Daily Dispatch (Richmond, [Va.]) 1863-07-28 [p ]t.ruii, bec'iiusic Bulowcbaucod to meet with a '...


Transcript of Daily Dispatch (Richmond, [Va.]) 1863-07-28 [p ]t.ruii, bec'iiusic Bulowcbaucod to meet with a '...

Page 1: Daily Dispatch (Richmond, [Va.]) 1863-07-28 [p ]t.ruii, bec'iiusic Bulowcbaucod to meet with a ' Bejds pussiessiug abovo tha average intelli,.ii.ii of blemish peasants, althoughbis

tyt%n\\i gbjaixj^___;i_i_i__-_-_--j-Bivgßaa;ffle-T >*?»»? ?? ? *M"eetiBt-*. *i**t*

m*~n* saai wbbbbv i»iet**T«;e i. tMe.* ****rflftom ._,i raiear, ne* \u25a0 <\u25a0 ****?*?

__.t%t wBBBkv Die. *\u25bc<aaimme*_fTraiaar,JttaSt.te-teriße*. BtSaif** eaeeea.

TIKSf>AY BOKMN».. ..JULY 2«, 1863*

The lavaeloa or reaaeiilvaala< KeK'l* alone,'' aaya Napuloon 1 , "jadge ofi.-witliin of mea-Mirs* by tb* resalt." It jDMdt but I'-tle reflectiou, aud it elight ac :qiwiuuucs with maakind to ouviaoe us ofii.* uoih of ibis maiim The wisest mr*_ ;guree the most rarefntly digested plans, arei.N.ii thwarted wheuon the point of SB-MSB,by tome nnfeiieseen incident of the musttfifiiti topottance, some ac-id*ut which never !f.,iiM have eni-red int., human c*-l_ul_tioti, j?..\u25a0as. BiieUke ofsome ageiH, wbicb it wa* im |).,wills to foresee What then 1 I* the con j, .i,U-ii to be c..detuned as rt.licolous becaafer i~f the f.i'.ire iv tbe execntiou t Ho s*ty the.:._-_ v.f p-.-i.uß to whom N_pol«nn allnJee,...!..i ... «ay tbe majoiily of tho worlJ, whotake their opinions ready tuvle Hud nevei

K -i'.e themselves the trouble of thinking.i it all other plans which are subject to Ibis

eleet.riptiou of criticism, militaiy plana aretti.ise which are most apt to be jadgeJ l.y tba.Miiii, b«v-tiH*, of »l! others, tbeyare the moateifsoted to the c_pr!ce of furlnne. A \u25a0im ?paigu proj*_ted wi'b tbe most profound wis Id-.m, and having for i's end th*. mtat impor-tent objecta, may f_il. while aoother coaceivadin folly and executed again-it all the role* ofmilitarysctoace may succeed, lvsuch ci_.es theiibliomover fail lv set de. tea the brst ax nuen j

terpriee sf aaah a natura th_i v coulJ bave >: .-.s-.i.ei iv uo possible combination of airBBBBBtaases, wln'e they always applaud tbeU-' an the perfection of wisdom. Tbe litti.forties* of B*rd?eo iusigni__ant that it was.ntirely ovarl .oked iuths plan of campaigu? ?was near bsiiting Napoleon iv bis advanceupon .Mi! in iv 1818,and sliuttiog up bis armyiv the narrow Valley ofAoata.to be destroyed',at leisnre by the Austrian*. Tue eagH-ity of apeasant, by condaeting th- corps of the Pros. .*!_u('eu-liulow along tberoad thatled immedi- j.iis.lv tv the Hank aud rear ofthe Freuch army, |s..i,s_!i several -tbers preesutoii IhemeluvHS, 'f.-.-il tbe Kaglieh army from u'.ter d-Btructiouat Waterloo. If, iv the Brst case, the unfore- iteen obstacle had cuus-d tbe failure ofthe en !Isrsshm, tbe class of porßous who judge ofmerit only by Bucceeti would havepronouueed I.N -j. .lei.v a ra..h and iudiscreel Ueueral, whoI.u-i uudertuk.u au enterprise above bin i,!n ii/ih aud fail*!, as beougbl to bavekuiwuiii .t be "tu:' tnii. lv tbe last monlioued cafe bo \u25a0tii lually is coii.i-iim .ci in almost tbeie viry It.ruii, bec'iiusic Bulow cbaucod to meet with a 'Bejds pussiessiug abovo tha average intelli ,.ii.ii of blemish peasants, althoughbis plan !of massaSJH was fraught with tbe most c.v. iiini.tt-* wie.lom. Home spring or wheel oftUse very complicated mattiinery with which , 'ti.e c_mpitigu agaiuet ('oruwallis, terminating <iv his surreud.r at York, was worked, might <bars jarred-and iv order to

_unire success if, ?

.v .if u-i'i!. t'Hry that every part of it ehoultl d > Ius work fiiilhfully?and Washington might Iimve haUd i mv vi «.*t -.tii.nre.iiy, he uu Ibisp'au would have been denounced by this olais *0l T( tStP-.-i. j I

TV- llixv- e> s-u ssj., inns iiivuo ie-iii_e.fciesiisi uy -the o*it_i_.e_te wbi.h we bear sasds every d.»y ji.pi.Q the isiiipaign of Oen. L.c in Peuusylva- ,ns Ih our mind it was oue of lh_ wisest, .IfM-idast. an. moat imposing schemes ever 'eanssivad I y the miud of man. It proposedi lures the Federal army into a battle, tho\u25a0take of which was Washington, Btltimore,ilis whole of Maryland, and tbs recognitionut mil ssiatsaßS ac aseparate iiiuiou. To suc-aaa_,tha ui-.-i amplemeaus, asit wan bslieved, jwerepi.-_red. lie w_sat thebead otunarmy :thaibail neverboeu beaten, anJ hfwa_ opposfa j1. ?ii niiiiy that bad uever beeu victorious. Ac- ,c sdias le all laHeaal calculation sassssa was It.rtani I"at,bassssßtaftheseaseidsatsarhlsh jare so eieuuuioniu war?fremtbe Bdhue ol a di- |ridisithai had neverfailed before?be did uotBBaaaed to the full e_teutolpublic exjieotaliou.|.is.*.ioi.v aii tbo itiois, who |_dge by MMells,cuoJvsiit t.._t tbe ti h-_-_ w_j impr_-ticab'.e,-~ 1 Ihm the attempt to carry it outiudicatud aU_-i.il'.""i und desperation that ill became tboc .aiuiauder of the chief -L-'oufederato army.?11.1 tie. di -needed, as be would bave done Imtlm asaeaidsat past lbs power of human sit-

fc-rity toforstes, these very men would havebOBB the lirst (~ extol bid wise toi'esight.

I'ti- ii- ol this deecriplioti are unalslo lo seel.r, .1 i-.-.u.t i.;es that ba. been deiived from the...vii"i..'iiut I'.uusylvania. Tbe immense stores,ut every kiud. wiiich we captured , therelieft. am owu overburdendod laud by tbe trans-fer of the war to tho country of tbs euemy ,tue terror with which tbe whole North waa"truck as by a thunderbolt . the moral advau'

' _?\u25a0 ? Lulu. d by proving to tbe enemy tbat bidtliiuiuiuiia wnieopeuto invasiou, all these passbr uothiog with thesa people. Bit tbey for;iiiivioiy do not |~ifs for nothing with the cuemy, a In. sees aud appreciates tbem ali at tbeirlull tain.

Atlver>ltythe Tftt et FortitudeThe i.v. t-ges biought npon ns should be an-

eajSsi as tbe test af our fortitude .ml our«tre_'K..i. Heretofore our greatest achieve*u.eu'i_ ii ,yef.illowrd close upou our tuo-t eui-

?anasdag siiuatiuu* ll.tflcnlties and | .-ii!h'itfii.vi-i yet failcl to bring out tbe true?Shit and BBargf of theSouthera |-eople. NorHill they fad ns vow. Before the Bummer'suo-i ii concluded we ehall haveeucour**\u25a0\u25a0?\u25a0 iv news to elate tbe cvutiJeut aad cheerlha daapaasmtg.It is in,i ia the nuture of most men and va-

HflH to be proof against the bad tii sets ofituiperhy. Tbey are too apt to be deladed'ttio o sense of seturily uud self sotliclenoy«\u25a0?'??*'. if persevered iv, must prove fatal. Tbe>..-itiißi ii armsbad bosu crowned with aseries*\u25a0» uiamphs of tbe mO-t brilliant character.?Iti*army i.;.d the peoplebad adopted the idea?I invincibility. Whether this led to ill a-i'"cii ni'svemeuts or not on the part of our'?mer_! 8 we Mte uot able to say; but it badteruiuly Impartedto the public mind a feeliug

'\u25a0?: safety that baa beaurather rudely disturbedbj rectut events.

in qakk eucceesion we have had thedrawnsMBa af U_tty«burg Md the reUeat of UeuUato the Potomac the surrender of Viekci'-rK auj Yott Uudeon, and the capture ofBureau a expedition in Ohio. Oar armies iv?'--> b-uibweathave been, witb small excepHBB, tuactive, while tbe enemy baa reduced?"?two js-arri-otisontbe Misaißaippi, by whichMBM BjNfi or4u,tMH» mon have bsen lost tol -*«C'.ufedt.racy. Why there waa uot some?'-\u25a0 \u25a0-.?--,luiiyt ?( oar i\jtc*m under J-hu-tom''«. *.', Bbd Holmes, at some point or other, lo

??rise ablow while lbs euemy was thus en?"?-?d, ie afMBBaa those dicers alone cant-tiaei. Bat there was aot, and tbssnsmyjBBB| achieved onegreat labor finds himself-'?st-aovoahere he thinks bast, forcing\u25a0*?«\u25a0 fir troopsactivity at last toelude bim,

?*\u25a0\u25a0-*?* event* create anxiety in the public*A*4 bat if the Bouth U only ttue to tbe'Aw-wler it haa tbas far exhibited, tbey will

it to a Biore determiosdresistance. ItV**% ?' *beae rersraea were to come, that**Jay* followed aoaoouoarown trinmpbaJ-teBBjfoa bad not Urns to refopaa ao deeplyajfo *. to pat it beyond recovery IfB-Ht at aU, it was on tba b»ttlaJabi M 4

RICHMOND. TUESDAY MOIiNING, JULY 28, 1863.I VOL. XXV.will meet the eaeay aad repairs bim jnstwheu he fancies thathe has a galacrushed the

I rebellion. He sHeadybegins tofind that it iai sot a perfectly easy matter to overrun tbe,'country, ereu where oor mea retreat beforeI him Urant has found it ueeeeeary to quit! following Johnston, and himself take the back\u25a0 trackto Vicksburg.{ Adversity will bring out oily io bolderri.'it'] the virtu** of tbepeople of tbe Smth?the viijBBSS of courage, constancy, aud faith in a JnstI Caase noda Just Provide ut\u25a0*

' .tioraaa I* InJ.siitNee the leport oftbe taitgniiicarit'expl-itß of,Morgan, aa tuld by tbe Yankee* themselves,

,_ another colomo of this paper. Wo werewrong in attributing rashness to his enterpriae, and we tetrad that opinion. It wascue

.of tbe most daring and beat rsiit i ve.t th itt.s.-ii.l fseiaeibly havebeeu imagined, il* kuewtbe dauger beran of being captured with hia

.\u25a0 -mpar_tiv- baudfal of ueu Bat he believed that the aervi-tt be could render wonidwore tbaa cooutetbalaace all danger aud a*|; i .'i*.*s Aad so it baa taruodout. Tue lusa be

| baa intiio-ed isprodigious, beyond all (H'iaiate:or roaception. We do not believe tbathe hasbeeu or will be captared. luieed, tbe Vujfkcepapers .)<> u< t say bo. f

li'tie town amnad therearesauaadawhich iravebeen pieka/1 np by tho milttta. far iaatasee,as.he gunboatpassed Syracuse eatfonday, eom-iii_ down, ih-ty were bailed by aupidof mi

?H_S, who said they had seventy eight primaera, and that in the aext tawu above therewereeig-ity live.

Another tetter, .luted Atbeas, 1 >_io, Jary M*?aye :

MORSI MS HDHIH RAID., Morgan has not yet been canght, tboogh for, the laet ten days be baa been "entirely earr-uud*d, and bis ear-ape impo-aible." TheffashJaglea Si.n thinks bis raid the most d«-atrncilve in every cease ever undertake!! bytbe Cmfederate*. Ue haa drawu troopa fromoilrer tt_t_«s to hurt him, he has destroyed _imost evt?i yibiu-; iv hia track, aud has Intro.l.iced tbe "terror of warinto a country neverbefore visit-dby hostile troops" Writing ondm tbe mistaken impression tbat Morgau hadbeen captured, tbe mfhpr anya

'1 bedeetroeiion or captor_ ofJ _hn Morgan*force is aa event of much more importancethan ia generally known. 1s ia safeto say thatbis mar thenmud li**ht cavalry havegiven oartroops more woik, &_d destroyed aud take-more property, than any -Ixt6.n thousandother rebels in arms, b'or more than a yearpast ti.. g« guerillas iia*-« kept occupied, prin-?pally in K-tilni ty, a Union force of some.ii imhi meU. tbe rapidity of their movemouti*making it u.ce.Bary lo endeavorto beprep,redfor their soilJen appearance, go where thsymight. Kven it Stiaekeiford fails to t'HpttireMiirgnu hunt-. If, ia tbe present desperate conditioii of tbe I'e.etiu.._ of tbe rebellion, if it bep.st.ilsl- for bim to set au.t.W formidablee-iuadroo lv thefield, he can give nalittle Ironbin indeed for a year heoce.

We thereforeregard hia otter defeat andtbecapture of uiue tooths of Lis eutire fore*,wi.Kh baajaaleeearred,as b**ing of great vai*ue lo tin* Union cause, BOteady because i' I'lvi-Hus tweuty thousand ot our owu troaps le b.employe.] otherwise th.ni in watching bim, butalso because it crushes out tbo reudiitut of tclive MassSB in K.nlucky a -on.uin_i_ti_iiKifiitly to bo lii.siie* i

A line of conH.rs aaa bean k.pt up fromhere to thecotmou of tbeeo-tay fa aevernldays, and yrsterJay wn reerived dispatchesfrom tbe battle laid, forty filesdie! ,Nt, ioonehour aud forty raittatea, Morgan burnetthtbridge and mils al Chester, endredded thestoics ol course. In looking f.ir spoil* ivorknocked nt the c!oi*-*d door of a worthy Ten*ton, who is a .li-cipls of the sreat martyr.Rap. rap, went' tbe hfavy sabro hits againetthe do.r , thump, thump,went tbe heavy bro-Kana. -he old foa was playing gone awayfrom borne, but tbe rebels boob nmelled theKauie and etirreet the old mauoat, when theyopened on him thus i "Hillo.oldt&au, are you«ec»Bh or Union 1" "Yaw, py tarn, sure IpeKallandigbam." Theaudwer t > this was ageaeral stamping, smeshiag up evsrytbing thatWvold break or smas<i.

l.eaviug Cheeter, Al >rg_Q ___~ lie.l towardBo_iiigivou Island, attempting a mossing undercover ofa heavy fog. Uit from the whitemass bust tbe red ____t*B of death, bearingcnußteruation aud dtt-ta&y io.i th*reeks of theastounded rebels. They stood Ire but a fewminutes, when they wheeled aad retired bythe same road upon which this/ advanced?

They f_r___e-i un rvi.'.-is. tin ;- th. lop of tbebill, aii.lm.t il'.l.i.iii ' l..s.*ei At first w.wish lii.il. sarß-taed, bit aotnt rallied auichargedthem dowa ths satf,rrnifertay nearlythree inousani men <*_4 peehpiece* of aitillery. This bsppeiMd abont eigut o'.locs it,tbs nisr li-ig. 'i'ao e:u'jj__j J.-uvo t_c__ b_ckabout seven o'clock. There was no tivhtworth the ii_ale. bl SMsaaßd tobe verysparingof pawdaa*. Thereis iv ammnnitioufiiuu I iv the sartrldge beam ef the nriseasmThere is a report tu.tt lour baadrad got,to theother sid*of th* iivcr, aud that they woreotu<bt by etiuie K.ntucky c_v_lry. OarBcoati who wera ou the ti.ld say that theywere coming in iv droves\u25a0 tb_t one C.p__iuami iiitiei hreegbtluouahuudred aad fiftyine.t. Tiiey a_w h iitle boy who brought Brebel tooa this wise: "Ss- here, mister, ureytiiiaS-cesht** ?"V03." MWhat'did you dowith year gun I ' "Threw it away, for fest.-tbay w-> ul-J ai.oot m.." "Unce itloutr withme, we wou't sheet you.'' The reeat caysbe marebed him into tie lines. Tuey were sotnn-b worn aod fatigued that they laid dowuall over the grass iv tbe urchurd where tiieyWiire placed, *. ii i were asleep in ti*u miuutosafter tney worn sreasjht wal.m the Hues ofour guur, h.

Oue ofour BSSsBs siiys no oueis hurt ou one-side. I have be-11 up all night* hearing asmsund writiug, ani jmftnt tbia writingoue com-pany of the 13th Ooio c_vuiry baa arrivolfrom Cit-iip Clia.*e. I le-.iru from it nuoilior ofthe -th Ouie. tiiut Ibevy haveboon tweuiyt'ireed_ys iv tiia _ utile.

A yoaag bbbb, who gi»s»s hie nurne as ? ?

Itice, sou of Dr. lii_., late of Uhicigo, hitsbae u with them tlir,,ii_:ti t'.ieir whole journeyin Ohio. Tiit-y took hiai priaoacrfrem ?:»train ofear* in Indiana Hes_\s tiiey litv. rce;fc.i batone night iv ih- but Mx; the "1.1 m base tlept afew momsi.ls at a tnu_ while ths-ir besess s\e>c*folding. Tiiey plaaderedeveiystorenad tooktim Bredaata t.i thuir tlit-it-i in tit'ggtes aud ex-preaa wagona ila says, Bi il ou.- :cont*! whswne in Bt the deaia eoaßrm thsstory,thatsosseofihsm i:.i tli.ir carpet bbsbs full t>tgreenbacßs, j.welry,aad watchea. Oarasontas*y they aa-w 0;: ;-:? 1ordering iii'iui to Bhelloatthe grecn'Mchs, wbicit tiiey -iii wuu evi-dant relaotauee.

..Hp-lran, i.le-1* c, aad K<_-eeaiiien.Trie Yankee paiter* _re pf-SBglsasly MMrnt-

' i ir.**.l by Uie r_s,v _ iUHiits of tbe 1 .asp-tor Ms*poison. We publißli what two of tbein?tbeTimet and Herald?say ou tbe subject, thismorning. Tbe Herald threatens to demol.*H*i. Krat.ee if she dare to hold Mexico aud recog*. tii/.e ii. It threatened to demolish her if she

'set foot iv Mexico. In', it has uot done so.?[ Tbe -iiastisetueut is p.. ipoued, it seeuis, uutilthe rebellion -ball have been ernshed, and ilia: Herald says it is almost crushed, ll hai told

iua tbs same thing very ofteu before; but wo1are not crush**, yet. The Herald is v poorprophet, yiiiiki-. 1) i .11-i-.iiiinr. v;%eut-.ii'i itr

i net. fir le-- Braaos aad Baghtad____________?

KKUM MOBT&BBB VIKOIMA.The ii"vv. from tbe opposing arades co?-

I tiuuea bouifvvti.it o.H.**_red, aud it is hard totint- roiinn thereat condition ef aßshrs from

i tbo numerous reports tbatreach va. We thinkI it u-.e.y be accfpled as a fact, and stated with-I ont detrimeut to the public internet, tbat our;urmy is vow on the X .stern side of the mouu.tain-, au.i prepared to meet the euemy whonover bo shall seelit to i.-ll'-i* b_ttl>«.

From a'l that weconld gatherfrom tbe Vul-lay, from passengers wbocame dowu ou tboi--utr.il tr.in last night, we are dinposed totlonbt tbe presence of ibe enemy at Strueburg,on the Valltsv turnpike, if they wore there atall on Saturday, it nin . have been iv much-iiiail"! force than at lirst represented, andprobably nothing more than v few cavalry ivleudiug h raid ou our wagon train..

Hy tbe Krederick.burg train it 1 _ j.fiii romesto tbe city that the euemy, iv force, baveBgafa appeared in ffliffard eesmty, und that Jyeaterdnv morning tiitir drums could be dis |titictly heardBt b'roj-ai.ks iuig. It is enp-I'nb ito be tho coif iof Qea Bodgwl_h aaov* iihk by that n_ nt

_iv another "outo Btshaaead"

i_i.iii,i';ivi?\u25a0- It i,4 HLllui .nt, t" cay Ibat a C.v- i--derate force is ready to confront them.

Our Northern Msb di rfst jjiv. any en.ret'c.l account of tbe movements of tha greatraider. Wo bave a nnuiber of letters fromtlill.ieiit portionsof Ohio and Indiana,de.cribing tbe movements of the Co_fe<i<*ratoß andthe great eu.ce.s of tbeirp'lrsu.ra. We bava?tided up the statement,of captures in sevenjettere aud iiud that out of 1,1)00 men ami sixpieces ofartili ory that tbe Yankees said Mor-gan entered ludiamt with, thore bave beencaptured 31,858 men aud 98 piec?s of ciivinn.Thegnna, whteh were I.pounder Barrett'swhen be entered, grewbeforeI bey were capHind to GO pounders. We make eoiue u.ter-eating extracts from the correspondence,übietly of IheCiutiunati pipers. A letter fromPortsmouth, Ohio, dated tbe Kith, nays:

Our .xpeiiiiiiuwbicb left Ciucinu-iti underOftU. Judisb, leached this place at S o'clocktbi. evening,uud eli.-e_ibar_*d _____ the cheersof a doUg-ted populace. It shontd be said,hewweer, lhat wo met the Magnolia afewtoil-8 below, un .ni".'. ber return with us, aidfro n bar v\e lir-i learned tbat ths rebels wereat Pihetoa.

lr_mr.iiiit.-ly npon oar arrival v.c learnedthat thetelegraph wiren had been cut at l'lko-ton, tint eoasmaaioatioa way kept up byBBoaated c ariera, oneof whom cameiv at Go'clock with the startling intelligence thatMorgan waa at Pi__ton, having driven iv allthe picket!" and out poets r t the pip.cc, andwarthraabiqg tbo militia in the moat Batisfuctorymanner to biui-.if. At this moment, '? o'clockP. M., another eoasiSr arrites with theiiiteili-gaaae that Piketon is in tlainea, bul cannot.peak intelligently of Morgana movements;bat, aananal, ewrybody*-?hy whom I maaaear military?says that h*. cannever gstoat otjthe btate ?Ohio, I prefciiaif., 13 DBSBBt?hat inbis pre .'int s'.iie I aui inclined to ' limit tbat beI ia ia it toaditii.u to sbangs it wh_ab. tl(.ca.;i

I proper.Ths aaam writer,writingfrom (V.umbnsoa

I the S-ttsh, gives au asasaat of the tight nt Half-i ingion:

Itis now iiiu.nii.-i7 uf;isrtaiuod that .in thetight yesterday morning ut li.'llingto'i, Illorguulost all bia aaaaan, ('\bich aeeststes or oulythree pissss) fully seven lain hod prisoners,a large number or horses, with their entiretH-ipniont-, aud a large ijuaulity of his pie-lois, iwvvhrye, --.rltluee, etc. Tbi.) 00 crippledbiin __ i_ ...vrv.t,_.i liisa Jiiaa«" \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0l»o \u25a0?__»» ,?B-BnMe,which In. did by proceeding up therirer, last ke.piug out of the range of t ;,cgaaboatn

wiitsii bs reaaheda plac. op-oei-o It-»llo-ville, whioh is situated ou tbe Virginiaside,*.ud 13 nb mtfifteen miles below Parkersbiirg,be tbreatoned to dsstsef the place uuless theeitJasas hwaiahsd boats, ritfta, das., lhat would-liable iti 111 to croHH. The __i___na, with miioiireluctauue, commcucott sjetttag out lb air oldwater traps, and severely tried John's patieuce

;by tin* l-i.ci_l/ aiauuri iv which tb .y wontabout it. lt was tiinir object te d.luy hisereasiag as long ac they could, hoping that oargnabosts wboJdmake tbeir appearance Pintbeats, rafts, eS-C, w<-r_ in duo course of timeready, bat altogether they would uot holdmote than three handled nieu. They werelille.l to their utmost capacity, mul were m.v

! lugfor tha Virginia shore, which wm u__rlyleashed, when a ganboat appeared iasight,bat too late to preveul tbe rebels from land-lag. Tua boata were, however, destroyed,aud a shelling of Iba rebels who had crossedwas commenced aud continued, with fatal.tied iv several cate-i A eecoud gunioa*.ni tde its appearasam.and wasassm engage.! ivshelling tiie rebel firco MSSSiniagoasas Oaioside, wiiich compelled the euemy to fail b_c_He tbeu formed a Hue ef battle, as n Battel*pitting aa attack from tho lorcce which hetoppoßed would be landed from tbs gunboatsndeed, our ui«-n were propaHriag for end- ae-teure, wbeu il bacaioe unnecessary by the

appeatauee af CoL Wallace with v bm;* loici! from Parkereburg. .

The Ghminaati Commercial givos aoaas r3_*

so..a why tbo tiiii of Morgan v.a_ co sucoeu-ful

We have nev-r befisTSd that Morgan, afterh:ivlugci o«.'t-ii tiioOhio at Hramleiibti ig, wouldencisse.l iv getting b?c_ again iato X jcinckyvcit;< anything ii_o tha force 1.0 brooght iatoInitisssand Ohio ,but am meat say, knowingwhnt preparatioßa had been niaioto lake bim,tiat we did not expectha we>ul! havesucceedol in traveling the tiisUuce he haa withoutBefog checked at BOBM point by our toic-.a.

IISIISM'..*''-.-,/.' ' *? ?**_lsJ.l,.i<._Ml*...,Rslely on Ene asilitia to Btop morgaaun.l impedehis way uutil Hobaoa could eve-take bim, audtbers w.ts great diMealty ba orgaafauag aadmoving theie raw loiosj. Mui-gius lured,-;

to ucutroy towns, fourn villages", and plundergrueraily, if bo v.-v-attacked and t.ushwhack-ed hy the people, diterrcd uinuy from buntingbridges aud iro**_ ia his way,and bowaa thstafcra permitted to pass Svlcetg uuuio-le.il cd.

Ueu. ilobsoa, following laaaaadiateiy iv thewaive ol Alofgao, wae u.iable to ebtBIB Eraehlior_-_, tor hta-gaa gathered tuouft up as bewent alongaod left bis jaded uusj babied.

Tiiore are other reits-iis wbicb aright begiven why Morgaa haa pi»_*>*i so far UironghI.niaiia aad Oaio wmi.nil befog cap.mod,which we proposs to refer to St au sili.r time,bin thus mti.ili wo will say now i t. so Bum*Mdc haa labored day and eightaiaoe Motg~a0.-t-Bssd tiie Olno, to d_si.roy ..ud capture nis1 sre*, ami all tiio tue.tii' _t nist-oui u_i_dwere

promptly v.id energetically Btade tiio of.The newd liiis morairig is that we bave c.ip-

tared one Ihoaaand piis.usrs. all his artillery,\u25a0dad ki!l_d oue buuJiid aud bfty ot hi- t_eu.

? f mr _/ mut -_. ?ssss-.'-t «_--_-_-.


PIOGHESS OF THE WII.TaßßSßorißioas _r BSBBBBBB a88888 sWe Bubln'-ed yesterday from the Paris let-

ter io tbeN. _. Tim,-* some speculations openthe probable laterforesee of Napolenn ia tbewar between the Confederate aad UnitedSttttes. Tae 'V'.w. *. coatmsutiag upon its corBBSpsadsnfj letter, saysi

Taken ia couue-tioii with a paper preparedby Ihe Kreiicb resideats of New U Icitu?, aadtraasmitted by then to the Eaiperor,it tuggists poss-bilil'tea in the foturs, whicti mayverywell -uti.t the imtiee of onr (iivernmeotaad people Tae t-rea.h ctt?«ns residingin New Orleans hare reor-oented to tbeK'Bperor, throoxb h's Vice Consal atthat pent, that the action of the UnitedSt-tea authorities there teuda to bringnil -ut a Roiiision between the blacks and thewhiten of that city?that in tb- eveutof aocha coL>tli-t their porsons and properties wonldbe __.io.isiy endaagereil?aud that, the UuitedSutss C.mmauderin Chief of that _>_part.meat has taken from tbem _ll thearms withwhich tbey could defend themselves, tbey,therefore,reg-test thatthe Kmperor will sendto ihe Miseiseipisi several vessels of war for. i_h __tion ac the em. rgency may require.

The letter of oar intelligeut aad asaailywall informed Paris correepoudent, renders itqaite possible, at all events, that, thisapplicattouofibe French resldeutsuf New Orleansmay be iuteuded to prepare the way for step*wbicb the Emperor baa already resolved totake. It ii pre-is-ty such a step as precededbis itiie.ilore.iiio iv Ataxic > it is oue of thoseconvenient which may-oeive as acover fur m.'c important mosaSBSSBB. or maybe shandeend if u.t r_* m .1 to do duty iv Itl.itt BaansMy.

ihe c .iii.ii .I,ou created by lite Knptror'aBOUTSiBJIIIIBB Wllh MSBBBS Ki.e*>nck allel I.mia_y, cf .he l_uK ..Ji 1*triiam_ut, aud the explana'iiQii to which thia Steal Ml given rise,havecreated the couviction ivParis tbat tbei"up ,i-..r is quite prepared to take a mure aclive (s ',-i 11 Amirie.au affairs than be lias donehitherto. He regards bis conquest of Mexico:»-ci'in,iiete audheat, aud is disposed now tomake it useful. Itgives him only half ofwhathe ds>e>us essential, lie wants control of tbeCotton aodtu'ar lauds of tbo United States,ani llii3 he eaa only got throng.! aa alliancewith tbe Southern Confederacy aud the estatilishmeiit ef is neißJial independence. Therumors in Paris »n this subject, therefore, ini_ply lhat be h. s engaged to aid tbe rebels iv re"opening the Mississippi liver,?-and th.t thisaervice i3tobe the 1-a.isof a futurearrange-ment by wiiich he will retain Meaico as a.'reach col my?being aided in so doing by thel-Oath?and the Brata is ia return to regainSossaßß-Oaef thsMJW-arißßl and the Siat-earnits-iiioriea lyiog We_t of it. Tbi-* is -aid tohave beeu tho main sbjeot of Mr Slidells froaaaa*itud protracted interviews with the I__ii,_.-.>r, and the fall of Vicksburg and Port11 il-"'ii was the event which wiw expected tothrow Ij-uis Napoleon aud Jell Oaviß intoea-'h other's arms.1, s-emsqmte certaia tbat very heavy re-iuiorceuteiiis, includingseveral vejsels aud aUrge supply of artillery, are to b i sent out toMexico amring the SBSsabef Bjptomber, Tueyc-U harillv be neededfar farthet military op-srafioasta thateoaatry, for the war there isovtr. For what other use tiiey are likely tobs intended must remain an yet matter ofcanjeetara

Wtial a'l this amoanta to, it is not easy h.vet le say. Bat the nation of the FreaehEmperor ii aaaIntnl.. suspasiona enongh ledemand aad rewaru the most rigilaat alien-lion of onrGovernment Some Bays _inae weeapfessod lbs opinion thiii, tiio danger 'ii for-c!tr':: intervention in our altairs would I»sc innthe atanteM ju4t when our paoasoeta ol stashii._ iuo rtb.iliou ahonld e_e_ii ie brightest. ?

W-he-d t.-.« tiiii opiaioa still, end these mive-ueata la Prnaes lead a rougiy to eoatirm it. -Foreigs Powan base built largeoapectatjoaaoa tue piOJi'SO'ive destruction of the UnitedStatea Tbey will m.i willingly re_mqai-bthem,aadnnetwhanoar armies _avi_a--i«*.eda epleud.d Bpries of vic.oii-2, each of tue ut-most importnnce, and all. combined indicatingtha speedy overthrow of the rebellion aud theOiIBM-Ms i..si .ration of th. natiesiial authority,wa may e_p-.,t theui t<? tnka a Car bolder andmore active part than they base don* hithertoits a sii._.*?__.? Jtot titan* isisvn muCfiOSBS. tho dottiiiies i.f tins irepni.liti

It ia B-td to be compelled to add that this isalao precisely tue Baosaeal wbiob Hi** easmieauf our lUivoiiiiueat, here at house, wiii .sizafor the liccoiuplishmeut of their designs, Riotsandcivil tvsiibitlion In the Herth, sad hestitsint-ivetiii -n from abroad,are the twin dangetd WO ItsiVe now to I.tCO.

OUR ARMYJORRE^PONOENCE.V. i.t MSI|..k, Va., July __.

Tbo iKii.ii* ary restriction under which thecoirespoudeutsof the j-r?_?__ Lave p'aeed tbemsolves tdiice our army left it* position iv Banof battle i, .tv .-11 l<agert_t_*v._ and VV ilii .vi -port, let-t sesas iiupotlaat movement sbsaldnawittiugly ha brought to the haowtsdgeofths euemy, ssooaals far ths Bassajraaass vi iu-formittiou you have received within the pantLeu days, otbetwise tunch could have been«'.oiiiiiiiinii;ut.i! tlutl would have iulerestod tbe*«pe*t*Unt public. j

Sii...a tha ssßßra ad the army to Vii-gimu,tiie Yankee cavalry BBfe Itnad tbe seclioii ofcountry ou tbe Potoamc batweeu Williams- Iput,Marliusbarg, und Harper's Kerry ret. *v [uoiieriug, aud eudeavuring to peuetiitte themovemeuts aud deaigna of Ueu. L.cc ; but theactivity and vigilaucs of our cavalry huvokept them at bay mid tbwarl.d their parpose.This pioximity ot "the eves sadears" oftbe ,opposing armies, as may be euppoaed, has ledto lre.| i -nt collisions, hut as yet of an itinniportaut cbaiacter. S_iruii«hiug is of daily |occurreucH, but since ibe tigtit ab Bhsphsrds* !towu, which was much -everei' thau it was ]chamctei-Zad by sssaaef the paper?, the en }«my seem to Lave avoided euoibet geuet.ileugagemeutof the kind.

Ou Monday last tbe liuioni-t.i, as well asSecessionists, iv aud arontid Mar msbui ii wetev little eurprissd ut the reuppearauce in ibeviviiiiiy of the Bpl_udid corps of Oen. Ewell.luformatiou hud beeu received by us tbatafeiroe ef the enemy's iufautry aud cavalry,several thottoaud strong, aud wbicb some oatimate.l us high us ten tbonsaud, were encamped uear tbo town, Oen. K.voli set out ivthat directiou to cut oil aud capture tbem. Hesuco-Oded iv urriviug wilbiu sight of theircamp tires, at a distance, wlimi i_irly, withI,is division, was ordered to make adt tour tothe left, tot the part>ose of haukiug and gel-itiug iv tbeir rear. Unfortunately, before the jmovement could be BOnanmßßSted, the euemygot wind of it, and illustrated tti*i Balance 1.1{' i-kedaddling'' afterthemoat approved Yaukee ;style. The timely notice the enemy received of this movement? of which there Icanbe uu imprudence now iv epeakiug, is due jle-8 to theirown vitfilauce than to tha I'uiou-lata, wbo arealmost as thick iv that BOatioa oftbe Stale bordering ou the Potomac na theyaro iv Massachusetts. A refua;ee frum tbeneighborhood represents that tiiey are verybitter, aud many, iv league with the wordenemies of their Slate aud seel 1011, bave goneto the extremity of aruiiug themselves.

Prom the movements of both armies on tiiemilitary chess board auother desperate pilchbattle, very soon, seems inevitable. The ene-my areicported to bave . roeead at Xlward-'sFerry, iutendit. g anl bopiug to accomplish thegrand finale of "brinKing up" at Uichmond ?

But as they have failed in six clt'orta, wemay ir-tt*-vuably a_6ure oureelves tbey will make ;Huabi.itiouoftheeev.uth.Ooiibtl-satheCom Imaudor ivChiefhas longsince penetratedtheir ;tlesigus.aud made his dispositions accordingly.Our army was never in better condition. ItH jhigh morale, healthfulness, the cbeerfu!u_s-with which tbey endure the privations of the Imarch audbivouac day afterday anduigbt afleruigbt,andaboveall.tbeanaiety whieb eatliman mauifeets to meet tbe insolent foeoucaBBMM ou au euaal aud open held, is most grati-fying, and affords the highest assurance tbatthe "Army of NorthernVi'giuia" will mainUiu iv glorious .restive. As ivand aiary laud recently, so ouce more on thecoil of Virginia made more cUti-ic and historicby tbeir deeds, will they com» cheerfully andfully up to every and all retiairementa oftheir leaders. Tbre is Bot the languageof common-place compliment, but what iapatent to one who has the opportunityof olserving it every day. Tho reverseat Gettyrbarts*. though by no BBSSMB adefeat, aud M .adea negative victory, bywhich be saved his army from aaaibHation.and too bally crippled-o accept thsgnageofbattle at Hageretowu afterwaria, aod the .ie-iiberate withdrawal of Oen. Lie across thePobimac, all altsst the never Hi lebiug deter-minationof therank aad tiieof ourarmy, andIbe unbounded c jiittdencereposed ivtbem bytbeirable leader*. _____\u25a0__

A little over300 primmera wrrs started to-day on to Kicbmond. Moatof tbemare Milroy a "wsar? boys,'' wbo wore 'picked upduringand after tbe storming of the toriiocn-tiou. bars by Karty s dirleion. A couaidsiabcuußiber yet remaia iv tbe hospital, physicallyUnable to be rsmosed. Tbey have been parol-

M H-Outing Gen- Xwalls late visit toMattlnabarga portion of bis sseys we*rat«*iß-pied io eomnteiiog tbe destraotioaof tbs 11*1Uawrs sad Ohioro*W, d-o.

The Herald liuß acbaraetS-istia article ontho aasas mil j tct

We are amnred th .t lha Eiaperer oi the.'n-uou ha. bit upon the folfowiag pfoa to re-oognrx. the Boetharn Coafoderaey i Ho willorderthe newly ciustitutv-d Uovcrniuant ofMexico, waea v. ia -erased, to rceonariaa thaSouth aa aa indssaadsat nation, au.i to aanhswiih it eucii tr. aticd as miy be mutuiHy bone-Beial T.s lender thi*l plau all tue mue foea*-hie Napoleon is now eodeavoriaa toparaaadoS .im Into a pint nation with ?lexieo when-over the perbedamy arrive fur thapropssaJree.'gniilon. Tieee iotoattoaa may perh :-t-.abe grent'y when 'h. new. ef ourhttt.glomus vidories r-iaehea Earope. However,be that aa it may, the plan above dcaeiibed i_at pie-cut fully determined upon by Napoleon,.tud Uoa. Votmy, who, SB Ifiarnhafof Franc.,will rei*<ut. ver coiiijuured Aie -ico, bad teceivtxtorders lo that t Hoc.

The new Government of Mexico, or rathorthe b'reucli QovemsasoS eves ibat seaatry,Wonldthaa be imsiile to the I'uion, and, fromthat verydie', all tbe mofe obnoxious to oarP-iiple Soonerer later a _iruggl_ wilt t__opiit.e, aid Nisoleon w.il tnan b» taught thattha Monros aoaaiaa is not to bi de-pi-e.i byBnrope, and that Asawiaana are d itsrmiaei tocarry it oat to the fuHett evla*i_ Bpeio,webeifovdfwill fool but Intlj h-ettaed le act baeoaeert with Francs iv ihi reoogaition of tiiaS rath, uovv that our vfoteriss have co wsafceac 1 tko pobrer of the latter. It wiii bo undertto >d iv iSptiu lhat, aa *a samsawd the fei-t,lha Spaaish pnaisaaisrs in ius vVe.t Indtsawisuld bo ... oi.r ms-rcy moratheGoraraaaeat

' i.t be* Catholic M j iety laabaila t-so-inido tvwnnt ny insn t us by each a MaaitoahowMtiii wiii as ths moch rec.i-iiii.iou would amountto. Afraidto net opou'V ia t_o matter, Napo-leoa may re-ioit to tub apetty ech-ia j a3ahoved-seribud. but be wiilliaitiiaiiiebas bntgiveabs t-ie e_oa_e for aa :it_ioi upoa bim in _l._ico, vvb'c i would only cad w-i9a hia lorcoawere drivtu from thia coutiuent.

How Fu kk-T'- Divisio.t was 'Cut Ai.i.To FiEtis "--/'?; Support Ran- The f_te ofiJ ic_ett's Di.ieiou ia partictilnly iutcrestiugto tbo people of this State, as it i-j cnuipos-dt-icluuiv-sly of ot Vugiui-Oiis. The foUbwiagparagraph Cressa letter wiMSbb by a ui«mii_ioi VVrigiit's Btignds to ths Au>;ii--t* Chroniccle, shows how bo mash .uUiti'.'lo Life aaaae to

be lest, btnl iivthing gained, iv the assault atQettysbnig i

Now tho iafoatry ii brongbt up for thoas-BBBlt, I'icL.i i.'_ eiivisi.ju iv aivaaee j tbeaH-*ib's. (Uo*/??otuD-i.udL'l by Ctea Pettlgrew,h uiir lirigadi-r.j iv seebelutl ou tha lelt Uai-.eiu.uaw.pt. Oar brigade being held inreserve, euubied u-t to IsJu a noaitfoa whe:owe hada view of tbe wbole lieii,und Iam cureI baveneveretsentmopa startbetter thaa thiiBtsanaing party did. I .ekeUpusiu i Drmiy audste.niiiy -Otward, goiug eaar ths -tenuealgiouud our brigade bai uassel the daybeforePet,igrew followed ia las order. Uarartil-ler/now teased briai.,aiid upOB uui'iiry Ilearned they had .xbausied their _ir.miirii!i sii!And at Hurii a ii it. I There is Ptehett andPet-tigrew half across the vai'ey ; the enemy haverun up uev gaus aud ate poilriog a il.j.ilytire into tbci-- ranks. Tbe enemy's infantryhave opcni.l Bpea tbeia?tbey foil up.nevery silo?O'uerals, (.'oloneis, Captaue,Lioutenan a, privates, as tbiclt aa BBSBWaleaves ibey are . tl-** _*ala And onr gnus,will tbey uot roopeu / la there no -nscrfor those bravo spinU who ara s i uobly andsteadily bsariai tieir country's flag in Ibatterrible light ? Saraiyonrnrttttery will helpthomnon?ti.isis lUecr.on! My God ! BtttaaaBileutas d.ath aissaj <J.*r whoUi lin_»of ar-tillery; oue hundred aud twen-y piccas oft*uinoa Btautiiug mute aui daino while theveryRower of the Uenfodwate t.raiyjs grap-pliug oa uaeiia.t.l ter_is iv ua'uiigla of lifeuud d.alh '.vi.ii au eu«my etrougiy posted iv alaountuiu ia-t-j.ss, auiadoiiiabry protected bywell eorve.lariiilcry. I a_amytot f, "can thoy-.audthia tire n_uc ilou/er V ;t_,i I tot r ck-ttt, still vigorou-ly pushing oa, adeadlyUre_t everystep 'i'he su.myfill tuckirom i;i_ Boat?tbey take shelter btbind tuetetoue wall?Btiß Pickott aafaiitiai*. Oa theleft rnßiriow'a has wavos-s?a pi.u;e.s__Hj| jfllust?it iolia baab?it rutis, f*_»..io f Ihs olli-_o-fl atteaij*i. ij vali) tit.-ir men, bat :t gre tuiuiy are ssassfaraag swajriafoaHSel iU-iruiou; helte: bkelter, pcli aoli, here tueycome, iiut o_o -aeon Is acinaioibeui all, and that i* to gaiu it safe j I ini the rear. Pic_'!t left atone, sail rueb-tslorwurd upon meonemy?he ha* pined tbestone wall?has goue overit? i. in the enemy a

I wake has silenced their _nu.i. 1 can ate

i with my glass our battts-tUg waving in theenemy's baueria,, wbers but a moment siaco

! the k'au-oe uulora 11-ated in the breeao.?Take care, brave Virgiuiauj, yon are iv a irap,

f tbe support on your right aui left has falleni back. Oar brigade was caught there jester? day and .bore,uooutheirright,aheavycolunu» of Yankee iufauiry ie deploy ingarounda |hhui. of wood- to gain tbeir r-ear?it t _ den*-tbey? are aurrouud-d. Tbsy now att*mpt to cut. their wa" oat; bat maayarekilled and woundi* ad, and many more at* taken prisouers.

Itshould bare bo stated that Generals Judab: and Bob-Onhad iv tbe msau'.imu b*-en eioa-lyfolioaiag therebels, and at the tfoaeof their

i iulercepliou a*. 11.llevilla they were t.uly twoor three miles in the rear, it being the object

1of our force, to capture Morgan's whole cjui-

uiaud if possible. Colouel Wallace landed hismen at _otnadi-'.-ntie Cram ti.e town, and by anoisily executed nmreb succeeded iv reaching

!um enemy's rear. Wheu ibis bad beea ae:oui

i plish-d, Judab aud fiebsoo were there, andtheir forceswere united ia aa alUc- on slorgun, which proves to hive been a C-iupl-tesurprise, the rebel* not b.viug the least idea, that such a move__e_it would he mad-. Theywere dumfouuded andstiowcl their bowild.r-uient in their -ti oris to e3£.ipe capture. It wasbut fca.y work for our hoys lo pick up tbe raiders, aud when tbey bad tinisti, j tbeirwork allbul l.afi. were takeii, and tnoß. who escapeddid so by breaking through our liuea. Thinteuin -ill of Morgan's force immediately ietracsd tbeir steps iv tbe di.eoti.u of Pomeroy,and this muruiug about nine o'clock, woru out

I aud iv tbe most pitiable condition, t'aey passed\ through llarrieouville, v viiltge tun or iwelv_i miles iv anorthwesterly dire c ion from foniti*I roy, and which is ou the pike leading to Jack-

-B>a Coart House, near which place tney w.ro1 .viisti Ovir latest fo-OTSaatioa waa received.?j liar foieea are *.uppOßod to be aftertbem again! bataayet areha-re h-_rd no positive know-.It'dgn vltat Saab is the case., Tbete caunow be tut little doubtof their

entire capture, for iv tueir pieseut c.uditiouilny c.uiui.t travel f.»_t nor much further, llmigat be inenii.med that a force to head themlilt" has already beeu sent to tbe proper locality.i The so-i.e ou shoreat 10o'clock, outhe Oaio

aide, aftt-r tbe butting., n fight, was that oftqaads of rebels, iv sii* from three toa uuudred, galloping iv every direction, or dying onI foot do .v the river, up the xiver, over tiiebill** aid through tbe roads, pursued by ourmen* T. re were also lsa*u_ tub* seeu marcli-fog . ._ to our campguardsd by tneir eaufora.I Tas immeut- mmWMA mt sssaiier whi.h n.-.dbeeu g_Uier-d up in O_io -uiludi tr.a was afoeret _keu. in tiewagon* which bad baaa stolento tram-portit. Tnere were thcu-iauda el dt I-lare'wonh of groceries, provision-, Md dry; goods ol everyvariety. There were suits andaa'ius, cotton, livens, -restmgs, broadcloth?ivshort, au a-uni-noe uf everything to oat,drink, or wear, which these thievingthroat knaves had stolon in tbeirprogress,aodwere here obliged to reli_o,aißU. *_ he mostvaluable of tba recaptured plunder, however,was ths horsss, over a th-uiand of whichworetakenr, together with a long train of bug*, gies, carta, market-wagons, aud vehicles otevery description. The lotaof tba i-bale iakilled aud wounded ii nearly two hundred.?liar f_re«B ashore lost thirty, aud two of tbe, vuaboat men wereslightly wounded. I'na to*tai number of prisonersnaiteredialoc»mpupto fi o obvek Sunday eveoiag was reported -t

1 7WI. iiwbybafouad>--a**^.thal»aa»ary

li la evid-ut that Bt tSa termini!i.>u oI thaipr-.eut r.ibeliioa, which is BOW n.a.- at haul, .weuli ail bava a faros at our command. ?Our lla.t will i-i io be meat foeaddahht, aud we !Bii-.1l Und it aim oat imp?i*_tiv3 to sat-k employ- jmeat for both onr land aud ut.a! forces. Tiia |actions of th* Eaiparor el tha F.cn.h havnb.ea ao hostile to ti.e North,Le has nviucsda i g"e-at a dash** for our d _-ola ion, that -ye |iu'-nrally long to make a*t adea.atsre-urn.Nowhere shall wo Und a isor\u25a0 titlinguppeita-uity tuai ia Mexic >; uud it is there, ti.youd altdoubt, that wn _h_tl lira). <_..;ik- it bio.-/ St tb.isflosasa i f fe7_iice_n-i pauisb bt-r lasefoatia-vabfouofthfofoa iueut. Nap.leoiiwill Bui, themo-ie-l wa areut lei-jare Is tu:a our attei.- Itfoato bim, that on this aoßllni ni the Itrtla ir..cea have uo caii, no chance winvtmver oi com ;C'PS. Ilia Bi vj.ety muit bave no i;t_>, daringbis reeearehea bate __«-*_* bis.ory, tuat hathtrio ft ,ici.ua and lb. Q_eeha, whoao~a« l!»eybad levies' lar_e forces, iuvaaiabiy tnrned tbemBgainal whatnßßS puwer tbey could f-istau agVier.uce upon 'io keep arai'iaa un*-_i

ployedre-ma also a matter that doe.* Bat lav-wiwith Lis approval, H-iice ba Btigbl u_-nr_l?y.u.'pjsc lha. we lhail f.6ltUeßam_d<..iir.iwueuwe bave t-Uied onr pr__<*ut troahfoaaud findoarss-r-fl with _._ oveiwifl aafog fores on

'baud. Wo woniff that. ?? sag üBoOM a . i_n ssHaaokea i-h-uii s-> lit4a naieieund the ras uic-s ami folarsof thia 14 pubic _aio

rot himself ia open tio-liihy _g.viust it. ( wsc i.ill be muon mi-t.tkSa it he dass md nay»c.vie to see ti.e error be has cooiantied en1.-ug. Il may not bo amiss to ad 1 here tbatKagtand ehout. hava fchown inoro foieaigbt,ea eh*, will understand wheu wo turn ourarms againsther in Cana 'a

arricv or out nia on ths rim tt aaoa_a__M ST CHAKI.J-TOM.

A -orte-piindo-t of Uie Clii-*sg> Th***»writing fiota tbe vi initor Cuailea-tv>u,ou the Ilib, B_y« i

This morning ***** b«_'. to quarters, aUamio* lor Camaiiog's Point, at KfeS ti.---.dourttr.t*bot, btpioa bring all the woruttig tillVila, whan Vf**B*M *?? >*th boyuud range


L I B|||-|for dinner;-at 1 spliced thesa*ia basis, sndkwas aesded, for tbe berth-deoh.Whoa we erain aeiiou. ia awful hot and fall ef powder?moke. The fellows in the -arret bare thamost and hardest werb, yet bare ataaty offresh air. Tela aaerning wesent tomm* uf tbewoodeu vessel* arar aoate of the mea wbowere tired ont, most of tbem treaaa,aad abviy tbat beloaga io the turret. A piece ofa.ell came hi the port, atrtking wan ta tbet.ot, cutting bim some. Yfa.erday aooa weeeut H*-_y Mir. Sioaai->"_*, oar BBaeter, he hav-ing i_iut?,l. or it was tbe<..mi*-mini* t»f a ahot?Inking against the turret, White be waa l__u-iag agsiurt the side of '%%.

This noon,übont 2P.M,we wereall mas-tered ou deck. The Captaia wished to knowif anyof ue though we were not able to goia sgaiu, but tbeyinl se-e __?> _ willing to try itooeo iboio. We have aa Admiral thia timethai hnowshii __»iaa__, and ia not afraid ofsinking tbe vessel-. Oar decksaad .idea, aawell aa turretand pilothouse, are eat op, oaeshot nearly went through tbe g-tKey, lettingdown dsytight, uud wator by ;_o bueketfnll,aud auo-ticr ever the engine room the sameway. We were -truck yest. ..Jay forty-binetimes, moot ol them pretty bad, aud to .laysome htie-tn or twenty limse but*, i >.irsmoke-stack also is badly tora, reveral eb.-tehaving gone throagh it. There wee oue ootidshot lo.tgsd ou our deck yesterday. The Cap-taiu has possession ofit. Tht timed*of piecesof thtmarelaying around I caul tell whetherwe are going inagaiu or but. Tbe Admiralhas gone .?niiore to ace tbe (.e-israt aud Badout bow Be stands it. Sumter is still playingball with tii-ni All*l__ t._'i-si_- ou Morris1-1-. id are Ukeubut Port Wuguer. Tha., too,will soonba yarned ou .-.uHi.-iL, tltapi'joodbyeforCbarieetou. \u25a0

thi laoartaa _*.-tuuni* c. va .1 bivirA l.tt.r iv tha New York fAi'ia, dated

Portress Mom 00, July.id, gives the followiug result of ths receut ironclad expeditionup .fames tiver:

The naval campaign on the James river baaended iv nott ing. At an early day last weakAdmiral L__e ordered au advance of a portionof bis tl let, audail tbey bave accomplished isthe reduc.iou of Fort i'owbatau, wiiich, ia thetint place, should uover have beeu allowed toprogress. Kort Powhatan was redecetl lastyear, during tne peuiusula campaigu, by tnegunboat Oacotsb, and was considered a veryextensive tortiligation. This time, however,it was still morn formidable, but mounted uognus, and constijuently gave us uo trcubl-t todestroy it. The deet moved up the James'river a tittle beyond City i'oint, and tbe ideawas prevalentthat a speedy attack ou VotiDarling would 11 .'urally follow, iiut ou Mon-day eveuing the lleet returned to NewportNews without having even saluted Ofury'sKurt The _il«*g-d teaeoti for Ibis is the dis-abling of the monitor l<eltlgU,which, he-id.*bursaug her IS hash guv, had ber engine dimKged, and this _lteniooii the tugboat Jam's X

-'.\u25a0ee-i.ru, Capt. Waring, tows ber ta Newi'tsrit l u-it-p-i.-. Tha foiiiiwing vessels coostiluted the naval forceunder the comtnauU 01it*t. Admiral S I*. LeOfiu tue Jamestivmt 1.

Monitor b_ttery 1-ehigli, Oaptaiu Id.well;monitor battery _foßgS?tea, t' ip-.itiuNit hola v,giiuoo.it Mahaska, I'iptaiu .1. li. Creighton;guutioat MkuraSs, ('apt. lUb-oc* , guuboal <' numoiore It l-ieuttnuut Lamsou , guuooatI' BBSBSd sta Joues, \u25a0BMhSSt Bhschsßßß, gun-ooat Seymour, tug Aii.ro, tug Young Aia.rica,dISpSISIIhost Jin nut VVasliiugtoil.

Tue praetteal reeaomfor tha failure in i educ-ing Port it ttlmy,Jr somperKng the reli-sla tosarreader, sms tue ahjaaee el asortss hnam.Kort Darling is situated 011 au amasass ntl_.i_toue haadra i _ud ili.y ie_t bemtha water; lias,audi* ih.reforeabhi tofiisplbnglngshotson nayadvandag iu-i. n >-.*«.»-*«? s lauiai-boat, t-itorouta attateiag ihe prefer range,could tnat-3 It bj boa lot ths-i oeenyeafonf »nefort tbat ttieiy coald ii»t etauii cucu a lire auyiei,,)..i lot tuao. Biaidas mertnr boata,a Uawlj ion.) ;s e.-oitial tonttash ths r-aroi' tho fort;and ia tbeopiaaomof ssvyeaal pressßasat aude_ pent-meed otticuis tnis BSSda is Bhoal the on-ly pasiiealifo s-sno to get pesaasßJfoa ad thisrebel Ui .(altar, 'i'bo rott-ou ef Admiral L.o'aBd-mnes may have bad ii vory important ob-fost, and sneeeeded admirably, fott beyond thoc_ptora of au ii.-ioc.-.iipicd furl illJSllou aad agiii! up ti>e river we bare net heardef anymuio practical iD-ultd.

miN'r i\ AM r re r raar.A Washiagtsa tatogram haa tho following j

iateltiKeaee aboat ih« iateana desira of tho 1Abolition OSSS lioldoru here to light tin. Confodssatsß. I

A assyaJgaifisßßtsß-nrrsasatooh phisbass JbHfoy iv conn .ctioii with the arrparatieaafit .the tiuiiieriiig iuto aarvfoaot tlu* niiliirtry com-iijuies eoerpeeed of clerk* la the day i-tmsataIn oaa of tbe Bureaus ef tii. Treasary* I>jpartuiciii. _ soaasamy ws call.d eat tv.r dnl',and v m.uori ircillalod ibui it wits iiuin*s.lia'.e!y tto tta uiiulei.il l ill's _«f«i >c, nu.t .'nUnU JIti,- BBads from it for duty tv tbo defoucec of ,W-ahiagton. fciome ten or twclvst of tha .clerks, iaobadtag tiie aaoat virulfut sad vindic- |t-veol the rad'eal Aboiitioui_t_ here, who arewent to braiia as traitors ail who pie.iams to jtiiil'ir ia opinionwith tbem, Bi-dienly bssSSBS tWeak in the kiiee_, Bad concluded to retiro ,fro v ths mgSßJlllliill rntliur iliait ho mast-red JInto actual d-irvica It is str_n_(i> that theBesretary of the Trassary shoatd permit meut0 bold e.-lHilj;! illd-l- tho tl \u25a0 VotiHil-is'- Whs eU'Oaawiliiag to fight for tt wbea ssmnssary. ,

The l-S-Ccawa-raaß or (j..v. Baowa, of jGitoutii* ?The fallowing iaau aba'.rtcl tf the ,riceat paaafossßsassi of flatsraas Browu, of iGeo.-Hia: {

Ail luiiiiia tilliiara who have net vohmteeredtiuelsr tb ieeß for _,:kiij raaa f<ir nome defonee,by Au/u-t 4th, wiii be tv jvcft» c 'iicc iption.Cfoastablda asal Jastfo-soi lhePeaeesab|smju-t SB militia Tiio drafk i? orde_r-_ lotakeplaeeaathe 4.v af Augu.i. Aii men botwo-iu tiie BgSS ef 18aud Y>, wlietlior caaßSßtor ~i±A. uiid-v* ths Cataaaaial a**', BsS liatdo tiUts draft to miss tbo nmmtnfmt saeh c.u.tyaadas t_e c ill for t.oojis tor Stats dsfcasa?

Mo draft will taW . piaca i; a safifofoal saashesyohuUesr lo H-i*. sash If amaa bat a .ab..ii.ult» in servic., o« has anit-iaoiatment under a (_on|sao-a_a t ttio.-,withhttt iitlla to do, bo will b«» pul ji*itto ibo draft..Operatives in lastssfoa, aaa. must form ssaai-litniei for looal Uifeuc-. Mioi'.tera of roli-j-i.ju, l l-graph cp rativ.a, Jastidbs <>i lha Iv-ss_ar-Conrt.es cuuty a/outu sharged withthy 'iii.y uf rolievir g tba ueC-aiicl-*' of aui-..'...1.' foaaMfoe, ,-r. ...a two uf tho letter .toeeeh scanty, ant aabjssl to tne draft.

A.i Kntih.i.y New Viatv.?The L.nd.vCorrespondent of tb_ __SSBBa Pott, diacussitfi*ia a recant letter the piobttlii tie* oi war betvve.n k" inland and America, e_; a :

lt io nil vary liaa to tallt uf war with a nat'oa that lias seven huu_r.d war sUamrri",m untiujf over I'I.WIO guns, and carryinj* some45 iMii) seamen, but U'-Icbi you areprepared toBca iiiiitmsusiaah t-h*\-,a tnsMhag in -V_j»biu_*u>n street, and aeo tbe churehta, stores, andmansions iv Wall etreet, l_ioadw_r, aud FifthAv.uua leveled with tbe grouud by ve_seUclad with stiV-u iaehSß of iron, then p__.-t* -ffVnt-itrfo rtf Qmthmrgo, i; was tbe aecoud P.i-i_ic wa', nut the tUttt, tuat ev*j»t Uariltu ?-* asapetiism power from tiie fac-i of t_. earth andUi_taftersheeousidsr*dber.elfiuvincib:e. Youaro on a vetssnfo miae -, apring it audyoa wiltw t lesjsuch a ere ,o kb never was Lefot* theoynn of any Am.iicaa who*, fotberor g-aui-f_ther kaght at banker Hill, Lexii'gt-m, orMew Orleans. This nail in (Ea. Un<-. can goto war _t ia*t '.ue mintite'e neSso. Bhe eaal_y Portland, b.ai-U, New York. *-ud W_s_-

ift'isii ia _*»!*?«, aud r_i*-s tae bloshads ©i ir.*.- rr ft »vi ira a -rt ii »i* we ki. If yoa aroprepared f-*- tba*., get fomt tmOu rea-iy, c'.os* ,your portholes, look eL.algiit iuio tue win.is ;oye, and go abuad.

C*rr. Ben aas.?Tbe Nassau Guardian, oft'to I7tn, .tttsss lhat Cipiain S.mui .*, of taeAl-t.bu.nl, arrived at N\ Thomis ou the -sthuli., landed at the ba_kol the island, crossed.wiih threeuf bia officers, aui went directlyou bard a ristean gin ship?tbs llaorgia?

aud put out to u-a before daylight, while Ad-miral VVilkee, with tae -*«4eMl cruiser-, waswatching bis _>t _«u',i.

I V-isKra C*v*i nr ?A body of Yaabeectvairy, numbering -about I.'»'.!, dashed to to Baf-fola »?*.«. Tu_fvUy, expeciiagto capture B towConfederate aolviiera. finding a*>t a rebelkb .ut, tbey daabs _ Uub agaia, loohmg htoas.


__ae_2-mi STT^2_UTIHSSfS_{<r-hyBmtattoa, were 111ijhi 118 .AhZR-Z.yesterdajr, oharged whh atensma bar *yclothe, aia Manbote,aad Mm sjeaassa ef shew-ing t-beeeo, from tssn*.Jaa_a I» Bahre aaa.live caber smsibsrs ar tha ssMsiaad \u25a0amiPairo and tbe eight msa wars li.blli I fromCamp Winder aaaaward attbs IB_ljmlais.Whifa iis otherpai-ftaewasamafeet,thea*m-onerecatered the tent,atale thaarßMsssaa*Bender forsafe hasstag B/BBM BaajbBbJiamissed the ai-tldes ha had SBBBaBs BMpastson-hall and atahsas,who,ea haaagilaßavro.

rnitted by soldiersoa daty, thaBJaysn dasttsdtbat it ought la ha heard aad SB-posedof IfCoon Martial, aad ihinsf isresaaadsdSheaa*cased toCastle The-den [W*h snahagassd)as tbe prisoners, is it tobe wsadsmd Bl thatparties saaape from prissa aai snaassd tacrossing the Yaahoe BJaaaf]

Disgusting Sight? it M thaa that thean.thoriuee were taiiag stsps toftsfaat the ra-voting spectacle of ssores off erhahaalsbsaagdr. g«ed th tough car mtblie streets day by"day. Every morning ail tha oßhadaia asjaanstlaw, who are found ia the dthstraet SBBMoa-house, are hoddlod together aad taheato thelock np oa 17th street. Brest these flhacaptives of the eattyaBsßsa mras bJash ass)white, male aad fsaaS-S?are aaarehedBe IbeCity Hall, to be o«sa_ined on their allegedof-fences. Ia it not iniartsas la tha Basrah, ofyoatb to exhibit to tbemeveryassrahafeeahaceaesofdegradation as tha srismmafteapreaealf And ought aol the BBthedHSß taexhibit such scenesasseldom assoeS-blet ttgfitting ap Old Market Hall far lha Msyst labold bis Court ia. thoprisoaerswoaldbe eareda loug march through the streets sad hisIf v ir be art >rd«?d afar more Saitahls bnll Mlwhich to discharge hia daty. Wa tram lhatthe matter will bebrongbt bsfore tba Coahsllal Ha usxt meeting.

Lot al Defence.?lt the baUalnu ofmonafodmen, underLieut. Col. Kobbioa, wore laereaeedto a regiment, properly equipped end drilled,'and used exclusively for picket duty, wit-laten miles of Richmond, ltwoald efleet sserereal s-irvice for tbe Southern annas thandon*be tbe number ofmen in tbe field. With effi-cient, activeofficers, it could break an block-ade! a entirely, capture deserters, guard neigh-boring farms by night and day, aad preventthe strangling through tbe country of sol-diers, wbo destroy thoosandsof dollaia worthof grain, vegetables, and fruits, everyweek,tba', wouldotberwiae go to feed thearmy aadtbe people. Col. Robbins is said tobo a atristdisciplinarian and first rate soldier, aadif ae.is the right sort cf man to command alocalforce aud to do good service. Without drill,discipline, aud strict atteatiou tosamp dntfos,a local force wonld be worse thaaaealaas.

Yankee Raid*.? Now that Meade's army ofbindingsis. guv on Virginiasoil, aad eaid toba advancing ia this directio i, it is highly Im-portant that the entiremilitia of theadjotalagcounties should be thoroaghly organised andegnipped, ready nt a given eigne! to asaambloand chastise those bands of raiders that Willsnraly ba scut ont to destroy railroad eomßtu-uication and devastate the country, if not losack and burn Richmond. Without IheSidefany portion of Geu. L*>e'a armythe aailittaareabundantly able to repel any aaaaalt thattheYankees are likely to make on works of in-ternal improvemeol,and if everymaawill batdo Ms duty Yankee raids for thefuture will dobut little damage.

Mih'ary '/' uvanee?No.witbataudlng their_por-.ui-??? cf prejerving Umperanca naaongthe BoMiers in tbo army and at the camps, ai;i ao amount of bad liquor isregularly Intro.__coi and diaperedof at ezorbitaut prfoea Inthe camp- around this city the traders, ormany ofthem, <dho peddia pies aodothsr edi-bles, carry .longtheir contraband bottles, aadply tba ei'Mler* with the mott poisonous com-pound* that the ingeuoity of wbishey doetoracan concoct. If tbo oommaudanu of the eampawonld Institute a search among these tradersaud washerwomen thsy woald detest nuuiyc , ace-I*-1 bottles, and might breah ap a ToryißJaniriaa trade with ths eoiJ 'areaed thesewholieocatbem. _____________________

I'riiani 11.cord.? Francis M. Aaron alia*John Mitchell, aid Mail ias Moore alto* Wm.l-iittere'iti. wasyesterday transferredfrom thel.ibby Prfosa 'o C tstlo Thunder, oaepeoial or-tier, they ban iug beenrecognised as deemtere11.sin our army to the enemy, with whom tbeyworeeaataaaa. Throe Yankeeprisonerswsrejasfolday received at tbo Llhbv. who werecaptured some days ago ia the Valley.

At C-Stte Thunder there wers no cares, ax-cent tine- of ordinary dsssrtlon.

Blockade Runner*, if caught iv the aot,aieto have their goods forfeitedby the Coulede-rnio t-.utti.vrii.V-_. if thia course bad beanadopted aud adhered toat theeo____enoetaeutuf tne war iuuc.lt of the cotton and apaaiathathave basu drawn ftom the country topay lorYauk.e notioas would now be here,sad nlargo proportion of the surplus Southeraeapi-t-l wonld hitvo been invested inussfal par*suits. Till the war ends all Yankee trnmssryought to be discarded, aod cur people aaale ta. ij.y solely on their ownresourcee.

Nothing Against Him? Yesterday theHay.or received a note from a high ConfodaraSe.Metal, atating that the Oovsrnmsat had aocharges against N B.Dickinson, whobeaheeain id iv Castle Thunder for several WSBKsTandthat be woald bs releaasd unless thacivil aa*thoriti»ft had some complaint ou which to tryhim. L> ckinson waa arresud for attemptingt'i pass the Confederate lioea withouta pern.aud 1.. i. oi in the Cattle. If be waa inaeeiuthe elicit to have been releaasd weeks sgo.

Re,-e.ring Stolen Good*?Conrad Bandarread _ bis Bppearaace before ths Mayor yesttrday to Huswer the. chargeof receiving four oilcl-ths, six bl,.uketJ, and ten pounds of shew-ing tub .ceo, 8-olen from members of tbeCityBattalion, knowing the came to bave beeab. >ri u.iidir, I.o.orilin-; tv bit own stale-iii ni, w_3 entirely innocent of all crime audeaght to be relsa*. l, bat, asßbe Mayor did\u25a0et its/rea with hia, be was sent on toaaswsrfor felony-

Stolen Natls ? Nathaniel f Marksnudebisuppearar.ee before the Mayor to an*war thethe r.*e of receiving forty three pound* ofhorse-shoe nails, stolen from A. li. Ltneoomb,know in),'the same to haveIxeastoles. Msrkspreseuted i. paper «ut -oiiiiug n negro tesellthe iiailf, bat, aa.he did not kuiw thepartywiii:'*) nam* wat ciga.d to the paper,theMtyor mi) mrued thec tee till this morning toenable him to »hbw-lbat be possessed tba aaitaboneetly. '

Grant Rectete?U tbe weather j>srmits,(J«u J

_abbas ia tohave a grand review of ale

tsUbratrd brigade to-day, at their aaaaagrounds, near tola city, alter wbicb there willbe a tournament and eaam battle, flea.J. fodeservedly popular with bi* coßaataad. andspars-no tfforw Bs susare regular drillsBM

whilst he aifords those anderhimamide oppoitii.i*.ies for nmaiy sxersiee aadre_r _ti-_. -

Junior Corujtanus.?Turn Imto fight and els.tery of «or atms at Wytheville shows whatmay be _if.>ct.d by organizing the b>yabe-t voon tbe u&o*ol 16 aud 18 years. I; ia saidtbattte boy* fought like veterans,piehiageatand briogiug dowa tbeir mea at every Ire.Companies arebeiag firmed of similar mala.rial ia ttttbmoi-d, and when sailed to the fieldgood service may be expectedeftbem

Vulgar Practice ? to thssaaaysnm*p!_'.u . Mm!* to the Mayorof psrscni bulbingm the dockand canal, within tbe alty Uadae,tiiapolice havere- eived positive ieauremfoamto aneat aii such parties aad havethem triedft "piplic inde-suey. A few exawplssmayP-t'-ibly te.c. the t-fl-ode.s somareepeetBartie public, and will save thasaahlag offataracomplaint*. *

Haty Markei*.-Tu* ssarksSs SMsa Bke-rally .applied wnb vegotaehmaa4 WBB saaHuurfoy, hot theprices wereBotataUsaVmmanage to l.ye at the ex >iWhßa» BSt-SBSSftadtor eiWy ncceme/y ofhfe. wih tfcamadsrsnawages mostof them receive, kg realty ftBBJB*tery to every thlnl i-g sua. ?

-? n ? mmmm??i

.Uvo'to Mr. Albert Mania, waa dsmaSSrIsßteed yoaterday hy has alithflß tMUM B«Kwbife abe wap _fß*asmr.aaj briahfissl jtamUy. H awM prnhah-vdfo«| saß^Balg