Danny’s daredevil fundraiser for Independence Matters · Hub by completing a sponsored skydive at...

Danny’s daredevil fundraiser for Independence Matters Customer’s grandson skydives to raise funds, plus updates on summer fun and activities from across our services.

Transcript of Danny’s daredevil fundraiser for Independence Matters · Hub by completing a sponsored skydive at...

Page 1: Danny’s daredevil fundraiser for Independence Matters · Hub by completing a sponsored skydive at Beccles aerodrome. Danny received the skydive experience as a gift for his 30.

Danny’s daredevil fundraiser for Independence Matters

Customer’s grandson skydives to raise funds, plus updates on summer fun and activities from across our services.

Page 2: Danny’s daredevil fundraiser for Independence Matters · Hub by completing a sponsored skydive at Beccles aerodrome. Danny received the skydive experience as a gift for his 30.

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Excellent Care Matters

Birthday skydive raises funds for The Lawns Community Hub

“The staff and customers at The Lawns would like to say a huge thank you to Danny for doing the parachute jump. We are all looking forward to watching movies and reprising an old cinematic experience on the new TV. A big thank you to Lilian also, as without her nominating Danny to sponsor us we wouldn’t have received this donation.

The Lawns Community Hub

Danny Porter, the grandson of a customer at The Lawns, has raised a fantastic £725 for the Hub by completing a sponsored skydive at Beccles aerodrome. Danny received the skydive experience as a gift for his 30th birthday and wanted to make it meaningful by fundraising for a worthwhile cause. He said: “My wonderful and ever amazing Nan called me and asked if I would do the jump for The Lawns. They are looking to get a large flat screen TV for their main hall to make it easier for customers to watch movies and programmes”.

Danny completed his skydive in September and was able to formally present a cheque to his Nan, Lillian Skinner, at the Hub surrounded by customers and staff. Everyone at the Hub is looking forward to enjoying movie afternoons in a cinema-like setting complete with popcorn once the new TV has been installed.Danny thanked all those supporting him by donating, but especially his Nan for nominating him, saying: “It’s been a huge honour to raise this money for such amazingly friendly members and hard working staff at The Lawns and I can't wait to do the jump again and help raise more money.”

Page 3: Danny’s daredevil fundraiser for Independence Matters · Hub by completing a sponsored skydive at Beccles aerodrome. Danny received the skydive experience as a gift for his 30.

Hello from Sarah

I’m sitting on a train travelling down to London as I write this with the scenery flying past the window, and as I read this Autumn edition of News Matters it makes me reflect on how quickly the months and, dare I say it, the decades (thanks Swaffham Hub) fly by!

This edition is packed with lovely photos and memories of customers enjoying days out; Yarmouth funfair reminding me of my youth, summer fetes, relaxing in the garden and growing sunflowers.

It’s also packed with stories of our wonderful staff, volunteers, customers and families taking time out to raise money for other causes and communities close to our hearts and company values. All amazing achievements involving lots of hard work and organisation.

Talking of achievements, really well done Suzy, we are all proud of you for putting something back into the community and you look fab! And finally, we wish Julia a long and healthy retirement.

Welcome to our Autumn edition of News Matters

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Excellent Care Matters

Sarah StockManaging Director, Independence Matters

We’ve done it!Thanks to the fundraising efforts of support worker Ann Beese, the defibrillator for Ipswich Road Community Hub is in the bag, and will be installed as soon as possible.

The final fundraising effort was a 5k walk/run in Eaton Park supported by staff which raised over £800.

Having achieved her goal Ann told us; “I am hanging up my fundraising hat once all the funds are safely in the bank. It`s been a pleasure to meet so many very kind and willing people during this time and now I’m looking forward to counting how many lives we save instead of how much money is in the pot!”

Page 4: Danny’s daredevil fundraiser for Independence Matters · Hub by completing a sponsored skydive at Beccles aerodrome. Danny received the skydive experience as a gift for his 30.

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On 12th July four mini buses left the Hub and went to Yarmouth. It was a sunny day and one group went to the Pleasure Beach and others went into the town. Lunch was enjoyed in a café or a packed lunch in Sarah’s Tea Room. Thanks to all the staff who supported us.”

Craig, DCH customer

We Great Yarmouth!Customers at our services across Norfolk have been enjoying the opportunity to get out and about in the community over the summer months. In July, a group from Dereham Community Hub had a fantastic time on a day trip to Yarmouth, enjoying the thrills of the Pleasure Beach followed by lunch in the town.

Page 5: Danny’s daredevil fundraiser for Independence Matters · Hub by completing a sponsored skydive at Beccles aerodrome. Danny received the skydive experience as a gift for his 30.

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Excellent Care Matters

Page 6: Danny’s daredevil fundraiser for Independence Matters · Hub by completing a sponsored skydive at Beccles aerodrome. Danny received the skydive experience as a gift for his 30.

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Excellent Care Matters

Attleborough Community Hub held its annual summer fete on Thursday 11th

August with staff wearing fancy dress and hosting a variety of attractions to raise a grand total of £666.

There was a great turnout despite the rather unseasonal weather with visitors and customers enjoying displays by the Prison Service’s dog handlers and getting up close to the collection of owls brought along by Hawking Experience of Acle.

Will started university in September and is now studying Business Law at St Mary's in Twickenham. He has settled in well and has now started his winter training programme under the guidance of his coach, Jenny Archer, who is based in Kingston.2016 was a good season for Will setting a number of personal best times and winning the English Championships over 1500m. Looking forward to 2017 he is hoping to qualify for the World Championships which are being held in London.And finally, Will celebrated his 21st birthday last week. Many happy returns from all of us at Independence Matters, we hope you had a great day!

Visitors welcomed at summer fete

Update from our Patron, Will

Page 7: Danny’s daredevil fundraiser for Independence Matters · Hub by completing a sponsored skydive at Beccles aerodrome. Danny received the skydive experience as a gift for his 30.

Sunflower fun at South Wootton

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Excellent Care Matters

Customers at South Wootton Community Hub have spent the summer growing an impressive display of sunflowers along the Hub’s wall.

The plants were grown from seed with the help of staff and customers were encouraged to tend the flowers and watch them grow – culminating in a competition to see whose sunflower could grow the tallest.

The winning sunflower was grown by Neil Manning (far left), shown holding his prize.

Runner up spot went to Dean McNicol (left) who (very appropriately) won a dancing sunflower.

The 17th Great Yarmouth ‘Annual Charity Duck Race’ took place at The Waterways, on Sunday 18th September. Organised by the Haven Rotary Club the event raises money for worthy causes, both local and international. Over 2,500 ducks take part and although the weather was overcast it didn’t diminish the crowds. Independence Matters volunteer Carol Smith made and sold ducks for the race, collecting an amazing £105. An additional £40 was donated by the Rotary Club making a grand total of £145 raised for Rosewood Community Hub’s amenities fund. Thanks go to Carol for her hard work and everyone’s generosity in raising this amount.

Volunteer Carol, raises funds at Duck Race

Page 8: Danny’s daredevil fundraiser for Independence Matters · Hub by completing a sponsored skydive at Beccles aerodrome. Danny received the skydive experience as a gift for his 30.

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Walking for a world without dementiaGroups from two of our Hubs took part in this year’s Alzheimer’s Society Memory Walk at Eaton Park in Norwich. The event brings together thousands of people across the UK to celebrate loved ones affected by dementia and raise money to help improve treatment for people today, and search for a cure for tomorrow.

Rosewood Community Hub’s memory walkers (top right) were; Hannah Gomulak, Donna Gillett, Yazmin Bailey Kirsty Sturman and Aimi Bailey - raising just under £400.

Vauxhall Community Hub’s memory walkers (bottom right) were; Chrissy Nicholls, Lynsey Constable and her son Harvey, Caroline Haystead and daughter Megan, Karis Munns and daughter Lola, Liam McCarthy and daughter Abigail, Cat Evans and baby Stanley, Elfijn Van Rijbroek, Will Dowe and his partner Clemintineand Corbyn Monterio - raising a total of £469.

So, so proud of my team! We had a fab time raising funds for Alzheimer’s

Society. We are very proud of ourselves and have really appreciated everyone’s generosity.

Chrissy Nicholls, Team Manager

Page 9: Danny’s daredevil fundraiser for Independence Matters · Hub by completing a sponsored skydive at Beccles aerodrome. Danny received the skydive experience as a gift for his 30.

Customers enjoy the summer sunRosewood Community Hub customers have had a great time in the garden over the summer months and even managed to find some of that elusive sunshine! The garden has benefitted hugely from improvements carried out over the last two years thanks to Big Lottery funding and the help of volunteers including Great Yarmouth Green Gym.

I Matter, People Matter, Carers Matter, Staff Matter,

Excellent Care Matters

Practising forWimbledon next


Follow my lead

Who needs Benidorm?

Typical man, thinks he can do

it better!

Chilling in the sun

Page 10: Danny’s daredevil fundraiser for Independence Matters · Hub by completing a sponsored skydive at Beccles aerodrome. Danny received the skydive experience as a gift for his 30.

How long have you worked in social care?I started my career in the Royal Navy and spent two years at their training centre in Plymouth before deciding life on board a ship wasn’t for me. I moved into social care after having children as the option to work nights and weekends suited.

When did you start working at Independence Matters services?I started with PAS North around 10 years ago and am now also a part time team manager at Pine Lodge.

Why become a Special Constable? (you seem to be pretty busy already!)Dad was a policeman for 30 years and about a year ago I decided I wanted to do some voluntary/charity work so it seemed appropriate. It’s unpaid but you have the same powers as any other police officer.

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Excellent Care Matters

Suzy Thomas is a part time Team Manager at Pine Lodge Respite Service and also fills in as a support worker with PAS (North).As a single mum you’d think this would keep her busy enough, but she recently qualified as a Special Constable and now spends her free time patrolling the county. We caught up with Suzy to find out what drives her to fit so much into her day.

Combining care with tackling crime in north Norfolk

What did becoming a Special Constable involve? I started my 20 weeks training in January 2016. It was a struggle to fit it in but it’s also one of the best things I’ve ever done – there are so many transferable skills.

When did you qualify?I passed my test on 12th June which was also my daughter’s birthday so a double celebration! I got 98% in the exam.

Does that mean you are now out on the beat?There’s a two year probation period after qualifying during this time I’m shadowed and have set criteria to fulfil, so you are supported by experienced officers before becoming independent. I do 16 hours per month based at North Walsham police station. The hours are flexible to suit and the time just flies, I sometimes stay on till 3am.

Page 11: Danny’s daredevil fundraiser for Independence Matters · Hub by completing a sponsored skydive at Beccles aerodrome. Danny received the skydive experience as a gift for his 30.

Pine Lodge Respite Service

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Do you get to wear a uniform? I have a special uniform complete with stab proof vest and high viz (I look like Juliet Bravo!). I also carry a baton and PAVA which is an alternative to CS gas. You can’t go out without any of it, you have to wear all of it each time, even in hot weather.

How many people have you arrested?Just one and it was the most nerve wracking experience of my life! It was a ten zero, which means drop everything and get there quickly, and I had to do it in front of all the senior staff.

Are there any similarities between your roles?You need to have patience and empathy in both, quite often you are dealing with people who have mental health issues. People don’t always realise what’s involved in policing, for example dealing with sudden death. I have a great respect for the police.

How would you sum up? Becoming a Special has been great for me. It’s encouraged me to improve my fitness and also given me something else to concentrate on besides the stresses of work and a busy home life. I’ve got a lovely balance, I enjoy my day job and being able to do something different and worthwhile every night.

About the Special ConstabularyThe Special Constabulary is a voluntary body to help the regular police force in meeting the policing needs of the community. Their roles include providing highly visibility patrols and helping police major incidents and events.

There are 250 Special Constables in Norfolk. All have taken part in an intensive training course which includes studying crime scene and road traffic management, statement taking and diversity and human rights issues.

A 24 hour a day, 7 day a week respite service for people with learning disabilities and complex needs in the east Norfolk area.Pine Lodge has three beds: two for planned stays booked in advance and one for emergency stays. All rooms including shower and bathroom are fully accessible, with profiling beds and overhead tracking. For more information call 01692 670123.

Page 12: Danny’s daredevil fundraiser for Independence Matters · Hub by completing a sponsored skydive at Beccles aerodrome. Danny received the skydive experience as a gift for his 30.

Anyone popping in to Swaffham Community Hub recently might have wondered if they’d accidentally taken a trip in the Tardis or some other type of time machine.Throughout the year Hub members and staff have been day tripping back to experience the lifestyles of an earlier decade, complete with clothing and artefacts of the period. Support Worker Gillian Harvey explained: “Each year we embark on a new theme for the Hub and following the success of our ‘round the world’ experiences in 2015, we decided to ‘step back in time’ for 2016. Exploring the past gives members the chance to have a lot of fun and is also a great way to reminisce.

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Step back in time at Swaffham Hub

“We thoroughly research each period, looking at the fashion, music, transport, arts and key events of the decade. We then get members to build a display board using their own art and craft work along with sourced memorabilia. The day itself consists of music, costume, visual displays, food and activities which parents and carers are also invited to attend”.

1940s 1950s


Page 13: Danny’s daredevil fundraiser for Independence Matters · Hub by completing a sponsored skydive at Beccles aerodrome. Danny received the skydive experience as a gift for his 30.

Themed menusOur members are actively involved in choosing the menus and do this through a combination of verbal discussion, signing and reference to books and magazines. Shopping for ingredients helps to develop independence skills, comparing prices and handling money. Food preparation also helps to develop skills – learning about personal and environmental hygiene and improving co-ordination and listening and communication skills. Overall it is a valuable experience with the satisfaction of trying new foods they’ve helped to prepare and cook.

MusicWe give members the opportunity to choose music to their own personal taste and encourage them to express themselves through dance. It’s a fun way to exercise and improve physical co-ordination.

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Excellent Care Matters

FashionClothing is another great way of promoting self expression and building confidence. The Hub has a mannequin which is used to display an outfit at each event and parents/carers have become really good at sourcing outfits. Wearing costume helps everyone feel connected to the theme and members get involved with craft work to make the outfits.

Visual displaysMembers get great satisfaction from seeing their themed art and craft work displayed in the Hub. We also use TV news and video clips relevant to the decade which brings the theme to life - and gives older members and visitors a great chance for some reminiscing!

On the dayOur aim is for everyone to have a great time. We make sure each theme day is documented in a personal way for each member with photographic evidence so their memories of the day are captured.

Roaring Twenties


Page 14: Danny’s daredevil fundraiser for Independence Matters · Hub by completing a sponsored skydive at Beccles aerodrome. Danny received the skydive experience as a gift for his 30.

I Matter, People Matter, Carers Matter, Staff Matter,

Excellent Care Matters

News in Brief

Got a story for News Matters? If you’ve got a story or would like to give some feedback on News Matters then please get in touch.

[email protected] call 07767 212926.

The customers and staff at Rosewood Community Hub were surprised and delighted to receive a thank you card from the Her Majesty the Queen, sent from Balmoral Castle by her Lady-in-Waiting.The note thanks everyone for the handmade card and message they sent for Her Majesty’s ninetieth birthday, saying it was thoughtful to create their card from a photograph of Hub members preparing to celebrate the Queen’s birthday.

A Royal Thank You Wishing Julia a very happy retirementCustomer Julie Rowland has retired from South Wootton Community Hub after 51 years attendance at our services. Julia joined Bryggen Road back in 1965 when it was the Adult Training Centre and has continued her service with us up until Monday 22nd August 2016, having reached the age of 70. Julia enjoyed a cheeky glass of Lambrusco at her retirement party which was attended by staff, friends and customers from our other Hubs who came along to give her a great send off. Three of our services, PAS (North), HSM

(East) and Dereham Community Hubhave applied for funding through the Workforce Development Fund (WDF) with the potential to secure a total of £4,215.The WDF is a Department of Health funding stream designed to support the ongoing professional development of staff across adult social care in England. If secured the funding will help towards the costs of workers completing health and social care qualifications, units and Apprenticeships.

WDF funding success