
Imaginations of a Little Princess Here is my secret. It’s a very simple secret; It is only with the heart that one can see rightly - what is essential is invisible to the eye. The Litlle Prince, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 1943 Maybe you’ve heard these words so often you forgot what they mean. Maybe you lost your innocence. Maybe you’ve been hurt too many times. Maybe you forgot to nourish your dreams. Maybe you just grew up? But imagine - just imagine... Imagine you were a little child. Eager to play. Eager to love. Eager to live. Maybe you would remember to see rightly. Maybe you could meet the world with an open mind. Maybe you could just dream away Maybe you will find that the secret lies in being able to see with the heart. In your heart nothing is impossible. There are no rules. Everything is pure and simple. It’s easy. All you need is to use your imagination.

Transcript of d'AHrhling_Lookbook

  1. 1. Imaginations of a Little Princess Here is my secret. Its a very simple secret; It is only with the heart that one can see rightly - what is essential is invisible to the eye. The Litlle Prince, Antoine de Saint-Exupry 1943 Maybe youve heard these words so often you forgot what they mean. Maybe you lost your innocence. Maybe youve been hurt too many times. Maybe you forgot to nourish your dreams. Maybe you just grew up? But imagine - just imagine... Imagine you were a little child. Eager to play. Eager to love. Eager to live. Maybe you would remember to see rightly. Maybe you could meet the world with an open mind. Maybe you could just dream away Maybe you will find that the secret lies in being able to see with the heart. In your heart nothing is impossible. There are no rules. Everything is pure and simple. Its easy. All you need is to use your imagination.
  2. 2. Imagine having your wishes come true Blazer: SCHALLY Scarf: ALEXANDRA Pants: JANNING23
  3. 3. Imagine having everything you need
  4. 4. Imagine being a Princess holding court
  5. 5. Imagine being the star in a great circus
  6. 6. Imagine being a fine lady
  7. 7. Imagine flying to far away places
  8. 8. Imagine performing for a huge crowd
  9. 9. Imagine being in love for the first time
  10. 10. Imagine being carried away by a balloon
  11. 11. Im hot! No, Its me! No, me!
  12. 12. Kollektionstekst
  13. 13. Imagine it snowed strawberries
  14. 14. The dAHrlings sends love to you all... And especially to: Ida Daugaard: The Beautiful Princess Sara Rostrup: Hair & Make-up (www.youblush.com) Malene Lth: Styling Assistant Klaus Christensen: Art Direction (www.tstreger.dk) Louise Kun: Art Direction assistant Bjarke Johansen: Photography Jacob Hoffmann: Photography Assistant Gitte Amalie Hempel:Design & Styling dAHrling Message A/S A.F. Heidemannsvej 19 9800 Hjrring - Denmark Mail : [email protected] Press : + 45 20256064 Sales: Denmark: Rasmus Scholdan Phone: + 45 20998015 Fax : + 45 96232299 Mail: [email protected] Sweden: Pia Abrahamsen Albertsen Phone: + 46 8 645 08 10 Cell: +46 70 535 39 34 Mail: [email protected] UK: Lupe Castro Phone: + 44 0 78 36 74 20 20 [email protected] Russia: Collection House Phone: +7 812 33 23 280 mail: [email protected] www.dahrling.dk
  15. 15. THE END