DAS Central Printingbiznet.ct.gov/purchase/Newsletters/BuyLines/2006/bl031006.pdf · 05PSX0362...

Volume 2 Issue 08 For All Your Printing Needs Miss a Previous Issue of BuyLines? CONTRA CT INFORMA TION: D AS Contr acts CONT ACT US DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES MARCH 10, 2006 DAS Central Printing NEWS Y OU CAN USE CORE-CT CORNER W ORK-TRANING PR OGRAM FOR DOC Contr acts Expir ing, Bid Notice P ostings and Cer tification Centr al

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Page 1: DAS Central Printingbiznet.ct.gov/purchase/Newsletters/BuyLines/2006/bl031006.pdf · 05PSX0362 Printing Services for Informational Publications All Using State Agencies, Political

Volume 2 Issue 08

For All Your Printing Needs

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DAS Central Printing




Contracts Expiring, Bid NoticePostings and CertificationCentral

Page 2: DAS Central Printingbiznet.ct.gov/purchase/Newsletters/BuyLines/2006/bl031006.pdf · 05PSX0362 Printing Services for Informational Publications All Using State Agencies, Political

DAS Contract InformationThe following contracts were issued over the last 15 days.


Use this link to access the listing of the vendors, contract numbers and contractnames that have been loaded into the Core-CT catalog.

Contract Number: Contract Name: For: Contract Term:

06PSX003706PSX003706PSX003706PSX003706PSX0037 Purchase and installation of an emergency generator forthe Town of Durham.

CT Department of Emergency Manage-ment and Homeland Security

Date of award throughinstallation

06PSX002606PSX002606PSX002606PSX002606PSX0026 Library Binding Services All Using State Agencies, PoliticalSubdivisions of the Stateand Non-For-Profit

Date of Award throughFebruary 28, 2009

06PSX004106PSX004106PSX004106PSX004106PSX0041 Custodial Services for the Dept. of Social Services, NewHaven, CT

Department of Social Services March 1, 2006 throughFebruary 28, 2009

06PSX004906PSX004906PSX004906PSX004906PSX0049 Custodial Services for the Department of Social Services,Waterbury, CT

Department of Social Services March 1, 2006 throughFebruary 28, 2009

06PSX000806PSX000806PSX000806PSX000806PSX0008 Trash and Recyclable Services for CT State Parksthroughout the State.

Department of Environmental Protection March 1, 2006 throughFebruary 28, 2007.

06PSX004806PSX004806PSX004806PSX004806PSX0048 To provide mail commingling, bar-coding, and pre-sortservices for outgoing mail for the State of ConnecticutCentral Mail Services, All Using State Agencies, PoliticalSub-Divisions of the State, Schools and Not-For-ProfitOrganizations.

Central Mail Services Date of Award throughMay 31, 2010

05PSX038205PSX038205PSX038205PSX038205PSX0382 Classified, In-Column (Line Advertising) and Legal NoticesAdvertising Services

All Using State Agencies, PoliticalSubdivisions and Not-for-Profit Organiza-tions

March 1, 2006 throughFebruary 28, 2009

06PSX005306PSX005306PSX005306PSX005306PSX0053 Custodial Services for the Department of SocialServices for the Manchester, CT

Department of Social Services March 1, 2006 throughFebruary 28, 2009

06PSX003106PSX003106PSX003106PSX003106PSX0031 Rubbish Removal Services for CT Riverview Hospital,Middletwon, CT

Department of Children and Families March 1, 2006 through September30, 2010

05PSX036205PSX036205PSX036205PSX036205PSX0362 Printing Services for Informational Publications All Using State Agencies, PoliticalSubdivisions and Not-for-Profit Organiza-tions

March 1, 2006 throughFebruary 29, 2016

06PSX005106PSX005106PSX005106PSX005106PSX0051 Custodial Services for the Department of Social Services,Bridgeport, CT

Department of Social Services March 1, 2006 throughFebruary 28, 2009

06PSX007606PSX007606PSX007606PSX007606PSX0076 Cans and Pails All Using State Agencies, PoliticalSubdivisions

March 1, 2000 throughFebruary 28, 2007

06PSX002706PSX002706PSX002706PSX002706PSX0027 Preventive, Routine and Emergency Maintenance forChiller Units Installed at Connecticut Valley Hospital

Department of Mental Health andAddiction Services

March 1, 2006 throughFebruary 29, 2008

05PSX032505PSX032505PSX032505PSX032505PSX0325 Purchase of Traffic Channelization Drums Department of Transportation December 1, 2005 throughNovember 30, 2008

05PSX040505PSX040505PSX040505PSX040505PSX0405 Purchase School Activity Buses Department of Education February 24, 2006 toJanuary 31, 2007

Page 3: DAS Central Printingbiznet.ct.gov/purchase/Newsletters/BuyLines/2006/bl031006.pdf · 05PSX0362 Printing Services for Informational Publications All Using State Agencies, Political

Contracts ExpiringDid you know that our state contracts are reviewed one to three months prior to the actual expiration date?Click on the list of “Contracts Issued/Expiring In Last/Next 30/60/90/120 Days.” Choose the radio button marked “Expiring Contracts” and selectthe time frame. Then click “Get Contracts”. That’s all there is to it! ContrContrContrContrContract Searact Searact Searact Searact Searccccchhhhh

Upcoming NASPO Conferences:2006 NASPO Marketing Meeting – April 2-4 2006 in Ana-heim, California. Register by March 2nd to ensure hotelaccommodations. Registration is available on the website!

2006 NASPO Southern Regional, May 18-19th Tallahassee,Florida. More info coming soon!

2006 NASPO Midwestern Regional, June 15-16th 2006 inGrand Rapids, Michigan. More info coming soon!

New Additions to the NASPO website:A new whitepaper entitled “Strength in Numbers: An Intro-duction to Cooperative Procurements” has been posted athttp://www.naspo.org/whitepapers/

More News:Better trBetter trBetter trBetter trBetter training needed faining needed faining needed faining needed faining needed for emeror emeror emeror emeror emergggggencencencencency pury pury pury pury purccccchaseshaseshaseshaseshases,,,,, pr pr pr pr pro-o-o-o-o-curcurcurcurcurement cement cement cement cement chiefhiefhiefhiefhief sa sa sa sa saysysysysys - Government officials need moretraining to respond effectively to sudden purchasing de-mands in emergency situations, an Office of Managementand Budget official said Monday. Shortcomings in contin-gency contracting capabilities surfaced during last summer’shurricane season, said Robert Burton, acting administratorof OMB’s Office of Federal Procurement Policy, at a confer-ence hosted by the Arlington, Va.-based PerformanceInstitute. A lack of staff, particularly of managers andpeople experienced in handling emergencies, was a keyproblem at the Federal Emergency Management Agency andother agencies, he said. (GovExec.com)

News You Can UseGoGoGoGoGovvvvvererererernment Prnment Prnment Prnment Prnment Procurocurocurocurocurement rement rement rement rement recoecoecoecoecognizgnizgnizgnizgnizes the 2005 res the 2005 res the 2005 res the 2005 res the 2005 recipi-ecipi-ecipi-ecipi-ecipi-ents ofents ofents ofents ofents of the the the the the AcAcAcAcAchiehiehiehiehievvvvvement ofement ofement ofement ofement of Ex Ex Ex Ex Excellence in Prcellence in Prcellence in Prcellence in Prcellence in Procurocurocurocurocurementementementementementaaaaawwwwwararararard -d -d -d -d - How does your procurement organization com-pare with others? To applaud best practices, the NationalPurchasing Institute (NPI) founded the Achievement ofExcellence in Procurement (AEP) award program in 1995.The AEP is awarded annually to those organizations thatdemonstrate excellence by obtaining a minimum score ona rating of standardized criteria. The program is designedto measure innovation, professionalism, productivity, e-procurement, and leadership attributes of the procure-ment organization. All sizes and types of entities wereproud recipients of the AEP awards this year. Counties,cities, school districts, states, special districts, and univer-sities, public and private, received the awards. (Govern-ment Procurement.)

MassacMassacMassacMassacMassachusetts Cuts Enerhusetts Cuts Enerhusetts Cuts Enerhusetts Cuts Enerhusetts Cuts Energggggy Costs y Costs y Costs y Costs y Costs TTTTThrhrhrhrhrough Competi-ough Competi-ough Competi-ough Competi-ough Competi-tititititivvvvve Pre Pre Pre Pre Procurocurocurocurocurementementementementement - The successful completion of a retailelectric power procurement for the Commonwealth ofMassachusetts is expected to save $6.2 million in electric-ity costs over the next three months alone. The procure-ment was completed under the terms of a multi-yearcontract with the Commonwealth’s Operational ServicesDivision (OSD) and World Energy, a provider of energyinformation and on-line procurement of electricity andgas. (GovPro.com)

Bid Notice Postings

Certification Central

To view the entire DAS bid notice listing, click on the following hyperlink to go to our web page DDDDDAS Bid NoticesAS Bid NoticesAS Bid NoticesAS Bid NoticesAS Bid Notices.....

We have made it even easier for you to see which Connecticut vendors have recently become certified! Use the link we have provided to access thelisting of NeNeNeNeNew Set-Aside w Set-Aside w Set-Aside w Set-Aside w Set-Aside VVVVVendorendorendorendorendors cers cers cers cers cer tified in the last 7 datified in the last 7 datified in the last 7 datified in the last 7 datified in the last 7 daysysysysys. The link below lists the company name, contact information, product descriptionand certification type for all Connecticut small businesses that were certified during the prprprprpreeeeevious vious vious vious vious week.

http://wwwhttp://wwwhttp://wwwhttp://wwwhttp://www.das.das.das.das.das.sta.sta.sta.sta.statetetetete.ct.us/Pur.ct.us/Pur.ct.us/Pur.ct.us/Pur.ct.us/Purccccchase/ePhase/ePhase/ePhase/ePhase/ePararararar tnertnertnertnertners/es/es/es/es/ep_wp_wp_wp_wp_whahahahahats_nets_nets_nets_nets_newwwww.asp#V.asp#V.asp#V.asp#V.asp#Vendorendorendorendorendorsssss

Page 4: DAS Central Printingbiznet.ct.gov/purchase/Newsletters/BuyLines/2006/bl031006.pdf · 05PSX0362 Printing Services for Informational Publications All Using State Agencies, Political

Core-CT CornerCore-CT CornerUpcoming AP/PO User Group Presentations andAP/PO Question/Answer Sessions

Core-CT has scheduled two Accounts Payable (AP)/Purchas-ing (PO) User Group Presentations, Tuesday, March 14 andThursday, March 16. Both meetings are 9 a.m. to noon andwill be held in Room 1002 A/B at the Core-CT office at 101East River Dr., East Hartford, CT.

In addition, Core-CT will be holding separate sessions in aquestion and answer format, regarding AP/PO problems,after each meeting from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. This will be achance for agencies to bring questions or problems todiscuss with Core-CT staff.

As seating is limited for both sessions, agencies are asked toconsider limiting their representation to two users. If you areinterested in attending either or both of these meetings,contact your agency’s training registration coordinator.

Upcoming AR-BI/GL User Group Sessions

Core-CT has scheduled two AR-BI/GL User Group Presenta-tions, Wednesday, March 15 and Monday, March 20. Bothmeetings will be held from 9 a.m. to noon in Room 1002 A/Bat the Core-CT office, 101 East River Dr. in East Hartford.

In addition, Core-CT will be having a question and answersession regarding AR/BI/GL problems after each meetingfrom 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. This will be a chance for agencies tobring questions or problems to discuss directly with Core-CTstaff.

As seating is limited for both sessions, agencies are askedto consider limiting their representation to two users. Theafternoon session is recommended for those workingdirectly in AR, Billing, or GL. If you are interested in attend-ing either or both of these meetings, please reach youragency’s training registration contact. Attendees must beregistered for each session in the PeopleSoft TrainingRegistration Tool.

New Help Desk Form

DOIT has launched a new Help Desk form. The Core-CT teamurges you to submit problems and questions to the Core-CTHelp Desk in this way now. Because it makes for a directinput to the existing help desk system, the new form willsave time and speed your request along its way.

Here is a direct link to the Help Desk online form: http://workorder.ct.gov/ReportAProblem.aspx

You can also visit the DOIT Online Services Page using http://www.ct.gov/doitservices/cwp/view.asp?a=1200&q=257978 (if within the state network).

Make one of these pages a favorite in your browser to makefuture help desk requests simpler.

Work-Training Program

pays off for DOC

The Department of Correction recently initiated a worktraining program at the York Correctional facility in Nianticwhich employs approximately 50 inmates providing dataentry, optic scanning, mailing, and other labor intensiveservices to all state agencies. This program is authorizedunder CGS 18-88 and allows agencies to purchase theseservices at cost without the need to go thru the normal bidprocess. The program is currently saving eight agenciesthousands of dollars in addition to delivering work servicesthat would likely not be accomplished within current budgetconstraints.

For more information contact:[email protected]

Please Note:BuyLines has changed to a biweekly

delivery period.If you have any questions, please email

[email protected]