da difference March




Transcript of da difference March

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Da’ Difference Productions is an event production company specializing in creating unique events with a difference, that ensures not just quality but also an experience that is more than you can visualize!

Started in 2004 by a group of friends passionate to create events that are unique and spectacular, Da’ Difference Productions have organized Events ranging from Top Club events to property fairs and major outdoor festivals for nearly a decade now.

Some of Our biggest events include Night Club Events, The popular Holi Hai, Concerts and major socializing events for the community at large.

Da’ Difference pride and continually challenge themselves in being more and more creative with every event organized.

In an attempt to stay effectively connected with people, this special tabloid has been created.

Da Difference Productions consists of four Members, each with special innovative talents.

We combine Our Expertise to ensure a Memorable event for all.

We thank you all for your massive support!!!


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The thought of packing up your possessions, and leaving the familiar comforts of home to live in a foreign country with a group of

strangers is, without doubt, an overwhelming thought to most.

While many of you reading this are fortunate enough to say that you have travelled outside your home country, participating in the day-to-day life of a foreign land is an entirely different experience. As with anything else in life, it has its pros and cons. Speaking from personal experience though, the advantages massively outweigh the challenges.

Of all the advantages, the most obvious one is your new-found freedom. You have the opportunity to do as you please. And while we all know what that means, you’ll be surprised at how responsible you are actually capable of being. From buying your own groceries to doing laundry and managing your own finances, you learn to be a responsible adult.

“ Experience Jakarta With A Twist”

On that note, I have to say that the most valuable advantage of studying abroad for me has been the increase in appreciation for life and loved ones miles away. While studying abroad turns you into an exciting storyteller, you’ll find that it is an incredibly humbling growing experience. Given the opportunity, make the best of it.

“Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”

–Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Another huge advantage is your increased knowledge of the world. In our era of globalization, this is invaluable. While being exposed to cultural differences calls for culture shock, you’ll also learn to better tolerate differences and appreciate diversity. Did you know that in countries like the USA, steady eye contact conveys interest and attention, while in some Asian and African cultures, extended eye contact can be perceived as an aggressive challenge? Such knowledge allows you to better adapt to situations requiring intercultural interactions. Think about the upper hand you will have in your future business endeavors!

Being a minority in your host country attracts curiosity. You may be only the point of reference someone has for your nation or ethnicity. An underrated advantage that stems from this is your increased interest in your own culture and homeland. Did you know that Indonesia consists of about 18,000 islands? How exotic! You get to embrace your roots with a whole new perspective.

Resham Vasandani

Resham was born and brought up in Jakarta, Indonesia.

She left at the age of 18 for Canada to pursue her studies

in psychology and is living there now.

Student takes her time in Oxford


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Studying Abroad

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Aries (March 21 – April 20) Relationships will continue to require more work. Adjusting to others’ needs could make you feel like you’re in second place, but paying more attention to partners’ desires will at least keep you in the game. It’s understandable if there are times when you’re tempted to withdraw into your own world, where you don’t need to listen, accommodate or compromise.People will find you more attractive, especially when you’re excited about a new project or change of style. Getting attention will come easily as your sense of adventure encourages you to take risks. This is a great period to earn appreciation for your generosity, so give freely and you will get back even more in return.

Taurus (April 21 – May 20) Your desire for comfort is certainly understandable, Taurus, but if you’re not willing to work a little harder for more in your relationships, you could wind up with a lot less. Listening more carefully to others and expressing your desires honestly should produce positive results.Even if you’re OK with yourself, it’s worthwhile to think about making changes to get even more out of yourself. Explosive patterns at this time could stir restlessness and shake relationships. The message is to dig deeper to maximize your assets and alter habits that hold you back.

Gemini (May 21 – June 21) Your relationship life may start on a serious note this year. You might be dealing with a demanding person, but the point is to be as clear and conscientious as you can. Facing the hard realities of partnership isn’t necessarily easy nor romantic, yet it can earn you trust that sustains long-term alliances.However, if you’re more into having fun than settling down, it’s probably best to wait until March 5 to start playing. That’s because the consequences for carelessness are too high until then. Patience, dear Gemini, isn’t merely a virtue; it’s a necessity if you want to avoid trouble. Although you’re likely to have plenty to say, listening to others attentively could be the key to harmonious connections. You’re not required to agree with everything you hear, but responding with reason and hope produces better outcomes than getting into debates with someone you love.

Cancer (June 22 – July 22)The first half of 2014 is filled with opportunities for you to grow in self-confidence and make a bigger impression on other people. You will probably feel encouraged to take some uncharacteristic risks in sharing your feelings and taking the lead in relationships.There may be some bumpy moments around April 20. The good news about this period, though, is that they can empower you with a stronger sense of what you want and don’t want from others and free you from old partnership patterns that have been holding you back.Working harder to reach your goals with the one you’re with or in finding someone new will continue to be key issues initially.Then a more relaxed and open-minded attitude will be the key to developing deeper levels of intimacy and trust.

Leo (July 23 - August 23) If the road to romance has been a little rocky lately, there’s a major clearing job that can smooth it out this year. Confidence and charisma soar to make you a more attractive partner.But if you don’t feel this force right away, it will be amplified around July. Sure, you might become wildly enthusiastic and optimistic beyond reason, but it’s better to aim higher than to settle for less.You’re unlikely to hold back your feelings now and you might overpower highly sensitive people. But as long as you’re coming from your heart, there’s more to be gained than lost by coming on strong.

Virgo (Aug 24 - Sept 23) Your sharp mind usually helps you make smart decisions that you are able to stick to. But when it comes to matters of the heart, you can be swayed by emotions just like everyone else. If you’re not happy with a current alliance, talking yourself into it won’t overcome your feelings, which is why they need should not be ignored. Don’t let pride get in the way of changing your mind, if that’s what you need to do to get back on track.Interestingly, 2014 begins with you pining for someone from your past. However you will be very decisive using your head more than your heart.

Libra (Sept 24 – Oct 23) Your sunny disposition could be shadowed by doubt about relationships when the New Year begins. A tendency to be hard on yourself or pessimistic about others is possible. Yet the good news is that this is meant to put you more in control of your personal life. Of course, you can’t manage everything that happens in your world, but you can manage your responses. If you can take responsibility for your reactions without blaming others or feeling guilty yourself, you will be well on your way to more fulfilling alliances. Meeting people halfway is one of your basic moves, but this is a time to establish clear goals, guidelines and boundaries with others.

Scorpio (Oct 24 – Nov 22) Taking yourself more seriously is expected, which can work in a couple of ways.The downside could be putting up barriers to other people and being extra hard on yourself, but plusses include more confidence and earning respect with discipline and commitment to fulfilling your own needs. If you’re in a relationship, settling for an uninspiring alliance is not a good idea. Giving up some comfort to get more excitement and passion is risky, but it’s worth trying.You will attract new people and experiences if you’re willing to question your values and expectations of others. Let bygones be bygones, be more compassionate with yourself, and grow even more romantic and imaginative. Finding inspiration in who you are and what you do are keys to bringing excitement into a partnership.

Sagittarius (Nov 23 – Dec 21) 2014 begins with your sign’s expansive ruling of Intimacy. This can increase your chances for closeness if you’re willing to show your vulnerable side and be more sensitive to others. This transit, which lasts until July 16, is in caring and cuddly Cancer, where tenderness is a must if you want to earn trust.If you’re dealing with a partner who is wounded or needy, going the extra mile to show your compassion and kindness will make the effort worthwhile. We tend to think of generosity as the willingness to give to others, yet the first half of this year is also about you being generous enough to allow someone to help and support you at times.If you’re single and looking, a flirtatious and playful approach makes it much easier to meet someone and to have more fun while you’re trying to connect. Taking yourself lightly reduces stress and makes you a more desirable potential partner.

Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 20) You’re likely to be challenged to re-examine your desires when the year begins. The key to doing this is to start by pleasing yourself. Letting go of your own negative judgments is, of course, an excellent way to get others to see you more positively.You will have a passionate period occurs from October to December. Pushing yourself to get in better physical shape comes easily with this dynamic transit. Taking the lead in relationships is also expected then.However, ambition without tenderness comes across as pushy, while tempering your drive with a more sensitive approach to others puts you in a favorable light. This sense of desire and purpose combined with compassion is an unbeatable combination that can either take a current relationship to a higher place or put you in an excellent position to attract someone new.

Aquarius (Jan 21 – Feb 18) You may have some very sweet moments early in the year. During the following 12 months, you will have more courage, creativity and confidence to make you appealing to new people and more interesting to those who already know you. If you’re in a relationship, it’s time to raise your expectations and increase your efforts to share positive feelings and to have fun. Looking at love as an adventure to keep pushing and exploring will be much more rewarding than simply trying to play it safe.Don’t be afraid to express your feelings in ways that are more emotional than reasoned. Logic is, of course, a necessary part of life, but if you’re too analytical or calculating about relationships, you can keep the one you’re in chilly or come across as uncaring to others. Taking risks is what’s required to keep passion pumping in your life, while playing it safe could keep you on the sidelines.

Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)It’s not as much about other people as it is about you. Have you sacrificed too much in the past to make someone else happy, and as a result ignored your own desires? It’s probably wise to avoid deepening a commitment to someone during this re-evaluative period.But even if you must stay on the social sidelines for a while, there should be plenty of wind in your sails this year. There’s an excellent timeframe for untangling knots in romantic matters. Still, this is a time to be creative and imaginative in pursuit of pleasure while expressing your need for more tenderness from others.

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Choosing only 7 beaches to talk about, from the fascinating 17.508 islands of Indonesia, is a a hard task, and not making justice, let alone the particular

cultures, beautiful sights and personal experiences as a fan of those places to enjoy. The order to describe these beaches does not have to do with the relevance to visit them. Let’s find out!

“Easy get away from Jakarta”… Sepa Island is one the Thousand islands (Pulau Seribu) reachable by speed boat in about 90 – 120 minutes from Marina Ancol Jakarta. I will be honest with you, that only after passing the non nice scenery of garbage, sadly floating on the sea, you finally arrive in the perfect outstanding white sandy beach for sunning, bathing in turquoise waters and if you are lucky you can even see dolphins!! And if you even plan on start diving, here is the place to do so. I recommend spending one weekend there, the food is local buffet style and you can find simple but clean accommodation with A/C. Why have I chosen this beach? Simple: get away from the city is a must and is a nice change of scenery only at 1 and a half hour of the city.

“Truly stunning sunset”… Jimbaran bay is located in the island of Bali, south of the airport and Kuta and is home to

Bunaken National Marine Park consists of five islands: Bunaken, Manado Tua, Nain, Montehage, and Siladen.

Activities are snorkeling, diving, underwater photographers and sightseeing the beach. The Bunaken diving is very popular for divers who can take pleasure from the diversity of coral and fish found here.

Komodo Islands lies in the Wallacea Region of Indonesia, identified by WWF and Conservation International as a global conservation priority area, and is located in the center of the Indonesian archipelago, between the islands of Sumbawa and Flores.

Its National Park includes three major islands: Komodo, Rinca and Padar, as well as numerous smaller islands creating a total surface area of more than 1,800 km2. As well as being home to the Komodo Dragon, also known as the Komodo Monitor, or Ora (to Indonesians), the park provides refuge for many other notable terrestrial species. Moreover, the Park includes one of the richest marine environments. And swimming is not advisable here

By Sheran Suárez de Lackner


several world class 5 star beach resorts, plus a few more moderate mid-market hotels. The bay itself has a pleasant whitish sand beach and is safe for swimming. During the day, the sea is near the sore giving a lot of space for bathing and tanning, and in the afternoon the sea retracts back to allow space to enjoy the stunning sunset join by a nice drink, and then walking along the bay to try delicious grilled seafood restaurants on the beach that attracts many visitors in the evenings. Why have I chosen this beach? Those highlights can’t be more romantic.

“Like a natural swimming pool”…Belitung (one hour in airplane from Jakarta) near Tanjung Tinggi and a hotel near the sore, there is a long white sandy beach that has blue and green turquoise colors at glance and transparent water. It’s very basic regarding services, you have to walk about 10 minutes to Tanjung Tinggi to find small warungs but the beach itself is very secluded, although there is a main row nearby. Why have I chosen this beach? There is no massive tourism going on there, and the temperature of the water and feeling is like been on a natural swimming pool.

“You want to stay longer!”… Gili Trawangan the largest of the three Gili islands,is around thirty minutes boat ride

from the northwest mainland of Lombok and also regular daily fast boats depart Bali directly to Trawangan island. Why is this island so special? Because in Gili Trawangan all forms of motorised transport are still not allowed – this means that only way to get around the island (in 2 hours you know it all) is on foot, by bicycle and in pony carts known as Cidomos. So, no pollution, clear waters, white sandy beach, excellent food and night live. So you can choose to party or to relax all you want.

Liang beach is located at the very east of ambon, after Natsepa and passing Waai village. It is less crowd than busy Natsepa as it is also at the very end of the road. However it is not less popular. Snorkeling, tubing and boat activities are commonly available to move to the nearby inhabitant islands. The beach is very clean with clear water with lots of trees around.

Bunaken A Island on northern tip of the island of Sulawesi. Getting to Bunaken Island is 45-60 minutes by boat from Manado. Its National Marine Park is one of the most beautiful in the world.

Most of the coastal area consists of mangrove forests and white sand.

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Holi, India’s much-loved festival of colors, is celebrated all over the world. Last Holi, which fell on March 29, saw Indians and non-Indians mix in a sea of colors at the

Jakarta Fairground (PRJ) in Kemayoran, Jakarta. As one of the liveliest Indian festivals that symbolizes the victory of good over evil, it traditionally brings together people from all walks of life.

It is believed the festival originated from the story of Prahlad, whose devotion to Lord Vishnu allowed him to survive a burning pyre while his evil aunt Holika died. Holi thus takes its name from Holika.

What makes celebrating Holi so popular among youngsters and adults alike tossing colored powder, squirting water at friends and anyone, and generally

joking around. Here in Jakarta, a group of young entrepreneurs — who call themselves Da Difference & D’Kash — decided to organize a celebration of this kind.

The festival kicked off with a small crowd splashing around in the rain. Once the sky cleared, the crowd swelled and people from many nationalities could be seen tossing colored powder at each other, to the sounds of catchy tunes from Bollywood movies.

Many parents attended the event to supervise their young children, who laughed the afternoon away pouring buckets of colored water onto each other. One of the participants, Mike, noted that “the celebration was able to bring about people of different ages in one place”. Mena, a middle aged

lady, said her favorite part of the days was being sprinkled with water. “At first I was hesitant to go under the water as I didn’t want to get wet and messy. But then I told myself I would never get an opportunity like this again to have fun like I use to when I was a child. So I did get plashed with colors and sprinkled with water. When I looked at myself in the mirror, I thought I wasn’t looking that bad at all. In fact my face was glowing from the inner joy I felt after celebrating Holi”. Deepak Dodani said there was no difference between the rich and poor that day. “Everyone was putting colors on each other and not minding it at all. It gave a warmth feeling of togetherness even if it was just for a couple of hours,” he said. Celebrations vary across different states in India.

In Mathura, where Lord Krishna grew up, the festival is celebrated for 16 days to commemorate the love between Krishna and Radha. It is believed Krishna, who is of dark complexion, used to complain to his

mother about the color of his skin, because it was so different from that of his fair-skinned girlfriend Radha. Krishna’s mother applied color on Radha’s face, which became the symbol for this festival of love. Indians here in Indonesia may have not celebrated Holi quite like their counterparts in their motherland, but celebrations this year brought a sense of belonging to each one of them. As the organizer Da Difference & D’kash put it, “Holi is a festival that evens out all differences through colors”.

This year’s Festival of colors, “Holi Hai” will be celebrated on the open grounds of Gambir Expo, PRJ on 23 March 2014 with loads of Exciting Games, & Activities for All Ages.

Article by: Da Difference Tab

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Nguyen Ha Dong, who has been in the headlines first for Flappy Bird hitting the bull’s-eye and then his withdrawal of the online game from app stores, met Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam Tuesday amid rumors he had committed suicide.

Online newspaper VnExpress said Dam, who is in charge of culture, society, science, and education, encouraged Dong to continue with his passion for developing games.

Dong is a new talent that needs support and Vietnam needs talents like him for its development, he was quoted as saying.

The meeting took place two days after the 29-year-old indie game developer pulled out Flappy Bird game from app stores after it had been downloaded tens of millions of times.

Shortly after he did that an unidentified “news source” was quoted online as saying that Dong was found dead at home with a gunshot wound in his head.

It claimed that authorities had said the suicide had something to do with the famous game.

But Dong’s father told Thanh Nien that his son goes to work normally and shows no signs of changes in his mood or lifestyle.

He was “surprised” by the rumors, and said his family was happy for Dong’s success with Flappy Bird, but also felt worried because it was “unexpected.”

Before being taken down, the game topped the free app charts of both Apple and Google Play stores with 50 million downloads.

Dong earns US$50,000 on average a day from advertising.

He told Forbes magazine that he grounded Flappy Bird because it had become “an addictive product” but his original purpose was to create a game that people can play for a few minutes when they are relaxed.

“I think it has become a problem. To solve that problem, it’s best to take down Flappy Bird. It’s gone forever.”

Besides, his life “has not been as comfortable as ... before.”

As Flappy Bird raced to the top of the charts last week, its creator too became a celebrity, but along with approbation also came criticism.

Many expressed doubts about the game’s actual success, suspecting Dong of using tricks to increase the number of downloads.

Others criticized him for stealing the famous green pipes from popular Japanese game Super Mario, and speculated

Hear that more often without living on lettuce or chaining yourself to a treadmill. Our no-deprivation “makeup

diet” lets you trim instantly. The skinny... by Rachel Hayes

-Suck It In: New tightening creams, like StriVectin-TL Tightening Face Cream, are like Spanx for your face. Apply as a first step premakeup, and a network of botanical complex sugars will pull skin in. Effects are immediate but temporary, says Elizabeth Tanzi, M.D., a derm in Washington, D.C.

- Deflate Fast: Trace your T-zone with a skin-matching liquid foundation, such as Marc Jacobs Beauty Genius Gel Super-Charged Foundation, then blend outward with a base two shades darker. The perimeter will recede, drawing the eye to the lighter middle, so your face appears narrow, says Joanna Schlip, a Physicians Formula makeup artist in L.A.

-Chisel Cheeks: Starting at the center of your forehead, sweep matte bronzer along hairline, under cheeks, around jaw and on sides of neck. Highlight and elongate the

that Nintendo, that game’s creator, would take legal action against him.

But the Japanese game company denied the speculation in an interview with the Wall Street Journal newspaper.

Dong said his decision to pull out the game had nothing to do with fears of a lawsuit.

A Ministry of Finance official told Thanh Nien that the the tax department has been ordered to estimate Dong’s earnings to collect income tax.

Online newspaper Dan Tri quoted an unnamed expert as saying that Dong could have earned around VND210 billion ($9.8 million) from the game and might have to pay VND2 billion ($94,000) in tax.

Bui Manh Hai, former deputy minister of science and technology, said the incident has made the world sit up and take notice of Vietnamese talent in software but also shows the insensitivity of the country’s official agencies.

The agencies should have advised him about issues like taxes and intellectual property.

But instead Dong was like a “small, lonely bird,” he lamented.

Dong, speaking to Forbes magazine, said he would continue to develop games.

“After the success of Flappy Bird, I feel more confident and have freedom to do what I want to do,” he said.

Following the success of Flappy Bird, two of his other games, Super Ball Juggling and Shuriken Block, have also seen demand shoot up in app stores.

Flappy Bird entered the Apple Store in May last year, climbed to top spot last month, and took Google Play Store by storm after it was launched January 30.

The game, which simply involves navigating a bird through Super Mario-like green pipes by tapping the phone screen to flap the bird’s wings, has left game designers and experts baffled by its huge success.

But most agree that the game’s charm lies in its difficulty, which infuriates most players and inspires them to hit the restart button again and again to get higher scores.

Its “share” function allows players to complain or brag about their scores on social media, tempting others to check it out.

By: www.thanhniennews.com

middle of your face by dusting light shimmer powder (try Giorgio Armani Belladonna Palette Highlighter) on tops of cheeks, bridge of nose and center of chin.

-Fatten Lashes: Go big (think doe-eyed) to look smaller. “High-volume lashes create proportion, minimizing width elsewhere,” Roncal says. Layer two extra coats of black volumizing mascara, such as L’Oreal Paris Voluminous Butterfly Mascara, adding one more at outer corners and fanning lashes to temples.

-Mouth Off: Even your lipcolor can have slimming superpowers, says Mally Roncal, founder of Mally Beauty. Dab a soft pink or nude shade at the center of your top and bottom lips, then diffuse with a finger. You’ll create an allover monochromatic effect that downplays any puffiness. We like Almay Color + Care Liquid Lip Balm in Nudetrients.

Feeling thinner already . . .

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Ingredients:• 250 ML whipped cream (Anchor brand).• 2 tbsp condensed milk.• 2 tsp mango essence.• 2-3 mangoes slice long and thin.• 15 Marie biscuits.• A bowl of warm water or ‘Ultra’

milk for dipping Marie biscuits.• 1 packet of mango flavor

Nutrijel jelly (Optional)

Method:Beat the whipped cream and condensed milk till thick and shiny, then add in mango essence and stir well with a spoon.

In a separate bowl, dip each of the Marie biscuits in warm water or Ultra fresh milk and make a layer of these biscuits in a small round or square Pyrex dish.

Spread a thin layer of cream on top of the biscuits.

Put sliced of mangoes on top of the cream and spread evenly.

Repeat layering.

Prepare Nutrijel jelly as per instructions on the packet, let it set, cut into pieces and pour on top. This will Alternatively, you may slice the mangoes and decorate it on top.

Contributed by Lal PariLal Pari specializes in making the complex very simple with food and desert recipes. She has taught hundreds of teens and young adults over the years. Most of her students over the years have been brides-to-be. She taught them from a basic cup of tea to following complex biryani recipes.

Mango Biscuit Layered Pudding

Mangoes are now easily available in the supermarkets throughout the year. This fleshy fruit is delicious… choose the local ‘Harum Manis’ mango for best taste. This is a simple recipe that is good for beginners.

Contact us at:[email protected] - www.dadifference.com

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Commodity: Textile, G arment, Prayer Rugs, Phasmina, Towels, Uphoster y, S ofa Fabrics, Yarn, etc.

Jl. Raden S aleh No.6, Gedung Wisma Nugraha Lt. 5 No. 507Jak ar ta Pusat, Indonesia - 10430Telp. (021) 336 78735 - Fax. (021) 315 6776 Email: [email protected]











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Le Rosh BoutiqueJl.Pintu Air Raya No.68(dlm gang) Ps.Baru, Jakarta Pusat 10710021 3440443

Star Deli KemangJalan Kemang Selatan No. 5A021 781 8649

Hotel SunlakeJl.Danau Permai Raya Blok C1Sunter, Jakarta Utara 14350021 6509969

Ganesha Ek Sanskriti RestaurantGedung BRI II Center Park Lt.9Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav.44-46Jakarta 10210

GANESHA RestaurantKemang Square lt.2Jl.Kemang Raya no.5, Jakarta Selatan 021 7196837

Royal BanquetJl. MH. Thamrin No. 11Jakarta Pusat 10350021-3903533

Fancy TextileJl.Tebah II no.4, MayestikJakarta selatan

Toko Serba ClassicJl.Rs Fatmawati no.25A (Dpn ITC Fatmawati)Kebayoran Baru , Jakarta Selatan 12150021 7664888

Queen’s Tandoor (Thamrin)Permata Plaza, Jln MH Thamrin Kav 57Jakarta 10350

Queen’s of India (sunlake)Sunlake Hotel, Danau Permai Raya BlokC 1, Jakarta 14350


JL.KEBON KACANG RAYA NO.19JAKARTA PUSAT021 3150690021 93924887





RASA SAYANG RESTAURANTJl.Paradise Barat Raya Tahap II Nlok K 31-32Belakang Kia Motor Sunter - Jakarta utara021 6405070

KINARAJL.Kemang Raya no.78 B 2nd FloorJakarta 12730021 7192677

FEZ BY APHRODITEJL.Kemang Raya no.78 B 1st FloorJakarta 12730021 7192677

FEZ DUNGEONJL.Kemang Raya no.78 B LT.BasementJakarta 12730021 7192677

LIQUID EXCHANGE (LEX)Epicentrum Walk Ground Floor 6FUnit W 136 B Opposite Rasuna Apartemen021 29941441

Surya Mini MartTaman Kemayoran CondominiumTower Aster Lt,dasar 03Jl.Benyamin Sueb KemayoranJakarta Pusat021 32322634

Toko MustafaJl.Danau Sunter Utara Blok M/34Ruko Taman Nyiur , Jakarta Utara021 6502372

Property managemen Fancy MampangJl.Mampang Prapatan raya 151 A7Jakarta selatan 021 79196484

Salon Johnny DanuartaGedung SarinahJl. M H Thamrin no. 11 lt. GJakarta Pusat 10350

Laser Game Jl. Kemang Raya no.16 AJakarta Selatan021 7181921

Jl.Kelapa Hybrida blok PF 23 no.20Kelapa Gading - Jakarta Utara021 45876910


BALI QUEEN’s TandoorGallery Seminyak, No:1/73AJalan Raya Seminyak, Near Bali Deli,Opp. Warung Made, Kel.Seminyak,Kec.Kuta, Kab.Badung0361 732770 Queen’s of IndiaJalan Suweta No. 1,   Near Pasar Seni (Traditional Market) Opp. Palace (Puri Saren Ubud) ,Kel.Ubud,Kec.Ubud, Kab.Gianyar0361 977399 Queen’s of IndiaJalan Kartika Plaza, Tuban Kuta  Opp. Bali Dynasty Resort,  Near Discovery Mall & Near Airport. Kel.Tuban,Kec.Kuta Selatan,Kab.Badung 0361 765988

Queen’s of IndiaJalan Pratama No: 65B,  Tanjung Benoa-Nusa Dua,  Opp. Conrad-Bali Hotel ,Kel.Benoa, Kec.Kuta Selatan,Kab.Badung0361 771344

SURABAYA Toko FancyJmp Lt 1 Blok B No.41-68 Jembatan Merah PlazaSurabaya031 3556170031 3556436 Little India StoreKencana Sari Barat 2 bb 4 Surabaya031 5686666

YOGYAKARTA Ganesha RestaurantSheraton Mustika Yogya Lt.8, Jl.Laksda Adisucipto Km 8,7 Yogyakarta

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