Data types, code lists and enumerations of EAGLE ...

Page: 1 EAGLE data model diagram - Last modified 18/02/2015 INSPIRE Natural Risk Zones INSPIRE Land Use INSPIRE Bio-geographical Regions INSPIRE Habitats and Biotopes INSPIRE Geology, Hydrogeology INSPIRE Geology, Hydrogeology INSPIRE Sea Regions INSPIRE Hydrography INSPIRE Energy Resources INSPIRE Mineral Resources INSPIRE Buildings INSPIRE Base Types INSPIRE Agricultural Facilities INSPIRE Species Distribution «dataType» LandCoverVector:: LandCoverObservation + class: LandCoverClassValue «voidable» + mosaic: LandCoverValue [1..*] + observationDate: DateTime «dataType» LandCoverVector:: LandCoverValue + class: LandCoverClassValue «voidable» + coveredPercentage: Integer «featureType» EAGLELandCoverVector_Base:: LandCoverDataset + levelOfDetail: LevelOfDetailType + metadata: EAGLEMetadataType «featureType» EAGLELandCoverVector_Base::LandCoverComponent + status: StatusType [0..*] + surfaceModification: SurfaceModificationValue [0..1] «featureType» EAGLELandCoverVector_Base::SpatialComposition + built-upPattern: Built-upPatternValue [0..1] + linearPattern: LinearPatternValue [0..1] + linearTechnicalNetwork: LinearTechnicalNetworkValue [0..1] + spatialPattern: SpatialPatternValue [0..1] constraints {urbanPatternOnlyForSealedLandCoverComponents} Hierarchy concept between datasets. This reflexive relationship makes possible the link between datasets at different level of detail or spatial-temporal links. Extent in INSPIRE LCDataset is optional (0... *). Therefore in EAGLE LCDataset there have been introduced a enhanced metadata type to allocate the main technical aspects, e.g. referenceDataTemporalExtent (timespan of imagery data years), etc. «featureType» LandCoverExtension::LandCoverDataSet + nomenclatureDocumentationExtended: LandCoverNomenclature [0..*] {ordered} «featureType» LandCoverExtension::LandCoverUnit + landCoverObservationExtended: LandCoverObservation [0..*] {ordered} + parametricObservation [0..*] ::LandCoverUnit + geometry: GM_Object + inspireId: Identifier + landCoverObservation: LandCoverObservation [1..*] «voidable, lifeCycleInfo» ::LandCoverUnit + beginLifespanVersion: DateTime + endLifespanVersion: DateTime [0..1] constraints ::LandCoverUnit { geometryIsKindOfGM_PointOrGM_Surface } «featureType» LandCoverVector::LandCoverDataset + extent: EX_Extent + inspireId: Identifier + name: CharacterString + nomenclatureDocumentation: LandCoverNomenclature «voidable, lifeCycleInfo» + beginLifespanVersion: DateTime + endLifespanVersion: DateTime [0..1] «voidable» + validFrom: Date + validTo: Date «featureType» LandCoverVector::LandCoverUnit + geometry: GM_Object + inspireId: Identifier + landCoverObservation: LandCoverObservation [1..*] «voidable, lifeCycleInfo» + beginLifespanVersion: DateTime + endLifespanVersion: DateTime [0..1] «dataType» LandCoverExtension:: P arameterType + name: ParameterTypeValue «voidable» + observationDate: Date «dataType» LandCoverExtension:: PercentageParameter + coveredPercentage: Number «dataType» LandCoverExtension:: PresenceParameter + present: Boolean «dataType» LandCoverExtension:: CountableParameter + count: Number INSPIRE Land Cover «codeList» EAGLELandCoverVector_Base: :ParameterTypeValue + crowCoverDensity + soilSealingDegree Data value of 'name' has been changed from characterString to a extensible codeList. Benefits: only controled values allowed. «featureType» EAGLELandCoverVector_Base:: AbstractLandCoverComponent + occurence: OccurenceType + overlaying: boolean [0..1] «lifeCycleInfo» + beginLifespanVersion: DateTime + endLifespanVersion: DateTime [0..1] «ExistingLandUse» + existingLandUse: LandUseType [0..1] «time» + timeDimension: TimeDimensionType [0..1] «featureType» EAGLELandCoverVector_Base::LandCoverUnit + cultivationPractice: CultivationPracticeValue [0..1] + ecosystem: EcosystemType [0..1] + environmentalZone: EnvironmentalZoneType [0..1] + heightZone: HeightZoneValue [0..1] + spatialContext: SpatialContextValue [0..1] + tidalInfluence: boolean [0..1] «ExistingLandUse» + existingLandUse: LandUseType [0..1] «featureType» Abiotic/Non-Vegetated::Abiotic/Non- Vegetated «featureType» Abiotic/Non-Vegetated::Artificial + height: Number [0..1] «featureType» Abiotic/Non- Vegetated:: Sealed «featureType» Abiotic/Non- Vegetated:: NonSealed «featureType» Abiotic/Non-Vegetated::NaturalMaterials + agriculturalManagement: AgriculturalManagementType [0..1] + forestryManagement: ForestryManagementType [0..1] «EnergyResource» + fossilFuel: FossilFuelValue [0..1] + renewableEnergy: RenewableAndWasteValue [0..1] «NaturalResource» + miningProduct: EndusePotentialValue [0..1] «featureType» Abiotic/Non- Vegetated:: Consolidated «featureType» Abiotic/Non-Vegetated:: Unconsolidated + clearCut: boolean [0..1] «featureType» Abiotic/Non-Vegetated::Buildings «featureType» Abiotic/Non-Vegetated::OtherConstructions + otherConstructionNature: OtherConstructionNatureValue [0..1] «featureType» Abiotic/Non-Vegetated:: ConventionalBuildings «featureType» Abiotic/Non-Vegetated::SpecificBuildings + buildingNature: BuildingNatureValue [0..1] «featureType» Abiotic/Non-Vegetated:: SpecificStructuresAndFacilities «featureType» Abiotic/Non-Vegetated:: OpenSealedSurfaces «featureType» Abiotic/Non- Vegetated:: WasteMaterials «featureType» Abiotic/Non-Vegetated:: OpenNonSealedArtificialSurfaces «featureType» Abiotic/Non- Vegetated:: BareRocks «featureType» Abiotic/Non- Vegetated:: HardPan «featureType» Abiotic/Non-Vegetated::MineralFragments + mineralFragmentsCategory: MineralFragments [0..1] «featureType» Abiotic/Non-Vegetated::BareSoils + cultivationPattern: CultivationPracticeValue [0..1] + fertilizing: boolean [0..1] + irrigation: boolean [0..1] + salinity: WaterSalinityValue [0..1] «featureType» Abiotic/Non- Vegetated:: Deposits «featureType» Abiotic/Non-Vegetated:: OrganicDeposits «featureType» Abiotic/Non- Vegetated:: InorganicDeposits «featureType» Biotic/Vegetation::Biotic/Vegetation + clearCut: boolean [0..1] + drainage: DrainageValue [0..1] + grazing: GrazingTypeValue [0..1] + height: Number [0..1] + plantCommunities: PlantCommunityType [0..1] + plantLocation: PlantLocationValue [0..1] + shrubClearance: boolean [0..1] + species: SpeciesNameType [0..1] + speciesOrigin: SpeciesOriginValue [0..1] «agriculture» + agriculturalManagement: AgriculturalManagementType [0..1] «forestry» + forestryManagement: ForestryManagementType [0..1] «featureType» Biotic/Vegetation::Woody + foliageSeasonality: FoliageSeasonalityValue [0..1] + leafCharacter: LeafCharacterValue [0..1] + leafForm: LeafFormValue [0..1] + phenology: PhenologyValue [0..1] «featureType» Biotic/Vegetation::Herbaceous + mowing: MowingTypeValue [0..1] «featureType» Biotic/Vegetation: :Lichens, Mosses, Algae «featureType» Biotic/Vegetation:: SucculentAndOthers «featureType» Biotic/Vegetation::Trees + forestHistory: ForestHistoryValue [0..1] «featureType» Biotic/Vegetation::Bushes/Shrubs «featureType» Biotic/Vegetation:: RegularBushes/Shrubs «featureType» Biotic/Vegetation: :DwarfShrubs «featureType» Biotic/Vegetation:: Graminaceous constraints {onlyGraminaceousSpecies} «featureType» Biotic/Vegetation:: NonGraminaceous «featureType» Biotic/Vegetation:: RegularGraminaceous «featureType» Biotic/Vegetation::Reeds, Bamboos and Canes «featureType» Biotic/Vegetation: :Lichens «featureType» Biotic/Vegetation: :Mosses «featureTy... Biotic/Vegetation: :Algea «featureType» Biotic/Vegetation:: MicroAlgae «featureType» Biotic/Vegetation:: MacroAlgae «featureType» Water::Water «featureType» Water::Liquid + salinity: WaterSalinityValue [0..1] + waterRegime: HydrologicalPersistenceValue [0..1] «featureType» Water::Solid «featureType» Water::InlandWater + coastalWater: boolean [0..1] + waterType: OriginValue [0..1] «featureType» Water::MarineWater + seaAreaType: SeaAreaTypeClassificationValue [0..1] «featureType» Water::Watercourses + level: VerticalPositionValue [0..1] «featureType» Water:: StandingWater «featureType» Water::Snow + height: Number [0..1] «featureType» Water:: IceAndGlaciers «Enumeration» Abiotic/Non-Vegetated:: MineralFragmentsValue boulder, stones pebbles, gravel sand, grit clay, silt mixed unsorted material «Enumeration» Biotic/Vegetation:: AgriculturalLandTypeValue arable cropland permanent cropland permanent grassland «Enumeration» Biotic/Vegetation:: IrrigationSourceValue groundwater reservoir water course unknown «Enumeration» Biotic/Vegetation::GrazingTypeValue intensive (>2 livestock unit/ha) extensive/freerange (<2 livestock unit/ha) unknown intensity «dataType» Biotic/Vegetation::PlantCommunityType + PhytoSociologicalName: CharacterString + PhytoSociologicalScheme: CharacterString «Enumeration» Biotic/Vegetation:: WetnessValue surface water saturated ground «Enumeration» Biotic/Vegetation:: MowingTypeValue natural (none) 1 time (extensive, semi-natural) 2 times (medium intensity) >2 times (intensive) unknown «Enumeration» Biotic/Vegetation:: PhenologyValue annual biennial perennial ephemeral «Enumeration» Biotic/Vegetation:: LeafCharacterValue regular sclerophyte «Enumeration» Biotic/Vegetation:: LeafFormValue broadleaved coniferous/needleleaved non-leafy palm leaves «Enumeration» Biotic/Vegetation:: ForestHistoryValue reforestation afforestation endemic/primary «dataType» SpeciesDistribution::SpeciesNameType + referenceSpeciesId: ReferenceSpeciesCodeValue + referenceSpeciesScheme: ReferenceSpeciesSchemeValue «voidable» + localSpeciesId: LocalSpeciesNameCodeValue [0..1] + localSpeciesName: CharacterString [0..1] + localSpeciesScheme: CharacterString [0..1] + qualifier: QualifierValue [0..1] + referenceSpeciesName: CharacterString «codeList» SpeciesDistribution::ReferenceSpeciesCodeValue tags asDictionary = true extensibility = any vocabulary = xsdEncodingRule = iso19136_2007_INSPIRE_Extensions «codeList» SpeciesDistribution:: ReferenceSpeciesSchemeValue + eunis + eunomen + natureDirectives «codeList» SpeciesDistribution::LocalSpeciesNameCodeValue tags asDictionary = true extensibility = any vocabulary = xsdEncodingRule = iso19136_2007_INSPIRE_Extensions «codeList» SpeciesDistribution:: QualifierValue + congruent + excludes + includedIn + includes + overlaps «codeList» Agricultural and Aquaculture Facilities Extended Model:: PlotActivityValue tags asDictionary = true extensibility = any vocabulary = xsdEncodingRule = iso19136_2007_INSPIRE_Extensions EU regulation (EC) 1200/2009, annex II, chapter 2. (codes 2.01 - 2.04.07 and 2.06.03 - 2.06.04). Example Values 2_01_01_Cereals for the production of grain (including seed) 2_01_01_01_Common wheat and spelt 2_01_01_02_Durum wheat 2_01_01_03_Rye 2_01_01_04_Barley 2_01_01_05_Oats 2_01_01_06_Grain maize 2_01_01_07_Rice 2_01_01_99_Other cereals for the production of grain 2_01_02_Dried pulses and protein crops for the production of grain (including seed and mixtures of cereals and pulses) 2_01_02_01_Dried pulses and protein crops of which peas, field beans and sweet lupins 2_01_03_Potatoes (including early potatoes and seed potatoes) 2_01_04_Sugar beet (excluding seed) 2_01_05_Fodder roots and brassicas (excluding seed) 2_01_06_Industrial crops 2_01_06_01_Tobacco 2_01_06_02_Hops 2_01_06_03_Cotton 2_01_06_04_Rape and turnip rape 2_01_06_05_Sunflower 2_01_06_06_Soya 2_01_06_07_Linseed (oil flax) 2_01_06_08_Other oil seed crops 2_01_06_09_Flax 2_01_06_10_Hemp 2_01_06_11_Other fibre crops 2_01_06_12_Aromatic plants, medicinal and culinary plants 2_01_06_99_Other industrial crops not mentioned elsewhere 2_01_07_Fresh vegetables, melons and strawberries of which: 2_01_07_01_Outdoor or under low (not accessible) protective cover 2_01_07_01_01_Open field 2_01_07_01_02_Market gardening 2_01_07_02_Under glass or other (accessible) protective cover 2_01_08_Flowers and ornamental plants (excluding nurseries) 2_01_08_01_Outdoor or under low (not accessible) protective cover 2_01_08_02_Under glass or other (accessible) protective cover 2_01_09_Plants harvested green 2_01_09_01_Temporary grass 2_01_09_02_Other plants harvested green 2_01_09_02_01_Green maize 2_01_09_02_02_Leguminous plants 2_01_09_02_99_Other plants harvested green not mentioned elsewhere 2_01_10_Arable land seed and seedlings 2_01_11_Other arable land crops 2_01_12_Fallow land 2_02_Kitchen gardens 2_03_Permanent grassland 2_03_01_Permanent grassland Pasture and meadow, excluding rough grazings 2_03_02_Permanent grassland Rough grazings 2_03_03_Permanent grassland no longer used for production purposes and eligible for the payment of subsidies 2_04_Permanent crops 2_04_01_Fruit and berry plantations 2_04_01_01_Fruit species, of which: 2_04_01_01_01_Fruit of temperate climate zones 2_04_01_01_02_Fruit of subtropical climate zones 2_04_01_02_Berry species 2_04_01_03_Nuts 2_04_02_Citrus plantations 2_04_03_Olive plantations 2_04_03_01_Normally producing table olives 2_04_03_02_/Normally producing olives for oil production 2_04_04_Vineyards, of which normally producing: 2_04_04_01_Quality wine 2_04_04_02_Other wines 2_04_04_03_Table grapes 2_04_04_04_Raisins 2_04_05_Nurseries 2_04_06_Other permanent crops 2_04_06_01_Other permanent crops of which Christmas trees(1) 2_04_07_Permanent crops under glass 2_06_Mushrooms, energy crops and genetically modified crops 2_06_01_Mushrooms 2_06_03_Energy crops (for the production of biofuels or other renewable energy) 2_06_03_01_Energy crops of which on set-aside area 2_06_04_Genetically modified crops «codeList» Agricultural and Aquaculture Facilities Extended Model:: IrrigationMethodeValue tags asDictionary = true extensibility = any vocabulary = xsdEncodingRule = iso19136_2007_INSPIRE_Extensions EU regulation EC 1200/2009, annex III, chapter VIII. - surfaceIrrigation - sprinklerIrrigation - dropIrrigation European Vegetation Survey could become reference scheme «Enumeration» Biotic/Vegetation:: FoliageSeasonalityValue evergreen summer deciduous winter deciduous «Enumeration» Biotic/Vegetation:: PlantLocationValue terrestrial aquatic submerged aquatic emergent «Enumeration» Biotic/Vegetation:: FertilizingActivityValue 1 organic fertilizer 1_1 animal manure 1_2 green manure 2 industrial/synthetic fertilizer 3 unknown type «Enumeration» Biotic/Vegetation:: DrainageValue ditches, trenches passing drills filled ditches unknown type «Enumeration» Biotic/Vegetation:: ForestryMeasureValue coppicing thinning «Enumeration» Biotic/Vegetation:: ForestryProductValue timber pulp energy wood «Enumeration» Biotic/Vegetation:: SpeciesOriginValue native non-native endemic invasive migrating «Enumeration» Biotic/Vegetation::ForestryPracticeValue even-aged monoculture plantation even-aged mixed forest uneven-aged mixed forest (selection forest) natural forest (non-homogenized) «Enumeration» Biotic/Vegetation:: ForestryHarvestingMethodValue clear cutting selective logging «codeList» BuildingsBase::BuildingNatureValue tags extensibility = any obligation = implementingRule vocabulary = arch, bunker, canopy, castle, cave building, chapel, church, dam, greenhouse, lighthouse, mosque, shed, silo, stadium, storage tank, synagogue, temple, tower, windmill, wind turbine. «codeList» BuildingsExtendedBase:: OtherConstructionNatureValue acousticFence, antenna, bridge, chimney, cityWall, crane, monument, openAirPool, protectiveStructure, pylon, retainingWall, solarPanel, substation, tunnel «codeList» MineralResources:: EndusePotentialValue «codeList» Energy Resources Base::FossilFuelValue tags asDictionary = true extensibility = none vocabulary = xsdEncodingRule = iso19136_2007_INSPIRE_Extensions «codeList» Energy Resources Base::RenewableAndWasteValue tags asDictionary = true extensibility = none vocabulary = xsdEncodingRule = iso19136_2007_INSPIRE_Extensions metallicMinerals,preciousMetals,baseMetals,iron FerroalloyMetals,specialityAndRareMetals,nonM etallicMinerals,buildingRawMaterial,ceramicAnd Refractory,chemicalMinerals,energyCoverMiner als,fertilizer,preciousAndSemiPreciousStones,Sp ecialityAndOtherIndustrialMinerals,recycledWas te. hardCoal,lowRankCoal,peat,crudeOil,natu ralGas,naturalGasLiquids,oilSands,oilShale s. biogas,geothermal,hydro,industrialWaste,liqui dBiofuels,municipalSolidWaste,solarPhotovolt aic,solarThermal,solidBiomass,tideWaveOcean ,wind. (codelist not used in the model, included to be known by the group) «codeList» Hydro - Physical Waters:: HydrologicalPersistenceValue + dry + ephemeral + intermittent + perennial «codeList» Sea Regions:: SeaAreaTypeClassificationValue «enumeration» Hydro - Physical Waters:: OriginValue natural manMade heavilyModified «enumeration» Base Types::VerticalPositionValue onGroundSurface suspendedOrElevated underground «DataType» EAGLELandCoverVector_Base::EAGLEMetadataType + completeness: DQ_Completeness [0..2] + domainConsistency: DQ_DomainConsistency [0..3] + origin: DSOrigin + positionAccuracy: DQ_PositionalAccuracy [0..3] + referenceDataTemporalExtent: EX_TemporalExtent + spatialResolution: EAGLESpatialResolutionType [2..*] + thematicAccuracy: DQ_ThematicAccuracy [0..3] constraints {BeginAndEndYearMustBeDocumented} «DataType» EAGLELandCoverVector_Base::LevelOfDetailType + levelOfDetail: LevelOfDetailValue + levelOfDetailSchema: LevelOfDetailSchemaValue «CodeList» EAGLELandCoverVector_Base: :LevelOfDetailValue «CodeList» EAGLELandCoverVector_Base:: LevelOfDetailSchemaValue + CityGMLExtendedLevelOfDetail + EAGLELevelOfDetail + nationalLevelOfDetail «CodeList» EAGLELandCoverVector_Base: :EAGLELevelOfDetailValue + 1:1 000 000 + 1:10 000 + 1:100 000 + 1:2 500 + 1:25 000 + 1:250 000 + 1:5 000 + 1:50 000 + 1:500 000 The main Metadata and Data Quality elements to characterize a LC/LU dataset have been included in the datamodel. Such as: Resolution, MMUmin, MMUmax, min. Width, Overall accuracy (ISO 19157, Table E.6), Commission errors, Omission errors, Significance level, Position accuracy. LOD similar to MD_Metadata equivalent scale «DataType» EAGLELandCoverVector_Base:: EAGLESpatialResolutionType + minWidth: UomLength [0..1] + mmuMax: UomArea [0..1] + mmuMin: UomArea [0..1] + resultScope: DQ_Scope Datatype for the documentation of the spatialResolution (Minimum Mapping Unit for areas or minimum width for lines) The documentation of minMMU and maxMMU or the minWidth is mandatory if DQ_Scope level=dataset ReferenceHabitatTypeCodeValue «codeList» HabitatsAndBiotopes::EunisHabitatTypeCodeValue «dataType» EAGLELandCoverVector_Base::EnvironmentalZoneType + regionClassification: RegionClassificationValue + regionClassificationScheme: RegionClassificationSchemeValue «voidable» + regionClassifcationLevel: RegionClassificationLevelValue «codeList» Bio-geographicalRegions::RegionClassificationLevelValue tags asDictionary = true extensibility = none vocabulary = xsdEncodingRule = iso19136_2007_INSPIRE_Extensions «codeList» Bio-geographicalRegions:: RegionClassificationSchemeValue tags asDictionary = true extensibility = any vocabulary = xsdEncodingRule = iso19136_2007_INSPIRE_Extensions «codeList» Bio-geographicalRegions::RegionClassificationValue tags asDictionary = true extensibility = any vocabulary = xsdEncodingRule = iso19136_2007_INSPIRE_Extensions «dataType» Land Use Nomenclature::HILUCSPercentage + hilucsValue: HILUCSValue + percentage: Integer «union» Land Use Nomenclature::HILUCSPresence + orderedList: HILUCSValue [1..*] {ordered} + percentageList: HILUCSPercentage [1..*] «codeList» Land Use Nomenclature::HILUCSValue tags asDictionary = true extensibility = none vocabulary = xsdEncodingRule = iso19136_2007_INSPIRE_Extensions «codeList» Land Use Nomenclature::LandUseClassificationValue tags asDictionary = true extensibility = any vocabulary = xsdEncodingRule = iso19136_2007_INSPIRE_Extensions «dataType» Land Use Nomenclature::SpecificPercentage + percentage: Integer + specificValue: LandUseClassificationValue «union» Land Use Nomenclature::SpecificPresence + orderedList: LandUseClassificationValue [1..*] {ordered} + percentageList: SpecificPercentage [1..*] «codeList» EAGLELandCoverVector_Base: :HeightZoneValue + alpine + collin + highmontane + montane + nivale + planar + subalpine + submontane «codeList» EAGLELandCoverVector_Base: :SpatialPatternValue + homogeneous + mixed + mosaic + scattered «codeList» Hydrogeology:: WaterSalinityValue «DataType» EAGLELandCoverVector_Base:: TimeDimensionType + duration: TM_Duration [0..1] + period: TM_Period [0..1] + recurringFrequency: int [0..1] «codeList» NaturalRiskZones:: NaturalHazardCategoryValue «CodeList» EAGLELandCoverVector_Base:: SurfaceModificationValue + artificial modified natural surface + artificial snow present + terraced «dataType» EAGLELandCoverVector_Base: :OccurenceType «codeList» EAGLELandCoverVector_Base: :SpatialContextValue + coastal + inland + island + mountain + riparian + rural + urban «dataType» EAGLELandCoverVector_Base::LandUseType + hilucsLandUse: HILUCSValue + hilucsPresence: HILUCSPresence [0..1] + specificLandUse: LandUseClassificationValue [0..1] + specificLandUsePresence: SpecificPercentage [0..1] «dataType» EAGLELandCoverVector_Base::EcosystemType + eunisHabitat: EunisHabitatTypeCodeValue + genericHabitat: HabitatType [0..*] «dataType» HabitatsAndBiotopesDistribution::HabitatType + referenceHabitatTypeId: ReferenceHabitatTypeCodeValue + referenceHabitatTypeScheme: ReferenceHabitatTypeSchemeValue «voidable» + localHabitatName: LocalNameType [0..1] + referenceHabitatTypeName: CharacterString «dataType» EAGLELandCoverVector_Base: :PercentageOccurence + coveredPercentage: Number «dataType» EAGLELandCoverVector_Base: :CountableOccurence + count: Number «dataType» EAGLELandCoverVector_Base: :PresenceOccurence + present: boolean «codeList» EAGLELandCoverVector_Base::Built- upPatternValue + city street blocks, closed front + large complex buildings, big halls + row houses/terraced/semi-detached houses + scattered single houses, discontinuous + single blocks, discontinuous «dataType» EAGLELandCoverVector_Base::StatusType + reason: NaturalHazardCategoryValue [0..1] + state: StatusValue «codeList» EAGLELandCoverVector_Base: :StatusValue + abandoned + burnt + clear cut + collapsed + contaminated + damaged + not in use (never been) + out of use (temporarily) + under construction brackish water brine water fresh water saline water ultra fresh water Except: earthquake landslide snowAvalanche flood drought fires tornadosAndHurricanesStrongWinds biological «Enumeration» EAGLELandCoverVector_Base: :CultivationPracticeValue crop rotation no crop rotation plantation extensive orchards agroforestry shifting cultivation intercropping paddy field cultivation «codeList» EAGLELandCoverVector_Base:: EAGLELandUseClassificationSystem + 1_3_3_1_Salines + 1_3_X_SurfaceMining + 3_3_5_1_CementeryServices + 3_4_1_1_IndoorCulturalServices + 3_4_1_2_OutdoorCulturalServices + 3_4_3_1_GolfCourse + 3_4_3_2_SkiPistes + 3_4_3_3_OutDoorRacingCourses + 3_4_3_4_SportHalls + 3_4_3_5_Stadiums - 3_4_3_6_SwimmingPools + 3_4_4_1_UrbanGreeneryAndParks + 3_4_5_1_2_Allotment Gardens + 4_3_2_1_FreshWaterFacilities + 4_3_2_2_SewageWaterAndTreatmentFacilities According INSPIRE Data Specification on Land Use, it is possible to create or use an alternative land use classification system together HILUCS. This classification system will be a sub-codelist of LandUseClassificationSystem that will be defined and maintained by the responsible organization, not by INSPRIE. Also it is required to supply a mapping between classes on HILUCS and the alternative classification system. EAGLE proposes a codelist that contains specialized land use classes not represented in HILUCS that will be used to describe in a more detailed aspect. Each EAGLE land use is included in one HILUCS class, and this relation is expressed by the hierarchical code in the class label. EAGLE land use classes have to be used always together with original parent HILUCS classes. «codeList» EAGLELandCoverVector_Base: :LinearPatternValue + hedge rows + rows of trees + stone walls «codeList» EAGLELandCoverVector_Base: : LinearTechnicalNetworkValue + pipeline + road Land Cover Components - Data types, code lists and enumerations Data types and code lists of EAGLE land use attribution Data types, code lists and enumerations of EAGLE LandCoverDataset feature type Data types, code lists and enumerations of EAGLE LancCoverUnit feature type 0..1 0..1 +element 1..* 1 +member 1..* 1 1 0..* 1 +element 1..* 1..* 1

Transcript of Data types, code lists and enumerations of EAGLE ...

Page 1: Data types, code lists and enumerations of EAGLE ...

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EAGLE data model diagram - Last modified 18/02/2015

INSPIRE Natural Risk Zones


INSPIRE Bio-geographical Regions

INSPIRE Habitats and Biotopes

INSPIRE Geology,Hydrogeology

INSPIRE Geology,Hydrogeology

INSPIRE Sea Regions

INSPIRE Hydrography

INSPIRE Energy ResourcesINSPIRE Mineral Resources

INSPIRE Buildings

INSPIRE Base Types

INSPIRE Agricultural FacilitiesINSPIRE Species Distribution



+ class: LandCoverClassValue

«voidable»+ mosaic: LandCoverValue [1..*]+ observationDate: DateTime


+ class: LandCoverClassValue

«voidable»+ coveredPercentage: Integer



+ levelOfDetail: LevelOfDetailType+ metadata: EAGLEMetadataType


+ status: StatusType [0..*]+ surfaceModification: SurfaceModificationValue [0..1]


+ built-upPattern: Built-upPatternValue [0..1]+ linearPattern: LinearPatternValue [0..1]+ linearTechnicalNetwork: LinearTechnicalNetworkValue [0..1]+ spatialPattern: SpatialPatternValue [0..1]


Hierarchy concept between datasets. This reflexive relationship makes possible the link between datasets at different level of detail or spatial-temporal links. Extent in INSPIRE LCDataset is optional (0...

*). Therefore in EAGLE LCDataset there havebeen introduced a enhanced metadata type to allocate the main technical aspects, e.g. referenceDataTemporalExtent (timespan of imagery data years), etc.


+ nomenclatureDocumentationExtended: LandCoverNomenclature [0..*] {ordered}


+ landCoverObservationExtended: LandCoverObservation [0..*] {ordered}+ parametricObservation [0..*]

::LandCoverUnit+ geometry: GM_Object+ inspireId: Identifier+ landCoverObservation: LandCoverObservation [1..*]

«voidable, lifeCycleInfo»

::LandCoverUnit+ beginLifespanVersion: DateTime+ endLifespanVersion: DateTime [0..1]


::LandCoverUnit{ geometryIsKindOfGM_PointOrGM_Surface }


+ extent: EX_Extent+ inspireId: Identifier+ name: CharacterString+ nomenclatureDocumentation: LandCoverNomenclature

«voidable, lifeCycleInfo»+ beginLifespanVersion: DateTime+ endLifespanVersion: DateTime [0..1]

«voidable»+ validFrom: Date+ validTo: Date


+ geometry: GM_Object+ inspireId: Identifier+ landCoverObservation: LandCoverObservation [1..*]

«voidable, lifeCycleInfo»+ beginLifespanVersion: DateTime+ endLifespanVersion: DateTime [0..1]



+ name: ParameterTypeValue

«voidable»+ observationDate: Date


+ coveredPercentage: Number



+ present: Boolean


+ count: Number

INSPIRE Land Cover



+ crowCoverDensity+ soilSealingDegree

Data value of 'name' has been changed from characterString to a extensible codeList. Benefits: only controled values allowed.


+ occurence: OccurenceType+ overlaying: boolean [0..1]

«lifeCycleInfo»+ beginLifespanVersion: DateTime+ endLifespanVersion: DateTime [0..1]

«ExistingLandUse»+ existingLandUse: LandUseType [0..1]

«time»+ timeDimension: TimeDimensionType [0..1]


+ cultivationPractice: CultivationPracticeValue [0..1]+ ecosystem: EcosystemType [0..1]+ environmentalZone: EnvironmentalZoneType [0..1]+ heightZone: HeightZoneValue [0..1]+ spatialContext: SpatialContextValue [0..1]+ tidalInfluence: boolean [0..1]

«ExistingLandUse»+ existingLandUse: LandUseType [0..1]




+ height: Number [0..1]





+ agriculturalManagement: AgriculturalManagementType [0..1]+ forestryManagement: ForestryManagementType [0..1]

«EnergyResource»+ fossilFuel: FossilFuelValue [0..1]+ renewableEnergy: RenewableAndWasteValue [0..1]

«NaturalResource»+ miningProduct: EndusePotentialValue [0..1]





+ clearCut: boolean [0..1]



+ otherConstructionNature: OtherConstructionNatureValue [0..1]



+ buildingNature: BuildingNatureValue [0..1]












+ mineralFragmentsCategory: MineralFragments [0..1]


+ cultivationPattern: CultivationPracticeValue [0..1]+ fertilizing: boolean [0..1]+ irrigation: boolean [0..1]+ salinity: WaterSalinityValue [0..1]








+ clearCut: boolean [0..1]+ drainage: DrainageValue [0..1]+ grazing: GrazingTypeValue [0..1]+ height: Number [0..1]+ plantCommunities: PlantCommunityType [0..1]+ plantLocation: PlantLocationValue [0..1]+ shrubClearance: boolean [0..1]+ species: SpeciesNameType [0..1]+ speciesOrigin: SpeciesOriginValue [0..1]

«agriculture»+ agriculturalManagement: AgriculturalManagementType [0..1]

«forestry»+ forestryManagement: ForestryManagementType [0..1]


+ foliageSeasonality: FoliageSeasonalityValue [0..1]+ leafCharacter: LeafCharacterValue [0..1]+ leafForm: LeafFormValue [0..1]+ phenology: PhenologyValue [0..1]


+ mowing: MowingTypeValue [0..1]


:Lichens, Mosses, Algae




+ forestHistory: ForestHistoryValue [0..1]













Bamboos and Canes













+ salinity: WaterSalinityValue [0..1]+ waterRegime: HydrologicalPersistenceValue [0..1]



+ coastalWater: boolean [0..1]+ waterType: OriginValue [0..1]


+ seaAreaType: SeaAreaTypeClassificationValue [0..1]


+ level: VerticalPositionValue [0..1]




+ height: Number [0..1]




boulder, stones pebbles, gravel sand, grit clay, silt mixed unsorted material



arable cropland permanent cropland permanent grassland



groundwater reservoir water course unknown


intensive (>2 livestock unit/ha) extensive/freerange (<2 livestock unit/ha) unknown intensity


+ PhytoSociologicalName: CharacterString+ PhytoSociologicalScheme: CharacterString



surface water saturated ground


natural (none) 1 time (extensive, semi-natural) 2 times (medium intensity) >2 times (intensive) unknown


annual biennial perennial ephemeral



regular sclerophyte



broadleaved coniferous/needleleaved non-leafy palm leaves


reforestation afforestation endemic/primary


+ referenceSpeciesId: ReferenceSpeciesCodeValue+ referenceSpeciesScheme: ReferenceSpeciesSchemeValue

«voidable»+ localSpeciesId: LocalSpeciesNameCodeValue [0..1]+ localSpeciesName: CharacterString [0..1]+ localSpeciesScheme: CharacterString [0..1]+ qualifier: QualifierValue [0..1]+ referenceSpeciesName: CharacterString


tagsasDictionary = trueextensibility = anyvocabulary = xsdEncodingRule = iso19136_2007_INSPIRE_Extensions



+ eunis+ eunomen+ natureDirectives


tagsasDictionary = trueextensibility = anyvocabulary = xsdEncodingRule = iso19136_2007_INSPIRE_Extensions



+ congruent+ excludes+ includedIn+ includes+ overlaps

«codeList»Agricultural and Aquaculture Facilities Extended Model::


tagsasDictionary = trueextensibility = anyvocabulary = = iso19136_2007_INSPIRE_Extensions

EU regulation (EC) 1200/2009, annex II, chapter 2. (codes 2.01 - 2.04.07 and 2.06.03 - 2.06.04).Example Values2_01_01_Cereals for the production of grain (including seed)2_01_01_01_Common wheat and spelt2_01_01_02_Durum wheat2_01_01_03_Rye2_01_01_04_Barley2_01_01_05_Oats2_01_01_06_Grain maize2_01_01_07_Rice2_01_01_99_Other cereals for the production of grain2_01_02_Dried pulses and protein crops for the production of grain (including seed and mixtures of cereals and pulses)2_01_02_01_Dried pulses and protein crops of which peas, field beans and sweetlupins2_01_03_Potatoes (including early potatoes and seed potatoes)2_01_04_Sugar beet (excluding seed)2_01_05_Fodder roots and brassicas (excluding seed)2_01_06_Industrial crops2_01_06_01_Tobacco2_01_06_02_Hops2_01_06_03_Cotton2_01_06_04_Rape and turnip rape2_01_06_05_Sunflower2_01_06_06_Soya2_01_06_07_Linseed (oil flax)2_01_06_08_Other oil seed crops2_01_06_09_Flax2_01_06_10_Hemp2_01_06_11_Other fibre crops2_01_06_12_Aromatic plants, medicinal and culinary plants2_01_06_99_Other industrial crops not mentioned elsewhere2_01_07_Fresh vegetables, melons and strawberries of which:2_01_07_01_Outdoor or under low (not accessible) protective cover2_01_07_01_01_Open field2_01_07_01_02_Market gardening2_01_07_02_Under glass or other (accessible) protective cover2_01_08_Flowers and ornamental plants (excluding nurseries)2_01_08_01_Outdoor or under low (not accessible) protective cover2_01_08_02_Under glass or other (accessible) protective cover2_01_09_Plants harvested green2_01_09_01_Temporary grass2_01_09_02_Other plants harvested green2_01_09_02_01_Green maize2_01_09_02_02_Leguminous plants2_01_09_02_99_Other plants harvested green not mentioned elsewhere2_01_10_Arable land seed and seedlings2_01_11_Other arable land crops2_01_12_Fallow land2_02_Kitchen gardens2_03_Permanent grassland2_03_01_Permanent grassland Pasture and meadow, excluding rough grazings2_03_02_Permanent grassland Rough grazings2_03_03_Permanent grassland no longer used for production purposes and eligible for the payment of subsidies2_04_Permanent crops2_04_01_Fruit and berry plantations2_04_01_01_Fruit species, of which:2_04_01_01_01_Fruit of temperate climate zones2_04_01_01_02_Fruit of subtropical climate zones2_04_01_02_Berry species2_04_01_03_Nuts2_04_02_Citrus plantations2_04_03_Olive plantations2_04_03_01_Normally producing table olives2_04_03_02_/Normally producing olives for oil production2_04_04_Vineyards, of which normally producing:2_04_04_01_Quality wine2_04_04_02_Other wines2_04_04_03_Table grapes2_04_04_04_Raisins2_04_05_Nurseries2_04_06_Other permanent crops2_04_06_01_Other permanent crops of which Christmas trees(1) 2_04_07_Permanent crops under glass2_06_Mushrooms, energy crops and genetically modified crops2_06_01_Mushrooms2_06_03_Energy crops (for the production of biofuels or other renewable energy)2_06_03_01_Energy crops of which on set-aside area2_06_04_Genetically modified crops

«codeList»Agricultural and Aquaculture Facilities Extended Model::


tagsasDictionary = trueextensibility = anyvocabulary = = iso19136_2007_INSPIRE_Extensions

EU regulation EC 1200/2009, annex III, chapter VIII.- surfaceIrrigation- sprinklerIrrigation- dropIrrigation

European Vegetation Survey could become reference scheme



evergreen summer deciduous winter deciduous



terrestrial aquatic submerged aquatic emergent



1 organic fertilizer 1_1 animal manure 1_2 green manure 2 industrial/synthetic fertilizer 3 unknown type



ditches, trenches passing drills filled ditches unknown type



coppicing thinning



timber pulp energy wood



native non-native endemic invasive migrating


even-aged monoculture plantation even-aged mixed forest uneven-aged mixed forest (selection forest) natural forest (non-homogenized)



clear cutting selective logging


tagsextensibility = anyobligation = implementingRulevocabulary =

arch, bunker, canopy, castle, cave building, chapel, church, dam, greenhouse, lighthouse, mosque, shed, silo, stadium, storage tank, synagogue, temple, tower, windmill, wind turbine.



acousticFence, antenna, bridge, chimney, cityWall, crane, monument, openAirPool, protectiveStructure, pylon, retainingWall, solarPanel, substation, tunnel



«codeList»Energy Resources Base::FossilFuelValue

tagsasDictionary = trueextensibility = nonevocabulary = = iso19136_2007_INSPIRE_Extensions

«codeList»Energy Resources Base::RenewableAndWasteValue

tagsasDictionary = trueextensibility = nonevocabulary = = iso19136_2007_INSPIRE_Extensions



biogas,geothermal,hydro,industrialWaste,liquidBiofuels,municipalSolidWaste,solarPhotovoltaic,solarThermal,solidBiomass,tideWaveOcean,wind. (codelist not used in the model, included to be known by the group)

«codeList»Hydro - Physical Waters::


+ dry+ ephemeral+ intermittent+ perennial

«codeList»Sea Regions::


«enumeration»Hydro - Physical Waters::


natural manMade heavilyModified

«enumeration»Base Types::VerticalPositionValue

onGroundSurface suspendedOrElevated underground


+ completeness: DQ_Completeness [0..2]+ domainConsistency: DQ_DomainConsistency [0..3]+ origin: DSOrigin+ positionAccuracy: DQ_PositionalAccuracy [0..3]+ referenceDataTemporalExtent: EX_TemporalExtent+ spatialResolution: EAGLESpatialResolutionType [2..*]+ thematicAccuracy: DQ_ThematicAccuracy [0..3]



+ levelOfDetail: LevelOfDetailValue+ levelOfDetailSchema: LevelOfDetailSchemaValue





+ CityGMLExtendedLevelOfDetail+ EAGLELevelOfDetail+ nationalLevelOfDetail



+ 1:1 000 000+ 1:10 000+ 1:100 000+ 1:2 500+ 1:25 000+ 1:250 000+ 1:5 000+ 1:50 000+ 1:500 000

The main Metadata and Data Quality elements to characterize a LC/LU dataset have been included in the datamodel. Such as: Resolution, MMUmin, MMUmax, min. Width, Overall accuracy (ISO 19157, Table E.6), Commission errors, Omission errors, Significance level, Position accuracy.

LOD similar to MD_Metadata equivalent scale



+ minWidth: UomLength [0..1]+ mmuMax: UomArea [0..1]+ mmuMin: UomArea [0..1]+ resultScope: DQ_Scope

Datatype for the documentation of the spatialResolution (Minimum Mapping Unit for areas or minimum width for lines)

The documentation of minMMU and maxMMU or the minWidth is mandatory if DQ_Scope level=dataset




+ regionClassification: RegionClassificationValue+ regionClassificationScheme: RegionClassificationSchemeValue

«voidable»+ regionClassifcationLevel: RegionClassificationLevelValue


tagsasDictionary = trueextensibility = nonevocabulary = = iso19136_2007_INSPIRE_Extensions



tagsasDictionary = trueextensibility = anyvocabulary = = iso19136_2007_INSPIRE_Extensions


tagsasDictionary = trueextensibility = anyvocabulary = xsdEncodingRule = iso19136_2007_INSPIRE_Extensions

«dataType»Land Use Nomenclature::HILUCSPercentage

+ hilucsValue: HILUCSValue+ percentage: Integer

«union»Land Use Nomenclature::HILUCSPresence

+ orderedList: HILUCSValue [1..*] {ordered}+ percentageList: HILUCSPercentage [1..*]

«codeList»Land Use Nomenclature::HILUCSValue

tagsasDictionary = trueextensibility = nonevocabulary = = iso19136_2007_INSPIRE_Extensions

«codeList»Land Use Nomenclature::LandUseClassificationValue

tagsasDictionary = trueextensibility = anyvocabulary = xsdEncodingRule = iso19136_2007_INSPIRE_Extensions

«dataType»Land Use Nomenclature::SpecificPercentage

+ percentage: Integer+ specificValue: LandUseClassificationValue

«union»Land Use Nomenclature::SpecificPresence

+ orderedList: LandUseClassificationValue [1..*] {ordered}+ percentageList: SpecificPercentage [1..*]



+ alpine+ collin+ highmontane+ montane+ nivale+ planar+ subalpine+ submontane



+ homogeneous+ mixed+ mosaic+ scattered





+ duration: TM_Duration [0..1]+ period: TM_Period [0..1]+ recurringFrequency: int [0..1]





+ artificial modified natural surface+ artificial snow present+ terraced





+ coastal+ inland+ island+ mountain+ riparian+ rural+ urban


+ hilucsLandUse: HILUCSValue+ hilucsPresence: HILUCSPresence [0..1]+ specificLandUse: LandUseClassificationValue [0..1]+ specificLandUsePresence: SpecificPercentage [0..1]


+ eunisHabitat: EunisHabitatTypeCodeValue+ genericHabitat: HabitatType [0..*]


+ referenceHabitatTypeId: ReferenceHabitatTypeCodeValue+ referenceHabitatTypeScheme: ReferenceHabitatTypeSchemeValue

«voidable»+ localHabitatName: LocalNameType [0..1]+ referenceHabitatTypeName: CharacterString



+ coveredPercentage: Number



+ count: Number



+ present: boolean



+ city street blocks, closed front+ large complex buildings, big halls+ row houses/terraced/semi-detached houses+ scattered single houses, discontinuous+ single blocks, discontinuous


+ reason: NaturalHazardCategoryValue [0..1]+ state: StatusValue



+ abandoned+ burnt+ clear cut+ collapsed+ contaminated+ damaged+ not in use (never been)+ out of use (temporarily)+ under construction

brackish waterbrine waterfresh watersaline waterultra fresh water





crop rotation no crop rotation plantation extensive orchards agroforestry shifting cultivation intercropping paddy field cultivation



+ 1_3_3_1_Salines+ 1_3_X_SurfaceMining+ 3_3_5_1_CementeryServices+ 3_4_1_1_IndoorCulturalServices+ 3_4_1_2_OutdoorCulturalServices + 3_4_3_1_GolfCourse+ 3_4_3_2_SkiPistes+ 3_4_3_3_OutDoorRacingCourses+ 3_4_3_4_SportHalls+ 3_4_3_5_Stadiums- 3_4_3_6_SwimmingPools+ 3_4_4_1_UrbanGreeneryAndParks+ 3_4_5_1_2_Allotment Gardens+ 4_3_2_1_FreshWaterFacilities+ 4_3_2_2_SewageWaterAndTreatmentFacilities

According INSPIRE Data Specification on Land Use, it is possible to create or use an alternative land use classification system together HILUCS. This classification system will be a sub-codelist of LandUseClassificationSystem that will be defined and maintained by the responsible organization, not by INSPRIE. Also it is required to supply a mapping between classes on HILUCS and the alternative classification system.

EAGLE proposes a codelist that contains specialized land use classes not represented in HILUCS that will be used to describe in a more detailed aspect. Each EAGLE land use is included in one HILUCS class, and this relation is expressed by the hierarchical code in the class label. EAGLE land use classes have to be used always together with original parent HILUCS classes.



+ hedge rows+ rows of trees+ stone walls



+ pipeline+ road

Land Cover Components - Data types, code lists and enumerations

Data types and code lists of EAGLE land use attributionData types, code lists and enumerations of EAGLE LandCoverDataset feature type

Data types, code lists and enumerations of EAGLE LancCoverUnit feature type


+element 1..*


+member 1..*


1 0..*


+element 1..*
