Dawood Public School...7 Topic: Indo-Gangetic Kingdoms (Pg 38 –42) Indo-European nomads, the...

1 Dawood Public School Course Outline 2014-15 History Class VI Books: Roberts, Martin. (2008). Timeline: the ancient world 1. (Second edition) Oxford University Press, Oxford. Yearly Syllabus: Month Contents Page # August First Farmers Invention of Writing 6-10 11-17 September The Land of the two Rivers Ancient Egypt of the Pharaohs. C3200-1200BC 18-22 23-28 October The Indus Civilization Indo-Gangetic Kingdoms 32-37 38-42 November Ancient China Revision for Mid-Term Exam 43-47 December Mid-Year Examination 2014 January Persians and Greeks Greek Ideas and How They Spread 53-59 60-66 February The Mauryan Empire: 326-184B The Roman Republic: 510-31BC 78-83 98-103 March The Roman Empire: 31BC-AD180 Christianity and the end of Roman Empire 104-109 110-114 April The Qin and Han Dynasty Revision for Final Exam 115-120 May Final Examination 2015

Transcript of Dawood Public School...7 Topic: Indo-Gangetic Kingdoms (Pg 38 –42) Indo-European nomads, the...

Page 1: Dawood Public School...7 Topic: Indo-Gangetic Kingdoms (Pg 38 –42) Indo-European nomads, the Aryans. They were fierce people with horse drawn chariots. They used weapons made of


Dawood Public School Course Outline 2014-15

History Class VI


Roberts, Martin. (2008). Timeline: the ancient world 1. (Second edition) Oxford University Press,


Yearly Syllabus:

Month Contents Page #

August First Farmers

Invention of Writing 6-10


September The Land of the two Rivers

Ancient Egypt of the Pharaohs. C3200-1200BC 18-22 23-28

October The Indus Civilization

Indo-Gangetic Kingdoms 32-37 38-42

November Ancient China

Revision for Mid-Term Exam 43-47

December Mid-Year Examination 2014

January Persians and Greeks

Greek Ideas and How They Spread 53-59 60-66

February The Mauryan Empire: 326-184B The Roman Republic: 510-31BC

78-83 98-103

March The Roman Empire: 31BC-AD180

Christianity and the end of Roman Empire

104-109 110-114

April The Qin and Han Dynasty

Revision for Final Exam 115-120

May Final Examination 2015

Page 2: Dawood Public School...7 Topic: Indo-Gangetic Kingdoms (Pg 38 –42) Indo-European nomads, the Aryans. They were fierce people with horse drawn chariots. They used weapons made of


Timeline of yearly syllabus:

Chapter Event Date

First Farmers

Realization of sowing seeds 10000 BC

Jericho settlement 8000 BC

Mehrgarh settlement 7000 BC

Catal Huyuk 6500 BC

Use of pottery 5500 BC

Farming in China 5000 BC

Invention of Writing

Sumerian started Cuneiform c. 3500 BC

Deciphering of Cuneiform 1802

Discovery of Rosetta stone 1799

Rule of Hammurabi started 1790 BC

Sennacherib flattened Babylon 689 BC

Babylon was rebuilt 649 BC

Ancient Egypt of Pharaohs

Egyptian civilization began 3200 BC

Old Kingdom 2660 – 2550 BC

Middle Kingdom 2050 – 1780 BC

New Kingdom 1550 – 1070 BC

Indus valley Civilization Excavation of Harappa 1920’s

End of Indus valley civilization 1000 BC

Indo Gangetic Kingdom

Aryan came to Indus Valley 1750 BC

Aryan Priests started Religious songs 1500 BC

Religious songs were written in Sanskrit 600 BC

Page 3: Dawood Public School...7 Topic: Indo-Gangetic Kingdoms (Pg 38 –42) Indo-European nomads, the Aryans. They were fierce people with horse drawn chariots. They used weapons made of


Ancient China

Shang Dynasty 1500 BC – 1000 BC

Chinese capital moved to Xian 770 BC

Japanese discovery of Silk 300 BC

Persian and Greeks

Battle of Marathon 490 BC

Battle of Thermopylae 480 BC

Battle of Salamis 480 BC

Peloponnesian War 431 – 404 BC

Greek Ideas and how they spread

Start of Olympic Games 776 BC

Thales predicted eclipse 585 BC

Banned on Olympic Games by Romans 393 AD

Socrates was born 469 BC

Mauryan Empire

Nanda king became unpopular 330 BC

Chandragupta defeated Seleukos Nikator 305 BC

Chandragupta died 300 BC

Bindusra ruled 297 – 272 BC

Conquest of Kalinga 265 BC

Ashoka died 231 BC

Roman Republic

First Punic war 264 – 241 BC

Second Punic war 218 – 201

Third Punic war 151- 146

Marius became dictator of Rome 81 BC

Caesar crossed Rubicon stream 49 BC

Caesar was stabbed to death 41 BC

Octavian defeated Mark Antony and Cleopatra

31 BC

Roman Empire Golden age of Rome AD 96 – 180

Christianity and the end of Roman Empire

Diocletion destroyed churches AD 303

Great fire damaged Rome AD 64

Constantine ruled Roman Empire

AD 306 – 337

Roman Empire ended by German chief

AD 476

The Qin and Han dynasties of China

Western Han ruled 202 BC- AD 8

Wudi ruled AD 141-87

Uprising of ‘Yellow Turbans’ AD 184

Han dynasty ended AD 221

Page 4: Dawood Public School...7 Topic: Indo-Gangetic Kingdoms (Pg 38 –42) Indo-European nomads, the Aryans. They were fierce people with horse drawn chariots. They used weapons made of


Syllabus Contents:


Topic: First Farmers (Pg: 6-10)

Farming started with the realization of Paleolithic people about the sowing seeds which were eaten raw earlier.

Different early farming settlements were Jericho, Catal Huyuk and Mehrgarh.

Tools used for farming by ancient people like sickle.

Weapons made of bones etc.

Their way of living was simple.

Reference Books: Panini, Giorgio, P. (1983). The Children’s History of Civilizations. Hamlyn Publishers, Italy.

Surf I.T:


Key words: Neolithic, Paleolithic, Sickle, Revolution, Inventive, Cereals, Pulses,

Period, Hearth,

Model Questions:

1. How did farming start in Neolithic period?

2. Identify the image.

Activity: *Students will bring and display in class anything related to early farming civilization of the world like pottery, harvesting tools, articals made of animal skin etc.

Topic: The Invention of Writing (Pg: 11- 17)

Differences between the civilizations which ended without writing about themselves

and the civilizations which had written their history in detail; like Stonehenge people

and Egyptians respectively.

Invention of writing. Hieroglyphics, Cuneiform, Mayan writing etc

Impacts of writing; communication became easy, trade increased, laws were designed etc.

Decipherment of different writings by different experts like Sir Henry Rawlinson,


Reference Books: Panini, Giorgio, P. (1983). The Children’s History of Civilizations. Hamlyn Publishers, Italy.

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Page 5: Dawood Public School...7 Topic: Indo-Gangetic Kingdoms (Pg 38 –42) Indo-European nomads, the Aryans. They were fierce people with horse drawn chariots. They used weapons made of



Topic: The Land of the Two Rivers (Pg 18 – 22)

Introduction to civilization.

Sumer’s civilization and its people. They lived in Mesopotamia. They were very creative, inventive and impressive, built temples and palaces, tamed floods, etc.

Hammurabi and his laws; He was the king of Babylon and had 282 laws carved on stone pillars.

Babylon and Assyria’s rise and fall of Babylon.

Reference Books: Millard, Anne. (n.d). Ancient Civilizations. A piccolo Factbook.

Surf I.T:


Key words: Mutilation, Swamp, Ziggurat, Siege engines, Civilization, Procession Model Questions: 1. What is the historical importance of the Land of the Two Rivers?

2. How did Sumerians prove to be impressive people?

Key Words: Cartouche, Scribe, Excavation, Deciphering, Inscription, Circa

Activity: Students will bring clay and will make their own writing tablets using ancient


Model Questions:

1. Who established the First Empire of the world? And how?

2. Discuss briefly about the decipherer of the writing on Behistun Rock?

3. How was the writing on the Rosetta stone deciphered by Champollion?

Page 6: Dawood Public School...7 Topic: Indo-Gangetic Kingdoms (Pg 38 –42) Indo-European nomads, the Aryans. They were fierce people with horse drawn chariots. They used weapons made of


Topic: Ancient Egypt of the Pharaohs C3200-1200BC (Pg 23-28)

River Nile is the longest river of the world and the Egyptian civilization was largely based on it.

Sources of information about Egyptians: writing, pyramids, tombs, temples and mummies.

Three periods of effective rules of Pharaohs

The old Kingdom, the middle Kingdom and the new Kingdom

Reference Books: Casson, Lionel; (1965). Ancient Egypt; Time life books, Amsterdam.

Surf I.T:


Key words: Hymns, Mummification, Delta, Altars, Colossal Statue, Papyrus Model Questions: 1. How do we know about the Ancient Egypt?

2. How important was religion to the Egyptians? Whom did they worship?

3. Write down the similarities between Indus River, Euphrates, Tigris and Nile that led

to the birth of Indus valley civilization.

Activity: Students will make a colourful and pictorial assignment on Wonders of the

Ancient as well as Modern world.


Topic: The Indus Civilization (Pg 32 – 37)

There are many similarities between River Euphrates, Tigris, Nile and Indus as well as the civilizations developed along these rivers.

It is also known as the mysterious civilization because many facts are unveiled of this civilization like who ruled it, what was the religion, what kind of people they were?

Things known about Indus civilization like location, population, brick makers

Things not known about Indus civilization like people, religion and rulers.

Indus civilization seals made up of steatite.

End of Indus civilization is also mysterious.

Reference Books: Kenoyer, Jonathan Mark. (1998). Ancient cities of the Indus valley civilization. Oxford

University Press, Oxford. Surf I.T:



Key words: Excavations, Citadel, Seal, Boss, Tributary, Pastoral farmers Model Questions:

1. What is steatite? Describe the seals which have been found by archaeologists

in Indus Valley. What might they have been used for?

2. List the differences between Indus valley civilization and Egyptian civilization.

Activity: Slide show will be screened for the students about the excavations from the site of Indus Valley.

Page 7: Dawood Public School...7 Topic: Indo-Gangetic Kingdoms (Pg 38 –42) Indo-European nomads, the Aryans. They were fierce people with horse drawn chariots. They used weapons made of


Topic: Indo-Gangetic Kingdoms (Pg 38 – 42)

Indo-European nomads, the Aryans. They were fierce people with horse drawn chariots. They used weapons made of bronze and were pastoral farmers.

Caste system of Aryans like Brahmins, priests and teachers. Kshatriyas, nobles and the rulers. Vaishiyas, farmers and merchants. Shudras, untouchables

Their religion and social life. They were interested in gambling, music and dancing.

Reference Books: Crompton, Teresa: Stimpson, Beatrice. (2009). History in Focus 1. Peak Publications, Karachi.

Surf I.T:


Key words: Indo Europeans, Clan, Ceremony, Sacrifice, Caste, Vedas, Hymn, Doab Model Questions: 1. What were the four main castes of the Aryans? 2. Draw a flow chart of Aryan’s Caste system.

Activity: Quiz will be conducted.

November: Topic: Ancient China (Pg 43 – 47)

Ancient China; highly populated country, vast land with mountain ranges, deserts and ocean.

The important Yellow River Civilization started along the river as a result of proper irrigation and flood control.

The Shang Dynasty; Shang was the name of first tribe to control the Yellow River Valley.

Their concept of Oracle bones and religion; divine message which tells people about the future, about how to act to be successful or to avoid disaster.

Chinese skills Like carving Jade, making silk etc

The Zhou Dynasty; Shang was replaced by Zhou clan, they ruled for 300 years.

Reference Books: Schaffer, Edward H. (1967). Ancient China. Time-life books, Amsterdam.

Surf I.T:


Page 8: Dawood Public School...7 Topic: Indo-Gangetic Kingdoms (Pg 38 –42) Indo-European nomads, the Aryans. They were fierce people with horse drawn chariots. They used weapons made of


Key words: Dynasty, Halberd, Isolation, Mandate, Dynasty, Barbarian, Oracle Model Questions:

Write briefly about the civilization that developed along the Yellow river?

List the skills that the Chinese were good at?

Activity: A research assignment will be given to students about ancient China.


Mid-Term Examination


Topic: Persians and Greeks (Pg 53 – 59)

Greeks area, location, profession and form of government

City- states of Greece like Athens and Sparta.

Persians location, profession and form of government

Wars between Persians and Greeks and affects of those wars on Greece

Peloponnesian war between Athens and Sparta and its effects. This war lasted for 27 years and the whole Greece suffered.

Reference Books: Bowra, C.M. (1965). Classical Greece. Time-life books, Amsterdam.

Surf I.T:


Key words: Democracy, Helots, Hellas, Colonies, Free-man, City States, Satraps Model Questions: 1. Which sea was important to the Greeks and why? Explain in detail. (Draw the

map). 2. How did the Spartans train their men to be strong and disciplined warriors? Activity: Documentary will be screened about the famous battles.

Topic: Greek Ideas and How They Spread (Pg 60 – 66)

Influence of Ancient Greece

Greek religion; they were polytheist and celebrated Olympic Games for god Zeus.

Greeks worked in the field of Science, Medicine, Mathematics and Philosophy

Famous Greek philosophers; Aristotle, Thales, Socrates, Plato etc

Greek columns like Corinthian, Doric and Ionic

Sculpture: Greatest sculptor was Mayron, Influence of Greek sculpture can be seen in the ruins of Gandhara and Taxila.

Reference Books: Bowra, C.M. (1965). Classical Greece. Time-life books, Amsterdam.

Page 9: Dawood Public School...7 Topic: Indo-Gangetic Kingdoms (Pg 38 –42) Indo-European nomads, the Aryans. They were fierce people with horse drawn chariots. They used weapons made of


Surf I.T:





Topic: The Mauryan Empire: 326-184BC (Pg 78 – 83)

Mauryan Empire was established by Chandragupta Maurya.

Chandragupta Maurya was a good general, reigned over a large empire, defeated Seleukos Nikator and had a well organized army and established active espionage system.

Ashoka was the son of Bindusra, he ruled very well, erected stones and pillars, all over the empire, with the messages on them, to his people.

Dharma: a code of conduct, designed by Ashoka; included tolerance, thoughtfulness, respect for teachers, obedience to parents, generosity etc.

Reference Books: Schulber, Lucille. (1968). Historic India. Time-life books, Amsterdam.

Surf I.T:


Topic: The Roman Republic: 510-31BC (Pg 98 – 103)

Rome was a farming country beside the banks of river Tiber, had republican

government and had two main groups of citizens Patricians and Plebeians.

Carthage Colony of Phoenicians traded all round the Mediterranean and had a powerful fleet to defend trade. Rich merchants governed it.

Punic wars were fought between Carthaginians and Roman.

First Punic, second Punic war and third Punic war all were won by Romans.

End of Roman Republic occurred with the march of Roman general, Marius. He changed Roman Republic into an Empire.

Key words: Polytheist, Oracle, Philosophy, Logic, Ethics, Classical Model Questions:

1. List out the contributions made by Greeks in the field of Medicine, Science and

Mathematics? 2. What was the main purpose of Ancient Olympic Games? Why did they come to an



Documentary will be screened about Greek philosophers, scientists and architecture.

A research assignment on any one of the Greek philosopher, scientists and architecture will be given to the students.

Key words: Espionage, Edict, Alliance, Mint, Repent, Supervisor, Dharma Model Questions:

1. Who was Kautilya? What role did he play in setting up the Mauryan Empire? 2. What did Asoka believe to be his main duty as an emperor?

Activity: A documentary on the life of King Ashoka will be screened for the students.

Page 10: Dawood Public School...7 Topic: Indo-Gangetic Kingdoms (Pg 38 –42) Indo-European nomads, the Aryans. They were fierce people with horse drawn chariots. They used weapons made of


Reference Books: Grant, Micheal. (1979). History of Rome. Faber and Faber London, Boston.

Surf I.T:


Key words: Dictator, Phoenician, Disciplined, Crucify, Ides of March

Model Questions:

1. What is meant by the phrase ‘Roman Republic’? What influence did the ordinary people have in government?

2. Who were: Sulla, Julius Caesar, Brutus and Octavian? 3. What led to the weakening of the Roman Republic?

Activity: Students will be divided in groups and will be asked to bring information on

different aspects of Roman Republic along with the pictures and that information will be displayed on the class soft board.


Topic: The Roman Empire: 31BC-AD18 (Pg 104 – 109)

The golden age of Rome. There was peace and rule of law, Governors ruled provinces and were helped by legions and trade flourished.

Romans engineering skills were unmatched they built roads, large and strong building, temples and aqueducts

Romans had large number of slaves; treatment of slaves depended on their masters.

Romans were polytheist and made sacrifices to the god.

Reference Books: Chrisp, Peter. (1991). The Roman Empire. Wayland, England. Grant, Micheal; History of Rome. Faber and Faber London, Boston. Langley, Andrew: De Souza, Philip. (n.d). Caesar Stabbed. Ted Smart.

Surf I.T:



Key words: Basilica, Aqueducts, Province, Magistrates, Modest Model Questions:

1. What do you know about the Golden age of Rome? Discuss in detail. 2. Name any two examples of Roman engineering which are still prevalent today.

Activity: Students will be given any topic of The Roman Empire, mentioned below and the group will give presentation on that particular topic.

Golden Age of the roman Empire

Roman Engineering

Roman slavery

Roman religion

Page 11: Dawood Public School...7 Topic: Indo-Gangetic Kingdoms (Pg 38 –42) Indo-European nomads, the Aryans. They were fierce people with horse drawn chariots. They used weapons made of


Topic: Christianity and the end of Roman Empire (Pg 110 – 114)

The origin of Christianity; Jesus entered Jerusalem and after some time Jesus was crucified but his religion was preached by his disciples

Early years of Christianity; Christians suffered badly for their religion Emperor Nero blamed Christians for fire damage and had wild dogs tear them to pieces. Decius and Diocletian sacrificed them to the old gods.

End of Roman Empire; Odoacer, a German chief, ended the reign of the last Roman emperor.

Reference Books: Chrisp, Peter; (1991). The Roman Empire. Wayland, England. Grant, Micheal; (1979). History of Rome. Faber and Faber London, Boston.

Surf I.T:



Key words: Disciples, Barbarian, Blasphemy, Plague, Persecute Model Questions: 1. Why did Christianity gain popularity? 2. How did the early Christians suffer for their beliefs? 3. Why was Constantine’s conversion to Christianity important in the history of

Europe and the World?

Activity: The important dates and events of the chapter will be reinforced through

Flash Cards.


Topic: The Qin and Han Dynasty (Pg 115 – 120)

The Qin; they were strong rulers, had simple laws, took advice of philosophers and conquered six other kingdoms and gave China its name.

After the death of Shi Hungdi civil war started and the Qins were defeated by Han.

The Han Government respected teachings of Confucius and aimed to win the support of their subject. They also created many Confucian schools

The Emperor Wudi ruled for more than fifty years.

Sima Gaung is the best source of information about early Chinese history who wrote “historical record”.

Wang Mang ruled China for a short period of time and after that Han regained power.

Reference Books: Schaffer, Edward H. (1976). Ancient China. Time-life books, Amsterdam.

Surf I.T:


Key words: Ruthless, Mutilation, Divination, Eccentric, Curfew, Biography, Autobiography Model Questions: 1. Who was Shi Huangdi and why did he build the Great Wall of China? 2. Which peasant uprising ultimately resulted in the decline of Han dynasty and


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Activity: Students will prepare a research report about ancient dynasties of China.

Revision for Final Examination


Final Examination 2014

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