Dance with me tonight images of filming

Dance With Me Tonight Images of filming These images were taken while I was filming the prom scene in Salford Quays. I took a variety of different parts of this scene and I took around 2/3 images per video I took and we took around 7/8 videos for the prom scene because we’re using it throughout majority of the music video. Extreme Long shot, medium shot and long shot. These images were taken while I was filming the scene Michael says ‘I love you’ to Megan. We reshot this about 3/4 times and took a few images while filming in Salford Quays. Medium shots and close up. These images where taken at Megan’s house when Megan and her friend are sneaking out to their boyfriends to go to prom. The images are of them going out of the back gate and running down the street on their way to prom. Also when they see their boyfriend they run to them to give them a hug and to say hi. Long shots, medium shots and extreme close ups.

Transcript of Dance with me tonight images of filming

Page 1: Dance with me tonight images of filming

Dance With Me Tonight Images of filming

These images were taken while I was filming the prom scene in Salford Quays. I took a variety of different parts of this scene and I took around 2/3 images per video I took and we took around 7/8 videos for the prom scene because we’re using it throughout majority of the music video. Extreme Long shot, medium shot and long shot.

These images were taken while I was filming the scene Michael says ‘I love you’ to Megan. We reshot this about 3/4 times and took a few images while filming in Salford Quays. Medium shots and close up.

These images where taken at Megan’s house when Megan and her friend are sneaking out to their boyfriends to go to prom. The images are of them going out of the back gate and running down the street on their way to prom. Also when they see their boyfriend they run to them to give them a hug and to say hi. Long shots, medium shots and extreme close ups.

I took these images at Megan’s house when they’re getting ready to go to prom and waiting for their

boyfriends to come and get them. Close ups.

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Dance With Me Tonight Images of filming

I took these at Megan’s house while filming Michael throwing the stone at the window to get Megan’s attention to tell her to come down to go to prom. Extreme long shots, long shots, close ups and medium shots.

These were taken while filming in Salford Quays, this is the scene when they’re

walking to the shops to get their hair done and buy their girlfriends something. It’s also when they’re on their way to the food court to get their

dinner. The last image is when they’ve finished shopping and they’re coming out of the mall with their bags. Medium shots, long shots and close-ups.

These were taking while Megan and Michael were pulling faces at each other in the classroom and when Michael was singing to the camera for around 3 seconds. It’s also the scene where the whiteboard comes up with ‘5 hours earlier’. Close up and medium shots.

These where taken while filming in Salford Quays, it’s when Megan’s dad tries to pull Megan away from Michael and take her home. Then the teacher comes along and sends Megan and Michael to the classroom while she speaks to her dad. Medium shots and long shots.

These were taken while filming in Salford Quays, it’s when Jess (teacher) speaks to

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Dance With Me Tonight Images of filming

Megan’s dad to try and calm him down about the situation. The other images are when Megan’s dad has calmed down and realised he was wrong and says sorry to Megan and Michael and leaves them to have fun at the prom. Medium shots and long shots.