DAY 10

THE BOOK Meredith Meredith


DAY 10

Transcript of DAY 10

Page 1: DAY 10


Meredith Meredith

Page 2: DAY 10


There is no Copyright on this book.

It belongs to all of us.

You are free to

pass it on.

Anyway enjoy it, it is fascinating stuff.

Who knows you might

learn a thing

or two.


Page 3: DAY 10


Page 4: DAY 10

Meredith Meredith © 2015


Hi again! I feel this is a going to be a good day for you?

How do I know this, because you can have a good day at any

time you want my friend, by accessing the angelic you through

feeling? The other day someone tried their best to make me

upset but this person could not succeed. The angelic “I” is cool,

collective, and calm and he showed through on this day.

Angels don’t get mad or angry easily because they know

anger achieves nothing good. It is a dead end just like fear.

Instead angels think too much (way more than us) and that is

what got them into trouble. However, generally angels are

peaceful and loving people. It is injustice and unfairness that

moves them to act even against good judgement and good will.

I am going to take a little break from the previous flow, from

where I left off the last day and relax a bit. I want to talk about

my big fat cat and my cool dog and see where that leads me. Are

ready for an adventure?

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Meredith Meredith © 2015


I have this big fat cat (Joey) and he is so bossy. One day Joey

marched into my dog’s kennel and just flopped himself in my

dog’s bed (Shep) and when Shep came back to sleep ‘lo and

behold’ the cat had stolen his bed. Being such a gentlemen even

in the freezing cold, Shep went somewhere else to sleep in my

garage and even by passed Joeys warm bed.

I never taught the dog how to be a “gentleman.” If Shep

could understand me, I would have asked him to give Joey a little

nip. Animals by nature are kind and loving. They only kill out of

a necessity to survive. That is because they don’t live by sight.

They feel and sense way more than we do.

Did you know that there are 10 astonishing animals with no

eyes? They include a spider, a crayfish, many fishes, a lizard, hydra

and a mole. You can see their pictures on the Net. These

creatures basically survive by feeling. If these eyeless animals

could talk, they’d tell you that vision is overrated. One can just as

easily live a happy life by just feeling.

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Meredith Meredith © 2015


Do you know what it is like to be high jacked by your mind?

Of course you do. What about being impersonalized by another

person that is not you? That never happens to me, so we think,

but it does every day of your life. The adamic you is always

assuming your real identity and you think that is you.

The problem is “Adam” is never a good boy. Adam likes

creating problems, he seems to thrive from trouble. “He” is

always getting the angelic you into trouble. If only I could

convince the courts that the “problem maker” is this guy called

“Adam”, why I could win every case. You see we have a legitimate

scape goat and you can blame everything on “him” including the

bad sleep you had the other night or the wrong turn you made


Where does this lead? The media will have us believe that

our planet is full of all kinds of bad people; they range from isis

terrorists from Iran, to cyber space pirates from Bombay India, to

Wall Street tycoons and all the misdemeanours in-between.

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Meredith Meredith © 2015


Yes I know bad things happen but if only the truth prevailed,

that there is no “bad people” on earth because this “you” that is

the “trouble maker” is not the real you. It quite ironic that child

phycologists now recommend to parents - do not tell your

children when they do wrong that they are bad, but it is their

“behaviour” that is bad. It makes sense doesn’t it?

Perhaps you can now appreciate that behind that mean or

unfriendly looking man or woman down your street or at your

work is this amazing angel. If you meet that real person you will

never again make a superficial assessment. That is why most

religions teach us not to judge people. Hence the age old adage,

‘do not judge a book by its cover.’ Yet we do this all the time.

The accumulated life experiences we have in the adamic you

leave impressions on the fabric of your angelic character. It is

these experiences that will condition this person to be worthy of

his or her higher calling when the time comes. At the moment

none of us has graduated, that is why we are still here.

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When the time arrives we will all be able to file these

valuable experiences into our individual “training” folder and call

upon them for insight and wisdom. We can put all the shame,

hurt and pain that came along with it in the “bin” folder where it

belongs. Prior to our earthly experience as pure angel, utopia

(paradise) was not able and sufficient to condition us.

We had everything one could possibly imagine (of course

minus the sex, drugs and rock & roll because that stuff is purely

earthly). Trust me when I tell you that there are better “highs”

than this in the other realm. It is kind of comparing eating one

raisin to the satisfaction of drinking a 70 year bottle of wine.

Angels fell into disgrace because they were deceived into

thinking, “the grass was greener on the other side.” They did not

fall because they were evil or because they wanted or needed

something. They had everything and still they “tripped up.” It is

kind of like the story of the billionaire kid who has everything and

in the end takes his life.

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Meredith Meredith © 2015


And being super smart doesn’t save you either. You can be

very smart and do the silliest thing imaginable. Why we should

all know this, we have all done a few silly stuff ourselves in spite

of our “smartness” and most of us are not educated in the higher

institutions of learning.

I respect educated and learned people, but I also understand

that it is “educated” people that have created many of the

problems we have in the world. I can’t imagine farmer Joe

producing something that will affect the amazon rain forest but

I can I imagine a University educated business man with a big

idea harming the forest for money and greed.

The point is this; angels like humans need to feel in order to

become perfected. If you can’t or you just won’t, then rest

assured that one will be placed on the school role again to learn

the same old lessons until one gets it. The arrangement is quite

simple. Angels need their human counterpart to learn how to feel

and humans need their angel counterpart to learn how to live.

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Meredith Meredith © 2015


Humans by virtue of the fact that they have five amazing

senses know how to feel. Angels by virtue of the fact that they

are moral, ethical, intelligent, wise and loving know how to lead.

We need each other but both cannot be leaders. The higher you

is best equipped to lead, the lower you is best equipped to feel.

It occurred to me that this is the NEW MAN that many

religions teach, who I know will colonize the Universe one day,

but not as a man-angel but as an angel-man combination i.e.

angel outside and man on the inside. At the moment you are

angel inside and man outside. This combination will allow you

and me to eat apples and oranges and travel the Universe at the

same time beyond the speed of light. Amazing stuff!

How many of us have read stories of angels that fellowship

with men - sharing a meal and drinks then after zip off into space

or disappear into thin air. Do you realise that the technology

(body and craft) already exist. This topic is fascinating, I think I

need to come back to this again.

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Thank you for reading thus far.

This is an ongoing book.

Please see next Day.

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BbbBOOKComposed Compiled Edited Published

By Meredith Meredith