Data Science Toolchain 101

Data Science Tech

Transcript of Data Science Toolchain 101

Data Science Tech

“Data Science is the extraction of knowledge from data using mathematics, statistics, computer science, machine learning, pattern recognition, predictive analysis, etc.”

- Wikipedia

“Information is not knowledge”- Einstein

- DIKW- Apache Spark- YARN- RDDs- Apache Hive- HDFS- Parquet- Niometrics

- Columnar DB- DBMS- HBase- OLAP- OLTP

DIKW Hierarchy

- signals, symbols, raw facts- first-line products of observation- unorganized


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- inferred from data- answers interrogative questions- data that is now useful through organization

and structuring


- knowledge is subjective- many consider it as applied information- synthesis of multiple information- contextualized consolidated information


- an appreciation of the why- knowing the right things to do- very immaterial

Apache Spark

- fast engine for large-scale data processing- support for Python, Scala, Java- SparkSQL, MLlib, GraphX, Streaming


- Yet Another Resource Negotiator- resource management for computing

resources in a cluster- can be seen as a distributed operating

system- separates resource management from

Hadoop data processing layer

Apache Hive

- data warehouse infrastructure- provides data querying, analysis, and

aggregation- developed initially by Facebook

Resilient Distributed Databases (RDDs)

- fault-tolerant database management system used for cluster computing

- done by chunking data across multiple nodes and racks for redundancy

- a common feature in cluster computing


- Hadoop Distributed File System- Runs with RDDs in managing a fault-tolerant

file system- Java based and spans clusters of

commodity servers


- Distributed non-relational database- modelled after Google’s BigTable- runs on top of HDFS- fault-tolerance on sparse and large data- supports compression, in-memory filtering

and operations


- Columnar file format- stores data in columns instead of rows as in

traditional relational databases- for efficient compression and encoding- more aligned for OLAP

Columnar Database

- Stores tables as sections of columns - advantageous for data warehousing- more efficient for computations over large

numbers of rows with similar column items- more aligned for OLAP

Online Transaction Processing (OLTP)

- Information processes that facilitate transactions

- data entry and retrieval- provide data for data warehousing- emphasis on fast simple single querying,- ACID, and multi-access- involve operational business processes

Online Analytical Processing (OLAP)

- low transactional volume- complex queries with aggregation- OLAP uses data from OLTP systems- queries involve traversing massive quantities

of data- involves business intelligence/data science


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