DAN MILLMAN’S PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT IN ...characteristics Dan Millman based on the movie script....


Transcript of DAN MILLMAN’S PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT IN ...characteristics Dan Millman based on the movie script....





Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number: 154214079












Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number: 154214079







A Sarjana Sastra Undergraduate Thesis





Approved by

~Drs. Hinnawan Wijanarka, M. Hum.Advisor

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13 JUDi 2019

13 JUDi 2019


A Smjana Sastra Undergraduate Thesis




Student Number: 154214079

Defended before the Board of Examinerson July 8, 2019

and Declared Acceptable



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: Drs. Hirmawan Wijanarka, M. Hum.

: Elisabeth Oseanita Pukan S.S., M.A

: Dr. Tatang Iskama

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I certify that this undergraduate thesis contains no material which has been

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text of the undergraduate thesis

June 12,2019

Tirza Gracia Sukendro




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: Tirza Gracia Sukendro: 154214079

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Tirz Gracia Sukendro




“The fear of the Lord

is the beginning of

knowledge: but fools

despise wisdom and


Proverb 1:7



I dedicated this

Undergraduate Thesis

to my beloved Parents.



ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Praise to my God, my Lord, and my Savior, Jesus Christ, for his

blessing and wisdom He has given to me, therefore I finally carry out this

undergraduate thesis.

This research would have never been accomplished without the support

from people behind my back. I would like to express my biggest gratitude to my

thesis advisor Drs. Hirmawan Wijanarka, M. Hum and my co-advisor Dr.

Tatang Iskarna who have been so kind and patient to guide and correct me when

I do some mistakes in this research. Special thanks go to my academic advisor

Mrs. Adventina Putranti, M.Hum. as my mother in Class B 2015.

I also want to say my biggest gratitude to my beloved parents, Herry

Sukendro and Sifora Suhartati, who always got my back and support me

through the good and bad times, especially to the love, prayer, patience, and

everything I could carry out this thesis. I will not forget to say thank you to my

beloved dogs, Cebi and Lulu, that are never bored and tired to accompany me

doing this research day and night.

I would also like to express my sweetest thanks to my dearest friends in

Campus: Deany, Eduardine, Yostin, Adel, Sekar, Angel, Tirza, and everyone

which I cannot mention it here. You guys have made my days in campus

awesome. Also to my Buddies in AIESEC: Diana, Vatma and Dila, thank you

for making it wonderful as well. My sweetest thanks go to my squad GGJ: Sola,

Putri, Mega, Yessa, Tasya, Iccha, Selin, Anita, and Agnes for always

supporting each other to complete our study. YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME!




TITLE PAGE.............................................................................................. ii

APPROVAL PAGE.................................................................................... iii

ACCEPTANCE PAGE.............................................................................. iv

STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY......................................................... v


ILMIAH....................................................................................................... vi

MOTTO PAGE........................................................................................... vii

DEDICATION PAGE................................................................................ viii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS....................................................................... ix

TABLE OF CONTENTS........................................................................... x

ABSTRACT................................................................................................ xii

ABSTRAK.................................................................................................... xiii

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION.............................................................. 1

A. Background of the Study.................................................................. 1

B. Problem Formulation........................................................................ 4

C. Objective of the Study...................................................................... 4

D. Definition of Terms.......................................................................... 4

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE......................................... 6

A. Review of Related Studies............................................................... 6

B. Review of Related Theories............................................................. 8

1. Theory of Character and Characterization................................ 9

2. Theoory of Personality Development....................................... 11

C. Theoretical Framework..................................................................... 17

CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY.......................................................... 18

A. Object of the Study........................................................................... 18

B. Approach of the Study...................................................................... 19

C. Method of the Study......................................................................... 19

CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS....................................................................... 21

A. The Description of Dan Millman’s Characteristics.......................... 21

1. Arrogant and Selfish................................................................... 23

2. Grumpy..................................................................................... 25

3. Stubborn...................................................................................... 27

4. Fearful......................................................................................... 27

5. Curious........................................................................................ 30

6. Depressed.................................................................................... 31

B. Personality Development of Dan Millman....................................... 33

1. Regretful.................................................................................... 33

a) Self-concept.......................................................................... 35

2. Fearless and Strong.................................................................... 36



a) Strong Motivation................................................................. 37

b) Changes in Roles................................................................. 38

3. Unyielding................................................................................. 39

a) Changes in Significant People............................................. 41

CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION............................................................... 44

REFERENCES........................................................................................... 47

APPENDICES............................................................................................. 49

1. The Summary of Peaceful Warrior............................................ 50

2. About the Author........................................................................ 53




Sukendro, Tirza G. (2019). Dan Millman’s Personality Development in Kevin

Bernhardt’s Peaceful Warrior Movie Script. Yogyakarta: Departement of

English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University.

This research is aimed at discussing the personality development and

characteristics as seen in Dan Millman. The object of the research is based on the

movie script that was written by Kevin Bernhardt entitled Peaceful Warrior.

There are two goals of this research. The first is to reveal the

characteristics Dan Millman based on the movie script. The second is to find out

the personality developement of Dan Millman. These goals are summarized into

two main problem formulation in this research. They are: How is the character

Dan Millman described in the movie? and How is Dan Millman’s personality


The researcher uses library research by collecting the data from a movie

script. In analyzing the research, the researcher uses psychological approach to

find out the personality development of Dan Millman. As the theory, the

researcher uses a theory of personality development of Elizabeth Hurlock.

In the analysis, the researcher applied the theory of character and

characterization, and personality development. It helps the researcher to find out

the answer easily. According to Rohrberger and Woods, Dan Millman is a

protagonist character and dynamic character based on Griffith. It is because Dan

Millman is the focus character. The researcher states that Dan Millman is an

arrogant and selfish, grumpy, stubborn, fearful, curious, and depressed character

as it is described in the beginning of the story.

The conclusion of this study is that Dan Millman has experienced some

events which undergoes his personality development. The main point is that after

he meets Soc, his personality begins to develop. He becomes regretful, fearless

and strong, and unyielding person. These personalities are influenced by some

factors based on Hurlock’s theory, they are: changes in self concept, changes in

significant people, changes in role, and strong motivation.

Keywords: characteristics, personality development, Peaceful Warrior




Sukendro, Tirza G. (2019). Dan Millman’s Personality Development in Kevin

Bernhardt’s Peaceful Warrior Movie Script. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Sastra

Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan mengenai Perkembangan

Kepribadian dan karakteristik dari karakter utama dalam film tersebut yaitu Dan

Millman. Obyek dari penelitian ini adalah naskah film Peaceful Warrior yang

ditulis oleh Kevin Bernhardt.

Terdapat dua tujuan dalam penelitian ini. Yang pertama mencari

karakteristik Dan Millman berdasarkan naskah film. Kemudian yang kedua adalah

menjabarkan perkembangan kepribadian dari Dan Millman. Kedua tujuan ini

dirangkum menjadi dua pemecahan masalah: Bagaimana karakter Dan Millman

diceritakan dalam naskah film? dan Bagaimana kepribadian Dan Millman


Dalam menganalisis penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan penelitian

pustaka dengan mengumpulkan data dari naskah film. Peneliti menggunakan

pendekatan psikologi untuk menganalisis perkembangan kepribadian. Teori yang

digunakan yaitu teori perkembangan kepribadian dari Elizabeth Hurlock.

Hasil dari pemecahan masalah dalam penilitian ini, peneliti menerapkan

teori karakter dan karakterisasi, dan perkembangan kepribadian. Berdasarkan

Rohberger dan Woods, Dan Millman merupakan karakter protagonis dan dinamis

menurut Griffith. Ini karena Dan Millman adalah tokoh utama dalam naskah film.

peneliti mengungkapkan bahwa di awal cerita, Dan Millman digambarkan sebagai

karakter yang sombong dan egois, pemarah, keras kepala, ingin tahu, dan depresi.

Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah Dan Millman mengalami kejadian

yang membuat kepribadiannya berkembang. Terutama setelah dia bertemu Soc,

kepribadiannya mulai berkembang. Kemudian dia menjadi orang yang mau

mengakui kesalahan, pemberani dan kuat, dan pantang menyerah. Kepribadiannya

dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor: perubahan pada konsep diri, perubahan

signifikan pada individu, perubahan pada peran, dan motivasi yang kuat.

Kata kunci: characteristics, personality development, Peaceful Warrior





This chapter consists of four parts. They are background of the study,

problem formulation, objectives of the study, and definition of terms. The

researcher wants to explains the reason of this research which is disscussed in the

background of the study. Next, the researcher states about the problem

formulation based on the topic. In objectives of the study, the researcher explains

about the goal of this research based on the problem formulation. The last part of

this chapter is definitons of terms. In this part, the researcher explain about the

meanings of some definition that is used in this research.

A. Background of the Study

Literature is the study of words and the sense of its words. The result of

the study called literary works. Pickering & Hoeper (1981) states that “literature is

a uniquely human activity, born of man's timeless desire to understand, express,

and finally share experiences” (as cited in Mahani, 2016). Literary works have

been identified as something which deals with words and feelings. Talking about

literary works, there are some examples: poem, poetry, play, novel, short story,

and drama. Film is also a part of literary work. Boggs (1978) states that “literature

and films do have many elements in common, and though they are different

mediums, they communicate many things in similar ways” (p. 20). Therefore it is

not surprising if a lot of films which adapted from books or novels. Geiger and



Rutsky (2005) states that movie is visualization of pictures that makes a story.

While Boggs (1978) also explains that film communicates visually through

dramatic action, gesture, and expression, and verbally through dialogue (p. 4). It

means that film is a kind of visualization of the imagination of the readers.

In order to analyze a character in a film, it is not only watching the movie

but it is needed to look farther to the movie script and be able to reveal someone’s

characteristics. This helps a researcher to easily analyze the whole characteristics

of a particular character. Geiger and Rutsky (2005) states that “Reading a film is

not the same as simply viewing a film; it implies more active, critical approach”

(p. 19).

This research focuses in a film, especially in a movie script, which is

adapted from a novel entitled Way of Peaceful Warrior. This novel was written by

an author, Dan Millman which was published in 1980 and later adapted to a

movie in 2006. In a film, the screenplay was written by Kevin Bernhardt entitled

Peaceful Warrior. The author made his name as a main character in the story. The

genre of this movie is motivational and sports.

This story tells about Dan Millman who is a university student. Millman

is a gymnast and has this will to join an Olympic. At the beginning of the movie,

it looks like a horror movie because it shows Millman woke up from a nightmare.

It turns out that in his dream, he broke his leg while joining an Olympic that he

has dreamed to be a part of. At 3 a.m, he went for a jogging and stopped by in a

mini shop to buy some mineral water. He then met this guy who wore different

pair of shoes but he found a strange thing here. The man whom he saw was sitting



on a bench, suddenly standing on a roof in just few seconds. Millman than later

questioning how this can happen quickly. Millman came to this man whom he

gave a name, Socrates or Soc and let Soc trains him to be a real warrior. The way

Soc trained Millman was more into finding what the meaning of life and each

moments were. Actually, this was not what Millman expected before because he

expected that Soc would more train him in physical. Soc explained that to be a

real warrior, he should avoid some factors as an example is no tv, no alcohol, no

drugs, and no sex. After all the training that he did with Soc, Millman happened to

fight his fear by doing a pommel horse. It turned him into arrogant when he told

to Soc. For Soc, this thing didn’t make him amazed because Millman could get

easily satisfied. One day, Millman was in a great anger to Soc and made him into

a motorbike accident. This was the turning point for his life, he broke his leg. He

had no chance to join the Olympic anymore. Thing this made him to break his

fear, therefore Millman kept practicing a lot and he got a motivation from Soc.

Shortly, Millman made him to the Olympic but Soc was missing to a place where

anyone has no idea about it.

The researcher is interested in analyzing and identifying the

characteristics and personality of the character Dan Millman in the movie script.

This research is using a psychological theory as the guidance. This research can

be seen through the personality of Dan Millman which develops in the end of the




B. Problem Formulation

This research is going to analyze the charateristics and personality

development of the character, Dan Millman. The problems are:

1. How are the characteristics of the character Dan Millman described in the

movie script?

2. How does Dan Millman’s personality develop?

C. Objectives of the Study

There are two objectives of the study. They are characteristics and

personality development. The first goal of this research is to reveal the

characteristics of Dan Millman as shown in the movie script. After discovering

the characteristics, the next objective is to find out personality development of

Dan Millman.

D. Definition of Terms

The researcher aims to give some brief explanations about the definition

of terms that is used in this research. These definitions of terms are needed to be

explained in order to avoid some ambiguous and unclearness meanings in this

research. There are character and personality development.

The first term is character. Abrams (1981) states that characters are the

persons presented in a dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the

reader as being endowed with moral and dispositional qualities that are expressed

in the dialogue and their action. (p. 20). Rohrberger and Woods (1971) explains



that a narrative is a story and stories involve persons who act out in a particular

time and place (p. 20). It means that character is a main point in the story because

it runs the whole story. “Characters must be credible, that is, readers must accept

them as believable people” (p. 20).

In this research, a character can be seen in Dan Millman. He is the one

that always shows from the beginning to the end of the story.

The second term is personality development. Alloport states that

personality is the dynamic organization within the individual of those

psychophysical system that determine his characteristics behavior and thought

(Hurlock, 1974, p. 7). Heinstorm (2013) states that “personality is that pattern of

characteristic thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that distinguish one person from

another and that persists over time” (as cited in Gopikrishnan, p. 4). It explains

that personality development points out to what is inside the human and how

human creates that behavior. Based on this research, Dan Millman is truly the one

and only character which show the development towards his personality.





This chapter consists of three main parts. The first is review related

theories and the second part is theoritical framework. The review related theories

aims to dicuss some theories which are using in this study. In this part, the writer

is using two thesis and two journals articles. Next is theoretical framework

explains the contribution of the theories to solve the problems and the reason why

the writer applies those theories.

A. Review of Related Studies

The writer reviews two kinds of studies: thesis and journal article. The

first is a thesis entitled Personality Development of Edmund Pevensie As Seen In

C.S Lewis The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe.

This thesis was written by Antonia Rosa Gravita, English Language Education

Study Program, Sanata Dharma University, 2012. The writer, Antonia, discusses

the character of Edmund Pevensie based on his personality development.

Moreover, the object of this study is to reveal the personality development of

Edmund Pevensie along with the process and factors that can be seen in the novel.

The problem formulation itself is about how Edmund Pevensie’s personality

development is depicted in the novel according to Hurlock’s theory. Then, the

writer analyzes Edmund Pevensie based on Personality Development, character,

and characterization. The writer uses Hurlock’s theory as the reference while



analyzing the character. Moreover, the psychological approach is also added into

the theory of critical approach. The writer states that:

By using psychological approach, the writer would like to understand the

description of the character which had personality and the character itself

(p. 8)

Finally, Edmund’s personality developments are he becomes loving, he

becomes regretful, and he becomes brave. His personality develpments

are influenced by the changes in significant people, changes in self-

concept, changes in roles, and stong motivation. (pp. 47-48.)

The next is from a thesis entitled An Analysis of Nydia’s Character in

Lytton’s The Last Days of Pompeii Based on the Theory of Personality

Developement. This thesis was written by Lily Subrata, English Language

Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University, 2009. This study focuses

on the character Nydia as a central character. This thesis consists of three major

problem formulation. They are the characteristic of Nydia as a central character

based on Murphy’s theory, personality development of Nydia based on Hurlock

theory, and the message of the novel conveyed Nydia as a central character. This

thesis is also using psychological approach in order to reveal the first research


The second study is from a journal. This journal was written by Iline

Megale and F.X. Dono Sumardi, Faculty of Language and Arts, Ma Chung

Universiy, 2017, Malang. The title of the journal is The Development of Bilbo

Baggins’ Character through Leadership in J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit.

The finding confirms the presumption that Bilbo Baggins is a round and

dynamic character because of its complexities and development

throughout the story (p. 113).



The writers explain that Bilbo, as the character that is explained, happens

to have a development in his personality. The changing begins when he started his

journey with the dwarves.

But after taking the adventure and meeting with lots of unpredictable

things and real challenges, like Trolls, Gollum, Big Spiders, Smaug, and

The Dragon, Bilbo becomes a solid servant leader (p. 142).

The next is a journal article entitled Willy Wonka’s Narcisstic Personality

in Roald Dahl’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. This journal article was

written by Bovis Narendra Pratama and Gabriel Fajar Sasmita in 2017. This study

aims to reveal the characteristic and personality disorder of the character Willy

Wonka. The writer is using a theory of Psychoanalitical by Sigmund Freud to

reveal the personality disorder (p. 38).

The researcher is using different studies from the related studies. The

researcher is more into analyzing and focusing to a character Dan Millman. The

researcher also tries to figure out the personality development of Dan Millman as

his hard work to achieve his dream joining an Olympic. The data is collected by

watching the movie and reading the movie script. Furthermore, the analysis are

analyzed by seeing into Dan Millman himself in the script that always shows from

the beginning to the end of the story.

B. Review Related Theories

The theories which are used in this research are theory of personality

development and theory of character and characterization. The aims of having



these two theories are to analyze and to get a deep understanding of the character

Dan Millman.

1. Theory of Character and Characterization

This study deals with the character and characterization. A character is

described as someone who leads the story. Then, characterization is how the

character described in the story.

a. Theory of Character

Rohrberger and Woods (1971) classify a character into protagonist and

antagonist (p. 20). A protagonist character becomes the focus attention of the plot

of the story. While antagonist character is the opposite of the protagonist

character. In addition, Perrine (1959) explains that a character can be classified

into two. They are static character and dynamic character (as cited in Arp and

Johnson, 2009, pp. 164-165).

Meanwhile, Forster (1974) mentions that there are two kinds of

character. They are flat and round character (p. 46). Flat charcters usually have

only one or two predominant traits; they can be summed up in a sentence or two.

Round characters are somplex and many-sided; they have the three dimensional

quality of real people.

b. Theory of characterization

Murphy (1972) states that there are nine ways to identify how the

character described in the story. They are:



i) Personal Description

It gives a description towards person’s appearance in details; face, skin,

eyes, and clothing.

ii) Character as Seen by Another

By describing a character through the eyes and opinions of another. The

reader can get a reflected image.

iii) Speech

The author can give the readers perception of a character through what

other character says. When one character gives some opinions in a conversation

with another, that character is giving a clue to another character.

iv) Past Life

Murphy states that by letting the reader learn something about a person’s

past life the author can give us a clue to events that have helped to shape a

person’s character. This can be done by direct comment by the author, though the

person’s thoughts, through his conversation or through the medium of another

person. (p. 166)

v) Conversation of Other

By describing one character through other characters’ conversation and

things they say about him.

vi) Reactions

It is how a character reacts to a particular events, situations, and




vii) Direct Comment

It is commented directly from the author to a character in order to

describe the characteristic of one character.

viii) Thoughts

It is given by the author of a direct knowledge of a person’s thought.

ix) Mannerism

Murphy states that the author can describe a person’s mannerisms, habits,

or idiosyncraises which may also tell us something about his character (p. 173).

Murphy explains this theory to reveal a characteristics of a character in a

novel. Although this research is a movie script and this theory can be used as the

guidance. In terms of analyzing the charcteristics, the researcher is only using four

out of nine ways.

2. Theory of Personality Development

This research discuss about the personality development of the chracter

Dan Millman. Therefore, the researcher is using a theory of Hurlock (1974) which

are elaborated into three different parts. They are the meaning of personality, the

personality pattern, and the changes of personality.

a. The Meaning of Personality

Elizabeth Hurlock (1974) in her book Personality Development explains

about the meaning of personality. She explains that the term “personality” is

derived from the Latin words persona, which means “mask” (p. 6). Hurlock also

states that “personality is often confused with character” (p. 8). Dashiel states that

an individual’s personality is the total picture of his organized behavior, especially



as it can be characterized by his fellow men in a consistent way (as cited in

Hurlock, 1974, p. 6). Munn also states that personality is “the most charcteristics

integration of an individual’s structure and activities” (as cited in Hurlock, 1974,

p. 6). Meanwhile, Allport also states that personality is “the dynamic organization

within the individual of those psychophysical system that determine his

characteristics behavior and thought” (as cited in Hurlock, 1974, p. 7).

The researcher simplified these statements that personality is a cover for

human’s body, mind, and thought. Therefore, it impacts to their activities toward

society and environment. Character and personality are two different things that

are sometimes confusing. Character is the person who does something and

personality is the cover.

b. Personality Pattern

Hurlock (1974) states that personality pattern is composed of traits, or

spesific qualities of behavior, which characterized the individual’s unique

adjustment to life as shown in his behavior and thought (p. 19). Personality

pattern consists of self-concept and traits. These two things are needed to build a

personality of human. It is impossible that human has no self-concept and trait.

i) Self-Concept

Self-concept can be identified as how a person thinks toward themselves.

It is about their own physical appearance, characteristics, and feelings. It is needed

for human to know their own self-concept in order to discover their identity.

Jerslid clearly giving an understaning toward the meaning of self-concept.

The self, as it finally evolves, is made up of all that goes into a person’s

experiences of his individual existence. It is a person’s “inner world.” It



is a composite of a person’s thoughts and feelings, strivings and hopes,

fears and fantasies, his view of what he is, what he has been, what he

might become, and his attitudes pertaining to his worth. (as cited in

Hurlock, 1974, p. 21)

Self concept has three kinds. They are real self, ideal self, and social self

(p. 22). Hurlock states that “The real self, for example, is what a person really

believes he is, his ideal self is the person he aspires to be, and his social self is

what he believes others think of him an how they percieve him” (p. 22).

ii) Traits

Hurlock (1974) explains that “The major function of traits is to integrate

lesser habits, attitudes, and skills into larger thought-feeling-action patterns.” (p.

35). It means that traits is the potrayed of human’s components of behavior or

spesific quality of someone’s behavior.

c. Changes in Personality

Personality change toward human’s life happens everytime. This change

means that the person is always growing especially in social life. The change is

starting from teenager to adulthood. In the stage of teenager, a person starts to

wonder about their self-image whether they have achieved the self-image that they

want or not. Wyllie (1957) explains that the biggest problem in teenager is about

the ideal of self-image

By the time a child has reached adolescene he has formed a more or less

precise image of what he and his culture expect of him as an adult. One

of the principal problems for an adolescent then is to conduct his life so

that he has the feeling he is achieving this ideal image of himself. (as

cited in Hurlock, 1974, p. 119)



d. Characteristics of Change in Personality

The change in personality also has characteristics which are divided into

three important parts as follows:

i) Better versus worse

It is not a rare phenomena that the personality of a person changes into

good or bad. It depends on how they react to the event occurs on their

environment in a particular time. The changing can be in physical or social


ii) Quantitative versus qualitative

According to Hurlock (1974), “qualitative changes are either the

complete replacement of desirable trait by an undesirable one or vice versa, do not

normally occur even in the early years of life. For the most part, changes are

quantitative: Characteristics already present are reinforced, strengthened, or


iii) Slow versus rapid changes

Changes are regarded as slow if they are perceptible while rapid changes

are readily apparent to all. Normally, personality changes are slow and gradual

(pp. 121-122).

e. Conditions responsible for personality change

There are some important points about the conditions responsible for

personality change. They are physical change, changes in environment, changes in

significant people, changes in social pressures, changes in roles, strong

motivation, changes in the self concept, and psychotherapy (p. 24).



i) Physical change

Hurlock (1974) states that “Physical change may come from maturation

and decline or from illness, organic, and glandular disturbances, injuries, or some

other conditions resulting from the person’s life pattern but unrelated to the

normal changes in the body structure” (p. 124).

ii) Changes in environment

According to Hurlock (1974), changes are always affect to someone’s

behavior in characteristics. Therefore, the changes in environment have some

important things.

To have a favorable effect on the personality pattern, changes in

environment must do four things. First, they must improve the status of

the person, and by doing so, enable him to feel more secure and

adequate. Second, the changes must enable the person to be more in

equilibrium with his environment in the sense that the environment meet

his need at that time. Third, the changes must enable him to come closer

to his ideal. And fourth, by providing opportunities for broader social

experiences with people of different cultural backgrounds and with

different valies and ideals, they must help the person see himself more

realistically and revise his goals and aspirations in keeping with his

abilities (p. 125).

The changes in environment happens in all ages of life. Starting from

chilhood, adolescence, and adulthood or old age. The changing depends on where

the people grow. Whether the place that they grow are in the same neighborhood

or not because it affects to the self-concept of the changes in environment.

iii) Changes in significant people

Hurlock states that “When the significant people in individual’s life

change, and when he tries to to adapt his pattern of behavior and his attitudes,

beliefs, values, and aspirations to theirs changes in his personality is inevitable”



(p. 126). It means that changes in significant people gives a great effect to

someone’s personality.

iv) Changes in social pressures

Children who is in the stage of growing up, especially adolescene, like to

imitate from the significant people. This thing happen when those people are

trying to change their personality trait. The phenomena also happen to a person

who wants to be accepted in one particular place. It means that they want to adapt

in a new place and environment then it results a social pressure. The social

pressure affects to their characteristics.

v) Changes in role

The role in changes reflect to the status and position. Hurlock (1974) said

that “If role changes result in a more favorable status, there will be a change for

the better in the person’s self-concept” (p. 127).

vi) Strong motivation

According to Hurlock “When the motivation to improve the personality

pattern is strong enough, changes can be affected. Ordinarily people are more

strongly motivated to change those traits which they believe will improve their

social relationships and earn them greater social acceptance. Even then, the

changes are mainly quantitative; existing socially approved traits are strengthened

and socially disapproved traits are weakened” (p. 127).



vii) Changes in the self-concept

Hurlock states that “Changing one’s self-concept requires tremendeous

self-insight. This means that a person must be able and willing to see himself as he

actually is, not as he would like to be or as others perceive him” (p. 128).

viii) Psychotherapy

After someone has been motivated, then he is trying to change the self-

concept and even change the bad habit. Then, he also starts to find a new thought

about himself. “Psychotherapy is based on the assumption that a poorly adjusted

person can make better adjustments if he is helped to develop a more favorable

self-concept” (p.129).

C. Theoretical Framework

In this study, the researcher will explain the theories that are used in

order to answer the research questions. The theories that are used in this study are

theory of character and characterizations, and theory of personality development.

The first one is theory character and characterizations. This theory is

used to reveal the character Dan Millman. The theory of characterization is aim to

describe what character of Dan Millman looks like. The theories that are used are

from Rohrberger and Woods (1971) and Murphy (1972). The second is theory of

personality development. The researcher is using a theory of Elizabeth Hurlock

(1974) which is used to reveal the development of personality of Dan Millman.





This chapter is divided into three parts. They are object of the study,

approach of the study, and method of the study. In object of the study, the

researcher would like to explain about the data and source that is used in this

research. In approach of the study, the researcher would like to explain about the

approach that is used as the guidance to this research. Next is method of the study.

In this part, the researcher explains about the method that can be used to analyze

this research.

A. Object of the Study

The object of this research is a movie script of Peaceful Warrior. This

movie script is adapted from a book entitled Way of Peaceful Warrior which was

written by Dan Millman. The movie was directed by Victor Salva and the

screenplay was made by Kevin Bernhardt. The movie itself was released in 2006.

The author’s name and the character’s name are the same, Dan Millman.

There are some important characters in the movie Peaceful Warrior but the

character Dan Millman is the central character. Millman is always in the

beginning to the end of the story. The other characters are Socrates, Trevor,

Tommy, and Joy.

This story is about Dan Millman who is a gymnast who has a big will to

join an Olympic. There is a character Soc as a trainer and motivator for Millman



to be a real warrior. Being a real warrior, it is needed to know the meaning of life

and has a big will.

B. Approach of the Study

The researcher is using psychological approach because this is related to

the study about personality development. Psychological approach is a study of

human, behavior and habits, along with the thought and interpretation. Rohrberger

and Woods (1971) states that the psychological involves the effort to locate and

demonstrate certain recurrent pattern and the complexity of thought, behavior, and

actions (p. 13). Hurlock (1974) in her book Personality Development explains that

psychological system is composed of habits, attitudes, emotional states,

sentiments, motives, and beliefs (p. 7). In terms of using the psychological

approach in this research, it guides the researcher directly to a strong

understanding of the meaning of a literary work. Hurlock (1974) identifies that the

psychological self-concept includes the person’s attitudes toward his abilities and

disabilities (p. 26). While discussing psychological approach in literature, it is

actually also discussing about the imagination thought and feeling of the author.

C. Method of the Study

This research is analyzing the character Dan Millman in the movie script.

The researcher is using library research because the data is collected by the

sources, they are watching movies and reading the movie script.

In this section, the researcher did several steps in terms of analyzing the

character Dan Millman. The first step was collecting some data by watching the



movie and reading the movie script. Then, the researcher was interested to analyze

the character Dan Millman and the personality development. After finding the

topic, the researcher finds the problem formulation.

Second, the researcher found the related theories of the study. This aims to

help the researcher to analyze the problem formulation. The researcher finds some

theories in order to support the problem formulation. Then, the theories that are

used are theory of character, characterization, and personality development which

later be discussed in critical approach.

Third, the researcher started to analyze the characteristics of a character,

Dan Millman and applied the theories to support the answers based on the

problem formulation. After finding the characteristics of Dan Millman, the

researcher then started to analyze the personality development.

Last, the researcher was making the conclusion of this research.





In this chapter, the researcher answers the problem formulation which are

divided into two parts. The first is to reveal and answer the characteristics of Dan

Millman that is described in a movie script by applying the theories

characterization that are mentioned in the previos chapter. The next is to reveal

and elaborate the personality development of Dan Millman by using theory of

personality development.

A. The Description of Dan Millman’s Characteristics

According to Rohrberger and Woods, a protagonist character is the focus

attention, central, and core character that is described in the story. In this case,

Dan Millman is the protagonist character. There are one character that is always

told in the movies script, Socrates or Soc, but Soc is just the one who actually

helps Dan Millman in order to achieve his dream.

Millman is also described as a dynamic character. According to Perrine

(1959), a dynamic character has passed some changes. In this case, Millman has

passed some events and conflicts. The events are the turning point of Dan

Millman which slowly changes him and affects his personality development.

Griffith (1986) states that dynamic character is also described as a round

character. In this point, Millman also around character because he is both

protagonist and dynamic character that are connected each other. The first is he is



the main and core character in the story. The second is that he has passed some

events which are slowly change him and also his personality development.

The researcher is analyzing the characteristics of Dan Millman before

analyzing the personality development. In terms of finding the characteristics of

Dan Millman, the author is using four out of nine ways based on the theory of

Murphy (1972). The first is character as seen by another. It is from a description

of a character through the opinions of others. The second is speech. The

researcher analyzes Dan Millman by seeing the characters through the perception

from what other characters say. The third is conversation of other by describing

one character through other characters’ conversation. The fourth is reactions. It is

about how Dan Millman reacts to any particular events, situation, and conditions.

The researcher will describe the character Dan Millman based on the

theory of Murphy (1972). In the movie script, Dan Millman is described as an

athlete in gymnastic or Gymnast. It can be seen from the passage below:


All right, Millman. Nice.

Tight. Lower your shoulders.

Good. Keep it tight.

(line 45-47)

The passage above is from the speech of other character, Coach. The

coach is leading the practice for all the athletes. Coach is giving attention to Dan

Millman because he is hanging to show some gymnastic movements.


I know. I'm a gymnast.

(line 101)



From the conversation above, it gives direct explanation that Dan

Millman is a Gymnast. He is questioning about how Soc can go to the rooftop

only in a few seconds. Therefore, he introduces himself as a Gymnast to Soc. It is

because as a Gymnast, he needs to know how Soc can do it. This will help him to

reach his dream in winning the Olympic.

Dan Millman comes from a middle up family and he is also categorized

as a smart student. This can be seen from the passage below:


My dad's got plenty of cash,

school's kind of a breeze,

I get straight A's.

I got great friends, I'm in great shape,

(line 141-144)

The goal of the next section is to reveal the characteristics of Millman

before he passed some events which change his personality development.

Millman is a person who is so ambitious and actually living in his own fear. He is

so ambitious to join and also to be the winner in the Gymnastic Olympic.

Therefore, he happens to face nightmare which unconsciously leads him into his

fear. After he meets Soc, everything has changed him step by step. The researcher

is using Murphy’s theory to reveal his characteristics.

a. Arrogant and Selfish

According to Oxford Dictionary, arrogant is “behaving in a proud,

unpleasant way, showing little thought of other people.” (p. 68). Selfish is “Caring

only about yourself rather than about other people.” (p. 1360).

Dan Millman is an arrogant and selfish character. He thinks that he is the

one who can beat other gymnasts, including his good friends. His arrogance and



selfishness also shown in his ambition but more into ambitious. Trying so hard to

convince everyone that he is the one and only great gymnast in his community. It

can be seen from the passage below:


I can do this.

I've been working on it.

(line 55-56)

It happens when Dan is at the gym practice. He is doing an extra

movement which is actually not being recommended by the Coach. From that

evidence it can be proven that Dan is an arrogant character. The other evidence is

that showing by the opinion from other characters.


That's why he's trying to do it.

Thinks it's gonna make him

lord of the rings.

Only, with Middleman, it's where he tries

to tear both arms out of their sockets.

(line 76-80)

From the passage above, Dan Millman is trying to show off his ability in

gymnastic which actually only makes him hurt and embarrased him. He thinks

that the Coach and others will be amazed but it just didn’t work out for him at that



With friends like you, who

needs assholes, right, Dan-o?

(line 195-196)


Calm down. What? You

want to fight Tommy?

(line 197-198)



The passage above is seen from what other characters say about him.

This conversation happens at the party that Dan Millman attends. He is talking to

Tom and Tom is asking about the girl who Dan has dated with. It turns out that

the girl is Tom’s girl. Then, the fighting happens and Dan is trying to fight

Tommy which actually his good friend. His attitude toward Tom is arrogant

because a love life can ruin a friendship.

b. Grumpy

Based on Oxford Dictionary, grumpy is “bad-tempered.” It is the

synonym of angry. Dan Millman is potrayed as a grumpy character. At the

beginning, he is described as an arrogant person and he can react to a particular

event and situation emotionally. He can get easily mad toward everything which

is not the same as his thought.


I call you a jackass

when you act like a jackass.

Like now, Dan, when you're

letting your emotions control you.

(line 732-735)

The passage above is showing a direct explanation about Dan that he

cannot control his emotion at that time. He is always saying and answering in a

high pitch as if he is having an argument with his enemy. He just wants to be seen

as a person who has a great knowledge so that people can call him a smart man.

When he meets Soc, what always comes in his mind are just completely wrong.

Therefore, while Soc is reacting toward Dan’s opinion and thought, Dan is

completely like mad.





Hey! I'm talking to you.

What the hell is wrong with you?

(line 452-454)

The passage is the reaction of Dan about the situation that has just

happened to him. He is being thrown out of the bridge by Soc because Dan is in a

hurry to attend a pommel horse try-outs.


Come on, Soc! This is what

I was finally ready to see?

(line 1356-1357)

Dan also likes to complain on things that is different from his expectation. The

passage above happens when Soc invites Dan to do hiking as one of the trainings.

He expects that he is gonna see something which amazed him and he will never

forget it. It turns out that it’s just the opposite. Dan doesn’t see something

magnificent above the hill and he complains Soc. The way he complains to Soc is

a bit sarcastic.


Christ, Soc, how far

are we gonna take this?

They could have killed us!

They could have killed us!

You could have kicked every

single one of those guys' asses.

Instead, we're probably gonna get

picked up for indecent exposure.

(line 1060-1067 )

The passage above is the reaction from Dan. Both Dan and Soc at first

are walking together and suddenly they are blocked out by the thiefs.



c. Stubborn

Millman is also a stubborn character. In Oxford dictionary, Stubborn is

“not to change your opinion or attitude” (p. 1503). In this case, Dan is always

blaming everything that Soc said and feels like he is the one who knows

everything. Especially when Soc asks him to do something, he doesn’t want to do

and he doesn’t want to change his opinion. It can be seen from the passage below:


You don't want to hit me?

(line 410)


I don't want to hurt you.

(line 411)


I guess I'll just have to

keep slapping you then.

(line 412-413)

The passage above is telling that Soc is slapping Dan’s face. Soc is asking

whether Dan wants to slap him back or not, but Dan prefers not to slap him back

because he feels that Soc is older than him. That is actually the training that Dan

has to do in order to achive the goal as a real warrior. The way Dan rejects Soc is

so stubborn. He kept rejecting the things that Soc asks.

d. Fearful

Being a gymnast is unconsciously giving a pressure to Dan Millman. He

always thinks on how he is going to make it to the Olympic. This thing is actually

showing that he is living in a fear. He just cannot recognize it by himself but what

inside his mind is actually ghosting him anywhere and everywhere. He is a fearful



character who is afraid to fall. Based on Oxford dictionary, fearful is another word

for afraid (p. 550). It can be seen from the passage below:


So why can't you sleep at night?

Yesterday, you came here

at 3:00 a. m. Now, tonight.

That's two nights in a row.

(00:12:39,302 --> 00:12:49,354, line 147-150)

The passage above is telling that Soc gives a clue about Dan Millman’s

characteristics. Dan is always meeting Soc in the early day at 3 a.m. It is obvious

that actually Dan has something on his mind. This thing which always wakes him

up at 3 a.m but he just cannot recognize it.


What would you say if I told you

that I keep seeing those shoes

in a dream I keep having?

(line 219-221)

The passage above is another evidence. That can be seen from his reaction to a

particular situation and condition, which is always seeing Soc everywhere he

goes. The way he is always seeing Soc is actually distracts his mind and kind of

making him feel scared and annoyed. In this situation, Soc is having a role as a

trainer for Dan Millman. It’s like everytime Dan does something that is

prohibited, Soc will always appear on his mind and as a reminder to him to do the

right way.


Why can't you sleep?

Is it because,

maybe, late at night,

when all the noise dies down and

you're lying there in the bed,

and there's nobody around but you,



then, maybe, you get a little scared?

Scared because suddenly

everything feels so


(line 317-326)

The passage above is also the evidence that Dan is a fearful character.

It’s like he is lonely and needed someone to talk with about his unconscious fear.

Therefore, Soc is making some assumption of the reasons why Dan always comes

and visits him at midnight or early morning. Then Soc is trying to give an advice

to Dan that he should not have to be worried about his fear. It can be seen from

the passage bellow:


You tell me you want to be more than

just someone who gets up on those rings

and performs

a well-practiced stunt or two.

You tell me

you want to be someone

who uses his mind and his body

in ways that most people would

never have the courage to,

and I will train you, Dan,

to be a real warrior.

(line 327-337)

It is true that Dan is actually living in a fear that comes from his own

mind. A fear that keeps ghosting and following anywhere he goes. It can be

shown by the passage below:

DAN 2:

Look at you.

Hanging on for dear life.

Afraid to fall.

(line 907-909)



In the passage above is shown by another character. The other character

is Dan 2 which is actually the shadow of Dan Millman. This shadow

unconsciously lives in him and actually his fear keeps intimidating and ghosting


e. Curious

As a round character, Millman is described as a curious character. In

Oxford Dictionary, the word curious means “having a strong desire to know about

something.” (p. 365). His curiousity can be seen in the way he talks to people. He

is always asking about something that he really wants to know but he is more into

forcing them to tell.


You can tell me how you did it.

(line 92)


You like things explained.

Don't you?

(line 93-94)

The passage above is the opinion of other character. It takes place on the

gas station where Soc works. Dan Millman is coming at the early morning as the

first time he mets Soc while he was jogging. He is curious about how Soc can go

to the rooftop only in a few seconds. Therefore, Soc says that what Dan Millman

wants to know then everyone has to tell it.

His curiousity actually also leads him to be an annoying character. He

will always keep asking and asking about what he wants to know and give no

attention in what condition and situation is.





name one thing I'm addicted to.

(line 704-705)



Especially interrupting.

(line 706-707)

It is clear that his attitude is kind of making him annoying because as what Soc

directly says that he is always interrupting in the middle of the conversation. In

this case, it is true that Dan Millman always asks Soc everything but not in a good


f. Depressed

Dan Millman begins to be described as a depressed character. In Oxford

Dictionary, depressed is another word for almost having no hopes. (p. 401). At

the very beginning of the story, Dan Millman is potrayed as an ambitious

character. It is like he is obsessed to be a professional athele, although he is

actually a gymnast. His ambitious leads him into a big failure in his gymnastic life

and changed him. He got an accident while driving his motorbike.


You ran a red light, man.

Can you believe that?

(line 770-771)

The conversation that can be seen from another character is as the evidence. It

happens after Dan Millman is getting a motorbike accident. He is rushing in a

very high speed and suddenly he was hit by the car. Dan then breaks his leg and

he faints. All of his team comes to visit him at the hospital and everyone tries to

talk with him eventhough he still faints.




I don't need anyone

to hold my hand right now.

My leg is in a cast.

When does it come off?

(line 787-790)

That is his first nightmare happens and he begins to know that that is his

turning point of his life. He breaks his leg and not be able to walk in a very short

time. It takes more or less eight months for him to recover.


Maybe I don't think your

leg is the only thing

that got broken.

I know this is

a scary moment for you.

(line 832- 836)

The statement shows from another character about the situation of Dan Millman

after the accident which leads him into a depression. He breaks his leg and feels

everything just ruins his dream. It is true that that is a scary moment for Dan

Millman. It can be shown from his reaction toward this situation that happens to



I don't know what to do now.

(line 932)

That statement is from Dan to Soc. He is telling Soc that he has tried to convince

the coach about the Olympic that he wants to be a part of. Dan also says that he

will make it to the Olympic only for eight months and has a very good confidence,

but it turns out that the coach is giving no good answer to Dan. Therefore, Dan is

depressed toward his gymnastic life whether he can make it or not to join the




B. Personality Development of Dan Millman

In this part, the researcher will reveal the personality development of the

character Dan Millman as it has mentioned in the previous chapter. Dan Millman

finally realizes and changes after the accident that happened to him. In his

developing process, he has new situation and condition which lead him to be a

better person.

a. Regretful

In the beginning of the story, it can be seen that Dan Millman is a very

arrogant, stubborn, and grumpy character. He always wants to get everything

instantly and doesn’t really want to hear and know about others. His arrogancies

and selfishnesses actually let himself fall. Therefore, he begins to understand that

his situation is truly changing.


What's happening to me?

I don't cry.

(line 937-938)

The passage above is commented directly from Dan and telling about his

condition. He begins to cry over things that he has made. He almost has nothing to

do after the accident that almost ruins his own dream. One of the factors that

makes him to be like this is that he ignores what Soc has told him, about the

things he should and shouldn’t do to be a real warrior. Soc is the only character

who always gives motivation to Dan and always there for Dan through the ups

and downs of his life.




All you need to do is be

conscious about your choices

and responsible

for your actions.

(line 1010-1013)

The passage above is the opinions of Soc toward Dan’s condition. Soc is

giving an advice and motivating Dan to move on from his regret. When someone

is being in a deep regret, it can take away their happiness and change. Therefore,

Soc is trying to get back Dan’s spirit by saying that it is needed to understand

about the choices that are made and to be liable toward the choice.


Listen, I just came here

to say,

I haven't always been

a very good friend.

In fact, I can't remember the last

time I was somebody's good friend.

(line 1098-1103)

The passage above is the reaction of Dan about the situtation that he

faced. He is feeling regretful and starts to apology to his friends, Trev and Tom,

because he cannot be a good friend so far. Dan has always been a very selfish

person and what comes on his thought is just how to win himself and never cares

to others feeling.


Hey, it gets crazy, you know?

I mean, what are you gonna do when we're

always competing against each other?

(line 1104-1106)

The passage above is the reaction of Tom after Dan is apologizing. Tom

also feels that so far Trev, Tom, and especially Dan are competing each other.



They don’t really understand and listen about each other’s feelings. They just

always tries to find a way to win themselves. In fact, they are actually good

friends but their ambitions ruin the friendship that they have built. Especilly Dan,

he feels sorry about the things that he has made and to the situation in his


Self concept is as one of the main point of the development of Dan

Millman’s personality. According to Hurlock (1974) which means that one

individual need to see themself as what they actually is. In this case, the

conditions and situations around him make him realize and have an instropection.

It can be seen that Dan finally realizes and regretting the attitude that he has made

to others. He begins to have a self-instropection that being arrogant and selfish are

two things that can ruin himself and his dream.


I'm sorry.

Okay? I'm sorry.

I thought I was strong

but I'm not.

'Cause I really tried

to give this whole thing up

but I can't.

(line 1307-1313)

The quotation above is showing that Dan Millman is having a self-instropection

that all the things that he has done to himself and others are wrong. He begins to

understand that his arrogancies and selfishness are two main points that ruin his




b. Fearless and Strong

After Dan finally realizes and regrets about the things that he has done,

he changes from a fearful to be a fearless person. He can fight his fear and change

his mind to throw away his fear.


It's you, isn't it?

You're the one

I have to let go of.

(line 918-920)

The passage above shows that Dan is starting to be a fearless person to

make himself released from his own fear. A fear that always follows him

anywhere and everywhere he goes. It happens right after he meets someone who

look exactly alike him and it can be said that that is his shadow. He realizes that if

he still holds on to his fear or shadow, he will always be the same person who is

always afraid and not ready of seeing himself falling in achieving his dream.


There's never

nothing going on.

There are no ordinary moments.

(line 985-987)

The passage above is shown from Dan. It happens after Soc asked Dan to

sit on an old Plymouth car to find a value of life. This is a part of Dan’s training,

especially this is a motivation for Dan to become a fearless and strong person. Soc

doesn’t want Dan to come back and see him if Dan hasn’t found the real answer

of the value of life, especially the value that explain his situation that he has been

through. After he tries to give Soc some answers, he finally finds one and Soc



agrees about it. The passage above means that every moments that happen has a

reason and it is a precious.


First day without

the training wheels.

No cane, no crutches.

(line 1095-1097)

The passage above is showing that Dan is finally brave to walk without

these equipments, such as cane and crutches, which always helps him to walk

after he breaks his leg. It happens when Dan meets Tom and Trev to apology

some mistakes that he has made to him, it turns out that he comes alone without

the cane and crane. This action is showing him as a brave person and also he

wants to show others that he is strong and his attitude is making him heals from

the pain that he got. The pain that almost ruins his dream to beat at the Olympic

and become a professional Gymnast. It turns out that he can let go from the pain

and fear that always follows him.

There are two factors that influence his personality development. The

first is changes in roles and strong motivation

i) Strong Motivation

According to Hurlock (1974) “When the motivation to improve the

personality pattern is strong enough, changes can be affected (p. 124).” It can be

seen from Dan Millman who gets strong motivation from Soc.


I told you a warrior

does what he loves.

(01:34:25,422 --> 01:34:27,299, line 1291-1292)



The quotation above is the evidence. Dan Millman gets a motivation

from Soc and this thing changes him to be a fearless and strong person. Soc has

taught Dan that as a real warrior, it is not good to just easily give up on every

events that can make him down. Having Soc who always got his back is definitely

helping him to be a better person.

Another motivation comes within himself. He starts to reallize that she

has done something bad towards others and himself, especially his grumpy

characteristics. After meeting Soc, he begins to understand and learn some good

things which can make him to control his emotion. Therefore Dan Millman can

react to any particular events wisely. He wants to fix every mistakes that he made.


Not about the gold.

Not about what your dad

thinks about you.

Not about anything

but that one moment in time.

(line 1466-1470)

The quotation above is showing that after he gets motivation within

himself, he can motivate others too. In that case, Tom is being motivated by Dan

that joining the competition is not only about chasing the gold but to live the

moment which can be a good story in the future.

ii) Changes in Roles

The changes in roles is as the first personality in Dan Millmab’s

development. Hurlock (1974) states that “If role changes result in a more

favorable status, there will be a change for the better in the person’s self-concept



(p. 127).” It can be concluded that if one individual is having a chance to be a

better a good individual then the personality is developed.


Now, Dan is quite the wild card, Bart,

because less than 10 short months ago,

this young man actually shattered

his leg in a motorcycle accident.

(line 1490-1493)

The passage above is showing that Dan Millman can make it to the

Olympic. After he is feeling deppressed towards his condition and situation, he

begins to change. After he is living in a fear, he can make it up to be a fearless and

strong. Dan Millman never stops to train and exercise more and more. In fact, his

hard work paid off and he becomes greater than before.

c. Unyielding

The accident that happes to him never stop him to reach his dream. The

best way is finding some good ways to release from his nightmare. Dan is

potrayed as a curious character, which means as a curious character in a bad way.

At this point, his curiousity leads him to be an unyielding person who has no

intension to give up in finding a good way to realease from his bad dream.


Hospital doesn't think so, but

I'm gonna be off this cane soon.

Then, I'm back.

(line 859-861)

The passage above is commented by Dan to the Coach. He meets Coach

at the Campus near the Gym and at first they have a small talk. Coach is telling

Dan that he is happy to meet him after a long time. Dan is also telling Coach that

he is doing better and better everyday. Dan is actually having a purpose while he



meets Coach. He just wants to tell Coach that he has a crazy thought and a big

will to come back to Gymnastic life. He really wants to do it although what the

doctor don’t think so but it never stops him.


What if I get back? Huh?

What if I get back to where I was?

You wouldn't want me on the team?

(line 876-878)

Dan is telling and convincing to Coach that he will come back and he

means it. It seems that Coach doesn’t think so and tells to Dan that it almost

impossible if Dan can go to the Olympic in eight to ten months after he breaks his

leg. Dan thinks that just because someone’s breaks their legs doesn’t mean they

will stop to reach their dreams. It also happens to Dan, Coach seems

underestimates Dan’s ability to make it to the Olympic.


You can't give up on me.

(line 883)

The passage above directly shows that Dan Millman is an unyielding

character. All that he wants to do is to convince Coach that he is gonna make it to

the Olympic. It turns out that Coach doesn’t believe him and underestimates him.

Then, Dan Millman doesn’t agree with what Coach thinks about him and he

denies him. Dan Millman denies Coach by saying that he will never let anyone

and Coach give up and underestimates him, especially his condition right now.


I think you should continue

your training as a gymnast.

A warrior does not give up

what he loves, Dan.

He finds the love



in what he does.

(line 1146-1151)

The passage above is commented directly from Soc to Dan that he is a

very unyielding person. Soc is having this conversation with Dan after Dan meets

his friends, Tom and Trev, and Coach. Dan is telling to Soc that Coach seems give

up on him , and he truly is. Soc knows Dan better that he is actually a person who

cannot easily give up, especially the curiosity actually leads him into an

unyielding person. It is because when he once wants to know something, he will

definitely dig in to some informations until he finally reaches the answers. Just

like in this case, Soc is showing that Dan needs to come back to come back and

continue the training. He knows that it is good for Dan to forget all that the bad

things that hit him and move on, instead of crying and regretting the moments that

scared him out.


You don't need him or any letter to get

up on those rings and do what you love.

(line 1162-1163)

The passage above is a statement that is commented by Soc to Dan. The

intension of the passage above is showing that Soc is giving Dan an advice that he

is such an unyielding person. Soc is telling Dan that no one can blow his dream

away when he is about to reach it. The passage above is telling that Soc knows

that Dan will never give up thus he will always keep on going.

His personality starts to develop because one factor that influence him. It

is the changes if significant people. Hurlock (1974) states that the changes in

significant people can give great effect to someone’s personality. In this case, Soc



is giving a great effect to Dan Millman. After Dan meets Soc, everything is

changing and this change is in good ways. Soc never gives up to encourage and

train Dan, especially after Dan is having an accident. Dan might be stubborn but

Soc is more calm and it makes Dan does as what Soc has asked.


When you feel fear,

use the sword.

Take it up here

and cut the mind to ribbons.

Slash through

all those regrets and fears

and anything else that lives

in the past or the future.

(line 1127-1134)

The passage above shows that Dan is showing his kindness through his

speech. He wants to help Dan who is having a big problem that almost ruin his

dream. The way Soc reacts to Dan’s situatuion is to convince that there is no need

to be afraid of in order to reach a dream. He also shows his affection to Dan by

always there for Dan even Dan ever dissapoints Soc by not listening to his rules.


That's gonna be me, now.

I'll do whatever you think I should.

(line 1142-1143)

The quotation above is showing that Soc can change the way Dan thinks.

Dan begins to understand that what Soc has said to him is right. Soc has no

intention to let him down. In fact, Soc is helping Dan Millman to reach his

dream. Dan Millman wants to fix his mistakes not to hear what Soc has forced.

There are two characteristics of Dan Millman’s personality development

that can be found in this research are better and slow. His personality changes to



be better because he has passed some events which make him realize that he was

wrong in reacts to any particular events. His personality development is slow

because it takes time and process.






In this chapter, the researcher points out the conclusion from this

research after analyzing based on the problem formulation. According to the title

Dan Millman’s Personality Development in Kevin Bernhardt’s Peaceful Warrior

Movie Script, the researcher analyzes the character Dan Millman based on the

pyschological approach.

The first problem is about how the character Dan Millman is described

based on the Peaceful Warrior movie script. It is about the characteristics of Dan

Millman. Based on the personal description, Dan Millman is described as a

gymnast which is an athlete in Gymnastic. He described as a character which

comes from a middle up family. Another personal description is he is a smart

student. It is seen from his statement that he almost got A in every subjects in


Dan Millman is described as an arrogant and selfish character. As an

arrogant and selfish character, Dan is also described as an ambitious person. It can

be seen based on the way he wants to win himself and make it to the Olympic.

He also described as a grumpy character. It is because he is difficult to

behave in order to face every situation and condition that he face. Dan is difficult

to control his emotion. When someone is giving a statement toward his action, he

will be mad.

Dan Millman is a stubborn character. He almost has no intention if

someone ask him to do something. The fact that he only wants to win himself is



making him as a stubborn person. He thinks that he can do whatever he wants

without the help of other people.

Fearful is also Dan’s characteristics. His fear actually comes out from

his own mind but he just doesn’t realize it. He is feeling scared of falling in

Gymnastic life. He once meets a person who looks exactly alike him, it turns out

that it is just his shadow. The shadow that is potrayed as his fear and always is

ghosting him in everywhere he goes.

As a character that is potrayed as a curious person, Dan Millman is kind

of annoying and interrupting His curiosity leads him into an annoying person

because he doesn’t stop asking question.

Depressed is also one of Dan Millman’s characteristics. The fact hat

Dan is having an accident and breaks his leg is making him anxious and

depressed. At first he thinks that he is gonna make it to the Olympic and seeing

that his legs are broken, he thinks that his dreams are ruined.

After finding the charateristics of Dan Millman, it can be seen that Dan

Millman undergoes some events that makes his personality develops. At first, Dan

is regretful because he has made some mistakes to his friends and regrets that he

doesn’t follow what Soc says to him. It also happens because there is a self-

instropection inside himself. His personality developes that is influenced by self

concept which can make him see himself of what he actually is.

The second personality development of Dan Millman are fearless and

strong. The condition when he can against his own fear makes him a fearless

person. He is also strong because he can have this will to beat at the Olympic with



his broken leg. He has proven that he has done some training while his legs are

still injured. This personality is influenced by two factors, they are strong

motivation and changes in roles.

The third personality is unyielding. His curiosity which sometimes

leads into the negative way change him into an unyielding person. He is depressed

because his strength is on his hands and legs but it turns out that his legs are

injured and broken. He thinks that he will not make it to the Olympic. With his

big will, he doesn’t want to give up and doesn’t care about what doctor and

Coach said about his condition. This personality is influenced by one factor. It is

changes in significant people which can make himself as a great individual.

The characteristics of personality development of is better and slow.

The message from the movie that is related to the title Peaceful Warrior is that in

life, there will always be a struggle inside or outside ourselves. As an individual it

is needed to deal with various situation like a warrior who is always ready to face

and fight for it. In addition, every moments that happen are special and has a

purpose and live the life with peace.





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Appendix 1


Dan Millman is a university at UC Berkeley who is also a Gymnast. His

love in a gymnastic world can be seen from his extraordinary ability and he is

expert in rings. It makes his friends to give a name for him as “The Lord of The

Rings.” He is also a smart university student who almost gets straight A in every

subjects. Although there is no exact explanation about his family, Dan Millman is

coming from a middle up family.

One night, Dan Millman wakes up from a nightmare. He has a dream

about him joining an Olympic. In that dream, Millman is in the arena and hanging

on the ring to show his ability. Then, this unexpected thing happens to him, he

broke his leg. Dan Millman is screaming of what he sees and so does eveyone in

that arena. He sees someone is sweeping the pieces of his fractured leg. That

person is a man who is wearing grey trousers and different pair of shoes, left is



black and right is chocolate shoes, but Dan Millman cannot see the clothes that

the man wears and also the face.

He then wakes up and Dory, who sleeps besides him, is asking what is

happening to him. Dan Millman then decided to run at 3 A.M and stops by at the

mini shop to buy a bottle of water. He meets a man who is a clerk at that shop and

Dan gazes to the shoes that the man wears. That shoes are different and exactly a

like the shoes in his dream. After buying the water, he is leaving the mini shop.

When stepping out door, he sees that the man is sitting on a bench. Only a few

second that man is on the rooftop. This is the beginning of journey.

He has a big desire to join an Oympic and win it. He tries to show off his

new ability on the rings, but it only makes him fall. After that happens, he decided

to meet that man which later he give him a name as Soc. Shortly, Soc wants to

train him as real warrior but his training is to teach Dan some philosophies of life.

Soc also gives him some advice about the things that should be avoided in order

to be a real warrior.

Soc is an ambitious person. He wants to make this Olympic happens.

There is one thing that keeps ghosting him. Everytime he tries to break one of the

rules, he always sees Soc. This ambitious characteristics leads him to live in a

fear. Unconsciously, he does not know it. Everythime he tries harder and harder,

he always feels afraid, especially afraid to fall.

Dan Millman then once breaks the rule and it ruins his life and dream. He

got an accident and he breaks his legs. His nightmare comes true. The doctor said



that it is impossible for him to be in gymnastic and even to join an Olympic. He

has tried to convince Coach that he can make it but Coach seems does not believe

him. This is his turning point life. He does not want to easily give up.

Soc is willing to help him. The main point is that Dan needs to make up

his mistakes from the past and change his bad attitude towards his friends. He also

can break his own fear. Shortly, Dan can make it to the Olympic but sadly he

cannot see Soc anymore. It’s because is gone and no one knows where he is. Dan

realizes that what Soc has taught is needed to reach his goal.



Appendix 2


Kevin Bernhardt is American writer and specialist in writer, film actor,

and producer. He was born on April 2, 1961 in Daytona Beach, Florida, USA. He

went to college Brighton University on a National Merit Scholarship and got his

Bachelor’s Degree in Economics and Drama in 1983. He began his career in 1989

as an actor in Dynasty and General Hospital in 1985-1988. Soon after that he

began to focus on writing and produced screenplay.

He began to produce some screenplays which are adapted from books.

Kevin has also worked with several great directors. There are some works that he

has been successfully produced. He is not only working as a screenplay writer, but

also also a movie producer. One of his work on screenplays is Peaceful Warrior

movie, it is adapted from a novel Way of Peaceful Warrior. The movie Peaceful

Warrior itself is using Kevin’s screenplay and it was released on June 2, 2006.

Kevin worked together with the Victor Salva as the director.

Adapted from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kevin_Bernhardt