Dave Coplin National Technology Officer (Acting)

Dave Coplin National Technology Officer (Acting) pen Government d the Future o ublic Sector I

Transcript of Dave Coplin National Technology Officer (Acting)

Page 1: Dave Coplin National Technology Officer (Acting)

Dave CoplinNational Technology Officer(Acting)

Open Government and the Future of

Public Sector IT

Page 2: Dave Coplin National Technology Officer (Acting)

From: Jonathan MurrayWorldwide Technology Officer


Disclaimer*1. Forward Looking Statements: The following presentation contains certain

predictions and forecasts which may possibly/probably, turn out to be wholly inaccurate.

2. Utility: The forward looking nature of this presentation is unlikely to provide any information which will prove useful for addressing near term challenges in your business or personal life.

3. Work In Progress: This is an ongoing piece of work; as such the author reserves the right to right to amend, replace or contradict any premises, argument or logical statements contained herein.

4. Investment Decisions: Under no circumstances should the information be used to make investment or other life changing decisions. The author’s liability shall not exceed the fee received for this presentation.

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Principles of OpenGovernment

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The Power of Data

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Putting Citizens at the Centre

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Government IT Challenge

Support Environmental


Modernise Government


Reduce Costs

Increase Government

Worker Productivity

Improve Citizen


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7 10 26 32 26

1 2 3 (n/a) 4 5

Source: Ipsos MORI

Great Expectations

The experts who provide and manage

public services know best

The general public should

be more actively

involved in shaping public


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Social Networking Comes of Age

Source: “Global Faces and Networked Places” A Nielson Report on Social Networking’s New Global Footprint, March 2009

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The Citizens are Revolting…

Image ©: BBC

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“Police complain orders to patrol alone puts them in danger”

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Which leaves me feeling like this...

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And you feeling like this...

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POP QUIZ #1: Name the oldest “crowdsourced” public service…

73 years old...

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3 Principles

Open Government

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My Council Dashboard

Current Street Average

Your Year to Date Amount

Current Waste Trade Price/kilo

£0.58Offer Trade? Yes No

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The Power of Data

Open Government

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Data is the New Oil...

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life, death, taxes, health, wealth, school, exams, food, hunger, sleep, danger, driving, motorcycles, fish, weather, climate change, kids, dogs, cats, family, mother, father, parents, brother, sister, time, boredom, neighbours, crime, crime, government, policy, business, money, debt, home, mortgage, beer, hot dog buns, open doors, closed windows, birthdays, relatives, cakes, does anyone really care about this, terrorism, war, space, peace, fruit, beer, wine, drugs, old age, beauty, fitness, language, speech, hair, work, play, boss, job, famine, world hunger, is the bloke at the back actually sleeping, earthquakes, spiders, spiders, ants, bees, bugs, mushrooms, elephants, hatstands, chocolate, coffee, caffeine, music, is this another lame analogy being perverted to prove a stupid argument, presenting shoes, tigers, lions, snakes, shakes books, journalists, teeth, tools, nails, heights, spaces, culture, lame attempts at comedy to try and prove a point during presentations, funny, humour, tv, radio, internet, children, mum, dad, pets, snakes, birds, yobs, racism, ageism, conferences on open government, stupid conversations about technology fundamentalism, doors, water, oceans, rivers, fields, cows, bulls, computers, love, hillbillys, geeks, how long is it until lunch, really, heavy metal fans, guns, hockey, football, disease, cancer, alcohol, cigarettes, children, kids, powerpoint, cool people, water.

What Worries Me?

Single data set

Single context

Page 36: Dave Coplin National Technology Officer (Acting)

Image courtesy http://www.wordle.net

Multiple data sets

Single context

What Worries Most People?

Page 37: Dave Coplin National Technology Officer (Acting)

Your Age Vs How Much You Worry

“Crap. Crap. Craaaap.”

“This empty box is amazing. Huzzah!”

“It’s ok. Thingshave a way of

working themselves out. I remember


Source: http://flowingdata.com/category/data-underload

Multiple data sets

Multiple contexts

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£6 Billion

Source: http://www.rufuspollock.org/economics/papers/economics_of_psi.pdf

Page 39: Dave Coplin National Technology Officer (Acting)

3 Laws of Open Government Data

1. If it can’t be spidered or indexed, it doesn’t exist

2. If it isn’t available in open and machine readable format, it can’t engage

3. If a legal framework doesn’t allow it to be repurposed, it doesn’t empower

Source: http://eaves.ca/2009/09/30/three-law-of-open-government-data/

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Page 41: Dave Coplin National Technology Officer (Acting)

Analytics and Reporting

Information Discovery

Brokerage Business

A Data Service for the Cloud

Page 42: Dave Coplin National Technology Officer (Acting)

Information Discovery

Discover, acquire, and consume structured and blob datasets to power any application – on any platform and any screen size.Easy to consume secure APIs for content. Integrations with Office, SQL, Dynamics planned for instant discovery and mash-up of data for the information worker.


Partner driven ecosystem and global reach to deliver data and functionality to developers and information workers. Set your price, terms, and use our cloud to deliver web services and data to the world!


and Reporting

Single click analysis to augment private data with premium commercial and public domain data - on premises or in the cloud.Discover, create, buy and sell analytics and reports on top of Dallas content…

Built completely on the Windows Azure platform


What is “Dallas”?

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Putting the Citizenat the Centre

Open Government

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evicesTrust & Control

Page 46: Dave Coplin National Technology Officer (Acting)

HealthVault Key Design Principles

Inclusive of Industry Standards

Privacy and Security Focused

HealthVault is unique because it puts the citizen in control of their health information

• In control of their privacy• In control of how they share information • In control of which applications they use

HealthVault is an open platform, easy to participate • Free Published SDK and APIs, Community Promise• Easily Extensible Data Model – works with

standards• Strong Developer Community: MSDN

Documentation, Developer Forum and Blogs, Open Source Communities

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Moving Forward

Open Government

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Strategic Intent

Capability to Act

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Engaging Citizens




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Here Be Trolls...

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Security & Privacy

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Differential Privacy


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Differential Privacy

Source: http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/projects/databaseprivacy/dwork.pdf

“A randomized function K gives –differential privacy if for all data sets D1 and D2 differing on at most one element, and all

S Range(K), where the probability space in each case is ⊆over the coin flips of the mechanism K.”

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Principles of OpenGovernment

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The Power of Data

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Putting Citizens at the Centre

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Ask #1: Architect “Open by Default”

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Ask #2: Unleash the Power of Your Data

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Ask #3: Seek Out “Co-creation”

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Ask #4: Encourage Participation

Let Trolls Live“Happy Ever After”

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A Disruptive Influence...

