DAILY BULI · 2015. 5. 30. · vyi j5' j-THE DAILY BULI orn'Tiv' y--mil. !imr.m-in-wt mi i.1 m iiji...

vyi j5' j - THE DAILY BULI orn'Tiv' y- - mil. !imr.m-in- wt mi i .1 m iiji "' bvt gua:;mjixqrauxvjui.'jav'm'ivxmnva!j.mjw Vpr,. VL No. 812. HONOLULU, II. I., TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER U, 1984. 60 OENT8 SUDBCniPTION PEfl MONTH S'l 'f ,f ; I? 5'.-- . V If Jtl r 4' fe THE DAILY BULLETIN STEAM PRINTING OFFICE. 1"t tiiccn Htrrcti nppoilto Vt'iot'i Cmlngo Factory, uscrlption, GO cents por Month. All business communications (o lio nil. dressed, Manager Dally Bulletin, Post "vlco Box No. 1 1. Telephone 2,")0. Dan Loo an, Kill tor Wn y Tayi.oh, Locnl llcportcr .Ias. O. Ci.KVion, Manager WHAT IS THIS DISEASE THAT IS COMINC UPON US? Like u thief ut night it steals in upon us unawares. Mnny persons have pnlus ubout tho chest mul sides, nnd nomctluics In the back. Tlicy feel (lull nml sleepy, the mouth hns :i IjihI taste, especially in in thu morning. A sou of sticky slime collects about thu teeth. The appetite is. poor There Is n fcclinj; llko u heavy load on the stomach; sometimes a faint e bcnsatlon nt the pit of the stomach which food doe not satisfy. Tho eyes are sunken, tho hands nml fo:t Dccome com una leei ciainmy. Alter a whilo a cough sets in nt first dry, hut after a few months It is attended with a greenish colouicd opectornlloH. The alUictcd one feels tired all the w lillo, and sleep does not seem to nllbrd any rest. After a tinio ho becomes neivous, irrita- ble, nml gloomy, and has cll fore, boilings. There is a giddiness, a soil of whirling sensation in thu head when rising up suddenly. Tho bowels become costle; tho skin is dry nudliot at times; the blood becomes thick and stagnant; tho whites of tho eyes become tinged with yellow, tho tirinu is scanty and high-coloure- d, depositing u sediment utter standing. There is lreiucutly a spitting up of the food, sometimes with a tour taste, and sometimes with a sweetish taste; this is frequently attended with palpitation of the heart; ihe ilsinn becomes impaired with spots before tho ces; thcro is a feeling ot great prostra- tion and weakness. All ot thoo symp toms are In timi present. It is thought that nearly one-thir- d of our population has this disease in some of Its varied forms. It has been found that medical men Inuc mistaken thu nature of this disease, Sotno have tieated itforn liver complaint, others for kidney disease, etc., but none of thu arlous kinds of treat- ment have been attended with success, because thu remedy should he such as to act harmoniously upon each one of these oigans, and upon tho stomach as well; for in Dyspepsia (for this is really what the disease is) all of these organs partake of this disease and require a remedy that vt ill act upon all at tho same time. Seigel's Curntlvo Syrup acts like a charm in thisclnss of complaints, glvingalmost immedlated relief. The follow ingletters from chemists of standing in the com. niunity wheic they live show in what estimation tho article is held. John Archer, Ilarthill, near ShetUcld: I can confidently recommend It to all who may bo suffering from liver or stomach complaints, having the testi- mony of my customei s, who have derived great benefit from the Syrup ami l'ills. The sale is increasing wondcifully. Geo. A. Webb, 111, York Street, Belfast: I liavo sold a largo quantity, and the parties have testified to its being what you represcntit. J. S. Metcalfe, G.j, Higligato, Kendal: I hac always great pleasure in rccom-mendin- g tho Curatlvo Syrup, for I have never known a case in which it has not relieved or cuied, and I havu sold many gio-sc- Boht. O. Gould, 27, High Street, Andovcr: I have always take a great inteicst in your medicines and I liac iccommcndcd them, as 1 have found numerous ciues of euro from their use. Thomas Ch.ipman, West Aucklaud: 1 find that the trado steadily increases. I sell more of your medicines than auy other klud. XD.it roll, Clun, Salop: All who buy It are pleased, and lecommend it. J03. Balkwill, A. P. S., Klagsbiidgc: Tho public seem to appreciate their great value. A. Armstead, Market Street, Dalton-in-Furncs- It is needles for mu to say that your valuahlo medicines have great sale in this district greater than any other I know of, giving great talis faction. Kobt. Laine. Molkshani: I can well recommend tho Curatlvo Syrup from having proved its olhcacy for indigestion mysi'lt. Friockholm, Arbroath, Forfai shire, Sept. 23, 18S. Dear Sir, Last j ear I sent you a letter icuommcnding Mother Seige'l's Syrup. I have ery much pleasure In still bearing testimony to tho very batisfactory results of tho famed Syrup and Pills. Most patent medicines dlo out with me, but Mother Seigel has had a steady sale ever since i com. menccd, nml is still in as great demand as when I lltat began to sell the medi. cine. Tho cuics which have como under my notico are chiefly those of liver complaint nnd general debility. A cortaiu minister in my neighbour, hood fctiys it is tho only thing wJtlch has bunetlted him and restored him to his normal condition of health after bolng unahlo to preach for a consldqrablc length of time. 1 could mention also a great many other cases, but si aco would not allow. 'A near friend ot mine, who is very much addicted to costiveness, or constipation, finds that Mother Seigel's l'ills arc tho only pills which suit his complaint. All other pills cause a reaction which Is very annoying. Mother Seigel's Pills do not lcavo a bad after-elVec- 1 have much pleasure in r.nmmendinir nealn to sutlering human. Ity Mother Seigel's mcdlclnis, which are no sham. It this letter Is of any service you can publish it. Youisvcry tuily. (Signed) William S. Glass, Chemist. A. J. AVhlte, i:sq. 15th August, 1883. Dear Sir, I wiito to tell you that Mr. Henry Hilllcr, of Yatcshury, Wills, mo that ho suffered from a severe, form of indigestion for upwards of four years, and took no end ol doctoi's medi. cluo without tho slightest bencflt, and declares Mother Seigel's Syi up which ho got from mo lias saved his life. Yours truly, (Signed) N. Webb, Mr. White. Chemist, Calne. . 705 ly 2 B. F. EHLETtS & Co., DRY' GOODS IMPORTERS, All tho Latost Novoltlos in Fancy Goods Rocoivod by ovory stoainor FOR T STREET. w 104 Fort Street, JUST RECEIVED "JDi'y Goods? XPaney Look Oil for tlie UNION FEED Hay, Grain and A. M. ENTIRE NEW STOCK to He of and 1 TCi. iMlnnil orilcrH Holirltcri, and goods delivered promptly. Every Description Executed with neatness and dispatch, AT QUEEN ACH (SUCCESSOR TO MELLIS.) AN CONSISTING OE oods, IWQllinei'y 3rood.. 00 Gouts' iEHu-x&itgliiiig- r Goods. Grand Ojeiii AioicGfl My. Corner Queen Edinburgh Streets Joloplioiio RJIPANY. Chicken Feed. of M Printing THE STREET. HUITII, Daily Bulletin Steam Printing Office, J. E. WISEMAN Campbcll'M !Nov Jiloelt, McircliniU Sti'oct, Telephone, 172. P. O. Boy, 31G. 3GLDE.H. ESTATE A. G- - 3H3 TV T, Employment Agont, CuBtom Houso Broker, Firo and Lifo Insuranco Agont, and Gonoral Business Agont Tiic only General Business Agent in tho Hawaiian Islands. 0S0 ly Ordeis of Every Kind and Nature Solicited from tho Various Islands. II. M. BENSON', BENSON, SMITH & CO.. lunMnrinc & Dispnsini Plamacisls, 113 115 FORT STREET HONOLULU, Depot for Booricko & Schrock's Homoepathic Medicines, Ricksecker's Perfumes And Toilet Requisites, Tho Common Scnso Nursing Bottles, And Allaire Woodward Go's Pharmaceutical Products. iJMMriiJVirfH f - O. W. & & m Honolulu. WILLIAM AULD, to tako Acknowledgments to Contracts for Labor for thu District of Kona, iBland of Utiliu. at the ofllco of tho Honolulu Water Works, foot of Nuu aim street. 180 i JOHN A. HASSINQER, A gout to take Acknowledgments to Contracts for Labor. Interior Ofllce, Honoluln. WO. AKANA, and Hawaiian Translator nnd Interpreter, No. IS King street, Honolulu. Translations of cither of tho nbovc languages made witli accuracy and dia patcii, and on reasonable terms. 209 H. S. TBEQLOAN, TAILOR, 204 FORT ST. mm. gektz. V No. 80 Fort street, Honoltil, Imporler and Dealer in Geut's, Ladles' and Children's boots, .shoes anil slippers. 17IUTZ WILHELM, caupj;nter & buildbh, Shop on King street, In rear of New-Od-d Fellow's Hall King street. Telephonu 112. 5290m ED.O ROWS, AND SIGN PAINTER, IVirr.n Uaxouii, etc., No. 107 KiNoSrncKT, - Honolulu. 025 Telephone, 111. ly BROWN & PHILLIPS, Plumbois, Gas Fitters nnd Conpor-amltli- s, No. 71 King St., Honolulu. Sgy Houso and Ship Job Work promptly executed. 17 .1. 31. OAT A CO.. MAII.-IIAKr.U- Loft in A. F. Cooke New Firo-Proo- f Building, foot of Nuuaiiu Street. Honolulu, II. I. Flags of ail descriptions made and repaired. ly b HOLUSTER & CO. Druggists & Tolmcconists, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 59 Nuuanu Street, Honolulu, nnd Cor., C07 Fort and Merchant streets, tf b Tf(8TJ HONOLULU IRON "WORKS, ScaJAauStenmcuL'lncs.su gar mills, boll. ew, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast- ings; machinery of overy description maile to order, l'nitlcularattcntl on paid to ship's black binitliing. Job work exc-- emeu at short notice. 1 Prussian National Insurance Comp'y KSTAIIMSHED 18 15, Capital 9,000,000 flcichsmarks, ''pHE undersigned, halng been ap X pointed ugcni of the above Company for tho Hawaiian Islands, is prepared to accept rblcH, against Fire, on Buildings, Furniture, Merchandise, Produce, Sugar Mills etc., on the mot Favorable Tonus Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payablo in Honolulu. II. RIEMENSOIINE1DEH, 070 ly b nt Wilder & Co'a. Notice. TO BUTCHERS, GRAZIERS and ail whom it may concern. 'pzrat The uudersigneil having AJHUralKxakl made alterations, additions, and Improvements In his hJM. raBMauA siai PAfrrmtv. U now prepared to give Tho Highest Cash Value for any quantity of T.AXilLO'W, And will furnish containers for the same fieo of cost to any ono who may desire. 'fllON. W. KAWIjIKM, Honolulu Soap Works, Olllco in Brick Building, King streot, Leloo. 483 ly Commission Merchants. BREWER 6s COMPANY, 0 . (Limited) oknekat. mmicantii.l and Commission Aoe.nts. mst ok oi'Kicr.ns: P. 0. .Tonus, Jr. .. .President & Manager J. O. OAiiTcn Treasurer & Secretary DIllUCTOUS: Hon. C. 11. Ilisitoi'. Hon. 11. A. P. Cunxn 038 ly Oeo.W. Macfarlaue. II. It. Macfarlano. O. W. MA0?ARLANE & Co. IMPORTERS, COMMISSION MER- CHANTS ANU Suyav IPactors, Firc-Proo- f Building, C2 Queen street, Honolulu. II. I. AGENTS for Tho AValkapu Sugar Plantation, Maul, Tho Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii, Thu lleeia Sugar Plantation, Oalm, Huelo Sugar Mill, Maul, Huelo Sugar Plantation, Maui, Puuioa Sheep ltnncli Co., Hawaii, J. Fowler & Co. Steam Plow and Port- - ablo Tramway Works, Leeds, Mirrlcc, Watson &Co's Sugar Machln cry, Glasgow, Glasgow and Honolulu Lino of Packets. 183 J. ITONS, L. J. LEVKt. LYONS & LEVEY, Auctioneers and General Commission .Merchants, Beaver Block, Queen St., - - Honolulu. Sales of Furniture, Stock, Real Estato nnd General Merchandise promptly nt- - tended to. Solo Agents for American and Euro- pean mcichamlisc. .118 M. GRINBAUM i CO., Iiunortera of General Mci- - oliunillseaiid Commission. Murclmuts, Honolulu. 1 MS. GRINBAUM is Co., CommlBslon Mcrchnnts, 124 CiillfoinlH stroot, 1 finu Francisco, Cal. Claui Sprcckcls. Wni. O. Irwin. TIT G. Irwin & Company, Yt Sugar Factors and Comm!ission Agents, Honolulu. 1 A. OLEQHORN fc CO. Importers and Commission Merchants, dealers in General Merchan- dise, Queen and Kaahuraanu sts., Hono- lulu. 78 MA. GONSALVES S: CO., No. 67 Hotel Stieet, Honolulu, Importers and Dealers In Dry and Fancy Goods, Inlaid Work, Embroidery, 28!) &c, &c, Ac. JOHN T. WATERHOUSE, Importer nnd Dealer in General Merchandise, Queen it., Honolulu. 1 BROWN & CO., Wholesale Wine nnd Spirit Merchants, No. 1 1 Merchant St., Honolulu. S30 . N. Castle. J. V. Athcrton. Castle & Cooke, Shipping and Commission Merchants. Importers nnd Dealers in General Merchandise, No. 80 King st., Honolulu. l WING WO TAI & CO , and General Dealers in English, American and Chinese Pro- visions. Plantation Teas nnd Genornl Supplies. Also, White & Colored Con-tra- Matting, all qualities and prices. No. 24 Nuimuu street, opposite Mr. C. Afong's. 523 Cm Wolfe & Edwards Grocery and Feed Store, Corner King and Nuuanu streets. Fresh Groceries andJProvisions received uy overy oicnmcr. P.O. Box 130, Tclcphono 349. 501 Cm wm. nicOAsriHiKss, No. G Queen street, Fish Maiket, Dealer In choicest Iteer, Vcul, glutton, I'InIi, Ac, Ac. Family and Shipping Orders carefully attended to. Live stock furnished to vessels nt short notico, and Vegetables of all kinds supplied lo order. !M0 ly PIONEER STEAM AND BAKERY. F. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pahtry Cook aiut I3akor. No. 71 Hotel st. Telephone 74. IhiHtcrn tiiic Snrr KegH, In Shooks or Set up, nlso Efistorn Pino Barrels for Molassos. ' Hoops Iron ?.f, Ji, lln.,2 s 1.10, 'J x Jj, 'J x For Sale by 030 !lm b J. 11. BBUNS, Senior. Wilier Notice. Omco Sup't Water Works, Honolulu, July 3, 1882. ALL persons having Water Privileges notified that their Water Rates are payablo bcmi anuually, in advance, at tlie ofllce of the Superintendent of Water Works, foot of Nuuanu street, upon tlie 1st day of January and July of each vear, OIIAS. 15. WlLSON, Bup't "Water Works S. K. Kaai, Mlulstcr of Interior. 201 Professionals. hi D1 EMERSON, Rcsldcnco and consultation room-i- ' at No. 2 Kukul St., comer of Fort. Telephone No. 1 ill. 59 2m ' A. Rosa, ATTORNEY AT LAW. And Notary Public, , . rtm. ...til. il. An -, ,tt uuitc nun uiu iviiuniej ucuerui, iiniuA lanl Rale, Honolulu. 312 lv. JuniN ituaauijLi, A'lTORNEY AT LAW. Olllcc, on Merchant street, (next door to Dr. Stnngcnwnld.) 493 ly EICHARD F. BlCKERTON, and Counsellor ut Law. M'onoy to lend on Mortgage of Free, holds. Ofllce, No. 11 .Merchant st. 1 CECIL BROWN, and Counsellor at Law-Notar- y Public, and Agent for taking Ac know lodgments of Instruments for the Island of Oahu. No. 8 Kaahumanu at, Honolulu. 1 J. M. MONSARRAT, A'lTORNEY AT LAW und Notniy Public. Real Estate m any part of tho Kingdom bought, sold ami leased, on commission. Loans negotlu ted, Logal Documents Drawn. No. 27 Merchant st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands lbO c.- - BERQER, KAAUOMANU STHKKT. General Agent for The N. Y. Lite Insurance Company, Tho City of London Firo In. Co(limit'd Matncale & Urban Safe, Tho Celebrated Springfield Gas Machine Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co. , ",H UJ Itobcrt LcMors, u. M. Cooke, LEWER8 Si COOKE, to Lowers & Dickson,) Importers and Dealer in Lumbnr and till kinds ot Building Materials, Fort Btrett, Honolulu i WILDER & CO., D,calers in Lumber, Points, Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materials of every kind, cor. Fort nnd Queen sts., Honolulu. l Beaver L Saloou Tho Best Lunch in Town, Tea and Coffee at All Hours Theflncst Brands of Cigar ami Tobacco, always on hand. THE CASINO AT TIIU I'AIIK is OPEN EVERY DAY. tSTThc only sca.sidc resort in the Kingdom. 1I.J.NOLTE, Proprietor. PASTUItAGE. GOOD PASTURE for Horses In KnllhlVnlhy DO acics in ono paddook -- K all fenced, with an "abundanco of fieih grass, n living stream of water running,, through tho land. Horses called for and delivered at CO cents per head, if so desired. Reasonable good euro taken of stock but no icspoinlbillty from acci- dent. Positively nono but healthy am. malb taken. Address or enquire of ALLEN HERBERT, Olllco on (Jnti'ii street, with Hamilton Tnhubou. 7Gt tf ' A Goodpasture Tor Horses, p NEAR TOWN. Inquire to A.A.MONTANO. 077 Om l. rX IAJCER, Will ,.,.. ci...,'. I M ,1 111 I II1U kJll'IV III Lima Horses CSTSenil orders toCapl Cluuey's stables ijiieen x l'unciuiowi sis. 4V0 y rciepiionoo. uuii. , itojsot!. G. II. ROBERTSON. irtTJry. JAlv lit- - Drayman best trams In town. Ofllce, Queen st. IB M"u"grossman, Has opened his olllco In Hotel St., next to tho Y. M. C. A. building, where ho la prepared to perform all operations in dentistry. 3m COl.p J. M. DAVIDSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 504 No. 13 Kaahumanu street, M. HATCH 17RAN0I8 Attorney at Lnw, '2'i 1C Kaahumanu at " i II. ISAKEll, M. R. C. V. S. London, Fellow Royal V. M. Association, (as per Diploma in my ofllce.) Tie.itsnll Diseases ofjllorscs, Mules and Horned Cattle. E3?OlUco over Turner's Jewelry shop,1 V! iving nircci, iisw-- t u :r

Transcript of DAILY BULI · 2015. 5. 30. · vyi j5' j-THE DAILY BULI orn'Tiv' y--mil. !imr.m-in-wt mi i.1 m iiji...

Page 1: DAILY BULI · 2015. 5. 30. · vyi j5' j-THE DAILY BULI orn'Tiv' y--mil. !imr.m-in-wt mi i.1 m iiji "'bvt gua:;mjixqrauxvjui.'jav'm'ivxmnva!j.mjw Vpr,. VL No. 812. HONOLULU, II. I.,


j5'j - THE DAILY BULI orn'Tiv'

y- - mil. !imr.m-in- wt mi i .1 m iiji "'bvt gua:;mjixqrauxvjui.'jav'm'ivxmnva!j.mjw



,f ;


5'.-- .








1"t tiiccn Htrrctinppoilto Vt'iot'i Cmlngo Factory,

uscrlption, GO cents por Month.

All business communications (o lio nil.dressed, Manager Dally Bulletin, Post"vlco Box No. 1 1. Telephone 2,")0.

Dan Loo an, Kill torWn y Tayi.oh, Locnl llcportcr.Ias. O. Ci.KVion, Manager


Like u thief ut night it steals in uponus unawares. Mnny persons have pnlusubout tho chest mul sides, nnd nomctluicsIn the back. Tlicy feel (lull nml sleepy,the mouth hns :i IjihI taste, especially inin thu morning. A sou of sticky slimecollects about thu teeth. The appetite is.

poor There Is n fcclinj; llko u heavyload on the stomach; sometimes a faint

e bcnsatlon nt the pit of thestomach which food doe not satisfy.Tho eyes are sunken, tho hands nml fo:tDccome com una leei ciainmy. Alter awhilo a cough sets in nt first dry, hutafter a few months It is attended with agreenish colouicd opectornlloH. ThealUictcd one feels tired all the w lillo, andsleep does not seem to nllbrd any rest.After a tinio ho becomes neivous, irrita-ble, nml gloomy, and has cll fore,boilings. There is a giddiness, a soil ofwhirling sensation in thu head whenrising up suddenly. Tho bowels becomecostle; tho skin is dry nudliot at times;the blood becomes thick and stagnant;tho whites of tho eyes become tingedwith yellow, tho tirinu is scanty and high-coloure- d,

depositing u sediment utterstanding. There is lreiucutly a spittingup of the food, sometimes with a tourtaste, and sometimes with a sweetishtaste; this is frequently attended withpalpitation of the heart; ihe ilsinnbecomes impaired with spots before thoces; thcro is a feeling ot great prostra-tion and weakness. All ot thoo symptoms are In timi present. It is thoughtthat nearly one-thir- d of our populationhas this disease in some of Its variedforms. It has been found that medicalmen Inuc mistaken thu nature of thisdisease, Sotno have tieated itforn livercomplaint, others for kidney disease, etc.,but none of thu arlous kinds of treat-ment have been attended with success,because thu remedy should he such as toact harmoniously upon each one of theseoigans, and upon tho stomach as well;for in Dyspepsia (for this is really whatthe disease is) all of these organs partakeof this disease and require a remedythat vt ill act upon all at tho same time.Seigel's Curntlvo Syrup acts like a charmin thisclnss of complaints, glvingalmostimmedlated relief. The follow inglettersfrom chemists of standing in the com.niunity wheic they live show in whatestimation tho article is held.

John Archer, Ilarthill, near ShetUcld:I can confidently recommend It to all

who may bo suffering from liver orstomach complaints, having the testi-mony of my customei s, who have derivedgreat benefit from the Syrup ami l'ills.The sale is increasing wondcifully.

Geo. A. Webb, 111, York Street,Belfast: I liavo sold a largo quantity,and the parties have testified to its beingwhat you represcntit.

J. S. Metcalfe, G.j, Higligato, Kendal:I hac always great pleasure in rccom-mendin- g

tho Curatlvo Syrup, for I havenever known a case in which it has notrelieved or cuied, and I havu sold manygio-sc-

Boht. O. Gould, 27, High Street,Andovcr: I have always take a greatinteicst in your medicines and I liaciccommcndcd them, as 1 have foundnumerous ciues of euro from their use.

Thomas Ch.ipman, West Aucklaud:1 find that the trado steadily increases.I sell more of your medicines than auyother klud.

XD.it roll, Clun, Salop: All who buyIt are pleased, and lecommend it.

J03. Balkwill, A. P. S., Klagsbiidgc:Tho public seem to appreciate their

great value.A. Armstead, Market Street, Dalton-in-Furncs-

It is needles for mu to saythat your valuahlo medicines have greatsale in this district greater than anyother I know of, giving great talisfaction.

Kobt. Laine. Molkshani: I can wellrecommend tho Curatlvo Syrup fromhaving proved its olhcacy for indigestionmysi'lt.

Friockholm, Arbroath, Forfai shire,Sept. 23, 18S. Dear Sir, Last j ear Isent you a letter icuommcnding MotherSeige'l's Syrup. I have ery muchpleasure In still bearing testimony to thovery batisfactory results of tho famedSyrup and Pills. Most patent medicinesdlo out with me, but Mother Seigel hashad a steady sale ever since i com.menccd, nml is still in as great demandas when I lltat began to sell the medi.cine. Tho cuics which have como undermy notico are chiefly those of livercomplaint nnd general debility.

A cortaiu minister in my neighbour,hood fctiys it is tho only thing wJtlch hasbunetlted him and restored him to hisnormal condition of health after bolngunahlo to preach for a consldqrablclength of time. 1 could mention also agreat many other cases, but si aco wouldnot allow. 'A near friend ot mine, whois very much addicted to costiveness, orconstipation, finds that Mother Seigel'sl'ills arc tho only pills which suit hiscomplaint. All other pills cause areaction which Is very annoying.Mother Seigel's Pills do not lcavo a badafter-elVec- 1 have much pleasure inr.nmmendinir nealn to sutlering human.Ity Mother Seigel's mcdlclnis, whichare no sham. It this letter Is of anyservice you can publish it.

Youisvcry tuily.(Signed) William S. Glass, Chemist.

A. J. AVhlte, i:sq.15th August, 1883.

Dear Sir, I wiito to tell you that Mr.Henry Hilllcr, of Yatcshury, Wills,

mo that ho suffered from a severe,form of indigestion for upwards of fouryears, and took no end ol doctoi's medi.cluo without tho slightest bencflt, anddeclares Mother Seigel's Syi up which hogot from mo lias saved his life.

Yours truly,(Signed) N. Webb,

Mr. White. Chemist, Calne.. 705 ly 2

B. F. EHLETtS & Co.,

DRY' GOODS IMPORTERS,All tho Latost Novoltlos in Fancy Goods Rocoivod by ovory stoainor FOR T STREET.

w104 Fort Street,


"JDi'y Goods?XPaney

Look Oil for tlie


Hay, Grain and

A. M.


to He

of and1 TCi.

iMlnnil orilcrH Holirltcri, and goods delivered promptly.

Every Description

Executed with neatness and dispatch,





oods,IWQllinei'y 3rood..


Gouts' iEHu-x&itgliiiig- r Goods.

Grand Ojeiii AioicGfl My.

Corner Queen Edinburgh StreetsJoloplioiio


Chicken Feed.

of M Printing




Daily Bulletin Steam Printing Office,

J. E. WISEMANCampbcll'M !Nov Jiloelt, McircliniU Sti'oct,

Telephone, 172. P. O. Boy, 31G.

3GLDE.H. ESTATE A. G- - 3H3 TV T,Employment Agont, CuBtom Houso Broker,

Firo and Lifo Insuranco Agont,and Gonoral Business Agont

Tiic only General Business Agent in tho Hawaiian Islands.0S0 ly Ordeis of Every Kind and Nature Solicited from tho Various Islands.


BENSON, SMITH & CO..lunMnrinc & Dispnsini Plamacisls,


Depot for Booricko & Schrock's

Homoepathic Medicines, Ricksecker's PerfumesAnd Toilet Requisites, Tho Common Scnso Nursing Bottles,

And Allaire Woodward Go's Pharmaceutical Products.

iJMMriiJVirfH f -

O. W.





WILLIAM AULD,to tako Acknowledgments

to Contracts for Labor for thu Districtof Kona, iBland of Utiliu. at the ofllco oftho Honolulu Water Works, foot of Nuuaim street. 180 i

JOHN A. HASSINQER,A gout to take Acknowledgments

to Contracts for Labor. Interior Ofllce,Honoluln.

WO. AKANA,and Hawaiian Translator

nnd Interpreter,No. IS King street, Honolulu.

Translations of cither of tho nbovclanguages made witli accuracy and diapatcii, and on reasonable terms. 209


204 FORT ST.

mm. gektz.V No. 80 Fort street, Honoltil,Imporler and Dealer in Geut's, Ladles'and Children's boots, .shoes anil slippers.

17IUTZ WILHELM,caupj;nter & buildbh,

Shop on King street, In rear of New-Od-d

Fellow's Hall King street.Telephonu 112. 5290m


IVirr.n Uaxouii, etc.,No. 107 KiNoSrncKT, - Honolulu.

025 Telephone, 111. ly

BROWN & PHILLIPS,Plumbois, Gas Fitters

nnd Conpor-amltli- s, No. 71 King St.,Honolulu. Sgy Houso and Ship JobWork promptly executed. 17

.1. 31. OAT A CO.. MAII.-IIAKr.U-

Loft in A. F. Cooke New Firo-Proo- f

Building, foot of Nuuaiiu Street.Honolulu, II. I.

Flags of ail descriptions made andrepaired. ly b


Druggists & Tolmcconists,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

59 Nuuanu Street, Honolulu, nnd Cor.,C07 Fort and Merchant streets, tf b

Tf(8TJ HONOLULU IRON "WORKS,ScaJAauStenmcuL'lncs.su gar mills, boll.ew, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast-ings; machinery of overy descriptionmaile to order, l'nitlcularattcntl on paidto ship's black binitliing. Job work exc--

emeu at short notice. 1

Prussian NationalInsurance Comp'y


Capital 9,000,000 flcichsmarks,

''pHE undersigned, halng been apX pointed ugcni of the above Company

for tho Hawaiian Islands, is prepared toaccept rblcH, against Fire, on Buildings,Furniture, Merchandise, Produce, SugarMills etc., on the mot Favorable Tonus

Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payablo in


070 ly b nt Wilder & Co'a.


and ail whom it may concern.'pzrat The uudersigneil having

AJHUralKxakl made alterations, additions,and Improvements In his

hJM.raBMauA siai PAfrrmtv.U now prepared to give

Tho Highest Cash Valuefor any quantity of

T.AXilLO'W,And will furnish containers for the samefieo of cost to any ono who may desire.

'fllON. W. KAWIjIKM,Honolulu Soap Works,

Olllco in Brick Building,King streot, Leloo. 483 ly

Commission Merchants.BREWER 6s COMPANY,0 . (Limited)

oknekat. mmicantii.l andCommission Aoe.nts.

mst ok oi'Kicr.ns:

P. 0. .Tonus, Jr. . . .President & ManagerJ. O. OAiiTcn Treasurer & Secretary


Hon. C. 11. Ilisitoi'. Hon. 11. A. P. Cunxn038 ly

Oeo.W. Macfarlaue. II. It. Macfarlano.

O. W. MA0?ARLANE & Co.



Suyav IPactors,Firc-Proo- f Building, C2 Queen street,

Honolulu. II. I.AGENTS for

Tho AValkapu Sugar Plantation, Maul,Tho Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii,Thu lleeia Sugar Plantation, Oalm,Huelo Sugar Mill, Maul,Huelo Sugar Plantation, Maui,Puuioa Sheep ltnncli Co., Hawaii,J. Fowler & Co. Steam Plow and Port- -

ablo Tramway Works, Leeds,Mirrlcc, Watson &Co's Sugar Machln

cry, Glasgow,Glasgow and Honolulu Lino of Packets.



LYONS & LEVEY,Auctioneers and General

Commission .Merchants,Beaver Block, Queen St., - - Honolulu.

Sales of Furniture, Stock, Real Estatonnd General Merchandise promptly nt- -tended to.

Solo Agents for American and Euro-pean mcichamlisc. .118

M. GRINBAUM i CO.,Iiunortera of General Mci- -

oliunillseaiid Commission. Murclmuts,Honolulu. 1

MS. GRINBAUM is Co.,CommlBslon Mcrchnnts,

124 CiillfoinlH stroot,1 finu Francisco, Cal.

Claui Sprcckcls. Wni. O. Irwin.TIT G. Irwin & Company,

Yt Sugar Factors and Comm!issionAgents, Honolulu. 1

A. OLEQHORN fc CO.Importers and Commission

Merchants, dealers in General Merchan-dise, Queen and Kaahuraanu sts., Hono-lulu. 78

MA. GONSALVES S: CO.,No. 67 Hotel Stieet, Honolulu,

Importers and Dealers In Dry and FancyGoods, Inlaid Work, Embroidery,

28!) &c, &c, Ac.

JOHN T. WATERHOUSE,Importer nnd Dealer in General

Merchandise, Queen it., Honolulu. 1

BROWN & CO.,Wholesale Wine nnd Spirit

Merchants, No. 1 1 Merchant St.,Honolulu. S30

. N. Castle. J. V. Athcrton.

Castle & Cooke,Shipping and Commission

Merchants. Importers nnd Dealers inGeneral Merchandise, No. 80 King st.,Honolulu. l


and General Dealersin English, American and Chinese Pro-visions. Plantation Teas nnd GenornlSupplies. Also, White & Colored Con-tra-

Matting, all qualities and prices.No. 24 Nuimuu street, opposite Mr. C.

Afong's. 523 Cm

Wolfe & EdwardsGrocery and Feed Store,

Corner King and Nuuanu streets.Fresh Groceries andJProvisions received

uy overy oicnmcr.P.O. Box 130, Tclcphono 349.

501 Cm

wm. nicOAsriHiKss,No. G Queen street, Fish Maiket,

Dealer In choicestIteer, Vcul, glutton, I'InIi, Ac, Ac.

Family and Shipping Orders carefullyattended to. Live stock furnished tovessels nt short notico, and Vegetablesof all kinds supplied lo order. !M0 ly


AND BAKERY.F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,

Pahtry Cook aiut I3akor.No. 71 Hotel st. Telephone 74.

IhiHtcrn tiiic Snrr KegH,In Shooks or Set up, nlso

Efistorn Pino Barrels forMolassos. '

Hoops Iron ?.f, Ji, lln.,2 s 1.10, 'J x Jj,'J x

For Sale by030 !lm b J. 11. BBUNS, Senior.

Wilier Notice.Omco Sup't Water Works,

Honolulu, July 3, 1882.

ALL persons having Water Privilegesnotified that their Water Rates

are payablo bcmi anuually, in advance,at tlie ofllce of the Superintendent ofWater Works, foot of Nuuanu street,upon tlie 1st day of January and July ofeach vear, OIIAS. 15. WlLSON,

Bup't "Water WorksS. K. Kaai, Mlulstcr of Interior. 201



D1 EMERSON,Rcsldcnco and consultation room-i- '

at No. 2 Kukul St., comer of Fort.Telephone No. 1 ill. 59 2m '


And Notary Public,, .rtm. ...til. il. An -, ,ttuuitc nun uiu iviiuniej ucuerui, iiniuAlanl Rale, Honolulu. 312 lv.

JuniN ituaauijLi,A'lTORNEY AT LAW.

Olllcc, on Merchant street, (next doorto Dr. Stnngcnwnld.) 493 ly

EICHARD F. BlCKERTON,and Counsellor ut Law.

M'onoy to lend on Mortgage of Free,holds. Ofllce, No. 1 1 .Merchant st. 1

CECIL BROWN,and Counsellor at Law-Notar- y

Public, and Agent for taking Acknow lodgments of Instruments for theIsland of Oahu. No. 8 Kaahumanu at,Honolulu. 1


und Notniy Public. Real Estate m anypart of tho Kingdom bought, sold amileased, on commission. Loans negotluted, Logal Documents Drawn. No. 27Merchant st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu,Hawaiian Islands lbO

c.- - BERQER,


General Agent forThe N. Y. Lite Insurance Company,

Tho City of London Firo In. Co(limit'dMatncale & Urban Safe,Tho Celebrated Springfield Gas MachineGas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co. , ",H


Itobcrt LcMors, u. M. Cooke,

LEWER8 Si COOKE,to Lowers & Dickson,)

Importers and Dealer in Lumbnr and tillkinds ot Building Materials, Fort Btrett,Honolulu i

WILDER & CO.,D,calers in Lumber, Points,

Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materialsof every kind, cor. Fort nnd Queen sts.,Honolulu. l

Beaver L Saloou

Tho Best Lunch in Town,

Tea and Coffee at All HoursTheflncst Brands of Cigar ami

Tobacco, always on hand.


is OPEN EVERY DAY.tSTThc only sca.sidc resort in the

Kingdom. 1I.J.NOLTE,Proprietor.

PASTUItAGE.GOOD PASTURE forHorses In KnllhlVnlhyDO acics in ono paddook-- K all fenced, with an"abundanco of fieih

grass, n living stream of water running,,through tho land. Horses called forand delivered at CO cents per head, if sodesired. Reasonable good euro taken ofstock but no icspoinlbillty from acci-dent. Positively nono but healthy am.malb taken. Address or enquire of

ALLEN HERBERT,Olllco on (Jnti'ii street, with HamiltonTnhubou. 7Gt tf '

A Goodpasture Tor Horses,p NEAR TOWN.

Inquire toA.A.MONTANO.

077 Om


Will ,.,.. ci...,'. IM ,1 111 I II1U kJll'IV IIILima Horses

CSTSenil orders toCapl Cluuey's stablesijiieen x l'unciuiowi sis. 4V0 y

rciepiionoo. uuii. ,

itojsot!. G. II. ROBERTSON.irtTJry. JAlv lit- - Drayman best tramsIn town. Ofllce, Queen st. IB

M"u"grossman,Has opened his olllco In Hotel St., next

to tho Y. M. C. A. building, where ho laprepared to perform all operations indentistry. 3m COl.p


504 No. 13 Kaahumanu street,

M. HATCH17RAN0I8 Attorney at Lnw,'2'i 1C Kaahumanu at


II. ISAKEll,M. R. C. V. S. London,

Fellow Royal V. M. Association,

(as per Diploma in my ofllce.)

Tie.itsnll Diseases ofjllorscs, Mules andHorned Cattle.

E3?OlUco over Turner's Jewelry shop,1


iving nircci, iisw-- t u


Page 2: DAILY BULI · 2015. 5. 30. · vyi j5' j-THE DAILY BULI orn'Tiv' y--mil. !imr.m-in-wt mi i.1 m iiji "'bvt gua:;mjixqrauxvjui.'jav'm'ivxmnva!j.mjw Vpr,. VL No. 812. HONOLULU, II. I.,

IBJ8II0P & Co., HANKERSHonolulu, Hawaiian Hand,

Draw liv lia'igi-- Mh

VI Sun U f C''uHiu'ii1u. S. V.Ami lliclr agent in


Messrs. X. M. Rothschild A. Sou, London.

The Commercial Haul. Co. of Sydni-.v- ,

London,Tli Cointurruliil Hank Co., of hjdney,

Sydney,The Hank of Nov Zealand. Auckland,

Oliritrhnroh, ami Wellington.The Hank of lliilldi Columbia, Vic.

loria, 15. ('. and I'oitlnnd, Or.ASH

Tr!in"aet a General Hanking NnMnen.t!i!!t lv

niK AiiiV mjijijiwiscan lie liail from

fk, J. M.Oit,.lr., & Co. ...Moi chantThrum .Merchant

And from the Paper Carriers,

r- -

st.T. (J. . St.



Notice to Subscribers.Mr. A. M. Mellis.is authorized to

collect all back subscriptions for the

IT " Daily Bulletin," whose receipt for

the same will be sufficient.

JAS. Q. CLEVIOIt, Manager.

Bulletin Office, Oct. 7, 1884.

vHJu gnihi gulUlin,PlcJgeil to neither Sfd nor Patty,lht ojtibllahol for tho banoit of all.



Excelsior Lodge, I.O.O.V.. '1(1. '



Sale of Planed Lumber at I'.JM.S.S. wharf, at 12. by Lyons iS. Levey.

Meeting Stock Exchange, at 11.


Probably the most notable ofrecent advances in the educationalwork of this Kingdom is to be foundin the largely increased number ofschools in which the English lan-

guage is taught. A very few yearsago there was only about a halfdozen schools in the entire country

', tthat attempted to impart an English

V education to Hawaiian children: now

ttlicy arc to bo seen scattered all overh- - the islands. This advance has cor- -

itainly been in the true); of popular.sentiment. Native Hawaiian? fullyrecognize that they are at serious

V.llonrlt.nitf.wri, In tint l.ntft. f ltfiMI3t,llt.,ll,lllj II, llll, I'tllll l J

without a knowledge of English,and for this reason Hawaiian parentsexhibit a strong desire to have theircliildicn trained in its use. Hut theentire juvenile population is not yet

U lintwr tin trnilieil for tlin llvinl i,fCs ",

i Education report shows that there t

arc now over two thousand Hawaiianchildren not in English school?. Toaccommodate these will require a

still greater increase of school facili-

ties and sixty oi seventy additionalteachers. How arc these teachersto be supplied? Many, if not most,of those now employed in existingschools were brought here fromabroad, and for the simple reasonthat sufficient numbers were notprocurable at home. IStit is there11113 sufficient reason why all theteachers required for our public j

schools cannot bo produced righthere on the islands, in the not verydistant future? Competent observers

?w say the material is here, only it j

i lacks the necessary training. If so,

$ what is needed is a Normal Schoolrf "for the training of willing candidates

ior u pioicbsiuu in wiiicu iiauirc liasalready adapted them. Such an

, institution would be of incalculable."benefit to the nation. The first ad-- -

vantage would be to the candidatesthemselves, giving nativu Hawaiiansthe opportunity of qualifying for animportant profession which is ntpresent mostly filled by foreigners.Next, the whole community wouldfeel the beneficial influence of therising generation being in charge of

rf teachers thoroughly qualified for..their work. The faculty of this

Normal School should consist ofL teachers possessing the guarantee ofp' fitness in liuving graduated in similarI.' institutions elsewhere. Its nronci

location would bo in Honolulu, be- -

x: uuiisu iiuuuiiiiu is i ne ihusl ncccssi o

H? place m ,,H t,c islands, and becausePpijv ,,KtSAiIinrp lliorn 14 il nrnntnc nmnlinr ntwl


,a greater variety of bchoola to serve

p as practising ground for the under- -

'graduates of the Training School..

'.To make such an institution of tho

iullcst service to the country it must''',flrstbe made jiopulnr, that is,.


musl be made iiltrnctivc to studentsambitious of learning the teacher'sprofession. This can probably bedone by a guarantee of permanentpositions to successful graduates,subject, of course, to the usual j

chances of n teacher's life, and by '

giving them precedence of others of '

equal attainment1), in questions ofappointment and promotion. It j

seems to us that the subject isdeserving of caieful considerationby the Board of Education, and if itbe found practicable, to establishMich an institution, in it the Hawa-

iian race will receive nn inestimableboon and the Hawaiian Kingdom nn

incalculable benefit.


The proceedings of tho Geographysection of the Hrilish Association forthe Advancement of Science wereopeucd by the president of that sec-

tion with a review of recent explora-

tions. Geography and geology heshowed were more intimately con-

nected than was generally known.Dr. Halm bud enumerated ninety-si- x

more or less extensive tracts of land,on the sea coast alone, known to berising or sinking. Mr. 1?. A. Pea-

cock has given evidence that tho is-

land of Jersey bad no existence inthe time of Ptolemy, and was pro-

bably not cut off from the. mainlandof Prance until the fourth or fifthcentury. Xordenskjold found theremains of whales, evidently killedby the early Dutch Ushers, on theelevated terraces of Martin's Island.Professor Hall's recent conclusionthat the land between Suez and theHitter lakon has risen since the Exo-

dus thrown fresh light on the Mosaicaccount of that groat event; and, togo further south, the Indian surveyhad demonstrated that it was almostcertain the mean sea level at Madrasis a foot higher than it was sixtyyears ago. So gently had tho Islandof Hcrinuda subsided that greathangings of stalnctito, unbroken,may bo found dipping into the sea,or, at all events, into salt water poolsstanding at the same level, and theyhad no reason to suppose the sinkingto have stopped. The president

to Canada's having within its; limits two spots of a physical In

terest not surpassed by any otherson the globe, viz : the pole of mag- -

l nctic attraction, commonly called themagnetic pole, and the focus ofgreatest magnetic force ; also oftenbut incorrectly called a pole. Thefirst was visited by Hoss in 1805,

and again by others. The utmostinterest attached to the questionwhether the magnetic pole hadshifted its position in these llftv

, , , , , ,ji.ua, iiuvi .iiiiiuiiii nu "ua mi iilJli

a ting the danger lightly, it was pro- -

bably approachable overland, with-

out the cost of an Arctic expedition.The second has never been visited atall, although Dr. 1. Hell, in hia ex-

ploration of Lake Nipigon, waswithin 200 miles of it. He referredto the progress made on the canalworks at Panama, saying that in

March last the excavations werecubic metres, being 015,8.11

metres per month. We quote theremainder of the report of the presi-

dent's speech in full:In Africa Mr. James Thomson has

explored an unknown country about.Mount Kilimanjaro and .Mount ICcnla,continuing his route to Lako Xyan.a,Mr. II. II. Johnston has also made anInvestigation into tho fauna and flora ofKtllmanjaio, of which details will begiven in section D. Through therapid progress of the religion of Mo-hammed among the African races of I honorthern equatorial zone, native tribes,hltheito without moral or politicalcohesion, arc being knit together In theWestern Soudan, the Upper Niger andthe Gambia, with a rapidity winch en-dangers tho peaceful advance of Euro-pean commerce, it Is to be expectedthat this movement will in llmo reach(ho Congo, and wo have too iccent evi-dence ot the fanaticism It is capable ofInspiring, not to perceive here .1 moralelement which may greatly affect whitesettlements and lliUsIonarv enterprisein Central Africa hereafter." Referencewas made to the recent discoveries ofStanley on tho Upper Congo, and to theteeming life of these equatorial regions.Lieut. Wlssnianti had brought confirma-tion of thu oft reported existence of adwarfish race, thu Watwa, on tho upperwaters of Lako Xyassa. Isbecoming a busy Inland sea. There aretwo steamers on it, and one on theKlver Shiro. Upon tho Tanganyikathere are three. All around In ihk'illn.triet centre of trade are arising, and?HrC&WSuiu l i 111:111 .sen. uniu-insinu- r imr tin.

wnt,criri"?rt luJy "he olga, the Ural, rivers,u ilpt'tmr ,,,, r..ut .wi .1... f...i...

w.,', ' form J" ;,,";i.n,,t''' of Its fauna, are diminishing in

numbers. One of tho finest feats uf"y"nJU u"'?.w?'' l,c"0""c" ''wtycar

by . . Graham, who reached anelevation of s:i,noo feet In tho Hima- -,il?''"' .','!,1.0 f'ldciit then spoke of thoHiti" iiuiu iiuiiih uuuu iij- - 1110 U'lKODO- -metrical survey of India. The Austra- -

llau continent had again been eroscdfrom east to west, on tho parallel of '

2S S., by Mr. W. Whltelleld Mills.Hut for the Introduction of camels, thoexpedition would have broken down.Mr. Wliltcllcld reports n great extent ofavailable paturago between Warliurtonrange and tho myth water-she- d, but befound only three permanent sotneesofwater simply In lJilK) mile: ouch con-ditions give more than usual Interest tothe recent dlcovcry that subterraneanMippllcs of water may be expected alloor u crustaceans area estimated at120,000 Mpmro miles In tho central re-gion of the Australian continent. Goodwater was struck In April last bv annrioian uormg, ni a ucptn or i,'i'M feel,at Turkaunlna. hit. IIO S., long. KlSJtfE. Tho speaker then referred to thenow railways In course of construct Ionthroughout the world, which had agreat geographical Interest for tho tra-veller, and lu coucluloii. said that be-fore ho resumed his scat he could nothelp alluding to that Important socialreform, -- o "duple In U application, soscientific In Its basU, for which theywere indebted to the perseverance ofhis friend, Mr. Sandforil Fleming, C. K.lie meant, of course, the agreement torefer local time In tills continent to a suc-cession of first nictldlan, one hourapart. The next slop would not belong delayed; that Is, the agreement ofthe. elvlllcd world to u-- one llrst meri-dian. Paris, Ferrol, Washington, lllo doJaneiro, gracefully, as he ventured tohope, giving that precedence, to Green-wich, which Is demanded by the factthat an overwhelming proportion of thoexisting nautical charts of all nation1!,and of maps and atlases lu most ofthem, already refer their longitudes tothat meridian; no other change wouldbe so eay or so little fell."


Vi Is solicited on liiotor-lu- if the day, or what may become mi.

We u- the rlirht to excise purelypersonal matter.

We do not hold oursclvc-- .for the opinions expressed by our



KniTon Uui.i.uTix: I know notwhat may lie the feeling of news-

paper readers in general in Hono-

lulu, but I, for one, am perfectlysick of this perpetual politicalbickering and squabbling and repeat-

ing over and over again the oldcharges with slight variations. Forheaven's sake, give us n rest. Nodoubt, 11 majority of the thinkingpeople of the town arc opposed inheart, if not in voice, to the Govern-

ment, and would be glad of somekind of a change ; but surely thesepeople arc not clamorous for aneverlasting repetition of what theyhave learnt and forgotten a thousandtimes, and arc tired of learning andforgetting. If there is any newmuddle, or airy fresh corruption, orany improved tiickcry, trot it out;we nrc all attention. If there is

nothing new in the political world,and nothing can bo found outside ofpolitics to write about, suspend thepapers for a wlrilc and take a vaca-

tion up country, or go practising forthe regatta, or fill up with thatsecond-han- d California stuff andthose nursery pictures th.it they usein tiie Jlaicitikm and tho Advertiser.Something, anything, nothing, for achange. This in tiie feeling of

A Sick cai:u.


There should be music in everyhouse.

Music is a higher revelation thanscience and philosophy.

A concerto lias just been composed. in Italy for sixteen pianos.

Vienna is to raise a $fi0,000 monu-

ment to the momory of Mozart.Our church choirs will soon have

to think of selecting their specialmusic for the Christmas services.

On the 28th of last month theinauguration of the statue of JohnSebastian Bach took place, withgrand musical exercises.

To-m- row, Oct. lfith, there will ben grand musical festival in Vienna,to celebrate the 40th nnniversary ofStrauss's llrst appearance.

It is expected that the celebratedband of the Grenadier guards, HanGodfrey, leader, will play at thecoming New Orleans fair.

Gilbert and Sullivan will have an-

other new opera ready by the middleof next month. The music it is saidwill approach the style of grandopera.

November 25th will be the twenty-fift- y

nunivcrsnry of Madame AdclinaPntti's operatic debut. She willcelebrate it at the Academy of Music,New York.

In tho family where social musicis cultivated, will be found prevail-

ing peace, harmony nnd love, andthere the great vices have no c.

An American has offered S 1,000,-00- 0

to the heirs of Uiehard Wagnerfor tho exclusive right of performingIds opera "Parsifal". The guar-dian of the heirs absolutely refusedto entertain the proposition.

rWii .nj



Tho Supremo Court opened nt 10

o'clock yesterday morning, JusticeMcCully presiding. Ah Hong,charged with perjury, had his casocontinued until a witness was sentfor from Hawaii.

Ah Lee, for assault and battery,an appeal from the. Police Court,asked for mitigation of sentence.Sentenced to pay a fine of S 10 andcosts.

The case of Arscnio Joio, for sellingliquor without license, an appealfrom Polico Com I. The jurybrought in a verdict of not guilty.

Ah Linn charged with havingopium in possession. Appeal fromthe Police Court. A verdict of notguilty n9 returned by the jury.

Old Lumber At Auction !

At the P M S S Wharf,On Wednesday, October Ititli,

at 12 noon, n quantity of

Lyons it Luvi:v, Anctr's.


Hll St

TO IjKT.A LAItUE HOUSE, contain-

ing i:t rooms wiih bath-roo-

kitchen, P'Uilry. milk room,servant's room mid c cry convenience,with six aeies of land laid out in goodstylo as a g.irdcu, carriage houo andsiiihling, water and gas laid out all overihe lime-i1- ; lately occupied by the late 15.k Hollo?. Pos.eslon given immediate-ly. For further particulars apply to841 2w 15. FitAN K HOILF.S.

Ekll NOTICE.rpilE MAIL In IheX ?. JS. jMnripowu.

Will clonal the Post Oillee,

At 10 si.ni., Wednesday,Oct. 15, 1881.

LATE LE'ITKK HAG " will boA"kept open till 11 :3U. a.m., to receivohie letters on which an additional feeof Fic Cents each letter must be paid.

Persons mailing correspondence onthe morning of the Maimer's departure,nro lcquesteil to Mump all letters beforeposting them.

II. M WHITNEY, P.M.G.Post Olllre. Honolulu, Oct. 13th, IBS!.




Bolopa Sausages !


Besivei Saloon.8301


Columbia Itivcv.

Otiteli oi" 1S84L.for .Sulc !

8:i3 QUEEN' STHEET. iiw

Chas. EustaceII 11 just lecelved per Mariposa,

I5oe Apples,Cain Potatoes and Onlom,C.ila ( liccse.Fall banks' Lard,Star Hams F. F. Flour,

Jhickwltout Flour,.Maple Syiup, Cala Syrun,N. O. Molasses, Comb Honey,Table and Pie Fruits,Jams and Jellies, &c, Ac.

r j i 1 t -A few more left of tho

celebrated Old Virginia

Swoet ami Vickies.Leave ciders or ring up Xo. 1 10. Goods

delivered to any part of tho city.


8!18 Uvv

Notice io Sufo.serihevs ofthe Jliiwiiiijin Bell


JL. WISKilAN IS AUTIIORIZtl)to collect accounts due tho Haw-

aiian Hull Telephone Co. for usoof Tele-phone, and Mibsurlboih may apply at hisoffice and settle their quaitcrly accountsfor which ho will L'lve the necessary receipt of the Company.

GOIIFIIEY UHOWX,President H. 11. T. Co.

Ollleo of J. E, WifntMAK.Campbell's llloek, Merchant Street.

830 2w


Adjoining Dodd'f,


The lone looked for opening of thisstois will be'on Monday, Sept. 15th,with a full stock of


Soda Walor,

And Tobaooos.

ItOIlT. DONNOLLY, manufacturerof Soda Water, Ginger Hcor, Koot Itccrand Spruco l.'ccr, will oiler to the publicon Monday, cooling drink superior toany in the Hawaiian Islands, 'ihediinks mentioned above nro manufac-tured at mv Soda Works, back of Ho;eCottage. One trial or my Arctic Soduwill pionounco It the best In the city.My sjrup. are Imported from London,eompilso the choicest of English fruits,nmiielv - Goojcberiy, Cherry, Pear.Hafplerry, Strawberry, Lemon, Hwl

Cuirant, lllnul: Currant and Pine Apple,Ctiiiinr. Ornnirc and 1-

nllhi. Any of these fruits at

S cti per GrltlSSMv mctto Is to glvo a superior nrtlclo

even H It cosi more, and thereby ensure

' 'WitVmy GIXGEU HEElt, HOOTllKUU and SPHUCE HEElt, I havebeen at a heavy expense experimentingon them, so as 10 give tho public drinksthat will be both strengthening andlcfreshlng in this climate. I guaranteethem strictly VEGKTA11LE, no MIXE-HAL- S

employed. 1 mo tonic of thollnest medicinal herbs that grow In theSlate-"- . The public wants a drink withsome nutriment in it, this you find inmy beers that slrengllitn the body aswell as dilute the blood for purposes ofa more casv How thiough the system.Thev can be" taken by any one as theyare absolutely pure. Tuey are the mostenjoyable thirst quenchers evtr Intro,(liiced. 1 will sell them at prices to suitone and all,

Superior Genger Beer, 10c. per bottle.Donnolly's Root Beer, " " "

Donnolly's Spruce Beer, " " "

Candies for the MillionOn Saturday, at the Fountain. My as-

sortment Is of tho llnest and purestand will be sold at the lowest

possible price. Don't forget and callearly to insuie a packet of these rarecandles for the loved ones at home. Ihiive also an assortment of lion Hons,Cloves and Xuts of all descriptions.


Smokers' Articles it speciality at thoFountain, all descriptions of home an Jforeign Cigars, to suit the most fasti,dlous. Best brands of Tobacco andCigarettes. Hoping to get a share ofpu'lillc patronage by supplying a goodarticle, 1 remain,

Yours respectfully,814:im HOIJEKT HOXXOLLV.


shareholders of tne Inter-Islan-d SteamNavigation Co. on the 11th Inst., nt theirolllce on Esplanade. J. EXA, Ju.,8117 41 Secretary.


8:11 tf Soap Works


A SUIT OF FRONT ROOMS, nicelyfurnished. Apply at No. 8 Kukui

street. 770 tf

Furnished Uooins.IOR GENTLEMEN ONLY. Apply

MRS. TURNER, 82 King Street,nearly opposite the Windsor Restaurant,

CC0 ly b

TO LET.A Liirtre and Commodious

tllSwS HOUSE, centrally located,EsaisBffi newly papered snd painted.r.argo vara, staoies, iYC. Possessiongiven immediately. Foi further par.Ucularscnnuiro of

.TXO. S. McGREW,81.1 Hotel str, bet. Fort and Alakea

TO KKXT.rpVO OR THREE FURNISHEDX ROOMS, (pilot neighborhood,

about 5 minutes walk fiom the Post.Olllce, also btabliag. Apply at thisOlllce. 817 lm

House and Furniture to Let.

ON TIIE PLAINS, corner of Ucreta-1- 1

in and lCuamauka Streets, frontson thiec street', known as the Bradleypremises. House Is 8 story, contains 0rooms, choice strides, both gmdcu and

furnished suitably. Rental$00 per month. Apply or.addrcsi to

J. E. WISEMAN.General Business Agent, Merchant St.

815 tf


KTO'lMm Jlco, near ilio Soap Work", foriiarllculars annlv to

T. W. RAWLINS, Soap Works.8111 tf


ADJOINING Kapiolanl Park.Apply to M. D. MOXSARRAT.

833 lw


ONO has left my employ,meat on tho lath Inst.

O. AFONG.Honolulu, Sept. IS, 1SH. 817 lm

NOTICE.ratt) 'ROM IT MAY CONCERN.X All lll'.Pmilltfl nu'lmp tr, Mm i,,,.tr...siKiieil for tho quarter ending Ju no SO;JfeSI, If not paid by October ltlth, willi.u uuucu in win annus i a collector.

HENRY MAY & CO.Sept. 25,1881. 820 tf



Bush v b


. ninn 1M m uiu

Roady for Active Work Again;

rpiIE Business Comtnuulii and myX Rations eeneiidly Ibiougliout the

Iriands will pleate lake notice that 1

have returned from mv trip to the Coastand wllh Improved Inelllllcs for con.ducting my General Olllce Untitles. Imost respectfully solicit In the futurotho patronage heretofore extended tome during my business engagement Inthe Kingdom for tho pnst live years.

In addition to my various depart,ments, I have beciiappnliittd Kile Agentfor the St. Jo & llaimlbnl and the liur-llngto- n

nnd Qulnry Rail Roads, also,soliciting Agent for the San FranciscoIlluminating Card AthertUenient Com-pun-

Orders for Goods, Wares andMerchandise of every kind and i.aturoseat to the Coast, and intisfnctlcmguaranteed and on the most leasouablcterms.

In my Real Estate Department, I havealwavs'on hand choke piopcity to soiland House?, Rooms and Offices to leaseand let. I collect rent', pay nmlJI-char- go

taxes, insurance and older neces-sary repaiis when lequircd. Landlordsnnd Owners will llnd that it will be totheir advantage to place their Real to

Interests in my hands, u 1 willcarefully attend to this branch of myIjiihIirs to their entire fatlsfr.ctiun.

Custom House Entries executed atshort notice.

Rooks and Accounts kept and adjust-ed, and Quarterly Hills distributed andcollected accurately and promptly.

Soliciting Agent for the Mutual LifeInsurance Co. of Xcw York, also FireInsurance Agent.

Don't forget that I do business onbusiness principles. Give 1110 a call.

J. ID. AVISEIVXA.IY,The only recognized General Huslucs

Agent lu the Kingdom.Ofllces, 28 Merchant Street, Campbell's

Fire Proof llloek, Honolulu.P. O. Rox IJlfi Telephone 172.

815 Sim

Boots Ir4 Shoes

L. AOLE RJEGS to Inform the public that he has

JUST RECEIVEDper Mariposa, an elegant assoitnient of

Gents', Ladies', and Children's


812 m


62 Hotel Street.

AS there is great competition in tl eRestaurant business at the present


$4.50 per weekFrom tl.lsdate.

Honolulu, Sept. 8, 1S8L 811 lm



(opposito Pantheon Stables)


Carriage Manufacturer,Wheelwright and

General Blacksmith.The Manufactory contains a complete

Carriage Shop, Blacksmith Shop, PaintShop, nnd Trimming Shop.








Made to Order on most favorable termsand all work guaranteed.The UloNUKt Attention given to re-pal- p

work or nil UIiiiIh.Having been in business on tho Island

for a number of years employing nonebut tho most Skillful of Mechanics, andusing only A1 Material, I can strictlyguarantee all won; leaving my Manu-factory.

Givo mo a call boforo purchasingolsewhoro.

Don't forgot tho place.188 and 1C0 FORT STREET.

oiTosmc noon's staiim:s.

W. H. Page,C9l'n PROPRIETOR.

OFFICK 'm jkiONE SIDE of J. E. Wlscmnn's beau,

ollleo to rent, with lino olllcefurniture, chandeliers, consultationloom, use of telephone, Ac. To a suit,able parly reasonable terms will bogiven. Apply to

.J l:- - WISEMAN,General Business Agent, Campbell's

ian Block, Merchant Bt,

Page 3: DAILY BULI · 2015. 5. 30. · vyi j5' j-THE DAILY BULI orn'Tiv' y--mil. !imr.m-in-wt mi i.1 m iiji "'bvt gua:;mjixqrauxvjui.'jav'm'ivxmnva!j.mjw Vpr,. VL No. 812. HONOLULU, II. I.,

,.ojjm vyqwi'j wamMf rJ ' ,w?ar



All time fioiu noon of y, Oct. 11

)i 111.

Sim Sols 5 37.

Sunltlses 17 60.3IoonHIse 11 24.High Tide (small) 12 00.High Tide, (large) 24 00.

WISH tsu WniTIIRttJtecord from noon yesterday:

AV"onTo?1. Thermometer ICnln.

, 41i "l Oli I 22li 2li I nil 19h to ishI 30.07 I W.I I I 30. 11 II SO 3 I 779 I 7(1 8 0.01

Wind, I!. IIkIiI! Slty, Inizy ; Sen, muooHi.

' TELEPHONIC."""Diamond Head, Oct. 11, Sp.jr

Light S. V. wind.


FOU SAN FIt.lXCUCO.Muipo-- a Leave? Honolulu, Oct. 10Aliinirda.... Leaves Honolulu. Nov. 1st

pacTfic mail's. sTco.


Slnir City of Sydney Kov 1


Stmr Australia Out, 20

ARRIVALS.October 1 1

Ilk Ophelia from LiverpoolStmr Alokolll from Windward PortsSehr Lcahl from ICoholnleloSehr Cateriua from llanalelSehr Mile Mori Is from Lanai15k Nicholas Thayer from X S V


October 14

Stmr Kltiau for Windward PortsStmr U It HNhop for llamakuaStmr Iwalanl for KauaiSehr Mnmioknwal for KoolatiSehr Kawallaul for ICooIauSehr Itainbow for KoolauSehr Kob Roy for Kool.lu

VESSELS LEAVINGS S Marlpna for San KrancNcoSehr Cateriua for llanalelSehr Poholkl for PunaSehr .Mile MoriN for LanalStmr Mokolli for Windward Ports

VESSELS in PORT.S S Bordeaux, PhlllpotS S Mariposa, UaywardShip El Dorado, HumphriesBark O it JIMiop, WoltcrsBk Foret Queen, XellsonItrig Towera, La GuenBark Emerald, GutterBark C.iibarlcn, HubbardBgtue Glaus Spreekels, DrewIJgtnu Hazard, TlcrneyBarkOilielia, ModdielBark Nicholas Thayer,


For Kahnlui, per Likelike, Oct 1U

Hon S G Wilder, S G Wilder, Jr, EHalstead, "W P A Brewer, wife, child &servant, Hon J W Kalua, F C Green &wife, It Smith, E Helekunlhl and CMillion.

For Windward Ports, per Planter,Oct 111 W Chiinghoon, S K Kaeo, FMay, L M McKeague, D M Bent, Mrs .1

Mousarrat, .lohn Dodd, D II Davis. TLee, Mr Tuitle, G A Jackson, C Me-Nee- e,

A Barnes, C S McIJuffec, II IIHamlin, .1 Costa and A C Slmerson.

For Hamakua, per Lchua, Oct 13 NHulbcit, P HW lto?s, wife and child,and 10 deck.

For llamakua per stmr C. It. Bishop,Oct. 1 1 Mrs Bickucll, W II Cummins,A M Sptoull, I)r G A Itawson, Mr JMeUade.

For Windward Ports, per Kiuati, Oct14 Mrs C Stlllinan, WJ Brodle, MrsTreadway and child, C A Chappln andwife, G C Williams, Mr Lowe, G CPorter, Mr Southwick, D K Pa, J Ben-ton, Geo F Holmes, H C Austin, Miss CWilcox, V H llaysclden, S L Austin,

"Mrs II T'urton, Mrs Deacon and MissClarke.


Sehr Leah! brought, 1)30 bags of sugar.Sehr Mlie Morris brought 150 sheep.Sehr Haleakala will sail for Pcpeekco

on Friday next. Her new main-ma- st

has been put in and the Captain says ItIs a line stick.

The stmr O It llWhop took 10 Poitu-gucs- o

families for the Iteelproeity SugarCo., liana.

The bk Forest Quceu is taking inballast. Sho will sail for Port Town-sen- d

on Thursday next.The Brit bk Ophelia, Capt Jas Mod-dre- l,

arrived this morning, 130 daysfrom Liverpool with a general cargo.She is docked at Brewer's wharf and Isconsigned to Davles & Co. This Ophe-lia is a sinter to the bk Oberon that wasburnt at sea.

The brig Towera has lauded all of hercocoanuts and what good oranges shohad left. Shu is so deep in the waterthat it appears quite evident that tholeak is gaining on her. Shu will bolepalrod by Mr Soren-o- n.

The bin k Geo. S. Horner with coalfor this poit, for tho l S. Government,is reported 00 days out from Bio deJaneiro and 170 days from New Yoik.

Tho hchr. Jennie Walker arrived at.lallut 1 days before the Hazard arrlve'dthere. Sho repoits having had veryrough weather.

The bark Varuna from Liverpool forthis port, Is said to bo 15.") days out.WM w Wl.lM w n


Tnu Court will sit in Banco to-

morrow morning nt 10 o'clock.- .

Tin: Planters' Labor & Supply Co.

will have their annual meeting nextMonday.

.Lyons & Levey will sell a quantity

of lumber at tho P. M. S. S. wharf

at noon.

A LAitoi: stock of Picture andCornice mouldings, new styles, atKing Bros. 812 3t

Cawiskt Photos S3 per doz, cards

$1 per doz nt Sun Pearl Gallery,corner of King and Fort streets, for-

merly A. A. Montnno'R. 826 tf

'lllal!,,BI,'l"''''MwiiyiiiiiuIIM.jW,BIMlaillMB wl))llt J,,,,w,Ma(MMtMCTWa)liMwaBBMBwmaMrew.i.jrwcc I nnrawwiwrt JfAs wc go to press the condition of

the Hon. Mrs. HIsIiod is tiiichnticcrt.She is fairly comfortable though attimes somewhat restless.

Tin; letter of "A Sick Header" ;

was received after our editorial spacewas filled, so that the comment itcalls for is deferred till

Dr. C. A. Peterson has been ap-

pointed Government Physician fortho district of Koolatipoko, Oahit, inplaco of Dr. L. Mathcs, who recentlyresigned on account of failing health.

An order was made yesterday byChief Justice Judd of the SupremoCourt, that the portions of tho estateof William Love, deceased, belongingto his son and daughter should bomade over to them.

Families and others in want of 11

set of good harness will do well tocall at the store, of M. Mclncrny,and secure one of those fine setsjust to hand by the Maiiposa. Theyare beauties and arc selling rapidly.

830 Ot.

Duiuxa his vacation, BandmasterBergcr intends to visit the differentplaces on the other islands wherebrass bands have been organized,lie has always been called upon toarrano their music, and his visit is

bound to bo beneficial to them.

The sale of furniture, etc., of thelate F. T. Lenchan, by Lyons andLevey, was well attended this morn-

ing and good prices were realized.At noon, they sold a quantity ofcocoanuts from the brig Tawcra,which brought ten cents apiece in

some instances.

The bnrk Ophelia arrived thismorning 137 days from Liverpool.Consigned to Messrs. Thco. II. Da-vi- es

& Co. Besides a general cargoshe has 188 tons of stone in 212cases, for St. Andrews new cathe-

dral. There arc also two largestones weighing nearly half a toneach.

Pacific Hose Co. No. 1, held itsregular monthly meeting last even-

ing, Foreman Tlasemann presiding.Tho resignation of Sam. Harrisonas Treasurer was accepted, and T.F. Kennedy was chosen in his stead.Two new members were elected.The remainder of tho business wasof the usual routine character.

Tun brig Hazard arrived yester-

day afternoon from tho South Seaswith 79 laborers and 3 boys. Sixare from the Line Islands, one fromKoluma and the rest from tho NewHebrides. They are a splendid lotof men and the ship is in good con-

dition, being quite sweet and clean.They will all be sent away to theirdestination to-da-

The following is the crew selectedto represent the Honolulu Yacht andBoat Club in tho coming regatta ; J.SI. Dowsott, stroke ; II. AVoilehouse,

No. 2 ; J. Holt, No. 3 ; II. C. Morse,No. 4 ; Geo. Markham, No. " : F.Whitney, bow; Jno. Markham, re-

serve. This is a strong crew, andits members are in active training,coached by Capt. C. B. Wilson.

The following sentence is as itshould have appeared in our reportof Mrs. Hall's sermon in KnwaiahaoChurch: "She would like them to

forget that they were strangers, andto look away from each other and tohim who was lifted up beyond thegates of Jerusalem." In the pub-

lished report the words between

"from" and "Jerusalem" wereinadvertently left out, making non-

sense of the passage.

The Bulletin called attentionlast week to Chinese express driverNo. 128, who was driving a lamehorse. This morning, this samoman was driving the poor brutedown Fort-street- , when it fell oppo-

site Williams & Co.'s and broke theworn out harness all to pieces. Thoman wns arrested and later oncharged in the Police Court withcruelty to animals. Judge Bicker-to- n

fined him SO and costs.

Woitic will soon bo

on the new St. Andrews Cathedral,as a large quantity of prepared stoneis to hand this morning by tho barkOphelia. Mr. Lishman, who hasbeen in England superintending thopreparation of this stono, was toleave that country October 1th, andmay bo expected here by tho Cityof Sydney due November 1st, or attho latest by the Mariposa, Novem

ber 8th. In the meantime his sonwill proceed with the work, so thattho sound of the mason's chisel will

bo soon heard in that vicinity.

As wc go topte3 the case of '1'ani

Look, forlarceny of asewingmachincIs being heard in the Supremo Court.....

One of the pages of this morning'sAdvertiser is dated October 41st.Sorry to find the month is going tobe so long, neighbor.

In tho Police Court this morningJ. C. Hilton, charged with drunken-ness, forfeited his bail. M. Kcchnic,charged with nffray, forfeited ball of810.

Brigadier Major General AlfredBurrell Hayley, late of; the PrinceAlbert Hussars, late Captain of theHawaiian Mounted Police, is intown.

Tin: French brig Tawcra is nowin a sinking couditon. Tho men gottired of pumping, so let her go down.It is quite probable she will be con-


In tho Supreme Court this morn-

ing the case of Fook In, charged withopium in possession, wns tried, beingan appeal from tho Police Court.Tho jury brought in a verdict ofguilty.

Bv the steamer C. K. Bishop to-

day, 10 families, numbering 2;') per-

sons, of the Portuguese immigrants,are being shipped to the KociprocitySugar Co., liana, Maui. Also 12

immigrants to Litigate & Co.,

A i.Aitr.E bundle of letters writtenby the newly arrived Portuguese im-

migrants to their friends in Madeira,will be forwarded to their destina-

tion at the expense of the Govern-


There's a young piano player onBerctania street who says "he al-

ways closes his eyes when he plays."It is different with those withinhearing distance ; they always closetheir ears when ho plays.

. .

Those persons who arc fond ofbananas and cat them on the streetshould be careful not to throw thepeel on the sidewalk. A gentlemanwalking on Fort street yesterday hada nasty fall from stepping on abanana skin.


Within the past few days a veryngtablo improvement has been madeto the interior of tiie store occupied

03' the above popular and enterpris-ing firm. By the S. S. Bordeaux,they received direct from London alarge roll of linoleum of very hand-

some pattern which lias been laid ontho floor, the effect being very pleas-

ing, and making it one of the neatestand cosiest stores in town. By thosame steamer, they have received afull line of Kieksecker's celebratedperfumes, particular by amongwhich must be mentioned tiie jugcologne, and the golden swan con-

taining the finest extracts. Tho get-u-p

of these novelties is neat in thoextreme, and something entirely new.In the way of preparing for the holi-

days may bo found sonic verypretty celluloid toilet and perfumecases, also hair, tooth and nailbrushes. The firm still mako theirnoted Maile cologne, and their Flo-

rida water is not equalled by anyimported. There arc numerous othertilings that we would like to mentionbut space forbids us. Politeness andpromptness in filling orders is one ofthe featuies of this establishment.Ficscriptions are put up in the mostcareful manner. The drugs are thopurest in the market, and the firm

has lately secured the services of Mr.W. II. Richardson, a practical drug-

gist of large experience.


Shop on uucen streit, near Alakea.835 0m


ABOUT 1C0 HEAD OF CATTLE,ages mid size, and including

Milking Cows, Calvo, Heifers andSteers. Will soil In lots to suit intnndlug purchasers, but prefers to hull all In0110 lot. Also several good huru. A p.plvto MHS. COSTA,

'623 tf Kallhl Valley.


lected by .1. A. l'lilincr. All accountshereafter will bo payablu monthly.831) lw M01U3 & CO.


Books and Accounts and Custorn House Business promptly, carefully and accuratelyattended to.


General Baoinccs Agent, Merohant St.

Telophono 172 P. b. Bos 31G.


Quarterly Bills !

Quarterly Bills !

Jno, A. Palmer"Will distribute and colleot

Quarterly Bills.TERMS MODERATE.

Ofilcc, Cjmpl ell' l)licl;, upstair,3t Boom No. 7. 830



C J. MCCARTHY Prop'tor.

Bost Manila, Havana and AmericanCigars on Hand.

Fresh Vanity l'a r, Little Bcnulic?, GoldBur, Three King-- , and the I'ct

Cigarettes.Chowing and Smoking Tobaoco,

Cut Foil and Plug.The Billiard Tabic of this establish-

ment have bri-i- i recovered andlevckd, which mike them

the best In town.Gingor Alo and Soda Water on loo.

E3y Call and see inc. "TSJa783


O iz, I i 11 t mra si. Ic e i

Ami Upholatercr,No. (J3 Hotel street,

Opposlto International Hotel,

Canes and "Walking- - Sticks,Made of overy kind of

NATIVE WOODSBrackets Oorniocs, Curtatn Pole?, &c.'

made ot Iho latest designs.




having returned'

Feathers Cleaned, Dyed and Curled Inall the newest fhiulcs.

Corner of Kinpr and liichard Streets.7Jj 3m

hods at lUmlild


By Jack Malonc, he by Lexington.1st dam, Ivy Leal, bv unpolled Austra-lian; 'Jnd dam, Biy Flower, 1)3 Lexing-ton j tint dutn, Bay Leaf, by ImportedYorkshire; Ith dam, Imported MariaBlaoU, by Philo da I'utjh, etc., etc.

ftaKmii' w.is bn ! it tho gic it Wood-bur- n

Faim, nwir Lexington, Ky., by tholulu It. A. Alex unlet-- , and was sold toW. L. I'rltcliard, of Saciamento, C.il.,for ?r),00". lie i5J.f kinds,weighs 1,00'i 11)3., and Is a bright ches-t-nu- t

color. Duri'ig his racing career hedowned many a favoiite, and won m.iuya hatlitl of money for his owners, andpiovcd himself one of tho greatest ofhorses over a dUtanec, most of his racesbeing at two and four miles. He hasalready s!ri.d buviral colts lu Californiathat nre winners, among which nieLizzie Dunbar, Young Bazaar, Sophia,and another called tho Bazaar MincmiColt, he belli!? out of .Minerva by

tho she of l'aroleand Iroquol". f.lzzlo Dunbar gicatlydlstlnguUhcd herself last year In her

form by defeating one oftho largest Ileitis ot two.ycar.olds thatever stattu.l in California, among whichwere the tuo beautiful IlllUs broughthero InstUpring by Mr. Agnew, dlnahcu

mile; time, 1 01, the fastest time onrecoid for ut the distance.This ycirsho lm won several Importantccnts, and has proved hciself to bo acruel; three-yea- r old.

Jtu.itur Iras now been brought backto Honolulu, and will remain lieru lliubalance of this year, and breeders, horseowners and stock raisers should availthemselves of tho opportunity to obtainhis services while they have the chance.Tei'inw, 840. I'ayablo at tlmo otservice.The Imported Clydesdale Stallion

Donald Dinnic, Jr., ill stand atthe same time and place at SHO for theseason. Hu was bred In Canada, siredby Imported Donnld Dlnnle, and out ofan imported Clydesdale mare. Ho Is 11

beautiful dapple grey, 10 bunds high,aud weighs 1 lbs.: is very active,and as flue a largo horju as could befound anywhere.

Also, the fine largo Imported Ken-tucky .lack Sampson. This 1b oneof thu hrgeit Jneka lliatve could findin California, and Is an animal of im-

mense bone j is a very sure breeder, andshould be liberally pi.tronlzcd, as lie Isono of the very be-- t animals of' hiskind. 'JLYrins, H'.lVt for the season.

The public are cordially invited tocall and Inspect tho abuvo animals.

aiIJL,12S JLSItOH.I'reprletori.

Marshfleld, Sept. 15, 18S-1- . 818 t(

Grand and Successful Opening

-- at -


Opposite the New Bank Building, Fort St.,

Tho gonoral publio are invited to givo ua a oall and inspeot,

at our opening, our new and solcct slock of Dry Goods,

Fancy Goods; Ladies', Children's!, and Infant's Wear,

Millinery, Clothing, Gcnt-j- ' Furnishing Goods, Traveling

Trunks, Valises, House Furnishing Goods, and an Elegant

and complete stock of Ladies', Gent's, Misses', Children's,

and Infants' Shoes,

?. OOHIS" Se OO.

DILLINGHAM & Co.Importers & Dealers Hardware & Agricultural Implements,

Steel Plows.


Els., Etc., Etc.

Fence "Wire and Staples, .Kerosene Oil n specialty.Paints, Varnishes, Turpentine,

House Furnishing Goods, Plated Ware, &c., &c.i.lMi...iUWm..U

Selling at Cost for 30 Days !

To nulla; room for n Large HlorU ol

New Goods to Arrive SoonFrom Loudon, Xcw York, and San Frnncisio.,

All stook on hand during tho next 30 days will bo sold for cash,

consisting in purl of

Pianos, Organs, Accordeons, Guitars,AND ALL KINDS OP MUSIC GOOD3.

Parlor Sets, Bedroom Sets, Centre Tables,

Chairs, Lounges, Paintings, Engravings, Ghromoti,Ami a Largo Variety of Fancy Goods.

725 lni LYCAN Sc Co.


Family Grocers,







GraiGs, Pears, Pirns. Peaclies, Ante Celery.


And FreshIsland bollcltcd. No. 207.

O.I). KIlKMll. W. I' ACOCK

Freeth Peacock,Xuiiiuui .Street.



Commission Merchants,


At the Lowest Mni'Uet Itntesu larue and well selected stock of

tlic.CliolecBtand FavoriteUrands of






&c., &c., &c.,

All Goods Guarantood.

cud orders lllled

40. O. I)ox 3C0.






Etc.. Etc., Etc.


67 & 69 Hotel St

i Large Assortment

-- OF

V fU 1

I I lllfllflllli UU1U1UU IHfl


At the Lowest Prices

at A. S. Clcghorn & Co's7.11 lm

NOTICE.WO TAI & Co. (composed of Ho

Ho I'u Yat, Ho On and Miar-Wa- )having from Lo Sam Sing

tho Rico Plantation, with the house, cm-ti- e

and implement?, at Waimnlu, Ewa,Island of Oahu, which the said Lo SamSing from the Sam Hop Coin,pany (composed of Lo Fook audAh Chun), hereby give notice that allclaims against the cnid Plantation todate are to be settled by tho said Lo SamSing. All persons warnedcutting trees on the estate at the follow-in- g

Lands: Knulii, Alua Loi; ICnhidaa,Aiua Lol; Kaumluml, Alua Loi; Paa.kea-lk- i, he Puuono Loroj andwela, Alna Kohl.

SEE TAI &Walmalu, August 27th, 1681. .

SO'J lm

Hall I'rogmiiimcs t

NEW just fromFraucleco, at Tun Daily Hvt,

umN Office

Just ex S S Alameda,

Eastern Oysters in tins and

full line of Staple Groceries.Orders Telephone V. O. Ilox (702



gtlOKOMll.U, II.





Telephone P.











Page 4: DAILY BULI · 2015. 5. 30. · vyi j5' j-THE DAILY BULI orn'Tiv' y--mil. !imr.m-in-wt mi i.1 m iiji "'bvt gua:;mjixqrauxvjui.'jav'm'ivxmnva!j.mjw Vpr,. VL No. 812. HONOLULU, II. I.,









tntpi-fiKtii-s ltcllcn ofllm Olilrn TimesA "CIlKHIU'llOI.I."

Rcton (lll)o 1

"There"' wild Dr Wllll.im llovcy, ofUio llunkcc Mill tllMilcl, pointing lu mi

lull (lock, "llmt lnn eight-da- y

e lock made by Benjamin B.igncli, oflloiton, .some lime nlxml 172U. Am fiir anuiu lie learned, lie had made only four ofthe clocks when he died mid left the litis!ncw lo hh son Hainucl. Hunan's 'Gen-ealogies nnd (Males In Oliaili'Slovvn' Malesthat l'cnjnmlu llngncll wni paid for clean-lu-

n clock Ails,'. '.".', 172J. You km; Ihcclock is running mid tlie time N conccl.I wind her up every Sunday morning, nnd,ns fur as I know , .'lie. goes ns well lis sitedid MO years ago."

Tlio doctor Ihen wait Into another room,nnd icturncd villi u pile of book. "Hue."said lie, "is a complete tct of 'Robert 11.

Thomas' Almanacs' from 1800 to thepresent tlnn ' In looking through tlioaliiiaiinc for 1&00, the reporter found thefollowing item: "Iloslon nnd New Yorkmail stage sets oir from Peaces' stage of-fice, 71 Stale street, every .Monday,Wednesday, nnd Kiielav nl io o'clock inthe morning, nnd arrives at New Yoikevery Thun-day- , Saturday, and Tuesday,II o clock; leaves New York cerv Mon-day, Wednesday, and Friday, 1 o'clock,morning, and arrive, at iloslon evervThursday, Saluidny; and Tucvlay nt 13o'clock, noon. "

"I,ci me show vou what I call n" s!ild iho doctor, as he lifted the

cover of what appeared to bo n melodconIt contained, hovecr, glavs goblets eel inwood, mid when touched with a wet lin-

ger the goblets gae forth sweet soundsVTIils musical intmmcnt was bought atthe sale of the old museum nt the cornerof Court nnd Hanover streets, lioMiui, thellrst niuseiini ever in the cltv. The pur-chaser was Archibald Habcoc'k, of CharlesIon, who nlso bought the musical clock,Ibcn n curiosity, lint lie was so nnnoved bvpeople coming lo .cc I lie clock ihat hesold it. I believe tlicie is only one other'glassnchord- - In llie countrv, ami that is inPhiladelphia."

"Here ale my old coins " said the doe-to-

" I have one 1 cent piece issued bythe United .Slates for ceiy year from 17l;lto 1881. I sold three 1 cent pieces of theyear 171)3 for $10 each, and one made in1801 brought me $'.'0. Hero Is a rciicht-wnugc- r

cent, made of nickel lu 183S. andpresented to congicss for adoption in plateof the large cent, but was rejected. Herearc Tour fl cent pieces Issued in 18S:i. onewith n sliielei, anotlier with a large V andthe winds !: I'lurilius Unum.' anotherwilli n huge V nud the, wends 'Five Cents.'and the fourth with a large Y with amilled edge. 1 have mi old Jackson centand a copper piece gooel Tor 1 cent ntDunn it Co. '.s oyster house isucd by tliolirm in lbill, when iliange wax scarce. 1

solel one of these piece iccenlly for SI."I have not shown you nil 1113 curiosities

yet. There Is my diploma of membershipof the Mercantile library, KmiciI in 18:17,when James T. Fields Daniel X Haskell,anil K. I. Whipple were joung men.Then here mc a pair of whalebone 'swifts.'made by a sailor while in the Pacific ocean,1 don't know how many years nge. Heieis n family unbrclla used nt llie time of the'evolutionary war. This is u 'samplerworked liv !lnrl lii Xlnrv uln.n tl... - 11

I yenrsof ago, at Fitchburg, in 107. Heiep Is n decanter iiseel in Chiirlcstown in 1733.

1 nnve also m my cellar, nicely parked,the decanters nnd wine glasses used byHev. Dr. Morv. father of Moic, of

fnnip. wlum lm una ivistm-- f il.nt First parish church, Chiirlcstown. ThevL were sold nt auction, April 1, 1830. "

Tlio Court IMnsU-- r Iiicu.Chicago llcmlil Interview.

"It became' 11 fashion 10 wear beauty-spot- s

about five years ago, and liielr Intro-duction is I believe, credited to a fasci-nating ballet dancer in the Theatre Fran-ndse- ,

Paris vv ho hail resorted lo the mostrunning device- - to heighten her beautv inonler that she might a hated rivalin the affections of a wealthy and hand-some young duke. 1 might further addIhat the artful little dancer nrcoMililicdlicrputpo-e- . On the evening previous tothe one on which she had (list worn thedevice she hail lie.ud the eibjrct of herlove warmly piai-- e the pietly. ehlldMidlinnles in tlie cheeks anil chin of herrival.

"With the French woman's proveibials she set ubout giving her-

self artilicial dimples. She Hist tried tlieeffect of 11 elark-blu- o tint delicately put onwith n camel's hairbrush. She disunitedtills scheme, however, as the painted spotsdiet not appear sufficiently plain. She thenbit upon the eouit plaster idea, and as shenoticed the effect ol it on the face of n U-tile friend whom she had let into llie secrether plensuio know no bounds. Tlie nextnight her appearance in her Huffy, gauysnow-whit- e apparel was hailed with de-light by her admiring audience. Neverbefore bad she looked so bewitching, nndto nono more so than the youngduke who,113 usual, wns seated in his pilvatc box.Celeste, for that was hcrnnnu', looked

beautiful. She was u handsomewoman, but that night she wits especiallyse. ThiS''said the druggist in conclu-sion, "you can believe or not, but is lliestory of the ngent who first introduced Ihoarticle lo me. It matteis not whether it betrue or not, the fact remains that lis sale isconstantly incicasing. "

I'lllMor ISllstK.New York Hull anil Kxpre-- s.

A IJioailway dealer s ijs that lliemania runs ehivlly to plaster

now. Lusts, slnluelle.s, plaques, reliefs,antiques, urns, vn-c- w are 11 few' of thethings sold every day by the doen. Theynro all mailii in the Italian quarter bylicwly-anive- d iminlgrants. nnd cost almost nothing in quantity. Ladles buythem almost exclu-ivi'l- y. They take themhome and paint, gild, silver, or bronethem. They (hen look almost as hand-hom-

as genuine antiques, and nlthe pi ice. Of course it's shoddy,

but it brightens up a sitting-roo- nmir.-Ingl-

and for peoplo of limited means it'sa good thing. Besides, it gives 11 decentlivelihood to scores of young women whowould otherwise by slarving on needle-work. They'll buy a doen or two castsfor $3, color or fix them up for $1 more,and then, If they hayo good laste ami arecareful In their woik, they can sell thcinall the way up fioni 00 cents lo $3 apicee.

Couldn't I!lnmii:m,Kxrhaugp.

Citizen (examining last summer's flan-nel shirt) My own fault my own faultb'Jovo! Mlglitcr known It. Didn't put Inenough insect now iter. .Moths nto up nilthe Insect poweler nothlii' more lo cat-be- gun

on the hhlrt 'course they didcan't hlmuo'cm!

Wlint Ho ttoU,ll'hilndolplila Call.)

. Litlio Jack Pa, why is a icccivcrsocalled? I mean the kind Ihat Is appointedwhen a company gets in a tight place.What does a feqeiver receive

P Prettv much nil there Is, my ison,

fH .


Tho American Ambassador nt Vienna,Mr Knsson, has lately forwarded to his(toU'riiiucut an Interesting account of aicmaikuble hitrclcnl oiierallon lately

r . Wiciiorincii i iv 1'ioic-so- r mnrotu, ollVienna, whicli. wonderful lo Icll. con

-- ibled in tlio lemoval eif u iiorllouof the human stomach, involvingnearly one-thir- of the organ and,tr.ingi' to say, Iho patient iccovercil

the only sueccsful operation of thekind ever performed. The disease forwhich this opeiutlon wns performedwns cancer of the slonincli, ultciulcd withthe following symptoms! Tlio npjictlte .

is nulle poor. There isn peculiar miles.crinanie iiisucss in tne stomteii, a tcei.ing that lias been us u faint"nil gone" (sensation; a sticky slime col.Iccts about the teeth, especially In themoinlng, accompanied by mi unpleasanttaste. Food falls losalis'fy this peculiarfaint sensation; but, un the conltnry, itappeals to aggravate tlie feeling, "i'hueyes are sunken, tinged with yellow, thehands and feet become cold nud stickyu cold perspiration. The suH'eicrs led

led all the time, nud sleep does notseem lo give rest. After u time the pa-

tient becomes nervous and irrltnble,gloomy, his mind llllcel with evil

When rising suddenly fromn recumbent position there is u dizziness,a whistling scncilion, and lie is obligedlo ginsp something firm to keep fiomfalling. The bowels couth e, tlio skindiy nnd hot al limes; the blood becom-ing thick nud stugmiiit, ami docs notI'iiculato properly. After u time thepatient spits up lood soon after eating,sometimes in a sour and fermented eon-illtlo-

sometimes sweetish lo the taste.Oftentimes there is a palpitation of tlieheart, nnd tlie patient fears ho may haveheart disease'. Towards tho last thepatient is unable lo retain any foodwhatever, as the opening in the intes.tines becomes closed, or nearly so. Al.though thi- - O is indeed alarming,sufferers with the above named symp-toms -- hould not feel nervous, for ninehundred nnd ulncty-niu- e cases out of nthous-au- have no 'cancer, but simplydyspepsia, n disease easily removed iftreated in a pioper manner. The safestnnd best remedy for the disease IsSeigel's Curative Svrup, n vegetable n

solel by ail chi'mUts and iu"di-cin- e

vendors throughout llie world, nndby the proprietor, A. .T. White (Limit-ed), 17, Farringdon-road- , London, I". C.This Syrup strikes al the very founda-tion of llie disciiH', and drives it, rootand blanch, out of the system.

St. Marv-slrce- t, Pcterboieiugli,'o ember, 3'Jlh, 18SI.

Sir, it give- - me gicat plca-ur- u lothe benefit 1 have received

from Seigel'- - Syiup. I have been troub-led for year.-- with dyspepsia; but afteru lew doses of the syrup, 1 found relief,and after Inking tw'o bottle- - of It I fedquite ctiie'd.

I am, Sir, vours trulv,Mr. A. .1. While. WiUiam Hunt.

September Silt, 18S3.Dear Sir, 1 licel the sale of Seigel's

Syrup steadily increasing. All who havetiled il'peak eiy highly of its niedi.cinal viiiues: one customer describes itas a "(joil.-en- d toil y.pcplie: people." 1

always leeomineiid it with confidence.Faithfully yours,

(Signed) Vincent A. Wills,Cheiuist.deiitl-t- , Mcrlhvr Tydvll.

To Mr. A.. I. White,Seigel's Operating Pill- - are the best

family pby-i- c that has ever been ills.covered. 'They cleanse the bowels fromall irritating substances, and leave themin n healthy condition. They cure cos.tiveness.

SpauNh Town, Jamaica, West indies,Oct. 51,1 SS3.DcarSil, I wiile to inform you that

I have derived great beneilt from"Seigel'-S- y i up." I havesull'eied fiom licr complaint, with it;many and vailed concomitant evils, sothat" my life was a perpetual misery.Twelve mouth ago I wus induced to irySeigel'- - Syrup, and although rathersceptical, having tried so many reputedinfallible reinedie-- , I determined lo giveIi nt least a fair U lid. In two or threedays I fcllcnnsideiably better, and nowal the end of twelve months (havingcontinued taking it) 1 am glad to saythat 1 am a dlllerenl being altogether.It is said of certain pens that they "comeas a boon and a blessing lo meii" and 1

have no reason lo doubt the truthfulnessof the statement. 1 can truly say, how.ever, thai Seigel's Syrup bns come ns u"lioon nnd a blessing" to inc. I have re.commended It to several fcllow.siifferersfiom this disticsslng complaint, nndtheir testimony is quite in accoidnueewith my own." Cintiludo for the benefitI have derived from the excellent

prompts me to furnish youvv lib ibis unsolicited testimonial.

I am dear Sir,Youis over giatefully,

(Signed) Caiev 15. llerry,A. J. White, Ksq. Uapti-- t Missionary.

Preston, Sept. 31st, 1883.My DcarSil, Your Syrup nnd Pills

mo -- till very popular with my customers,many saying they are the best familymedicines possible.

The other day it customer came fortwo bottles of Syrup nnd said "MotherSeigel" laid saved the life of Ids wife,and he added, "one of these bottles 1

am tending 11 fteeu miles away to a friendwho Is very ill. I bavo much fath in it."

Tlie sale keeps up wonderfully, In fact,one would fniiuy almost that the peoplowere beginning to breakfast, dine, andsup on Mother Seigel's Syrup, tho de-mand is so constant and the satisfactionso gicat.

1 am, dear Sir, yours faithfully,(Signed) W. Uowkcr.

To A. J. White, F.sq.,

I lcusinghain, Whitehaven, Oct. 1(1, 1883Mr. A. J. Willie. Dear Sir, I was

for some time allliotcd with piles, andwas advi-c- d to give Mother Seigel'sSyrup a li Inl, which I did. lam nowhappy lo stntn that it lias restored meto complete health. I remain, yoursicspcetlully,

(Sierned) John 11. Lightfoot.705 ly SI

n.EOGK LUCAS,v-- " i oniracior ,!S,and 75ullder,' nvir"y ' ' i "i

Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Kspla-uad- e,

Honolulu.Manufactures nil kinds of Mouldings,

Ilracke'ts, Window Frames, Winds,Saslies. Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work finish. Turning, Scroll and HandSawing. All kinds of Sawing and I'l'in-in-

Morticing nnd Tenanting.Orders promptly nttnUcil to and work

guaranteed. Orders from tho other is


SPECIALJOTiCE.fpHE Undersigned Proprietor of tlio



desires to inform his patrons nud the pubHe generally ihnl notwithstanding therecent DISASTROUS FIltK, has erected


On n much moiV Kxtcnslvo Scale whichIs now In Fui.ii Orr.itA'tio.v, and whichwill be In complete working older by anKarly Arrival of new Mnchlnery andTools; and Is now again prepared to



and will tilwnys have on hand his dell-clou- s

Fresh Made



CREAM CANDIES of great variety oktMARSH-MALLOW- S.

Gum Drops, and Gum FruitBon Bons

Of nil descilptions. All those HomeMade Fresh nnd Pure Confections, 1 fellAt r.0 cents PF.lt POUND.

RICH WEDDING CAKEOf llie Finest Flavor, in all sizes always

on band and ornamented in themost artistic style.

always fre-h- , as nlso

Home Made Mince Meatfor sule nl CO cents per pound.

Will receive, per Consuclo the balanceof my new lnnchluciy of the newest elcsigns for manufacturing all descriptionsof plain Candies; thanking the publicfor previous liberal patronage and so.Melting ii continuance of same.

Very respectfully,F. IIOKN,

Practical Confectioner nnd Past-- Cook.

Tin; oh) stand. 71 Hotel street

P. O. Ilox No. 75;. . . ..Telephone No. 74072 ly

WEMER & CO!!ta I'OItT HTltllKT,

Have on band New Foreign nnd HomeMade Jewelry.

Watches, Bracelets, Necklets,Pins, Lockets, Clocks,

And Ornaments of nil kituKSilver and Gold Plate.

Elegant Solid Silver Tea SetsSuitable for Presentation.

I'.iiKinvliiK mill Xntlvi .JewelryA Specialty.

Itcpairing in nil its branches13T Sole Agents for King's Eye Preservers.

817 0m

Wilson .Brothers,

GENERAL BLACKSMITHS.Shoeing n specialty

A flrst-clas- s man being specially engagedfor that work.

Ship nnd Wagon work faithfullyattended to.

Shop on the Esplanade, op. Hopper's.204


(Successor lo C. P. Ward.)

All orders for cartage promptly nt.tended to, nt tlie lowest rates. Also forsale:

Knluinko Kail,Wood,

While ami lllnck Hnmlin quantities to suit, at lowest prices.

GC8 ly


A quantity, from 1 lo 100 'lmg,FOR SALE BVFrank Ilustuce,

Wl Queen Street.


II. Cavenagh, Proprietor.

ItraALS (teSagv "JIKATiSCookMtoorel'rK4-Ss-A- t nil hours

Oystera, Celery, Salmon, and Fruit '

Received by overy steamer. 001

GEO. E. SHERMAN.No. 8 Maunakea St.

Trees and Saddles of nil kinds mndo toorder nnd repairing Ilnrness, etc., donein short notice. All orders promptly attended to. 593 iy



Hook Binding of all description neatlyand promptly executed.

Gazette Building . . Merchant street722 ly

AVHjXI3rt'S S. S. CO.Mintlcil.

jStoamor Kinau,aaasSJHSfc iving, ivommnncicr,

liCiiVes Honolulu nnnli Tnosilnv nt.4 i.m., touching nt Lahulim, Mna-lac- u

Bay, Mnkcnn, Miihukoim, c,

Liuipulioehoo and Hllo.Hcturnlng, avIH touch nt nil tho

alovo ports, nrriving nt llonnlulueach Siiturdny afternoon.


To the Volcano and Back,

&& -- -liuor-lHliiu- d S. ft. Co.

TTIHOUOH TICKKTSto tho Volcano,and iclurn, can now be had at the olllceof Ihoilutcr-Islan- d S. N. Co. Touristsleaving Honolulu per time table) of tlio" PliAKTEH," will be lauded nt Puna-Inn- ,

Ihcnco byllallrond toPiilmla.wiicroHorses nnd Ouldcs will be In attendance.

Ily this rout. Tourists can make theround trip In 7 dajs, giving 1 days tovisit the Volcnno.

TIOKKTS FOR THE ROUND TRIP,Including IlorscJ, Guide, IJoarel andLodging, ?C0.

For furtlicr particulars cniiuho at theofllcc of the

Intor-I1aii(- l !S. S, Co.,Honolulu,

or .1. F. JORDAN, Volcnno Rouse.711 tf


4M h'AUAl.

The Clipper SchoonerWAIMALU,

F. Kibbling Master.Will inn regularly to the ports ofKOLOA, 1IANAPEPE & WAIJIEA,KAUAI. For freight or passage applyto the Captain on board, or to tho

Pacii'Ic N.vvinA'rioN Co.,7.'52 ilm Cor. Nuunnu fc Queen sis.

--f U T1"K KAII.INIl

Jtfjm Schooner Waiolm-- S?j will run icgulnrlyTO U'AIAhUA EVERY MONDAY,

Returning on Thursday, weatherpermitting.

For freight or passage apply to theCaptain on board, or to

Pacific Navioation Co.,181 Agents

LABR3E & CO.Have n Largo Stock of the


Which is offered at Lowest Market PricesAND-Deliv- ered

Free to any part of tho City

AGENTS FOS THEPacific Mutual Life Insurance Co-O-


Agents for the Hoover Telephone.

Commissioner of Deeds for CaliforniaTelephone No. 147. 70(i

Tourists Retreat.Honuapo, Kau, Hawaii.

IS NOW OPEN for Travelers, whereX First clnss accomodation can bo hadat all Times. Tho climate of Honuapois recommended for invalids.

IIOltSES AND GUIDESProvided for tlie Volcano.

C2TFor Terms, etc., See CARDS r.iHotels nnd Streets.

J. W. SMITHIES,.ri7!l ly Proprietor.


mmsggm ifeiiar iSCHAMPAGNE CIDER


BEVERAGE,According to tlio highest and best medi-

cal testimony.Manufactory, : : : No. lULiliha Sir!

P. O. Box, 370. Telephone, 284.EST"A11 orders rccoivo prompt nttCMlion,


Queen Street,

Bill Heads


Ball Piogr.ims

Bills of Lading

Business Cards

Book Work



Concert Progr'ms

Draft Books

Delivery Books.f4r-- m iwmamtw


Hand Bills



Offer for Salo tho Cargo of tho




Light Express Wngons,Ex Top Carrlnges.

STEAM COAL.Cumberland Coal,

Com. Wood Chnlrs,


Fine Molasses Shooks,Rosin, Sonp,

Ice Chests, Nos, 2, 0, nnd fi,Hoe Handles,Lobsters, llbtns; Bcnns,fllb'tns

Spruce Plank.

Hay Cutters, Nos. 1, 2, & 3.

Axle Grease,Falrbank's Scales, Nos. 7,8,10c"; 11J$

Leather Belling,Centrlfugnl Lining, 14 inch;

Conqi. Nails, 1J?, 1.14 Inch.

MAMMOTH ROCKERS,Bales Excelsior,

Manila Cordage, Assorted:Excelsior Mattresses,

Galvanized Fence Staples,

nmm bouses 20 and 25 galls,;

Sisal Rope, Assorted,Ash Plank,

Dump Barrows,Ames' Shovels,

Y. MUTA.L SHEATHING10, 18, '.'0,22, 24 nnd 20 oz. j

iHiaifi' Mattresses !

Grindstones, Rubber Hose,Hide Poison, Barbed

Wire, Refined Iron,

ANNEALED FENCE WIRE,Galvanized Screws nnd Wnslicrs.



PE MARKET!Yes, and we sell

.A.H Xioav us tlio Lowest !

and don't anybody forget it.

Wo sell New Bedford Rope, nnd anyretailer knows how it will bold out innet weigbt.

We also have the mol varied assort-ment of

SHIP CHANDLERYkept by any bouse this side of the RockyMountains, such ns

Hemp nnd Manila Cordage, nil sizes,Artesian Well Boring Ropes,Manila Hawsers, Wiro Rope,Cotton nnd Hemp Duck nnd Twine,Galvanized Marino Hardware,

PAINTS AND OILS,Pure Copper Sheathing, 14, 10 & 18 ozYellow Metal nnd Nails, 14 to 28 oz,Copper Paint (Tarr & Wonsin's)Whale Boats, Boat Stocks,Gal. Boat Nails, nil kinds nnd sizes,And 1001 other things too numerous

to mention Also, agents for

I'erry IhiviN' l'ain Killer,Brand & Pierce's Bomb Guns nnd

Bomb Lances, &c, &c,All of which we will sell at tho

Lowest Bates.31)0 ly A. W. Pcirce & Co.

JOHN N0TT,Tin, CopDer and Sheet Iron Worker

Plumber, Gas Fitter, &c.

Stoves and Boragesof nil kinds.

Plumbers' stock and metals,

IIouso Furnishing Goods,17 Chandeliers, Lamps, &o.


Letter Headings


Law Reports

Note Headings

Plantation Books




Show Cards

Shipping Rece'ts

MmttSmh ,, StatementsD'ov.

Visiting Cards




. ,s itihki i

miJmBM$;L2Pm ;'



Business DirectoryAuctioneer.

E. P. Adams, Queen atLyons & Levey, Queen st

iilmlcry.Alvln II. Rnscniann....Gnzclle Building

IlniilceiM.Bishop & Co., Merchant st

Hotelier,W. McCandless Fish Mntktt

Itoot nnd HIiocH.L. Adler Nuunnu stChr. Gcrtz, Fort stTemple of Fashion l'rt st

:io(IiIiik.Gonsnlves & Bo Hotel stJlcmplo of Fnshlon Fort st

Cabinet Inkci'M.W. Miller Hotel stCrowley & Co., King HLycan k Co,, Fort st

Cnrrlnee Mnkern.W. II. Pago, Foil stHawaiian Carriage Co., Queen st

CIcnrN unil Tobacco.C. McCarthy Astor Billiard SaloonNoltes Beaver Saloon, Fori st

Cider,Fislicr's Champagne Cider,.... Lillhn st

C'nnily I'"nctory nnd llnltery.F. Horn Hotel st

Cnrpeutci'H nnd IluildcrN.F. Wilbelm, KlngstG. Lucas, Fort st

Jry nnd Fanry (JooiIn.N. S. Snclis Fori ttJ. T. WiUcrhouse, Queen stJ. T. Waterhouse, King stJ. T. Wnterhouse Fort stB. F. Elders & Co., Fort stM. A. Gonsnlves & Co., Hotel stTemple of Fashion Fort st

DrucRlMtM.Benson, Smith & Co FortstHollister & Co., Nuunnu stHolllster& Co Fottst

lClltlHtH.M. Grossman, Hotel st

Irnynco mid C'nrtnce.Frank Hustnee, Queen stG. Robinson, Queen st

FurnlMlied llorinn.Mrs. Turner, King st

Fire IiiHiirhiico ARcntn.II. Rlcmcnschncldcr,..nt Wilder v&Co's.C. O. Bcrgcr, Mcrcliu nt st

4i!ant'H FnriilHliliic ooi1h.Elders & Co., Fort stN. S. Sachs, FortstGonsnlves & Co Hotel st

roccrIcH mid I'covIhIohm.A. S. Clcghorn&Co Queen stKennedy Ss Co., Hotel stWolfe & Ed wards, .Fort & Nuiiauu stt

IIoi'hc NhoeliiK NliopH.Wilson Bros., Fortst

liny nnd Feed HIoicm.Wolfe & Ed wards. ...Kinj: it Nuunnu sts

.Union Feed Co., Queen stLaino & Co, F01 1 st

llarncHH SlakerG. E. Sherman, Kingst

IlnrelwnrcDillingham & Co., FortstJ. T. Vnterliouse, Queen st

Iniportei-- Jk. C'oiii.Icri'linntH.G. W. Mncfnrlnne t Co., Fort stC. Brewer & Co Queen stLyons & Levey, Queen stm. S. Grinbaum & Co., Queen stW. G. Irwin Ss Co Fort stA. S. Clcghorn & Co., Queen stJ.T. Wnterhouse, Queen stF. T. Lcnchiin & Co., N uunnu stCastle & Cooke, King stWing Wo Till it Co., NuuanustC. O. Bergcr Merchant stHymun Bros Merchant st

Lubor'AscutH.W. Auld Water Works OfllccJ. A. Hassingcr, Interior OfficeW. C. Akana King st

Lumber Dcalcru.Lowers & Cooke, Fort stWilder As Co Fort st

Millinery mid Dcchk Sinking.Mrs. A. M. Mellls, Fort st

aicdlcul.Dr. Emerson Kukul st

Xcwh Denlci'H.J. M. Oat Ji. & Co Merchant st

I'liimbci'H mid I'alntei'N.E. C. Rowe,...."- - King stBrown & Phillips, King stJ. Nott, Kaahumanu stMnx Kohm, Fort bt

1'hotouraplicrH.Williams & Co. Fortst

Tuning: &. MtiHlrnl InstriiincntH.Lycan & Co., Fort st

HcHtnurnntH.Noltes Beaver Saloon Fort stWindsor Rcstnurnnt, King stCasino, Kaplolnni ParkTourist's Retreat, .Honuapo, Kau, Hawaii

Heal KHtato AgcntH.J. E. AViseman Merchant st

NollrltorH.A. S. Hartwell, over BankJ. M. Davidson Knnhumnnu stA. Rosa Gov't BuildingW. A. Whiting, Knnliumanu stJ. Russell Merchant stS. B. Dole, Knnliumanu stF. M. Hatch Kanliumnun stR. F. Blckcrton, Merchnni stCecil Brown, .... Meichnnt stJ. M. ftlonsarrat, Merchant st

Noap Factory.T. W. Rawlins King st, Leleo

HtntlonerH.J- - M. Oat Jr. & Co Meichnnt st

Hall SfiikerH.J. M. Ont & Co Queen st

Hhlp Chandlery.Pierce & Co Queen st

TIllNIllItllH..1. Noll, Kunhuninnu st

TallorH.II. S. Tregloan Fortst

Travel.Intcr.IslnndS. N. Co., EsplanadeWildcr's S. S. Co Fort & Queen stsO. S. S. Co Fort & Queen stPacific Navigation Co., Queen st

Wood mid Coal Dcnlei-H- ,

Frank Hustnee, Queen stWlncH mid Spirit h,

G. W. Macfarlauo & Co.,.Kiinhumnnn stFreethifc Peacock Nuunnu btBrown & Co., Merchant st

Watch 3IukirN.Wcnnor A Co Fort st

J. fitffl.OATJr. &Co.Dealers lu all kinds of

STATIONERY,Tho Latest Foreign Papers always onhand at the Gaxclte Jiloci, MerchantStreet 1 by