Daily Los Angeles herald (Los Angeles [Calif.]) 1879-05-11 ... · LosAngelesDailyHerald VOL. XI....

Los Angeles Daily Herald VOL. XI. LOS ANGELES. SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 11. 1879 % .. .. NO. 138 Morning Telegrams. Mojavk, May ID.?Wm P Pell, Miss L Perkins, .S P Talbot, EH Ricksful and wife, W D Gould, G X Long, W Basset!, L Gedn, O (Jrinn, W C, Rlepbens, Mis* Kale Overton, MrG Feltz, Miss B Rom- e , J Giolck, Henry Dalton. Washington, May v?Senate ?Ths House bill providing for the payment of money heretofore ap- propriated lo Jainei U. Ead.s nud his associates for the construction of the jetties and other works at B'>uth Pasa, Mississippi, (Paspaiasil will) anameudnieut. The consideration of Ihe hill pro- hibiting military interference lit e'ections was resumed. HOUSE.?The bill repotted from ihe Judiciary Comnollsee to remove the political disabilities of J. C. Pemberton, of Phlladelph a, gave rise to an amusing colloquy ht- I ween Conger and Cox, which Knott cut short by moviuir the pri - vious quostlon, aud thu blil passed. \u25a0I sin ration *f»l If er-H re. wlns «? lliueul In lia Fnvwr lv Ki.Ulnr.il. Nkw York, May 9 ?Stephen Williamson of Liverpool, wlio ar- rived here recently en route to Cali- fornia, aad wbo ia a leading advo- cate of the English movement to- wards bl-uietnllstn, ia reported as saying that the opinion there 19 rapidly changing in Ihe direction ot the rehabilitating of silver. Tlie Manchester papers indicate a rap- idly growing sentiment in favor of restoring silver. The Chamber of Commerce baa held oue public und one or more private meetings for the purpose of hearing a Liv- erpool deputation, headed |by Wiliamson and Samuel Smith. Tlie manufacturers aro fast being UOUverted, the chief opposition coming from baukers. Williamson is said to be very outspoken iv his j advice to tlie United States. His advice ls temporarily to suspend i tbe coinage of silver. He Is confl- deut that such suspension would produce cousternatiorj in England; that both merchants aud manilfac- tureia and the people would join in a universal outcry against thn oontlnuence of the gold fanaticism. George Walker in to-day's Tribune asks: "Will our silver statesmen at Washington listen to the advice of their friends and allies Iv this cause, or will they I continue to play into the buii-l.- of gold-worshiping England?" Feellufr ?fjalu.i Ad,eas I'atu.tiv. COHAS3ET, Mass., May 9.?The Advent minister, Charles Brown, is announced to address the IV'-un- set Adventista on Sunday. The people threaten to tur and feather him and ride him onarall. Day If, another Advent preacher, met two youiiK meu iv tha road near his house yesterday, und drew a knife, ftiit up their nets and fotbade th«-m lo gn rear liln Unuse. I'eople are excited. CiHCAon, May «.? Tha y't/zifs says: The Commissioner who is investigating tlie raid Into Indian Territory has not yet found tiny thing or that klii*l «r very <ian- K«rou9 proporllotia. Some peisoiiß have croaaeii the line, tut tiio real- ity of their intention to remain seems tn Le doubtelt. At CoflTw- ville a Lieutenant aril a doaeD soUlier- are holding ihe line, and tin not Bull Itdifficult. One of tlie big expeditions that lifts been tulUxl of litis already collapsed. A Heroic Army Captain. A Captain O'Brien Blake, wbo f<irinerly held a oommiseion In tho Tenth Foot, British array, b»» cre- ated a sensation at Rome Uy refus- ing to comply with Ihe usasco of kneeling when the Pope uilminls- teretl his lile9Bing, ami refusing to leave the apartment when request- ed, lv consequence. The Canacr- Icrl had to remove him hy force. It Is to be regretted that the gallant Captain, after having madeao good a beginning, should have faltered nnd suocumhed to tho hollow dic- tates of good breeding. The work! stauda in neeit of n ft»\v such m»n aa ttoils ,\u25a0(' ifCtni! 'tt i*eio'r uf; j ati'J t> SPOOKS IN PLACENTIA A Htuiitjd Dense -The Vystrk 6a L'gW. f Anaheim Oazuite j PlftCetHlft School District, it tew miles northeast of Anaheim, ia not at u!t what it* namo Implies. It Is Mid that thy reaLUegta there aro Just vow lv a Jii-luibttl fiauie of mind, whirl, makes the name, Placentia, a misnomer. Those of our readers who know the locality will remember an old, dilapidated adobe house on Mr. Kraemer's rancho. Thereby bftffl a tale. On every dark night for some weeks past, n bright, intense light has beeji seen to hover around and near this house, gyrating about in the Diost alarmingly rapid manner, pemetiraes mak- iug i xcuralniH Into thn ad- jacent country, hut generally re- 03atDlug in tho near vicinity of the house. X veryone In the neighbor- hood hart Heen the light and watched Ul unties, nnd there Is t;reut dif-qulet in consequence. It is reported that Mr. Kramer antl hid sottl followed ihe light a few nightH ago, and a-* they advanced Upon it, it retreated Into the adobe. They followed and found tbe house in the usual btale of dilapidation, and the myserloua Ugh' did not re- appear until Ihey hud gone some distance from the house. Its antics then appe»rei] to indicate great glee at having outwitted iv pur- hL.ern, and allioe then it seemed to grow bolder and more agile every night. Tlie theories iv regard to tbis light are many and various. It grieves ih to state that there are not want log persona who do not hesitate to affirm that Dr. Schles* tuger, the spirit medium und phy- atolat) lias Induced some evil spirit to make these nightly visitations, for the purpose of Influencing the Qlhuia of the people, and inducing then) to iob now ledge his iplrit power. The Doctor, ot' course, can afford to laugh at the absurdity of such statements. Again, It Is aaid tbat » sheep herder committed suicide in the adobe house some years ago, uud it is natural to infer that hU spirit was t ran* por tad to a place where it is said there if a hi- ppiahundarci of fire. The majority of the people of tue district seem to think that ttio mysterious light is all that Is left of him, aud that be has been permitted ai a a poo)a I favor to dance around the scene of his earthly lubors. Whatever may be the cause of these manifesta- tions, the Itern fuct remains that ttrfa tihoeily light is driving some peopl" to the verge of distraction, and if LUcre la auy body who thinks he can eKorciae it, lie will confer a favor on a worked-up community by relieving them of the irghtly Inoubna, i itiMlind pv.iy mnrontf ttxuei't M»>n- ? HV ? .iomki>>i i>. re-iV.B !-On DAILY HEHAUO: fur tinura, by 'nail orelpMn rr.oathß " ?. l*Tir nmnt Ls " " ° Oo ivmwl by carriers, \i<sf «*»m 2 r > «»» LOSANBELESWEEKLY iEBALD t«,eiH|iahed aeery Batnrda* njoirhtn'ftf TfHaMH. itue .Myr.ny iohll orexpreri'.one oopy..*K X h«x join.n*, " " " ?1 m ibr » " *' " ...1 0i A.Jv»itlaenieuu inserted *i raeaonAhla <"« Wj ? ail liiuJ* of Job-Work -tone iv t-«*tu|»ete wltla »au FrusueintH* In *'r ire.Sty 1«, hu«l Kloiraue**o< Work* ni)knwblx>* NEW ADV KB I'lS KMENTS. LOTS tfOK MALE. TWO Ql thy iuo*t do4tf(ii«l6 loin in lU* lani* of ilia Planoer D-.iU&luf Lot Asso- ciation Of Ewl I.Mrt will bu rOlll OK 111 AX> e*oit CASH. Atto, one ot tb* mo*i pleasantly located lota lv ttio BeAQdcy P irk trtteU Address B. S., ITcrnM 01800, M 2 lm A WONDERFUL tdK*N?>T"fAGE'S PILE WASH?an infallible reme- dy?is FOR SALE at l>R. WOLLWEBBR'S APOTH- ECARIES' HALL. action is instant and oificraeious. 'i'lio most obstiruto case* instantly conquered. ~8 ;l SYNOVIAL Lubricating Oil! Tar aiost botUELB. rkliablv and CoouooUoal Inbricwt In ev.-.tcur Ij D$ rri n a 3 i tiers. LITERARY. THE SUN HNT 1879. IBM SUN will be printed evoiy m* during tbe year to come. lvpurpouo mn.' method will be tho same as in the pant: To present all the news in a readable hhape, and to tell the truth though the heavens fall. 'J HE SUN has been, ta, and will con- tinue to bo independent of everybody aud evt rythmg rave tho Truth aod its owu convictions of duty. That is the policy which has won for thin newspaper the con- fluence and friendship of a wider cousiitu- eiicy that) was ever enjojed by any other American Journal. THK bUN is U*e newspaper for tho peo- ple. It is not tor the rich man agiiiibt iho poor inau, or for the poor man against tho rich man, but it ftetts to do equal j un- til eto oil classes in the community it is uot tho organ of any person, olasfi, tiect or party. 'Jhere neeu be no mystery about its loves and hates. It is for tho honcHt man against tho rogues every time. Itis for thu honest Democrat as agaiust the dishonest Republican, and for tho houest Republican as against tho dishonest Dem- ocrats li does not take its oue from the utterauces uf nny politician or political or- ganization Itgives its support unreserv- edly when meu or measures are in agree* meut with tho Constitution and with the principles upon which this Itepublio was founded ior tho people. Whenever the Constitution and constitutional principles are violated? as in the outrageous conspir- acy of 1870, by which a man not elected was p a ed in the President's office, where ho still romains?it speaks out for tho right. That is THU SUN'S idea of lade- peuueiice. Ivthis respect there will be uo change in its programme for 1871*. THK SUN has fairly earned tne nearty hatred of raßcals, frauds and humbugs of all sorts and shses. It hopes to deserve that hiired not loss in the year 1379 than in 1878, 1877, or any year gone by. THK BU N w it continue to Bhine on tbo wicked with unmitigated brightness- Whilst the lessons of the past t-hould be constantly kept beforo the people, 'J 11K { SUN does not propose to make itself in 1879 a magazine of ancient hUtory. It is printed fur the men and uemeu of to-day, whono concern is chiefly with tho affairs of to-day. It has both tho disposition and tlm ability to afford its readers tho prompt- ? est, fullest and most accura'e intelligence of whatever iv tho wide world is worth at- tention. To this end the resources belong- ing to well-established prosperity will bo liberally employed. The present disjointed coudition of par- ties in this country aud the uncertainty of ' the future leud an extraordinary siguiu- cauce to tho events of the coming year. The discussions of the press, the debates aud acts of Congress, and the movemouts ot the leaders iv every section of Iho lte- public, will have a direct bearing ou the Presidential election of 1880?an event which must be regarded with the most anxious interest hy every patriotic Ainer- , icau, whatever his political ideas orillo- giano*. To those elements of interest may be added tho probability that the Demo- crats mf\\ control both nouses of Congress, tho increasing feebleness of tho fraudulent Administration, and the aurcad and strengthening everywhere of a healthy ab- li.irrenoe of fraud iv any form. 'Jo urt- neut with accuracy and clearness tho exact situation in each of its varying phases, and to expound, according to ita woll-kuowu methods, tho principles that should guide us through tlie labyrinth, will be an im- portant i>art ot THK BUB'S work for 1879. We have the meaus o making THE SUN, as a literary, a political and a gen- eral newspaper, moro entertaining aud moro useful than ever before; and we mean to apply them freely. Our rates of subscription rom sin un- changed. For tho DiiliV SUN, a four- pnge slieet of twenty-eight columns, tho prico by mail, postpaid, is 55 cents a month, or $6.60 a year; or, including the Sunday paper, an eight-page Bheet of tlftv- six columns, the price is C5cents a month, or $7.70 a year, postage paid. The Sunday edition of THK SUN is also furnished separately at $1.20 a year, powt- price of the WEEKLY SUN, eight pages, fifty-six columns, is $1 a year, post- age paid. For clubs uf ton sending $10 we will send an extra copy free. Address J. W. ENGLAND, Publisher cf THK BUN, New York City. oJI tf 1879. Eclectic Magazine. Thirty-Fourth Year. Tht* Kelt*.tie Mprlnt* rrom all tn« Qmrmrlins, Reviews, antl Juur- tiaU their obotoaat contents, Including Bays scientific Paper Bltwraphtcal sketcbai B*mittUOaiMeS ot Travtd, and Adventure, Talcs, Stories and Poema. Ttio Hold nt se- lection Is very large and It is t>t>lleved flint HieBalearic presents a Krent'jr variety mm higher standard ot literature than any peri- odical can hope to do that 4ep«aaa eiclu* sivoly upon houio taleut. a eurioiit liteiAture ot othef aonDtrws is tn4taMnaal.la uj ail who would keep pace with the prcyn.ati of the luiiuau niiud, anil tho Eclectic olTer&the bent, and, Ufdeed. tho only opportunity for OD* tAiniug tliiw knowlcdtce within a rosftoaaulA oojih-.i.-.-t. slid at a luo terato price. Anions tiio writers roorestnuei] in moenl uunihersof the Eclectic are I Tlie lit. Bon, W. B. o>lartstone, Jafiu-s inttiony Proude, I Matt-Hew Arr.ohl, Charlz KUkgatef, Uob^rt i Mired Tfiuiysnti, Tbomiu UaMbea, William I bUck, Un,OUphant.Tboa. UarUy, ffillnun I Morr<N. Miss fharkuray, Mm. Aiaxanilt-r, pn»U. /I'isle.v ae*l Tyodall. ttichard J*roct..r. B. A.. F.'vi. Owen, Dr. W. v. Oarptnter, Max I ttaller* l> Norinao f.orkyer. tlert>ert Span, i est*, and others eciually eminent. BeaMe? the arttdal Ul the boily of the Ithero alt tour original j inentiK Literary Notices, Foreign Utararf I\. .t, .. BcidiiPtt and Art. and Varieties With ropardtotUecnaractcr ot ths sijloc tioos. theaim of the Bilectic ls to be iu- oUiictive without being dull, and enturtain. tug without being trivial. While each num. ber ooutniiis something to interest every I member at the family circle, It addresses ]itself particularly to that great ot in- te-lligeiirruaders who seok profit as well as ' aiuusemeut in solid and healthful literature, beaide* the 128 paces of reading matter, etch nutuber of the magazine contains a flue | ato+d en graving? usually a portrait- -vxecu- j iea lvtue most artlstio manner. Terms.?Hiugle copies 46 cents. One copy I one year, iB; two copies, SU:flre copies, a-j<i. 1 Trial subscriptiousfor thrttd months, tl. ! Tbt* Eclectic and any il niarfaaing to one j address, is. i Pootagw fr.v to all sabsorltiers. Addrens, E. It. ikHON, Publisher, | dalfi-tf lb Bundßtr««t. New Turk. ! VINE AN9 FRUIT GROWERS. 3 Raise Largo Crops you must irrigate. irr iaate snccoßsfuliy, you must have tbe powar that does not give out when tlie wind falls. \u25a0 jt:er Bros. & Ohorehman's Hoiße-Pcwer \u25a0 ?. .? \ :r.- FBMIUAaY 1 .rii. 1873.1 [ fails to supply more water than four r hvo Windmills, even supposing you have 1) tbo wind you waot. Itis also suitable for \u25a0inning light machinery, such as Barley trackers, C>rn Fanning Mills, drain eparators, or for Hi wuig Wood. They ay; ev6r tailing, cannot prw* ""*' vorked, btibt-tantlal, action whersvor they lorse can easily work i continuous ffuw oti .Tom 8,000 to 10.000 ai WINi>MILI>Bot aj?r order Wells Bor-M Powers set In any a i pairing of all kin.JAa for salo by Oar- anjf NEW ADVEKTIrirSMENTB. ABENOROTH I ROOT MANUFACTURING COMFY, MANUFACTURERS. OF Rooi's Wrsugbl Iron Seettotal Safety Boilers, Specially Adapted to all Mining Purposes. Can he packed in i'.tukages not ex- ceeding lot) pouuds weight, for Mule or Overland Shipn.ent. Moro than 73 000 Horso-Pow.r now in Uso. An.l litghost award received from tho Uuited States Conteuni&l Comtnisslou. I K7-vj»rr:l foi Illnttratsu Catalogue, OFFICE AND WAKBHuVrai OS 01lfl"«t. New Yorlt. MLIS. LIN Gr MACHINERY. Wlorey & Sperry, Kl'ltNiyHE'.lS op Mining Supplies, Hi LIBERTY ST., HEW YOBK. STEEL SHOES AND DIES. AVTKB ni-ny years of patient K*a»roh md exntriuieut, we Lave succeeded in producing Hteel Shoon and Steel I>les for Qufirtz which aro unequalled for durability, utrongth and economy; tbey will wear tbree times longer tban any iron bhoes. We manufacture, aud contract to eiect, Qui I and silver iteiluoiiifi; and Anal- I gamut ng Macbiuery in atl itn details, rana, j r-uparstori*, Concontratorj, Jiga, Bock IBttukurs and r*urnaetn. All otticra pramptl* iU\.-:A, CiamUia- tiaiin aoliettadi Addre.i MOREY k SPERRY, 88 Liberty St., Sew York. Awarded the Highest lled&l at Vienna E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO. 591 Broadway, New York, (opp. Metropolitan llotsl), MANUKAOTERKItB. IMPOBTCItB tNI. I'KAL EUS IN Ohromos & Frames, Stersoseones, Views, Albums, Ors|»husooP6S and Huiubld Views. PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS. We are hcadquarterd ter everything in ths way of Stereoptioons and Magio f.antrmi. IT Cstalosuo nf I.Autems aud Mimes, -vita directions tor osing, on sppiicatloti. Any enterprising man cau make n-.-.ne with a Magic Ltvntsrn. Gnt out this tor reterene' anil CRANI i CAMERON, SKEDS Ai X V . 0 k, ... .: . »:i Trees sail it -At | IpdijteiKna is the Arulrilian last BANKING HOUSES. FARMERS' & MERCHANTS' tl A N 11 Of Los Angelas. CAPITAL 500,000 OO tHAIAS W. HELLMAN President L. 0. GOODWIN Vloe-Presldent JOHN MILNER Secretary lit)A HI) OF DIRECTORS. ISAIAS VV. HE. I.MAN, I .IHKNK MKrtR, 0. W. Chilis), L. C. Goodwin, CHARLS.H DtTCOMBUN, JosK MASCAHXI., John s. Griffin, C. E. Thorn, FKANB LKf'OUVRKUR. Bxohange for sale ou NEW YORK. LONDON, DUB- LIN, FRANKFORT, PARIS, BERLIN and HAMBURG. Receive Deposits and Issue Their Certificates. Hur »nd Hsu LEGAL TENDERS, GOVERN- MENT, STATE, COUNTY, AND CITYBONDS. Will also pay tbe highest price for Gold and Silver Bullion. Commercial Bank Of Los Angoles. Authorized Capital ? 300,000 . K. HOLI.ENBECK President E. P. SPENCE - Cashier IMHECTORS. A. 11. Wilcox. W. Woodworth, s. H. Mott, H. Mahoky, [. I.ANXKRSIIIM. O. S. WITHXRBT, IC. F. SFISCK. J. K. HOLLXNBXCK, This Bank ls prepared to receive de- posits on open aceonut, issue Certificates of Deposit, and transact a general Bank- In-; Business. Collections miJe and proceeds remitted at cuiront rates of exchange. LOS ANGELES COUNTY BANK. MAIS STI'.KET. Los Augelen Cal Capital Stock (paid up), 300,000 J. H. SLA.UBON President it. S. BAKER. Vice-President 1. M. ELLIOTT .Cashier DIRECTORS. J, 8. Slausok, A. W. Bowman. V. A. Hoovku, Robert S. Baker, J. Bixbv, Geo. W. Piutscorr Receive Savings Bank deposits. Buy and sell oxchauge on San Franclsoo, New York, London, Paris, Berlin and Frankfort. B:iy exchange on all parts of the United mates and Europe. Receive money on open account and Cer- tificate nf Deposit, and do a general banking and exchange business. HALL'S HEMIC M ?OB? LIVER REMEDY! A CONCENTRATED TONIC AND ANTI-BILIOUS EXTRACT, FBE7ABSD FSOH Mandrake, Culver's Root, Dande- lion, Caliaaya, Butternut, Calamus, eto, EXPRESSLY FOB AFFECTIONS OF THE Liver, and Irregularities of tbe Stomacb, Dowels, aud Kidneyß. It reatores the Sccr«tions, itrencflleDS the DIOESTIVE ORGANS, cures DYSPEPSIA, SOUK STOMACH, BIOX AND NERVOUS HEADACHE, PILBB. BILIOUSNESS, FLAT. ULENCV, COLIC, FEVER AND A OUE. TOR- PID LIVER. JAUNDICE, CONSTIPATION, aud BILIOUSFEVER. , It acta directly upou the LIVER Aim KID- NEYS, operates thoroughly without nausea, and leaves the stomach and Bowels lv a hoalthy condition. Guaranteed free from Mercury, Aloes and ali hurtful matter. SOLD BY ALL DRUCCIBTS. 10:3m. DAMIANA BITTERS. DAMIANA, from which tbe BITTERB are mado, Is a Mexican berb, and is In- digenous only to a small portion ot Low- er [Bnja]California. It bas been used by the Inhabitants of Lower California for Ihe past thirty years as A GENERAL INVIGORATOR Or' TBE SYSTEM, A GREAT REMEDY FOR DISEASES OF TIIK KIDNEYS AND BLADDER, A POSITIVE CURE FOR DYSPEPSIA. end A GREAT STOMACH REGULA- TOR. Tbe Bluer.-! are so prepuredthat ln 1their Tnnnura.Hure we do not use any ebemiculs, dr'iss or spirits tbatare ln auy 1 Nlauncr Injurious ti) the Nystein. I MIC SCl.til. I-V.W, AOatlMT, ,'j.Or-- C-*D. tnh'r *mv L.INEB OF TRAVEL. PACIFIC COAST STEAMSHIP COMPANY. GOODALL. PERKINS 4 CO., AGENTS SAN FRANCISCO. San Franolsoo and Los Angoles Express Line. April Wclicdnlc. Coming Soutk (Join-; North is j. jPW £* *Di sTfl 5.2. \u25a0 9 i?-T fi,\u25a0 3< STEAMERS 2." ?* 2. 1 ?, 9 5 a p si Orisaba.... Apl. 3n May 2 May 4 May 6 Ancon May 5 ?? 1 I " '1 Orliaba.... " 10 " If " 14 " ill Ancon " 16 ?' 17 " lv " HI Orisaba.... " M) ?' 22 " 24 " as Anoon " M " 27 ?' !V " SI Orliaba... " 30 June I June :1 June 5 Ancon June 4 ?' 6 " 8 ?? 10 orliaba...| " V " 11 " 13 " 15 Both ateamshtps call at Port Hariord (SauLulsOblspo)aud Santa llarbuia. SVPassengers tor Sau Frauois.o take the train lor Wilmington lhat leaves Los Angelea at 3.4.'io'ulock P. M., Los An- geles time. Los Angeles and San Diego THI STEAMERS Orizaba and Senator Leave San i edrofor San Diego May 2, 7, 12, 17, 22,17, June 1 und 6. Passeugers take the train that leaves Los Angeles for Wilmington at 3.43 p. si., Los Angeles time. Rates ot Fare from Los Angeles. (Payable lv Gold.) Cabin. Steerage. To San Francisco fl6 00 110 00 To Port Harford 12 00 V 00 To Santa Barbara 8 00 6 00 To San Diego ? 8 00 « 0U Plans of stsamers'cabins at agent'soffice, where berths may be secured. FOR WAY PORTS. The steamer Constantlne leaves San Buenaventura and Santa Barbara for San Francisco every Saturday, calling at way ports. Freight steamers leavo San Franclsoo for San Diego and »kiPO rUI about every ten days, carryiug s r ock, comLu.tibies. etc. For Passage or Freight as a bove, or for tickets to and from Eastern Cities and Princi- pal European Ports, Apply to H. MoLELLAN, Looal Agent, Office, No. 66, Main street, over the Commercial Bank, Los Angele >. S. P. COMMEA'CINU MONDAY, April28th, 1879, And until turther notice, TBAIW and BOATS Wlll.leave LOS ANGELES as follows: 9, Of! A. M.?DAILY?Via L. A. AI. R. \u25a0OU R. ? I.oeul Passenger Train to Santa Monica. (Arrives3:lo a, H.) W.OJI A. M.?DAILY?LocaI passenger ,0 J trulu to Wilmington. (Arrive, at 9:10 A. .v.) in.OC A. M.?DAILY?San Francisco lU.oO Ihrough Kreluht and Third- Cluss Accommodation train (Arrives at 11:55 A. X.) I.IC «*? M.?DAILY?San Francisco Ex- \u25a0lo press train, connecting at Lathrop with ttie Atlantic Express train ol the Central Paclflo Railroad. (Arrives 1:55 P. M.) 2, OC P. M.?DAlLY?ArlannaExpress, ? stO connecting at Yuma with dally stages for Prescott wilh Colorado River steamers, and with dally trains of the Southern Pacific Railroad oi Arlsona for MarloopadM miles east from Yuma) and end of track. Dally stages for I'hu-nlx, Prescott, Florence and '1 ucson. (Arrives 10:15 A. M.) 2,/r r. M ?DAILY?LocaI roesenger ,H0 train to Wilmington. (Arrlves 2:20 P. M.) 4_flA P. M.?DAILY?LocaI Passenger a |JU train to Santa Ann, connecting wnu stages for Kan Diego. (Arrives 8:50 A. M.) 4 .in P.M. ? Sundays Excepted?Via */U L. A AI. R. R.-Looal Passen- ger train lo Santa Monica. (ArrivesB:2s p.m. Notice.?On Sundays this train will leave Santa Monica at 4:20 P. M. nnd Ix>B Angeles at 5:40 P. M. TICKET OPFICESI No. 1 SPRING ST., Telegraph Office; Commercial St. R. R. Depot; DEPOT OFFICE P. P. R. U, A. N. TOWNE,, General superintendent. T. B. GOODMAN, General Passenger und Ticket Ag't. E. E. HEWITT, Assistant Superintendent, Los Angeles. CI G A » S ! E*. IS. WtTIiPF, (SUCCEySOR TO HL'OO KKEMER.) PUOPUIETTOB OK TIB I ~_ r*e*r - ? ? No. 784 LAtwaABCO Block, j Main Stbkkt. NO t i<<!AMEN UMPIOVIO. \ir. ..Ll.fF MAJfyF\oli HKS;-S*j. .?tfAlkWU:*:.. -.inprOT-t Irand. G*iAl«- It. v.l lifwa c-l SrrkOk.rH 1 at ? j'v.hi" »C»M. . \i IS PHYSICIANS. I. Fellows, M. Hi, lIOMOEOPATHIST. OFFICE?No. 9 Odd Fellows' Building. Oflloe Hours-10 to 12 a. «.; 2to6p. M. Dr. Klrkpatrlck. Offlce and Residence?No, 15FRANKLLN STREET. fe2B-lm Or. N. P. RICHARDSON, Pliytsician and £*«ir(r«on Kesidenee, Fort Hill, | office, Mascarel Kueua Vista street. I Building, upstairs. J. HANNON, M. D., COUNTY PIIYBIGIAN. MASCAREL BUILDING,UPSTAIRS Residence Downey Aveuue, East Los Angeles, near tho end of street rail- way. OUlue hours from 10 to 12 A. M.; from 1 to I p. M. ap2o-tf Dr. Joseph Kurtz Has removed his offlce to No. 82 MAIN STREET, over Dotter A Bradley's Furni- ture store, Offloe Hours-From 10 to 12, 4 to 6 and 8 to S. Resideuee?Buena Vista street. myltf LAWYERS. M. I, WICKS, MOVE WICKS. Wicks Si Wicks, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. ROOMS Sfi 4 87, TEMPLE BLOCK, Los Angelea. nib2otf Walter D. Stephenson, ATTORNEY AT LAW. SWOFFICE-Next to the Law Library, Temple Block. fe2stf J. B. McCONNELL, ATTORSKY AT LAW. Rooms No. 7a and 77, Temple Block. J. Q. EASTMAN. A. J. KING. EASTMAN & KING, ATTORNKYS AT LAW, Nos. 3, 4. 5 and 6, STRELITZ BLOCK, SPRING STREET. <ii4ir JOHN C. MORGAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office with J. Q. Eastman, Strelllz Block, Spring street* nil... V. E. HOWARD. F.H.HOWARD. J. BROSSEAU. llOArard, Brosscau & Howard, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS ATLAW. Rooms, 68, ST and 88 Tem- ple Block, third fioor, Los Augeies. febS-tr 8. C. HUBBELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Rooms 3 and 4 Dueommnn a Block, corner Main A Commercial streets, Los Angeles. may7-tf F. P. Ramirez, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE?Temple Blook, No. 72, Los Angeles. mS-lm BUSINESS CARDB. JUDSON, GILLETTE & GIBSON, EXAMINERS OF TITLE AND CONVEYANCERS, Rooms 13 and 14, McDonald Block, Main HI., LOS ANGKLE9, Cftl. \u25a0Bw W. H. I. BROOKS. UKOROKJ. CI.AKKR. W. U. ii. RnssKi.L. Att'y at Law. BROOKS, CLARKE & RUSSELL, Searchers of Record, and Examiners of Titles. \u25a0arALLEN'S BUIDINQ, corner Sprluj and Temple streets. RUBBER mm STAMPS OF ALL KIND 3AND STYLES, MAXUPACTVKID BY JOHN C. BOYETT, LOS ANOELES, CAL. *sr Leave orders at Herald Job Ofkk-b. TO COLONISTS. Orchard and Vineyard Lands, Ali Irrigable and level, situate on tba line of the s. p. R. H., one mile from an lrapotant station. The soil ls a rich loam; tbe water belongs to the land. Price, ttl per acre; one-half oash, bal- auce In one year, at ten per cent. Dls- oount tor cosh. None butprlnclpals need apply to ILM. JOHNSTON, al.vlm East Los Angeles. HOMESTEAD FOR SALE. GREAT ACRIFICE IN IMPROVED REAL ESTATE, In a most desirable location, viz.: Sixth street, second lot from Pearl street; beautiful oottage house; four rooms; hard finished; coat 11800; stable, carriage and wood house; 24 ten-year-old orange trees, full of fruit; trees fine and healthy. This property can be bought at figures that will defy competition. Slse of lot, 88xlS5f**t. for particulars call on J. O. PeTURK, No. 1 Market St. dlStf agricuTturrl parr. ove beauti fu t keep a HOTEL, peclable people \u25a0 :r*"ns ' R\ ROOMS and .^rloea. S A . niTVilfK'V BOCIETY NOTICES. Mason lo Notice. 51 y\ *A. a.?Th* \u25a0(\u25a0lad msstfnM f* "%T V v; lul * Led** ara bald oa tS* 9 first MONDA V oftsoh monU s* J ' \u25bc x o.« r. m. M.mbmaf Pentad- pha, Nu. 2Ui, and all Master Masons (an $ good atandlut ara oorllsllyInvited. Bjr order ol tha Will:- ,9 Okas. Smith. Beor»tarv. 9J LssAngslei Chaster No. S3, R: ? A:- 13 TH «? at MsessdeTaU.* 1 noj.,uroin, aompuloeu Im , f>J good .landing oordiailw in. ".?»\u25a0 vlted. By order of a B.aKT,H,f -J| SAU. OS §KnighU ot Pytkin. m OLIVK LPDOK, mm. **. \u25a0 J mrete every TEursaa/ evmfaaTal <\u25a0 7 o'clock, at the Cutla-Halt. < Downey Blook. All sojourning KaSfiß lv good standing an oordlally lnvltZC __ ? I. A. DUKBMOOB,C. ft 3 0. K. Mmg.K. of R. at. \u25a0 9 ijj Holds its stated conclaves at last in."!) lum In Maaonlo HaTl.Tn tts i THURSUAY o( .Mb month,at TH 0>202k p. at. Sojourning Knights TsmgSrta 1 good standing ara oordliTly InvßeSTo al- I tend. By order of th. ~ J'fllJ J. C. LrrrLsirian.il, Haeordsr. ,'' i -9 Lot angele! Caused Nt. 11, Refts asst'-l ?stoat Masteri, F. A ». IaCT "9 Holds Its stated assemblies aa ths sts) J Monday or each month ? slnmnltl tfsli jM\ at 7:80 r. k. Sojourning Companions «*'«\u25a0 good standing are fraternally InvtUd Ist 5 attend. By ord.r of ths Th;. Ju;. «3 loa Angele. immfWrn. SO, I. ss. s*.sT. j s fl WMk at TS o'elook. So- !il . looming brethren In good UM standing are cordially Invited. 9 A. FkakK, R. 8. :M Orange Grove Encampment, Na. SI, 1.0. |fl REQ DLAR MMTIMQa halt J9 fV NJuo ih. Second and Fosrth ->j ?^a^TUIWDAYBof |1 archa ln goo? standing are cordially last. J ted to attend. -Ma _ ? ? OC. LD»S, O. F $M B. MAKxasai. Borlbo. , ',%M\ Confidence Engine Company Me. 2. v | . regular MKKTuraa ? M, Vkfj. this Company will tak. Blasts tl /aflL on th. first Wednesday sts- 3 jgHBJB nine ot each month, at -M i2£m o'clock. By ord.r, ... .fl| mmmm ' w. B. MOORE. UseresaiT 1 « J. M. GRIFFITH Lumber Dealers.-fl corner or -mW Alameda and First Stief TkW DSAuas nt 11 DOORS, WINDOWS, 'Wk BLINDS, SHINGLES, 9 POSTS, LATHS, J SHAKES, HAIR, j PLASTER OF PARIS, ETC. ETC. JACKSON, KERCKHOFF * % CUZNIR, m Lumber Dealers, jl Csrner Alamsdi antl First Slraatt. ll DULBUt m S DOORS, WINDOWS. BLINDS. POSTS, SHINGLES, LATHS. M SHAKES, PLASTER OF J PARIS, CEMENT AND M HAIR. M LUMBER AT REDUCED PRICES 1 Perry, Woodworth & Co.'c ; | I.UMUKR YARDS M PLANING MILL *M Mn. ia toinsiprrl.l etreesv, s*s**s>r3 stall road Beset. ntfft-tF* '-I BOOKS, TOYS, ll FANCY GOODS, J Musical InstrumentsJ FOR THK J| HOLIDAYS,- 1 Can be found ln ? M Immense Quant.tle*li Lowest Living Prices AT THK POPULAR STORK or J9 LOUIS LEWIN & CO. % NOTICE. 1 made by WILLARO B. KARL ln aar flfl vor for tin 00, dated February SIuTTsS! < tbe same having been lost or aahllalJ Said vote baa been paid ln full. o ~ HIRAM TAYLOR. .-MM San Bernardino, Maroh 11, un. 19 w-mhM-lmlf -M Evergreen Laundry. 1 WASHIN q9 Called for and delivered to any part M 'tJ of ibe city, by Beed & Phillips, Adams St."l . Orders can be left alt the book store ii Mr, Satn Hellman. Bprin« ''^M

Transcript of Daily Los Angeles herald (Los Angeles [Calif.]) 1879-05-11 ... · LosAngelesDailyHerald VOL. XI....

  • LosAngelesDailyHerald

    VOL. XI. LOS ANGELES. SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 11. 1879% .. .. NO. 138

    Morning Telegrams.

    Mojavk, May ID.?Wm P Pell,Miss L Perkins, .S P Talbot, EHRicksful and wife, W D Gould, GX Long, W Basset!, L Gedn, O(Jrinn, W C, Rlepbens, Mis* KaleOverton, MrG Feltz, Miss B Rom-e

    , J Giolck, Henry Dalton.Washington, May v?Senate

    ?Ths House bill providing for thepayment of money heretofore ap-propriated lo Jainei U. Ead.s nudhis associates for the constructionof the jetties and other works atB'>uth Pasa, Mississippi, (Paspaiasilwill)anameudnieut.

    The consideration of Ihe hill pro-hibiting military interference lite'ections was resumed.

    HOUSE.?The bill repotted fromihe Judiciary Comnollsee to removethe political disabilities of J. C.Pemberton, of Phlladelph a, gaverise to an amusing colloquy ht-Iween Conger and Cox, whichKnott cut short by moviuir the pri -vious quostlon, aud thu blilpassed.\u25a0I sin ration *f»lIfer-H re. wlns «?

    lliueul In lia Fnvwr lvKi.Ulnr.il.

    Nkw York, May 9 ?StephenWilliamson of Liverpool, wlio ar-rived here recently en route to Cali-fornia, aad wbo ia a leading advo-cate of the English movement to-wards bl-uietnllstn, ia reported assaying that the opinion there 19rapidly changing in Ihe directionot the rehabilitating of silver. TlieManchester papers indicate a rap-idly growing sentiment in favor ofrestoring silver. The Chamber ofCommerce baa held oue public undone or more private meetings forthe purpose of hearing a Liv-erpool deputation, headed |byWiliamson and Samuel Smith.Tlie manufacturers aro fast beingUOUverted, the chief oppositioncoming from baukers. Williamsonis said to be very outspoken iv his jadvice to tlie United States. Hisadvice ls temporarily to suspend itbe coinage of silver. He Is confl-deut that such suspension wouldproduce cousternatiorj in England;that both merchants aud manilfac-tureia and the people would joinin a universal outcry against thnoontlnuence of the gold fanaticism.

    George Walker in to-day'sTribune asks: "Will our silverstatesmen at Washington listen tothe advice of their friends andallies Iv this cause, or will they Icontinue to play into the buii-l.- ofgold-worshiping England?"Feellufr ?fjalu.i Ad,eas I'atu.tiv.

    COHAS3ET, Mass., May 9.?TheAdvent minister, Charles Brown,is announced to address the IV'-un-set Adventista on Sunday. Thepeople threaten to tur and featherhim and ride him onarall. Day If,another Advent preacher, met twoyouiiK meu iv tha road near hishouse yesterday, und drew a knife,ftiit up their nets and fotbade th«-mlo gn rear liln Unuse. I'eople areexcited.

    CiHCAon, May «.? Tha y't/zifssays: The Commissioner who isinvestigating tlie raid Into IndianTerritory has not yet found tinything or that klii*l «r very n-

    ? HV?

    .iomki>>i i>.

    re-iV.B !-On DAILY HEHAUO:fur tinura, by 'nail orelpMn

    rr.oathß " ?.l*Tir nmnt Ls " " °Oo ivmwl by carriers, \i«»»

    LOSANBELESWEEKLY iEBALDt«,eiH|iahed aeery Batnrda* njoirhtn'ftf

    TfHaMH.itue .Myr.ny iohll orexpreri'.one oopy..*K Xh«x join.n*, " " " ?1 mibr » " *' " ...1 0i

    A.Jv»itlaenieuu inserted *i raeaonAhlaart ot THK BUB'S work for 1879.

    We have the meaus o making THESUN, as a literary, a political and a gen-eral newspaper, moro entertaining audmoro useful than ever before; and wemean to apply them freely.

    Our rates of subscription rom sin un-changed. For tho DiiliV SUN, a four-pnge slieet of twenty-eight columns, thoprico by mail, postpaid, is 55 cents amonth, or $6.60 a year; or, including theSunday paper, an eight-page Bheet of tlftv-six columns, the price is C5cents a month,or $7.70 a year, postage paid.

    The Sunday edition of THK SUN is alsofurnished separately at $1.20 a year, powt-

    price of the WEEKLY SUN, eightpages, fifty-six columns, is $1 a year, post-age paid. For clubs uf ton sending $10 wewill send an extra copy free. Address

    J. W. ENGLAND,Publisher cf THK BUN, New York City.

    oJI tf


    Eclectic Magazine.

    Thirty-Fourth Year.

    Tht* Kelt*.tie Mprlnt* rrom all tn«Qmrmrlins, Reviews, antl Juur-tiaU their obotoaat contents, IncludingBays scientificPaper Bltwraphtcal sketcbaiB*mittUOaiMeS ot Travtd, and Adventure,Talcs, Stories and Poema. Ttio Hold nt se-lection Is very large and It is t>t>lleved flintHieBalearic presents a Krent'jr variety mmhigher standard ot literature than any peri-odical can hope to do that 4ep«aaa eiclu*sivoly upon houio taleut.

    a eurioiit liteiAture otothef aonDtrws is tn4taMnaal.la uj ail whowould keep pace with the prcyn.ati of theluiiuauniiud, anil tho Eclectic olTer&the bent,and, Ufdeed. tho only opportunity for OD*tAiniugtliiwknowlcdtce within a rosftoaaulAoojih-.i.-.-t. slid at a luo terato price.

    Anions tiio writers roorestnuei] in moenluunihersof the Eclectic are ITlie lit. Bon,W. B. o>lartstone, Jafiu-s inttiony Proude,

    IMatt-Hew Arr.ohl, Charlz KUkgatef, Uob^rtiMired Tfiuiysnti, Tbomiu UaMbea, WilliamIbUck, Un,OUphant.Tboa. UarUy, ffillnunIMorr Norinao f.orkyer. tlert>ert Span,iest*, and others eciuallyeminent. BeaMe? the

    arttdal Ul the boily of theIthero alt tour originaljinentiK Literary Notices, Foreign UtararfI\. .t, . . BcidiiPtt and Art.and Varieties

    With ropardtotUecnaractcr ot ths sijloctioos. theaim of the Bilectic ls to be iu-oUiictive without being dull, and enturtain.tug without being trivial. While each num.ber ooutniiis something to interest every

    Imember at the family circle, It addresses]itself particularly to that great ot in-te-lligeiirruaders who seok profit as well as

    ' aiuusemeut in solid and healthful literature,beaide* the 128 paces of reading matter,etch nutuber of the magazine contains a flue| ato+d engraving? usually a portrait- -vxecu-jiea lvtue most artlstio manner.

    Terms.?Hiugle copies 46 cents. One copyIone year, iB; two copies, SU:flre copies, a-jMILI>Bot aj?rorder Wells Bor-MPowers set In any a ipairing of all kin.JAafor salo by

    Oar- anjf





    Rooi's Wrsugbl Iron Seettotal

    Safety Boilers,Specially Adapted to all Mining


    Can he packed in i'.tukages not ex-ceeding lot) pouuds weight,

    for Mule or OverlandShipn.ent.

    Moro than 73 000 Horso-Pow.rnow in Uso.

    An.l litghost award received from tho UuitedStates Conteuni&l Comtnisslou.

    IK7-vj»rr:l foi Illnttratsu Catalogue,


    OS 01lfl"«t. New Yorlt.



    Wlorey & Sperry,

    Kl'ltNiyHE'.lS op

    Mining Supplies,



    AVTKB ni-ny years of patient K*a»roh*» md exntriuieut, we Lave succeeded inproducing Hteel Shoon and Steel I>les forQufirtz which aro unequalled fordurability, utrongth and economy; tbey willwear tbree times longer tban any ironbhoes. We manufacture, aud contract toeiect, Qui Iand silver iteiluoiiifi;and Anal-

    Igamut ng Macbiuery in atl itn details, rana,jr-uparstori*, Concontratorj, Jiga, BockIBttukurs and r*urnaetn.

    All otticra pramptl* iU\.-:A, CiamUia-tiaiin aoliettadi Addre.i

    MOREY k SPERRY,88 Liberty St., Sew York.

    Awarded the Highest lled&l at Vienna

    E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO.591 Broadway, New York,

    (opp. Metropolitan llotsl),


    Ohromos & Frames,Stersoseones, Views, Albums, Ors|»husooP6S

    and Huiubld Views.

    PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS.We are hcadquarterd ter everything inths

    way ofStereoptioons and Magio f.antrmi.

    ITCstalosuo nf I.Autems aud Mimes, -vitadirections tor osing, on sppiicatloti.

    Any enterprising man cau make n-.-.newith a Magic Ltvntsrn.

    Gnt out this tor reterene'anil


    SKEDS Ai X V.0 k, ... .: B« . »:i Trees sail it -At| IpdijteiKna is the Arulrilian




    tlA N 11

    Of Los Angelas.

    CAPITAL 500,000 OO

    tHAIAS W. HELLMAN PresidentL. 0. GOODWIN Vloe-PresldentJOHN MILNER Secretary


    ISAIAS VV. HE. I.MAN,I .IHKNK MKrtR,0. W. Chilis), L. C. Goodwin,CHARLS.H DtTCOMBUN, JosK MASCAHXI.,John s. Griffin, C. E. Thorn,


    Bxohange for sale ou



    Receive Deposits and Issue TheirCertificates.

    Hur »nd Hsu



    Will also pay tbe highest price for Goldand Silver Bullion.

    Commercial Bank

    Of Los Angoles.

    Authorized Capital ? 300,000.K. HOLI.ENBECK PresidentE. P. SPENCE - Cashier


    A. 11. Wilcox. W. Woodworth,s. H. Mott, H. Mahoky,[. I.ANXKRSIIIM. O. S. WITHXRBT,IC. F. SFISCK. J. K. HOLLXNBXCK,

    This Bank ls prepared to receive de-posits on open aceonut, issue Certificatesof Deposit, and transact a general Bank-In-;Business.

    Collections miJe and proceeds remittedat cuiront rates of exchange.


    Los Augelen Cal

    Capital Stock (paid up), 300,000J. H. SLA.UBON Presidentit. S. BAKER. Vice-President1. M. ELLIOTT .Cashier

    DIRECTORS.J, 8. Slausok, A. W. Bowman.V.A.Hoovku, Robert S. Baker,J. Bixbv, Geo. W. Piutscorr

    Receive Savings Bank deposits.Buy and sell oxchauge on San Franclsoo,

    New York, London, Paris, Berlin andFrankfort.

    B:iyexchange on all parts of the Unitedmates and Europe.

    Receive money on open account and Cer-tificate nf Deposit, and do a generalbanking and exchange business.





    Mandrake, Culver's Root, Dande-lion, Caliaaya, Butternut,

    Calamus, eto,

    EXPRESSLY FOB AFFECTIONS OF THELiver, and Irregularities of tbe Stomacb,Dowels, aud Kidneyß.


    Itacta directly upou the LIVER Aim KID-NEYS, operates thoroughly without nausea,and leaves the stomach and Bowels lv ahoalthy condition.

    Guaranteed free from Mercury, Aloesand ali hurtful matter.




    DAMIANA,from which tbe BITTERBare mado, Is a Mexican berb, and is In-digenous only to a small portion ot Low-er [Bnja]California. It bas been used bythe Inhabitants of Lower California forIhe past thirty years as A GENERALINVIGORATOR Or' TBE SYSTEM, AGREAT REMEDY FOR DISEASES OFTIIK KIDNEYS AND BLADDER, APOSITIVE CURE FOR DYSPEPSIA.end A GREAT STOMACH REGULA-TOR.

    Tbe Bluer.-! are so prepuredthat ln1their Tnnnura.Hure we do not use anyebemiculs, dr'iss or spirits tbatare ln auy

    1 Nlauncr Injurious ti)the Nystein.

    I MICSCl.til. I-V.W,AOatlMT,

    ,'j.Or-- C-*D.tnh'r *mv




    San Franolsoo and LosAngoles Express Line.

    April Wclicdnlc.

    Coming Soutk (Join-; North

    is j. jPW£* *Di sTfl 5.2.\u25a0 9 i?-T fi,\u25a0 3<

    STEAMERS 2." &» ?* 2.1?,9 5 a p si

    Orisaba.... Apl. 3n May 2 May 4 May 6Ancon May 5 ?? 1 I " '1Orliaba.... " 10 " If " 14 " illAncon " 16 ?' 17 " lv " HIOrisaba.... " M) ?' 22 " 24 " asAnoon " M " 27 ?' !V " SIOrliaba... " 30 June I June :1 June 5Ancon June 4 ?' 6 " 8 ?? 10orliaba...| " V " 11 " 13 " 15

    Both ateamshtps call at Port Hariord(SauLulsOblspo)aud Santa llarbuia.

    SVPassengers tor Sau Frauois.o takethe train lor Wilmington lhat leavesLos Angelea at 3.4.'io'ulock P. M., Los An-geles time.

    Los Angeles and SanDiegoTHI STEAMERS

    Orizaba and SenatorLeave San iedrofor San Diego May 2, 7,

    12, 17, 22,17, June 1 und 6.

    Passeugers take the train that leaves LosAngeles for Wilmington at 3.43 p. si.,

    Los Angeles time.

    Rates ot Fare from Los Angeles.(Payable lv Gold.)

    Cabin. Steerage.To San Francisco fl6 00 110 00ToPort Harford 12 00 V 00To Santa Barbara 8 00 6 00To San Diego ? 8 00 « 0UPlans of stsamers'cabins at agent'soffice,

    where berths may be secured.


    The steamer Constantlne leaves SanBuenaventura and Santa Barbara for SanFrancisco every Saturday, calling atway ports.

    Freight steamers leavo San Franclsoofor San Diego and »kiPOrUI about everyten days, carryiug srock, comLu.tibies.etc.

    For Passage or Freight as a bove, orfor tickets to and from

    Eastern Cities and Princi-pal European Ports,

    Apply to H. MoLELLAN, LooalAgent, Office, No. 66, Main street,over the Commercial Bank, LosAngele >.

    S. P. R« R»

    COMMEA'CINU MONDAY,April28th, 1879,

    And until turther notice,


    Wlll.leave LOS ANGELES as follows:

    9, Of! A. M.?DAILY?Via L. A. AI.R.\u25a0OU R. ? I.oeul Passenger Train toSanta Monica. (Arrives3:lo a, H.)

    W.OJI A. M.?DAILY?LocaI passenger,0J trulu to Wilmington.(Arrive,at 9:10 A. .v.)

    in.OC A. M.?DAILY?San FranciscolU.oO Ihrough Kreluht and Third-Cluss Accommodation train

    (Arrives at 11:55 A. X.)

    I.IC «*? M.?DAILY?San Francisco Ex-\u25a0lo press train, connecting at Lathropwith ttie Atlantic Express train ol theCentral Paclflo Railroad.

    (Arrives 1:55 P. M.)

    2, OC P. M.?DAlLY?ArlannaExpress,? stO connecting at Yuma with dallystages for Prescott wilh Colorado Riversteamers, and with dally trains of theSouthern Pacific Railroad oi Arlsona forMarloopadM miles east from Yuma) andend of track. Dally stages for I'hu-nlx,Prescott, Florence and '1 ucson.

    (Arrives 10:15 A. M.)

    2,/r r. M ?DAILY?LocaI roesenger,H0 train to Wilmington.(Arrlves 2:20 P. M.)

    4_flA P. M.?DAILY?LocaI Passengera |JU train to Santa Ann, connecting

    wnu stages for Kan Diego.(Arrives 8:50 A. M.)

    4 .in P.M. ? Sundays Excepted?Via*/U L. A AI. R. R.-Looal Passen-ger train lo Santa Monica.(ArrivesB:2s p.m.

    Notice.?On Sundays this train willleave Santa Monica at 4:20 P. M. nnd Ix>BAngeles at 5:40 P. M.

    TICKET OPFICESINo. 1 SPRING ST., Telegraph Office;

    Commercial St. R. R. Depot;


    A. N. TOWNE,,General superintendent.

    T. B. GOODMAN,General Passenger und Ticket Ag't.

    E. E. HEWITT,Assistant Superintendent, Los Angeles.

    CI G A » S !E*. IS. WtTIiPF,



    I ~_ r*e*r - ? ?No. 784 LAtwaABCO Block, j

    Main Stbkkt.NO t i\ir. ..Ll.fF MAJfyF\oli HKS;-S*j..?tfAlkWU:*:.. -.inprOT-tIrand. G*iAl«- It. v.l lifwa c-lSrrkOk.rH 1 at ? j'v.hi" »C»M.. \i IS


    I.Fellows, M. Hi,lIOMOEOPATHIST.

    OFFICE?No. 9 Odd Fellows' Building.Oflloe Hours-10 to 12 a. «.; 2to6p. M.

    Dr. Klrkpatrlck.Offlce and Residence?No, 15FRANKLLN

    STREET. fe2B-lm

    Or. N. P. RICHARDSON,Pliytsician and £*«ir(r«onKesidenee, Fort Hill, | office, MascarelKueua Vista street. I Building, upstairs.


    MASCAREL BUILDING,UPSTAIRSResidence Downey Aveuue, EastLos Angeles, near tho end ofstreet rail-way.

    OUlue hours from 10 to 12 A. M.; from 1 toIp. M. ap2o-tf

    Dr. Joseph KurtzHas removed his offlce to No. 82 MAINSTREET, over Dotter ABradley's Furni-ture store,

    Offloe Hours-From 10 to 12, 4 to 6 and 8to S. Resideuee?Buena Vista street.




    Wicks Si Wicks,ATTORNEYS AT LAW.

    ROOMS Sfi 4 87, TEMPLE BLOCK,Los Angelea. nib2otf

    Walter D. Stephenson,

    ATTORNEY AT LAW.SWOFFICE-Next to the Law Library,

    Temple Block. fe2stf


    Rooms No. 7a and 77, Temple Block.

    J. Q. EASTMAN. A. J. KING.


    Nos. 3, 4. 5 and 6, STRELITZ BLOCK,


    archa ln goo? standing are cordially last. Jted to attend. -Ma_

    ? ? OC. LD»S, O. F $MB. MAKxasai. Borlbo. , ',%M\Confidence Engine Company Me. 2. v|. regular MKKTuraa ? M,Vkfj. this Company will tak. Blasts tl/aflL on th. first Wednesday sts- 3jgHBJB nine ot each month, at -Mi2£m o'clock. By ord.r, ... .fl|mmmm ' w. B. MOORE. UseresaiT 1 «

    J. M. GRIFFITHLumber Dealers.-fl

    corner or -mWAlameda and First Stief TkW

    DSAuas nt 11DOORS, WINDOWS, 'Wk



    JACKSON, KERCKHOFF * %CUZNIR, mLumber Dealers, jl

    Csrner Alamsdi antl First Slraatt. llDULBUt m S



    HAIR. M

    LUMBER AT REDUCED PRICES 1Perry, Woodworth & Co.'c ;|

    I.UMUKR YARDS MPLANING MILL*MMn. ia toinsiprrl.l etreesv, s*s**s>r3

    stall road Beset. ntfft-tF* '-I


    Musical InstrumentsJFOR THK J|

    HOLIDAYS,- 1Can be found ln ? M

    Immense Quant.tle*liLowest Living Prices


    NOTICE. 1made by WILLARO B. KARLln aar flflvor for tin 00, dated February SIuTTsS!