Dad Tired...your marriage to make you more like him. Instead of leaving you in your brokenness, he...

Dad Tired conference and guide

Transcript of Dad Tired...your marriage to make you more like him. Instead of leaving you in your brokenness, he...

Page 1: Dad Tired...your marriage to make you more like him. Instead of leaving you in your brokenness, he gave you a wife to expose sin and then offers you his amazing grace. Prayer for today


conference and guide

Page 2: Dad Tired...your marriage to make you more like him. Instead of leaving you in your brokenness, he gave you a wife to expose sin and then offers you his amazing grace. Prayer for today

Join The Community


Page 3: Dad Tired...your marriage to make you more like him. Instead of leaving you in your brokenness, he gave you a wife to expose sin and then offers you his amazing grace. Prayer for today


Page 4: Dad Tired...your marriage to make you more like him. Instead of leaving you in your brokenness, he gave you a wife to expose sin and then offers you his amazing grace. Prayer for today

session one //

The Gospel & Your Heart


Page 5: Dad Tired...your marriage to make you more like him. Instead of leaving you in your brokenness, he gave you a wife to expose sin and then offers you his amazing grace. Prayer for today

“Set your minds on things that are above, Not on things that

are on Earth.”Colossians 3:2

Satan wasn’t tempting Eve with an apple: he was tempting her with of God


Page 6: Dad Tired...your marriage to make you more like him. Instead of leaving you in your brokenness, he gave you a wife to expose sin and then offers you his amazing grace. Prayer for today

Gospel Truth

We were hard-wired to worship. Because of our sin, we worship the

things God created, instead of the creator himself. All the things we

worship, outside of Jesus, will fail to fulfill our hearts. Jesus eagerly waits

to give you the satisfaction your soul is longing for.

Prayer for today

Jesus, forgive me for searching for hope, security, and identity outside of

you. Forgive me for believing that other things can satisfy my soul more

than you can. Would my heart long for you, and you alone today.

List the things you’re

praying for today

Where are you searching for joy outside of Jesus?

/ DAY One


Page 7: Dad Tired...your marriage to make you more like him. Instead of leaving you in your brokenness, he gave you a wife to expose sin and then offers you his amazing grace. Prayer for today

“For it is by grace you have been saved through faith- and this is not from yourselves, it

is the gift of God- not by works, so that no one can boast.”

Ephesians 2:8-9

You are both by grace and by grace. It was grace that brought you near to him, and it’s his grace that will keep you close to him.


Page 8: Dad Tired...your marriage to make you more like him. Instead of leaving you in your brokenness, he gave you a wife to expose sin and then offers you his amazing grace. Prayer for today

/ DAY Two

Are you fully convinced that you are saved by grace alone, or have you been led to believe that you need to earn God’s love?

Gospel Truth

You are not capable of living up to God’s standard for righteousness. Your

good works don’t have the power to save you, if that were true, Jesus

would have never had to come. You can rest in his grace today, not your

good works. You are loved because of what he did, not what you can do.

Prayer for today

Jesus, thank you for your amazing grace. Thank you that your love for me

is not based on what I do today, but by what you did on the cross. Today,

would my soul find rest in your grace, not my good works.

List the things you’re

praying for today


Page 9: Dad Tired...your marriage to make you more like him. Instead of leaving you in your brokenness, he gave you a wife to expose sin and then offers you his amazing grace. Prayer for today

“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not

neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all

the more as you see the Day drawing near.”Hebrews 10:24-25

In , we lose sight of God’s overarching story of and become susceptible to believe the lies of the enemy.


Page 10: Dad Tired...your marriage to make you more like him. Instead of leaving you in your brokenness, he gave you a wife to expose sin and then offers you his amazing grace. Prayer for today

/ DAY three

Do you believe that you need other Christians in your life to help you in your walk with Jesus?

Gospel Truth

We were created for vulnerability and intimacy. The good news of Jesus

allows us to live in authentic community with other believers. We can

share about our hurts, struggles and pain without shame, because we

know that our identity is not based on them.

Prayer for today

Jesus, would you bring other believers into my life who would point me

toward you? Would you give me the humility to allow others to speak

truth into the dark areas of my life? And would you give me the courage

to share authentically about the areas of my life that still need your work?List the things you’re

praying for today


Page 11: Dad Tired...your marriage to make you more like him. Instead of leaving you in your brokenness, he gave you a wife to expose sin and then offers you his amazing grace. Prayer for today

“But the helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my

name, He will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance

all that I have said to you.”John 14:26

God has a reputation of restoring and people.


Page 12: Dad Tired...your marriage to make you more like him. Instead of leaving you in your brokenness, he gave you a wife to expose sin and then offers you his amazing grace. Prayer for today

/ DAY four

Is there something in your life that you are afraid to face?

Gospel Truth

God knows you fully. This can be a terrifying thought. But, the Gospel

reminds us that he knows you fully, and yet loves you fully. You are fully

known, and fully loved. There is nothing you can face, admit, or expose

that would change God’s passionate love for you.

Prayer for today

Jesus, forgive me for trying to cover up what your Spirit is trying to teach

me. Give me the courage to be alone in your presence and to allow your

Spirit to expose in me any wicked ways. Remind me that your love for

me is not based on my sin, but on your redeeming work on the cross.List the things you’re

praying for today


Page 13: Dad Tired...your marriage to make you more like him. Instead of leaving you in your brokenness, he gave you a wife to expose sin and then offers you his amazing grace. Prayer for today

“Know this, my beloved brothers: Let every person be quick to hear,

slow to speak, slow to anger; for the anger of a man does not

produce the righteousness of God.”Jame 1:19-20

“Obedience to Jesus today means not living by bread alone, but by the ”


Page 14: Dad Tired...your marriage to make you more like him. Instead of leaving you in your brokenness, he gave you a wife to expose sin and then offers you his amazing grace. Prayer for today

/ DAY Five

How do you currently deal with temptation? How is it working for you?

Gospel Truth

There are dozens of ways that you will be tempted to find satisfaction

outside of Jesus. The good news is, he promised to never leave you. He

also promised to give you what your soul is actually longing for. Jesus

knows your temptation, and gives you his spirit to overcome. He knew

that your soul would be searching for hope, and he offers you himself.

Prayer for today

Jesus, lead me not into temptation, but deliver me from the evil one. Give

me the discipline to walk by your spirit, not by my flesh. Remind me that

there is nothing that can satisfy my soul more than you can. List the things you’re

praying for today


Page 15: Dad Tired...your marriage to make you more like him. Instead of leaving you in your brokenness, he gave you a wife to expose sin and then offers you his amazing grace. Prayer for today

Session Exercise Notes


Page 16: Dad Tired...your marriage to make you more like him. Instead of leaving you in your brokenness, he gave you a wife to expose sin and then offers you his amazing grace. Prayer for today

session two //

The Gospel & Your Marriage


Page 17: Dad Tired...your marriage to make you more like him. Instead of leaving you in your brokenness, he gave you a wife to expose sin and then offers you his amazing grace. Prayer for today

“He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor

from the Lord”Proverbs 18:22

Your wife was designed for your , not your .


Page 18: Dad Tired...your marriage to make you more like him. Instead of leaving you in your brokenness, he gave you a wife to expose sin and then offers you his amazing grace. Prayer for today

/ DAY One

What strengths does your wife have that you don’t? Do you see them as a gift God has given you to help you grow?

Gospel Truth

God, in his goodness, gave you a wife to help expose your sin. He is using

your marriage to make you more like him. Instead of leaving you in your

brokenness, he gave you a wife to expose sin and then offers you his

amazing grace.

Prayer for today

Jesus, help me to see my wife as a gift from you. Give me the humility

to allow her to speak into areas of my life that still need to be shaped

by you. Give me the patience to see her strengths as a benefit to my

character, not as an enemy to my agenda. List the things you’re

praying for today


Page 19: Dad Tired...your marriage to make you more like him. Instead of leaving you in your brokenness, he gave you a wife to expose sin and then offers you his amazing grace. Prayer for today

“Our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await our

savior, the Lord, Jesus Christ.”Philippians 3:20

When a couple forgets that God has brought them together for the advancement of his , they will become about trivial things instead of

the things that will last for .


Page 20: Dad Tired...your marriage to make you more like him. Instead of leaving you in your brokenness, he gave you a wife to expose sin and then offers you his amazing grace. Prayer for today

/ DAY two

Gospel Truth

God cares about your problems. And believe it or not, he has solved them.

Maybe not in the “here and now”, but in eternity. He won’t leave you in

your brokenness, but offers eternal life. He promises that there will be a

day without pain, guilt, or shame. We can face the hardships of marriage

with peace because we have hope for a better future.

Prayer for today

Jesus, help me to make decisions based on eternity, not on the practical for

today. Give us the courage to take risks with our time and money, knowing

that we are secure in our eternity with you. Remind me today that this is

not our home, and to store up treasures in heaven, not on this earth.

Do you and your wife make decisions based on the practical of here and now, or in light of eternity? What issues in your marriage would go away if you were thinking in light of eternity?

List the things you’re

praying for today


Page 21: Dad Tired...your marriage to make you more like him. Instead of leaving you in your brokenness, he gave you a wife to expose sin and then offers you his amazing grace. Prayer for today

“I will make you my wife forever, showing you righteousness and justice, unfailing love and compassion. I will be faithful to you and make you mine, and you will finally know me as the Lord.”

Hosea 2:19-20 (NLT)

You can forgive with because Jesus forgives you with unending forgiveness.


Page 22: Dad Tired...your marriage to make you more like him. Instead of leaving you in your brokenness, he gave you a wife to expose sin and then offers you his amazing grace. Prayer for today

/ DAY Three

Are you as gracious and forgiving toward your wife as God has been toward you?

Gospel Truth

You’re a mess. Because of your sin, you are broken, wicked, and prone

to wander far from God. But, the good news is, Jesus didn’t leave you in

your brokenness. He is relentless in his grace and forgiveness toward you.

When you are connected to that reality, you are able to offer grace and

forgiveness beyond your own capacity.

Prayer for today

Jesus, don’t let me forget how amazing your grace is toward me. Remind

me that I was far from you, and you didn’t stop pursing me. Don’t let

me take your grace for granted, but allow me to be amazed by it today.

Give the ability to show the same kind of grace, forgiveness and pursuit

toward my wife today. List the things you’re

praying for today


Page 23: Dad Tired...your marriage to make you more like him. Instead of leaving you in your brokenness, he gave you a wife to expose sin and then offers you his amazing grace. Prayer for today

“Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the Church and

gave himself up for her.”Ephesians 5:25

God is in his pursuit of your . May you be the same toward your wife.


Page 24: Dad Tired...your marriage to make you more like him. Instead of leaving you in your brokenness, he gave you a wife to expose sin and then offers you his amazing grace. Prayer for today

/ DAY four

What would it look like for you to pursue the heart of your wife every single day?

Gospel Truth

God didn’t save you and then leave you. He saved you and then pursues

you every single day. Regardless of how long you’ve been a Christian,

God hasn’t stopped pursuing your heart. He wants to be connected in

relationship with you every single day.

Prayer for today

Jesus, thank you for never giving up on me. Thank you for pursing my

heart every day. Give me the grace to pursue the heart of my wife with

the same kind of passion that you pursue mine. Don’t let me become

complacent in my love toward my wife, but give me a renewed passion

for her today. List the things you’re

praying for today


Page 25: Dad Tired...your marriage to make you more like him. Instead of leaving you in your brokenness, he gave you a wife to expose sin and then offers you his amazing grace. Prayer for today

“Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in

heaven.”Matthew 6:10

God wants to use your to see his Kingdom come and his will be done on as it is in heaven.


Page 26: Dad Tired...your marriage to make you more like him. Instead of leaving you in your brokenness, he gave you a wife to expose sin and then offers you his amazing grace. Prayer for today

/ DAY Five

Gospel Truth

God is pursuing the heart of every person in the world. He is relentlessly

drawing everything back to himself. The truth is, he could use rocks to

save people, but in his grace, has allowed us to partner with him. He

allows us to give people a glimpse of heaven on earth. He has wired you

and your wife uniquely for his glory, and for the redemption of the world.

Prayer for today

Jesus, give us big dreams for how you could use us for your Kingdom.

Reveal to us how you have uniquely wired us, and paired us together.

Forgive us for only being concerned with our own lives, and give us the

courage and passion to love people the way you have loved us.

Do you and your wife have dreams that you are pursing together?

List the things you’re

praying for today


Page 27: Dad Tired...your marriage to make you more like him. Instead of leaving you in your brokenness, he gave you a wife to expose sin and then offers you his amazing grace. Prayer for today

Session Exercise Notes


Page 28: Dad Tired...your marriage to make you more like him. Instead of leaving you in your brokenness, he gave you a wife to expose sin and then offers you his amazing grace. Prayer for today

Session three //

The Gospel & Your Kids


Page 29: Dad Tired...your marriage to make you more like him. Instead of leaving you in your brokenness, he gave you a wife to expose sin and then offers you his amazing grace. Prayer for today

“For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you heave received the spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we

cry ‘Abba! Father!’”Romans 8:15

You don’t have to carry the pressure of being a . Instead, point your kids to the one who already is the perfect father.


Page 30: Dad Tired...your marriage to make you more like him. Instead of leaving you in your brokenness, he gave you a wife to expose sin and then offers you his amazing grace. Prayer for today

/ DAY One

Gospel Truth

God is the perfect father, so you don’t have to be. You and your kids both

serve a God who is the perfect dad. He will never fail them, never grow

impatient, and is able to offer them everything they need. Point your kids

to the perfect father.

Prayer for today

Lord, thank you for being the perfect father to my kids, so I don’t have to

be. Give me the humility to point them to the best daddy… you. Teach

me to raise my children so that they are more dependent on you than

they are me. You’re a good father.

What stops you from relating to God as a good father?

List the things you’re

praying for today


Page 31: Dad Tired...your marriage to make you more like him. Instead of leaving you in your brokenness, he gave you a wife to expose sin and then offers you his amazing grace. Prayer for today

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from

all unrighteousness.”

We model to our kids when we have the to say, ‘I’m sorry.’


Page 32: Dad Tired...your marriage to make you more like him. Instead of leaving you in your brokenness, he gave you a wife to expose sin and then offers you his amazing grace. Prayer for today

/ DAY two

Would your wife and children describe you as being humble? What would it look like to practice humility in your own life?

Gospel Truth

We can subtly convince ourselves that we are good gods. That we are

smart, resourceful, and capable. This subtly leads us to believe that we

don’t actually need God. The good news of Jesus is that he saves us from

ourselves. He reminds us that we aren’t capable of saving ourselves and

offers himself instead.

Prayer for today

Jesus, teach me to grow in humility. Break down my pride. Show me the

areas where I am weak and in need of you. Give me the humility to admit

when I am wrong and to ask for forgiveness. Remind me that it is in my

weakness that your strength is perfected. List the things you’re

praying for today


Page 33: Dad Tired...your marriage to make you more like him. Instead of leaving you in your brokenness, he gave you a wife to expose sin and then offers you his amazing grace. Prayer for today

“The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and

the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance

of the heart, his mouth speaks.”Luke 6:45

Poor is simply a glimpse into your child’s .


Page 34: Dad Tired...your marriage to make you more like him. Instead of leaving you in your brokenness, he gave you a wife to expose sin and then offers you his amazing grace. Prayer for today

/ DAY Three

What would it look like to parent your child’s heart, versus parenting their behavior?

Gospel Truth

God knows that we are terrible at following the rules. We can fool

others, and even ourselves, for a short time, but eventually we will fail.

Your kids don’t just need changed behavior, they need a changed heart,

and only Jesus can do that. All behavior is an overflow of the heart.

Prayer for today

Lord, teach me to look for what is going on within the heart of my child.

Don’t let me settle for just behavior modification. Give me the wisdom

to join you in shaping their heart. Use me to point my child back to you,

their creator. List the things you’re

praying for today


Page 35: Dad Tired...your marriage to make you more like him. Instead of leaving you in your brokenness, he gave you a wife to expose sin and then offers you his amazing grace. Prayer for today

“How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the

Good News!”Romans 10:15

Don’t just be the one who brings and to your home. with your kids.


Page 36: Dad Tired...your marriage to make you more like him. Instead of leaving you in your brokenness, he gave you a wife to expose sin and then offers you his amazing grace. Prayer for today

/ DAY four

How often are you talking to your kids about Jesus? What are some practical ways you can share the good of Jesus with them more often?

Gospel Truth

God has entrusted you with your children. Not just to keep them safe or

make them successful, but to raise them to know Him. God has allowed

you to partner with Him in capturing their hearts. Your purpose as a dad

is to join with God in capturing the hearts of your children for his glory.

Prayer for today

Lord, remind me today that my biggest goal is to point my children

toward you. Let them see the joy of my salvation. Let them see peace

and truth within me. Give me the wisdom and patience to use every

opportunity to share your good news with my kids. List the things you’re

praying for today


Page 37: Dad Tired...your marriage to make you more like him. Instead of leaving you in your brokenness, he gave you a wife to expose sin and then offers you his amazing grace. Prayer for today

“Beloved, I urge you as sojourners and exiles to

abstain from the passions of the flesh, which wage war

against your soul.”1 Peter 2:11

Being a Gospel-Centered dad means using to teach your kids about the Kingdom of Heaven.


Page 38: Dad Tired...your marriage to make you more like him. Instead of leaving you in your brokenness, he gave you a wife to expose sin and then offers you his amazing grace. Prayer for today

/ DAY Five

What is the Kingdom of Heaven? How does it look different than the kingdom of this world?

Gospel Truth

God has invited your children to be part of a new Kingdom, a better

Kingdom. A Kingdom where he is King. The kingdom of this world will

offer all kinds of ways for your kids to find joy, but the Kingdom of

Heaven will offer your children everything their soul actually desires. The

Kingdom of Heaven offers them true hope, identity, and satisfaction.

Prayer for today

Father, help me to use every opportunity to teach my children about you

and the Kingdom of Heaven. Don’t let me get so busy in the details of life

that I miss teaching them about you. Protect their hearts and minds from

the kingdom of this world. Transform them by the renewing of their mind. List the things you’re

praying for today


Page 39: Dad Tired...your marriage to make you more like him. Instead of leaving you in your brokenness, he gave you a wife to expose sin and then offers you his amazing grace. Prayer for today

Session Exercise Notes


Page 40: Dad Tired...your marriage to make you more like him. Instead of leaving you in your brokenness, he gave you a wife to expose sin and then offers you his amazing grace. Prayer for today

WEEK four //

Prayers for your work


Page 41: Dad Tired...your marriage to make you more like him. Instead of leaving you in your brokenness, he gave you a wife to expose sin and then offers you his amazing grace. Prayer for today

“See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we

should be called children of God; and so we are.”

1 John 3:1

You have immeasurable value– not based on what you , but in who Jesus says you .


Page 42: Dad Tired...your marriage to make you more like him. Instead of leaving you in your brokenness, he gave you a wife to expose sin and then offers you his amazing grace. Prayer for today

/ DAY One

Gospel Truth

Your value has nothing to do with what you do. You are loved because of

who you are (child of God), not based on what you do. There is nothing

you can accomplish at work today that would make God love you any

more than he already does.

Prayer for today

Spirit, remind me where my value comes from. Protect me from the lie

that my worth is based on what I do for a living. Thank you for loving me

for who I am, not what I do, or what I can accomplish. Help me to find

my identity in you, and you alone.

How much of your identity is tied to what you do for work?

List the things you’re

praying for today


Page 43: Dad Tired...your marriage to make you more like him. Instead of leaving you in your brokenness, he gave you a wife to expose sin and then offers you his amazing grace. Prayer for today

“Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather

into the barns, and yet your heavenly father feeds them. Are

you not more valuable than they?”Matthew 6:26

A Gospel-centered man is not , but gives thanks to God for the mind and body he has given him.


Page 44: Dad Tired...your marriage to make you more like him. Instead of leaving you in your brokenness, he gave you a wife to expose sin and then offers you his amazing grace. Prayer for today

/ DAY two

Gospel Truth

Your family needs more than money. They need hope, security,

satisfaction. They need salvation. Your family needs more than you can

give them. They need Jesus. The scriptures are clear: you should be

working hard as if you are working for the Lord, but don’t forget who

the real provider of your family is. His name is Jesus.

Prayer for today

Lord, thank you for providing for all of my needs. Beyond my basic needs,

you have provided for my greatest need… salvation. Give me the ability

to work hard for the basic needs of my family, and the humility to point

them toward the ultimate provider- you.

What does it mean to you to be the provider of your family?

List the things you’re

praying for today


Page 45: Dad Tired...your marriage to make you more like him. Instead of leaving you in your brokenness, he gave you a wife to expose sin and then offers you his amazing grace. Prayer for today

“No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You

cannot serve God and money.”Matthew 6:24

A Gospel-centered man doesn’t crave , but craves to give God with whatever amount of money he does have.


Page 46: Dad Tired...your marriage to make you more like him. Instead of leaving you in your brokenness, he gave you a wife to expose sin and then offers you his amazing grace. Prayer for today

/ DAY Three

If you’re honest with yourself, how much control does money have over your life?

Gospel Truth

Money offers itself as a good god. It gives the impression that it can offer

you hope, security and identity. But, just like all other gods, it will fail you.

The Gospel reminds us that there is only one who can truly offer hope,

security and identity. Because of Jesus, we can use money as a tool to

advance God’s Kingdom, instead of allowing it to have control over us.

Prayer for today

Jesus, rescue me from the temptation of money. Remind me that my

identity, security, and hope come from you, not from a bank account. Let

me see all of my money as a gift from you, and as a tool to advance your

Kingdom. Help me to be gracious with my money, the same way you have

been gracious with your blessings toward me. List the things you’re

praying for today


Page 47: Dad Tired...your marriage to make you more like him. Instead of leaving you in your brokenness, he gave you a wife to expose sin and then offers you his amazing grace. Prayer for today

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

Matthew 6:21

Your first mission is to Jesus and to your family toward him.


Page 48: Dad Tired...your marriage to make you more like him. Instead of leaving you in your brokenness, he gave you a wife to expose sin and then offers you his amazing grace. Prayer for today

/ DAY four

Gospel Truth

The gospel reminds us that we aren’t valuable based on how productive

we are, but on what God thinks of us. We don’t have to fill our schedules

full of activity. We can rest because we know that we are loved based on

who we are, not what we do.

Prayer for today

Lord, give me the wisdom to see where I am wasting time with my life.

Give me the discipline to cut the things out of my calendar that don’t

make sense for you and your Kingdom. Help me to say “no” more. Align

my calendar with your heart, Lord.

Are there unnecessary things on your calendar that stop you from spending quality time with God, your wife and your kids?

List the things you’re

praying for today


Page 49: Dad Tired...your marriage to make you more like him. Instead of leaving you in your brokenness, he gave you a wife to expose sin and then offers you his amazing grace. Prayer for today

“Go therefore and make disciplines of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the

Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.”

Matthew 28:19-20

We all have the same : to be by God to see his Kingdom come on Earth as it is in Heaven.


Page 50: Dad Tired...your marriage to make you more like him. Instead of leaving you in your brokenness, he gave you a wife to expose sin and then offers you his amazing grace. Prayer for today

/ DAY Five

What does it practically look like to be a missionary to your workplace?

Gospel Truth

God has invited you to join him in his redemption of the world. It is no

accident that you are working where you are. Every person that you

work with, every interaction you have, was planned before the day you

were born. God is drawing every person to himself, and he’s inviting you

to be a part of that.

Prayer for today

Jesus, help me to see my workplace as more than a paycheck. Remind me

that I am on mission with you. Use me today to bring light into the dark

places of my co-workers. Allow me to share your good news, in both

word and deed, with every person that I interact with. Thank you for

allowing me to join you in the redemption of the world. List the things you’re

praying for today


Page 51: Dad Tired...your marriage to make you more like him. Instead of leaving you in your brokenness, he gave you a wife to expose sin and then offers you his amazing grace. Prayer for today

Session Exercise Notes


Page 52: Dad Tired...your marriage to make you more like him. Instead of leaving you in your brokenness, he gave you a wife to expose sin and then offers you his amazing grace. Prayer for today