,222 4 1,226 20.7021. Pentland 3 148 151 0 151 1.9922. Prairie 0 60 60 0 60 0.0023. Richmond 11 411 422 0 422 2.6124. Rubyvale 0 11 11 0 11 0.0025. Sapphire 0 1 1 0 1 0.0026. Torrens Creek 0 18 18 0 18 0.00

Polling-Booths Total 1,343 10,890 12,233 31 12,264 10.98.

27. Section 4.24 281 1,629 1,910 9 1,919 14.7128. Section 4.25 1 0 1 0 1 100.0029. Section 4.26 0 030. Section 4.27 43 401 444 0 444 9.6831. Section 4.28 3 83 86 2 88 3.4932. Section 4.30 31 1,194 1,225 3 1,228 2.5333. Section 4.32 0 0 0 0

Totals for District 1,702 14,197 15,899 45 15,944 10.71


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of ChatsworthNumber on roll qualified to vote. .... 22155

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % YesVotes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Belmont 1,958 1,012 2,970 12 2,982 65.932. Brisbane 52 30 82 0 82 63.413. Camp Hill 560 395 955 9 964 58.644. Camp Hill High 352 239 591 7 598 59.565. Carina 1,903 1,043 2,946 19 2,965 64.606. Carina Central 398 377 775 1 776 51.357. Carina Heights 1,238 807 2,045 9 2,054 60.548. Gumdale 813 598 1,411 4 1,415 57.629. Manly West 615 318 933 3 936 65.9210. Mayfield 1,007 697 1,704 4 1,708 59.1011. Murarrie 223 161 384 3 387 58.0712. Pine Mountain 101 52 153 0 153 66.0113. Tingalpa 1,650 893 2,543 11 2,554 64.8814. Wondall Heights 191 134 325 4 329 58.77

Polling-Booths Total 11,061 6,756 17,817 86 17,903 62.08

15. Section 4.24 1,147 608 1,755 7 1,762 65.3616. Section 4.25 9 5 14 0 14 64.2917. Section 4.26 11 3 14 0 14 78.5718. Section 4.27 230 90 320 0 320 71.8819. Section 4.28 157 204 361 1 362 43.4920. Section 4.30 25 25 50 1 51 50.0021. Section 4.32 12 10 22 0 22 54.55

Totals for District 12,652 7,701 20,353 95 20,448 62.16


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of ChermsideNumber on roll qualified to vote..... 21253

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % YesVotes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Aspley 190 84 274 0 274 69.34

2. Brisbane 59 23 82 0 82 71.95

3. Chermside 210 302 512 2 514 41.02

4. Chermside East 591 511 1,102 1 1,103 53.63

5. Craigslea 2,187 1,392 3,579 21 3,600 61.11

6. Prince Charles Hospital 240 245 485 0 485 49.48

7. Rode 557 351 908 5 913 61.34

8. Somerset Hills 602 480 1,082 2 1,084 55.64

9. Stafford Heights 1,292 834 2,126 14 2,140 60.7710. Virginia 694 598 1,292 7 1,299 53.72

11. Wavell Heights 912 741 1,653 13 1,666 55.1712. Wavell Heights East 1,159 968 2,127 12 2,139 54.4913. Wavell High 695 591 1,286 6 1,292 54.04

Polling-Booths Total 9,388 7,120 16,508 83 16,591 56.87

14. Section 4.24 1,370 723 2,093 8 2,101 65.4615. Section 4.25 0 0 0 0 016. Section 4.26 8 4 12 0 12 66.6717. Section 4.27 230 109 339 2 341 67.85

18. Section 4.28 145 282 427 6 433 33.9619. Section 4.30 55 44 99 2 101 55.56

20. Section 4.32 12 5 17 1 18 70.59Totals for District 11,208 8,287 19,495 102 19,597 57.49


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of ClayfieldNumber on roll qualified to vote..... 21084

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % Yes

Votes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal1. Albion 701 526 1,227 13 1,240 57.13

2. Ascot 1,463 1,010 2,473 11 2,484 59.163. Brisbane 127 47 174 2 176 72.99

4. Clayfield East 729 659 1,388 7 1,395 52.525. Clayfield West 1,152 851 2,003 6 2,009 57.51

6. Doomben-Whinstanes 280 268 548 3 551 51.09

7. Hamilton 993 752 1,745 7 1,752 56.918. Hendra 1,053 914 1,967 11 1,978 53.539. Kalinga 1,076 717 1,793 6 1,799 60.0110. Nundah 1,043 769 1,812 10 1,822 57.56

11. Pinkenba 129 107 236 2 238 54.66

Polling-Booths Total 8,746 6,620 15,366 78 15,444 56.92

12. Section 4.24 1,331 802 2,133 12 2,145 62.40

13. Section 4.25 1 3 4 0 4 25.00

14. Section 4.26 14 10 24 0 24 58.33

15. Section 4.27 248 88 336 1 337 73.81

16. Section 4.28 153 321 474 3 477 32.28

17. Section 4.30 73 76 149 0 149 48.99

18. Section 4.32 2 1 3 0 3 66.67

Totals for District 10,568 7,921 18,489 94 18,583 57.16


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of ClevelandNumber on roll qualified to vote. .... 19047

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % YesVotes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Amity Point 100 84 184 0 184 54.352. Birkdale 2,367 1,576 3,943 14 3,957 60.033. Birkdale South 919 449 1,368 8 1,376 67.184. Brisbane 35 15 50 0 50 70.005. Cleveland High 761 508 1,269 3 1,272 59.976. Cleveland Primary 1,686 1,288 2,974 16 2,990 56.697. Dunwich 217 286 503 3 506 43.148. Ormiston 871 696 1,567 6 1,573 55.589. Point Lookout 194 138 332 1 333 58.4310. Thornlands 467 347 814 2 816 57.3711. Wellington Point 1,435 966 2,401 9 2,410 59.77

Polling-Booths Total 9,052 6,353 15,405 . 62 15,467 58.76

12. Section 4.24 907 494 1,401 2 1,403 64.7413. Section 4.25 1 3 4 0 4 25.0014. Section 4.26 0 015. Section 4.27 217 124 341 0 341 63.6416. Section 4.28 54 102 156 0 156 34.6217. Section 4.30 107 64 171 0 171 62.5718. Section 4.32 14 5 19 0 19 73.68

Totals for District 10,352 7,145 17,497 64 17,561 59.16


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of CookNumber on roll qualified to vote..... 15857

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % Yes

Votes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Alexandra Bay 15 65 80 0 80 18.75

2. Aurukun 111 252 363 16 379 30.56

3. Badu Island 32 145 177 2 179 18.08

4. Bamaga 51 219 270 0 270 18.89

5. Bloomfield 12 73 85 2 87 14.12

6. Boigu Island 20 72 92 1 93 21.74

7. Brisbane 0 5 5 0 5 0.00

8. Cape Flattery 4 21 25 0 25 16.00

9. Coconut Island 27 44 71 0 71 38.03

10. Coen 14 67 81 2 83 17.28

11. Cooktown 80 574 654 7 661 12.23

12. Croydon 1 101 102 1 103 0.98

13. Daintree River 16 124 140 2 142 11.43

14. Darnley Island 19 91 110 0 110 17.27

15. Dauan Island 10 43 53 3 56 18.87

16. Edward River 36 120 156 3 159 23.08

17. Einasleigh 2 45 47 0 47 4.26

18. Forsayth 0 61 61 0 61 0.00

19. Georgetown 4 168 172 0 172 2.33

20. Hammond Island 3 59 62 5 67 4.84

21. Hopevale 23 272 295 2 297 7.80

22. Horn Island 9 118 127 1 128 7.09

23. Injinoo 71 229 300 9 309 23.67

24. Karumba 3 131 134 0 134 2.24

25. Kidston 0 24 24 0 24 0.00

26. Kowanyama 52 335 387 12 399 13.44

27. Kubin Village 5 39 44 0 44 11.36

28. Lakeland 0 46 46 0 46 0.00

29. Laura 1 47 48 0 48 2.08

30. Lockhart 55 130 185 5 190 29.73

31. Mabuiag Island 12 69 81 0 81 14.81

32. Miallo 27 281 308 1 309 8.77

33. Mossman 170 1,248 1,418 4 1,422 11.99

34. Mount Surprise 0 49 49 0 49 0.00

35. Murray Island 17 97 114 0 114 14.91

36. New Mapoon 12 91 103 3 106 11.65

37. Newell 15 138 153 1 154 9.80

38. Normanton 33 384 417 6 423 7.91

39. Port Douglas 198 612 810 3 813 24.44

40. Rossville 3 38 41 0 41 7.32

41. Saibai Island 42 78 120 0 120 35.00

42. St Paul's 11 54 65 0 65 16.92

43. Stephen Island 4 7 11 1 12 36.36

44. Tamwoy Town 10 147 157 3 160 6.37

45. Thursday Island 43 485 528 2 530 8.14

46. Thursday Island Hospital 12 96 108 1 109 11.11

47. Waiben 3 65 68 0 68 4.41

48. Warraber Island 17 49 68 0 66 25.76

49. Weipa North 177 883 1.060 7 1,067 16.70

50. Weipa South 16 255 271 28 299 5.90

51. Wujal Wujal 17 105 122 18 140 13.93

52. Yam Island 19 77 96 5 101 19.7953. Yorke Island 13 106 119 0 119 10.92

Polling-Booths Total 1,547 9,134 10,681 156 10,837 14.48

54. Section 4.24 244 1,088 1,332 4 1,336 18.32

55. Section 4.25 1 20 21 1 22 4.76

56. Section 4.26 0 0

57. Section 4.27 18 86 104 0 104 17.31

56. Section 4.28 0 0

59. Section 4.30 28 309 337 0 337 8.31

60. Section 4.32 9 43 52 0 52 17.31

Totals for District 1,847 10,680 12,527 161 12,686 14.74


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of Crows NestNumber on roll qualified to vote..... 21271

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % Yes

Votes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Acland 20 173 193 1 194 10.36

2. Biddeston 28 284 312 0 312 8.97

3. Boodua 10 112 122 0 122 8.20

4. Bowenville 13 177 190 0 190 6.84

5. Brisbane 9 21 30 0 30 30.00

6. Brymaroo 1 74 75 0 75 1.33

7. Bunkers Hill 80 286 366 0 366 21.86

8. Cabarlah 57 176 233 2 235 24.46

9. Charlton 101 475 576 1 577 17.53

10. Coalbank 0 39 39 0 39 0.00

11. Coominya 181 379 560 3 563 32.32

12. Cooyar 13 194 207 0 207 6.28

13. Crows Nest 182 962 1,144 4 1,148 15.91

14. Djuan 0 58 58 0 58 0.00

15. Esk 254 667 921 3 924 27.58

16. Fernvale 229 417 646 2 648 35.45

17. Formartin 1 134 135 0 135 0.74

18. Glenvale 129 371 500 0 500 25.80

19. Goombungee 73 395 468 0 468 15.60

20. Gowrie 108 348 456 0 456 23.68

21. Haden 13 165 178 0 178 7.30

22. Hampton 24 99 123 0 123 19.51

23. Harlin 3 46 49 0 49 6.12

24. Highfields 447 920 1,367 5 1,372 32.70

25. Jondaryan 29 246 275 2 277 10.55

26. Kingsthorpe 167 436 603 1 604 27.69

27. KUlpi 13 187 200 0 200 6.50

28. Lowood 422 842 1,264 7 1,271 33.39

29. Meringandan 84 208 292 1 293 28.77

30. Minden 105 169 274 5 279 38.32

31. Mount Tarampa 57 168 225 1 226 25.33

32. Oakey 474 1,723 2,197 14 2,211 21.57

33. Patrick Estate 8 32 40 0 40 20.00

34. Perseverance 27 132 159 0 159 16.98

35. Pinelands 11 97 108 0 108 10.19

36. Quinalow 24 262 286 1 287 8.39

37. Somerset Dam 30 53 83 0 83 36.14

38. Tarampa 152 244 396 5 401 38.3839. Toogoolawah 190 784 974 5 979 19.51

Polling-Booths Total 3,769 12,555 16,324 63 16.387 23.09

40. Section 4.24 999 1,654 2,653 6 2,659 37.66

41. Section 4.25 0 6 6 0 6 0.00

42. Section 4.26 0 4 4 0 4 0.00

43. Section 4.27 62 183 245 1 246 25.31

44. Section 4.28 11 116 127 0 127 8.66

45. Section 4.30 34 157 191 0 191 17.80

46. Section 4.32 7 19 26 0 26 26.92

Totals for District 4,882 14,694 19,576 70 19,646 24.94


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of CunninghamNumber on roll qualified to vote. .... 22231

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % YesVotes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Back Plains 4 116 120 0 120 3.332. Bongeen 1 61 62 0 62 1.613. Bringalily South 4 110 114 1 115 3.514. Brisbane 5 19 24 0 24 20.835. Brookstead 21 296 317 0 317 6.626. Cambooya 108 384 492 1 493 21.957. Cecil Plains 28 260 288 3 291 9.728. Clifton 137 712 849 3 852 16.149. Darling Heights 1,060 2,140 3,200 14 3,214 33.1310. Drayton 424 1,171 1,595 5 1,600 26.5811. Felton 13 110 123 0 123 10.5712. Goondiwindi 406 2,121 2,527 7 2,534 16.0713. Greenmount 56 279 335 0 335 16.7214. Kindon 7 84 91 0 91 7.6915. Middle Ridge 946 1,586 2,532 9 2,541 37.3616. Millmerran 146 971 1,117 1 1,118 13.0717. Mount Tyson 17 154 171 0 171 9.9418. Nobby 26 180 206 2 208 12.6219. Pilton 10 133 143 0 143 6.9920. Pittsworth 332 1,376 1,708 8 1,716 19.4421. Southbrook 32 203 235 0 235 13.6222. Tummaville 2 62 64 0 64 3.1323. Wyreema 53 205 258 0 258 20.5424. Yelarbon 19 192 211 0 211 9.00

Polling-Booths Total 3,857 12,925 16,782 54 16,836 22.98

25. Section 4.24}26. Section 4.25} 1,000 1,960 2,960 15 2,975 33.7827. Section 4.26}28. Section 4.27 114 187 301 1 302 37.8729. Section 4.28 40 300 340 5 345 11.7630. Section 4.30 42 207 249 0 249 16.8731. Section 4.32 9 73 82 0 82 10.98

Totals for District 5,062 15,652 20,714 75 20,789 24.44


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of CurrumbinNumber on roll qualified to vote. .... 19971

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % YesVotes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Brisbane 11 6 17 0 17 64.712. Coolangatta 694 275 969 5 974 71.623. Coolangatta State School 640 266 906 3 909 70.64

4. Currumbin 1,764 746 2,510 9 2,519 70.285. Currumbin Valley 123 94 217 2 219 56.686. Elanora 3,066 1,037 4,103 6 4,109 74.73

7. Ingleside 88 84 172 0 172 51.168. Palm Beach-Currumbin 1,551 572 2,123 11 2,134 73.06

9. Tallebudgera 625 286 911 2 913 68.6110. Tugun 2,104 945 3,049 15 3,064 69.01

Polling-Booths Total 10,666 4,311 14,977 53 15,030 71.22

11. Section 4.24 1,214 484 1,698 12 1,710 71.5012. Section 4.25 0 013. Section 4.26 0 014. Section 4.27 165 51 216 2 218 76.3915. Section 4.28 92 68 160 1 161 57.5016. Section 4.30 176 98 274 0 274 64.2317. Section 4.32 35 11 46 0 46 76.09

Totals for District 12,348 5,023 17,371 68 17,439 71.08


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of EvertonNumber on roll qualified to vote. .... 21391

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % Yes

Votes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal1. Albany Creek 2,037 1,017 3,054 13 3,067 66.702. Albany Creek High 918 405 1,323 5 1,3283. Arana 545 262 807 2 809 67.53

4. Brisbane 63 27 90 1 91 70.005. Bunyaville 1,119 642 1,761 7 1,768 63.54

6. Enoggera 437 381 818 15 833 53.427. Everton Park 999 846 1,845 8 1,853 54.158. Everton Park North 1,523 882 2,405 5 2,410 63.339. Grovely 478 241 719 6 725 66.4810. Hillbrook 56 38 94 0 94 59.5711. McDowall 1,526 724 2,250 7 2,257 67.8212. Mitchelton 529 351 880 7 887 60.1113. Oxford Park 635 497 1,132 6 1,138 56.10

Polling-Booths Total 10,865 6,313 17,178 82 17,260 63.25

14. Section 4.24 1,261 669 1,930 10 1,940 65.3415. Section 4.25 0 0 0 0 016. Section 4.26 5 5 10 0 10 50.0017. Section 4.27 248 118 366 2 368 67.7618. Section 4.28 79 105 184 1 185 42.9319. Section 4.30 59 47 106 0 106 55.6620. Section 4.32 9 2 11 0 11 81.82

Totals for District 12,526 7,259 19,785 95 19,880 63.31


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of Ferny GroveNumber on roll qualified to vote..... 21708

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % YesVotes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Brisbane 60 35 95 0 95 63.162. Closeburn 181 221 402 1 403 45.023. Ferny Grove 1,373 825 2,198 4 2,202 62.474. Ferny Hills 2,059 1,011 3,070 8 3,078 67.075. Grovely 1,298 712 2,010 8 2,018 64.586. Keperra 592 417 1,009 2 1,011 58.677. Keperra South 1,057 587 1,644 7 1,651 64.298. Mitchelton 372 263 635 1 636 58.589. Mitchelton East 681 521 1,202 9 1,211 56.6610. Mount Nebo 142 98 240 0 240 59.1711. Patricks Rd 1,685 788 2,473 10 2,483 68.1412. Samford 1,167 1,011 2,178 12 2,190 53.58

Polling-Booths Total 10,667 6,489 17,156 62 17,218 62.18

13. Section 4.24 1,493 741 2,234 7 2,241 66.8314. Section 4.25 0 015. Section 4.26 17 5 22 0 22 77.2716. Section 4.27 194 94 288 0 288 67.3617. Section 4.28 55 112 167 1 168 32.9318. Section 4.30 58 37 95 1 96 61.0519. Section 4.32 5 3 8 0 8 62.50

Totals for District 12,489 7,481 19,970 71 20,041 62.54


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of FitzroyNumber on roll qualified to vote. .... 21355

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % Yes

Votes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Allenstown 350 1,152 1,502 10 1,512 23.30

2. Alton Downs 67 385 452 3 455 14.82

3. Bajool 29 148 177 0 177 16.38

4. Baralaba 0 30 30 0 30 0.00

5. Baree 26 182 208 1 209 12.50

6. Blackwater 404 1,411 1,815 2 1,817 22.26

7. Blackwater North 236 747 983 2 985 24.01

8. Bluff 37 187 224 0 224 16.52

9. Bouldercombe 60 294 354 0 354 16.95

10. Brisbane 7 9 16 0 16 43.75

11. Capella 3 116 119 0 119 2.52

12. Clarke Creek 0 37 37 0 37 0.00

13. Dawson Rd 261 1,011 1,272 2 1,274 20.52

14. Depot Hill 55 204 259 3 262 21.24

15. Dingo 15 172 187 4 191 8.02

16. Duaringa 13 220 233 1 234 5.58

17. Dululu 2 10 12 0 12 16.67

18. Dysart 379 1,396 1,775 2 1,777 21.35

19. Gogango 8 50 58 0 58 13.79

20. Gracemere 340 1,499 1,839 3 1,842 18.49

21. Kalapa 9 99 108 5 113 8.33

22. Marmor 97 13 110 0 110 88.18

23. Middlemount 275 838 1,113 1 1,114 24.71

24. Mt Morgan Central 255 1,207 1,462 4 1,466 17.44

25. Port Curtis Rd 38 221 259 2 261 14.67

26. Raglan 1 16 17 0 17 5.88

27. Ridgelands 11 194 205 0 205 5.37

28. Stanwell 16 117 133 0 133 12.03

29. Tieri 207 510 717 1 718 28.87

30. Westwood 4 68 72 0 72 5.56

Polling-Booths Total 3,205 12,543 15,748 46 15,794 20.35

31. Section 4.24}32. Section 4.25} 808 2,390 3,198 7 3,205 25.27

33. Section 4.26}

34. Section 4.27 56 169 225 0 225 24.89

35. Section 4.28 36 248 284 4 288 12.68

36. Section 4.30 76 272 348 0 348 21.84

37. Section 4.32Totals for District 4,181 15,622 19,803 57 19,860 21.11


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of GladstoneNumber on roll qualified to vote..... 21389

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total 0/0 YesVotes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. .Ambrose 16 136 152 0 152 10.53

2. Benaraby 94 265 359 0 359 26.18

3. Boyne Island 491 738 1,229 0 1,229 39.954. Bracewell 2 63 65 0 65 3.085. Brisbane 14 11 25 0 25 56.00

6. Builyan 5 70 75 0 75 6.67

7. Calliope 236 977 1,213 3 1,216 19.468. Gladstone Central 656 1,457 2,113 15 2,128 31.059. Gladstone Chanel 371 878 1,249 1 1,250 29.7010. Gladstone Clinton 741 1,487 2,228 6 2,234 33.2611. Gladstone Hospital 122 286 408 1 409 29.9012. Gladstone Kin Kora 611 1,023 1,634 4 1,638 37.3913. Gladstone TAF.E. 296 588 884 11 895 33.4814. Gladstone Toolooa 213 599 812 1 813 26.2315. Gladstone Valley 185 575 760 4 764 24.3416. Gladstone West 658 1,341 1,999 11 2,010 32.9217. Mount Larcom 34 243 277 0 277 12.2718. Raglan 5 45 50 0 50 10.0019. Tannum Sands 510 643 1,153 5 1,158 44.2320. Targinnie 4 57 61 0 61 6.5621. Ubobo 3 103 106 0 106 2.8322. Yarwun 48 171 219 1 220 21.92

Polling-Booths Total 5,315 11,756 17,071 63 17,134 31.13

23. Section 4.24 642 1,023 1,665 6 1,671 38.5624. Section 4.25 0 2 2 0 2 0.0025. Section 4.26 3 2 5 0 5 60.0026. Section 4.27 159 319 478 0 478 33.2627. Section 4.28 24 78 f02 0 102 23.5328. Section 4.30 49 74 123 0 123 39.8429. Section 4.32 7 15 22 0 22 31.82

Totals for District 6,199 13,269 19,468 69 19,537 31.84


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of GreenslopesNumber on roll qualified to vote..... 21541

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % YesVotes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Brisbane 104 35 139 3 142 74.822. Camp Hill 924 637 1,561 8 1,569 59.193. Camp Hill High 689 530 1,219 9 1,228 56.524. Cavendish Rd 138 78 216 0 216 63.895. Coorparoo 1,570 1,039 2,609 19 2,628 60.186. Greenslopes 605 439 1,044 6 1,050 57.957. Greenslopes Hospital 152 137 289 3 292 52.608. Holland Park 795 527 1,322 6 1,328 60.149. Marshall Rd 395 260 655 2 657 60.31

10. Meridian St 412 387 799 1 800 51.5611. South Coorparoo 973 793 1,766 8 1,774 55.1012. St Matthews 518 435 953 4 957 54.3513. Tarragindi 290 200 490 1 491 59.1814. Temple St 244 222 466 2 468 52.3615. Waverley Rd 337 326 663 3 666 50.8316. Wellers Hill 1,031 728 1,759 13 1,772 58.6117. West Coorparoo 186 160 346 0 346 53.76

Polling-Booths Total 9,363 6,933 16,296 88 16,384 57.46

18. Section 4.24 1,441 679 2,120 13 2,133 67.9719. Section 4.25 0 0 0 0 020. Section 4.26 17 4 21 0 21 80.9521. Section 4.27 199 90 289 2 291 68.8622. Section 4.28 196 298 494 1 495 39.6823. Section 4.30 123 97 220 0 220 55.9124. Section 4.32 12 2 14 0 14 85.71

Totals for District 11,351 8,103 19,454 104 19,558 58.35


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of GregoryNumber on roll qualified to vote..... 14709

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % YesVotes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Alpha 21 360 381 2 383 5.512. Anakie 13 97 110 0 110 11.823. Aramac 14 267 281 4 285 4.984. Barcaldine 99 722 821 2 823 12.065. Barcaldine Hospital 4 59 63 0 63 6.356. Bedourie 4 26 30 0 30 13.337. Birdsville 1 30 31 0 31 3.238. Blackall 51 891 942 2 944 5.419. Brisbane 2 27 29 0 29 6.90

10. Comet 6 85 91 0 91 6.5911. Corfield 0 15 15 0 15 0.0012. Emerald 272 1,815 2,087 6 2,093 13.0313. Emerald North 170 914 1,084 1 1,085 15.6814. Gindie 7 106 113 0 113 6.1915. IIfracombe 9 94 103 0 103 8.7416. Isisford 9 76 85 1 86 10.5917. Jericho 7 120 127 0 127 5.5118. Jundah 6 67 73 0 73 8.2219. Longreach 97 1,399 1,496 2 1,498 6.4820. Longreach Hospital 17 208 225 1 226 7.5621. Muttaburra 3 129 132 0 132 2.2722. Springsure 45 731 776 0 776 5.8023. Stonehenge 0 24 24 0 24 0.0024. Willows Gemfields 7 77 84 0 84 8.3325. Windorah 3 61 64 0 64 4.6926. Winton 42 588 630 0 630 6.6727. Yaraka 0 24 24 0 24 0.00

Polling-Booths Total 909 9,012 9,921 21 9,942 9.16

28. Section 4.24 330 1,925 2,255 7 2,262 14.6329. Section 4.25 0 1 1 0 1 0.0030. Section 4.26 0 031. Section 4.27 32 331 363 0 363 8.8232. Section 4.28 11 112 123 0 123 8.9433. Section 4.30 29 945 974 6 980 2.9834. Section 4.32 14 90 104 0 104 13.46

Totals for District 1,325 12,416 13,741 34 13,775 9.64


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of GympieNumber on roll qualified to vote..... 20791

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % Yes

Votes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Amamoor 0 0 0 0 0

2. Brisbane 15 17 32 0 32 46.88

3. Brooloo 0 0 0 0 0

4. Chatsworth 86 238 324 0 324 26.54

5. Cooran 0 0 0 0 0

6. Cooroy 37 60 97 0 97 38.14

7. Dagun 0 0 0 0 0

8. Federal 11 31 42 0 42 26.19

9. Glastonbury 0 0 0 0 0

10. Goomboorian 0 0 0 0 0

11. Gympie 179 517 696 1 697 25.72

12. Gympie City 429 957 1,386 6 1,392 30.95

13. Gympie East 0 0 0 0 0

14. Gympie High 190 452 642 1 643 29.60

15. Gympie Hospital 28 63 91 1 92 30.77

16. Gympie South 388 930 1,318 3 1,321 29.44

17. Horseshoe Bend 373 1,149 1,522 1 1,523 24.51

18. Imbil 0 0 0 0 0

19. James Nash High 150 408 558 0 558 26.88

20. Jones Hill 0 0 0 0 0

21. Kandanga 0 0 0 0 0

22. Kandanga Creek 0 0 0 0 0

23. Kia Ora 0 0 0 0 0

24. Kin Kin 0 0 0 0 0

25. Kybong 0 0 0 0 0

26. Langshaw 0 0 0 0 0

27. Long Flat 0 0 0 0 0

28. Monkland 113 280 393 2 395 28.75

29. Mothar Mountain 0 0 0 0 0

30. One Mile 57 182 239 0 239 23.85

31. Pie Creek 0 0 0 0 0

32. Pomona 173 494 667 1 668 25.94

33. Rainbow Beach 103 146 249 0 249 41.37

34. Red Hill 171 581 752 0 752 22.74

35. Tin Can Bay 247 643 890 5 895 27.75

36. Traveston 0 0 0 0 0

37. Veteran 0 0 0 0 0

_38. Wolvi - 0 0 0 0 0

Polling-Booths Total 2,750 7,148 9,898 21 9,919 27.78

39. Section 4.24 633 1,005 1,638 4 1,642 38.64

40. Section 4.25 1 7 8 1 9 12.50

41. Section 4.26 0 0

42. Section 4.27 90 187 277 0 277 32.49

43. Section 4.28 22 148 170 1 171 12.94

44. Section 4.30 25 97 122 0 122 20.49

45. Section 4.32 3 11 14 0 14 21.43

Totals for District 3,524 8,603 12,127 27 12,154 29.06


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of Hervey BayNumber on roll qualified to vote..... 19088

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % Yes

Votes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Brisbane 14 15 29 0 29 48.28

2. Burrum Heads 126 245 371 2 373 33.96

3. Childers 48 165 213 0 213 22.54

4. Dundowran 171 285 456 0 456 37.505. Howard 378 484 862 6 868 43.85

6. Maryborough Central 54 74 128 1 129 42.19

7. Nikenbah 150 321 471 0 471 31.85

8. Pialba 1,076 1,357 2,433 12 2,445 44.23

9. Point Vernon 545 784 1,329 7 1,336 41.0110. Riverview 19 78 97 0 97 19.5911. Scarness 767 1,118 1,885 10 1,895 40.6912. Toogoom 121 227 348 1 349 34.77

13. Torbanlea 102 207 309 3 312 33.01

14. Torquay 217 412 629 8 637 34.50

15. Torquay State School 1,316 1,513 2,829 14 2,843 46.5216. Urangan 1,116 1,552 2,668 13 2,681 41.8317. Woodgate 65 220 285 0 285 22.81

Polling-Booths Total 6,285 9,057 15,342 77 15,419 40.97

18. Section 4.24}19. Section 4.25} 512 732 1,244 2 1,246 41.1620. Section 4.26}

21. Section 4.27 188 173 361 0 361 52.0822. Section 4.28 53 116 169 3 172 31.3623. Section 4.30 52 79 131 0 131 39.6924. Section 4.32 10 17 27 0 27 37.04

Totals for District 7,100 10,174 17,274 82 17,356 41.10


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of HinchinbrookNumber on roll qualified to vote..... 22156

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % Yes

Votes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Abergowrie 14 191 205 0 205 6.83

2. Bambaroo 3 189 192 0 192 1.56

3. Brisbane 5 9 14 0 14 35.71

4. Cardwell 81 612 693 4 697 11.69

5. Cordelia 15 94 109 0 109 13.76

6. EI Arish 35 364 399 0 399 8.77

7. Feluga 8 169 177 0 177 4.52

8. Forest Home 10 83 93 0 93 10.75

9. Forrest Beach 62 444 506 0 506 12.25

10. Goondi Hill 58 530 588 0 588 9.86

11. Goondi School 48 394 442 0 442 10.86

12. Halifax 59 477 536 2 538 11.01

13. Hawkins Creek 7 137 144 1 145 4.86

14. Helen's Hill 0 50 50 0 50 0.00

15. Ingham 275 2,178 2,453 10 2,463 11.21

16. Ingham Hospital 96 848 944 4 948 10.17

17. Innisfail 203 1,350 1,553 7 1,560 13.07

18. Innisfail East 144 1.177 1,321 1 1,322 10.90

19. Innisfail Hospital 39 254 293 1 294 13.31

20. Japoonvale 6 65 71 1 72 8.45

21. Kennedy 11 176 187 0 187 5.88

22. Kurrimine 27 330 357 0 357 7.56

23. Long Pocket 5 187 192 0 192 2.60

24. Lower Tully 35 255 290 0 290 12.07

25. Lucinda 32 290 322 0 322 9.94

26. Macknade 26 221 247 0 247 10.53

27. Mena Creek 14 150 164 1 165 8.54

28. Mission Beach North 63 298 361 4 365 17.45

29. Mission Beach South 94 256 350 2 352 26.86

30. Moresby 13 237 250 2 252 5.20

31. Mourilyan 41 590 631 0 631 6.50

32. Murray River Upper 25 231 256 0 256 9.77

33. Ripple Creek 6 100 106 0 106 5.66

34. Silkwood 8 146 154 1 155 5.19

35. Silkwood East 26 215 241 1 242 10.79

36. Toobanna 24 295 319 0 319 7.52

37. Trebonne 22 346 368 2 370 5.98

38. Tully 158 1.314 1,472 5 1,477 10.73

39. Tully Hospital 47 421 468 2 470 10.04

40. Upper Stone 1 97 98 0 98 1.02

41. Victoria Estate 41 381 422 0 422 9.72

Polling-Booths Total 1,887 16,151 18,038 51 18,089 10.46

42. Section 4.24 287 1,261 1,548 0 1,548 18.54

43. Section 4.25 0 6 6 0 6 0.00

44. Section 4.26 0 6 6 0 6 0.00

45. Section 4.27 42 260 302 0 302 13.91

46. Section 4.28 30 274 304 1 305 9.87

47. Section 4.30 25 112 137 0 137 18.25

48. Section 4.32 4 40 44 0 44 9.09

Totals for District 2,275 18,110 20,385 52 20,437 11.16


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of InalaNumber on roll qualified to vote. .... 20788

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total 0/0 YesVotes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Brisbane 40 20 60 0 60 66.67

2. Camira 2,250 1,060 3,310 16 3,326 67.983. Carole Park 714 474 1,188 6 1,194 60.104. Darra 1,149 729 1,878 17 1,895 61.185. Inala 1,844 1,091 2,935 19 2,954 62.836. Inala West 840 671 1,511 5 1,516 55.597. Oxley 325 170 495 4 499 65.668. Richlands 560 442 1,002 5 1,007 55.899. Richlands East 1,088 521 1,609 9 1,618 67.6210. Serviceton 1,010 599 1,609 5 1,614 62.7711. Serviceton South 744 467 1,211 4 1,215 61.44

Polling-Booths Total 10,564 6,244 16,808 90 16,898 62.85

12. Section 4.24 928 386 1,314 11 1,325 70.6213. Section 4.2514. Section 4.26 21 9 30 0 30 70.0015. Section 4.27 91 39 130 0 130 70.0016. Section 4.28 61 54 115 0 115 53.0417. Section 4.30 59 47 106 0 106 55.6618. Section 4.32 20 12 32 0 32 62.50

Totals for District 11,744 6,791 18,535 101 18,636 63.36


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of IndooroopillyNumber on roll qualified to vote. .... 22199

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % YesVotes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Brisbane 141 50 191 1 192 73.822. Chelmer 426 319 745 3 748 57.183. Fig Tree Pocket 949 523 1,472 4 1,476 64.474. Graceville 1,452 973 2,425 11 2,436 59.885. Graceville West 359 333 692 3 695 51.88

6. Indooroopilly 611 412 1,023 10 1,033 59.73

7. Indooroopilly East 820 561 1,381 4 1,385 59.388. Indooroopilly West 1,175 580 1,755 14 1,769 66.959. Ironside 1,455 895 2,350 5 2,355 61.9110. Sherwood 560 336 896 2 898 62.50

11. St Lucia 1,065 643 1,708 16 1,724 62.3512. Taringa 769 535 1,304 12 1,316 58.97

Polling-Booths Total 9,782 6,160 15,942 85 16,027 61.36

13. Section 4.24 1,805 885 2,690 13 2,703 67.1014. Section 4.25 1 1 2 0 2 50.0015. Section 4.26 0 0 0 0 016. Section 4.27 193 93 286 0 286 67.4817. Section 4.28 133 247 380 0 380 35.0018. Section 4.30 48 48 96 0 96 50.0019. Section 4.32 10 4 14 0 14 71.43

Totals for District 11,972 7,438 19,410 98 19,508 61.68


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of IpswichNumber on roll qualified to vote. .... 22370

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % YesVotes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Booval 323 386 709 6 715 45.56

2. Booval North 684 563 1,247 6 1,253 54.853. Brisbane 31 6 37 0 37 83.784. Bundamba 425 358 783 3 786 54.28

5. Eastern Heights 717 631 1,348 5 1,353 53.19

6. Eastern Heights-Lloyd George St 459 483 942 7 949 48.73

7. Flinders View 717 548 1,265 4 1,269 56.688. Ipswich 211 178 389 2 391 54.249. Ipswich Central 213 200 413 3 416 51.57

10. Ipswich East 802 815 1,617 10 1,627 49.6011. Ipswich General Hospital 115 103 218 3 221 52.7512. Raceview 1,623 1,186 2,809 10 2,819 57.7813. Raceview Pre-School 74 55 129 0 129 57.3614. Silkstone 1,840 1,686 3,526 13 3,539 52.18

15. West Ipswich 330 331 661 4 665 49.92

16. Western Suburbs 880 858 1,738 9 1,747 50.63

Polling-Booths Total 9,444 8,387 17,831 85 17,916 52.96

17. Section 4.24 1,010 733 1,743 10 1,753 57.95

18. Section 4.25 0 0

19. Section 4.26 5 2 7 0 7 71.43

20. Section 4.27 203 126 329 0 329 61.70

21. Section 4.28 179 370 549 2 551 32.6022. Section 4.30 92 106 198 5 203 46.46

23. Section 4.32 14 4 18 0 18 77.78

Totals for District 10,947 9,728 20,675 102 20,777 52.95


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of Ipswich WestNumber on roll qualified to vote. .... 22398

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % YesVotes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Amberley 321 128 449 3 452 71.49

2. Ashwell 16 65 81 0 81 19.753. Brassall 1,177 1,077 2,254 12 2,266 52.224. Brassall West 427 543 970 6 976 44.025. Brisbane 15 6 21 0 21 71.436. Churchill 1,008 844 1,852 15 1,867 54.437. Glamorganvale 78 119 197 2 199 39.598. Grandchester 35 70 105 0 105 33.339. Haigslea 59 194 253 0 253 23.3210. Karalee 1,068 669 1,737 5 1,742 61.4911. Leichhardt 1,050 742 1,792 2 1,794 58.5912. Marburg 172 398 570 0 570 30.1813. North Ipswich 857 833 1,690 12 1,702 50.7114. One Mile 484 509 993 6 999 48.7415. Pine Mountain 108 189 297 2 299 36.3616. Pine Mountain Rd 618 531 1,149 5 1,154 53.7917. Rosewood 519 874 1,393 3 1,396 37.2618. Tivoli 532 441 973 3 976 54.6819. Walloon 483 543 1,026 5 1,031 47.08

Polling-Booths Total 9,027 8,775 17,802 81 17,883 50.71

20. Section 4.24 983 773 1,756 13 1,769 55.9821. Section 4.25 2 0 2 0 2 100.0022. Section 4.26 7 0 7 0 7 100.0023. Section 4.27 178 139 317 4 321 56.1524. Section 4.28 113 211 324 2 326 34.8825. Section 4.30 87 80 167 0 167 52.1026. Section 4.32 9 5 14 0 14 64.29

Totals for District 10,406 9,983 20,389 100 20,489 51.04


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of KallangurNumber on roll qualified to vote. .... 21084

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % Yes

Votes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Brisbane 16 9 25 1 26 64.00

2. Burpengary 1,936 1,406 3,342 11 3,353 57.93

3. Caboolture 327 293 620 7 627 52.74

4. Caboolture East 53 33 86 0 86 61.635, Caboolture West 36 39 75 0 75 48.00

6. Dakabin 312 200 512 4 516 60.947, Kallangur 3,496 2,360 5,856 21 5,877 59.708. Morayfield 2,192 1,790 3,982 11 3,993 55.059. Narangba 949 833 1,782 12 1,794 53.2510. Petrie 271 149 420 1 421 64.52

11. Upper Caboolture 219 272 491 0 491 44.60

Polling-Booths Total 9,807 7,384 17,191 68 17,259 57.05

12. Section 4.24 (Includes 4.26) 966 626 1,592 5 1,597 60.6813. Section 4.25 1 3 4 0 4 25.0014. Section 4.2615. Section 4.27 177 123 300 0 300 59.0016. Section 4.28 35 58 93 0 93 37.6317. Section 4.30 61 37 98 0 98 62.2418. Section 4.32 15 16 31 0 31 48.39

Totals for District 11,062 8,247 19,309 73 19,382 57.29


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of KedronNumber on roll qualified to vote. .... 20565

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % Yes

Votes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal1. Alderley 617 510 1,127 8 1,135 54.752. Brisbane 114 65 179 0 179 63.693. Enoggera 774 572 1,346 21 1,367 57.50

4. Gordon Park 1,042 782 1,824 17 1,841 57.135. Grange 807 538 1,345 3 1,348 60.00

6. Kedron 788 656 . 1,444 18 1,462 54.57

7. Kedron-West 869 676 1,545 12 1,557 56.258. Lutwyche 840 637 1,477 10 1,487 56.87

9. Somerset Hills 687 437 1,124 8 1,132 61.1210. Stafford 1,211 907 2,118 11 2,129 57.1811. Stafford West 1,006 666 1,672 7 1,679 60.17

Polling-Booths Total 8,755 6,446 15,201 115 15,316 57.59

12. Section 4.24 (Includes 4.32's) 1,487 892 2,379 5 2,384 62.5113. Section 4.25}

14. Section 4.26} 166 99 265 5 270 62.6415. Section 4.27}

16. Section 4.28 227 355 582 1 583 39.0017. Section 4.30 76 102 178 2 180 42.7018. Section 4.32

Totals for District 10,711 7,894 18,605 128 18,733 57.57


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of KeppelNumber on roll qualified to vote..... 22548

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % YesVotes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Berserker St 78 233 311 1 312 25.08

2. Brisbane 21 15 36 0 36 58.33

3. Byfield 12 87 99 2 101 12.12

4. Cawarral 102 333 435 0 435 23.45

5. Cooee Bay 285 678 963 6 969 29.60

6. Coowonga 28 58 86 3 89 32.56

7. Emu Park 420 864 1,284 6 1,290 32.71

8. Farnborough 102 368 470 0 470 21.70

9. Frenchville 523 1,461 1,984 7 1,991 26.36

10. Glenmore 375 864 1,239 2 1,241 30.27

11. Great Keppel Island 28 39 67 0 67 41.79

12. Keppel Sands 42 146 188 1 189 22.34

13. Lakes Creek 177 549 726 4 730 24.38

14. Mount Archer 414 1,154 1,568 2 1,570 26.40

15. Nerimbera 16 136 152 0 152 10.53

16. North Rockhampton High School 765 2,159 2,924 10 2,934 26.16

17. Parkhurst 169 413 582 2 584 29.04

18. Rockonia Rd 204 612 816 5 821 25.00

19. The Caves 83 424 507 0 507 16.37

20. Yeppoon 997 2,518 3,515 10 3,525 28.36

Polling-Booths Total 4,841 13,111 17,952 61 18,013 26.97

21. Section 4.24} 644 1,225 1,869 9 1,878 34.4622. Section 4.25}

23. Section 4.26}

24. Section 4.27 105 332 437 0 437 24.03

25. Section 4.28 40 257 297 0 297 13.47

26. Section 4.30 43 92 135 0 135 31.85

27. Section 4.32 4 12 16 1 17 25.00

Totals for District 5,677 15,029 20,706 71 20,777 27.42


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of KurwongbahNumber on roll qualified to vote..... 20401

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % Yes

Votes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal1. Albany Creek 996 495 1,491 3 1,494 66.80

2. Bray Park 2,430 1,538 3,968 11 3,979 61.243. Brisbane 27 23 50 1 51 54.00

4. Dayboro 411 645 1,056 7 1,063 38.925. Kurwongbah 999 494 1,493 4 1,497 66.916. Lawnton 1,648 1,128 2,776 16 2,792 59.37

7. Mount Pleasant 12 62 74 0 74 16.228. Petrie 1,450 895 2,345 4 2,349 61.83

9. Strathpine 644 453 1,097 6 1,103 58.71

10. Strathpine West 1,116 671 1,787 7 1,794 62.45

11. Whiteside 233 162 395 1 396 58.99

Polling-Booths Total 9,966 6,566 16,532 60 16,592 60.28

12. Section 4.24 1,086 655 1,741 5 1,746 62.3813. Section 4.25 2 1 3 0 3 66.6714. Section 4.26 7 1 8 0 8 87.5015. Section 4.27 184 79 263 0 263 69.96

16. Section 4.28 48 62 110 4 114 43.6417. Section 4.30 70 34 104 0 104 67.3118. Section 4.32 14 7 21 0 21 66.67

Totals for District 11,377 7,405 18,782 69 18,851 60.57


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of LockyerNumber on roll qualified to vote..... 21901

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % Yes

Votes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Amberley 185 168 353 1 354 52.41

2. Aratula 66 305 371 1 372 17.79

3. Blenheim 47 178 225 0 225 20.89

4. Boonah 374 1,349 1,723 9 1,732 21.71

5. Brisbane 17 14 31 0 31 54.84

6. Churchill 72 94 166 2 168 43.37

7. Coulson 22 136 158 0 158 13.92

8. Flagstone Creek 15 129 144 0 144 10.42

9. Forest Hill 98 427 525 2 527 18.67

10. Gatton 433 1,452 1,885 11 1,896 22.97

11. Gatton South 356 1,049 1,405 5 1,410 25.34

12. Glenore Grove 205 381 586 3 589 34.98

13. Grandchester 38 76 114 1 115 33.33

14. Grantham 94 346 440 1 441 21.36

15. Greenbank 554 338 892 4 896 62.11

16. Harrisville 74 220 294 1 295 25.17

17. Hatton Vale 147 312 459 2 461 32.03

18. Helidon 135 506 641 1 642 21.06

19. Junction View 4 73 77 0 77 5.19

20. Kalbar 143 577 720 2 722 19.86

21. Kentville 64 113 177 0 177 36.16

22. Laidley 472 1,246 1,718 9 1,727 27.47

23. Lake Clarendon 36 150 186 1 187 19.35

24. Lawes 22 48 70 0 70 31.43

25. Lockrose 27 81 108 0 108 25.00

26. Lower Tent Hill 15 122 137 0 137 10.95

27. MaMaCreek 16 110 126 0 126 12.7028. Maroon 9 71 80 0 80 11.25

29. Mount Alford 31 219 250 0 250 12.4030. Mount Sylvia 10 153 163 3 166 6.13

31. Mount Whitestone 4 89 93 0 93 4.30

32. Mulgowie 11 77 88 0 88 12.5033. Murphys Creek 87 207 294 2 296 29.59

34. Mutdapilly 51 183 234 0 234 21.79

35. Peak Crossing 112 281 393 4 397 28.50

36. Purga Creek 32 89 121 1 122 26.45

37. Roadvale 48 254 302 2 304 15.89

38. Ropeley 7 54 61 0 61 11.48

39. Rosevale 10 136 146 0 146 6.85

40. Rosewood 158 271 429 1 430 36.83

41. Stockyard .Creek 23 99 122 0 122 18.85

42. Thornton 18 113 131 0 131 13.74

43. Upper Tent Hill 27 171 198 2 200 13.64

44. Warrill View 8 112 120 1 121 6.67

45. Withcott 269 577 846 7 853 31.80

Polling-Booths Total 4,646 13,156 17,802 79 17,881 26.10

46. Section 4.24 723 1,223 1,946 6 1,952 37.15

47. Section 4.25 3 4 7 1 8 42.86

48. Section 4.26 3 5 8 0 8 37.50

49. Section 4.27 98 192 290 1 291 33.79

50. Section 4.28 25 137 162 0 162 15.43

51. Section 4.30 64 144 208 2 210 30.77

52. Section 4.32 8 28 36 1 37 22.22

Totals for District 5,570 14,889 20,459 90 20,549 27.23


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of LoganNumber on roll qualified to vote..... 21421

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % Yes

Votes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Berrinba East 278 124 402 5 407 69.152. Boronia Heights 1,395 610 2,005 8 2,013 69.58

3. Brisbane 24 15 39 1 40 61.544. Browns Plains 1,859 854 2,713 19 2,732 68.525. Crestmead 1,803 836 2,639 13 2,652 68.326. Kingston 1,102 559 1,661 6 1,667 66.35

7. Marsden 1,841 859 2,700 16 2,716 68.198. Park Ridge 1,170 685 1,855 18 1,873 63.07

9. Yugumbir 2,089 797 2,886 10 2,896 72.38

Polling-Booths Total 11,561 5,339 16,900 96 16,996 68.41

10. Section 4.24 1,208 592 1,800 7 1,807 67.1111. Section 4.25 1 0 1 0 1 100.0012. Section 4.26 3 3 6 1 7 50.0013. Section 4.27 213 103 316 1 317 67.4114. Section 4.28 29 23 52 0 52 55.7715. Section 4.30 56 39 95 a 95 58.9516. Section 4.32 6 1 7 0 7 85.71

Totals for District 13,077 6,100 19,177 105 19,282 68.19


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of LyttonNumber on roll qualified to vote..... 21934

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % Yes

Votes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Brisbane 44 16 60 0 60 73.33

2. Lindum 570 426 996 7 1,003 57.23

3. Lota 783 546 1,329 6 1,335 58.92

4. Manly 916 592 1,508 7 1,515 60.74

5. Manly East 549 437 986 5 991 55.68

6. Manly West 623 395 1,018 4 1,022 61.20

7. Preston Rd 656 581 1,237 10 1,247 53.03

8. Wondall Heights 1,373 863 2,236 10 2,246 61.40

9. Wynnum 543 490 1,033 4 1,037 52.57

10. Wynnum Central 1,032 793 1,825 9 1,834 56.55

11. Wynnum North 1,240 931 2,171 11 2,182 57.12

12. Wynnum South 484 497 981 8 989 49.34

13. Wynnum West 1,475 962 2,437 16 2,453 60.53

Polling-Booths Total 10,288 7,529 17,817 97 17,914 57.74

14. Section 4.24 (Includes 4.32's) 870 503 1,373 4 1,377 63.36

15. Section 4.25} 7 4 11 0 11 63.64

16. Section 4.26}

17. Section 4.27 289 140 429 1 430 67.37

18. Section 4.28 219 367 586 1 587 37.3719. Section 4.30 29 29 58 0 58 50.0020. Section 4.32

Totals for District 11,702 8,572 20,274 103 20,377 57.72


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of MackayNumber on roll qualified to vote..... 22086

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % YesVotes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Brisbane 13 15 28 0 28 46.432. Grendon St 209 738 947 7 954 22.073. Homefield 162 726 888 6 894 18.244. Mackay 220 703 923 3 926 23.845. Mackay City 13 41 54 0 54 24.076. Mackay Hospital 89 288 377 2 379 23.617. Mackay North 305 974 1,279 6 1,285 23.858. Mackay South 607 1,753 2,360 8 2,368 25.729. Mackay West 533 2,004 2,537 5 2,542 21.0110. Mater Hospital 30 144 174 1 175 17.2411. Nebo Ad 161 577 738 4 742 21.8212. Planlands 133 539 672 0 672 19.7913. Slade Point 483 1,094 1,577 6 1,583 30.6314. Victoria Park 753 2,078 2,831 15 2,846 26.6015. North Mackay High School 230 696 926 3 929 24.8416. Fitzgerald 175 366 541 6 547 32.35

Polling-Booths Total 4,116 12,736 16,852 72 16,924 24.42

17. Section 4.24 665 1,196 1,861 3 1,864 35.7318. Section 4.25 0 3 3 0 3 0.0019. Section 4.26 2 6 8 0 8 25.0020. Section 4.27 152 349 501 0 501 30.3421. Section 4.28 27 281 308 1 309 8.7722. Section 4.30 11 69 80 0 80 13.7523. Section 4.32 49 100 149 1 150 32.89

Totals for District 5,022 14,740 19,762 77 19,839 25.41


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of MansfieldNumber on roll qualified to vote. .... 22358

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % Yes

Votes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Belmont 403 253 656 4 660 61.43

2. Brisbane 74 33 107 1 108 69.16

3. Eight Mile Plains 152 91 243 4 247 62.55

4. Macgregor 619 350 969 0 969 63.88

5. Mackenzie 426 313 739 4 743 57.65

6. Mansfield 2,289 1,327 3,616 23 3,639 63.30

7. Mt Gravatt East 1,690 1,031 2,721 13 2,734 62.11

8. Mt Gravatt West 455 336 791 4 795 57.52

9. Pine Mountain 474 268 742 1 743 63.88

10. Rochedale 447 404 851 7 858 52.53

11. Upper Mt Gravatt 1,393 936 2,329 10 2,339 59.81

12. Warrigal Rd State School 873 449 1,322 4 1,326 66.04

13. Wishart 1,603 967 2,570 9 2,579 62.37

Polling-Booths Total 10,898 6,758 17,656 84 17,740 61.72

14. Section 4.24 1,294 654 1,948 7 1,955 66.43

15. Section 4.25 2 1 3 0 3 66.67

16. Section 4.26 3 1 4 0 4 75.00

17. Section 4.27 237 117 354 0 354 66.95

18. Section 4.28 126 172 298 3 301 42.28

19. Section 4.30 121 125 246 1 247 49.19

20. Section 4.32 15 7 22 0 22 68.18

Totals for District 12,696 7,835 20,531 95 20,626 61.84


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of MaroochydoreNumber on roll qualified to vote..... 19803

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % Yes

Votes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Bli Bli 758 821 1,579 5 1,584 48.01

2. Brisbane 26 8 34 0 34 76.47

3. Buderim 360 419 779 0 779 46.21

4. Coolum 0 0 0 0 0

5. Diddillibah 174 244 418 0 418 41.63

6. Eumundi 46 52 98 0 98 46.94

7. Kuluin 520 453 973 7 980 53.44

8. Maroochydore 1,296 1,102 2,398 12 2,410 54.05

9. Maroochydore High 714 628 1,342 2 1,344 53.20

10. Maroochydore Central 752 829 1,581 5 1,586 47.56

11. Mooloolaba 1,183 883 2,066 12 2,078 57.26

12. MUdjimba 0 0 0 0 0

13. Nambour 123 136 259 2 261 47.49

14. Yandina 573 938 1,511 4 1,515 37.92

Polling-Booths Total 6,525 6,513 13,038 49 13,087 50.05

15. Section 4.24 805 725 1,530 2 1,532 52.61

16. Section 4.25 0 017. Section 4.26 0 0

18. Section 4.27 253 172 425 0 425 59.5319. Section 4.28 28 63 91 3 94 30.7720. Section 4.30 48 36 84 0 84 57.1421. Section 4.32 12 12 24 0 24 50.00

Totals for District 7,671 7,521 15,192 54 15,246 50.49


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of MaryboroughNumber on roll qualified to vote..... 19925

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % YesVotes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Albert 171 327 498 1 499 34.342. Aubinville 78 172 250 a 250 31.203. Bauple 50 205 255 a 255 19.614. Bidwill 15 70 85 a 85 17.655. Boonooroo 71 187 258 2 260 27.526. Brisbane 17 8 25 a 25 68.007. Brooweena 28 206 234 1 235 11.978. Curra 78 138 216 a 216 36.119. Fairfield 293 556 849 2 851 34.51

10. Glenwood 57 173 230 2 232 24.7811. Granville 533 1,035 1,568 3 1,571 33.9912. Gunalda a a a a a13. Gundiah a a a a a14. Island Plantation 26 102 128 a 128 20.3115. Maryborough Central 1,231 2,164 3,395 12 3,407 36.2616. Maryborough Hospital 260 600 860 1 861 30.2317. Maryborough West 182 372 554 3 557 32.8518. Mungar 70 230 300 a 300 23.3319. Newtown 669 1,594 2,263 10 2,273 29.5620. Sunbury 463 1,113 1,576 7 1,583 29.3821. Theebine 26 182 208 1 209 12.5022. Tiaro 56 276 332 a 332 16.8723. Tinana 529 1,309 1,838 8 1,846 28.78

Polling-Booths Total 4,903 11,019 15,922 53 15,975 30.79

24. Section 4.24 554 820 1,374 6 1,380 40.3225. Section 4.25 a 2 2 a 2 0.0026. Section 4.26 1 1 2 a 2 50.0027. Section 4.27 153 325 478 a 478 32.0128. Section 4.28 46 321 367 a 367 12.5329. Section 4.30 28 88 116 a 116 24.1430. Section 4.32 11 15 26 a 26 42.31

Totals for District 5,696 12,591 18,287 59 18,346 31.15


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of MerrimacNumber on roll qualified to vote..... 19275

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % Yes

Votes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Brisbane 18 7 25 0 25 72.00

2. Broadbeach 947 308 1,255 10 1,265 75.46

3. Mermaid Beach 559 282 841 3 844 66.47

4. Mermaid Waters 2,608 936 3,544 16 3,560 73.59

5. Merrimac 398 156 554 5 559 71.84

6. Merrimac High School 840 264 1,104 10 1,114 76.09

7. Miami East 866 355 1,221 9 1,230 70.93

8. Miami West 1,847 630 2,477 8 2,485 74.57

9. Moana Park 516 243 759 1 760 67.98

10. Robina 2,053 575 2,628 6 2,634 78.12

Polling-Booths Total 10,652 3,756 14,408 68 14,476 73.93

11. Section 4.24 1,187 343 1,530 11 1,541 77.58

12. Section 4.25 0 1 1 0 1 0.0013. Section 4.26 0 014. Section 4.27 299 89 388 0 388 77.0615. Section 4.28 101 68 169 0 169 59.76

16. Section 4.30 130 45 175 0 175 74.29

17. Section 4.32 26 4 30 0 30 86.67

Totals for District 12,395 4,306 16,701 79 16,780 74.22


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of MiraniNumber on roll qualified to vote..... 22293

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total %Yes

Votes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Alligator Creek 156 612 768 3 771 20.31

2. Andergrove 562 1,293 1.855 8 1,863 30.30

3. Brisbane 6 17 23 0 23 26.09

4. Carmila 18 176 194 0 194 9.285. Chelona 44 352 396 1 397 11.11

6. Coppabella 11 102 113 0 113 9.73

7. Dows Creek 5 58 63 0 63 7.948. Dundula 74 413 487 0 487 15.20

9. Emmanuel 302 871 1,173 3 1,176 25.7510. Eton 38 327 365 0 365 10.4111. Eton North 119 23 142 0 142 83.80

12. Eungella 15 154 169 0 169 8.88

13. Finch Hatton 27 273 300 1 301 9.0014. Fitzgerald 445 995 1,440 8 1,448 30.90

15. Flaggy Rock 4 55 59 0 59 6.7816. Gargett 13 181 194 0 194 6.7017. Glenden 124 445 569 1 570 21.79

18. Glenella 135 532 667 2 669 20.2419. Homebush 19 193 212 0 212 8.9620. Koumala 30 405 435 0 435 6.9021. Marian 111 605 716 0 716 15.5022. Marlborough 7 124 131 0 131 5.3423. Mirani 93 458 551 3 554 16.8824. Nebo 19 223 242 0 242 7.8525. Oakenden 7 67 74 0 74 9.4626. Ogmore 3 74 77 0 77 3.9027. Pinnacle 6 117 123 0 123 4.8828. Pleystowe 28 213 241 0 241 11.6229. Racecourse 43 236 279 1 280 15.4130. Sandiford 15 125 140 0 140 10.7131. Sarina 447 1,999 2,446 7 2,453 18.2732. Sarina Beach 45 254 299 0 299 15.0533. Sarina Range 6 98 104 1 105 5.7734. Septimus 2 87 89 0 89 2.2535. Shinfield 26 169 195 1 196 13.3336. St Lawrence 20 124 144 0 144 13.8937. Walkerston 268 1,071 1,339 3 1,342 20.0138. Yaamba 14 142 156 0 156 8.97

Polling-Booths Total 3,307 13,663 16,970 43 17,013 19.49

39. Section 4.24 658 2,036 2,694 7 2,701 24.4240. Section 4.25 1 7 8 0 8 12.5041. Section 4.26 0 2 2 0 2 0.0042. Section 4.27 79 286 365 2 367 21.6443. Section 4.28 11 82 93 0 93 11.8344. Section 4.30 11 156 167 0 167 6.5945. Section 4.32 0 4 4 0 4 0.00

Totals for District 4,067 16,236 20,303 52 20,355 20.03


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of MoggillNumber on roll qualified to vote..... 21235

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % YesVotes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Brisbane 76 26 102 1 103 74.51

2. Brookfield 611 387 998 6 1,004 61.223. Chapel Hill School 870 343 1,213 8 1,221 71.724. Chapel Hill Central 901 461 1,362 8 1,370 66.155. Indooroopilly 1,106 442 1,548 13 1,561 71.456. Kenmore 2,111 1,166 3,277 25 3,302 64.427. Kenmore South 1,743 1,062 2,805 10 2,815 62.148. Kenmore West 254 131 385 2 387 65.979. Moggill 1,372 690 2,062 10 2,072 66.5410. Mount Crosby 1,233 722 1,955 6 1,961 63.0711. Pullenvale 248 203 451 2 453 54.9912. Upper Brookfield 116 116 232 1 233 50.00

Polling-Booths Total 10,641 5,749 16,390 92 16,482 64.92

13. Section 4.24 1,276 617 1,893 6 1,899 67.4114. Section 4.25} 27 1 28 1 29 96.4315. Section 4.26}16. Section 4.27 280 114 394 1 395 71.0717. Section 4.28 89 195 284 1 285 31.3418. Section 4.30 74 41 115 1 116 64.3519. Section 4.32 9 2 11 0 11 81.82

Totals for District 12,396 6,719 19,115 102 19,217 64.85


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of MooloolahNumber on roll qualified to vote. .... 19463

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % Yes

Votes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Bald Knob 4 15 19 0 19 21.05

2. Brisbane 13 8 21 0 21 61.903. Buddina 2,277 1,812 4,089 17 4,106 55.69

4. Buderim 2,271 2,362 4,633 24 4,657 49.02

5. Eudlo 180 266 446 3 449 40.36

6. Glenview 260 261 521 3 524 49.90

7. Kawana Waters 240 141 381 0 381 62.99

8. Kuluin 99 62 161 4 165 61.49

9. Mooloolaba 1,395 1,093 2,488 10 2,498 56.0710. Mooloolaba TAFE 653 403 1,056 2 1,058 61.84

11. Mooloolah 363 419 782 2 784 46.4212. Palmwoods 146 88 234 2 236 62.39

Polling-Booths Total 7,901 6,930 14,831 67 14,898 53.27

13. Section 4.24 890 719 1,609 8 1,617 55.31

14. Section 4.25 0 0

15. Section 4.26 11 7 18 0 18 61.11

16. Section 4.27 270 167 437 2 439 61.78

17. Section 4.28 60 117 177 0 177 33.90

18. Section 4.30 53 57 110 0 110 48.18

19. Section 4.32 11 14 25 0 25 44.00Totals for District 9,196 8,011 17,207 77 17,284 53.44


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of Mount Coot-thaNumber on roll qualified to vote..... 22417

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % Yes

Votes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal1. Ashgrove West 331 259 590 8 598 56.10

2. Auchenflower 975 581 1,556 12 1,568 62.663. Bardon 543 369 912 11 923 59.54

4. Bardon West 438 289 727 1 728 60.255. Brisbane 230 163 393 2 395 58.526. Enoggera Terrace 690 339 1,029 8 1,037 67.067. Ithaca Creek 761 552 1,313 2 1,315 57.968. Paddington 1,087 532 1,619 15 1,634 67.149. Petrie Terrace 340 227 567 8 575 59.9610. Rainworth 810 600 1,410 12 1,422 57.4511. Rosalie 1,186 715 1,901 19 1,920 62.3912. Toowong 1,354 825 2,179 11 2,190 62.1413. Toowong West 588 339 927 9 936 63.4314. Wesley Hospital 84 49 133 0 133 63.16

Polling-Booths Total 9,417 5,839 15,256 118 15,374 61.73

15. Section 4.24 2,073 898 2,971 17 2,988 69.7716. Section 4.25 1 1 2 0 2 50.0017. Section 4.26 15 9 24 0 24 62.5018. Section 4.27 246 89 335 1 336 73.4319. Section 4.28 201 283 484 2 486 41.5320. Section 4.30 57 48 105 0 105 54.2921. Section 4.32 8 5 13 0 13 61.54

Totals for District 12,018 7,172 19,190 138 19,328 62.63


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of Mount GravattNumber on roll qualified to vote..... 21240

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % Yes

Votes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal1. Brisbane 84 53 137 3 140 61.31

2. Cavendish Rd 788 490 1,278 6 1,284 61.663. Griffith 185 93 278 2 280 66.554. Macgregor 729 437 1,166 9 1,175 62.525. Macgregor Central 552 381 933 4 937 59.16

6. Marshall Rd 908 612 1,520 4 1,524 59.74

7. Mt Gravatt 1,755 1,231 2,986 20 3,006 58.778. Mt Gravatt Central 884 592 1,476 8 1,484 59.899. Mt Gravatt East 476 321 797 5 802 59.7210. Mt Gravatt West 274 246 520 3 523 52.69

11. Robertson 1,088 627 1,715 8 1,723 63.4412. Seville Rd 788 616 1,404 10 1,414 56.1313. Upper Mt Gravatt 1,038 642 1,680 9 1,689 61.7914. Salisbury State School 275 182 457 2 459 60.18

Polling-Booths Total 9,824 6,523 16,347 93 16,440 60.10

15. Section 4.24 1,290 718 2,008 13 2,021 64.24

16. Section 4.25 0 0

17. Section 4.26 15 9 24 0 24 62.50

18. Section 4.27 254 134 388 1 389 65.4619. Section 4.28 208 260 468 1 469 44.4420. Section 4.30 83 38 121 0 121 68.6021. Section 4.32 5 5 10 0 10 50.00

Totals for District 11,679 7,687 19,366 108 19,474 60.31


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of Mount IsaNumber on roll qualified to vote. .... 16644

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % Yes

Votes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Boulia 10 124 134 0 134 7.46

2. Brisbane 5 11 16 0 16 31.25

3. Burketown 14 94 108 0 108 12.96

4. Camooweal 0 86 86 1 87 0.00

5. Central State School 218 1,547 1,765 4 1,769 12.35

6. Cloncurry 71 911 982 0 982 7.23

7. Dajarra 4 69 73 0 73 5.48

8. Doomadgee 37 247 284 7 291 13.03

9. Happy Valley 143 882 1,025 4 1,029 13.9510. Healy 170 1,230 1,400 2 1,402 12.14

11. High 60 467 527 1 528 11.39

12. Hospital 41 229 270 2 272 15.19

13. Kalkadoon 71 591 662 4 666 10.73

14. Mornington Island 64 303 367 13 380 17.44

15. Mount Isa City 50 295 345 0 345 14.4916. North 106 1,054 1,160 3 1,163 9.14

17. Sunset 220 1,602 1,822 1 1,823 12.07

18. Townview 106 1,024 1,130 2 1,132 9.38

Polling-Booths Total 1,390 10,766 12,156 44 12,200 11.43

19. Section 4.24 210 1,221 1,431 3 1,434 14.68

20. Section 4.25 0 1 1 0 1 0.0021. Section 4.26 0 9 9 0 9 0.0022. Section 4.27 20 193 213 0 213 9.3923. Section 4.28 5 42 47 0 47 10.6424. Section 4.30 23 219 242 0 242 9.50

25. Section 4.32 4 35 39 2 41 10.26

Totals for District 1,652 12,486 14,138 49 14,187 11.68


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of Mount OmmaneyNumber on roll qualified to vote. .... 21348

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % Yes

Votes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Brisbane 64 35 99 0 99 64.65

2. Corinda 933 769 1,702 7 1,709 54.82

3. Corinda South 596 327 923 2 925 64.57

4. Hopetoun Homes 76 135 211 0 211 36.02

5. Jamboree Heights 2,850 1,178 4,028 21 4,049 70.75

6. Jindalee 2,637 1,264 3,901 23 3,924 67.60

7. Middle Park 1,581 627 2,208 5 2,213 71.60

8. Oxley 1,028 722 1,750 13 1,763 58.74

9. Oxley South 348 251 599 6 605 58.10

10. Sherwood 562 424 986 7 993 57.00

11. Sinnamon 283 287 570 1 571 49.65

Polling-Booths Total 10,958 6,019 16,977 85 17,062 64.55

12. Section 4.24 1,103 536 1,639 7 1,646 67.30

13. Section 4.25 0 0 0 0 0

14. Section 4.26 16 3 19 0 19 84.21

15. Section 4.27 230 103 333 0 333 69.07

16. Section 4.28 112 168 280 7 .287 40.00

17. Section 4.30 49 32 81 0 81 60.49

18. Section 4.32 0 0 0 0 0

Totals for District 12,468 6,861 19,329 99 19,428 64.50


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of MulgraveNumber on roll qualified to vote..... 18809

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % YesVotes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Aloomba 21 191 212 0 212 9.912. Babinda 19 185 204 0 204 9.313. Babinda Town 61 592 653 2 655 9.344. Bayview Gardens 140 591 731 0 731 19.155. Bellenden Ker 17 114 131 0 131 12.98

6. Bramston Beach 12 78 90 0 90 13.33

7. Brisbane 3 13 16 0 16 18.75

8. East Palmerston 10 198 208 0 208 4.81

9. Edmonton 201 1,336 1,537 3 1,540 13.0810. Flying Fish Point 47 313 360 0 360 13.0611. Garradunga 23 289 312 0 312 7.3712. Gordonvale 194 1,304 1,498 0 1,498 12.95

13. Gordonvale Hospital 67 602 669 2 671 10.0114. Hambledon 77 669 746 0 746 10.3215. McDonnell Creek 12 157 169 0 169 7.1016. Miriwinni 33 409 442 1 443 7.47

17. Mundoo 18 276 294 0 294 6.1218. South Johnstone 42 383 425 0 425 9.88

19. Wangan 17 296 313 2 315 5.4320. White Rock 212 857 1,069 1 1,070 19.83

21. Woree 639 2,818 3,457 9 3,466 18.4822. Yarrabah 59 631 690 7 697 8.55

Polling-Booths Total 1,924 12,302 14,226 27 14,253 13.52

23. Section 4.24 381 1,658 2,039 3 2,042 18.6924. Section 4.25 3 5 8 0 8 37.5025. Section 4.26 0 2 2 0 2 0.0026. Section 4.27 20 208 228 0 228 8.7727. Section 4.28 15 99 114 0 114 13.1628. Section 4.30 13 64 77 0 77 16.88

29. Section 4.32 5 31 36 0 36 13.89Totals for District 2,361 14,369 16,730 30 16,760 14.11


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of MundingburraNumber on roll qualified to vote. .... 22379

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % Yes

Votes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Aitkenvale 530 2,066 2,596 16 2,612 20.42

2. Brisbane 10 16 26 0 26 38.46

3. Cranbrook 587 1,919 2,506 9 2,515 23.42

4. Currajong 123 827 950 5 955 12.95

5. Heatley 567 1,713 2,280 13 2,293 24.87

6. Hermit Park 325 1,168 1,493 10 1,503 21.77

7. Mundingburra 746 2,448 3,194 14 3,208 23.36

8. Pimlico 275 947 1,222 1 1,223 22.50

9. Railway Estate 95 359 454 2 456 20.93

10. Rosslea 190 740 930 4 934 20.43

11. Townsville Central 27 18 45 0 45 60.00

12. Townsville Hospital 16 36 52 0 52 30.77

13. Vincent 258 685 943 7 950 27.36

Polling-Booths Total 3,749 12,942 16,691 81 16,772 22.46

14. Section 4.24 635 1,462 2,097 7 2,104 30.28

15. Section 4.25 0 0

16. Section 4.26 2 5 7 0 7 28.57

17. Section 4.27 126 251 377 1 378 33.42

18. Section 4.28 35 294 329 0 3?9 10.6419. Section 4.30 29 80 109 1 110 26.61

20. Section 4.32 5 2 7 0 7 71.43

Totals for District 4,581 15,036 19,617 90 19,707 23.35


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of MurrumbaNumber on roll qualified to vote. .... 19728

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % Yes

Votes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal1. Brisbane 16 12 28 0 28 57.142. Burpengary 473 424 897 6 903 52.733. Clontarf 1,325 885 2,210 11 2,221 59.954. Clontarf Beach 586 521 1,107 7 1,114 52.945. Deception Bay 1,267 1,031 2,298 16 2,314 55.136. Deception Bay North 1,552 1,124 2,676 10 2,686 58.00

7. Kippa-Ring 1,980 1,428 3,408 16 3,424 58.108. Kippa-Ring North 610 470 1,080 8 1,088 56.489. Kippa-Ring West 715 406 1,121 4 1,125 63.7810. Mango Hill 255 153 408 0 408 62.5011. Morayfield 86 69 155 1 156 55.4812. Redcliffe Central 140 98 238 0 238 58.8213. Redcliffe Hospital 95 85 180 0 180 52.7814. Scarborough 95 46 141 1 142 67.38

Polling-Booths Total 9,195 6,752 15,947 80 16,027 57.66

15. Section 4.24 875 559 1,434 3 1,437 61.02

16. Section 4.25 0 0 0 0 017. Section 4.26 0 2 2 0 2 0.0018. Section 4.27 200 90 290 0 290 68.9719. Section 4.28 135 200 335 1 336 40.3020. Section 4.30 51 27 78 0 78 65.3821. Section 4.32 15 11 26 0 26 57.69

Totals for District 10,471 7,641 18,112 84 18,196 57.81


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of NerangNumber on roll qualified to vote..... 20356

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % Yes

Votes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Brisbane 8 6 14 0 14 57.14

2. Gilston 281 204 485 1 486 57.94

3. Merrimac 720 236 956 2 958 75.31

4. Mudgeeraba Special School 2,204 928 3,132 21 3,153 70.37

5. Mudgeeraba State School 796 269 1,065 3 1,068 74.74

6. Nerang 1,279 400 1,679 2 1,681 76.18

7. Nerang Police Youth Club 2,602 1,063 3,665 15 3,680 71.00

8. Nerang State School 2,788 1,222 4,010 16 4,026 69.53

9. Numinbah 30 86 116 1 117 25.86

10. Springbrook 99 109 208 0 208 47.60

Polling-Booths Total 10,807 4,523 15,330 61 15,391 70.50

11. Section 4.24 (Includes 4.32's)} 1,343 491 1,834 7 1,841 73.23

12. Section 4.25}

13. Section 4.26}

14. Section 4.27 291 121 412 0 412 70.63

15. Section 4.28 94 81 175 0 175 53.71

16. Section 4.30 79 50 129 0 129 61.24

17. Section 4.32

Totals for District 12,614 5,266 17,880 68 17,948 70.55


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of NicklinNumber on roll qualified to vote..... 22789

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % YesVotes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Beerwah 445 856 1,301 8 1,309 34.202. Bli Bli 18 14 32 0 32 56.253. Brisbane 16 17 33 0 33 48.484. Burnside 534 951 1,485 6 1,491 35.965. Conondale 0 0 0 0 06. Glass House Mountains 361 644 1,005 4 1,009 35.927. Kenilworth 0 0 0 0 08. Kureelpa 124 198 322 0 322 38.519. Maleny 988 1,250 2,238 9 2,247 44.1510. Mapleton 290 389 679 5 684 42.7111. Montville 175 263 438 5 443 39.9512. Mount Mee 39 146 185 1 186 21.08

13. Nambour 792 1,288 2,080 11 2,091 38.0814. Nambour Hospital 959 1,475 2,434 12 2,446 39.4015. Palmwoods 420 719 1,139 5 1,144 36.8716. Peachester 103 271 374 2 376 27.5417. Woodford 413 727 1,140 3 1,143 36.2318. Woombye 489 898 1,387 4 1,391 35.2619. Yandina 12 35 47 0 47 25.53

Polling-Booths Total 6,178 10,141 16,319 75 16,394 37.86

20. Section 4.24}

21. Section 4.25} 884 1031 1,915 6 1,921 46.1622. Section 4.26}

23. Section 4.27 164 245 409 0 409 40.1024. Section 4.28 55 194 249 3 252 22.0925. Section 4.30 41 119 160 0 160 25.6326. Section 4.32 14 20 34 0 34 41.18

Totals for District 7,336 11,750 19,086 84 19,170 38.44


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of NoosaNumber on roll qualified to vote. .... 19820

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % Yes

Votes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal1. Soreen Point 0 0 0 0 0

2. Brisbane 25 17 42 0 42 59.523. Coolum 0 0 0 0 0

4. Cooroy 678 959 1,637 5 1,642 41.425. Eumundi 464 581 . 1,045 5 1,050 44.40

6. Noosa Heads 1,855 991 2,846 11 2,857 65.18

7. Noosaville 503 398 901 3 904 55.838. Peregian 743 484 1,227 8 1,235 60.559. Tewantin 1,594 1,528 3,122 11 3,133 51.0610. Yandina 68 140 208 3 211 32.69

Polling-Booths Total 5,930 5,098 11,028 46 11,074 53.77

11. Section 4.24 667 487 1,154 5 1,159 57.80

12. Section 4.25 2 0 2 0 2 100.0013. Section 4.26 0 0 0 0 014. Section 4.27 249 126 375 1 376 66.4015. Section 4.28 96 145 241 2 243 39.8316. Section 4.30 45 34 79 0 79 56.9617. Section 4.32 21 13 34 0 34 61.76

Totals for District 7,010 5,903 12,913 54 12,967 54.29


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of NudgeeNumber on roll qualified to vote. .... 22259

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % Yes

Votes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal1. Banyo 869 771 1,640 10 1,650 52.992. Banyo East 1,033 645 1,678 14 1,692 61.563. Boondall 1,840 1,482 3,322 14 3,336 55.394. Brisbane 43 25 68 1 69 63.245. Geebung 1,382 996 2,378 11 2,389 58.126. Northgate 740 576 1,316 3 1,319 56.237. Northgate Central 236 194 430 2 432 54.888. Northgate East 430 366 796 6 802 54.029. Nudgee 446 384 830 3 833 53.7310. Nudgee Beach 104 69 173 0 173 60.1211. Nundah 889 653 1,542 10 1,552 57.6512. Virginia North 210 208 418 1 419 50.2413. Zillmere North 1,368 928 2,296 19 2,315 59.5814. Zillmere South 409 331 740 3 743 55.27

Polling-Booths Total 9,999 7,628 17,627 97 17,724 56.73

15. Section 4.24 1,217 789 2,006 6 2,012 60.6716. Section 4.25 1 1 2 0 2 50.0017. Section 4.26 4 1 5 0 5 80.0018. Section 4.27 189 88 277 1 278 68.2319. Section 4.28 207 349 556 0 556 37.2320. Section 4.30 40 45 85 0 85 47.0621. Section 4.32 3 1 4 0 4 75.00

Totals for District 11,660 8,902 20,562 104 20,666 56.71


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of RedcliffeNumber on roll qualified to vote. .... 21126

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % YesVotes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Brisbane 29 5 34 0 34 85.29

2. Bally Cara Retirement Village Scarboroug 395 290 685 6 691 57.663. Clontarf Beach 517 398 915 6 921 56.504. Clontarf Primary School 196 125 321 1 322 61.065. Humpybong 1,618 1,465 3,083 14 3,097 52.486. Kippa-Ring 438 289 727 9 736 60.25

7. Kippa-Ring North 260 166 426 1 427 61.038. Redcliffe Central 1,301 1,053 2,354 13 2,367 55.279. Redcliffe Hospital 568 613 1,181 2 1,183 48.0910. Scarborough North 607 595 1,202 13 1,215 50.5011. Scarborough State School 1,491 1,122 2,613 10 2,623 57.0612. Soubirous College Hall 347 281 628 0 628 55.2513. Tangalooma 39 14 53 0 53 73.5814. Victoria Avenue Woody Point 602 509 1,111 4 1,115 54.1915. Woody Point 792 718 1,510 10 1,520 52.45

Polling-Booths Total 9,200 7,643 16,843 89 16,932 54.62

16. Section 4.24 782 529 1,311 2 1,313 59.6517. Section 4.25 1 6 7 0 7 14.29

18. Section 4.26 1 1 2 0 2 50.0019. Section 4.27 145 264 409 0 409 35.4520. Section 4.28 234 362 596 0 596 39.2621. Section 4.30 43 52 95 0 95 45.2622. Section 4.32 5 10 15 0 15 33.33

Totals for District 10,411 8,867 19,278 91 19,369 54.00


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of RedlandsNumber on roll qualified to vote. .... 19909

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % YesVotes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Brisbane 32 11 43 0 43 74.422. Carbrook 378 282 660 5 665 57.273. Coochiemudlo 118 55 173 0 173 68.214. Kimberley Park 674 219 893 4 897 75.485. Lamb Island 56 55 111 0 111 50.456. Macleay Island 188 179 367 2 369 51.237. Mount Cotton 250 225 475 0 475 52.638. Redland Bay 1,265 1,180 2,445 7 2,452 51.749. Russell Island 202 201 403 1 404 50.1210. Shailer Park 2,050 758 2,808 15 2,823 73.0111. Slacks Creek 803 391 1,194 7 1,201 67.2512. Thornlands 1,468 918 2,386 8 2,394 61.5313. Thornlands West 288 254 542 1 543 53.1414. Victoria Point 1,857 1,385 3,242 10 3,252 57.28

Polling-Booths Total 9,629 6,113 15,742 60 15,802 61.17

15. Section 4.24 1,033 487 1,520 11 1,531 67.9616. Section 4.25 4 2 6 0 6 66.6717. Section 4.26 6 2 8 0 8 75.0018. Section 4.27 226 157 383 1 384 59.0119. Section 4.28 49 97 146 3 149 33.5620. Section 4.30 107 129 236 1 237 45.3421. Section 4.32 1 0 1 0 1 100.00

Totals for District 11,055 6,987 18,042 76 18,118 61.27


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of RockhamptonNumber on roll qualified to vote. .... 21810

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % YesVotes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Allenstown 387 1,225 1,612 4 1,616 24.012. Berserker St 559 1,974 2,533 10 2,543 22.07 •3. Brisbane 7 14 21 0 21 33.334. Burnett St 60 323 383 1 384 15.675. Crescent Lagoon 216 817 1,033 2 1,035 20.916. Depot Hill 84 357 441 1 442 19.057. Eventide Home 40 275 315 0 315 12.708. Glenmore 541 1,552 2,093 7 2,100 25.859. Main St 137 334 471 0 471 29.0910. Mount Archer 25 75 100 0 100 25.0011. North Rockhampton High School 338 1,094 1,432 5 1,437 23.6012. North St 142 445 587 0 587 24.1913. Park Avenue 582 1,959 2,541 8 2,549 22.9014. Parkhurst 19 52 71 0 71 26.7615. Rockhampton Central 81 323 404 3 407 20.0516. Rockhampton High School 393 1,514 1,907 12 1,919 20.6117. Rockhampton Hospital 111 347 458 0 458 24.2418. Wandal 128 480 608 2 610 21.0519. West St 41 176 217 1 218 18.8920. Yeppoon 43 76 119 0 119 36.13

Polling-Booths Total 3,934 13,412 17,346 56 17,402 22.68

21. Section 4.24 442 1,058 1,500 4 1,504 29.4722. Section 4.25 0 023. Section 4.26 0 024. Section 4.27 99 293 392 2 394 25.2625. Section 4.28 93 720 813 1 814 11.4426. Section 4.30 18 86 104 0 104 17.3127. Section 4.32 8 19 27 0 27 29.63

Totals for District 4,594 15,588 20,182 63 20,245 22.76


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of SandgateNumber on roll qualified to vote..... 21862

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % Yes

Votes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal1. Bracken Ridge 2,033 1,191 3,224 13 3,237 63.062. Bracken Ridge Central 537 354 891 3 894 60.273. Bracken Ridge West 1,197 672 1,869 9 1,878 64.04

4. Brighton 1,146 941 2,087 12 2,099 54.915. Brisbane 46 24 70 0 70 65.71

6. Deagon West 856 665 1,521 11 1,532 56.28

7. Eventide 396 402 798 6 804 49.628. Nashville 579 477 1,056 3 1,059 54.83

9. Nashville Central 89 258 347 4 351 25.6510. Nashville North 1,001 766 1,767 8 1,775 56.6511. Sandgate 1,317 1,191 2,508 25 2,533 52.5112. Shorncliffe 637 610 1,247 9 1,256 51.08

Polling-Booths Total 9,834 7,551 17,385 103 17,488 56.57

13. Section 4.24 1,115 630 1,745 13 1,758 63.9014. Section 4.25 0 2 2 0 2 0.0015. Section 4.26 0 1 1 0 1 0.00

16. Section 4.27 176 109 285 1 286 61.7517. Section 4.28 166 203 369 2 371 44.9918. Section 4.30 85 64 149 0 149 57.0519. Section 4.32 16 4 20 0 20 60.00

Totals for District 11,392 6,564 19,956 119 20,075 57.09


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of South BrisbaneNumber on roll qualified to vote. .... 21969

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % Yes

Votes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Annerley 424 287 711 3 714 59.63

2. Brisbane 242 145 387 0 387 62.53

3. Coorparoo 274 135 409 2 411 66.99

4. Dutton Park 303 211 514 4 518 58.95

5. East Brisbane 1,091 757 1,848 21 1,869 59.04

6. Greenslopes 774 527 1,301 13 1,314 59.49

7. Kangaroo Point 506 398 904 3 907 55.97

8. Mater Hospital 414 367 781 8 789 53.01

9. Pa Hospital 215 179 394 3 397 54.57

10. St Ita's 455 322 777 7 784 58.56

11. State High School 746 484 1,230 22 1,252 60.65

12. St Francis 426 330 756 11 767 56.35

13. Stones Corner 724 625 1,349 13 1,362 53.67

14. Sussex St 175 176 351 0 351 49.86

15. Thompson Estate 232 207 439 5 444 52.85

16. West End 1,417 806 2,223 25 2,248 63.74

17. Vulture St 345 228 573 2 575 60.21

Polling-Booths Total 8,763 6,184 14,947 142 15,089 58.63

18. Section 4.24 1,582 786 2,368 8 2,376 66.8119. Section 4.25 6 5 11 0 11 54.55

20. Section 4.26 5 2 7 3 10 71.4321. Section 4.27 197 106 303 1 304 65.0222. Section 4.28 214 419 633 4 637 33.81

23. Section 4.30 57 49 106 0 106 53.7724. Section 4.32 26 5 31 0 31 83.87

Totals for District 10,850 7,556 18,406 158 18,564 58.95


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of SouthportNumber on roll qualified to vote..... 20466

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % Yes

Votes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Ashmore North 212 105 317 1 318 66.882. Ashmore South 2,716 992 3,708 10 3,718 73.25

3. Brisbane 15 3 18 0 18 83.33

4. Ernest 1,065 299 1,364 6 1,370 78.08

5. Evandale 180 65 245 2 247 73.47

6. Keebra Park 964 612 1,576 6 1,582 61.17

7. Parkwood 369 138 507 2 509 72.78

8. Silver Bridle 587 242 829 2 831 70.81

9. Southport East 1,126 649 1,775 9 1,784 63.44

10. Southport North 1,928 1,346 3,274 10 3,284 58.89

11. Southport South 192 108 300 2 302 64.0012. Southport West 640 484 1,124 7 1,131 56.94

Polling-Booths Total 9,994 5,043 15,037 57 15,094 66.46

13. Section 4.24 1,200 513 1,713 5 1,718 70.05

14. Section 4.25 2 2 4 0 4 50.0015. Section 4.26 2 2 4 0 4 50.00

16. Section 4.27 337 151 488 0 488 69.0617. Section 4.28 313 337 650 3 653 48.15

18. Section 4.30 78 33 111 0 111 70.2719. Section 4.32 60 23 83 0 83 72.29

Totals for District 11,986 6,104 18,090 65 18,155 66.26


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of SpringwoodNumber on roll qualified to vote. .... 19411

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % YesVotes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Brisbane 28 9 37 0 37 75.682. Chatswood Hills 1,322 498 1,820 1 1,821 72.643. Eight Mile Plains 1,384 670 2,054 9 2,063 67.384. Rochedale 368 147 515 4 519 71.465. Rochedale South 1,805 972 2,777 17 2,794 65.006. Slacks Creek 1,586 577 2,163 11 2,174 73.327. Springwood 1,681 698 2,379 5 2,384 70.668. Springwood North 2,692 1,122 3,814 14 3,828 70.58

Polling-Booths Total 10,866 4,693 15,559 61 15,620 69.84

9. Section 4.24 1,072 478 1,550 5 1,555 69.1610. Section 4.25 0 011. Section 4.26 8 3 11 0 11 72.7312. Section 4.27 227 93 320 0 320 70.9413. Section 4.28 46 74 120 0 120 38.3314. Section 4.30 72 30 102 0 102 70.5915. Section 4.32 5 3 8 0 8 62.50

Totals for District 12,296 5,374 17,670 66 17,736 69.59


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of SunnybankNumber on roll qualified to vote..... 22341

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % Yes

Votes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal·1. Berrinba East 92 62 154 1 155 59.742. Brisbane 65 18 83 0 83 78.313. Calamvale 343 161 504 3 507 68.064. Eight Mile Plains 681 349 1,030 5 1,035 66.125. Kuraby 373 298 671 5 676 55.596. Macgregor 666 399 1,065 9 1,074 62.547. Runcorn 2,509 1,371 3,880 21 3,901 64.668. Runcorn Heights 1,597 735 2,332 13 2,345 68.489. Springwood 155 68 223 0 223 69.5110. Sunnybank 1,325 968 2,293 10 2,303 57.7811. Sunnybank Hills 1,943 1,021 2,964 14 2,978 65.5512. Warrigal Rd 1,732 768 2,500 11 2,511 69.28

Polling-Booths Total 11,481 6,218 17,699 92 17,791 64.87

13. Section 4.24 1,339 571 1,910 10 1,920 70.1014. Section 4.25 ° ° ° 0 015. Section 4.26 16 5 21 0 21 76.1916. Section 4.27 240 11O 350 1 351 68.5717. Section 4.28 149 216 365 5 370 40.8218. Section 4.30 91 54 145 ° 145 62.7619. Section 4.32 3 1 4 0 4 75.00

Totals for District 13,319 7,175 20,494 108 20,602 64.99


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of Surfers ParadiseNumber on roll qualified to vote..... 19629

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % Yes

Votes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Ashmore 59 13 72 0 72 81.94

2. Ashmore State School 916 347 1,263 5 1,268 72.53

3. Benowa 1,965 703 2,668 11 2,679 73.65

4. Brisbane 20 7 27 0 27 74.07

5. Chevron Island 698 268 966 3 969 72.26

6. EvandaJe 1,521 643 2,164 19 2,183 70.29

7. Florida Gardens 539 231 770 3 773 70.00

8. Isle Of Capri 1,267 462 1,729 3 1,732 73.28

9. Keebra Park 115 60 175 0 175 65.71

10. Main Beach 895 332 1,227 5 1,232 72.94

11. Mermaid Waters 294 60 354 1 355 83.05

12. Moana Park 793 358 1,151 4 1,155 68.90

13. Southport 231 84 315 2 317 73.33

14. Surfers Paradise 881 358 1,239 10 1,249 71.11

Polling-Booths Total 10,194 3,926 14,120 66 14,186 72.20

15. Section 4.24 1,024 380 1,404 29 1,433 72.93

16. Section 4.25 4 3 7 0 7 57.14

17. Section 4.26 9 5 14 0 14 64.29

18. Section 4.27 411 107 518 1 519 79.34

19. Section 4.28 136 108 244 15 259 55.74

20. Section 4.30 99 52 151 39 190 65.56

21. Section 4.32 35 15 50 0 50 70.00

Totals for District 11,912 4,596 16,508 150 16,658 72.16


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of TablelandsNumber on roll qualified to vote..... 20603

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % Yes

Votes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Almaden 4 34 38 0 38 10.53

2. Atherton 239 1,680 1,919 7 1,926 12.45

3. Atherton Hospital 113 994 1,107 9 1,116 10.21

4. Biboohra 17 183 200 2 202 8.50

5. Brisbane 7 11 18 1 19 38.89

6. Butchers Creek 6 121 127 0 127 4.72

7. Chillagoe 11 126 137 0 137 8.03

8. Dimbulah 45 603 648 0 648 6.94

9. Emerald Creek 8 125 133 2 135 6.0210. Evelyn Central 7 77 84 2 86 8.3311. Herberton 36 452 488 0 488 7.3812. Herberton Hospital 2 59 61 0 61 3.2813. Innot Hot Springs 13 163 176 3 179 7.3914. Irvinebank 6 71 77 0 77 7.7915. Julatlen 28 197 225 0 225 12.4416. Kairi 32 349 381 0 381 8.4017. Malanda 125 1,223 1,348 2 1,350 9.2718. Mareeba 329 2,871 3,200 13 3,213 10.28

19. Mareeba Hospital 56 424 480 4 484 11.6720. Mareeba West 96 960 1,056 3 1,059 9.09

21. Millaa Millaa 25 403 428 2 430 5.8422. Mount Carbine 7 47 54 0 54 12.9623. Mount Garnet 10 234 244 0 244 4.1024. Mount Molloy 14 108 122 0 122 11.4825. Mutchilba 12 230 242 0 242 4.9626. Ravenshoe 74 757 831 3 834 8.9027. Tarzali 7 108 115 1 116 6.0928. Tolga 77 832 909 3 912 8.4729. Upper Barron 4 99 103 0 103 3.88

30. Walkamin 22 202 224 1 225 9.8231. Wondecla 14 153 167 0 167 8.38

32. Yungaburra 134 809 943 1 944 14.21

Poiiing-Booths Total 1,580 14,705 16,285 59 16,344 9.70

33. Section 4.24 207 1,296 1,503 1 1,504 13.7734. Section 4.25 n 2 2 a 2 0.00v

35. Section 4.26 1 1 2 0 2 50.0036. Section 4.27 46 340 386 2 388 11.92

37. Section 4.28 10 113 123 0 123 8.1338. Section 4.30 16 172 188 0 188 8.51

39. Section 4.32 6 46 52 0 52 11.54

Totals for District 1,866 16,675 18,541 62 18,603 10.06


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of ThuringowaNumber on roll qualified to vote..... 19263

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % YesVotes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Bluewater 202 584 786 3 789 25.70

2. Bohle 573 1,933 2,506 12 2,518 22.87

3. Brisbane 2 5 7 0 7 28.57

4. Condon 186 599 785 2 787 23.695. Heatley 121 298 419 0 419 28.88

6. Kelso 373 935 1,308 6 1,314 28.52

7. Kirwan High 704 1,988 2,692 10 2,702 26.158. Kirwan Primary 370 1,248 1,618 5 1,623 22.87

9. Mutarnee 5 55 60 0 60 8.3310. Rasmussen 500 1,439 1,939 2 1,941 25.79

11. Rollingstone 43 245 288 0 288 14.9312. Rupertswood 119 332 451 3 454 26.39

13. Townsville City 7 25 32 0 32 21.8814. Townsville Hospital 8 23 31 0 31 25.8115. Weir 400 1,270 1,670 1 1,671 23.9516. Woodstock 28 258 286 0 286 9.79

17. Wulguru 52 180 232 0 232 22.41

Polling-Booths Total 3,693 11,417 15,110 44 15,154 24.44

18. Section 4.24 (Includes 4.32's)}19. Section 4.25} 465 1,134 1,599 4 1,603 29.0820. Section 4.26}21. Section 4.27 92 191 283 0 283 32.5122. Section 4.28 12 122 134 1 135 8.9623. Section 4.30 10 34 44 0 44 22.7324. Section 4.32

Totals for District 4,272 12,898 17,170 49 17,219 24.88


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of Toowoomba NorthNumber on roll qualified to vote..... 21392

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % Yes

Votes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal1. Brisbane 15 16 31 1 32 48.39

2. Harlaxton 525 919 1,444 10 1,454 36.363. Harlaxton North 88 205 293 1 294 30.034. Harlaxton South 391 841 1,232 5 1,237 31.745. Hume St 54 66 120 1 121 45.00

6. Mount Lofty 110 192 302 1 303 36.42

7. Newtown 620 1,155 1,775 13 1,788 34.938. North Toowoomba 560 1,066 1,626 11 1,637 34.44

9. Raft St 179 333 512 0 512 34.9610. Rockville 472 743 1,215 11 1,226 38.85

11. Toowoomba Central 110 157 267 0 267 41.2012. Toowoomba East 728 1,145 1,873 6 1,879 38.87

13. Toowoomba Preparat- School 301 576 877 8 885 34.3214. Tor St North 651 1,201 1,852 7 1,859 35.1515. Wilsonton 1,196 2,052 3,248 13 3,261 36.82

Polling-Booths Total 6,000 10,667 16,667 88 16,755 36.00

16. Section 4.24 742 1,356 2,098 5 2,103 35.3717. Section 4.25

18. Section 4.26 5 3 8 0 8 62.5019. Section 4.27 161 230 391 1 392 41.18

20. Section 4.28 70 291 361 5 366 19.39

21. Section 4.30 51 46 97 5 102 52.5822. Section 4.32 3 0 3 0 3 100.00

Totals for District 7,032 12,593 19,625 104 19,729 35.83


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of Toowoomba SouthNumber on roll qualified to vote. .... 22031

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % Yes

Votes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Brisbane 22 21 43 0 43 51.16

2. Centenary Heights 1,108 1,811 2,919 6 2,925 37.96

3. Glenvale 148 249 397 1 398 37.28

4. Harristown 580 1,170 1,750 3 1,753 33.14

5. Hume St 59 90 149 1 150 39.60

6. Hume St South 521 1,182 1,703 12 1,715 30.59

7. Newtown 370 782 1,152 5 1,157 32.128. Rangeville 1,286 2,093 3,379 10 3,389 38.06

9. Toowoomba Central 298 669 967 8 975 30.8210. Toowoomba East 142 231 373 5 378 38.07

11. Toowoomba General Hospital 16 40 56 0 56 28.5712. Toowoomba South 121 297 418 3 421 28.95

13. Toowoomba St Vincents Hospital 481 685 1,166 1 1,167 41.2514. Tor St 535 1,120 1,655 6 1,661 32.33

15. West St 347 793 1,140 1 1,141 30.44

Polling-Booths Total 6,034 11,233 17,267 62 17,329 34.95

16. Section 4.24 845 1,262 2,107 7 2,114 40.1017. Section 4.25 0 1 1 0 1 0.0018. Section 4.26 2 6 8 0 8 25.0019. Section 4.27 177 251 428 0 428 41.3620. Section 4.28 45 346 391 0 391 11.5121. Section 4.30 36 66 102 0 102 35.2922. Section 4.32 4 6 10 0 10 40.00

Totals for District 7,143 13,171 20,314 69 20,383 35.16


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of TownsvilleNumber on roll qualified to vote..... 22645

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % Yes

Votes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal1. Arcadia 66 166 232 0 232 28.452. Belgian Gardens 245 868 1,113 4 1,117 22.013. Brisbane 13 20 33 0 33 39.394. Currajong 378 2,055 2,433 5 2,438 15.545. Garbutt 273 1,166 1,439 5 1,444 18.97

6. Hermit Park 238 877 1,115 7 1,122 21.35

7. Mount Louisa 290 910 1,200 3 1,203 24.178. Nelly Bay 104 228 332 1 333 31.33

9. North Ward 617 1,467 2,084 11 2,095 29.6110. Pallarenda 125 358 483 1 484 25.8811. Palm Island 76 396 472 7 479 16.1012. Picnic Bay 59 133 192 0 192 30.7313. Railway Estate 185 853 1,038 4 1,042 17.8214. South Townsville 177 690 867 4 871 20.4215. Townsville 74 151 225 5 230 32.8916. Townsville Hospital 64 161 225 1 226 28.4417. Townsville West 173 547 720 2 722 24.0318. Vincent 355 592 947 8 955 37.4919. West End 216 742 958 7 965 22.55

Polling-Booths Total 3,728 12,380 1£,108 75 16,183 23.14

20. Section 4.24}21. Section 4.25} 659 1,359 2,018 4 2,022 32.6622. Section 4.26}23. Section 4.27 157 278 435 0 435 36.0924. Section 4.28 40 328 368 3 371 10.8725. Section 4.30 27 81 108 0 108 25.0026. Section 4.32 8 16 24 0 24 33.33

Totals for District 4,619 14,442 19,061 82 19,143 24.23


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of WarregoNumber on roll qualified to vote. .... 15271

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % YesVotes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Adavale 0 27 27 0 27 0.002. Amby 2 88 90 0 90 2.223. Augathella 17 381 398 1 399 4.274. Beardmore 0 36 36 0 36 0.005. Bollon 7 179 186 1 187 3.766. Boolba 3 44 47 0 47 6.387. Brisbane 2 16 18 0 18 11.118. Bungunya 1 67 68 0 68 1.479. Charleville 177 1,672 1,849 0 1,849 9.5710. Charleville Hospital 19 143 162 0 162 11.7311. Cunnamulla 65 594 659 0 659 9.8612. Cunnamulla Hospital 16 202 218 0 218 7.3413. Dirranbandi 21 341 362 1 363 5.8014. Dunkeld 0 41 41 0 41 0.0015. Eromanga 3 57 60 0 60 5.0016. Eulo 2 72 74 0 74 2.7017. Glenmorgan 1 103 104 0 104 0.9618. Goondiwindi 19 223 242 1 243 7.8519. Hannaford 2 70 72 0 72 2.7820. Hebel 5 42 47 0 47 10.6421. Inglestone 2 83 85 0 85 2.3522. Lundavra 4 56 60 0 60 6.6723. Meandarra 9 175 184 1 185 4.8924. Mitchell 49 663 712 1 713 6.8825. Moonie 6 131 137 0 137 4.3826. Morven 6 156 162 0 162 3.7027. Mungallala 8 89 97 0 97 8.2528. Mungindi 11 60 71 0 71 15.4929. Nindigully 3 33 36 0 36 8.3330. aUilpie 34 322 356 1 357 9.5531. St George 118 1,389 1,507 2 1,509 7.8332. St George Hospital 10 104 114 0 114 8.7733. Surat 34 377 411 0 411 8.2734. Talwood 4 146 150 0 150 2.6735. Tambo 24 240 264 0 264 9.0936. Tara 172 803 975 2 977 17.6437. Thallon 15 96 111 0 111 13.5138. Thargomindah 12 153 165 0 165 7.2739. The Gums 5 116 121 0 121 4.1340. Toobeah 6 113 119 0 119 5.0441. Weengallon School 1 49 50 0 50 2.0042. Westmar 1 116 117 0 117 0.8543. Wynandra 1 76 77 1 78 1.30

Polling-Booths Total 897 9,944 10,841 12 10,853 8.27

44. Section 4.24 219 1,622 1,841 1 1,842 11.9045. Section 4.25 1 2 3 0 3 33.3346. Section 4.26 0 0 0 0 047. Section 4.27 13 140 153 0 153 8.5048. Section 4.28 2 40 42 0 42 4.7649. Section 4.30 44 1,033 1,077 0 1,077 4.0950. Section 4.32 4 16 20 0 20 20.00

Totals for District 1,180 12,797 13,977 13 13,990 8.44


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of WarwickNumber on roll qualified to vote..... 21249

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % Yes

Votes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. AIIora 159 828 987 1 988 16.11

2. Amiens 36 193 229 0 229 15.72

3. Applethorpe 39 191 230 1 231 16.96

4. Ballandean 61 238 299 0 299 20.40

5. Brisbane 9 16 25 0 25 36.00

6. Broadwater 30 178 208 3 211 14.42

7. Cottonvale 23 116 139 2 141 16.55

8. Dalveen 22 90 112 0 112 19.64

9. Eukey 17 74 91 0 91 18.68

10. Freestone 28 126 154 0 154 18.18

11. Glen Aplin 45 169 214 2 216 21.03

12. Glenlyon 6 44 50 0 50 12.00

13. Glennie Heights 208 537 745 0 745 27.92

14. Goomburra 13 140 153 0 153 8.50

15. Greenlands 8 66 74 0 74 10.81

16. Greymare 7 53 60 0 60 11.67

17. Inglewood 115 758 873 7 880 13.17

18. Karara 9 101 110 0 110 8.18

19. Killarney 134 683 817 1 818 16.40

20. Leyburn 30 102 132 1 133 22.73

21. Maryvale 51 137 188 4 192 27.13

22. Murrays Bridge 11 127 138 1 139 7.97

23. Pozieres 12 99 111 0 111 10.81

24. Pratten 5 58 63 0 63 7.94

25. Rosenthal 50 198 248 0 248 20.16

26. Severnlea 34 113 147 1 148 23.13

27. Stanthorpe Hospital 188 584 772 7 779 24.35

28. Stanthorpe 513 1,636 2,149 8 2,157 23.87

29. Texas 88 583 671 3 674 13.11

30. The Summit 62 208 270 1 271 22.96

31. Thulimbah 25 111 136 0 136 18.38

32. Wallangarra 80 199 279 3 282 28.67

33. Warwick Central 508 1,498 2,006 7 2,013 25.32

34. Warwick East 423 1,492 1,915 8 1,923 22.09

35. Warwick Hospital 103 390 493 1 494 20.89

36. Warwick West 359 1,047 1,406 2 1,408 25.53

37. Wheatvale 16 85 101 0 101 15.84

38. Yangan 37 370 407 3 410 9.09

Polling-Booths Total 3,564 13,638 17,202 67 17,269 20.72

39. Section 4.24 450 1,052 1,502 2 1,504 29.96

40. Section 4.25 1 2 3 0 3 33.33

41. Section 4.26 1 3 4 0 4 25.00

42. Section 4.27 130 421 551 0 551 23.59

43. Section 4.28 25 221 246 1 247 10.16

44. Section 4.30 37 178 215 0 215 17.21

45. Section 4.32 5 21 26 0 26 19.23

Totals for District 4,213 15,536 19,749 70 19,819 21.33


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of WaterfordNumber on roll qualified to vote. .... 19257

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % Yes

Votes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Beenleigh 1,673 1,081 2,754 6 2,760 60.75

2. Brisbane 26 13 39 0 39 66.67

3. Eagleby South 1,584 1,086 2,670 6 2,676 59.33

4. Logan Reserve 65 51 116 0 116 56.03

5. Loganholme 1,362 646 2,008 11 2,019 67.83

6. Loganlea 666 339 1,005 5 1,010 66.27

7. Marsden 363 202 565 4 569 64.25

8. Shailer Park 827 352 1,179 4 1,183 70.14

9. Slacks Creek 405 167 572 1 573 70.80

10. Waterford West 2,584 1,298 3,882 22 3,904 66.56

Polling-Booths Total 9,555 5,235 14,790 59 14,849 64.60

11. Section 4.24 1,093 523 1,616 9 1,625 67.64

12. Section 4.25 0 0 0 0 013. Section 4.26 0 0 0 0 0

14. Section 4.27 156 72 228 1 229 68.42

15. Section 4.28 50 67 117 1 118 42.74

16. Section 4.30 70 39 109 0 109 64.22

17. Section 4.32 19 8 27 0 27 70.37

Totals for District 10,943 5,944 16,887 70 16,957 64.80


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of Western DownsNumber on roll qualified to vote..... 22165

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % Yes

Votes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Bell 31 359 390 3 393 7.95

2. Brigalow 6 148 154 0 154 3.90

3. Brisbane 7 24 31 0 31 22.58

4. Burra Burri 1 76 77 0 77 1.30

5. Bymount East 1 46 47 0 47 2.13

6. Canaga 2 104 106 0 106 1.89

7. Chinchilla 206 1,889 2,095 10 2,105 9.83

8. Chinchilla Hospital 49 383 432 2 434 11.34

9. Condamine 14 241 255 1 256 5.49

10. Cooranga North 2 76 78 0 78 2.56

11. Dalby Central School 264 1,418 1,682 7 1,689 15.70

12. Dalby High School 181 969 1,150 8 1,158 15.74

13. Dalby Hospital 46 205 251 5 256 18.33

14. Dalby North 171 871 1,042 7 1,049 16.41

15. Dalby South 252 1,326 1,578 3 1,581 15.97

16. Drillham 9 123 132 1 133 6.82

17. Dulacca 12 173 185 0 185 6.49

18. Eumamurrin 2 87 89 0 89 2.25

19. Haystack 1 55 56 0 56 1.79

20. Hodgson 2 67 69 1 70 2.90

21. Hopeland 0 91 91 0 91 0.00

22. Injune 12 357 369 1 370 3.25

23. Jackson 0 54 54 0 54 0.00

24. Jandowae 46 759 805 3 808 5.71

25. Jimbour 4 143 147 0 147 2.72

26. Kaimkillenbun 10 202 212 0 212 4.72

27. Kogan 6 78 84 0 84 7.14

28. Kupunn 6 153 159 0 159 3.77

29. Macalister 4 129 133 0 133 3.01

30. Miles 82 883 965 2 967 8.50

31. Muckadilla 0 63 63 0 63 0.00

32. Roma 285 3,080 3,365 13 3,378 8.47

33. Roma Hospital 27 271 298 1 299 9.06

34. St Ruth 7 64 71 0 71 9.86

35. Wallumbilla 19 289 308 2 310 6.17

36. Warra 21 144 165 0 165 12.73

37. Yams ion 1 83 84 0 84 1.19

38. Yuleba 9 162 171 2 173 5.26

Polling-Booths Total 1,798 15,645 17,443 72 17,515 10.31

39. Section 4.24 (Includes 4.32's) 433 1,978 2,411 3 2,414 17.96

40. Section 4.25 0 9 9 0 9 0.00

41. Section 4.26

42. Section 4.27 47 318 365 2 367 12.88

43. Section 4.28 11 143 154 1 155 7.14

44. Section 4.30 14 343 357 0 357 3.92

45. Section 4.32

Totals for District 2,303 18,436 20,739 78 20,817 11.10


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of WhitsundayNumber on roll qualified to vote..... 20867

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % YesVotes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Balnagowan 4 73 77 0 77 5.192. Bloomsbury 28 196 224 0 224 12.503. Bowen 514 2,343 2,857 19 2,876 17.994. Bowen Hospital 21 125 146 0 146 14.385. Brisbane 7 15 22 0 22 31.826. Bucasia 287 681 968 2 970 29.657. Calen 33 292 325 1 326 10.158. Cannonvale Beach 755 784 1,539 6 1,545 49.069. Collinsville 100 999 1,099 1 1,100 9.1010. Collinsville Hospital 8 116 124 0 124 6.4511. Coningsby 74 330 404 1 405 18.3212. Conway Beach 19 142 161 0 161 11.8013. Cunningham Memorial Home 34 179 213 0 213 15.9614. Eimeo 368 637 1,005 6 1,011 36.6215. Farleigh 20 166 186 0 186 10.7516. Habana 38 212 250 0 250 15.2017. Hamilton Island 88 43 131 0 131 67.1818. Hayman Island 41 26 67 0 67 61.1919. Kelsey Creek 9 104 113 0 113 7.9620. Kuttabul 42 308 350 0 350 12.0021. Lower Gregory 17 182 199 0 199 8.5422. Merinda 43 413 456 2 458 9.4323. Mount Julian 29 138 167 1 168 17.3724. Mount Ossa 7 170 177 0 177 3.9525. Pindi Pindi 4 106 110 0 110 3.6426. Proserpine 331 1,816 2,147 3 2,150 15.4227. Proserpine Hospital 45 240 285 1 286 15.7928. Queens Beach 177 903 1,080 6 1,086 16.3929. Scottville 17 219 236 0 236 7.2030. Seaforth 73 388 461 1 462 15.8431. Yalboroo 2 60 62 0 62 3.23

Polling-Booths Total 3,235 12,406 15,641 50 15,691 20.68

32. Section 4.24 598 1,301 1,899 11 1,910 31.4933. Section 4.25 0 6 6 0 6 0.0034. Section 4.26 3 6 9 0 9 33.3335. Section 4.27 111 412 523 0 523 21.2236. Section 4.28 18 156 174 0 174 10.3437. Section 4.30 38 114 152 2 154 25.0038. Section 4.32 4 33 37 0 37 10.81

Totals for District 4,007 14,434 18,441 63 18,504 21.73


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of WoodridgeNumber on roll qualified to vote. .... 18671

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % Yes

Votes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Berrinba 527 246 773 2 775 68.18

2. Brisbane 31 12 43 0 43 72.09

3. Kingston 1,253 678 1,931 19 1,950 64.89

4. Mabel Park 2,000 979 2,979 21 3,000 67.14

5. Woodridge 2,387 1,309 3,696 20 3,716 64.58

6. Woodridge East 1,880 933 2,813 21 2,834 66.83

7. Woodridge North 1,263 662 1,925 14 1,939 65.61

Polling-Booths Total 9,341 4,819 14,160 97 14,257 65.97

8. Section 4.24 999 559 1,558 7 1,565 64.12

9. Section 4.25 0 0 0 0 0

10. Section 4.26 2 2 4 0 4 50.00

11. Section 4.27 143 59 202 0 202 70.79

12. Section 4.28 74 69 143 1 144 51.75

13. Section 4.30 112 59 171 0 171 65.50

14. Section 4.32 1 1 2 0 2 50.00

Totals for District 10,672 5,568 16,240 105 16,345 65.71


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Details of Polling at Daylight Saving ReferendumFebruary 22, 1992

Electoral District Of YerongaNumber on roll qualified to vote..... 21003

Names of Polling-Booths Yes No Formal Informal Total % Yes

Votes Votes Votes Votes Ballots to Formal

1. Annerley 705 504 1,209 10 1,219 58.31

2. Annerley South 269 302 571 3 574 47.11

3. Brisbane 80 43 123 2 125 65.04

4. Clifton Hill 612 452 1,064 6 1,070 57.52

5. Ekibin 871 590 1,461 6 1,467 59.62

6. Fairfield 622 479 1,101 6 1,107 56.49

7. Moorooka 1,268 964 2,232 11 2,243 56.818. Moorooka West 489 457 946 8 954 51.69

9. Moorvale 518 473 991 10 1,001 52.2710. Rocklea 218 211 429 2 431 50.8211. Tarragindi 976 694 1,670 6 1,676 58.4412. Tennyson 144 145 289 0 289 49.83

13. Yeronga 1,040 712 1,752 14 1,766 59.3614. Yeronga West 1,051 808 1,859 13 1,872 56.54

Polling-Booths Total 8,863 6,834 15,697 97 15,794 56.46

15. Section 4.24 1,460 778 2,238 11 2,249 65.2416. Section 4.25 0 0 0 0 017. Section 4.26 9 4 13 0 13 69.23

18. Section 4.27 219 93 312 1 313 70.1919. Section 4.28 142 238 380 1 381 37.37

20. Section 4.30 50 70 120 0 120 41.6721. Section 4.32 10 4 14 2 16 71.43

Totals for District 10,753 8,021 18,774 112 18,886 57.28


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V. R. Ward, Government Printer, Queensland-1992