Data analysis

The amount of females and males will help us get an idea of what genders want what for our thriller, for example the majority of survey takers were female, therefore we can infer that the results of this survey were influenced by female opinion.

Transcript of Data analysis

Page 1: Data analysis

The amount of females and males will help us get an idea of what genders want what for our thriller, for example the majority of survey

takers were female, therefore we can infer that the results of this survey were influenced by female opinion.

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• A large majority of survey takers were around the age of 16, this means that the results from this poll shows what people aged 16 mainly want to see in a thriller film, and what a minority of 17 years olds want to see.

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From this result we get to see a variety of sub genre’s that are popular within 16 and 17 year olds. The top two were Psychological and crime, which could lead to us a group choosing to make a thriller based on a flawed antagonist or protagonist. The less popular were Horror, Sci-Fi and Dystopian, meaning that we will be reluctant on any ideas that include these sub genre thrillers.

From this result we can take that our target audience mainly want to see a flawed hero or criminal within our thriller, and avoid the use of a hopeful teen or victim as the main character in our thriller.

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• Firstly, from question 5 we can learn that a small majority of people want to see a opening sequence in a thriller film to establish the character instead of story, meaning we will take into consideration of basing our opening on the character and not the story to appeal to our target audience.

• Question 6 shows us as a group that target audience wants to see the theme of fear being used in our thriller opening sequence with a percentage of 41, whereas the other films aren’t as popular, such as love (6%), relationships, hate, and jealousy (12%) We will consider the use of revenge as it is the second most popular by a thin margin.

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• The setting of the thriller being in the woods is the most popular choice in the poll, the second most popular is the busy city setting which is more practical. The least popular choice is school. We will consider using the busy city setting as the use woods is highly overrated and will be easier to use with the previous results.

• In this poll, a very popular film is the most popular choice in our poll. This results consists with over half the votes (56%), meaning we will take the style of production, aspects of thriller and ways of creating tensions within the film into consideration and may adopt these into our thriller opening sequence.

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Question 9 has a variety of popular periods for a thriller to be set in, ranging from 2010’s (39%), Future (28%), 90s (22%). The most popular setting is 2010s, which is good for us as it will be easier to do. The least popular period(s) was the 20s (6%), 80s (6%), and WW2 (0%).

Lastly, from this directors question we can learn that Steven Spielberg is the favourite among our favourite audience, with Denis Villeneuve and Martin Scorsese not being very popular. With this information we can adopt techniques used by David Fincher and Steven Spielberg in our opening thriller sequence to enhance it to our target audiences preference.