Dale's Island Fox Release Tale

Dale approaches to quietly open the fox cage He backs away so as not to disturb the wary fox Now - what was Action Oh yeah - I remember now; not a soft release but a total release This has gotta work now Well, Nobody said that recovery of endangered species is easy Hmm - I guess we forgot to run the recovery actions by the foxes After 5 minutes and no fox, he begins to suspect that a review of the action steps found in the recovery plan is needed


I was fortunate to be able to attend and participate in one of the hopefully last releases of captive island foxes on Santa Cruz Island. The population is doing better and appears to be on the way to recovery.

Transcript of Dale's Island Fox Release Tale

Dale approaches to quietly open the fox cage

He backs away so as not to disturb the wary fox

Now - what was Action

Oh yeah - I remember now;not a soft release but a total release

This has gotta work now

Well, Nobody said that recovery of endangered species is easy

Hmm - I guess we forgot to run the recovery actions by the foxes

He backs away so as not to disturb the wary fox

After 5 minutes and no fox, he begins to suspect that a review of the action

steps found in the recovery plan is needed