Damages and Valuation for Internet IP Infringement and Defamation - Nevium

Damages and Valua-on for Internet IP Infringement and Defama-on Brian Buss and Doug Bania Internet Law Leadership Summit, May 23, 2014


Understanding how to quantify economic damages related to Internet defamation and infringement enables attorneys to achieve better results for their clients. Whether dealing with defamatory statements appearing on first page search results, or copyright, trademark and rights of publicity infringement; understanding the tools and methodologies available for calculating damages is critical in litigating today’s Internet and social media disputes.

Transcript of Damages and Valuation for Internet IP Infringement and Defamation - Nevium

Page 1: Damages and Valuation for Internet IP Infringement and Defamation - Nevium

Damages  and  Valua-on    for  Internet  IP  Infringement    

and  Defama-on  

Brian  Buss  and  Doug  Bania  

Internet  Law  Leadership  Summit,  May  23,  2014  

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2  Internet  Law  Leadership  Summit,  May  23,  2014  

A  Financial  and  Economic  Perspec-ve  on  Internet  &  Social  Media  IP  Introduc-on  

Internet    &  Social  Analysis  

Intellectual  Property  Analysis  

Bringing  Them  


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Internet  &  Social  Media  Analysis  

Internet    &  Social  Analysis  

Intellectual  Property  Analysis  

Bringing  Them  


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Old  Misuse  Tradi-onal  Media  

New  Misuse  Search  &  Social  

Obvious  misuse  in    television  and  Print  

Internet  misuse  can  be  hidden    in  metadata  and  keywords  

The  number  of  people  witnessing  the  misuse  is  geographically  


Worldwide  audience  and  the  potenFal  of  misuse  going  viral  

How  many  customers  actually  took  acFon  is  not  accurate  

Data  regarding  how  many  customers  took  acFon    

is  very  accurate  

Old  World  vs.  New  World  Infringement    Internet  Misuse  Can  be  Accurately  Measured  and  Quan-fied  

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Search    Appear  on  first  page  organic  search  results  for  defined  


Op-miza-on  Strategically  leverage  keywords  for  

first  page  search  results  in  Search  and  Social  Media    

Social  Media  Build  a  following.  

Create  shareable  content.  Go  viral.  

Analy-cs  Measure  and  refine  op-miza-on  

tac-cs  to  create  more  website  traffic  

Key  Concepts  of  Internet  Use:  Business  Owner  

The  Internet  is  the  new  corner  store    and  the  foot  traffic  is  Search  &  Social    

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Search  What  is  your  organic  ranking  

for  specific  keywords?  How  did  you  get  there?  

Op-miza-on  Keywords,  tags,  metadata  vs.  visible  content  

How,  where  &  why  IP    is  used?    

Social  Media  What  is  your  handle?  What  is  your  topic  of  


Analy-cs  Iden-fy  &  Quan-fy    

site  traffic  Impact  of  key  words  

Key  Concepts  of  Internet  Analysis  Search  +  Social  +  Op-miza-on  +  Analy-cs  =  Defensible  Tes-mony    

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Educa-ng  the  Trier  of  Fact  Educate  first  in  order  to  get  set  the  stage  for  damages  

Internet Damage Experts Must Educate the Judge and Jury

Regarding the Basics of Search & Social Prior to Approaching Damages

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Growing  importance  of  the  Internet  for  businesses  The  Internet  is  a  huge  place  to  promote  business    Search  and  How  it  Works  Internet  as  a  huge  library  with  billions  of  books,    Search  engines  are  the  tools  to  find  informaFon    Importance  of  First  Page  Search  Results  First  page  is  worth  the  fight    Use  of  Metadata  and  Op-miza-on  First  page  search  results  are  not  an  accident    Use  and  Leverage  of  Google  Analy-cs  Google  provides  tools  and  tacFcs  

Educa-ng  the  Trier  of  Fact  Any  Internet  valua-on  or  damages  calcula-on  starts  here  

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Two  compeFng  construcFon  supply  

companies  had  operated  in  non-­‐overlapping  geographies  


Both  businesses  evolved  into  online  retail  &  

distribuFon  of  construcFon  supplies  and  design  



Therefore  businesses  begin  to  overlap  and  compete  for  customers  outside  their  

home  geography  


Example:  Educa-ng  the  Trier  of  Fact  

Situa-on:  Defendant  used  the  Plain-ff’s  TM-­‐protected  company  name  in  search  op-miza-on  and  social  media  

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10  Internet  Law  Leadership  Summit,  May  23,  2014  

First  page    of  organic    search  results  


PlainFff:  First  organic  result  

Defendant:  Second  and  Third  organic  search  result  

Of  the  9  organic  search  results,  over  50%  are  for  the  Defendant  

Defendant:    Social  Media  sites  

PlainFff’s    paid  result  

PlainFff:  Ninth  organic  result  

Educa-ng:  Importance  of  Search  &  Social  

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Tac-c   Use  at  SampleCompany.com   Likely  Result  

Use  key  terms  in  Title  Tag  

<Ftle>The  Company,  Sales  and  Structure  Designs</Ftle>  

The  Ftle  tag  “The  Company”  alerts  both  the  search  engines  and  the  user  as  to  the  topic  of  that  parFcular  page  

Use  key  terms  in  the  URL  

h]p://www.sample.com/about-­‐the-­‐company   This  URL  contains  the  keywords  “The  Company”  which  provides  users  and  search  engines  more  informaFon  about  the  page  

Use  key  terms  in  the  Descrip-on  

meta  name="descripFon"  content=”;The  Company  has  been  selling  since  1972.  Click  here  to  find  out  more  about  sales,  structure  and  The  Company."  />  

The  descripFon  meta  tag  provides  the  search  engines  a  summary  of  what  the  page  is  about  

Use  key  terms  in  the  Keywords  

<meta  name="keywords"  content=”sales,  structure,  the  company,  green  supplies,  The  Company,  Sample  Company,  samplecompanuy"  />  

If  a  search  engine  finds  specific  key  terms  throughout  the  content  of  the  website  and  in  the  keyword  meta  tags,  that  website  will  likely  be  ranked  higher  in  search  results  

Educa-ng:  Analyze  Code  to  Determine  SEO  The  site’s  code  can  be  “read”  to  inves-gate  SEO  strategies  

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12  Internet  Law  Leadership  Summit,  May  23,  2014  

Tac-c   Use  at  SampleCompany.com   Likely  Result  

Use  key  terms  in  Anchor  Text  

<a  href="h]p://www.SampleCompany.com/about-­‐the-­‐company">About  The  Company</a>  <a  href=h]p://www.SampleCompany/the-­‐company-­‐brochure>SampleCompany  Brochures</a>  

Anchor  text  are  the  clickable  hyperlinks  that  users  click  on  to  be  taken  to  a  different  page  of  a  website  Using  “the-­‐company”  in  the  anchor  text  tells  users  and  search  engines  that  the  page  is  about  “The  Company”  

Label  images  &  graphics  using  key  terms  

<img  src="/upload/thecompany.jpg"  alt=""  width="137"  height="200"  align="leh"  border="0"  hspace="6"  />    

Including  key  terms  in  the  name  of  an  image  allows  the  Google  search  engine  to  show  the  image  in  Google  Image  search  results  

Using  IMG  ALT  tag  to  label  image  with  keywords  

<img  src="/upload/thecompany.jpg”><img  alt=“The  Company”width=”157"  height=”220"  align="leh"  border="0"  hspace=“4”/>  

IMG  ALT  Tag  provides  a  clear  text  alternaFve  of  the  image  for  screen  reader  users  Anyone  searching  for  the  phrase  “The  Company”  may  find  the  photo  is  a  search  and  click  to  the  website  

Links  to  social  media  accounts  

<a  href="h]p://www.facebook.com/the_company"  target="_blank"><span  style="font-­‐family:  Trebuchet  MS;">The  Company  on  Facebook</span></a>  <a  href="h]p://www.twi]er.com/the-­‐company/"  target="_blank">The  Company  on  Twi]er</a>  

When  a  Googlebot  crawls  a  website,  it  will  noFce  social  links  and  typically  associate  the  social  profiles  with  you  company.      Posts  and  comments  placed  on  those  social  accounts  will  likely  rank  you  for  specific  keywords  showing  up  frequently  in  your  follower’s  posts  

Use  key  terms  in  the  page’s  text  

The  phrase  “the  company”  has  been  also  been  placed  14  Fmes  in  the  text  of  the  page  

Key  terms  throughout  the  page  should  be  used  so  that  search  engines  can  determine  the  content  of  the  page  matches  the  Ftle,  descripFon,  and  URL  

The  site’s  code  can  be  “read”  to  inves-gate  SEO  strategies  Educa-ng:  Analyze  Code  to  Determine  SEO  

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13  Internet  Law  Leadership  Summit,  May  23,  2014  

IP  Valua-on  &  Damages  for  the  Internet  

Internet    &  Social  Analysis  

Intellectual  Property  Analysis  

Bringing  Them  


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Important  to  base  new  analyses  on  accepted  methodologies  

Standard  Methodologies   Internet  IP  Methodologies  

Cost  Approach  

Cost  to  replace  or  replicate   •  Relief  from  pay  per  click  •  Value  of  impressions  

Income  Approach  

Present  Value  (PV)    of  future  benefits  •  Discounted  cash  flows  (DCF)    •  Relief  from  Royalty  •  Lost  Profits  /  Unjust  Enrichment  

PV  of  •  AddiFonal  Site  Visits  /  Traffic  •  AddiFonal  online  transacFon  or  

customer  inquiries  

Market  Approach  

Study  of  transacFons  •  Guideline  companies    •  Guideline  transacFons  •  Industry  benchmarks  

•  Comparable  Pay  Per  Click  •  HypotheFcal  license/transacFon  

Analysis  of  the  financial  /  economic  impact  of  IP  Assets  on  the  Internet  will  employ  one  or  more  of  these  methodologies  

IP  Valua-on  &  Damages  Methodologies  

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IP analysis starts with identifying and understanding the IP assets being used

Understanding  the  IP  Assets  

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Types  of  IP  assets  oden  misused  through  Internet-­‐based  mechanism  each  have  unique  implica-ons  for  valua-on  and  damages  analysis  


Misuse  boils  down  to  infringement  or  defama8on  

Analy-cal  Considera-ons  

Trademark    &  Brand  

•   Is  the  TM  used  in  unseen  components  of  the  website?  •   Is  the  TM  used  to  drive  search  results  •   What  was  the  exposure  to  defamatory  comments  or  posts?  

Copyright   •   Did  the  protected  content  drive  traffic?  •   Was  the  image  or  content  a  contributor  to  a  sale  or  transacFon?  

Name  &  Likeness   •   Did  the  use  drive  traffic?  •   Was  the  use  akin  to  an  endorsement?  

Domain  Names  •   Is  there  a  website  and  how  much  direct  traffic  does  site  receive?  •   How  many  monthly  searches  occur  using  this  term?  

Understanding  the  IP  Assets  

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Paid  Search  

Organic  Search  

Social  Media  




Claims   Economic  Result  

Unjust  Enrichment:  Incremental  profits  achieved  by  Defendant    due  to  the  misuse  

Lost  Profits:  Incremental  profits  not  achieved  by  PlainFff  due  to  the  misuse  

Pay-­‐per-­‐click  relief:  Value  of  cost,  effort  avoided  due  to  misuse  

Decrease  in  Value  of  an  IP  Asset:  Impact  on  value  due  to  misuse  

Regardless  of  the  asset  type,  the  claims  made  in  Internet  cases  typically  occur  through  one  or  more  mechanisms  and  the  economic  results  can  typically  be  

measured  in  4  ways  

Internet  Damages  Matrix  

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Explain  the  mechanism,  then  quan8fy  the  impact  

Unjust  Enrichment  Profits:    Traffic  at  Defendant’s  Website  

Using  Google  Analy-cs    to  Support  Unjust  Enrichment  

Monthly  visits  due  to  searches  using  TM   25,000  

RaFo:  Visitors  who  purchased   25%  

TM  search  purchases   6,250  

Average  e-­‐commerce  purchase   $250  

Incremental  revenue   1,562,500  

RaFo:  Incremental  profit  margin   15%  

Incremental  profit  per  month   234,375  

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Using  Social  Media  Analy-cs    to  Support  Lost  Profits  

Use  Accepted  Methodology  Lost  Profits  damages  =  But-­‐for  less  As-­‐is  

Use  of  Social  Media  Data  •  “ReacFons”  to  defamatory  posts  and  tweets  •  Language  from  posts  seen  in  customer  emails  

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Using  Google  Analy-cs    in  Name  &  Likeness  Claim  

Monthly  Pageviews    at  Defendant’s  Website  

Search  Term  Analysis  

Top  50  search  terms  do  not  include  Celebrity’s  name  

Top  50  search  terms  yielded  49%  of  total  site  visits  during  the  Damages  Period  

Search  terms  using  Celebrity’s  name  resulted    in  a  total  of  45  visits  during  the  Damages  Period,  less  than  (0.004%)   Website  traffic  declined  during  the  

Damages  Period  

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Google  AdWords  for  Celebrity’s  Name  

Social  Media  Presence  for  12  Comparable  Celebri-es  

CELEBRITY’s  social  media  presence  was  greater  than  comps  

Price  was  less  than  Google  PPC  but  equal  to  Facebook  CPC  

Using  Social  Media  Data    in  a  Market  Approach  

       Google                  Facebook  &  FB  Adver-sing                    Twioer      

Google  Search  Results  

Average  Monthly  Searches  (Google)  

Average  Pay  Per  Click  Rate  

($/Click)       Likes   Size  of  


Cost  Per  Click    (CPC)  

CPC  Suggested  

Cost  Per  Thousand  Impressions  

CPI  /  000  Suggested         Tweets   Followers  

Name  1    10,800,000      27,100     $0.00          2,232,238      620,000     0.51   0.30-­‐0.68   0.28   0.05-­‐1.36        1      15,434    

Name  12    42,700,000      165,000     $1.73          10,410,432      2,800,000     0.49   0.29-­‐.0.69   0.09   0.3-­‐0.64        94      1,894,518    

Average    133,600,000      439,157     $0.90          7,992,695      2,210,286     $0.52         $0.22              9,135      1,851,757    

Median    42,700,000      165,000     $0.79          8,573,831      720,000     $0.49         $0.18              1,755      187,591    

CELEBRITY    244,000,000      301,000     $1.99         34,714,592     5,400,000     0.75   0.30-­‐0.71   0.16   0.04-­‐1.11        10,611      7,394,012    

Search    Terms  

Avg.  monthly    searches   CompeFFon   Suggested  


Celebrity   673,000   Low   $0.75    

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Value  of  YouTube and Facebook Impressions  

YouTube  4  videos  posted    on  the  CELEBRITY’s  channel  received  over  2  million  views    Total  viewership    (an  acFve  response),  mulFplied  by  the  Google  AdWord  rate    

Using  Social  Media  Data    in  a  Relief  from  Pay  Per  Click  

   YouTube  Ac-vi-es   Viewers  

CELEBRITY  Presents  PRODUCT  at  CES    454,134    

CELEBRITY  comes  to  the  CNET  stage  (CNET)    96,462    

CELEBRITY  Calls  Name    1,188,608    

CELEBRITY  in  Las  Vegas  introduces  PRODUCT    372,067    

 Total  YouTube  Impressions    2,111,271    

 $Value  /  Impression   $0.75  

 Value  of  YouTube  Ac-vi-es    1,583,453    

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Value  of  YouTube and Facebook Impressions  

Facebook  ReacFons  are  Likes,  Comments  and  Shares  

A  ReacFon  is  an  “acFve”  response  to  the  Celebrity’s  post,  and  is  more  valuable  than  a  view  

Using  Social  Media  Data    in  a  Relief  from  Pay  Per  Click  

A  Response  is  more  valuable  than  a  view  

 Likes  for  CELEBRITY's  Facebook  page    Likes      Cost      Impression  Price  ($/1000  impressions)    34,714,592     $0.16        Click  Price  ($/Click)       $0.75                          Reac-ons  to  Posts  Involving  the  Products    Likes      Comments      Shares    Visit  www.product.com  make  sure  to  like!    28,921      7,432      657    

CELEBRITY  Presents  PRODUCT    17,528      1,425      412    

CELEBRITY  in  Vegas  Introducing  PRODUCT  .  .  .      18,256      312      514    

Total    64,705      9,169      1,583    


 Value  of  Ac-vity    Count      Cost      Value  ($)    Net  Page  Likes    34,649,887     $0.00016      5,544    

Post  Likes    64,705     $0.75      48,529    

Other  ReacFons    10,752     $0.75      8,064    


Value  of  Facebook  Impressions            62,137    

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Bringing  Them  Together  

Internet    &  Social  Analysis  

Intellectual  Property  Analysis  

Bringing  Them  


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What’s  known  about  Search  &  Op-miza-on    •  “It’s  Google’s  algorithm”    there  are  mulFple  versions  of  best  pracFces  and  no  pracFFoner  

knows  exactly  how  search  engines  actually  select  and  place  websites  

Understand  the  Context  of  the  Calcula-on  •  Just  because  a  number  was  calculated,  doesn’t  mean  the  number  is  relevant      

•  Replacement  cost  based  on  pay  per  click  can  indicate  the  value  of  Fme  and  effort  replaced,  but  not  necessarily  the  value  of  brand  or  TM  

•  The  IP  Asset  may  not  be  the  most  important  asset  for  apporFonment    

•  Don’t  fall  for:    using  a  10%  industry  royalty  the  TM  is  worth  more  than  the  enFre  business  

•  Visits  due  to  a  TM-­‐based  search  indicates  number  of  visits,  not  necessarily  profits  

The  Data  is  available,  but  it  may  not    always  support  the  claims  

Challenges  for  the  Expert  

Concluding  Comments  

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•  The  Internet  and  Social  Media  markeFng  world  requires  educaFng  the  trier  of  fact  before  proceeding  to  the  quanFtaFve  analysis;    

•  The  Internet  MarkeFng  World  is  less  understood,  but  offers  many  advantages  for  financial  and  economic  analysis  (there  is  defensible  evidence  if  you  know  where  to  look,  and  how  to  explain  it)  

•  Using  the  analyFcal  advantages  available  from  Internet  &  Social  Media  markeFng  allows  compelling  Expert  Analysis  (The  Proof  is  available)  

•  Be  aware  of  the  limits  of  your  calculaFons  

Internet  and  social  media  data  analysis  provides  addi8onal  tools  for  the  Art  &  Science  of  Valua8on  

Our  Top  Take-­‐Aways  

Concluding  Comments  

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Addi-onal  Slides  

A Deeper Look at the Toolkit

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Drivers  of  Value  

Business  Value  >  Value  of  IP  Assets  owned  by  the  Business  

Appor-onment:  IdenFfy  the  porFon  of  future  benefits    derived  from  use  of  the  IP  Assets  

Present    Value  of  Expected  Future  Benefits  

Value  of  Business  

Intangible  Assets  

Tangible  Assets  



Intangible  Assets  Tangible  Assets  


IP  depends  on  other  assets  and  resources    in  order  to  generate  economic  benefits  

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• Website  Analy-cs  • Social  Media  Analysis  • Scoring  Analyses  • Company  Language  Analysis  • Comparable  licensing  transacFons  (“CUT”)    • Excess  profits  (“CPM”)  • Feature  count  and  comparison  • MarkeFng  Mix  Analysis  • PromoFonal  Use  Analysis  • Surveys  /  Interviews  /Focus  Groups  

Tools  to  Appor-on  Economic  Benefits  

Appor-onment  Framework  

How  big  is  this  box?    

Always  best  to  use  mul8ple  tools  

Internet  Analy-cs  as  an  Appor-onment  Tool  

Present    Value  of  Expected  Future  Benefits  

Value  of  Business  

Intangible  Assets  

Tangible  Assets  



Intangible  Assets  Tangible  Assets  


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It  boils  down  to  appor8onment  

Key  Concept:  Appor-onment