Dangers in adverse weather conditions


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Transcript of Dangers in adverse weather conditions

Page 1: Dangers in adverse weather conditions

Title: Dangers in Adverse Weather Conditions

With the recent spate of snow and sleet that we have just endured in the UK, many people bemoan the fact that as a nation we really struggle when weather conditions are a little adverse. It is considered absurd by many that a few inches of snow can bring a nation to its knees as public transport links grind to a halt, schools close and power is shut off from commercial buildings. Looking across at nations such as Canada that seem to be able to endure far higher levels of adverse weather without feeling any effect draws envy and almost embarrassment. However, for the few days a year in which weather conditions become untenable, it is probably most prudent just to take extra care.

Driving in slippery conditions can lead to accidents and significant injury. The elongated stopping distances and the risks of sliding can make driving in these conditions a hazard to yourself and those around you. If you cause an accident due to careless driving regardless of the conditions then you may be liable for Personal Injury Compensation. No Win, No Fee Solicitors may be able to help the injured party receive compensation from a Road Accident Claim.

Likewise if you or your company are responsible for any public land such as walkways, both internal and external, paths or roads, then it is extremely important that you take precaution to limit the hazard. This could include laying down grit on the surface to ensure that people can grip with their shoes whilst walking. Alternatively, places such as train stations that cannot grant access equipment to gritting machinery often offer advice and warnings to their patrons about the slippery nature of their walkways. Failure to do so could see the authority responsible becoming liable for Personal Injury Compensation.

The adverse weather conditions are likely to pass with a few days or weeks, so it is important to just spend a little time every day ensuring that you consider your actions to prevent causing damage to yourself and those around you.