D8.2: Communication and Dissemination Plan Progress...

TRANSITIONS PATHWAYS AND RISK ANALYSIS FOR CLIMATE CHANGE MITIGATION AND ADAPTATION STRATEGIES D8.2: Communication and Dissemination Plan Progress Update – June 2018 Project Coordinator: SPRU, Science Policy Research Unit, (UoS) University of Sussex Work Package 8 Leader Organization: UPRC Contributing authors June 2018

Transcript of D8.2: Communication and Dissemination Plan Progress...

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D8.2: Communication and Dissemination Plan

Progress Update – June 2018

Project Coordinator: SPRU, Science Policy Research Unit, (UoS) University of Sussex

Work Package 8 Leader Organization: UPRC

Contributing authors

June 2018

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D8.2 Communication and Dissemination Plan, Progress Update – June 2018 ii


Transitions pathways and risk analysis for climate

change mitigation and adaptation strategies

GA#: 642260

Funding type: RIA

Deliverable number

(relative in WP) D8.2

Deliverable name: Communication and Dissemination Plan, Progress Update May 2018

WP / WP number: 8

Delivery due date: n/a

Actual date of submission: n/a

Dissemination level: Public

Lead beneficiary: UPRC

Responsible scientist/administrator: Chara Karakosta (UPRC), Vaggelis Psarras (UPRC), Alexandros Flamos (UPRC)

Estimated effort (PM):


Estimated effort contributor(s) (PM):

Internal reviewer:

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D8.2 Communication and Dissemination Plan, Progress Update – June 2018 iii


Both the models concerning the future climate evolution and its impacts, as well as the models

assessing the costs and benefits associated with different mitigation pathways face a high degree

of uncertainty. There is an urgent need to not only understand the costs and benefits associated

with climate change but also the risks, uncertainties and co-effects related to different mitigation

pathways as well as public acceptance (or lack of) of low-carbon (technology) options. The main

aims and objectives of TRANSrisk therefore are to create a novel assessment framework for

analysing costs and benefits of transition pathways that will integrate well-established approaches

to modelling the costs of resilient, low-carbon pathways with a wider interdisciplinary approach

including risk assessments. In addition, TRANSrisk aims to design a decision support tool that

should help policy makers to better understand uncertainties and risks and enable them to include

risk assessments into more robust policy design.


No Participant name Short Name Country code Partners’ logos

1 Science Technology Policy Research, University of Sussex


2 Basque Centre for Climate Change BC3 ES

3 Cambridge Econometrics CE UK

4 Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands ECN NL

5 Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (funded by Swiss Gov’t)

ETH Zurich CH

6 Institute for Structural Research IBS PL

7 Joint Implementation Network JIN NL

8 National Technical University of Athens NTUA GR

9 Stockholm Environment Institute SEI SE, KE

10 University of Graz UniGraz AT

11 University of Piraeus Research Centre UPRC GR

12 Pontifical Catholic University of Chile CLAPESUC CL

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D8.2 Communication and Dissemination Plan, Progress Update – June 2018 iv

Executive Summary

The purpose of this document is to present how TRANSrisk’s Communication and Dissemination

Plan, drafted as Deliverable 8.2, has been implemented and enhanced since its submission.

Communication tools, dissemination activities and events are set out that help us meet European

and regional needs and achieve the final aim, which is to raise awareness and motivate action in

regards to TRANSrisk outcomes.

The aim of the Communication and Dissemination Plan is:

To disseminate knowledge collected, processed and accumulated in preceding WPs to

external stakeholders through a series of specific and concrete actions

To effectively disseminate and communicate such knowledge to stakeholder groups of

potential beneficiaries from the action and concerned citizens.

To create maximum impacts for policy implications and recommendations drawn from

TRANSRISK at European Union (EU) and Member State levels.

The elaboration of this 4th update of the Communication and Dissemination Plan follows the

previous update submitted in December 2017. In the last 6 months, the focus of communication

and dissemination activities was to showcase our technical outputs, as well as planning the final

year’s activities (events targeted to policy makers, publications and dissemination of the case

studies’ work). It is expected that the most significant outcomes are deriving during the next

period, thus, the communication and dissemination activities will be modified in order to increase

the impact of these outcomes (next, and final, issue of D8.2 December 2018).

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D8.2 Communication and Dissemination Plan, Progress Update – June 2018 Page 1

Table of Contents

1 EC Summary Requirements ............................................................................ 4

1.1 Changes with respect to the DoA ................................................................ 4

1.2 Dissemination and uptake ........................................................................ 4

1.3 Short Summary of results (<250 words) ........................................................ 4

1.4 Evidence of accomplishment ..................................................................... 4

2 Introduction ............................................................................................. 12

3 Communication & Dissemination Concept ........................................................ 16

4 Communication & Dissemination Tools Developed .............................................. 21

4.1 TRANSrisk Leaflets ............................................................................... 22

4.2 TRANSrisk Website ............................................................................... 22

4.3 Social Media ....................................................................................... 26

4.4 TRANSrisk Videos and Infographics ........................................................... 28

4.5 TRANSrisk Newsletter and Press Releases ................................................... 29

5 Communication & Dissemination Activities Implemented ...................................... 32

5.1 Scientific Publications ........................................................................... 33

5.2 Publications targeted at policymakers and stakeholders ................................. 36

5.3 Organisation of TRANSrisk Events ............................................................. 42

5.4 Participation in External Events ............................................................... 51

5.5 Bilateral Meetings ................................................................................ 56

5.6 TRANSrisk Partners’ Newsletters .............................................................. 57

5.7 TRANSrisk Media .................................................................................. 57

6 Scheduled Activities ................................................................................... 59

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Figure 1: TRANSrisk Synergies with Relevant EU Initiatives ............................................. 18

Figure 2: Use of Sliding Menus in TRANSrisk website .................................................... 22

Figure 3: Cookie Banner ...................................................................................... 23

Figure 4: TRANSrisk Social Media Content ................................................................. 27

Figure 5: Overview of the Consortium Meeting in Stockholm ........................................... 43

Figure 6: Overview of the SB48 side event ................................................................ 44

Figure 7: Overview of the scientific workshop “Exploring Risks and Implications of different Energy

and Climate Policy Scenarios towards 2050: Methods, tools and models” ............................ 45

Figure 8: Overview of the TRANSrisk Internal Meeting in Chania ...................................... 46

Figure 9: Overview of the TRANSrisk session at the 3rd annual Environmental Gathering: Create

the Future .......................................................................................... 47

Figure 10: Overview of the TRANSrisk workshop “Creating a Common Language for Low-carbon

futures in Alberta” .............................................................................. 48

Figure 11: Overview of the TRANSrisk stakeholder participatory workshop “Renewable Energies

and Energy Transition in Spain 2030-2050” .................................................. 49

Figure 12: TRANSrisk participation in external events ................................................... 51

Figure 13: TRANSrisk presence at knowledge sharing platforms ....................................... 64


Table 1: Overview of TRANSrisk Communication & Dissemination Tools ............................... 5

Table 2: Overview of TRANSrisk Communication Activities .............................................. 6

Table 3: Summary of progress achieved during current reporting period ............................ 12

Table 4: Status of Communication & Dissemination Tools .............................................. 21

Table 5: Composition of TRANSrisk website audience ................................................... 24

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Table 6: TRANSrisk Reports Downloads .................................................................... 25

Table 7: Social Media Tools .................................................................................. 26

Table 8: Profile of TRANSrisk Social Media audience .................................................... 27

Table 9: Profile of TRANSrisk newsletters recipients .................................................... 30

Table 10: Communication & Dissemination Activities ................................................... 32

Table 11: Profile of TRANSrisk events’ participants ..................................................... 42

Table 12: Websites with brief description, reference or link to TRANSrisk .......................... 66

Table 13: Websites with reference to TRANSrisk events ................................................ 66

Table 14: Websites with TRANSrisk reports and presentations, or presentations mentioning

TRANSrisk ....................................................................................................... 67

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1.1 Changes with respect to the DoA

No deviations from DoA have been occurred.

1.2 Dissemination and uptake

The present deliverable is used by TRANSrisk partners to direct them into following appropriate

communication and dissemination activities to further promote TRANSrisk results. The deliverable

could also serve as guidelines for someone interested in exploring the different and various options

of efficient dissemination.

1.3 Short Summary of results (<250 words)

This document reports progress on implementation of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

and its purpose is to describe the approach adopted, as well as the progress so far of the

implemented activities aiming to disseminate TRANSrisk and its outcomes. It is primarily focused

on external stakeholders.

This document focuses on the centralised dissemination elements of TRANSrisk: centrally led

communication activities and the tools developed to support efficient dissemination of TRANSrisk

outcomes. However, note that a large part of TRANSrisk’s dissemination is decentralised, through

each partner’s stakeholder engagement process and their contacts in the scientific and policy

making communities. This plan aims to support decentralised dissemination activities, however

their timing and implementation is arranged by the individual partners themselves.

1.4 Evidence of accomplishment

The present deliverable highlights the main strategies that were followed within TRANSrisk to

promote its activities and engage an important number of interested parties. The communication

and dissemination plan has an open access policy, and all dissemination materials are uploaded to

the appropriate section of the TRANSrisk website (Consensus Building » Info Pack1). Moreover, in


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D8.2 Communication and Dissemination Plan, Progress Update – June 2018 Page 5

order to ensure that TRANSrisk deliverables are easily accessed, a special section in TRANSrisk

website has been created which incorporates all of them (Virtual Library » TRANSrisk Reports2).

Also, special sections showcasing the results, respective activities and content per work package

(WP) and per case study are under construction. Currently, the special section has been developed

for the Dissemination3 WP and the Country Case Studies4 WP, while similar sections are being

developed for the rest of the WPs. To date, the progress of the dissemination plan has included

the following activities:

Table 1: Overview of TRANSrisk Communication & Dissemination Tools

Dissemination Tool Reference and/or Metrics

TRANSrisk logo Reported in D8.2 Communication and Dissemination Plan - May 2016

TRANSrisk Graphic Guidelines

Handbook Reported in D8.2 Communication and Dissemination Plan - May 2016

TRANSrisk Flyer and Leaflets

1st Leaflet

2nd Leaflet


3rd Leaflet (Stakeholders leaflet)

Distribution of more than 820 TRANSrisk Flyers and Leaflets in external events

8 TRANSrisk posters

9 – 10 March 2016, Athens, Greece

19 – 20 May 2016, Graz, Austria

4 – 5 October 2016, Brighton, United Kingdom

25 October 2016, Athens, Greece

General Poster

8 June 2017, Santiago, Chile

Decarbonisation project networking workshop, 7 February 2018, Brussels,


“Creating a Common Language for Low-carbon futures in Alberta” 12 March 2018,

Alberta, Canada

3 TRANSrisk Presentations

Institutional Presentation

1st Year Progress Presentation

2nd Year Progress Presentation

6 TRANSrisk QR codes

TRANSrisk Website

TRANSrisk Twitter Account

TRANSrisk Facebook Page

TRANSrisk 2nd Leaflet

TRANSrisk 1st Year Progress Presentation

TRANSrisk side event at COP22

8 TRANSrisk Templates



Working Document Series

Policy Briefs




Press Releases

2http://www.transrisk-project.eu/results/transrisk-reports 3http://www.transrisk-project.eu/results/dissemination 4http://www.transrisk-project.eu/results/country-case-studies

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Dissemination Tool Reference and/or Metrics

TRANSrisk website

7,540 visitors

15,060 sessions

45,782 page views

2,885 Deliverables Downloads

TRANSrisk Social Media


Twitter (https://twitter.com/TRANSrisk_EU)

2724 Followers/ 998,684 Impressions/ 1,966 Tweets / 627 Mentions

Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/transriskEU)

261 Likes/ 23,667 Post reaches

LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/groups/8441840)

370 Members / 37 discussions

YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCu-KO9FsCMaEJEx599-K1bQ)

13 Videos / 2,063 Views

TRANSrisk Participation in EU


Energypedia: 41 TRANSrisk reports / TRANSrisk Page Accessed 5,554 times

Capacity4dev: 60 posts / 6,512 Views

ClimateChangeMitigation.eu: 18 TRANSrisk articles

Myeuropa: Posts on TRANSrisk scientific publications, reports, dissemination


13 TRANSrisk videos

TRANSrisk Informational Video

TRANSrisk 1st year progress Video

Invitation to CLAPESUC seminar in Santiago, Chile

Recording of the CLAPESUC seminar in Santiago, Chile

TRANSrisk 2nd year progress Video

SEI at COP23

Recording of the COP23 TRANSrisk session

Interview to EASME

Joint Stakeholder Workshop in Spain (4 parts)

Geothermal landscapes - powering Kenya’s future

10 TRANSrisk Newsletters

10 TRANSrisk Press Releases

November 2015, February 2016, June 2016, September 2016, October 2016,

January 2017, April 2017, June 2017, October 2017, November 2017

February 2016, April 2016, November 2016, December 2016, January 2017, June

2017, July 2017, UNFCCC COP 23 Press Release, February 2018, April 2018

More than 3,900 recipients

5 TRANSrisk Infographics

TRANSrisk Concept

TRANSrisk Case Studies

TRANSrisk Outreach

Greek Case Study

Canada Case Study

349 Infographics views

Table 2: Overview of TRANSrisk Communication Activities

Dissemination Activity Reference

38 Scientific publications

12 Articles in scientific journals

1. Markandya, A., Arto, I., González-Eguino, M., & Román, M. V. (2016). Towards

a green energy economy? Tracking the employment effects of low-carbon

technologies in the European Union. Applied energy, 179, 1342-1350.


2. González-Eguino, M., & Neumann, M. B. (2016). Significant implications of

permafrost thawing for climate change control. Climatic Change, 136(2), 381-

388. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10584-016-1666-5

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3. González‐Eguino, M., Neumann, M. B., Arto, I., Capellán‐Perez, I., & Faria, S.

H. (2017). Mitigation implications of an ice‐free summer in the Arctic Ocean.

Earth's Future, 5(1), 59-66. https://dx.doi.org/10.1002/2016EF000429

4. González-Eguino, M., Olabe, A., & Ribera, T. (2017). New Coal-Fired Plants

Jeopardise Paris Agreement. Sustainability, 9(2), 168.


5. Arias-Gaviria, J., van der Zwaan, B., Kober, T., & Arango-Aramburo, S. (2017).

The prospects for small hydropower in Colombia. Renewable energy, 107, 204-

214. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2017.01.054

6. Angelopoulos, D., Doukas, H., Psarras, J., & Stamtsis, G. (2017). Risk-based

analysis and policy implications for renewable energy investments in Greece.

Energy Policy, 105, 512-523. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2017.02.048

7. van de Ven, D. J., González-Eguino, M., & Arto, I. (2017). The potential of

behavioural change for climate change mitigation: a case study for the

European Union. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 1-

34. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11027-017-9763-y

8. Nikas, A., Doukas, H., Lieu, J., Alvarez Tinoco, R., Charisopoulos, V., & van

der Gaast, W. (2017). Managing stakeholder knowledge for the evaluation of

innovation systems in the face of climate change. Journal of Knowledge

Management, 21(5), 1013-1034. https://dx.doi.org/10.1108/JKM-01-2017-


9. Dalla Longa, F., & van der Zwaan, B. (2017). Do Kenya’s climate change

mitigation ambitions necessitate large-scale renewable energy deployment

and dedicated low-carbon energy policy?. Renewable Energy, 113, 1559-1568.


10. van der Zwaan, B., Boccalon, A., & Dalla Longa, F. (2017). Prospects for

hydropower in Ethiopia: An energy-water nexus analysis, Energy Strategy

Reviews, 19, 19-30. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.esr.2017.11.001

11. Markandya, A., Sampedro, J., Smith, S. J., Van Dingenen, R., Pizarro-Irizar,

C., Arto, I., & González-Eguino, M. (2018). Health co-benefits from air

pollution and mitigation costs of the Paris Agreement: a modelling study. The

Lancet Planetary Health, 2(3), e126–e133. https://doi.org/10.1016/S2542-


12. Nikas, A., Doukas, H., & López, L. M. (2018). A group decision making tool for

assessing climate policy risks against multiple criteria. Heliyon, 4(3), e00588.


1 Chapter in Book

1. Nikas A., Doukas H. (2016) Developing Robust Climate Policies: A Fuzzy

Cognitive Map Approach. In: Doumpos M., Zopounidis C., Grigoroudis E. (eds)

Robustness Analysis in Decision Aiding, Optimization, and Analytics.

International Series in Operations Research & Management Science (pp. 239-

263). Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-33121-8_11

25 Papers in scientific conferences

4th Student Conference of the Hellenic Operational Research Society, Athens,

Greece (1 paper)

15th World Renewable Energy Congress 2016 (15th WREC) & 5th Indonesia

Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation Summit (5th IRES) (1 paper)

“Energy for Society: 1st International Conference on Energy Research & Social

Science” ESA RN12 Environment and Society Midterm Conference, Melia

Sitges, Spain (5 papers)

6th Annual Summer Conference of the Association of Environmental and

Resource Economists (AERE), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2 papers)

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6th International Symposium & 28th National Conference on Operational

Research: OR in the digital era - ICT challenges, 8-9 June 2017, Thessaloniki,

Greece (2 papers)

International Sustainability Transitions Conference 2017, 18-21 June,

Gothenburg, Sweden (3 papers)

36th Edition of International Energy Workshop, 12-14 July 2017, Maryland, USA

(1 paper)

2nd Electric Road Systems Conference, 13-14 June 2018, Stockholm, Sweden

(1 paper)

7th International Symposium & 29th National Conference on Operational

Research, 14-15 June 2018, Chania, Greece (5 papers)

6th World congress of Environmental and Resource Economists, 25-29

June2018, Gothenburg, Sweden (4 papers)

39 Non-scientific and non-

peer-reviewed publication

(popularised publication)

3 Articles in the Greek Scientific Association on Wind Energy (October 2016,

December 2016, March 2017)

European Office of Cyprus Magazine (January 2016)

19 Articles in ClimateChangeMitigation.eu knowledge-sharing platform

10 Newsletters of ClimateChangeMitigation.eu including TRANSrisk articles

Project Brief “How can we decarbonize road freight transport by 2030?

Stakeholder-driven scenarios for the future of heavy vehicles in Sweden”, SEI

Interview of Luis Edwin Gonzales to Cristina Espinoza from La Tercera

regarding the TRANSrisk case study in Chile

Media article “What will Brexit mean for the climate? (Clue: it doesn’t look

good)” posted in The Conversation UK

Project Brief “Energy pathways for achieving Kenya’s nationally determined

contribution to global efforts to mitigate climate change”, SEI

Article “Guiding the low-carbon transition with evidence-based policy tools”,

EU Cordis website

Article “Transitions Pathways and Risk Analysis for Climate Change Mitigation

and Adaptation Strategies”, European Climate Adaptation Platform

17 TRANSrisk workshops

1. TRANSrisk Kick off Meeting, 23 – 24 September 2015, Brussels, Belgium

2. TRANSrisk Stakeholder Engagement & Methods Training Workshop, 9 - 10

March 2016, Athens, Greece

3. TRANSrisk Quantitative Modelling Workshop, 19 - 20 May 2016, Graz, Austria

4. TRANSrisk Case Studies Workshop, 4 – 5 October 2016, Brighton, United


5. TRANSrisk Mid-Project Workshop, 7-8 March 2017, Brussels, Belgium

6. TRANSrisk EC Debate: The Role of Behavioural Change and Human Innovation

Systems in Mitigation Policies, 7 March 2017, Brussels, Belgium

7. TRANSrisk workshop/seminar "Climate change and sustainable development in

Chile: Evidence and Challenges", 8 June 2017, Santiago, Chile

8. TRANSrisk workshop "Assessing Uncertainties and risks in the transition to Low

carbon and sustainable societies", 3-4 July 2017, Bilbao, Spain

9. TRANSrisk stakeholder engagement workshop for the Swedish case study, 5

September 2017, Stockholm, Sweden

10. TRANSrisk stakeholder engagement workshop for the Swiss case study, 14

September 2017, Zurich, Switzerland

11. TRANSrisk stakeholder engagement workshop for the UK case study, 22

September 2017, London, UK

12. TRANSrisk workshop on Innovation Policy Options Modelling, 10-12 October

2017, Warsaw, Poland

13. TRANSrisk stakeholder engagement workshop for the Polish case study, 12

October 2017, Warsaw, Poland

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14. TRANSrisk Consortium Meeting, 24-25 January 2018, Stockholm, Sweden

15. TRANSrisk stakeholder workshop “Creating a Common Language for Low-

carbon futures in Alberta”, 12 March 2018, Fort McKay, Alberta, Canada

16. TRANSrisk stakeholder workshop “Renewable Energies and Energy Transition

in Spain 2030-2050”, 23 April 2018, Madrid, Spain

17. TRANSrisk Internal Meeting, 15 June 2018, Chania, Greece

More than 400 participants

6 TRANSrisk Conferences

TRANSrisk Side Event at COP22, 18 November 2016, Marrakech, Morocco

TRANSrisk Panel Session at Energy for Society International Conference, 5

April 2017, Melia Sitges in Spain.

2 Side events at COP23, 6 and 9 November 2017, Bonn, Germany

TRANSrisk stakeholder participatory session "Consensus Building in

Engagement Processes for reducing risks in developing sustainable pathways:

community interests as core elements of engagement", at the Alberta

Ecotrust's 3rd annual Environmental Gathering: Create the Future, 10 March

2018, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Scientific Workshop “Exploring Risks and Implications of different Energy and

Climate Policy Scenarios towards 2050: Methods, tools and models” in the 7th

International Symposium & 29th National Conference on Operational Research,

by HELORS, 14 June 2018, Chania, Greece

More than 170 participants

Participation in activities

organized jointly with other

H2020 projects (5)

“International Workshop on Sustainability and Resilience of Bio-energy for

Climate Change: Scoping and Envisioning”, 11-13 May 2016, Bali, Indonesia

(co- organized with GREEN- WIN H2020 project)

“Towards a Low-Carbon European Union – The Case of Greece”, 25 October

2016, Athens, Greece (co – organized with Towards2030-dialogue IEE project)

GREEN-WIN, TRANSrisk, ICCTF, Udayana University "2nd International

Workshop on Sustainability and Resilience of Bio-energy for Climate Change:

Support Exemplary Solutions, Business Models and Enabling Conditions", 22-24

May 2017, Bali, Indonesia

GREEN-WIN, TRANSrisk, ICCTF, Udayana University "3rd International Workshop

on Sustainability and Resilience of Bio-energy for Climate Change: Green

Business and synergy action for climate change mitigation and adaptation to

realise clean energy and climate smart agriculture", 8-1 April 2018, Bali,


Joint CARISMA & TRANSrisk side event at UN Climate Change Conference April

2018 (SB 48), Bonn, Germany

More than 260 participants

Participation in 50 external


22 Conferences: 26 Presentations by TRANSrisk partners

1. Conference Of Parties 21, 30 November – 11 December 2015, Paris, France

2. 4th Student Conference of the Hellenic Operational Research Society, 17-18

December 2015, Athens, Greece

3. POLIMP Final Conference, 21 April 2016, Brussels, Belgium

4. DIA-CORE Final Conference, 30 May 2016, Brussels, Belgium

5. ENSPOL Final Conference, 13 June 2016, Brussels, Belgium

6. 15th World Renewable Energy Congress 2016 (15th WREC) & 5th Indonesia

Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation Summit (5th IRES), 19-23

September 2016, Jakarta, Indonesia

7. Optimus Final Conference, 21 September 2016, Athens, Greece

8. 9th International Scientific Conference on Energy and Climate Change, 12-14

October 2016, Athens, Greece

9. Conference Of Parties 22, 7-18 November 2016, Marrakesh, Morocco

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10. Towards2030-dialogue Final Conference, 22 November 2016, Brussels,


11. "Energy for Society: 1st International Conference on Energy Research & Social

Science" ESA RN12 Environment and Society Midterm Conference, 5 April 2017,

Melia Sitges, Spain

12. "Towards an energy programme in Asia: challenges, opportunities and

approaches", SEI Science Forum, 30 May 2017, Bangkok, Thailand

13. "6th Annual Summer Conference of the Association of Environmental and

Resource Economists", 31 May -2 June 2017, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

14. 6th International Symposium & 28th National Conference on Operational

Research "OR in the digital era - ICT challenges", 8 - 9 June 2017, Thessaloniki,


15. European Biomass Conference & Exhibition (EUBCE), 12 June 2017, Stockholm,


16. International Sustainability Transitions Conference 2017, 18-21 June,

Gothenburg, Sweden

17. 23rd Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and

Resource Economists (EAERE 2017), 28 June - 01 July, Athens, Greece

18. Conference Of Parties 23, Bonn, Germany

19. ManuREsource 2017 Conference, 27-28 November 2017, Eindhoven, The


20. 2nd Electric Road Systems Conference, 13-14 June 2018, Stockholm, Sweden

21. 7th International Symposium & 29th National Conference on Operational

Research, 14-15 June 2018, Chania, Greece (5 papers)

22. 6th World congress of Environmental and Resource Economists, 25-29

June2018, Gothenburg, Sweden (4 papers)

19 Workshops: 12 Presentations by TRANSrisk partners

1. “Meeting of FP7 and Horizon 2020 projects for discussing possible

contributions to the forthcoming Special Report on 1.5°C foreseen by the

UNFCCC Decision at COP21 on the Paris Agreement”, 1 February 2016,

Brussels, Belgium

2. CARISMA Annual Meeting, 17 February 2016, Prague, Czech Republic

3. Towards2030 roundtable discussion, 10 March 2016, Hague, Netherlands

4. 4th DIA-CORE Regional Workshop, 11 March 2016, Vienna, Austria

5. SET-Nav Kick-off Event, 26-27 April 2016, Vienna, Austria

6. Towards2030-dialogue Regional Workshop, 7 June 2016, Budapest, Hungary

7. SET-Nav Stakeholder Kick-Off event, 28 September 2016, Brussels, Belgium

8. SET-Nav modelling workshop, 24-25 November 2016, Trondheim, Norway

9. Towards2030-dialogue Policy Event, 7 December 2016, Brussels, Belgium

10. 4th “Nuclear Futures” workshop, 27-28 March 2017, Sussex, United Kingdom

11. "Roads towards the transition and analysis of renewable energies for the

mitigation and adaptation of climate change", by Colciencias, 30 May 2017,

Bogota, Colombia

12. 36th Edition of International Energy Workshop (IEW 2017), 12-14 July 2017,

College Park, Maryland, USA

13. Warsaw International Economic Meeting (WIEM 2017), 4-6 July 2017, Warsaw,


14. SET-Nav modeling workshop "Aggregating load profiles from the power sector

models towards use in large-scale energy-system and integrated assessment

models", 7 September 2017, Vienna Austria

15. 3rd SET-Nav Topical Workshop "Europe’s gas infrastructure needs towards

2050: which projects of common interest should be prioritised?", 28

September 2017, Brussels, Belgium

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16. CARISMA Workshop Building productive relations at the science-policy

interface, 30 October 2017, Nijmegen, the Netherlands

17. GCAM Community Modeling Workshop, 7-9 November 2017, Maryland, USA

18. “Decarbonisation project networking workshop”, 7 February 2018, Brussels,


19. SET-Nav Stakeholder workshop “Accelerating the transition towards

sustainable transport”, 14 May 2018, Brussels, Belgium

9 Other Events: 9 Presentations by TRANSrisk partners

1. "The Benefits of EU Collaboration for Higher Education and Research", 9

June2016, London, UK

2. "Seminar: Implications of Rapid Arctic Change for Climate Stabilization,

Department of economics and statistics of the University of Oldenburg", 17

May 2016, Oldenburg, Germany

3. Socio-Economic Sciences and Humanities (SSH) in H2020: Societal Challenge 6

and integration in other Challenges, 5 July 2016, Brussels, Belgium

4. 8th edition of BC3 Summer School, entitled "Climate Change in an Era of

Uncertainty", 5-7 July 2017, San Sebastian, Spain

5. 2017 CARISMA/CTCN Radboud Summer School programme, 14-18 August 2017,

Nijmegen, the Netherlands

6. H2020 ENVIRONMENT AND RESOURCES INFO DAYS - Co-design : involving end-

users and stakeholder, 9 November 2017, Brussels, Belgium

7. 100 years anniversary event of the School of Electrical and Computer

Engineering of the NTUA, 27 November 2017, Athens, Greece

8. TRANSrisk's "Interdisciplinary training session for risk and uncertainties" at the

Graduate Collage of the University of Calgary, 13 March 2018, Calgary,

Alberta, Canada

9. PAUWES Climate Change and Environmental Community (PCCEC) webinar on

risk and uncertainties in low carbon energy transition,

Distribution of more than 830 TRANSrisk Flyers and Leaflets in external events

References to TRANSrisk

establishment on more than

240 websites

Brief description, reference or link to the official TRANSrisk website, events and


Reference to TRANSrisk in 14

partners’ newsletters

11 JIQ Newsletters

2 SPRU - TRANSrisk Weekly Newsletters

AGU & BC3 Joint Press Release January 2017

Synergies with 29 EU projects

and initiatives


dialogue, APRAISE, ESCOCITY, CES-MED, EUGCC Clean Energy Network II, Green-




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Constant dissemination is essential for take-up of our results, which is crucial for the success of

TRANSrisk and for the sustainability of its outputs in the long term. At the same time, the

consortium has been careful to avoid ‘information overload’ due excessive dissemination of


The internal objective of the TRANSrisk Communication and Dissemination Plan is to provide the

TRANSrisk consortium with an effective and efficient blueprint to follow in disseminating the work

and results of TRANSrisk. The external objectives of the TRANSrisk Communication and

Dissemination Plan are to make known as widely as possible the findings and recommendations of

TRANSrisk, especially to policy-makers and other end-users at Member-State, EU and international


This report is the fourth update of the TRANSrisk’s Communication and Dissemination Plan, and

the previous versions can be found online1. During the last semester, December 2017 – June 2018,

and as TRANSrisk has completed its 34 months of implementation and is moving towards its end,

the strategy has been redefined in order to effectively deliver the desired message specifically to

policy makers. The involvement of policy makers in TRANSrisk activities is very useful in order to

get an alternative perspective, discuss results and collect feedback and input which will further

improve TRANSrisk’s scientific work. In addition, establishing a close and constant communication

with stakeholders with high impact on decision making, such as policy makers, is the best way to

exploit the project ideas in terms of outputs, milestones and objectives.

The report is structured as follows. In Section 3 the Communication and Dissemination concept

followed in TRANSrisk is presented, in Section 4 dissemination tools produced and planned are

described, whilst in Section 5 the implemented and planned Communication and Dissemination

activities are illustrated. Finally, annexes provide more details for the developed tools and

implemented activities.

In the following table the progress during the current reporting period (December 2017 – June

2018) is summarised.

Table 3: Summary of progress achieved during current reporting period


Tool / Activity

Reference and/or Metrics Reference

2 TRANSrisk


Decarbonisation project networking workshop, 7 February 2018, Brussels,


“Creating a Common Language for Low-carbon futures in Alberta” 12 March

2018, Alberta, Canada

See webpage

info pack



2,359 visitors

3,940 sessions

11,866 page views

688 Deliverables Downloads

See section 4.2

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Tool / Activity

Reference and/or Metrics Reference


Social Media



92,993 Impressions/ 129 Tweets / 147 Mentions


4,058 Post reaches


6 Members / 8 discussions


9 Videos / 1227 Views

See section 4.3



in EU


Energypedia: No new TRANSrisk reports / TRANSrisk Page Accessed 2,159 times

Capacity4dev: 13 posts / 1,691 Views

ClimateChangeMitigation.eu: 5 TRANSrisk articles

Myeuropa: Posts on TRANSrisk scientific publications, reports, dissemination


See section 5.7

9 TRANSrisk

related videos

Video of CLAPESUC seminar in Santiago, Chile

SEI at COP23

COP23 Session

Interview to EASME

Renewable Energies Workshop in Spain part 1/4

Renewable Energies Workshop in Spain part 2/4

Renewable Energies Workshop in Spain part 3/4

Renewable Energies Workshop in Spain part 4/4

Geothermal landscapes – powering Kenya’s future

See section 4.4

2 TRANSrisk

Press Releases

February 2018, April 2018

More than 3,900 recipients

See section


1 TRANSrisk


Canada Case Study

87 Infographics views

See section


13 Scientific


3 Articles in scientific journals

van der Zwaan, B., Boccalon, A., & Dalla Longa, F. (2017). Prospects for

hydropower in Ethiopia: An energy-water nexus analysis, Energy Strategy

Reviews, 19, 19-30. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.esr.2017.11.001

Markandya, A., Sampedro, J., Smith, S. J., Van Dingenen, R., Pizarro-Irizar,

C., Arto, I., & González-Eguino, M. (2018). Health co-benefits from air

pollution and mitigation costs of the Paris Agreement: a modelling study.

The Lancet Planetary Health, 2(3), e126–e133.


Nikas, A., Doukas, H., & López, L. M. (2018). A group decision making tool

for assessing climate policy risks against multiple criteria. Heliyon, 4(3),

e00588. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2018.e00588

10 Papers in scientific conferences

2nd Electric Road Systems Conference, 13-14 June 2018, Stockholm, Sweden

(1 paper)

7th International Symposium & 29th National Conference on Operational

Research, 14-15 June 2018, Chania, Greece (5 papers)

6th World congress of Environmental and Resource Economists, 25-29

June2018, Gothenburg, Sweden (4 papers)

See section 5.1

10 Non-

scientific and


6 Articles in ClimateChangeMitigation.eu knowledge-sharing platform

2 Newsletters of ClimateChangeMitigation.eu including TRANSrisk articles See section 5.2

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Tool / Activity

Reference and/or Metrics Reference





Media article “Guiding the low-carbon transition with evidence-based policy

tools” at European Commission's website

Media article “Transitions Pathways and Risk Analysis for Climate Change

Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies” at the European Climate Adaptation


3 Publications

targeted at




3 TRANSrisk Working Document

“Macroeconomic implications of switching to process-emission-free iron and

steel production in Europe” published in November 2017

“Structural analysis of the offshore wind innovation system in Poland”

published in December 2017

“Optimal RES differentiation under technological uncertainty” published in

December 2017

See section 5.2

4 TRANSrisk


1. TRANSrisk Consortium Meeting, 24-25 January 2018, Stockholm, Sweden

2. TRANSrisk stakeholder engagement workshop “Creating a Common Language

for Low-carbon futures in Alberta” for the Canadian case study, 12 March

2018, Fort McKay, Alberta, Canada

3. TRANSrisk stakeholder engagement workshop “Renewable Energies and

Energy Transition in Spain 2030-2050” for the Spanish case study, 23 April

2018, Madrid, Spain

4. TRANSrisk Internal Meeting, 15 June 2018, Chania, Greece

More than 170 participants

See section 5.3

2 TRANSrisk


1. Stakeholder participatory session “Consensus Building in Engagement

Processes for reducing risks in developing sustainable pathways: community

interests as core elements of engagement”, at the Alberta Ecotrust's 3rd

annual Environmental Gathering: Create the Future, 10 March 2018,

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

2. Scientific Workshop “Exploring Risks and Implications of different Energy

and Climate Policy Scenarios towards 2050: Methods, tools and models”, at

HELORS’ 7th International Symposium & 29th National Conference on

Operational Research, 14-15 June, Chania, Greece

More than 50 participants

See section 5.3


in activities


jointly with

other H2020

projects (2)

1. GREEN-WIN, TRANSrisk, ICCTF, Udayana University “3rd International

Workshop on Sustainability and Resilience of Bioenergy for Climate Change:

Green business and synergy action for climate change mitigation and

adaptation to realise clean energy and climate smart agriculture”, 8-11

April 2018, Bali, Indonesia

2. Side event “Strengthening institutional capabilities to support

implementation of ambitious NDCs”, at UN Climate Change Conference

(SB48), 8 May 2018, Bonn, Germany, jointly organised with CARISMA

More than 70 participants

See section 5.3


in 18 external


3 Conferences: 10 Presentations by TRANSrisk partners

1. 2nd Electric Road Systems Conference, 13-14 June 2018, Stockholm, Sweden

2. 7th International Symposium & 29th National Conference on Operational

Research, 14-15 June 2018, Chania, Greece

3. 6th World congress of Environmental and Resource Economists, 25-29

June2018, Gothenburg, Sweden

1 Workshop: 1 Poster presentation by TRANSrisk partners

1. “Decarbonisation project networking workshop”, 7 February 2018, Brussels,


See section 5.4

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Tool / Activity

Reference and/or Metrics Reference

2. SET-Nav Stakeholder workshop “Accelerating the transition towards

sustainable transport”, 14 May 2018, Brussels, Belgium

2 Other Events: 6 Presentations by TRANSrisk partners

1. TRANSrisk “Interdisciplinary training session for risk and uncertainties at the

Graduate Collage of the University of Calgary, 13 March 2018, Calgary,

Alberta, Canada

2. PAUWES Climate Change and Environmental Community (PCCEC) webinar on

risk and uncertainties in low carbon energy transition, 31 May 2018,

Tlemsen, Algeria

Distribution of more than 40 TRANSrisk Flyers and Leaflets in external events

References to



on more than

40 websites

Brief description, reference or link to the official TRANSrisk website, events and

outcomes See section 4.2

Synergies with

8 EU projects

and initiatives


PROSPECT See section 3

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The communication and dissemination of TRANSrisk results takes several forms and uses a variety

of media. Some activities have greater impact than others, and thus, their value to the aims of

the action differs. Communication and dissemination activities, wherever possible, use language

that is non-technical and understandable to the target stakeholders. Interested parties need to

know what has been achieved and why it is important to them. The same messages can be used

for dissemination to different stakeholders, but the language should be adapted for each audience.

The Communication and Dissemination plan ensures a constant flow of information, production

and dissemination of printed material, articles in newspapers, website material, presentations

etc., communication programmes (e.g. organised briefings, presentations at EU-level and

international conferences etc.), events, scientific publications and clear time-scheduling of

implementation of activities.

TRANSrisk consortium spends the majority of the dissemination resource on high effort and high

impact tools that require the dissemination of more detailed and labour intensive

content/materials (i.e. WP content and outputs). These efforts also include direct contact with

stakeholders via workshops, conferences etc. TRANSrisk partners complement these high

impact/effort activities with lower impact dissemination, which require less detailed content and

time to develop (summaries, presentations etc.) and is generally aimed at a broader audience.

TRANSrisk dissemination strategy for the forthcoming period is to especially focus on policy

oriented activities towards the organisation of the TRANSrisk final policy events. Thus, TRANSrisk

communication tools will effort to ensure that policy recommendations are relevant to a large

proportion of the population and align with the needs of organisations and policy-makers

responsible for their implementation.

Dissemination Committee and Strategic Working Group

Dissemination Committee (DC) that consists of three members (UPRC, SPRU, and JIN teams)

assembles after the consortium call and management board meetings once a month. In order to

keep the DC as compact as possible, and also to exploit the experience of other partners,

dissemination matters are briefly presented during the consortium calls to all consortium

members. Moreover, it was also commonly agreed the arrangement of bilateral meetings with

each case study leader, in order to discuss tailor-made dissemination strategies per each case

study. The process has been initiated with UPRC and NTUA being in close collaboration regarding

the promotion of the implemented work in the Greece case study. Similar collaboration is

established with the rest of the case study leaders. In addition, to the bilateral meetings with case

study leaders, the DC decided on including a session on stakeholder engagement and dissemination

strategy within the TRANSrisk case study calls, where an open update on case study progress is

taken place, so as to help to provide specialist and peer support for case study leaders.

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The Strategic Working Group (SWG) monitor the overall progress of the project and takes part in

relevant teleconferences every first Thursday of a month. The purpose is to discuss dissemination

and progress issues that emerge regarding case studies, as well as the general strategy of

TRANSrisk. The members of the group are: Jenny Lieu (SPRU), Wytze van der Gaast (JIN), Annela

Anger-Kraavi (CE), Andreas Tuerk (Graz), Chara Karakosta (UPRC), Vaggelis Psarras (UPRC), Oscar

van Vliet (ETHZ), Ed Dearnley (SPRU), Tim Suljada (SEI) and Eise Spijker (JIN). The idea is to have

oversight on some of the areas that are becoming key in the last year of the project: wider

developments in climate change policy and how to reach out to policy-makers, integration of

modelling to case studies, dissemination and project management.

Synergies with relevant initiatives:

The consortium places particular emphasis on establishing important links and closely integrating

with other organisations/EU projects carrying out similar or related research and analysis. This

integration and collaboration effort does not only strengthen the research and knowledge base for

the research activities carried out in TRANSrisk, but also opens up possibilities of enhancing future


In the last semester three (8) new (DEEDS, COP21-RIPPLES, Carbon-CAP, PUBLEnEf, REINVENT,

EUCalc, COACCH, PROSPECT) of a total of nineteen (29) Synergies with EU initiatives have been


dialogue, APRAISE, ESCOCITY, CES-MED, EUGCC Clean Energy Network II, Green-Win, SET-Nav,


Carbon-CAP, PUBLEnEf, REINVENT, EUCalc, COACCH, PROSPECT). These are available in the

TRANSrisk “Useful Links” webpage5 as well as in the “Synergies” one6 which is hosted under the

“Consensus Building” domain of TRANSrisk website. Moreover, TRANSrisk results are also

disseminated through a variety of other knowledge-sharing platforms. Until now, 8 platforms have

been identified for this purpose (i.e. Clean Energy Info Portal - reegle, Climate Change Information

Network (CC:iNet), Climate Change Knowledge Portal (CCKP), Climatechangemitigation.EU,

Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN), Climate Policy Info Hub, European Climate

Adaptation Platform (CLIMATE-ADAPT), Technology Transfer Clearinghouse (TT: CLEAR), Network

for Business Sustainability (NBS)).

One of the best examples of constructive synergies is our involvement in the

climatechangemitigation.eu portal. Here TRANSrisk has joined a consortium of several other EU-

funded projects, managed by the CARISMA project. The aim is/was to develop a platform featuring

highlights of their work, therefore showing how EU research funding contributes to knowledge

enhancement on climate change mitigation. The portal aims to provide a ‘one stop shop’ for policy

makers and other interested parties, where they can view research summaries from a large number

5http://transrisk-project.eu/useful-links 6http://transrisk-project.eu/content/synergies

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of projects in the climate mitigation arena. A banner linking to the platform can be found at the

front page of TRANSrisk website.

Figure 1: TRANSrisk Synergies with Relevant EU Initiatives

A very important aspect for better collaboration and input or results exchange with other

initiatives, is the joint organization/ participation in workshops/ conference. Partners from

different projects relevant to the field of energy and climate change have the opportunity to meet

each other, present the progress of the progress, request input and feedback and discuss about

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common activates, etc. Up until now the following events have been organized among relevant

European projects:

“International Workshop on Sustainability and Resilience of Bio-energy for Climate Change:

Scoping and Envisioning”, 11-13 May 2016, Bali, Indonesia (co- organized with GREEN- WIN

H2020 project).

“Towards a Low-Carbon European Union – The Case of Greece”, 25 October 2016, Athens,

Greece (co – organized with Towards2030-dialogue IEE project).

GREEN-WIN, TRANSrisk, ICCTF, Udayana University “2nd International Workshop on

Sustainability and Resilience of Bio-energy for Climate Change: Support Exemplary Solutions,

Business Models and Enabling Conditions”, 22-24 May 2017, Bali, Indonesia

GREEN-WIN, TRANSrisk, ICCTF, Udayana University “3rd International Workshop on

Sustainability and Resilience of Bioenergy for Climate Change: Green business and synergy

action for climate change mitigation and adaptation to realise clean energy and climate smart

agriculture”, 8-11 April 2018, Bali, Indonesia

TRANSrisk & CARISMA joint side event “Strengthening institutional capabilities to support

implementation of ambitious NDCs”, at UN Climate Change Conference (SB48), 8 May 2018,

Bonn, Germany

More information on these events can be found in the previous versions of the Communication and

Dissemination Plan1.

Common Dissemination Booster

TRANSrisk, as leader project, synthesised a cluster of Horizon2020 projects namely INNOPATHS7,

SET-Nav8, GREEN-WIN9 and CARISMA10 and applied for the following services of the EC’s Common

Dissemination Booster (CDB):

Portfolio Identification

Stakeholder/End-User Mapping

Development of the Portfolio Dissemination Plan

Building of Dissemination Capacity

Dissemination Campaign Management

Through the CDB’s services the cluster would be assisted in devising the most effective market-

facing dissemination strategy to maximise uptake of complementary results within the project

7http://www.innopaths.eu/ 8http://www.set-nav.eu/ 9https://www.green-win-project.eu/ 10http://carisma-project.eu/

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group through several trainings, webinars etc. It would be a good chance to disseminate projects’

results professionally and acquire the know-how on an effective dissemination strategy.

Although the cluster was put in a reserve list, it had laid the path to strong synergy with GREEN-

WIN and CD-Links and led to planning of the GREEN-WIN, TRANSrisk and CD-Links joint policy day.

GREEN-WIN, TRANSrisk and CD-Links Joint Policy Day11

After a series of events (namely co-organisation of the conferences in Bali, the CDB cluster, and

the participation in the “decarbonisation project networking workshop” in February 2018), close

collaboration with GREEN-WIN and CD-Links has been established and arrangements have taken

place in order to co-organise a policy day back to back with the GREEN-WIN’s final project meeting

in Brussels. The policy day will be held on the 7th November 2018, at the Royal Library Meeting

Center, in Brussels, Belgium. It will consist of 3 sessions with 3 x 10-minute presentations each,

and will present the necessity of shorter-term multiple-objective and bottom-up climate

strategies in the post-Paris Agreement era. More particularly, the workshop will enable policy

makers to understand possible trade-offs and co-benefits between the UN Sustainable

Development Goals (SDGs), as well as the potential risks and uncertainties that lie within low-

carbon transitions. Moreover, posters depicting key findings from the three projects on climate

mitigation and adaptation as well as risk and uncertainties assessment will be on display.



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Several tools have been (and will be further) developed to support TRANSrisk’s communication

and dissemination activities. These are illustrated in the Table below, with more detail provided

in the following subsections.

Dissemination tools have been uploaded to the project’s internal website, in order to be available

for the whole consortium, as well as to the official TRANSrisk website in order to be available for

download to stakeholders and the general public.

Table 4: Status of Communication & Dissemination Tools

1. Tool 2. Progress 3. Target (Internal / External)

TRANSrisk website

Constant updates.

15,060 sessions, 7,540 users, 45,782 page views

Internal: Project Partners

External: Academics, Researchers, Case study SH, Decision makers, European Commission, General public

Social media Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube

External: General public, Research community Decision makers

TRANSrisk Logo1 Created All internal and external stakeholders

Graphic guidelines handbook1 Created Internal: Project Partners

TRANSrisk Templates1 8 Internal: Project Partners

TRANSrisk QR codes1 6 All Internal and External SHs

TRANSrisk Flyer and Leaflet1

1 Flyer

3 Leaflets

(more than 820 distributed)

External: Academics, Researchers, Case study SH, Decision makers, European Commission, General public

TRANSrisk Presentations1 3 External: Academics, Researchers, Case study SH, Decision makers, European Commission, General public

TRANSrisk Posters1 8 All Internal and External SHs

13 TRANSrisk videos * 2,060 views on YouTube External: Academics, Researchers, Case study SH, Decision makers, Politicians, Scientific Advisory Board, European Commission, General public

TRANSrisk Infographics 5

349 Infographics views

External: Academics, Researchers, Case study SH, Decision makers, Politicians, Scientific Advisory Board, European Commission, General public

TRANSrisk Newsletters & Press Releases

10 Newsletters;

10 Press Releases

More than 3,900 recipients

External: Academics, Researchers, Case study SH, Decision makers, European Commission, General public

TRANSrisk Media

Presence in 4 knowledge sharing platforms;

Over 240 websites mention TRANSrisk

All internal and external SHs

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4.1 TRANSrisk Leaflets

Until December 2017 one flyer and a total of three TRANSrisk leaflets had been created. More

particularly, these materials have been presented in previous versions of the Communication and

Dissemination plan1. For the final dissemination process, a new policymakers-oriented brochure is

envisaged and has been discussed. This leaflet will target policy makers and will present

TRANSrisk’s outputs as a series of questions & answers, grouped into categories. The questions

(such as “What are the synergies and conflicts between reducing carbon emissions and other

economic, social and environmental policy aims?”) will enable policy makers as well as general

public to easily identify any topic which TRANSrisk can solve and they are interested in. It is

envisaged that the leaflet will be also available online in TRANSrisk’s website.

4.2 TRANSrisk Website

TRANSrisk website is constantly updated in a daily basis, while major redesign occurs as needed.

Also, traffic to the website is monitored via the google analytics platform.

Major Redesigns

The results’ webpage has been redesigned with the use of sliding menus, so as to make it more

compact. The reports are hidden within each work-package’s title, and the user can unhide them

by clicking at the relevant title12.

Figure 2: Use of Sliding Menus in TRANSrisk website


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Moreover, in order to better present our results and the relevant work that has been implemented

during a variety of means (dissemination material, events, articles, publications, etc.) a new

webpage has been created for the Dissemination work package3. More particularly, at the top of

the webpage there is a 7-tab area where the reports, commentaries, policy briefs, working

documents, scientific publications, general publications, TRANSrisk newsletters, TRANSrisk press

releases and TRANSrisk partners’ newsletters are displayed. The user by clicking on any other

material he is redirected to the respective webpage. Similar webpages are currently in

development for the rest of WPs except from WP3. Particularly, for WP3 a webpage has been

developed consisting of a map in which the countries were TRANSrisk case studies take place are

illustrated4. 14 more webpages, one per country case study, have been created so that all the

available material relevant to a particular case study is gathered in one place. More specifically,

the user is given the ability to filter as well as to sort the displayed content by type (Reports /

Commentaries / Policy Briefs / Working Documents / Scientific Publications / General Publications

/ Events / Interventions).

Website Functionality, Personal Data and GDPR Compliance

In order to comply with the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which took effect on

25th of May 2018 TRANSrisk updated its privacy and cookie policy13. Also, when a first-time visitor

accesses the website a banner informs him on the use of cookies (see following figure).

Figure 3: Cookie Banner


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The website uses a number of external services which may set cookies in the visitor’s browser.

More particularly, the YouTube service is used to embed videos in several webpages and has been

configured to not store cookies, unless the visitor clicks on the video to start playback. Also, the

Visme.com service is used for the creation and embedding of infographics in several webpages.

Visme.com sets a cookie which expires when the visitor closes the browser and cannot be used to

identify visitors. Also the Google maps service is used to embed maps in particular webpages.

TRANSrisk’s updated privacy and cookie policy contains information on how to block cookies, as

well as a link to the AboutCookies.org website which explains how to delete and control cookies

in the most common web browsers.

Moreover, the Google Analytics (GA) service is used to track web traffic, understand how visitors

perceive a specific webpage or file and analyse the effectiveness of the website. In order to avoid

collection of personally identifying information, safeguard the users’ privacy and facilitate

compliance with the GDPR TRANSrisk uses IP anonymisation by removing the last octet of the IP

address prior to its storage. Also, in order to avoid collection of very detailed data the “Google

User-ID”, “Google Analytics Advertising” and “Google Remarketing” features are disabled. Also,

the GA service has been configured so that when a visitor’s browser has a “Do Not Track” request,

then the GA tracker is disabled. Information on how to opt-out from tracking is provided to the

visitors via TRANSrisk’s privacy and cookies policy which links to the “Google Analytics Opt-out

Browser Add-on”14.


Totally there are 7,540 visitors, 15,060 sessions and 45,782 page views until the end of June

2018. Moreover, more than 240 websites link to the TRANSrisk website, an indicative list is

available in Appendix F.

In addition, the Demographics and Interest sections provided by Google Analytics have been

constantly evaluated, providing an insight about the characteristics of the website’s users.

Through this analysis it can be understood the degree in which the website reached the targeted


Table 5: Composition of TRANSrisk website audience

Category Name % of TRANSrisk Participants

Scientific Community (Higher Education, Research) 59%

Industry 6%

Civil Society 9%

General Public 10%

Policy Makers 9%

Media 3%

Other 4%


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Furthermore, the following Table indicates the number of downloads for each TRANSrisk report,

indicating the important outreach of TRANSrisk research.

Table 6: TRANSrisk Reports Downloads

Deliverable Number of Downloads

D1.1 TRANSrisk Data Management Plan 89

D1.2 Ethics Requirements 43

D2.1 Tools and Procedures for Engaging Stakeholders in TRANSrisk Case Study Analysis 107

D2.2 Complementarity of Qualitative and Quantitative Analytical Tools 85

D2.3 Identification and Analysis of Relevant Stakeholder Groups in Case Study Countries 81

D2.4 Stakeholder Engagement Plan 63

D3.1 Matrix of Technological Innovation Systems Selected for 15 Cases Studies 74

D3.2 Context of 15 case studies: Introduction and Summary 894

D4.1 Economic Implications of Climate Change 131

D4.2 Implications of different “heterodox” mitigation policies 86

D4.3 Implications of Mitigation Portfolios Based on Stakeholders 52

D4.4: Synergies and conflict of different transition pathways 216

D5.1 Review of key uncertainties and risks for climate policy 170

D6.1 Stakeholder Mapping 109

D8.1 Website created 41

D8.2 Communication and Dissemination Plan 97

Policy Brief, Issue 1 36

Policy Brief, Issue 2 15

Commentary, Issue 1 19

Commentary, Issue 2 24

Working Document, Issue 1 11

Working Document, Issue 2 13

Working Document, Issue 3 7

Working Document, Issue 4 12

1st Infographic 76

2nd Infographic 97

3rd Infographic 79

4th Infographic 85

5th Infographic 12

More Information

The previous versions of TRANSrisk deliverable “D8.2 Communication and Dissemination Plan”, as

well as TRANSrisk deliverable “D8.1 Website created” include more information regarding the

TRANSrisk website, and the partners’ area. These deliverables have been archived in the dedicated

section of TRANSrisk Website1.

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4.3 Social Media

During the latest period, TRANSrisk has actively promoted its progress in social media by posting

announcements on future developments as well as organisation or participation in events.

Moreover, popular hashtags such as #H2020, #HorizonEU, #EUbudget4results, #InvestEUresearch,

#ResearchImpactEU, #euresearch, #EIPagri, #OpenAccess, #OpenScience. Also, appropriate EU

accounts (e.g. @EU_H2020, @INEA_EU, @Energy4Europe, @EUClimateAction, @ERC_Research,

@DG_Connect, @Transport_EU, @EUAgri, @EU_Growth) are tagged in important posts in order to

re-tweet them and act as multipliers for the promotion of our results. Each social media platform

is used according to the audience it addresses, and with the appropriate frequency. To date, the

following social media accounts have been set up:

Table 7: Social Media Tools

Social Media Tool Link Important Achievements

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/transriskEU 261 Likes, 23,667 Post reaches

Twitter https://twitter.com/TRANSrisk_EU 2724 Followers, 1,966 Tweets, 998,684 Tweet Impressions

LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/groups/8441840 370 Members, 37 discussions

YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCu-KO9FsCMaEJEx599-K1bQ

13 videos with 2,060 Views

Twitter: Our Twitter account has been in use since November 2015. Until now, the

TRANSrisk twitter account has 1,966 tweets (61.4 per month), over 2700 followers (85 per

month), and more than 998,600 views over a period of 960 days of operation. The latest

period TRANSrisk tweets are viewed around 15,500 times per month.

Facebook: TRANSrisk Facebook page’s outreach has increased during the latest period. To

date, there are 261 people who like TRANSrisk page, while the page’s total outreach is

23,667 post views. Moreover, the Facebook page has been used in order to upload photos

from the events, and supplementary files when necessary.

LinkedIn: The LinkedIn group is used in order to establish a strong identity in the

professional market. The group promotes the TRANSrisk website and encourages

conversations about the climate change problem and how TRANSrisk can be part of the

solution among its 370 members.

YouTube: TRANSrisk’s YouTube official channel is used in order to share TRANSrisk videos

and other multimedia material containing information about TRANSrisk. Until now, 13

TRANSrisk videos have been uploaded and viewed 2,060 times.

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Figure 4: TRANSrisk Social Media Content

The audience of TRANSrisk Social Media can be categorised in the following groups:

Table 8: Profile of TRANSrisk Social Media audience

Category Name % of TRANSrisk Social Media Audience

TRANSrisk Social Media


Scientific Community (Higher Education, Research) 48% 12,956

Industry 1% 270

Civil Society 2% 540

General Public 42% 11,336

Policy Makers 3% 810

Media 2% 540

Investors 1% 270

Other 1% 270

TOTAL 100% 26,992

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4.4 TRANSrisk Videos and Infographics

Taking into account the nature of TRANSrisk and its outcomes, special emphasis is given to their

appropriate visualisation in order to be easily understood and used by target groups.

Visualising consolidated knowledge/results through videos and interactive or animated

infographics has been, and will be further, explored. Infographics, for example, can provide

comprehensive visual representations of information/data/knowledge of a complex system quickly

and clearly. As such, infographics are used to illustrate how the development of different climate

change mitigation pathways and adaptation strategies could have impacts on the costs, benefits

and risks of different societal and technological transitions in the energy system. It is envisaged

that around 6-8 infographics will be created in total depicting the TRANSrisk initiative, reports,

etc. as well as the toolboxes developed within TRANSrisk framework. Until now, the following 5

infographics have been developed:

5th TRANSrisk Infographic: The infographic presents the concept of the Canadian Case Study and

includes important information about the case study’s background, the aim of the case study, the

three explored low carbon pathways and the used methodology namely the used models and the

stakeholders’ cpnsultation.

All infographics are available in the dedicated webpage of TRANSrisk website15.

Moreover, it has been suggested that an infographic is developed for each case study.

TRANSrisk explanatory interview video16: On the sidelines of the “Decarbonisation project

networking workshop” TRANSrisk coordinator Dr. Jenny Lieu has given an interview explaining the

key elements of TRANSrisk. More particularly TRANSrisk’s objective and the applied methodology

are briefly presented.

Renewable Energies and Energy Transition in Spain 2030-2050 workshop videos17: The

Spanish stakeholder participatory workshop in renewable energies had been recorded in a total of

four videos which feature all the presentations delivered in the workshop.

Kenya’s case study video18: The video “Geothermal landscapes – powering Kenya’s future”

presents the developments of the case study in Kenya and explores the issues raised by TRANSrisk

partner SEI on the risks and uncertainties Kenya must address to continue its development of

geothermal power.

All videos are also featured in the TRANSrisk channel on YouTube19.

15http://www.transrisk-project.eu/consensus-building/infographics 16https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLhnRqtA9iE 17Workshop inauguration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPcyTOK401I; Presentation of IRENA’s report “Renewable Energy Prospects for the European Union” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGHdTdNAGDs; Results of the TRANSrisk survey on the future of renewable energies in Spain: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RbR1XlQanBU; Closure of the workshop: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b53b0DGFTaw

18https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dq2YnW45Vw8 19https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCu-KO9FsCMaEJEx599-K1bQ

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Furthermore, the production of an overview TRANSrisk video has been planned in order to display

the core elements of the project. Also, the creation of an explanatory video for each of the

TRANSrisk case studies in Canada, Kenya, The Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland and the United

Kingdom is currently in progress.

4.5 TRANSrisk Newsletter and Press Releases

The aim of the newsletters is on one hand to attract stakeholders to the case studies, and on the

other to inform them about the progress of TRANSrisk. In doing so, there have been several types

of this kind of outreach. Firstly, a series of official TRANSrisk Newsletters has been launched and

secondly, TRANSrisk Press Releases are broadcasted ad-hoc. It has been foreseen that up to twelve

newsletters will be developed and disseminated during TRANSrisk implementation.

Newsletters: TRANSrisk newsletters’ main target is to engage stakeholders in an ongoing process

in order to define the risks and uncertainties of mitigation and adaptation pathways, as well as

the emerging scenarios. Moreover, they aim to inform on the progress of TRANSrisk. Consequently,

they primarily address to stakeholders and secondarily to the general public.

Progress until December 20171

1) TRANSrisk Newsletter Issue #1 – November 2015

2) TRANSrisk Newsletter Issue #2 – February 2016

3) TRANSrisk Newsletter Issue #3 – June 2016

4) TRANSrisk Newsletter Issue #4 – September 2016

5) TRANSrisk Newsletter Issue #5 – October 2016

6) TRANSrisk Newsletter Issue #6 – January 2017

7) TRANSrisk Newsletter Issue #7 – April 2017

8) TRANSrisk Newsletter Issue #8 - June 2017

9) TRANSrisk Newsletter Issue #9 – October 2017

10) TRANSrisk Newsletter Issue #10 – November 2017

December 2017 – June 2018

Due to the organisation of a wide range of TRANSrisk events in the current period, the main

communicational material were press releases which have been used ad-hoc in order to promote

the upcoming organised events.

TRANSrisk Press Releases: TRANSrisk press releases are broadcasted ad hoc in order to

disseminate important breakthroughs or events organised by TRANSrisk partners. To date, the

following press releases have been developed and disseminated:

Progress until December 20171

1) TRANSrisk Press Release #1 – February 2016

2) TRANSrisk Press Release #2 – April 2016

3) TRANSrisk Press Release #3 – November 2016

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4) TRANSrisk Press Release #4 – December 2016

5) TRANSrisk Press Release #5 – January 2017

6) TRANSrisk Press Release #6 – June 2017

7) TRANSrisk Press Release #7 – July 2017

8) Press Release at UNFCCC’s Newsletter – November 201720

December 2017 – June 2018

TRANSrisk Press Release #8 – February 2018: This press release is an announcement for

the Call for Papers of the TRANSrisk Special Issue “Assessing risks and uncertainties of low-

carbon transition pathways” in Elsevier’s Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions

Journal. The Press Release is displayed in Appendix B.

TRANSrisk Press Release #9 – April 2018: This press release is an announcement for the

stakeholder participatory workshop “Renewable Energies and Energy Transition in Spain

2030-2050”. The Press Release is displayed in Appendix C.

Until May 2018 TRANSrisk Newsletters and Press Releases were sent to more than 3,900 recipients

and were further distributed through appropriate mailing lists. TRANSrisk newsletters’ and press

releases’ recipients belonged to the following categories:

Table 9: Profile of TRANSrisk newsletters recipients

Category Name % of TRANSrisk Newsletter Recipients

TRANSrisk Newsletter Recipients

Scientific Community (Higher Education, Research)

24,94% 989

Industry 29,33% 1,163

Civil Society 1,49% 59

General Public 15,84% 628

Policy Makers 15,59% 618

Media 4,94% 196

Investors 1,72% 68

Other 6,15% 244

TOTAL 3,965


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Management of Personal Data and Compliance with GDPR

For the purposes of electronic communications (newsletters / press releases) TRANSrisk collects,

stores and processes the e-mail addresses of interested parties (the subscribers). TRANSrisk

respects personal privacy and even before the application of the GDPR, all the communications

material provided an unsubscribe link at their end. Furthermore, in order to comply with GDPR

TRANSrisk has updated its privacy policy13 and informs the electronic communications’ potential

subscribers regarding the processing of their personal data.

The potential subscribers are free to provide their e-mail addresses by filling out the newsletter

subscription form of the website. The positive act of providing consent is the typing of the

potential subscriber’s e-mail address and the click of the button “Subscribe” at the newsletter

subscription form. The former uses clear and plain language to collect the potential subscriber’s

consent of receiving electronic communications, and it is clearly explained that there is the

possibility of withdrawing consent via clicking the respective link at the bottom of the Newsletters

/ Press releases.

Before the GDPR came into effect on 25th of May 2018 a “GDPR Consent” webform21 had been

created and distributed to newsletter subscribers via an announcement22 in order to collect their

written consent.

Further Promotion of Electronic Communications Material

TRANSrisk’s electronic communication material are further distributed via third-party entities

such as the “Climate-L” and “Energy-L” IISD Reporting Services LISTSERVs managed by the

International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)23. The IISD Reporting Services LISTSERVs

are peer-to-peer mailing lists for policy makers and practitioners involved in sustainable

development policy. TRANSrisk is not responsible for any third-party mailing lists.

21http://www.transrisk-project.eu/content/gdpr-consent 22

http://www.transrisk-project.eu/newsletters/wed-23052018-1606 23


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A number of activities are being (or have been) implemented to disseminate TRANSrisk’s outputs,

in many cases using the tools described in the previous section. These activities are summarised

in the following Table, with more detail provided in following subsections.

This is not an exhaustive list, and additional activities will take place either on a planned or

opportunistic basis as the project progresses.

Table 10: Communication & Dissemination Activities

1. Activity 2. Progress 3. Target (Internal / External)

Scientific Publications

12 Articles in scientific journals

1 Chapter in Book

25 Papers in scientific conferences

External: Academics, Researchers, Case study SHs, Decision makers

TRANSrisk Events 27 organised

4 in organisation phase All internal and external SHs

Publications targeted at policymakers and stakeholders

3 Commentaries

2 Policy Briefs

4 Working Documents

3 in scientific & policy media

2 Response to policy consultation request

2 project briefs

19 articles in the climatechangemitigation.eu platform

13 articles in scientific & policy newsletters

All external stakeholders (SHs)

Bilateral meetings Interviews conducted for each case study

Key external stakeholder (policy and decision makers, Case study SH, Decision makers)

Partners’ Newsletters Articles in 14 partners’ newsletters External: Academics, Researchers, Case study SH, Decision makers, General public

Participation at external events 50 external events External: Academics, Researchers, Case study SH, Decision makers, European Commission

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5.1 Scientific Publications

Scientific publications are one of the key means of disseminating TRANSrisk’s results to the

research community, and provide scientific credibility for the project’s work. Partners are

encouraged and assisted in publishing their results in open access, peer-reviewed journals and

working paper series. These activities ensure that TRANSrisk and its results will be made known

to the research community. Moreover, TRANSrisk participants are encouraged to select topics (or

think of their own), and draw on the various TRANSrisk reports as they write the article.

Progress until December 2017

Until December 2017 nine TRANSrisk scientific publications have been published in scientific

journals, one TRANSrisk chapter has been included in a Springer book and 15 TRANSrisk papers

have been presented in Scientific Conferences. These TRANSrisk publications have been

documented in the previous versions of the “D8.2 Communication and Dissemination Plan”1.

December 2017-June 2018:

van der Zwaan, B., Boccalon, A., & Dalla Longa, F. (2017). Prospects for hydropower in

Ethiopia: An energy-water nexus analysis, Energy Strategy Reviews, 19, 19-3024.

Markandya, A., Sampedro, J., Smith, S. J., Van Dingenen, R., Pizarro-Irizar, C., Arto, I., &

González-Eguino, M. (2018). Health co-benefits from air pollution and mitigation costs of

the Paris Agreement: a modelling study. The Lancet Planetary Health, 2(3), e126–e133.25

Nikas, A., Doukas, H., & López, L. M. (2018). A group decision making tool for assessing

climate policy risks against multiple criteria. Heliyon, 4(3), e00588.26

Up until now 25 conference papers have been developed. The following ten papers have been

presented in scientific conferences during the period December 2017 – June 2018:

Sorman, A., Garcia-Muros, X., Pizarro-Irizar, C., Gonzalez-Eguino, M., Arto, I. (2018). “The

Triple Point of Energy Transitions: Stakeholder perceptions, Policy Mixes and the Climate

Change and Energy Transition Law in Spain”, 7th International Symposium & 29th National

Conference on Operational Research, 14-15 June 2018, Chania, Greece.

Nikas, A., Stavrakas, V., Psarras, V., Kanellou, E., Makarouni, I., Doukas, H., Flamos, A.

(2018). “Operational Research in support of energy and climate policy: The case of

Greece”, 7th International Symposium & 29th National Conference on Operational Research,

14-15 June 2018, Chania, Greece.

24https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.esr.2017.11.001 25https://doi.org/10.1016/S2542-5196(18)30029-9 26https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2018.e00588

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van Vliet, O., Hanger-Kopp, S., Nikas, A., Spijker, E., Carlsen, H., Lieu, J. (2018).

“Stakeholders find the missing risks”, 7th International Symposium & 29th National

Conference on Operational Research, 14-15 June 2018, Chania, Greece.

Virla, L., Abel, R., Fitzpatrick, C., Lieu, J. (2018). “Consensus building in stakeholder

engagement processes for natural resources management”, 7th International Symposium &

29th National Conference on Operational Research, 14-15 June 2018, Chania, Greece.

Stavrakas, V., Michas, S., Papadelis, S., Flamos, A. (2018). “The Achieving a low-carbon

power system through empowering consumers to produce and store clean energy at the

local level: The case of Greece”, 7th International Symposium & 29th National Conference

on Operational Research, 14-15 June 2018, Chania, Greece.

Savvidou, G., Nykvist, B. (2018). “Electric road systems in the European Union- Potential

and assessment of uncertainties based on Swedish case study”, 2nd Electric Road Systems

Conference, Stockholm, Sweden

Mayer, J., Bachner, G., Steininger, K. (2018). “Macroeconomic implications of switching to

process-emission-free iron and steel production in Europe”, 6th World congress of

Environmental and Resource Economists, 25-29 June, Gothenburg, Sweden.

Bachner, G., Mayer, J., Anger-Kraavi, A., Steininger, K., Smith, A. (2018). “The economy-

wide effects of deep decarbonization and its uncertainties - The case of the European iron

and steel industry”, 6th World congress of Environmental and Resource Economists, 25-29

June, Gothenburg, Sweden.

Witajewski-Baltvilks, J., Fisher, C. (2018). “Green Innovation and Economic Growth in a

North-South Model”, 6th World congress of Environmental and Resource Economists, 25-29

June, Gothenburg, Sweden.

Sampedro, J., Markandya, A., Smith, S. J., Van Dingenen, R., Pizarro-Irizar, C., Arto, I.,

González-Eguino, M. (2018). “Health co-benefits from air pollution and mitigation costs of

the Paris Agreement: a modelling study”, 6th World congress of Environmental and Resource

Economists, 25-29 June, Gothenburg, Sweden.

TRANSrisk Special Edition in Springer

Moreover, a book relevant to the methodologies used in TRANSrisk will be published as an Open

Access Book in Springer, within the title "Understanding risks and uncertainties in energy and

climate policy: Multidisciplinary methods and tools towards a low carbon society". The book will

present innovative methodologies and tools that help devise energy and climate policies that

incorporate the key ingredients of robustness. In particular, it will reflect multi-stakeholder

engagement, since collective intelligence helps overcome quantitative models’ limitations,

flexibility to evolve over time as new insights are gained, and identification of ways to trigger

policy adjustment.

In order to create the book a respective Call for Papers had been published in July 2017, and had

been further circulated via the TRANSrisk press release of July 2017. Moreover, a dedicated e-mail

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address had been created in order to receive the manuscripts for the book. In total there were 16

submissions which undergone a blind peer-review process, while the 10 best and most relevant

manuscripts were developed into the book’s chapters, through appropriate revision.

The book consists of the following 10 chapters:

A detailed overview and consistent classification of climate-economy models

Alexandros Nikas, Haris Doukas, Andreas Papandreou

‘Consensus Building in Engagement Processes’ for reducing risks in developing sustainable

pathways: Indigenous interests as core elements of engagement

Jenny Lieu, Luis D. Virla, Ryan Abel, Cecilia Fitzpatrick

An application of calibration and uncertainty quantification techniques for agent-based


Sotiris Papadelis, Alexandros Flamos

Investments in the EU power system: A stress-test analysis on the effectiveness of

decarbonisation policies

Pedro Crespo del Granado, Christian Skar, Haris Doukas, Georgios P. Trachanas

Impact Assessment of Climate and Energy Policy Scenarios: A Multi Criteria Approach

Hera Neofytou, Charikleia Karakosta, Natalia Caldés Gómez

Water Stress Implications of Energy Scenarios for the Middle East: an Assessment of Risks

and Uncertainties

Bob van der Zwaan, Matthew Halstead, Tom Kober

Evaluation of national environmental efficiency under uncertainty using Data Envelopment


Evangelos Grigoroudis, Konstantinos Petridis

Hypothesis for a Risk Cost of Carbon: Revising the Externalities and Ethics of Climate


Delton Chen, Joel van der Beek, Jonathan Cloud

Assessment of Renewable Energy Projects using a Decision Support System: a process to

endorse the Social License to Operate

Theocharis Tsoutsos, Sotiris N. Kamenopoulos

A unilateral climate and supply market model

Eike Blume-Werry, Martin Koller, Martin Everts

Currently the chapters have been accepted and the book is in print, while it is expected to be

published this autumn.

TRANSrisk Special Edition in Routledge

A second TRANSrisk open access book is also in development, this time with the publisher

Routledge, with the working title “Case study narratives on risks and uncertainties associated

with climate mitigation pathways”. More particularly, each chapter of the book, apart from the

introduction (1st chapter), the 2nd chapter and the last three chapters, will present the story of a

TRANSrisk case study with the focus on highlighting the risks and uncertainties associated with it.

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The book’s introduction will give the definition of risk and uncertainty and explain the difference

between implementation and consequential risks / uncertainties. The book’s 2nd chapter will

present how risk and uncertainty are involved in climate mitigation pathways, and particularly

will introduce a conceptual framework for assessing risks and uncertainties across disciplines and

subject matters. The intermediate chapters (3 - 13) will present the respective case study’s

background, the identified pathways, the key implementation and consequential risks discussed,

and the used methods. It is envisaged that the chapters will present the TRANSrisk case studies of

Austria, Canada, Chile, China, Greece, Indonesia, Kenya, Spain, Switzerland, The Netherlands and

United Kingdom. The 14th chapter will compare the presented case studies in terms of methods

used and types of the assessed risks, as well as the challenges risen in the assessment process.

The 15th chapter will assess the social, economic and environmental impacts of scaling up the

identified technological options. The book’s last chapter will summarise the key findings from all

the explored case studies, and will present the relevant policy recommendations.

TRANSrisk Special Issue in Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions Journal

Finally, the open access special issue with the title “Assessing risks and uncertainties of low-

carbon transition pathways” has been planned in Elsevier’s “Environmental Innovation and

Societal Transitions” journal. The special issue aims to provide a transdisciplinary analytical

framing or method in assessing transition mitigation and/or adaptation pathways, their potential

synergies as well as risks and uncertainties. More particularly, the papers in the special issue will

explore transition pathways beyond a theoretical exercise by seeking to explore the realities of

implementing the pathways in a context through case studies at various spatial levels.

A respective Call for Papers was published in the journal’s official website27, as well as to

TRANSrisk’s website28. Moreover, the call has been promoted via TRANSrisk Press Release Issue 8,

February 2018. Due to the great promotion that had been done, a total of 40 abstracts have been

received and 27 of them were initially accepted.

5.2 Publications targeted at policymakers and


To mobilise acquired, processed and accumulated knowledge for policy debate, TRANSrisk is

developing publications targeted at policymakers and stakeholders. More specifically, there are 3

kinds of publications targeting stakeholders, namely TRANSrisk Commentaries, TRANSrisk Working

Document Series, and TRANSrisk Policy Briefs.

27https://www.journals.elsevier.com/environmental-innovation-and-societal-transitions/call-for-papers/special-issue-assessing-risks-uncertainties-low-carbon 28http://www.transrisk-project.eu/consensus-building/transrisk-special-editions/transrisk-special-issue-in-environmental-innovation-and-societal-transitions-journal

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TRANSrisk Commentaries29 are brief narrations focusing on describing the current state of

TRANSrisk, as well the accomplishments until the commentary’s distribution; it is envisaged that

there will be one or two commentaries per year.

The first TRANSrisk commentary, published in December 2016, summarises TRANSrisk case

studies in the Netherlands, Kenya, and Chile, and their relevance to the production of

Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), as well as their presentation at the TRANSrisk

side – event held at COP22 in Marrakesh.

The second TRANSrisk commentary, published in January 2017, summarises the key issues

and outcomes of the COP22 and their relevance with TRANSrisk.

The third TRANSrisk commentary, published in December 2017, briefly presents the

implications that Brexit will have on UK's climate change strategy.

TRANSrisk Working Document Series30 are brief reports focusing on the developed

methodologies, tools, etc. and are mainly technical and launched ad-hoc whenever major

accomplishments have occurred.

The first issue of TRANSrisk Working Documents, published in November 2017, presents

potential energy pathways for achieving Kenya’s NDC, and highlights conflicts, synergies

and public perception issues that generate uncertainties and risks.

The second issue of TRANSrisk Working Documents, published in November 2017, analyses

a switch of the European iron and steel industry towards production technologies free of

industrial process emissions, as well as its sectoral, macroeconomic and social implications.

The third issue of TRANSrisk Working Documents, published in December 2017, analyses

the offshore wind innovation system in Poland.

The fourth issue of TRANSrisk Working Documents, published in December 2017, explores

whether Renewable Energy Sources auction systems support development of a wide range

of different technologies or instead focus on supporting a select few.

TRANSrisk Policy Briefs31 are reports focusing on the presentation of policies created with the

tools developed within TRANSrisk framework.

The first issue of Policy Briefs, published in March 2017, explores the trade-off risks within

low-carbon transition pathways in the livestock sector in the Netherlands.

The second issue of Policy Briefs, published in December 2017, explores the potential

contribution to European climate change mitigation targets from behavioural change.

29http://www.transrisk-project.eu/virtual-library/commentaries 30http://www.transrisk-project.eu/virtual-library/working-documents 31http://www.transrisk-project.eu/virtual-library/policy-briefs

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Responses to Policy Consultations: Whenever possible TRANSrisk partners will respond to policy

consultation requests relevant to the work implemented within TRANSrisk.

TRANSrisk partners SPRU and IBS have developed along with University of Sussex, Centre on

Innovation and Energy Demand, and Sussex Energy Group the response “Coal Generation in Great

Britain: The pathway to a low-carbon future”32 which responds to an open consultation request of

the Department for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy of the British Government.

Moreover, TRANSrisk partner SPRU issued a policy consultation response to the UNFCCC’s Talanoa

Dialogue for Climate Ambition in April 2018, answering the three posed questions, namely “Where

are we?”, “Where do we want to go?” and “How do we get there?”, with outcomes from the

TRANSrisk case study in Canada. The study suggests that the dependency on the oil economy should

be broken by setting up a process to value adaptation and mitigation measures, as well as that

global open source innovation clusters should be formed aiming to co-develop low carbon

technologies supporting the transition away from fossil fuel dependency and accelerate the market

adoption of low carbon technologies.

TRANSrisk Articles in Scientific and other Magazines: TRANSrisk partners disseminate the

outcomes and knowledge obtained through articles in research and scientific magazines.

Progress until December 2017

1) Article in European Office of Cyprus, European News, Issue 103, January 2016.

2) “Livestock farming transition pathways in the Netherlands”, October 2016,


3) “Uncertainties and Risks for Climate Policy – a review”, October 2016,


4) “MATISE – System Mapping Tool”, November 2016, Climatechangemitigation.eu35

5) “Assessing pathways for rapid solar PV expansion in the Netherlands”, December 2016,


6) “Consider stakeholder preferences and knowledge for low-emission transition pathways”,

January 2017, Climatechangemitigation.eu37

7) “Evaluation of Indonesian transition pathways in biogas utilisation”, February 2017,


32http://www.transrisk-project.eu/updates/articles/coal-generation-great-britain-pathway-low-carbon-future 33http://climatechangemitigation.eu/2016/10/cows-and-pigs-for-sale/ 34http://climatechangemitigation.eu/2016/10/uncertainties-and-risks-for-climate-policy-a-review/ 35http://climatechangemitigation.eu/2016/11/matise-system-mapping-tool/ 36http://climatechangemitigation.eu/2016/12/assessing-pathways-for-rapid-solar-pv-expansion-in-the-netherlands/ 37http://climatechangemitigation.eu/2017/01/consider-stakeholder-preferences-and-knowledge-for-low-emission-transitions-paths/ 38http://climatechangemitigation.eu/2017/02/indonesian-biogas-case-study/

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8) “Model runs for low-emission pathways based on stakeholder questions”, March 2017,


9) “New coal-fired plants jeopardise Paris Agreement”, May 2017,


10) “Tackling climate change can improve public health”, June 2017,


11) Interview of Luis Edwin Gonzales to Cristina Espinoza from La Tercera regarding the

TRANSrisk case study in Chile, June 201742. The interview is in Spanish here:

12) Publication of project brief “How can we decarbonize road freight transport by 2030?

Stakeholder-driven scenarios for the future of heavy vehicles in Sweden”, published by SEI

in June 201743.

13) “Mitigation implication of sea ice albedo feedback and tipping points in the Arctic”, June

2017, Climatechangemitigation.eu44

14) “Implications of Permafrost Carbon Feedback for Climate Change Control”, June 2017,


15) “Energy for Africa: challenges and opportunities”, August 2017,


16) “Land of plenty? Assessing the land use impacts of renewable energy”, August 2017,


17) Publication of article “What will Brexit mean for the climate? (Clue: it doesn’t look good)”

on Conversation UK, by SPRU in December 201748.

December 2017 – June 2018

18) “Expert assessment of risks in climate change mitigation pathways”, February 2018,

Climatechangemitigation.eu49. This article is based on TRANSrisk report 5.4 “Public and

expert opinions on the importance of climate policy risks” and presents the risk assessment

process applied in the country case studies and particularly the identification of how risk

may enhance or constrain different carbon mitigation pathways.

39http://climatechangemitigation.eu/2017/03/model-runs-for-low-emission-pathways-based-on-stakeholder-questions/ 40http://climatechangemitigation.eu/2017/05/transrisk-coal-scenarios/ 41http://climatechangemitigation.eu/2017/06/tackling-climate-change-can-improve-public-health/ 42http://www.latercera.com/noticia/chile-vulnerabilidad-energetica/ (in Spanish) 43https://www.sei-international.org/mediamanager/documents/Publications/SEI-2017-FS-Nykvist-Decarbonize-Road-Freight.pdf 44http://climatechangemitigation.eu/2017/06/mitigation-implication-of-sea-ice-albedo-feedback-and-tipping-points-in-the-arctic/ 45http://climatechangemitigation.eu/2017/06/implications-of-permafrost-carbon-feedback-for-climate-change-control/ 46http://climatechangemitigation.eu/2017/08/energy-for-africa-challenges-and-opportunities/ 47http://climatechangemitigation.eu/2017/08/land-of-plenty-assessing-the-land-use-impacts-of-renewable-energy/ 48https://theconversation.com/what-will-brexit-mean-for-the-climate-clue-it-doesnt-look-good-87476 49http://climatechangemitigation.eu/2018/02/expert-assessment-of-risks-in-climate-mitigation-pathways/

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19) “Exploring public acceptance of renewable energy in Kenya”, 2018,

Climatechangemitigation.eu50. This article is based on TRANSrisk report 2.5 “An Elicitation

of Public Acceptance of Renewable Energy in Kenya” and explores the public acceptability

of three renewable energy technologies (solar PV, wind and geothermal) in the country of


20) “Concluding the bioenergy workshop series in Bali”, April 2018,

Climatechangemitigation.eu51. This article presents the organisation of the 3rd

International Bioenergy and Electrification Workshop on Sustainability and Resilience of

Bioenergy for Climate Change.

21) “Electric Road Systems and the European Union”, June 2018,

Climatechangemitigation.eu52. This article is based on TRANSrisk report 6.4 “Identifying

Innovation Policy Options in Transition Pathways”, and particularly the chapter “Electric

Road Systems and the European Union”. The article presents the two main options for road

transport electrification also explored in the report.

22) “The carbon bubble and investment risk – getting capital costs ‘right’ in Europe’s electricity

sector transition”, June 2018, Climatechangemitigation.eu53. This article is based on

TRANSrisk report 6.4 “Identifying Innovation Policy Options in Transition Pathways” and

particularly, the chapter ‘The Carbon bubble and investment risk – Getting capital costs

“right” in Europe’s electricity sector transition’.

23) “Framework for qualitative assessment of side-effects of low-emission transition pathways

in livestock farming in the Netherlands”, June 2018, Climatechangemitigation.eu54. This

article is based on TRANSrisk report 6.4 “Identifying Innovation Policy Options in Transition

Pathways” and particularly chapter “Identifying side-effects of low-emission transition

pathways in livestock farming in the Netherlands to minimize policy conflicts”.

TRANSrisk Articles in Scientific and Policy Newsletters: TRANSrisk newsletters and articles have

been further promoted via newsletters addressed to policy makers and members of the scientific


Progress until December 2017

1) Promotion of TRANSrisk & Towards2030-dialogue regional workshop “Towards a Low-

Carbon European Union – The Case of Greece” via the Hellenic Wind Energy Association’s

(Greek: ELETAEN) newsletter, issue October 2016.

50http://climatechangemitigation.eu/2018/04/exploring-public-acceptance-of-renewable-energy-in-kenya/ 51http://climatechangemitigation.eu/2018/04/concluding-the-bioenergy-workshop-series-in-bali/ 52http://climatechangemitigation.eu/2018/06/electric-road-systems-and-the-european-union/ 53http://climatechangemitigation.eu/2018/06/the-carbon-bubble-and-investment-risk-getting-capital-costs-right-in-europes-electricity-sector-transition/


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2) Further promotion of TRANSrisk press release, issue December 2016, via the Hellenic Wind

Energy Association’s (Greek: ELETAEN) newsletter, issue December 2016.

3) Distribution of TRANSrisk article “Assessing pathways for rapid solar PV expansion in the

Netherlands” via the climatechangemitigation.eu newsletter, issue December 201655.

4) Distribution of TRANSrisk article “Consider stakeholder preferences and knowledge for low-

emission transitions” via the climatechangemitigation.eu newsletter, issue January 201756.

5) Distribution of TRANSrisk article “Evaluation of Indonesian transition pathways in biogas

utilisation” via the climatechangemitigation.eu newsletter, issue February 201757.

6) Further promotion of TRANSrisk newsletter, issue January 2017, via the Hellenic Wind

Energy Association’s (Greek: ELETAEN) newsletter, issue March 2017.

7) Distribution of TRANSrisk article “Model runs for low-emission pathways based on

stakeholder questions” via the climatechangemitigation.eu newsletter, issue March 201758.

8) Distribution of TRANSrisk article “New coal-fired plants jeopardise Paris Agreement” via

the climatechangemitigation.eu newsletter, issue May 201759.

9) Distribution of TRANSrisk articles “Implications of Permafrost Carbon Feedback for Climate

Change Control”, “Tackling climate change can improve public health”, and “Mitigation

implication of sea ice albedo feedback and tipping points in the Arctic” via the

climatechangemitigation.eu newsletter, issue June 201760.

10) Distribution of TRANSrisk article “Energy for Africa: challenges and opportunities” via the

climatechangemitigation.eu newsletter, issue August 201761.

11) Distribution of TRANSrisk article “Land of plenty? Assessing the land use impacts of

renewable energy” via the climatechangemitigation.eu newsletter, issue October 201762.

December 2017 – June 2018

12) Distribution of TRANSrisk article “Expert assessment of risks in climate change mitigation

pathways” via the climatechangemitigation.eu newsletter, issue February 201863.

13) Distribution of TRANSrisk articles “Exploring public acceptance of renewable energy in

Kenya” and “Concluding the bioenergy workshop series in Bali” via the

climatechangemitigation.eu newsletter, issue May 201864.

55https://us12.campaign-archive.com/?u=a566caba7800c3f9aea57ea7d&id=d097020a2e 56https://us12.campaign-archive.com/?u=a566caba7800c3f9aea57ea7d&id=66211c399d 57https://us12.campaign-archive.com/?u=a566caba7800c3f9aea57ea7d&id=94fd4f52ac 58https://us12.campaign-archive.com/?u=a566caba7800c3f9aea57ea7d&id=586f928d07 59https://us12.campaign-archive.com/?u=a566caba7800c3f9aea57ea7d&id=b31e1bbfda 60https://us12.campaign-archive.com/?u=a566caba7800c3f9aea57ea7d&id=6ed7eb9476 61https://us12.campaign-archive.com/?u=a566caba7800c3f9aea57ea7d&id=85c31be459 62https://us12.campaign-archive.com/?u=a566caba7800c3f9aea57ea7d&id=8a210d2b55 63https://us12.campaign-archive.com/?u=a566caba7800c3f9aea57ea7d&id=01633edec0 64https://us12.campaign-archive.com/?u=a566caba7800c3f9aea57ea7d&id=1ca2e0e6aa

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5.3 Organisation of TRANSrisk Events

A series of events have been (and will be) organised to discuss and disseminate TRANSrisk’s work,

and to enhance TRANSrisk visibility in EU and G20 countries. Planned and executed events are

detailed below; this is not an exhaustive list and additional events may be organised if the need

and opportunity arises. Note that this list only includes in person meetings, and does not include

TRANSrisk’s regular weekly on-line brainstorming sessions or ad hoc on-line workshops (e.g.

modelling workshops, stakeholder engagement mapping workshops etc.).

To date, the composition of TRANSrisk events’ participants in terms of profession is estimated as


Table 11: Profile of TRANSrisk events’ participants

Category Name % of Events’ Participants Events’ Participants

Scientific Community (Higher Education, Research) 80.11% 709

Industry 3.05% 27

Civil Society 3.95% 35

General Public 3.95% 35

Policy Makers 3.95% 35

Media 1.02% 9

Other 3.95% 35

TOTAL 100% 747

In person events

Progress until December 2017

1) TRANSrisk Kick off Meeting, 23 – 24 September 2015,Brussels, Belgium, 41 Participants

2) TRANSrisk Stakeholder Engagement & Methods Training Workshop, 9 - 10 March 2016,

Athens, Greece

3) TRANSrisk Quantitative Modelling Workshop, 19 - 20 May 2016, Graz, Austria

4) TRANSrisk Case Studies Workshop, 4 – 5 October 2016, Brighton, United Kingdom, 23


5) TRANSrisk Side Event at COP22, 18 November 2016, Marrakech, Morocco

6) TRANSrisk Mid-Project Workshop, 7-8 March 2017, Brussels, Belgium

7) TRANSrisk EC Science Policy Forum: “The Role of Behavioural Change and Human Innovation

Systems in Mitigation Policies”, 7 March 2017, Brussels, Belgium

8) TRANSrisk Panel Session “Rethinking Risk and TRANSition Pathways” at Energy for Society

International Conference, 5 April 2017, Melia Sitges, Spain

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9) TRANSrisk workshop “Assessing Uncertainties and Risks in the Transition to Low Carbon and

Sustainable Societies”, 3-4 July 2017, Bilbao, Spain

10) TRANSrisk Modelling of Innovation Policy Options Workshop, 10-12 October 2017, Warsaw,


11) TRANSrisk side event “Implementing NDCs: Diversity of Actors and Actions” at COP23, 6

November 2017, Bonn, Germany

12) TRANSrisk side event “The future of nuclear, oils sands and renewables: risky energy

pathways?” at COP23, 9 November 2017, Bonn, Germany

The above events are analytically described in the previous versions of the Communication and

Dissemination Plan1.

December 2017 – June 2018

TRANSrisk Consortium Meeting, 24-25 January 2018, Stockholm, Sweden65

TRANSrisk Consortium Meeting on the identification of innovative policy options and the linkages

to transition pathways took place on the 24th - 25th of January 2018, in Stockholm, Sweden.

Participants had the opportunity to discuss the process of identifying the innovative climate

change mitigation policy options, and how it will be applied in each TRANSrisk case study.

Moreover, the investigation of feasible pathways that both consider conflicts and co-benefits, risk

and uncertainty, as well as innovation dynamics was examined.

Lastly, the final year's dissemination activities were considered, such as the TRANSrisk final

conference, several policy-making events that will present the climate change mitigation decision

support tools, as well as a potential participation in COP24.

Figure 5: Overview of the Consortium Meeting in Stockholm


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Joint CARISMA & TRANSrisk side event at UN Climate Change Conference April 2018 (SB 48),

8 May 2018, Bonn, Germany66

CARISMA and TRANSrisk co-organised the "Strengthening institutional capabilities to support

implementation of ambitious NDCs" side event at the UN Climate Change Conference April 2018

(SB 48), on 8th of May 2018, in Bonn, Germany.

The goal of the Paris Agreement is to limit the global mean temperature increase to well below

2oC above pre-industrial levels and aim for 1.5oC. For achieving this goal, countries shall prepare,

communicate and maintain nationally determined contributions (NDCs). While NDCs are national

climate plans, there is scope for country collaboration on design and implementation of NDCs.

Moreover, successful design and communication of an NDC does not mean that implementation

will be always successful due to capacity limitations or other obstacles for that.

This side event presented examples of creating synergies in the areas of policy transfer, technology

transfer and capacity building for stronger institutional capabilities for NDCs, both during the

design and implementation stages.

Figure 6: Overview of the SB48 side event

TRANSrisk Special Session in the 7th International Symposium & 29th National Conference on

Operational Research, 14 June 2018, Chania, Crete67

TRANSrisk organised the scientific workshop “Exploring Risks and Implications of different Energy

and Climate Policy Scenarios towards 2050: Methods, tools and models” in the 7th International

Symposium & 29th National Conference on Operational Resarch, on 14th June 2018, at the

International Conference Center of the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania (MAICh) in

Chania, Crete. The Conference was co-organised by the School of Production Engineering and

Management of the Technical University of Crete and the Hellenic Operational Research Society



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(HELORS) from 14th to 16th June 2018, aiming to disseminate recent scientific advances in the field

of Operational Research and Management Science in Greece and to promote international co-

operation among researchers and practitioners.

More particularly, the workshop consisted of two sessions, “Transitions: policy, business and

stakeholder perspectives” and “Energy technologies, systems and carriers: top down and bottom

up perspectives”, focusing on climate change mitigation and energy production and management


Figure 7: Overview of the scientific workshop “Exploring Risks and Implications of different Energy and Climate Policy Scenarios towards 2050: Methods, tools and models”

TRANSrisk Internal Meeting, 15 June 2018, Chania, Greece68

TRANSrisk Internal Meeting on the scientific outcomes of TRANSrisk, the remaining project's

deliverables and the final dissemination events took place on the 15th of June 2018, in Chania,


Participants had the opportunity to present their scientific papers for the TRANSrisk Special Issue

in the Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions Journal, discuss the TRANSrisk’s

remaining deliverables on “Multi-criteria consideration of risk and uncertainty for climate policy”,

“Innovation dynamics in transition pathways”, and the Toolboxes for adaptation and mitigation

policy pathways which are currently in development. Moreover, the progress on the development

of the scientific open access books in Routledge and Springer was presented.

Lastly, the final dissemination activities were discussed and planned, such as the TRANSrisk final

conference, a Policy Day jointly organised with other two H2020 projects regarding climate action,

as well as the potential participation in COP24.


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Figure 8: Overview of the TRANSrisk Internal Meeting in Chania

Events linked to TRANSrisk’s country case studies

Interviews, focus groups, workshops or seminars, and conferences are and will be held (dependent

on the budget). The objective is to contribute to informed debates among national policymakers

and stakeholders by presenting, disseminating and communicating knowledge of TRANSrisk.

Progress until December 2017

1) “International Workshop on Sustainability and Resilience of Bio-energy for Climate Change:

Scoping and Envisioning”, 11-13 May 2016, Bali Indonesia (co- organized with GREEN- WIN

H2020 project)

2) “Towards a Low-Carbon European Union – The Case of Greece”, 25 October 2016, Athens,

Greece, 43 Participants (co – organized with Towards2030-dialogue IEE project)

3) TRANSrisk stakeholder workshop on steel sector decarbonisation, November 2016, Vienna,


4) 2nd “International Workshop on Sustainability & Resilience of Bio-energy for Climate

Change: Support Exemplary Solutions, Business Models and Enabling Conditions, 22-24 May

2017, Bali, Indonesia (co- organized with GREEN- WIN H2020 project).

5) Seminar “Climate Change and Sustainable Development in Chile: Evidence and Challenges”,

8 June 2017, Santiago, Chile

6) TRANSrisk stakeholder workshop on road freight decarbonisation, 5 September 2017,

Stockholm, Sweden

7) Low Carbon Transition Pathways and Nuclear Power Workshop, 22 September 2017,

London, UK

8) TRANSrisk stakeholder workshop on Risks of low-carbon transition in Poland, 12 October

2017, Warsaw, Poland

9) TRANSrisk stakeholder workshop on steel sector decarbonisation, 17 November 2017,

Vienna, Austria

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The above events are analytically described in the previous versions of the Communication and

Dissemination Plan1.

December 2017 – June 2018

TRANSrisk session at the 3rd annual Environmental Gathering: Create the Future, 10 March

2018, Calgary, Alberta, Canada69

TRANSrisk partner SPRU hosted the stakeholder participatory session “Consensus Building in

Engagement Processes for reducing risks in developing sustainable pathways: community interests

as core elements of engagement”, on 10th of March 2018 within the framework of the 3rd annual

Environmental Gathering: Create the Future, organised by the Alberta Ecotrust.

More particularly, the workshop's aim was to identify the best way to reach consensus within

groups with various perspectives about sustainable development of natural resources in Alberta.

Also, a role playing exercise was performed where participants were distributed in round tables

and were given a role to represent a stakeholder (community, industry, government). The

background and context were provided for each stakeholder, and a case/challenge was given. For

example, the installation of an oil well or a wind turbine in the proximities of the community.

Groups were given time to discuss the interest and views of their stakeholder. Then, the

overarching questions were presented to each group and each stakeholder expressed their

viewpoints and the whole group shared the insights discussed at the round table. Later, strategies

for negotiation and consensus building were drawn based on the participant’s experience. It was

desired that participants played a role normally opposite to their natural positions.

Figure 9: Overview of the TRANSrisk session at the 3rd annual Environmental Gathering: Create the Future


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TRANSrisk stakeholder workshop on low-carbon pathways in Alberta, 12 March 2018, Fort

McKay, Alberta, Canada70

The Graduate College at the University of Calgary, along with TRANSrisk partner SPRU and The

Graduate Students' Association co-organised the stakeholder workshop entitled “Creating a

Common Language for Low-carbon futures in Alberta”, on 12th of March 2018 within the framework

of the TRANSrisk case study in Canada.

The workshop, consisting of a panel discussion, identified future pathways envisioned by the Fort

McKay residents for their socio-economic development and assessed how these futures may look

like for the community. More particularly, experts from various backgrounds (Indigenous

communities, Academia, Policy Making, and Industry) presented their views on the challenges and

opportunities of current initiatives addressing low-carbon future options in Alberta. In addition,

the panelists discussed the potential risks and uncertainties for these futures and their socio-

economic impact from the perspective of the communities involved. Attendees learned about the

evolution of the energy sector and what is the current situation regarding green-house gas

emissions. Also, they learned how potential low-carbon futures for the province may look like and

engaged in a constructive and thorough dialogue with the panelists and other members of the


Figure 10: Overview of the TRANSrisk workshop “Creating a Common Language for Low-carbon futures in Alberta”

Renewable Energies and Energy Transition in Spain 2030-2050, 23 April 2018, Madrid,


Within the framework of the Spanish case study, TRANSrisk partner BC3 along with the Spanish

Association for Energy Economics (AEEE) and the Spanish Club of Energy (EnerClub) co-organised



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the stakeholder participatory workshop “Renewable Energies and Energy Transition in Spain 2030-

2050”, at Paseo de la Castellana, 257, 28046 Madrid, Spain, on the 23rd of April 2018.

Renewable energies are expected to play a fundamental role in the decarbonisation process of the

world economy to achieve the long-term objectives of the Paris Agreement and the national

objectives acquired by many countries by 2020 and 2030. In the context of accelerating cost

reductions of renewables, the European Union is in the process of reviewing the renewable

objectives identified in the Energy-Climate Package 2030 which could rise from 27% up to 35%. In

Spain, the debate on the role of renewables has also re-emerged mainly in the context of the Law

of Climate Change and Energy Transition.

The workshop’s starting point was the presentation of IRENA’s report “Renewable Energy Prospects

for the European Union” based on which experts from the energy and climate change sectors

reflected on the role that renewable energy sources could play in Spain’s decarbonisation process

within the horizon 2030 and 2050.

Moreover, Alevgul Sorman (BC3) delivered the presentation “The future of Renewable Energies in

Spain” and discussed the results of the respective online survey which has been implemented

within the framework of the TRANSrisk case study in Spain.

Figure 11: Overview of the TRANSrisk stakeholder participatory workshop “Renewable Energies and Energy Transition in Spain 2030-2050”

Events linked to Work Packages outside the country case studies

Interviews, workshops and seminars are also envisaged to take place in the context of other Work

Packages, outside the scope of Work Package 3 (Country Case Studies). Examples include

stakeholder engagement events that will be held for the purpose of Work Package 5, where experts

will be asked to help determine and prioritise key exogenous and consequential risks and

uncertainties that revolve around climate mitigation policy instruments and strategies, as well as

of Work Package 7, where experts from all stakeholder groups will contribute to the qualitative

assessment of the identified policy strategies towards low carbon economies. Such activities are

not explicitly aimed at dissemination so much as setting in motion key tasks and activities of

TRANSrisk; however, they too are expected to include dissemination and communication work.

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High-level Policy Events

SEI will organise two sets of high level policy events in Stockholm, Switzerland and Nairobi, Kenya.

In these events, the consortium partners will present key TRANSrisk results, stylising the content

for the two locations so as to place some additional emphasis on the country case studies. The

policy events will consist of sessions in any of the following formats: presentations, roundtable

discussions, press conferences, scientific or general public seminars. The participants will come

from any of TRANSrisk’s stakeholder groups, namely policy-makers, business leaders, academics,

journalists and the general public. In these events, the consortium partners will present key

TRANSrisk results, stylising the content for the two locations so as to place some additional

emphasis on the country case studies of Switzerland and Kenya respectively. Journalists (print,

TV, radio, interest groups) will be invited through established media contact lists at SEI Centres

in Stockholm and Nairobi.

The events in Nairobi will be held near the U.N. complex and World Agro-Forestry Centre. As a

major regional and international hub, events held in Nairobi offer effective dissemination not only

for Kenya but for other key African countries as well. It is envisaged that there will be around 80-

100 participants.

Final Conference / Final Events

Instead of a one full day conference, it has been decided to organise two events one addressed to

policy makers particularly, and one addressed to a more general public.

More particularly, in order to target policy makers we will join forces with another two H2020

funded projects, namely GREEN-WIN and CD-LINKS, and organise a joint policy day consisting of

three sessions each of which will include three 10-minute presentations one from each project.

Moreover, there will be the ability for posters’ display which will allow participants to have an

overview of the projects’ results and be involved with any topics they find interesting. By jointly

organising this policy day we aim to increase the participating policy makers as well as to

simultaneously provide climate change mitigation solutions in three different approaches. The

main focus of the policy day will be the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals,

as well as the new climate change mitigation framework, its opportunities, and the potential risks

and uncertainties that lie in any proposed transition. Since the majority of participants will be

policy makers this will allow presenters to focus on the key outcomes and results of the projects

and omit the scientific methodologies and processes behind them. Thus, policy makers will be

served only with the components that matter to their sector and objectives. The policy day will

be held on 7th November 2018 at the Royal Library Meeting Center in Brussels, Belgium.

Moreover, TRANSrisk will organise a policy lunch with a wider focus. More particularly, the focus

will be on the application of the project’s results and involve invitees in a participatory process

(rather than just making presentations). The event will be held on 6th November 2018 at the Square

Conference Centre in Brussels, Belgium. It will consist of two sessions and a cocktail / lunch break

and will run from mid-morning until mid-afternoon. Each session will include 3-4 presentations

with time for discussion and audience participation. Moreover, there will be room for posters to

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be on display in order to trigger the fruitful discussions with participants and increase the audience

interactivity and exchange of knowledge.

5.4 Participation in External Events

Apart from the events organised by the consortium, TRANSrisk is further promoted through

participation in external events regarding climate change, renewable energy, energy efficiency,

and environment. Partners are encouraged and assisted in the presentation of TRANSrisk and its

preliminary results. These kind of activities include the participation in events organised by the

European Commission and to other international conferences and workshops in the respective

fields, so as to update the scientific community, universities, research centres, the European

Commission, green economy experts and other interested groups. All partners participate in the

identification of relevant events in which TRANSrisk can be presented. Participation in external

events is also promoted through the dedicated webpage “Interventions”72.

Figure 12: TRANSrisk participation in external events

Progress until December 2017

1) 21st Conference of Parties (COP21) Paris, 29 November – 11 December 2015, Paris, France

2) 4th Student Conference of the Hellenic Operational Research Society, 17-18 December 2015,

Athens, Greece. Presentation and paper “Comparison of alternative pathways for the

transition of EU countries to low carbon economies using Fuzzy Cognitive Maps” by NTUA

3) IPCC WG III discussion, February 2016, Brussels, Belgium, TRANSrisk presentation by UniGraz


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4) CARISMA Annual Meeting, 17-18 February 2016, Prague, Czech Republic, TRANSrisk


5) Towards2030-dialogue Roundtable, 10 March 2016, The Hague, The Netherlands

6) 4th DIA-CORE Regional Workshop, 11 March 2016, Vienna, Austria

7) POLIMP Final Conference, 21 April 2016, Brussels, Belgium

8) SET-Nav Kick-off Event, 26-27 April 2016, Vienna, Austria

9) Seminar: Implications of Rapid Arctic Change for Climate Stabilization, May 2016, University

of Oldenburg, Germany – TRANSrisk Seminar lecture by Basque Centre for Climate Change

10) DIA-CORE Final Conference, 30 May 2016, Brussels, Belgium

11) Towards2030-dialogue Regional Workshop, 7 June 2016, Budapest, Hungary

12) The Benefits of EU Collaboration for Higher Education and Research, 9 June 2016, London,

United Kingdom – TRANSrisk presentation by SPRU

13) ENSPOL Final Conference, 13 June 2016, Brussels, Belgium

14) Socio-Economic Sciences and Humanities (SSH) in H2020: Societal Challenge 6 and integration

in other Challenges, 5 July 2016, Brussels, Belgium

15) Optimus Final Conference, 21 September 2016, Athens, Greece, presentation “Challenges

towards a decentralized future of power system” by UPRC

16) 15th World Renewable Energy Congress 2016 (15th WREC) & 5th Indonesia Renewable Energy

and Energy Conservation Summit (5th IRES), Presentation and paper “Sustainability and

Resilience of Bioenergy for Climate Change in Bali and East Java: Scoping and Envisioning”,

19-23 September 2016, Jakarta, Indonesia

17) SET-Nav Stakeholder Kick-Off event, 28 September 2016, Brussels, Belgium

18) 9th International Scientific Conference on Energy and Climate Change, 12-14 October 2016,

Athens, Greece

19) 22nd edition of the Conference Of Parties (COP22), 7-18 November 2016, Marrakesh, Morocco

20) Towards2030-dialogue Final Conference, 22 November 2016, Brussels, Belgium

21) SET-Nav Modelling Workshop, 24-25 November 2016, Trondheim, Norway

22) Towards2030-dialogue Policy Event, 30 November 2016, Brussels, Belgium

23) 4th Nuclear Futures Workshop, 27-28 March 2017, Sussex, United Kingdom – 3 TRANSrisk

presentations by SPRU, ETH, and CE

24) “Energy for Society: 1st International Conference on Energy Research & Social Science” ESA

RN12 Environment and Society Midterm Conference, 5 April 2017, Melia Sitges, Spain

25) 2017 SEI Science Forum, 30 May 2017, Bangkok, Thailand - TRANSrisk presentation by SEI

26) Roads towards the transition and analysis of renewable energies for the mitigation and

adaptation of climate change, 30 May 2017, Bogota, Colombia

27) 6th Annual Summer Conference of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists

(AERE) Annual Summer Conference, May 31 – June 2, 2017, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – 2

Presentations and papers “Green Innovation and Economic Growth in a North-South Model”

and “The Costs of Transition in Coal-dependent Economy” by IBS.

28) 6th International Symposium & 28th National Conference on Operational Research, 8-9 June

2017, Thessaloniki, Greece - 2 Presentations and papers “Group decision making and

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consensus control in climate policy: a multiple-criteria decision support tool” and “Assessing

Climate and Energy Policy Scenarios based on their Socioeconomic Impacts: A Multi Criteria

Approach” by NTUA and UPRC.

29) European Biomass Conference & Exhibition, 12-15 June 2017, Stockholm, Sweden – 1 poster

presentation by JIN.

30) International Sustainability Transitions Conference 2017, 18-21 June 2017, Gothenburg,

Sweden – 3 presentations and papers “A multi-level perspective on geothermal power

development in Kenya”, “Bioenergy and Sustainability Transitions in a Development context:

a comparison for Sweden, Indonesia and Kenya”, “How on earth do we decarbonise heavy

road based transport? Assessing the plausible pathways to deep and rapid decarbonisation of

road based freight transport” by SEI.

31) EAERE2017 - 23rd Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and

Resource Economists, 28 June - 01 July, Athens, Greece – 1 presentation and paper “Green

Innovation and Economic Growth in a North-South Model” by IBS

32) WIEM 2017 - Warsaw International Economic Meeting 2017, 4-6 July 2017, Warsaw, Poland – 2

presentations “Green Innovation and Economic Growth in a North-South Model” and “Green

Technologies for Polish Energy Sector” by IBS

33) BC3 Summer School Climate Change in an Era of Uncertainty, 5-7 July 2017, San Sebastian,


34) IEW 2017 - 36th Edition of International Energy Workshop, 12-14 July 2017, College Park,

Maryland, USA – 2 presentations and papers “Green Innovation and Economic Growth in a

North-South Model” by IBS and “Macroeconomic implications of a 2°C-compatible transition

path in the European iron and steel industry” UniGraz

35) CARISMA/CTCN Radboud Summer School, 14-18 August 2017, Nijmegen, The Netherlands – 1

lecture by JIN

36) SET-Nav Modelling workshop “Aggregating load profiles from the power sector models towards

use in large-scale energy-system and integrated assessment models”, 7 September 2017,

Vienna, Austria

37) 3rd SET-Nav Topical Workshop “Europe’s gas infrastructure needs towards 2050: which

projects of common interest should be prioritised?”, 28 September 2017, Brussels, Belgium

38) CARISMA Workshop Building productive relations at the science-policy interface, 30 October

2017, Nijmegen, the Netherlands – 1 presentation “Experiences with stakeholder engagement,

Solar PV case study – The Netherlands” by JIN

39) 23rd edition of the Conference Of the Parties (COP23), 6-17 November 2017, Bonn, Germany

40) GCAM Community Modeling Meeting, The Joint Global Change Research Institute, 7-9

November 2017, College Park, MD, United States – 2 poster presentations “Health co-benefits

associated with different transition pathways” and “The potential Land-use Impacts from

Solar Energy” by BC3

41) H2020 Environment and Resources Info Days - Co-design: involving end-users and stakeholder,

9 November 2017, Brussels, Belgium – 1 presentation “Stakeholder Engagement, Experiences

from the H2020 TRANSrisk project” by JIN

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42) ManuREsource 2017 Conference, 27-28 November 2017, Eindhoven, The Netherlands – 1

presentation and paper “Framework for assessing co-effects and trade-offs of low-emission

transition pathways to meet 2030 climate objectives in the Dutch livestock sector” by JIN

43) ECE’s 100 years anniversary event, 27 November 2017, Onassis Cultural Centre, Athens,


December 2017 – June 2018

Decarbonisation project networking workshop, 7 February 2018, Brussels, Belgium73

TRANSrisk participated at the decarbonisation project networking workshop, co-organised by DG

Research and Innovation (RTD) and the Executive Agency for SMEs (EASME), on 7th February 2018,

at the European Commission (DG RTD) CDMA building, in Brussels, Belgium.

The workshop's objective was to stimulate peer-to-peer and science-to-policy discussions on how

to get the most out of EU-funded projects for the benefit of the society and policy-making. More

particularly, interactions among participants were established, while major results in the pipe as

well as areas and solutions that can make our joint commitment to climate research and innovation

more beneficial were identified.

Jenny Lieu (SPRU) presented TRANSrisk and took part in panel discussions, while Haris Doukas

(NTUA) and Oscar van Vliet (ETH) also participated in the workshop. Moreover, a poster co-

designed by UPRC and NTUA with the support of SPRU had been created and presented during the


Interdisciplinary training session for risk and uncertainties at the Graduate Collage, 13

March 2018, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada74

TRANSrisk organised an interdisciplinary training session for risk and uncertainties for the Graduate

Collage of the University of Calgary on 13th of March 2018. More particularly, TRANSrisk

researchers presented the work implemented within TRANSrisk, highlighted the findings so far,

and analysed the methodology regarding managing risk and uncertainty applied at TRANSrisk case




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SET-Nav Stakeholder workshop, 14 May 2018, Brussels, Belgium75

TRANSrisk participated in the 4th SET-Nav Stakeholder workshop “Accelerating the transition

towards sustainable transport” which was held on 14th of May 2018, at CEPS premises in Brussels,


In the workshop results from the SET-Nav’s case study on ways to a cleaner and smarter transport

sector were presented. As opposed to other energy sectors, final energy consumption of the

European transport sector has continuously increased over the last decade. Despite having a very

innovative transport industry investing a lot in research and development with policies designed

to foster the shift towards energy efficient and renewable energy carriers, the transport sector is

still strongly based on fossil fuels. With this in mind, the SET-Nav consortium tried to answer the

question: what measures can be in place to accelerate the transition of the transport sector

towards a low-carbon system that can additionally provide further flexibility option with regards

to the energy sector?

Webinar on Risk and Uncertainties in Low Carbon Energy Transition, 31 May 2018, Tlemsen,


In this webinar, the PAUWES Climate Change and Environmental Community (PCCEC) has invited

TRANSrisk co-principal investigator Dr Jenny Lieu (SPRU) to shed some light on the transition

pathways and the associated risks with emphasis on the African context.

2nd Electric Road Systems Conference 2018, 13-14 June 2018, Stockholm, Sweden77

TRANSrisk participated at the 2nd Electric Road Systems Conference 2018 on 13-14 June at the

Arlanda Airport City, in Stockholm, Sweden.

The conference aimed to gather international researchers and experts, to disseminate and discuss

cutting edge results from research and pilot projects on the topic of Electric Road Systems (ERS),

to facilitate and stimulate new collaborations, and to facilitate societal uptake of ERS as a

sustainable solution for transport. Therefore, its aim was to bring decision makers, industry and

research together in this interdisciplinary conference.

More particularly, researcher Georgia Savvidou (SEI) presented outcomes from the TRANSrisk case

study in Sweden regarding the potential and assessment of uncertainties of ERS in the European



76http://pccec.webs.com/apps/blog/show/45699148-webinar-on-risk-and-uncertainties-in-low-carbon-energy-transition 77http://www.transrisk-project.eu/updates/interventions/2nd-electric-road-systems-conference-2018-13-14-june-2018-stockholm-sweden

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7th International Symposium & 29th National Conference on Operational Research, 14 June

2018, Chania, Crete78

Apart from the organisation of the “Exploring Risks and Implications of different Energy and

Climate Policy Scenarios towards 2050: Methods, tools and models” workshop in the conference,

TRANSrisk researchers had also the opportunity to meet with other members of the scientific

community regarding operational research and decision support.

6th World congress of Environmental and Resource Economists, 25-29 June 2018, Gothenburg,


Researchers from TRANSrisk partners UniGraz, IBS, and BC3 participated at the 6th World congress

of Environmental and Resource Economists which took place on 25th - 29th of June in Gothenburg,

Sweden. More particularly, Jakob Mayer (UniGraz) presented the article “Macroeconomic

implications of switching to process-emission-free iron and steel production in Europe”, Gabriel

Bachner presented the article “The economy-wide effects of deep decarbonization and its

uncertainties - The case of the European iron and steel industry”, Jan Witajewski-Baltvilks (IBS)

presented the article “Green Innovation and Economic Growth in a North-South Model” and Jon

Sampedro (BC3) presented the article “Health co-benefits from air pollution and mitigation costs

of the Paris Agreement: a modelling study”.

5.5 Bilateral Meetings

As part of the stakeholder analysis, we have identified decision and policy makers who can help

maximise the impact of TRANSrisk’s work. Some of these stakeholders have been interviewed

during the case studies process in order to give valuable feedback for the implementation of

system maps. For the process a consent form has been created in which there were information

regarding the process of the interviews. Since then a constant dialogue is implemented, in the

context of which regular one-to-one meetings and updates are arranged. Of course, the frequency

of these meetings is the appropriate in order that the dialogue does not become tiding.

78http://www.transrisk-project.eu/updates/events/transrisk-special-session-7th-international-symposium-29th-national-conference 79http://www.transrisk-project.eu/updates/interventions/6th%C2%A0world-congress-environmental-and-resource-economists-25-29-june-2018

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5.6 TRANSrisk Partners’ Newsletters

Whenever possible, TRANSrisk is featured in partner’s newsletters. These are primarily to raise

public awareness, and secondarily to engage stakeholders.

Progress until December 2017

1) Joint Implementation Quarterly (JIQ) – October 2015

2) Joint Implementation Quarterly (JIQ) – December 2015 / January 2016

3) SPRU Weekly Newsletter – December 2015

4) SPRU Weekly Newsletter – January 2016

5) Joint Implementation Quarterly (JIQ) – Special Issue, September 2016

6) Joint Implementation Quarterly (JIQ) –October 2016

7) Joint Implementation Quarterly (JIQ) – Special Issue, 17 November 2016

8) Joint Implementation Quarterly (JIQ) – Special Issue, 18 November 2016

9) Joint Implementation Quarterly (JIQ) – Special Issue, 30 November 2016

10) Joint Implementation Quarterly (JIQ) – December 2016

11) Joint Press Release of TRANSrisk partner Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3) and the

American Geophysical Union (AGU) – January 2017

12) Joint Implementation Quarterly (JIQ) – April 2017

13) Joint Implementation Quarterly (JIQ) – July 2017

December 2017 – June 2018

Joint Implementation Quarterly (JIQ) Magazine vol. 23, No. 4, February 201880: TRANSrisk

researcher Krisztina Szendrei has published the article “Reaching the 2020 Target? The Potential

Role of Solar Energy in the Netherlands”, in JIQ Magazine vol. 23, no. 4. In this 2-page article the

potential support of solar energy to achieve the Dutch renewable energy target of 14% by 2020 is

analysed. An overview of the article is available in Appendix D.

5.7 TRANSrisk Media

In order to engage an important number of stakeholders, communicate discussions on several

topics as well as TRANSrisk results and events’ organisation, TRANSrisk makes use of several media,


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channels, etc. that convey information related to the field of energy and climate. Several

announcements have taken place in relevant websites and forums, regarding the TRANSrisk

activities, while articles have been produced, delivering its topics’ and case study results.

Meanwhile, several platforms are used by a variety of EU funded projects in order to disseminate

activities and outcomes through the EU community. These media are presented in Appendix E.

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In order to further increase public awareness and the impact that TRANSrisk’s outcomes will have,

the following dissemination activities are either in development, planned, or in consideration.

Website development and update (dedicated webpages for the remaining work packages,

front page slider, general update)

Development of an online tool for the visualisation of the case studies results.

Design and production of a brochure for policy makers.

Development of a webpage with illustrative examples of TRANSrisk’s outcomes for policy


Creation of infographics for the case studies of Austria, Chile, China, India, Indonesia and


Development of a poster on innovation policies and transition pathways.

Production of a TRANSrisk overview video.

Production of an explanatory video for each of the country case studies in Canada, Kenya,

The Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

Articles in climatechangemitigation.eu platform.

Publication of open access book “Understanding risks and uncertainties in energy and

climate policy: Multidisciplinary methods and tools towards a low carbon society” in


Publication of open access book “Case study narratives on risks and uncertainties

associated with climate mitigation pathways” in Routledge.

Publication of open access special issue “Assessing risks and uncertainties of low-carbon

transition pathways” in Elsevier’s “Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions”


Publication of a TRANSrisk commentary regarding the implementation of decarbonisation

policies for the building sector in Greece.

Distribution of newsletters regarding TRANSrisk’s progress.

Distribution of press releases featuring outcomes of TRANSrisk case studies in Poland,

Kenya, The Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

Publication of working documents on case studies, as well as TRANSrisk reports’ outputs.

Organisation of a high level policy event on 23rd -24th October 2018 in Nairobi, Kenya and

on 18th October 2018, in Stockholm, Sweden

Publication of TRANSrisk 3rd year annual review and a dedicated video

Co-organisation of the GREEN-WIN, TRANSrisk and CD-Links joint policy day on 7th

November 2018 in Brussels.

Organisation of TRANSrisk policy lunch on 6th November 2018 in Brussels.

Participation in COP24 to be held on 3rd – 14th December 2018, in Katowice, Poland.

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Appendix A – 5th TRANSrisk Infographic (Canada)

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Appendix B - TRANSrisk Press Release Issue #8

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Appendix C – TRANSrisk Press Release Issue #9

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Appendix D – JIQ, February 2018

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Appendix E – TRANSrisk Media Examples

TRANSrisk has considerable presence in several knowledge sharing platforms.

TRANSrisk has created an account in the European

Commission website capacity4dev.eu81 with

participation in the Public Group on Energy.

TRANSrisk deliverables, newsletters, press releases, and events are frequently uploaded in the


Also, TRANSrisk has a dedicated group in the MyEuropa platform82. In

the platform TRANSrisk meetings are announced and posts with

hyperlinks to TRANSrisk website are uploaded.

TRANSrisk has an Energypedia page83 at the relevant platform which includes general

information regarding TRANSrisk as well as its deliverables.

Figure 13: TRANSrisk presence at knowledge sharing platforms

Moreover, TRANSrisk has been collaborating initiative to the ClimateChangeMitigation.eu

knowledge-sharing platform84. The platform collects and posts information from different EU-

81capacity4dev.ec.europa.eu 82http://v2014.my-europa.eu/index.php/all-projects/viewgroup/524-transrisk-transition-pathways-and-risk-analysis-for-climate-change-mitigation-and-adaption-strategies



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funded research and coordination projects on Climate Change Mitigation. It supports development

of low-emission pathways for reaching the goals of the Paris Agreement, including research on

low-emission technology development and diffusion, policy making and governance, as well as

institutional aspects of adopting low-emission solutions. The platform includes a brief description

of TRANSrisk initiative and so far there are 18 articles referring to TRANSrisk. Also, the platform

distributes a newsletter in regular basis in order to further promote the articles of the platform.

TRANSrisk presence is high in the newsletter.

Furthermore, TRANSrisk has been present to the ResearchGate85 platform in order to showcase

the scientific outcomes of the project. The platform is designed to facilitate collaboration,

communication and sharing of information among researchers and scientists. It enables the public

sharing, private storing and private sharing of various types of content. Through the platform it is

clear that the scientific publications within TRANSrisk are referenced at least 213 times.


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Appendix F – Links with reference to TRANSrisk

There is a large number of websites that mention TRANSrisk and link to the official website,

announcing TRANSrisk workshops, as well as the publication of reports and presenting TRANSrisk’s

main aim and activities. Specifically, a brief description, reference or link to the official TRANSrisk

website, events and outcomes has been included in more than 240 websites, web libraries, etc.

The following tables, include sites linking to TRANSrisk identified during the period from December

2017 to June 2018. Previous links are archived in the previous versions of D8.2.

Table 12: Websites with brief description, reference or link to TRANSrisk

Website Link

PROSPECT http://h2020prospect.eu/library/cross-promotion

SPRU UoS http://www.sussex.ac.uk/spru/research/themes/sussexenergygroup/members

SET-Nav.eu http://set-nav.eu/content/pages/synergies

Elsevier https://www.journals.elsevier.com/environmental-innovation-and-societal-


ASVIS http://asvis.it/in-evidenza-nella-settimana/230-2003/in-evidenza-nella-settimana-


FCRN https://www.fcrn.org.uk/opportunities/survey-sustainable-development-


European Sustainable Phosphorus Platform (ESPP)


ProCesy Inwestycyjne http://www.proinwestycje.pl/newsletter_podglad/53659

Medeas http://www.medeas.eu/links

Table 13: Websites with reference to TRANSrisk events

Website Link Event

IBS http://ibs.org.pl/en/events/risks-of-low-carbon-transition-in-poland/

Stakeholder engagement workshop for the case study in Poland

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Website Link Event

NRP 71 http://www.nfp71.ch/en/News/Pages/171121-news-nfp71-no-gas-needed.aspx

Stakeholder engagement workshop for the case study in Poland

Blog de Pedro Linares http://pedrolinares.blogspot.com/2018/04/factores-clave-para-el-desarrollo-de.html

Stakeholder engagement workshop for the case study in Spain

eventbrite https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/creating-a-common-language-for-low-carbon-futures-in-alberta-tickets-43380580484#

Announcement of workshop “Creating a Common Language for Low-carbon futures in Alberta”

Decision Support Systems Laboratory, Technical University of Crete


Mention of the scientific workshop “Exploring Risks and Implications of different Energy and Climate Policy Scenarios towards 2050: Methods, tools and models”

Energise http://energise-project.eu/node/1209

Mention of the Decarbonisation project networking workshop



Conclusions of the “2nd International Workshop on Sustainability and Resilience of Bio-energy for Climate Change: Support Exemplary Solutions, Business Models and Enabling Conditions”



Mention of the Decarbonisation project networking workshop

Table 14: Websites with TRANSrisk reports and presentations, or presentations mentioning TRANSrisk

Website Link Report/Presentation

Cordis page https://cordis.europa.eu/result/rcn/204887_en.html

Summary of the 1st periodic report

European Commission http://ec.europa.eu/research/infocentre/article_en.cfm?artid=47256

Media article “Guiding the low-carbon transition with evidence-based policy tools”

SEI https://www.sei.org/mediamanager/documents/Publications/SEI-WP-2016-12-Agent-based-modelling-MD-final.pdf

Working paper on Agent Based Modelling

Emeraldinsight https://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/full/10.1108/JKM-01-2017-0006

TRANSrisk scientific publication “Managing stakeholder knowledge for the evaluation of innovation systems in the face of climate change”

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D8.2 Communication and Dissemination Plan, Progress Update – June 2018 Page 68

Website Link Report/Presentation

Taylor & Francis Online https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13621025.2018.1477919

Reference to TRANSrisk’s report D3.2 Context of 15 case studies: Spain

SEI https://www.sei.org/perspectives/geothermal-landscapes-powering-kenyas-future/

Video on the Geothermal case study in Kenya

Down to Earth http://www.downtoearth.org.in/news/what-will-brexit-mean-for-the-climate--59273

Mention of the media article media article “What will Brexit mean for the climate? (Clue: it doesn’t look good)”



Magazine article regarding the CORDIS page update based on D4.1

PeakOil http://peakoil.com/forums/abrupt-climate-change-t72791-380.html

Mention of TRANSrisk’s scientific publication “Mitigation implications of an ice‐free summer in the Arctic Ocean”

VOX - LACEA http://vox.lacea.org/?q=blog/energia_solar_chile

Mention of TRANSrisk’s report D3.2 Context of 15 case studies: Spain



Magazine article regarding the CORDIS page update based on D4.1

Newsweek https://www.newsweek.co.uk/why-brexit-bad-news-climate-change-534794

Mention of the media article media article “What will Brexit mean for the climate? (Clue: it doesn’t look good)”

Brexit & Environment https://www.brexitenvironment.co.uk/2017/12/04/brexit-climate-not-look-good/

Mention of the media article media article “What will Brexit mean for the climate? (Clue: it doesn’t look good)”



Mention of the media article media article “What will Brexit mean for the climate? (Clue: it doesn’t look good)”

Climate Change Innovation Lab Tasmania


Mention of the media article media article “What will Brexit mean for the climate? (Clue: it doesn’t look good)”

Green Energy Portal - California


Magazine article regarding the CORDIS page update based on D4.1



Mention of the media article media article “What will Brexit mean for the climate? (Clue: it doesn’t look good)”

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D8.2 Communication and Dissemination Plan, Progress Update – June 2018 Page 69

Website Link Report/Presentation

Global Warming or Climate Change - Blog


Mention to the video on the Geothermal case study in Kenya

Yahoo News https://uk.news.yahoo.com/brexit-mean-climate-clue-doesn-090515359.html

Mention of the media article media article “What will Brexit mean for the climate? (Clue: it doesn’t look good)”