Dawn new-era-2012



India at end of 2012 Let us change for better!

Transcript of Dawn new-era-2012

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2012: "The world will not end. It will be transformed...

Everything will change...Change is accelerating now,

and it will continue to accelerate...If the people of the

earth can get to this 2012 date in good shape, without

having destroyed too much of the Earth, we will rise

to a new, higher level. But to get there we must

transform enormously powerful forces that seek to

block the way...Humanity will continue, but in a

different way. Material structures will change. From

this we will have the opportunity to be more human..."


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2012: From the Mayan Elders Themselves

1] Although Dec 21, 2012 is the date of the end

of the age in the Mayan calendar it does not

mean anything spectacular is going to happen

on that exact date.

2] The Mayan elders say the calendar foretells

Earth changes and changes in consciousness

AND that they occur within a seven-year period

of time around 2012.

3] When does (did) the seven-year period start?

The Hopis’ prophecy stated the major changes

would start when a ”large blue star” appears.

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4] On October 24, 2007 “Comet 17P/Holmes

shocked astronomers on Oct. 24, 2007, with a

spectacular eruption. In less than 24 hours, the

17th magnitude comet brightened by a factor of

nearly a million, becoming a naked-eye object in

the evening sky. By mid-November the

expanding comet was the largest object in the

solar system–bigger even than the Sun.

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5] Hopi and Mayan Elders met and agreed Comet

Holmes was the star foretold in their prophecies. The

seven year period has begun.

6] What is the biggest change in this seven years? A

magnetic pole shift followed shortly by a physical

pole shift. A physical pole shift is what destroyed

Atlantis 13,000 years ago. Similarly, this would be a

“big deal” today. Certainly it would qualify as

Yogananda’s “you have no idea what a catastrophe is

coming” event.

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The date December 21st, 2012 A.D. ( in the

Long Count), represents an extremely close

conjunction of the Winter Solstice Sun with the

crossing point of the Galactic Equator (Equator of the

Milky Way) and the Ecliptic (path of the Sun), what

that ancient Maya recognized as the Sacred Tree.

This is an event that has been coming to

resonance very slowly over thousands and

thousands of years. It will come to resolution at

exactly 11:11 am GMT.

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Since everything that exists is an aspect of

consciousness, and the Mayan Calendar describes

the evolution of consciousness in all of its aspects,

no stone is left unturned for the serious student of

the Mayan Calendar.

All of science is affected, all of religion is affected,

all of life is affected.

We are here for a reason. Time is no longer equated

with money, but with spirit. Time is inspiration

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• Indian Prime Minister approved a

decision in July 2005 that the ministry of

coal should continue to allot blocks for

captive mining through the screening

committee procedure until competitive

bidding was made operational.

• The minutes of a meeting chaired by then

principal secretary to the Prime Minister,

revealed that the then coal minister, went

with the decision because he expected

delays in implementing competitive



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• When asked for comments, the PMO

cited an answer by the PM in

Parliament: “It was noted that the Coal

Mines (Nationalisation) Act, 1973 will

need to be amended before the

proposed competitive bidding procedure

becomes operational.

• This is likely to take considerable time

and the process of allotment of coal

blocks for captive mining cannot be kept

in abeyance for so long.”


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• Coal India (CIL) has been steadily increasing its

production every year. From 70 or so million

tons in the early 1970s, CIL's production rose to

about 430 million tons around 2009.

• And then, it abruptly plateaued. In the next

three years, it added just 4-5 million tons.


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Environment ministry distinguishes

between heavily forested areas where coal

mining was not allowed and less forested

areas where mining approvals could come -

CIL alleges that the latter approvals never

came through. Also, the government came

up with a pollution index for various critically

polluted areas.


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Also, the government came up with a pollution

index for various critically polluted areas, with

industrial and other activity being banned in such

regions. Nine of these were CIL coal-mining areas

and all of them were growth coalfields. CIL could

not even apply for expansion projects in these. The

CEPI issue [pollution index] pushed its plans back

by one year.


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CIL has been slow to adopt technologies for

underground mining - the bulk of India's coal comes

from open-pit mines which will eventually run out.

Now 80% of world production now comes from

underground mining. The bottomline: any solution

to the coal mess has to fix CIL's problems as well

such as not ramping up production from new

blocks because of a lack of rail linkages.


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Govt wakes up to captive miners profiteering

Mulls clause to mandate participation in tariff-based bidding

for power

Sudheer Pal Singh / New Delhi Sep 12, 2012, 00:09 IST

The brouhaha over coal block

allocations has goaded the

government into correcting the policy

imperfections that have long

prevailed in India's coal mining

sector. It is planning a clause to

make it mandatory for captive miners

to take part in tariff-based bidding for



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A few miners have been selling power produced through coal

from their captive mines in the open market to make profits.

The coal ministry now plans to add the mandatory clause in

captive miners’ allotment letters. “The power ministry has

asked the coal ministry to put a condition in the block

allotment letters that captive coal block allottees will have to

participate in tariff-based bidding process. It was added there

were eight to 10 companies that held coal blocks, but

continued to sell merchant power, an industry term used for

electricity sold outside long-term power purchase agreements

(PPAs) with power distributors. 39

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Why UPA dithered on coal auctions:

While the coal ministry favoured the auction

of coal mines, states outrightly opposed the move Jyoti Mukul / New Delhi Sep 09, 2012, 00:25 IST

While the coal ministry favoured the auction of coal mines,

states outrightly opposed the move. The PMO, too, dragged

its feet. Jyoti Mukul traces how the proposal moved back

and forth

Coalgate (damage, according to the Comptroller & Auditor

General: Rs 1.86 lakh crore) is different from the spectrum

scam (maximum damage: Rs 1.76 lakh crore) in one crucial

way: this time, the Centre has said that it was keen to

replace opaque allocations with transparent bidding but its

efforts were stymied by coal-bearing states like Orissa,

Chhattisgarh and West Bengal.


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It so happens that during Coalgate (2004 to 2009), the first

two states were ruled by the Bharatiya Janata Party, sworn

enemy of the Congress, and West Bengal by the Left

(partner in the earlier United Progressive Alliance regime of

2004 to 2009 but now in the opposition benches). BJP’s

reluctance to have a debate on the floor of the house, the

Congress’s spin doctors have said, stems from its role in

blocking the Centre’s proposal to go for open bidding


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Anna said it was in the report of the Comptroller and Auditor

General on coal bloc allocations.

"We will be most happy if the allegations levelled against

the Prime Minister are found to be false. But how will it be

proved? For that we need to have an independent

investigating agency to probe it," he told reporters.

Law Minister Salman Khurshid ruled out setting up a

Special Investigation Team of retired judges as demanded

by Team Anna. "We are not going to cowdown," he said.


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• In India, the tradition has promoted 2012

as a "deadline" for human enlightenment

since at least 1998.

• Over 15 million people believe that 2012

marks the end of the Kali Yuga, or

degenerate age