
The art of fasting– Ram- adaan Students support good cause in slippers! Take it from Dora the ex- plorer...hands off! Let’s learn to get our ‘NERD ON’ ya’ll!


For college students by college students

Transcript of DafactMagazine

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The art of fasting– Ram-adaan

Students support good cause in slippers!

Take it from Dora the ex-plorer...hands off!

Let’s learn to get our ‘NERD ON’ ya’ll!

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Dear Reader… Try not. Do or do not. There is no try. ~Yoda in The Empire Strikes Back This is basically what myself and the rest of the ‘ Da Fact’ team told our-selves during the creation of this magazine. It took a lot of sacrifice and imagination but this magazine you are currently holding in your hands would not have been possible without the ‘ Da Fact’ crew and their indi-vidual talent and hard work. As students we are still quite unsure about ourselves and our place in the world. Creating this magazine was not just about a lot of typing and stress but we learnt a lot about our strengths and weakness as well. As cheesy as it sounds Da Fact magazine has been like our baby for the past few months and we’ve watched it grow as we tweaked and changed-and changed it again. It is still in its proto type form and we hope that the ‘Da Fact’ team will grow along with the magazine as more additions are printed and of course feedback from the readers of Da Fact Magazine. Thank you for supporting Da Fact by reading our very first addition and we hope that you will continue to support us for many more additions to come. A vote of special thanks to the following ‘DA FACT’ crew members. Za-eema Salie - Layout editor, Project Manager and Journalist Abdul Maalik Fredericks - Assistant Layout editor Nair Da Silva - Secretary and Campus Snap Shots Photographer Peter Yan - Journalist Aneesa Cassiem - Journalist Aaqeelah Floris - Magazine Editor and Miscellaneous journalist Tarryn Jacobs - Journalist Qaasiem Hendricks - Graphic designing and logo Qhamani Vandala - Campus Snap Shots Photographer Siya Nzwana - Founder of Da Fact Name WE COULDN’T DO IT WITHOUT YOU! Also Special thanks for your support: Nicola Pearton (Lecturer) Academic Co-ordinator - Stephanie Whitehead The Principle - Carl Jansen Van Vuuren

Aaqeelah Floris

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By: Aaqeelah Floris As the Dora the explorer saying goes- Swiper no swiping! Recent events at campus (CTI/MGI) have shown that our belongings are not as safe as we thought in the second place we call home. We spend most of our time at campus so it is not unusual to want to feel as home as possible. To truly capture this ‘homely’ feeling, students, lecturers, staff etc. should respect one another and each other’s belongings. It’s true that not eve-ryone will get along as we are all different and in saying this, what we all really want is at the least to be respected and not to have to look over our shoulder all the time. Two students in the pre-degree class

have had possessions of theirs taken.

Some of you may say they were

‘careless’. That may be so in some cases

but I beg to differ. In saying that campus

is like our home I would even feel that it

would be ok to leave my bag unattended

while getting up from my seat to throw

my chips packet in the bin- feeling that

when I get back to my seat seconds later

that all my belongings would still be in my

bag. younger siblings can do it we can


For these two students this was not the case. They had their cell-phone and ear-phones stolen- unattended items for only a short period. Some of you may be thinking, ‘Come on this is South Africa’, and because we think that way it only emphasizes the seriousness of the matter. I interviewed a student who’s cellphone was stolen, here is her response. “ How was your cell phone stolen?” Anoymous: I was with my friends in a lec-ture room and I was really chilled. When we left the room I felt for my phone in my pock-et and it wasn't there but when I went back only moments later it was no where to be found. I was suddenly frantic and my day was ruined. I was hurt that a fellow student took my phone.” Earphones and a cell-phone is nothing much you say? I challenge that because recently a computer was too stolen from campus. Can you believe it? This is a seri-ous matter where ‘treat others like you would want to be treated’ comes in. Think of how you would feel if something small or big were taken away from you in a place that should give comfort and safety. This has to be sorted out one way or the other. Once again as the saying goes-Swiper no swiping! Let’s stand together and follow Do-ra the explorer’s advise.


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I am pleased and proud to note that many students achieved excellent re-sults in the 1

st semester in Cti/MGI -

Claremont Campus. Such as Jandira – Top IT student, Mboyo BVinbinst – Best Business Student, Romi Tollman – Best Psychology Student ( First year),ect. Success always comes with a certain amount of effort. These top academic students have applied many effective study strategies. For example: Estab-lish a study timetable, Prioritise the list of tasks, work consistently, Avoid pro-crastination, breaking down a large assignment into several smaller parts and then conquering them part by part as well as studying with friends and concentrating on learning procedures. Tips from the tops... ‘I try not to place too many expecta-tions or unnecessary pressure on myself. I would like to keep as moti-vated as I was during the first semester. Currently, I am striving for progress...not perfection .’-Romi Toll-man “I work more efficiently and keep fo-cused when the learning environment I am in is not overwhelm-ing. Therefore we all should learn from them, who are doing well in aca-demic.s All of us would like to have bright future so trust in yourself, you can do it!

CTI, being a smaller institution, in comparison to other uni-versities around the Western Cape, drew me in as being a place I was ensured not to "slip through the seams".-Mboyo BVinbinst ‘’I put a lot of effort into my studies (die-hard perfectionist) and try work as consistently as possible throughout the term. I find it really useful, whilst studying, to articu-late the content I am trying to grasp...especially to another human being who is also trying to grasp the work (study-buddy system). It keeps me motivated and holds me accountable on days I would ra-ther be inclined to procrastinate. If I cannot find another willing human on short notice I attempt to teach the study material to inanimate ob-jects in my apartment...in different accents. –Jandira The top academic students are moti-vated to study at this campus. They feel this campus provides a good study environment where they can learn more efficiently. They face this new 2

nd semester’s learning wanting

to maintain the results they have achieved in 1


semester and most of them would like to im-prove their results.

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In Christianity, a church service is a formalized peri-od of communal worship, often but not exclusively oc-curring on Sunday, or Saturday in the case of those churches practicing seventh-day Sabbatarianism. The church service is the gathering together of Christians to be taught the "Word of God" (the Christian Bible) and encouraged in their faith. Technically, the "church" in "church service" refers to the gathering of the faithful rather than to the building in which it takes place.

Styles of service vary greatly, from the Anglican, Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, Roman Catho-lic and Lutheran traditions of liturgical worship to the evangelical Protestant style, that often combines wor-ship with teaching for the believers, which may also have an evangelistic component appealing to the non-Christians and/or skeptics in the congregation. Quak-ers and some other groups have no formal outline to their services, but allow the worship to develop as the participant’s present feel moved.

I asked a student what Sunday church service means to them as a young person “What does going to Sunday services at church every Sunday mean to you?” Anonymous: “It’s like a car which was running the whole week without going to the petrol station and every Sunday it gets to fill its tank and change the tyres if you have to.”

By: Nair Da Silva

Sunday church services are very special to many.

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On Sunday the 19 August 2012, the Mus-lims of South Africa bid farewell to the month of fast. Have you ever wondered why someone would give up food, drink and sexual activ-ity every day for a month from sunrise till sunset? I’m sure you could think of many reasons (like losing weight), but in the ninth month of the Muslim calendar, Mus-lims wake before sunrise to have a meal and pray and then fast until sunset for the sake of God – Allāh. Fasting is act of wor-ship solely for God – you and God alone know whether you are sincere in your fast-ing or not. Abstaining from food and drink are not the only things Muslims do in the month of Ramadān, it is also a time for strengthen-ing spirituality, giving lots of charity and prayer. In this month Muslims try to in-crease their good deeds and abstain and hopefully, eliminate their bad habits.

Muslims participate in many gatherings to engage in worship and to break fast in this special month. Traditionally, Muslims break fast with dates and something to drink and as I’m sure many of you know, here in the Cape we have lots of savour-ies and sweet dishes too. We then per-form the Maghrib (sunset) prayer followed by a meal. After the second evening prayer – ‘Isha’ in Arabic – Muslims may perform a voluntary prayer called Tarāwiḥ. Most people spend their evenings doing this at the mosques, some even do it at home. There are many benefits that Muslims re-ceive in this month; we believe it to be the month of mercy and forgiveness. In the end, it’s not so much about giving up food, it’s about gaining closeness to God, it’s about repentance, it’s about turning your life around for the better – God willing.

By: Aneesa Cassiem

Although post Apartheid , races

cultures and religions have all met

in some way or the other at tertiary

institutions most of us experience

CULTURE SHOCK! Our differ-

ences should be celebrated and

culture shock should be used to the

best of our abilities– To educate

ourselves about what we DONT



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I’m a pre-degree student and

OMG my life has become so hard!

I cant’ believe these people expect

me to hand in soo many assign-

ments! What should I do diary? -


The campus I am studying at is

so close to Cavendish square.

Some lectures are sooo boring Di-

ary and I feel so bad but I mostly

run away to Cavendish...How do I

keep my feet glued in a lecture?


Dear Diary...

I need better excuses for why I

come late to my lectures every-

day... “ It was raining and my

train was late’, doesn't seem to

be working anymore...

- NEED AN EXCUSE Dear Diary...I’ve been having trouble

studying lately. Suddenly everything

seems more important when it comes to

sit down with my books. I procrastinate

all the time. I chat on my phone, listen to

music...anything basically JUST NOT

studying. Please help– UNSTUDIOUS

Dear Diary.

It’s so difficult to choose what to

wear everyday as I’m surrounded

by so many fashion guru’s my

own age! Should I follow the sta-

tus quo and dress up or follow the

relaxed crowd and come in PJ’s?



DEAR DIARY’. Send in your questions to

[email protected]

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FOR ALL THE BELIEBER’s out there– Yo boy has made it to the charts with his hit single— ‘ As long as you love me’ So what do you say say beliebers? Do you love Justin?

OHH NANA WHAT’S HER NAME? Yes Rihaana has made it to the charts! Her hit single ‘Where have you been has been’ has been bringing down many of your houses...haha

Do you like to whistle? I hope so because ‘Flo Rida’s’ Hit single ‘WHISTLE’ made it into the charts! A nod-your-head type of song for those of us who can dance or not...( me)

For those of you who are love-sick or just in the mood for some country lovin’ Tay-lor Swift is in the ‘Charts’ blowing us away with her hit single from her new album- ‘ We are never ever getting back together’. *coughs* sor-ry love-sick people! Taylor is closed for business!

Contact us! What makes you dance? - [email protected]

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Ladies and gent’s ... Please welcome ‘GOTYE’ to the charts! Coming out with a bang—their song “ Some-body that I used to know’. Don’t worry Gotye we’ll definitely not forget you.

MUCH LOVE to the DIRTY SKIRTS who truly TOPPED the charts in South Africa by winning the best alternative album for the 2012 SAMA awards! Well done guys!

WAKE UP YA’LL...Because Chris brown’s hit single ‘don't wake me up’ has made it into the charts! * Stop screaming Chris Brown lover’s...there’s more where that came from...*

I LOVE ROCK ‘N ROLL! Do you? Great be-cause ‘LINKIN PARK’ has made it to the charts! Their hit single— ‘Burn it down’ has us waiting in anticipation for their concert in South Africa in November!

Contact us! What makes you dance? - [email protected]

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A Woman’s Worth

Aaqeelah Floris

You wipe the sweat from

your brow-

It’s your last task at least for


Your children don’t appreci-

ate what you do-

The amount of work-they

have no clue.

Your husband drinks and

beats you too,

You question whether he

loves you.

You are belittled everyday,

As a woman this is a price

you pay.

The life you live is not fair,

It’s mostly the case for

women everywhere.

Appreciate all the things that

women do-

If it were not for them there

would not be a YOU

The most important person

Q: What's brown and sticky? Q: What happened to the man who lost his whole left side of his


A: A stick. A: He is all right now


loves you,

Clothes you,

Believes in you,

Feeds you,

Does everything for you.

If it were not for them where

would you be?

Think about that and you

might see…

Without women you would-

n’t be.

It's woman's day everyday,

Another chance for you to

say-I appreciate you.

The steps to heaven

One day a redhead, a bru-

nette, and a blonde were

on their way to heaven.

God told them the stairs to

heaven were 1,000 steps and

on every step he was going

to tell them a joke. If they

laughed they would not be

able to get to heaven.

So the redhead made it to the

45th step and laughed.

The brunette made it to the

200th step and laughed.

But the blonde made it to the

999th step and laughed even

before god told his joke.

God asked "Why did you

laugh I haven't even told the

joke yet"

The blonde said "I know I

just now got the first one!!!


Coca-cola was



The piece of

plastic at the

end of a shoe

lace is called an


A cat has 32

muscles in each


Banana’s and

human’s share

50% same DNA

so that means

humans are

50% banana’s...


“If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.” -Milton Berle

“The trouble with not having a goal is that you can spend

your life running up and down the field and never score.” –

Bill Copeland

“It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare; it

is because we do not dare that things are difficult

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How hooked on social networks

are we really...find out in GENE-

SIS OF A TWEET’ cartoon.



Graphic student? Just love drawing cartoons? Then there’s a place at Da fact



tc u

s: d







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The” Reach for your Slippers” day started off with a bang! It

was a day of fun and excitement just waiting to explode. The

morning began with a bit of a cold front and a wet atmosphere

but nothing could compare to the uplifted spirits of the college

students, advisors and academic co-ordinators including the

secretaries. While patiently waiting for the camera guy, every-

one waited with adrenalin “buzzing” in their feet to show off

their cute little pink piggy, hearts and penguin slippers. It was

an overwhelming experience and a joyful day, with the

thought in mind that the “real” reason why we were having

this day was to support the “Reach for your dream” organisa-

tion. It is the mere thought of knowing that at least 5 / 10

children will be receiving nice cosy blankets, food, clothes

and shelter for this cold winter season. Hopefully we made

enough money to satisfy their basic needs and humble hearts,

even if it’s just to make them smile

'Reach for your slippers' is a fantastic organisation whose

main purpose is giving aid to those in need but not many peo-

ple are familiar with it. Reach for your slippers day was estab-

lished by an organization called the Reach For A Dream

Foundation (RFAD). The RFAD was inspired by an article

that came from the Make A Wish Foundation, based in Amer-

ica. Owen Parnell saw an opportunity to establish a similar

venture like this in South Africa. On 7 July 1988 the organiza-

tion made its very first dream come true, their first little

dreamers name was J C Steinman. The Reach For A Dream

Foundation was officially named in 1991; the organization

defined its core purpose as "fulfilling the dreams of children

of any race, color and creed between the ages of 3 and 18 fac-

es with life-threatening illness." and raise as much as we pos-

sibly could!

Written by: Za-eema Salie and Tarryn Jacobs

The Reach For A Dream Foundation has been around

for 24 years and has brought hope, happiness and heal-

ing to many (countless) South African children. These

children have used their dreams to fight life-threatening

illness such as cancer, leukaemia, cystic fibrosis, mus-

cular dystrophy, renal failure and various blood disor-


This Foundation the RFAD tries their best to alleviate

the strain of this life-threatening illness the children and

family faces. This gives the foundation the opportunity

to help the children realise their dream and fight back

the illnesses that they have been diagnosed with; en-

riching these children’s lives by making their dreams

come true is a result of them being distracted from the

needles, medication and hospital environment. These

young children are under a huge amount of pressure

and they need our encouragement.

Dominic Bent a 1st year college student that has the en-

ergy of a Duracell battery and has an enthusiasm that

“skrik for niks” joined in on the action.

News reporter: “Dominic what does slipper day mean to you?” Dominic: ‘I’m glad to have participated in this event because I know that it’s going to help a lot of children this winter and put “pap” on the tables and shoes on their feet!’

A message to all college students:

“Give to receive”. Take a minute to place yourself in the situation of one of those children in the” Reach for

your Dream” programme. If you were in that situation wouldn’t you want people to help you? I know I would!

Thumbs up to everyone that has participated in this event, and may we have many more! So thanks on behalf

of CTI.”

Reach for your slippers day was launched last year in August. This day was a huge success regionally in KZN.

The procedure was easy all you had to do take part was to buy a sticker which only costs R10.00 each and

wear your slippers for the whole day everywhere you went. This was the first year CTI took part in the Reach

For Your Slipper day the campus has raised R1600 which is good for a start but next year let’s stand together.

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SA’s Newest ‘hot’ daddy”- Graeme Smith has a beautiful son!

Rumour has it– that Adele , well known for number one hit ‘Rolling in the deep ‘, married her ‘baby daddy’-Simon Ke-necki!

Jeanie D—well known TV presenter of Top Bill-ing is said to have called off her own wedding! Ap-parently her gut feeling told her that her and beau-’Jon’s’ marriage would end sometime or the other.

Chris Brown and Rihaana

are said to be planning a

SHOCKING on-stage re-


Lindsay Lohan a suspect in jewellery theft ! Another thing to cross off her buck-et list...

Local hunk-Chad Le Clos agreed to be matric ball partner! ‘Olhaus said that it took camping outside the airport to have her dream guy for one night.

Twilight Hottie_ Rob-ert Pattinson heart broken over Kirsten Stewarts betrayal!

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HEIDI KLUM –denies What her former Partner said about her being ‘unfaithful’. Guess the so called was-n't really ‘ SEAL-ed huh SEAL?

PRINCE HARRY...gets naked—Not very ‘Royal’ Harry darling..

KATIE HOLMES– Cruising away from her husband– their shock-ing divorce!

ONE DIRECTION—the new hottest British boy band nearly lost their

name. Thank goodness!! they can breathe again they gained rights to their name.

RIHANNA— Spotted approaching former flame Chris Brown at the VMAs. On her way to her seat and even gave him a hug, a kiss and a rub on the head. His still the flame burn-ing in her heart. The love of her life. Wow after what he did!

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Nutrition? I’m sure we’ve all heard that eating junk food is bad for you. We all know pro-cessed foods are high in carbohydrates and nasty things like Trans fat. So, instead of repeating these things in yet another article, i thought i would in-stead explore some of the foodie trends out there, like raw food. What does it mean to be on a raw food diet? It means mostly eating “plant” foods, like seeds, nuts, sprouts, legumes, fresh fruit and veggies and even seaweed. Why would you want to go on a raw food diet? Raw ‘foodists’ believe that once you heat food above 116 degrees F, the heat will kill off any vitamins and enzymes that aid digestion. Constipation much? Try giving up cooked and processed foods. Btw, processed foods include refined sugar. ‘What about dairy? Meat? Fish? These foods are considered acid-forming, and too much acid ain’t good for ya’. If you really want to get the best out of

your food, not killing off those vitamins

through cooking will ensure that you get it

all. Now, a raw food diet doesn’t mean

your meal consist of a plate of whole car-

rots, raw spinach and tomatoes.

There are various methods to make raw food more appealing, like juicing, dehy-drating (think dried fruit), soaking and so forth. Can you imagine the benefits? Weight loss, overall better health and all that. It’s a great detox, but that’s not always the easiest or best thing on your body.

So, what about the disadvantages? Sometimes, cooking your food is best, it helps us digest what we otherwise could not. Also, not everybody has a strong di-gestive system, especially if you eat lots of processed foods. Or even if you’ve grown up eating mostly cooked foods, or rich foods, you’re body is used to digest-ing in a certain way – genetics definitely plays a role here. So, if you’re thinking about changing your diet – whether it be a raw food diet or not – consult with a professional and let it be a slow transi-tion. Remember that giving up certain foods means giving up certain minerals and vitamins, so supplementation is im-portant.

Maybe it’s not about raw food or cooked

food, maybe it’s just about HOW you cook

your food and WHAT you are cooking.

By: Aneesa Cassiem

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