DaVince Tools Generated - Memorial University of...

, -------_ ....... - ... .- " .: " " 12.15 p.m.-Bank of \ PRESENTS ,- ' Happiness. 7.30 p.m.-Music Stars of the Century. TaR I DAILY. NEWS THE LAND OF 9.00 p.m.-Strange Wills. 10,00 f!.m.-Richrad Diamond ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, 'FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1955 (Price 5 Cents) No. 209 Pres. Eisenhower .. - . \ I I . Grand Master I On Visit . -..., .... :.----'1 , RecoversR,apidly SIR KT. JAMES JACKSON of Owen Sound, Ont., Most W:orshipful Grand Master of the M. W. Grand Black' Chapter of North America, last night paid an official visit to Rose of Sharon Royal Black Preceptory No. 216 here. In this photo are right to left, C. H. Butler, Pp.M. of Nfld.; Albert Stanley, P.G.M •. of Nfld.; Walter Jewer, Provincial Grand Master, James Jackson, R. E. ,Grand G.B.C. C?ntal'lo West; Berkeley King, Grand Censor, G.B.C. of B.A.: Sir Kt. Hon. Dr. J. R.' Smallwood, Premier; John Badcock, Grand Censor, G.B.C. of Nfld. Back row, right to left, E. Pomero y, p.G.M. of Nfld.; John Whelan, Marshal; John Norman, PJ'cccptOl', Rose of Sharon Preceptory; N. Patten, Provincial Grand Censor; Harold Butler, Provincial Grand Committeeman. Not By L. ARROWSl\IlTII DENVER (A.P. }-Presi- dent Eisenhower's recovery progressed to an extent Thursday where doctors de- cide to let hini put his ihitials Winner Of Mervin More 'Moose Is I Like Mouse 01' Mervin Is Marvel of Minden MINDEN, Onto (C.P.)-l\'Iervin the Moose is the marvel of Minden. But bc's acting more like a mouse than a moose. 01' Mcrvin, as he has been affcc!ionately named . by residents' of this Haliburton area community, , lumbered into to\\,n Tuesday to nose around. And Deny. Peron Gone To Spain_\ Will Be' Rees Cal1s· For New "Tbc: wlli1e towllsfoU( have kept lOne between ,.1 and the mOOEC, become quite' 'OfCar,eFor ers) - Foreign Minister E k a , MarioAmadeodeniedThurs- F ',. Ab' . S Imos day that former ,or e 1 gn ' u·s'e onAWA (C.P.)-Doctors Peron left Argentma oor- ing the night by air fOf Of' Cd' reading x-rays in wind- Spain.' . ana a s 12· Mile shaken tents and rocking He said Peron still Is aboard a peterheads this' summer Paraguayan gunboat olC Buenns Fa h' a La at helped bring Eskimos and Aircs and. thai negotiations ar;! 18 Ing' Iml , Indians from Canada's east- proceedln;: [or his exile abroad. Local ncws aRencies had reo SUMMERSIDE; P.E.I. (C.P.)-George Hees,President Arctic to proper, medical ported that the deposed presldenl r h P .' C t" A . t' 'd h treatment faster Hian ever had SCl:retly dnring the, night 0 t e rogresslve onserva lye ssoCla lon, sal ere b f in a 11)'lng boat bound for de Thursday that the federal. go\.'ern. ment should ask .foreig,n eToherep'lan to develop y·ray 11'lm .Janeiro nn the first slage o[ the d h A trip \0 . governments to keep their flshmg draggers outSl e t e In the Arctic instead o[ in Oltawa 12.milc limit off Canada. I was devised by Dr. John S. Wi1lis, Peron has been Incommunicado Mr. Uees'told the Prince Coun.ty WEATHER 0,1 ?'earo()ld eastern nn a Paraguayan gunboat in the Pr<l"resslv Conservalll'e Assocla- ,Canada S \I p" r 111\ e nile nt ,"I Plate river nil Aires since tlulI"lhal U\'3S "3 mailer <If gl'eul Sunny. A lillie blsher ttmper· ,Ihe 111111:111 his o\'('rlhrull' 10 days ago. com'el'll" that, alllre ttf 8lI toelay. '" . .', Yo' r lIowe I to 10 wilhln nIls ) fOllr health pal .! .•.. bmd !If him. .' I .. " .' : ; .. ... ( ... . ''j'' . onll' a fell' IllItiI mr.tillg season whrn male moose for their Irritability and a tendency to rlrlvc their borns throl!gh anything that been mild.mannered and contented as a COli'. . . T. L. Luscombe, of .Ruchans, who, has been awarded a Union Carbide Canada Limited Scholarship,. ac· cording to' an annollncement by I PresldentA. fl. K;err of Dalhollsie University, . Halifax, , wller.e i Luscombe Is enrolling fOr a' course. leading.to the defrce of Eachclor I of Commerce. Tile Scholarship has \ !l total value of $2,800, payable $500 annually. ' Since his arrival, 1I1erl'In has meandered p.roulIlI and nc , one hls llot hi his way. Death Toll Mounts···· e a II I ()., "1 '1 lIbout Ih" I I.hree 1111 ea Cur Ihe u l 'l'h" AppalMchlan 'l'rail, 1\ pub·. lue" examlulug a111!'X"'U"ill" I·:,ki· me wh Ie 3nadl:lU SIPS 1U " • ' . ,,, ' k ,. I Id U 12 '11 li't lie hi kin II and rldlnll track, ell' llIUs allli lulllulls alung Ilk'ak H h d xpected t u up ou s e Ie ·m c 1111, d 00 II I I' t til 11 f I I I n e:l 0 e 0 DO "Wb d .,,, b . Id' "1 tell s 20m e! rom 1!fa ne 0 coas nes of a r n a 1111 , "Ill;" ril'er on the gunboat's sisler ship at is oce eu, e sa, S Georgie bec's· fur norlb shore 0u liucison Suspend Talks' ---------,.--- . -- ... --- ,Alumn'i' Di,lnel·--- , . and start his exile in Paraguay as for the federal government to. . strait James bay and Ole eastern soon as Argentina and Paraguay speak to the foreign governments Is put up to them' In, a straight· coast' of Hudson bay. . had Iron,ed out dlplo',"atlc details concernd and explai)l to them the forward manner, they will sec the T)jey brought baek new and de· nf the. ex _ dictator 5 departure why we require our own reasonableness of our request and tailed records 01 some 6,000 na· from IllS eounlry. \draggers to operate outside, the 12· comply, with our wishes. If for no lives. Bul th<ly bad already scnl mile limit., lInd"Ask 10 obey 'other reason. they will do 50 In oul aboul who were 1\ ere adl'lftd that talks 1I'IIh Ar. Ihe SAme rules. the.interuts II goOd International found on Ole SJ10t to be 5u[fering (Continued on page 18) I "I sure that If Ihis relations."· ' (Continued on page )8) N o Medically ·Prov.en Signs, But Heart Attack Might Give N otice Does a heart attack tele- my 'OWn experience and the attack, I had been conscious Of a telephone number, although I must g\'a'ph a warnill" ahead' The of othen., " vagne feeling' of uneaslnen. It have caUed It a million times." '. .. ",.. , Science 35 yet lacks tbe lools was 'nothing concrete, and- there 51 at the time, recOV- ' sClenttflc anSWf:r IS no. The or tC,chnlque's Ihat a nei obvious reasOn for It.. . e1'ed from theatlack, and In due writer, just rero\'el'ed Irom Co "A dot Is be· Shortly ,before tha attack;' I al50 course Nsumed his normal work th b .. . form In: aile of "the a pale, pasty color and " n : coronary .rom In, a few' weeks, began 1 running, inlo ,periods of Hc' thlnb he .had a warning. Ilunks he had some warnmg It \\'111 plug up Ihat artery, causing sleeplessness. that morning. And he adds: 'r h 'd b bl a heart'attack." ... " ", '. 1 C een a COl ecogm .. e TIll Is th* 'mo t' co 10 All' of "thIS may amounl to 't d t I h' , 5" s, mmon rm 0 ' I .. A oc or, a so It oy a DC attack. It'll the kind that struck eue y ·nothlng. ,But I,n my book. heart attack 'thinks the same Eisenhower. '! : It was a' set of red bghls . .. " ". ,., . '. "A,lnt of Jreuplc a complex !hing. This at,ticl!!",{ourth' N.G ·,Da'.'o: 'g' e' r" "'S!lgns ,·Do'· c' tor's' I";ase' ;ibout a heart condition. It seems of fh'e'in a series,. describes \;; to me thai nature is all on Yelll' th ,. ' ' ' , . side In cnses. The discom- e opposmg views. he was exam.. 'rhis." case may ba sumell'iJal Cort you bave Is a kind of guard. 'Ined, with' an" electrocardIograph spee.U 1c :. . " ,,' Your heart seems to be aware of ..coinplex !, r " By KELMAN' MORIN last 'August: 'and there wer,z no In:the:wint.er of 1946 Dr. James d . d'"1 t b r " NEW YORK yOU danger signals' at that time. Evans,. a "busy New York phl'sl· an B er e are you arc .. nal'e any Ii'amlng?" ,So"from .,: strlcUy, michanlcal cian,began'fcellng' vaguely Ill. At 'rhere arq no bard and fa,st ' '..' ,. ' Ovcr Inri over, people Ilk thIs point·, of, view, It .appeir.: that first, be . thought ,it was reacUon rules, What 'may .to be a THE ANNUAL and ot' officers of. tile ;St. General Hospital of " ' heiil ' luestioD rA all1 0ne who ha.' bad thele,.ccld.nts"overtake the be.rt to a val:i:lnl! be had taken against symptom' often turns out ·to be at ... Gu·ests'.·of hop'our \ve, re Miss ,E .. Smrime.·rs. , Preside,'nt of t.h.'e,.A,'S!3. oc . ,.' Of. I helrt aUack'. Y, thete an alarm without wamlnll.' fiu.' He aha kit tired. ,pure. imagination, or Irom 'some . .... f . ltll? A sci or ')'mptoms? Any- But could il be that natura' does One' morning; walldDI to his other cause. Vice I'.em, there, Registel;ed, Nurses' of Nfld;:: E. Thilmas, Presi(Jent; . .Grand Hpspltal' :hill, yoo can.l beyond 'Irf lo"solind' an "alarm?' office, he fell a 511gb! pain In his may besllcli a thing as.a warning; President, SI. Clare's Hospila 1 Alumnae \,'as \'oi<lably absent. The newly installed pictuJ;ed, lny doubt,' as Ihe barbinger of a . A Ma.rt illack Is an InlenselY chell!. It went away,' and he Ellher iV3Y, ductol'S advise' a . .' "." '- ." , " . . ... ' " d P 'P hl!art aUack?' ; ,personal experience. No twp alorles thought no, more aboul It.: . \ regular c_heckup., . ' . , ' .herc:-Front"I,eIt to ;l'ighl:-Ml's.: P .. :P.l'es:; . G, I' Pres.;. MISS . ' .. .. ,. The answer ,Is "no.", .ne. exacUy aUke,' bul this,' for Two .nlgbt! lalcr the aUaek Inl. " ", '. -- 2nd. row left to right-l\11ss C. Tobtn; .Tl'casuI'CI:;.l\tIrs. R: .Parsons, Lhall'll1l1n 'EnLcrlllll1ql£nt .. Alit I'lm ,nol . sllre II 'dle what' itiK·. ivorth; IK, mine; " It·, WRK' he says, l/inl "I .;I'oJl!nrrnw: yan YOII tak2 .mea.s. 'Chairm' . .£0' .... 'C ,·tt: /M" .'iJ ""11 :dtt ' Vic'e Pres"'Miss J'. Storey thairina'n:EducaUori !3ommitteih. ' ramplB\e' answer, ,on' the JlIIIIi of : ,lor' IIveraJ.;wae!ti ",:-"'ore the couldn't· rem-ember !Uy nurse's ul'es heart a\tac]<sl. an manee ee, .. , ,rs: /, .. y " -- ' .. ,.., .... '.. ' , . .. :.;:. ,,: . . . ! .to. ...

Transcript of DaVince Tools Generated - Memorial University of...

Page 1: DaVince Tools Generated - Memorial University of ...collections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL19550930.… · Tile Scholarship has \ ... he was exam.. 'rhis." ... beyond

, • -------_ ....... - ... .- " .:

" "

12.15 p.m.-Bank of \ PRESENTS ,- ' Happiness.

7.30 p.m.-Music Stars of the Century.


9.00 p.m.-Strange Wills. 10,00 f!.m.-Richrad Diamond ~------------------------------~-----------~----------------------------~-ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, 'FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1955

(Price 5 Cents) No. 209

Pres. Eisenhower .. - . \ I I .

Grand Master I

On Visit . -...,....:.----'1 ,


SIR KT. JAMES JACKSON of Owen Sound, Ont., Most W:orshipful Grand Master of the M. W. Grand Black' Chapter of North America, last night paid an official visit to Rose of Sharon Royal Black Preceptory No. 216 here.

In this photo are shown:-f~ont, right to left, C. H. Butler, Pp.M. of Nfld.; Albert Stanley, P.G.M •. of Nfld.; Walter Jewer, Provincial Grand Master, James Jackson, R. E. Wrlgh~, ,Grand Treasu~er, G.B.C. C?ntal'lo West; Berkeley King, Grand Censor, G.B.C. of B.A.: Sir Kt. Hon. Dr. J. R.' Smallwood, Premier; John Badcock, Grand Censor, G.B.C. of Nfld. Back row, right to left, E. Pomero y, p.G.M. of Nfld.; John Whelan, ~rand Marshal; John Norman, PJ'cccptOl', Rose of Sharon Preceptory; N. Patten, Provincial Grand Censor; Harold Butler, Provincial

Grand Committeeman.


DENVER (A.P. }-Presi­dent Eisenhower's recovery progressed to an extent Thursday where doctors de­cide to let hini put his ihitials

Winner Of S~holarsh:p

Mervin More

'Moose Is I

Like Mouse 01' Mervin Is Marvel of Minden

MINDEN, Onto (C.P.)-l\'Iervin the Moose is the marvel of Minden. But bc's acting more like a mouse than a moose.

01' Mcrvin, as he has been affcc!ionately named . by residents' of this Haliburton area community, , lumbered into to\\,n Tuesday to nose around. And

Deny. Peron Gone To Spain_\ Will Be' Rees Cal1s· For New "Tbc:

wlli1e towllsfoU( have kept safet~; lOne between ,.1 them~clvcs and the mOOEC, thc~""e become quite'

BUE~:~!?(Reut.Prevention' 'OfCar,eFor ers) - Foreign Minister E ka

, MarioAmadeodeniedThurs- F ',. Ab' . S Imos day that former ~resident ,or e 1 gn ' u·s'e onAWA (C.P.)-Doctors Peron left Argentma oor-ing the night by air fOf Of' Cd' reading x-rays in wind-Spain.' . ana a s 12· Mile shaken tents and rocking

He said Peron still Is aboard a peterheads this' summer Paraguayan gunboat olC Buenns Fa h' a La at helped bring Eskimos and Aircs and. thai negotiations ar;! 18 Ing' Iml , Indians from Canada's east-proceedln;: [or his exile abroad.

Local ncws aRencies had reo SUMMERSIDE; P.E.I. (C.P.)-George Hees,President er~ Arctic to proper, medical ported that the deposed presldenl r h P .' C t" A . t' 'd h treatment faster Hian ever had 1~lt SCl:retly dnring the, night 0 t e rogresslve onserva lye ssoCla lon, sal ere b f in a 11)'lng boat bound for RI~ de Thursday that the federal. go\.'ern. ment should ask .foreig,n eToherep'lan to develop y·ray 11'lm .Janeiro nn the first slage o[ the d h A trip \0 ~pa;n. . governments to keep their flshmg draggers outSl e t e In the Arctic instead o[ in Oltawa

12.milc limit off Canada. I was devised by Dr. John S. Wi1lis, Peron has been Incommunicado Mr. Uees'told the Prince Coun.ty WEATHER 0,1 ~lIawa, ~8. ?'earo()ld eastern

nn a Paraguayan gunboat in the Pr<l"resslv Conservalll'e Assocla- ,Canada S \I p" r 111\ e nile nt ,"I Plate river nil Bu~nos Aires since tlulI"lhal U\'3S "3 mailer <If gl'eul Sunny. A lillie blsher ttmper· ,Ihe ht~Uh. 1l~l'lI1'lllIl'IIt'~ 111111:111 his o\'('rlhrull' 10 days ago. com'el'll" that, I01'd~o dru~lIer~ alllre ttf 8lI toelay. '" h~allh ~~rdc~,. . .',

Yo' r lIowe I to p~rule 10 wilhln nIls ) ~:lr fOllr health pal \lc~-

.! .•.. bmd !If him. . ' I fli~ .. ~. " .' : ; .. x:;~· ... ( ... . ''j'' . J\Jthillt~h '11'~ onll' a fell' \\'trk~ IllItiI mr.tillg season whrn

male moose ~re nt.~ed for their Irritability and a tendency to rlrlvc their borns throl!gh anything that mo\'e~ ~ler\'in ba~ been a~ mild.mannered and contented as a COli'.

. . T. L. Luscombe, of .Ruchans, who, has been awarded a Union Carbide Canada Limited Scholarship,. ac· cording to' an annollncement by I PresldentA. fl. K;err of Dalhollsie University, . Halifax, , wller.e ~Ir. i Luscombe Is enrolling fOr a' course. leading.to the defrce of Eachclor I

of Commerce. Tile Scholarship has \ !l total value of $2,800, payable $500 annually. '

Since his arrival, 1I1erl'In has meandered p.roulIlI and nc , one hls llot hi his way.

Death Toll


~ e a II I ()., "1 • '1 lIbout 2'~ Ilcl"O/Js-SII~ul Ih" ~\1II1'

II.hree 1111 ea Cur Ihe (.:ln~1 u

l nu,codu~t' 'l'h" AppalMchlan 'l'rail, 1\ pub·. lue" examlulug a111!'X"'U"ill" I·:,ki·

me wh Ie 3nadl:lU SIPS 1U " • ' . ,,, ' k

,. I Id U 12 '11 li't lie hi kin II and rldlnll track, ell' llIUs allli lulllulls alung th~ Ilk'ak

H h d b~e xpected t u up e~p ou s e Ie ·m c 1111, d 00 II I I' t til 11 f I I I n e:l • 0 e 0 DO • "Wb d .,,, b . Id' "1 tell s 20m e! rom 1!fa ne 0 coas nes of a r n ~ a 1111 , "Ill;" ril'er on the gunboat's sisler ship at is oce eu, e sa, S Georgie bec's· fur norlb shore 0u liucison

Suspend Talks' ---------,.--- . -- ... ---

~--Nul~ses ,Alumn'i' Di,lnel·---, . and start his exile in Paraguay as for the federal government to. . strait James bay and Ole eastern soon as Argentina and Paraguay speak to the foreign governments Is put up to them' In, a straight· coast' of Hudson bay. . had Iron,ed out dlplo',"atlc details concernd and explai)l to them the forward manner, they will sec the T)jey brought baek new and de· nf the. ex _ dictator 5 departure reason~ why we require our own reasonableness of our request and tailed records 01 some 6,000 na· from IllS eounlry. \draggers to operate outside, the 12· comply, with our wishes. If for no lives. Bul th<ly bad already scnl rara~lI~yan' o(ficial~ TI~llrsda)' mile limit., lInd"Ask Ihc~ 10 obey 'other reason. they will do 50 In oul aboul ~..'iO/n~ti\'es who were

1\ ere adl'lftd that talks 1I'IIh Ar. Ihe SAme rules. the.interuts II goOd International found on Ole SJ10t to be 5u[fering (Continued on page 18) I "I f~el sure that If Ihis matt~r relations."· ' (Continued on page )8)

N o Medically ·Prov.en Signs, But Heart Attack Might Give N otice

Does a heart attack tele- my 'OWn experience and the 8~ori~5 attack, I had been conscious Of a telephone number, although I must g\'a'ph a warnill" ahead' The of othen., " vagne feeling' of uneaslnen. It have caUed It a million times." '. .. ",.. , Science 35 yet lacks tbe lools was 'nothing concrete, and- there Dr.,Evan.~ 51 at the time, recOV- ' sClenttflc anSWf:r IS no. The or tC,chnlque's Ihat woul~ ,pe~mlt a w~~ nei obvious reasOn for It.. . e1'ed from theatlack, and In due writer, just rero\'el'ed Irom d~ctor Co ~ay: "A ~loOd dot Is be· Shortly ,before tha attack;' I al50 course Nsumed his normal work

th b.. . gln~l~g ,t~ form In: aile of "the d~\(elopcd a pale, pasty color and s~hedulc.. "

n : coronary .rom O~l~, ~oronnry a~crics. In, a few' weeks, began 1 running, inlo ,periods of Hc' thlnb he .had a warning. Ilunks he had some warnmg It \\'111 plug up Ihat artery, causing sleeplessness. that morning. And he adds: 'r h 'd b bl t· .~ a heart'attack." ... " ", '. 1 C een a COl ecogm .. e TIll Is th* 'mo t' co 10 All' of "thIS may amounl to 't d t I h' , 5" s, mmon rm 0 ' I .. A oc or, a so It oy a DC attack. It'll the kind that struck eue y ·nothlng. ,But I,n my book. heart attack 'thinks the same Pr~slderit' Eisenhower. '! : It was a' set of red bghls . .. " ". ,., . '. "A,lnt of Jreuplc g~t a complex !hing. This at,ticl!!",{ourth' N.G ·,Da'.'o: 'g' e' r" "'S!lgns ,·Do'· c' tor's' I";ase' ;ibout a heart condition. It seems of fh'e'in a series,. describes \;; to me thai nature is all on Yelll' th ,. ' ' ' , . side In Ih~se cnses. The discom-

e opposmg views. ~is doe~rs ~ay. he was exam.. 'rhis." case may ba sumell'iJal Cort you bave Is a kind of guard. 'Ined, with' an" electrocardIograph spee.U1c :. . " ,,' Your heart seems to be aware of



r "

By KELMAN' MORIN last 'August: 'and there wer,z no In:the:wint.er of 1946 Dr. James d . d'"1 t b r " NEW YORK (AP)~"Did yOU danger signals' at that time. Evans,. a "busy New York phl'sl· ange~, an B er e are you arc ..

nal'e any Ii'amlng?" ,So"from .,: strlcUy, michanlcal cian,began'fcellng' vaguely Ill. At 'rhere arq no bard and fa,st ' '..' ,. ' Ovcr Inri over, people Ilk thIs point·, of, view, It .appeir.: that first, be . thought ,it was reacUon rules, What 'may s~cm .to be a THE ANNUAL DIN~ER and ot' officers of. tile ;St. ~o~n's General Hospital )?~h091 of " ' \V.~s heiil '

luestioD rA all10ne

who ha.' bad thele,.ccld.nts"overtake the be.rt to a val:i:lnl! be had taken against symptom' often turns out ·to be at the':N~wfound' la'nd.'.Hot·ell"c,~'i.,e"enl·n·g ... Gu·ests'.·of hop'our \ve, re Miss ,E .. Smrime.·rs. , Preside,'nt of t.h.'e,.A,'S!3.oc. ,.' Of.

I helrt aUack'. Y, thete an alarm without wamlnll.' fiu.' He aha kit tired. ,pure. imagination, or Irom 'some . ....f . ltll? A sci or ')'mptoms? Any- But could il be that natura' does One' morning; walldDI to his other cause. Vice I'.em, there, Registel;ed, Nurses' of Nfld;:: !lnd~Miss· E. Thilmas, Presi(Jent; . .Grand Hpspltal' A1um!l~e ~A?s.o~.,· .~1~~. ·)~i!.nnedYI :hill, yoo can.l r~clfgnlze; beyond 'Irf lo"solind' an "alarm?' office, he fell a 511gb! pain In his may besllcli a thing as.a warning; President, SI. Clare's Hospila 1 Alumnae As~or:, \,'as litl~ \'oi<lably absent. The newly installed execlt,ti\'~.~i'e pictuJ;ed, lny doubt,' as Ihe barbinger of a . A Ma.rt illack Is an InlenselY chell!. It went away,' and he Ellher iV3Y, ductol'S advise' a . . ' "." '- ." , " . . ... ,~,' ' " d P 'P hl!art aUack?' ; ,personal experience. No twp alorles thought no, more aboul It.: . \ regular c_heckup., . ' . , ' .herc:-Front"I,eIt to ;l'ighl:-Ml's.: P .. Belll~e.Lt.J1on; :P.l'es:; . I\'IJ~.s G, I' al:t:el~. Pres.;. MISS ~.,~ ¢'eh~lI. II?~;~ . ' .. a~t .. Ie~. , .

The ~cienllflc answer ,Is "no.", .ne. exacUy aUke,' bul this,' for Two .nlgbt! lalcr the aUaek Inl. " ", '. -- 2nd. row left to right-l\11ss C. Tobtn; .Tl'casuI'CI:;.l\tIrs. R: .Parsons, Lhall'll1l1n 'EnLcrlllll1ql£nt .. ~omll},~~teC,~ M:IS~::J • Alit I'lm ,nol . sllre 'Ihi~, II 'dle what' itiK·. ivorth; IK, mine; " It·, WRK' so"s~vere,' he says, l/inl "I .;I'oJl!nrrnw: yan YOII tak2 .mea.s. Go'd~en', 'Chairm' . .£0'.... 'C ,·tt: /M" .'iJ ""11 :dtt ' Vic'e Pres"'Miss J'. Storey thairina'n:EducaUori !3ommitteih. '

ramplB\e' answer, ,on' the JlIIIIi of : ,lor' IIveraJ.;wae!ti ",:-"'ore the couldn't· rem-ember !Uy nurse's ul'es ~'avold- heart a\tac]<sl. an manee om~I_: ee, .. , ,rs: /, .. y " - - ' .. ,.., .... '.. ' , . .,~, .. :.;:. ,,: .


. ! .to. ...

Page 2: DaVince Tools Generated - Memorial University of ...collections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL19550930.… · Tile Scholarship has \ ... he was exam.. 'rhis." ... beyond

• . .

2 THE'DA!lY NEWS, FRIDAY, .SEPT. 30, 1955



," ,



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50 . Years . Service . . .

'LIMIT'ED '. DIAL 80341.

:Pi ·La I .

In ., Spcaki


e:.;tend~ a a pari of roundland.

"AmI the - Labl'~dor is

neighbour bec ..

"Indeed. a common body ~ccms where it 1> .

. "And I

10 hal'e to that p0II'er exploited.

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: nSTER . ReSource1 ..G,a:ude K '1o-takl::u ':presentec ",sIi~w~ 'M

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• THE DAILY NEWS, FRIDAY, SEPT. 30, 1955. 3 , " .,'.' .

Collfer"")f(illedlllPe"ppenell Award For ~.Ryanl"! Tra.glcAccident '. .,

Thomas·· Collier, 66-year.old residl,mt of 8 Berteau, St. John's died yesterday afternoon from

, ,injuries sustained in a motcir 'vehicle accidcnt. <DHvmghis 1~.54 Qpdgc ~r. Collicr was pro­

ceeding West towards TopsaifRoad at 3.30 p.m., . and was'. shortdistanec west of Sopcr's whcn his

car was involved in a hca,d-on collision ,vitlt a two-, ton truck; B~th ,vchiclcs wcre hurled from the

highway with the, force ofthc impact Ilnd whcn Mr. Collier was removed from his car hc was unconscious and seriously injured •. An ambulancc

, ' wais called and 'conveyed the injured man to the \Genera"Hospi~al,where he passed away about 'two hou~safter the accident. '.

, ,Patrick Harding of. Springdale' Strelilt, S1. 'John's was not )erioiisly injured 'and was not

:. detahied attheho~pifa1. ' !. ,

. DRUNKURIVING ARRESr . . 'The driver ,uf'tl1e truck which 'collidc'd with.' '. Coilier'scar has·been arrcsted an'd ~s beit~g.held , ,at,the'Police Station on a charge ofdrunJicn ,driv~ ,

" ,. ing. 'He .will appear in cOUlftbis morning. ' .. ., '

'. ", , ". ','.. .

IIERE IS THE SCENE of the tragic acci'leni·';ca;Sope"S"Y;,t.rd~y. aite,"oo';, In": Plumbers Stnke which MI'. T. W. Collier 100lthis life,'when his cal' was invo~ve~Hn a h~ad-on collision,',; " '. , •. ,' ~ .. :". '. .'

with a 2-ton il'uc~ , , " . ,' .. ' ,'. , .. ' .,,'....... .: , -;:8 till . '.U nsettled PEPPERRELL AFB-Base Civilian Per son nell Officer Dennis Ryan accepts

. NEAC Suggestion Plaque on behalf of base employee.s from Pepperre1\ Commander G, S. Bond. ThisNEAC Hq. base won the award over other NEAC ,bases by subml~~. ting suggesLions that will save the Govern· ment an estimated $9000 during the first year they ~re in effect.

·PI· C· ke r sg··I·II·· De·SC·f' 1· -bes' '; . The .di~pute between the·mem· based upon a 48 h~ur we·~k. , . , ,,', " " . \ ' • '. liirs, ?rt,h(Plumbers arid Fitters The employers stated yesterday

'.' '. . , . . '.; . , '. Uillon' and' their employers was that they are preparcd to meet

L h . d R ' ..... '. " '. . ,', unchanged.late last 'night and 'as thc Union demand In December,

a r a 0 r . e:s 0 U'f'C e·s· far as"can be learned the strikc, but. this offer has not been ac, '. '. . .. :.- .-.: ", .. ' which began . early yes~erday morn· ccpted by th~ Union membership

• . . . InK, . 1,,111' be continueD today. who are secklOg to have the pro,

I Q b S·, h' . " ;'.. . The strike was called wheneni· posed arrangemcnt' made retro·

11 ue ec peec. 'W·· " ployers'reJecte~ the demand ,of actlvetoMay1st,thedate~fsign. . . .1 n S· the Unloh for R.,40.hour week With Ing the annual agreement With em·

Spea\dng before the Quebec City Rotary Club, the . . ' , . ,.0.0 reduction In present wage rate ployers.

Honollrable J. W. Pickcl'~gi1\, Ncwfoundland's Rep~esent~ ., C/ec'fora I' . I P' Stephen, ~liiltown, Port Elgin and alh'c in the Federal Cabinet referred to the "Vast" wealth J; . MUSICa roO'rarn Halifax were In attendance. in Ncwfollndland Labrador, A' ;. d '~Birthday greet!/lgs were extend·

Said 1111 .. Pickel'sgill: war· At Rotan ed by President Alderdice to "1\ is a .facl, howevcr, th,at Ihe I rc"lon. Includin':--g the lower s1: .J Rotarians Anderson and McLeod,

rI db' while. the best wlshcs of the Club

l~land of ro\c\\'loun Ian 'is 10 arca Lalvrence has becomc a positive Arranged by, Rotarian W. F, Gal· I h I

' were likewise conveyed to Rotar· mIlch less t~nn ha fie pro\' nce. aim 01 national policy, gay, a concert party consisting of

"I know It Is a delicate point Andreas Barban, Louise Dickson, Ian Jack Cheeseman and his wife bl:1 the cuast o{ Lahrador, which FAMILY LIFE ' the 'Davidson Guitar Trio and Ches who this week celebrated a wed· c:-;tcnd~ a lon~ way inland, Is also "Tim people' o( Ncwfoundland, Clarke, entcrlalned some one hun· ding anniversary. a p~rl 01 the Province o( Ncw., like the people of I'ural Quebec, dred aild twenty Rotarians and Messrs. J. Barry Smith and J. G. !uundland. arc deeply attached 10 the family their guests 'it this weck's regular Moore were guesls from the city,

"And the {acl Ihat Ihe coasl o( and the home. II Thursday luncheon meeting of the Hamilton Miller and Doug Elliott I.abl':dor Is part o{ Newfoundland "Newfoundland has a higher Club, from. Toronto and Commander makes thnt province an immedlnte birth.rate than any olher province . Rotarian' Bob' McLeod MC'eed Bernard Dickson; U.S.N., Seattle. nei:hbour 01 the Prol'lnce of Que. and the populnllon Is Increasing the programme,lntroducing' the . •

To Probe IPremier Joining Be~efits For "Billy" F,s.hermen 0' tt awa

Graham , .



Of bet': \'Cry rapidly.! guest "rtists and thanking them Thre~ f? North .Carollnas lev·

"Indeed, the \\\'0 prol'lnces have! "Ever since the or!glllal Can., on behaU of a very appreciative en principal mountain ranges' a common boundary though no. Ilcderation of 1867, Ncwfoundland., audience. bear Indian names: Unakas, Nan· (Daily News Photo)


Grand Mast._r Black Knights .

On Official Visit body seems 10 be too sure exactly I ers have been coming to make. I Major F •. Joseph Verhulst was tahalas, a.nd Cowees. where It IS. their homes In other parts of Can· : the special guest from Pepperrell .

"And I don't need lu wenry any ada. No doubt that movement to Air Foree Base while five Ho- Nearly two million Americans ~udicncc here 111 (.!uebcc with a i the mainland will continue, I tarlans from the mainland Clubs live permanently on wheels, In reminder of Ihe ea.t nclY wealth I INTELLIGENT I of Scarborough, 'Sackvllle, St'. 9000 trailer parks, bcin~ uncol'crcd ill Lnbrador and I "Indeed I bellel'c It Is a healthy .-----UngaI'C. I thing for 'the whole oC Canada to '" . Claude H m,use:

HAMILTON RIVER have this source of healthy and Pictured above Is U:year-old Mary "On the Hamilton River In intelligent people to help tis build Dunphy, a pupil of the Presenl.· CO. Workers Make

1.;l.Jr;:dur, al tnd bclow the Grand up the whole country (rom one tlon CODveDt School, Port au Port, r- iI. there i~ pruuubly the "reat. coast 10 the other. winner of the $800 Electoral Dis, 4. I d I 'd lb d "But the majorit'· of Newfound. trl~ Scholarship for St. George'.·

csl source (I un el'e ope 1>' ro·· I P · T I . , , I fi' II . 'Id" landcrs. like the majority of the P.or~ au Pori D strict. Mary, who 't t

e crlrlC po,\er e m lC 1101 'I I' b Is the dau-hter ol·Mr nd Mrs resen a Ion 0 it i, cCl'tainly one 01 thc grcatest. peop e In Que ee, want to slay a.t . ." .• a ,

.. \nd I don't think we arc going: home to maintain their own tradl· E. J. Dunphy, Is now taklngFlr~t " i tions to build up their own p 0 Year EdllcatiOD at Memorial UDI· R .. D .

to h~I'C to 11':111 manv yens (or , r· , t· t . th~t • power III he dc~'eloped and I'iner. and to preserve their \'f,UIlY.. . .' , . . " e IrIng ,epu y exploited, Christian way of life lor succeed·

The Director of Unemployment Insurance In Canada, Mr. R. G. Barcley, arrived In SI. John's yes· terday from Ott~va to get first· hand Information of the fishing In· dustry In Newfoundland.

Mr. Barcley will visit Bay Rober!!, Bonavista and Burin duro ing his visit, which will last until the end o( this week, Last June the Investor Relations Committee, In a report to the Government in· cluded a suggestion that wage­earning fishermen be included in the groups eligible for unemploy. ment Insurance benefits, and Mr. Bareley is here to inVestigate con· ditlons of fishermen In Newfound· land.

The members of Rose of Sharon Royal Bi"ck Pr~cep­tory No. 216, St. John's, were hosts last night to the 1.1ost Worshipful Grand Master of the M,W. Grand Black Chapter of British America, Sr. Kt. James Jackson 01 Owen Sound, On1., who is paying an officia~,visit to New­foundland. I" . ~--- ..­

During his slay he will visi~: officers: N. Pelten, J .. W~ela~, H. Bay Roberls, Grand Bank. Bona· I Butler, J. Badcock. Dls.tm~U1~hed visla, Grand F~lls, Corner Brook, I I'isilors included Premier S!lIall and Port aux lIasques. I wood ~nd Judge Charles. R~berts.

Prcsid'ing at I~st night'~ mcel· Sir Kt.. A. Stanley mtroduc~d ing was tlie preceptor, :,j'r KI. the M.W. Grand JIIaster, Sr., Kt. John Norman, James Jackson, M.W. Bro. R. E.

Distinguished visitors were In Wright. Grand Treasurer. lif On· troduced by Sir Kt, Sir C Whit· tario Wcsl G.B,C., and Sir Kt. B. ten as (allows: Sir Kts. Waller KinK, Grand Censor of B A.

"The exlstencc o( ail this wcalth I Ing ~eneratlons. Magistrate s Court' in L~brador is, 01 coul'se, one I EQUAL OPPORTUNI'TY - '. Yesterday afternoon members ot the Department of murc justWc;lllon of the lI'isdom .A man arrested for' creating a Mines 'and Resources gathered in the Y.W.C.A. club rooms and 1:le sittesmanshlp of those "None of Ihese things will be disturbance at t~e Harbour' Inn, to say farewell ,to Mr. Claude K Howse Deputy Minister Can~dlans who helped to bring possible unless men can earn a and 'for-belng drunk and' disorder· . f' . . . '. . ' about lhe union o( Newfoundland living lor their families,' and In lyon WedncsdaYi'was fhied '$10 or who or over twenty years has been connected With the with Canada. these days of mass advertising !lnd 14' days in Court on Thursdly governmental department, and has resigned to take a

rapid and easy communication, morning. '\ :. . position with the British and Newfoundland Corporation. men arc not too IVllllng to stay at A young man lrom the South, Mr. W. F; Haynes, a~slstant , .

"But it will be many years be· home unlcss they can earn a living' CoastwasJlned $25 or 30 rlays for ~eputy' mll)lster, was the chair. Mr. Howse with a farewell gilt, iore mueh 01 the weallh in Labra·. that Is reasonably comparable to disorderly conduct while drunk on DIan for the a;;sembiy and called which Mr. Ho\Vse teceived 'f:ac, dor can he exploited for the ben~ the living earned by Canadians,ln New Gower Street on W'ednesday on Mr, Patrick Murray, deputy lously and said that up to a few iii 01 the people of Newfoundland other parts of Canada. night. . , minister' of Resourees. minutes before he came to the and the whole Canadian nation, lOll seems to me that one ot,the . kyoung, mani charged with the Mr. Murray said' that hl~ re- gathering he was c~mp~!ed but


Jewer Grand Master of Lhe Grand The Grand Master adtJreSlEcI Mr. Barc!cy was ~ppoinlcd dl. Black' Chapter of Nfld.; C. H. the' large gathering in man'y inal·

rector of the Unemployment In. Butler, P.GJt., Eric POnleroy, ters connected with the wor~ 01

surance work in Canada when the P.G,M.; Albert Stanley, I'.G.M.; the Order, and brought greetings dh'ision was set up in 1941. He, and the following Grand Lodge 'from' main!a.nd . juris?iction,~' • He has been with the'Civii Service all' . told of a VISit to Newfound,and In h~ life and worked with the or the Veterans' Land Act, before 1950, and having gon! to a ~mr Soldier Settlement Board, whieh joining the Unemployment Insur· to fmd a .place to' stay, he. was now comes under the' jurisdiction anee office. (Continued on page 18)

"The dCI'elopment of Labrador, things that the union of New. theft. of .a ,ear, was, remand,ed .f~r, lations with Mr. Howse havf: been was the; feeling a htl!e co~fused of Ihe isl~l1d of Newfoundland foundland h~s done Is to polntu~ 8 days .a,nd W!ls. Sr!lp~~d ,ball of happy ones, and he has. \;een a as ,he id not recogmze hlmsell an:l. Inrleed, 01 the whole Allantlc (Collitnued on page Wi wltb a surety of $100. good man to work with, His con. ~sl:re pe~so~ Dr. Rowe had been

i--;'-------------~·~:,,':-·-~...:..;.· ..,.,.1 ___ - ' trlbution . has added considerably a H ng had ou 'I d f r M' to the department, Mr. Murray ea. m xc . ee Ings, r. said and much credit must be Howse said, on leaVing the I!cpart· giveri him,' Evellts' are movmg fast m.ent, for he had been wDrklng In the development of Newfound. With two gOl'ernments I~ New· hind's resources Mr. Murray said (oundland for over Iwenty years, and ~rr: Howse' wlslie~ to ~pL out He has always been IntenEI cd In Into'the larger field, He is not the work, has, seen the depart· satisfied ·to . rest on his laurels ment grow, and the work 'of the he said,' but' he regretted that h~ d~partment I.mvrove. In tlte new Is 'leavin'g the department and work, he saId, he noped there wished him every success. w~ul~ no~ be too much chauge for

,Han, Dr.F. W. Rowe, minister hiS. first Interest has ~Iway~'bccll of the' Department, spealdng to the development of I~IS country,. the group'sald the 'occasion could He expressed a ~lncele tha~k be sadder.!f ~b. Howse werl' leav. you to everybody pre~ent and said lng, Newfoundland .. ' Mr.' ,ROWt said that he had ~I\\'ays had the great· that ; he . eonslrlered ,the forming est co.o~erallon from. the Resour· of the British ,and Newfoundland ccs secllon, and assured Mr Alur· Company to be one of the llicatest ray, that he can be proud Ilf the achievements of Han, Mr, bmall. courtesy the mef!lbm,. o~· the wood, and It Is' a' malter III 'grall. branch have shown. To . III! own fication ·to' him that. Mr •. Howse department ~r.Howse t.hanked wlil . be c'onneded' with' tile com them for thm loyal, friendly and

, I co-operatlve service. . • . " , Saying that he' will still be can· n .Is ,a matter, ilf great regret nected wlththedepartmeil~ ·Mr.

and .concerD" Mr .. Rl}we ,Sal(l. ihat HoWlie reminded . the - members . on~ w~o k'lo.ws ~h~ reso)lrces ,.of that Section 20 of the IlRlNCO

Newfoundlimd" iD. great detilll agreement made all reports of'the " ' . " , '.' " '...'.... (Dqlly News. P~oto) : I.~""Y'" be leaving the depA~tment. department avallabli!lo the com·

. . ' , .. . .•• ' ''' ' ,.. , " .. ·.He recilled the many things he' pany. , YESTERDAY AFTERNOON members of'the staff of the~Depariment of Mines and'': remembered'about Mr;,Howre, his 'Thanking thtm for his gilt, Mr: Resources gathered in the recreation room of' the Y;W,C.A. to bid·' farewell I to Mr: ,'willingness to undertake jobs put Howse said that he could see Claude .K. Howse, D. eputy Min.·.ist.er of the\Departm .. ent, wlio;,'1a•s ;re. !ijg.';' 'rie.d hi"sPos~*I.n '. before !11m ~by'the' gO\'ernmcn1i his nothing but gond days alll'dd, for t k h d Tr' unfailing 'cheerfulness and· optim tile :department and he' ,thought o ta ~ Up work Wit the BritIsh and Ne\\ Coundlan Corporation; nOO' F. W. Rowe' Ism, and above all hl~ goodness o( ihat the' depart men I WOUIU . not pr~s~ted Mr. Howlle with a . brown le~ther Ibrief ca'se~s a farew~U gifL The;pictu~e. heart:,,', . . . '. suffer. too greatly from nl! leav· shoW~: Mr.', Hows~; on :th~' .. right: r~ceiving' the.glftf.rom, ,theMi~ister ,.:.' . "".:;' <:::>, :"'!i' : HOI1. Mr',Rilwe ~hcn, pfcEenlcd in', .. ": ,,:,. ~,'"~ . .' ,'::''-.. '

. . ' i \ .

MEN'S WINDBREAKERS Unlined Jackets in small, medium and large sizes. Two-tone and plain shades in Colton Gabardine, Also in Plaid Rayon Checks. Some wilh eolian, others knitted neckband.

SPECIAL ·~ ...... , .. · .. · .. : .. · .. ,--.... 3,19S


Light weight Checked Co!t~!l Work 'S~irts; also navy, royal blue,' grey or white Sweat Shirts-the popular fleece lined ............ : ................. 1.45

• , i

, , • , '\ I

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\ SOLE SELECTEE LARVAE 'DO DAHAGE SAX 1NVEN.TOR N' F Th L' b ,1 · F a1chard )I. Johillon of Ken. 'Mult moths do not cat wool· The saxophone was IlI\ented ew' . S rom '8 I rary aCCllle j or

tuck)' wu the only . vice presl. ens, furs and other fabrics, B! by and named after Antomt Jo- ' do' 0( lb. .m ..... S~'" "" "',"", ",,,,,", Th., ". w,h. S ... · .. "".n. '"'''''''''' .' . . .' '. L b d' D . ekcted by the 'Sen&te. ~Iartln however lay their eggs in such maker. Just when he invented @] a ra or ogs .. Vu..... wily ... .""'" m.'''''.''' Ib, bbd, ""W6 'ho ."''''"" i • ." .... ,. mi' N,w th., th • ...,.." " "" U,i,g '" .,.,' lb' ".,,, " ,.. . . . Th. Mi,"," " .i, ...... R. ,_~. "" '" ,~ ",,",'" .."." .. w,th .... ' 'ood .. ,ply. b. n,."n' it" ,,,. ot , .... '''' th",h" .". from ,,,,.,, m,""'''''''''' ''''',.,,'' " . ~ I sources, Hon, Dr. F. W. Rowe, has

""i ...... ,.lIt., W" ,..... O'L FIELD UN'O , .... aI., OM' 0 ",.bb" ,,"~. ,,' th' ".,. "h.... b.,_ ,ol "do. b,' Mon" "",. c .... " ,mm'" h.. ',d'''' "', .. ,, •

Iftei\W I mlJorlty for vice \ perusits to tht: autumn activities food.The ~are .n~ fle~inll 9f frl· .~~ .. announced last night that the gov-

... ... .... ".In ............ ith A"'"'' "',,'" , ...... ,,,', , •• '''.h'''''''' ...... """ .. to tho "'" " "', "'. ""'.' ,,, 'M. b, .iIDa B .. k". Th. ''',m,'' nui .. " b. "'''' ,,, lonstilutioDl1 provisIon, ' all leases; a "rock boun.!" I, • In the IInllo of the .011 lie ills. work, and the University 15 open I can opner cook book, by POppy the vaccination of all youilll dogs

forward to a Ilusy winter season career Bir!. Ent.rtallling slnsll' jority o[ dogs on Labrarlol died r;;;;;;----------;;;;------------;;;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:-~.---;., allain. The LlIl1ary too, is looking Cannon, are cxcellent fare for the on Labrador. Last )'ear the mao of service to (lId and new ~or. hlnil~cI, by' Elinor Parker, Th, [rom what is beliilVod to he two rowers, ho~t and hoste~s bl/ok, by H, K. separate diseases. One of these,

Since September Is the monlh Mtlhhs, and Th. Barbecue cook distemper, can be controil'!!) by for the rcorgdnizatlon , pnd .re. book, by H, O'Connor, give ideas the vaccine and, acrordingly, It

FREE . Help and estimatet on all your home fix·up and remodel· I'n9 needs I

Quality is of utmost importance in lumber and building supplies for ell you~ repair or remodelling needs, Inferior materials can result in cosIly repairs !ate.r on. Before you buy building materials, come to our company. You II fmd the largest selection of fine quqlity materials in twon :-and at low prIces, always I See ~sfor all your home fix-up and remodel. mg needs and you 1/ be ~ssured of Ihe best I Use our convenient budget plan!


opening of most groups and the' (or your married people. , has heen decided t!l prol;ide • ! formation o[ new. societies, II Representath'e menus and food su[£icient amount to vaceinate atl : glance at whal has been wrlLtcn hallits 'of dlff'!rcnt natloJl~ are young dogs in order to build up I by vcteran gruup i!!oders ma}' suggested InTh. Scot's kitchin, immunity at a lime \\hell thl' area 'help you wit,1 your ]Iarllcuiaor by}'. M. McNcI!,The I'l1l1l1shman's Is \'irtually free of the difillase. ! pl'oblems. in )llannlng the yeal's I'ood,. by C'rumlUond, Kitchens for Last year the e[[orts of the gov, 'activities uf YOIII socilll)l.. land near, Ily ilerman Smitll, and ernment in this matter wtre sue·

I SPEAK FOR YOURSELF TallIe Marie'. French kllchen. cestful in those areas where lhe

,ONCE MORE IT'S CLUB TIME \! Chlmentln. In the kitchen 15' R vaccine could be givim beiore the

for alii' collc:tlon uf booits on Reminiscence and 'ravioli brings ever, that where the dogs h9d the


'fhe abol'e 's the display title cute book on Frr.nch cooking, ami I disease struck. It was found,. how·

'"'' ,,,d,,"" ,. c" b, "d 0,. ,"i'M .,' ft,',. . ",,'" " Ih.. "",m' " .. ,. ,ooi roll,,,. ft will. ., h,.". ".' ,Ii" ." ,,' cl,,,u~. "" ,,,',, ",' ,.m' " th. "" NEW' BOOK Th. d,,,,'m .. ' " ,hi"i", '."

_. fClrmutlon 011 Ihis whole subject Heading the IIsl o[ new books I doses for northern settlements by " '." .. " .. ",,,d,,U,, ",.re Ob,,, " '"' '". In'''",-. Ih. M.V .... " •• , .h'" "',. ,,,,,,,)d, i' "mm"i~ "u,' ",,,,.i,, H'm' m"h"i" " TV ~I " Ih. 'OIh ""~",,. fh' ,~, "rvlcing by Wellman and Kadirle for Southern Labrador are beine

".;~, thoo. "U .. "di" .. h'" • "ro'''''' "Id. " ""h,oo.. , .. , ... , ,,' will bo ~, ,,' ,,, t II II n d I I g f A 1\ ing the month of october. Th,

The clubwoman's book, by Hcien ms a a 0 an serv c n 0 your ul Fraser Esq Atlen' d Drama' use o( the vaccine Is, of course, M .. Avery an:! Frank W. Rye, set. WlllJam I. Kllu[ma!l's How t~ ..' I. , • purely volunlary on the part ~f

I [ [I I d t M' · the owners. However, It I. felt

wiliell dlseusst.... procedures for write for Television contains artl' Add' R hO

meetings, programming, Cinanm c e.s 0 ten success u "wr tel'S all. resses eo Ie eetIng Ihat the great majority of people and club partlmpation ill lIation. sci\pt ~dltCors, with ha~? bitten C· JIving in Labrador will hkt loj· al Dnd wDrld aHairs.we have with \ pro[esSlOnol information on the, I.lapter J 0 D E Representatives o[ St. John's vantage of this ,opportunity us tonight, by G. Lynn Sumn!!r, cr~~~lon of saJ~able TV scripts. ' • •• Players and Theatre' Guild, who Dr. Rowe staled that the ncond Is a pleasant ~Id In leaming t1le f 10m televls.on wc turn toTta. "Ir A III F' 1\1 P III A attended the conference of the ~sease amon,", Ihe dogs lias been

, ! cup fortune telling, a little \,01. ". • • laser, I '" '" secrets of SUCClSS at ~ speaker s , b lIl' I I 'I was the special speakEIl' at the Regional Drama groups at Grand iagnosed <IS listeria and 15 under

table I u}lw y . mc',tn W lie.' I mit ates S b' Fall S t ~ t d t v"ry careful sludv -t the present

. . yuu intu tile uJlCflcaClCS ot fore. eptem er me!!tlng of the Beothlc s on a uruay, re urne 0 ." • n Have you a )'oung son or daugh. . . Chapter 10 D E whi h wa h Id the city by the express on 'londay. time by medical authorities botb ~cll1l1g lhc Iu', UlC by listing the ' . , '" C 5 C • b" ~ h . tel' who has lu~t been elected an 1 I I on Tuesday September 26 at the Mr. and ~lrs. Martin Sherratt III La ranor an" ere m St. John's,

i I I h f . reslgl" e t n "our teacup. ::;hc ' . , t d Th 'I E t II '1' (It Ih t It'll

officer n I s or cr avoUflte or. i I I ~ b I I, home or lIfrs Hartley' Ayre with represen e eatre GUI d and Mr ven ua y I I~ e a WI ganizatlon? Porhaps they hove intCl'[lrc 5 t ICse sym 0 s, uut IIlrs James Crawford preSi;lI~g Bruce Feather and MI. Alan Van be possiblc to provide romp eHel!-

I . I I' II eavcs you tu d,'uw yuur own con. . . lh [ St J I I tl'I'o emedy f l' thl's d,'s as •. h' h

beell confronter Wltl ar amen' 1.\.'.' IIlr. F~'aser ~poke on "Peace[ul nan werc ere or , 0 m'~ Pay· c l' 0 e e" IC , lary procedure for the first time,\' c ~~~on~. d .c b 'I . Co-cxistence B~lween Commuliist ers. fortunately, does not appeal to be If yo, ... '10 ",g '" " .. '" "". .'" .~: '~'. '. '~'" h ~' ",' C"it.H" Sb i ... " " , m,. M'. F ,,'b " .. pori,,, 0, • h. ~ wid .. ,,,,,, " ",torn,..,. "'erlng this numurous !IUestlions I j\lnclJu!l1c, ill.,uugiJl5 01 Ii;) a day I "d t t' lit F . conference ~aid that ~om~ nl the The minister added' th,1 the

• " ' . 1 • I' tl ... ,. . ,"I' t I' UCI prcscn a IUn, r. rasel out· t' f II f I I perhups"So you were elecled by I OUI 0 1C Cilldl ICPUIJ ICS 0 IIC I' d th d' I . I' t' benefits, as he ~aw them, \Vpre the gUl'crnmcn IS u y aware n tl~

, " .. ,t U' • . L' J 'd t JIle e IP omatlc \IS Ol'y and t'( f h . .' lEd . Virginia Ballnrd and Hurry ~lC'1 "O\lc •. l~lUil; .1 ~III ~nl\lgal u policy of the Soviets, carefully oppor Ulll Y 0 t e :/roupS getting cconOllllC Impor ance 0 ogs ,n K.w" .iII b. " h" ,. Il h" U.... "b"'~", b., ~'. ''''.. U".. .".,," ",01 th' ... "h, m i,., "th. "g.",,, w,,,' ,,' i, "m"U if," . th. "," " th, "", mOl",," oj


"streamllned IIIl0rmation" Oil act .. IS su much pUUliclty UII the new" I k" I .' d Ii and the technicai discussions. people on Labrador and i~ detcr· , rdl" ilty r' ,,' t [. new 00 ,ann emp laslze IE! 1"11" I t k 'Ih I mined to spare no cUort ~r ex ual running of clubs, conduct of I ~o .a . u '~IC "Ul'le , urc~g~1 imporlance of the opportunity- ' c I wcre a en In ree ~ ages,' . ' meetings, and ,ucial events, Part, lelahum, iIIal~hal1 ,\laclJulflc ~ that o( converting ail o!!'id co- morning, afternoon and evening. pense in an attempt to rontrol I uncensorcd nul' and ele\ n hUll ~ The morning session Wd; lIsed these devBstating discases which,

leularly Intcl'C'sting -to Young. C~. 'c. . existence Into [witful cooperation ",d"M ", ., ",m' w,,,",, d"d ,h'w, .. ph, "w. "h' ". --d "i" ,b', ,,,',,' "".,,' In- ,,, dj"."i" ,h,i" " "". " ,poh", "'. '" '''~ ,,"" with lb,m "l "lb ,., d,," i, "'" ",d1". • ., "'. h,w' t, g, ,b,,' ,.,tl" .b. h,,~"i, i, Ibi, , .. t " lb. ,ro" andClubs for the teen agers. Then Blo,.gr.aPhY in' . .Ju, des lwop .ol.lUlal' e~\~,' Fraser was introduced by right kind of plays. This wa; called ince . ..... have Handbook for group I!!a. t AmtdCan fJgUIC~. Betty MacDon· i\[rs E n !II" .,' tt d t th . "The play's the thing." During lhe .. ~ id' r "Ti E d 1" t •. • JI. d .. 1 an a e con afternoon "Direction and rroduc· ders, by Ann C. Brown, as well a ~ \C' g~ all a~e, now elusion of his leclure was gra· lion" was the order o[ discussion, as . How to conduct a discussion contmues with Onions In the ciously thanked by Mrs, C, E. A. and the evcning session \\'as de·

STEEPEST INCLINZ The incline railway at Ecacon,

N.Y., is said to be the sle~;.est of its kind in th~ world. Its two cable cars carry visitors 10 a lookout atop Mount BeacolL 1540 [cet above the Hudwn.

group, by Ber~'1 Hutland stew. She [o~llSakes her chicken JefferY. voted to discussion and information FOOD,FAR AND NEAR. farm for an Isiund III the Puget 011 lighting, staging and makeup,

1£ on the (,ther hand your I Sound 0[£ Seatlle. As usuai her Film Touring Pravlnce The idea of the conference was


tho~ghtl! tUrn to food 'glanc'e' adventures In II! ecare and rais· The J. Arthur Rallk production. originally promoted by Mr~ Ncala across the way at our display of Ing of teenagers are hilllll',ious, Churchill, the man of the Cen· Griffin oE Grand Falls, who has books on that ever.interestlng and she manages also to pamt a tury," sent by tlle National Coun· directed the Northeli£fe Dramatic tople. There you can find some' vivid picture ot the vibrant nOl'th· cll of I.O,D,E, Chaplers In New· Club plays and twice taken them

STILL STANDING Only one of the sel'en wonders

or the ancient world still ~tand5. It is the Great Pyramid at Gizeh, Egypt, which cover. 13 acres or ground and is about 450. [~et ir. height. It sen'ed as R to,r.b for Cheops and contains sever;) ex· cecdingly well,hidden pas-ages.

RPt26,30,actlO,lh) ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~;;;~~;;;~;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;.;;;;~;~~~~~ west. [oundland, Is now belllg shown in' to the Dominion Drama festival. Gertru:le Lawrence as Mrs. A. schools and hospitals throughout The Northcilffe group ha~ reo is the Intimate biography oC that, the province. cently Bcquired n!!W club room~ Ilelovcd English actress WII'ltten! Third Annu~1 Bali Finane.. and the conference was held in

I )\'illl sympathy and understand· lurnries the new headquarters

200/0 OFF

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· . t,,; IASY TERMS ARRANGED,! ; .. · . • · ,. , :: .,-------------------~ ..... : ' · . • ~ .. ; . •

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Cleaning Materials









• Variety Co!ours

• Flats and Glosses




. "..




10% .UP TO


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HUB " ,. .


, '

I?g Ily her distinguished ~~w The thkd BJllIual ball, under the Groups from Grand Falls, Buch, England producer husband, .RIC distinguished patronage of His ans, and 111'0 from Corner Brook hard Aldrich. Included arc ghmp.\ HOllour the Lieutenant Governor as well as the St. John'~ groups 5?S o[ most o( th~ well·known and Lady Outerbrldge, Is bclng attended 'the conference, flgurcs of the American slage. It held 0\1 Monday, Octoher 3rd, in The representative! agrred that

. Is a love ~toJ'Y as well as an ac. the Memorial ~niversity Annex, this type o[ conference should be cu.rante blograllhy. In past years tills ball has been held once a year, and probably im

, Uursula Bloom and Antonia White hal'c written two new novels, Jlllss Bloom's Olughters of the rectory tells an appealing tale of Engllsll country lifc cen· tred around three daughters, "lelr problem.; and responslblll· tics. Antonia White's Strangera is a colectlon of seven short star· les, all in differing moods, but with the same skillful plots,' and good prose style,

mediately after the annual region one of llle most successful social events of the years and all efforts ~!f!~~~i~~ni~n~d;:lptOgi~~~S~~rl;~~ are being mad., by the committee ~djudicators, ~ to make this year's ball as enjoy- 1111', Feather said that all groups able as ever. 'fhe proceeds help have the same problems rof (ind· flnnnce a studert at the Memorial ing places (or rehearsals and stag· University for one year and furn· Ing tlleir productions. He paid Ish a seholarshlp awarded at the warm tribute to the hospitality of m~slc festival ~ponsored by the . the Grand Falls people, who went Kiwanis Ciub. all out to give the representatives

Provision has been made for a a warm welcome and every con certain numl:ier of bridile tables slderation.

SUClle gloves can be re·napprn by rubbing them with a fill~ emery board.

Festival Rt Corner Brook Ihat he would bring the mailer to the al· tention of the cabinet.





,2097 Dial ~654 Run si'tent-runn deep is anol· her World \V nr 11 novel. Com mand(\!' Edward L. Deaeh, U.S,N., describes the Ecrviee of submar· inc crews which destroyed the ,lapanose mcrehant marine, It dlf· fers from mo~l war novels by dealing wllh the war. kom the perspective of command. "Com' mander Rlehardson" is a cllara'c. ter Immortalizing the men who became great under alniost un· bearable tensio·ns.

and tickets for bridge may be p)lr·' No drama director has been ap­chased (rom Mrs, Hartley Ayre; pointed [or Newfoundland, 1111' those for dancing may be obtain· Feather said, though the Mmister, cd by dialing 4619 or from any Hon. J. R .. Chalker, promised at ag22,mons,weds,1ris,tf member of the Chapter, the close of the 11155 Reglo:n:a:.,l ~~~~~~~~~~~:


~rhe summer reading program me In the Boy] and Girls' library slarted when school closed In June, and conLillued until August 31st. Over 100 children from 6·12 yearR enrolled in the Birthday Candles Readilll; Club. At the end o( August· seventy·eight children had pbiced 11 candle on the Make belleve Cake, Indicating they had read at least live books; twemy, three children received a eertlfi· cate by reading twenty l-ooks. However, quito B few completd their twenty books two or three weeks blore' the colslng date of the programme, butclmtlnued on with their reading and filled eut their "speelal barrower's" card.

The Interest In this readln, pt\l' gramme. on the p~t of the child· ren was great, and Mn. Pynr., the Children's Librarian, was very graflfled with the result. The ell" cluatlon for. tht' months of Jul,. and. August was up about 35% compared with the same months last year.

Tne programme eoneluded with a party. A real birthday cake, beautifully decorated, .was donat. lid by Mammy's Bakery, Ltd., and' dixie cups we~e given with the compilments of Brok[\eld Ice Ceeam, Ltd.


·tv AS LOW-·AS ,$2'29.95


TV AS LOW AS 5189.95

A very large




In stock'

Tabla and Con ,



. T.IGHT AN 'Since Satu

some vital gine used to of electricity of the time darkness until 8 a.m. gines are in eleciricity for gone and value, which there able) can be while some dies, thus have stepped couple da),s. quiet on energetis wen t to bed 4 a.m. and ready for or 'f a.m. there's I understood a engine has express from ':ouncil hope corrected in

Until then yourllght fully the by being responsible

Because pupils if released furnace is this will be present stallation is or Noire


ing. Worship

hymn and Winsor.

Then 3S

members Ind namel daughter. mother is an and is the on for

Page 5: DaVince Tools Generated - Memorial University of ...collections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL19550930.… · Tile Scholarship has \ ... he was exam.. 'rhis." ... beyond


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ewis ·orte· J

otes Georges Cuvier, French seientist,

who made a lifelime study ilf liv­ing and fossil animals, is credited with the development of the science of paleontology.

, LlGH'J' AND POWER (IFf Sinee Saturday noon, wben

~ml! vital' part of the larile en· gine used to calTY the ,heav~ load of electrld\y beeame broktm. most of the time the town has b-en In darkne~ except from nldnlght until 8 a,m. when the sm4n en· lines are In operalllln. On! takes elecirleity for granted unlll It II gone and then one realIzes tt, full \'1lul!. Kerosene all lamps 0'

teen lie eirls. 1st lymPlthy I~ 'exl,nded. was guest of Mr. and III1·s. Geo: At a fall m~eUng of the Wom. Should, grief or' sickness waste Gale. His son David I, here staying

en's Missionary Society, till> 'lead. away, . , with the Gale family and attend· Mr. J. Congden of Civil Defense ers of C.G,I.T. groups wrot., on' My .life In prEimatufQ deca')' Ing High School as a Gra,de XI returned from St. John's during slip of paper naml! of' elch My father,lt\1\ .'11 strive 10 say pupil. ' the week where he was on bus· , C.G.I.T. member. rhese IllmeS Thy Will be done. Misses Je~sie Reid and Winnie iness. placed in a box. are passed lround ' PERSONALS Verge spent a day last week at Dona M: Cole daughter of Mil' and drawn by W:M,S. wmber. (irand Falls. jar ail~ Mrs. R. H. Cole left for The girl whose namn Is drswn be Mr. and ~rs. Fred Smr.1I are Mr. D. Pin sent was In Town the Memorial University Wednes-camel wbat II termed "Hel My! enjoying • hol!~ar vlsiUn~ with Monday from G~nder. day night. Prior toiler leaving, tel')' Daughter," Ind Is remt!mber. Mr. Small', ,~Ol, Cecil It Sllhurst, Mr. SIdney Fraake employee, she worked on ,the staff of tbe ed' on special occasions during N·~ir.R~ssell ~ott i,5 at present A,N.D. Company G1en.wood, who Lewlsporte Whores~lers ~td. and the year and blrthrlays whic his 'I lUng with his parents at To was on holidays returned to work the Manager Mr. t.~. A. Russell, on allO written on • sUp, The namc.~ v s t' ' on Monday. . behalf of the omployees, ,presented

ron o. ' are kept aSI pers!,nal se~rct by Mr. Erl~. Hacker ~nd M\~s Jen. Congratuiatlons arc extended to he.r with II ~eautlful signet ring. the mothers and much guessing nle Burt' who spent I holl~ay at Mr. and Mrs. Elmo King, aml Mr. She has ben very' aetil'e in Is done and wond"rlng un the Halifax, 'bavenow resumed work, al\d Mrs. ,Herb Freake on a bay church work, being a member of part of the gh-ls jU&\ wh~ their the former, with C.N.R., "he lat. girl at their respective homes. the songster brigade, a teacher in ~ myltery mothel Is. HOWBvel the ter with, steers ,Wholes.lerr. Mrs. Mary No.hcoU celebra~ed Sunday school, both groups united f suspense ends on the eveAlllg of Belated ,blrtlldlr, g,ee"p,s ' are her 85th bb·thday ~ast week WIth in giving her a surprise party. 'l'he the party as II did 01\ Thursday extended ValerIe little daughter several friends DS guests at her Commanding Officer, Lieut. H. ~

THE DAILY NEWS, FRII,)AY, SEPT, 30,. 19~~ . , I ' , ,~-. '

5 ' )..;


Longest barrier reef In the world is the Great Barrier Reel of Aus­tralia, which parallels the eastern short of that continent for more than 1200 miles. . •


The discoverers ,of New ~a: laljd were polynesian anceltors of .. ' the Maori' race,' who' 'venture.-: southward in frail canoes' front; I

i!lands of tho central Pacific. • t ':

.' , .

nsf , .

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! , I · , , , i I , , I I · t · i .i

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,which there are v~ry few avail· able) can be seen as a dim !laht, while ~me homes /la\,e l'l~t can· dies, thul' the sale of thl! latter hl,'e stepped up within tne past couple days. Electric washl'r;t were quiet on Mon,ial', but som~ very energetis Ildil!!l nothing d~unted, went to bed early, gaL up about " a.m. Ind hud tbeir· \\Isillne ready for the clothesline by &.SO or 1 I.m. thu, proving where there', a w\l1 Iheref a wa)·. It II understood a special part [ur the

lilt, but ,w1l1 be unewed at a of Mr. anil lIIrs: Donald Manuel, bome where a v~ry enjo~able Jennings presented her witli a ' meeting loon, when the names who,'celebrated her birthday reo afternoon was spent. Best Wishes parker pen on behalf of tile Sun· ~ ?7 will Igaln be drawn cently with a party for a number are extended ~y her many friends day school and a sum of money on r

OBITUARY of her IIItle friends who all had an (the writer Included). behalf of the songsters. ,,' '. ,

, I

\' !

f t ~ • I

\ I I



\ ~ ; ,


\ I \

Edno Ellio!' enjoyable time Birthday greetings are also ex· In accepting these gifts she re,

Dr. W. and' Mrs. Pollock ar. tended to Miss Thornhill who plied by saying, "I trust to prove •

Death does 110t coltOne Itself • to the aged but claim I ~m~tlmIl5 rived home on Saturday from st. ~el~braled her birthday last week. myself worthy of these gifts, and A NEW EAM W C .. ": , .. ::' ,,,,!

.' ~ .. , engine hi. be~n ordered by air exprw from '('oronto. so ~t\8t the ':ouncil hope to hal'e the 'Fouble corrected in another day I'f two,

Until then lllease don't target yourlh:ht and Ippreellte' more luI!}' the advantages of electrldfY by being cQoOperativt with those responsible for same.

• life of IIreat proml.R lit an John's where the Doctor attend· Miss Thornh!l1 Is on the teacb· your confidence In me." IL ILL' OME earlier age. 'rhul' it ,.me til Edna, ed the medic at convention., Ing staff at E~st School. 'rwenty four Guides with their daughter of Mrb, Annl~ Elliott In Capt Gaorge and Mrs. Gale reo Rev. and Mrs. B. Reynolds were leaders gave her another party her 28th year Stricken wIth lUng turned' from Glovertown on Wed· In town last week. Mrs, Reynolds, the night prior to her departure. INTO YOUR WIFE'S EYES :' 'i' I trouble six year. ago, Edna nelda), where thef we~t Monday R.N" was guest at the United, Many enjoyable games was 'the . , "",ht _IIh ""I ",.... "., ,,, Ib; C,pI. to '...... • "".1 ... ~. wb II, b" h"to." .It .. d· ,hi., ",.rt".m .. ' Ih. J'~h "w· , . . i / Ii

Because of chi11y weather the pupils lif hlah school hav,: heen released from scbool, until the (umace Is Installed. It I, Iloped this "ill be completed dunr,a the present week. The work II' In· ~tallation II under till! supervision of Notre Dam!' Age,cles.


On Thursda)' la~t In Ihe Sun· dar School lIall at 8 p.rn, the annual meeting and banquct lor C.G.I.T. and their W.M.S. ~)ys!ery ~Iolhers took Illace with I large crowd pre~ent Foli(,wing i! the programme:

,Call to, I\'or~hip and Prayer, llis5 Bernice Andrews.

Hymn Scripture _ Reading-Joan Snow. Short Stor)'-Eileen Wonllrey. Anthem....:c.G.I.T. Choir. ,uJust

IS 1 am. young strong and 'ree." Period of fa\'orlte hymn alng·


uncomplainingly to (,vercome til. beln~ bull~ for him by J. W. Butt. cd Presbytery at Gambo. T,hey left slstcd of "The Guide Weincr " dlscase which eventually hloughi They botll enjoyed the trip and for Change Islands on FrIday. Roast' aUer which Pat Downton ' : death. She IPfnlt three yellrs at Capt .. Gale Is quite pleased' with Ag~~'t T~I'a~onlnnotros\'vnformer RatilSway preshcnhtcldr hfcrtlwitch a manicure set . L ',I Memorial lIoap tal, Twllhngate, the ~Dat. He sold the Vera M. Gale' a. recen' un· on c a 0 IC ompany. M"

then after few weeks hum~ en· to Mr. Leslie Joncs, Little Bay ~=~~~~~=~=~~~~=~~~~~~=~==~~=~========~==~===========~~~'nl~ tered the san ,tortum.t Corner ISland~" I B,,",, whO'. .b. p ••• d .w" '" "". J.h, G,J. "J,b"',, 68th 1 Sunday, Sept. 11Ih. Edna wps a birthday on Sunday. Best wishes very likeable person. cDn~ldllrlng for ~any more from your many intro"ducing

.. herself last and others, flrs~. friends. Bearing with Frea! fortliml' her Alvin, son of Capt. and Mrs. suffering, which at tlmr.~ was Geo. Gale, wilo attended summer great, she WIS dall)' helJied bf School at St. John's Is now Prin· the Master she loved and by the clpal of a 2 room school at friends who loved and Fe'IJected lleutherton. Best wishes Alvin her. Her body, was broullhl here for every success in )'OUI' chosen enroute to Port Albert for bur. profesion. lal by the side of her father who Mr; Allred )'fenchenton of Nor· pre~eceased her some yea" Igo. rls Arm rec~nt1y spent a day and Rev. N. WllIsor of Lewtsporte charge aecomranled lier l'nother night visIting with Mr. John Gale.

Mr. Menchenton who Is 29 years and other relative~ and perform· old, greatly enjoyed this renewal cd the burial service at Port AI, bert. A large crowd attended the of old friendship. funeral and Rov. WIJisor refer. Mr. Vince McCarthy travelllng red to the woros "lie liveth lonG Engineer C.N.R. was in town last

• • • , ' .

Worship period dosed with hymn and prayer by Mr~. Rev. Winsor.

who lIveth w~IJ." The pain of weck on business.

I Then as tlie names of the W.M.S.

members were called. each stood and named he! mystery e,G.I.T. daughter. and was presenlecj the ~other with • lo\'ely gill. This IS ~n, annual el'ent :n our W.M.S; ~na C.G.I.T. group~, Following IS the procedure, which. w. pass on for Iny group of women and

parting cannot be eompaled to Birthday greetings are extended the jo), of meeting ag~ln. where to Johnnie Stuckless who recently pain Ind sickness ne'er can en. celebrated his birthday also be· ter, and where all tears a,'r wlp' lated blr~hday greeUngs to his ed away. Edna lea\'~1 til mourn Grandma Mrs, Joseph Snow, who besides her IIrlef strleku mollier celebrated her birthday some (who Is far frDm well), anti sister time ago. Violet, Mrs. Hmy Brinson uf tbls Messrs MacDonald and Walsh town, one foslef brother (leorge, were In town last week on business now employed at West Coaet for C.N.R. I

\ , i.

~ , I


\ •

I r

t. .' r· I


f ~ .

Sanatorium, sel'eral other reia. Rev. :'tlr. Ralph was in town duro lives and friends to whom deep' InK the week from Exploits. He





SAT. at 7.1,5 pm.

DIAL 5·90

You'll, enjoy Hank and his, wonderful , , .

selectiOli of· Favor.ite Tunes; sung a8 only he


For a really fine, flawlessly

smart Fall Hat, come in and

choose from our new KNOX

styles in deep Jet-tones, These I

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ing bands, blend perfectly with

the Charcoal shades of Men's

cloth~s - and the trim, small

shapes and narrow brims are

very flattering.






• • .. ~ SIZEJr

6% to 7Yl.

from $ .00 up

• Just rigl1t for your, new wardrobe ! •


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\ . .

~~~~~ 1 T,ine i~t - Dial' 590.' aepl23,30 ,. 1I1~1 ==========, ::' ==# ===============::;======~ l . _______ ~ ___ ---.:....I ~ ~,-

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• , , I , 1 1 I • , · , , , , · , , · .

I,', .: !

Page 6: DaVince Tools Generated - Memorial University of ...collections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL19550930.… · Tile Scholarship has \ ... he was exam.. 'rhis." ... beyond

I , lHE:.DAILY NEWS, FRIDAY, SEF../30,·1955··· .. . - ' .......

" . . ' ." ......... - ... ., ....... '.~,' -..

. '-I t~le departmental serv~ccs were established . tTh·· . D' ' .• / N' - . :: and what their ;essential·purpose is. WeI-g, ~., '. " o,':-Y . ew 5, tare, in: 'fact, involves not, 'merely the • nt. PAlLi NEWS II i: mornma' paper I proper)ssistance ofthose in need but also

· .... bUiIttd ill 'M; . Ina publlJbed It the an educational process,thatwill encourage o;f! ... ":!Idlq. lJ5&.3lHI Duckworth Street, seU-re1iimce in the midst .of' an approxi-~ SI. JoIw", NowfouDCllaad, b1' RoblnlOD Ir mation to a we1f~re state. This edu.cational


.lnThe Ne~~.· .~. By.' Wayfa.rer'" ..

dustry was ~stab1l5hed b, the Commission 0'1 Government a'nd continued. by the .. post-colllcdcra· .

·411 the (oat . ~$ty:l~syou ··~read 'aboufin· the fashion

, . .' .' .~, CelDplIIl, Uml\ed. '. work is or should be' an integral part of TOO MUCH FUR.TOO MANY • ; ..... au. O' 'flfl CA!'CADlAN. PRBSS the departmental service. ..: '1'111. 'ClDldian .. i'real II excluslvd,y . en·. !- tilled lu ~ lilt for republlntillD 01 1o!1 ; .... dllpll~"e~ ill tt111 piper endlted. to ::.tt • to Tile AlIIlCllled Pr". or Reulin Must Tax Rentals. Go?

It . was, we thInk, bne of Ole: speakers at last wlnler's Ilr.ard of Trade dinner who wondered aloud about the exlent to which too much government aid might lie ~applng

tlon a~mlnlstraUon. . . .

The asslstancl'. provided .in' the past few years' has' not ~IWay5 had due regard for t he economics involved but fIshery aid \~ now in the hands 01 the Flshel'les De< velopment Authority who may ·be expectjl to· proceed ivith reason­able . caution In thi! sph~le of promoting new cold storage and processing operations. The point is that until there' is more' assur· ance that th'e American :narket Is wllling to consume., larger quantitics of ~Ille& 'andEui~pean compeUtio~ is not' a maHu for concern, haste In Increasln~ local productive' capacity ought, to . be made slowly. . . .

··magazlnes • • • , .

. ud 1110 the Ica: newl pUblilhed therelD .. ~ All . Preu iaervice Ind feature Irtlcle.' ID · dill PIper In CtIPyrilbt IDd their renro-~ ktleD " t:rOblblted. ' • Altburlucf II aecond eilin mall POlt

When Mr. St. Laurent suys that federal the Initiative 01' people In tne fish 1 d 'th t Industry. ·It was an· Interesting

tllX 'objeetives can be ac lieve WL ou point. Moreover' It appl.es to ttlX l'ental agreements wilh the provinces. many other things besldp~ the what he means is that the .fedElral cabinet fish buslOOss. The lormcr MiniS.

you'll .

OffIce Depanmelll" Ottawa. . .. '. . .. ~ . ,", ,"

~ .;. Member ~udlt Bureau of

d t h b d th pl'e"cnt ter of Welfare waseften a. pains is. rca y 0 t row over our e .' to emphasize 'that welfarr. ·ser .. system that has worked so smoothly for vices should' not be looked upon all provinces except Quebec. as 'a substitute for ·self·{~lIance.

see 'at :'" ,,- , , CIrCUlatlOD..

•• ' ,I, . ....,. ". . '.. ..'

~ 'DAIL' SUBSCRIPTION UTlSl' : Call14l .... : •.. : ....... $ 11.00 per anll~m ~~ UDl!c4 It\nidum Illd aU' .. . ','

The key sentence in the Prime Minis~er's The concept of ,overnmenl aid Is stntement is this: "We preler to achieve permeating the borly politic of 11 1 Newfoundland to a point where our objectives in a manner that wi p ea~e the whole subject may neec! closp Ih'crybocly." examination In the light of ex-

Ayre's _~ Fonip ·c.-..tn"ies· .. ,' 512,00 IIU IDnum' , That sehtence is. to be very easily inter- perlence and necessity. . .

preted. It means that the Liberal Gov- Assistance t;;\;ustry IS'often crnment of Canada has accepted the dicta- necessary in an underdeveloped lion. of Quebec. That province ·has alone country. Newfoundland Is ccrlain· l'l!f~sed to' sign a tax ugt'eement and has, Iy within thai category. In Indus· been allowed by special dispensation to trial. employment~ In. communlca·

-' . . -----"\

.... _ FRIDAY, 'SEPTEMBER 30. 19,55

. In 'the ~ase '01 the new', indus· tries. a gl'eat wcak!'£ss ha~bee~ .. e fact that the .contributions of· some of the {orelgn companies have' not' beenequill to the und·er· • taking required of the,"·ln ·thelr. contracts,' It has followed.' there· fore, that even In· assisted' induS. tries, almost all the' itiveslfd cap: ital was provided by the' govern, ment and some of. the \\'oi'klng capital advance~ were. glvcon with­out adequate study of the. prom . potentialities. of the it\dusLri~ .. There has also been some eVidence that certain advances have' 'put some Industries in a positi on to compete with established loc.1 business . which is operating with private capital.

Growth·. Ot- ,Welfare tions. and In a variety 01 other (,lit its cuke and still have it. essential rcquilcments of modern -:,Thc "ery.' first sentcllce of the '1955

report of'the Department of Public Wel­fare c.oll\"~ys·a remlnde.r that this di~ision o~. gO\'ernment has an 1I1depcndent hfe of

. The main point is not that the poorer progressive society, I\'C are tar be· provinces m.ay.· get less . but that all ,hind all other provinces. There

Is; o.f course, a' very golid reason

$lv six \;eal's. ·That-. is literally true although. the

pI'ovinces would have to set up their own for this. We. haa to wait tou long tux collection' machinery' tn get the san'le for recognllion as a colollY· Dis· lImount as they are now receiving with persal of the population', is an possibly some equalizati~n pnymentsto the obstacle to the 'pro\'j,ion 01 ade

d t' quate services on 1n eHldent

poorer provinces. It woul mean essen I- scale. And however rich our re, ~blish~1"mt ~. thc C'ommission of Gov· ernment' of a "epartment of Health ancl ~ICarewas thc origin of the· present department. ,A number of new services qame about bctween 1934: and 19~9. but in c~tain phases of welfare activity, par­tiularh' 'in the case of old age pensions 8ftd r.thcr allowances, theC~mmission ~rpet\lated a standard far below th,: need. ':':\ new concept of welfare came With thE' Q:tension to Newfoundland (If certain l;.ocial services supplied by the Dominion !Sf Canada. . These .:.inc1Uded . family allowanccs, old ~e pensions on ,8: ~clatively liberal scale, pensions for the blmd, a~d later old age

. assistance. Old age pensions for persons , 70 and ,o\'cr are now universal through­~t Canada. Old age assistance for people between the ages of 65 and 69 'is paid for chien\' b\' Ottawa and is supplied only . . .fter a means test.

ally that to procure' the same revenues, sources, they &re limited '1\ var· there must be eieven income tax divisions ie!)'. Moreover .ir in\'csllgation instead of one in Ottawa and another. on a comprehensive basis had to

be too long deferred. Bu1 when Pllrely provincial, in Quebec. Industry .Is assl~ted, certain prim

That, it seems to us, is not merely U1e ary conditions have to bP sati~· .replacement C1f modern stre.amlined m~- fled. One is that the Indu51ry ,It· chinery by old-fashioned equipment but It self is capable of aconomlc opera

tendp to emphasise' the divisions within tion, The other is that it will " make a valuable and permanent Canada rathE'r than. the unity that is much contribution to theecOnOlT,Y. It more desirable. should· be also a condltiol' that

']'he present tax ugreements need some governmimt aU should b~ with· d b held !rofll any entl'rprlse which

revision.· Minimum payments shoul e is to compete with ~stabli~hed In· revised upwards and the formula should dustry financed entirely by pri, include compensation .provision for the. vate capital. ' have-not provinces. . But in essence these agreements, regardless of Quebec's objec­tions, make real, sense. Their obolition' in favour of a scheme that involves the creation of income tax divisions in every province without altering materi~J1y what the provinces r,eceive does not ,seem likely to commend itself to any but the two largest pro,vinces.

, ---------------- \ '. ,

But the Javelin guarantee repre· sellt the essence of too much for too little. All dep'cnds In this connection on the extent to which the' provincial credit may be 1m paired by the size of the con· tingent liability incurred for Jave· Un; This matter is, . however, [in· ish cd with by legisl~tlve decision. The question !lOW arises whether the government hAs come to the end. of assistance of- the. kind it

,Among new services on a dominion b,,:~if> is the pro\'ision that has been recently 'made for the care of the disabled and this again is a combined provincial. federal

In ihe case of the fishery, as· has been giving in loans. guafan. sistlince has been amply justIfied tees and Investments.' and IS pre· by tile 'fact that this' Is a staple pared to review the· whole ,field Industry. capable of glvln~ very· ol constructive polley with a view large employment where 'It is to the utiUzation of the provincial most needed, and lacking within credit on I new and more coherent Itself the capital 'resources need- basis. There Is'a limit 10 that ed for full-scale modernl7.auon, A credit even if we have a lo,:g way great. deal of private capital' has to go to .reach it. We IrC much :gone Into' this 'lIi~ustry bitt'- It .has too' new to confederation to know been' fa'r from adequate til meet where our flnanelat' futul e ' 'lies the need of building up a modern .nd niarklng time on guarantees production and processing plant. and loans leem! • sensible pollc)' The precedent Cor aiding Ltois In- for I while. . . oPeration. F T d

·'.The pro"incial organization has expand- Strength or o~ ay c'a substan~ial1~; as new responsibilities By EARL Ih DOUGLASS Vast Expa~siOli Veteran Navel


le"ebeenact'epted with federal aid and -i~ew sen'kes on a local scale have been '. ' Of Canada's" d .1' 11 NO NEED OF LASH

_ ~t up. Mothcrs' an depenuents a ow· A father once gave his Ion I CQlt the day the ances and the conduct of Northern Labra- animal was bom and made the . boy responsible Export .Trade Norloi~, Va-It hal been an· dol' affairs are includcd in the departmental from that time for Its care. The boy trained the I n01;lnced by Fleet Headquartel'J

Aviator' I i


work fond this has called for a m'ajor eHort I:l'owlng colt so carefully that It really never had Toronto, Sept. 27 - Canada that . Rea.r Admiral Robert!. i{t the administrati~e field. . - to be broken. Colt and boy grew up together, and stands on the ~hereshold of a vast Pirie •. USN, Wa! named Chief of

Ihe boy found that within a few years he had i ' . St ff d Aid t Ad I l' J -~_ It is intcre.~tl·no(f and l'mport'''llt to kno'" . expansion of export trade In fin- .. a an eo. m ra er-•• "w 5~eed that loved him and responded to his every ld USN C d d I Chi f tllat there, is now under consideration a .. It:hcd consumer goods, Merle M. au, ',omman e n e .• desire., . Schneekenburger, of Montreal U.S. Atlantic Fleet. In the latter

decentralization of administration by, the The farmer had another colt which was allowed told the Tru'onlo Ad and Sales part of 'September. ", creation of districts, each of which will to run wild for several years and tben was broken Club here today. ' The. veteran naval Ivlator 11lI1 have a supen'isor and clerical staff who 10 saddle and harn·ess. It WI! I painful' process, "Canada,wh,ch Is the -tth trad· the post vacated recently,by Rear

both for the colt and for those who broke him. He Ad I I H I II USN ?JIU be charged with dealing' with welfare became In time a useful animal but he licked Ing nation of the world due·larg· m ra . S. • ngerlo. •

problems on a local level. h h 'ely to her exports of 'bulk' pro- who Is sehedulr.d to become Com,'

sllmething that the other orse ad. d S th °FI t I 'th F

Abl bod d This Illustra •• es the difference betweeD . those duets of her farms, forests, fish· man er even . ee n e Ir

... e- ie relief will' be one of the erles and. mines. now is il'eady and East later Ittls Fall. .. major items to be dealt with on this basis people who have had Christian nature .from their must develop J name as an ex:' . Re!,r A:dmlral'Plrle has be.en

earliest years and those who; being allowecf to run " . . . f h .. if and when the district organization has porter oC ,flnlsli~d goods·as well," s~rvllig on theSta f oU e Com· . wild. were at lost converted. Happy 1. the mali d I Chi f D t Chi C


approved and put ~'nto. eff~ct. . I said' Mr. Schnp.ckenburger, vice· man er n l' IS' epu y. e I;ft: who can say that he never remembers the. t me . . f f' I'A 1"54 :To re"I'e\v the tremendo' us fL'eld of wel. h be president of.lhe .House ·of :Sel- 0 .fitjlf s. nce: uSUst " .' .. . when lie was a Cbrls~lan. There as never en gram and president Dl'the Assoc- K' iU'aduate. ril'.:the· U;S; Navil t.are work in a single article is out of the a bigger lie bruited about that the stalement often lation of Canarllan advertlscrs. Academy· In 1926, Rear Admiral

question. 'fhe well"being of y,oulh, a cor- heard that It 15 good for a' boy to sow hls wild. "DUlrlng and 'slnce :World.·Wi.arPlrle ·was ~~Ignate da nav.iavi-

oats and get the evil out of hlssyE4em : whle he.ls ,... ." • . n.ction s.\'slem,'" )'u\'cnile courts, a family . " 11;. canada has' become highly In· tor 10.1928 and served in'llrclaft young.' This he does not do. He marl' and scars. . -ur,t, indw.strial homes for boys and girls, ha t dusti'lallz\!d. Her, manuflctprers squadrons, aboard .' the . aircrlft ....., his ·soul. Some under such· clrcumstancrs ve 0 have bullt.up·their··.domestlc:mar •. clIII''''les Lingley..··Le#ngton and

maintenance of wards of the department, be broken under the whip of hard clrcumslances. ket.. Now Is the time, to make a Yorktown. Dining World'WarU; &e!d, a great many other useful and ncces- others experience conversion Ilter In agonizing rea Ibid for, ~'or1drecoinltlon. he .served on tile Staff of Adml· ~ry fields of action' come within the scope ilplrltual existence.. . Within' the ·n~xi·lO··years,· Clt'n.rar:J.-iI,'Tciwers • .'USN.·.commln.' . _ • " Hc' only walks with sure slep who from. the be- . 0 ~~ .\.I

e Dep"rlment's, .·activities. It may be ada'S .expOO'ts of ·flnlshed· goods der Air·' Force.· Paclflc Fleeti'li ~ UI u ginning nas been laught to walk: the pathways o{ . ' . ilded that an understanding, 'of the size H~ht. '. . stand to increase.·ma'ny:!oldP, ' executive officer of. the anti·sub-~ Mr. Schnecklmburger,-who help marine aircraft carrier USSMI.

of ma,ny of them is to be found lucidly ~:o:-·. ~d organize and .. was the only shin Bjl.Yi ,and as Chief of Staff "plained in a nu~.?~~ of ~ff:c~ive chart.. " Canadian at. the first .Internat· to ',Rear 'Admlral' G:F. Bogan .. included in the current report. To most '. . 0 h . AS' • .. lonal Conference' on Advertising USN, Commander ola Carrier "".:them reference' \vi11be made at' a future What· t ers . re aYlng' hi' WorldM~rkets . at. ZurIch. Task Group In Task Force 38, '1 Switzerland this summer, 'made participating In. the campaigns at~. . .... _ . 0 It. clear that .he fclt the .markets against the Marianas;' Palau, the' One thing. however, the Department .. '; STAMP 'CA;U!ATUItES' , • were already ,waiting tobll"de< Phlllpplnes,..F~rtriO~a, OJtlnawl.

,!!ust guard against.~ndthat is any.tenden- (st. John'INews) " veloped . for. Canadian manufac· and In' the Chbll. Sea.' -' cr on the. part of som~"applic!lnts , for, . Canadian stamps In. recent years' have· been tured go·ods. ,.' In erurly 1945, be/became Air. 4mslance ~,to·v.iew. 't~e: ¥parqnentalser-': ~lfgracpfUI caricatures •• They have had· not·· the :"World ecollomy Is. moving Operations Officer on. tlie .stifi viCeS as a rrg·. ht rather than a'. need. ' ,sllg. htes~ merIt other tha.n the purely utllUorlan. ~ne ahead." he said: "The WDrId stan·. of Admiral E. J. Klng;-;Cammln- !

f I ta Th fl t rt Its f tb .dard of living Il' jumping up~anl, der In Chelf. U.S. Fleet Follow-:::"'!he. social security . provisions of tht> ~cl;:y ;:r:O~ g:~d . U:at r~ve~ ~~nad~an ':h::I~ Trade betwcc'l.·natlon.s I! likely' Ing ·Worid -War 11.:Admlrai' Plrl~ Onadlan lay. were deslgned as a supple- havc blushed for .shame at sight of them •. The 10 Increase M per ccnt within the served successively', as the, first .• t.to the~~~ndard of living of a.highly aDlmal series were horron which must have come next pecadc a sllvlng standards Head' of the Aviation' . Depart­indUstfa1ize~: pop~lation. !n }~~~yf?u~~~: o'uto[' an artist's nightmare'. :i\ild . tim many .of rise and brIng about ncw quali~y ment a~the U.S Naval «cademYi l~d/where"1iving conditions are quite the stamps displaying the portraits of past prime goods' such .as' Canada produces. as Co~mandln gOfflcelof the

diffe'rent,' there I'S always' the ,danger that ministers did unnecessary Tnor to lotal nonentities. 'Those . goods need, . progreSSlive aircraft carrier USS Slclly;. ~as .' . sales promotio:1 and progress ve Commandant ('I Midshipmen. U.

~ people: may b~ inclined to regard --:0:- advertising abroad." . S. Naval AcademYi CommandlDg them as a partia1'l>ubstitilte:for productive. iNFANTRY l'REFEaRED 'Canadian, eXllorters who send Officer of th,j :alrcraft,! earr~'er '. eaniin' , .' :, '.' '. . .' : . (West German IDformation) , . . in~d.equale representation to sell. ~SS·' COIl'alSeai and. as DeilUt)' • .... g. .' . .' By Aul/Ust 1. a total of. 152' 166 Germands bad Qverseas markets ~~ke. an ex Commander In' ChelC, a.~d Chl,ef, .. "Toat,fear.was VOIced ~ften by Dr. Pottle volunteered to.erve In tblduture armed foreea of pensive mlstakp .. he aded. Brl~ish of Staff"and Aide to Admiral"

,_ It: his .broadcastsand it is one of which .. tbe German Federal RepubUc. While lhla:'exceeds and "European firms which nave Perauld Wright; USN, Command~ ~ . the ~ministrati~e ~ide ofth.f: Pepartmen! by . over 2.090 the niunb~r"of;long-servlng me,,·re~ suceeSsflllly.lnvaded NoIl'Ih Amet· er , Naval Forces EasternAtlantic ... always to be ,mindful: Welfare is for qulred, to form tbe cadres of the future ~We&tGe~. lea ha'it!had' their ~~~ratlons and Med.lterranean. t~,who need itandilot for the few who .man conscript force •• millt.,.ry.'cxperls expect tblt ellcutlves. he floted. . '. . '. . .' . '." '

, '.' ~,' , '. only part of the IPplicants will meet the physical 'European companies doing bus- No Chrlstian~· are permitted to' may look to ,It as a standard handout to and other standards let tip for the German volun· Iness here not o~ly. send' over tap stay In· Mecca, and foreign dipl~' . ,.pich.every citiz!,!n, ~egardJess of need :01'. teedorce. ,It Is noteworthy In this atomfc age ~ha, t men· but .they also, call ,~n loeal matS credited to saUdl·I.Arab,.li .... • ploym~n~. oppodunities, '. is . entitled." tbe Infantry, formerl), the uDdlsputM "queen, of the professionals fO: adv~rtlslng, ~or. live In. the .port city· of' Jedda; ; .':.'

The wholp

, subJ'ect Is complex and diffi. baftlefleld. ,till seems to b~ the most popular arm' ehandlslng am,' .. promotlonal ad· '.- "~- -..,-, " .-".,-_lOIrU. • ;1.. • . ' ' .•. of the .. ervlces In. Germlny. Almost every .. f.~urlh vice. . Canadian: businessmen dian selll~g ,mnthods ,COUld best .

,caa ~d )~.: ~a .. y, ~ell"p'e .t~~~. ~~~re' :l.~; I apPllcant-to, be exact, 23. percent,..expressed' tit- would dii well to follow· the 'a, sme be adapted: to ~on, d,ltlO,nS , else~'1 . .rea~'n.eed.:of.a ~~e~ explan~tJOn .ofwhy sire to enlilt with thelnflnLry. :. • '. , . technique, ab,roa.d . so that. Canl-. where.·. ' ; , .. ,. . ..... ,'~ ."'"

.• ~ =l" .' '. . .

'. , ,

.... ' ..... .




" . t ,


fitted hut relaxed styles, 'clutch styles, long button­

~ont ,tyle~, '·straight-Iin.e, stYles, softly-rounded-shoulder

~tyles"s~les w\thtape~~d .~Ieey~s and interesting collar

treatme~ts • '! ;.tciilor'edJofJabrics tharwill'give you

warmth without. ~eigh( and year-round wearability.

'Elysi~n '" Cloth's; 'Cash~'ere'.Blends, Nobby T~eeds,' . , .. ' " .... - .'

NoveltY Twe~ds;' Frostalaines, Velours, Boucles,

. Chinchillas .••• Ayre's also 'have the fa~ous Jaeger. '- , .'

. ,po~ts ,~o~ts, . the, Hprris Tweeds,· the Alpacama coats .

and 'the'Borgaflr:t' Mock Fur' Coats .. , all i~ the imp~rt-

.. ,'

. . . . .

antf~il.cind winter coID~rs.

SIZES 8- 18;

12V2- 24~2

," . t ,. 1 '


'-".''- •.•.•.• ':1

24,95 to


, ' .

'. sr. ,JOHN'eo ' ". .- '. • . . .tII,.'1· ~

NEWF'OUND!ANA ., . . "

. . ..

.' .

~ .:

Ian isLrate Erl as the Slh·:.tinrl the Nationil were met hy troduced lh~m the Reception the Go\'ernor' of Honor n[ Cadel •• Boy and ~chool the II'ha rIo

'rhe official of ratings Portagp: han~ eh J)i\'ine s.r,"·,~.1

Llo~'d Ree~. Honor read lh

Alief the wa, gur.st Dunford at

At 2:~n P. \I'a, hrld Grounds. a IUlie ga Arlrlres!' o[ ~a~'or 'J'es,iel rpplied and Jllear'~d that exppricnc~r\ itr in recent afreclion and dtildl'en.

. holid.y he %\1 bra nee of his IIl1ils then inJ shnrl . .. rnor too~ an!'. Sta lea Cubs. C.G'!.1 G,Y.S.

'fll~ pa th, War ~~ His

Sir ",,')Darn

1: .• D.S.O., Li.utenant

Province Canada.

Your Honor: It i~ with

pleasure. nn bers of the cltiz~ns . of welcome On Ihis to tile suminl( the Go\'ernor of hope that 00 enjoyable

We are sbice your our mUlniei~ has seeD Ion has and our h"'e been are also

Page 7: DaVince Tools Generated - Memorial University of ...collections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL19550930.… · Tile Scholarship has \ ... he was exam.. 'rhis." ... beyond

___ ... ~ .. _~ .... __ • ..-_ ••••• _ ........ __ .... __ '"r ... _~ ••• _ ... :_ ... ,.

, , "

" , '

ran an ews I Ronald' Noseworlhy Vice Principal' gi\'(~ courses 'Of, instruction then.

William 'filon}Bsen Grad~ 8, JIIr:;, OBITUARY Freeman Forse)" Grade 7. Mrs, Sarah Loven Bob Ruelokke. Grade 6, 1.-1rs. Ron- .. old Noseworthj" Gr2de 5, Mis;. NelVs \\'a,1 received by relatives Ferne ,Whecler, Grade 3 a,pd 4, i h~rc la,t week of Ihe dealh of Mrs, Miss R~la Hlckmnn, Gr~de 2, Sarah Lovell, al Glouster Mass. Miss Lily, Hiscock, Grade 1. Mrs. Ducascd was in her eighty second

• , Winnie Keating. Kindergarten. year. and had ,been In falling ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,,~~~,~,~,~~,~~~~,~,~~~,-,~~~~ T~r~~tsoffuePu~c E~nm· hC3llli~r .v~d we~s, GIIA~D BANK _ Sunda,. I.st oUlee. and services, for which we oriSl,' u, '. triblt~ to, the 'brave ,Ital, for' qliile a periOd, for an In· I' iri~tions held in 'June were satis·' 'l'h2 late Mrs. Lovell was a well

,,';c an important da~' In this Com. have be:n 10 lorig In nced or, is young aIrmen Who saved Britain, jury' \0 the same'"leg. Howe,'cr, factory. Pass~s In the various known former rC5iden~ of this toWII. munity, ~s it marked the oHicial nolY In the course of construction. For many of .our YOllngcr gen· Weare glad that his accident was gradQs are as follows: About twenty years ago, she went

,i_it or Sir Lton4rd Outtrllrit!a~, Grand .ank, in common with erkt.lon the Battle of, Britain Is just not of more serlou~ 'proportions, G r a d e XI. Mar;:aret Brooks to the United Slales to resld~. ]n· l.jelllcnallt GO\'l!Mlor of Newfoulid. oth~r town. Ind RotUements ar.r. a da.le In Iheir, 'hlntory books. JlIOUNTmS SEIZE LIQUOR (honors), (pass) Rob-~rt Gillard, terment was' at Glousler. land. iii! Honor, on tn officii! OIS !lie Province, deeply IIPprecill.Althougn, t!mc makes' tbe. memor. Thc members 0[' the St. Lawrc· William I.ee. "Tames Lee, Jack She is surviv>!d by her son Kay· tour of to\\'I1J imulld tilt IIlalid tes your continued Int'~rest In aUf, ies of lliose dark days fade; mos! nee c1elac1im~nt of the Ro)'al Can· Ro;!efs, ElIzaheth Rarnc~, Blanche mond, residins at Boston, and one arrh'tll on Ihr. Canadian Naval affair. and the time, spent each of u~ old~r folk can remember adianMounted Police came up J':mbcl'ely, Melva Handrigan, Reta daughter living at' Toronto, also ~!ine5\\'CI'PI'r "PortaRe", ~'eir In vlsillng even the most out. the fateful September days When with another seizure' of contrab; Hickman. several rclath'u here. Deepest

The "rortaj:e", arrh'ed it 10:15 Iylnl parts of the Province, in the Royal Air Force held the Ger· rand liquor last week. This time, Grade X. Igol Emberell', LiI), sympathy is extended to tM be· .UI. Ind .t 10:30 His Honor. Iii. order thU yOur exalted ofIie'.) ma)' Rlan lI'al'~s of bombers and Ugh· the illegal hooch was taken nearl Dodg~. Georgie Welsh. reaved. romp.nied by hi~ Airl~ de Camp, be brought,· close to'ili, ami that tel's at ba~·,r.nd In screaming and La'wno" ' , , Grade IX, Ja'mes Bullen, Cla~'. PERSONAL!) 1.i~ut. bn Reid. R CNR, and Mit. you, yourself, IS our ,beloved Damlng baltles 'O'l'~r the Channel 'About' one hundr2d ami fifty bal· ton Foote. John Grandy, Caleb i'tralr. Eric.,.lones stepped ashore, Queen's rtprescnlatil'e, mal' sel! and the green field~ of .England ties of Fren~h rum, and 5everal Green, William Keeping, James Mrs, W,M. Buffett and Mr. Geo, ~~ th~ SIII'allon Army Band played ind lIathel" fit'sl, hand kno\l'ledge sa,'ed the British Isles; and also tins of alcohol were luken by Ihe Rogers, Maxwell Skinner. Lloyd H. Buf[elt are at present at St. th~ ~ational Anthem .. 'l'be party of the aUalrs indproblems of our clemocracy from being reduced to Mounties, In the raid which locat· Trim, Fred, While, Phil '~iIlinms, John's.

~ ..,. ~ .... 1\ pre met !ly th~ r.1a~·or, who In. people from time to tim>!. As a rubble and ground under the hc<-I ed Ihe illegal spirits on the beach, Mary Bunga~·. Joyce Thomascn, Miss Anna Templeton wai a Tis·

lrMuced them to the member~ of native 19n, Ivhose services to or th'l Na~ System, So.mc of our l No ~r~~sts have been made to Our Congratulations \0 Margar·1 it~r In town last week on business • t~r J1eception Commltlee, and then Church and St~te have been exem- best young men diecl In that greal date" anti nohodY,has come forth ct Brooks (Grade Xl). 1I'ho won Mr: J. Brisbois II in town on

• l~e GOl'ernor' inJ~cted a Guard pIny and,of Ihe hiahest or<l~r, lI'C epic of the skies, In fact their al· 10 lay claim to the spirits, which Ihe Calvert G· Pratt Scholarship orl bitsin'.!ss. . ~ n! Honor /If War Velp-rans, Sea fUI that'ln your oWce \\'e have most superhuman ~Ilorts 'obrouglll everybody J:noll'swas nol washed 500,00 dollars. Margaret ha~ had Monsieur Francois Robert of SI.

c'.del:'. Bo), Scoull. Wolf cubs, one- whose IUpp01't we con alwa~'s tbe Immortal. trIbute from Sir up'bythe 1C~, -, I a ~pectacular career in Scholar- Pierre w~s in town last week en· ;.nel _chool childr.n drawn up OD rely oli In thtl furthering of; all Winston Chilrehlll of "Nev~r had . SCIIOOL NOTES ship winnIng. In grade ninc she route to St. John's., \ thr whart. . lood atid' nobl, eause~~ '~o much heeh oll'ed by ~o' many The following is the list of thp 1I'0n Ihe Provincial Home L~ague His Honor, Sir Leonard Outer-

The official partr. with i party Wi! rellet, that beeall.e It 15 to 50 fell'," results obla\ned by, students Ofl Scholarship, and also won a sim· bridge, Lieutenant Governor ef or rating~ and officel's of HIlCS Sunday, wennnot dlspla~'a more Although our thou~hts Ind rem· the United Church Acad~m>, in Hiar SchoOll'shp in Gralb 10, We Newfoundiand paid' the town an ~ rorti~r: th~n paraded to St. AI. feslh'l! meanlt of cclebr~ling this em~ranees of tho1c days arc mel· ,this 'years public, examination I\'ish ber co~tinued success in her official visi~ last ~unda:t. r.:l han, Church. wbere they Btll!nded auspicious occasion of your visit. lOWing yet, We still do remember Grade xl (pass),\\ilIiam Burflt!. chosen vocation. lIlr. and Mis, Mulhns, and son of ~ Ilil'ine Sm'ice conducted b~' ne,', hOll'e,'er, we Rre happy that you 'th'~ml Geor~e" ~ra~d~', Jnme~ Hic,kman, ,JUBII.EF. GUII.D Buchans ar~ ~t present visitin, Mr. l.Io~'d Ree~. At tile Ser"ice His can mingle willi us In nur humble RECEIVES ,sERIOUS INJURIES ,Tames J\ccpmg. Ameha FlZ7.ard, - and Mrs. Wilham Pardy. ~ I,

~ Honor r~ad the seeond I~uon. sen'lees of tribu~ toj1lllr God: Mr. Matthew English 15 at pre. Marion Green" Beatrice Lawrence, It, -- We ,are glad to welcome home I ..;.

Altel' the Service, Ihe GOl'ernor We 1150 take (hIs opportllnily sent confined to the Cottage Ho~·1 Mildred Rose.'" The local branch oC'lhe .Jubilee I Capt. Thomas Snook. I \\3' ~1I~SI of ),(1'. and }'Ira, J, ),(. to express through you. Sir, 35 onr pllal,here,,,followlng an accident I ~rade x (pass) Alister Buffe\i, Guilds, hed a publiccxhibilon of Mr. Eugene Young vIsited town' :f. !lunlord ~t I.uneheon. Sovereign's repre~entatll'e in our suffered last 'week. ' I William, Hatch, Robe!'t ,Lawrence,: their work and' an i1u:;lrated Icc· la;;t week. ' ,

I .'t ~::lIl r. lor. a Jlublic reception land, ollr d!ep !oyalty:alldaffect. -Mr. 'English",wlth I rompanloll GC()~gc ,Pier~y, Allan Stoodlcy, tUfe in Frazer Hall last Thursday ))1'. and Mr,s, Harry Dubinsky

t' I\'~,' hrld in the U. C. ACldelllY Ion to th'a Crown, and the Mem.li'as enllaged, paInting Ihe Sons of A nIt a BurIIII. Carol~ Dunford. <!,'ening. 'l'he el'enl \\'a,l feallired and SOn LonDle spent a few days

l ,I

r.round~. which \l'U .tti!nded lty bers of the 1loyal F,inily. ' • Ttmperance',ijall, ~nd \\'a~ on a .Tean, ,Farrcll, ,Eleanor Grane!y, b.l'the pr~~nec ()n.li'~ Anna Tem· at St .. Tohn·~ last wee,k. a larae 1I3 thulnR of cillz'lIs. An • Your' Honor, ,we trust thai ,your 'ladder, which was ,against til, 8iM, Max,". Patten, Pol ae Ralph, Lily picton. .1!ibile~ Guild Organizer Mr. Alex 'Thomps~n IS at present

l Ar!rlre$~ o{ Welcome was read by brief sta)' among'st liS \\'~Ube, en. 01 t~e,"'bltl:(1ing, \I:hen it sUpped Rose. for Newfoundland, ' . In ,town o~ a bUSiness trip. 'h~-or 'l'~ssier. to 'rhich his HORllr joy.ble, and that you WIll return and {ell 10; t~e ground. Mr. Eng· Grade Ix ~pas~) ~t,ar~ Ll1u Un.ker I Onl)' a sm~l. gathermg aflencIl'd I • CommerCIal travellers at pr~!~nt r,plird anrl exprcs~ed himself is from your present ,tour, r~freshcd IIsh '[elF. wi~h"lt' and struck the ElSie, Hoilell, ~[arJor!e Hardmg'i the, c"ent whIch. was of a high lin town are ,MesEfi. Howse, Wise·

txp~ricncpd progress and prosper· your duties as ),011' ha"e,~onobly He ~\'a~ ,taken to the Cotlage Ann R~Iu5e, Mnr!~ Riggs, Phylhs those Int~reste(1 In handicraft. andl' SHIPPING ~ >­o z

Story Ever Told. ~­;or; , :~

.Ji.i ;'ft r

1'lear'~d that our Commulity has ud strenathen~d' 10 discharge' ground'heal'II)'.,., Go!da Noble, Ju~y \Ike, Shlrle,y nrd'~.r. anll of (,()nsldera~!~ \'~Iuc In~ man, and" arren ••

itl' in recent month,. It!! \l'on thl! p~rf!lrmed them In the p~sl. HQspital. wheT,;! I'xaminafion l'e'l ThornhIll. Ella Tlbbo,. Ruth Wey· the work of the .Jubilee Guilds, inl -airpclion anrlapprol'al 01 the ~chool Present~d on behaif oC the Town' I'crilcd .tliat he hael a broken hip, mouth~ Howard Enghsh. Clayton ,Ihis nro\'in~~, Refre.;hntent~ I\'~I'~: M, v, Rco sc~ond arrived from

, dlildren. when he asL~rI Ihat a Council, anll Citizens"oHhe, 'Mun. ,The injured limb ha~ lIten put into! Handngan. Eugene Nurse, Max· sen'r.cT at. Ih,~ conclusion of the: North Sydney WIth g~neral e~rgo. holiday be ,i\'en them ,in, remam. lciDality nf Grind :':unk.': a caste. and We understand thai well ratten, Thomas Rogers, (;or· eV"',I, , ' M. V. Blue Prince loaded fIllets

i h~'ncc /If his ,'i~it.' The 10110wing • 1.101. T'e~sier , , , •• , • Mayor. the victim will be a pRti~nt at the don ~toodi~)', Leslie Stoodle)" Hub· Miss Hann, Jubilee Guild Field here last week. • • \ units Ih.n plraded ~ut thl review. Elic F, Stoodlty, Deputy Mayor. HospItal for ral'eral weeks. ertThornhlll, ' ""01' .... ' .. 'iii" , ... !I 1,1 , ,.. ,.' French dragger Galantry II In

~ Every Car Must be !)C'

~: !!n,

t' in,: !tand a~ th~ Llmt.llInt Gov. , ' _ ,Salutl&n ~rmy School Notes past f"rtuight 01' so, gil'ing c~:Jrw" port tmtfitling, for'the !ishery. ~ ,~ , ,rnor tDO\: Iht Salute, War Vlter. JATILE OF BIITlAN SUNDAY:: "'e, j~lI\ With his man~' rrlends The SalvatiOn Army School re'lof instruction in weal'ing. lea\l\Cl' M. V, Paulme C, Wmters II It I I"'. Sta .Cadtt" Jloy Senuts, Wolf ".., " , in expre5Sillg regrets to Mr. Enl' opant.d affer its summer vacation, work and other handieralls to th~ North Srdner.

I"', rub,'. e.G.I.T., Girl Guides, and LISt SundR~'was officially Ilb!er· Ushon"hIs mlsfol·tunc. It Is in· on September 1st., at 9:A.M. a memb'.rs in the Perry Annex. The Dragg-=r Joyce and Doreen land ~ G.r.s. ' "edl. B.ttle of Britain, Sunday. deed::regretable that he will again rccord,',hl::h was noted in Its en· local branch is undcr the leader- cd 50.000 lbs. of fish and Blue ..... T"~ parade th'n movcd Nf to Locally, it coincided wlth:the visit have to spend cqnslderablc time at rolment fot' the Iirst day. The ship o[ iIIrs. (Dr.) John Burke, Mise 11130,000 lbs. from the banks

Ih, War MetnM'ial, and formtd up of 'tile' IJeut.ftalll-Governor and 'the ,h6!plt~;,~ for last winter he !taff for this year consists of: After completing her work here this week. *' :} .~ His HOII.r laid i \VN!ath I. he laid. ",reatl! on,tlle W.r Mcm·, wasa:pallepl ~t the General Hosp- Messrs. Frazer Oakley, Principal Miss Hann 11;11 go \0 Fortune to Correspondent. ,.


r rOlllllllmor.tlon If Battle Ilf Irit· ain SundlY. An IlIlpe~t.lon WI5

, I.,n • Judi of the Memori.l lib· I' rarr. afl.r '''''Iieh a "Isit IVU made

In the CIII,dian Lelion Hall. His \ HDnor proml~'~d members or the I~I' lof~ion Ihat b~ would $tnd 'th!!ftl 11 a plelure 01 the Oue~n In relll'

I f'mbranrt of his "isil. Latn In the aflernoon "i5lh were made the n,\\' fi;;h proe~s5In. pInt of .lIn· lI'ill, Cold Stora" Co, Ltn,. Ind Ihe CottaXI Hospital, At 3:P.Jd .. Hi~ Honllr II'U Ju .. ~t at tf', ,I !oCr!. S.M. TibllO'~, IA the IIltst fit 1 ht TOII'n Council" 'lId ,upper • nprt"ntath'e number of citizens Wlr,. present.


Thr. Lieulenant • Governor, the )lpreplion Committee •• nd " party from IIMCS Porlale, ,ltentleil' I .Inint Ilh'iM Serl'iee .1 Ihe Ullil'ld Church. Thp. ~"f\'lce Was eon due· trrl b,' th. Minister nf thl' cllureh

, li.,'. 'J'll', .I,L Re~'nold~, M.A.D.D. , \\:n ~!~i5til\, in Ihe !ier,'lc;, \I'~r~

I \\Ij~r li~orge wheeler s .. ~, .IId


r".,. 1., 1tre5. At the Sen'ict His 1I1'~~r rr~d Ihl! ,.~cond le5;;on.

\'nll(\\\'iilg the Serl'ice !lIe Lieutt· . , ".~I r.owfnor returned board

mlcs rflrtage. ~nd \lith the Ihip~ ..; fl\nllnlndinl: offierr. enterlli~d

r,rmberl nf the Rel:eptinn ('Olll' ,"iU~~. The ship loIt port her~ rul~' ~tonda~ fdr Ramea.

Il~rorr. his deparlurc Ihe Lleut~· nlnt - Gm'crnor expresscd hb r1P~p aP!lreeiation for the reception II'hich he received Ind extelilud hi~ best wishes 10 the tOll'n and it, people for their future h~ppln· ... and succe~~.

The tOll'n 11':15 gaily ~deeked "'ilh Mcorations for the official ,i,it. An arch of fish casks Ind r1rllm~ adornrd with codfish WlS rTl'clpd nrar the wharf, whieb \\'as hl'ourab\l' commented on by His Hnnor. • ~Ifmbpr~ of Ihe Re-eeption Com·

mil\~ .. II'rre lhxistrale Erie S. .Inn~ •• ~h)'('r F,~I. Tusirr. DI'p­Illy ~Ia~'nr Elic StOOllle)', nt", .T.J,

~ ReynoldF, ~lajor G. Wheeler. R.,·. I., RrfS. (DI. ~hlthpws, Frazer

I 'ht.:l~)', .Uf. Dunford. tt. C. ll'al~h , \l'i\Ii~m ThllmB~'~n, George :'Ifnr.

ri~. Gror~e Cr.I\'f. Captain Harr), T;,nma~s'n, C.O. E,·tlpl.h.

i Tne ttxl or the andr.~~ nf "",\. L I r(lm~ pruenled to' His HonOr '01''' \, a~ 101ln1l',1:

Sir lAonard OutPrbird,t, It. C.J, r.,. D.5.0" L,L,D. I.ipulenanl - r.~I'''rttnr.

Province of Newfoundland" Canada.

Your Honor: 'Th~ oldest land o'n earth " • I

, , . , .. ',', ',' , . , , , ,

tbese forests the pulp and paper industry plays its part in the 'economic growth of Canada, '


•• _.We Offer.~ -~ ~



TRADE-IN ~ ALLOWANCES ~ ..... ~ ;yo

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~ ;yo

!.6! ..... ~ .....


Gr,eater Selectio·n OF



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~ . ~ I ~. ·,BEST' SERVICE' '~

" " , j

I :,

It b with d!ep pride and muck rl~l5ure. lin behalf of Ute memo nm of the Town Council, aDd the riliz~ns of Gnnd Blnk, to Iiain welcome you to our commul\lt~' nn Ihis )'illlr second officIal vilit 10 the Southw,st Cout, since as­"lminll the olUee of Lleutenan!-­r.ol·ernor of our Pro\'Inee. We All hope that your present tour lI'ill D~ ~nJo)'able. '

We art happy to' report that 'ince your last visit amon/l~t' \I~ nnr municipality 01 Grand Bank nu lua prDl1'eu. 'Olll populat· ion haa Increased, c&l1sideralll)' anti our vadour ,ublic url'lcfl ItHe been ,J'eally extended. We Irt abo rpjoicin, that we have 12ain assumed. place of dlanlty and importance III our flshlnl lil· ' dUst!')', whieh lessened with the t\ecllD2 and disappearance II our hankinl fleet, but whleh h.. u' .umed larll.r and more profitable dimeDslons iii Ihe expansIon IIf the fresh fbb proeeuln.' Iac!ullr,., The lIew Dlodern fresh fisll ,laD! htre hll elllIIlII.I1Ced operatloDl

VfHEN the hot gases of space sl~rted to cool, and matter ~gan to form, this earth 'was born. The first land ma~s th~t took shape was the Laurentian Mountains,. _~or\h of the St. Lawrence River. As ,the earth was moulded, ~iDeral substances were deposited 'in pockets i.n the solidifying rock. ~ons later, great glaciers which coveted most of Canada began to recede an~ .left ?ehiiid our lakes a~d rivers. Out of a great vortex in space, a land was created, blessed with. mineral 'wealth and power ~ , , one 'of the richest lands on earth.

,From the Bowater mills at Corner Brook, Newfoun~· land,lOOO t~ns of newsp~int flow, every day, to destina· tions as distant as Houston, Texas and Sydney, Australia. And across the Atlantic flow raw materials for tbe Bowater mills iii the United Kingdom. '

~ .~: ~ and SATISFACTION .. ~·



. ' ,

. The sreat forests are the visible symbols of Canada's vast natu;'l resources and by the wise develop~ent of

,Bo'waters "


For purposes as varied as the places to which they, are sent, go the products of the Canadian forests: pulp­

, wood. pulp and paper from the oldest land on earth serl'ing,the needs of industry and trade in the wide busy world of.today.



~ ;yo

~ ..... AFTER BUYING :ii!l

,.5:' '~.


OPEN EVERY NilE. . ..<1.

~ ..

, Ind In a short ,Uml tbJt 1J\ueh ftteded addition to lIur 'eollomy "'ill altai. full production." Our Itlt110ur f'eillll~~, 100, IIlve ..en .rUll,. exte.ded and IDlprO'~ and a pullJie' bulldln, to .ee&m· odate the rarioUi . Go,.rallAe"


, ,

, United States or America" II' South Africa


\tepubJic orrteland Norway

" COME IN AND SEE HOW AND WHy,t" , ,';T' "NOW IS THE VERY BEST·lIME 10 iuy,,~,;,;::~:J",

. ":"1~ , ., , Canida '0 Clnel BrIIala .' • Australla .ept21,30

'. • .t

'. , I


I • .

, I

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i " , .} , .

. , • t· ! ' " '! 1

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[' 1 , , , · , • , I , • , . I ,

Page 8: DaVince Tools Generated - Memorial University of ...collections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL19550930.… · Tile Scholarship has \ ... he was exam.. 'rhis." ... beyond

I , I: i

.. THE DAilY NEws. FRIDAY. SEPT. 19!15

., \

. ,




YI., folk., we have designed this

page especiali; fo~ your,lIover thl road"

convenience. From the Ad, on this page , '

, -"

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you ,tt lull about any Slrvlcl or Buy

anything you ntld •• Read th',Ad, well,

10 that you'll become familiar with the

firms who w. know will bl mort than

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'PHONE 3550·L



SERVICE WITH A SMILE WMthe~ you come in

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that our Courtesy 'and Friendliness make 0

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• Oil .. - ... "'tjt • GREASING • AtCESSORIES


TopsC!il Road Dial 3518

for Your . G",S and REPAIR


see PENNEY'S .

SERVICE, STArION Topsali Road Dial 5892R










. 'MAKE •







, ,


:t1- VI dEW 0tf1 ~he Conception Bay highway, along which are located the well .stocl,cdbusir~Css eslabiHml"llls Inn,' IOlle 011 liS page. ' ,. '- ....




for a tasty snack an your way "over the road"





R .. W. ·Barnes OCTAGON POND,









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DI,NE a,nd DANGE . ' AT- YOUR· ,



. The .PICADILLY ClUB· ., ',. , ,"TOP$All';'ROAD' ." , " '

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Topsail·· Auto Service • GREASE and Oil • TIRES



(Ladies' and Gent's Res! Rooms)

Cape Horn Construction


T opsaHPoad Dial 2883



BISHOP'S GARAGE L~ng Pond, M~nue/s

HI.WAY , TIRE nr.TRE,\III':RS .\~Il,

, l'UJ.LhNIZERS Tnpsarl Itn~r! Opp. Baril""

. rHONt.: 2676-R '




.' ... , " .,'

" TOPSAI~ RoAD " ' , .. DIAL:4448~A

" . " . . ~ ~.,: . -.'

, ,

.• .' '.' t ,;:'

. :.' .'. ..'

WORLD The Imperial

o[ the Empire ling and deslrab to be I>xD.,,,.II·rl

eourse and tllree years, made [or the sary In three Instead of fou y.elJr, S?OO til $6IiOthe til dent's UIII~'l'r<l

fhoe yearrs' metnsmay iIient of tlie ilUfll Instllimel first year, $300 ,the' fourth year, A definite to" which th sent.

The hur .. ,rI to • e', mdldatJ

years the study has rather than Scholarships l\lemorial 11 to enable post-graduate Philosophy, Literature, ,tenable at British may be year to the -ports of the the tenure be asked [or under wbom scholarsbip

2, Each value of ment will stalments, branch of tll 'Ua.tlie first October I, or a[tcr third (S600) Payments ' dian Funds, ,

3, The 0 who hold return to after the

appointed In slstlng of tives of that lona]' War

, and two or

Page 9: DaVince Tools Generated - Memorial University of ...collections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL19550930.… · Tile Scholarship has \ ... he was exam.. 'rhis." ... beyond


!r ,

1 I


. )


l I

, ,

--.--;-~_ -----·-~~--;i' -:;-.-........ ---..-.... ~-.. "'--:P--. -,t-:-,~·~~·-~· .....-.-"'- .. -.-~ "'-~-1 "

THE DAilY NEWS, FRIDAY, SEPT.-30, ·_1'955._._-"'.:L\.

I 0 D E S h I· ·h· 27th birthday In October of the dale sball.apply In the Province W I'd I··' \Ing a speclacu1a'r-opportunlty forla result of rising living stanrords' Its history. Latin America want! . C 0 ars IPS year during ,which t!tey first hold In :which the UI~vCll'Slty Is sltuat· or ,LIVIng increaSed trade between nstlons,l\lhroughout th~ world. "Eurupe'qualily goods top-:-and Canada

• • • • th.e scholarship .. In the case of ed frum whlcn he or she has S d I . the Toronto Chapt\!r of the Amer· today is more properous than evCl!" can SUPPlY tlII!IU',

Ex.Servlce personnel, they must graduated, Irrespective of hls.or tan ard s lean Mmrketing Assocliltlon was before In her history," he noted. I .• WORLD WAR 11 ter, on recommendation of the have passed their 19th but 'not her place of rp.~ldence In Canada, . told tonight. ' "There are shortages of materials Mr. Schneckbl\rller ubl;erved

The Imperial Order Daughters Wllr ~Iemorlal Committee If the their 34th birthday-In Oct~ber except when a candidate has mov· I - d The speaker lVas Merle Mr. Sch· and shortages ci laboll'. There Is a I that high Ca,Iadllll wage rate! ,"h. E,"~" h .. d ..... II' n. "',,""" a" .... ,. d"" ;;, ... ,. of 'ho "" dud,,· .hI.h th., '" " .. "d"~,,,duo" loom ncrease . . ,~k"bu"", ,,~.,re,W,,'·of ,, .. " u,."d pre .. ,. " ... ,,! dW ,,' ,,~ .. ri" .... """ linl: and desirable 10 raise a fund tlnue to show fltnels to hold the first hold the ,;cholarshlp. But anyone Province to another; such a Toronto Sept 27-The world I the house of Seagram and presl· so that more people, have more I dl~,n goods out o~Ocr1d ~ark:1I. :0 he expended for educatlpnal sellOlarshlp. candIdate who has applied unsue' candidate may .pply either In the standa'fd ~r Ih Ing Is Increasing dent of the A.;<oclation of Cana· money for gooc!s which once were It Is posslbel at a $ an oUt IlUr,'OFCS as a ~lcmorlalto Cana. 6. 'rhe scholarships are award. cessful'ln one ~'ear, and who was Province where he or she attend· at an unprecedented rate provld. dian Advertisers, who ceturned\COnSidered luxuries. Canada can CanadIan· w;rker. w~~~ __ .$l_= .

, i

I r ! ~ ).

:lIan men and womell who gave ed under the lollowlnll condit. then eligible, may apply In the ed a Unlverslt) or Ijl the Pro. -' I from a tour of major Europ~an 5Upply the quality goods Europe worth of mo ern mac nery '. " :hclr I,\'cs In L.1C defence o[ .'rcc. Ions:.' following y,ear. Each candidate vince where he or she has taken from any Cdnadian university or'markets. I wants.. I,WhICh to w~rk, can produce ~u~ ,inti dUri" "" ",,", W.rtd . (Ol C","d.'~, ;"oy ,. m .. ~, m;,' h,"" "g," from. ft. bt, " "'" d.g,oo. " ... 'h~ i, "U., •• rut h •. , d"., 00 "d'i',1 ,I<. "", .. ,k .. '''''' ",·" ... 1 ·'Th. ,,.., I, Ih. "m, th,,,,,,,· 1iI, "., ., • , ..... ~.h " "" I . w". 8U~'i" ,. C .. >db, "d. """', ',d mm!' ,. uo.,,"'d ""'"d U.,,~.U, ." d.,re ... VoI,,,,It, m • P"'f .... "" pml· ,,,,duol. wook. ",,"d.,.. Ih,t woold ",d, wo,ld ,.,,"" ", L.U. Am."". Th, .. ,h. '" i ",lU" .ith lb. ,,",' of .tho , \'crsities (or studcnts o[ high aea. until after tilt' tenure oC the granting Collen!! In Canada, and Committee of Selection' In that from a Province having no UlJi·l5o per cent w!thln the next dC'\caPlta Income is rising at the ratellOw.prlced worker using muc:~ d,~;,,'.~di""i'd ,'"mi" foo" ".",,,,,,.,. Th" m",' "" C.... m .. ' h ... d,,', 00 '" ,.,,,, ",. Prod"" .... )1 .,w"dth •. "h,"'· _ilY m., ",pl, "fy i. 'ho1: "d., .... .."d 'luI C."d. • .. : 'I th'" "'" ",, ,,~ , .. ,-r .. ", Il~' .fficllnf ~R"""" or" .,n mtcgrl pact of tll15 Memorial. dian citizens. They m\lst have graduate 1V0rk Rnd be reglstereci ship to a man or woman ~rom \ Province, not in the Province In preferred position to expand lhan' the flSe :n IIvmg standards I

BURSARIES IN CANADIAN passed thebr 19th but not their lin a Graduate' School. A candl. that PrOl'lnce who has gratuat'ed where they have taken a degree. I her exports of consumer goods as In the United States throughout machinery at klJ."

UNIVERSITIES, 1956 ' • EIr\ en b\lr~Hics are being of·

fered In 1955. for those bursaries only the sons iond daughters of de5ea~cd or permanently and ser· iously disabled Canadian men and \I omen of the Services (Army, ~avy, Air For~e-World War 11)

are eligible If tl:e veteran has died since the War, death must have been caused as a dlt'eGt result of the War. One bursary will be awarded In each Province and . one In tbe Yukrm, pro\'lded there are suitable cal,dldatcs.

These bursar.es are of the value of $1,600, Ie., $400 a year for four yrars, providing that tbe holder passes the ex .. mlnaUon of each yelr In the apr-lng, or, It least, In the autumn of the &ame year, and satisfies thp Provincial Com· lIlittce of Selection of his or her rontinued fitness to relaln tbe Bursal1'. Yearl!' payments 11'11\ be made in three Instalments the first ($200 In \ he second wet!k of St'ptemberj th~ second ($100) In the £Ir~t week of December, and the third (SIOJ) In the second werle of March. When a student Wishes to complete his or her course Ind re~el"e I degree In three years, arrangements may be made for the payment of the Bur-1311' In three annual Instalments instead of four. I.e., $500 the fi1'!t y_ea" S!5OO the second year, Ind seoo the third year. When a stu, dent" university course requlrea fi\"e yiKi attendlnce, arrange­metDl'IIlIY be mlde for thIPIY' Dient of ni, Bursary In five. an· ft~l InItalments. I.e., t350 the fint ~e~r,. $300 the second year, $301Hbe -third. ,elr,. $300 . the rourth year, $3SII the fifth :rear. i. definite Idlken must be liVID tei which thl cheques may lie lent. . The burSIr1 ablU be awarded' to • clndldlte who meets the en­tranc. requirements af the unto

o venlty orbl. or her choice. Never· theleu.· since It Is difficult to award • burSary on the buls of Jetter jiadel -:l?arded to reeoJllo mended. lItudents, the Order In· .IN that student. write I the De- " partment Exainlnallonl to . be eligible for any I.O.D.E. burSillr1, rcgardless of wbether or not the ~tudent I! entitled to recommend· ation.

In order to pcrptuate the memo orv of the men and women . who ~a·\'p' theU' Ih'e~ Iii defence of the F.mplre In '\'otld War 11, the 1m· perlal Oi-der Dauihten of the Empire establl~hed anotber War ~lemorlal, of which the .Ieadlnl leatures have heen Bunarlea In Canadian Unh'ersltles and Post· Graduate Scholarships (Overseas).


1. Three post.graduate scholar· ahlps are to be offered annually. In 'I'lew of the fact that for many years the emphasis r~· advanced study has been placed on Science rather than thl! Humanities, these Scholarships provided under War Memorial 11 arl'! offered annually to enable students to canry on post'lIraduate work In History, Philosophy, English or French Literature. These scholarships are tenable at any University In the British Empire. The scholarship may be awarded for I second year to the same candidate. Re· ports of the work done during the tenure of tbe scholarship wUl be asked for from the professors under whom tbe holder of the scholarship I! rtudylng.

2. Each schQlarshlp Is of the \'alue of $2,000 I y.ear. The pay· ment will be made In three In· ~talments, pay~ble at the [;ondon branch of the Bank of Nova Sco· \la, the first IS800) on or after October 1, the second ($600) on or alter December 1, and the third (S600) on or after lIIarch l. Payments wl11 be made In Cana· dian Funds.

3. Tne Order expects that .al1 who hold these scholarships will return to Can'ada and-work there Ifter the co.npletlon of . their work In I Bril;~l1 University. The Order wlll live any assistance In Its pow« to help. a reuned Scholarship-holder to . lecure a poSition In Cal\lda. .



Big . ~

• r .. -_._ .......... -

. \

' .

. beautiful ••



. ,Foremost star in its field! , ,

Here it is! The new '56 Meteor ••• foremost in styli with a new, wrap.around, V-sweep grille ••• four superb scriea ••• new colours, new interiors, new fabrics. Foremost in l'C, •. f ormance with a choice of new power-advanced overhead­valve V-8 engines. There's a 202 Hp. V-8 standard with Men:­O-Matic Drive· in all Rideau and Station Wagon models:

New '56 Meteor presenlS an entirely new idea in driver· passenger proteclion-all.new Safeguard DesWII-raultiDZ from years of research by engineers in co-operation with leading safety experts. Therc's a new SaftgUDTd cleep-centr. steering 'wheel .•• new Safeguard double-grip door lOcka - -- , plus Safeguard seat belts·, and Safeguard instrument JIIMI and sun visor padding-. See and drive the fomnott .tar Ia ils fieldl . ·Optl6""h'I%"";"'·


.-.. --- .. -- ....... -... ------.-~--------.... :.-. . '

It's big news'for '56! Mercury looks Big, feels Big. rides Big', IS BIG ••• with styling that's new and fresh ••• with dramatic new colours ••• with its sweeping length and daring low silhouetle •

I ·e·

for I effortless pickup and passing you've ever experienced.

There's big news here about new safety for tbedriver and passengers I Mercury for '56 is Safety-Engineered inside and out, witb a' new .recessed-cc:ntre steer1D&

. ",heel; new doorlocks that hO,ld doubly safe under im· pact; optional seat belts". and il15trument panel and ,un visor padding" to afford practical protection. .

. ......

. \ ...

· · • • 4. A Committee of Sele,ctlon 'is

appointed In eRch Province, coho slstlnl of the three representa· live. of that province on the N.t· lonal' Wlr Memorial Committee, and two or more others (men or women), chosen by the T.O,D.E,

Matched to ilS crisp, imaginative beauty, th~re's mightier-than-ever V-8 power in Mercury for '56. Three great engines with new advancements, new . highcr horSepower. Up to 225 Hp. in. Montclair: and Montereymodels-210 ~p. standard in Custom models ••• with' a new high in usoble power to give you the most.

You're IIIviled to see the' big new Mercury, and take ... he wheel for action as big as aU c3nada itselfl

.OpIIOMl at txlftJ rttll · ..

. members of till! Com!'llttee. II. The Selection of a candlditco

will tate plac'! durinll Novembcol' 19511 .. The candidate 'selected will hold the .eho'arsblp from octo­ber 1II1II for a "elr, The appoint­ment II' IIIb] .. (1" to cancellation It 1111. tlme by tbe Nltlonal Cb.~


. '.'.




, 1 ,. • 1




TH E'M 1\ .' \


\ .


, , , , I ;

• '. ;. ,. \ 1 ,

, I • ~ . ~ . '. j

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I , • , , , • , • , , .

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.' , I


A ·liesurely Walk InFreshwaterValley

Sometime ago I suggested that Bridge on the Thorbul'n Turn·' lI"e m\Jht take a leisurely stroll \ pike. Pcrhaps we. should start ollr ~esh"'rd Into the Vale of Fresh· \ journey from that historic old lI'Iler. lolnll In as far u the Rcd secllon of Ccntrcvillc, ~no\Vn in


Friday & Saturday Values'


10~2 to 12 ............................ ·· .. · .. 29C. Pr,




V neck - long sleeves,

Small - medium - large.

Assorted colors

Oxfo"r-d's ,,~

;:(~ e WJn'n e r

All ~ aliiiibr x III 11_ a 10181101'- ./

~.atbiIAUlira .. PiQlE""'nl· .

Ian. TllII..,.w, ~I.". II !Md. In

• 11" dHfImI' ...... o&cIIlIalr Ilia. n .

loola! eq...uy tIIIIIlllII iii _ or ~Iae\r. ,

'l'IIInllawl4erU..at_:aXOlfordlfrom · ,

rI/N. to'ltIN. AU .... 111 ~ydlllerlllt . ",' .

wldUII to _ JIIfIO\ MtIIlI.

J'AmrDlLD. os;..,. ... III h~ ~I or

"", .. ;."r. JlGb ...... " ftltlM.. i" ,

:'::., •. Mit II j.~ Mt.ntl . 1I_ .. _ ..... ra-III'1 .. J'lwDl

JliDetiio wt~ bioi ..,.; • ft""'- .;.".... ... .: ': _i-.. .... lMoi ..... tlOuiM .. 1dI

. .' . ' . .............. -----_. • '.,', I



my day as Rice's Corner. We'll turn back. thc "Hands of Tlmc" to lhe eilrly part 'of the Century, and begin our ramblings on a fine summer morning with a gcntle brecze out of the West·Sou·West, stopping occasionally to rest, 'and ~.

. "I

; t

...... -... -The Doofer Family

r."".\T PREP'" \TION


at Aunt Millie Moofer'. '. hoose. Seventh Heaven. She handed Dad· Because that would settle once and die another long list of thlnp to forever Who was high society In be brought from the County Seat Doo~rvi1le. Aunt Millie's nvita· and giggled: Schmoe js a very tons read, In her own fat hand· distinguished, terribly' hansom! writing: . man-and a great JIIusie lover. He

"You are cordially invited to at· was greatly taken with my vDice lend a reception in honor of His at the. reception In his honor at Royal Highness the Count Foldcr- the Loyal Ladies of Music Ind the 01 Von Schmoe nt the estate of Fin'.! Arts. He paid me ,reat Madame Millicent Moofer n2xt court." to refresh, the . inncr·man, and

muse over' some of, the events of the long·ago.

As we' stand in [rant of Mr.

Saturday night at 8 o'clock. Re· Daddie Donfer grinned: "Sounds . ply sill voo play." , like we're going to have I real

School teacher Miss Zoozoo Zoo· I Countess in Doofervllle, Aunt Mil· ,fer and Doctor Toofer figured out lie. I smell orange bossoms."

'. T. II. "'I' U. !. r,t 011.

1tU ~I toll. Sm~u. 1M.


Rice's old homestead, a part of It stili standing In this year' o[ Grace 19:;5, lor which we offer thanks, we observe that thrce roads and a streel make a junction here to form a delightful llttle Squarc­Pennywell Rd., l<"rcshwater Rd., Cookstown Rd" and Field Street. Il. is a blisy little Squarc, partl· cuarly so this morning, [or a spread of firemen .from the Cen· tr~1 Fire Station .are about to test the water pressure from the new· Iy.bullt underground reservoir at the eastern end of the Square. The horse·drawn steam engine, known as the "Terra·Nova", lis uprlghl boiler all polished and shining llke burnished gold is spouting. Smoke and sparls as It pulls to get up steam, The two, big, short·necked Percheron-Iike horses are standing by pa)'lng "Why dOll't you trim the edges with your electIie razor7" I liltle atlentlon to the noisy pro· . ____ ._-..!.L....-----:----:-----:::::-ceedlnss. Soon st(l;lm Is uP,. and of "My Lady Nicotine," we may brand o[ lobacco known a5 "Monl lhe pressure and \\'ater supply bd sure he Is not chewing that Bernard," one had to have power· must. be good for the hosc Is [ragrant product of the Spruce ful lungs indeed to sur\'ive the throwing a ciant sll'eam of waler tree we caUcd "Frankum" gum. It fumes. When the pipe slem .gol on and over the roonops of Bon· Is the heyday of the chewing lo- down to a short size we referred cloddy Street; and it takes the bacco habit and sales of "T and to It,as an old "Dundeen." . combined effort of two rugged B," "Ladies Twist" and Mayos lily grandfather, still Sergt. of n~eme'n to hold the hose steady. Plug tobacco were enormous: No\ Police Peter, McBaYi was another

By Alma Sioux Scarberry

Never had the Dooferville ,party. line been '50 busy. Everybody·was calling everybody clse to try to lind out who haa, relY.!ived invita· tions 10 the reception to be held

the iast word, I countered with' the silly remark "who wants to live lo be a hundred!"

(To Be Conllnued)







the last {our words of Aunt Mil· Aunt Millie blushed Bnd laughtd lie's invitations finally. As the~ shrily: "Oh. now Mist-~r Donler! Doctor explained to Daddie Doofer But he hasn't asked to cal! on any at the stor~ later: "That's Aunt of the other ladies of the club." Millie's French for 'let me l;now Dr. Toofer said, trying to look if you're coming or bring your own very serious: .. Ah yes, I'm sure lady fingers and tea!'" the Count will be courting you.

Daddie grinned: "Lady. fingers Jl!adame Moofer. He kn0\Ys a fair and tea, my monocle, doc! Aunt American' !auty when he sees OM. Millie callcd this morning and or· Blushing unappreaciated to long. dered a whob slore full of stuff A man of rare taste, the Counl" 1 hadn't even heard of before. I'm Aunt Millie blushed, giggled aDd sending to the County Seat. for it. hurried out of the store. Looks like we're realiy going to put on the fancy feed bag."· Colombia, South AmerIca, k

Just th~~ the great lady he!· th world's largest producer ef scI! burst III the door, Aunt Mil· e lie was a]1 liut of breath and in emeralds.

FROZEN CUSTARD Why not drop in for a Refreshing SODA


You.'11 enjoy the Friendly Atmosphere,

We can see a couple of veteran only It is the heyday of the chew· lover of the "weed" and seldom policemcn on duty keeping the lng tobacco' habit, but it is also was wlt'hout his "quid". However, scores Df curious onlookers out the heyday 01 the clay pipe, some· he was a silent user and rarely ex· of harms way, and, having a heck times called in winter a "nose' pectnratcd. I once askc~ him how o[ a time holding the crD~ds of warmer," when the brittle stem In the world he, could chew to· I YDungsters from gelUag IntD mls· got broken or was chewed 0[£ with bacco wlthuut spitting. He tolll chief. What youngsters they are! usc. It had the trade·marked mc that when a young man he I ranging in age from 6 to 14 like name T.D. stamped ori the bowl, joined the First RO)'al Scots. It all healthy' carc.Iree children' they and lVas 50 commonly used that was forbidden to spit in the ranks kiek up quite a bit of "monkey it was scldom referred to as a slay so the mqre rugged, o[ the soldiers shines," driving the policemen al. pipe. just swallowed the' juice. He must most 10 dlstractlun. Shuuling and 'I'he .Old Boy who sucked one hare had a east·lron stomach, for yelling, thcy run around in the simply called It. his T.D .. It was he lived to be, 88. 1 became ad· crowd crying oUf ~23 skidoo," a the bane-'of' many~ 't',; 'househoid;, dieted, to '.the horrlblestuif.at an popular. eatch'phrase of the day. Newly bought, and for only a early age,Iand in Iilter years count· The hard flinty surface o[ the penny, It 'had almost a chalk·white ~red my molher'~ advice against Sqll'are resound. to t,he clink . of eo\i1i\,thJl,;'Stcm straight or' with It by eitin'g grandfather's longcrity. "Blakie-clad" boou, and many, a a' very' sliaht curve. The' [un be: His reply was· simplc, "I[ your "gal'aboldi': blouse II In evidence, gan. when it was fully seasoned; grandfather had abstained, he'd the waistband of elastic, A few of then it was, as black as your hat, have 'Jived to be a hundred. 1 the kids arc using tin pea.blowers, and smelled to high heavens. think she was right, cut being a

Longines -'Wittr.auer Bulova -­

Gladstone _ Cardinal­Merit-Medana-Tower

Also c~mplete line of \ JEWElLERY ".' \

R. A. CRANE, i , ,


Watchmaker - Jeweller


and a hard yellow round·pea pro- Should the old man smoke the pp,e:rv~e~r~sC~la;d~, ·:an~d~al~W;ay~s~w~an~t~in~gd;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~. I

peUed from a strong pair of lungs, " . - \ If it hit you In the eye, could do ,-----------, quite a bit of damage.

One of the policemen, we note, Is Sammy Dawe, the ot.her Sergt. Grimes. Sammy, a wiry nervous­trpe man, winds In and out of the. crowds In constant motion, his sharp, eyes under shaggy blon'le eyebrows detecting the least In· fraction of his commands. The I Sergi, a heavy·sct man, moves mnre , risurely, his dark formidable ap·: pearance hclplng to put the ncees· i sary fear. ot the law In the on· lookers. The Scrgt's jaw however Is continually In slow motion, and

. as he Is reputed to be a great lover

. .' . '. , I

. '.





Enjoy. a m~1 away . , '

from home in moelern

sophisticated "







S6c Ib,


JIM SHIELDS , t • . '

t Freshwater Rd.

i- ' Dial 3469




in manycolorii on ~isplay " ' .

FROSfSi in our :Shawroorns; .'

. R[~TAUftANl; .. ' . ,. "e' '.GROUCHY'S LTD .. :



. P :0; .BOX 448 DIAL ·581'5 .. , . I ,. \ .

DIAL 5433 ... j



• DIAL 4386

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Compleie ~ith fCimous Pictu·r. SentrY which

wipes' out streaks, .tearing and roll oye,..

has built.in· antenna which glvH .. exc.nent

local reteptionwithout outside a.~lal.

FullY.cir ~arra~ty on Pidure ·Tube. Hal

perinanent pin.point focus.


$192;95 up



Electric' Utilities Ltd. , "

FRisHWATER'···~OAD . : 'DIAL'2860 .... ~ " . .. ~


Car Miss Ruth H

from Germany • few years a birthday durin!: ~d a' real N day· party, wit her IiItie frie Some of her n played and c\· .fine time.

Mr. and Mrs. recently visiterl left them' a b

Mr. Morley htrned . to St. his studies ~l addition to his ,her acts as 0

lege. We kno\ Ihewish o[ 31 we lay "a su ley_

Jlfr!. fjeorgc ,resent on a Itephenville.

Mr. Clarene employed with aer Brook, is tion with his Boutcher, as i 'ali,of the se

Messrs. Se Lionel Corm~ Manager oC I lion Company. were In to\\;n eonnection il'i the new Ceder IIO\\' Is Mr. will act as C ent· for tbe jl lly-wife and Ii"e in air. here a day 0,

rh'! 500n i~ man 10 opel' Indced llratif, "'i11 bc~in ai needed build'

Dr. A. C. the past sum pay u.\ a \'i 30th. He wil leclure, in t Town Hall il

will CO\'cr h those Who 511

his cammer Europeon tOI want to see will e fift\, l'

certainly • ce. real enterlai fee.

We exetnr llichard Fah celebrated ill on Sunday.

Miss Julia days a~o fnr was joincrl .Toan Ka\'ana !~i1NI' on 11, land" lor TI. ~pl'nd .'ome lor!! lloin\! I "'ilh olher I

We arc gl Aloorcs, of ~ brated his an Wcdncsd Aloores Is 0

men, despit he ne\'er sto lIut the da\' find the day he has to him and .1 hiPPY retur

:Mr. Geral Lower Islan. teach In I lehool.

Mr. and :\ Long', Hill, lIay with rt

Mr. Andr lI'all., a Th Queen', Col Ilr. Eric COl last week·f. Mr. Morley ther,' Mrs .•

Mi~s Joan In.: . her ann J!ftrenb, Mr.

. Mr!, Joh mitinR h fAllIily, at

Mr5. Go present vlsi and Mrs. JI Sid!.

Visiting Soper is Mn. P. C 'igM, N.D.

Mrs. H. 'Iouth Rive

~ : , .


"Wa Just 5

:, All mod

. \

'. Autltcrlz : -;".

.: ... ,

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. .


Carbonear News . .'

~1i5S Ruth Hersborg, whl' came a ,'Islt to ,Mr. and ~lrS: H. V. from Germany "ith her palents, French.' • few years ago, celebrRtml her Mr. and Mrs James Peach and birlhday during the \\ eek and she daugh~er Ruth, of Summerslde, ~d I real Newloundland birth· P.E.I., who spent a short holiday da~' pari)" wiln about sixt~en of with Mr. and Mrs. George E. So· hrr lillie friemls In attendance. 'per, Rural Retreat }o'arm, return· Snme 01 her national Klmc~ were ed to Bay Roberts to spend a lew played and e\'cryonc had a jolly more days with MI, peach's par­line time.. ents, Mr. and ·Mrs. Fre'd Peach,

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Forward wns before returning to their. home Trcently ,'isited b~' the storie. w110 Thesenlqr Pcaches were also vlsl· It It them I bouncing bahy boy. lors of ~he Sopers {or I week·

Mr. Morley Boutcher h~E reo end. turnrd to St. John's, to r~sumc JIIr Stanlev Grieve of Louis· hi~ .~~udies ~t. Queen'! College. In "ilIc,' Kentucky, spent the week· tddillon to hIS studies, Mr, Bout· end lI'itb his slstcr, Mrs. John thtr aC.ts as org~n"t at Ihe Col· Dulf. as did also Mrs. Arlhur l~'t, ~\ c know we are exprcssing Grieve and Miss Florence Lock-the W1!h of all our cHtzen! when [ St John's' • .. yer, o. " ~ e Ill) I lucccssl~1I year" Mor· MrS. William C. Moores and ry. • daughter Sandra, who were "isit·

)lr5. George McCarthy ,is at ing relatilles In England, are due ,resent ~n I \'bit 10 relal.\es at home on 1Il0nday. Sept. 26th. Itephel1l1l1e. lIliss Eleanor Soper spent ~he

'THE DAILV.'NEWS, "', SEPT. ; ~ 1955, ST/'JOHN'S, NEWFQ~~DL~ND, ,. '~.

Stock . ,Market.' -Report 3~00 Tiara 17~0 TombUl

1000 Trani Rco. 4703 U A,be.to.

moo Un E.tell. , ~OO Un Keno


I IIr Til. cia .. l," JlltU Bal.. 810ck Bllh L." Clo ••

MINES 16000 And Ur ..

SOD Akalteh tlU Alba Expl

410 Allom 300 Allam wll DG Amanda

1300 Am I •• rdor ~33 Aan N.pb.

183 AD!COn 3100 Ana Rourn B~oo Apex Rei 1500 Ar" 2100 ArJon

n300 A.rol UlW AUln Rt.1 12666 Aum.el>o 2000 Aumaqu. ~ Avl1labona

7500 Balama. 31.0 BlnI<eno 2000 Blrnat 400 Barru. 440 Ban W,,,

1900 Borymln 112030 BI.' Metlla 2701l~ Buka . ~:roO Bath Mini •• 1~21 Bath B w1l

73918 B Duq , BOO B.Ul.I,.

2000 Belver Lod,~ lS80G Beleher

500 IIeren. 1800 IIeta Glm 1031 Blveon 1400 Bibl.

1202$ Bleroll 35893 Bd,ood 1000 Bilek Bay 500 Blue Rock

30200 Bobjo

It 17 II 61 HI 61

.J! 3~ 37 17 17 17

9110 '~O 130 3ii 36 311 17 17. 17 Jtil U9 IS

3111 340 31~ m U2 144 ~6 :Il 23 57 ~2 57 13\, IJ 13'" 51 49 49 %2 II 21 3 II 33'.\

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215 210 210 10 il 75

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11 II 14 ~o 49 50 11'., II 1m , 270 !SO 21

II II II m 170 170 %2.1 222 :!:!5 4' 40 46

• 13 12 13

19000 N Laluerr. ssou Newlund 79~0 N Marlon 1000 N Mind Seot

:UUO N Mylantoque ~033tl N Jaeulel J~OO l'\r.wnnrlh

31700 NoW No ... .}lIN Ne\i n()U~'n

• BllO N Ryan I. 1300 New "hm b ~lOO l\b IYeIi.

mao l\cl;rl nlon ~Iloa Nbto ~~OO Nlpl .. ln~ 1Il1 Noranda 1\,w

171;00 Nor:old 1:111 Nornleta1 •

1~21lG i'\on'r1 x ~OJOO 1\ or Inc 0 1~100 New Itoyran :!lOO North Trln

E~i': Nuduu1nm. RIO Obrl.n 500 Ogama

4aoo aka Rar. Met :IlOO Oleary 100' Omnllran. l:~"\ Oncn,lrlta ~OO Orenada

:! .... J U!i/LKO ,moo Pac 1';.01

1100 Pamour 5000 P ... maq

41000 Parbee I:.!I rardee I~'()(I Pa~ma.trr 200 Pick Crow

2lSl\ Pitch Ore 65[1 Placer ..... ~ -..... ~ ......

1300 Pronto Uran ............ \HIII

2tl03 Pro. Air (00) Purdy Mica

22110 Que Chlb

'15 1~. m.. 2200 U Montauban " G2 . 60 '60' 900 Upp Can

11\1 9\, 9 '1706 V.ntpre. 2 2 2 1700 Venturu

27 IB ~3 6:;00 VlcDur 21. 1&~. 2 0 5700 Violamac 13 ]I 16 9U Watte Am i!' 7 Hi 48000 Wetdon P~T

1m Il!~ 1m 2000 We,l Malu IJ 1:.!~-'J ]2~2 2330 WtUro)' 3' JD 3~ :!:iOO Wlltuy

,8 7\. B Rloo Wlm'hl'slrr . III 1 U! J~7 :!(l:!oo Windward

)n 10 10 3~;0 IVr lIarg 27:. 267' 272· ,,000 Yale I.,.d

S8 ~1;1,.:'1 • 2000 YelhH't" 27 . 21 2B\' 1m. Yk Bear 710 700 7110 1~'itO nuke .. "

49 43 43 6,100 Zonm.c 12' III, 12 2500' Zulapa

J,8 17! J78 Cur" ' 9\~ m ,m I~~ Rulolo

fi3 flO fi:! 2:;0 rato 8:1 SO. 81) 00 Pr.nd Orl"' 12 l!.: 12 4000 Yukon con

1"0 ~J 9,1 OILS' 31 . 29 31 4000 AI .. -t~' 4~i 4~' 1500 AP Cons _ .

170 B30 863 3320~ Am I.cduc 17 ::7 17 ~5 AmI/rex 4'H. <4H 4~~i 2:100 Anchor 17 1,. 15t1:, 1;1,4 Ito An;:lo .... m Esp

S8 ~iY' 53~4 .13~3 Anglo Cdn 1(1~\ 101,~ IO!~ 50 Batb'ey Sd A 2l 20 22 2:JO BanI!

t:!'J 112 1:0 50') Bata . 41 38 38 2:JO BrAlsam ••

I~O 120 IlO 1303 Brllalla ' :.! ,? :11.; 1760 Cal and Ed

36 3Gt~ 3\1 300 C Oll Lflnds 703 IS 700 173 Cal and Ed,

. 10 1195 10 62 Cdn Ad 011 5BO 580 580 525 Cdn All all 23 260 26{) 700 Cllrlt Emp ~l 31 3-1 2225 C. Colllerle'

16~ m lSI 5250 C Decalta war 3~ 370 315 21590 Cdn Dev I'd.

11 . II 11 1510 C "om .. tead H 14 14· 47550 C 011 Ga. Re.

4311"44" 443.'11.

~ ~ .... , J, ~I Pet~' • '. 25600 Marl,old

__ .i ,\U!l'l-1I1 Petc

12 11'" 11 , __ ':" ~.'* '. -------

~o 42' 42' ,'1"'"'--------------'---8S. 870 870

38 ~8 ~8 '760 7~ 760

71 '60 70 ·77Q 770 770

41 40 41 . 103 1~ 61C5

II,. 421, 42 411, 42\. 421i 21 21 22 3;~ 315 330 11m 16 Inti 53 44 M'

11 10 10·~~ 300 :95 299

1<4 Ill,i 131,1: IO!~ 9 9 ~(I ~:2I,i 4i 19 1911 190 ti! S8 lit 13 . 13 '13

2~1) :.!15 21ft 1311 1m 13V, ~O 1m 3m 40 35' 31',.

'6531~ m Sl\ u 610 610

485 47l 485 ~ ~9··.59

U an ~O' 33 31 '31 M 73 80 33 . 631 63,\

B A a 14&. 14~i 14~i

• ,71) !Ill, 563 925 925 9::3 • 186 m 186

I~~ 'i~ 'l~ 269 265 2i7

,11. m m 275 :l3 2S

.. 161. m. 161. o ~ 60

• ~IO 610 10 :1. 2 :1.

12 12\0 1m 25 23 25 lSI 24 ~30

1000 Mldcon J2as Mill City , '~700 Nat Pc:. 109&1 H BrIstol . 4000 N B Dom GallO N Co.Unootal' 1100 N Davie.·

100 N Superior. 1500 Nordon !J~:; N C,OUs

3>00 011 Sole<l 00 Ok.lta 443 Pac Pe>te

4000 Pan Wett f)630 PathfinLlf'f '..'900 Pel'uv OUs

~.;i3Z50 Petro) 7,jOU )·onder • 500 Pralr 011

20025 neel Pel. lZ31 Roy01lle 300 Sapphire ,

300 Scurry Ranbo" 600 Secur Free lOO Sourl.

1000 Spooner 2000 Ston"ell

2903l Texas' CalJ:l\r,J fOOO 'frans F.mp 8':00 'fran!' Era !HOO Trend Pttl

'll330 Trlad OU J2m U. 01 •.

500 \'u}can ~ ~OO W.st MaYl1II .

l:!9l0 WUrch

,70 70' 70 ;12 32. 32

!!30 2)0 :!:6, 170 16l 170

. 211 .. ~15 Z.!3 47 4.i. 47 20 . :Ill 20

2tO 210 210 ~O 1~ 19

3M 500 ~OO S!l. 81,i BI,~

2D'j 200 :ZOf} 111,. 11'1 IH, 3:! :!q 32· ~; B:I ft5

~'O ~,\9. 2ti7 I' III at lIB " 10~ Ion 10% 311) 290 2£'0

~ 9 9 1ft. 141.1 )H:

lOO 191 29ii W 212 m ::8~ Z80' :1tO

3:1 3~ 3."i 20 :![)' ,20

5 fi3 .1 I:' 105 1:'1 I

13::1 11 til; 32 30 31', 19 181m

60 610 ~o m 17 I!

14 41 41

1500 Yin C.nuck !lANKS

150 llO 1:0 5' 5!~i 59

2 2.1 2S

411.& 150 M.nlreal ~D No\'a SeoUl 830 Comane .. t lIS Imperial 330 Royal 21S Tor·Dom

41~i 59 41 491,

56 IS

47 ~9 44 m.


1!!1 C Brew 30!l 30 415 D Ma~ 21 2011:

lOIS 0 51 .. 1 18!> IB\I 625 Simpson. 17n 1m

Total ,.1 •• , 1.32!),000 .hare ••

:;9 •• 1,1 "9~. 5


30\, 201l 18~ 17%


f , t~ r ~




. ,,,, ...... u,,, "'I'llf. -..... .,. .... - ...... -- ' .. ' "--Mr. Clarence Boutcher" \\'ho Is week-end with her parents, Mr.

:~plo)'ed wl.th the ~.N.R. al Cor, and Mrs. G. E. Soper. Also IIlslt· . r Brook, IS spending hiS vaca· Ing the Sopers were Miss Thelma

tion with his mother, Mrs Joslnh Morgan of the nursing staff Eoulcher, as Is Miss Priscilla No· Grace Hospital and Mr. Vincent

4.00 Bonville :000 Bou,eadl1 ..

500 Boynar 2950 Bralorn. 6800 Brllund 1400 Broul Re.r 1000 Bru.hursl

mlO,Br:Unsmon 8500 Brun.ton 300 DrUluwlek

S300 Bueld.a

43 4G 41 10 10 10

5n 125 130 1&0 170 J70 170 ~I 170

3m Que Cop 500 Que Lab 3lO Que L!th

3150 Que Mon 1287B Q Mot.lure 17200 Que Nickol

135 mill , 5705 Cdn p, L I'eto 550 540 550 lQ() Can.o I'ele 221 220 221 625 CaMo Nat G

21 21 21 700 Canso,,«;lll

23S 233 '235 84 89\1 82

29S lSI 295 J71 175 175 131 131 ]31 285 210 2Bl 210 231 214

40 J8 39

I "Just listen to Mom gUsh to that new neighbor! 'And, she: I ~iticizes me when ~'I d;rl~~d~i'~~)'S. ~~~I~_USll, .w~. m~


Beth Sto:et .: ... , ...... ,.. .... ••. 154;1 Dorl Warner ............... ,., ". 43t.~

. r.

Ian. of the ~econd city' , MessN S K Carr, also of St. John s, Li~nel ·C· ormeymoupr Idcnny and Mrs. II.' R, Howell who has

eau, res ent 8n~ I h' C Iv! t folanager of the Kenny' Construc. been visit ng ,er sot! . a ~,a

500 BUlldl.oa ~OOO Bull Cd. Gloo Bull RL

tion Company 01 Y . tI N S ,Chatham, N.B.! and her. sister !fere in town' for aarf~:'u d~YS . I~ Mrs. Jo~n J. Cl:lrke, at Glace Bay, ronnection wilh Ihe bulld'ng o( KS., returned home on Saturday, the new federal building. l~ town Sept. 2~th. At Sydney she met n~\\' Is Mr. Een Rohlehaud, who hehr, son, Wllbe~~ ~nd ,his t w~~, "'11l act as Company sup~rintcnd. w 0 were on e r way a e

122200 Bulldo, 1000 Bunker 11111

22000 Call1no.

fnt for the job. He and hIS lam. U.S,A. on ,·acallon. . II~'-wife Ind two rhildrcl1-wlll Mr., H011l~ Oates has relurned th', in a trailcr, which qrri\'cd to Frcaerl~kton, ,N.B" to con· I1rre ~ da~' or so R~O. Du,' 10 af. tlnur. his s.udles In Forestry. Het· nrc '(Ion is ~ bullrlozcr a 011 a is attached 10 the Pro\·lncia. man 10 operatc the same, It is Mines and Resources Dept. (nnren ~ralifyir.~ 10 sce Iha: work "'ilI be;;in at ('nce on this much Clll' "I'drr' 11' p Puzzle nteded buildln;:. ':I

Dr. A. C. ~unter. who spcnl Ihe I'a!t summer in Europ:-. will pay U5 a \'i~it on Friday Sept. 30lh. lie wilt gil'c an illilftratcd lecture. in teelinicolor, 'r. the Town lIall at 8 p.m. The ~lidcs 11'111 cOI'cr his summer lour and Iho~e who saw pictures and hncrd 1m commcnlary on a (nrmcr Europcon tour will, we ar.' SI1fC

want 10 ~ee this. Admission Ie~ will t fiHy cents and patrllllS will certainly sct a full e,·cr.mg of rral entertainm.rnt for thl~ ~mall fcp, .

.We cxelnd greetings to, Mrs. :rhchard Fahcy, of Kingsto:J, who celebrated hcr ~i:cly·right birlhday on Sunda~·. Septemhcr 18Ih.· "

Mi~~ .Iulia K;;l'ann~h Icll a felY rl;)~ a~o Inr St, .Iohn·s, wiwlc she ,-., jninNI hy her si;tci Miss .1r.;;" Ka\'ana~h. and to~ctht~r they ~~llr<l on the n.M,S. "NcI;lounrl, larl" for no~lon, where tl1lj' will 'I"rnd ~nmc 1i11lr. with friends he· In.rr. j:oinl: to 1'iew York, 10 \'isit "'lIh (lthcr fricnd~.

We arc j:lad to salllle' Mr, John :\Ioorcs, o( Moore's Hill, \l'h~ cele. brated his sc\·cnly·liCth 11;;t!uJay fin 1\'cdncsda)', Sept. 21st. Mr.

TilE READER ., . '" ,rO •

r1' I~' ., "j

/4.' '\ 1 )

I' 15, I , '. ~ \1' ,l~

I,'" . .: .~ ,


, Bobby Is very much interested

In the pictures o[ yellow stone park The animals pictures amuse him:

l'o3OO Camp Chb 18311 ,Can Met ::700 .{'dn A.tori. • IMO Canlar 700 Cenl Pore

2750 Che", Rn 2000 Ch .. klrlc 5300 Ch •• lervlll. 3100 Chlb K.)',and 4500 Chlb F.xpl :!OOO Chlmo ,

100 Chl'omlum 23000 Cit Lor

4871 ('obalt 11110 Coin I •• k.

mao Coldstre.m 3000 Coloma c 4000 ('onlaurum

J9830 Conro 6tf.l0 C Benekn. 0000 Con C Cad

IHaa C Denl.on p,oo C D.eDcr.1/ 1~39 e "e.lmorl 1000 Con Gille. 1000 C GUAyanA

46200 C Ha11lwell' 400f! Can !lowey

600 C Marb.nnr 7000 C Mom.oll 1600 C M.sher 2216 Con Smelt :!133 Con, Nu:ulI

21366 C~n Nichol R400 C Northland

13300 COft' Drlac ~OOO C Red Poplar

17937 Con Sudbury 1550 C Tun"ton 1100 ConwOII

14121 Copper ClUt 1000 Copper Corp aJOO Copper Man 'SOO Coulee 1000 70umor ~166 Cu.co 8500 DaralOft

10125 D,· Cour llrowl. }: g:r4~':. ,,1' 1000' Dolta ,ID Dome

2IlOO Dom A.beslo. ROOO Donalda,

23300'Dul'an " llOO DYao 1400 E •• I M.larl 27~ .:a.1 Rull DISO EIII M.la"

(1)' toot Smell ~7oo Bm· GI •• ler

1700f! Eurekl 1000 Eurek. War :m·Faleonbd,.

1l40tJ Faraday 510 Fl\'o.1 Tu",

moo Fed Kirk 170 Frobl.her

40 Frob Debt 6800 Galt,..n 1000 Goeo ~lIn.'

477%00 Gen.va 1100 Giant Yk

131422OGI.nn Uran 3950 God L'SS • 3950 God', L 3100 Goldal.

I Gold" •• 1

~foore5 Is one of our mosl active lIIen, despite his advanced age, he ne\'er stops • minute tblough. lI~t the day. In fact, he doesn't ftnd the day long enough for what he hiS to do We' cong~~tulate him nd also wish him many lI.ppy returns of the 21st.

Mr. Gerald Pye left recently lor Lower Island Cove, where De will t@uh In the Sall'allon Army khnol.

If you join all the numbered dots together, starting with dot numb~r one and ending with dot number lorty.nlne you wlll have the pic· ture of oDe of the animals. Use your paints or crayons on this pic.

18011 G F Uranium 1IlOO Gold Man

201120 Goldhawk 11000 Goldora 11100 Grah Bou.q 4550 GrandI ... 1575 Grandue eooo Guleh 7000 GuU Lead

20970 Gunalr 11131 Gunnr wto

lIr. and !lfrs. Chtslcy Kp.llo\\'3f Lon,', Hill, Irl! spending a hail: '1,. v,ilb rrlath'cs In the city.

ture. .

• VARIED NAMES 20000 Gwllllm 150tl Hant Roek 3400 liar MI •• rali 5~_lIuala

24150 Head"., ~OD llralh I~ II ... 111:17 lIulllnKtr 2.wa lIo~lt'

9 9 9 15 1m 1 :Il ~O 2m 12 12 12 43 40 40 888

161m mi • n~ 7 n.

IlIl 12 14 IG 13 16 31 3l'~ 33 H~t 141,. 14~.

290 • ~82 215 36 36 3a

lIS 810 8U m 16\1 1\,

445 4,~ 4)j 8\1 m R\; ~I 4. 41 n 74 7.1

110 131 1.,1 1.0 m III 27.l 27~ 2,.

9' ; 91.4 9T• !.1 !l 8,1 13 II 15

III!I 10~ 107 m 7 7'.'. o ~~ '!~

41 43 44


1,\ 33 '] 13 l~ U 11 • Inll II

400 :ISO 400 C(I~ JOO 20l

1.1 IS 1,\ 4R n 42 4~ 42 44

46:'1 4~1) 4~O \ SJ :IJ 1.1

3.\ ;14 31 90 II') 90 3;~ 36" 37 38 36 ,.

57 4 ~o 100 96 1M til, 13 14 78 7 ~6

470 460 lID 4, 45 16 m ~O m

'10 :195 30.1 ISO HI 113 22".:11 21

110 12~ 130 2.1 2.\ 25 19 IB 18 38\1 37 ~!)

121' m 116 4~ 4n 10 17 • 17 ,'17 l!)H 1R 18 l:Ht 1~'4 1~14 IS!, J!I.\ IR\I

. 44 4,\;12\, 77 72 77' Inl Int 102 2.1! 2-10 2.1~ an 661 AAl I~n m m

·81 71 7.1 !\~ ;11) J4!:r 110 . 12 16.\ 61 65' M 28~~ 2ft 28H

200 191 J9j 40 40 10 :Il 2D 2D

490 463 m

500 Queenslon '19Q() nadlore ~OGlO nayroek

400 Rrevel 22000 Rcgcourl

4000 ncxspar 13331 nol Palmer 32M Ilx Alh.b

10703 ,\oche 6:\00 hockwln

,UUflFJ ~'tl\\I"llJ\ ~B08 Son Ant

'J .... .1 ...... \1 ".,er l~OO She'l' Cr 773. Sherrllt 2300 SlInnC'o ~810 Sit Miller • )!OO Sit Stand 110 Sisc •• f.1SoUlh Am ttl'~ o;t~dt:l:tJna

?It"' .... ::;f('rlor 6001 SI •• p nock

I J ••• 11 ... \'",1 ,8')(1') ~lHl l'ont l:!3-B Snllh'an :\\0 ~~'l"anUe ll011 "andcl11

2IMI:'\ TfOC', HUJ,:h IlDO 'rho"1 I.IInd -,

931, D3 931> 50 41 10 m~ 1m 1m

. 21 16 19"" 630 6~ 620 174 149 173

I I 65 61 IS 47 43 47 19 11 19 50 14 so

350 310 315 25% 2l 21 II 8V. II 321, 29 32 37 33 36

820 BID 810 165 1~ 160 18 16 17 19\1 ta~' 19 11', 11 111\ 14\1 1m 14 15 13 15 83 M 80 :!l, 20 21 119 10~ 109

9\1' 9\, 9',1 6 6 G

21 2U~~ :.!IJ~. Ilj II::U e:1II •

IBI 17~ 180 5100 Cont"L<duo 2lO 192 210 nO] Chamberlain :m 22l 22l 100 Charter OU.

21 19 ~O 400 Com Pete 53 5' 53 7~00 C All.nboe

:~5 199 :05 Z.!OO C Cordasun • lOG 102 IDS 1733 C Dragon 22 21 21 11050 C E"I ro.t 60 1;0 0 142.l Con M Mac n 7~~ B ~)OO Con Peak

1,0 HB lie &BOO C We,t I'ete 18 It; 17'.~ &300 Ilel 1Il0

13l 133 1,11 RjO Dey Lellut' 811 830 840 121 !lome E.pl

19 18 19 2£Ht'J l)U\'U 1.3 100 100 mal Bl P,nrey

;1,\ J~ ~l BOG FarJj:o :13 5:1 ~] 1'3 Fed )l('te 4711 47\; 4n'i 21}C) Gem Pete A 30 :til 3a 3.'lfll) fir Sweet Grtss :2 11 1\ :!OO Grldol n!~ 1311 13\, 3;011 11Igit emt III 3.1 38 1i85 Itome all 10'." WI 1"., 4111 lIu,ky ~U 'lO 30 3500 lIy Charr " ltl) 141\ 10(10 .Jupf'r t~l., 11 121.1 1900 ,JupUtr

3.tl 3D! 3~.1 1800 "roy 011

-. 185 m 180 ~ooo Lbe .. 1 1',1.

180 IBO 180 450 410 4.\0 2m IB 18' 28 2B 28 40 40 40 83 80 BO

Ches :md Oblo, ............... '"' 5~~~ Cons EdsOD".. .... .... .... •••• • ~g'h El Auto L;... .. Uti " ........ 41; General Electric ............ " .... 50t; General Motors .... ,ft' • ., ......... 144\~

Goodyear ......... "I' "" ........ 61r. GI Nor Ry .................... ' ... ,' 4W.

280 275 275 JJ III, 11\,

59l sa:; 590. 190 170 I~O MISNAMED Hit 16.0 lIiQ 310 $10 .jn The Pennsylvania .. Duler ~I" 21 ~m dcscended from Germans ll'I'I'o

13 1m IZ m m 23l scttled in Ihat slate durii;g the :in r.;m 5~O C I . I • d h 5lU lin 510 0 oma pello In I e 16th cen· .tn m .3; tury It was cllslomar.v, in Eng· 900 900 900

:!Z 21 22 land, to apply· the name Dulch 11 101,~ II I . 870 B60 870 to all Germans and this '.S how IA!" I'~ IR~ i it happened Ihe Penn~:;ll'ania 2~~, '2~O lAn I Germans came to be. mi5named un 1:.1 12~' Dulch. 32.1 3U 32~


Produced by .'






As a 'public service

'WE' , ,.. /. REf A ~ HIGHI

. '.

This is a wonderful year for Oldsmobile. Never. '

before,have so many people decided to step up from . the ordinary to enjoy the luxurious,

. po\Ver~packed ride, and the terrific sense of

pride" that go with every Oldsmobile. ID fact,

SO great has been the swing to Olds, that every

one of . the old sales records Is broken - new

ones are being set every day. Why don't you

swing over to an Oldsmobne today? You

couldn't swin~ to a better car!

• SO WE'R,E, , J

)fro Andrtw Hall, uf Grand 'all,. • '1'l1eoloHiral 5111dent at Queen', College, SI. Jllhn'~. Illd

"Ir, Erie Cook, of SI. Juhn'!, spent

Bobwhite Is merely the com· man name lor' the nlatlve Amer· I('an quail. In the soulhern slales the Same specips .of bird I, called partridge, a name apjlllpc\ tn the rurled 11'\II1Se or . American l)hea~ant In Iho! 1I01'lh.

I15UCi lIu;" YK ~~o Ihld liar

:J,iIJI) 11\1111 "II In 1:!L'Q In.pJrOiliuD 1Il00 Ihd l.;Ik.

u t~ I4li L7~i ~I.; 67 ::7. :n '..'1

.H~ m H,

• I

r !


l I i r

lilt ... eek·end htl't, as glle~ls of Nr. ~IorltY Boulcher and his mo­'hrr .. Mrs. Josiah Boutcher

Mi~1 Joan Pike, R.N., h ~pcnd· .fI~ her annual vacation with her JI~r'nl$, Mr. anrl Mrs. S. C. Pike.

~Ir!, Jl'hn Cornbh has been mitinl h!!' son John and his

WOHW'S OLDES1' The Eastern Stale H05pUal,

Williamsburg, Va" is the world'. oldest public menIal hospital, be­ing est~blished at public e!\pense in 1770.

lu!lll,., at Gander. BROUGHT HORSES Mrs. Gordon N!',\'hook h at The American Indians did not

J!M!!!nt nsiting her parenl~, Mr. have horses 'before the arrival af Inri Mrs. Robert Forward, Soutb Europeans upon this eontlnent. ~ide. First horses seen by the Indians

Visiting Mr. Ind Mrs, Charles, were those brought ~er by 'the !oper Is Mrs. Soper's mother, Spanish Invaders of Mexico. Mrs. P. Cnlbourne, of Lush's' ' light, N.D.B. The first railroad In Texas be-

Mrs, H. Farrell arrived from gan operation In 1M3 with' just louth River during the week, ,on 20 mllss of track.




With the newest in Hall Stoves

"Warm Morning" Coal Heater Just set your thermostat HIGH, MEDIUM or LOW

and forget it for twenty.four hours.' .

All models nOW on display afl-

The Rorke Fish & Coal Co.limit,ed CARBONEAR, NE'WFOUNDLAND ;. . - • . . . .

Aulhorlud Ih~trlblltnrH:- ' • ' "~(JRTH Sl·J)Xt. \' !'CREI:NEO" COAL' .,

. ..t·AlII011l-i III:MllNG" ANTHRACITE,: . "

,"WARM MORNINO" COAL HEAT!JI~ ltpt3l'ur~w,2i" " ... "':';,',,~ .

not In.plratfon IBOO Inl'Hlnwl<k ~580 Inl NleL,1 3350 Iron BaJ . 117,\ Jacobus

311U J •••• tI. 12000 Jem,o' 36.100 Joburkt 13.\011 Jollel. :rI301l .Toft.anllh

11.100 Ktn\lll. 2T3OtI J ... mlll!

\lOll K ..... Add tooO Keyboyeo. ~n(lrk, Lakt

4700 KnUna 265 Ltbrador

1\00 Lake Clneh 251M L DulIUlI

IIJO Lak. LIDI 1000 L W ...

SOlI La LUI 300 Lamaqu.

B500 La ... U. 350D Lno.uri 900 Laxlftdlll

1000 L L La. 166 Lom.11

moo Lorado 21500 Louvlet 21600 LYlICIhunl

400 Mlel ... :noo Medo.ald

13600 Ma.n. ' 32000JI.ek.no

210 Maei.ocI noo Mad.en 2SOO Ma,nel 1300 Malarllc

, 1200 Maneasl Uru 2000 Mlral,. 1450 Maritm. 4000 )llrll. ,~OO MII.lehe" ..

6.1732 Maybntn B80 Mclnlyr.

2000 Mcken.l, 2000 Mewatlm.

~!~O MeM.rml. 14630 'Ionlor 1!JOOO Merrill 31000 Mel. Uran

'I!IOO MIIIdtmlr 300 MIni., Corp

HIP MOIIIl " 8000 Multi. MID

38110 NI ml Creek' 511i1o Hal Expl •. r'

SIOO N.. I •• bl .. 21721 N.w Aller . 41U N :.lIb •••. I~ N.w Hid ,.1:111 NfW 1:.1 I,

7700 New Delhi 1030 N ... Dlek.n 17110 N. f·.rllI.e

.lll!1 N .. llold."e 3Ui N .Harrlu., ' ~71111 N ,HI.ludl' ItIM'N ... Ho ... 1M N'!w JI.on UOO'!':K.lon, , . :~ ': ... ~ ..

HI. 1l~ lIS H5 lU 17~ JII\II '11'1 10li au~.

~~l 211 211 44 14 44 .~ I~ 17 Ali" IIt~

29 :121, ~4 B3 81 8mt

40 36\\. 39 fll 81. BI,

III 36\1 39~i 11\1 11 1& 12 10" 12 M 37 38 19 17 IBt; lSI, 161> 1611

2M 235 2M 310 290 290 H~ 14 14 U U 2l :w 315 320 300 370 390

9 ,I 9 13 m. 12" MV. 3/,\; 311>

127 127 121 71> m 1V.

lIS 182 117 '" 40 42V. :w 215 220'

202 202 202 110 104 In!

24 ~2 :4 59 5l 55

150 148 14R 244 j :10 210

13 12 13 115 21n 21.

31 30'. 3m " lOll. 10 I,

ZU ~IO 210 I~ 16 18

121 1::11 120 III 119' 1';'\

73 -·79 1!P. 43 .1 4,1 In 2R 3n 2:1\ un. 2f'J

\10 100 1M %!' :15 :1.1

17 41 45 47 j. j) 2m ::.m 2m

360 310 3~U 169 10 10

.190 ta2 II! 98 U 9l l~ 'l~IU 155 a,1 ~'1 a: u 12' 13

'Ill. 30 II m I!D 121 101 101 101 120 2111 218

, 39 . "3 ... 39 , ' 21 t .22 2'J

3R 31 31 AB. fl.1 Al :t.I\~ 23 1,' 2110 101; 101\ 10V. n· U .51,.


There's nothing like an Olds in the whole ,.

wide world •.. not ano,ther car so easy. to

own, so'packed with thrills! And fight now

our \ record-break1n~' sales mean record­

breaking deals. Imagine flashing.away with

the famous "Rocket" power, enjoying' the

smooth comfort of the IIRocket" ride,

. owni~g all the beauty 'of the. "flyIng-colof;'

styling at a deal Ptice, NO -do~,'t just . imngine it-make it a reality. Step up to an . .' .' . Olds today-the price will never be better.






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1/10 ·L·D·S MO BILE I' • ' - . •

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Page 12: DaVince Tools Generated - Memorial University of ...collections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL19550930.… · Tile Scholarship has \ ... he was exam.. 'rhis." ... beyond

. 1

'. 1 ! 1 t

r ~,

! : ~.

. J2 ntE DAILY NEWS, FlRIDAY, SEPT. 30, 1955' ,

'. -...".._ .....

• /

Quick Brazil Nut Bana.nit Bread Delicious

Quick Brazil Hut Banana Bread (Yield: 1 loaf)

Three.quarters cup sugar, 1 egg, Ih cUp milk, 1 cup mashed banana! (3 to 4 fully ripe), ;~ cup chopped

-Brazil nuts, 3 cups prepared bis­cuit mix.

Mix together sugar, egg, milk and mashed bananas. Stir in Bra·

BY GAYNOR MADDOX zil nuts. Add bscuit mix; blend

:0;0\1' that ~ummer's past. we're For a slx·year old's birthday buk to housebold chores again. party last week I eut II pound Hert's , DOle on keeping finger cake Into squaNs, iced them and nails {rom picking up dirt while topped them with each iuest's init· you'rt doinl Ilea\')' dut)· work on ial. The youngsters were de· the POOfS, lor instance - 1 dig my lIghtedl'

Husband~Wife Career Teams Click

Every year about this time a well. Turn into a greased 9%x friend sens us a warm JOlf of 5~.x2;~·inch IoU pan. Bake in a Brazil Nut Banana bread. It's moderate oven (350 degrees F.) great eating. Herc's the recipe. 45 to 50 minutes. Coolon rae1;. ___________ 1 Brazil Nul Colfee Cake (Yle!d: 12

in during the three and a half servings) years It took her to g~t a degree On:! and one·half cups sifted all· at GeDrge WashingtOn University purpose flour.' I'h teaspoons hak~ here in the capital. . ing powder. If.z teaspoon salt, If.z

In the morninga he went to cup shortenln~, 1 tablespoon gra· school with her children and at ted orange rind, \~ CI1'l sl'"1r. 1 night they all sat around tile din· egg, ~ cup orange juice, 1/. cup ner taoo and did their homework. evapor~fed milk, ~~ cup lir:n:y

nalll into a bar of loap and when lhe work s done. [lnd my naUs IICed only tile lightest scrubbing.

Incidentally, our six.year.old Mend was proud 01 her new dross pumps! But b~cau5e children can

Couples :Working: in Gover nment Find not go much farther than that un· She even 1V0rked part tlme as a packed brown sugar. 1 ¥.. ·t:b'e· til 12 years iater when a romance student librarian. spoons four, Ilf.z tablespoons cin· blossomed .\nd they were married. "It would have been impossible namon, 6 tabl':!spoons melted but·

Is .H Marriage Try it! _ . . not help running throullh the house

.'nd ,,.aldlll of cleanln!!. Bill ber Dad lightly sandpapered the , BY AIJCIA BART sah'a~d a discarded fruit basket sales to prevent her new shoes VI ASHINGTON, (NEA~ - Hus· ;Jlinted It a gay )'eUow and 1 use leading to a new bruise! band • wile teams get .\onll fine it \0 bold an my waxe., pOlishing 1 when they both work for the 10v, ng. and so on. It's already sav· TRICKS FOR TREATS emment.· . ' td me a number of trips Ilc and A rainy day treat ror both mol· For instance, one of the JusUc~ d)\\"n sUirs b forgotten It~ms. her and child Is hot chocolate top· Departments' top attorneys was

_ ped with a marshmallow rol!ed In chatting with his life ecenUy SulJ houEecle,lIl;ng! After wash clnnamDn. after a hard day at work. He

In: a couple of throw.rugs 1 found mentionoad that he waln't too pleas· Cle (ringes dried ragged and un· A quicl. dessert, fit (or company ed with a particular rulnK handed r"J1!'. .' n:lghbour S:Jgaested 5ct'l -banana halves dipped in can· down by the Office 01 Lellal Coun·

_ tin": Ihem. ,traight and rubbing dcnsed milk and rolled in shredded sel. lightly with a damp bar of soap coconut ... balte n 350 degress Most women in this siluation It hclprd to ,1\"1 them e,;tra stlU· ol'en for tcn minutes. (DId you would ha,'e sympathetically r.~a and body. . . know bananas \\'~re practically un· agrc':!d. But not Mrs. S. A. An·

known in north America until dretta. ~l~' dbcarded n~'lons nu\\" go tOj they werc featured In 1876 at the "We caU the shots AS we seu

sm. Wilen -O,I1C of his paint l.a·., Philadelphia Centennial Exposition them"" she replied with a laugh. r.~d lumpy he stirred it thorou~hl)' wrappcd in silver papel' and leI· He smiled and the subject was :I;:d .tainrd It throuah M .tocking. Ing for ten cents apiece?) dropped. . • .\n.l whrn ,andina "ood surf~CN. _ In legar drcles this brave JltUe h; ~1iPI an old ~'lon sto:,km, ~ve.;l Bill says: A batchelor Is a rol· lady Is better known by her pro· hl~ hand. ur:s It as a detccI .. r ling stone tllat gathers no boss. fessional and· malden name, Pa-

"I just knew him as Mr. And. without the help and couperation ter or margarine, ~4 cup plumped r~tta for years," she explains. How of my husband. He thougbt it was raisins, -Ii. cup chopped Brazil did they finally wind up husband .. fine id~n, and of course, he help· nuts . and wife? "I guess It was just ed me out financially. Actually I Sift together aour, ba~lng tIOlV

• one of those things. Before you had nO thought of gqing to work der and salt. Cream shortening, realize what happens, you're in it." but 'was just ambitious to get a orange rind ans sUflar until light

Mrs. Andrelta comes from At. degree. I married during my first and fluUy. Bend in egg. Com· lanta, Ga., and Is a 'real southern year of law school and never had bine orange juice and evaporat(!d bel1-2 with dark hair and it 50ft a chance to finish up aIter that." milk. Add alternatey to creamed accent. She feels that following Mrs. Kilby's children like to mixture with dry ~ngredle~t5. a career does not hinder marriage. teas2 thei,. friends with the chal· Turn half the Ixture mto I

"Tile two of us get along fine and lenge, "My mother's a lawyer. q~e:sed E'!Il~h squarp. llano :o:n' OUr jobs donn interfere at all. what's .yours?" . b!ne r~m~m:llg !n:lr~{!er.t.. l'. !.:~. Many Um':!s we talk problems over But this mother.lawyer is proud· !:·C :"" ...•.• ~ ,". • .~ .. ' ., ., together because our legal fields Cr of her family than her legal in a moderate oven (350 degree. are much the,same. But we cer. feats. Her daughter, Anne, has f) ':0 : .. ,:.;,. taimy don't talk shop aU Ule time." just graduated with high honors . -.---------

Just because they're both attar. from SWl!et Briar College and ha.; Hiram Steveus Maxim Invent· neys Is no reasOn for people to been awarded a Fubright scholar· cd tile Msr.im !:un and his SOil.

think they beeonie involved in vcr· ship to study law abroad. Her son Hiram Percy Maxim, Invented bal hassles, emphasizes IIlrs. An· Is a junior at Harvard University the silencer Cor guns. dretta. "Contrary to popular' bt!. and another daughter Is working In --lief, lawyers don't argue all the the Investment business. Congress In Article I Section

cf r:lUgh ~pots when sandin;: the tricla Collins. She'5 a hlghranklnll f altornllY for the Justice Depart· Hlr ace. ftlASNERS IIIAKE FRIENDS menl, lIer husband, S. A. And·

lIrrc's a ~a!et~· ~Iogan I~r Sep. You receive an Insurcd gift' in nita, Is administravlve aulstant I:mbrr _ "Be 'Bright -:;;ot the mall and when you open the attorney general. Bruised". We"'e hung • ,lash. package you find that the gift Is They comprise one of the mOlit ligb\ on a hook just Inside Ihe bacl; broken. Sometimes that hap· successful hu,band·wlfe teams noW door and ntl one goes out the doar p:ms. When a gift Is lnsured the working for the U. S. lovernment. :1 ni¢1t wltbout talcinl a licht with thing to do Is to write the lender They do not work In the same div· him. 1I's also a help to urgc chilo and explain the situation. There's Islon, but bolll are rlghthand as­dren _ and husbands _ not to no need 'for embarrassment. slslanls to Attorney General Her·

Suceessfully mixing marriage and • carter are 1\In. Kllhcrine ItUby, lelt, and Mrs. S. A. Andretla. Both IIrc attorneys aI· the Jua&lce Department, and their husbands also work for the gov· ,

time. The fact is that a small "Now that we're alone and the 8 of the Constitution, haa th. percentage of trial work is done kids have grown up, ils ekma ' . In the law courts." kids have grown up, It makes authority to com money.

Because she Is bett~r known un· things much more pleasant to have der her maiden name, Mrs. And· a job. My husband enjoys It, for reUa sticks to, Pat Collins' during We have a great deal in common office hours. "Having two And· to tak about, and we ride to and rettas at the department would from work together.

enHfteDL .

1~:I\"~ toys ,or tools in the yard The sender In!ured the 111ft just bert Brownell, Jr. where. al night. they become dan. to make certain you received It Throughout the federal govern· :;fro:15 obslacles. In good condition.' mant there art other married

couples like the Andrettas. Uncle Sam looks with ravor on. such ar· rangements SO long as husbands and wives are not too closely as· soclated on one job. In practically aU eases, they' are not allowed to

. f'lU" '''A .", . ,to r "r~w t. !;'ft

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YHOTOGRAPH PRICE 447.00 New shipment Lelca eQ.ulpment Just

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~ jo'catures focusing lells anu double exposures prevention. All Ideal gift at a remarkable low prlce. Neck

U - strap Included.

Neted for operational simplicitY and produces sharp snapshots by day or night. Takes twelve map­shots wl~h each. roU of film.

Provld .. larl' Image of picture lubjtct and Is Ideal for color or black and whlte llIapshols ..

PRICE '15.50 CAMERA '7.95

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FI3shlllder-.s3.60 Complete ~·lth Flash attachment


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L ~ III daylight or Indoor with !lash. Featurcs near and far foeu!!ing and built-in yellow lIIter.

- CAMERA '19.95

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Other Motel ,11.85



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~ lbled tOClll 1.111 with brilliant ,y. I~vel vlew-llnder •. Sharp eolor or black and wblte map.hots can be

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eMMBIA '3.50 ..

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PONY 135 CAMERA , Budlet priced camera that enable! the taking ot color slides for 1uturt proJection. ~Has fine 1/4.7 leM

.~ODEL C '39.75

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• Hard coated tut t/2 lens, Scynchro Compur lI1!utter, .peeds up to 1/600 lecond, comblD~d and com­pled aange1indtr-Vllwflncler. Fln-

. gertlp 1llm uwpor!, • double ex­poture prevlll tlon, tllm transport, double expOlurt preventlon, film . reminder Index and many other Import~t. ftaturel.




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OPTI.I(LEEN .... : ................... 1.25



ART CORNERS .................... l.5c.


POLAROID 3-D GLASSES, .5.95 and 40c. pro

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KODAK CONES ................ 1.15


FLASH- BULBS-Full assortment.

ALL sizes-\

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work "in the same office. Women who pick up governm>1nt

pay checks along with their hus· bands generally fall into t'fo brack· ets. Those who go to work after they l'alsed a family. And those who have taken up a carecr, thcn get married but stay with their job.

Mrs. Andrelta is an example of the latter. As Pat Collins she came to the J\1stice D()partment"20 years ago. Actually, the first man she met was Mr. AndreUa. for as newcomers they found themselves standing in tile same ]10-2 one day. He Introduced himself, but it did

also eause a' great daal of con· ".For the first month or two It fusion," she adds. was a littl~ difficult to make the

This problem does not arise for adjustment. I had to get up at Mrs. Katherine Kilby, another at· six in the morning to prepate three tome), at the Justice Department, lunches and put the house in proper for she took up a carC'!r long after order. marriage. And her husband works "Now I wouldn't know what to several blocks away at the Com· do with myself if I stayed home," mcrce Department as chief of the admits Mrs. Kilby. "For any woo materials branch of the Office of man who has raised a family and FONign ·Commerce. has th2 cooperation of her husband

Back In 1946 when Mrs. Kilby's 1 I recommend taking up a career. children were ages 10, 12, and IS, I find it more satisfying than vol· she decided to go back to law unteer work, and the added income school. 'The }vhole famUy pitched is nice to have."


Drink Il gla .. of

'lig~'f!'l )3rand Or:1ng9 JUIce everY day. 1\'& an escel· lent source VITA?d1N . and it tasle! &0 Rood, 1,oO!

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on Channel 6 at , ' ,.

7.00- p,m. each Thursday . I· • . ..


-' 'PHONE 80021 . . STEEItS".LIMITED , .

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Mr. G. M. Badse Nova is 'at presen1

city on busines.; an at the Browmdale

LEFT FOR VACA ·Mrs. Bobby no

tary with the H •• J Trade and Comm on . Wednesday to s tion at New York

LEFT .FOR HIILl' Mr. William

Franklin Avenue. Wednesday for Ha Is studying Comm housie Unil·ersity.

BASEBALL Baseball fans

Je)hn's and many gathered at the office to listen to les, so if this poor confused all erro may be attributed 'ear on thc radio and the other 0


LEfT AfTER C Professor John

visited SI. John'f niembers o[ the section of Radiu ~ b a branch o[ the dio Enginecr5. Ic[ riesday to contint tia I tour of the organizations.

LEFT FOR MON' Mr. and Mrs. (

Rennie's Mill Iio; Wednesday by T. ness and pleamr real.

AT HALlf.o\X '.Leading Seam

Walsh, oldest S'lO

Bernard Walsh nDW statiDned a\

. eona at Halifax. ing an officer's married and is town Halifax.


Carp asian Place congratulations friends on the ter .t St. Clarr' en Monda,., Sep

.OARD ?o!EETlt. The Y.W.C.A.

I' hi the Harl'ey ,entre on Wedn 10.30.

AT THE GRAC} TIle many fri~.

C. Horwood, } ]toad, will be ~ he underwenl ftT

Grace Ho~pital


Plaee, left here lunday t9 spen tlon with relat"


en Wednesday Montreal to be cation. He will C.P.R. train to be will go on : Canadian Club~

DREETIN are hrough

Friendly a Civio &

Le th


f),. til, HID

Cha~e of

Arrival. 0

. Cit)' MRS. CATH

Page 13: DaVince Tools Generated - Memorial University of ...collections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL19550930.… · Tile Scholarship has \ ... he was exam.. 'rhis." ... beyond

,!k ':a-nd il a


:l:. It

ill­~\:. ,"l :n0 • 1 !:IIJ 11 \" b:e. dn· NIt­~d lun I


~"2ht om· ted



i I




~Ir. G. M. Badstock of Terra ~O\'a is at prescn! vlsillng' Ihe tit~· on bu~ine~.; and i5 rcg,stercd at the Brown.dale Hotel.

L£f7 roR \'AC .. \TION ~I~. B[)hby Robertson, secre·

tuy wilh the ~t.John·s OHire of Trade and Commerce, lert hr.·~ lin Wtdnr~day to sp.:nli hCI \'aca' tion At ~ew York ~nd .·Ialda.

1.r.fT ron " .. LWAX

AT HOME Mrs. H. J. L. Butler Wi>S At:

Home, ycsterday a!\p.l'noon' at ·the home' of· her mother, Mrs. David, Neal, 84 LcMarehanl Road. '.


, , "j~

"',:. ','7·'

I ~ '-~~ ,I, .'

·.Half.~izr.·~~yl~, Twice as mUeh.las'hion for }'our

sewing tlmel JUtnper and blouse go everywh~re _. mix and match· with thc're'st of S'ollr': ,vaidrobel Alteration .problems .Irc· solved:. Pallern 5 r-·:;-·'·· ·~'rortloned [or short~"· ., .'

'?~"'_.'''', ',-" ...• -J': --~ ..... " .. ...-.-~ .. ~"'"~.,..~--.~ .. ..,.~- .... ~-----~--.,_.r·~·r,

. \

. -~~;~ __ ._ ... .;_f/'"':. ...... " ... ~~_._ ... _ ....... _, ... _ ... , .••.• , ................. _ ...... ...---....-..... --. .• _" • __ ... ,YO- ......... ,-; __ • .--....._· .. _,...., .. ·····.--.-... ·.-· ........ • ..... --.···· ......... • .-~. ~ ..... - •• '"

, .

Asthma··Can IIYGAD..E· DUG!!

NEWYOnK,'(NEA)~Dld you know that asthma can seriously affect your chi1~'s personaJlty?



Child Seriously,

THE 'DAILY NEWS, FRIDAY, sePT. 30, 1955·.ii·

IIASTRO.GUIDE" For I:riday, S2'pk;.oer 30

Present-For You and Yours ... Another fine day. C~· cept for a possible minor UP!ct in mid·aftcrnoon. Being fore· warned, however, you can avoid it. Don't become involved in any activity thai brings on nervous tension. Follow· your intuition

.'. ., where human relalionships are , '.;'

concerned. Don't hesitate to pay compliments where they arc dc· served.

Fufure .•. The collection agen· cy business wi)l improve within the nexi couple of years. Easy credit terms have encouraged mon), people 10 go in debt ovcr their heads.

Past .•• This is the 17th anni· ." vcrsa!y of t~e signing of the MUll1ch Pact, surrendering the Sudeten area of Czechoslovakia to occupation by Nazi Germany. , ,


~Ir. Wllllam Allilrew~. B,A., l"r.nklin Menur. lell hc'/) on Wtdne~da~' for Halilax, whr.le ht h ~tlldyln~ Commerce a! Dal· hou~le Uni\·e~it~·.

The Newfoundland Acad~I~Y. of Art will open on Tuesday Octo­ber 4th. Classes lor all .alll·S 'Ire given in the Academy, 'aM. one dnc~ n[)t necessarily' know 1\ Ilreat deal about art In $cneial Ir lind oul quickly 110W fascjnat!n~ draw· ing and .paint1Og ran ~tcoillc. Ten~encss and nervousne~;; can ollen be hellier! ~y ~pendin~ "time with paints anrl bru~h •. anrl topay the therapy 01 self·rxpresslon In sketching and 'painting' Is, reeog· nized by authorltlnes on r.lental dl~turbanccs. Mr. rCl!lnnld Shell-' herd, the director of the Acad· em~' conducts a class in painting at the Hospital for ~Iental and Nervous Diseases, .lid sume' <if the people attend In!: the classes do excellent work. The thrill of finding out that thou~ll you thought you couldn't '~dr~w ~ straight line" you CRn 1I:~ke a glnss hottlc· really look liltr one , on a piece o( paper is qUlle an experience,

Il's. true. Tho:! asthmatic, chUd who doesn't gH medical 'care Is quit!! Ilkely to devclop personality

~ . dlfflcultles. And' these dlfficulUc's will Interfere ,wth 'satisfactory adjijstm'~nt to adult life; aecordlng to the American Foundation for

The Day Und~r Your Sign ~RIES (B.tn M ... h 21to Aptil20) LlIRA (S.pt.21 to Oel. %lI

B.-tSI-:BAI.l. Ba~eball fans abound 10 SI.

John's and many of them Have gathered at the DAILY NEWS office to lislen to the World Ser· ips, so II this poor reporter ~ounds ronfu5cd all errors and IambIcs may be altrlbutcd \0 havlUg one ear on the rariio b~ eomplllsion. anrl thc other on the 11'1'1 k at hand.

U;fr Jf7ER CONrERENCE Professor John D Rydel. who

"i!ited SI. John's 10 me,.'t the mcmbers of thc nrwly fonned ,celion of R3dlo Englneer~. which I~ a hranch of the In~lltutr of Ra dio Enginccr~. left here 011 Wed· nC$da\' to continuc his presidcn· tial t~ur of thc Ee~UonS (I[ the organizations.

LEf7 fOR MONTREAL ~Ir. and Mrs. Chesley Crosblc,

ltennie's ~1II1 Road. lert hcre on '\\'ellnc$da~' br T.C.A. on a husl, lle~~ and plea~ure trip to Mont· real.


Allergic ·Diseases. • How does this work? Quite dir·

ectly;" Because tile asthmatic you· ngster who doesn't get treatment Isn't able to keep up with other children '.In ganies, sports ,and school, he begins to feel Ilke an outca.sl. From here, it's just a step to a marked inferiority com· pIc".

An Inab!1lty to take part In nor· mal childhood play and stuy can lead to antisocial behaviouf and sometimes to juvenlle delinquency.

There was a time' when aslhma (an allergy marked by shortness o( breath and wheezing) was be· !lel'ed. to affect adults onl)·. But actually, it appears in the first 20 The aslhmatl~' youngE4er who goes untreated l5 unable to keep

1 rO('f'C'.1 .... 1111 ure .l~ l()werlul "rllOl'Jtntl Cnncentrltt eft the job at "an4 ana coul~ 1,1.\\'(' ~:JfprUt.1 up .heu sleen!. non·, I~t )'our thoua:hli 'Wlnd.tt IW',. .".\·Cld Iml'ulslH action, from yew main INt. . TAURUS (Aptil21 t. MIY 20) SCORPIO (Ocl. 2] t. Noy. 21) Try to set :Ulltt an hO\l~ or so '!'r mtdi. Try to "'ork eu1 I Imsiblt pllll tit ttt· t;t1O~ 011 tilt mlny thin" which face de a dcfftntic lituation which Us hltfl you In tht future. \tat!1ersomt.

GEMINI. (M.y 21 I,. June 21] SAGITTARIUS (N ••• 23 i. D ••• 21' 1£ lOur Job t:onntClllJl1S ahaul ht In'' Accept adversity., an lD~rt\lftit)' 10 ~rt~ for fraWn! bero!,d )'our contrel, strike out for. JOn'ltthb" bettet-IAd rion' grl \IPse! ~ho'Jl II. morC' remuneullvc. Don', pout.

CANCER !Jun. 22 ,. July 22) CA~RICORN (D ••• 22 t. J .. : It, 5t1ldy ,the fund~mrnlll& ~( your Joh ,to Don'« he- ~iltOU!lltd if idea. do1ttt ...... l rlrtrrm!ne ,",'J)'5 to make at mClfC prorit· out th.e flut bme.. Keep trtin ... Amd Jbt~ .... cu un ratn more! finan(:tI1 cbanln.

lEO (Jury 23 f. A."g. 221 AQUARIUS p ... 20 t. FI". Ii) Snme~tle .• 'ho hi' Influ~ncc rn • taree Bt:' ,uldul for htlp'a1Yfl1 ,OU lft4 .. I'Ir~:a.!"lnl!On tl)uld hI! 1nstrUTMnta.i in your btlt 10 that lOU wDlllo1 di..".wa hrlpmg lIJU ~(I a Coot hold. . thOle who .uis-ted ,.ou. VIRGO (Aug. 2310 Sept. m PISCES (Fe!.." t ......... 20) '. follol¥, raUt in5~inth and Yllu'lI flttl).. Ptoplt tend to h cenlmill ........ aMy )-le an t~e n;ht trIck tOd.y, deMt~ lUll in.,ilt the Iinc _n, fOi .- .. fnorablt .. reets. ftfrtrflm!ntd

e 1m. "oM Iotftjplw4 ...




years of 'lif~, and less oiten later up with other children In games, 5110rts and 5chl/ol. Like the

1° ens' •. tIhta' nhasa t\?efanredoludP in toddlers youngster above, astbmatic children feci thcmsrlves ontcasts -----------------------,.

o . ' and often develop Inferiority complexes. I . If Yth0U t watch

u fOf the, \\t'harnlng la~el. S~eh women can't tven ad· .... ;

SIgns a uwa Y preceue eon. forlably conspicuous. mire a p,cce of china without turn· r---------....... . sct of astham, your doctor may be The woman who always lalks as ing it over to see what Is II'1'iltcn .., able to re(luee Ihe chances of th~ BtU though h~r ~\~n children arc per· on the back. If.. J~' ~ condition developing at all. Typi. e ween S (ect. This 15 most annoying when The woman who in the Irst five (.Ili.W4f11'/iIJI.' f(.' cal danger signs are frequent al. . more truthful mothers arc confes· minutes of conversation wth a lerglc rashes and a hay fever his Women sing thc trouble they are h:wlng strangcr tries to find out whether torY. It's heen ~stlmBled t h a.j with ther own child.ren.. or not she is worth hothering with. more than 60 per cent of the hay The woman who IS always run· She goes after a family and fin· fever patients going untrented ning herself down. This is boring I anclai rating with a series of such

\ AT HALIf'.1X I Lcadlng Seaman Willl~m J.

Mr. Byron March, prlncl\lal of Curtis Academy ·and Mr. Ralph Andre\\'s, principal of Bishop Fellll College. will leave here to· morrow by SI:I vice' aircraft' for Montreal to observe what the Canndlan Army has to oIfer young high school sludents and gradu· ates. Eleven other men from Marl· time schools will also 1t(1 alonll on the trip. They w!1l visl~ mlli· tary schools In Ont~rlo nll,t P',r· bee to see how schol'ls stafled by military and civilian teachers compare \\'Ith. tMse ' mai~tahied by provincial governments. They will visit the Ordnance School at Longue Point. the School 01 Slg· nals and the Royal C~nadlan Elec trleal arid Mechanical Engineer· Ing School at Barrlcflcld, Ol1tarlo, and the Royal Military Collt'ge at Kingston. The tour, which 'lasts nhout a weel, w!ll finish at Camp Bor!lftt,. where the visiting teach ers will visit the R"yal C1nadlan Army Service Corps scholli. The aim of the \'islts is to'. fam:harizc the counsellors \\'itll the actual soldier ap'prcntice Illan ahd the regular officer train!ng plan, so thnt they will be able to advise boy~ who might approach them on these subjects.

4857 will develop asthma. . . I By RUTH MILLETT becau!'~ other women feel com·! question as, "Wlme do you Jive?" , .. \2-20411 Ragweed and other noilen brml!l - pc lied to arguc with her. whc~ act·, "Do you know the So·and·So's?"

jh, ~ on asthma atlaek~. Th~ ra~eed I WO~lEN: 'IHE nIfRESSION ually she has prob;:bly convinced i who arc always someone Import·

• ",'alsh, oldest slJn of !llr. and Mrs. Bernard Walsh of Hol)'rr;od, Is no\\' stationed at H.~I.C.S. Stada·, ('onl at Halifax, whcre he t~ tRk· ing In officer's course. Bill Is

f I I

• i

· , I

i • ,

• :. ! I \' ,


I· I !

, !


married Rnd Is \lvlng In down· 10l\'n Halifax.

CONGR.O\TULATIONS Hon. W. J. and )Irs. Keough,

c"rpaslan Place are receiving the tongratulations of their many trlends on the birth of I daugh· Ittr at St, Clarr's Mercy Hosplatl MI Monda,.. September 26th.

JOAItD MEETING The Y.W.C.A. Board will meet

hi the Harvey Road recreation ff'ntrt 1111 Wednrsday morning at 10.30.

AT THE GRACE Th IIIlny frirnds o! Mr. '1'hc.mas

•. Honrood, Kuwood, Topull ]load, will be ,orry to ltar~ thal lit und.rwent In operation al the Grac. Hospital yesterday.

ON HOLIDAY 1011.1 Mary Tllrlon.. 111 York

Pllc., left here by the express on lunday 19 spend her annual ,·aca· tlOft with relltl\'es In Minnesota.

Ll:rr "R'EDNESDAY "aror H. G. R. Mr.\\'s left here

en Wednesday by T.C.A for Montreal to begin his annual va, tation. He 11'i1l tr",.1 by the new C.P.R. train to the West, ..... here lie wlll 'A on a speaking tour to Canadian Clubs. ,. \


gREETINGS & GIFTS are brou~t to fOD from

Fri.adly Nei,bbotl .• Civio a: Social W.lfare

Leaden throqh

~ELCOMB WAGON . - .. ~-'0. ,II, .".';0" ./:

Clan.e of nlidence Arrival. of Newcomer ...

. Cia,

L~ ~L.' I""", ' sep~on bedns In August and ends YOU MAKE MAY NOT BE GOOD them. tl~at her own .estimate of her, I an~." "What docs your husband .7' r_"" \\'Ith the first heavy frost. lI!erl.\ ONE, self IS Just about right. , do.

• leal treatment (and an unllerstand. - , The woman who docsn't ~ven I The' woman who sets out to let . I in!! attltunc) ean help !let yrml Women who put .thm worst fool pretend to be intere!tcd in ot'ler' other women know hoW important Pattern 4857: Half Sizes 141.~, children throu~h this neJ'iod with fOl'ward wh~n talkmg to other wO·\Vom·~n alter a man enters the I sh'3 Is hy name·dropping.

161fJ, 181h, 20~~, 22~~, 2H~. Sh;'J a minimum of ~li'c~mfprl. i men: ,... I'oom, \ The woman Who acknowledges 16~~ jumper; 3 yards 30· inch fab.' Modorr. contr~1 of a~thma ha~ I Th~ \1'omJn 1l'lth. a ~hm f1g~I'~ L~be:crs Anll Xame DrGllp~,rs an introduction to another woman ric; blouse, 2. yards' contrast. ' been rn~d~ !l~ssible by drug, th~tl who IS .alll'a:ls talklll.g about b~mgl The lI'om~n who is so Inbcl con· with an icy sLa're,

'l'his paltern ell!}, to usc, simple al'pVlatr S~'mntom~ producc!1 b"1 ove~\I'elght 01 ncedl~g to go on, scic'JS lhat ~hc judges evcl'ythlng I And Ihe, ~ad thing is, these wo° to sew, .15 tesled for fit. Has com •. Dolle~ r.nd olher Fller~r!1s. Bri" a dlCt. , Th~t m:l;es lVomen who l ether wcm~n hal'e by 1'.';1Cthcl' or I men think they arc making a good plete mU,st1'3ted in.tl'uctions. tamin .for In<t·nc~; h"in a , nniU I\ really nrc .)1'ZI·\rcigilt !ecl ulI~om· lI~t the artic!r b~3rs an cxpcnsil'e impresson. I

Send THIRTY.FIVE CENTS (35 reller. And It's ,·:.'Il·suited for --_ .... -.--- -- --.--._--.... --. - ...... -, .... ------".------.-.. -.----

cents) In coins (stamps cannot bc treatment of children. accepted) for this' pattcrn. Print It was t':lJItcd b)' Dr. G. A. Cronk \ plainly. SIZE, NAlllE, ADDRI~SS of Syracuse' University in a clin· S'l'YLE NU;\IBER.. ieal stud,· of 2380 jlltIent~. He re· S~nd order .to ANNE ADAMS, ports (lvidcnce' of ,tde er:ects fr0m

care of s'r. JOliN'S ,DAlLY NEWS Ule dru" In onlv thre~ cnses. In P~~tefD Dept, '0, }'RON~ STREET I them C~!'~E, \\'Iirl the 'dr:lg' prod·

WEDDING ANNIVEHSARY Mr. and Mrs. Edward o"roole

o! 32 Barnc~ Road, relebratrd the 26th annil'crsary of their well· ding ye~terday. Their many friends offer congratulations.

UE~T, TORONTO, ONT. . \ ueed was a slight droll'siness. .. . ..... SclentiEts have not ~'et produced The blossom of the saguaro .. or ' a total cure for astha m, But thc

giant cactus, became official dru~~ that hal!c b~en d~"elopcd to flower of AIl'izona In . IDOl, whcn lrcat ,It r~.n h~'9 nre\'cnt an1 as·

, ALL THE KIDS Arizona was r.tlll a territory. !h'l1',\1c l'hll:1 from b''':''Tlln:; 'a soc· _______ . ____ . _ la\l~' maladJusleu al1'II:.

ENGAGEMENT The engagement has· rrcenlly

been announced of Miss Louise O·Brlen. daughter of MI. and Mr~. Patrick. O'Brien It: !liB C~'rl! Buck, son of Mr. anti Mrs. Cyril Buck, of 56 Sprlngddlc. SI.

CARD PARTY With the kind pcrmissitln of

Major A. E. H emmens. scelJud in command of the C.L.B., lor Lad· les' Auxlllary are· h(lldlng 10 card parly In the Synod Hall on Wed· nesday, Oct. lith, at 815 p.m. The usual delicious supper WIll be served. Supporters of the' work of the Church Lads Brh!ddr are asked to come and bring. their friends.

WEDDING BELLS The wedding or Miss Mary

Greene, of Placental to Mr. Casimir Browne of St. John's took place at Placentia on September, Rev. Father G. C. Greene, brother of the, bride performed the mnrrlage ceremony. Miss Greene ha~ been principal of the St: John Bosco school, Blackhead Road, for six yean. Miss Loretta Browne of Grand Falls was the bridesmaid and, Mr. R. Greene acted as best man. The bride and groom: are spending their honeymoon In· st. John's.

Bindon-O'Grady' Wedding .

members of the legal fratcrnlty i and outstanding bUsinessmen .•

The toast to the bride and groom was honoul'cd by Sheriff JohnJ. Cahill. while other spcak. crs. were Capt. John J, Whelan, ~r.B.E., who pro'posed the health of the parents, Capt. J. J. O'Grady M.B.E., 'whlle Mr. KC\'in, Walsh capably performed the duties of best Lman.

Mr. and Mt's. BindoR are now residing in St. John's

Bcautv Grids Go light pn thc 111 RI.c·up these

hot days. You'll look cooler and fresher, and your Ekin will hal'e an opportunit), to ··breathc."

Light pink, and sol! I'~ds afC thc best lipstick shades for tecnzgc girls.

Iy.Iix and sift twice, then sift into a bowl, 2 ~~ c. once­sifted pastry flour (Dr 2% c. once·sifted all-purJ>O.Se flo~r). 2 tsps. Magic Baking Powder, ~ tsp. baking. S~B, 1 ~ tspa. salt, Y8 tsp. ground mace. Mix in 'h c. lightlY'packed brown Bugar, ~ c. rolled oats and 1 c. broken walnuts. Combine 1 well· beaten egg, 1 c. butter­

milk, 2 tsps. grated orange rind, 1 tsp. vanilla and 5 tbs .. shortening, melted. Make a well in dry ingmdients and add liquids; mix lightly. Turn into a loaf pan (4~' x 8~') which has been greased and lined with greased paper. Bake in a rather slow oven, 325·, ahoutl hour. Serve cold thinly sliced and lightly' buttered. '

In our reference to the Blndon· O'Grady wedding in Wednesday's issue, mention was made to the recpllon h'eld at the' Newfound· land Hotel. Inadvertently, there were a' few omissions, .' .

PARKER ". MONROE' LID. fihefit tlult~.$. worth a fortune ••• yours for: so' little,







MIS. CATHERINE FOSTER supervi.ing Holt,. ...

Capt. L. ·C. Murphy J.P., F.S.D.S was master of ceremoplea for the occasion, which was marked by a most representative gather. in" Including Sir: Albert Walsh, . ."

'so:beautijullj,'in, " I


, . . .~

~~;; ":e'fff~; " •. :rlle.SMw Yw lo"'ro lI .. ··/it '


IN . ~O WRAPPERS . ' .



• CELLOPHANE " . ," '. .. . .......... ~ .. ~

BREAD , ..

.' :


THIN SLICED SANDWICH LOAf I .. • ~ ~ • ",. I. '.'" .",

,,'. ~ ._. I'

.. ' : .


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Page 14: DaVince Tools Generated - Memorial University of ...collections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL19550930.… · Tile Scholarship has \ ... he was exam.. 'rhis." ... beyond

Yanke"es Lead" Series 2 .. 0 On 2nd. "Victory _,rne Went All The OffiCial Box Score Yesterdays P;tch~rs

mE .DlJlY NEWS, FRIDAY, SEPT. 30, ~955

In The Yankees In The Dodgers

'Way In 4.2' V·,ctory Second Game Wm" oer ' , . NEW YORK (AP)-'Ite official box score of the second aame· of

.411 f ankee HUln.In Foura, With Tivo the 1955 world series: IlROOJ{LYN (N), AD R R 0 A E

Dressing Room Dressing Room Dy WD,L GRIMSLEY ,By TED sllnTS

NEW YORK (AP)-Old Tommy NEW YORK CAP) - Managel Byrn~, who two years ago thought Walter Alston, glum, and quiet, to· his baseball days might be ended, day planned on a possible shalreup said today he used a little bit of of the Brooklyn Dodgers' lineup "psychy" and a little bit of lying wb-2n the world series moves to to lull Brooklyn's big bats into 1m· Ebbets Ficld tomorrow. Out-Loe, Driven FJ~om Mound and GUllain l!' , ,,0 1 OlD RC'~se ss 4 1 2 2 S n

,Byrne Singled In Tw() RUllS ~~~lft:nr~lla c ; ~ ~ 1~ ~ ~ ., JACK R.'ND stands as to wbethcr ~I\IIam's peg Hodges Ib 3 0 0 ., 1 0

lII"EW YORK (AP) _ Tommy would have cut, down the runner Zlmm(!r 3b 3 0 1 1 2 2 II),IM, ~1elroOld cOllver~d wild. If Robinson hadn't Interfered. Loes p 2 0 0 0 0 0 mall TiM WI. dilcarded by four The crowd of 64,107 stili was Snider, d 3 0 1 2 0 0 American l.elaut teams, baWed b u z z I n g whan Billy Martin Robinson, Sb 2 1 0 1 1 (l ~Y1I .'jlh five hits 'I1tursday smashed an even shorter single to Bessent p 0 0 0 0 0 0 d New York Yauees !llade It left and Gilliam made no throw at C·Kcllert 1 0 0 0 0 0 lWo Il1'Illht O\'er the Dodgzrs, 4.2, all, Collins scoring from s-2cond to Spooner p. 0 0 0 0 1 0 Iild took I commlndin, world se. giVe the Yanks a lead they never D·Hoak 0 0 0 0 0 0 ries lead. , yielded, Labine p 0 0 0 0 0 0 .Iyme, orttn referred to as "that Manager Walter Alston of the Totals 8 2 5 2. 11 2

Pod hittlnl pitcher," ground salt Dodgers callie out to converse with NEW YOIt IUA), AB RHO A E lito the Dodaers' wounds by drlv. Locs at this critical point but de· Bauer rf 1 0 1 S 0 0 iDa lIoIne the two winning runs clded to stick with his IO·game Cery cf 3 0 0 0 0 0 triIh • llne'slnab pasl Billy Loes' winner. It turned out to be a mls· McDoulald Sb ,,0 1 1 0 0 elr in the fourth Inning, take. ' NOl'an cf It 3 0 0 .. 0 0

The libby lelthander, who likes LOADED SACKS Berra c S 1 2 6 1 0 to tllk to the O1Iposlng hitters as Casey Stengel, the Yank-ce nlan· Collins Ib 3 1 0 5 0 0 he ~-brb, WII helped by three ager, called for Eddie J\oblnson, a 'Howard 11 rf 4 1 1 2 1 0 Ylnk~ doub.~ plays as he rode lefthanded hitting first baseman, Martin 2b S 1,1 2 3, 0 home rree on a four.run fourth to bat for Phil Rizzuto, Loes' first Rzzuto 51 1 0 1 2 1 0 Innlnl rilly that routed Loes, pitch to Robinson plunked him In a·E.Roblnson 0 0 0 0 0 0

T!lere ml)' still be bOpe In Flat. the middle 01 the back and the b.J ,Coleman 51' 1 0 0 2 2 0 bUlh for the futile Brooks but the baS'Cs were full, Byrne p 3 0 1 0 0 0 ftcord books carry the cold facts Byrne, sometimes used as a Totals 29 , 8 21 II 0 lhat only 0IIi! leam In all series pinch hitter, looked at an Inside a·Hlt by pitch for Rizzuto in 4th history ever has bounced back to pilch, then tagged tile neKt on a b·Ran for E, Robinson In 4th win aller losing the first lWei, line Into centre feld, Both How· c·IIIt into double play for Bessent That team was the 1921 New York ard and Marlin romped hOIU'~. In 5th Cl:mls and lhe)' had a best.of.nlne It mattered not that Alston then d·Walked for Spooner In 8th $Cries in. which toreco\'er and replaced Loes with rookie Don Brooklyn (N) 000 110 000-2 top the Yank~e.' first pennant \l'in. Bessent wllo made Bob eerv New York (A) 000 400 00)(-4 nefs. ground Ollt on the first pitch, Four RBI - Snider, Howard, Martin; SlSGlXS (OUSTED runs were In and that Was the ball Bryen 2, Gilliam. llb·Reese, Dp·

.. In contrast to Wedncsda)"s boom· lam~. Campanella and Zimmer: Zimmer, inl npener when fi\'c ~ome nms· Between singles, the Dodger ReeSe and Hodges: Hodges and ~:ailcd dnoush thi! muggy air, the pltclling showed blinding stuff, Reese: Coleman, Martin and Col· Ylnks managed to lI'in this one Loes struck out five men in 3 2·3 IIns, Berra and Martin: Martin Oil ri;:hl singles, fh'~ of thelll inninGS and I\arl Spooner whHfed Coleman and ,Collins, Left·Brook· bunched in :he fourth Inning \l'hen fi\',~ more in three Innings. Clem I)'n (N) 4, New York CA) 5, BB· they lot .ilfour runs after two Labine, fourth Dodger pltchcr, ad· Byrne 5 (Furillo, Campanella, J, were out. ded anotber in the eighth fof a Robinson, Hodges, Hoak), Lacs 1 , Byrne ,,'as, tremendous: walkins total oC 11. (Collins), Spooner 1 (Noren). SO·

fife snd strlldng out. 51)( as he SAME OUTIIJELD Byrne 6, Gilliam, Zimmer 2, 1I000chal.ntl)' mixed hiS /ast ball Reese Snider lIodges) Lacs 5 and "nl~kd ~Hd~r" 10 hamstring In the Yankee c\ubl1ouse Stengel (l\lcD~ugald, Collins, Howard, Mnr· tile Brooks. , said he would lise the slm,~ out· tin,· Cerv), Spoon~r 5 (MeDougad

It IUS Ifter I fllle Dorl~er douhle field' alignment today If Bauer 2, Collins, Martin, J. Coleman), LA' pl.), lhlt the Yank5 hegan to. rip isn't a\'8llalJe. After Hank suf· bine 1 (Berra), HO·Loes 1 In 3 2·3, and rolf In the Court!' Pllamst fered his Injury, sliding Into sec· Bessent 0 In 1·3, Spooner 1 In 3, Loci,. !he 25.)'ear.old ,Ighty, ond In a futile steal attempt ·In Labine 0 n 1. R·ER-Loes 404, • Trllllni 1.0 as thcI' came 10 bat the first inning, he played one Bessent 0·0, Spooner O.o, Labine ;In the fourth, the Yanks llraeted more frame and then stepped out, o.o, Byrne 2·2, BliP - by Loes Lets "'Ith I 5inlle by Gil Mc· Irv Noren, Mantle's centre field (Sma, E, Roblnsoll), W·Byrne, L­~l!lld but he and Irv Noren replacement, shifted to lett, Bob Loes. U -Ballanfant (NL) plate, oUlc~l)' wue chopped down when Cerv came In to play centre and Honoehlck (A) first base Dascoli ~il Hodges came up with Noren's Howard mO\'ed from left to right (N) second base, Sumfuers CA) !lIaT'p grou~der near the bag, flcld, third base, Flaherty (A) left field, It.~pped on first and threw to Pee Stengel ,ald he will lise Bob Donatell (N) right feld, T·2:38, ,~ee Reese who made the tag to Turley (11.13), his fast.balling A ~m1'l'ete a double play. righthander, on today's third game F d F· :~.,:"J\S TAKE LEAD at Ebbels Field. acts an lcyures

Then It happened, Yogi Berra Alston will 10 with a lefthander, ~ tropped a ~I,ngle Into short left Johnny Podres (10.10) Instead of By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS centre and Joe Collins walked on Carl Erskine (11-11) who bas had STANDINGS four pitches. Elston Howard hit arm trouble, W L Pet, I .illlie to left, scoring Berra as "If tIley pitch righthander New York (Al Z 0 1.000 Jlckl~ ~obl,nson slowed dOWJ1 Jun (and Stengel saY' he will) 1 may Brooklyn (N) 0 . 2 ,000 i!lr Gdl!am s throw to the plate, use Sandy Amoros In left and First game, at Yankee Stadium, Ittemptlng to. mike a cutoff, move Gillam to second to get Wednesday, Sept, 28 It R E

5 10 0 t),As B~rra scored the tying run some more, lefthanders in the . ere was great debate In the lineup," uld Alston, Brooklyn (N)

· • ·





,.' "


, .


~., ~"NCILO$I ,....... ~-

, ," . 1

'~'~K YOUI DEAna, FOR pUJ COLOU~ CARD-. . " ..... . ....

. 1


TommJByrn, •

potency for the Yankees' 4·2 sec· ' "If the Yankees pitcb a right ond lame victory in the world ser· hander, I· may use Amoros and i'2&,. shift Gilliam to second to get as

,"I told Duke Snider in the eighth many left hand bitters Into the or' inning I w~s going to throW him der as possible," said Alston, a fut ba\I," Byrne said, "But 1 "It's not that Zimmer didn't do gave him a Elider instead." all right. I just want another left

The strikeout of Snider was one handed hitter in there," of three big strikeouts for the Manager Casey Stengel of the Yank'2e vet era n which ended Yankees plans to start Bob Tur· Brooklyn threats. Ife whiffed Pee ley, a right hander. Junior Gilliam Wee Reese with a man on base played left liald in the first two in the firth, fooled Snider in the series games but he is a good in· eighth and then made Gil Hodges felder, too. Don Zimmer got one bite at a slider in the ninth to end hit today, but made two errors, the game. ' although neither miscue proved

"All.ihree stri~~outs were with harmful. sUders," said Byrne. "I threw a DODGERS IN HOLE Cew slow curv<!s and tossed in a Today's 4·2 Yank~e victory put fast ball here and there." the Dodgers in a deep, deep holt FIRST FOR LEFTY but the team wasn't downcast.

Byrne' became the first leflhan· They were more puzzled than any­der thls year to go all the way thing else, and tha object of their and hang up a I'ictory against the punlement was Tommy Byrne, th. National League champions, n. aged Yankee left hander who mall' nowned for their righthand batting acled them, strength, "1 wish somebody could teU m.

Byrne, 35, was kicked around the what Byrn2 had," said Alston, an4 majors and shunted to 'Seattle of then answered the question by add· the Pacific Coast League two years ing "he's got an assortment 01 ago, breaking stuff and an occasional

Todays Pitchers "I decided to take a brand new fast bail."

W ld S concept of pitching," he said. "I Alston was asked what wu til, or ,el'ies· Notes concentrated on control anrl a mix· mailer with his pitcher, Billy Lou, ture of pitches rather than the fasl in th~ big Y,lOkce fourtll inning,

By En CORRIGAN ball. "He didn't lose his stuff, I know

Bob TUrle1

New York (A) 6 9 1 Newcombe, Bessent (6) Labine

(8) and Campanella: Ford, Grim (9) and Berra. W-Ford, L-New· combe, ~cond game, at Yankee Sta·

dium, Thursday, Sept. 29:' , R HE

Brooklyn (N) 2 5 2 New York (A) 4 8 0

Locs, Bessent (4), Spooner (5), Labine (8) and Campanella: Byrne and Berra. W-Byrne. L-Locs,

Third and fourth games, at Eb· bets, Feld, Friday, Sept, 30 and Saturday, Oct. 1. Fifth ~am(! (if ne~essary), at Ebbets Field, SlIn· day, Oct, 2. Sixth and &cvcnlh

Johnn, I'ndrel

games (if necessary) at Yankee Stadium, Monday and Tuesday, oct, 3 and Oct. 4.


Paid Attendance, 64,707 Net receipts $413,469,03 Commissioners share $62,020.35 Players' share $210,869,21 Clubs' and leagues' share $140"

579.41 'rwo game totals:

Paid attendance 128,578 riet receipts $82.'i,701.18 Commlssioner'5 share 5123,855.17 Players' share $421,107,61 Clubs' and leagues' share $280"



·.lnduding lIFetime service , by your competent neigh·

',I borhood deoler.

• including wriffen gUaron,.. and . od/us/ment polic;y that protect, YOII

anyWhere/n Canada ana th. u. s. \ ... ,

DRIVE A ton Ask about the' revolutionary Super Willard We9~Jmasler. It's ,th.e only b9,tlert that adjusts its pow.r automall'cally- for winter st!lrf,ng - for summer driving-alfhe IlJrn C?f a key I· , '. .

NEW YORK (AP)-This is be. "I began studying batters and that," said Alston. "Camp' said he ginning to look lik\'! 1953 .11 over their reactions to el'cry pitch. I didn't, either, YOlll didn t hit hi~ again, The Yanks won the first began using a psychic approach, bal\ good. Martin's wun't I

two games in the Yankee Stadium \ I could tdl by the reactions to one I screamer. The only real ,ood hit then, and went on to win the pitch what he might be expecting \ was Byrne's. I'm certainly not go. series in six games. on the next. ing to anSwer the question whether

_ "I used Ihat 5\'stcm again~t the I I I~ll him in there too lonl," While watching batting practice, Dodgers, and 'they wpren't so DID:-i'T DESER"E WIN

Brook manager Walt Alston mused tOl1gh," "I didn't think we de5erved t~ almost to himh.~l£: STENGEL I'LEJSED win this one the way. We hit," latd

"We fought all year to get here Alston, and if I\'e blr,f it, we'll be just Casey Stengel, th~ Yankees' I "Yesterd~y lI'P. hit pretty ,ood, bums, This means a lot 10 mc. cru~ty manager, u'a~ pibscII al \' but )'ou got to give Iilat lIuy Byrn,

Alston probably was thinking gettmg '. two·game Jum!l on the credit." that he'd quiet his most severe Dodgers and h~ ,praised Byrne's PeeW~e Reese came up willt ttl,. critics if he b-~came the first performance parhcularly. best description o[ what Byrn, had

manager 'to bring Brooklyn R The Y~nk~es ali praise~ Ihr Ito~ay., . world championship, pitching of Brooklyn's Karl5poo. He d throw • .Iow ban, .~tI , I then a siower one, and lb!!n he rl

SUII, he left himself op~n to sec· ond guessing when he stuck with Loes in the big fourth, Billy a· ready had allowed 'four hits and walked one batlar In the inning when Alston came out of lbe dug· out to talk to him.

The pilot left him In and Billy promptly hit the next Datter, pineh.hitter Eddie Robinson, then was tapped for I single by Byrne. That was aU, but by th'an It was too late.

nero I throw his faft bal! by you," said "He looked 200d," said catcher I Reese, "It was mixed up real

Yogi Berra. "i'd S3)' he's on par 1 good." with our Bob Turley with that fast I Th~ Dodger. looked ,xtremel), ball," \ sad as they trooped in fmm thp

. ,dugout, but in a few minutes their Byrn.e saul h~ w.as m.ore thrlll,ed I sprits rallied. There was no hllar·

over Ius fOUll\h IIInmg smgie, WlllCh 1 ity in the dressing room ball' scored the two winning runs, than ever . ' his effective pitching job. I ':[. feci as goo~ 13 yoU caf. ~It~r

"He threw me a fast ball down ioslng two series games, sela the middle," Byrne said, "I reaih" manager Alston, and lba,t ,secl1ld whacked it, eh? I liked that hit.;' 10 relleet the general opmlon, \

Rumors making the rounds In • lbe press room: ex·Giant man· N Y k G" ager Leo Durocher will be back FOI'ecasl FOI' ew or ,Jants in baseball before the start oC next I' season and Dixie Walk~r, the old T d ' G N F S I BrooklYn Idoi, will get the Pitts· 0 ay sames i, ot or I.. a e burgh managership, NEW Y(JRK (APl-The wpatber. 1 NEW, YOR~ . (AP) - New

1I0b Turley goes lor the Yanllo today against ,Tohnny Podre!. It will be Padres' 23rd birthd~y,

man said 5catlered sholl'crg or: York GIants o!flCI~1s Thursday ~U' thundershowers threaten to wash: nou~ced, the club IS not .for sal" out the third gam! of the world \ Bill 1 ~rr)', former GI.nt man, serie today agcl', said Wednesday he Is inte!'

, s. . ,ested in bu)'ing tha club i! It i~ lor New York Yankees and Bronk·! 5ale, This dre\\, the follo\l'ln~ state.'

Iyn Dodgers transfer actil'ilirs in I ment from Horac. Stoneham the subway series to Ebbeb Field, Ginnts' president.

Loes came up wilh one dubious record, He, b~came I h e first pitcher in series hi5101'1' to hit two batters" F,irst hc got Yogi Berra. then Robmson. He ran off tht mound 10 apologize to Yogi, Who laughed it off. Robinson, i tour;h critter. was hit on the first pilch and didn't so much as mn~h, Nor did he rub the lore spot on the way to fir&t.

Brooks lirst baseman Gil Hodles started two double plays and that goes down in the books as a series record for hi~ position,

. Byrne became the first Ameri· can League pitcher to go the dis· tance In the series since Eddie Lopat went· all the way· against Brooklyn In the Sl!cond game of t~c '53 event. He also was the first lefthander to pitch ~ com· pete game and beat the Brooks sinr.e Sept. 1S, 1954, when Cincin· nati's Joe Nuxhal! turned th() tri~k,

Church Services Bowling League

MONDAY, OCTOBI!R , Hely !=ro5s AII.y.

SECTION A 7.15 p,m;

Alleys 1·2-Cochrane Str~,t VI,

St, Thomas (1). Alleys 5-6 ....,. Wesley V~. 1St.

Mary's, ' S.30 p,m,

Alleya 3-4-.-Gowlr street ", George Slreet.

1.45 p,m. Alleys 1-2-Klrk vs. Queell's

Road, . Alleys ~athedral "" It.

Thoma. (2). .

Brooklyn, 'today aflrl' playing the "Thp. New York Glanta u. 10'

first two cont'~sts at Yankee Sta· for lale. dium, '

The forecast was ror "showers or thundershowers and windy Fri· day morning with rain ending during th. afternoon hours and fol· lowed by clearing,"

"If ever thcY Ire for .ale th' negotiating will be done with on' of scveral New York City indil'id uals or groups who from tillle II time have expressed an Inure, in th'~ New York Giants."

• I ••• I •• I" • I • • • Ie. • • .... • ,. • • •

• • • • • • e.

• • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


Tb~re Ire .p .. I~1 opportuDlIe. III Ibo Navy rla:bt ""W ror:

CommuDI •• 1wI JlJvII A1nn.n En~interlni Moth,.I ..

E1.ctrie,na M~I ••• for d".nf. a,e, write Dr 'pbo ..


• • • • • e

• • • • • • • • • • • • • , I

• • • • • • • • • • • • SECTiON B ,

7,15 p.m, Alleys s....:.st. Thomu vs, St. • • • Mary's.

8,30 p,m, Alleys 1·2-Ge·orse Stred VI,

Catheduf, ' Alleys '~.6-Klrk v~. Queen',

Road. .

• • • • • •

• • •


123 \110;'; Str.et St. John's • • ••• Can"d.'1 T~QualtlY BaIl.rll'


',4[' p,lII • Alleys3-4-.-5alvalion Army VI,

Co~lirine)lrett. ' ... .-... ....;,....-~ . • 'Phon. ..0'366 ~

'. , .

. Last Goa

teams were but they were taken out of team. At ginning to scoring and end In I


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i' I I


. ' j ,


•• ' ".' ._. _" __ ~ _ .•. .-_ .. _~; ___ ,. __ ••••• _ ••••• _ ••.••• _._.'_'_ •.• ___ • ___ ,_--._. ". __ ._. - ~ .--. _, - .r _ _ .' -. _ .-

lHE DAILY NEWS, FRIDAY, -SEPT. 30; 1955 )5 .. _' ,

P~W.C.·Wins 'Junior .Football· Opener I , lar" turnout Is requested, 1 four sons of the Brigade streDgt~, 'dais and decorations will 1fc L/Cpl. Mattliew of the J.T.C., alld

• ,'1I. - \ Pte. Philip of the Bugle Band are OLD COMRADES still serving the Brigade,: whllit

.. Last Minute Goals Win'· Game

Holy Cross Softball

Latest' Bowling -Results

'fhe Old Comrades - have been: Neil was a prominent member af IllSing some of their members duro the Junior Football team this year; ing 'this year and today we mourn and another. Ern, Jr., was also ,~

Just a few notes on what is hap, with the MacLeod family in the the Roll. - ~~ death of the late Ern F.' MacLeod, The late Ern ?l!acLeod was alp

pening In Brigade circles at this who was an auditor of the Old one of the Blue Puttees and ilis time. On' regular parades Tuesday

C • I IMPERIAL OIL-I and Thursday nights all . Co~ Comrade!. Ern's death came sud· passing Is noted with much regret

Omm~rCla C Doml'ney 158 "89 "21 668 denly, lind we look back through by a large number of friends. ,.,:; . • . • • .... P!lnies arc carrying on their regu, r. Caines ... 246 219 23J fi95. the years when he served the Bri· ~LOREAT SEMPER, C.L.B:,t

The 19M tclition of th, Holy B' . Ii L W. Stanley ... 169 191 205 563 lar tramlng. gade and laler put no less than -J.V., __ • CrolS annu'al softhall aeriu will OW ng e'ague R. Butler .... 185 159 30:! 646 CAMP DONATIONS get underway Sunday morliil!K at . ' 758 858 9511 2574 We acknO\~ledge with grateful I '

Defending junior champs. Prince of Wales defeated Victoria Park. AI In other yea,. BASE ORDNANCE-3 U.N.F.-3 thanks the following donations to. Bishop Feild yesterday by a score of 2-0. The two teams the series will he In two 5(:rUon~, W. DalV~nn ... 108 174 222 594 g. Short ..... 204 209 23:1 646 wards Camp expenses: C. L. B. had a hard time of it as they slid over the slippery Feildian the National with the Uodgers, M, Downcy ••• 175 274 ~oj~ ~~~ e. Reynolds •. ~54 ~~ m ~~~ Ladles' Auxiliary, $100.00; C. B.

d h h th Giants an4 Bri\V\!s .. nd the .\mer· A. Smith .... 255 20B R ~laWe .... 197 293 lOi 639 Dicks, $5.00; Mrs. V. Kean, R.N., Grounds, and at sometimes it looke as t aug ey were lean with the Yknkees, Indians and W. Oakley •. .'~~~ l~~i m 2m . ya ...... A~~ 1148 837 2602 $2.00;' L. Williams, $2.00. Many playing Leap Frog. - Tigers. One round 'I'm be played STEERS LTD.-O I-:. F. BARNES-O thanks to you all and you cnn be

At the whistle Fl'lId pressed with the tOf learns In ea~h aeet· J. Crane ..... 283 297 161 741 r.. Altllens ... 191 196 222 609 assured that your donations will hard but were stopped by the Col. \ than let Ihe fans d01l'1l an:l t~elr lon, clusblng for the chRmpl9n. Vf. Snow .... 110 229 212' 551 D. Brophy .... 187 246 gg ~~g be well and wisely used in this legian Ital~'art defence. After money go to waste Taylo~, who ship. Trophle! will bp awarded to C. K~~ls .,., .149 .. P462 190 521 ~: ~~\~~~ay .. :m t~g 2211 546 respect .

d oolb' f h If I eel h V A E. NI"on .... 241 233 716 that pia)' was evene up U~ • fluked In the lrst I P sy the champs .and to t e)l, P. s. 783 944 802 2529 - 785 750 7~9 2278 C.L.B. ATHLETES turns had their turn ~hpplng the hero and kicked the ball Inlo In previous years BI117 Eva:18 will - CHARLES R. BELL-2 Even though they didn't finish around. In the first half Ta~'lor 01 the .'elldlan nets. officiate. Me!llbers are asked to b~ KP'f,;;;:-!er ... 163 193 .\57 513 \ (!. Kelly •... 205 192 294 691 the Marathon held this week, yet Ihe Rtd and Blue had I beautiful , With just ahout a minute to on time. G. Cha tcr .•. 210 222 245 677 l·~. Snow ..... 157 163 123 453 \ George Crane, George Parsons and hrrakawa)' .\Vilil nC! one t~ beat go and with both teams playing IJODGERS-D, Fitzgerald. Capt.; 1'. o'Bilen ... 217 146 2l1l 582

1 D. Doqley •.. 236 143 250 638 Clarence Ivany gave a good IC'

hut the I:oalle, he lifted tile ball for all they I'ere worth. '1aylor B Maunder J. Gaywuy. T. Walsh, M. Emsley ... 147- 204 2B~ 635 C. Atkms .... 239 227 812(4 660 count of themselves, and our can· d h t J k d 1 I t Ih Th ' h' P B 1 L . 737 765 90h 2407 837 725 • I 2432

hl:h into the' air an w a 00 e knocked a bal no e net. c J. Crnns aw, . arron,. '. eon FVoENING TELEGR.-tM-1 T. & M. WINTER-I gratulations go out to these ath· like a sure 1(031 ml~sed tl,~ nets front 01 the net wa! crowded and arll. W. Dicks and D. 0 Reg"n. E. O'Neill .... 233 229 In:i 655 W. Winter ... 199 508 233 740 letes' with the wish for further and went sailing O\'('r Inste~d. As goalie Pope didn't hS\'e • ghost GlANTS-J. Gullh'er, Capt.j F. .1. Muryhy .•• 155 219 158 532 H. Fennessy .137 196 189 522 success. Ihe first hal[ ended the game wa~ of a chance to save It. T"",.". _.1. O'Brien, A. Brllen, .1. .T .. Rynl ...... 169 210 250 629 T. Owens ..... 154 196 HI) 499 . All Junior Football tcam memo ~cortlm. Playing hcan~ up gamt for Flynn E - Byrne J Simms J R. Squires .. 179 179 262 620. 11. Hennebury 193 t81 260 643 bers of the Brigade are reminded

A! the seconrt hair opene.1 Feild P.W.C. were Winsor, Ade~ and Philp~t a~d F. Croeker. I • ..2~ 837 863 2436 683 881 84U 2404' that their uniforms must now be ,_ again Itarled their all out ,Uack Pike. Hiscock, Noseworthy and BRAVES-C. Bhnlach, Capt.j J. ROYAL STORES-3 I F. p;mLIN-3 returned 50 that they can be clean,

hut were stopped again b, the Downer starred for the double Wadden, B. Everard, L. GORse, E. O. Taylor ... 194 215 241 650 W. Gllf(]rd ... 148 2B4 21.1; 647 ed aJld _stored away fO,r nc"t year.

rd I f \If 1 d 1 bl J J k F G h B J Browne . 215 221 164 600 H. Martin .. ·.146 173 236 555 ::IU y Pr nee 0 n a es ~ ence- ues. power, • ae man, • ollg, .. . . . . 1 22- 590 E C 236 162 Do this now wlthout further delar.

""'/.//", .. " THE fla<M71T

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ud "t'd Hid nal

!11th' tht!

af!rr nid

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

• ·

. d t B th II I t I CI d k d T B R Blundon ... IB4 1 B . J. • • asey.. .. . 230 634 men Wmsor an I'e ers. o. Co eg ans were 110 80115 e Jac man an • arron. R Fisher .... 251 318 249 81B W. Evans "1.205 180 255 640 CHURCH PARADE l~am5 were trying bard 10 score with the one goal, enough 10 give YANKEE~J Carey, Caill.; E. 844 935 8711 2658 735 799. 942 2476 AU ranks are reminded of the but they were alwa)'~ stoprrd and them the game. and so wltn aboul Short, J. Mlloy,' G. Sorenson, J. S LEVITZ &. SON-O NFLD. A-RltfATURE WORKS-O Chur~h Parade on Sunday next laken oul oC play b)' the oprosing two seconds to go Badcock !ipped Gough, J., Barron, E. NollaU, W. J. Ryan ..... 236 175 235 646 A. Cook ..... 217 302 239 778 d' I d R. Morgan ' •. ' .180 124 \04 498 J. Cook - •.... 198 168 21~ 578 when the Battalion will parade to learn. AI this lime fans w~re he- In teammate Poun ers r810l;ln . Kean and S. Pretty. W. Power .... 197 144 211 552 .1. Walsh · .... 103 138 189 429 the Cathedral to participate in the ginning to giV>.' liP hope of any As the Felldlans took the ball for TIGERS-W. O'Reilly, Capl.; R. J. Cranshaw ,22B 224 lRU 639 H. Sparkes .. 176 J85 198 559 opening Df the C.M.B.C. The Par· ~eorlngand thai Ih~ game would the final kickoff, the whistle went Short. F. Ryall. F. Nolan, B. Rob- 839 1167 839 2335 694 793 B57 2344 ade will be In the afternoon and rnd In a scoreless draw. Rather as did the victorious ColIAgians. . son, G. Murphy, p, Eniberley, T.

Both 1I0alles were outst~ndlng Connors and J. Healey.



II they stopped the many hard INDIANS-F. Byrne, Capt.j L. drives that went their wa~. Butler, C. Joy. F. Joy, G. Wadden,

LINEUPS ·G. Collins, S. Crickard, D. Meadus P.W.C.-Goal. S. 1I0ddlnott; and G. Carey.

Winsor, Tulk, Peters, Andrews, I SCHEDULE FOR SUNDAY Pike, Bugdcn, Pounder, T'lylor.·' 12.00-Fltzge,~ld·s Dodgen vs.

B.F.C.-Goal, R. Pope; Cook, Bhnlsch's Braves. Tuik. Mills, DoY'ner, Riche, Miller, 2.0O-Carey's Yankeee VI. Byrne's Emberle)', Noseworthy, Hl~cock. Indian •. Yetman, Haynes, Bemister, whi· -------


Feildian Hockey Preparat.ions

Arbor Day first wal ehserved April 10, 1872, In Nl:hraskli. when more than a million tree. were set out In that atate. Sln~c then observance on various datu has spread over all the eountry.

Tesls show that .frequent cut· :lng of hair will not cause It tu 1 grow faster or thlck~r. , I

Plan~ arc now being prepared for the coming hocltey seal(ln for both the Felldian. senior al1d jun· lor teams. Prat'tice sessions arc will be quite a few' new faees scheduled to take place a~ 800n trying out for the teaml. a5 the Ice surface Is ready at the Team manager Dlik Parsons I! ~tadlum, and a meellng wlll be anxious .to get In contact with as called within tbe next few ria)·s. many of those who Intend to try

This year the teams will be out for the team, as possible. All sponsored by the nUIVIY' lormed those interested are asked to phone FeUdian Athletic Association. As Dick at 2D~ during meal hours. membership In this assoCIation Is Remember If you have attended open to all boys who ha\'e al· a Church of Eniliand Schnnl you tended any Church of England are eligible to play with the FeUd· School It Is expected thst there I lans.

ELECTRIC UTILITIES-2 D. Hiscock ~ .. 284 - 109 lil7 R80 G. Daniels .. 158 159 221 538 W. Daniels .... 160 212 laO 552 G. Breen ..... 198 181 174 5:53

BOO 7ill 7eU 2f23 NFLD. LIGHT '" POWER-·J· D. Templeton 178 149 20U 52B 1-'. Power .... 140 213 211 571 S. Holme .... 113 241 164 518 S. Rockwood .190 ::05 21:: 615

638 808 786 2232

NFLD. COAL CO.-2 T. Cooney ... 236 113 A. Onkley ... 206 223 W. Dawc ..•. J30 188 C. Andrews .. 190 280

762 1004

207 756 :!1l0 629 242 560 170 646 825 2591

ROYAL GARAGE-2 H. Grouchy .. 192 244 186 622 No Walsh .... 178 142 18!1 509 Jo' Wooiridge .160 200 1D3 643 R. Grouchy .. 224 '.98 IR2 604

. 754 B74 75() 2378 TERRA NOVA AfOTORS-l M. Hickey ... 149 177 '13:i 461 C. Nugent ... 200 196 15a 549 A. Marsh ' ... 174 265 t90 629 T. Kennedy •. 147 248 2iJa 595

670 886 6B3 2234

.4.DELAIDE lrfOTORS-2 C. Ronayne .. 246 178 202 626 n. Murphy .. J53 222 242 617 K. O'Regan ..• 158 178 ISa 469 M. Kavanagh IBB 254 220 674

. 743 832 806 2386

AYRES SUPERMARKET-l H. Ash ...... 231 131 152 514 H. Fallon .... 199 171 14li 516 .J. Quick .•••. 164 212 124 50G C. Adams •••• 223 190 207 620

617 704 62Y 215U

1l1CKMAN MOTORS-:! N. Morris .•• 201 J99 J.. Bishop ... 143 307 R. Kelly .... 254 ~38 C Scurry •••• 14B 203

746 947 A, E. HICKMAN-I H. Oke ...... 195 193 A Noseworthy 184 208 A. Miller .... 161 193 B. Ploughman 194 25B

734 852

liD 570 173 628 145 637 1M 535 6j'{ 2440

199 587 19J 585 18J 539 142 590 719 2305


"11Z'.._~ __ .. . I. THE iYtUUf6

2fonu;'lJBILTMORE STYLES To the man who wants the luxury of exm. styling and quality ... Biltmore offerS the distincti vely sty led "Valley" and "Futura" in timely new shades for Fall.

. $8.9510$15.00




estern it NEW

1956. • • II




r I


at •

It', ·the Bigge.') Happie&l Half Ifour 'of .'

Ji e.fern llecordi~g Star, ·with the -Brighte&t

To.p Tune.' froni (~}the' U.S~ and ,Can(ldian ""';.' .

Round-up, of Selected Relecue,.

DIAL 590 \


. I I·

"-II -,;' I .. , 2 .......... : - .




, .

. "

\ ...

. i ~ . ~ . ) .-i'

I' , , I • · · , I , I · , , . • , · I

i , • l • ,-I , • • · ·

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.. ,', :,

THE DAILY NEWS, FRIDAY, SEPT. 30,.1955 , :1 .... ~------------------------------------------...

PARAM' OUNT Hotel. • THE' C' ':--, '. .... eided. to layover this last night

.'. . ' : .• ' gl~~.o: r:~~Pt~:k~!\:::J~,;::' .. _ .' >".:. ~ , .0 W. Aft.' .' ft. :rI~~:~nt~h:V~!~k~~mm~::~!~ 'T d has evodeda naval' bloc,kade,;,nd .: , "I ,,"Y a tast!;! of driving on dangerous '.

The' '. . . Theatre . P .1

. ' ,age ." o. ay brought ·hls ."outlaw"·frelghter 8' y .:ay·' L' :a'p' . Ie' A' :. " .' ./. . CUlves in Arlzol'a and he had tbe JOHN WAYNE . 4000 miles from Sydn!!y Australia, "",.' shakes so badl)! that Clair had LANA' TURNER, IN to' netutral . waters, Wayne"e& .... '... .-. ..". "; to take over thr wheel!or a time . "THE' SEA CHASE" counters Davit!' Farrar,pl.BYnlg "This' trip 'has dIme a ,lot for' lICe, he told her. And he didn't While Tim was servicing the

, .. ~.-~------------------~ ing at, the Capitol Theatre wllh James Stewart, Ruth Romon. Cor; D

rlne Calvet and Wnlter Blcnnan ' STAR

_ the cominander of the warship, me, Clair," Tim laid humbly ~ "I )miak; although scveral timcs car, Clair s\lpprd away and made

Tw~ 'unusual things happen to which chased . Wayne all across :feel, for the firsl time, thitl ca,n qalr thought ile. was ~b~ut t.o. a call-to the F~I., She sighed John'Wayne in "The' Sea Chase," ~he South Pacific. ,meet danger. without panic. 1\IaY" Once early 111 the trip III Little in relief. At last it was over! ' opening today at the Paramount . Fam-rar accu~es ~Vayne. once be I could CJunge and go back Rock two' men look ~ eallin nelit • • • Theatre. " , hls good frlcnd, noW ~is rival to. \Vher.e. I belong, with Lorna .to fhelrs In tnc middle of the ,~O W the lIIojave Desert

He gets slapped, .In. the face- for the affection~ of Lan~.as· \vell and BilL 'But, ['40ubt if I'll' ever 11lgh,t. Their VOlce.~ sounded Ii~c stretching out before them un'der and. doesn't hit .baek, something as his enemy.et.arms, of ·beins a ~ .able t,o Jell you"ht .'hap- Dan s and Lou <; Tim g?t 50 paOle: lhe cnormous hot blu~ .. sky sad· that's never happened' before In murder, a, lIar,and I .. c~ward. p~ned to ~l. 0"11 never solv~ en· ky he droppcd lhe sU.lt~a5es ami den~d .. Tim· no::crs~ for I~ mca~t ,the long eareel' th~t'~.made .hlm Wayne Is undn .orders.to .cla~ t1rely the protllem of ~y. bemg a refused to go ba6k f?r.ul~m as.\tI.!ee9

dOf t.helr .. jour

ney. lie

the lop box oWce ~tar of Holly. up. He' has. to take .11. And. after coward." they orept DUt (If lhclr cablll be· \knCW the trip had helped him. wood . Farrar tells l:im, Off· he .- slaps "Maybe you could'.' solve it, If fore dawn. . All he had to do was look ·In·.

, 'r'- .. CAPITOL In starring rolcs. ----'-------No,;' Playing i. . Now PIRyin~ This slory 01 the booming YII

kon gold.rush da)'s gives Stewart one of his most hard·hlUing ad· lORIS KA~\.OFF

hnd ,'he plays a siZZling 101'e' Wayne' sm~rth" aeros's the fa.ce. you had help,". said Clair.' . ,And again ncar 'l'ucsoil whcn, mil'l'or .. lIe kl1l!w hc had gHhlfd l., ...... -~AMI.S STEWART IN \'cnture roles, the charartel of IN "SAlAK A" ~ l"THI FAR COUNTRY" : ~ Jeff Webster who lives ler him·

.~ I Filmtd, entirely In the ral self alone until he realhl's th~l. . A lilm replete with lhe ,~plen· ''', Dr \ he HI . C&nadlan m~untain he must help b!1ng law anti OJ'deldor and color or India, "iiabilka,"

scene-the kind 'of. torrid \\'00- Wayne controls hb' . anger _ and : TI~ watched her. She suspect. they .were Cowl uff lhe road by i much r~om hi~ thrce·wcek asso· I"~ ,h.1 ",,"', th. , ..... d. ,.1, .. lk, "'Y', id h' w;, ,,,,,","'~ r.. AI', ~ ,bI .. ,m~I" '" ~'d ,bI"",' u,' ,d,"", wllh ~,.i' ,. ,,,I, :~'m '~ntry.Uitivt'rsal .lnternl1Ional·' to the' brawlln8 land. Jonn Mc· opens tomorrow at the Slar The

.' Far; Co:un.try" Is nov' play. Intire, Ja)' C. Flippen, lIt'nr.l' atre, and' this revelwer Wllnts til ::-:-:::=..;......_;.....:.------------:.-----____ go on record as sayinG it, is one

01 the most magnificent sp'ectacles

door . type, has reaa-ely been In. When Ule ften". ~hi~t~ to I de.ath. "I'll try," he saId. . 111. an Imgatio'l dlt~h" CI~lr was laler., .,' - .. :. . .',. "olved In. swank hotel room Wayne Is alone In the night .rushlngpast t!tem, encouraged at the calm way Timl How much Ii!! could!i't lell 'un·

ThB plctlire, "The Sea Chas'c," with bl~ 'thoughls.·: '. Clair Hollnskv .hoped that this 'reached ~ver, opened lhe glove JUI t~le ~jrst tee' B,utU ha~ been ., "'",'". ,,,m' .r .,k,~ .,":". k"~k ." lb. doo, "',," 10' ~'" .,,'" h" woo" ~.m"m"~ ,',' '00' ",t t,!, t, ",.m~'~1y "OW "d, ,~.t, ", portions was made In Clneq'la. and" ayne stride to .ltln anger.' somehow, in ,the long days ahead, .38. B,ut wlth1ll ~ moment Ius I pCrlence' for him-these " three Scope . and lVa:rnerColor ,wIth I The door. L1'ens and Wayne find a solution before he was hand ~\'as trembling so hard 'he weeks cut orr from their little Wayne and Lalla TuroN starred stands trans!lx~d as 'Lana enters. overwHelmed.· couldn't open Ihe door to gel out. sepelate worl:I" ~o matter holV and John Ram w directing . "1 need you." ~hc says, "I felt you , THE sun·searEd Mojave Desert Fortunately a moving van mann· many times h~ was fu'lghlened

, .. •




EYESING SHOWS: 7.15-9.15




~~STAR * .NOW PLAYING ---_ .. -

(flit Dlmonl, PRINT BY TECHNICOLOI ..... " ..............

of flImdom, Producerl, written and directed by Frank. Ferrin, . former radio producer makml hl~ [Inai entrance In the new medium \\ IIh this film, the picture mall'e! ex· cellent use of the rallve life of India, where tlle entIre film was shot,

The setting fllr the Wayn~ ano. nrerled me." ": . .' stretches more' than 200 miles ed by two your.g gaints stopped during lhe day by' a face or a malles was a . Valpa

raso 'luxury They. melt Into each other's from the Arizona and Nevada bar- to help them, and the blue car \' car or a voice the resembled one

arms. he kiss;)! her passionately ders westward across southern never came bal~k. Site had no way of the Traskis hrothers, he found aId Denny and' Victor Jory on the hair. th~ eyes; the cheeks. California to the Tehachapis: of knowing whether It really had I numerous littl'! pleasures with

The main character Is a native Indian boy, Nino Marcel.. who gives an excellent perform~nce In his movie debut. others In the cast, all of whom give line POI" tra)'als, are BoriS KarloH, Rcgin·

The story C'Jl1cerns a young her neck, her shoulders, .. and as In July It I~. a furance, wlh been Traskisc3. Clair. Silly as it made him feel member of a royal [amlly. played his lips ,"ect !'jets In a warm •. lin. temperatues rising to 125 in the '. • • \ to thInk about ;t, he remembered by Marcel, whtl'swears vengeance gerlnf! kiss till'" hold It for a.cam. shade and as much as 150 de· CLAIR .had tried· to help 'rim with joy the Ii'uch of her. hand to the ,"urdercrs ,of his sisler and era cllrsoh-e as Director Farrow grees on the r.urface.· And there find himself on that long !.rip' \ or the feel of her waist 'when her husband, killed .hy the orders calls "cull" is little shade, except ,from the across the continent. She Insisted he helped her cut of the car' or of the religiou~ fire.cult leaders. small crooked Joshua tree or the on what she called "intensive re· the perfume III her hall' when In his efforts to di~eover where flowering yucca o~ the giant laxation" such as swimming and' \ once he kissed her. Tim had dar· the cuit "gathers, we. throllgh the sagUaJrO cactus.' sightseeing. Thnt was why it had cd kiss hN only once. eyes. of the'bny,' view th~ awe. ('.ORNWALL ,It was 9 o'clock in-the morn· taken them three weeks to cross Was he in 101'e with her? some, wonders of m~'stic India. ing", and the, sun was ali,"eady th.e continent ~nd why they were II _, . _ (To Be CDntinl/ed)

_____ ,-"----=-__ =========-===-==-- scorching 110t behind them when still on the road. they descende:l the San Bernar. Once or twirl! each day, while \ dlno !\fountains in the car they looking at her slim daughter be·

All about loye

Morgan and Steve Blodle drc Ica' turcd In tbls. Aaron no~enbcrg' production, directed by Anthony Mann.

Now Playin;a


'* . .' ." ", .-.::-... ~~TR)C'A ",EOINA • JOHN sunOH









"CAPTAIN PIRATE" WITH, had borrowed from Grandpa sidc her, Clair would twingc" at I LOUIS HA YWAR'O :E1ritlz. the thought 01 how .recklesslY What is love? What is the di.i' .. h bl 'lh tl I' ference between love and -x'.'

The ranch lay some 60 miles s e was gam mg WI Ie Ives ~ . f tilTh 1 I [5 there such a thing as "love at Captain Blood, that immortal away, not.far from Lancaster, 0 0 ler peop ~. en, W len SIC t I I TI d

first sight"? What makes ~

>ltashbuckler created by Rafael close In to the San Gabriel soc a g anee at m an noted sometimes fall out of love? Can

Sabatini, returns to the screen In Mountains tD the south. Los An· how he had ehanged, she' Celt b h we at love and hate a person

"Captain Pirate," pxcltinll new geles and the Pacific Ocean were that what she was underlaking at the same time? Columbia picture starring Louis 60 miles beyond. He . had come was worth the risk. So she kept Hayward, in color by Technicolor a . long· way, Tim though-3000 on, confident that at any time In October Reader's Digest a now playing at' the Corn; miles from coast to coast In a she wished. Shl' could put un end renowned biologist tells you all wall Theatre. Patrlch Medin~ and lItle over threc weeks. Had he to. the grim game with a tJe. alflut love - the compleJ John Sutton head the supporting found what he sought? phone call to the police or the emotion that rules every day of case of the film, which Is based He shook his head negatively FBI. your life. Get your copy of upon the Sabatini novel "eaptaln and blinked hard to ease the Thcy had spenl thc night In 3 October Reader's Digest today: Blood Returns." glare in his eyes, He looked at double cabin of a molel Ilear San 43 articles of lasting interest in· cluding the best from current

Louis Hayward plays the title Clair on the opposite side of the Bernardino. Tilough lhey werr books, leading magazines, in role of "Captain Pirate," As the seta. She Bat back relaxed for only several 1I0urs' drivc from condensed form. Columbia picture opens, the reo the, first time ~ince their escape. their destinatirm, they had dc·., -----------

(ormed freebooter is practising Between them little Sharon green medicine in the West Imli-s. On yet stll! wide' with wonder at the the eve of his m3l'rlage to the flitting countrY5ide, watched the beautiful, aristocratic Dona Isa· hot Il'ibbon of concrele stretching bela, the port ot C;irtag~na Is ahead. raided by a pirale whose liescrlp' Tiny beads ,of perspiration had tion fits captain Blood. formed on Clair's upper lip. She

Blood is arrested by Captain opened her brown eyes, saw his HIlIITY Evans and confined aboald gaze upon her and smiled. He • prison ship. J~abela also is held, pulled. • handerehle! .out and as Captain's BloDd'~ aecumpliee. wiped his forehead. Blood's followers attack the ship "Be there 'Ioon," he aaid, "If and free Blood, who hoi:.t! the I don't get lost. out here," He Jolly Roger and sets out to find and capture the pirates who raid. motioned toward the bleak des·

ert ahead. ed Carte gena, In order to save his sweetheart and his name. Clair Ihook her head. "Hope \l's cooler .t the rancb." Then Ihe

According 10 Hollywood, Colum· lay back in the Ie at again and

~!~~, p~~~U~~lsO~re~f ~'~aPi:~~n ~!. thought oC the past three weeks sounding success of "Fortunes of with satisfaction. The metamorp· Captain IIlood," which also star. hosls In Tim had been remark· red Hayward IS the Robin Hood able. He had lost 25 or 30 pounds of the rDlIing deep and leatured on her strict diet. The layer of Miss ~edlna as his light.of.love. fat under his chin had dlsappear­The pair also ,\as teamed roman. ed. With less meat on his face, tically In "The Lady and tht Ban, his eyes looked bigger. The pig· dlt." Miss Medina is beautiful as gtsh look was gone, His bleary Dona Isabellt ,nd John Sutton is red·streaked eyes were clear noW. suavely sinister as the villainous The crow'. feet had disappeared Captain E\'aIlS. around the eorners. Despite the . Robert Llbott, Frank Burt and long hours . behind' the . wheel, he John Meredyth Lucas wrol. the looked rested, !tronll and healthy. exciting screen play. "r;aptaln She thought of the three weeks Pirate" was. produced ~ by Harry of extension and danger. Tim had Joe Brown and was directed by driven farther, la~ter and longer Ralph Murphy. 'than he had ever driven In his

~ I~ L.... _____ _ _ .. _-----

, 't~ "

c:-..... r", ..:.1 __ -,====-__ 1 J"

'... :: .. -_ .....

"No point in attracting them with an expensive hank),-, I'm using: tissue~". .


. BORIS ,KARLOFF • NINO MARCEL with _ .. llIIIhl Dlnny • VIctor Jtty

PrMucecl. W,itttn and DlrlClillt., frank FIfII" , .. J . 1.1HMtI IllIv Unhecl ArtI.1I


I ....... -, Speci.al Added Attraction

.., . '

THE DOUBLE-BARRELED, ·POUBLE.cROSS .ACnON STORY ,OF,TEXAS ROSE ••• .. ' . ~ the .shedare-devil who' . bi'anded the lawless ' . with Ute kiss of death! •• 1

-.'IM··· ; , .. _. . f'..... .

'Iii!::'. ':,'. :··~TIMES:· OF 'SHOWSI,: . ~. .~ . . ".':' '. ..: '. .. .. "., . BVINING: "SAlIAKA" 7 O'CLOCK-a:" ,.·It',. .., ,. . '- . ~.' .. .'. "TIll LAWLESS IIDER";';';Ue .' '~'. ,~'" ,." .. ";' '. - - - . '. . . '

'., '.'" ~~N~II'''' ', ...

..... ",.. rI WAltHllf.IIIOS •. WAlIHlIICOL.Olt CIN.MA$Cg ST_~OC: SOUII!>

. DAVID FARRAR·LYLE BEnGER ·lAB HUHTER' io:::.DlRtCTED BY JOHN ..-. ... .... _--"'...... .


TIMES''oF SH6~s:' , .


MATiNEEi ~.M:: . , ;:: ADM!SSION :r~i~~s, Fq~,)8's, E·~G~~EM.Et.ir: EV!N1N~DULTS .. ~ ........... '75a·· CHlLDREN ............. ~35c

'. MATlNEE8-:-ADULTS ..... : ..... SOc .. : .. cHioREN ..... ~: ..... ::25C . ' . . :., , . . ." ;.,. .~ .


.• '. '. . "'. .. ,. - •.• '. ";'" ' ..... ~ . ... :1.', . ; .. MOTION PICTURE. " ',: '. " ,..... ;..

, ... ;'I~;'", .,' ." '.- :;,.' .

)' :}, ,", .' .:., ", .. -: "


; \, '.



, For



'. ~ j '. "

Page 17: DaVince Tools Generated - Memorial University of ...collections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL19550930.… · Tile Scholarship has \ ... he was exam.. 'rhis." ... beyond


This Page . Is' Presenied with the .

.. Compliments , .

0/., The Great . Eastern Oil Com,any Limited ..

CI H-raID.n, Itptt_1ttr %5t.,

UO-CIC New.. . 'i.U-Top 01 the MornLlI', '.OO-CBC Sews and Weatller; 1)5-~tusieal Clock. ,.oo-JoIornilil De\·ollona. 1.l5-proJl'lm Preview, 1.20-0n Parade. 1I.:l6-llelod\' Scrapbook.

10.OIl-Know· Your NelVIoundland, lIl.tll-HII (If tt.e Day. 10.15-lril Power. lU.25-CBC Nell'l. lI1.:m-Tri1l1p 1~asure. IO.ts-BBC Variety. 11.15-LI~ht and Lyrical. 11.:l6-Slld. School BroadcA~t. 11.45-sacrtti Hearl ProJ!'ammt. t:!.OO-Annuunrrr's l!holce 12.15-Dinner Bell Brukdowli. l:.:m-Jo'arm Broadent. • 12.4:'o-.a.llRt Lucy. 1.00-Mid Day Serf'nade. 1.3B-lBC News and Wrather. 1.4:'o-World Series 10 Conclu,lon. !!.OO-Yl\lIr Good :\PiJlhhuur, 2.I5-Words with Mu~ic. 2.3G-Pops 011 ·Appro\·al. ~45-The "apr)' (ihng. 3.15-Mu,lc:al Proaram",'. 3.3B-Trans-Canada Matirlft. 4.:lO-CBC l'i e\\'s. 4,35-Timely Tun·ps. 4.45-Children'l StOry. lI.t5-MUllc 01 :lIt Wc~l. •. »-Flshuit5 Broadcast. lI.45-Killdtrlarten of the Air, 6.00-Intumezzo. 1i.2.~Prol:ram Predew. fI.30-Supper Guest. It45--)lusical Programm,. 7.O!I-CBl: Nel\'~ .nd Wt.th\f. 7.15-Curtain Calls. .

11.00-Sporlsmt. 11.1~Thls b my Siory. lUG-Club Time. 12.00-News, . 12.0t-Club Tim., l2..lIO-New •. LU5-Club Time. 1,OO-Nell'l In a Mlaule and

Clnse 001\'0. ___ _

CJON FIUD.n, September 25th,

7.00-Wake Up a'iidLive, 'i.1G-Ne\I·~. 7.1:'o-The Sacred Heart. 7.3G-News. 7.3~BDb Lewl. Show. U5-New.. -7.IIO-Bob L.wll Sho" UII-News. a.05-Bob Lewis Show, •. 30-New •• 8.a~Bob Lewl. Sbow, ',IJO.-Ntws. II.05-Juke Bnlt Revl,,,. 1I.3G-Final Y tar. 1I.45-Women'. "ew,.

lO,OO-Nell's. to.Ol-l'aride 01 Hils. IO.l5-Whlt', nn my Mind. IO.3G-Wllo Am I? 11.DO-New,. ll.01-BIII Rlnll Snow. 1t.l~Tenne55ee Ernl!. 1l.30-1mprboned HP.Brt. 1l.4~My Other Love. 12.0G-NelVs. 12,Ol-Bob Lewis. l2.3O-New., t'

l2.35-B.,b Ltwll ShOI', 1.00-New~. tOI-Frank Parker·'SholV .. 1.15-NeIl'S, 1.30-Deblnd the Scene •. 1.35-5port~ Parade, UO-Bargaln Hour. 1.~BolVrinll's TV. l.~Mantovanl Melodies. 2.OII-News. :l.OI-Perry Masoll. 2.1~Road Ilf LIfe •. 2.30-·Matlne •• 3.00-Ne\\'s ..

7.30-Tops TodIY. 7.45-Doyle Bulletin. 1I.15-~tU!ieal Prolrlmme. 1I.3G-Rawhlde. R.45-Kllehen Corn,r. 1I.00-John nsher Reports. '.I5-The Commodores. '.JO-Neil Cotton Sholl'.

III.OO-BBC Concert Han. l1,00-50ng, 01 my Propl •. 11.30-CBl: NMional Ne\\'s, News

3.nt-House,,"·" Club (prlzt." 4.00-Nel\'s, 4.O~Spot the Star. U5-Good Luck Jlanch Party .. 1I.IlO-Ne\\'s.

Roundup and Talk. 12.00-Clo~4! HOII·n.

VOCM nun.n'. Sfo,'folllltfr tMh.

7.00-lIrulc{lst Club. 7,111-:-1 C\\'~ 7.30-:-Icll's. 7 .5~l'ie\l'~. I.OO-Brealcful Club. R.3tl-Hil of tbl Da)'. 8.3.'i-Nel\'~. 1I.4tl-Same Ih, Newfoundlander. I '.OO-A Date With Deny,. II.15-X(l Lullaby ror Li7a. 11.:111_.\ Date Ifltb D,nyi. P.4~ Burtons of Binner Sireet.

IO.fJU- .c\\'~. . ID.U~.\ Date 1"ilb Deny •. IO.55-~cl\'s. l1.IXJ-Club Tim •. 11.M-Ntl\·', 11.00-Cluh Thill. I:!.:JO-Sews. l:!.35-~usical Mellu. I.JO-Sn·s. 1.45-1unes For TodlY •. :'oo-Betl)" Grable-Harry Jam .. :!.55-News. 3.fIO-Dollara Cli Parad •• 4.00-Ntw~. 4.05-NewfoulldllDd Para" .. 4.SS-NeW8. ~.oo-Junlor JlmborH-. II.IIO-News and Wrather. fiu~SUJ!per Serenadt. 6.25-to't IIld Foulld. 6,'~:'o-Sewl. '.IIO-The Barrelmall. '.I5-Dodor Paul. •. :w-Mulic Stirs of the Century. IUIO-Xewfoundland Wholesal., R.I5-Sammy Kayr. . R.3B-Llttle BI' n' IltlYen. I.OO-Strlllie Wills. • .. I n,~lltcbaril 1I1~ ... flntl. , In.30-0ne Nliht St.nd, ~. 10.30-0n. Nllht Stand. 1!I.4:'o-New.. i

.,._ ......

S.01-Record Shop. 1l.IIO-Nell".

• 8.15-Sports Parade, 8.2~News. 6.:IO-lI[1spitalitY Time. U5-JDhnny Napoleon. 7.00-Nell'i. 7.01-Courtshl!l Inll Marrla'i 7. H,-Famous Decisions. 7.30-New5. 7.45-Dark Stranger. B,OO-Nc\l's. R.ot-Spotlight Df the· StAI'S. 1I.15-Echo's nf Yeslerda)·. B.3G-Eddy Canlor. ..000Nell'l, • II.OI-Album of Fa\·orites. ..l:'o-Under Arres!. •. 45-Doseo News,

:O.OO-News. lO.Ol-ThrouJh 'l·ht. Sporl Glm. 10.1~Black Museum. to.~Barry Wood Show. lUO-Natlonal News. \1.1~Sports FArad,..

!l1.3O-Llte ·Nllllt Stand. 12.IIO-l'iewl, . l:l.Ol-Houseparty. lUO-News. 1.OO-Closedown.

VOUS nIDAY, 'fiePteniber 25111.

8.3G-SIID On and Sundial. 8.I!&:-lIundlal News. 1I.3~Today'. the Day. 8.45-Rex Koury. t.OO-Jt Happened LasJ Nlllhi.

lO,OO-Colrce Time. ll.fIO-Turn Back the Clock • 1l.30-Pepperrell Juke Box. 12,OO-The D.B. 12,SO-Hlllbllly Matinee. 1.00-Behlnd The Stury. 1.1~At East. 1.3O-Serenlde Tn Blue. 1.45-Boh Crosby. 2.00-Bud'A Bandw~Ron.



ON DOCIt Norman Balstone Rnd "etenn

Explorer; Pay Olf, Marjorie Ink· pen and. Nordelfln.· .

A. E. HICKMAN CO" LTD. M.V. Thorn.. Ind Robert' h

gellb'q ready to go fish Ins:. BOWRING BROS.' LTD,

Clara Hollel~, Fehham, master, is taking Irelghtfor Boriavlsfa Bay porls.

Genevieve Holloway Is lalkng freight on Tuesday lor Bon~v!sta, Catalina, Eastport. Happy Adven· ture. Brag;:s ltland, and other norlhern pm'ts. Rrady III sall nDrthern ports. Silled Dn Wed· nesrtny a.m.' .

M.V. Vagabonll Princ'e 111 I()\\' Velvct Lady' t(, Quebec.' Towing bc~ins today Friday, sept: 30lh,

Wesle ),ilnd Ralph, Cull, masicI·. from northcrn port~, dlscilarged taking freight for Musgrave Hr.,

~OJlnr (D)' I .4AQ953 .Q32 . • All


•• 7 6 4 4 K ,J 102 .7 .K85 • K 118 43 '. J 10752 ... Q to 8 3 '" '7 -'.

SOUTH '8. . r; ... H10U. .~

'.Q t . "'AJlln.

North·South vul. NDrth .. Ea.t . !OIIlh. WNt I Ii Pass 2, Pass 3 " Pass 4 '" Pass . ~. Pass ·5", Pass 6 " .' Pass PflSS Pall

Clpenlng lead-. '7 . \

. , ... ~,--.-------.-. ., By OSWAI.;D JACOBY

aille Cove. Carm~nvllle, Gander 'l'ODA V'S hanrt lVas bid I:cry Bay, Fogo, erTlng Neck, Joe BaltH encrgetically and properly 10 a Arm, Twlllingate Bridgeport and sound slam .·.'mtrac!. The only Morton's IIr.·· problcm . was to. play it pI·opcrly.

. CANADA J'ACKERSLTD, Dcclarcr natucally wei'll right Shirley Goortyear, Hunt, mas· up with dumnw's ace of spades

ter, .tal:lng fr·.,lght {or th~ usual at. thc first trid, and trlcd the northern port.. trump finesse. l( the trump fin.

Shirley Goodyear, Kcan, master, esse had lost, he'd hA\'c played takinl freglht lor tlte usudl north· the clulls. optillllsllenlly .by lead. ern port~. . . Ing to the king and finessing the . M.V. K~nn HID!., hom N ,5),d. jack. Since' the trump finesse n~y. with: ;ullloof flour !~r Bell succecded,· howe\'er, South drew Island ano other north'ern Jlorts. three l'ounds (.f. trum~ and pro. Sailed on Saturday;' .. cccded 10 play' the clubs pessl. . M.V. Marloa M. Srllct, lValsh. misticaJly. . master, loaded a general cargo for Harbour Buffett. Sailed on Every good bridge player aSturday. . , should bc familiar with tlte

AT CROSBIE " CO. LTD, ' proper play Dr the clubs If the M,V. Western Explorer I~ Ret· situntion permlf~ the loss of one

ling ready for the' herring fislI.ery. trick. The COITcet pJay Is to take' Winsor, master. the ACC f1n:t and then lead toward

H.M.C. DOCItY ARD the khlg.nlne. Flretug 3. and the !\VO long lin.

cr~ Bamcrang r.nd Bamerfal.t. also Tr \rest play, the tell or queen, Sea beacon and Parr. : ,". ~'ou can win' \\ itll the king· and

S:rEERS LTD:: . ·Icnd lhe lIine 1'I1:ht back to bl'ing Hupl Black\~ood, discharging the ~ult In \'ery casily. If We~t

fish at ea~t premlscs. . plays a low club (a~ he woulrl In Maxwell COl ktim, Emllcrley, Ihls easel. you must finesse dum·

master, from Norlh Sydney, ~ailed I my's nine. on Sunda ....

G. F. Albert discharged fish 2l YOli arrn't worried ~bnut lo~· easl end premises; Balrcl'~ .Covc. 'ing thaI finesse. DC the nine. JC Taking freight II AYI'e 4< Son~. East is, ablc \,) pl'odl\cC a cll1b•

Helpn Gill, lakin!! freglht fOI' tlicl'c will ~e only one cluh out, Bonal'l~ta Boy ports. Sailed.' which CRn bc nicked up Inler on

T. HALU:TT'S LTD. .by (Iummy's king. If E~st ran· M.V. Velro)' Ralph, masler, di~ not folow sull the rincfisc nf tlle

'charging said, R(ter dlscharg~d lillie will win ;.1H1 will be ,·ital to will take. freight .for Bona\'ista, the success of the play, 811/1 Burnsldc. .' . I Only onr. pnsslbllity IJ'cmalns.

N. and C, Ralllh,.taking freight What If East rather than West for "Iat Island, Burnside ,r,nd the has the four l'lubs headed by titlteJ: usual nortbernports .Ssil· q·uecn·tcn? In 'Ihat casc, West ~vlll ed on Saturday bllt had to. return e1lscard when VIlU Icad roward the to port owing to. high seas. Sailed klng·nlne .. '1'h~ situation Is then again on Sunday. . ' clcar. so you go up with the kin/t

Superh'adcr will' take frclght or clubs and leael. another club for Goose Cove, . hack to"lard lhc jack.

AYRE" SONS Mariam May. Rogers, masterj Bllnne!, from the Grand Banks.

has a .cargo oC fish to discharge. sailing In a da)' or two. Rob crt Kriekl~. . Blackwood, nv. Frederick Carter ~ai1ed

masler, loaded:. full. cargo' or for Conccption Bay on Saturday freight for northern por~s ~nd for 8 couple 01 trial trips. ,·cturn· sailed Thursday,. Sept. 29tb. .' Ing Ito his por~ before el'entually

G. S. Culler. Rrigers, master, taking up the ~ortugal COI·c·Bell sailed for T~lnity Day ports 'on Island tickle SNvice. Salurday. A. H, lItURRA\' " CO. LTD.

M.V. WesleY\'l1Ir, Winsor, ,mas. M;V. Glenwood from Lat>rador, Icr, loow freight 'fnr Wesleyville. ~ailcd ),eslcrcla)', 'I'hur8uay p.m. Twillingatr, GriqJet.· LaSele; St. for NOI'lh' ~~'d:~cy for II cargo of Anthony anrl Quil'pcn, atso for co!:1 j"l' (",:· .. ~:·town" Horse Island' and Lilile' !lay' Is. . TllUm,!. !luilell, sailed for lIall· larius. Sailed on "Saturday. fax \'In Bilrln 8 p.m. Tuesday. BAINE JOHNSTON" CO,' LTD. Sept, 27.

Maxine Johnson, Johnson, mas·' ---.--------t~r,wi1l load a cargo oLcoal lor OUR BOARDING HOUSE northern, ports. . . .

Sid and Sam took fteikht lor Bon8\,btaBay; pariS. Salle;! Sun· day a,m, for Bonavi!ta Bay, .

Rita and BIKnche, PicoU, m3N­ter, tDok freiiht (or Bon3\'!stll Ba)" . Sailed on Satul·day. . ;

ON TI~I SOUT.HSIDI ." Portuguese hospital 5hil', GIJ.

2.30-Martln Block'. ". 3.00-VOUS Record ,'·Room. 3.00":"Sports Page. . 3.l5-Armed Forces NcWI, 3.35-Collegc Quiz ,.Bowl. 4,OG-VOUS Record RDom, 4.3G-AFRS News. 4.45-Pro.Football Spotllte. . 5.00-Reeord Parade 01 HIt!, . S.35-Toplcs " Issues;

· 8.00-Football-The· Best This Week. .

6.3s..:..I1's Time. . 6.45-BIlI Stern ShDW.

· 7.0G-AFRS News, . · 7.1~Ton)' Martin. . . '7.3G-Muslc off Ihe Record. ~.OO-What's· My Line?

,8.3G-My Son ,Jrep.· . · 9.0G-Stnr ,Playhouse: • 9.1iO-Muslcal Interlude. IO.OO-News' •. lO.l:'o-March or Evrnt!.· 10.3~Mu!lc· 'UI Mldnlllht. 12.00-Slln Off and Anthem.

".,- .~

,., ,. . '· ... ··f .... ~ ... . .... ~.-- ... ~. . ............ .

THE DAILY NEWS, FRIDAY, SEPT. 30,195517 d d ...... mm~~---"~~ r--_. __ ...... .., .. _,.._--.... ,..--~-__::I~-..... -i




. .'

By MICHAEL O'MALLEY , . " " .~ .

KlI-":i!, I ~ i


By WILSON SCRUGGS ~.,..;;;;;.;."ti__ .--'.~~~



t ; .

Ticket~ memb 5652F

Sa n Pot Bu s

: For

Page 18: DaVince Tools Generated - Memorial University of ...collections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL19550930.… · Tile Scholarship has \ ... he was exam.. 'rhis." ... beyond

· .. ,. tHE DAILY NEWS, FRIDAY, SEPT, 30, 1.5

~! ~:r;;ain ·U.S.·Friends ·itelp ·C~nc8r 'Fund: I~~~d~::monv·· (CeIItiIHd from pa,e 3) (Condnued from pile 3) (Continued from pal' 1) S d ..

........ tOo _ 1ft tho .... lb ..... ,. "' .... , .. "'" ,,.. • ....... _u" " P.",·, d. On. un IIV. I did ...... \a "foreiIDen··. BOW aclou. eneouralement, II a na· p~rture were belnl temporarUy I ...... u.., ftltltUll1 took 1I1m In tlonal policy. of the. decentrallp. suspended.. . To mark . the hi~tor)'·making oc· :

GnndMaster On Official Visit

Piekersgil1 Describes

... Wert lie left the), had.DCi:ome tion of our Industrial and econ. The mother and three sisters of '·cas!otr of the laying of the 'Corner· 1

.... _ ...... lho ........... IU. "d lb. 'mI,pm .. 1 of ."","."" ., •• "''''. who .... 'St .. , ,I lb. ". St. p"ri,k·, i IIId. "I do DOt eomt to VlII.t )'ou all leetlona of the coun'- so thlt sanctuary In tbe Eeuadorean em· Ill

crcy Home for 'he ,\gcd and i "' bllsy here. T h urad a y were I f' I S 'th '11 Sunday'

~ . :~~ ... ': ... ' . . -,.,. .. ..., .... :. ~.' :. ~.: .. ~ ... ~ .. ~I~.\ .~

• • lerelper but 1ft I vllUnr Clnldlans everywhere. and plr. granted safe conduct to leave the n Irm a ml VI e on .... uotIIer prorince". HI: uld I tlcularly In the Atlantic realon. country. afternoon next Cadets of the Navy. : .... _ _'" Now win .... ""., ""'" '" bo ""A "" In","" " p,,,,', .... Mmy "d A;""~. Boy S ... " i ....., ....... looted upon a. a lied that they are Iivlnl In the ulous riches In his five residences -I and Girl Guides will parade Irom ! ---....:..----.;......-..;... tied crt JODI' .r.tltlolL but tndlY IS besl country In Ihe world. II expected 10 be released as soon I SI. Bonavcnturc's College Campus. I I pioelDel .of CUlada. Ind the 'MANY CONTRA'STS as It Is completed by teams of i The Mount Cashel Band will \cad Home AII.·(·.]-dents. tII!IIr proY\aetI art laklnl , much police. soldiers and court officials. I the units from the Campus to the. •. ariater IIId mm ay1ftpAth.Uc "There. Ire many contraall be. : Smith\'il\e ptopcrty. MaJor Wick·' I!lterIIt la Ne ... iOU1ldland. tween the alricultural vl1lalea of Love. Nest lord C011in~ will dircct the as· I lIr. ""'- ... , ,,,~,"'.,, ""I Qo.b ........ II..... .... • .. mbl, " th, c,m, .. ,,' "U.· It;, ,,:lm.'01 Ib" 'Kh ,n, ." •• _ for. the bitter In Newfound. tiemenll cllnlinl to the rocks of In addition to hl's oIfI'clal -5' I arc a;ked to be on hand not later. more th~n 2.000 per~ons In Can.d.1 ~. ." . I alone dIe from accIdents In thell

lIJId daee lib wt ''lIlt. H. doled the coast of Newfoundland. Idence, Peron had a love.nest, a i than 2.15 p.m.. . ,own homes.· Accidents, '[atal .nd tl!t proIperaut homp~ J~'. tl~ "But there are even more 1m. private house In town, a summer I Prescnt at the sIte when HI~, non fatel happen frequently In !!eW I!IduJtriIS and all t1tl 11101 portant Ilmilarities. residence on the oubklrts of Bu. Grace the Archbishop arrives will I every ho~p. We can help prevent of IIIItlrW proJ)"CSI "hlr." I'f ,,~. "The people In Newfoundland, enos Aires clly and I farm. i be a large number of the Clergy. accidents and we ca~ learn 'l!'hat ...... _ ......... to .. ,..... .... tho ,..~. I. Qo.bt, ..... ,. .....y ,."~, .. ,, "" ... to<-' th. ,,"b Ch,;.'On Brolbm. tho: '0 do .,,, '" _'.d,,' .... ...... "" ... 10 ......... tho ",b" I, '''''' " .. ,h ... lb.. "" ,."'m .. " .... , • tb" . ".'m ,I lb. "ri". "mm""''' ,,,ro'. T'. ~I. "b, Am ....... have already been round. '. • : olfers FIrst AId and Home Nurainl JC''II'IIJIIIIlt of NewfClulldl:nd has homes, their famllles Ind their Peron's farm Is reported to con. the Papal Kmghts. 4th Degree I courses .Iree for everyone. Fin dlftloped aDd IfteOUraled n." In. tradltlona. taln a private zoo. Knight~ . of Columbus, Catholic, elmes comm@ncing shor!\y. T. IIatrieI. aa4 he predicted I "The outports of Newfoundland, Peron also had aCcess 10 an un. i Nllrses. members of the Executives ll'nroll just contact the St.: Joll, ""'" _ ... tho .... ,... Uto lbo Nnl ,' ...... of Q...... d .. ",,,. hI_ ... '" .",,. "of r.tI"U. Soci.,,,, "d Sod.tltI" I Amb"m'~ by 1.1 ........ by.""". __ _a.... th b j f th l' I Ilh f g . f d I . . . ,or apply 10 person at. the olliee. a __ r pv. e mem era- are ma or lourees 0 e mora Ive y w a ormer overnor 0 ' an large gathermg o[ tlllzl'ns 1102 Water Street 5t Jo!m'1-IIl1Ida Iaformatlon with rtierence and malerlal ,trenllth of the Cana. th~ province of Buenos Aires. ~ : to. ~ee their Archbishop officially: Telephone. 5830.' ·leptsO.etr.l to Ill' wart 01 the Roy. I Blacla: dian nation of tbe future. Carlos Aloe, below the Alea build· (USA}' NEAC Phllto} . beglO the work on the first of the i IllItitution ImIII Canida, Ind hl~ "And despite all the other ad. in~lea was the holding agency HQ., NORTHEAST AIR COMMAND-MI'. W. Angus Reid (right) and Mr:P. F. Hal- 'great projects of the Social Wel- i----------NPOIt ahowtcI the Order maklnl vantaaes of the union. there Is no controllinG the chain of six Peron. 11ft) P'd d V' P 'd ! fare Programmr. No. 8S0-1.&5 ........ M .. ........u. I I hi h N f dl d I. ey (e • resl ent an Ice· resl ent of the Newfoundland Branch of the Can- I 1'h G' I ' Ch' r 'I C I In the· ~ ....... _ I way n w c ew oun an I Ista newspapers in Buenos Aires. . ' e Ir s olr 0 .. erey o· ,tIr. ,Jacbon remarked about thr : contributing more to the Canadian as \\':11 as many others In the adlan Cancer SocIety, receive a check fll!' $4.660 from Col. J. T. Patterson. repre· \' lege' will sing during the short

aiitaUDI for a aparate II" (or I nation than In the quality of Its provinces. In the concrete shelter senting the contributions of Canadian and Newfoundland employees throughout the. but highly' significant religious I Caada and Ufoled the members to I people." 22 f·:et below. street level. police Northeast Air Command. Narsarssuak AB con. tributed the largest sin!!le amount with I cere~ony: Followi~g the cere-! ~eQ1 the Ulllon Jlck f1)'illl." I said they found evi<k!nce that in " 0 H G II k t 11

SiIpremeCourt. of Newfoundland :",.,,,,,,".u ....... by m,. " .. ",,"'''' , .. , ,m~ I, th' lho ",.m'" .b •• ' " ...... "" $2.788. Of that .mounl. $2.000 was ,ul> ",,,bed fmm 'he Civili'~ Club at N~"'''- '::;:",: .;:;;:,~~",",~~ ;':h.

.... "'alter Jenr. Grand MalleT i United States In Penasse Mlnn \ collapse of Peron s government, suak. The other three bases, Pepperrell, Harmon and Goose, contributed slightly diocese. The broadcast will he· :t:~wfoundlar.d. who broulht a : on American Point a 60:acre I~: Ad~OtelbWhlodwa51 chalrmtan $OafOOOAleoooR. over $600 apiece. heard through eBC stations at 9.30' •. I -ssa- to t"A mer'bers . ' IS rue cos eo, , ... ___________________________ -- Be'"t" Th· Cr~d t lIur-. ..

_ "'::'41.' fflu~. h" n1' .lland in Lake 01 tbe Woods. worth of shares Imonl "'jendo. ----- Sunday evening It is understood •. .n • I s.· .. t .... PRM na 0 er t en ,. • N '. . , St. John's Llmitf'tl, Plalltiff· , c. A tAd' . Old C II - To BUI-Id ellr I' that CJON Will aho be on hand to Ind Ralph Spurrell,. Deleallallt. ~uted Sir Kt. R. E. Wr:aht. a The 2M countle. In Tms r. ca emv 0 r,~. ans '. tele\'ise the e\'e~t for presentation: ... , ,lsltor from Ontario West. who rln;e In size from Rockwall's N Tb C " "" T H H 'on Monday evening: NOnCE oOF SHERIFF II llfaulht peetinJl frum thai Grand 141 Iquare miles to Brewster's ew c .are Reopens Tuesdav Meet Tonight ype omes ere I Those attending thl ~erpmonip.s SALE ~pter. . ,6208 .quare miles. F E ki "V I N wfoundland is to ha\'e an en· I on Sunda.

y afterlloon WIll h~\'e an ..' , . .

:ne nell spelker WI. Sir Kt. I or s emos . The Newfoundland Academy of ." ., e . 10pportuDltv of inspecling the new JJ~ \ !rille or • "nt or FIeri Hoe. J. R. Smo.llwood, "':'0 ad.' The Preeeptories repreHentnd Arl which completed Its sixth TOnight IS gOlOg to be a blR \tlrelY new type of dwelling house •. hId' h - I 'h' h h " \Fac13S mued out.of th~ Supreme ..:...-. the IIIHtln: In~ prt were: Winterton. Catalina. Hurt'a (ContlnuAd from pade 1) .' I J .'11' n fo . night [or ex·pupils o[ Prince of Premier Smallwood .tated last! sc 00 an cape W IC 3\e J~st Court or Kewfoundland i!J. the ... __ ~ ~ .. ) ear I! une, WI re ope r .,. I been completed. The school which ahove cause and ~o me rbreeted.

atBted the Grand Mllter \\ IIh Content. Folttrap, Bay Roberts. from tuberculosis. and other dis. classes on oII'uesday. october 4th. Wales Collcge an~ Hollo"ay School : DI~ht. . ' \ opcnp-d its doors to more than a : I hereb~' l!ivc notice that I will alft from Ille locil chlpt~r u a Topsail. BauUne. Pouch Cove. Mon. eases that required Immediate Last year nlnety.three people at· here in SI. John s. All such eX-I He md that agreements ha\e, h d d h'ld f th' . <ell b,· oubHc auction at my office .. en of esteem. The Grand M.s- treal. Que .• Clarke', Belch. (uplds. hospital attention. tended the Academy fifty in the pupils will be gathering at the' been signcd wHh Mr. John Lawer.! 5 unt re b c \9~~n. rom e are: on : in the COllrt House on Thur5d~\·. tir expreued .. Is thanks. Green', H.rbour. Upper Gu11lel STOPPED DELAY afternoon and eveni~g classes and' Pitts Memorial Hall where an or· '1' ence, a Glasgow. Scotland, busi·, e: e~ e;'t . IS ~ ~~~~ mo ern i O.ctober 6th. A.D .. 19M .• t ~~.Oo : rollowlal. the pmentaUI'n to .nd othera. In th3 past the x.rays taken on forty three In the Saturday mom. ganizational banquet will be held nessman who is President of At· se o~ -au I O~tluldn UI 109. Or· i 0 clik

thoon .~o ~'I.~fY t~~53e~g~n; lr: -··"··n the P .... e .. tor of A vote .of thanks "aa moved b

v these summer healtk expeditions • Ith th U il d Ch h L dO , I \. G L' °t d wherebv eupYlO1! as I oes a most com-I e)' 0 e sal rl a or" ............ • .... r ' Ing classes for children wen e ure a les an IC ypsum Iml e , • d' '1 I k' S I ,o:.ckup Iirpnse number C-422~ '~.l __ t Sir Kt J h Sir Kt Howa d C IIln nd I were not developed and examined . I' d" '11 t 1~ man mg 51 e O\'rr 00 mg t. . •... • ' e .-. ,...........,p ory. • . 0 n. • r 0 • a ee- until the" were brought baAk to The drawings and paintings Col ege AId oang the cjlerlng. IIIr. Lawerence WI erec some " J b" 11 d' t' . f' I !he prollerty o[ the defend.nt. '. n. presr.nted the Grand onded by Sir Xt. E. Pomeroy and' ~ h hlb' I' factories in Canada in which there 0 n s IR a Irec Ions, ItS ane I'Ralph Sourrell. presentlv Itor,-"

""ler ..... _.I

oundlalld with a .the Grand Matter responded 'or Ottawa. That m~ant TB sutrerers 8 own In the June ex It on were The event (ollows a tremendous OIl b f t d t' I I appearance has provoked much at Niqhtingale Motors itd 8t ,.... '" " .... , ' t d ltd til tl til I d d h uc ding e WI e manu ac ure ma erla s ·1 I • •• • . lift -1%!tI paid a hlrh tribute to the vbltora. were no e ec e un lOme mes gra Y n .. an eac s cee X· upsurge o[ enthusiasm among Old f th t r f I' I favourable comment and admira· I John s.

.... ...,........ a._ a. 'II'o-'-er The "God be wltb .... u 'till we me.1 months after they had been exam· hlbition hal shown considerable· Collegians for the old school A or e cons rUc 10.n 0 I,n en Ire y I tion The ground floor of the two- F f h . 11' I !WI ~ ''''_ n ._" ined After they could not be d I t I Ih tal b f th . new type of dwelling.' or urt er partlel ars IPP yIn: <t Y. luit.abl.1 expressed his III' .,aln" WII sun, by the assembled bro~ght to hospital until th3 next ~: o~me~t ~i e en 0 e new artificial i~e rink Is already It' is planned to use gypsum 9~Orey structure. ~nte~ded to pro

o M GRATH FUR' ONG " BY AS ...-... mombtn "d tho ... _ "M.d ' .. • '" ~ "do. "",.."0,, b,' mm ,,," d" ., , . "d. • "'," "d",",m .M ,,,.' • .' .. .

\IWC ..--.... >ols summer. however. doctors' n om I lOner homes and this will be combined ' e se IR e m--".r I-a"e- -ere Sir KL B.\ wllh the Nltlonll Anthem. . su!!.mer. Business men who paint IS a are needed a d t 'ght' d' boar n I e con5truchon 0 t e'l ish hall '11'1'11 bud' th . Rarrl~!en Iud Solielton. _ .... .. • ...... '.... .... tho ... ,,' _...... ...d., lli ..... " ... , d'''- bobby ..... '" •• ,,' tho W.,,~ m"''', will ,,,dd ..... ",,,. 'Ib , I I,·dm .. • '''',b ,b,,,' 1M Ib, '!' .".~."tb St" ... .... ~t. RD........ were served.' .nd examined the :I[.ra". On the day evening class. The Academy The drive is under the overall di· w p ~s er. •. area. It will have pews to seat 540 I S .. John s. -.pan "",... • I thl I . . . The first of the homes IS to be ' I Spot. pans s year· 0 open I morn· rechon of chairman JIm Herder. ,people. a Sanctuary. Pri~sls' JOH~ CAHILL.

Fun-.s., Withy a Company Ltd. Dr. WiUl. ,nd his flve·man party Ing class for the benefit of those ~recled at St. John 5 early next i Sacrist\·, 3 confessionals. Baptistry, ' Sheriff of Newfoundland.

earrled out their ,urvey.t 25 who find It more convenient to At lonight'l dinner, the chair· ) ear when experts will come here· Shrine ° ~nd Choir alcove sept30,oct4 an..,... til Jo..... BoItH IIalIfp It ....... ports of cill visited by the lovern· Ittend at that time. man of the evening will be Mr. Don, from the United Kingdom to sup·· . ------.-~---. .. to ... ,... .. .. ment supply ship C. D. Hqwe. An· A class at the Academy Is really Jamieson who, together with Dr. \' en·ise. the experiment. :

• ,...... ...... 8aUfu " Jou" Lln"...1 . o~er party worked out of the a drawing Ind painting session. and Harry Roberts, Arthur Johnson. It IS not known If any of the \ CLOTHES make the man if CHAF~· .Sewfoundland" Sept. 21 Sept. 21 Oct. 1 O~t.. MIn Ian HFealth Servlcehs Hospital at students need never feel that they and President Charley Pope, willi factories will be erected in New· makes the clothes "Novi ScoUa" Sept. 28 Oct. 5 Oct. 11 Oct. 15 \Jct. 18 ODse aetory on t e east coasl II h k . Ioundland . _,_ dl _..I of Hudson bay. Two more covered know too ttle about art to-join. be t e spea en. . \ . . ., \ ~ .... ,OWI alN" Oct. 15 Oct. 22 Oct. 28 Nov. 1 Nov. 3 the louth eout of Baffin Island Most students start It the bottom,. ' Premier 5malh~00d Will Journey. WM. L. CHAFE, Tailor

New address: .. HOlDSWORTH ST •. .7~:;ou~~" ~::: J ~~~: 1~ ~e~. l~ ~~~.;~ ~~~: ~~ and Quebec's far 1I0l'th ahore. all get Individual attention Ind Remember, Progm~. Work and to the United Kmgdom to confer i "XO\'a Scotia" Dec. '7 Dec. If Dec. 20 Dec. 24 Dr. Willis said In an interview before long they Ife thor;ughly Co·operation spell P.W.C. and will ; with Mr. Lawerenee shortly alter I'

• (for Lh'erpool) that his party lot only "a bird's enjoying palntina II a mean. of pllt the college right on top. I the Ottawa talks conclude. --------------_ .. ---. Peraona coniempllllni paisa,. to Europ, .hould mU. Dook1Jlp eye view" 01 the Eskimo .health· expression and .. a relaxinl

well In advlllct. picture from the C: D. Howe. The hobby. oth2r 1I'0Ups. however. were .rler

AU PuIIa. 1rAD,I!d b- B.O.A.C. _ It.L.M. _ hndln.vlln Air- h t h t d ., t tl Mr Regln'ld 5h·pherd A 0 C A , W I e erme • la ura on slIr· . • < ,.. • "

One; _ hb American Alrwa,.. _ 't.W A. 1114 cOlUIl!Ctinl Air- vey," an attempt to chec1c the the director of the Academy, b liD. health of e,'ery Eskimo and Indian also visiting lecturcr .t Memorial

CGDault US relardln, your travel probltmL In the arell covered. University. Mr~. Shepherd. who






2.0 x 6-6 and 2-6 x 6-6

·.llhogany Flush Doors $6.50 each· . ,

WAftI it. WT ."

.. J)IAL 69H

. b'


I , •. ,

• sign. her portraib IS Helen S .

All.time Re~ord Parsons, I. also I qualified Artist \. and baa painted many' portralta

N Ad Iince her return to Newfoundland. _ ewspa per s She IIsistl at the Academy. NEW YORK (AP)-NewspRpm Three outstanding Canadl~ns

racked up new aU.time Tecords ser\', In an advisory eapaclty to last month In advcrtislnl linage, the Academy. They are: Clare the American Newspaper Publish· Blve, A.R.C.A.. O.S.O.. George ers Association said Thursday. Pepper. A.R.C.A .• O.S.O •• Ind Rob·

Automotive advertlslnr set I ert Plio!, P.R.C.A . • l%zIn, pace with In August gain of 47.' per cent over the aame N C· hi f month list year. ANPA said. Total ew e natlon.l adverUalnr. Ineludlnr IU' . tomotlve. ahowed an increase of ReMP A • 15.8 per cent, rellllllnare was up I. ITIVeS u per cent and classified up 19.1 per cent. Advertlainl of aU types Superintendent A. W. Parsons, combined Nliltered In over.all RCMP. arrived In the city ),ester· lain of 10.3 per cent. day to like over command of Ihe

The fll1!fea were compiled by Newfoundland Station of the Force Media Records tnc.. In 52 Index: from Superintendent McKinnon cltles. They .howed linage In the who haa been transferred to 01: nltional. automotive. retail and· t d D I I total classifications at their hi g\). awa an om n on Chief of the est levels In history. both for Aug. Criminal Investigation Depart· us! and the first elgbt months of ment. 1955. The 47·year·old Superintendent

Automotive IInale for the first !!eme here from Saskatoon where elaht monlhs was 26 ••• per cent he held an Important position with Ihead of the year·carher period, the Force. He Is accompanied by national advertlslnr (Includlnl au· hi. wife and two child A tomotive) was up 10.5 per cent. rcn. Ion. retail Una,e up 8.9 per cent, clas. also a member of the RCMP, reo IWed up 25.9 per cent Bndall malned It hll post on the main· catclortzl combined up U per lan.d. cent. Superintendent McKinnon, who

has been. In Newfoundland since the Mountlel took Clver from the Ranier Force in 1949, ,nd who hal made maD)' friend. among the Newfoundland people. leaves here to assume his new post In about two weeks. .

\ t •• "'hn t. fr';! .. t~~

. wit' • tr.ffle cep- BUT p. ,.ttt ••• ,. It II plp""atel' s .. , b,., and pJIY thl buutlful

~ . ORGIINS and PIANOS EDGEWORTH has itt WI how have on display 1

HOLIDAY _~ i~t .. ! A.t. COLLIS & SON Pllno & Orgln Salei Ind S.rvlce

... becalll. they.., tM· OHiCi Ind Showroom: enlytoblcCOI with tb. p~tlllted· TOPSAtL ROAD. 'P,",ONE 4902·A -Wral':Aroamd._pow;b,N ~..... . OHlc •• Showroom Ind. Factory:


.. ,

fu~ ~anadag ~~



Chtmplain" zeal 11'11 eIi,red by ElimneD",I'. Hi, Ilplorllion. and bowled," .r .. , ... llndi.n I.ncu"" wert.r , .. al.mite to Champlain. .

H. Hplortd. h. built. b. adminlflerrd. wi .. ly • ·ralh •• or Now f'rance. be .... li .. l<u In layil' the roundallM.or Ih. C.nad ..... knqw today.




Champl.l. rouJht lirolnal, 10 Jain' auppor. for bi. "ruerlin, rot ... , al Quebec. Finally. Cordinal Rich.lieu allh. FttJl<h Court .. 1 up Ihc Company or Ncw F ...... Champl.in bad ,......d.d! .

Cha .. pllia dept"ded ... Ibe .Upp<!rt or pal",n. .• " .. en lik. d. MOnl .. Monlmottney. d~ Cotn, The .. DlfD unde .. tood tlte volut or bi ..... rIt. Ind we .. proud 10 in.'" obi".. equipment. .upplie .... d monel' 10 btlp Cbampl.in .. ak. Ih. promi .. of I new land ectalC lruC.

They "ere hi. p.rlDm in belpi.J Con.d.

I"'''' . Today. the bank. a.d I.adin, in.lltuli";.

DC C.n .• d •• rt plrlntn 10 mtn or iDitillh'" .nd ,,"bhion. And JOU h~yc •• hlr. in ,hi. natton·

buildin, part .. nllip. For wltea you d ..... 1 y .... r ... in, ........

tv" you d. 1tuIi .... wilb your Blnk, you • <onlribult 10 Ih. fund. a"ilablc for Coaada'l ,ro~·lh-rll.d. "itb "hieb your B.nk ... k .. po .. ihlc Ihou ... d • .r tnltrpri ......... ud .m.lI.

"·he. it <ome. Ie y.ur fiaand.1 pi .... ~1 .. lh ... buoin .... r penna.l .... yo"r Bnk of . ~ ... Sooli •. loIa.a,. •• Y ... ·II find hi. I JOO'I M.ft I. know. .

The BANK of NOVA SCOTIA ;:= .... . Vour BNS M.nt, .. I. a 100II m •• 10 tn ow .... i .Ihe Sl. JoIIn·I'Mal. llra~th lui I. C. R. H •• drila •. At Ih. Fft.hwaler Rd. and Parlde Sl. Branr.b ... I. H.·C. III.: ... · AI tho Cora ... U 11111 a .... ulAll JlnDdI 1& e II D •. Temgloma.. AI Cwrd&UI PulL hI

." II It. C. McGniIlD.

.' ~. 0,


Page 19: DaVince Tools Generated - Memorial University of ...collections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL19550930.… · Tile Scholarship has \ ... he was exam.. 'rhis." ... beyond


.",'" ., .

. . ~.~.. . , .,~: ,

i·' . . ': ~

* ...

. '

Res.rved ................... , 1.25 General. ..... "."tt4 .. 1.00

f . .


• Snack Bar Manag.r ................ $4500. p.r y.ar

. Mal. Cashi.r ................ $0.97 hr., 48 hr. wk.

Soda Disp.ns.r ............ $0.97 hr.

sandwich Maker ............ $0.97 hr.

Pot Washer .................... $0.86 hr.·

Bui Boys ........................ $0.86 hr.


339 WATER STREET sept29,30


SEALED TENDERS, addrtue« t. the UDd ... lgned a.d marked "TENDER

FOR ,TERMINAL BUILDING AT GAN· DER', "'111 b. r .. elved up 10 12 o'clock noon, OCIOBER :IS. 1"'. lor the .... llructlon 01 an Air Terminal BuUeII., II Gandlr. Nlwloundland.

, CAR~S $2.50

(Proceeds to be devoted to Pee-Wee Hockey League) sept30,31(Tel· .

BINGO' (Under auspices Newfoundland Federation of Labour

Educational Committee)


To-Night at 9 o'clock TO.NIGHT'S SPECIAL FOUR $100.00 GAMES

30 GAMES CARDS $1.00

T,HE'DAILY NEWS, FRIDAY, SEPT. 30,j955 . ..1;~

.. . ~' .... ..:

, , .. ",~ '.


DELEGATES FROM AFFILIATED UNIONS ·AND'· .': . .. . . ' . .' . ~ .....



THE AUDITORIUM, KING GEO. V. INSTITUTi':";'· .... f0~' Pf(:'r.RV~ 1In~c:; TO.NIGHT, FRIDAY, AT 8:00 :O'CLOCK·

", '.,

, TO SEE -. ,I

THE .KI·NG'S'·"X'! :','<~}, ., "';-:

This gre:lt HI:1 of interest to organized ·la&oUr' ~! being shown for the first time in St. John' •• .. '

at the Old Colony Club on MONDAY at 3,30 p.m. Tickets still available at' the Fashion Centre, the Popular Clothing STEPHEN GA~LAND, Se,creta,.,·· ,::

Store and The Model Shop. ~=====:::::::=======::=: Library . Assistants ,.

Wanted . The Pu~lIe Libraries Board In·

viles ~,pphcatlon5 lor the following posts:

1. Office 8!;sistant z. Library assistant

Sta~tin'g Their Engagement at , The Old. Mill To-Night

, For int-erview, contad

Planl. opeclllcallo.l. labour co.dlllo.o contrAct form. form or tender and retur~ lend,r Invelopo I1\IY be oblalned o. appU­cation 10 lb. DIMcl Atrway Engln •• r Department of TlID.portt P.O. Box 42:

Door Admission Sc Qualificatioris: Grade XI Aea·

=====================. demlc and Commercia! Course. I Shorthand Is required for the first ,I

post. The, salary Ecale is $150(1-100.2100. Position on scale will \


MR. GILLAM, Ext. 6044,

NEAC Central Exchange, Bu.ilding· 803,

Moncion. N.B., upon receipt of an accepled cbeque made payabl. to Ibe Reoel.er General oC Canada lor Ibe oum .f $15000 '.!'hll cbeque will' b. return.d UPOD iII~ r.turn 01 lb. plano and .p.,IClcatlono In ,ood ... dltlo.. Addltlo.al InCormatlon re· qulred with regord 10 1.lerprelatlon 01

TO RENT- be to nbillty an(l fX' medical ccrtlfica!e

Pepperrell Air Force Base Sl'pt30,51 pla.1 and opeclllcaUono may b. obtained

~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:~:lllrom the Ifor.m.nUon.d Dlltrlcl Alrw.y ; En'ln .... Planl Ind. IpetlCl.ltlonl will .11. be

on dloplay al The Bulldl., Trad.. Em· ploye .. ' AlloclaUon Lid.. 01 New/ound·

S-Room Furni$hed Bungalow. Situated 4 miles from City.

health, certificates of academic" standing and two references Bre required. Applicatlons should be submitted to ~he Director of Library Services nt the Gosling Memorial Library not later than Octoher 7th. sept30,octl

THE KEN, DAVIDSON, TRIO .. Dance to the "BIG BAND'; music of Canada"" •

leading Guitar Stylists,. in' New~o~ndland'i : .:

most exclusive Night Club ••• The Old Mill,

.. ,



Apply in writing to



FOR RETAIL. SHOE DEPARTMENT Experience preferred



Apply by letter, stating age, to


Permanent Position Immediately avaliable' for young man' to train as' re­porter. '. Benefits include pension, life insurance and hospital insurance. Apply by letter to

Dun & Bradstreet .of' Canada, Ltdl

, land~ .care Horwood Lumber Ca .. Ltd •• St. John I. Newlou.dland, Ih. lIaliCa. Con, Itruction Alloeiation, P.O. Box (i5. 1IaU· f, •• Novo SeoUa. The Builders" Excban.e I.c .. lS26 St. Mark Slr.et. Monlr •• I. r.Q. and Ih. Toro.to Bullde .. E.cban,e. 1101 Bay Sireel. Tor""lo. Onlorl ••

Telephone, and Base approV9d.

For information

DIAL 80154 aept30,21 Eacb lender mllSl be •• companled by I o.curlty deposit lCjual lola) (e. per cenl (lDpe) 01 Ibe lender price where the ================ Imounl 01 Cbe lender doe. not exceed - ==-=-f2~0.000.00. or (b) $25,000.00 plu. five p.r .enl I!pc) DI U .. Imount by "'hlch tbe aDlounl 01 Ihe tender pnce ex ••• d. $250 •• 000.00, . whe.. iii. .mounl 01 Ihe tend.,. ex •• ed. ~.OOO.OO. wblcll , .. uTlly d,pDllt will be lorelolle4 In Ibe ... nt oC a Ie.· der.r re/ulln, 10 .oter Into a contract on lhe bllil 01 hll t •• der U called upon to do 10. or lollln, to .. Uslactonly·.omplet. luch .' contract. ChequfI of UDluccenhd !eod ..... will bl returned.

Any lendrr not' .. companied ..,. • ... unl, depotll II d .. cnbd will nol be oonllderod.

. Thl ~Irtm.nl dee,' 1101 bind. IIltU .. .... pt Ibl lowe.1 or "Y I.nder.

r. T. CDWNI, S.crel • .,..

Department 01 Trln.port. . ottaw •• Onlarlo. S.ptember 1'. Its,. •• p12P.!O.


:=:-:::==-' -:W:--an-:-t_ed-:--__ Educational Sales Agent

WANTED-For C. of E. Girls' Lo t bll . Orphanage a woman. willing ng es a shed Canadian Trade t d I I School with a wide variety of reo o 0 pan cooking. Apply cognized ca.rrespondence and reo

to the Mana~er or 'Phone 4235. sldent trainings. Aggresslv. e Agent sept29,30,octl . preferably with some Intangible

sales experience will be assigned

For Rent

FOR RENT-A fiat, 4 rooms and bathroom, all modern con· venlences including electric

"range and hot water boiler plus floor covering. Ideal central 10~aUon. Apply to Box 24. Sulla ble for couple or 3 adults. No pets.


IF NECESSARY you cln RISE Wl'fH THE' SUN. In any event why not drive with the

. SUN· behind you. Young and

protected exclusive Newfound· .land Area. Genuine quallfled lead~. High Earnings on Com· miSSIOn and Bonus. Write in con· fldence to Box 11000, crure Daily News. sept30,octl,3

Musical Instru~.nts

GIBSON GUITARS - Horner .. Button Stop Accordeons and

Harmonicas, Richmond Saxo­phones, Boosey Clarinets,­Charln Hulton &: Sons. P.O.

. Taxi.



Shorthand;. Typists Appl:r In person ~o' the Civil

,service commission, Newfound· land Savings Bank Building, Duck, worth Street, st. Juhn's. September' 22, 1955. ICpt28;SO



availo.ble in

Bulk or Packages

2097 DIAL' 2654 ag22,mons,weds,fri~.tf

Newtouhdland Services'

Cover Charge SOc


Wanted A Sales Lady <-Apply in person to

! , •.




"'FOR SALE' --~

That exclusive property owned by William J. W~od, and situated at number 12 Elm Place in the best area of Churchill Park. This large bUQgalow measures 50 x 38 and is built. on a level piece of ground measuring 80 x 140 and has a commanding view on· all lid ... The house contains living room, dining room, kltch.n, bathroom, four bedrooms. Full basement,' furnace heat. and all the latest in mogern ~quipment. Rea~on

s.s. KYL'E sAiLiNG 5.00 p.m.- for selling owner building in suburbs. TO·DAY 5;5. Kyle on the South Labra. For further particulars Telephone 6247. ;

BANK OF MONTREAL BUILDING , GET RESULTS new. driver applications given every cDnslderation-based on merit. W. F. CALDWELL, Insun:ance Agent, P.O,· Box 138; 'Phone 2465. 'Address -Temple 'Bldg., ·Duckwarth

BICKEr'S TAXI leavhfl Ter· renceville Wednesdays. st. John's on Tbursdays. ConDeet· Ing with mall boat. Contact Mr. Hickey at Terrenceville or dial 4210·F It st. Jolll1'"

i':',k"~:U'~h;\"t,,'.l'!; ~t"',l WILLIAM J RYAN M R A I C I p.m. .• \ ' ••••• i

CONNECTION M,V, BURIN ON' or owner Telephone 2736 " .: sept29,30

Crystal Palace' Queen's Men Orche.stra

, , '


Friday, Sept, .. 30 8,30 • ;-1 p,m.


Marge Cameron. Direct from Broadway,' Comedi~nne of the Milton Berle and Ed Sullivan T.V •. shows. Starred'. in . 'Giggling Gertie, . Oklahoma and Bloomer ·Girl. Just flnish~

;'ed :fwo engagements. at Bradford Roof , and ·LatlnQuarter; .. Nev.: York City. •

(Riservatlon.s .·before, 5 p,m.)

. DANCING' .. ·and. 'SING,1NG, , ." .. ' . ,. !

BAY RUN_PLACENTIA lept27,29,30 i BAY ===================== .... \

Regular 9 B.m. train leaving St. I St., St. John's. ' septllO,frl&tues, tf. '

FURNESS WITHY INSUR· , ANCEDepartment offering

dependable lnsuranc~AutD-

• John's Monday, Oct. 3rd will make OFFICE SPACE FOR -RENT· ; connection at Argentia with !\l.V. C~AL $1.00 pn ball Spills SOc Burin on the Bay Run Placentia . , . :

'er bag; Junks 1I0c per bag. Day Bay. I

lep7.1m .


mobile, Fire. Burglary. Plate Glass, Tourist Baggage, Transportation. Travel ·A~ci· dent, LlablIlly. Phone 2073.

and night deli\'ery. Prompt ser· FREIGHT ACCEP~,'ANCES : vice. POWER'S COAL.,East End. . I Dial 26191.. IIIJ7.1m FREIGHT ST. JOHN'S.CORNER The Offices 'occupie~ by I ,

ROBERT PAWE & SON, Fir. and Automobile Insurance. . Be safe. be sure, Insure. Tele­phone 2882, ,P.O. Box 85 Royal Bank Chambers, st.


be I further acceptan~e of freight . ,

i L •


John's. . Cantact STAN FOWLER, Rf.

nouf building, for Fire Auto­'mobUe;and,Plate G1a~ Insur· ,ance. Claims promptly Eettl·

ed.·· 'l'hone ·5531-P.O. Box


. SHOP-Fast efficIent sani­tary service: All modern equipment. five barbers. The least possible waiting, 24 New Gower Street. opp. Adelaide Motors Ltd. my4,lm

for points .,St. John's to Corner Brook par S.S. Northern Ranger at Dock Coastal Shed Monday. October 3rd: 9 a.m . .\0' 5 p.m.


Freight.for regular points South Coul Service per S.S.Burgeo re'

INSURANCE';';l!lIwrlnIBroth. placlng: S.S. Baccblicu will be ac· er Limited Insurance Depart. PI~~E'L:"HEAVY' EQUIPMENT cepte~_po~k Coastal Shed up to ment ..... Fire. Automobile. Mal' . T' t' . 'T' 1'1 S.., '. Noon .,.onday, octobClf3rd.

, . Mi~c.llanlOus .63 •.

ine and all Casualty lInes. r,IC or ra n"1 tr,vlc" Lta., .' . 'Telephone 3131.' Dlv. 94, 3339A' ,Bloor Slr"t ,W •• t, FREIGHT ,ST. JOHN'S·LEWIS. __ :..-_______ ,Toronto:ll,'''. ,. . OMnlo' PORTE SERVICE CONTACT A. E; HICKMAN I Itt St Co. Ltd. Insurance Agents. FOU~ .irl8.i. ramps,&wo. wI.h Freight for rCgu ar po n so.

'Phones 4132-3-4.5.6 P.O.B. . rack 10 serve ·you. Greasing John's ·for forwarding via Lewis· .' '004, for your insurance re- oWchafige and washing while! porte lind 5.5. Glencoe accepted , qulrements..' ,u.walt. 'Cara ~alIed for·.and . Railway Freight . Shed Monday, delivered fot tl.ese and ger.~1' Oct. 3rd 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Tues· DEPENDABLE FIRE INSUR. al repairs-Terra ' Nova day, october 4th. 9 a.m. to Noon. . ANCE-Don't risk your valu., Motors Ltd .. rear Newfc:mnd. FREIGHT L'EWISPORTE· ables,to "save"'aJew"dollari land Hotel. ," ' . Our falr.rate. Itell~ble policY i CORNER BROOK SERVICE gives ilnmedlate. protection. Opportunities For Men P1relght'for rc'gulnr poll}ts Lew· 'Phone 6921 'or write J. J. Is»clrte-Cox'ner ·Brook Service for Lacey. P.O. Box'506. repl.t! rff.;~~;~I~~;r~iecorner Brook and

Venetian Blinds

ONL Y.CQMPLETE BLIND Ser\tic'e.· Manufacture, Laun· dry.Repalr. Work gUllil'anteed. .one daY,servlce. Frce quota. tions., Kearney! Limited. Manufacturers. 454 Water st;

I ! acccpted Railway "Monday, October

a.m. to 5 p.m.

I' I '


and ,


located on the first floor, Centre Bulilliit.,

Church Hill,

I .. i

I • , , I I I , , · , · . I · , , , i , ,

. ' will be available for rental by JCII,!uaij,-.Fin;; I

, ' . Th~ pbove: Companies will be '·movini·.:'o'.:. \

Comprising appr~X'imately' 2200 square i_,

" . .... I

larger ·p,temsies.· ',A. 'J;. i •• ' '& j .• :' .. ~ t,

Interested parties _contad: .. ' -0"'-'\ ~ .. '. ,,)~ .. ,.: ...

s. F. MEl.L()Y, ,

Branch Manager,

.. :~::: .. : • •

".~ ... ~':: ~:'~"":- ; . , . \

, ... "

• Industrial Acceptance Corpor~t;on,' f.iinit'etir (;

. ' .. "~ .~.~ .. ~ .'~.~ .. ,,:


'Pltone 70750' 80367 ' : /'::i,i , ,.: _ ,.,,,, ' ......... ,." --.:'

I' •

.' :)/.:.','{.,,: i

Page 20: DaVince Tools Generated - Memorial University of ...collections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL19550930.… · Tile Scholarship has \ ... he was exam.. 'rhis." ... beyond

, , , ':

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.. ' . :·· ... ,'.1 .... :'

~ ... ~r::; . "!"' ..

. ,20 ,'TH'E DAILY NEWS" FRIDAY, SEPT. 30,' 1955 '. , - '.

. "

~ .... AN EXTRA ROOM, Do you need an extra rocm (or entertaIn, 'ment ••• for a growing family'! Cnn b? built aF a multl·purr-Me rCClJt1. . , .









stEAMsHIP. " MOVEMENTS,' I, • ... : ~


:MV, Dundee'loadlng at ,.Toront!) Sept. 30th, MD,ntr,eal' oct: ,3rd, for st. John's. (This ve~sel h~s 45JOOO cubic, feet 'refrigeration' space available). ,

M.V. Zebrula loading at Totonlo sept. 3oih, forSt. John's. '

'MV Perth loading at Hamilton Oct.' 5th, 'Toronto Oct. 7th., Mon· treal Oct. lOth, for st. John's. '

'1II.V. Lunan l~adlJ1g at' fJ~1I1l1ton Oct: 12th, Toronto Oct. 13th,Mon. treai Oct. 16th, for St. 'John's. C

FURNESS WARREN LINE NewfOl,mdland 'leavin'g , Halifax

Oct. 1st, due St. John's' Oct, 3rd, sailing for Liverpool Oct. 4th.

Nova' Scotia leaving, LI'erpool Sept. '28, due St. John's Oct. 4. Leaving for Halilax andiBosto~ Oct. II, due'H~lilax Oct:' 7,. and Boston Ocl. 10. Leaving' Roslon Oct. 11 Rnd Halilax Oct. 15, due St. John's oCt.' 17. Sailing for Liverpool Oct. 18. .

Enter Sir Robert Anaela Thirkell .......... : 2.25

A ,Summer Night Alar Moorehead .... : .. 2.00

Madame'D,ePompadour 'Nancy: Mitloid; ...... · .. ·2.75

Officers and' Gentlemen Evelyn Waugh ............ 2.50 I

The Toff and. thi. ' I Deep' Blue ,Sea ' : · ,

John Creasey : .. 1 .......... 1.50 , Leaven of Malice . i

Robertson ,Davies ........ 3.50 • Simon Petef ' : The Fisherman I

Kurt Fri~beger ........... 3.~5

,NEWS FROM . ' . . .'

THE'ANNAPOLISV ALLEY,' GRAVENSTEIN Apples are now fully matured, nicely coloured and a,t their pea~ of perfection.

We have just received another shipment (last for the S:eGson) of this delicious Fruit and as prices are lower than first lot we are in a, position to quote attractiVe prices on GRAVENSTEINS for prompt delivervex our warehouse;

, . . ' ~

. Secure your requirements'now to, avoid disappointment.


Kathleen 'Ferrier Neville Cardus ............ 2.2~ I'-~---.;...----------~..:...------------

SEVEN STATE SEVERANCE LEARNED 1o"ROltf INDl.4NS ' Tbe \l'ives of PreMdl,lnts Jam!!!


'Newfoundland leaving LI\,\:rpool ·Oct. 15, due St. John's o~t.' 21. Leaving for Halifax and Dosloll Oct. 22, due' H~lIfax Ocl. 24, 'and Boston Ocl. 27. Leaving Bostoll Oct. 28 and Halifax ·Nov. I, due St. John's November 3.' Salling again' same da, for. Liverpol'l.

Nova Scotia leaving LIverpool Nov. II, due st. John'. N(,Y. 11. Leaving for Halifax and Bnston Nov. 12, due Halifax No ..... 14 and Boston Nov. 17. Leaving Boslon Noy. 18 and HaJlfax' Noy. 22. due St. John's Noy. 24. Sailing again

Sir Anthony Eden Lewis Brood ................. 3.50

Seven states have been carved There is evidence to prov~ that Madison and Abraham Lincoln

The Bedside Dickens from the territory claimed by the Indians were adept, al maple both had maiden' names 01 Todd .... ,",,-,,' Virginia at the time of th2 Revo- sugar making before the 'Ilming Madison married Dorothy Todd

, lution: Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, of the while man .. The 'whites 'Dnd Lincoln married Mary Toud;








same day, for Liverpool. Newfoundland leaVing Liverpool

Nov. 23, deu St. John's Not. 29. Leaving for Hailfax and Bostoll Nov. 30, due Halifax Dec. 2 IDd Boston Dec. II. Lea\ ing Boston Dec. II and Halilax Dec. 10, due 51. John's Dec.' 12. Sailinil for Liverpool, December 13. "

J. W. Garrod... .. ....... 3.00 Michigan, W~sconsin, Kentucky learned the' Irt frOl)l the ?borlg-I ' From Cabbages, to Kings and West Virginia. Vlrgima thu~ ine. and imitated their "rocess Greenland has no forests, only

his known as the "Mother of of tapping the trees and polling I a '~ew dwarf trees and many

Lisa: S erida~ .... ,' ........ 3.75 States." , down the sap. ,bushes. ;; The Book of the Sea ,--.:----'----'-------.:...--------.-.. ------ --_.-.-

A. C. Spectorsky ........ 12.95 ~------------------------'. ~::.~'j)idu, ' 4?514t"DtJ(.II@II •• \ , THE, BOOKSELLERS I

'I'hone 3191. 442$ \ -_. ---I


Chi1dren~s Puzzle \ · '


. ! ,


Nova Scotia leaving LI"erpool Dec. 7, due St John" Dee. 13. Lening for Haliiax and 1\05ton Dec.-H, due Halifax Dec. 16 -.nd Basion Dec. 19. Leaving Doslon Dec. 20, due Halifax riec. '21. Sail· ing from Halifax for LI~erpool Dec. 24.

FURNESS RED CROSS Fort Avalon leaving' 5t. ,John's

Sept. 30lh, (Corner Brook and








DIAL 80291



INDIAN POPCORN Popcorn \l'al Introdueed to the

American colonists at their fiut Thanksgiving feast, wlaen an In dian brought a deerskl. bag con· talnlng several bushel. of popped

FIRST NEGROES Negroes first were Introduced

Into the American colo!1!es in August, 1610, when a Dutch yes· sel deUvered 20 of them at

New York). ' Fort Hamilton leaving Hallfax

Oct. 4th, arth'lng SI. Jolin's, ·Oct. 6th, loy in, St. Johu'., oct. 8th. (Hallla:i). . : Fort Hamilton .leaving Ibmax oct. 111h, arrlvlrig"St. Joh4'a, Oel. 13th, ieavlng St. Johl\'S Oe!. 15th (Halifax, and Nolw 'YOI!.:). '

Fort Avalon leaving Net\' York Oct. 13th, leavlOg st.' John, N.B_, Oct. 15th, leaving Halilax, oct. 18th, arril'ing 51. 3th,n's, Oct. 20tl1, leaving st: John's Oct. 22nd. (C.B. and,N.Y.) "

Fo!'t. Hamilton leaving New York Oct. 21~t, leav;ng Halifax Oct. 25th. arriving SI. John's, oct 2i1h, leaving st. ·ohn'. Oct. 29th, (Hali· lax). )

Fort Hamilton' leaving Halifax Nov. 1st, arriving St. John" Nov. 3rd, leaving 5t. Jobn's, Nov. 5th.

• 15 , ',01 ".


.b 5 i


Fort Avalon leaving New York Nov' l 3rd, leaving st. Jonn, Nov. 5th, leaving ,Halifax, Nov.8lh, Ir· rivlng~ 51. John's NOI·. 10th: leav· ing St.' John'l November 12th.

NFLD. CAN. STEAMSHIPS "Hurryl Hurry! "Danny,' I am ; Belle Isle II leaving st. John's sure I beard somethingl", said I

Sept. 30th. Bessie. If you join all the num· Bedford II leaving Halifax Oct. bered dots ·together, starting with














Limited DIAL 4183

dot Dumber one and ending with 4th, 'due 'St. John's'Sept. 6th, leav- dol numoor nineteen you will see Ing St. John's Sept 7th. what Bessie' heard. The children

Belle Isle II leaving Halifax seem to be' happy returning to Oct. 5th, due St. John's' Oct. 7th, schGol. Try your plint! or eray·

leaving St. John's Oct. 8th. , ons on this picture. ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bedford'I1 leaving Halifax Oct. I ' 'I'

12th,' due St: Jobn's Ocl. 14th, . , ., BIRTH


; ~.l




, ~, %, 1,.1, %, lA, 4' X 8, G1S and G2S

Trillledge Metal i'JIoulding . . .' " ' " . '. . . ,. .


'AI H~!' M'URRAY '&'·C;O,~ Ltd~, . ".' ~ ,.... ..,' '1.". . ., . I :. , ': .' I

• 'I. I 8UILDING'SUPPLIES DEPARTME#>lr·., " ' I' = I , '

ST. JOHN'S . ......~ . , , ',J'

.. ', .,

,(.,:,'-:' X ':~;'," : •. :, ..... , .

leaving st. John's Oct 15t~. ' - MURPHY-BorTl at St;' Clare's Belle Is!e II leaving Halifax Od. Mercy' Hospital 'on, Sept: ,26, 10

141h,due st .. John'h Oct. 17, leav· Mr. 'and lIIrs. Allan Murphy (nee I ngl St. John's Oct. 18th., Carmel Jlickey),' a d3ughter 5 Ibs. : Bedford J[ leaving' Ititllfa:< Oct. DEATHS' i , - 1

21st. due St. John's Oct. 23rd. "DA YIS-Passed away suddenly' leaving 51. John'. Oct. 25th. on Thursday after a short iJlness, \

Belle 'Isle' Ii leaving HaUlax Oct lIfrs. Wallace Davis, aged 43 years. , 22nd due St John's Oct 24th' lca\'ing to, mourn husband, two :

• " • '~OIlS" Raymond and Lester, and I leaving St .• Iohn ,I Oct. 25th. two, dauglitcrs, Shirley and Lor· i

Bedford 11 leaving Halllax Oct. raine. Fun!!'.ra)'. takes place al I 29th. ',due St., John,'S' Oct. 31st, 2.3D' p.m. Satu~,day'£rOm her late I ,leaving St. John's Nov. 1st. r!lsldence 86 Newtown Road.

, ' ' sept30,octl , CLARKE STEAM!'HIP CO. PHILLIP.S-Died 'Sept. 24th.

Novaport leaving' Montreal 1955, .Tohn Pli11lips at CMlIers, at I Sept. 30, due,St; .. John's Oc!. 5. the age o[ 74 years, leaving to sailing again Oct. 7. mourn his wlfe,£our daughters I

Sheldrake leaving Montreal Oct. and three: Ions. t\l'O dau~btell's In ' B; d st. John', oct. ,12, lalling U.S.A., one in St. John 5, Nfld ... , ue : one at home, also three sonF '

again Oct. 14. , " . and one sister In U.S.A .. I . NovaP!Jrt leaving ,Montreal ' thlrty·three _ j:lrandcbildren :

19, due St., John's Oct. 2t, twelve ghiat grandchildren. , Ipln Oct. '28. the Sacred~ell1't, of, Jesus i

, ' . ' ' , mercy on 'his- soul. . • I ,Sheldrake leaving Montreal O~A precious onl'from us Is gone

28th, arriving St. John's 'Nt'v. ht, A voice we 10\'eJs'stllled, " , leaving st. Jobn's, Nov. 3rd; - . A place, is, vacant .In 'our home. ; ,

Novaportleaving MontrealNo\i. That 'never can be filled. ' I

" ~iYlng. St.John'~'Nov.lot~, ~_ In~erte~~..;,.~~.:.son CyrD. I

l'1e:av!llg St. John' •• No\'. 12th.;CBIY , Roberts). ',,', , • , 'CONS~ANTINE CANADIAN ,,'

SERVICES 'M.V. Al'onwood; arriving St.

John', Oct.6th.· , ,M.V. 'TecsII'ood leaving' Hamil· tnn, Oct.' 10th. ' lea~ing 'i'oronto, Oct. 12th, leaving Montreal. Oct. 15th: arriving St. John;s, Oct 2Qi!I.

RABID" PATRIOT' , A '~jlngo" lSI ,,'abid' whi! favors a 'spirited Ind-,B;:gres· ~ive ',foreliln, p~lIcy. rorhii! coun',

:Orilinally, the lerm' W;l~;' em' • " .. ,.n:u ,merely ·as a mild. oath. " ' . " ...... . '


.; . . . · BEDSPREADS

, ,


,' .. SALE, \ 'I .. ' .. ' ,

, ' .. '

New Arrivals

Tinned' Corn on the Cob Tinned' Tomatoes, 20-oz Tinned Tomat~s, 28~oz " .'

Tinned,·Tomato'· Juice ,"

, .

American " Trimmed "N'avaLBeef' . . . . .

• I I: " . .' . .. -.: -· . · ... ,".'

.,. .,.',: . · : ' .... " ..... ~

l f. ... ~ .' ~. : , . .; ~ ,~

'c ~., :,: - t . t .:

'.1 ; } ,: ~. ~> .. ~ I v'" .

> '! .'(J). . ~ ;:f·'1 '_.~ i ",:~.'

"!d~l!r ':-'J::~,~;'-~: i :" ." I' I ...

. ',i'I'WI.1 t. . c

", t·,; ~ .
