Dark figures appeared on the horizon. Slowly advancing on the village of Riftwood. Fiery torches...

Dark figures appeared on the horizon. Slowly advancing on the village of Riftwood. Fiery torches emerged from the dark blackness, rampageous men brandishing weapons of all shapes and sizes. Riftwood’s elders were forced into deep conversation, everyone trying to get a word in about their thoughts. After many hours of deep discussion they came to the conclusion that they must ready their soldiers. The leader arose to announce their decision to the anxious villagers , when a sound of crunching and ripping sound began to develop, following that a body fell through the ceiling clinging on before dropping down and pronouncing “ I want to fight in this battle” the reply was “ Thorodon you are to young to fight, it is a mans job and you are a boy!” Outraged Thorodon left. He was now faced with three choices Left, middle or Right.

Transcript of Dark figures appeared on the horizon. Slowly advancing on the village of Riftwood. Fiery torches...

Page 1: Dark figures appeared on the horizon. Slowly advancing on the village of Riftwood. Fiery torches emerged from the dark blackness, rampageous men brandishing.

Dark figures appeared on the horizon. Slowly advancing on the village of Riftwood. Fiery torches emerged from the dark blackness, rampageous men brandishing weapons of all shapes and sizes.

Riftwood’s elders were forced into deep conversation, everyone trying to get a word in about their thoughts. After many hours of deep discussion they came to the conclusion that they must ready their

soldiers. The leader arose to announce their decision to the anxious villagers , when a sound of crunching and ripping sound began to develop, following that a body fell through the ceiling clinging on

before dropping down and pronouncing “ I want to fight in this battle” the reply was “ Thorodon you are to young to fight, it is a mans job and you are a boy!” Outraged Thorodon left. He

was now faced with three choices Left, middle or Right.

Page 2: Dark figures appeared on the horizon. Slowly advancing on the village of Riftwood. Fiery torches emerged from the dark blackness, rampageous men brandishing.

Left 2

After many hours of slow progress through the dense woods darkness began to fall over the island of Eldore. Millions of stars began to appear in the deep night sky. For the first time in days Thorodon began to relax. But this feeling was short lived. An ominous glow burned in the approaching cautiously Thorodon heard voices. Keeping his distance he listened to the cheery voices around the fire. One deep voice announced ‘soon the surrounding islands shall be ours!’ a cheer arose from the listening crowd. Moving in for a closer look Thorodon tripped over an uprooted branch revealing him to the voices. All Thorodon saw was an ugly face. Then deep, dark, black... When Thorodon awoke he immediately realised his hands were bound to a thick gnarly tree. Circling the tree Thorodon saw a knife trying to reach the knife with his feet, although his legs were long, didn’t work and he just inflicted pain on himself. Looking above him Thorodon saw a human like creature perched on the branch above him. In panic Thorodon shouted ‘h-e-l-p.’

‘How can I help you?’ Replied the stranger.‘Get that knife for me will you?’ said Thorodon pointing to the knife on the floor.‘Why?’‘Because I need it.’ ‘Okay,’ said the human passing Thorodon the knife.‘Thanks,’ said Thorodon cutting the rope to free himself leaving the human then Thorodon saw the

human running like his life depend on it. And it did. A huge beast was chasing him then the beast turned and went for Thorodon. Backing off Thorodon hit cold, hard, rock.

Did Thorodon fall, fight, climb.

Page 3: Dark figures appeared on the horizon. Slowly advancing on the village of Riftwood. Fiery torches emerged from the dark blackness, rampageous men brandishing.

Chapter 2 Middle.Chapter 2MiddleThorodon continued on his journey. He stopped. A faint voice could be heard “what are we doing here

anyway!” a deep voice grunted. “I keep telling you, we are taking over this puny island using that time stone thingy in Eldore!” the other one bellowed. Like a tidal wave of brilliance an idea swept over him. If he could find this time stone he would be able to harness its power and travel back to save the island.

After many days of relentless walking, climbing and traversing him finally saw Eldore volcano across a vast plain. It must have been at least 20 miles wide. Just as he began to cross a huge spider made entirely out of rock and lava blasted out of the ground. It was truly a pyroclastic fiend.

It had a hard exo-skeleton made out of the blackest obsidian. Thorodon could see no way of beating this monstrous monstrosity of a monster, therefore he began to run. He didn’t know how far or how long but he reached a cliff.

Does he fall, climb or turn around and fight

Page 4: Dark figures appeared on the horizon. Slowly advancing on the village of Riftwood. Fiery torches emerged from the dark blackness, rampageous men brandishing.

Right 2Sprinting right Thorodon dived behind a tree that had undergrowth bursting all around; it was as if the tree had been plated for

Thorodon’s purposes. Stopping to his breath Thorodon thought What was e going to do? With: Riftwood burnt; friends killed and still the enemies hadn’t given any reason to be doing all this. Thorodon couldn’t let this keep him down, he pulled him self up the tree clambering over the mossy branches he surveyed the mysterious attackers. “Work, work, work,” as he kicked the ground with frustration, “ I miss homes sunny shores!”

“Yeah,” agreed another guard “why are we even on this stupid quest.” A look of horror engulfed the guard like a tsunami, perplexed Thorodon wondered what could have made such a pair of relaxed, grumbling guards so terror stricken. The answer seemed to be a tall man, who was dressed exquisitely, he had dark short hair. “ You are on this ‘stupid quest’ because the prince says so and this pathetic island is the key to unleashing the army of Eldore. And yes ‘work, work, work’ which you to seem to be failing at as we have had an intruder who is probably going to go along and be some kind of superhero and save the people.” Whipping a crossbow away from the guard he shot him in the neck , blood splattered across what was clean grass. Looking up smirking the man laughed to the other guard “you’re not getting away so easily,” and with that he shot the other guard too. Thorodon was struck dumb, too scared to scream or yell. They must know he was here, yet he hadn’t set up a camp or left any trace. Although befuddled and doubting at how they knew he was here he decided he must travel away from this army of vicious devils, except if he didn’t find out more the islands of Eldore would be doomed .

There was a faint screaming sound getting closer. And closer. And closer until “Tho-rod-on , help! Yelled a familiar voice, ” They’re going to kill everyone. Including us if you don’t jump on to my horse. Now” without thinking Thorodon leaped onto the horse...#

“Julius, what are you doing?” questioned Thorodon “ I’ve been listening to these idiots. They’re going to Phoenix grove to get the key that can unleash the army of Eldore!”

Explained Julius , “Oh and they don’t seem to be pleased that I heard that. As you can see f you look back.” Looking back Thorodon saw a gigantic beast launching itself at the horse. Thorodon rolled off the horse. Watching Julius ride off into the distance. The beast stared at Thorodon hungrily. Did he fight, climb away or fall away from it.

Page 5: Dark figures appeared on the horizon. Slowly advancing on the village of Riftwood. Fiery torches emerged from the dark blackness, rampageous men brandishing.

Chapter 3 fall.

Suddenly the ground gave way beneath him. The air was rushing past his face. He grabbed a ledge he was hanging just above a guard. He heaved and he grabbed and eventually he managed to swing onto a ledge.

He just led there with his heart pounding. He might have led there for a life time. Time might have stopped for all he cared. He slowly got up clutching his aching side. He plucked up the courage to look down over the side and to his horror he saw a mining business built on a slave trade. The crack of the whip echoed throughout the vast cave. The cries of the enslaved. Amplified by the sheer magnitude of the cavern. It was crawling with guards. He saw an exit on the other side it was a fool’s errand but he had no choice consequently he began his descent.

He was at the bottom. Rolling and ducking crawling and weaving. As reached the tunnel voice shouted “Intruder!” he sprinted to the exit, guards charging after him. He stumbled. There was a drop’ at least 50 metres. He didn’t think he just jumped and miraculously he landed on firm ground without fault. He was too scared to open his eyes but gradually he cleaved his eyes open and found himself in a white environment. Three items hovered in front of him. A plaque read pick a weapon and raise it skyward.

Which did he choose sword , bow and arrow or staff.

Page 6: Dark figures appeared on the horizon. Slowly advancing on the village of Riftwood. Fiery torches emerged from the dark blackness, rampageous men brandishing.


Climbing. And climbing. And climbing. After what felt like hours Thorodon finally saw a ledge above him. When Thorodon reached the ledge he hauled himself onto the cool stone ledge and just lay there panting for his breath. Overlooking the stone ledge were the marvellous gates of the city of sky way way above the fluffy white clouds hanging over the island of Eldore. Thoughtlessly and frantically Thorodon ran into the gates but he just went straight through into a room with no doors except the door on the other side of the room there was only one problem, spikes popped out of the then disappeared and appeared elsewhere.

Dodging then diving Thorodon reached halfway and then a spike pierced his foot. All that happened was Thorodon was at the start, after failing many times Thorodon knew the times when the spikes emerged and vanished and planned a course. Using this course Thorodon reached the other side. Only Just.

In the next room the walls started to Through the door were three weapons.Which did he choose: Bow and Arrows, Sword or Staff

Page 7: Dark figures appeared on the horizon. Slowly advancing on the village of Riftwood. Fiery torches emerged from the dark blackness, rampageous men brandishing.

Chapter 3 Fight • Thorodon fell to the floor in shock. Gravel and dust surrounded him, only adding to his fear of the beast he must face. Not

letting his fixated eyes drift away from this predator, Thorodon reached for his dagger. Summoning courage- that he’d only just gotten – he charged at the horrific creature, clenching the dagger and threw it into its enormous hole of a mouth.

Hopelessly looking onwards towards Pheonix Grove, Thorodon set off. At first he sprinted but it son became apparent that he would tire and result in walking. Relentless walking. Approaching the towering trees that were Pheonix Grove, Thorodon was relieve to see that there was no sign of the island’s unwelcome visitors.

Venturing into the trees, the silence of the landscape was broken by the whispering of the trees. Or was it the whispering of men? They were here, all of them, the visitors, charging through the woodland. Thorodon frantically began to run, he must acquire the key and get out before they awoke the Pheonix’s . Just ahead there was a clearing with a large stone which had three weapons lying on it: a glinting blue sword with a hilt representing a golden eagle; a wooden staff and a Bow that was so beautiful with its glowing green arrows that Thorodon had to remember it was made to kill. Thorodon noticed some writing on the stone reading it it said: Pick a weapon, you will need it now. You don’t need a key don’t question how. You must save Riftwood young fighter. The army is big, yet you alone are mightier. Raise the weapon above your head, you know where to go, so be careful where you tread.

Leaving Pheonix grove Thorodon watched the Pheonix’s slaughter the helpless mercenaries. Which weapon did he choose? The bow, the sword, or the staff.

Page 8: Dark figures appeared on the horizon. Slowly advancing on the village of Riftwood. Fiery torches emerged from the dark blackness, rampageous men brandishing.

Chapter 4 sword

He grasped the hilt of the sword and instantly the world around him shattered into a million pieces. The scene around him transfigured into a swirling vortex of blackness. He saw a vision of him striking a purple stone. Then he was falling it was only a metre but it felt a lot worse. He looked around. A towering temple protruded out of Eldore volcano. A huge lake of lava separated the ground on which he stood and the volcano. It was connected by a rickety rope bridge. He hastily began to cross. He was about half way when a giant eagle swooped out of the sky. Thorodon began to sprint he was almost there when giant claws grabbed him from behind. He drew his sword and thrust the enchanted sword in its speculum. The bird exploded in a shower of light. He progressed inside.

Inside the temple was beautiful. It shone bright like diamonds. Intricate designs covered every inch of the wall. A plinth in the middle of the temple beheld a beautiful purple stone covered in ancient symbols. He approached the plinth he was cautious, expecting a temple guard to jump out. He started to climb the steps, still nothing. He approached the stone, not a sausage. Just as he was about to strike the stone the plinth began to move he sprinted away. It started to rise. Thorodon saw a stone face and eventually it was a giant stone statue. Its arms began to move. It was an ancient automaton.

Each one of its six arms held a huge sword as sharp as razors. It swung one of its huge arms into the ground. He saw a weak spot in the arm. A crumbling stone hand joint. He started to hack away at it and eventually it broke. He grabbed the ginormous sword out of the hand and lobbed it at its neck. It let out a piercing scream and it fell to the floor with an all mighty crash the stone was free to hit. He struck the stone and the world around him rewound to before Riftwood was destroyed.

He burst into the elders’ tent. “Ready Riftwood’s armies, the evil armies are coming!” The evil army was destroyed and Thorodon was considered a hero. That is the end of his noble quest. The protector of

Riftwood is still there living for ever protecting the village.

Page 9: Dark figures appeared on the horizon. Slowly advancing on the village of Riftwood. Fiery torches emerged from the dark blackness, rampageous men brandishing.


Thorodon, knowing what he must do set off to Eldore volcano to destroy the beast of Grunthel. Killing the beast will end in making him the commander of the mighty army who destroyed our village.

The towering peak of Eldore volcano loomed over him dwarfing the trees next to him. Courageously Thorodon began his ascent up the steep slope of Eldore volcano.

When Thorodon reached the top of the mountain he saw Horthel sitting in his marvellous throne underneath. Thorodon leaped down into the deep crater in the remains of the dormant volcano immediately arising the consciousness of Horthel, only resulting in an attack the small figure of Thorodon the huge trident heading at his diminutive body, at the last moment he dodged out of the way of the weapon aimed to kill him launching his own attack on his enemy smashing Horthel on the vast bulky head from which the evil commands for the army came. The attack on Horthel failed and just aggravated the beast more the monstrosity whipped around to mount another attack on him this time Thorodon was ready and stabbed the abomination in the eye. Making the huge horror fall to the cold hard unforgiving ground: The beast was dead; He was the armies commander; and the attack on the islands ended the quest was over.

Page 10: Dark figures appeared on the horizon. Slowly advancing on the village of Riftwood. Fiery torches emerged from the dark blackness, rampageous men brandishing.

Bow Speedily Thorodon left the choices of weapons behind him happy to have riddance of them. He

couldn’t stay still for long or the killers would get him and he would fail his quest. Lifting his bow above his head to his amazement an arrow of emerald green floated into the distance. Eventually after following it for a long time Thorodon came to the valley of deception from head to foot and all around there was ice . A shadowy person seemed to be walking on the ceiling, looking closer Thorodon saw that it was Julius. Julius from his village.

Jumping forward Thorodon sighed “thank goodness you’re here”“you don’t understand do you” came Julius’s reply “ I’ve led you from place to place. I was assigned by

the army to stop anyone who could defeat them and the only person was you. Better at everything than everyone else. Well you didn’t see through my plan you’ve got the key to unleash the immortal imprisoned army .”

“No I haven’t I've got a bow.”“ The bow is the key and the soldiers are coming. Face it you can’t win. All that I have to do now is kill

you ! Goodbye Thorodon.”Clenching his bow he loaded it but Julius was to quick he knocked the bow to the floor and threw

Thorodon with it. Thorodon forced the knife that was now against his neck away. He kicked out sending Julius across the floor, withdrawing an arrow Thorodon ran to Julius pointed it at him and Shouted “yield.” Men flooded the room led by a tall man with dark, short hair. The man scooped up the bow and was about to set free the army- he didn’t realise how powerful it was- but he didn’t manage to as Thorodon had leaped onto him and was now falling through what he had thought had been a wall of ice. He now knew why it was called the valley of deception.

Did he survive???