Dating tips for wo men


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The Best Dating Tips For Women

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1. Stay Away From Your Phone

The biggest mistake women make on a date is using their cell phones. When you're on a date, your cell phone should stay in your bag. A guy doesn’t want to sit across from you if you're on your phone the entire time. He wants your full


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2. No One Cares About Your Ex

Sometimes women talk about their ex-

boyfriends too much. Youre in the present, so

focus on it..

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3. Don’t Eat Like A Bird

When you go on a date, don’t order a salad.

Men like women who enjoy eating.

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4. Keep The Drinks To A Minimum

Some women think its okay to drink alcohol

like its water. Men (or most people for that

case) don’t like alcoholics.

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5. Confidence is Cool

Women sometimes act insecure on a date.

Yes, we all get nervous at times. We are

human. But men don't need to see that. Its

important to always be confident.

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6. Be Nice

Nothing makes a man want to run away like a

rude and impolite woman.

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7. Don’t Be Too Aggressive

Last but not least, some women like to make

the first move. Depending on your style, go for

it, but it’s also dancing a fine line. Once you

are in a relationship its important to be

aggressive, but not when you are first dating.

Let him be the man. If he likes you, I promise

hell kiss you.

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