David Guyette, Laura Six, Rose Drake and Paige Kinnaird Members of the ESCD ETA APPR Committee

PRESENTATION to theElmira Teacher Association (ETA) - Annual Professional Performance Review -The New Evaluation System for Teachers David Guyette, Laura Six, Rose Drake and Paige Kinnaird Members of the ESCD ETA APPR Committee


PRESENTATION to the Elmira Teacher Association (ETA) - Annual Professional Performance Review - The New Evaluation System for Teachers. David Guyette, Laura Six, Rose Drake and Paige Kinnaird Members of the ESCD ETA APPR Committee. The New Evaluation System APPR. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of David Guyette, Laura Six, Rose Drake and Paige Kinnaird Members of the ESCD ETA APPR Committee

Page 1: David Guyette, Laura Six, Rose Drake and Paige Kinnaird Members of the ESCD ETA APPR Committee

PRESENTATION to theElmira Teacher Association (ETA) - Annual Professional Performance Review -The New Evaluation System for Teachers

David Guyette, Laura Six, Rose Drake and Paige KinnairdMembers of the ESCD ETA APPR Committee

Page 2: David Guyette, Laura Six, Rose Drake and Paige Kinnaird Members of the ESCD ETA APPR Committee

The New Evaluation SystemAPPR

Education Law §3012-c requires a new performance evaluation system for classroom teachers.

(Annual Professional Performance Review - APPR) Commissioner’s Regulations and Regents Rules support and

interpret the law.

The evaluation system is designed to measure effectiveness using: 1. Student achievement data (State and Local)

2. NYS approved performance rubrics3. Evidence in meeting NYS standards

Page 3: David Guyette, Laura Six, Rose Drake and Paige Kinnaird Members of the ESCD ETA APPR Committee

Definition of a Classroom Teacher

From Regulation...(12) Classroom teaching service means teaching service in

the public schools of New York State,which requires certification pursuant to this Part.

The current definition of a teacher in the classroom teaching service is defined in section 80-1.1 of the Commissioner’s Regulations.

Page 4: David Guyette, Laura Six, Rose Drake and Paige Kinnaird Members of the ESCD ETA APPR Committee

Classroom Teacher Exclusions

* School psychologists, School Counselors, and School Social workers who are pupil personnel service providers

* A classroom teacher performing instructional support services for more than 40% of his/her time (ex. CSE chair, IST)

* Supplemental school personnel (ex. Teaching Assistants)* Pre-K Teachers* Library Media Specialists* Certified Speech Pathologists

Page 5: David Guyette, Laura Six, Rose Drake and Paige Kinnaird Members of the ESCD ETA APPR Committee

Defined Purpose for APPR Evaluation System

The purpose of the comprehensive evaluation system is two-fold:

1. to measure teacher effectiveness based on multiple measures, including student achievement.

2. to ensure that there is an effective teacher in every classroom.

NYS goal in implementing new evaluation process: Foster a culture of continuous professional growth for educators to grow and improve their instructional practice, resulting in increased student achievement, and college and career readiness.

Page 6: David Guyette, Laura Six, Rose Drake and Paige Kinnaird Members of the ESCD ETA APPR Committee

Key Principles of APPR

NYS’s new evaluation system follows these design principles:

1. Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR) evaluations for all classroom teachers.

2. Clear, rigorous expectations for instructional excellence.3. Prioritizing student learning.4. Multiple measures of performance.5. Scores comprised of 4 performance levels to rate teacher

effectiveness.6. Regular constructive feedback and ongoing professional


Page 7: David Guyette, Laura Six, Rose Drake and Paige Kinnaird Members of the ESCD ETA APPR Committee

Determination of HEDI and Composite Scores

All teachers must be evaluated onan annual basis. Three criteria will be used

to determine HEDI and Annual Composite Scores:

* State score based on student achievement* Local score based on student achievement* Other measures of effectiveness comprised of

announced and unannounced observations.

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New Rating System as Part of APPR

Teacher effectiveness is determined using three distinct criteria each resulting in a score based on

four performance levels:

* Highly Effective* Effective

* Developing* Ineffective

(HEDI is the acronym)

Page 9: David Guyette, Laura Six, Rose Drake and Paige Kinnaird Members of the ESCD ETA APPR Committee

Determining Student Growth


Student Growth on

State Assessment

or Comparable

Measure Using SLO


MeasuresSLOs one option for measuring

student achievement

60% Teaching Standards

using Rubric

100% Composite Score

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Page 11: David Guyette, Laura Six, Rose Drake and Paige Kinnaird Members of the ESCD ETA APPR Committee

Student Learning Objectives (SLO)

SLOs are carefully planned academic goals for what a student will learn over a given time period.

They represent the most important learning for the year (or semester or quarter where applicable).

SLOs directly link a teacher’s classroom instruction to specific measures of student achievement or growth in the relative content area.

The process leads to objectives that can be reliably measured for student growth.

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Local Score Based on Student Achievement (20% of Composite Score)

Scoring of SLOs and Local MeasurePoint assignment – based on percentage of

students meeting growth goals

Rating.... % of students meeting goal ... HEDI ScoreHighly Effective (H).... 86-100%... 18-20 pointsEffective (E) ................ 55-85%...... 9-17 pointsDeveloping (D)............ 30-54% ...... 3-8 pointsIneffective (I) ................ 0-29% ....... 0-2 points

Page 13: David Guyette, Laura Six, Rose Drake and Paige Kinnaird Members of the ESCD ETA APPR Committee

Other Measures of Effectiveness (60% of Composite Score)

Of the 100 points possible for a teacher's Composite Score, 60 of those points are generated through:

•Rubrics approved by NYS•Sources of evidence: observations, visits, portfolios, etc.

Tenured teachers must have two observations - one announced and one unannounced.

The Peer-Partnering and Self-Directed Options are no longer available.

Non-tenured teachers will have three observations, two announced and one unannounced.

Page 14: David Guyette, Laura Six, Rose Drake and Paige Kinnaird Members of the ESCD ETA APPR Committee

The Teacher Rubric(60% of Composite Score)

Charlotte Danielson’s

The Framework for Teaching – 2011 revised

*SED approved rubric which is aligned with NYS Teaching Standards as well as Common Core Learning Standards.

*Four domains with 22 measurable components with four measures of effectiveness in each component – Highly Effective, Effective, Developing, Ineffective (HEDI)

*Differentiated for tenured and non-tenured teachers with a Teacher Improvement Plan (TIP) process.

Page 15: David Guyette, Laura Six, Rose Drake and Paige Kinnaird Members of the ESCD ETA APPR Committee

The Teacher Rubric

Danielson’s Framework for Teaching 2011R

Domain 1 – Planning and PreparationDomain 2 - Classroom Environment

Domain 3 - InstructionDomain 4 - Professional Responsibilities

▪Definition of component▪Descriptors of what this component measures▪Descriptors of critical attributes that define each HEDI level▪Examples of what an observer would see at each HEDI level

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The Teacher Rubric (60% of Composite Score)

Tenured Teachers = score based on two observations. (one announced/one unannounced)

Non-Tenured Teachers = score based on three observations. (two announced/one unannounced)

Danielson Framework for Teaching 2011 RHEDI Score




59-60Highly Effective

Page 17: David Guyette, Laura Six, Rose Drake and Paige Kinnaird Members of the ESCD ETA APPR Committee

The Composite Score

Education Law §3012-c(2)(a) requires annual professional performance reviews (APPRs) to result in a single composite teacher effectiveness score, which incorporates multiple measures of effectiveness.

The composite score is on a 100 point basis.

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The Composite Score

100 points maximum possible:

20 points come from State Growth HEDI Score20 points come from Local Growth HEDI Score60 points come from Teacher Evaluation using

Danielson Framework for Teaching 2011R HEDI Score

Breakdown of Composite Scores is set by NYSED and cannot be modified.

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The Composite Score

. 20% State Measure of Student Growth

20% Local Measure of Student Growth

Danielson Framework for Teaching 2011 R

Ineffective 0-2 0-2 0-49

Developing 3-8 3-8 50-56

Effective 9-17 9-17 57-58

Highly Effective

18-20 18-20 59-60

Total Composite Score

Ineffective Developing Effective Highly Effective

0-64 65-74 75-90 91-100

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Teacher Improvement Plan (TIP)

A teacher who receives an annual rating of “developing” or “ineffective” must have a teacher improvement plan (TIP).

A TIP must be implemented no later than 10 days after the date on which teachers are required to report prior to the opening of classes for the school year.

The format and process for plans are set in the plan. Outcome can be improvement or possible employment action at the conclusion of the 2nd year.

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Appeals Process

Teacher may appeal their annual rating...

•Procedural or Substantive basis•Specified process and format•Strict timeline

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Next Steps

•Approval of plan by ECSD School Board.

•Submission of plan to NYSED Review Room.

•Training for administrators and teachers.

•Assessment development where needed.

•Implementation of system.

Page 23: David Guyette, Laura Six, Rose Drake and Paige Kinnaird Members of the ESCD ETA APPR Committee

APPR Committee Members

David Guyette, Secondary teacherPhil Stoner, Elementary teacherLaura Six, Elementary teacher

Laurie Lamb, Elementary teacher assistantConstance Swarthout, Secondary teacherRose Drake, Special Education teacher

Wendi Walton, Reading teacherChristian Fagan, Elementary teacher

Nancy Beebe, Secondary teacherPaige Kinnaird, Secondary teacher

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Thank you

Thank you for your time and consideration.Our team has worked hundreds of hours to

provide a plan for your approval which complies with all current NYSED regulations, ensures that teachers are provided with the

supports necessary for them to improve their professional practice and the significant

increase in student academic performance across the district.