Data Processing Techniques

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Transcript of Data Processing Techniques

  • 8/6/2019 Data Processing Techniques


  • 8/6/2019 Data Processing Techniques


    y Computer data processing is any process that a computerprogram does to enter data and summarise, analyse orotherwise convert data into usable information.

    y The process may be automated and run on a computer. Itinvolves recording, analysing, sorting, summarising,calculating, disseminating and storing data.

    y Because data is most useful when well-presented andactuallyinformative, data-processing systems are oftenreferred to as information system.

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    y Online processing is what you're doing right now.

    y The application is waiting for you to tell it what to do,

    and it does it when you tell it to.

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    Data is processed immediately while it isentered, the user usually only has to wait a short timefor a response. (eg. games, word processing, bookingsystems). Interactive or online processing requires a

    user to supply an input.


    Interactive or online processing enables the user

    to input data and get the results of the processing ofthat data immediately.

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    y In the bank example, accepting data for transactionsand calculating the available balance would be done


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    y Batch processing refers to applications that are run inbatches.

    y Here, all the data is stored and presented to the program(s)

    to handle them at once, in one or more large bundles or"batches."

    y The input records are held in a file or files which are inputin one go to the batch process which deals with all records

    without any further interaction.

    y This is typically done without user interaction, meansautomatic.

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    DefinitionTo process a large set of data in a specific way,

    automatically, without needing any user intervention.The data is first collected, and then batch-processed,so all the collected data is processed in one go. .

    AdvantageIt is possible to perform repetitive tasks on a large

    number of pieces of data rapidly without needing the

    user to monitor it.

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    y Real-time processing refers to applications that needto respond within a certain amount of time usually

    on the order of seconds to get the job done.

    y Real time processing is a subset of online processing.

    y This system doesn't need a user to control it, it worksautomatically.

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    Input is continuously, automatically acquiredfrom sensors, for example, which is processed immediatelyin order to respond to the input in as little time as possible.After the system is finishedresponding it reads the

    next set of input dataimmediately to process that.

    AdvantageWhenever there is a rapid reaction required due to

    some sort of change, real time processing can take actionwithout the need of a user or long processing timebeforehand.

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    Examples include,

    rocket telemetry processing

    many military applicationsflight systems

    industrial automation and control systems.

    For example,

    If something goes wrong in a factory, a real-timesystem needs to be able to detect the situation and

    perform some action, such as notifying an operator orshutting down the problem area, within a few seconds.

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