DAY 08

THE BOOK Meredith Meredith


DAY 08

Transcript of DAY 08

Page 1: DAY 08


Meredith Meredith

Page 2: DAY 08


There is no Copyright on this book.

It belongs to all of us.

You are free to

pass it on.

Anyway enjoy it, it is fascinating stuff.

Who knows you might

learn a thing

or two.


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Meredith Meredith © 2015


Hi, it is good to see you again,

Someone asked me the other day what is your religion? I

answered, “I don’t have one because I don’t need one”. The

obvious question followed, “Do you believe in God?” And when I

answered “yes”, Of course the next question was, “Then why

don’t you have a religion?”

This is what you call circular reasoning. The presumption is;

ones needs a religion to believe in God. It is perfectly OK and

normal to believe in God and not attend a Synagogue or Church

or Mosque and Temple. Millions of people do this and I know

they will make it. The real issue is; how do you worship or praise

the Supreme Being without the aid of a religion, if that be your

inclination? Let me ask you a question.

Do you need people around you to express your devotion,

appreciation and thankfulness? The answer is obvious, No, then

our adoration of the Creator has nothing to do with a religion.

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Meredith Meredith © 2015


Do I need to bow down or raise my hands or jump up and

down to show my adoration? Many will say “yes” at one’s

particular custom and I am not going to disagree with you. I

admit, I enjoy these things, but am I obligated and will I suffer

damnation because I did not bow. The truth is God’s glory and

power is not increased or diminished by one iota because

humans or angels respond or not. “His” glory and power remains

constant and unchanged. God has nothing to prove or gain and

that is real power when you have no ego.

We can learn a wonderful truth from the trees of the fields

and the birds of the mountains and the animals that forage the

ground. If worship and praise was essential to the Supreme

Creator then why did “He” not program creation to homage

“Him” daily. Why the moon, the sun and the stars should at one

time of the day for half an hour at least dance to show their

appreciation? Everything should in fact have a time to homage

“Him.” Yet this is not the reality as I observe it.

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Meredith Meredith © 2015


We were not placed here to exalt the Creator, we are here

because we lost our ability to feel. You are an angel in a body of

flesh experiencing a world that was not even created for you. You

have no idea how beautiful you are. How magnificent a being

you are. You are just a wonder to behold and hold.

Through this miracle we call life, we move from body after

body to receive a first grade education in feeling in the best class

room ever – Nature. In the process we collect numerous

identities and millions of experiences that makes the James Bond

collection look like a comic book series.

This amazing suit we call a human body was especially

designed to heighten the capacity to experience pleasure, joy,

suffering, pain and something else an angel has never

experienced before - death/separation from the Supreme Being.

You have no idea how hard it is for an angel to experience death,

Oops! May be you do.

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Meredith Meredith © 2015


You know I am entering a domain of knowledge that was

reserved for “the Age to Come“ so I asked the voice from “Day

One” to explain this part. The voice said;

“Angels were not created with the heightened capacity to

feel as humans do. They don’t have a body that has five natural

senses but they possess a rudimentary ability to feel on the

intellectual side. Angels are highly intellectual creatures (super

smart) and they don’t die. In their higher-self angels do not

experience pain like you know, but they can feel sorrow,

loneliness, regret, depression etc. Angels do not know what it

means to die, to murder, to lie, to cheat, to steal, to have sex, to

suffer and to experience permanent loss and many more such

endurances that are uniquely human.

They are born complete without the need for an education

because they can access knowledge and understanding readily.

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Meredith Meredith © 2015


Angels are always connected to the source – to the light of

infinite mind and power. There is no lack in their world, and want

of satisfaction. In their world everything is free and freely

available for their enjoyment.

No one needs to take anything because all share in common

what is there. The true brotherhood. Angels are ranked according

to their sphere of responsibility. Each has a task and area of work

and all areas are of equal importance in the Universe. There is no

strife or competition among their ranks.

Angels do not tire, sleep or need a holiday. They are self-

employed and work at their own pace and duration. There are no

supervisors, deciders and over-riders. There is no payment or

incentive system, they work because they want to.

Angels travel the Universe like you travel the globe. There

are fixed durations between destinations as there are on Earth.

Time is not measured in clock hours but in moments.

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Meredith Meredith © 2015


A moment can be one second to one thousand years. Time

is not observed, it is felt as it passes in infinite moments.

There is no part of the Universe that is undiscovered or

unknown to angels as it is on Earth. Every part is habitable but

not populated. The Universe is circular and it expands infinitely

and indefinitely. Empty space is uncreated. Angels create

amazing machines and possess miracle technologies. There is

developments, beatification and plantations in all directions and

there are no owners, only visitors (users).”

So I asked the voice what went wrong with the angels?

“Angels set up a regime in the Universe against the will of the

Supreme Being. The brotherhood was exchanged for rank and

promotion, and angels became gods and lords. The Universe was

carved up into domains and borders were instituted.

The remnant who refused to join the order were labelled as

a rebellion and hunted and imprisoned. Planets were turned into

prison camps and zones in space declared as enemy territory.

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Meredith Meredith © 2015


A war ensured in the heavenliness and battles raged

throughout the cosmos. Great parts of the Universe suffered

violence and destruction. Many planets were anatomized and its

remnants sent in all directions. That which was created perfect

descended into chaos.

The war was finally won when division and betrayal ensured

in the camp of the kings and super heroes were born when their

leaders were subdued by them. The captive were led away

captive and earth was designated as a reformation camp because

of its great diversity.” Wow! Some prison this earth we have aye!

It is so beautiful that we have forgotten how magnificent the

Universe really is.

However, the dumb thing we have done is repeat the errors

of the angels - the rulers, the classes, the laws/rules, the

industry/production, the armies and the weapons etc. that got

them into trouble with the Supreme. Dear me, how much more

can “He” take! I will continue this the next day.

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Thank you for reading thus far.

This is an ongoing book.

Please see next Day.

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BbbBOOKComposed Compiled Edited Published

By Meredith Meredith