Data sparse approximation of the Karhunen-Loeve expansion

Data sparse approximation of the Karhunen-Lo ` eve expansion Alexander Litvinenko, joint with B. Khoromskij (Leipzig) and H. Matthies(Braunschweig) Institut f¨ ur Wissenschaftliches Rechnen, Technische Universit¨ at Braunschweig, 0531-391-3008, [email protected] March 5, 2008

Transcript of Data sparse approximation of the Karhunen-Loeve expansion

Page 1: Data sparse approximation of the Karhunen-Loeve expansion

Data sparse approximation of theKarhunen-Loeve expansion

Alexander Litvinenko,joint with B. Khoromskij (Leipzig) and H. Matthies(Braunschweig)

Institut fur Wissenschaftliches Rechnen, Technische Universitat Braunschweig,0531-391-3008, [email protected]

March 5, 2008

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Numerical techniquesFFTHierarchical MatricesSparse tensor approximation



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Numerical techniquesFFTHierarchical MatricesSparse tensor approximation



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Stochastic PDE

We consider

− div(κ(x , ω)∇u) = f (x , ω) in D,u = 0 on ∂D,

with stochastic coefficients κ(x , ω), x ∈ D ⊆ Rd and ω belongs to the

space of random events Ω.

[Babuska, Ghanem, Matthies, Schwab, Vandewalle, ...].

Methods and techniques:

1. Response surface

2. Monte-Carlo

3. Perturbation

4. Stochastic Galerkin

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Examples of covariance functions [Novak,(IWS),04]

The random field requires to specify its spatial correl. structure

covf (x , y) = E[(f (x , ·) − µf (x))(f (y , ·) − µf (y))],

where E is the expectation and µf (x) := E[f (x , ·)].

Let h =




i /ℓ2i + d2 − d

)2, where hi := xi − yi , i = 1, 2, 3,

ℓi are cov. lengths and d a parameter.

Gaussian cov(h) = σ2 · exp(−h2),

exponential cov(h) = σ2 · exp(−h),


cov(h) =

σ2 ·

(1 − 3


− 12



)for 0 ≤ h ≤ hr ,

0 for h > hr .

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Numerical techniquesFFTHierarchical MatricesSparse tensor approximation



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The spectral representation of the cov. function isCκ(x , y) =

∑∞i=0 λi ki(x)ki(y), where λi and ki(x) are the eigenvalues

and eigenfunctions.The Karhunen-Loeve expansion [Loeve, 1977] is the series

κ(x , ω) = µk (x) +∞∑


√λiki(x)ξi(ω), where

ξi (ω) are uncorrelated random variables and ki are basis functions inL2(D).Eigenpairs λi , ki are the solution of

Tki = λi ki , ki ∈ L2(D), i ∈ N, where.

T : L2(D) → L2(D),(Tu)(x) :=

∫D covk (x , y)u(y)dy .

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Numerical techniquesFFTHierarchical MatricesSparse tensor approximation



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Computation of eigenpairs by FFT

If the cov. function depends on (x − y) then on a uniform tensor gridthe cov. matrix C is (block) Toeplitz.Then C can be extended to the circulant one and the decomposition

C =1n

F HΛF (1)

may be computed like follows. Multiply (1) by F becomes

FC = ΛF ,

FC1 = ΛF1.

Since all entries of F1 are unity, obtain

λ = FC1.

FC1 may be computed very efficiently by FFT [Cooley, 1965] inO(n log n) FLOPS.C1 may be represented in a matrix or in a tensor format.

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Multidimensional FFT

Lemma: The d-dim. FT F (d) can be represented as following

F (d) = (F(1)1 ⊗ I ⊗ I . . .)(I ⊗ F

(1)2 ⊗ I . . .) . . . (I ⊗ I . . . ⊗ F

(1)d ), (2)

and the complexity of F (d) is O(nd log n), where n is the number ofdofs in one direction.

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Discrete eigenvalue problem


Wij :=∑

k ,m

Dbi(x)bk (x)dxCkm

Dbj(y)bm(y)dy ,

Mij =

Dbi(x)bj (x)dx.

Then we solve

Wfhℓ = λℓMfh

ℓ , where W := MCM

Approximate C in

low rank format the H-matrix format sparse tensor format

and use the Lanczos method to compute m largest eigenvalues.

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Examples of H-matrix approximates ofcov(x , y) = e−2|x−y |

[Hackbusch et al. 99]

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20 8

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20 11

11 20 13

13 32 13

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10 20 12

12 3213

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20 11

11 20 13

13 32 13

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9 20 13

13 32 13

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32 13

13 32 13

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13 3213

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Figure: H-matrix approximations ∈ Rn×n, n = 322, with standard (left) and

weak (right) admissibility block partitionings. The biggest dense (dark) blocks∈ R

n×n, max. rank k = 4 left and k = 13 right.

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H - Matrices

Comp. complexity is O(kn log n) and storage O(kn log n).

To assemble low-rank blocks use ACA [Bebendorf, Tyrtyshnikov].

Dependence of the computational time and storage requirements ofCH on the rank k , n = 322.

k time (sec.) memory (MB) ‖C−CH‖2


2 0.04 2e + 6 3.5e − 56 0.1 4e + 6 1.4e − 59 0.14 5.4e + 6 1.4e − 512 0.17 6.8e + 6 3.1e − 717 0.23 9.3e + 6 6.3e − 8

The time for dense matrix C is 3.3 sec. and the storage 1.4e + 8 MB.

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H - Matrices

Let h =




i /ℓ2i + d2 − d

)2, where hi := xi − yi , i = 1, 2, 3,

ℓi are cov. lengths and d = 1.

exponential cov(h) = σ2 · exp(−h),The cov. matrix C ∈ R

n×n, n = 652.

ℓ1 ℓ2‖C−CH‖2


0.01 0.02 3e − 20.1 0.2 8e − 31 2 2.8e − 610 20 3.7e − 9

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Exponential Singularvalue decay [see also Schwab etal.]

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 10000








0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 10000










10x 10


0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 10000










0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 10000





2.5x 10


0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 10000




0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 10000








4x 10


Figure: 23 grid 48 × 64 × 40, (left) l = 1, l = 2, l = 1 and (right) l = 5,

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Sparse tensor decompositions of kernelscov(x , y) = cov(x − y)

We want to approximate C ∈ RN×N , N = nd by

Cr =∑r

k=1 V 1k ⊗ ... ⊗ V d

k such that ‖C − Cr‖ ≤ ε.

The storage of C is O(N2) = O(n2d ) and the storage of Cr is O(rdn2).

To define V ik use e.g. SVD.

Approximate all V ik in the H-matrix format and become HKT format.

See basic arithmetics in [Hackbusch, Khoromskij, Tyrtyshnikov].

Assume f (x , y), x = (x1, x2), y = (y1, y2), then the equivalent approx.problem is f (x1, x2; y1, y2) ≈

∑rk=1 Φk (x1, y1)Ψk (x2, y2).

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Numerical examples of tensor approximations

Gaussian kernel exp−|x − y |2 has the Kroneker rank 1.

The exponen. kernel e − |x − y | can be approximated by a tensorwith low Kroneker rank

r 1 2 3 4 5 6 10‖C−Cr‖∞

‖C‖∞11.5 1.7 0.4 0.14 0.035 0.007 2.8e − 8


‖C‖26.7 0.52 0.1 0.03 0.008 0.001 5.3e − 9

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Numerical techniquesFFTHierarchical MatricesSparse tensor approximation



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Application: covariance of the solution

For SPDE with stochastic RHS the eigenvalue problem and spectraldecom. look like

Cf fℓ = λℓfℓ, Cf = Φf Λf ΦTf .

If we only want the covariance

Cu = (K ⊗ K)−1Cf = (K−1 ⊗ K−1)Cf = K−1Cf K−T ,

one may with the KLE of Cf = Φf Λf ΦTf reduce this to

Cu = K−1Cf K−T = K−1

Φf ΛΦTf K−T .

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Application: higher order moments

Let operator K be deterministic and

Ku(θ) =∑


Ku(α)Hα(θ) = f(θ) =∑


f (α)Hα(θ), with

u(α) = [u(α)1 , ..., u(α)

N ]T . Projecting onto each Hα obtain

Ku(α) = f (α).

The KLE of f(θ) is

f(θ) = f +∑

√λℓφℓ(θ)fl =



(α)ℓ Hα(θ)fl



Hα(θ)f (α),

where f (α) =∑


(α)ℓ fl .

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Application: higher order moments

The 3-rd moment of u is

M(3)u = E


u(α) ⊗ u(β) ⊗ u(γ)HαHβHγ



u(α)⊗u(β)⊗u(γ)cα,β,γ ,

cα,β,γ := E (Hα(θ)Hβ(θ)Hγ(θ)) = cα,β · γ!, and cα,β are constantsfrom the Hermitian algebra.

Using u(α) = K−1f (α) =∑


(α)ℓ K−1fl and uℓ := K−1fℓ, obtain

M(3)u =


tp,q,r up ⊗ uq ⊗ ur , where

tp,q,r :=√



φ(α)p φ

(β)q φ

(γ)r cα,βγ .

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Numerical techniquesFFTHierarchical MatricesSparse tensor approximation



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Covariance matrices allow data sparse low-rank approximations. With application of H-matrices

we extend the class of covariance functions to work with, allows non-regular discretisations of the cov. function on large

spatial grids.

Application of sparse tensor product allows computation of k -thmoments.

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Plans for Feature

1. Convergence of the Lanczos method with H-matrices

2. Implement sparse tensor vector product for the Lanczos method

3. HKT idea for d ≥ 3 dimensions

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Thank you for your attention!
