Dales to vales network

DVRN Themes and Catchment Management Plans

Transcript of Dales to vales network

DVRN Themes and Catchment Management Plans

Dales to Vale Rivers Network

Previous meetings identified

• a Vision

• overall Themes

• potential projects

Focus now is to produce Catchment Management Plans

Clean Water for Everyone

Reduced diffuse pollution from agriculture

Reduce urban pollution

Water for WildlifeGood fishing

Eradication of specific non- native species such as signal crayfish and giant hogweed

Habitat enhancement/connectivity

Species – Otters/Lamprey/eels


Water Friendly Farming

Learning from farmersAdvice GrantsPractical work

Enjoying Water


Learning about Water

More engaged communitiesBetter data – citizen scienceKnowledge transfer

Urban Water

Business useMisconnectionsSustainable Urban DrainageRe-naturalising

Water, water, everywhere

Floods and Natural Flood Management –locally and in wider catchment

Catchment Management Plans

•Local stakeholders collectively prioritise action•Hosted on new DVRN website•Catchment Plans to feed into WFD River Basin Management plans

River Wiske Catchment Management Plan

Current WFD Status

6 waterbodies• 4 heavily modified• 4 are moderate status• 2 are poor status

59 Reasons for Not Achieving Good• 28 agriculture + land management• 3 local + central government• 9 urban + transport• 19 water industry

Issues – identified at May 14 DVRN meeting


Diffuse phosphate pollution

Lack of habitat diversity in the river corridor


Physical modification – very modified but low priority to tackle


Fish passage?

Litter – through Northallerton

Flooding in Brompton and Northallerton

Point source pollution - agricultural and sewage

Poor agri-environment uptake

Good arable land and dairy units

Yorkshire Dales Rivers Trust walkover surveys – Jan – March 15

• Standard survey methodology

• Used volunteers

• Covered gaps in existing YWT data

The Catchment and Issues


Proposed work locations

Catchment issues

EA assessment: dissolved oxygen levels, phosphate levels, phytobenthos, invertebrates and fish

FloodingBrompton and NorthallertonLimited ability of land upstream to store water

Water pollutionDiffuse water pollution from agricultural run-offSiltation from sediment washed out of fields, eroding banks and livestock poachingOrganic pollution from sewage overflows and waste water treatment

Low biodiversityEcologically poor or moderate Arable land and offers little habitat for wildlifeInvasive non-native species present such as Himalayan Balsam

Main Issues

• Sedimentation and water quality

• Metaldehyde

• Channel Modifications

• Habitat

• Flooding