Daniel Study

NORTHGATE BAPTIST CHURCH Daniel Study Taught By: Rev. Roger Odle Pastor Credits: Besides using the normal dictionaries and reference resources, I also used Beth Moore’s study “Daniel” and Marvin J. Rosenthal 12 message series on Daniel published by Zion’s Hope.


Taught By:Rev. Roger OdlePastorCredits:Besides using the normaldictionaries and referenceresources, I also used Beth Moore’sstudy “Daniel” and Marvin J.Rosenthal 12 message series onDaniel published by Zion’s Hope.http://www.e-teractivebiblestudy.com/

Transcript of Daniel Study

Page 1: Daniel Study


Dan i e l S t u d y

Taught By:

Rev. Roger Odle



Besides using the normal

dictionaries and reference

resources, I also used Beth Moore’s

study “Daniel” and Marvin J.

Rosenthal 12 message series on

Daniel published by Zion’s Hope.

Page 2: Daniel Study

Page 2 Chapter 1

Daniel 1:1 – Introduction

Israel –

• ____________________ went into captivity approx 723 BC to Assyria

• Occupied by ______________ of the Israelites

Judah –

• _________________ part of Israel

• Occupied by tribes of _________________________________

• ______________ Jerusalem was besieged

City of Babylon –

• At the point of ______________ and ______________ rivers

• Approximately ____________ miles from Jerusalem

• Once surrounded by _____________ of impenetrable walls of some 200

square miles

Why is Iraq so important to us today?

- It is where the _________________ was built. Genesis 11:1-4 (Babylon)

- It is where ______________ was from. Genesis 11:31 (Ur)

The Setting of Daniel –

• Reign of ____________________ King of Judah

• Nebuchadnezzar King of _________________

Jehoiakim –

• means “________________ has cause to stand”

• Succeeded Jehoahaz, his brother

• Throne was given to him by _________________ Neco of Egypt who

disposed his brother

• Reigned ________ years 609-598 BC

• Jehoiakim transferred his allegiance to _____________ after Egypt was


• After 3 years ______________ against Babylon

Nebuchadnezzar –

• Means “The ____________ one”

• One of the most feared _____________________ of all time

• Greatest ____________ of Neo-Babylonian period

• Took rule after his father’s death in ______________

• Defeated ______________ armies in Judah during the reign of Jehoiakim

605-604 BC

• Ruled for __________ some years

Page 3: Daniel Study

Page 3 Chapter 1

• Built the “Hanging Gardens of Babylon”

• Art dwelling, entertainment centers, thriving businesses, palaces, many

temples, and 650 foot tower

• Worshipped ______________

• In area called fertile cresset

Daniel 1:2-10

Read v2-10

V2 –

When Nebuchadnezzar took Jerusalem not only did he take the people captive

but he also took some of the ______________ of the temple.

List some of the articles that could have been taken:



(1 Kings 7&8)

Jeremiah 27:19-20

What was that attitude of the prophets and priests of that time?

________________________________________ (Jeremiah 23:11; 6:13-15)

How did the enemy know what the nation Israel had as far as wealth?

_________________________________________________ (Isaiah 39:1-8)

The question for us today is “Have we allowed the enemy to come into our

house (temple) and shown him everything we have?”



Have we made ourselves vulnerable to Satan because of our godlessness and




V3-4 –

How many were taken into captivity?


Page 4: Daniel Study

Page 4 Chapter 1

Why would the king be looking for young men?


________________________________________ (v5)

What was the importance of these servants?



What was he looking for in theses young men?



In what way does this sound like our work force today?



Did the king get these young men from just the Israeli people?



How old were these young men? _______________________

Why would anyone want young teenagers around?


________________________________ (Communism)

What were these boys going to learn while in training?




Oneirology – _________________________________

Hepatoscopy – _______________________________________

Divination – ____________________________________________________

These young boys were going to be trained in all this.

Think back to your teenage years. What were you like?



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Page 5 Chapter 1

V5-7 –

How long were these young men to train? _____________________

What were they to eat and drink _____________________________

List the 4 Hebrews who were selected to be trained?


Names have meaning:

Daniel – ___________________________

Hananiah – _____________________________

Mishael – ______________________________

Azariah – ___________________________

What names did the head eunuch give these 4 Hebrew boys?



Belteshazzar – ______________________

Shadrach – ______________________

Meshach – ______________________

AdedNego – ________________________

Bel, Aku, and Nego were ___________________ of the Babylonians.

When we accept the saving grace of Jesus Christ what name are we given?


How important is this name in our culture today?



Why is it so hard for us to stand proud and bold before our community saying

we are Christian? _____________________________________________

What is a eunuch?



What was so important about renaming the boys?



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Page 6 Chapter 1

Think about it, what changes have we made to be able to fit into our culture?



What does Satan want children of God to do?



V8 –

What does it mean to purpose in your heart?



What did the 3 Hebrews children purpose not to do?


Why would they not eat the food or drink the wine?



Do we give our best to our God? _____________________

Was this resolve just a one time occurrence?


This type of purpose is developed over a ______________________.

In our society today, is just attending Sunday morning and Wednesday Bible

study going to develop this type of determination?


What else is involved with this type of resolve?


What does a person have who follows God’s ways no matter where he/she is at?


Integrity -



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Page 7 Chapter 1

Integrity is living our lives ______________ and it keeps the ______________

from coming in.

Do you think living a live with consistent integrity is going to make us perfect?


What is one of Satan’s main areas of attack on a Christian’s life?


How did God use these boys?


They became ___________________ without becoming _________________


Can this be said about you and me today? Do we see our culture thought the

eyes of God?


V8-16 – The challenge

What was the request of Daniel and the other 3 Hebrew boys?


How did Daniel come into favor and goodwill with the chief eunuch?


What does it mean to be in favor with someone?

(Hebrew) _____________________________________________________

(Webster) _____________________________________________________

What it the meaning of goodwill?

(Hebrew) _____________________________________________________

(Webster) _____________________________________________________

Why would God bring Daniel into such high regard with the chief eunuch?


What was the chief eunuch’s first reaction to Daniel’s request?


What was his main reason for not giving the Hebrew boys vegetables and water

only? _____________________________________________________

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Page 8 Chapter 1

What was the other reason for not obliging?


Can you give modern day examples of people being brought in the favor and

good will of an employer?


How can we be brought into favor with people?


Is it important for you and me to be in good graces with people? Why?


What was the test?


In v13 what did Daniel tell the steward to do if they test did not work?


Do you think Daniel ever doubted that the test would fail?


What was the outcome of the test?


What did the steward do for the Hebrew children?



Why would God give these 4 young men such wisdom, knowledge and skill?

1) _____________________________________________________

2) _____________________________________________________

When the 3 years of training was complete what happened?


What were the results of the interview with the king?

1. There were none as ______________ as the Hebrew boys

2. The king choose ___________, ______________, ______________, and

____________ to serve in his court

3. They were _________________ than all the magicians and astrologer in

all the land.

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Page 9 Chapter 2

Is it possible for us to be used by God the way He did Daniel, Mishael,

Hananiah, and Azariah?


Ch 2:1-13

Early in Nebuchadnezzar’s reign he had dreams the troubled him. Just how bad

did these dreams disturb him?


Troubled – _____________________________________________________

(i.e. beating hammer on anvil)

When did the king go back to sleep? ______________________

What was the first thing he did?


Did he remember the dream?


What did Nebuchadnezzar ask the wise men to do?


Why would the word Aramaic be added in verse 4?



What would be your first question if you were asked to help someone understand

what they dreamed? _________________________________

How hard is to tell someone what they are thinking?

___________________________________________ (fortune tellers are

only skilled in reading faces, actions, and clues)

What did the Chaldeans ask the king?


How did Nebuchadnezzar answer the Chaldeans?


Were the so call wise men expendable?


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Page 10 Chapter 2

What was their response back to the king?



What degree did king Nebuchadnezzar issue?


Who did this include? _____________________________________

Who is our king? ______________

Are we expendable to Him?


Luke 12:7

Ephesians 3:14-19

How would you feel if our Lord and King reacted the way Nebuchadnezzar

reacted? _____________________________________________________

Were Daniel and his friend there at the time the king put out the killing degree?


Ch 2:14-16

Did Daniel know what the king dreamed?


What was Daniel’s purpose for asking the guard why the killing was so urgent?


Did the guard have to tell Daniel the reason for the killing?


Who was this guard?


How do you think Daniel approached Arioch?


Define tact – ____________________________________________



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Page 11 Chapter 2

As a result of Daniel’s tactful approach, what did the guard allow him to do?


Did the king give the time?


How would you have handled this type of delicate situation?


What happens when we do not use tact in handling tuff situations?


Ch 2:17-23

What was Daniel’s first reaction after getting permission from the king?

1) ______________________________________________

2) ______________________________________________

What was Daniel’s request from God?


By this statement did Daniel have any idea what the kings dream was?



Could the gods of Babylon answer the king’s request?


What is the idea behind making a request from God?




What are some verses in the New Testament that speak to this matter?

John 15:7, John 15:16, Matthew 7:7, Matthew 18:19, Matthew 21:22, John 14:13

-14, John 16:23-24, James 4:3

What was Daniel’s secret to getting an answer from God?


What is the secret to us hearing from God?


Did God answer the 4 Hebrew’s prayer? ____ How?


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Page 12 Chapter 2

How long did they pray? ___________________________________

How did Daniel respond when God answered their prayers? 1)

_______________, 2) _____________________, 3)

_____________________________________, 4)


Blessed – _____________________________

What kind of power does God have?



Is it possible for us to have God’s wisdom today? _______________ (James


How much of God’s wisdom can we have?


When we realize God has done something for us, what is our attitude and posture

many times?


When we get excited about something (i.e. winning ball team, begin selected for

big promotion), what do we do most of the time?


Ch 2:24-30

The next morning where did Daniel go?


What was the first thing Arioch, the king’s guard, did after he heard from

Daniel? _____________________________________________________

How many times do we tend to want the praise for things even when they aren’t

ours? ________________

Why do you think the guard wanted the credit for finding someone to interpret

the dream?


What was Daniel’s answer to the king’s question about being able to tell the king

his dream?

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Page 13 Chapter 2


Who did Daniel give credit for revealing the king’s dream?


Who did Daniel say the dream was made know to?


What was the central theme of the king’s dream?


What was the main reason for God to reveal the future?


How many times do we miss the different purposes for things happening to us

that God wants to use? ______________________________

Daniel 2:31-45

Head of ________ [Babylonian Empire]


Chest/Arms of _________ [Medo-Persison

Empire] _________ the Great—


Belly/Thighs of __________ [Grecian Empire]

____________ the Great—_______BC

Legs of ________ [Roman Empire]

_______________ - ____BC-_____AD

Feet of ___________________ 10 toes

represent the 10 ___________ to come

during the Church age.

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Page 14 Chapter 2

_____________ is the stone that destroys all the

earthly kingdoms.

A new kingdom will be established by


Babylonian Empire –


Medo-Persian Empire – Including


Grecian Empire – Including


Roman Empire – Including


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Page 15 Chapter 2

Daniel 2:46-49

After Daniel had told and interpreted the dream to King Nebuchadnezzar, what

did the king do?

1. __________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________

What is involved with the king worshipping Daniel?



Why would a king as powerful as Nebuchadnezzar bow before some common

person as Daniel?



What kind of offering would have been presented?



When Nebuchadnezzar stated in v47 that Daniels God was the God of gods and

Lord of kings do you think he truly accepted and believe in Him?




How often do we see something great happen and only confess with our lips that

God is God of gods but not allow it to change our heart?

Who promoted Daniel? _________________

What position did Daniel hold before this interpretation?


What position Daniel promote to?


Where was his duty station?


Can God use each of us the same way? ________

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Page 16 Chapter 3

How is it that God can use us the way He did Daniel?


Daniel 3:1-7

How big was the image Nebuchadnezzar had built?


Where was this image located?



What is the significance of the different positions listed in v2?

Satrap – _____________________________________________________

Administrator – ________________________________________________

Each position is in charge of smaller and smaller areas of control

These are all the government positions allowing the king to have control of such

a large area of the country.

Nebuchadnezzar built an image for everyone to bow to. Why would he want to

do that?



It is possible that there was a banner over the image with the statement “I am,

and there is none besides me!”

There are 2 ways of looking at image building.

One approach is the one that Nebuchadnezzar took, making yourself bigger/


There are some possible reasons for building images:

1. __________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________

What about our own image building?

Do we feel _________________ when surrounded by those we think important?

Do we feel more important when someone ____________________ notices us?

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Page 17 Chapter 3

Do we like to be _______________ with someone important?

Are we ________________ or _________________?

Don’t we all like to feel significant? __________________

What does 1 Peter 5:6 have to say about our significance?


Second approach is to give in to a poor self-image.

Even if it is negative thinking, it is still thinking about yourself.

Statements or thought like:

“I’m _________________, and there is none as _________________ as me.”


What do we struggle with in our lives? _______________________________

Are we ______________ or _____________? Are we seeking _____________?

Do we desire to be on _________?

What was Satan’s approach with Eve in the garden?


Remember, man was not designed to be god; we were designed to seek a

___________________ with God.

Chapter 3:8-30

How would you describe the Chaldeans’ actions with the king against the Jews?


Why would they go to the king about certain Jews not worshiping the image the

king had built?



How many times have we become jealous of the attention others have gotten

when we thought it should have been us?

Accuse – _______________________________

Galatians 5:15

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Page 18 Chapter 3

What is the difference between Galatians and Daniel 3:8?


What is one sided devouring/accusing called? _______________________

How would you describe backbiting?


Is God pleased with this action? __________________________

When the Chaldeans approached the king to tell him about the un-loyal Jews, did

they have an idea of what would happen?


What was/is Satan’s approach to anyone serving God?


What was the king’s action after he heard about Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-

Nego? _____________________________________________________

What were Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego’s answer to the king?


What one word would describe their attitude toward God?


1 Chronicles 29:17-18

How would you define loyalty?


What does it mean to fix your heart toward?


When do we decide to be loyal?


Loyalty means –


Just how loyal are we toward God? Have we already answered the question

when it comes to following His commands?

Are we willing to stand for God even if it means we have to go into the fire?

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Page 19 Chapter 3

When was the furnace prepared with fire in it?


After they were brought before the king and they took their bold stand what was

glaring at them? _________________________________

Just how extreme was Nebachadnezzar’s anger?


How hot was the fire?


What was the outcome of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego’s stand for God?


V27 – _____________________________________________________

Nebuchadnezzar saw 4 men in the fire, what happens when someone is not

spared death by the 4th man?

2 Timothy 4:18, Romans 8:38-39

Have we already determined in our mind to be loyal to God at any cost?

We can be delivered ______________ the fire. Our faith will be


We can be delivered ______________ the fire. Our faith is ________________.

We can be delivered _______ the fire. Our faith is ________________.

Chapter 3:28-4:27


After Nebuchadnezzar had his experience with a Holy God what did he do?


What does it take for each of us to acknowledge Holy God?

It seemed that he had a life changing experience. Describe a life changing

experience that you have had with God.


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Page 20 Chapter 4

How did God use an ungodly tyrant for His benefit?



There had to have been many years that passed between end of Ch3 and the

beginning of Ch4. Nebuchadnezzar is writing to the entire empire about

what happened to him.

As the king told people about his experience, what did he acknowledge?


How often do we declare God’s work in our lives?


What has He done in your life that others need to know about?


From what we already know about our Heavenly Father, do we completely

believe that God kingdom exists for eternity?


What will it take for us to be un-afraid to let everyone around us know that we

are God’s child and that He is our God?



How often do we receive a message from the almighty alive God?


The question for us is “Are we willing to listen to God when He speaks?”

Who did he call in 1st to interrupt his dream?


Why wouldn’t he have called Daniel 1st?


When we have a spiritual question about life, who do we go to for help?


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Page 21 Chapter 4


What was Nebuchadnezzar’s problem that caused him to have this dream?



What happens when we become proud of ourselves?


Proverbs 16:18

Psalm 10:4

1 John 2:16

What was going to happen to Nebuchadnezzar because of his pride? V25-26


With the tone of voice in v27, do you think that maybe God was willing to

forgive the king of his pride?


The question now before king Nebuchadnezzar was whether or not he was going

to listen and heed the Holy One.

The question before each of us is the same. Are we going to listen and heed the

Holy One? _____________________________________

How many times have we missed God’s great blessing upon our lives because

we were unwilling to listen and follow His will for our lives?


Daniel 4:28-37

Did Nebuchadnezzar have good reason to brag about his great accomplishments?


What does the Bible have to say about bragging?


James 4:16

Revelation 3:17

Job 35:12-13

Proverbs 11:2

1 John 2:16

How many times have we been guilty of bragging about things we have done or

accomplished? How easy is it for us to fall into the pride/bragging trap?

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Page 22 Chapter 5

How can we avoid the bragging pride trap?



What happened to king Nebuchadnezzar because of his pride?


Read v34-37

How long was he this way? ________________

At the end of the 7 years what happened?


What was Nebuchadnezzar’s final word to the kingdom and to us today?


Chapter 5

Between Ch 4 verse 37 and Ch 5 verse 1 some time has passed.





Daniel is about _______ years old at this time.

Who is Belshazzar and what is his position?


Kingship time line:

605-562 BC (____________) – Nebuchadnezzar

562-560 BC (____________) – Evil-Merodach (Nebuchadnezzar’s son)

560-556 BC (____________) – Nergal-Sharezer (Jermeriah 39:3,13)

556-556 BC (____________) – Labashi-Marduk (Nergal-Sharezer’s son)

556-539 BC (____________) – Nabonidus with co-regrent Belshazzar

Do you think maybe that Belshazzar was probably around when

Nebuchadnezzar was alive?


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Page 23 Chapter 5

Verse 1-4

What made these vessels more important than any other gold cup or bowl?


What does the New Testament have to say about Holy Vessels?


According to Paul’s letter to Timothy, who are the Holy Vessels of God?


Vessel – ___________________________________

Honor – ___________________________________

Sanctified - _____________________________________________________

- _____________________

Useful – _______________________________________________________

Prepared – ______________________________________________

What was the problem in Daniel with Belshazzar and his party?

1) _____________________________________________________

2) _____________________________________________________

3) _____________________________________________________

Since we, God’s kids, are His chosen vessel, how is it that me misuse His holy


Have we torn down people instead of lefting them up?

Have we caused others to stumble or have less faith instead of helping them?

Have we influenced others adversely instead of leading them to Chrsit?

Have we treated someone dishonorably instead of respecting them?

Do you see yourself as a holy vessel? qyes qno Why?


If you see yourself as holy, do you see others in the body as holy? qyes qno

Why? ____________________

When has Satan used you, God’s holy vessel for an unholy purpose?


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Page 24 Chapter 5

Chapter 5:5-9

When we think about our Holy vessel being used for unholy purposes, what

action needs to be taken when we realize we were wrong?


Psalm 51:7

1 John 1:9

2 Corinthians 7:10

When we come asking for forgiveness, the question that comes to mind is “What

is the motivation for repentance. Is there a difference between true godly

sorrow and worldly sorrow? ______________

What is godly sorrow? MacAuthur –





What is worldly sorrow?


What would be some examples of worldly sorrow?


Being sorry brings about a result for both godly and worldly sorrow. What is the


Godly sorrow –


Worldly sorrow –


We have to ask ourselves one important question. “Do I have godly sorrow or

worldly sorrow for my actions?” __________________________

While King Belshazzar was enjoying his party what happened?


What happened when Belshazzar saw the writing?


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Page 25 Chapter 5

What was his 1st action after he saw the handwriting?


Why do you think he did not call in Daniel?




Chapter 5:10-16

Why wasn’t the queen at the big party in the 1st place?




When she found out what was going on, she told Belshazzar about Daniel. How

did she describe him?


In v14, 16 Belshazzar makes the comment “I have heard of you.” Do you think

this was the only time he heard of Daniel?


What did Belshazzar offer Daniel if he could interpret the dream?


Why was Daniel offered the 3rd in command position?


Chapter 5:17-24

As Daniel was addressing Belshazzar, he recalled all that had happened to

Nebuchadnezzar. Why did he want Belshazzar to recall this information?


Why do you think we refuse to learn from other’s mistakes?


What was Belshazzar big mistake?


What did Nebuchadnezzar have to learn?


Page 26: Daniel Study

Page 26 Chapter 5

Did Belshazzar know about the importance of being humble before God?


Do we completely realize that God rules over us, that He is in control even when

we think we are handling everything?


What does it mean to be humble before God?


The verb form of humble is what God did to Nebuchadnezzar.


Belshazzar had the opportunity to be _______________ before God without any

drastic measures.

Matthew Henry –

It is a great offence to God if our hearts be not humbled before him to comply both with his precepts and with his providences, humbled by repentance, obedience, and patience; … he expects from the greatest of men that their hearts should be humbled before him, by an acknowledgment that, great as they are, to him they are accountable.

What warning should we take from Belshazzar’s attitude toward life?


Romans 1:18, 24-32

How does our society today identify with these verses?


Daniel 5:25-31

What did the writing on the wall say?


Mene(men-ay) –


Tekel(tek-al) –


Upharsin(per-as) –


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Page 27 Chapter 6

What did the scales look like during that time?

Job 31:6

Amos 7:7-8

When God places us on His scales, do we measure up? Can He say to us “Enter

in good and faithful servant?” __________________

Chapter 6:1-5

Chapter 6:6-17

How important was Daniel to Darius?


What was the plan all the jealous leaders to trap Daniel?


Was this a spur of the moment plan?


Did Darius have any reason not to be suspicious of what was happening?




What does the Bible have to say about jealousy?


KJV – used 16 times, all but _____ talk about God being jealous, Jealous is one

of __________________

Jealousy – _____________________________________________________

How does jealousy affect us today?



What was Daniel’s response to the ego driven law?


How apt are we to intentionally openly obey God in the face of disobeying

man’s law? ___________________________________

What do we tend to do when we are confronted with disobeying man over God?


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Page 28 Chapter 6

What was the king’s attitude when he found out Daniel had broken the 30 day

law? V14-_____________________________________________________

Den of Lions –


What was the king’s last words to Daniel as he was being lowered into the pit?


Chapter 6:18-23

How you ever had one of those restless nights due to something you know you

should not have done?


How does v18 describe Darius’ attitude that night after putting Daniel in the

lion’s den?


At this point could we say that he did not really know the power of Holy God?


What was the king’s first action the next morning at sun up?


V20 says (NKJ) that the king spoke to Daniel with a lamenting voice. What is a

lamenting voice?


What was Darius’ question into the lion’s den?


Why would he ask if Daniel’s God had been able to save him?



When we know we have done something wrong, do we come to God with a

lamenting attitude and prayer? Do we truly grieve over our wrong?


Of course we know that Holy God rescued Daniel, but Daniel gives 2 reasons

why God spared his life. What were the 2 reasons?

1) ______________________, 2) _________________________

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Page 29 Chapter 6

What is a miracle? (Web) __________________________________________

(NT) _________________________________________________

Has God ever worked a miracle in your life before?


Daniel 6:24-28

After king Darius had Daniel removed from the den of lions, what was the

punishment for the wicked, devious, despiteful leaders who concocted the

law that tricked the king?


As quick as each one person was thrown in what happened?


Was Darius now a believer in Holy God?


How is God described in v26-27?

1. ____________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________

4. ____________________________________________

5. ____________________________________________

6. ____________________________________________

Darius believed in Holy God so much that he set up a law for everyone to

worship Holy God. Just how much do we believe in Holy God that we will

obey all His commands?


What was the result of Daniel truly and completely following God’s ways?


What does it mean to prosper? _______________________________

What is the definition of prosper today?


Is it fair to say that to prosper or have success means that everything is always

going to go well for us?


Page 30: Daniel Study

Page 30 Chapter 7

What is God looking for in our daily life? ____________________________

Chapter 7:1-8

Chapter 7 goes back to the Babylonian rule under___________________.

What did Daniel see in his dream?


Sea = _________________________ everything surrounding the Mediterranean


Beast = ______________________________

1st beast was a___________________________, indicating that this empire was

not only strong but_________________________.

The wings were plucked off and the lion becomes a man and is given a heart.

2nd beast was a __________ with 3 ribs in it’s mouth, indicating great strength or

________________. One side of the bear what higher than the other but it

devour everything that came in it’s path.

3rd beast was a _____________ with 4 regular __________ and 4__________,

indicating __________ or quick moving but without____________. One

empire with 4 leaders.

4th beast was ________________________ / almost indescribable with 10

________, teeth of__________, v19 says it also had _________ of bronze.

Among the 10 horns an ________ horn comes up plucking out 3 horns. This

horn had ___________________ which was speaking great things.

What do all of these images stand for?

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Page 31 Chapter 7

Daniel 7:9-12

Verse 9

When we hear that thrones are put into place what image comes to your mind?


Thrones – _____________________________________________________

The main seat was reserved for who? ___________________________

Who is the Ancient of Days?


How is God described?


How is His throne described?


What is so important about the fire and white color?

White – ____________________

Fire – __________________________________________________

Deuteronomy 4:24, 2 Samuel 22:9, Israel 30:30, Hebrews 12:29

Verse 10

Who are the ones standing and ministering to God? Revelation 5:11,


What is the picture of the court being seated and the books opened?

____________________________________________ Revelation 20:11-15

Verse 11

Who is being judged? _________________________________

Which beast or empire is being destroyed?


Remember, out of the Roman Empire comes the 10 nations which are in the

process of being formed in our day and time.

This setting is the final destruction. Remember, what destroys the whole great

image in Daniel 2? __________________________________

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Page 32 Chapter 7

Until this judgment what can we expect to happen?


Matthew 24:23-27


Who are the rest of the beasts or empires?


Were these empires destroyed?


Who is the modern day Babylon?


Who is the modern day Persia?


What is the modern day Greece? _________________

What 3 nations today are great enemies of Israel?


Daniel 7:13-14

Who is the “One like the Son of Man”? __________________

Son of Man in OT means human except for ___________and

________________ in the NT.

What are some other names for the Son of Man? Look at handout

According to these 2 verses what is given to Christ? _______________,

__________, ______________

What does it mean to have dominion?


1 Corinthians 15:7, Revelation 11:15

What is the area Christ is to rule over? ______________________________

What does it mean to be given glory? ______________________________

Revelation 17:14 tells that Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. What

does a king need to reign over? _____________________

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Page 33 Chapter 8

How long with Christ’s dominion last?


Who is going to serve this eternal king?


To serve means – _____________________________________________

Romans 14:11, Isaiah 45:23, Philippians 2:9-11

As we consider the depth of this principle that everyone is going to bow before

Christ, how should this affect our daily life here and now?

Philippians 2:12-16





Daniel 7:21-22, 25-28

During the end of earthly time as the Anti-Christ gains strength and control, he is

going to make war with whom? ___________________________________

Who are the saints? __________________________________

Revelation 11:3, 7

God’s holy ___________________ will be killed by Anti-Christ, everyone is

going to be _________________, and then God will call the


What is the final outcome of the Anti-Christ and his great fierce kingdom?


The time of the Anti-Christ rule is not going to be time we would want to live in.

Just how close is this time?






Daniel 8:1-27


Shushan is about 250 miles east of ______________.

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Page 34 Chapter 8

Who does the Ram w/2 horns represent?


What is significant about the ram pushing north, west, and south?


Who does the Male goat represent? _____________________________

What image comes to mind when you read that the Goat was not touching the

ground? _____________________________________________________

History records tell us that _____________________, a mighty warrior, had an

army of ___________ that went against the ______________ army of the


In V8 we read the male goats horn was broken off and 4 more horns appeared.


Then a little horn came up. Is this the same little horn as in ch 7?


Where did the Syrian army have travel through?


History tells us that Syria & Egypt are fighting with Israel caught in the center

for over ____________.

In 168 BC on _____________ Syria leaders kills pig on alter in Jerusalem and

then paraded a statue of his god throughout the city and into the Holy of

Holies of the temple.

Why didn’t the soldiers die when the entered the Holy of Holies?


What was important about these two actions?



Dec. 25 was a _______________________ long before birth of Christ.

In Rev 13:7 and Daniel 7:21 we see the same thing is going to happen with the

anti-christ. _______________________________________

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Page 35 Chapter 9

Daniel 9:1-19

About how old was Daniel during the reign of Darius?


What writings was Daniel studying? ____________________

Keep in mind that Daniel was a _______________ when Jeremiah was alive and

proclaiming the destruction of Jerusalem if the people did not repent.

The Bible had not be canonized as we know it but what did Daniel call

Jeremiah’s writing? ____________________

As he was reading what did he do?


Was Daniel a sinful man who had turned his face away from God?


Why would he be praying this way if he was right in God’s eyes?


How did he pray for the nation of Israel and her leaders?

1. __________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________

4. __________________________________________________

5. __________________________________________________

6. __________________________________________________

7. __________________________________________________

8. __________________________________________________

9. __________________________________________________

10. _________________________________________________

What does all this have to do with us today?


How many like the way our nation is going? What do we do about most of the

time? _____________________________________________

What can we do besides complain?


What if we prayed this way for our church, what could happen?


Page 36: Daniel Study

Page 36 Chapter 9

How powerful is the prayer of a faithful follower of Christ?

• Isaac______________________________________________

• Hezekiah___________________________________________

• Proverbs 15:29 –_____________________________________

• Paul and Silas_______________________________________

• __________________________________________________

• James 5:16 –________________________________________

How important are our prayers on behalf of others?


Daniel 9:20-27

As Daniel is continuing to pray someone appears to him again?


Gabriel is going to explain why everything has happened to the


As Gabriel began to speak to Daniel he said something very interesting about

Daniel. ________________________________

Love – _________________________________

Is God delighted in me, does He consider me pleasant? Do my actions and

attitude toward Him cause Him to desire me?


70 week, 70 sevens or 70 sets of seven – _______________

What was going to last 490 years?


There were 6 reasons for the time:

1. __________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________

3. ___________________________

4. ________________________________________

5. __________________________

6. __________________________________________________

How many times has God disciplined us because of our sins? What does

discipline to for us? 2 Timothy 3:16


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Page 37 Chapter 9

V25 – 7 weeks/7 sevens/7 sets of seven – _____________________

62 weeks/62 sevens/62 sets of seven – ________________________________

The 483 years will begin after the command to ______________ Jerusalem.

The order:

49 years happen

Command is given to rebuild Jerusalem – ____________________________

483 years pass

Anointed One is to be killed

445 BC + 483 years = _____________________________

What happened at that time?


Who were the people of the anti-Christ? _______________________

There is a ___________ between Christ’s death and the destruction of the


We know the temple was destroyed again in __________, but this can’t be what

V26 is talking about.

The gap is the _______________. The time we are living in now.

The 2nd half of v26 and v27 is talking about the end of time when the

___________ begins to rule the world and the ________________ begins.

The Roman empire, ____________________________, will destroy temple in


Why didn’t the Old Testament prophets tell of the gap?


There are 3 views to the tribulation:

1. Pre-tribulation rapture of church –


2. Mid-tribulation rapture of church –


3. Post-tribulation rapture of church -


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Page 38 Chapter 10

Daniel 10

Chapter 10-12 is Daniel’s final ____________.

How long had Daniel been mourning/lamenting over what was to come?


What happened to Daniel when he saw the vision of this spectator man?


How did the being address Daniel in v10,12,19?


When did the messenger 1st hear Daniel praying? ____________________

When did Daniel begin praying? ______________________

The messenger was delayed by _________________________________

We know that Daniel was a God fearing, praying man. He had lived his life

totally for Lord His God. What was his prayer life like and can we have it


Daniel’s prayer life:

1. Was taught as young boy to ____________ with God.

2. __________ God to reveal dream of Nebuchadnezzar which was

impossible for anyone to know.

3. _____________ the lions would not hurt him.

4. Prayed ___________________ prayer for the nation of Israel.

Our prayer life:

1 Peter 3:12 – ___________________________________________

Psalm 10:1 – ____________________________________________

Philippians 4:6 – _______________________________________

1 Thessalonians 5:17 – ____________________________________

1 Timothy 2:8 – _________________________________

What is our prayer life really like?


How long does it take to pray at meal time? ________________________

Is there any certain time for us to pray?

Page 39: Daniel Study

Page 39 Chapter 11-12

Look at 1 Thessalonians 5:17 again. How can we pray all day long with


When we think about prayer, what posture do we think about, how have we been

trained to pray? ________________________________________

Have you ever tried praying while walking, driving, with eyes open? How

strange is it to prayerfully consecrate on what you talking to God about?

Praying continually is an _______________ of prayer throughout the day.

Chapter 11-12

Chapter 11:1-20 describes the conflicts between the _____________ (Egypt)

and the ______________ (Syria).

What is between these 2 nations? ______________________

V3 – Alexander the great is uprooted.

Interesting note, when the Bible talks about the north or south it is centered on

what? ______________________


The little horn from chapter 8 is _____________________ in 175 BC here in

chapter 11.

V28 is when Antiohas returns after defeating _________ he stops the treaty with


V30 – The warships are from __________.


V31- Ref. Chapter 8:1-12 – _______________________________

Antiohas used flattery and trickery to make an alliance with people to get his

way. This is also the way the ________________ will gain control.

V36ff – many scholars believe this is talking about the ___________________.

This person will not acknowledge any religion or their gods. He will be the only

_____ and will do away with all forms of religion.

V40 – is talking about the ____________ of the anti-christ.

Page 40: Daniel Study

Page 40 Chapter 11-12

Chapter 12 – continues to tell about the reign of the _____________ and the

tribulation period.

V2 – talks about the _____________ of the Christians.

Then Daniel was told to keep everything else a _____________ till the end of
