David Wang's Presentation at Emerging Communication Conference & Awards 2009 Europe

2009 | Westergasfabriek | Amsterdam | http://eComm.ec



Transcript of David Wang's Presentation at Emerging Communication Conference & Awards 2009 Europe

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Page 2: David Wang's Presentation at Emerging Communication Conference & Awards 2009 Europe

Wave Federation

Building An Open Network

(by David Wang)

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Google Wave is a productWave is a technology

wave is to Google Waveemail is to Gmail

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What is Wave Federation?

Enables independent wave providers to interoperateDraft Federation Protocol Spec: http://waveprotocol.org/The spec is iterating: it's developing in the open

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Why Wave Federation?

Encourage adoption of wave and ensure users have a choice in their wave provider

The internet is built on open APIs and standard protocolsWe don't want wave to be a silo'ed communication toolPick a solution based on price or features or ....

Avoid different organisations building Wave like systems that don't interoperate

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Any organisation can be a wave provider

Similar to how anyone can put up an SMTP server and host their own email today

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Some technical background...

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Wave Data Model

Wavecollection of wavelets

Waveletcollection of participants and documentsunit of concurrencyunit of wave federation

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Wave Federation: Sharing Wavelets

Wave servers run OT/CC

Wave servers share updates to wavelets

Still only one server owns a wavelet

The wavelet id determines which domain owns itdomain: “initech-corp.com"id: "conv+3sG7”

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When to Federate?

An AddParticpant operation contains an address from another wave provider

e.g address [email protected], [email protected]

A participant’s domain determines where to send ops

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Example: Bob on Acmewave wants to talk to Milton at Initech Corp.

Bob's client sends AddParticipant(“[email protected]”)

acmewave.com looks up initech-corp.com's waveserveracmewave.com pushes the AddParticipant operationinitech-corp.com requests the wavelet historyFor future ops on that wavelet, acmewave.com will:

accepts ops from initech-corp.comtransmits ops to initech-corp.com

initech-corp.com "passively" accepts ops from acmewave

The result: Bob and Milton are happily waving each other

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Wave Federation Architecture -Delta Flow

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Data stays in your network

On-premise solution

If you don't add anyone from the outside the data stays in your network

Scenario: confidential chat between colleagues in a company

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Where we've come so far...

Published the (draft) protocol specGoogle Wave Federation ProtocolGoogle Wave Conversation Model (incl. Blip model)

Open sourced ~40K lines of codehttp://code.google.com/p/wave-protocol/Java, Apache 2.0

Effectively 2 Components:Wave Model + Operational TransformationFedOne: Basic Prototype Client/Server

With an early crypto library

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Executable spec for the wire protocol

NOT the beginning of a reference impl

Hello, World “simple” implementation

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What we're doing now...

Opening up a federation port on WaveSandbox.comThis port is still highly experimental

Updating the FedOne client/serverThe client does a better job displaying OTThe server understands the new protocol manifest

Published a Google Wave Contributors Licensing Agreement

Encourages community-based development for open source patches

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Where we're headed...

Iterating towards a reasonable stable set of specifications

Gain more experience running an open federation port

Ship an open federation port on wave.google.com

Open source the lion's share of Google's client & server

Develop a production quality reference implementationGoogle can't do this alone!

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Bottom Line

We’d like to work with you.



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Q & A

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