David Lodge

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Transcript of David Lodge

Page 1: David Lodge


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Page 2: David Lodge



Davld Lodge was born m London m 1935. He holds a doctorate from the University of Birmmgham, where he taugilt m the Enghsh Department from 1960 umil 1987, when he rettred to become a full-tune wrtter. He retams the tltle of Honorary Professor of Modern English Literature at Birmingham and contmues to lIve m that CIty. He is a Fellow of the Royal SOClety of LIterature, wa awarded a CBE for servICes to lIterature and IS also a hevaher de I'Ordre des Arts et des Lenres.

David Lodge's novels lIlclude Thc Pie".,,;:ocrs (1960); The n"lisl, MlIselllll is Falllllg DOllIlI (1965); 0111 '!f Ihe Shelrer (1970); Clrarrgirrg PIßees (1975), for whleh he was .warded both the Hawthornden Prize and the Yorkshirt POSI Fiellon Prize; Ho", Far Carr YOII Co?, whlCh was Wh.tbread Book of the Year in 1980; SIlIall World, whieh was short1med for the Booker Pnze in 1984; Nice Work, whlCh won the 1988 SllIIday Express Book of the Year Aw.rd .nd was also short1isted for the Booker Pnze; Paradise News (1991); Th,rapy, regional winner and finalisr for the 1996 Commonwealth Writers' Pnze; HOlllt TM/IIIS (1999); .nd 77rrrrks ".

(200 1). H e has also wriu en several books of literary emiClsm.

SlIIa/l World was .dapted as a televISion serial in 1988 and Dav.d Lodge wrote his own adaptation of Nire Work, wlueh won the Royal Televi ion

SOClety's Award for the best drama senal of 1989.

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Page 3: David Lodge



The Picturegoers

Gmger, You're B.rmy

The Bn tlSh Museum is Falling Down

Out of the Shelter

Changmg PI aces

How Far Can You Go?

Small World

Nice Work

Paradise News


Home Truths

Tlunks ...


The Language of FtctlOn

The Novelist at the Crossroads

Twentleth-Century Cnticlsm

The Modes of Modern Writing

Working with StructuraIism

Wnte On: Occasional Essays

After Bakhtin: Essays on Fiction and Cmicism

The An of Fict10n

The Practlce ofWntmg

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Page 4: David Lodge

David Lodge

mall orl An Academic Romance

Pengllin Books

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Page 5: David Lodge


Pubhshed by the Pengum Group Pc:nguin Books Lid, 80 Strand. London WC1R OR L. England PtnguU1 Putnnm lnc . 375 Hud.)on SUttl. cw Vork. c:w Vork 10014, U A Pmgum Books Austral'li LId, 250 C3mbe,""cll R03d, Camb, .. weil, VlCtonn 3124, Austnula Pcngwn Bools Canadn LId. 10 Alcom Avenue, Toronto. Onmno, uouda M4 V JB2 Pengum Books lodia CP) Lid, 11 ommUntt}' Cenlre, Panchshcc1 Purk . New Dclhl - J 10 017. lod!:l Pcngum 1300ls Z) Lid. ellr Roscdale and Alrborne Ronds. Albany. uckJand. ew Zcnland Pengum Books (South Afnca) (Pty) Lid. 24 turdcc Avenue. Rosebank 2196. South Afnca

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Firsl pubtishcd by Martln Sccker &. Warburg lId 1984 Publi, hed in Penguin Books 1985 37

Copyrighl «:I David lodge, 1984 All rights reservcd

Prinlcd lD England by Clays LId, SI Ives pIe T ypesel lD Planun

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ISB "\3: 978-(}-1~0-07265-5

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Page 6: David Lodge

ToMary With all my Love

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Page 7: David Lodge

Author's Note

LIKE ChQnging Places, to which it is a kind of scquel, SmaLL WarM resembles what is sometimes called the real world, without corresponding exactly to it, and is peopled by figments of the imagination (the name of one of the minor characters has been changed in later editions to avoid misunderstanding on this score). Rnmmidge is not BilJllingham, though it owes something to popular prejudices about that city. There rea1ly is an underground chapei at Heathrow and a James Joyce Pub in Zurich, but no universities in Limerick or Darlington; nor, as far as· I know, was there ever a British Conncil representative resident in Genoa. The MLA Con­vention of 1979 did not take place in New York, though I have drawn on the programme for the 1978 one, which did. And so on.

Special thanks for information received (not to mention many other favours) are due to Donald and Margot Fanger and Susnmu Takagi. Most of the books from which I have derived hints, ideas and inspiration for this one are mentioned . in the text, but I should acknowledge a debt to two which are not: Inescapabk Romance: Studies in lhe Poelics 0/ a MOIÜ by Patricia A. Parker (Princeton University Press, 1979) and Airport International by Brian Moynahan (Pan Books, 1978).

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Page 8: David Lodge

Caelum, non animum mutant, qui trans mare currunt. HORACE

When 8 writer caUs his work a Romance, it need hardly be observed that he·wishes to claim a certain latitude, both as to its fashion and material, which he would not bave feit himself entitled to assume had he professed to be writing 8 Novel.


Hush! Caution! Echoland! JAMES JOYCE

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Page 9: David Lodge


WHEN April with its sweet showers has pierceQ the drought of March to the root, and bathed every vein of earth with that liquid by whose power the flowers are engendered; when the zephyr, too, with its du1cet breath, has breathed life into the tender new shoots in every copse and on every heath, and the young sun has run half his course in the sign of the Ram, and the little birds that sleep all night with their eyes open give song (so Nature prompts them in their hearts) , then, as the poet Geoffrey Chaucer observed many years ago, folk long to go on pilgl images. Only, these days, professional people dU them conferences.

The modem conference resembles the pilgrimage of medieval Christendom in that it allows the participants to indulge themselves in . all the pleasures and diversions of travel while appearing to be austerely bent on self-improvement. To be sure, there are certain penitential exercises to be perfolmed - the presentation of a paper, pethaps, and certainly listening to the papers of others. But with this excuse you journey to new and interesting places, meet new and interesting people, and fOl1l1 new and interesting relationships with them; exchange gossip and confidences (for your weU-worn stories are fresh to them, and vice versa); eat, drink and malte merry in their company every evening; and yet, at the end of it all, return horne with an enhanced reputation for seriousness of mind. Today's have an additional advantage over the pilgrims of old in that their expenses are usua11y paid, or at least subsidised, by the institution to which they belong, be it a government department, a commercial firm, or, most commonly perhaps, a university.

There are conferences on almost everything these days, including the works of Geoffrey Chaucer. If, like his hero Troilus at the end of Troilus and Criseyde, he looks down from the eighth sphere of heaven on

This lille SpOI 0/ erlhe, lhal wilh lhe se Embracedis

and observes a11 the frantic traflic around the globe that he and other great writers have set in motion - the jet trails that criss-cross the

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Page 10: David Lodge

'Ingenious and proliferate plotting ... a new comic debäcle over every page' The Times

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U.K. Cl



Philip Swallow, Morris Zapp, Persse MeGarrigle and Ihe

lovely Angeliea are Ihe jel· propelled aeademies who

are on the move, in the air, and on the make, in David

Lodge's satirieal Small World. 1I is a world of glamorous

Iravel and high exeilemenl, where slufty leelure rooms

are swapped for lush corners of Ihe globe, and

romance is in the air . ..

'Academic infightings, couplings touching, funny and frightful, set pieces, dark humour, sharp wit and plain farce - here is everything one expects from this author but thricefold and three tim es as entertaining as anything he has written before' Sunday Telegraph

'A wonderful tissue of outrageous coincidences and correspondences, teasing elevations of suspense and delayed climaxes' Observer

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