Dairy Milk vs Topmilk Chocolate Marketing Management Project

Marketing Management Final Project Name: ATIF SAJJAD MIR Arid No: 12-ARID-1409 BBA : 3 RD Section : A Submitted To : Ma’am Farida Faisal

Transcript of Dairy Milk vs Topmilk Chocolate Marketing Management Project

  • 1.Marketing Management Final ProjectName:Arid No:ATIF SAJJAD MIR12-ARID-1409BBA :3RDSection :ASubmitted To : Maam Farida Faisal

2. Question: Pick any two Brands which are being marketed in Pakistan. (a) Brand 1: Should be having a very effective Marketing Management Strategy. (b) Brand 2: Should be having a very poor Marketing Management Strategy.INTRODUCTION I have choose Two Brands one is very good in market and second is Very Poor in Market. (a) Brand 1 that is very good in Market that is CADBURY DAIRY MILK Chocolate (b) Brand 2 that is very poor in Market that is Mitchells Top Milk ChocolateAbout Cadbury Dairy Milk Chocolate Cadbury made the first Dairy Milk Bar in England in 1905. Dairy Milk is a brand of chocolate and dairy milk is the big success of Cadbury. And dairy milk is the famous brand of chocolate. Dairy milk chocolate considers a very good brand in Pakistan. 3. About Mitchells Top Milk Chocolate Mitchells introduced a Chocolate Brand name TOP MILK CHOCOLATE in Pakistan. Top Milk chocolate is very pure creamy milk chocolate. And Top Milk Brand is very Poor Brand in Pakistan.Marketing Concepts I applied marketing concepts on my both two brands. Holistic Marketing Concept Holistic marketing concept consists upon four approaches. (a) Relationship Marketing. (b) Integrated Marketing. (c) Internal Marketing. (d) Performance Marketing.(a) RELATIONSHIP MARKETING 4. Relationship marketing is the first approach of Holistic marketing. Relationship marketing is the marketing in which to create a strong, satisfying Long term Good relationships with customers in order to earn more profit to retain the business. There are Four Keys of Relationship Marketing (a) Customers (b) Channel (c) Partners (d) Suppliers Now I Discuss the Relationship Marketing with Cadbury Dairy Milk. Cadbury Dairy Milk Cadbury Dairy milk is successful in RELATIONSHIP MARKETING. They provide a good quality of chocolate and their customers are very satisfied and loyal. (a) Customers Customers of Cadbury Dairy Milk are very loyal because they provide good quality of Chocolate. And their customers are not switch to other brand of chocolate. Customers of Cadbury dairy milk always prefer to this chocolate (b) Channel The channel of Cadbury Dairy milk chocolate is very wide across different countries. Cadbury dairy milk chocolate is available on every retail stores and also on bakeries etc. This is the most famous brand in Pakistan. 5. (c) Partners Cadbury dairy milk have very large amount of partners in Pakistan. The partners of Cadbury Dairy milk mostly are retailer stores. (d) Suppliers The relationship with the suppliers of Cadbury dairy milk is very good. Suppliers provide good material to the company good coco powder, provide god milk to company and thats why their relation with Cadbury is very good. Now I Discuss the Relationship Marketing with Top Milk Chocolate by Mitchells. Mitchells Top Milk (a) Customers Mitchells Top milk chocolate is not successful in Relationship Marketing. Their relationship with customer is not good. And their customers also switch to other brands. (b) Channels The channel of Mitchells Top milk chocolate is so limited. They availability of Mitchells Top milk is on few retailer shops. (c) Partners The partners of Mitchells Top milk are very few in Pakistan. and the relationship with the partners are not good. (d) Suppliers The relationship with the suppliers is not Good. Through this Mitchells top milk is not successful in Relationship Marketing.(b) Integrated Marketing 6. Integrated marketing is the second approach of Holistic Marketing. In Integrated Marketing in which to create communicate and deliver value to the customers. Integrated marketing consists upon or we also called this Four Ps (Product, Price Place, Promotion) called Integrated Marketing. CADBURY DAIRY MILK (a) Product Cadbury products are Chocolates name Dairy milk chocolate, Perk, and toffee are clair.(b) Price The price of Cadbury dairy milk chocolate are: 10 Grams Dairy Milk Chocolate Price is 10 Rs. The Price of Cadbury dairy milk Crackle 24 grams is 25 Rs. The Price of Cadbury dairy milk Boast Almond 47 grams is 55 Rs. The Price of Cadbury dairy milk Chocolate Fruit and Nuts 47 Grams is 55 Rs And the Cadbury dairy milk in Large size 100 grams in 120 Rs. And the Cadbury dairy milk introduces new chocolate name Dairy milk Bubbly 40 grams in 55 Rs. And the prices of these are same across different countries in Pakistan. (c) Place The headquarter of Cadbury dairy milk is in KARACHI. And the four sales offices of Cadbury dairy milk in Pakistan that are in RAWALPINDI, MULTAN, LAHORE AND SARGODHA. And their availability is in all major cities of Pakistan. (d) Promotion Cadbury Dairy milk promote their product through advertisement, through social sites through internet newspaper and through radio. 7. Mitchells Top Milk(a) Product Mitchells product is Chocolate name top milk chocolate. And this is not successful brand.(b) Price The price of Mitchells Top milk chocolate are: The Price of top milk 23 grams 12 bars is 20 Rs. The Price of top milk 55 grams 12 bars is 45 Rs. The Price of top milk Chocolate Fruit and Nuts 50 Grams 12 bars is in 60 Rs . (c) Place The headquarter of Mitchells Top milk is in KARACHI. (d) Promotion Mitchells Top milk promotes the product through advertisement. Not on Social sites and not on radio. (C) Performance Marketing Performance Marketing is the third Approach of Holistic Marketing. Performance marketing is based upon two concepts. (a) Financial Accountability (b) CSR CADBURY DAIRY MILK (a) Financial Accountability In Financial accountability in which the marketers is justify their 8. investment. And investment is justified to senior management. The sales of Cadbury dairy milk is in billions in a year. IN 2012 ItemsPer packPer cottonMaterial3201600Processing65325Financial cost83415Sales team exp132660Others66200Total6662300Mitchells Top Milk The sales of Mitchells top Milk is in 10 millions in a year. MARKETING REALITIES IN 21ST CENTURY (a)Network Information Technology In Network information technology in which there is a industrial age and the digital revolution has created. CADBURY DAIRY MILK The Cadbury dairy milk use a latest information technology. They promote their product through ads on Television and through social sites like Facebook , Twitter etc. They also use 9. latest technology to make their website beautiful. Mitchells Top Milk In Mitchells Top Milk there is no use of latest information technology and no innovation in their technology. (b)Globalization Globalization in which to expand their business on international level called globalization this is the new marketing reality in 21st century. Cadbury Dairy Milk This brand Cadbury dairy milk is marketed globally on different countries. And this brand Cadbury dairy milk is well known and very famous brand and all the people know very well about this brand. Mitchells Top Milk Mitchells Top milk brand is not marketed globally. And this brand is not well known and this is not a famous brand.(c)Deregulation Deregulation in which trade barrier is less. And less interference of Government. Cadbury Dairy Milk Trade barrier is less in Pakistan so the Cadbury dairy milk maintaining high price and high cost. Mitchells Top Milk Mitchells Top milk brand is a fail brand so the reduction in 10. trade barrier cant help to this brand. (d)Privatization Cadbury Dairy Milk Cadbury Dairy milk is a Private company. Mitchells Top Milk Mitchells Top Milk is also a private company.(e) Heightened Competition In heightened competition in which the manufactures facing the competition of domestic and foreign brands. Cadbury Dairy Milk Cadbury dairy milk also facing the intense competition in Pakistan from the competitors like jubilee luxury but the Cadbury dairy milk is on the top in the chocolates. Mitchells Top Milk Mitchells Top milk also faces the intense competition but they could not the better from other brands because Mitchells top milk is a fail brand. (f)Customer Resistence Cadbury Dairy Milk Cadbury dairy milk is very successful brand and Cadbury dairy milk is very good control in customer resistance by build a strong relationship with their customers. 11. Mitchells TOP MILK Customers of Mitchells top milk switch to other brand because they dont have trust on the brand.VALUE CHAIN The value chain is the process in which to create more value for the customers called value chain. In value chain there are five primary and four supporting activities. Marketed and Sales Cadbury Dairy Milk Cadbury dairy milk marketed themselves strongly by Ads on through social sites, on Tv Ads. Mitchells Top Milk Mitchells Top milk is failed to market their brand. And the sale is also low. BRAND EQUITY Brand equity in which added value on the product and the services this is called brand equity. Brand equity of Cadbury dairy milk is very high. And the brand equity of Mitchells top milk is very low.Aaker Model Aaker model consists upon 5 dimensions. (a) Brand Loyalty (b) Brand Awareness 12. (c) Perceived Quality (d) Brand Association (e) Property Asset (a) Brand Loyalty Brand loyalty in which the customer are loyal to that brand and dont switch to other brands this is called brand loyalty. CADBURY DAIRY MILK The customers of Cadbury dairy milk are very loyal. And they dont switch to other brands because they provide a good quality then other brands. Mitchells Top Milk The customers of Mitchells Top milk are not loyal and they switch to other brands. (b)Brand Awareness Brand awareness in which how much the customers of that brand is familiar and aware called brand awareness. CADBURY DAIRY MILK The customers of Cadbury dairy milk are very much aware to this brand. Mitchells Top Milk The customers of Mitchells Top milk are not much aware to that brand. People are not using this brand very much. 13. (c)Perceived Quality Perceived quality in which the brand perceives the best quality. CADBURY DAIRY MILK Customers of Cadbury dairy milk perceive the high quality with deliver value. Mitchells Top Milk Mitchells Top milk doesnt perceive a high quality brand because this brand is failed to perceive the good quality.(d) Brand Association Brand association in which to link the brand with other person, image place called brand association. CADBURY DAIRY MILK Cadbury dairy milk links the brand with actors, celebrities to show the brand association. Mitchells Top Milk No Brand Association of this brand. (e)Property Asset Property asset in which the Relation with trade partners , patents and other special deals called property asset. CADBURY DAIRY MILK Cadbury Dairy Milk registered their trademark and logo. 14. The slogan of Cadbury Dairy milk is KUCH MEETHA HO JAYE Mitchells Top Milk Mitchells Top milk is also registered their brand and trademark and no other company can use their logo and trademark.BRAND ELEMENT CHOICE CRITERIA Brand element criteria consist upon six brand element choice criteria. These are following: (a)Memorable Memorable in which how brand can easily be memorable. CADBURY DAIRY MILK The name of the Cadbury dairy milk can easily memorable and recognize while purchasing. Mitchells Top Milk The name of Mitchells Top Milk is also memorable but customer dont recognize very much about that brand.(b)Meaning full Does the presence of the brand is meaning full to the customer or not? CADBURY DAIRY MILK 15. Cadbury Dairy milk in which the name of the brand, slogans of the brand, brand logo create a meaning to the customers of Cadbury dairy milk. Mitchells Top Milk Mitchells top milk in which the name of the brand, is not create a meaning to the customers of Mitchells Top milk. No slogan of this brand. (c)Likeable Is this brand is likeable or not? CADBURY DAIRY MILK The brand of Cadbury dairy milk is very likable. The slogan of this brand is very likable. Mitchells Top Milk Mitchells Top milk Brand is not likeable. No slogan of this brand.(d)Transferable Are Brand elements are used to introduce new products in the same or different categories? CADBURY DAIRY MILK Yes Cadbury can be transferable to other different products. For e.g. Toffee, ban ties. Mitchells Top Milk Yes Mitchells can be transferable to other different products. For Examples: Jam Jellies, pickles. 16. (e)Adoptable How this brand element is adoptable? CADBURY DAIRY MILK Cadbury dairy milk brand element is easily adoptable. Mitchells Top Milk Mitchells Top milk brand element is also adoptable.(f)Protectable How the brand is legally protectable? CADBURY DAIRY MILK Cadbury brand is legally registered and protectable no one can copy this brand logo slogan etc. Mitchells Top Milk Mitchells Brand is also legally registered and protectable No one can copy this brand logo etc. 17. Customer Questioner CADBURY DAIRY MILK 1) Is the brand of Ads attracts you? a) Strongly disagree (b) Disagree (c) Neutral (d) Agree (e) Strongly agree(2) Why u always prefer this brand and not other? (a) Price(b) Taste(c) Quantity(d) Service(3) Are you loyal with this brand?(a) YES(B) NO(4) Is this brand provides you a best value? a) Strongly disagree (b) Disagree (c) Neutral (d)Agree (e) Strongly agree(5) Are you purchasing this brand first time? a) Yes(b) No(6) Do u like this brand?(a) YES(B) NO(7) Are You satisfied with this Brand?a) Yes definitely(b) No never(8) Is this brand is easily available when you want to purchase?a) Yes(b) No(9) Have you recommend this brand to others?a) YES(B) NO(10) what comes to your mind when other tells you about thisbrand? Ans:I feel enthusiastic when I hear about this brandTHANK YOU 18. Customer Questioner Mitchells TOP MILK 1) Is the brand of Ads attracts you? a) Stronglydisagree (b) Disagree (c) Neutral (d) Agree (e) Stronglyagree(2) Why u always prefer this brand and not other?(a) Price(b) Taste(c) Quantity(d) Service(3) Are you loyal with this brand?(B) NO(a) YES(4) Is this brand provides you a best value? a) Strongly disagree (b) agreeDisagree (c) Neutral (d) Agree (e) Strongly(5) Are you purchasing this brand first time?(b) Noa) Yes(6) Do u like this brand?(a) YES(B) NO(7) Are You satisfied with this Brand?(b) No nevera) Yes definitely(8) Is this brand is easily available when you want to purchase? a) Yes(b) No(9) Have you recommend this brand to others?(B) NOa) YES(10) what comes to your mind when other tells you about thisbrand? Ans: when I hear about this brand and the first thing comes to my mind is that this is totally fail brand.THANK YOU 19. TRADER QUESTIONIER CADBURY DAIRY MILK Do u Sale your product Globally? (a) YES (B) NO Are your company Adopting Latest Information Technology?1.2.(a) YES (b) No Your Company is spending for the welfare of people?34.(a) AGREE (b) DISAGREE Does this company use Marketing Approach? (a) Yes (b) No5Is Your Company is completing targeting the product?(a)YES(b) NoIs This Brand affected by the season or not? Yes this brand is affected by the season. In winter the sale of this brand is high. In summer the sale of this brand is not much high. 67 Whois your strong Competitors? Jubilee8. What is the core competency of your brand? Milk, coco powder 9. How you promote the product? Through Advertisement, On social sites etc. 10. Are your brand having out sourcing or not? (a) Yes (b) No 20. TRADER QUESTIONIER Mitchells Top MILK 1. Do u Sale your product Globally? (a) YES (B) NO 2. Are your company Adopting Latest Information Technology? (a) YES (b) No Your Company is spending for the welfare of people?34.(a) AGREE (b) DISAGREE Does this company use Marketing Approach? (a) Yes (b) No5Is Your Company is completing targeting the product?(b) 6YES(b) NoIs This Brand affected by the season or not? Yes this brand is affected by the season.7 Whois your strong Competitors? Cadbury Dairy Milk8. What is the core competency of your brand? Milk 9. How you promote the product? Through Ads. 10. Are your brand having out sourcing or not?(a) Yes(b) No 21. ANALYSIS / CONCLUSION I have interviewed the traders and the customers. I observed that the traders of CADBURY DAIRY MILK are more aware to the brand and having allot of information about their brand as compared MITCHELLS TOP MILK. And the customers are more concern, people that are using CADBURY DAIRY MILK and their customers are very loyal and the Customers who are using Mitchells Top Milk chocolate once are more hesitant to purchase again. And the Cadbury dairy milk customers purchase this brand again and again.