Daily Writing #11

Mothershead 1 Jaime Mothershead Professor Lynn Raymond UWRT 1102-013 23 February 2016 Daily Writing # 11 The first thing that you need to consider when addressing an audience is what age group is the audience. This is important because it can set the diction and tone for what’s being presented and how it’s being presented. If you’re presenting to a younger audience, you might want to use simpler words that helps kids to better understand. Maybe include pictures and use a playful tone. If you’re addressing a group of people that are older than you can use more esoteric words and you have a clear point and include relevant information. Also consider how much your audience knows about what you’re discussing so you don’t put extra time into what they already know about. At the same time, make sure that you make particular things clear and easy to understand so the audience doesn’t get lost or confused.

Transcript of Daily Writing #11

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Jaime Mothershead

Professor Lynn Raymond

UWRT 1102-013

23 February 2016

Daily Writing # 11

The first thing that you need to consider when addressing an audience is what age group

is the audience. This is important because it can set the diction and tone for what’s being

presented and how it’s being presented. If you’re presenting to a younger audience, you might

want to use simpler words that helps kids to better understand. Maybe include pictures and use a

playful tone. If you’re addressing a group of people that are older than you can use more esoteric

words and you have a clear point and include relevant information. Also consider how much

your audience knows about what you’re discussing so you don’t put extra time into what they

already know about. At the same time, make sure that you make particular things clear and easy

to understand so the audience doesn’t get lost or confused.

It’s also important to focus on what your audience might take an interest in and based on

that you can gage what direction you should take it. If you’re talking to a young group of kids

then, for example, you can discuss a topic that they enjoy like music of social media and have an

energetic mood. If you’re addressing older people, then you might want to discuss something

like politics with a more serious tone. My personal example would be with how to address my

greenway presentation. Since I’m addressing people my own age, I can talk about why they

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should care about it like exercising on it. For different groups in clubs at UNC Charlotte, I could

present it to them and discuss why they should have practice at a greenway for something like

the biking club of the kayaking club.