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Tel. 01562-251415, email- [email protected]

CORRIGENDUM NO.- 1 FOR THIS OFFICE NIT NO.- 01-02/2014-15In continuation to this Office NIT No.- 01-02/2014-15, following corrigendum is issued hereby:

S. NIT No. Work Description Estimated Cost Earnest Money in Rs.No. (Rs. In Lacs) Period for Completing Execution

As Published Now As Published Nowin original NIT Amended as in original NIT Amended as

1. ACE Upgradation of Clusters water supply System for 1524.31 1499.21 30,48,620 29,98,420CHU/01 24 villages of Churu Bissau Project (Package 1 A)2014-15

2. ACE Upgradation of Clusters water supply System for 1253.15 1089.85 25,06,300 21,79,700CHU/02 20 villages of Churu Bissau Project (Package 1 B)2014-15

In addition to above, following dates are amended as below :Description As Published in original NIT Now amended as

Last date of Downloading and submission of tender documents From 8.4.2015 to 7.5.2015 From 20.4.2015 to 20.5.2015at website http://eproc.rajasthan.gov.in (17.00 hours) (17.00 hours)Last date & time for online submission of Tender. up to 7.5.2015 (18.00 hours) up to 20.5.2015 (18.00 hours)Physical Submission of Tender Fee and EMD. up to 8.5.2015 (14.00 hours) up to 21.5.2015 (14.00 hours)Online Opening of Pre-Qualification on 8.5.2015 (15.00 hours) on 21.5.2015 (15.00 hours)

Pre-qualification criteria as published in online NIT can be seen as amended in tender documents at websitehttp://eproc.rajasthan.gov.in. All other terms and condition shall be as per original published NIT and details can be seen atwebsite http://eporoc.rajasthan.gov.in.

SAVE WATER - SAVE LIFEAdditional Chief Engineer (Project), PHED, Churu

U U ()-411040

-2015 U U () 01 S,

2015 U U UU 130 (105 25 )

- U U U U U U U www.afmcdg1d.gov.in www.afmc.nic.in U U U U U U U U U U, AIPMT-2015 U U AFMC U U

U S U-U 10 , 2015 U www.afmcdg1d.gov.in www.afmc.nic.in U U U


U - U

21 , 2015

U 15 , 2015 (2359 )- U 18 , 2015 (2359 ) U U


26 , 2015 ( )


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U , , U ///-2 (30 ) /U-77 13.04.2015

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H1,71RRIOn behalf of Governor of Rajasthan Bids for the following work are invited through e -tendering pro-

cess from the contractors enlisted in appropriate class with the Water Resources Department Rajasthan/CPWD/Telecom/Railways/other state Government/Central Government/State Government undertaking in class equivalent to AA class contractor of Rajasthan.61R








3 4 7 8 91 Repair Renova-

tion & Restora-tion of Bawarda Bund

01 Nos. 144.08 2.88 0.72 10000 10 Months ExecutiveEngineer Water Resources Dn.


2 Renovation Re-pair & Restora-tion of Baretha Bund I

01 Nos. 67.67 1.35 0.34 10000 07 Months ExecutiveEngineer Water Resources Dn.


3 Renovation Re-pair & Restora-tion of Sardargarh Bund

01 Nos 116.11 3.32 0.58 10000 10 Months ExecutiveEngineer Water Resources Dn.


Details of NIT/Bid Documents my be seen on website http//eproc.rajasthan.gov.in, www.dipronline.org, sppp.raj.nic.in and it may be downloaded / uploaded from 27.04.2015 at 9.30 AM to 26.05.2015 at 6.00 PM. Directions to the bidders for e -tendering.DIPR/C/2847/2015 6XSHULQWHQGLQJ(QJLQHHU:DWHU5HVRXUFHV&LUFOH-RGKSXU


E-NIT No. 01\ of 2015-16On behalf of Governor of Rajasthan Bids for the following work are invited through e -tendering pro-

cess from the contractors enlisted in appropriate class with the Water Resources Department Rajasthan / CPWD/ Telecom/ Railways/other state Government/ Central Government /State Government Undertak-ing in class equivalent to AA class contractor of Rajasthan.S.

No.Name of work Estimate

Cost of Work (Rs. in Lacs)

Earnest Money (Rs. in Lacs)

Costof Bid Docu-ment


Name of Division

2% 0.50%

1 Construction of 06 No. Micro Ir-rigation Projects including survey, investigation, planning, design, drawing with all activities com-plete required for acquisition of land for MIP, at different locations in block Sheoganj district Sirohi of Rajasthan in LUNI River Basin.

1777.14 35.55 8.89 10000 18Monthsinclud-

ing rainy season




Details of NIT/Bid Documents may be Seen on website http://eproc.rajasthan.gov.in, www.dipro-line.org, sppp.raj.nic.in and it may be downloaded/uploaded from 22.04.2015 at 9.30 AM to 21.05.2015 at 6.00 PM. Directions to the bidders for e-tendering.DIPR/C/2933/2015 Additional Chief Engineer, Water Resources Zone, Jodhpur

vs v s w s{sxvxvssww x JVVRYYYTFUQKPFKCPTCKNYC[UIQXKP6GPFGT '1+v mn + vs v s {zss


Central Public Works DepartmentNOTICE INVITING e-TENDERS

The Executive Engineer (E), Jaipur Central Electrical Divi-sion, CPWD, Sector-10, Vidhyadhar Nagar, Jaipur (Phone No.0141-2233688) invites on behalf of the President of India online item rate tenders from contractors who are enlisted in appropriate class in Elec-trical Category in CPWD for the following work.

NIT No.: 05/JCED/AE-II/2014-15 Name of Work MOEI & Fans RMO Pump Set in Nirman Vihar-I, II, Sec-2, VDN, Jaipur (SH:Routine maintenance of EI & Fans) Estimated Cost : Rs 5,37,648/- Earnest Money (Deposit): Rs. 10,753/- Period of Com-pletion: 12 Months, e-Tender processing Fees : Rs. 562/- (if reg-istration with tender processing fee is continued), Last date and time of online submission of e-Tender : Upto 3:00 PM on 28.04.2015.

The tender forms and all other details can be obtained from the website www.tenderwizard.com/CPWD or www.cpwd.gov.in

12 , , , 19 , 2015


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, 90 2012

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>Shashi Gartex & Transport Pvt.Ltd. Required Senior Merchandiser.Graduate/ PG, 6-8 YearsExperienced in Garment ExportsShould be Sincere, ConfidentialHard Working, Good Knowledge ofDesign Trends and Fabrics Will beadvantage. Email CV:h r @ s h a s h i g a r t e x . c o m ,8696998555, Walk In Interview on21, 22 April. G1/117, Riico IndustrialArea, Mansarovar, Jaipur

Manglam exports sitapurarequires experinced merchandiser ,Assistant Merchndiser , QAProduction, production controller.9351492111

F-288 U UU U U U (Q.C) [email protected]

U U U UU 8000-10000 Habbies U U U7568200377, 7737762617 (7611046833)

UU SUU SU UU U U UU U 5-6 U U8560000884

U U SUU UU U 9314855535 U

U U UU, SUU, U, U, UU UU U 58, U UU,UU 9783800010

USU U UU U UU U UU U99w9697xw

UUU UU U UU UU (U), U SUU,U UU, UU , UU , 29, UU U U UUU Mo. 9829069939

U UU U 475, l U, U y, U, U 9829061587

Required For Garment Unit SeniorAccountant and CAD designer.Address: G1-143/144 GarmentZone, Sitapura Ind. Area Jaipurcontact: 9314360071

Up Coming Ladies Apparel BrandRequires Textile Designer, FashionDesigner Aspirant Candidate maysend Resume at:[email protected]

U S U U USUU (US) UU UUU, UU, U , U , SUUU, U U (UU ) U UU U ..U U 9829062851

U SUU, UU SUU U U, U 8233881035, (8/303,lU U, U)

Walk in Interview for Call CentreDay Shifts for UK OutboundProcess. Requirement- FluentEnglish with good communicationskills, Handsome Salary, Contact:9950885522, 7568477888

UU UU U [U, , UU SUU/ U H18AUU U :-9314000777

Corevision Requires Female officeadministration Staff with English/Computers. Post Receptionist/Assistant/ Assistant Manager Salary15000/-, [email protected], 78778-60007

UCU SU UU S U U UU U UU U UU U 9667934622, 9694264146

Urgently Required MarketingExecutive Freshers/ Experienced forAuthorised Dealer, Good Working,Graduate, Good Salary+ Incentives.Contact: 9829116102, 9649900585

Manish Engineers and ConsultantRequired Female Receptionist andMale Executive Contact F-57 2ndFloor Gautam Marg Vaishali Nagar91664-10999, 0141-3123391

HDFC Bank DSA U UU, UU U 7742207754

Realestate Company RequireReceptionist cum Typist (F),Telecallers (F) Experience 3 Years/Above [email protected] (1- 3 PM)Vidyadhar Nagar.

UU UUU UUU U 9.30 6.30 5400/-S U 94602-21311

U SUU U UU/ U UU-9549653821, 9610555530

Female Candidate Required forBilling and Sales Purpuse at MRFshowroom Durgapura Tonk RoadContact- 9829014395

UU, U S UUU () U 9yvy6xw9y v 6

U U UU U(800) (U/ U) U (6000-18000) Sales U (8000+U+ ) U U9001183023

Exide Care U UU, UU, UU, ,UU, U/ S U U, UU, U U,9001181111, 0141-2704949

AGM MNC U, U 63 -U-MBA-11750+ U L( ) 0 8 9 3 0 2 9 0 2 6 5 ,09992314678

U U UU , SU U, UU, UU, S UU, , UUS, 9887230729.

Aircel Express Required TellyCaller, 10 Sales Ext. 10 SalleryIncantinve Metro Pillar No. 76NsRoad Sodala9782101139,7610022955

*D U SUU (TCG), Require Markiting/Sales/ HR/ Telecaller, Salary Upto50K, Fresher Welcome. Call- 0141-4010686, 9828023678,[email protected]

Requirement for Airtel D.S.T. MaleSales Executive salary 10000-18000/-, Female Telecaller salary7000- 10000/- Contact- 9166666789Banipark Jaipur.

Required CallCenter Executivesfor International Call Audit and DataProcess Day/ Night shift, PointPickup (Salary 7000 to 10000)Vaishali Nagar, Mansarovar9982717922

U U U U U UUU U U (5000 -15000) 9829177041, 9314298288

U UUU U U U U U USalary 77268-56123, 97848-56123.

U D USUU U/ U / (U )Target+ - 9314047775,8890762317, 9928856966

classified 1y U ...

Physics, Chemistry, Maths,Biology For X, XI, XII at Ridhi-SidhiChouraha Gopalpura BypassRegular Test Individual Attention8003386999, 9413841999

Taj Home Tuition provideexperience teachers at your home allareas of Jaipur for all subject9314269098, 0141-2174682

Commerce Home Tution 11th,12th, CA, CS, CMA, Tax, Cost, F.M.,Accounts, Tally, A-93, Shiv Marg,Shyam Nagar, Jaipur, 9829202077


JUPITER HOME TUITION(Registered) Provides ExperiencedHome Tutors/ All Classes/ Subjects/PCMB/ Commerce/ Crash Courses.9828335087, 9214027592 (TutorsWelcome).

Chemistry, Physics, Maths TutionsComplete Basic Concept for XI, XII,AIPMT/ IITJEE, Lalkothi, Jagatpura,Subjects Experts. Dr. Tiwari Sir:9571366135.

Give Strength to your PHYSICSwith SK JHA Sir for JEE/ AIPMT/ XI,XII, Board Foundation (Gopalpurabypass) 8875588333, 9509315187

Deepak Tutions classes9829436326 all subject CommerceScience B.Tech LLB MBA PMT CACS English competition computertutors required 9828427575

JAIN HOME TUITIONS (Registered)(9509166646 Wats-App) ProvideExperienced Home Tutors/AllClasses/ Subjects/ Area/ PCMB/Commerce- 9928665317 (TutorsWelcome)

Nalanda (Registered) ProvidesHome Tuitions (KG- PG) All Classes/Subjects/ Schools/ Colleges (AIPMT,AIEEE, B.Tech., BCA) All Jaipur-9314652670, 9413975101

Physics, Chemistry, MathematicsTuition under one Roof For XIth, XIIthat Tonk Phatak, Malviya Nagar,Mansarovar, Pratap Nagar BySubject Experts. Contact-G.S.Menaria- 9928536600.

Address- A1, Friends Colony,

Lal Kothi Scheme Jaipur,Contact- 0141-5112955

Mob. : 8104112955

Learn with us for Leading TommorrowIAS FREE SEMINARBy Delhis Best Team

Under Yashwan Kr. SinghOn Sunday 19th April 2015

at 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm

U U UU , UU, UU, -U, , U, NIOS,UU .. U USU,9314175876

COMPEQ TALLY. ERP9+TAXATION EXPERTUU U VAT, CST, TDS,Service Tax, Manual Accounting,Returns, E-Filing, Jobs 9829375151

Tally Academy, Lalkothi U CivilLines ! RS-CIT, DTP, Web-designing! Share Market U8000/- 9784590802


8, 9, v, vv, v2 l CBSE, NIOS, Raj. Board U U (Gen.X),9214031140, 9214061881.

Schools in Vidhyadhar Nagar,Ambabari, Murlipura, Sikar RoadPlanning for summer activity 6 DaysSummer Camp & Win prizes Tablet,Smart Phone, Cycles, please beassociated with us Twinkling StarWorld Champion in Abacus/ SpokenEnglish & Vedic Maths, VrindavanComplex, Near Fun Cinema,Vidhyadhar Nagar, Jaipur9352862570.

Eminent 9314638710 providehome tuition 1st- PG Physics,Chemistry, Maths, Accounts, Eco.,English, Banks, NIOS, PMT, CS,B.Tech (Teachers required)

Accounts, Economics, BST XI, XIIHome Tuitions, and Science, Maths,for IX, X, By Deepak Sir- Conatct-83859-65772, 99281-25989.

U U UGC ApprovedUniversity fU DMLT, BMLT, CMLT,DMRT, BMRT BPT, MPT, A.N.M,G.N.M, B.sc, M.sc, Maths,Chemistry Physics, Zoology Botany,Micro Biochem MLT, LLB, LLM,PGDCA, BCA, MCA, MBA, BA, MA,B.com, M.com, MSW, B.lib, M.lib,BJMC, MJMC, B.ed, M.ed, IMST C-101, Sethi Colony, Jaipur.9414072520, 0141-2601324

U , U U M U U UU , [email protected]

IXth, Xth - , XIth,XIIth - UU, UU, BA, B.Com, BBA, BCA,MCA, B.Sc., M.Sc., MBA, PGDCA,- 9314186866

Shree Ram Home TuitionsProvides Well Qualified &Experienced Tutors For All Subjects/Classes/ Boards At Your Home:-9928242119, 9549453204

SAGAR CLASSES 9829344525Crash Course Physics/ Chemistry/Mathematics/ Biology/ Accounts(XIth, XIIth, JEE, AIPMT) HomeTuitions Facility Available.TutorsRequires.

Coaching/ Guidance DMLT, ANM,GNM, D.Pharmacy/ BAMS/BHMS/NTT/ ETT/ BBA/ MBA/ IELTS/Merchant Navy.Chandigarh InstituteAnupgarh (Rajasthan). 8239346469

Staples Tutors Bureau providesexperience punctual faculty for homeTuitions. All subjects/ Classes/ Area/Schools/ Colleges (Tutoirs Required)09468940225, 07877120154.

The Cornerstone - only Destinationfor all classes quality home tutors-PCM/Computers/ accounts formansarovar and nearby areas8502065482

Tutors Point Provides HomeTution all Board/ 1st-10th all Subject11th- 12th PCMB, Accounts,Economics, Business Studies allarea. 9351890052

STUDY CIRCLE HOME TUITIONSProvides Experienced and QualifiedHome tutors for all Classes/Subjects/ Schools/ Boards (TutorsWelcome) 9782149301,8058924310

Vision Home Tuition ProvideExperienced and Result orientedTutor for All Classes/ Schools/Subjects Competetions.7737420649, 9667880914 (TutorsUrgently Required)

NIOS- 8- 9- 10 FAIL10 U 11 12 FAIL-12 U OPENU fU, COACHING U U 88247-56048,89470-59787

Sunshine home Tuition ProvidesProfessional Tutors for all Boards/Classes/ Subjects/ Areas/ CrashCourses for suplementary/Professional Tutors Welcome-9887479024.

RIDDHI SIDDHI HOME TUITIONSProvides Best Faculties/ All Classes/Subjects/ Schools/ Spoken English/French/ Crash Course/Competitions. 9571759995,9 3 0 9 3 1 1 1 1 2www.riddhisiddhihometuitions.com

Chemistry Mathematics, PhysicsTution for XI, XII by Experts at 3/48,Chitrakoot, Gate No.3 PrabhatiMarg, Jaipur. 8852970007, 0141-4040374 (3-6 PM)

RBSE/ CBSE 10/ 12UU NIOS U, Coachingavailable (MDPS, CBSE Affiliated AINo. 170264) (3-6 PM), 8852970007,0141-4040374

RBSE/ CBSE 10/ 12UU NIOS U, Coachingavailable (MDPS, CBSE Affiliated AINo. 170264) (3-6 PM), 8852970007,0141-4040374

Premium Batch Starting at TheCorner Stone, Mansarovar. AllClasses PCM are Taught by qualityTeachers. Reasonable Fee, DemoAvailable,8502065482

Admission open in MDPS, CBSEAffiliated, Delhi, LKG to XII (Science/Commerce), Bhambori, Sirsi/ KalwarRoad, Jaipur (Excellent Hostel/Sports Facility) 0141-2162062,9251332332

94140-52587 AGARWALS- 92140-52587 Provides Result Oriented/Dedicated Punctual- Home Tutors AllClasses/ subjects/ Schools/ Areas/Colleges- English/ Computer(Tutors- Required)

U U U 31000/- (UU- U U- UU U-U- ) UUU 9785222219

f UU U U U U U U9929150312

UU U U (Watertank) Overhead/ Underground UU 3 U U UU U 7568222889

U, U U UU USU U U U 1800-3000-0091, 0141-6595090,www.zerowaste.in/price

UUU mU U U UU U UU U U U UUUU - 9460147783

Manufacturer- U,Gate, U, A.C.P SUU, P.V.CSU U, Glazing, ,Tuffened , Falsecelling- 72/286, UU U-9414255218, 9214944333

Ro SU U, Ro SUU UU U, , U U S.R. Applicances- JTM U 9782490298, 9829427712

!!UUU U/ U!! BySunayna Agarwal. U U M U/ 9829089706, 9462776102

SU / UU/ U mU U, SU,Interior/ Exterior Building Design,Construction @1000/-+,SHILPKAR- 9828333807,9414059811

UU U Corporate Road Shows,Birthday Parties, Product Launching,Press Confrence, U , U , UU U UU U U U U Tridev Consulatancy events &Marketing 09549632555,09549638555

USU 1000/-, UUU, UU, ISO U UU, UU, U, ,UPartnership, deed, accounting, food,IEC 8890237574, 0141-2369902

Manufacturer:- P.V.C SUU 80/- (Polywood/ Sintex),Fibersheet, U U,Falsecelling, Imported Wall Paper- 72/286, UU9214944333, 9414255218

USU 1000/-, UUU, U, ISO, UU,UU, U, U,Partnership Deed, Trust, Food, IEC,PF, Agmark, 77918-75201

UU V/C 250/-, SUU2500/-, U 15/-, 7/-, 15/-, U 100/-U- 1800/-,[email protected], U MIRoad 97853-94216

, UUU, ,U, , , UUU,UUU, U U ( U ) 8560825253,9024796353

UUUU U U 228 U1000/- U U U51,24,630/- U, {U} 97720-60160.

U - UU, , (L-U ), Straightline Sofa,Leather Sofa U, UU c 9414870557,8696312111

UU, U, , (L-U ), UU ,U/ U U U 9829557486, 9829057486

AC 199/-,RO-99/- U UmU,AMC U ASEnterprises 7611818000

RO 4999/- UUU RO U U UU @199/- -8955504329, 9352247899

U U U, UU U UU U U- U, 9413341551

We are doing Website and SocialMedia Page Promotion, SEO,Website and Software Developmenton Lower Price. Please Contact:7062231987

, , U, U UU UU 95877-59607

Neelam's Fast Cooking ClassesBaking, Pudding, Vegetables,Chinese, Italian, Sizzler, Sweets,Snax, Rajasthani, Short/ Full Course9983320404, NurceryCircle,Vaishali

ISO, UU, , UU, USU, LLP, OPC,UU, UU, USU,U U, [BULK SMS] WebsiteU UU:- 9660320789


7200/- U 3000/- AdvanceBasic Tally DTP (Webdesigning3500/-) Typing OMGEducation 9024856551,S U 9269100222

U U/ , U/UUU, , U UU U SUUU U U U9828037696, 9610289727

Learn advance Graphic, webdesigning, 3d animation, Photoshop,Corel Draw, Premier, flash,Dreamweaver, illustrator, soundforge, 3dsmax, Maya. CompeqAnimations 9829375151.

TANNU SPA Vaishali Nagar GuptaStore New Open Luxuary SPAAroma, Female Staff, Steam Bath.9680077723, 0141-4034300

Kaya Spa Newly open in VaishaliNagar 30% off Ayurvedic & WesternTherary With Excellent TrainedTherapist. Contact- 9694896483,0141-6888810

SABAI Thai luxuary SPA malviyanagar we providing Ayurvedic andWestern Therapies Well TraindFemale Staff Contact:-9672788843,0141-6556444

Fashion Designing, U UU,Embroidery, Tiedye, Sketching,Drawing, Dance, Cooking All, Guitar,Keyboard, Abacus, Calligraphy,Beauty Culture. Landmark Group:9672000065

UU & ShortCourses Indian, Westren, Mocktails,Microwave, Mexican, ChoclateU Cooking Painting InstituteVaishali Nagar 5101288,8955070777

Kashish Cooking Classes All typeof cooking 40 % discount 5 to 30 aprilsites limited call 9660553473 AmerRoad

Sapnas Cookery Classes,Microwave, Chocolate, Mocktails,Italian, Maxican, Sizzlers, Pudding,Baking, Chinese, Icecream andmore Chitrakoot, Vaishali 98298-64467, 2441961,sapnacookeryclasses.in

Barcode Printer/ BarcodeLabels (All Sizes) Tafata Rolls,Thermal Paper Roll, Barcode PrinterRepair & Service. Conatct-9829117360, 9799183665 (Rajat)

Repair Computer Laptop at yourhome by Expert Engineers. VisitingCharge 70/-. Repairing, Formatting,Troublesuting, Antivirious. VickyInfotech 9782843018, 7790827056.

U U U UU U UHome Service available installationAMC+ Antivirious Games UM.K. Computer 9950824487 U 50/-

100% UU UU , UU U, ,, , , S, 100% U U, U U, UU mUUSUU S (S2001) JMDSUUU U UU,T50, T51 U , UUU 9829334481 lUU U 9829334486

UU mU, UU UUU, UUU {Tools+ } (U)-9352862249

U S ( +UUUU) ALTO UUU U/ /S/ /UU /M.I.Road/ U/UU:-9351464977

UUU U UU UU, U,U, U, U, U, U U9414069151, 979988vvvv

UU U ( ) U, U, U,U, UU, U, U, U, S, U,9799040404, 8387040404

U S UUU UU, , U, U, , S UU, U,U, U UU U9983658299, 9314438299

U U S UUU (U SUU) , , U,U, U, , -S, UU, UU, U9929133677, 9351520939

UU U S UUU Z U , U, , UUU,U, - 9928876964

UU U U UUU , , U, S,Civilline, U, MI Road, ()- 9799615172, 9314644202

!!U U S!! lUSU U UUU M UU UUU [+ UU ], [Z U] 8239100221,9799069897

21 UUU U / U/ UU U0141-2760103, 9829210466,9829015627, 9828165538 (,U U)

UU U S, ( U UU) (UU U U) , U, ,, U U UUU77423-35040, 94147-11111

U S UUU -U, , U, ,S, U, UU, UUU ( )- 93140-44415,96102-53254, 99299-88588

USU UU U SU UU, , , U, U, U 94143-89602

Mango Fruit Juice SU U 110ML- 5/-, 220ML- 10/- UU U UU UU U9887344352

, UUU, ,U, , , UUU,UUU, U U ( U ) 8560825253,9024796353

,U , , UU,, 2% U09521497353, 09521497356

mUU UU UU 1,00,000/-, 95,00,000/- U,UU, , , U, U U , 4% UU, UU # U, U U UU U (1976) Helpline 07027410702,07056863016

UUU S 2% UU( 850/-) Uc ( )08930457040, 07056991698

/ UUU , U, , ,, 1,00,000/-, 50,00,000/-, 1%, (U U+ )09212158278, 07210059947

m U 1,00,000/-,50,00,000/- 1%, U 07838797343,07210059851, 09212160427

(PGB) U U 0% 45% U U,BPL,UU :-09570281141,075564098454

500/- U U UU U U U U U 9314019498,9351320560

UU/ U , U,U, U U, U ,LC, Bank Guarantee, UU SU, 9928044480

Loan by Govermet Bank HomeLoan, Mortgage, Industrial CC,Commercial Construction ProjectLoan Minimum 10 Lac, J.K.Enterprises, 9783018000,9929717144

U U mUU U -- 24 U (0% ) (50% UU) Tollfree180030023173

Ajanta Finance (USUU 1976) U, 10,00,000/- 95,00,000/- 1% U, , U,, U S U U Online 09643693071,09599527448

1976 U UU U UU - c U U 1% 30 U U 10,00,000/- 95,00,000/- U, ,S, UU, U, , S U U 07838797189,07840894617

UUU S vwU w% ( }) Uc ( )~|w}{|zz{~,|yyz}}~y

U JDA UU, U UU,U U, UU U 83 U 9829529776,9261018777 U

OCC U, ,UU , mU , 5,00,000/-5,00,00,000/- 4 % ( U ) #08745834050, 08745834071

U U U U U U U w w w . s i y o l d e t e c t i v e . c o m9828848109, 0141-2231530.

, U, , , , U U UU U U U 8890888889


U U S M U U01.05.2015, 8003024758

Models require Girls- Boys for suit,saree, Garment, Jewellery for onlineproducts send details on whatsapp8829017551

Required Trained/ UntrainedFemale Models For Print Shoot(Kurti, Saree, Lehanga) Veenus Filmand Event 8559991071, (Requirealso Female Assistant)

Fame- 2015 (Mega Model Hunt) &Cinelanza Dance Champ. 2015(Male/ Female/ Kids) Audition Startat Cinelanza Film & ModelingAcademy D-5 Vaishali Nagar Jaipur.9214014061, 9001130808

Freshers/ Trained, Male/ FemaleModels Required for fashionshows,Musical Nights & Productlaunch Events.Mail your cv withportfolio at [email protected](Tridev Consultancy events &marketing 09549632555,09549638555

SAFE Packers and Movers Pvt.Ltd. (ISO 9001: 2008 Certified) weProvide logistics solution, Packingand moving (national) 9602271110,9928844321.

AGARWAL Packers & MoversHousehold Goods Packing+Moving/ Office Shifting, Storage,Local, Car Transportation, All IndiaService. Contact 9251003001,0141-6051002

Are you changing house forshifting household goods withinJaipur city (Local Shifting) contact-Capital Pakcers & Movers9829015779

Gaurav Logistics Packers andMovers we provide logistics solutionpacking and moving cartransportation (National)9314050104, 9887520004

RIDDHI- SIDDHI- PACKERS-Movers Private Limited UU U UU (UU)9 9 2 8 6 - 0 7 5 8 8www.riddhipackersmovers.com

U Packers & Movers.Packing/ Unpacking, Loading/Unloading, Local & DomesticService, SU, UU,(20% Discount), 99293-58940

10 years old company looking forfrenchises in Jaipur Roadrunnerlogistic services (P) ltd.www. road r unne r l og i s t i c . comcontact- 09811009515,08824075870.

U UU U U U U U UUU #0141-5144808, 99291-25101

DISHA and PACKERS MOVERS U U U, U U 92516-01093, 8387000222www.dishapackersmaovers.com

Unique Packers & Movers (Regd.) U U U U U (UUU) 8107798385

New SPA offering Every Types ofTherapies Done by our Trained anSmart Staff Contact- 9785697888

Grassfield Luxuary Zivaa SPAShyam Nagar, Aroma Well TrainedFemale Staff, Steem, Jucuzzi BathContact 01414019041, 8955140891

UU U U U10, 12 U 4000- 6000 8824216764

UU UU U U, UUCU U U S UU 6000-16000/- , ,9314227849, 9983689967

B.Com or B.Com+MBA BoysRequired at Salasar Balaji Distt Sikarfor Accounts & Managment WorkTally Required Freshers can applyt c s b o u n d a r y @ g m a i l . c o m9660999911,9414085079

UU 63/5, UU UU (M/F) UU 6000/-,U, UU, USU, UU,U U ( )7023006007

UU UUU , UU(Male/ Female) U (Good Salary) U 121, UU,U Mobile No. 8440048970

U U , U,S, U S, U, US, U U, U, UU , 9001026319

(US 2100U) (/ U )(U- 14300/-) (- UUS 15700/-) (UU,-U- U 16900/-) ( 17500/-) (- U- 13000/-) () (UU,+) (U, U U),( ,) (U, ) S, U- 09828261780,09660991101, 09413706509,09829241328

CA U SUU , v 7, 5000/- 9414262734,8769416365

Urgent Requirement HR Manager-2(F)Customer Care Executive-15(M/F)Candidates must be fluent inEnglishSalary No Bar for deservingcandidate Candidates mayc o n t a c t : + 9 19 3 1 4 6 4 4 4 4 8 , 8 8 7 5 0 2 5 4 4 7Email:[email protected]

Requirment of Telle callers, JITCollege, Kalwara, Mahapura,Mahendra Sez, Contact-8003988000, 8003922400

UU U U 5000-7000 10+2, UUUU U . 35, U U, U7665783649, 9667260795

F-288 U USUU (female) UU U, [email protected]

U U U UU SUU U, / U 11 5, 7073668704

U S U U U SUU Tally U -9799135105

Jewelry MNC looking for HR andCompliance Manager with goodexperience and knowledge inJewelry. Write us:[email protected]

UUU (100%UU ) GovernmentUU U,UU, U (U- ) (SC-ST-OBC UU) (S U)(U- U- 15200/-) (-UU- 16800/-) (S- UU-17200/-) (I.T.I/ B.Tech/ Diploma-18900/-) (/ Exman/Gunman- 17800/-)+ + +UU U^U+ ) F-5, U, U, U- 098281-47776, 098751-47776

D U SUU U U/U UU U / , UU S7073222484

U U S U 6000- 7000/-U, , U8559875726

A Reputed BPO is hiring Male andFemale candidates for 40 seater.Candidates must be Smart,Energetic and have goodcommunication skills in English andHindi. Contact: 9829743442,9649951536

SU U 9 8 UU . . 9829010753

U (U 35- 40 c) (U U) UU UUU (UU / U U) SUU, 5, UUU USU U,22, U U 2213206, 2211848

Required Young Dynamic FemaleFront office Assistant, Telecallers,Marketing Executives ComputerKnowledge Must For Real EstateBuilders 8952022402

U - 4 FemaleTelecaller, Internet Sufring,Marketing Executive, Manager, NoTarget, Salary+ Incentives (Male/Freshers also Apply)- 9352928000

Required female office Assistantfor CA Firm, Mahesh Pareek &Associates, Vidhyadhar Nagar,Jaipur, Having good Knowledge ofComputer & Tally, Contact No.9414076395

Urgently Required- 20 (Female),Telecaller, Back Office,Internet Surfing- Freshers/Experienced. Salary And Incentives.213 Okay Plus, Malviya Nagar.8947057777

Urgently Require FemaleTelecaller Male Sales ExecutiveOwn Vechicle Must Home Loan andAuto Loan Daksh AssociatesJhotwara M:- 8058099641

(UU U U UU ) (U ) ( UU) (U )(U- 18-18- 36) (- 932) (UUU, UUU SUU U, U)(UU+ + + 120 U^U)(U- U- 14700/-) (-U 15850/-) (S UU-16780/-) (ITI U- 14800/- -21900/-) Head Office U,(US)- 09610784062,09610784065, 09829329332

U UU, , U U UUB-31, U UU, U U,UU UU, U 9214207121


c USUU mUU , U, , , ,S U U w% , U, -07049729628, 09993229474.

!!! ,U, , U 2 U 09015194216,0901592805

Manglam finance mUU U U, , , , U U U , UUUw% U_ - 09015488237, 08287987238

S 850/- / UUU, 2% USUU 070568-98623, 070568-98624,096714-36812, 096714-32363

l, U, U UU U, UU U! 100% UU-9261533181

Share Market Odin SoftwareOperator with Experience in futures& options segment and StoreManager for retail women apparelsstore should be fluent in English.Loguss, 1st Floor, Citypluse Mall,Narayan Singh Circle- 9829062615.

Electro Zone nice requiredreceptionist - 3 F, ShowroomExecutives- 6 M/F. Contact with CVon Sunday 19/04/15. 1-2, DCM,Heera Nagar Mod, Main AjmerRoad. 9785277708, 9828017717.

U U U U UU 0141-4107341 (11.00- 7.00)

Taxation Software Companyurgently required commercegraduate for Support Executivehaving good working experience ofcomputer field Contact: ProfessionalSoftec Pvt. Ltd. Neelkanth oppositeBSNL Telephone ExchangeSanganeri Gate Jaipur. Ph. 4233058Mob. [email protected]

Female Office AssistantCommerce Graduate with ComputerKnowledge E-mail for InsuranceAgents Office Nr. Ajmer Pulia,Salary 6000- 9000/-, Resume:b i m a b a c h a t @ y a h o o . c o m ,9829862200.

U SU UU UU U U, UU U U U, U, SU UU,U [email protected]

Urgent Requirement- 1Yr.Experienced Telecaller Girl forFastest Growing Real Estate Firmat Balaji Tower, Durgapura- 0141-6054324 [Salary No Bar]

UU S U U U UUU UU U U U 8562061328 11 7

Required Smart & DynamicFemale For Back Office/ Councelling& Boys to Sit on Canopy.Contact:Aashiana Group 303, 3rdFloor, Gaurav Tower, MalviyaNagar.Call-8058113330/31

U UU U SUUS SUUU U U UU/ U 95877-77827, 95877-77828

Required Female Candidates toHandle Children of Age 6-12 atTraining Institute, Vaishali Nagar,Interact With Parents, Clients, DoAdministrative Tasks. Salary 5000-6000. [email protected], 7568412512

UU U SUU U, U UU , + , 9680264428

Urgently requires Telecallers(6500) Public Relation officer (8000)office assistant (9000) Field officer(10000) H.R. Trainee (10000)Freshers Apply 7791891547

Required Receptionist (Male/Female) Minimum QualificationB.Sc. (Science Background)Contact: 9982149617

Requires MBACandidates [M/F] forBackoffice, Good CommunicationSkills for IT Companies, [Package-1.203.00 Lac P.A.],i n f o @ k s s o l u t i o n s . c o . i n ,7727051007, 7727056666

Required Backoffice Executive(M/F). Good Salary. Contact Mondayto Saturday between 11 to 5 pm at:Solution Real Value Cars U UU . 21 U UU UU, U UU 9214391900,9314268678

Required Accountant/ MarketingExecutive with Experience inCommercial Vehicle Finance.Contact:104-105, Sun Tower,Gandhi Nagar Mod, Tonk Road.9587990300

U FemaleTelecaller MBA,B.tech, U Girls (Salary- 7000-12000/-)- U UU DCM U-9783583749, 9772345912

Experienced Female Counsellers& Centre Codinater For ReputedComputer Training Institute at JLNMarg, 9414034006, 9461685700,[email protected]

Bank Personal Loan CollectionU U U U 8x87v966z, 9887xv9x6

MP Cipla Generic distributor office U U U U U 9413341350,9414176620

Expert Accountant having theknowledge of Incometax ServicetaxAccounts for fulltime interview on24.4.15- 28.4.15 at 25AGugunanakpura Rajapark, Jaipur at7 PM 09828014600, 9314156560

Female Office Assistant Requiredhaving Computer Knowledge DailyRoutine Work. (Salary 8000/-) A-161, Vidyut Nagar, Ajmer Road,Jaipur- 9829012870

U UU / U UU~|/- /UU vwz/-, ITIvzw/-, U vvx/-UU v|}/- UU ~{v|}wvw}, ~}w}~x{}z U

Required Young, DynamicFemale/ Male for Office Assistantcum Telecaller, MarketingExecutives. English Speaking andComputer Knowledge must, forRealestate. Location- Jaipur, SendResume- [email protected],8875188882

C&F U U , U UUUUU S U/ U 9928955165

U U U U 10th UU U 449-UU UI, U UU U9828011161.

Required Female at KishangarhFront Office Executives (F) -5Graduate & above Salary: upto30,000/-, Office Assistants (F)- 10XII or above & Fresher, Salary :15000/-. Send resume with [email protected] Add: 4, R.K.Colony, City Road, Kishangarh,Ajmer Mob. 9352010899.

U, UU. v~ , wvz v3


v} yv~ }}v}

UU S USUUU U UU UU U S 9828550400

U UU USUUU UU, UU, U U, U 9828856085

F&B SUU, USUU UU, M, U U, UU U , UU , U , 1pm to 7pm

U SUU SUU U, M,, U (UU ) 98281-60606

UU USUUU U U , UU, U , UU, M U U 9929635755

USUUU UU, ,U, U , UUUSUUU, U, 9214096662

U , U, U , UU :UU U , U UU, U,7073019791, 7073019881

U UU, S UU U U, UCU, UU,, UU, 9828048235

Girls PG U U U (24 Hours),, UU U : UU35U, U USUUU, UUU, U, 9314504460,7737019190

S 465/4, U (2), UU (2), U UU (U U ),UU+ 98295-26386, 0141-4025720

U, UCU M/FM, UU UU , U SU , 9829050271

Required Male/ Female Candiates.English, Hindi Speaking. Graduate/Hotel managment Diploma HolderFor Front Office Trainee. Fresher,Age 21- 24 years, 7500- 9000/-salary. Front Office Assisatant/Executive Minimum 6 MonthsExperience Age 23- 30 Years. 9000-12000/- Salary. Address: Hotel OmNiwas, E-23 Kaushalya path, Durgamarg, Banipark, jaipur. Contact:9829040793

U SUU UUU SU U (UU+ UU+ ) , 9887567666,8502926746

Required Marketing Candidatesfor Hotel & Restaurent. EnglishSpeaking Receptionists for HotelContact Between 4 to 6. Mobile9314659855

U UU U U UU , U , U U, F-133, UUUSU U 9351066664

Garment Export House RequiresMerchandiser Manager (Min. 8 YearExp.), Sr. Merchandiser (Min. 5 YearExp.) and Designer (Min. 5 YearExp.) Right Candidate should behandling BuyersIndependently+Fluency in English(Salary no Bar for AppropriateCandidate Please send CV: Email:[email protected], Contact:Bhatra Exports Intl 9829062851.

D UU U UU / U SUU, U U G-1-176 (B&C) UU U USUU 9829051925

USU UU U UUSUU U SUUU issue received U U U MRFashion, 408 U9414059116

U U U U SU UU U U 152/53,U U , , UU9828021013

D UU U U U U SUU U ..F-16B USUU U .9829206977

U U UU SUU ! :- U-33 Um-m UU UU, U , U , U!-9667069008

U U U U UU, UU , UU 50 U U U0141-2317863

USU U UU UU U U U UUUU UU SU 9950299483

U U U UU U UU SUU U U U7877382431,9649469045

U, U UU, UU,UU U , UU ,UU , U UU , UU-9462083341

U U U UU U U U U. 9680440972

U USU UU U U SUU, UU U/ U U U U UU 9694055080.

UU U U- U, A-26, , U, U, .-09871346655

U U UU U S UU U U UU C-43/44, US U, 22 ((U SBI ) 98290-13109

UU UU U U UU U U UU U 800-1500 9214441099, 2222646, 15 , U U, USU , U

U U SU, U,UU U, , U, U UU UU U U 931 UU , 9314503626, 2318510

Export Company RequiredMerchandiser, Designer &Freelancing Designer for HomeTextiles. Shree, F-137 Sitapura IndArea, Jaipur Cell- 09636503000

Garments & Accessories BuyingAgency Pulse India RequiresExperienced Merchandisers &Quality Controllers who haveTechnical knowledge of Fabric &Garments. Contact- 2450320,2450325.

U U U U U 9829809600.


An english medium school,ramgarh road, jaipur requires facultyteachers for class play group to 5th,conveyance facility. contact:8302313213

SU U UUS,UU U v7, , UU / U 9828332351,9829700951

U U English Speaking+writing+ Personality Development U U,E-152,U U U U :-9314000777

ROYAL International- EnglishMedium School- Purani Chungi,Agra Road- Required- Teachers-(Nursery- XII); All Subjects;(Attractive Salary); ConveyanceFacility; 98290-16209

The Bright Childrens Academy Sr.Secondary School Chhota DevraAmer. Requires Teachers ForEnglish, Maths, Science, Computer,9610406001, 9352765669

Modern Public School surajpolbazaar requires lady computer &other subject teachers for class I toVIII English medium contact:-9314501965, 9314603747

Requires Experienced TeachersFor PG to 10th all Subject. FluencyMust in English, Receptionist,Incharge, PTI Attractive Salary KidsValley School English MediumGyatri Nagar-II Tonk RoadSanganer, 9214831298,9414769588

Urgently Required Teacher &Educationist, (PG to5th Class,English Medium, Mansarovar)B.Ed/PRT Experience: Minimum 3Years 9649990018,7665007407

Teachers (All Subject/Activities)Dance, Skating, Art, Craft, Abacus,Music, Karate, Spoken English,French, Computer TKW schoolBanipark, Vashali [email protected]

Physics 12 NCERT Smart learningsoftware for Board Examinations.Teachers Invited for Selling (PhysicsDTP Operator required) C-QUBE,Chitrakut. 09023085874

SHANTI VIDYA Niketan,Requires- [English Medium],Experienced Teachers- SocialStudies, English, Computer, Upto10th. Laxmi Nagar, Niwaru Road,Jhotwara- 8696666760

N.M. International School (EnglishMedium) Required PGT- Accounts,B.St., Economics, Chemistry,History, Political Science, Hindi,Computer, TGT- Scince, Maths,S.St., PRT- All Subjects and Art-N-Craft Teachers. Experienced/Trained Fluency in English MustCome with Testimonials & LatestPhotograph Contact: 0141-2357339,2359144

[Urgent Requires] K.S.Education Invites Highly-Qualified Faculties for English/Science/ Maths & Trainer-SpokenEnglish. A4, Defence Colony, Opp.SBBJ Bank, Niwaru Road, Jhotwara,[email protected], 7727052007,0141-5141887

U, U U U U UU U U U 92144-70636, 77378-23222

Navjyoti Sr.Sec. School, 12,Gurudev Nagar, Dadabadi,Sanganer. Requires: PGT forEnglish, Accountancy, TGT: AllSubjects, Primary TeachersEnglishMedium, Accountant-cum-Receptionist Walk-In-Interview upto11AM. 8561832869

REET U U U 9828706004,9 6 3 6 3 4 3 8 8 [email protected]

Required WomenTeachers forDrawing Art and Craft CalligraphyHand Writing English Speaking inTilak Nagar, Contact- 98286-07337

EUROKIDS, Sector-1, VidyadharNagar, Required Female Teacherswith Fluent in Spoken English forPre-primary Classes. Contact0141-2235445, 9928472000

White Topaz SU U, U,U, U manufacturer,broker. Tristar Jewellery, -28, , U 9829079101,8107003440.

U U UU UU UU 3000 5000 9636335185,8875577749

Reputated jewellery export houserequire Manager {jewellerymarketing (m.b.a)} Jewellerydesigner,Web developer (php,mysql, opencart, mvc, oops) Contentwriter, Graphic designer,Coordinator, Merchandiser, Dataentery operator, Secretary Apply:[email protected]. G1-38, gems& jewellery zone, epip, sitapura9636613111, 0141-2771031

UU, U U : 9667755556,U USU U, Sez-II, U

U U U UU U UU U 10000+ 3U , U , UUUU 9414251200 ()

SU U U UU U U U UU U 9352165301

U U U U UU, Designer( C A D / M A N U A L ) ,A D M I N I S T R A T O R ,(MALE/FEMALE), U U,U 0141-2770644,[email protected]

U UU SU UU U U/U U 8290386298

U U U , U, , U U, UU UU UU UU , U UU9928228181, 9660661977

SUUU U U U 1 U 100% U, U 98285-39576

U UU U U9782611675, 9828539576 Email:[email protected]

Learn Jewellery Designing, CADBy Experienced Faculty. Course-Mannual Designing, Rhino, Matrix,Tspline.Flexible Time.Contact:RKD,Kishanpole Bazar. 9983828586

Following Candidates are requiredfor a Hotel, Restaurant and Banquet