
Category: E-Commerce, Integration Why Integrate Magento Sage 100?


A need for a suitable Magento sage 100 integration has long been felt in the market. Though there are many such integrations, they often fall short in many ways. There are many reasons to integrate

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Category: E-Commerce, Integration

Why Integrate Magento Sage 100?

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A need for a suitable Magento sage 100 integration has long been felt in the market. Though there

are many such integrations, they often fall short in many ways. There are many reasons to integrate

Magento sage 100. First, let us touch upon Sage 100 and Magento in brief.

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The Present E-Commerce Scenario

According to the latest data released by the UNCTAD, which is associated with the United Nations:

In 2017 the growth rate of global e-Commerce sales stood at 13% totaling to $29 trillion.

The number of people shopping online also jumped by 12%, in terms of absolute numbers

they stood at 1.3 billion people.

21% of online shoppers made purchases of foreign goods and services in 2017.

All in all, your e-commerce venture is headed for significant growth and to better your bottom-line

even more, you can integrate your Sage 100 ERP with the Magento E-commerce platform.

Commercial Reasons to Integrate Magento Sage 100

Through the integration of Magento Sage, you stand to benefit in many ways. The most important

benefits you stand to gain are as follows:

More Automation of Processes

Through the integration of Magento with Sage, most of your business processes are automated. It

ensures the smooth functioning of your e-commerce business. The communications between the

back office and sales team are also facilitated. Manual entry of e-commerce data is kept to a

minimum, which results in better productivity.

Decrease in Costs

There is hardly any business that not looking for further reduction in costs. Integrating Sage 100 ERP

with the Magento e-Commerce Platform will help you do just that. Inventory costs come down

sharply as a result of such integration. Any updates with regards to sales are transmitted and made

visible through the entire system. Whenever there is an order placed by a customer the same is

reflected in all the invoicing, accounting shipping and other systems. This lets you keep track of your

stock and order more units whenever they are needed.

Makes Customers Happier

If you want a happier clientele integrating Magento with your Sage ERP also, is the way to go. With a

suitable integration, it is possible for customers with records in your accounting package to be

logged in to a Magento cart that’s kept in sync and following which they can order new products.

They get the ability to search for items according to the category of products and even get the

ordered items shipped to their default address. When you integrate your ERP with Magento,

customers get notified of updates in the processing and shipping of orders. This helps to ensure

more satisfied customers who come back to buy more items. More features like updated

information of products, the exact number of items in stock, tracking orders are also made possible

with such integrations. All of these services to better customer experience.

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Minimal Amount of Errors

Through the integration of Sage 100 with Magento all customer and order details are integrated.

This information is now available across the system. Not only that you also get the ability to upload

details of the inventory directly from Sage. There is absolutely no need for duplicate data entry. This

minimization of manual data entry serves to increase output. There is an increase in productivity and

the room for errors is minimized.

Technical Advantages

There are mighty technical reasons to integrate Magento Sage 100 like the following:

Your sales orders are automatically transferred to your Sage 100 ERP.

You get the ability to sync things like stock levels and product descriptions to Magneto.

Different kinds of customer accounts get created automatically from Magento order.

The process of placing sales orders to your courier service of choice becomes automatic.

Transfer of all transaction IDs and online payment details to your Sage ERP.

Automation of the Magento order status updating process.

PO requisitions are created and distributed automatically when stock levels become lower

than agreed.

Creation and distribution of business alerts based on triggers.

Communication of both online and offline orders to partners is made automatic.

For a more detailed overview, read our blog.

Pitfalls of Not Integrating Magento with Your Sage 100 ERP

Manually entering data and the resultant errors when it has been made redundant.

Mismatch in data as logged by the separate systems.

Less productive in-house teams.

Customer satisfaction too suffers

Growth in revenue will be comparatively slower.

Here, we discussed the challenges of integration Sage 100 with Magento. Do check it out.

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Tips to Make Your Magento Sage Integration Successful

The most important part of a Magento sage 100 integration is choosing the right service provider for

the project. Following these four tips will ensure that your endeavor becomes a resounding success:

Create a schematic of the integration

Ensure that the service provider knows the Sage 100 ERP thoroughly

Consider recommendations made by Magento

Do thorough research

Obtain proposals from at least three service provider
