D.A.S.H Academy Training. Community Builder Instructional Insights Model Reflections 5 on 5...

D.A.S.H Academy Training

Transcript of D.A.S.H Academy Training. Community Builder Instructional Insights Model Reflections 5 on 5...

D.A.S.H Academy Training

Community Builder

Instructional Insights

Model Reflections

5 on 5Reflections & Affirmations

Session Sequence

Sequence Locator

Tech Integration Planning

Power People • Choose a person that possesses instructional strengths.

“I am Dave Ramsey and my life long

power sound is Caaaaash !!!!!!”

• Create a life long power sound that exhibits those strengths.

“I am _____________ and my life long power sound is___________.”

Posting our Community Builder

3. Type in the POWER PEOPLE frame.

1. Log in !! todaysmeet.com/dash2. Type in your Full Name and click


5. Watch as others share their Power People.

Community Builder

Instructional Insights

Model Reflections

5 on 5Reflections & Affirmations

“I am _____________ and my life long power sound is___________.”

4. Click Say

Tech Integration Planning

When the music begins, walk around the room and socialize with colleagues.

When the music stops, discuss the prompt, image or quote with the person beside to you.

Model Reflections

Community Builder

Instructional Insights

Model Reflections

5 on 5Tech

Integration Planning

Session Reflections

Walk and Talk.

Model Reflections

What is your favorite way to view a movie?

Model Reflections

Walk and Talk.

Model Reflections

Where do you want to go, and what awaits you upon arrival ?

Model Reflections

Walk and Talk.

Model Reflections

Talk about something you enjoy that everyone

should try.

Model Reflections

Walk and Talk.

Model Reflections

What is a sure way to capture your interest and keep your

attention ?

Model Reflections

Please Return To Your Tables

Model Reflections

Instructional Insights

Discussing, Collaborating and Posting Instructional insights


Community Builder

Instructional Insights

Model Reflections

5 on 5 Reflections & Affirmations

Tech Integration Planning

How can you make instruction visually engaging

to students ?

What is your favorite way to view a movie?

Instructional Insights

How can you make instruction visibly engaging

to students ?

1. Log in todaysmeet.com/dash

2. Please provide your instructional insight.

Instructional Insights

How does technology influence your classroom environment ?

Where do you want to go, and what awaits you upon arrival ?

Instructional Insights

How does technology influence your classroom environment ?

1. Log in !! todaysmeet.com/dash

2. Please provide your instructional insight.

Instructional Insights

How is technology used to connect and share innovations

with colleagues ?

Talk about something you enjoy that everyone should try.

Instructional Insights

How is technology used to connect and share innovations with

colleagues ?

1. Log in !! todaysmeet.com/dash2. Please provide your instructional


Instructional Insights

Share an instructional practice that engages students.

What is a sure way to capture your interest and keep your attention ?

Instructional Insights

Share an instructional practice that engages students.

1. Log in !! todaysmeet.com/dash

2. Please provide your instructional insight.

Instructional Insights

Instructional Insights

Taxonomy of Instructional Technology

Community Builder

Instructional Insights

Model Reflections

5 on 5Reflections & Affirmations

Tech Integration Planning

Taxonomy of Instructional Technology




5 on 5

Community Builder

Instructional Insights

Model Reflections

5 on 5Reflections & Affirmations

Instructional Technology


Tech Integration Planning

1.One characteristic of a learning environment is posted at each of the 5 stations.

2.For each characteristic there are five levels of technology integration.

3.Read the characteristic and level indicators. Discuss and document (on a post-it note) the technology you utilized for each


5 on 5

5 on 5 Insights

Community Builder

Instructional Insights

Model Reflections

5 on 5Tech

Integration Planning

Session Reflections

Technology Integration Planning

Community Builder

Instructional Insights

Model Reflections

5 on 5Tech

Integration Planning

Session Reflections

“Begin with the End in Mind.”

--Stephen Covey

8 Smooth Steps to Technology

Integration Training

Text Protocol

Read Article (10 minutes).

As you are reading, highlight a sentence, phrase, and word to share with the group.

Text Protocol

Each person shares a sentence from the text that is particularly significant and explains why.

Each person shares a phrase from the text and explains why.

Each person shares a word and explains why.

Planning Process

Assess Evaluability

Formulate Evaluation Questions

Construct Evaluation Framework


Something I wonder.........

Something I heard.........

Something I enjoyed ..........

1. Log in !! todaysmeet.com/dash provide your session reflections.

Community Builder

Instructional Insights

Model Reflections

5 on 5COP

PlanningReflections & Affirmations


In closing today, use a post it note and write someone you worked with today a positive


Community Builder

Instructional Insights

Model Reflections

5 on 5COP

PlanningReflections & Affirmations