David G. Liddle, MD, FACP - Internal Medicine | ACP• Tenoplasty or Tendon repair. Vanderbilt...

Vanderbilt Sports Medicine Common Sports & Overuse Injuries David G. Liddle, MD, FACP Assistant Professor of Orthopedics & Rehabilitation Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine Vanderbilt University Medical Center Nashville, TN

Transcript of David G. Liddle, MD, FACP - Internal Medicine | ACP• Tenoplasty or Tendon repair. Vanderbilt...

Page 1: David G. Liddle, MD, FACP - Internal Medicine | ACP• Tenoplasty or Tendon repair. Vanderbilt Sports Medicine Calcific Hip ABductor Tendonopathy. Vanderbilt Sports Medicine Hip ABductor

Vanderbilt Sports Medicine

Common Sports & Overuse Injuries

David G. Liddle, MD, FACPAssistant Professor of Orthopedics & Rehabilitation

Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine

Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Nashville, TN

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Vanderbilt Sports Medicine


• No Financial Disclosures

• No Educational Disclosures

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Vanderbilt Sports Medicine


• Review pertinent anatomy and pathology associated with common sports injuries and MSK conditions

• Review historical and physical exam findings associated with these conditions

• Review imaging findings relevant to these causes of pain and discuss a rationale for appropriate use of diagnostic tests

• Review the best evidence available to the guide treatment of these conditions

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Vanderbilt Sports Medicine

Non-Arthritis Shoulder Pain


• Subacromial Impingement

• Subacromial Bursitis

• Adhesive Capsulitis– “Frozen Shoulder”

• Biceps Tendonitis

Operative &/or Non-Op

• Rotator Cuff Tear– Acute, Known Injury – Surgery

– Chronic, Unknown Injury – Non-Op

• Proximal Biceps Tendon Tear

• Labral Tear

• Glenohumeral or AC Joint Arthritis

• AC Joint Sprain– “Separated Shoulder”

• Shoulder Instability

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Proximal Biceps Tendon TearProximal Distal




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Proximal Biceps Tendon TearHistory

• Pain and/or pop at anterior shoulder but usually not painful after initial event

• May have bruising at anterior shoulder that tracks distally


• “Popeye Deformity” with defect proximal and bulge distal

• ROM usually normal

• May be Tender To Palpation at site of tear

• Weakness on elbow flexion with hand in supinated position

• Usually normal strength with hand at neutral or pronated

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Proximal Biceps Tendon TearImaging

• None required unless history of trauma– If trauma, XR to r/o fracture

– MRI usually does not change management


• Reassurance

• Surgery if – Relative strength deficit is

intolerable or affects work/play

– Deformity is cosmetically unacceptable

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AC Joint Sprain

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AC Joint SprainHistory

• Fall onto/Blow to superolateral shoulder with ADducted arm

• Pain radiates from superior shoulder to lateral neck and upper trapezius

• Pain with reaching, especially across body

• Pain can prohibit pushups, bench press, and overhead lifting

• Aching rest pain

• No change in shoulder pain with Neck ROM


• Tender To Palpation at AC joint

• May have step off at AC Joint

• Pain with Cross-Arm Adduction test

• Likely won’t have secondary Impingement signs unless they present late

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Vanderbilt Sports Medicine

AC Joint SprainImaging

• 3-4 views of the Shoulder

– AP Int. & Ext. Rotation & Axillary +/- Scapular-Y view

– Degree of Separation determines type of dislocation

Treatment• Type I and II – Non-Op

– Sling initially and Ice

– PO NSAIDs or APAP or Narcs (rare)

– AC joint CS Injection

– Rehab

• Avoid developing Impingement

• Type III – Non-Op or Surgery

– If distal clavicle overrides acromion on Cross Arm ADduction test Surgery

• Type IV-VI - Surgery

– AC Joint Reconstruction


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AC Joint Sprain XRGrade 2 Grade 3

Grade 4 Grade 5

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Glenohumeral Instability



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Vanderbilt Sports Medicine

Glenohumeral InstabilityHistory

• Subluxation– Popped back in w/o specific Tx

• Dislocation– Someone else reduces or specific

technique used to relocate joint

• Direction of Instability follows humeral head– ABduction-ER = Anterior (90%)

– Abduction = Inferior

– Forward Elevation = Posterior


• Arm hanging limp at side

• Inability to reach across body

• Inability to externally rotate arm

• Anterior Instability– Apprehension/Relocation tests

• Sensitive & Specific for Fear, Not Pain

• Inferior Instability– Sulcus on Traction tests

• Posterior Instability– Posterior Jerk test

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Anterior InstabilityApprehension and Relocation Tests


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Vanderbilt Sports Medicine

Posterior & Inferior Instability

Posterior Jerk Test Sulcus Sign with Traction Test

http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/gPuCikFKUzE/maxresdefault.jpg http://o.quizlet.com/Y8H2wK5Imz4g0bpp.9v3Pw_m.jpg

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Vanderbilt Sports Medicine

Glenohumeral InstabilityImaging

• 4 views of the Shoulder– AP Int. & Ext. Rotation &

Axillary & Scapular-Y view

• Axillary view prevents missing a posterior dislocation

• Classification


• Reduce Dislocated Joint– Level I – Intra-articular lidocaine is

preferred to IV sedation

• Same success; Less complications (0.9 vs. 16.4%)

Fitch RW, Kuhn JE. Acad Emerg Med 2008

• Sling Immobilization– Level I & II – Ext. Rot. may reduce

recurrence; Req. 3 wks. (1/4 studies)Itoi et al. JBJS 2007

• Sling vs. Surgery (No studies Rehab vs. Sx)

– Level I – Non-Op Tx has higher risk of recurrence (47 vs. 16%)

Kirkley et al. Arthroscopy 1999

Kuhn JE, Dunn WR et al. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2011

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Lateral Epicondylopathy

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Vanderbilt Sports Medicine


• Degenerative process involving the origin of:

– Extensor tendons at the lateral elbow

• Often repetitive, sport or occupation relate

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Vanderbilt Sports Medicine

Lateral Epicondylitis Clinical History

• Point tenderness over the lateral epicondyle and extensor complex

• Pain upon gripping or rotation

• Pain with backhand

• Usually recreational player

– Most who get it, don’t play tennis

Kibler, Clinical biomechanics of the elbow in tennis: implications for evaluation and diagnosis, Med and Sci in Sports and Exercise, 2004.

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Vanderbilt Sports Medicine

Physical Exam In Lateral Epicondylitis

Lat. epicondyle & extensor mass

Pain with resisted extension

Pain with passive terminal flexion

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Vanderbilt Sports Medicine


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Anatomy Review

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Vanderbilt Sports Medicine

Regional Approach To Hip PainAnterior

• Hip Arthritis

• Iliopsoas Bursitis

• Hip Flexor Strain

• Osteitis Pubis

• Femoral Neck Stress Fracture

• Femoroacetabular Impingement

• Hip Fracture

• Greater Trochanteric Bursitis

• Hip ABductor Tendonopathy

• Meralgia Paresthetica

• Hamstring Strain

• Ischial Bursitis

• Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction

• Lumbar Radiculopathy/Sciatica

• Piriformis Syndrome

• Snapping Hip Syndrome

• Hip ADductor Strain

• Apophysitis / Avulsion Fractures

• Pelvic Stress Fractures

• Iliac Crest Contusion




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Vanderbilt Sports Medicine

XR To OrderIf They Can Walk, They Can Stand!

Standing AP Pelvis, Lateral of the involved Hip

If Fall/Trauma w/ Pelvic Pain

- Add Pelvic Inlet/Outlet Views and

Lateral of Sacrum

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Hip Pain Radiating Patterns

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Hip Pain Radiating Patterns

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Greater Trochanteric Bursitis

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Vanderbilt Sports Medicine

Greater Trochanteric BursitisHistory

• Lateral hip pain

• Pain sleeping on affected side or lying on unaffected side without (or relieved by) pillow between knees

• Chronic/insidious onset more likely than acute w/o h/o trauma

• Pain may radiate to lateral thigh but no numbness or paresthesias


• TTP at greater trochanter

• Weakness in gluteus medius/deep hip rotators

• Weak on affected side with Trendelenburg Stance or Single-Leg Squat tests

– Often present bilateral but asymmetric

• Worse on sympt. side

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Vanderbilt Sports Medicine

Greater Trochanteric BursitisImaging

• Standing AP Pelvis and Lateral of affected side– Usually normal but my see

enthesopathy at greater trochanter


• PT for hip/core strengthening

• Voltaren gel

• Corticosteroid Injection

• Bursectomy (rare/salvage)

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Hip ABductor Tendonopathy

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Vanderbilt Sports Medicine

Hip ABductor TendonopathyHistory Exam

• Lateral and/or posterior hip pain

• Posterolateral pain crossing legs

• Pain lateral with IR or ADduction

• Pain sleeping without (or relieved by) pillow between knees

• Chronic/insidious onset most likely

• No radiating symptoms

• TTP at Gluteus medius, esp. at insertion site on posterior greater trochanter

• Pain lateral with passive IR

• Pain with resisted ER and ABduction

• Weakness in gluteus medius/deep hip rotators

• Weak on affected side with Trendelenburg Stance or Single-Leg Squat tests

– Often present bilateral but asymmetric

• Worse on sympt. side

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Vanderbilt Sports Medicine

Hip ABductor TendonopathyImaging

• Standing AP Pelvis and Lateral of affected side– Usually normal but my see

enthesopathy at greater trochanter or tendon insertion

– May show calcific tendonopathy


• PT for hip/core strengthening

• Corticosteroid Injection– Ultrasound Guided for tendon

sheath or calcific tendonopathy

• Tenoplasty or Tendon repair

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Calcific Hip ABductor Tendonopathy

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Vanderbilt Sports Medicine

Hip ABductor CalcificTendonopathy Treatment

• U/S Guided Lavage & CS Injection; Debridement if too large or failed CSI

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Muscle Strains

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Vanderbilt Sports Medicine

Hip Muscle StrainHistory

• Pain at mid belly, origin, or insertion of muscle

• Usually acute eccentric load or repetitive stress

• Both Acute and Chronic presentations are common


• TTP at muscle or tendon– Myotendonous Junction common

• Pain with Passive Stretch

• Pain with Resistance

• Examples– Hip Flexor – P-Ext & R-Flex

– Hip Adductor – P-ABd & R-ADd

– Hamstring – P-Flex & R-Ext of Hip as well as P-Ext & R-Flex of Knee

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Vanderbilt Sports Medicine

Hip Muscle StrainImaging

• Standing AP Pelvis and Lateral of affected side– Usually Normal but must r/o

avulsion fractures


• Rehab– Strengthen > Stretch LOE 1 & 2

– Eccentric > Concentric LOE 1 & 2

– Progressive Agility and Trunk Stabilization > Static Stretch and Strengthen LOE 2

– Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Stretching > Conventional Stretching LOE 1

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Vanderbilt Sports Medicine

Femoroacetabular DJDHistory

• Anterior, deep pain in the hip that is constant– “Hopeless” pain

• Worse with activity, sitting, or upon standing/start-up

• (+) Rest Pain

• Radiate to groin/medial thigh

• Usually insidious onset– May have h/o trauma or h/o

pain/limp as child

• No change in hip pain with lumbar ROM


• Limited P/AROM on IR/ER/Flex

• Pain with passive Int/Ext Rot.

• Reproduce pain with log roll

• No pain with Straight-Leg Raise

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Log Roll TestIntraarticular Pathology

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Vanderbilt Sports Medicine

• Standing AP Pelvis and Lateral of affected side– Joint space narrowing,

osteophytes, and acetabular rim and/or femoral head and/or femoral head flattening

Femoroacetabular DJD

• Imaging

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• Physical Therapy

• Weight Loss– Hip carries 3-8x Body Weight

• Pain Medicine– NSAIDs

– Tylenol (APAP)

– Narcotics

• U/S Guided Steroid Injections

• Viscosupplementation– Level I – Not Clinically Significant

Migliore A, Arthritis Res Ther. 2009;11(6)

Richette P, Arthritis Rheum. 2009 Mar;60(3)


• Non-Joint Replacement

• Total Joint Replacement

Femoroacetabular DJD

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• Physical Therapy

• Weight Loss– Hip carries 3-8x Body Weight

• Pain Medicine– NSAIDs

– Tylenol (APAP)

– Narcotics

• U/S Guided Steroid Injections

• Viscosupplementation– Level I – Not Clinically Significant

Migliore A, Arthritis Res Ther. 2009;11(6)

Richette P, Arthritis Rheum. 2009 Mar;60(3)


• Non-Joint Replacement

• Total Joint Replacement

Femoroacetabular DJD

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Anatomy Review

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Surface Anatomy

Medial Lateral

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XR To OrderIf They Can Walk, They Can Stand!

Bilateral Standing AP, Bilateral Sunrise, and Lateral

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Vanderbilt Sports Medicine

Differential Diagnosis For Knee Effusions

• Injury/Event

– Fracture

– Dislocation

– Cruciate Tear

– Bone Bruise

– Meniscus Tear

• No Injury/Event


– Septic Arthritis

– Gout/CPPD


– Chondromatosis

– Inflammatory Arthritis

– Reactive Arthritis

– Spontaneous Hemarthrosis

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Knee Effusions• Leg MUST Be Straight

– If not, fluid will hide in Popliteal Fossa

• Direct Palpation– Feel femoral condyles at the patella

– Compress suprapatellar pouch

– Feel for fluid femoral at the condyles

• Visualize Fluid Wave

– Milk Fluid from the anterior-medial joint line

– Push fluid out of superolateral suprapatellar pouch

– Watch for wave at anterior-medial knee

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Medial Collateral Ligament Sprain

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Medial Collateral Ligament SprainHistory

• Pain at medial knee

• Relieved by resting leg on lateral foot with ER hip

• Usually with lateral blow to knee or fall with knee falling into valgus


• TTP at MCL on medial joint line and/or above or below joint line

• Graded based on degree of laxity on valgus stress– Grade 1 – Pain but No Laxity

– Grade 2 – Pain and Laxity at 20° flexion

– Grade 3 – Laxity in Full Extension +/- Pain

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Medial Collateral Ligament SprainImaging

• Bilateral Standing AP, Bilateral Sunrise and Lateral of affected side

• Findings = Normal– r/o fracture, esp. in skeletally



• Initial Therapy– Straight leg raises and full range

of motion

– Double-hinged knee brace

• Not Knee Immobilizer

• PT for hip/core/quad rehab

• Return To Play– Full Strength, ROM, & Speed for

all things activity requires

• Grade 1 – 2-4 weeks

• Grade 2 – 4-6 weeks

• Grade 3 – 6-8 weeks; ? Surgery

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Medial Meniscus Tear

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Medial Meniscus TearHistory

• Pain at affected joint line

• Worse with incr. activity, sitting, or upon standing/start-up

• May have catch/release/locking symptoms

• Usually starts with weight bearing + twist injury

• May result from both an event or a process


• TTP at posterior medial (NOT anterior medial) joint line

• Consider Duck Walk test if Hx convincing but exam equivocal

• McMurry’s is only 50-60% sensitive and specific

• May or May Not have an Effusion

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Medial Meniscus Tear vs. MCL Sprain• MCL Divides Medial

Joint Line Into Ant/Post

– MCL Pain tracks Vertical or Perpendicular joint line

– MMT Pain tracks Horizontal or Parallel to joint line

• ≥ 95% of MMT are in the POSTERIOR Horn

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Medial Meniscal TearImaging

• Bilateral Standing AP, Bilateral Sunrise and Lateral of affected side– r/o or determine severity of DJD

• Consider MRI if joint line tenderness AND <50% joint space narrowing on XR– Don’t Create an MRI Bomb!


• PT for hip/core/quad strengthening and quad/hamstring flexibility,

• CS Injection

• Arthroscopy– If >50% medial joint space

narrowing, MMT Tx changes from:

• Non-Op

– 75% symptom relief 50%

• Surgery

– 90% symptom relief 70%

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Meniscus Tears Therapy

• Evidence – Level 1

– Arthroscopic surgery for degenerative tears of the meniscus: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Khan et. al. CMAJ. 2014 Aug 25

• Conclusion – There is moderate evidence to suggest that there is no benefit to arthroscopic meniscal debridement for degenerative meniscal tears in comparison with nonoperative or sham treatments in middle-aged patients with mild or no concomitant osteoarthritis. A trial of nonoperative management should be the firstline treatment for such patients.

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XR ReviewMeniscus Tears and Arthritis

• Favors Non-Op– ≥ 50% JSN

– No Injury

– Less Active

– No Mechanical Symptoms

• Favors Surgery– <50 % JSN

– Injury/Event

– Active &/or Young

– Mechanical Symptoms

Clinical Meaningful Difference>50% Joint Space Narrowing (JSN) = Changes

Arthroscopic outcomes & favors rehab as initial Tx

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Iliotibial Band Friction Syndrome

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Iliotibial Band Friction SyndromeHistory

• Pain at lateral knee

• Worse with incr. activity, sitting, or upon standing/start-up

• Worst in mid-range of motion

• Prefer to walk down stairs/hills with peg/straight leg

• May radiate to lateral leg or distal/lateral thigh

• Common in runners

Exam• TTP at lateral femoral condyle or

Gurdy’s tubercle

• Weak Hips/Core

• Weak on affected side with Trendelenburg Stance or Single-Leg Squat tests

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Iliotibial Band Friction SyndromeImaging

• Bilateral Standing AP, Bilateral Sunrise and Lateral of affected side

• Findings = Normal


• PT for hip/core strengthening and IT band stretching

• Foam Rolling

• CS Injection at IT Band and Lateral Femoral Condyle Bursa

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Ankle Sprains



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Which Ligaments Involved?

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• Lateral Joint Stabilizers

– Anterior Talofibular Ligament (ATFL)

– Calcaneofibular Ligament (CFL)

– Posterior Talofibular Ligament (PTFL)

• Medial Joint Stabilizers

– Superficial and Deep Deltoid Ligaments

• Bone Stabilizers

– Anterior Tibiofibular Ligament (AITFL)

– Posterior Tibiofibular Ligament (PITFL) with deep portion

– Interosseous Ligament

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Anatomy – Syndesmosis• Contributions

– AITFL: 35%

– IOL: 22%

– PITFL: 40%

– IOM: <10%

• Primary Resistors to External Rotation and Lateral Talar Shift

– Medial malleolus

– Deltoid LigamentBorrowed from Dr. Michael Khazzam

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• 21 yo injures his ankle

– Swollen

– Unable to bear weight

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Case – Exam

• TTP lateral malleolus tip and anterior tib/fib area

• NT over proximal fibula

• Negative Squeeze test

• Positive ER test

• Anterior Drawer and Talar Tilt unable to assess

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Ottawa Ankle Rules

• Pooled Analysis

– 97.6% sensitive

– 31.5% specific

– 0.08 Neg LR

Bachmann BMJ 2003;326:1 Level II

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Ankle Instability Tests

• Anterior Drawer

• Optimum position

– 90o knee flexion

– 10o ankle plantarflexion

• No one measurement is diagnostic, more important side to side

Lynch J Athl Train 2002;37(4):406Kovaleski J Athl Train 2008;43(3) and Croy et al. J

Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2013;43(12).

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Ankle Instability Tests

• Anterolateral Drawer

– Pivots around Deltoid

– 100% sens/spec compared with 75%/50% with Anterior Drawer

Lynch J Athl Train 2002;37(4):406Phisitkul Foot Ankl Int 2009;30(7):690. Cadaver study

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Ankle Instability Tests

• Talar Tilt

– Neutral and plantar position

– Inversion force

Lynch J Athl Train 2002;37(4):406

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What about the Syndesmosis?• MRI proven injuries

– Sensitive tests• Single leg hop: 89%

• Tenderness: 92%

• Dorsiflexion/ER test: 71%

– Specific tests• Pain out of proportion:


• Squeeze test: 88%

Sman et al. BJSM epub 11/19/2013.

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Lynch J Athl Train 2002;37(4):406

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So we have an ankle sprain…

• AAOS guidelines

– Rest

– Ice

– Compression

– Elevation


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How about Functional immediately?• Compared walking boot to


• Acute presentation

– MRI proven tears

• Functional

– Better AOFAS scores

– Back to work quicker

• Pain and instability equal

Prado et al. Foot Ankle Int, epub 2014.

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Time to Move – PT• Focus on strength,

neuromuscular control

• Grade I and II sprains

– Accelerated (1st week) better outcomes than waiting a week

• 8 week home proprioceptive

– 11% AR reduction in re-injury

– NNT = 9

Bleakley BMJ 2010;340:c1964 (Level I), Hupperets BMJ 2009;339:b2684 (Level 1), and image from

Sports Health 2010;2(6):460.

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Ankle Braces• Effective

– Taping = Braces

– Braces cheaper

– 15-50% reduction in ankle sprains

– Prevents recurrences

• Should be coupled with neuromuscular training

• Reduce incidence but not severity

Verhagen et al BJSM 2010;44 and Janssen et al. BJSM 2014, epub

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Plantar Fasciitis

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Plantar Fascia Anatomy

• Originates at the anteriomedial aspect of the calcaneus

• Spreads broadly as it extends distally to divide into 5 digital bands at the MTP joints

• Inserts into the base of the proximal phalanx of each toe

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• Relatively inelastic structure– Maximal elongation is 4%.

• “Windlass effect”– High tensile forces concentrated at

the calcaneal origin during the toe-off phase

• Raises the arch of the foot during the push-off phase of walking

• Gastrocnemius-soleus muscles – Contract in the toe-off phase while

the body weight is on the forefoot and the PF is under tension


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• “Bow and bowstring”

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• Walking Heel Strike = 110% body weight

• Running Heel Strike Force = 200% body weight

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Calcaneal Exostoses

• DuVries HL, Arch Surg, 1957– The concept of physical impingement into the plantar fat pad was


• Williams PL, et al, Foot Ankle, 1987– 75% of patients with heel pain had heel spurs

• Asymptomatic patients had a 63% incidence of heel spurs

• Davies MS, et al, Foot Ankle Int, 1999– 50% of patients with heel pain had heel spurs

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Runners and PF

• Up to 10% of runners affectedD’maio, Sports Med and Rehab Series, 1993

• Novices especially at risk

• Threshold of 40miles/wkFredericson and Misra, Sports Med, 2009

• Long distance runners comprise a higher percentage than the population at large of those undergoing surgery for PFRiddle DL, et al, JBJS, 2003

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Vanderbilt Sports Medicine

Runners and PF

• Up to 10% of runners affectedD’maio, Sports Med and Rehab Series, 1993

• Novices especially at risk

• Threshold of 40miles/wkFredericson and Misra, Sports Med, 2009

• Long distance runners comprise a higher percentage than the population at large of those undergoing surgery for PFRiddle DL, et al, JBJS, 2003

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Riddle DL, et al, JBJS, 2003Variable Odds ratio 95%

Confidence Interval

Ankle dorsiflexion ≤0°

23.3 (compared with individuals who had >10° of dorsiflexion)


BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2 5.6 (compared with individuals who had a BMI of ≤25 kg/m2)


Majority of time spent on feet during workday

3.6 (compared with individuals who did not spend time on their feet)


Recreational Runner 2.8 (compared to non-runners)


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Clinical Diagnosis

• Gradual onset of pain in the inferior heel

– Usually worse with the first step in the morning or after a period of inactivity

• Pain lessens with gradual increase in activity but may worsen toward the end of the day with increased duration of weight-bearing

• Associated paresthesias uncommon

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Clinical Diagnosis

• History of increased intensity and/or mileage

• Change in footwear or surface

• Other risk factors present

– Standing Occupation

– Obesity

– Pes Planus

• Pain can be bilateral

– Approximately 1/3 of cases

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Clinical Diagnosis

• Inspect stance/gait

– Pes planus, pes cavus

• Maximal tenderness over the anteromedial aspect of the inferior heel or midfoot

• Decreased ankle dorsiflexion due to Achilles tightness

– Passive dorsiflexion of ankle and MTPs may exacerbate symptoms

• Windlass mechanism

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DDx – Plantar Heel PainSite Diagnoses

Bone Calcaneal stress fracture- positive squeeze test; x-ray may show sclerosis

Bone bruise- Hx of trauma, generalized pain over inferior heel


- deep bone pain, nocturnalPaget’s disease

Soft tissue Fat-pad atrophy- elderly, usually no morning pain, atrophy evident


Nerve (entrapment or compression)

Tarsal tunnel syndrome (posterior tibial nerve)First branch of the lateral plantar nerveS1 radiculopathyNerve to abductor digiti quintiNeuropathic pain

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Treatment – Plantar Fasciitis

• Nonsurgical:


– Injections LOE 2

– Orthoses LOE 2

– Heel Pads

– Physical therapy LOE 2

– Night splints

– Walking casts

– Extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) LOE 1/2

• Surgical Treatment

– Plantar fascia release

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• Orthoses may be helpful for runners with excessive pronation, leg length discrepancy, patellofemoral pain, plantar fasciitis, Achilles’ tendinitis, and shin splints



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Prospective Cohort – LOE II

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• Conservative therapy should always be the first line of treatment

– More than 90% of cases respond to this approach by 1 year

– Plantar Fascia Stretching & PT, Orthotics, CS Injection supported by level I & II EBM

• Reserve ESWT for recalcitrant cases

– NOT for initial therapy

• Surgical treatment should not be utilized until all conservative measures are exhausted

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Questions or Comments

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