David Yaffe-The Crisis of Profitability_ a Critique of the Glyn-Sutcliffe Thesis

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  • 8/13/2019 David Yaffe-The Crisis of Profitability_ a Critique of the Glyn-Sutcliffe Thesis



    David Yaffe

    The Crisis of Profitability: a Critique of the Glyn-Sutcliffe Thesis


    Source:Manuscript. A version of this article appeared in New Left Review I/80, July-August 1973, pp45-62.

    Transcription/Markup:Steve PalmerCopyleft:This work is licensed under a Creative Commons license permitting unrestricted copying for non-commercial use.

    In a chapter on Politics in British Capitalism, Workers and the Profit Squeeze [1], Andrew Glyn and Bob Sutcliffe express the hope

    that their book will make a contribution to the political struggle for socialism.[2] Towards this end they have gathered together and

    analysed a great deal of statistical information in an original and important study. Before we begin what will be a critical review of the

    book, we should say that the Left can only be very grateful to the authors for making what must be the first serious empirical contribution

    towards an analysis of the present crisis of British capitalism. Their claim is that the capitalist crisis in Britain is converting the fight for the

    rights, wages and conditions of the workers into a simultaneous fight for a revolutionary political strategy inside the labour movement.

    With the recent check on the tide of working-class militancy, as witnessed by the collapse of the fight against Phase II, and with the British

    economy now experiencing one of the fastest growth rates since the war, the present time is a suitable one to examine critically the central

    arguments of the book.

    Scientific socialism differs from other socialisms in that for Marxists the historical necessity of the new society (socialism) is shown

    in the contradictory development of the old society (capitalism). This is what we mean by the materialist basis of the revolutionary

    standpoint. We can put our argument in another way. If the capitalist mode of production can ensure, with or without government

    intervention, continued growth and full employment, then the most objective argument in support of the revolutionary socialist position

    breaks down. The reformist perspective then becomes a reasonable one.

    The revival and remarkable growth of capitalist production since the Second World War has given impetus and apparent support to those

    who reject the Marxist perspective. The prospect of a capitalist system developing and functioning without serious interruption seemed to

    such reformists a real possibility. Social and economic stability was to be maintained by state intervention in the economy and with suitable

    government policies the last pockets of poverty and despair could be slowly reformed away. However, the last few years have given this

    perspective a severe blow. The intensification of international competition, the international monetary crisis, chronic rates of inflation

    approaching the levels of the Korean War and the trend towards increasing unemployment with the crisis of profitability, indicate that the

    post-war boom is rapidly coming to an end.

    The question remains, do the recent inflationary-led booms in most capitalist countries alter this view? Was the crisis of the last few

    years merely the preparation for a new expansion of production? Or did it signify, once again, the extremely crisis-ridden nature of

    capitalist production, that is, of capitalism as a decaying system and one that has long outlived its historical mission. What perspective

    does a Marxist analysis of late capitalism hold for the revolutionary movement in the next period? These are critical questions.

    It is against such a background that we must judge this book. Does it in any way adequately combat the reformist perspective? Will it

    bring home to the trade union leaders the contradictions between the workers demands and the ability of the system to meet them?[3]

    What perspective does it offer for a revolutionary strategy in the coming period?

    Unfortunately, where the book offers a consistent position, its central thesis is quite compatible with reformism. It does nothing to

    combat the ideological offensive of the ruling-class on the issue of inflation. On the contrary, it gives credence to the view that high wages

    are a primary cause of inflation. That the authors support the union drive for higher wage demands [4] in no way mitigates this failing.

    Radical reformism is reformism nonetheless. Wage constraint is only the other side of the radical coin. From the left side we have Glyn and

    Sutcliffes position: but when the wage struggle does threaten the survival of the capitalist system . . . it is time for workers not to

    moderate their wage demands but to destroy the system which exploits them.[5] From the other side of the debate, we have the right-wing

    social democratic response. In the words of Wilfred Beckerman: as the inflationary threat is greater (than ever) so never before has the

    need for restraint been so vital.[6] Both positions share common ground but diverge in evaluating the capitalist system. Neither position, in

    any coherent sense, is able adequately to invalidate the other; it is a matter of attitude.

    Glyn and Sutcliffe underestimate the strength of reformism. Their exhortation that workers must see through the argument that they

    should reduce their wage claims in the national interest [7] is too simple. The leadership of the TUC believes that the national interest

    can be satisfied through a high growth, high incomes government strategy. That is why they are once more engaging in talks with the

    Conservative government. They have never challenged outright the simple equation; large wage increases necessitate price increases. All

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    that the TUC leaders want, is a fairer policy, which they, and most trade unionists, believe to be possible with changed government

    policies, or for that matter, a changed government.

    It is precisely against such points of view, and Beckerman is only an extreme example, that a Marxist analysis of inflation would be

    directed. It should show that the working-class is in no way responsible for inflation. It should indicate how price rises far from being due

    to workers attempts to increase their wages, are the result of the intervention of the capitalist state in its attempt to maintain and preserve

    a system that has long outlived its stay. The remainder of this article will attempt to show that the theoretical inadequacy of Glyn and

    Sutcliffes position stems from their failure to understand Marxist political economy. Further, we shall illustrate how the facts of the

    present period fully vindicate the Marxist view. Finally, we shall briefly indicate a revolutionary strategy for the working-class that flows

    from such an analysis.

    The Crisis of Profitability and the Falling Rate of Profit

    The crisis developed, according to Glyn and Sutcliffe, because the mounting demands from the working-class for a faster growth in

    living standards coincided with the growing competition between capitalist countries. [8] Wage increases could not so easily be passed on

    as price increases if British firms were to remain competitive. While we fully accept the significance and effect of the growing competition

    between capitalist countries it is the first part of the explanation that we challenge. Indeed, a great deal of material in their own book

    contradicts their own point of view. The key factor that plays no theoretical central role in their position, and which they often mention in

    their discussion of statistical data, is the growth of the productivity of labour. That productivity has been doubling every 10 years in Japan,

    every 15 years or so in the major EEC countries and about every 30 years or so in the US and UK is a fact of enormous importance. Yet

    they cannot locate this in their analysis. [9]

    Confused about the basic relationships, they state in one place: Profitability is connected with the expansion of output through its effecton the rate of accumulation of capital (investment), which in turn is important in determining the rate at which productivity increases.[10]

    In another place, they state that stagnation had relatively little to do with the decline of profitability. [11] Their consistently argued position

    would run something like this. The decline of profitability, given the intensification of international competition, is primarily due to

    increasing wage demands. This in turn slows down investment and therefore the growth of productivity which only makes the problem

    worse. While for Marx, the rate of accumulation is the independent not the dependent variable; the rate of wages the dependent, not the

    independent, variable [12] the position for Glyn and Sutcliffe is reversed. The decline of profitability and the falling rate of profit is due to

    increasing wage demands. The impulse behind such wage demands is the expectations of the working class, moulded in the period of

    economic expansion, being thwarted by the slow growth in living standards in the late sixties. And adding fuel to this fire is the realization

    of increased bargaining strength which has contributed to the growth of working-class militancy.[13] Political economy is replaced by

    social psychology, Marxism by a version of Ricardianism.

    While we cannot ignore the factors which Glyn and Sutcliffe stress, they are in no sense primary in determining the crisis of profitability.

    Marx makes the point admirably clear. The rise and fall in the rate of profit in so far as it is determined by the rise and fall of wages

    resulting from the conditions of demand and supply (in the labour market) . . . has as little to do with the general law of the rise or fall in

    the profit rate as the rise or fall in the market prices of commodities has to do with the determination of value in general.[14] That Glyn

    and Sutcliffes position is quite consistent with their interpretation of Marxist political economy can be seen in Appendix B, Marxs view

    of exploitation and capitalist crisis. It is summed up by their statement: The dramatically falling rate of profit in Britain does not seem to

    have been caused to any significant extent by the increasing organic composition of capital but rather by an increase in labours share of

    the product (very roughly the equivalent of a decrease in the rate of exploitation). Logically this possibility is allowed for in Marxs

    analysis.[15] Unfortunately this is not the case. It is worth quoting in full a passage where Marx spells out the general law. This mode of

    production produces a progressive relative decrease of the variable capital as compared to the constant capital, and consequently a

    continuously rising organic composition of the total capital. The immediate result of this is that the rate of surplus-value, at the same or

    even a rising, degree of labour exploitation, is represented by a continually falling rate of profit . . . The progressive tendency of the general

    rate of profit to fall is, therefore, just an expression peculiar to the capitalist mode of production of the progressive development of the

    social productivity of labour. This does not mean to say that the rate of profit may not fall temporarily for other reasons. But proceeding

    from the nature of the capitalist mode of production, it is thereby proved a logical necessity that in its development the general average

    rate of surplus-value must express itself in a falling general rate of profit.[16]

    It is just this indispensable basis of the Marxist theory of capital accumulation that Glyn and Sutcliffe have rejected. [17] In doing this

    they return to a Ricardian framework so fashionable at the present time. For them the most fundamental question is how the income

    generated by production is shared between capitalists and workers. Marx also had something to say about this. The habit of representing

    surplus-value and value of labour power as fractions of the value createda habit that originates in the capitalist mode of production itself

    . . . conceals the very transaction that characterizes capital, namely the exchange of variable capital for living labour power and the

    consequent exclusion of the labourer from the product.[18] It also conceals the central dynamic of capitalist production. It is not the

    antagonism for the share of the net product that underlies the contradictions of capitalist production, as the radical Ricardians would have

    it. It is the constant requirement to increase the exploitation of labour as investment takes place in order that sufficient profits can be

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    produced to compensate for the tendency of the rate of profit to fall. The progress of the process of production and accumulation must,

    therefore, be accompanied by a growth of the mass available and appropriate surplus labour and consequently by a growth of the absolute

    mass of profit appropriated by the social capital . . . The same laws, then, produce for the social capital an increase in the absolute mass of

    profit and a falling rate of profit. [19] It is such a process that explains the growing international competition. Competition does not harm

    everyones profits (shades of Adam Smith!) but it is only the large, firmly placed capitals which can compensate for a fall in the rate of

    profit by a rise in the mass of profits. [20] It is the world-wide search for additional profits to compensate for the falling rate of profit that

    explains the growing intensity of international competition between large corporations, and the fight to divide and invest in the markets of

    the capitalist world. This is the effect of capital accumulation on a world scale. It is an effect that Glyn and Sutcliffe never manage to

    explain. [21]

    The key factor, as far as profitability is concerned, is a rising productivity of labour, and hence a rising rate of exploitation. Both profits

    and wages can rise absolutely if productivity increases given the expansion of investment. After all, the novelty of so-called scientific

    management was to be that it makes high wages and low labour costs . . . not only compatible, but . . . in the majority of cases, mutually

    conditional.[22] This was why, in the 1960s, firms were prepared to offer large incentives in order to introduce productivity deals.

    The view that there has been a decrease in the rate of exploitation over the 1960s period, is based on an equally incorrect theoretical

    analysis. The rate of exploitation has to be understood as a ratio of the surplus-value produced overall by productive workers to the wage

    of such workers. With the large increase of the public, financial and commercial sectors, a smaller and smaller proportion of workers may

    be regarded as productive in Marxs sense. [23] It is just this point that is ignored by Glyn and Sutcliffe in interpreting their statistical data.

    This is all the more inexcusable when we take into account the fact that in Britain, for example, half of the labour force work in public

    services, the nationalized industries, or ancillary jobs in the public sector. Taxation would have to be counted as part of the surplus-value

    produced by productive workers and only the net real wages after tax of productive workers could be regarded as variable capital. Such a

    calculation would give us some indication of the enormous increase of the rate of exploitation since the Second World War. [24]

    State Expenditure and the Crisis of Profitability

    It is the growth of state expenditure that must be seen as one of the key factors in an explanation of inflation. Glyn and Sutcliffe do give

    some significance to the growth of government spending. They make the point: As it became more difficult to maintain a high level of

    private investment, government spending has almost everywhere become more necessary to maintain high levels of demand and

    employment; but this does not solve the profitability problem.[25] Indeed, in discussing the immediate period up to 1917 in Britain, they

    even attribute creeping inflation to government spending. [26] This proposition is in no way developed. What they fail to show is how all

    the methods of state interference on behalf of capitalism contain their contradictions.[27] In arguing that the state can only avert the

    pressure on profitability if it can neutralize its causeswage increases and international competition they confuse cause with

    effect.[28] It is precisely the crisis of profitability that makes a growing state expenditure necessary. The contradictions of state

    intervention have to be located at the point of production of surplus-value and not in the distribution of national income. It is to such an

    explanation that we now turn.

    State expenditure has played a significant role in maintaining social and political stability since the Second World War. State intervention

    proved necessary in the reorganization and expansion of capitalist production after the war. This process could not be carried out by

    private capital alone and nationalizations of basic industries and government subsidies to private producers, state expenditures on military

    and space programmes, as well as on welfare, education and social security have been a necessary feature of the post-war boom and the

    ensuing stability. The nature and limits of this kind of expenditure, therefore, is a vital question for Marxist theory.

    The point about state expenditures is that they are financed and paid for out of taxes or by budget deficit financing and government

    borrowings. The latter contribute enormously to inflationary pressures as the money supply has to be increased and credit advanced to

    finance these expenditures. As interest on government debt has to be paid back, state expenditures financed in this way presuppose

    future taxes and hence future profitability. In both cases, present or future surplus-value is appropriated from private capital by the state

    in the form of taxes or loans to pay for these expenditures. This represents a decline in surplus-value available for private capitalaccumulation. This is so because state-induced production is unproductive from the point of view of capitalism as a whole. Although

    state expenditure realizes surplus-value, the products bought by the state do not function, in general, as capital, and therefore do not

    produce additional surplus-value or profits from the standpoint of society or total social capital. The finished products that the state buys

    are acquired with already produced surplus-value. The individual private capitalist producing for the state quite clearly gets the average

    rate of profit and surplus-value is produced by his exploited workers. But from the standpoint of society, of total social capital,

    unproductive state-expenditure constitutes a drain on capital. So the profit acquired by the individual capitalist producing for the state

    comes to him only out of a redistribution of the already produced surplus-value. The mass of profits produced is spread over a larger base

    and, therefore, the rate of exploitation must be increased faster than before such expenditure, in order to maintain the overall rate of profit.

    We have as a consequence, the following mechanism. Private capitalist investment is insufficient to maintain full employment and social

    stability. The government must supplement production for the market with its non-productive expenditure in order to take up the slack

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    and reduce unemployment. But this is a capitalist expense indicating a latent tendency towards crisis, for government expenditure requires,

    indeed necessitates, deficit financing and increased borrowing which leads to inflation. This is because it is, in general, non-productive

    expenditure and so increases the purchasing power in the economy without a simultaneous increase in profitable production. It has the

    same effect as that of too much money chasing too few goods. The price of commodities will rise and this includes that of labour power

    itself, which is, after all, a commodity. The inevitable increase of taxation in this period means that there will have to be a further rise in

    money wages in order that real wages can be at least maintained. In order that state expenditure can be financed out of surplus-value

    produced in the private sector of the economy, the rate of exploitation must be increased faster than before to prevent an actual fall in the

    rate of profit and a faster rate of inflation. The inflationary pressures are a necessary, albeit contradictory, part of the attempt to solve the

    crisis of profitability and stave off the tendency of the rate of profit to fall.

    It is clear, therefore, that there are limitations to unproductive expenditure and other government-induced demands in a capitalist

    economy. If production grows faster in the non-productive sector of the economy than in the private sector, the production of profit, or

    surplus-value, relative to total production, declines more rapidly than before. More surplus-value must be produced from a smaller base of

    productive workers in order that the tendency of the rate of profit to fall is checked. As long as the productivity of labour can be

    sufficiently increased so as to maintain the rate of profit and finance the non-productive sector, government-induced expenditure will

    indeed be the cause of high employment and social stability. But this process is self-defeating: to cope with the expense of the

    non-productive sector the exploitability of labour must be steadily raised. This means a higher organic composition of capital and a decline

    in the exploitable labour force relative to the growing capital. To maintain a state of high employment indefinitely, the non-productive

    sector must increase faster than total production. But this implies a slow deterioration of private capital expansion which can only be

    halted by halting the expansion of the non-productive sector.

    The increasing concentration and centralization of capital is, therefore, essential for increasing the social productivity of labour.

    Government induced production helps in this respect because the sheer size of the states orders leads to a restructuring of capital in

    private industry. The enormous extension of credit facilities is necessary to finance the very large investment now needed to bring about

    the necessary and competitive increases in the productivity of labour. This extension of credit is based on expected future profitability. This

    has led to recurring liquidity problems now affecting large corporations, and in Britain, nationalized industries. (In the case of UCS this was

    a shortage of working-capital that had little relation to future profitability.) Nevertheless, this investment must continue on an

    ever-increasing scale if the mass of surplus-value to finance both the private and state sectors of the economy is to be forthcoming. If it is

    not, or if state-induced expenditure grows too rapidly and the necessary restructuring of capital is not achieved, then we can expect the

    latent crisis conditions to take the form of an actual crisis.

    The increasing inflation in all capitalist countries is an indication of how far the problems have developed. In Britain this has resulted in

    an increasing role of the state in giving the lead to private industry in the process of rationalizations. The large expenditure programme on

    the nationalized industries involves the loss of thousands of jobs and there are State subsidies to private enterprise to encourage it to follow

    suit. The direct attempt by capitalist States to control labour relations through incomes policies, industrial relations acts, and other methods,are the political counter-part of the process. A disciplined labour force and co-operative trade unions are considered essential if the

    rationalizations and increase in profitability necessary for the survival of capitalism are to be carried through. The continuing attempt to

    integrate the trades unions into the state apparatus represents a central part of this strategy.

    In such a context we can understand British entry into the EEC. It is far from astonishing that British capitalists (are) clamouring for

    entry into the market.[29] It is essential for British capital to have full access to the markets of Europe if the restructuring of capital and

    rationalization programmes necessary for British capitalism to survive are to be carried through. Competition will not go away. There is no

    choice for British capitalism but to become part of Europe in a world of growing imperialist struggle. Only Europe can hope to compete

    with Japan and the United States in the new division of the markets of the world. It is the large efficient capitals alone that can survive. The

    EEC represents a further attempt of capitalism to break down the barriers that capitalism itself has created. The contradiction between

    social production and private appropriation finds its expression in the total inability of any European nation state to provide a framework

    for the expansion and accumulation of capital. The British ruling-class had no choice but to integrate and share the fate of European


    The Crisis of British Capitalism and the Crisis of Profitability

    In this section we intend to indicate briefly how, for Britain, the facts give support to our analysis. Since its decline as a major imperialist

    power, the British economy has lagged behind the development of the other major industrial powers. It has therefore been at the forefront

    of the crisis of profitability. The entry into the EEC and the present Conservative offensive against the working-class, as we have said

    above, represent a last ditch effort of the ruling-class to stave off the present decline. One of the key factors in the relative decline of

    British capitalism can be seen in the small amount of gross domestic fixed capital formation (capital investment) as a percentage of the

    gross national product in comparison with other countries between 1960 and 1972.

    Table 1[30]

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    Investment as a percentage of GDP

    range from 1960 to


    Japan 30-35%

    Germany 23-27%

    France 20-26%

    Britain 16-18%

    US (excludes government expenditure on machinery and

    government 17-18%

    The investment in plant and machinery in Britain was only about two fifths of total investment, that is, about 7 per cent of GNP.

    Investment in the private sector as a share of total investment fell from 585 per cent in 1962 to 534 per cent in 1969, with the public

    sector increasing its share.[31] As most public investment is unproductive this would only increase inflationary pressures.

    If we look at British investment overseas, we see a completely different picture. The outward movement of British capital was massive.

    Between 1962 and 1969 there was an increase of 3,425 million in direct investment abroad, 2,500 million in portfolio investment and

    12,575 million in financial claims, the latter indicating the enormous role of the City in international financial affairs. Although foreign

    investment in the UK was also substantial, British interests invested abroad were nearly 70 per cent more than foreign interests invested

    here. This explains the great pressure on the British balance of payments. [32] The stop-go policies of succeeding British governments in

    their attempts to solve the balance of payments problems only contributed to the relative decline of British capitalism and led to a very

    small rate of growth throughout the whole period. Table 2 gives the comparisons.

    Table2 [33]

    Rates of Growth 1955-1968 Annual Percentage Rates


    Japan 9.7

    France (1959-68) 5.5

    Germany 5.0

    USA 3.9

    Britain 2.8

    With this relative decline of British capitalism in the face of increasing international competition, it was necessary to increase

    government expenditure continually during the whole period in order to maintain full employment. This was accompanied by an increase in

    taxation and the rate of inflation.

    So far we do not differ substantially from Glyn and Sutcliffe in seeing the main structural causes of the decline of British capitalism. It is

    from this point onwards that the differences in analysis become clear. Thus, Glyn and Sutcliffe say: Leaving aside the post-war

    devaluation year of 1968, the faster fall (of the share of profit) between 1964 and 1970 can be almost entirely explained by the

    combination of changes in wages and world export prices and the continuation of the tendency for the wages increases to have a greater

    and greater effect as international competition intensified. Stagnation had little to do with it.[34] Stagnation had everything to do with it. It

    necessitated an increase in state expenditure, an increase in taxation and a decline in the share of net real wages and salaries (after tax) in

    national income due to the rising inflation. The following statistics indicate this.

    Table 3 [35]

    Percentage of GDP (factor cost)

    1957 1960 1965 1968 1970

    Total government expenditure 36.5 37.5 45.5 51.9 50.7

    Taxation (total) 32.6 32.2 35.3 41.2 45.0

    Social services (education, health, social security) 14.0 15.4 17.7 20.4 21.1

    After 1968 government expenditure was more than half the gross domestic product and by far the largest part of that expenditure was on

    social services (around 42 per cent). Taxation had increased from 326 per cent in 1957 to 45 per cent in 1970. Net take home pay (after

    tax, insurance, etc.) as a proportion of national income, has actually fallen.

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    Table 4 [36]

    Net take home pay (wages and salaries)

    after tax etc, as percentage of national


    1957 60.0

    1960 58.8

    1965 57.4

    1968 55.9

    1970 56.4

    1971 55.9

    The figures for the growth of gross money, gross real and net real income (after tax) for men manual workers, are equally instructive.

    TABLE 5[37]

    Annual compound rates of growth

    Gross Money Income Gross Real Income Net Real Income

    195660 50 29 21

    196064 55 22 13

    196468 66 25 05

    196870 100 36 13

    This indicates how important it is to say exactly what is meant by an increase in wages or the share of wages in the national income. [38]

    If we now look at the increase of productivity per man over the period we can see that net wages after tax grew at a slower rate than

    productivity in Britain.

    TABLE 6[39]

    Output per male equivalent man-hour

    195560 27

    196064 32

    196267 37

    196869 26

    196970 42

    197071 54

    196771 39

    Since 1962 the average has been about 38 per cent per annum. On the other hand, the average real net income increase per year for

    male manual workers in the same period was about 13 per cent and for all employees about 2 per cent. During this period the increase in

    inflation rates can be seen in Table 7.

    TABLE 7[40]

    Average Annual per cent increases in consumer


    195662 20

    196269 37

    196971 79

    Unemployment between 1954 and 1964 was reasonably low ranging from 1 to 2 per cent but since 1966 it has never been below half a

    million and by 1972 had risen to over one million (nearly 4 per cent of the labour force).[41]

    What these figures show is that from the mid-1950s there has been rising government expenditure,[42] increasing taxation, a rising

    productivity of labour, rising inflation, rising unemployment and a redistribution of national income away from wage and salary earners

    (this in terms of net take home pay). In spite of this, the crisis of profitability has continued. Figures given by Glyn and Sutcliffe for the

    pre-tax rate of profit show a decrease from 165 per cent in 19504 to 97 per cent in 1970 and the post-tax rate of profit fell from 71 per

    cent to 41 per cent between 1964 and 1970. [43] Although these figures should not be confused with the rate of profit as defined by Marx,

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    they do give an indication of the general tendency. Far from higher wages being the cause of the present crisis of profitability, it is an

    insufficient increase in the productivity of labour to finance profitably the private and growing state sector. Further, our figures suggest that

    an increase in the organic composition has taken place and a rise in the rate of exploitation. The former is indicated by the growing need to

    increase state expenditure to take up some of the increase in unemployment resulting from productivity increases. In spite of this

    unemployment has grown. The rise in the rate of exploitation is indicated by the productivity increases, the increase in the state and

    non-productive sector, and the fall in net take home pay as a percentage of national income. The crisis of profitability [44], far from being

    caused by large wage increases, results from the contradictions of capitalist production itself which has its expression in the tendency of

    the rate of profit to fall. This tendency is indicated today by the rising state expenditure, the growing trend of unemployment and the

    increase in the rate of inflation.

    When the Conservatives came to power they promised to reduce prices at a stroke. Their strategy was to cut government expenditure

    and reduce overall taxation. Their aim was to bring about a shake-out of labour from British industry in a process of forced

    rationalizations at the expense of the working-class. They soon learnt to their cost that the contradictions of capitalist production cannot be

    removed at a stroke. The Conservative government which set out to cut public spending is now paying out 167 extra for every 1 it cut

    back on in October 1970. It is also paying out 130 in aid to industry for every 1 that Labour spent in its last year of office. Direct

    assistance to the shipbuilding industry alone on the past year was more than Labour spent in its last year helping all industry through the

    now defunct Industrial Reorganization Corporation. [45] All this was forced on the present government because a rising unemployment,

    together with inflation, threatened social stability.

    The Conservative reduction in taxation made it the more necessary to increase government borrowing to finance the increase in

    government expenditure required. The total government borrowing needed in the year to April 1973 was 1,810 million, slightly lower than

    expected and in the year to April 1974 it is assessed at the huge sum of 4,423 million. [46] Such borrowing requirements lead to very high

    interest rates which only make matters worse by putting up the cost of private and local authority investment, house purchase, etc., and so

    adding to the pressure on prices. Part of this borrowing will not be met by increased saving and will therefore require an increase in the

    money supply and advances of bank credit, so contributing further to inflationary pressures. At the present time the rise in the money

    supply is still of the order of 30 per cent per year. Finally, the inflationary based expansions elsewhere in other capitalist countries has

    increased the demand for, and hence the prices of, basic commodities and raw materials. This has meant for Britain, a country that imports

    a large proportion of its requirements, another contribution to inflationary pressures.

    The governments strategy after the change in policy forced on it by the working-class response to its initial policies (UCS, the miners

    struggle), has been to turn to an incomes policy. Both the wage freeze and Phase II are an attempt of British capitalism to restore

    profitability at the expense of the working-class. The aim is to create a climate that will encourage private capitalists to invest and bring

    about a restructuring of British capital which will allow it to hold its own in the EEC.

    The recent period has only confirmed the tendencies we have indicated. The freeze and incomes policy have brought a further

    redistribution of income away from wage and salary earners. Real wages have actually been falling for a considerable time as a result of

    rising prices, especially for food and housing (including rents). The government is also contributing to a restoration of profitability in

    another way, that is by its expenditure programmes for the nationalized industries.

    Throughout the period the state has attempted directly to give a lead to private industry in the process of rationalization while at the

    same time supplying the basic inputs to private industry at a reasonable cost. The massive reduction of the work force in the nationalized

    industries in spite of the large expenditures involved is the indication of this. The new expenditure programmes for the steel and coal

    industries only continue the general trend. The result of the enormous expenditure programme for the steel industry (3,000 million) will be

    a loss of about 50,000 jobs and similar reductions are considered necessary in the coal industry. This is an attempt to make the

    working-class pay for problems inherent in capitalist production. The freeze on prices in the nationalized industries has left nearly all of

    them with large deficits. The government actually subsidizes them to the tune of over 500 million a year at the present time.[47] This,

    together with the increase in borrowing necessary to finance these industries new investment, only contributes to the inflationary surge. It

    is not surprising that, already, at the first sign of an expansion of the economy, cuts in government expenditure are planned.

    There is, indeed, no better indication of the contradictions of capitalist production than the fact that with one of the fastest yearly growth

    rates of the British economy since the war and a 9 per cent increase in productivity in manufacturing industry, unemployment is still

    extremely high (over 600,000) and the real wages of the working class are actually falling.[48] With the balance of payment problems

    looming ahead this inflationary-led mini-boom only reinforces the latent crisis conditions. The imperative is to increase the rate of

    exploitation. Whether this can succeed depends on the response of the working-class.

    Strategy for the Working-class

    Unfortunately, what the recent period clearly indicates is that militancy is not enough if the response to the offensive against the

    working-class is to be turned in the direction of a struggle about the system of production itself.[49] Economism, and the trade union

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    do increases in the social productivity of labour lead to redundancies and not to an overall reduction in the time necessary to work and so

    on? The demand allows the alternative of planned production for needs to be discussed and raised. It is only demands such as those

    discussed above that can carry the class struggle forward in the direction of a political struggle about the system of production itself.

    What we have tried to show in this review is how a Marxist analysis of capitalism has vital implications for the class-struggle. If we have

    been extremely critical of Glyn and Sutcliffes book, it is because of the seriousness of the task they set themselves. Their book had the

    great merit of making a discussion of the capitalist crisis an essential part of the search for a socialist political strategy. The information

    they gathered together in their book will be indispensable for future work. If this review can contribute to a discussion of the central ideas

    they have raised, they will hopefully appreciate its critical tone. May 1973


    [1] Penguin Books 1972, 40p.

    [2] Ibid., p. 215.

    [3] Ibid., p. 214.

    [4] Ibid., p. 201.

    [5] Ibid.

    [6] Wilfred Beckerman Inflation and the Class Struggle in the New Statesman, 8 December 1972, p. 858.

    [7] Glyn and Sutcliffe, op. cit., p. 201.

    [8] Ibid., p. 10.

    [9] Ibid., p. 98.

    [10] Ibid.

    [11] Ibid., p. 65.

    [12] Karl Marx, Capital, Vol. I., Lawrence and Wishart, 1961, p. 620.

    [13] Glyn and Sutcliffe, op. cit., p. 180 and pp. 209-10.

    [14] Karl Marx, Theories of Surplus Value, Volume 111, Lawrence and Wishart , 1972, p. 312.

    [15] Glyn and Sutcliffe, op. cit., p. 231.

    [16] Karl Marx, Capital, Vol. III, Lawrence and Wishart, 1962, pp. 2089. For a detailed discussion of this question see my article The

    Marxian Theory of Crisis, Capital and the State in the Bulletin of the Conference of Socialist Economists (CSE), Winter 1972, pp. 558,

    especially pp. 1532. The article is reprinted in Economy and Society, Vol. 2, no. 2, May 1973, pp. 186232.

    [17] Andrew Glyn has, in fact, written an article which attempts to show on the basis of a corn model that the organic composition

    need not necessarily rise with increases of the productivity of labour. See CSE Bulletin, op. cit., pp. 93104. For a criticism of this model

    see an article by Robin Murray in the CSE Bulletin, Spring 1973, pp. 535.

    [18] Capital, Vol. I, op. cit., p. 533. While Glyn and Sutcliffe do not deduce a false semblance of association from their method,

    nevertheless in seeing in the division of income between capital and labour the most fundamental question they obscure the central issue,

    op. cit., p. 54 and p. 57.

    [19] Capital, Vol. III, op. cit., p. 214 (translation taken from C. H. Kerr, ed., Chicago, 1909, p. 256).

    [20] Ibid., p. 251.

    [21] It surely must be regarded as a piece of outright impudence that Beckerman, clearly no expert in Marxist political economy, is able

    to get away with pointing out to the authors the ABC of Marxism on the question of competition and the rate of profit. It underlies the

    weaknesses that exist throughout the book. See New Statesman, 5 January 1973, p. 16. Glyns reply to Beckerman (New Statesman, 12

    January 1973, p. 51) shows he has still not understood this point.

    [22] F. W. Taylor, Sbop Management, 1903, pp. 212. Cited in Alfred Sohn-Retel The Dual Economics of Transition in the CSE

    Bulletin 2,2 Autumn 1972, p. 43.

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    [23] See my article, op. cit., for a brief discussion on productive and unproductive labour. pp. 1114. See also Ian Gough Productive

    and Unproductive Labour in Marx, New Left Review 76, NovemberDecember 1972.

    [24] As I pointed out in my article I consider the practical difficulties involved in making the separation of productive and unproductive

    labour well nigh impossible, op. cit., p. 14.

    [25] Glyn and Sutcliffe, op. cit., p. 73 and pp. 100101.

    [26] Ibid., p. 22.

    [27] Ibid., p. 49.

    [28] Ibid., p. 176 ff.

    [29] Ibid., p. 172.

    [30] These figures are approximate and are taken from the Economist, 31 March 1973, Survey on Japan, p. 15.

    [31] Taken from Politics and Money, Vol. 2, no. 2, AprilMay 1971, p. 11.

    [32] Ibid., pp. 78.

    [33] OECD, The Growth of Output 19601980, 1970, p. 220. Cited in Andrew Gamble and Paul Walton Late Capitalism in Crisis,

    Issac Deutscher Memorial Lecture, Manuscript p. 21.

    [34] Glyn and Sutcliffe, op. cit., p. 65.

    [35] Taken from National Income and Expenditure, CSO Office, 195772.

    [36] Cited in Politics and Money, Vol. 4, no. 1, JanuaryMarch 1973, p. 30. National income is defined as gross national product less

    capital consumption.

    [37] Taken from Dudley Jackson, H.A. Turner, and Frank Wilkinson, Do The Trade Unions Cause Inflation? Cambridge University

    Press, 1972, p. 66.

    [38] The figures for all employees show a higher real net income growth (19648, 12 per cent; 196870, 34 per cent). This is an

    increase of nearly one third as much again over the period as increase for male manual workers. The difference is due to the price index

    used. The one for male manual workers reflecting the cost of wage earners consumption which includes a greater proportion of food and

    housing expenditure, ibid., p. 67.

    [39] F. W. Paish The Prospects for Increasing Output in Lloyds Bank Review, January 1973, no. 107, p. 1.

    [40] Jackson, Turner and Wilkinson, op. cit., p. 122

    [41] Glyn and Sutcliffe, op. cit., p. 178.

    [42] It should be remarked that although a great deal of government expenditure is on social services, this still has to be regarded as

    coming out of gross profits. It is the real net wage of productive workers that constitutes variable capital. The rest is a cost that private

    capital must pay for social stability, etc. As such goods are paid for out of surplus value already produced (taxation, etc.) their production

    does not add to total social capital and hence to surplus-value from the standpoint of society. They are a capitalist expense even if

    unemployed workers and others benefit from such expenditure.

    [43] Glyn and Sutcliffe, op. cit., p. 66.

    [44] The authors acknowledge in the postscript of the book that in the recent period part of the gain in profitability came from the large

    increases in productivity (6 per cent in 1971) which was a result of the continued surge of redundancies, op. cit, p. 217. The recent rise in

    the rate of profit (in the sense used by the authors) is clearly due to large productivity increases.

    [45] Economist, 7 April 1973, p. 11.

    [46] Politics and Money, Vol. 4, no. 1, op. cit., p. 10. and the Economist, 12. May 1973, p. 65.

    [47] Economist, 5 May 1973, p. 734.

    [48] Economist, 5 May 1973, p. 73, and 12 May 1973, p. 65. Already for December 1972 The Times reported a slight fall in average pay

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    for manual workers (22 February 1973). While the retail price index has increased by 34% from October 1972 to March 1973 (and by

    47% to April 1973), basic hourly earnings over the same period have increased by 13%. Average earnings from October 1972 to February

    1973 increase by 21%. (See Labour Research Bulletin, vol. 62, no. 6, June 1973, p. 143.) The Economist (26 May 1973, p. 67) confirms

    this view. Retail prices increased by 47% in the six months after the freeze whereas average earnings to March were up by only 3% since

    the freeze. This is to be compared with the real rise in take home pay in the previous year due to the overall reduction of taxation in 1972.

    Many workers, however, did not benefit from this rise as they were caught in the freeze at the time their wage increase was due. In a

    recent contribution A. Glyn suggests that the rise in living standards for 1972 was nearly 7% although he holds the view that a fall in

    workers living standards of the order of 1% or 2% is likely in 1973 (CSE Bulletin, Spring 1973, p. 52). It is too early to assess the

    significance of these changes although the general trend of increasing labour productivity, well above the rise of real wages, is clear.

    [49] It should be noted that as far as militancy goes the British working-class, if strike statistics are anything to go by, was not

    exceptional. See Anthony Barnett Heath, the Unions and the State in New Left Review 77, p. 24ff.

    [50] Marginal tax rates for the working-class have also risen because tax-free allowances have not grown as fast as inflation.

    [51] See article by John Fryer in the Sunday Times, 20 May 1973, p. 60. The possible redundancies run from a level of 23,000 jobs to

    11,000 depending on the level of support the industry receives.

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