DAB062 Where Angels Fear to Tread Premiereblackmoor.mystara.net/MMRPG/S3/DAB062.pdfOn a dark and...

Based on the original Blackmoor Setting, associated characters and places owned by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Used with permission, all rights reserved© 1975 Wizards. Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor: Episode LXII: Where Angels Fear to Tread is ©2007 Zeitgeist Games, Inc. Zeitgeist Games is a trademark of Zeitgeist Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This product contains no Open Gaming Content. EPISODE LXII: Where Angels Fear to Tread Written By: Matthew Tearle Edited by: Jared Eaton and Jae Walker Predestination. On a dark and stormy night a simple priest of Odir had a vision. Darkness was coming and it is to engulf the whole of Blackmoor, but fate is a fickle device that way. If you can’t change the outcome, why has the Grandfather of the Gods sent this warning? A Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor one round adventure for characters levels 5-13 The second installment in the series: The Infernal Darkness.

Transcript of DAB062 Where Angels Fear to Tread Premiereblackmoor.mystara.net/MMRPG/S3/DAB062.pdfOn a dark and...

Based on the original Blackmoor Setting, associated characters and places owned by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Used with permission, all rights reserved© 1975 Wizards. Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor: Episode LXII: Where Angels Fear to Tread is ©2007 Zeitgeist Games, Inc. Zeitgeist Games is a trademark of Zeitgeist Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This product contains no Open Gaming Content.

EPISODE LXII: Where Angels Fear to Tread

Written By: Matthew Tearle Edited by: Jared Eaton and Jae Walker

Predestination. On a dark and stormy night a simple priest of Odir had a vision. Darkness was coming and it is to engulf the whole of Blackmoor, but fate is a fickle device that way. If you can’t change the outcome, why has the Grandfather of the Gods sent this warning? A Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor one round adventure for characters levels 5-13 The second installment in the series: The Infernal Darkness.

Episode 64: Where Angels Fear to Tread Page 2 Matthew Tearle

Preface by Dave Arneson: One day, a little over thirty years ago, I discovered that I was bored. The campaign that I was running had become a drag. It was consumed with these long tedious battles and constant bickering over historical details. These most recently uncovered details would mess up next week’s battle. Curses on all such books! Why not just use one source and be done with it? CLICK! Graph paper, pencil, the old 20-sided dice we never used, some really poorly sculpted plastic monsters…I began to imagine a dungeon. My mind raced…I began to draw. Maybe I can fill it with critters and gold! This dungeon needs a name? Hmm, it’s a dark place in the wilds of wherever. Ahh! Blackmoor! By Sunday night the first six levels of the dungeon were done and the gaming table in the basement had been transformed into a small medieval town with a castle. A dungeon seemed like a good idea since it would keep the players from running all over the place. We still needed some more details… Ah! I drew a map of the town and the country around it. These last details took me most of the rest of the week to complete. I was really excited about this idea. Now everyone could be a hero like in a book but without a tight (and often dumb!) plot. They could do just about anything that they wanted to do, for better or for worse. In that short time, Blackmoor was born. The campaign setting now known as Blackmoor was done within the month with additional details added as needed. Both the setting and the rules continued to grow over the weeks. Most, but alas not all, the guys liked the game and wanted to keep playing. So the next few weeks were spent fleshing things out and trying to maintain the structure. In a very real way I have continued to “flesh things out” over the last thirty years. I continue to run the Blackmoor campaign in the games I judge at conventions and in my classroom. Over the years some 5,000+ people have adventured in Blackmoor in excess of 1,500 game sessions. The roads are well traveled but the adventures never end. (Orlando, 2004) Introduction to Blackmoor by Dustin Clingman: Welcome to the magical world of Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor! The original Blackmoor campaign began over thirty years ago and served as the impetus for an entirely new

gaming experience where every player could be both a fantastic hero and a winner. The game that would become Dungeons & Dragons relied heavily on the core discoveries made while Dave Arneson created a new gaming genre through his exploration of Blackmoor with his core group of players. So what’s the big deal with Blackmoor? It’s a distinct and compelling world to adventure in. Blackmoor provides a solid, almost classical launching point for players of all gaming backgrounds. Before there were adventure or role-playing games, there was Blackmoor. Blackmoor can be defined by its key precept: High Fantasy. Powerful heroes defend the land against impossible odds. What could be more fun that that? The frontier kingdom of Blackmoor sits in quite a precarious position. Ruled by the young King Uther Andahar, Blackmoor is beset on all sides by enemies and would be conquerors. Blackmoor’s enemies range from the savage Afridhi to the amorphous superbeing, The Egg of Coot. On a moment’s notice, the people of Blackmoor must be prepared to take up arms to defend themselves from invasion or even worse horrors. Compound this political turmoil with the constant discovery of new power and horrible monstrosities to find a populace quite uneasy with their lot in life. Some of them take up arms to define their destinies rather than waiting to become victims of fate. These brave adventurers serve a heroic purpose for both people and country. What is Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor: The MMRPG (Massively Multiplayer Role Playing Game)?: Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor: The MMRPG is designed to allow players to participate alongside each other in groups of 4 to 6 players in the rich fantasy world of Blackmoor that Dave Arneson created over 30 years ago. The campaign allows players to travel all over the world attending conventions and game days that are running Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor events. Since the rules for the campaign are the same everywhere in the world, players can quickly jump right into the action just about anywhere people are playing without having to worry about house rules. These complete rules can be found in Dave Arneson's Blackmoor: The MMRPG Campaign Sourcebook or by visiting www.dablackmoor.com.

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Notes to the Judge: The most important part of Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor: The MMRPG is to have fun. Both your enjoyment and that of the players is paramount to the game. With this in mind, you may alter the episode as necessary to ensure the enjoyment of the group and accommodate any unforeseen actions of the players. However, this ability should not be construed to reward foolish actions by players. In those situations, players should earn what they deserve. We ask that you as the judge use common sense in these situations. The judge should read the complete episode prior to play. The duration of the event should be approximately three and a half (3.5) hours of game play with time before and after the event for brief record keeping and preparation. When you run a Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor: The MMRPG episode we assume that you have access to the following books: Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor, the Player’s Handbook, the Dungeon Master’s Guide, and the Monster Manual. You should also have a set of dice (at least one d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, and d20), a way to track combats (such as graph paper or battle mat), some scrap paper, and a writing implement. In addition, you should be familiar with Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor: The MMRPG Campaign Sourcebook. The players should each have a fully completed Blackmoor character sheet, a character log sheet, a set of dice, a writing implement, and any other useful tools for play such as scrap paper or a miniature to represent their character. You should have at least four players to have a sanctioned event. Prior to beginning play, determine the ATL (Average Table Level) to select the appropriate level of play. To do this, add together the total level of all characters, followers, and animals that are not “class features” and that will actually be able to participate in combat. (“Class feature” animals are animal companions, familiars, and paladin mounts and do not affect ATL.) Divide the total levels by six regardless of the number of players at the table. This number constitutes the party’s ATL. The party may choose to round up or down if the particular number is not an offered ATL.

Time Units: The Blackmoor calendar has thirty-seven (37) weeks, with each week lasting a ten-day (10). Every character is allowed thirty-seven (37) time units (each unit being a week) for the Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor: The MMRPG campaign year (January 1 to December 31). Playing this event is a cost of one (1) time unit.

Preparation for Play It would be helpful to gain a few pieces of information from the players before beginning this episode, because asking for certain Knowledge checks or affiliations during play can reveal even more than a successful skill check. Ask for any certificate that players may have that could have an impact on play. Play testers Jae Walker (GM); Cait Davis. Jared Eaton, Lisa Lawitzke, Patrick Schulz, Philip Slama, Ramon Guillen, Raphael Taramona, Rob Enyart, Monica Alexander, Richard Raush. Episode Background In the past several weeks Delsim Umberhall, a Priest of Odir within the city of Blackmoor, has been receiving strange visions that he believes to be sent by Odir himself, but is being deceived. The initial vision was indeed granted by Odir, but subsequent visions have been the work an unknown Demon to fulfill a devious plot. In the visions, Delsim saw terrible destruction looming over the lands of Blackmoor and a powerful darkness ready to engulf her people. Unsure of the meaning of these visions and more importantly how to prevent such events from occurring, Delsim Umberhall spent several days in intense prayer attempting to ascertain some kind of clarity. Unfortunately for him, his prayers would be answered. After almost a week of intense prayer an image of a being, humanoid in shape with brilliant topaz eyes, golden skin, and gleaming white wings filled his mind. He spent the next day receiving visions of places he had never visited and messages in languages unknown to him. These images were that of an ancient temple which he eventually discovered was located in the Dragon Hills.

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Searching through several ancient historical documents Delsim learned that the temple was supposedly built by some of the first followers of Odir who settled in the lands of Blackmoor. The historical documents went into little detail of why the temple was built and what this ancient lair might contain. Frustrated by the lack of progress he was making in his research, Delsim did the only thing he was sure would bring him closer to the truth. He confined himself to his quarters and prayed for Odir to grant him understanding of the visions he had received. He prayed through the evening hours until eventually fatigue overcame him and he fell into a deep slumber. Upon awaking his hands were covered in paint and strange images covered the walls of his chambers. The first painting showed a great infernal army sweeping across the lands of Blackmoor like a plague of the ancient times. Standing before the army was the figure he had seen in his vision wielding a scepter that seemed to banish these creatures from the Material plane of existence with a single fell swoop. A second painting on the opposing wall showed the scepter within a chamber protected by several guardians. The third and final painting showed a rough overview of the Spine of the Dragon Mountains with a single precise location clearly circled. Directly below this etching was a strange obsidian disk with a ruby embedded upon it and several arcane runes carved into its sides. Using several divinations he determined that the disk was to be placed upon the scepter and it would somehow transport the two objects to Odir himself to be used as a weapon against the massing forces of evil. The purpose of the device is actually to disable the dimension lock placed on the temple and has no effect if placed upon the scepter. Delsim finally had all the information he needed to bring his plea to the hierarchy of the temple. Yet as he presented the information, his plea seemed to fall on deaf ears. The high priests forbade him to go to the temple and ordered him to destroy all of the documentation which he had amassed on the subject. Delsim returned to his quarters infuriated by the lack of faith and understanding his superiors had displayed and then did something quite rash. He sent one of the acolytes of Odir to gather

adventures for an epic quest to the Spine of the Dragon, within the Dragon Hills.

Episode Hook Over the past several days a mighty storm of Tyrhm has been brewing over the city of Blackmoor. Dark clouds have spewed forth bolts of crackling energy onto simple wooden structures, unleashing destruction which no sword or shield can parry. Even mighty adventurers such as yourselves, who have triumphed over terrible evils, are forced to seek shelter from the powerful winds and fierce rain now dominating the outdoors. The Comeback Inn, known for its resiliency over the years, proved to be a perfect place to wait out the brutal storm. Upon entering, you notice that the sweet aroma of cooked meats that usually fills the dinning area of the Comeback Inn has been replaced with the smell of damp and musty clothing. It’s also evident that the Comeback Inn has drastically exceeded its capacity and only by sheer luck has your group managed to find a place to be seated. At this point in time the PCs may introduce themselves to one another and gather some information if they wish to: Gather Information: DC0 – “Every couple of years one of these storms of Tyrhm comes through Blackmoor and claims a couple souls. As long as you stay inside and bundle up, you should be able to ride them out.” – Half-Elf Adventurer DC5 – “Some priest of Odir has been asking around for someone to go on a quest or something. He’s nuts if he thinks anyone will go out in this weather!” – Halfling Rogue DC10 – “I heard the Wizards’ Cabal is going to start launching a major offensive against the sorcerers who’ve been hiding amongst the populace. ‘Bout time they purged those things from our land.” – Retired Arcane Warrior DC15 – “I heard from my cousins’ friends’ sister-in-law that entire towns have gone missing from some dark plague. Probably just those elves up to no good again!” – High Thonian Businessman DC20 – “I bought some candy from this little wagon riding around and next thing I know I’m wanted in three cities and am married to a half-orc! Worst part is I don’t remember doing none of the stuff they said I did.” – Docrae woodsman

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DC25 – “The Wizard King Raddan Goss has returned. You must surrender to his will! Ahhh! I hate it when that happens. My name’s Ted.” – Thonian Adventurer with one clockwork arm. DC30 – Arrg… The noble paladin of Henrin who won last years “Most Notable Performer of the Realm” is rumored to be pregnant. I personally think it’s gonna be one of them half-demon children.” – Drunken Old Sailor The usually cheery crowd seems dull and grumpy tonight. Eyes dart back and forth between their conversations and the windows, an ever present reminder of the destruction taking place outside. Just as the barmaid makes her way to your table the door opens and a disheveled young acolyte of Odir lumbers in, almost stumbling on his own cloak. His cloak winds around his body and his satchel slips from his waist. Batts bellows at the young lad as he holds the door open. “In or out boy! Ye been through that door five times today. Ye should have learned to use the doorknob by now.” The acolyte stares at the ogre in horror, and blushes a deep red as he slams the door and enters the Inn. Your waitress arrives, eyeing the youngster as she approaches. “How may I serve you this evening?” she asks and smiles. The PCs may order food and drink at this time if they wish. The special is pork skull soup with a thick mead to wash it down. They may continue to roleplay with each other or gather information around the inn. Should they not approach the acolyte, then he will approach them. Read or paraphrase the following. With a demoralized and exhausted look, the acolyte turns toward your group. “Would you spare a moment of your time to meet with my master and hear his plea?” He already seems to be eying the room for the next group he can ask but he waits for your response. He will allow the PCs to talk it out amongst themselves, but assuming they accept, continue with the following: “Thank you! I am Timothy Mchallast. The citadel is not far from here. Delsim, my master, is there. Travel by foot isn’t too dangerous,

even in this storm. I am not sure what he wishes to speak with you about; he just asked me to find a group willing to go on a quest. I am sorry I am not able to give you any other information right now, but I am sure that everything will become clear once you meet with him. He did tell me that you will be amply rewarded for your service.” Once you finish your meals and drinks he rises from your table to guide you to the temple of Odir. Before opening the door to the inn, he looks back at your group, “You might want to tighten your cloaks. The winds outside are blowing from the mouth of Tyrhm himself.” With that he opens the door and with the help of the guards outside plunges out into the raging wind and pelting rain. You follow, and after taking several turns down back alleys you approach what could only be the Citadel of Odir. The citadel is an enormous structure with four ornately decorated minarets reaching skyward from each corner of the grounds. A simple large steel gate bars entrance into the citadel. As your guide walks towards it, magical sigils light up and the gate slowly opens. After passing through the gate and making your way inside, you notice that your once drenched clothes are now suddenly dry and any mud that had splashed up against you is nowhere to be seen. Timothy gives you a little wink. “High Priestess Elomia spent two and half weeks getting that little magical benefit. She couldn’t be meeting the nobles of Blackmoor with mud on her boots.” Timothy then turns back toward the hallway and motions for you to follow. As Timothy leads you through the winding passageways you see that the elaborate artistry on the exterior of the Citadel is matched and exceeded by its richly decorated interior. Priceless tapestries from every corner of Blackmoor adorn the walls, while large bronze statues of Odir dominate the intersections of the various corridors. With Timothy as your guide, you easily navigate your way through the twisting passageways and after a short time, he stops at a simple wooden door and knocks twice in rapid succession. After a few moments, the door opens to reveal a Thonian man of some thirty years dressed in the clerical vestments of a Priest of Odir. His dirty blond hair looks as if some great beast had its

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way with it and the dark circles beneath his eyes indicate a man pushed to exhaustion. As his eyes light upon your group he brightens, “Greetings, Greetings! I’m Delsim Umberhall and I see young Timothy here has convinced you brave folks to meet with me in regards to the events of late. Oh do excuse my manners -- come in, come in!” Delsim ushers your group into the room and after a brief introduction he quickly gets to business, explaining why he called you here. “Over the past couple of weeks, I have been receiving divine visions. At first they were simple images and then they quickly began to come together. The visions showed a great army of demons marching on the people of Blackmoor. They rained death and terror upon the people of this land leaving nothing in their wake. The visions then showed an army of the people being lead by a divine being wielding a weapon forged of celestial brilliance.” Delsim pauses for a moment, looking toward the north wall which is covered by several silk curtains. “The visions I believe showed me the location of the weapon through a divine possession.” He pulls the curtains down revealing three distinct scenes painted there. Delsim Umberhall, Thonian Cleric7 of Odir. Sense Motive +6, Spot +6, Listen +3. Wall Paintings: Wall Painting 1- Player Handout #1. Wall Painting 2- Shows the scepter in a dark room and several large hulking shapes concealed by darkness. Wall Painting 3- Player Handout #2. • PCs wishing to sense motive on Delsim will

easily ascertain that he is telling the truth. • Delsim has no recollection of painting any of

these. • He will inform the PCs that when he awoke,

his hands were covered in paint after a night of intense visions.

• The church of Odir refuses to hear his plea as Delsim has no evidence that the events that occurred were due to Odir’s blessing.

• Delsim also found a strange metallic device that has a large ruby embedded on it. From what he has gathered from his visions, he believes this device needs to be brought within the proximity of the scepter in order

for it to activate and transport itself to its wielder.

• Note to Judges : This metallic device is nigh indestructible and cannot be placed in extra-dimensional pockets (Bags of holding, handy haversack, etc.). This device also does not transport the scepter to the wielder, but cancels the dimension lock cast on the temple. If the characters successfully cast Divination regarding the disc, they should be told that its purpose is to undo a dimension lock.

• In Delsim’s research, he also came upon a passage stating that the temple had been locked from “nether travel” which he believes to be extra-dimensional travel.

• Should the PCs accept, he has arranged immediate travel to Dragonia.

Read of paraphrase the following: “Now that you have heard why I have brought you here and what is at stake should we fail to retrieve this holy weapon, what say you? Will you go on this quest for not only me but for the protection of Blackmoor and all that we hold dear?” If the PCs agree, then continue on with the following text. Should they have any questions he will inform them that he has told them everything that he knows of the situation. Should the PCs decline his mission, Delsim will be very disappointed and the module ends here for them. Delsim quickly grabs some papers from his desk and begins leading your group through the winding passageways of the Citadel. After you pass through the large oaken doors he leads you back into the brutal storm still ravaging the land outside. Over the rhythmic thudding of the rain and the howling wind you can barely make out Delsim’s words. “The University is just two blocks down. Stick close to one another!” Delsim then turns back toward the gates and once again they flash with magical energies and come to life opening so that you may pass. You pass through several alleyways, arriving at the University of Blackmoor. Delsim leads you to department clearly labeled “Research and Development”. Delsim looks back at your group. “Nabum Tinkerblock, the researcher who is

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going to transport you to Dragonia, has been working on this device for several months so he should be able to transport you to Dragonia safely. With the Egg of Coot intercepting teleportation spells it makes the use of traditional methods far riskier.” Pulling out a small note from his belt pouch he extends it, waiting for one of you to take it from him “This is a message is for Del Rathan the Inquisitor at the Wizards Cabal outpost in Dragonia. With this, he should be more than helpful in getting you headed in the right direction.” If the PCs have not already be given the strange metallic device which Delsim thinks will transport the scepter to Odir, then this would be the appropriate time to hand that to one of them. Encounter 1: Redeeming Favors Read or paraphrase the following. Entering into the research and development departments’ lab, you see a large spinning gyroscope upon a platform attached to a tall metal pole. As the gyroscope slowly comes to a halt, a gnome dressed in a lab coat with several clockwork devices adorning his visor steps out from behind a mechanical console. “Ahh! Delsim I’ve just finished the final modifications to the device and it should be ready for testing.” The gnome turns back to the console and after rapidly flicking several switches he looks back. “It’s all set up. Just have them step onto the platform of the Electromagnetic Matter Displacement Device and I’ll have them to Dragonia in a jiffy.” The characters might have some questions before they leave. What about my familiar/animal companion? When I’ve tested the device on smaller animals, it seems to work as intended. Testing done are larger animals has been… well less than successful. It should work fine on humanoid creatures though. What is an Electromagnetic Matter Displacement Device? The device I’ve engineered uses a complex frequency of electromagnetic energies to literally strip matter into tiny particles that can be transported over great distances in the form of electricity. Once upon arrival at the calculated

destination, the matter will rematerialize upon striking the ground. Is the Electromagnetic Matter Displacement Device safe? This will be the first time it has been tested on humanoids but theoretically it should still work. I’ve done extensive testing with creatures that share similar anatomy as our own and though the first tests were sketchy I’ve seem to have gotten all the kinks out. - If pressed on the issue: Well the first test subjects turned inside out and exploded, but as I said earlier, I’ve gotten all the kinks out and it seems to be working fine now. What happens if it doesn’t work? In the highly unlikely circumstance that my precise calculations are some how flawed, then the device might not even build up enough electrical charge to transport you. Due to the measures I’ve taken, the device should transport you safely though. The Wizards’ Cabal has looked over the design several times and has finally approved its usage on humans. How long will the journey take? While it is not quite as instantaneous as teleportation magic it will still get you to Dragonia far faster than conventional travel. The estimated time of transit should be anywhere from two to three minutes. This sounds too risky why don’t we just ride/walk there? (Delsim answers this one) According to my visions, the events appeared as if they were happening within a day’s time. Spending several hours riding to Dragonia would waste valuable time that might end up costing hundreds if not thousands of people their lives. Why do we not use the portal at the Comeback Inn? (Delsim answers) I have already looked into that. Due to the current celestial alignments, the portal is closed. It may be several days before it is open again. Why isn’t this device being used as a safe alternative for teleporting by the Wizards Cabal? The device is still hyper-experimental and why the Wizards’ Cabal has authorized me to test it on humanoids at this time is that it requires an immense amount of energy. The energy that the

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storm is releasing outside will be harvested to make the device work today. This could be a once in a life time event. Once the characters have finished asking Nabum questions and have agreed to step on the platform continue with the following text. As you step onto the platform, Delsim says, “I must return to my duties at the temple. I will see you upon your return. Good luck to you. The fate of all Blackmoor rests upon your shoulders.” With that said, he turns and heads out the way you came in. Nabum presses several buttons and the gyroscope slowly begins to rotate with a rhythmic “whooshing” sound. After several slow rotations, the device rapidly comes to life, spinning with such intensity that the whirling blades appear to be little more than blurs. Nabum pulls down on a lever and the ceiling above you lets out a tremendous clank as a large metal trapdoor opens, revealing the stormy night sky. Rain immediately pours into the room drenching the gyroscope, the platform upon which you’re standing, and you. Claps of thunder can be heard in the night sky. The howling wind begins throwing papers and loose debris about the room. “I’ll begin powering the device now!” shouts Nabum, his voice dwarfed by the powerful storm raging outside. The little gnome begins flicking more switches and pushing buttons in rapid succession, causing the large metal pole attached the gyroscope to rise into the sky. Immediately, the room is lit up as a bolt of lightning comes crashing into the metal pole. The energy surges into the gyroscope causing it to spin with even more intensity and making the blades impossible to see. Electrical energy now seems to be running through not only the gyroscope but your bodies as well. The hairs on your body begin to stand upright, frizzled and flinging charges of power from one hair to another. A worried look passes over Nabum’s face and he appears to be shouting something to your group, but the sound coming from the storm or perhaps the gyroscope itself muffles the words before they can reach your ears. A second bolt of lightning then strikes the pole. This time you can feel the energy surge directly into your body, tearing at the very fabric of your being. Intense pain spreads through your flesh and it seems as if your organs are being ripped apart and being

converted into the energy around you. Somehow, still aware you feel your body being pulled into the gyroscope and then with a sudden burst of energy expelled into the sky. Below, you can barely make out a small explosion. It appears the room you just left has just been incinerated; it is unlikely anyone in the room made it out alive. Bursting through the cloud line at tremendous speed you can make out the large storm below you covering the City of Blackmoor. Flying past the storm, more familiar landmarks catch your eye, the first of which is the Storm Killer Mountains. You can make out a large winged creature in the distance, but it appears to be little more than a blur for the few seconds you are in its vicinity. Crossing over the Root River, you can catch a glimpse of Mount Uberstar and the magnificent Crystal Peaks jutting up into the sky. Slowly, the bolt of electrical energy that you have become begins to descend. Passing over the Wurmwoods, your descent becomes noticeably faster and you can make out a small town that seems to be growing larger and larger. With astounding speed, the bolt comes crashing into ground outside of the city, scorching the earth and emitting a thunderous clap of noise. Looking around, you realize that your body, clothing and items are now back to their substantial form. It appears as though the device was not without its side effects though, as small electrical charges shoot from finger tip to finger tip every couple of seconds. More disconcerting though is the half dozen wall guards with crossbows now trained on your group. One of them, a Peshwah man with slightly graying hair and a look of authority addresses you “What in Yoosef’s name just happened?” Once the player characters explain what happened and show the guards the note for Del Rathan they will be let into town. Proceed to Encounter 2: A Somber Welcome. Encounter 2: A Somber Welcome. Read or paraphrase the following. After explaining to the guards your reasons for coming to Dragonia and the unconventional methods used in getting here they open the

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main gate and begin escorting you to the Wizards Cabal outpost. The Peshwah introduces himself as Peshwah na Junso am Sufz and leads you through the town. Dragonia has been hardened by years of war with the neighboring dragons. Several scorch marks dot the walls and roofs of the buildings along your path showing signs of recent battles between man and beast. You arrive at the Wizards Cabal outpost and Junso knocks on the door several times. After an interminable wait, a groggy eyed Thonian man opens the door. “I am Del Rathan. What business do you have with the Cabal at this time of night?” Del Rathan, Inquisitor of the Cabal, LN Thonian Rgr3/Wiz5/Inquisitor 2. Note: Sorcerers who are actively casting without attempting to disguise their spells while in the presence of Del Rathan will immediately be arrested. (See rules for Arcane Warriors arresting Sorcerers) After the PCs show Del Rathan the note from Delsim, continue with the following text: Del Rathan glances over the note and looks back toward you. “It seems that you need all the information I have on the Spine of the Dragon Mountains and the best path to the location on this map.” He stops to rub his eyes for a moment, “It is going to take some time for me to gather all of this information. Feel free to sleep in the bunks laid out in the back room, I should have this ready for you by morning.” At this time the PCs have the chance to sleep and re-prepare spells. Once they are awake, Del Rathan will provide them with information on Player Handout #3. Del Rathan can provide the party with Phantom Steeds to get them the majority of the way to the mountain, but they won’t be able to last the entire journey. The party may be able to convince Del Rathan to let them borrow his wand of Phantom Steed with a Diplomacy check DC 30.

After providing the PCs with this information, proceed to Encounter 3: Rumblings… Encounter 3: Rumblings… Assuming the PCs take the phantom steeds from Del Rathan read the following text aloud. Should the PCs change their method of travel adjust the text accordingly. An exhausted Del Rathan escorts you from the Wizards Cabal outpost to the outskirts of Dragonia. “These Phantom Steeds will only last for five hours, so just follow the directions I gave you and you should be within walking distance of the mountain within the day’s time.” Reaching into his bag, Del Rathan pulls out a slender oaken wand and after several gestures, a phantom steed stands before each of you. “Getting back is another story. I’m afraid that unless you have your own magical means of mass transit you will have to hike it back to Dragonia.” Looking out into the sunrise Del Rathan squints his eyes for a moment and then looks back toward you, “Good luck with your journey and may Odir guide you.” Leaving behind the battle-hardened town of Dragonia, you make your way down Wurm River and forge across at the point designated on Del Rathan’s directions. Making your way across the Eastern Hak it becomes evident that this domain belongs to the Dragons. Large craters pock the landscape, showing signs where dragons may have found a tasty meal. Fortunately, your journey is uneventful. Your horses slowly start to disappear, signaling the end of the spell. From here you must either walk or find some other form of transport to make it the rest of the way to the temple.. After travelling for an hour or so you crest the foothills out a snow topped mountain that size towers over the mountains adjacent to it nearly two fold, making it an easy landmark to navigate to. The trail leading towards its peak becomes evident and the temperature drops noticeably. At this time have PCs get in a party order marching up the trail. Traveling up the winding trail, the temperature continues to drop and the land bordering the path is now covered with snow. The trail continues to wind up the mountain and as you

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take each step further up the gentle slope, the wind gets even colder. Ahead of you the trail opens up into a snow covered plateau. Once PCs are about half way across the 50’x50’ plateau they need to make a (DC20+ATL) Listen Check to notice a slight rumble in the ground before a Remorhaz bursts out. Groups who are are not touching the ground bypass this encounter. Those player characters who made their Listen Checks hear a slight rumbling beneath them and are not surprised. ATL 7 (EL 9) Advanced Remorhaz, hp 158, See Appendix 1. ATL 9 (EL 11) Advanced Remorhaz, hp 225, See Appendix 1. ATL 11 (EL 13) Half-Dragon(Red) Advanced Remorhaz, hp 257, See Appendix 1. DC 17 Knowledge: Arcana lets the PCs know that these creatures are Remorhaz. For every five points that the player characters beat this check by they get a piece of useful information. ATL 11- DC21 Knowledge: Arcana to let the PCs know that this Remorhaz is also a half red dragon. Tactics: The Remorhaz will target the closest creatures once they burst out of the ground and attempt to swallow that creature. The Remorhaz are not especially bright creatures. Unless playing at ATL 11, it will not attempt to follow the PCs should they try to retreat by any means other than walking on the ground such as flying, Dimension Door, Teleport, etc. Once the fight is over, if the PCs decide it would be a good idea to rest, the judge should remind them that Delsim said the event could be happening in as little as a few hours. GM Note: From this point on, the PCs have three game time hours to gain access to the temple. Otherwise Abraxas, the silver dragon guardian, locks the temple down and no one will be able to enter.

As the mighty beast crashes to the ground, a light snow begins to fall. Continuing to follow the trail, you begin to notice that the snowflakes are only falling on the area off the path making your travel up the mountain less difficult.. As the PCs continue up the mountain proceed to Encounter 3: Are your wits about you? Encounter 3: Are your wits about you?

As the PCs get to this location, keep in mind is that they have now crossed over the border where the area is Dimensionally Locked and are barred from all information gathering divination magic unless cast by a follower of Odir. Attempting to dispel either effect will fail. GM Note: If players have delayed three hours game time since the end of the battle with the Ramoraz, no matter what they do, they cannot gain entrance into the temple since Abraxas has locked the temple down until the evil dragons end their attack on him. They will be able to answer the riddle and the stone door will appear, but will not open. Proceed to the appropriate section of Encounter 8: Homecoming. Reaching the peak of the snow topped mountain, you can make out a small clearing with five humanoid statues standing upon a large black stone base. There is an engraving upon the base. The PCs receive Player Handout #4 at this time. Searching reveals little else in this area and the trail seems to end here. After one minute of searching the area, read or paraphrase the following: A booming voice fills the clearing. So loud and powerful is the voice, it could be mistaken for that of a mighty avalanche. “We five built this temple with our blood, bond and souls. Five gods called to bear, to hear our plea in fold.” The voice pauses for a moment allowing the reverberations to echo through the air around you before continuing more quietly. “Odir was first among the gods, his knowledge vast and wide. Henrin followed close behind, ensuring the protection of the humble, meek, and mild. Fronaus came to judge our souls and balance

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the sway of the gods. Pacuun's brilliant light stripped us of our fears and purified our bodies. Sacwhyne came last to cool our minds and bless these lands with her winter’s chill. In this order we five knights stood to protect this land and her people.” As the voice speaks once more it is possible to make out the presence of four other distinct voices speaking in unison with the main orator. “Those who seek to enter our hallowed halls must pass a test of wit. Find guidance in our words or taste bitter defeat.” Silence fills the frigid air around you as the words echo through your mind. In the blink of an eye the riddle that once was engraved on the black stone base has now been replaced by a completely separate series of words. The voice functions as telepathy as well as a heightened magic mouth (CL20) emanating from each of the statues. At this point, give them Player’s Handout #5. Each time the PCs answer incorrectly the temperature drops inflicting one point of cold damage for every incorrect answer per round, cumulatively. So for two wrong answers, the party will take two points of damage per round, three wrong answers and they take three points of damage per round, etc. Judges, if the players seem to be struggling with the logic puzzle remind them that they have access to Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor pg 154-164. The correct order of the knights for Player’s Handout #5 should be Dardan, Beler, Sesm, Kalroddin, and Rolter. As soon as the player characters answer the logic puzzle correctly the temperature returns to normal. Once the PCs have determined the correct order read or paraphrase the following. The ominous voice speaks again. “This test you passed with strength of mind, but that alone is not enough.” In the solid rock wall bordering the clearing, the outline of a stone door phases into view. “If your heart is true, continue forth and

knowledge ye will find.” With a loud grinding sound the stone door slides out of place revealing a dark passageway before you. Searching the door reveals little information as the doorway isn’t trapped or magically warded. Once all the PCs have entered the passageway, proceed to Encounter 4: Do You Believe? Encounter 4: Do You Believe? Stepping across the threshold of the large stone portal and into the dark passageway, you notice an immediate drop in temperature. The cold breeze that was blowing outside is now replaced by a dank, frigid chill. Several large mosaics made from precious gems are inlaid in the walls and floor, depicting scenes of the five holy knights on multiple crusades. Continuing, you pass under a massive archway that has engravings of the deities to which the creators of this temple paid homage. The passageway continues on for some distance before coming to a simple wooden door with words carved above the frame. They are written in the common tongue and read: “They walked through the fires of the hells with faith alone as their shield. Neither flesh nor soul can be burned with goodness in your heart.” The PCs searching the door find that it is neither trapped nor locked. Once the PCs open the door, read or paraphrase the following: Opening the heavy wooden door, you reveal a 100ft long passageway dotted with small holes on the walls, floors and ceilings. At the end of the hallway two torches illuminate a helmet stylized in the ancient Thonian motif sitting atop a pedestal. The helmet has its visor dropped and there appear to be no slits for the wearer to see out of. As you’re looking over the hallway, a “whooshing” sound seems to come from the holes dotting the entirety of the room. Suddenly, with a flash of heat and light, the corridor bursts into flame. Starting from the far end of the corridor, huge walls of fire spring up until every inch of the 100ft long passageway is engulfed in flames. Intense waves of heat flash past your bodies immediately warming the once chill hallway where you stand.

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This 10ft by 100ft long corridor is now completely engulfed in holy flames. The only way the PCs can walk through the hallway unscathed is to “believe” that the flames will not harm them. When the PCs walk into the holy fire they are affected by a Resist Energy (Holy) (CL 15th) and have the option of attempting to resist it (this should be made clear). Should the PC try to resist the effect, have the PC roll a will save. No matter the result the PC “succeeds” and resists the effect. The only way to pass through the holy flames is to accept the magical effect coming over them. They will continue to take holy damage until they do accept. PCs attempting to walk through the walls of fire without accepting the magical effect overcoming them need to make a DC10+ATL Reflex save for 2d4+ATL holy damage for the first 5 feet they travel. After that, they will automatically take the damage. If the PCs seem to be having trouble with this section feel free to remind them of the passage written above the doorway as well as the player handouts they received earlier. Once they have figured out how to walk through the walls of holy fire read or paraphrase the following: You traverse the passageway filled with fire and exit on the other side. The pedestal that once held the ancient helm is no longer there and instead there is another large wooden door, framed by two glowing torches. Searching the door reveals little information as the doorway isn’t trapped or magically warded. Once the PCs step through the doorway, continue to Encounter 5: Greed will consume you. Encounter 5: Greed will consume you. Read or paraphrase the following. As you continue through the cold, dark passageways, the imagery of the mosaics begins to change. Now the walls depict a massive dragon perched atop the peak of the snow topped mountain. As you travel even deeper into the mountain the mosaics become

less and less frequent, replaced by solid stone walls. It is impossible to make out the type or age of the dragon as the multicolored tiles that make up the mosaics are large enough that the image is abstract. Read or paraphrase the following. Up ahead is another simple wooden door. Carved in large, bold letters on the door are the words “greed will consume you” in the common tongue. Searching the door reveals little information as the doorway isn’t trapped or magically warded. Read or paraphrase the following once the PCs open the door. As the door creaks open, the gentle flicker of candle light spreads into the passageway around you. The source of the light is four candles atop a stone table. There a large ruby sitting in the center of the table. On the opposite side,, no more than fifteen feet away, is another simple wooden door with the holy symbol of Odir painted upon it. Other than this, the room seems to be devoid of anything else. If the PCs wish, they may just bypass the ruby and continue on to Encounter 6: Guardians. Note to Judges: If the PCs have the metallic disk out that Delsim gave them, they will see the small ruby shine brightly as they pass the large ruby on the table. The small ruby will then fade to a sickly black color. Players who happen to be detecting magic will notice that the area is no longer Dimensionally Locked. That is the sole purpose of the metallic disc. If the PCs do not bring the disc, the dimension lock will not be dispelled, and there will be no demons awaiting them. Instead the dragon should enter in human form and explain the nature of the scepter, and then escort them out of the tomb. PCs choosing to inspect the ruby may make an Appraise Check DC 15 to determine its value. ATL7 - 3000gp ATL9 – 5000gp ATL 11 – 7000gp.

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The ruby is trapped and cursed. Any PC trying to touch it will trigger the trap. If the trap is disabled, the first person to pick up the ruby gains the curse A Hole in Your Pocket. ATL 7 (CR 6) Flame Strike Trap: magic device, touch trigger (alarm); no reset; spell effect (flame strike, 9th level cleric 9d6 ½ fire ½ holy, DC 17 Reflex save half damage); Search DC30; Disable Device DC30. ATL 9 (CR 8) Prismatic Spray Trap: magic device; touch trigger (alarm); no reset; spell effect (prismatic spray, 13th-level wizard, DC 20 Reflex, Fortitude, or Will save, depending on effect); Search DC32; Disable Device DC32. ATL 11 (CR 10) Wail of the Banshee Trap: magic device; touch trigger (alarm); no reset; spell effect (wail of the banshee, 17th-level wizard, DC 23 Fortitude save negates); multiple targets (up to 17 creatures); Search DC34; Disable Device DC34. Once the PCs are finished with this room continue to Encounter 6: Guardians. Encounter 6: Guardians Read or paraphrase the following. Several minutes of travel later you find another series of mosaics. These mosaics have been crafted in a vastly more detailed and colorful fashion depicting several ominous scenes. The first of such scenes is five knights in heavy armor stepping through a large, sickly green portal. The mosaic on the opposing wall shows the same five knights standing before a massive black fortress fending off a dozen winged creatures plated in thick blood red scales. The most impressive of the mosaics adorns the ceiling, showing five brilliant white mists coalescing around a snow topped mountain. Between the overwhelmingly bright swirling mists, cracks of darkness beam out into the surrounding landscape giving the mosaic a noticeable contrast of darkness and light. The last of the mosaics shows the five knights carrying a nearly four foot long scepter into the

temple. The scepter seems to be made of a bone from some large creature. Along the haft, infernal writing glows red. The top of the scepter is capped with a clear orb. PCs at this time may make a DC25: Knowledge: Religion check in order to realize that this is the Scepter of Demonic Control, an evil artifact crafted by one of the demon princes over a thousand years ago. Read or paraphrase the following. The path that you have been traveling on now begins to spiral downward and ends at a pair of massive black stone double doors. The doors have the holy symbol of Odir engraved upon them along with another symbol which, due to the wear of time, is unreadable. Searching the door reveals little information as the doorway isn’t trapped or magically warded. Read or Paraphrase the following once the PCs open the door. Opening the massive stone double doors lets out a tremendous roar as if some mighty creature was awakened. Unlike the small passageways or rooms which you had encountered before, these doors open into a huge circular chamber nearly 80ft high and easily 150ft wide. Several braziers are scattered throughout the room lighting the massive chamber. Stone statues resembling the five knights you had seen outside stand in this room. Their features and armaments are far more detailed than their fellows outside. The most eye catching item in the room is the evil looking scepter you saw in the mosaic, mounted on a pedestal on the far side of the room. As you step into the room a group of demons teleport into the room approximately 60 feet away from you. Upon seeing you, a beautiful female who would looks almost human if not for the large bat wings sprouting from her back says something to the others in infernal and they prepare to attack. She then calls out to you, “The Scepter of Demonic Control is ours! My master shall feast upon your souls. Kill them!”

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This encounter ONLY takes place if the PCs brought the metal disc in with them. It is probable that most most parties will bring the disc. PCs who speak infernal will know that the Succubus told the rest of her group to kill the party while she recovers the scepter. Note to Judges: Bringing the metallic disc with the ruby in it will not do anything, as this was a decoy to get the PCs to disable the Dimension Lock. ATL 7 (EL 10) Succubus, hp 33, See Monster Manual pg 47 Vrock, hp 115, See Monster Manual pg 48 ATL 9 (EL 12) Succubus, hp 33, See Monster Manual pg 47 (2) Vrock, hp 115, See Monster Manual pg 48 Babau, hp 66, See Monster Manual pg 40 ATL 11 (EL 14) Succubus, hp 33, See Monster manual pg 47 (3) Vrock, hp 115, See Monster Manual pg 48 Hezrou, hp 138, See Monster Manuel pg44 Tactics: The Succubus will not engage the PCs. Instead, she will attempt to reach the Scepter of Demonic Control and teleport away. If any PCs try to stop her or get the scepter first, she will use charm monster or suggestion on them to get them to leave her alone or get them to give her the scepter. The demon or demons are intelligent and malevolent creatures that will attempt to include as many players as possible in their area effect abilities and try to focus their single target attacks and spells on one person until they have neutralized them. If PCs are flying during this encounter, it is possible for them to discover that the ceiling is in fact false. Should the PC interact with the ceiling at all, they are allowed a DC30 Will Save to discover that it is an illusion covering multiple stacked walls of force. These walls and the

illusion can be dispelled (CL 20th) but as soon as they are, a new illusion or wall of force springs up immediately. Encounter 8: Homecoming. If the Scepter of Demon Control has been taken and the remaining demons defeated, read or paraphrase the following: A great flapping of wings can be heard overhead. A great silver dragon nearly half the size of the chamber seems to meld through the stone ceiling above, and descends. The sweet scent of an early morning rain fills the room, yet there is an underlying stench of burnt flesh hanging in the air as it flaps its mighty wings. The cause of the burnt smell becomes all too clear as the dragon lands, allowing you to catch several glimpses of burn marks pocking its body. Looking down upon your group with eyes made of liquid metal the mighty beast speaks. “I have looked into your hearts and yet I do not find evil! What have you done with the scepter?!?” If the Scepter of Demon Control has not been taken and the demons have been defeated read the following: A great flapping of wings can be heard overhead. A great silver dragon nearly half the size of the chamber seems to meld through the stone ceiling above, and descends. The sweet scent of an early morning rain fills the room, yet there is an underlying stench of burnt flesh hanging in the air as it flaps its mighty wings. The cause of the burnt smell becomes all too clear as the dragon lands, allowing you to catch several glimpses of burn marks pocking its body. Looking down upon your group with eyes made of liquid metal the mighty beast speaks. “I have looked into your hearts and yet I do not find evil! Why have you come here after the scepter?” Abraxas, Wyrm Silver Dragon, pg 87 MM. Should the PCs engage Abraxas, he is at one-half hit points but is still a formidable opponent. He will not hesitate to slay them if they attack and if the PCs somehow succeed in killing him, they will need to figure out a way of escaping before the hunting party of evil dragons heading to this mountain descend upon them.

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If the Scepter has been taken and the characters are diplomatic and explain to him why they were sent here, read or paraphrase the following. “The five knights who built this temple did so with the sole purpose of keeping that artifact out of the hands of the Demon Princes.” The mighty dragon extends one of his claws toward the stone statues of the knights. “They gave their life essence to ensure that the Scepter of Demonic Control would never be used for evil again and I have dedicated the last thousand years to ensure that their legacy would hold true... clearly we have failed.” Swinging his powerful arm away from the knights and at your group, he points. “Now, you must not fail. You must go to Blackmoor and warn Bishop Garamond of what has transpired.” The great mountain begins to shake and small rocks fall from the sides of the chamber. “They followed me to my lair, you must go!” Speaking several powerful arcane words, the dragon opens a magical gate in the center of the chamber. “Remember, find Bishop Garamond and tell him what happened here. He must know, for he is the only one who can redeem us now.” Proceed to Conclusion B: A Heroes Welcome Home? once the PCs step through the gate. If the Scepter has not been taken and the PCs are diplomatic and explain to him why they were sent here then read or paraphrase the following. “The five knights who built this temple did so with the sole purpose of keeping that artifact out of the hands of the Demon Princes.” The mighty dragon extends one of his claws toward the stone statues of the knights. “They gave their life essence to ensure that the Scepter of Demonic Control would never be used for evil again and I have dedicated the last thousand years to ensure that their legacy would hold true... it seems it has come time for mortals to once again take up this task.” Swinging his powerful arm away from the knights and at your group, he points. “Now, you must not fail. You must take the scepter to Bishop Garamond in Blackmoor and warn him of what has transpired.” The great mountain begins to shake and small rocks fall from the sides of the chamber. “They

followed me to my lair, you must go!” Speaking several powerful arcane words, the dragon opens a magical gate in the center of the chamber. “Remember, find Bishop Garamond and tell him what happened here. He must know for he is the only one who can redeem us now.” If the characters take the scepter to Bishop Garamond proceed to Conclusion B: A Heroes Welcome Home? once the PCs step through the gate. If the PCs decide to keep the scepter for themselves or try to take it to another authority, they are ambushed in the street just out of sight of the temple by a Marilith, a Nalfeshnee, two Hezrou, and three Vrocks. After slaughtering the party, the demons take the Scepter of Demon Control and teleport away. If the temple has been locked down continue with the following text. The ominous voice speaks again. “This test you passed with strength of mind, but that alone is not enough.” In the solid rock wall bordering the clearing, the outline of a stone door phases into view. “If your heart is true, continue forth and knowledge ye will find.” When you try to find a way to open the door however, it will not open. After an hour of trying to gain access, you see a gargantuan silver dragon coming out of the mountain peak and gliding down to your group.

Abraxas, Wyrm Silver Dragon, hp 430, pg 87 MM. Should the PCs engage Abraxas, though he has healed some of his wounds from his battle with the evil dragons, he is still only at three-quarters hit points and is still a formidable opponent. He will not hesitate to slay them if they attack and if the PCs somehow succeed in killing him, they will be able to gain access to the temple now since Abraxas has lifted the lock down. Proceed with the episode restarting at Encounter 4: Do you believe? And adjust the end box text accordingly. If the PCs do not engage Abraxas, continue with the following. As the gargantuan silver dragon flies closer to your party, you smell burnt flesh. As the dragon

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lands, you catchsight of burn marks pocking its body. Looking down upon your group with eyes made of liquid metal the mighty beast speaks. “I have looked into your hearts and yet I do not find evil! Why have you come here after the scepter?” If the PCs are diplomatic and explain to him why they were sent here then read or paraphrase the following. “You and the one who sent you are mistaken in your understanding of what lies within. The five knights who built this temple did so with the sole purpose of keeping that artifact out of the hands of the Demon Princes.” The mighty dragon extends one of his claws toward the stone statues of the knights. “They gave their life essence to ensure that the Scepter of Demonic Control would never be used for evil again and I have dedicated the last thousand years to ensure that their legacy would hold true. I sense an item upon you that would have brought down the defenses of this temple. It seems as if one of the demonic powers is trying to reclaim what was lost.” Swinging his powerful arm away from the knights and at your group, he points. “You must return to Blackmoor and warn Bishop Garamond of what has transpired.” Speaking several powerful arcane words, the dragon opens a magical gate in the center of the clearing. “This gate will return you to the gates of the temple of Odir in Blackmoor. Remember, find Bishop Garamond and tell him what happened here. He must know for he will need to look into the matter.” Proceed to Conclusion C: A hero’s welcome? once they have stepped through the gate. Conclusion A: A Heroes’ Welcome Home? Stepping through the magical gate you immediately arrive in Blackmoor city just outside of the Citadel of Odir. The powerful thunderstorms that blanketed the sky only a day ago have dispersed and it appears as if Blackmoor has sustained little irreparable damage. The guards posted at the main gate are clearly surprised by your group stepping out of the magical gate. They are even more shocked when you ask to speak with Bishop Garamond.

After much deliberation you are escorted inside by one of the guards and then seated in a waiting room to meet with the Bishop. Several wealthy nobles and military tacticians are seated in the room as well, but it appears that your group was bumped to the top of the list. Once you are escorted into Bishop Garamond’s lavishly decorated office and he listens to the tale you have to tell of your travels to Dragonia and, more importantly, of your journey into the temple built by the ancient knights. As you conclude your tale the Bishop’s face changes from its usual cherry red to a ghostly white. “Delsim was excommunicated from the church earlier today when we found he sent people to investigate his visions.” Bishop Garamond stops for a moment to wearily rub the dark, puffy skin beneath his eyes. “I had ordered him to stay out of these affairs as it was in the best interest for him and the church. I thank you for telling me what happened and I realize that you were at no fault in this matter.” He closes a large book containing his schedule for the rest of the day. “If what you say is true I might have need of you later, but for now I must confer with the high priests of the other temples and see how we should approach this matter.” As you turn to leave the temple, the Bishop speaks once more. “Delsim left some of his things for you before he left. He said to tell you that you are all true heroes in his eyes and that these items were the best reward he could muster for you.” At this time the PCs receive Delsim’s gear. Conclusion B: A Heroes’ Welcome Home?

Stepping through the magical gate you immediately arrive in Blackmoor city just outside of the Citadel of Odir. The powerful thunderstorms that blanketed the sky only a day ago seem to have dispersed and it appears as if Blackmoor has sustained little irreparable damage. The guards posted at the main gate are clearly surprised by your group stepping out of the magical gate. They are even more shocked when you ask to speak with Bishop Garamond. After much deliberation you are escorted inside by one of the guards and then seated in a

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waiting room to meet with the Bishop. Several wealthy nobles and military tacticians are seated in the room as well, but it appears that your group was bumped to the top of the list. You are escorted into Bishop Garamond’s lavishly decorated office and he listens to the tale you have to tell of your travels to Dragonia and, more importantly, of your journey into the temple built by the ancient knights. As you conclude your tale, the Bishops face changes from its usual cherry red to a ghostly white. “Thank Odir you were able to recover the scepter. Delsim was excommunicated from the church earlier today when we had found he sent people to investigate his visions.” Bishop Garamond stops for a moment to wearily rub the dark, puffy skin beneath his eyes. “I had ordered him to stay out of these affairs as it was in the best interest for him and the church. I thank you for telling me of what happened and I realize that you were at no fault on this matter.” He closes a large book which contained his schedule for the rest of the day. “If the protections around the temple have been breached it will take some time to reestablish them. I will keep the scepter here for the time being to keep it safe. I may have need of your services again in the near future. I hope that you are willing to heed the call. Thank you again for bringing this item to me.” Just as you turn to leave, the Bishop turns to you and speaks once more. “Delsim left some of his things for you before he left. He said to tell you that you are all true heroes in his eyes and that these items were the best reward he could muster for you. For bringing the scepter and word of what occurred, I will also arrange a reward for you.” Conclusion C: A Heroes Welcome Home? Stepping through the magical gate you immediately arrive in Blackmoor city just outside of the Citadel of Odir. The powerful thunderstorms that blanketed the sky only a day ago seem to have dispersed and it appears as if Blackmoor has sustained little irreparable damage. The guards posted at the main gate are clearly surprised by your group stepping out of the magical gate. They are even more shocked when you ask to speak with Bishop

Garamond. After much deliberation you are escorted inside by one of the guards and then seated in a waiting room to meet with the Bishop. Several wealthy nobles and military tacticians are seated in the room as well, but it seems your group was bumped to the top of the list. You are escorted into Bishop Garamond’s lavishly decorated office and he listens to the tale you have to tell of your travels to Dragonia and more importantly of your meeting with the silver dragon. As you conclude your tale, the Bishop’s face changes from its usual cherry red to a ghostly white. “Thank Odir you were not able to enter the temple to retrieve the scepter. Delsim was excommunicated from the church earlier today when we had found he sent people to investigate his visions.” Bishop Garamond stops for a moment to wearily rub the dark, puffy skin beneath his eyes. “I had ordered him to stay out of these affairs as it was in the best interest for him and the church. I thank you for telling me of what happened and I realize that you were at no fault on this matter.” He closes a large book which contained his schedule for the rest of the day. “If some demonic power is attempting to break into the temple, I must find ways to keep that from happening. I may have need of your services again in the near future. I hope that you are willing to heed the call. Thank you again for bringing this tale to me.” Just as you turn to leave, the Bishop turns to you and speaks once more. “Delsim left some of his things for you before he left. He said to tell you that you are all true heroes in his eyes and that these items were the best reward he could muster for you. For your service in bringing me this news, I will also arrange a reward for you.”


Experience Points: Reward the player characters experience points for items completed below: Encounter 3: Defeating or bypassing the 150 xp remorhaz Encounter 4: Solving the logic puzzle 150 xp

Episode 62 Where Angels Fear to Tread - 18 - Written by: Matthew Tearle

Encounter 5: Passing through the walls of 150 xp fire unscathed Encounter 8: Defeating the demons 300 xp. Total: 750 xp Double the xp for ATL 9 & 11 Mementoes List by each chapter what the players may have to take away from this episode. Values provided are full market value. Items sold are redeemed at half value, while gems may be redeemed for full value. Maximum gold piece value for the episode (excluding certificate) is as follows: ATL 7: 0 gp ATL 9: 0 gp ATL 11: 0 gp Chapter 1: ALL ATLs: Charged: For stepping through Nabum’s Electromagnetic Matter Displacement Device, you have become electrically charged. This electrical field that now surrounds your body dampens the harmful effects of electrical attacks. For the next two episodes, you take half damage from all electrical attacks. Resistances are applied after you halve the damage. Chapter 6: ATL7- 3000gp ruby (certed) ATL9- 5000gp ruby (certed) ATL11- 7000gp ruby (certed) All ATLs A Hole in Your Pocket: For stealing from a holy temple you have been cursed by the gods. For one calendar year you will not receive gold from modules as the money just seems to slip from your pocket. This certificate must be attached to the certed ruby stolen from the temple and if the ruby is sold for gold the cert must be voided and remain attached to this curse. Conclusion: ALL ATLs Gold Band: This simple gold band given to Delsim Umberhall by his father has the words “Truth lies in the heart of men” inscribed upon it.

The ring functions as a Ring of Truth from the Wizards Cabal Sourcebook pg 79. Moderate divination; CL 7th; Forge Ring, discern lies; Price 8,000gp. “Revelation”: This shortspear has the holy symbol of Odir etched into the tip of the spear and the word “Revelation” carved into its shaft. ATL 7-9 - +1 shortspear. Price 2,302gp. ATL 11 - +1 holy shortspear. Price 18,302gp. Metamagic Rod: This plain cast iron rod has the mark of the Wizards Cabal and the initials “D.U.” etched onto the bottom. ATL7-9 – Metamagic Rod Extend, Lesser. Price 3,000gp. ATL11 – Metamagic Rod Extend. Price 11,000gp. Holy Symbol of Odir: This bronze holy symbol of Odir attached to a simple mithral chain necklace grants the wearer +2 on all social interactions with followers of Odir. In addition it also functions as a Periapt of Wisdom as per the APL played. This item takes up a necklace slot. ATL7-9 – Periapt of Wisdom +2. Price 4,000gp. ATL11 – Periapt of Wisdom +4. Price 16,000gp. If successful in returning the Scepter of Demon Control characters also receive the following: Garamond’s Gratitude For keeping the Scepter of Demon Control out of the hands of infernals Bishop Garamound has arranged for each character to be awarded one of the following: • Any non-restricted divine wand up to 2nd

level. • Upgrade a weapon of your choice with the

Bane (evil outsider) special ability not to exceed a +2 weapon bonus.

• Upgrade a suit of armor of your choice with the light fortification special ability not to exceed a +3 bonus.

• Any non-restricted cleric scroll up to 1,125gp • Amulet of Health +2

Episode LXII: Were Angels Fear to Tread - 19 - Written by: Matthew Tearle

Player Handout #1

- In the vision the scepter the divine being was wielding banished several infernals in one fell swoop.

- The scepter is a divine artifact of Odir that was buried away, to be used

only in a time of need.

- The infernals were moving in a concentrated effort, destroying everything in their path until they were confronted by the being wielding the scepter.

Episode LXII: Were Angels Fear to Tread - 20 - Written by: Matthew Tearle

Player Handout #2

- The trail clearly leads from Dragonia to some location within the Spine of the Dragon.

- Delsim also knows that the location was a snow topped mountain with a

winding path curving around its sides.

- He believes the scepter that was shown to him in his earlier visions is

located within this underground structure. - After having spent several hours researching he also obtained information

that there was a temple built in this location by a group of holy champions who were some of the first explorers of this area.

- In his vision the mountain also had a large winged creature circling its

peak. Delsim assumes this is most likely some kind of guardian.

Episode LXII: Were Angels Fear to Tread - 21 - Written by: Matthew Tearle

Player Handout #3 - The location Delsim indicated on the map leads to one of the only snow

topped mountains in the Spine of the Dragon Mountains. - Snow topped mountains are extremely rare in the Spine of the Dragon

Mountains at this time of year. This one particularly so as the snow never seems to melt.

- There is a winding trail leading up to the peak of the mountain but the one

expedition team that was sent could not figure out how to enter the location.

- The location is, as Delsim suspected, dimensionally locked. It also seems

to be warded from divination spells as well. - The area surrounding the location is infested with Dragons and their kin

but they seem to stay about one mile out from that particular snow topped mountain.

Episode LXII: Were Angels Fear to Tread - 22 - Written by: Matthew Tearle

Player Handout #4

(Etching on large stone base)

The knights of old built these halls where fire once had flowed.

Faith alone was their guide in which to set the mold.

To travel down these caverns, dark and deep and cold,

One must show that in their heart lies more than greed for gold.

Those who enter are hereby warned that good awaits you not,

And if your heart isn’t true then thou shall be forgot.

Yet if thy soul proves its worth then knowledge ye will find.

For the god of gods true power lies in his strength of mind.

Episode LXII: Were Angels Fear to Tread - 23 - Written by: Matthew Tearle

Player Handout #5

(Second etching on large stone base)

We each followed a different deity and stood before them in the order in which

they came.

Dardan was the first among us, his position as unshakable as the King of Kings.

Sesm’s task was to balance the powers of Law and Chaos between us.

Beler stood next to Sesm when we stood before the gods.

Kalroddin was heavily swayed by the Rolter as the two were brothers.

Rolter and Dardan always argued so we were forced to keep them separated.

Sesm was forced to act as the mediator between Kalroddin and Beler.

Speak the order in which we five knights stood and the path will become clear.

Appendix 1

Episode LXII: Were Angels Fear to Tread - 24 - Written by: Matthew Tearle

Encounter 4 Rumblings ATL 7 Advanced Remorhaz: Huge Magical Beast; CR 9; HD 13d10+78; hp 158; Init +1; Spd 30 ft, burrow 20 ft.; AC 20, touch 9, flat-footed 19 (+1 Dex, +11 Natural Armor, -2 size); BaseAtk/Grp: +13/+29. Space/Reach: 15 ft./ 10 ft. Atk +20 melee (3d8+12, 19-20/x2, piercing bite); Full Atk +20 melee (3d8+12, 19-20/x2, piercing bite) SA Improved Grab, Swallow Whole; SQ Darkvision 60ft., Heat, Low-Light Vision, Tremorsense 60ft.; AL N; SV Fort +14, Ref +9, Will +7,; Str 27, Dex 13, Con 22, Int 5, Wis 12, Cha 10. Skills & Feats: Listen +8, Spot +14. Iron Will, Power Attack, Weapon Focus(bite), Improved Natural Attack(bite), Improved Critical(bite)

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a remorhaz must hit an opponent least one size category smaller than itself with its bite attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can attempt to swallow the opponent the following round.

Swallow Whole (Ex): When a remorhaz begins its turn with a grappled opponent in its mouth, it can swallow that opponent with a successful grapple check. Once inside, the opponent takes 2d8+12 points of bludgeoning damage plus 8d6 points of fire damage per round from the remorhaz’s gizzard. A swallowed creature can cut its way out by using a light slashing or piercing weapon to deal 25 points of damage to the gizzard (AC 15). Once the creature exits, muscular action closes the hole; another swallowed opponent must cut its own way out. A Huge remorhaz’s interior can hold 2 Large, 4 Medium, 8 Small, 32 Tiny, 128 Diminutive, or 512 Fine or smaller opponents.

Heat (Ex):An enraged remorhaz generates heat so intense that anything touching its body takes 8d6 points of fire damage. Creatures striking a remorhaz with natural attacks or unarmed attacks are subject to this damage, but creatures striking with melee weapons do not take damage from the remorhaz’s heat. This heat can melt or char weapons; any weapon that strikes a remorhaz is allowed a DC 22 Fortitude save to avoid destruction. The save DC Is Constitution-based.

Skills: Remorhazes have a +4 racial bonus on Listen checks. Languages: None Possessions: None ATL 9 Advanced Remorhaz: Gargantuan Magical Beast; CR 11; HD 16d10+128; hp 225; Init +5; Spd 30 ft, burrow 20 ft.; AC 22, touch 7, flat-footed 21 (+1 Dex, +15 Natural Armor, -4 size); BaseAtk/Grp: +16/+41. Space/Reach: 20 ft./ 15 ft. Atk +26 melee (4d8+19, 19-20/x2, piercing bite); Full Atk +26 melee (4d8+19, 19-20/x2, piercing bite) SA Improved Grab, Swallow Whole; SQ Darkvision 60ft., Heat, Low-Light Vision, Tremorsense 60ft.; AL N; SV Fort +20, Ref +11, Will +8,; Str 36, Dex 13, Con 26, Int 5, Wis 12, Cha 10. Skills & Feats: Listen +8, Spot +17. Iron Will, Power Attack, Weapon Focus(bite), Improved Natural Attack(bite), Improved Critical(bite), Improved Initiative

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a remorhaz must hit an opponent least one size category smaller than itself with its bite attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can attempt to swallow the opponent the following round.

Swallow Whole (Ex): When a remorhaz begins its turn with a grappled opponent in its mouth, it can swallow that opponent with a successful grapple check. Once inside, the opponent takes 3d8+19 points of bludgeoning damage plus 8d6 points of fire damage per round from the remorhaz’s gizzard. A swallowed creature can cut its way out by using a light slashing or piercing weapon to deal 25 points of

Appendix 1

Episode LXII: Were Angels Fear to Tread - 25 - Written by: Matthew Tearle

damage to the gizzard (AC 15). Once the creature exits, muscular action closes the hole; another swallowed opponent must cut its own way out. A Huge remorhaz’s interior can hold 2 Huge, 4 Large, 8 Medium, 16 Small, 64 Tiny, 256 Diminutive, or 1024 Fine or smaller opponents.

Heat (Ex):An enraged remorhaz generates heat so intense that anything touching its body takes 8d6 points of fire damage. Creatures striking a remorhaz with natural attacks or unarmed attacks are subject to this damage, but creatures striking with melee weapons do not take damage from the remorhaz’s heat. This heat can melt or char weapons; any weapon that strikes a remorhaz is allowed a DC 26 Fortitude save to avoid destruction. The save DC Is Constitution-based.

Skills: Remorhazes have a +4 racial bonus on Listen checks. Languages: None Possessions: None ATL 11 Half-Dragon(Red) Advanced Remorhaz: Gargantuan Dragon; CR 13; HD 16d12+144; hp 257; Init +5; Spd 30 ft, burrow 20 ft, fly 60ft(average).; AC 26, touch 7, flat-footed 25 (+1 Dex, +19 Natural Armor, -4 size); BaseAtk/Grp: +16/+45. Space/Reach: 20 ft./ 15 ft. Atk +30 melee (4d8+25, 19-20/x2, piercing bite); Full Atk +30 melee (4d8+25, 19-20/x2, piercing bite), and 2 claws +24 melee (2d6+8, x2, slashing claw); SA Improved Grab, Swallow Whole, Breath Weapon; SQ Darkvision 60ft., Heat, Immunity to sleep and paralysis, Immunity to Fire, Low-Light Vision, Tremorsense 60ft.; AL CE; SV Fort +24, Ref +11, Will +8,; Str 44, Dex 13, Con 28, Int 7, Wis 12, Cha 12. Skills & Feats: Listen +8, Spot +17. Iron Will, Power Attack, Weapon Focus(bite), Improved Natural Attack(bite), Improved Critical(bite), Improved Initiative

Breath Weapon (Su): 30-foot cone, once per day, 6d8 fire, Reflex DC 24 half. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a remorhaz must hit an opponent least one size category smaller than itself with its bite attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can attempt to swallow the opponent the following round.

Swallow Whole (Ex): When a remorhaz begins its turn with a grappled opponent in its mouth, it can swallow that opponent with a successful grapple check. Once inside, the opponent takes 3d8+25 points of bludgeoning damage plus 8d6 points of fire damage per round from the remorhaz’s gizzard. A swallowed creature can cut its way out by using a light slashing or piercing weapon to deal 25 points of damage to the gizzard (AC 15). Once the creature exits, muscular action closes the hole; another swallowed opponent must cut its own way out. A Huge remorhaz’s interior can hold 2 Huge, 4 Large, 8 Medium, 16 Small, 64 Tiny, 256 Diminutive, or 1024 Fine or smaller opponents.

Heat (Ex):An enraged remorhaz generates heat so intense that anything touching its body takes 8d6 points of fire damage. Creatures striking a remorhaz with natural attacks or unarmed attacks are subject to this damage, but creatures striking with melee weapons do not take damage from the remorhaz’s heat. This heat can melt or char weapons; any weapon that strikes a remorhaz is allowed a DC 27 Fortitude save to avoid destruction. The save DC Is Constitution-based.

Skills: Remorhazes have a +4 racial bonus on Listen checks. Languages: None Possessions: None

Episode LXII: Were Angels Fear to Tread - 26 - Written by: Matthew Tearle

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System Rules Document Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor: Episode 62: Where Angels Fear to Tread by Matthew Tearle , Copyright 2007 Zeitgeist Games, Inc.