d u e t - DigiFind-It · and friends as “Tom,” upheld its repu tation and made it famous...

Fjr»e Public library b - v Inaiffernce never built up 2J pride in any community. The growth and welfare of Bel- {k mar depend on personal in- 31 terest and a boost at every opportunity goes a long way % toward that goal. Sl duet f? Adverse criticism without yt constructive suggestion is 4 like tearing down your house % without having any plan for :c -)k rebuilding. This is applica- ' & ble To your home town. V "*»> ' -/i- •> £ r'/ ?') ? ?-X ' ww Vol. 47; No. 37 BELMAR, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8,1935. Single Copy, 4 Cent* REPUBLICAN CLUB IS FORGING AHEAD MEETINGS ARE LARGELY ATTENDED Committees Appointed for Public Affairs and Consolida- tion of Local Units Thomas P. Murphy Dies Suddenly Owner of Belmar Casino Three Members to Be Chos- Stricken with Heart en and Budget Rati- Attack | fied School Election Oppose County Next Wednesday Publicity Berth Permit Sent to Navigation Board for Improvement on Belmar-Avon Bridge At a largely attended meeting ot the Republican Club in headquarters on Ninth avenue Wednesday night a pub- lic affairs committee was appointed consisting of John CapobiancoJoseph Silverstein, Charles J. Markus an Clarence Stines. This committee will function in the interests of the bor “^ ‘committee of four was also ap- pointed to convene with the s°uth Bel- mar and West Belmar club members in an endeavor to consolidate. The Dr. R. E. Watkins Confined To Hospital Popular Physician and Civic Worker Suffers Affec- tion of the Spine endeavor to Dr. Robert E. Watkins of 517 Fifth members of this committee are: Leon !avenue is confined to Fitkin Hospital members ox _ ----------- wjth a serj0Us affection of his spme. Dr. Watkins’ genial personality is missed very much in the many civic organizations in which he is an active tireless worker. His numerous friends and associates extend to him, through this paper their sincere sympathy and hope for nis speedy recovery. G. O. P. Women Plan Activities Abbott, Charles J. Markus, Irving Hirsch and Don Hurley. ^ Reports of sales of ticket foi the dance to be held in the Community Center, February 21, thus far give promise of a very successful affair. At the next meeting, Wednesday night, the Affiliated Young Mens Re- publican Clubs of Monmouth County will be guests. ___________ South Belmar Needy Relief Receive Word from Newark that Money Will Be Forthcoming In the death of Thomas P. Murphy, j Election of three members of the proprietor of the Belmar Casino, Bel- ’ g 0ard of Education and ratification of mar has lost another old resident and South Belmar is to receive relief for V K 'w a s recced Tuesday by Borough Clerk John F. Carlton from headquarters in Newark stating relief will be forthcoming m due C°Mayor Frank Herbert and the Coun- cil have been working for several weeks to bring this about They could not get any satisfaction from either the Red Bank or Asbury Park offices and appealed to Newark and Wash- ^ThT'result was that the Washington authorities got in touch ^ th Newark and the matter was promptly attended to. ________ BUDGET PASSES FINAL READING No Objections or Suggested Changes Are Offered Four New Members Admit- ted to Club at Last Meeting Thirty-five members were Pr®s®at Monday afternoon at a meeting of the Belmar Woman’s Republican club in the Public Library rooms. Four new members joined. Plans for the ensuing year were dis- cussed. A delegation is to attend Governor Hoffman’s testimonial lun- cheon on March 6th in Trenton. The club joined as a unit the United Mon- mouth County Woman’s Club. The new members are: M r a. Etne* Brunt, Mrs. Margaret Robinson, Mrs. E. Chamberlain and Mrs. E ” ie® t Blaicher. The next meeting will he held the first Monday of next month in the Public Library at 2 o’clock. FAMILY HELPED FROM BURNING HOME The 1935 budget was passed on final reading by the Borough Commission Tuesday. No objections or suggestions were offered. , The amount to be raised by is $157,743.81 which is $2,289.67 less than last year. The total anticipated revenues i $277,153.81 as compared with 5 >zt>A- 233.48 last year, and appropriations to- tal $277,153.81 as against $262,2dd.4» for 1934. lVfTIRPHY P I O N E E R OF MOTION PICTURES Thomas Murphy was one of the first to operate a motion picture house in this county which was located in the Goldstein building on Cookman ave- nue, Asbury Park. It was also the only movie house to put on a vaude- ville show at the same place. He also operated movies in Red Bank and Plainfield. sou™ bdxmabohool election Prompt Response by South Belmar Firemen Averts Catastrophe familiar figure almost everyone knew. Mr. Murphy who had been in ill health for many months, died suddenly Saturday night from heart failure. Mr. Murphy came here from Borden- town with his parents the late Thomas J. and Margaret Murphy when a child and until two years ago, lived here all his life. An account of failing health he had i-> g've up active management of the Casino and had since lived in Bradley Beach at 510 Fourth avenue. Taking up the management of the Casino, a distinctive landmark of Bel- mar, at his father’s death Mr. Murphy, familiarly known to a host of patrons and friends as “Tom,” upheld its repu- tation and made it famous throughout this state for its shore dinners and ex- cellent cuisine. It became, under his management, the mecca for testimon- ial banquets and annual outings of political clubs, fraternal societies, fire and police departments near and far. Mr. Murphy gained his reputation as a caterer through his personal super- vision of the purchase of food and drink and the manner in which they were served. He was a member of Asbury Park Elks, the Moose, the Holy Name So- ciety and of St. Rose Catholic church. Mr. Murphy, who was in his fiftieth year, is survived by his widow, who was Miss Agnes W. Erling of Red Bank; two sons. Raymond and Bern- ard, and a daughter, Louise, all living at home; four sisters, Mrs. T. S. Ran- kin, Mrs. F. L. Nolan, Mrs. G. T. Royael and Mrs. W. P. Murray, all of this borough. Funeral services were held Wednes- day at 9 A. M. in St. Rose’s Church where a high requiem mass was cele- brated by the Rev. John F. Welsh, rector of the church. Interment was made in St. Mary's cemetery, Borden- town. Members of Court Glennon, Catholic Daughters of America recited the Rosary at the home Tuesday af- ternoon and the Holy Name Society in the evening. The pallbearers were Joseph Dillon, Anthony Giunco, James Burke, Carl Schroeder, Everett Antonides and Al- fred Armes. the budget will be held next Wednes- day evening at the grammar school. Mrs. Nora T. Schmidt, president of the board, Neil Miller and Eddie Bro- ege are candidates for reelection. The polls will be open from 7 till 9 o’clock. The budget appropriation for the en- suing year is $42,875.00 divided as fol- lows: Current expenses, $37,375.00; re- pairs and replacements, $2,800.00; man- ual training, $2,700. SOUTH BELMAR BUS ACCOMMODATION The Borough Council of South Bel- mar granted permits Monday night to the South Jersey Bus Company to run a bus to Jersey City and. to the Coastal Cities Coach Company for one to New York. The terminal in South Belmar will be at Martin’s Diner, Redmond avenue and F street. George Martin will be the ticket agent. The Board of Chosen Freeholders at its meeting on Wednesday created an- other new office and now they have a County Publicity Agent at the salary of $100 a month. The vote was three to two for the creation. Freeholders Wyckoff and Mayer voted against the berth. Freeholder Joseph Mayer vigorously opposed the new job as bad business management and unsound economy, and an unfair imposition on the tax- payers. Freeholder Wyckoff also very stron :y opposed the selection of one, Mr. G'uck. Widening and lengthening the bridge on th ocean front between Avon and Belnr r got a step further ahead when the Board presented a permit for the proje - to the Board of Commerce and Navigation. Frank Herbert Feted At Banquet Mayor of South Belmar Eul- ogized by Politicians and Friends bowling league meeting a meeting of the Belmar Commun- ity C iter Bowling league is called for next Monday evening, February 11 at 7-30 B M. Captains are requested to be on band as important business will bo discussed. tne ticKet agenv. ____ __ ~ - ______________ _ ______ “THE WORLD IS ALL RIGHT” SEZ THE FIRST AID SQUAD AND THEY’LL DEMONSTRATE IT Extravaganza to Be Presented in Grammar School Feb- ruary 28th ad March 1st Prompt response to an alarm by the South Belmar Fire Department, Mon- day night at 8:05 not only saved the home of A. B. Schweeters at 2017 Twentieth avenue but probably tne lives of five people. The firemen were on the scene witn- in three minutes after the alarm was turned in. They located the fire in the second story attic and chopped through the roof to reach it. Mrs. Jennie Jones, Mrs. Schweeters mother, who is a cripple was carried out by the firemen. Mrs. Schweeters and her daughter Elma and Mrs. Viva McNeal and her daughter Nancy were also helper5 out of the burning build- ing. They'were take" to the home of Mrs. Schweeters’ sister, Mrs. Joseph Gifford on Worthington avenue Spring Lake, where they spent the night. Damage to the house is estimated at over $1,000. PRAISE FOR POLICE Charles Lang is a candidate for member of South Belmar Board of Education to succeed William Hope, resigned. Marie Haug, district clerk, and Thomas Hall are seeking reelec- tion. . __ All three are for three year terms and are unopposed on the ballot. The election will be held next Wednesday evening in the Borough Hall from 7 o’clock till 9 o’clock. Registration will be held in the Bor- ough Hall tomorrow where Mrs. Haug will be in attendance from 7 to 8 F. M. _________ HABERSTICK DRIVER OF H. & L. TRUCK A letter was received by the Borough Commission Tuesday from W. Ludlow James of North Boulevard a.nd Mont- clair congratulating Chief Winslow M. Brackett and the Police Department for their work in rounding up the youths responsible for damaging prop- erty in the south end of the borough. APPOINT MeCONNELL SPECIAL OFFICER On recommendation by Mayor Jos- eph Mayer the Borough Commission, Tuesday morning, confirmed the elec- tion of Howard Haberstick as driver of the Volunteer Hook and Ladder Company truck. A request by the same company that Dr F V. Thompson be appointed as physician of the fire department was laid over for future consideration. LOFT’S 10c BOX CANDY Uusurpassable in Quality Unbeatable in Price at RIVOLI SUGAR BOWL Next The Rivoli Theatre F Street, Belmar, N. J. New and Enlarged CIRCULATING LIBRARY at BELMAR STATIONERY STORE 801 F St,, Belmar A Treat In Store Anxiously Anticipated Elaborate Plans Being Made for G. O. P. Dance February 21 Mayor Frank Herbert of South Bel- mar was all but smothered in compli- ments Saturday night at a testimonial banquet tendered him by a host of friends and admirers in the Moose Home. Mr. Herbert was the target for com- the Moose and just friends werd- pliments from politicians, Brothers of ed in such eulogistic language as to make any man feel his wings sprout- ing before his appointed time. Primed with an excellent repast the diners applauded the remarks of Car; Schroeder, president of the You: . Men’s Democratic Club of this be; - ough, Mayor William Sengel of Sprh Lake Heights, Justice of the Per -e Neil Algor, Mrs. Belle Woolley, Mr.;. Anna Shaefer, Charles Schulz a T John F. Carlton, respectively collect . assessor, councilman and borou-h clerk of South Belmar. Charles J. Markus, president of Bel- mar Chamber of Commerce and a bro- ther Moose was toastmaster. Dancing to the music of Herbert’s (not Frank’s) Serenaders was enjoyed until the “wee sma’ hours o’ the morn- in.’ ” The arrangement committee which did a splendid job, consisted of Lawr- ence Martin, dictator of the lodge, Frank Henderson, Daniel Paternoster, Thomas C. Bagshaw and Fred Eggi- mann. Y. M. H . A. Puts On Delightful Show Large Gathering Enjoys Varied Program n* Music ani Recitation A dance and entertainment which promises to make a record among the many public and social affairs which have piled up in this borough for some time will be staged by the Belmar Re- publican Club in the Community Cen- ter on Washington’s Birthday Eve, February 21st. The Peppy Couquettes will provide music for dancing and a program of delightful entertainment will be sup- plied by artists of repute whom the committee has selected from a roster of talent. BILLIARD STARS SHINE AT ROCKY’S The member ' of the Y. M. H. A. were given 8. ~ \usical treat and a nis- tronic display Monday night at the dubroom in the Public Library. The large g thering was entertained with a clever skit, "Love Lorn” by Paul and Evelyn Sherman of Asbury Park as an opener. Martin Rosenblatt gave a very inter- esting and enlightening talk on Moses Maimonides the Jewish sage whose eight hundredth birthday was cele- brated this week. Irving Hirsch, secretary of the club rendered violin solos on his $1000 in- strument He was accompanied on the piano by Mrs. Hirsch. Alfred Kaminsky sang three bari- tone solos and showed a masterly con- trol over a fine voice. Mrs. Fannye Golden, who, by the way, is Bill Ruben’s sister, and pos- sesses a delightful mezzo soprano voice gave pleasing renditions of Jewish and Irish folksongs and classical numbers. Mr. Ruben of the entertainment committee was congratulated on the excellence of the entertainment. Louis Barr was the maestro of the evening. H & L. CO. ANNIVERSARY At the request of Willard J. Sterner the Borough Commission, Tuesday, ap- pointed Joseph McConnell a special police officer. His duties will be con- fined to work at the Sterner Coal and Lumber Company’s plant as watch- man. LOST—Small wirehaired terrier mix- ed with Airdale, white face, answers to name of Rex. Reward. Address 503 14th avenue, Belmar. PEARL OIL TREATMENT With Genoa Steamer $1.00 6 Treatments for $5.00 at the G BEAUTY SHOPPE 1005 M F St., Belmar Tel. 986 Nick Paduano and Frank Mazzo Vic- tors Over Bert Fitzgerald Nick Paduano, representing Rocky's Billiard Academy on Tenth avenue showed his skill at pocket billiards Friday night by dfeating Bert Fitz- gerald 125 to 81 in the Central New Jersey Pocket Billiard Tournament. This Friday evening Nick will play George Brown at Rahway. Frank Mazzo of R o c k y ’s, another star cueist beat Fitzgerald 125 to 122 at Keyport Friday night. W. BELMAR A. C. WANTS B. B. DATES "The World Is All Right!’’ The First Aid Squad is going to demonstrate this fact and that it’s the people who put the kinks in it, at a show and extravaganza to be given in the Public School Auditorium Thurs- day and Friday evenings, February 28 and March 1. If the returns turn up all rght it ll be all right, all right, but if they dont it’ll be one of those kinks of the peo- ^ The play, which is a conglomeration of drama and comedy, pathos and humor, is built around a broadcasting studio and gives ample opportunities for the display of talent, a lot of which lies latent in this borough. The cast will be made up of local people and give them plenty of scope to do their stunts. The cast is about cast and rehears- als begin this week in earnest. For further particulars, the announ- cer from the station of the play says, “See Your Weekly Newspaper Next Week.” _____ Legion Presents Own Bonus Bill Ben Franklin Store Opening Tomorrow No Souvenirs or Trumpet Blowing but Honest Values In All Lines A regular meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Hook and Ladder Company was held Monday evening at the Eleventh avenue firehouse. Plans were made for the anniversary dinner which will be held February 14th, St. Valentine’s Day at Martin’s reseaur- ant. A card party will be held Lincoln s Birt' 'ay. February 12th at the fire- bous". Refreshments will be served. Among the members present were: Eleanor Galluccio. Hazel Haberstick, Catherine Asay, Dorothy Hill, Clara Abbott, Catherine Veron, Edna Burger, Elsie Thompson, Emma Veron, Bern- ice Hope, Rene Pearce, Adelia Dunfee, Inez Kims, Marion Smith and Misses Agnes Pearee and Jessie Galluccio. Tomorrow morning Belmar will have a five and ten cent and up store where virtually everything for the household and personal use may be purchased at city prices. The store is located on F street at Tenth avenue. It has been remodeled and renovated and besides being an innovation will be an added credit to* Belmar’s high class stores. Under the management of H. Rad- ler, assisted by Mrs. Radler and six local girl assistants one may get in this borough at this Ben Franklin' Store anything that can be purchased at any of the similar stores in New" York, Newark or Asbury Park. The Franklin Stores do not start with a lot of noise and giveaway sou- venirs, they rely for patronage on real, honest values at the lowest possible prices. Takes Issue Out of Finan- cial and Political Fantasies The West Belmar A. C. junior bas- ketball team is open to book dates with teams whose players range from 16 to 19 years of age. Leroy Goodwin, Eighteenth avenue and H street will be glad to receive letters and arrange games. WALL BLDG. & LOAN ASSN. ANNUAL MEETING LET US—Do your bookkeeping for you. Income tax reports, statistical work and all types of accounting. Low- den A Lowden, 727 Mattlson Ave., As- bury Park 198. Wanted—White girl for general house- work in family of four. Apply Coast Advertiser. HUDSON-TERRAPLANE Now on display at P. W. Sherman Motor Co. snowrooms at Asbury Parle and Manasquan. W e call {or and. deliver serviced cars. LEATHER SHOES DYED ANY COLOR Guaranteed at PARK SHOE REPAIRING 1004 F Street Belmar, N. J. —BUY Uf BKLMAB **W -» Don’t Forget—Every Thursday BANANA SPLIT DAY at RUBEN'S topped with whipped cream atlSc Ninth Avenue and F Street RIGitT NOW is the time to consult us about your THE LATEST FASHIONS FUR GARMENTS RESTYLED IN Quality ofworkmanship and service guaranteed, and the price is right Women's and Men’s Suits Dry Cleaned and Pressed Called For and Delivered A BLUM Eighth Ave. and F St. Phone SW The Annual Meeting of the share- holders of the Wall Building and Loan Association of Belmar, N. J., for the election of Directors and for the tran- saction of such other business as may come before the meeting, will be held Thursday evening, February 28, 1935, at 8 P. M. at the Association Office, 706 10th Avenue, Belmar. N. *J. Adv.—Feb 8-15 ROCKY’S BILLIARD ROOM Next to Post Office Mazz, Belmar vs. Fauver, Asbury Park Central Jersey Game Wednesday, February 13th DO YOU NEED PRINTING? The printing department of this office is fully equipped to serve you with any kind of printing. Let us estimate on you' oex* ANNOUNCEMENT The sensation of the New York Auto Show— THE PACKARD 120 will be on display in the near future of P. W. Sherman Motor Co., Asbury Pork and Manasuan. Packard, Hud- son and Terraplane Distributors. In a determined move to take the Adjusted Service Certificate issue out of the dangerous realm of financial and political fantasies, The American Legion has introduced in Congress its own bill providing for immediate pay- ment of the government’s debt to the World War veterans. Under the personal leadership of Na- tional Commander Frank N. Bel- grano, Jr., the bill was intrdouced on Monday, January 14 by Representative Fred Vinson, of Kentucky, ranking majority member of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee where so-called bonus legislation must be considered and whipped into shape before it goes back to Congress for fi- nal decision. The Legion’s bill is clear-cut. In ef - fect, it is the resolution of the Miami Convention in legal form. It simply provides outright for the immediate payment of the Adjusted Service Cer- tificates at full face value, less any previous loans, with cancellation of in- terest accrued and refund of interest paid, as an effective relief and recov- ery measure. The action of the Legion, under the direction of the National Commandei, has completely cleared away the smoke-screen that enshrouded the so- called bonus issue in Washington as a result of the efforts of some groups having inflationary and new monetary plans to tie their ideas into the Ad- justed Certificate legislation. These plans seriously threatened the success of the veterans' program, until the Le- gion took decisive action to take the issue out of the atmosphere of such theories and bring it down to the solid ground of fact. More than forty bills have been in- troduced in Congress nrovidm" for immediate payment of the certificates Practically everv one offered some dif- ferent medium for raising the money. Some called for inflation of the cur- rency, others for additional remone- tization of silver, and still others for a complete change in the currency and banking laws of the country. In de- termining to save the horn’s issue from this situation, the Legion made >t clear that it is neither endorsing nor oppos- ing these ideas, but. that it regards them as entirely foreign to the nues- tion of paying the veterans a. debt. BOARDWALK BOOTHS FOR NEEDY RELIEF A request by the Chamber of Com- merce for the use of the booths on the boardwalk other than the pavilions next summer for the benefit of the needy relief fund was received by the Borough Commission Tuesday morn- ing and filed for future consideration. Clarence Campbell Miami Traffic Cop Familiar Boardwalk Figure Shows Southerners How It’s Done Clarence Campbell of 1204 Bayvievv avenue, the genial officer who was on duty at the north end of the Belmar boardwalk, employed by the Belmar Fishing Club to direct traffic and park ing during the summer season, and who first discovered the Morro Castle burning offshore September seventh, is now employed by the City of Miami Beach, Fla. at the Roney Plaza Hotel traffic crossing. Clarence wishes his friends to know he has been very busy as traffic offi- cer and says “Its always June in Mi- ami Beach” except when the north wind blows the zero breezes down that way. He says he’s the best looking of- ficer on the force down there but not in Belmar. CHANGE DATE OF SENIOR B B. GAME Belmar Community Center Church basketball league games will be play- ed next Tuesday night instead of the regular night, Wednesday. ___________________ . - .1 ' J EDWARD LEWIS Edward Lewis, brother of Harry J. Lews of this borough died, in Cleve- land, Ohio, Saturday after a short i!1- ness. He is the son of Julius ai d Flora Lewis and was born in New York 57 years ago. He is survived by his widow, a daughter, two other bro- thers, Sol P. of Manasquan and Will- iam J. of South Orange, and a sister, Mrs. Eva Michelsohn of this borough. LOFT’S 10c BOX CANDY Unsurpassable in Quality Unbeatable in Price at RIVOLI SUGAR BOWL Next The Riovoli Theatre F. S'reet, Belmar

Transcript of d u e t - DigiFind-It · and friends as “Tom,” upheld its repu tation and made it famous...

Page 1: d u e t - DigiFind-It · and friends as “Tom,” upheld its repu tation and made it famous throughout this state for its shore dinners and ex cellent cuisine. It became, under his

Fjr»e Public library

b - vInaiffernce never built up

2J pride in any community. The growth and welfare of Bel-

{k mar depend on personal in- 31 terest and a boost at every

opportunity goes a long way % toward that goal.

Sl d u e tf? Adverse criticism without yt

constructive suggestion is 4like tearing down your house %without having any plan for :c

-)k rebuilding. This is applica-'& ble To your home town.

V"*» >' -/i- •> £ r '/ ? ') ? ? -X' w w

Vol. 47; No. 37 BELMAR, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8,1935. Single Copy, 4 Cent*



Committees Appointed for Public Affairs and Consolida­tion of Local Units

Thomas P. MurphyDies Suddenly

Owner of Belmar Casino Three Members to Be Chos- Stricken with Heart en and Budget Rati-

Attack | fied

School Election Oppose CountyNext Wednesday Publicity Berth

Permit Sent to Navigation Board for Improvement on

Belmar-Avon Bridge

A t a largely a tten d ed m eeting ot the R epub lican Club in h ead q u arte rs on N in th avenue W ednesday n ig h t a pub­lic a ffa irs com m ittee w as appointed consisting of John C a p o b ia n c o Jo se p h S ilverstein , C harles J . M arkus an C larence Stines. T his com m ittee will function in th e in te rests of th e bor

“^ ‘com m ittee of four w as also ap ­po in ted to convene w ith the s °u th Bel­m ar and W est B elm ar club m em bers in an endeavor to consolidate. The

Dr. R. E. Watkins Confined To Hospital

Popular Physician and Civic Worker Suffers Affec­

tion of the Spine

• endeavor to D r. R obert E. W atk in s of 517 F if thm em bers of th is com m ittee a re : Leon !avenue is confined to F itk in H ospital m em bers ox _ ----------- w jth a se rj0Us affection of h is spme.

Dr. W atk in s’ genial personality is m issed very m uch in th e m any civic o rgan izations in w hich he is an active tire less w orker.

H is num erous friends and associates extend to him , th ro u g h th is paper th e ir sincere sym pathy and hope for nis speedy recovery.

G. O. P. WomenPlan Activities

A bbott, C harles J. M arkus, Irv ing H irsch and Don H urley . ^

R e p o r ts o f sa les of t i c k e t fo i th e d a n ce to be held in th e C o m m u n ity C en te r , F e b ru a ry 21, th u s f a r give p ro m ise of a v e ry su ccess fu l a f fa ir .

A t the nex t m eeting, W ednesday n igh t, th e A ffiliated Y oung M en s R e­publican Clubs of M onm outh County will be guests. ___________

South BelmarNeedy Relief

Receive Word from Newark that Money Will Be


In the d ea th of T hom as P . M urphy, j E lection of th ree m em bers of the proprie to r of the B elm ar Casino, Bel- ’ g 0a rd of E ducation and ra tifica tio n of m a r has lost an o th e r old res iden t and

South B elm ar is to receive relief for

V K ' w a s r e c c e d T uesday by Borough C lerk John F. C arlton from head q u arte rs in N ewark stating relief will be forthcoming m due

C°M ayor F ra n k H erb e rt and the Coun­cil have been w orking fo r several w eeks to b ring th is about T hey could not get any sa tisfac tion from either th e R ed B ank or A sbury P a rk offices and appealed to N ew ark and W ash-

^ThT'result w as that the W ashington authorities got in touch ^ th N ew ark and the m atter w as promptly attended to. ________


No Objections or Suggested Changes Are


Four New Members Admit­ted to Club at Last

MeetingT hirty-five m em bers w ere Pr®s®at

M onday a fte rnoon a t a m eeting of the B elm ar W om an’s R epublican club in th e Public L ib rary rooms. F ou r new m em bers joined.

P lans for th e ensuing year w ere d is­cussed. A delegation is to a tten d G overnor H offm an’s tes tim on ia l lun­cheon on M arch 6th in T ren ton . The club joined as a u n it th e U nited M on­m outh County W om an’s Club.

The new m em bers are : M r a. Etne* B run t, Mrs. M argare t R obinson, Mrs. E . C ham berlain and M rs. E ” ie®t B laicher. T he nex t m eeting will he held th e f i rs t M onday of n ex t m onth in th e Public L ib ra ry a t 2 o’clock.


The 1935 budget w as passed on final read in g by th e B orough Com m ission T uesday. N o objections or suggestionsw ere offered. ,

The am o u n t to be raised by is $157,743.81 w hich is $2,289.67 less th an la s t year.

T he to ta l an tic ipa ted revenues i $277,153.81 as com pared w ith 5>zt>A- 233.48 la s t year, and app ro p ria tio n s to- ta l $277,153.81 as ag a in s t $262,2dd.4» fo r 1934.


T hom as M urphy w as one of th e f irs t to opera te a m otion p ic tu re house in th is county w hich w as located in th e G oldstein bu ild ing on C ookm an ave­nue, A sbury P a rk . I t w as also the only m ovie house to p u t on a vaude­ville show a t th e sam e place. H e also operated movies in R ed B ank and P lainfield .

s o u ™ b d x m a b o h o o l e l e c t i o n

Prompt Response by South Belmar Firem en Averts Catastrophe

fam ilia r figu re a lm ost everyone knew.Mr. M urphy w ho had been in ill

h ea lth for m any m onths, died suddenly S a tu rday n ig h t from h e a rt failure .

Mr. M urphy cam e here from Borden- tow n w ith h is p a ren ts th e la te T hom as J. and M argare t M urphy w hen a child and un til tw o years ago, lived here all h is life. An account of fa iling health he had i-> g 've up active m anagem ent of the Casino and had since lived in B radley B each a t 510 F o u rth avenue.

T ak ing up th e m anagem ent of the Casino, a d is tinctive landm ark of Bel­m ar, a t h is fa th e r’s dea th Mr. M urphy, fam ilia rly know n to a host of pa trons an d friends a s “Tom,” upheld its repu ­ta tion and m ade it fam ous th roughou t this s ta te fo r its shore d inners and ex­cellent cuisine. I t becam e, u nder his m anagem ent, th e m ecca for tes tim on­ial banquets and annua l ou tings of political clubs, f ra te rn a l societies, fire and police d ep artm en ts n ea r and far.

Mr. M urphy gained h is repu ta tion as a c a te re r th rough h is personal super­vision of th e pu rchase of food and d rin k and th e m anner in w hich they w ere served.

H e w as a m em ber of A sbury P a rk E lk s, the Moose, th e Holy N am e So­ciety and of St. Rose C atholic church.

Mr. M urphy, w ho w as in h is fiftie th year, is survived by h is widow, who w as Miss Agnes W. E rlin g of R ed B ank ; tw o sons. R aym ond and B ern­ard , and a daugh ter, Louise, all living a t hom e; fou r sisters, Mrs. T. S. R an ­kin, Mrs. F . L. N olan, Mrs. G. T. R oyael and M rs. W. P . M urray , all of th is borough.

F u n e ra l services w ere held W ednes­day a t 9 A. M. in St. R ose’s C hurch w here a h igh requiem m ass w as cele­b ra ted by the Rev. John F. W elsh, rec to r of the church . In te rm e n t w as m ade in St. M ary 's cem etery , Borden- tow n. M em bers of C ourt G lennon, C atholic D augh ters of A m erica recited the R osary a t th e hom e T uesday a f­ternoon an d th e H oly N am e Society in th e evening.

T he pa llbearers w ere Jo seph Dillon, A nthony Giunco, Jam es B urke, Carl Schroeder, E v e re tt A ntonides and Al­fred Armes.

th e budget w ill be held nex t W ednes­day evening a t th e g ram m ar school.

Mrs. N ora T. Schm idt, p residen t of the board, N eil M iller and E ddie Bro- ege a re candida tes fo r reelection. The polls w ill be open from 7 till 9 o’clock.

The budget app rop ria tion fo r th e en­suing y ea r is $42,875.00 divided as fol­lows: C u rren t expenses, $37,375.00; re­pa irs and replacem ents, $2,800.00; m an ­ual tra in ing , $2,700.


The B orough Council of South Bel­m ar g ran ted perm its M onday n ig h t to th e South Je rsey Bus Com pany to run a bus to Jersey City and. to th e Coastal C ities Coach Com pany for one to New York.

The te rm ina l in South B elm ar will be a t M artin ’s D iner, R edm ond avenue and F stree t. G eorge M artin w ill be th e tick e t agent.

The B oard of Chosen F reeho lders a t its m eeting on W ednesday crea ted an ­o th er new office an d now th ey have a C ounty P ub lic ity A gent a t th e sa lary of $100 a m onth.

The vote w as th ree to tw o fo r th e creation . F reeho lders W yckoff and M ayer voted a g a in s t th e berth .

F reeholder Joseph M ayer vigorously opposed the new job as bad business m anagem ent and unsound economy, and an u n fa ir im position on th e tax ­payers. F reeho lder W yckoff also very stro n :y opposed th e selection of one, Mr. G 'uck.

W idening and leng then ing th e bridge on th ocean fro n t betw een Avon and B elnr r got a step fu r th e r ahead w hen th e B oard presen ted a p e rm it fo r the proje - to th e B oard of Com m erce and N avigation .

Frank HerbertFeted At Banquet

Mayor of South Belmar Eul­ogized by Politicians

and Friends

b o w l i n g l e a g u e m e e t i n g

a m eeting of th e B elm ar Com m un­ity C ite r Bowling league is called for nex t M onday evening, F eb ru a ry 11 a t 7-30 B M. C aptains a re requested to be on band as im p o rtan t business will bo discussed.tn e ticKet agenv. ____ __ ~ - ______________ _ ______



Extravaganza to Be Presented in Grammar School Feb- ruary 28th ad March 1st

P ro m p t response to an a la rm by the South B elm ar F ire D epartm en t, M on­day n ig h t a t 8:05 no t only saved the hom e of A. B. S chw eeters a t 2017 T w en tie th avenue b u t probably tne lives of five people.

T he firem en w ere on th e scene w itn- in th ree m inu tes a f te r the a la rm w as tu rned in. They located the fire in th e second sto ry a tt ic an d chopped th rough th e roof to reach it.

Mrs. Jenn ie Jones, Mrs. Schw eeters m other, w ho is a cripp le w as carried ou t by th e firem en. Mrs. Schw eeters and h e r d au g h te r E lm a and Mrs. Viva M cN eal and h e r d augh ter N ancy w ere also helper5 ou t of the bu rn ing build­ing. T h ey 'w e re ta k e " to th e hom e of M rs. Schw eeters’ sister, Mrs. Joseph G ifford on W orth ing ton avenue Spring L ake, w here th ey spen t th e n igh t.

D am age to th e house is estim ated a t over $1,000.


C harles L ang is a cand ida te for m em ber of South B elm ar B oard of E duca tion to succeed W illiam H ope, resigned. M arie H aug, d is tr ic t clerk, an d T hom as H all a re seeking reelec­tion. . __

All th re e a re for th ree year te rm s and are unopposed on the ballot. The election will be held nex t W ednesday evening in th e B orough H all from 7 o’clock till 9 o’clock.

R eg is tra tio n will be held in th e B or­ough H all tom orrow w here M rs. H aug w ill be in a tten d an ce from 7 to 8 F . M. _________


A le tte r w as received by th e Borough Com m ission T uesday from W. Ludlow Jam es of N o rth B oulevard a.nd M ont­c la ir co n g ra tu la tin g C hief W inslow M. B ra c k e tt and th e Police D ep artm en t for th e ir w ork in rounding up the you ths responsible fo r dam ag ing p rop­e rty in th e sou th end of the borough.


On recom m endation by M ayor Jo s­eph M ayer th e B orough Comm ission, T uesday m orning, confirm ed the elec­tion of H ow ard H ab ers tick as d riv er of th e V olunteer H ook and L adder C om pany truck .

A req u est by the sam e com pany th a t D r F V. T hom pson be appo in ted as physician of th e fire dep a rtm en t w as laid over fo r fu tu re consideration.

L O FT ’S 10c BOX CANDY U usurpassab le in Q uality

U nbeatab le in P rice a t

R IV O L I SUGAR BOW L N ex t T he R ivoli T h ea tre

F S tree t, B elm ar, N. J.

N ew and E n la rg ed CIRCULATING LIBRARY

a t


A Treat In StoreAnxiously Anticipated

Elaborate P lans B eing Made fo r G. O. P. Dance February 21

M ayor F ra n k H e rb e rt of S ou th Bel­m ar w as all bu t sm othered in com pli­m ents S a tu rd ay n ig h t a t a tes tim on ia l b anque t tendered h im by a h o st of fr iends and adm irers in th e Moose Home.

M r. H e rb e rt w as th e ta rg e t fo r com- the Moose and ju s t fr ien d s w erd- p lim ents from politicians, B ro th e rs of ed in such eulogistic language as to m ake any m an feel his w ings sp rou t­ing before h is appoin ted tim e.

P rim ed w ith an excellent rep as t the d iners app lauded th e rem ark s of Car; Schroeder, p residen t of th e You: . M en’s D em ocratic Club of th is be; - ough, M ayor W illiam Sengel of Sprh L ake H eights, Ju s tice of th e P e r -e Neil Algor, M rs. Belle W oolley, Mr.;. A nna Shaefer, C harles Schulz a T John F. C arlton , respectively co llec t . assessor, councilm an and bo ro u -h clerk of South B elm ar.

C harles J. M arkus, p res iden t of Bel­m ar C ham ber of Com m erce and a bro­th e r Moose w as toas tm aste r.

D ancing to th e m usic of H e rb e rt’s (no t F ra n k ’s) Serenaders w as enjoyed u n til th e “wee sm a’ hours o’ th e m orn- in.’ ”

The a rran g em en t com m ittee w hich did a splendid job, consisted of L aw r­ence M artin , d ic ta to r of the lodge, F ra n k H enderson, D aniel P a te rn o ste r , T hom as C. B agshaw and F red E ggi- m ann.

Y. M. H . A . Puts On Delightful Show

Large Gathering Enjoys Varied Program n* Music

ani Recitation

A dance and en te r ta in m en t w hich prom ises to m ake a reco rd am ong the m any public an d social a ffa irs w hich have piled up in th is borough fo r som e tim e will be staged by th e B elm ar R e­publican Club in the C om m unity Cen­te r on W ash ing ton’s B irth d ay Eve, F eb ruary 21st.

The Peppy C ouquettes will provide m usic for dancing an d a p rog ram of deligh tfu l en te r ta in m en t will be sup­plied by a r t is ts of repu te w hom the com m ittee has selected from a ro s te r of ta len t.


The member ' of th e Y. M. H . A. w ere given 8. ~ \usical t r e a t and a nis- tron ic display M onday n ig h t a t the d u b ro o m in th e P ub lic L ibrary .

T he large g thering w as en te rta ined w ith a clever sk it, "Love L o rn” by P au l and E velyn S herm an of A sbury P a rk a s a n opener.

M artin R osenb la tt gave a very in te r­esting and en ligh ten ing ta lk on Moses M aim onides th e Jew ish sage whose e igh t h u n d red th b irth d ay w as cele­b ra ted th is week.

Irv in g H irsch , sec re ta ry of the club rendered violin solos on h is $1000 in­s t ru m e n t H e w as accom panied on th e p iano by M rs. H irsch .

A lfred K am insky sang th ree bari­tone solos and showed a m asterly con­tro l over a fine voice.

Mrs. F annye Golden, who, by the w ay, is B ill R uben ’s sister, and pos­sesses a de ligh tfu l mezzo soprano voice gave p leasing rend itions of Jew ish and Ir ish folksongs and classical num bers.

Mr. R uben of the e n te r ta in m en t com m ittee w as cong ra tu la ted on the excellence of th e en te rta in m en t. Louis B a rr w as th e m aestro of the evening.


A t the request of W illard J. S te rn e r th e B orough Comm ission, Tuesday, ap ­poin ted Jo seph M cConnell a special police officer. H is du ties will be con­fined to w ork a t th e S te rn er Coal and L um ber C om pany’s p lan t as w atch ­m an.

LOST—Sm all w irehaired te r r ie r m ix­ed w ith A irdale, w hite face, answ ers to nam e of Rex. R ew ard. A ddress 503 14th avenue, B elm ar.

P E A R L OIL T R E A T M E N T W ith G enoa S team er $1.00

6 T rea tm en ts fo r $5.00 a t the

G B EA U TY S H O P P E 1005 M F St., B elm ar Tel. 986

N ick Paduano and Frank Mazzo Vic­tors Over B ert Fitzgerald

N ick Paduano , rep resen ting R ocky's B illiard A cadem y on T en th avenue showed h is skill a t pocket b illiards F rid ay n ig h t by d fea ting B ert F itz ­gerald 125 to 81 in the C en tra l New Jersey P ocket B illiard T ournam en t. T his F rid ay evening N ick will play George B row n a t R ahw ay.

F ra n k Mazzo of R ocky’s, an o th e r s ta r cueist beat F itzgera ld 125 to 122 a t K eyport F rid ay night.


"The W orld Is All R ig h t!’’T he F ir s t Aid Squad is going to

d em onstra te th is fa c t and th a t it’s the people w ho p u t th e k in k s in it, a t a show and ex trav ag an za to be given in th e P ub lic School A uditorium T hurs­day and F rid ay evenings, F eb ru a ry 28 and M arch 1.

If the re tu rn s tu rn up all rg h t it ll be a ll righ t, a ll righ t, b u t if they d o n t it’ll be one of those k in k s of th e peo-

^ The play, w hich is a conglom eration of d ram a and comedy, pa thos and hum or, is bu ilt a round a b roadcasting stud io an d gives am ple opportun ities fo r th e d isplay of ta len t, a lo t of w hich lies la te n t in th is borough.

T he c a s t w ill be m ade up of local people and give th em p len ty of scope to do th e ir s tun ts .

T he ca s t is abou t cast and rehears­a ls begin th is w eek in earnest.

F o r fu r th e r p a rticu la rs , th e announ­cer from th e sta tion of th e p lay says, “See Y our W eekly N ew spaper N ext W eek.” _ _ _ _ _

Legion PresentsOwn Bonus Bill

Ben Franklin Store Opening Tomorrow

No Souvenirs or Trumpet Blowing but Honest Values

In All Lines

A reg u la r m eeting of the Ladies A uxiliary of th e H ook and L adder Com pany w as held M onday evening a t the E leven th avenue firehouse. P lans w ere m ade fo r th e ann iv e rsa ry d inner w hich will be held F eb ru a ry 14th, St. V alen tine’s D ay a t M artin ’s reseaur- ant.

A card p a rty w ill be held L incoln s B ir t ' 'ay . F eb ru a ry 12th a t the fire- bous". R efreshm en ts will be served.

Among the m em bers p resen t w ere: E leanor Galluccio. H azel H aberstick , C atherine Asay, D orothy Hill, C lara A bbott, C atherine V eron, E d n a B urger, E lsie T hom pson, E m m a Veron, B ern ­ice Hope, R ene Pearce, Adelia D unfee, Inez K im s, M arion Sm ith and M isses Agnes P ea ree and Jessie Galluccio.

Tom orrow m orning B elm ar will have a five and ten cen t and up sto re w here v irtua lly every th ing fo r th e household and personal use m ay be pu rchased a t city prices.

T he sto re is located on F s tree t a t T en th avenue. I t h as been rem odeled and renovated and besides being an innovation will be an added cred it to* B elm ar’s h igh class stores.

U nder th e m anagem en t of H . R ad - ler, ass isted by M rs. R ad le r and six local g irl a ss is tan ts one m ay g e t in th is borough a t th is B en F ra n k lin ' S tore an y th in g th a t can be pu rchased a t an y of the s im ila r sto res in New" Y ork, N ew ark or A sbury P a rk .

The F ra n k lin S tores do n o t s t a r t w ith a lot of noise and giveaw ay sou­ven irs, they rely fo r p a tronage on rea l, ho n est values a t th e low est possible prices.

Takes Issue Out of Finan­cial and Political


T he W est B elm ar A. C. jun io r bas­ketball team is open to book dates w ith team s whose p layers ran g e from 16 to 19 years of age. L eroy Goodwin, E igh teen th avenue and H s tre e t will be g lad to receive le tte rs and a rran g e games.


LET US—Do your bookkeeping for you. Incom e tax reports, statistical work and all types of accounting. Low- den A Lowden, 727 M attlson Ave., As­bury Park 198.

W anted—W hite g irl for genera l house­w ork in fam ily of four. Apply C oast A dvertiser.

HUDSON-TERRAPLANENow on display at P. W. Sherman

Motor Co. snowrooms at Asbury Parle and Manasquan. W e call {or and. deliver serviced cars.


PAR K SHOE R EPA IR IN G 1004 F Street Belmar, N. J.

—BUY Uf BKLMAB * * W -»

Don’t Forget—Every Thursday BANANA SPLIT DAY


topped w ith whipped cream atlSc N inth Avenue and F Street

R IG itT NOW is the tim e to consult us about your

TH E LATEST FASHIONS FU R GARMENTS R ESTY LED IN Quality ofworkm anship and service

guaranteed, and the price is r igh t Women's and Men’s Suits Dry

Cleaned and Pressed Called For and Delivered

A BLUMEighth Ave. and F St. Phone SW

The A nnual M eeting of the sh a re ­ho lders of th e W all B uild ing and Loan A ssociation of B elm ar, N . J., for the election of D irectors and fo r the tr a n ­saction of such o ther business as m ay come before th e m eeting, w ill be held T hursday evening, F eb ru a ry 28, 1935, a t 8 P . M. a t th e A ssociation Office, 706 10th Avenue, B elm ar. N. *J.Adv.—Feb 8-15

ROCK Y ’S B IL L IA R D ROOM N ex t to P o s t Office

Mazz, B elm ar vs. F auver, A sbury P a rk C en tra l Je rsey G am e

W ednesday, F eb ru a ry 13th

DO YOU NEED PRINTING?The printing department of this

office is fully equipped to serve you with any kind of printing. Let us estimate on you' oex*

ANNOUNCEMENTThe sensation of the New York

Auto Show— THE PACKARD 120 will be on display in the near future of P. W. Sherman Motor Co., Asbury Pork and Manasuan. Packard, Hud­son and Terraplane Distributors.

In a determ ined move to ta k e the A djusted Service C ertifica te issue out of th e dangerous rea lm of financia l an d political fan tasies, T he A m erican Legion has in troduced in C ongress its own bill providing fo r im m ediate pay­m en t of th e governm en t’s deb t to th e W orld W ar veterans.

U nder th e personal leadersh ip of N a­tional C om m ander F ra n k N. Bel- grano , Jr ., th e bill w as in trdouced on M onday, J a n u a ry 14 by R ep resen ta tive F re d V inson, of K entucky , ran k in g m a jo rity m em ber of th e pow erful H ouse W ays an d M eans C om m ittee w here so-called bonus legislation m ust be considered and w hipped in to shape before it goes back to C ongress fo r f i­nal decision.

The L egion’s bill is clear-cut. In ef­fect, it is th e reso lu tion of the M iami Convention in legal form . I t sim ply provides o u tr ig h t fo r th e im m ediate pay m en t of the A djusted Service Cer­tifica tes a t fu ll face value, less any previous loans, w ith cancella tion of in­te res t accrued and refund of in terest paid, a s an effective relief and recov­ery m easure.

The action of th e Legion, under the d irection of th e N ational C om m andei, has com pletely cleared aw ay the sm oke-screen th a t enshrouded the so- called bonus issue in W ashing ton as a resu lt of th e e ffo rts of some groups hav ing in fla tionary and new m onetary p lans to tie th e ir ideas in to th e Ad­ju s ted C ertifica te legislation. These p lans seriously th rea ten ed the success of th e v e te rans ' program, un til the Le­gion took decisive action to tak e the issue ou t of th e a tm osphere of such theories and bring it down to th e solid g round of fact.

M ore th a n fo rty bills have been in­troduced in C ongress n rov idm " for im m ediate paym ent of the certifica tes P rac tica lly everv one offered som e dif­fe ren t m edium for ra ising the money. Some called for in fla tion of the cu r­rency, o thers fo r add itional rem one­tization of silver, and still o thers for a com plete change in th e cu rrency and bank ing law s of the country . In de­te rm in ing to save the horn’s issue from th is situa tion , the Legion m ade >t clear th a t it is n e ith e r endorsing nor oppos­ing these ideas, but. th a t it regard s them as entirely foreign to th e nues- tion of paying the ve te rans a. debt.


A request by th e C ham ber of Com­m erce fo r th e use of th e booths on th e boardw alk o th er th a n th e pavilions nex t sum m er fo r the benefit of th e needy re lief fu n d w as received by the B orough Com m ission T uesday m orn­ing an d filed fo r fu tu re consideration .

Clarence CampbellMiami Traffic Cop

F am ilia r B oardw alk F ig u re Shows Sou therners H ow I t ’s D one

C larence C am pbell of 1204 Bayvievv avenue, th e genial o fficer w ho w as on d u ty a t th e n o rth end of the B elm ar boardw alk , em ployed by the B elm ar F ish in g Club to d irec t tra ffic and p a rk ing d u ring th e sum m er season, and w ho f irs t discovered the M orro C astle b u rn in g offshore Septem ber seventh, is now em ployed by the City of M iam i Beach, F la . a t th e R oney P laza H otel tra ffic crossing.

C larence w ishes h is friends to know he h as been very busy as tra ff ic offi­cer and says “I ts alw ays Ju n e in Mi­am i B each” except w hen the no rth w ind blows th e zero breezes down th a t w ay. H e says he’s th e best looking of­ficer on the force down th ere b u t n o t in Belm ar.


B elm ar C om m unity C enter C hurch basketball league gam es will be p lay­ed nex t T uesday n ig h t in stead of the reg u la r n ight, W ednesday.

___________________ . - .1' JED W A R D L EW IS

E dw ard Lewis, b ro th er of H arry J. Lew s of th is borough died, in Cleve­land, Ohio, S a tu rday a f te r a sho rt i!1- ness. H e is the son of Ju liu s ai d F lo ra Lewis and w as born in New Y ork 57 years ago. H e is survived by h is widow, a daugh ter, two o ther bro­thers, Sol P . of M anasquan and W ill­iam J. of South O range, and a sister, Mrs. E va M ichelsohn of th is borough.

L O F T ’S 10c BOX CANDY U nsurpassab le in Q uality

U nbeatable in P rice a t

R IV O L I SUGAR BOW L N ext The Riovoli T hea tre

F. S 're e t, B elm ar

Page 2: d u e t - DigiFind-It · and friends as “Tom,” upheld its repu tation and made it famous throughout this state for its shore dinners and ex cellent cuisine. It became, under his



Mr. and Mrs. F red H ansen of E igh ­teen th avenue, W est B elm ar e n te r­ta ined a num ber of young people and th e ir elders a t a dual b irth d ay p a rty in honor of th e ir daugh ter, D orothy, and E la ine Simmell, d au g h te r of Mr. an d Mrs. E lv in R. Simmell, S a tu rd ay afternoon . A m id decorations in green, p in k and yellow, tw o b irth d ay cakes g raced a table laden w ith re freshm en ts dear to the you thfu l heart.

G am es w ere enjoyed and prizes w ere


the guests w ere: D oris K essler, V era Goodwin, M adelaine and C lair E llen B ible, B etty and E leano r N ew m an, B etty B erkstresser, P a tr ic ia B arton , G race G ifford, Shirley and D onald Van Inw egen, M iriam K ing, M arion Sm ith, R oger B acon, Evelyn M argare t, M arion. W ilcox and F red H ansen , Jr., C arolyn and John Sim mell, M innie Sm ith, Mr. and M rs. Joseph Sm ith, Mrs. C larence R ible, Mrs. C arl New-

N O TIC E O F SCHOOL E L E C T IO N N otice is hereby given to the legal

voters of th e School D istric t of the B orough of B elm ar in the county of M onm outh th a t th e A nnual M eeting fo r th e election of T hree (3) m em bers of the B oard of E ducation will be held a t the school house, W ednesday, F eb ru a ry 13th, 1S3S from seven (7) o'clock P . M. to n ine (9) o’clock P . M. and as m uch longer as m ay be necessary to enable all th e legal voters p resen t to cast th e ir ballots.

T hree m em bers will be elected fo r th ree (3) years.

At said m eeting will be subm itted the question of vo ting a ta x fo r the following expenses:F o r C u rren t E xpenses $37,375.00F o r R epa irs and R eplace­

m en ts ........................... 2,800.00F o r M anual T ra in ing ............... 2,700.00

The to ta l am oun t though t to be nec­essary is ...................... -...............$42,875.00D ated th is 29th day of Jan u a ry , 1935.

F R E D V. THOM PSON, M. D.D istric t Clerk.

The only persons w ho m ay vote in addition to those reg istered fo r th e las t preceding general election (and pos­sessing all th e o ther qualifactions of vo ters) w ho m ay reg is te r w ith th e D is­tr ic t C lerk a t least tw o days before th e school election.

The D istric t C lerk w ill be a t h is res- dence 500 T en th Ave. on F eb ru a ry 9, 1935, from 7:00 to 8:00 P . M. fo r reg­is te rin g those en titled to vote.


The B oard of C om m issioners o f th e B orough of B elm ar do ordain:E very M aster P lum ber and Jou rneym an P lum ber, before doing any

plum bing w ork w ith in th e B orough lim its of the B orough of B elm ar, shall ob­ta in from the B orough of B elm ar a p lum ber’s license as h e re in a fte r provided. The p lum ber’s license shall be signed by the B orough C lerk an d shall expire on th e 31st day of D ecem ber follow ing its issue. A ny person o r corporation

aw arded in novelty c o n te 's ts .A m o n g an y of the provisions of th is section shall fo rfe it and pay a____t _ ____ _ ___t rQ„0 penalty of F ifty dollars ($50.00) for each and every offense.

A M aster P lum ber w ith in th e m eaning of th is o rd inance is a person, p a rtn e rsh ip o r co rporation th a t h as a bona fide estab lished place of business and d isplays a sign ind ica ting to th e public th a t he is engaged in p lum bing w ork. A jou rneym an P lum ber is a person w ho can give su ffic ien t evidence <3 his p rac tica l know ledge of plum bing, house d ra inage and san ita tio n on the ex­am ination subm itted by th e B oard of E xam iners h e re in a fte r provided. P lu m b ­ing w ork shall be construed to cover a lte ra tions, repairs, or any connections w ith any drain , sew er, soil, w aste, w ate r and ven t pipes, o r any pipe connected therew ith .

T h a t fo r the purpose of p roperly determ in ing th e qualifications of appli­can ts fo r p lum bers licenses fo r M aster P lum bers an d Jou rneym en P lum bers an E xam in ing B oard is hereby crea ted . T he said B oard shall consist of the H ea lth O fficer of the B oard of H ea lth of B elm ar o r th e rep resen ta tiv e of th e said H ea lth O fficer, and tw o M aster P lum bers. E ach of the la s t tw o nam ed persons shall be appoin ted by th e B oard of C om m issioners of B elm ar fo r the te rm of one year. T he M aste r P lum bers com posing th is com m ittee shall each be a re s id en t citizen of th is B orough fo r th ree years p receding the date of his a p p o in tm en t

The m em bers of th e E xam in ing B oard shall m eet w ith in five days a f te r th e ir appoin tm ent, and organize, by selecting one of th e ir num ber as chairm an and one as secre tary . I t shall be th e du ty of th e S ecre ta ry to keep fu ll and com plete m inu tes of th e m eetings of the B oard ; properly file all applications and o ther papers of the E am in ing B oard, and properly certifiy to the B oard of H ea lth th e nam es of all persons, firm s and corpora tions th a t have passed a p lum bers exam ination before the E xam in ing Board.

The E xam in ing B oard shall have th e pow er to m ake a ll necessary rules and regulations covering the filing of applications, th e fo rm s of applications and the c h a rac te r of exam inations. I t shall be its d u ty to exam ine each ap ­p lican t fo r a M aster P lum ber’s license a s to h is know le4ge of plum bing, house drainage, ven tila tion and san ita tion , w hich exam ination shall be p rac tica l as well a s theore tica l, and to exam ine all app lican ts fo r Jo u rn ey m an P lum ber's licenses as to th e ir p rac tica l know ledge and ab ility of plum bing, house d ra in ­age an d san ita tion . I f th e ap p lican t show s h im self com petent, th e E xam in ing B oard shall so certify to th e B oard of H ealth , and shall recom m end to th e B oard of H ea lth th a t th e app lican t be given a p lum ber's license as a M aster P lum ber or Jo u rn ey m an P lum ber a s the case m ay be, upon th e paym ent of fees h e re in a fte r provided, and the fu lfillm en t of conditions h e re in a fte r im pos­ed. The B oard of E xam iners shall fix s ta ted tim es and places of m eetings. Special m eetings m ay be held on w ritten call of th e ch a irm an on tw o days’ notice to each r >mber of th e Board.

An app lica tion fo r M aste r P lu m b ers’ license m ay be filed by individuals, copartnersh ip s r corporations, an d th e exam ination m ust be ta k e n by some n em ber or firm m ak ing th e application . E v ery M aster P lu m b er applying fo r a p lum ber’s license m ust be a citizen of th e U nited S tates. A t the tim e of h is app lication In m ust no t be be less th a n tw enty-one years of age and m ust fu rn ish sa tisfac to ry evidence th a t he is a p rac tica l plum ber, educated to the business. E ach epp lican t fo r a Jo u rn ey m an P lu m b er’s license m u s t fu rn ish sa tisfac to ry evidence th a t he has a p rac tica l know ledge of plum bing, house drainage, and san ita tion .

E ach ap p lican t fo r a M aster P lu m b er’s license m ust deposit th e sum of $5.00. No exam ination fee w ill be exacted from the Jou rneym an P lum ber. If a cand ida te shall fa il in h is exam ination he m ay re tu rn a f te r th ree m onths from th e d a te of h is exam ination fo r re-exam ination w ithou t pay ing an addi­tional fee.

B efore any p lum ber’s license shall be issued to any M aste r P lum ber he oust execute an d file w ith th e B orough of B elm ar an approved S ure ty Com-

sy B ond fo r th e sum of $1,000.00 as a g u a ran tee fo r fa ith fu l perform ance of w ork done In accordance w ith th e P lum b ing Code of th e B orough of B elm ar. T he bond shall be renew ed yearly , on th e f i rs t day of Jan u a ry .

P lu m b er’s licenses of M aster P lum bers in th e f irs t in stance shall be g ran ted to D ecem ber 31st and m u s t be renew ed on the f irs t day of J a n u a ry

ach y ea r th e rea fte r . A pplications fo r such renew als m ust be m ade betw een he f irs t an d th e f if te e n th day of D ecem ber inclusive, of each and every year.

A M aster P lu m b er shall be held responsible fo r th e violation qf any rules >f the B oard of H ea lth by Jo u rn ey m an P lum bers and o thers in h is e'mploy.

No M aster P lu m b er shall p e rm it the use of h is nam e by any o th e r person, e ith ­er fo r the purpose of ob ta in ing perm its o r doing any w ork u nder h is p lum ber's license. Jo u rn ey m an P lum bers m u s t have th e ir p lum ber’s license in th e ir pos­session a t all tim es w hile doing an y p lum bing w ork, w hich p lum ber’s license shall be sub jec t to inspection by th e P lum bing In sp ec to r o r ag en t thereof. No Jo u rn y m an P lu m b er shall allow h is nam e or p lum ber’s license to be used by any o th e r person or party .

The P lu m b er’s licenses g ran ted u nder these ru les an d regu la tions m ay be suspended or revoked by th e B orough of B elm ar w hen a M aster P lum ber, firm or corporation , shall v io late any of these ru les and regu la tions o r shall refuse or neglect to m ake necessary correc tions to w ork of w hich the B oard of H ea lth or its au tho rized ag e n t w ithho lds approval, w ith in th ir ty days a f te r no tifica­tion thereof. T he p lum ber’s license of a jo u rn e y m a n P lu m b er m ay be su s­pended or revoked by th e B orough of B elm ar fo r im perfec t w ork or violation of these ru les an d regu la tions. A M aste r P lu m b er’s license shall n o t be tra n s ­fe rred to an y successor, n o r shall i t be tra n s fe rre d to any person w hatsoever under any circum stances.

The provisions here in se t fo r th as to th e ta k in g of th e exam ination shall no t a ffec t any M aster P lum ber w ho holds a M aster P lu m b er’s license a s a M aster P lu m b er from th is B orough fo r th e y ea r beg inn ing th e f i rs t day of J a n u a ry 1934. T he provisions h ere in se t fo r th as to th e ta k in g of exam ination shall n o t a ffe c t an y Jo u rn ey m an P lu m b er w ho has been engaged in th e p rac-

9 of p lum b ing fo r a t le a s t th re e y ea rs p reced ing th e passage of th is o rdi­nance. P rovided, how ever, th e M aste r P lu m b er o r Jo u rn ey m an P lum ber m ust m ake app lica tion fo r a p lum ber’s license w ith in th ir ty days a f te r th is ordinance shall tak e effect.

All O rd inances an d p a r ts o f o rd inances inconsisten t w ith th e provisions of th is o rd inance a re hereby repealed.

T h is o rd inance shall ta k e effec t w hen passed and published according to law.

A pproved:A dopted:

A ttes t: Jam es A. Joeek, B orough Clerk.B oard of Com m issioners: JO S E P H M AYER, M ayor THOM AS S. D ILLO N THOM AS D. JO E C K


Municipal Budget and Taxing Ordinance No. 299BELM A R , N E W JE R S E Y

W as passed on firs t read ing by th e B oard of Com m issioners of th e B or­ough of B elm ar, C ounty of M onm outh, N. J., on J a n u a ry 22nd, 1935.

Local B udget of th e B orough of B elm ar, C ounty of M onm outh fo r the fiscal y ear 1935.

T his B udget shall also constitu te the ta x ordinance “An O rdinance re­la ting to taxes fo r the y ear 1935.

T he B oard of C om m issioners of th e B orough of B elm ar, C ounty of Mon­m outh , S ta te of N ew Jersey , do ordain th a t th'ere shall be assessed, ra ised by taxation , and collected fo r th e y ear 1935 the sum of O ne hund red fif ty seven thousand seven hund red and fo rty -th ree dollars and eighty-one cen ts ($157,- 743.81) fo r th e purpose of m eeting the app rop ria tions se t fo rth in th e following s ta tem en t of resources and appropria tions for the fiscal year 1935.S urp lus R evenue ..................................................................................................'......$50,550.82



C hancery 6-219S H E R IF F ’S SA LE — By v irtue of a w rit of fi. fa. to me d irected , issued ou t of th e C ourt of C hancery of the S ta te of N ew Jersey will be exposed to sale a t public vendue, on

M onday, th e 11th D ay of F ebruary , 1935,

betw een th e hours of 12 o’clock and 5 o'clock (a t 2 o’clock) in th e afternoon of said day a t th e C ourt H ouse in the B orough of F reehold , C ounty of Mon­m outh, N ew Jersey , to sa tisfy a decree o f said cou rt am oun ting to approxi­m ate ly $11,206.00.

All th a t ce rta in tr a c t o r parcel of land an d prem ises h e re in a fte r p a rticu ­la rly described, situa te , ly ing and be­ing in the B orough of B elm ar in the C ounty of M onm outh and S ta te of X'iTc'W Jersey .

B EG IN N IN G a t a po in t d is tan t one hund red (100) fe e t n o rth e rly from th e n o rth ea s t co m er of T en th A venue and “ F ” S treet, thence ru n n in g sou therly a long th e easte rly line of “F ” S tree t, tw en ty (20) feet, th ence ru n n in g eas­terly , paralle l w ith T en th avenue, eighty-five (85) fee t; thence no rth e rly para lle l w ith “F ” S tree t, tw en ty (20) fee t; thence w esterly , para lle l w ith T en th avenue, e igh ty five (85) fee t to th e place of beginning.

Seized a s the p roperty of H A R R Y W E IN S T E IN , e t als., ta k e n in execu­tion a t th e su it of M ARY C. K ELLY , an d to be sold by

H O W A RD H E IG H T , Sheriff. D ated Ja n u a ry 11, 1935.Sam uel Y. H am pton , Solicitor.(39 lines) $16.38

C hancery 6-210S H E R IF F ’S SA LE — By v irtu e of a w rit of fi. fa. to m e directed , issued o u t of th e C ourt of C hancery o f the S ta te of N ew Je rsey w ill be exposed to sale a t public vendue, on

M onday, th e 11th D ay of F eb ruary , 1935,

betw een th e hou rs of 12 o’clock and 5 o ’clock (a t 2 o’clock) in th e afternoon of said day a t th e C ourt H ouse, in the Borough o f F reehold , C ounty of Mon­m outh , N ew Jersey , to sa tisfy a decree o f said co u rt am oun ting to approxi­m ately $2,495.00.

All th e follow ing tr a c t or parcel of lan d an d prem ises h e re in a fte r p a rticu ­larly described, s itu a te , ly ing an d be­ing in th e B orough of B elm ar in the C ounty of M onm outh an d S ta te of N ew Jersey , being lo t num ber T w enty F ou r H undred and T hree (2403) as show n on M ap of B elm ar.

B E G IN N IN G a t a po in t in th e on rth line of T h irte en th avenue, d is ta n t T hree h u nd red (300) fee t w esterly from th e w este rly line of O cean ave­nue, a s show n on said m ap and extend­in g from thence (1) N ortherly , a t a

• r ig h t ang le to said T h irte en th A venue and a long the w esterly line of lot num ber T w enty fo u r h u nd red and two

'(2402) one h u nd red (100) fee t to the r e a r line of lot num ber T w enty th ree h u n d red and th ree (2303); thence (2) w esterly a long th e said re a r line of lo t num ber T w enty th ree hund red and th ree (2303) f ifty (50) fee t to th e eas­te r ly line of lo t num ber T w enty fou r hund red an d fo u r (2404); thence (3) sou therly , a long th e said easte rly line of lot num ber T w enty fo u r huhdred and fou r (2404) one h u nd red (100) feet 'to the said n o rtherly line of T h ir­te e n th A venue and thence (4) easterly a long th e said no rth e rly line of T h ir­te en th avenue, f if ty (50) fe e t to the po in t o r place of B eginning.

* Said prem ises a re com m only know n as 108 T h irte en th avenue, B elm ar, New Jersey.

Seized as the p ro p erty of ISR A E L SC H LISSER M A N , e t als., tak en in execution a t th e su it of F IR S T P R E S ­B Y T E R IA N CO N G R EG A TIO N O F

S urp lus R evenue A ppropriatedL icenses .............. ................ ..............F ran ch ise T ax ............................... ...G ross R eceip ts T ax ........................Poll T ax ...............................................In te re s t on D elinquent T a x e s .......Pav ilion R en ta ls ...............................Sew er R en ta ls .............................. ....W ate r D ep artm en t ........................ .P av ilion D ance R eceip ts ............B each Concessions ..............B uild ing P e rm itsT ax Searches ......... ...........................B oard of H ea lth .............. ................F in es .......... ................ ............... ..........B a th in g B each R evenue ...............P a rk in g Surplus ...............................B each B a th in g Surplus (1933) ....A m ount to be raised by T axation

G eneral G overnm ent .......................................Police D ep artm en t ...........................................F ire D ep artm en t ................... ............H ealth , C harities and E m ergency R elie fSew er and ’ Septic T an k M ain tenance .......H ealth , C harities and E m ergency R elief Sew er and Septic T ank M ain tenance R em oval o f G arbage and W asteService (S tree ts , lights, etc.) .......................In te re s t on C u rren t L oansPublic B uild ings and G rounds ...................E ng ineering and Survey ing ......... ...............R ecreation .................................................... .....L ib ra ry .......... ............................ .......... .............D ebt Service ........ ...... .........................................Im provem ent N ote R edem ption ..................C ontingent .........................................................E m ergency N otes ................................... .........R eserve fo r A ssessm ent L iens ...... ..............D eficit Misc. R evenue (1933) ......................E m ergency R elief N otes .Special E lection ..................................................Sew er an d D rain A sse ssm e n t........................B lind R elief ... ....................................................D eferred C harges ..............................................

J. A. JO EC K , B orough Clerk. P assed F eb ru a ry 5, 1935. A dopted F eb ru a ry 5, 1935.

193422,000.0013.000. 007.000. 00

11.000. 00200.00

7.000. 009.000. 001,700.00

15.000. 003.000. 00

600.00 200.00 100.00 100.00 200.00

12.000. 00 None None


193528,000.0013.000. 007.000. 00

11.000. 00N one

10 , 000.009.000. 001.700.00

15.000. 002.500.00

600.00 200.00150.00100.00 200.00

12.000. 00313.72




9.500.004.600.001 ,000.009.700.003.500.00




3.400.00 None None800.00



10.488.00 43,400X10 10,000.005.900.001,




None None

The U nited S ta tes Civil Service Com­m ission has announced open com peti­tive exam inations a s follows:

Pharm aco log ist, various grades, $2,- 600 to $5,600 a year, Food and D rug A dm inistration .

A ssistan t m ieroanalyst, $2,600 a year, jun io r m ieroanalyst, $2,000 a year, Food and D rug A dm inistra tion .

P rin c ip a led ito ria l clerk , $2,300, edi­to ria l clerk, $1,800 a year, d ep a rtm en t­al service, W ashing ton , D. C.

A pprentice fish cu ltu ris t, $1,020 a year, B ureau of F isheries.

F o rem an of Ink-M aking P lan t, $3,- 200 a year, G overnm ent P rin tin g Of­fice, W ashington, D. C.

The sa laries nam ed a re sub jec t to a deduction of no t to exceed 5 p e r cen t d u ring the fiscal y ea r end ing Ju n e 30, 1935, as a m easure of economy, and also to a deduction of 3% per cen t to­w ard a re tire m en t annuity .

All S ta tes except V erm ont, V irginia, M ary land an d th e D is tric t of C olum bia have received less th a n th e ir quo ta of appo in tm en ts in th e apportioned de­p a rtm en ta l service in W ashington , D. C. The positions of app ren tice fish- cu ltu ris t and fo rem an of ink -m ak ing p lan t a re no t affec ted by the S ta te ap p o rtionm en t law.

F u ll in fo rm ation m ay be obtained from S ecre ta ry of th e U nited S ta tes Civil Service B oard of E xam iners, a t the post office o r custom house in W ashington, D. C.

I t is com plained th a t th e young peo­ple a re no t enough in te rested in m usi­cal practice , b u t anyw ay here in Bel­m a r th ey all seem w illing to p lay on the autom obile horn.

P rizes a re being offered fo r the m ost beau tifu l back, and one th a t looks very b eau tifu l to m ost people is th a t o f th e long w inded ta lk e r who gives you h is views on every th ing and finally tu rn s aw ay.

262,233.48 277,153.81B oard of Com m issioners,


The foregoing ordinance w as approved on f i rs t read ing a t a regu la r m eeting of th e B orough C om m ission in the B orough H all, B elm ar, Tuesday, Ja n u a ry 29, 1935, a n d w ill be ta k e n up fo r final read in g and adoption a t a m eeting of the C om m ission in th e B orough H all, Tuesday, F eb ru a ry 12, 1935, a t 10:30 A. M. a t w hich tim e an d place any tax p ay e r m ay p resen t objections or suggestions reg ard in g th e sam e.

C hancery 6-250 S H E R IF F ’S SA LE — By v irtue of a w rit of fi. fa. to me directed , issued ou t of th e C ourt of C hancery of th e S ta te of N ew Je rsey w ill be exposed to sa le a t public vendue, on

M onday, th e 25th D ay of F eb ru ary , 1985,

betw een the hours of 12 o’clock and 5 o’clock (a t 2 o’clock) in th e afternoon of said day a t th e C ourt H ouse, in the B orough of F reehold , C ounty of Mon­m outh , N ew Jersey , to sa tisfy a decree of said co u rt am oun ting to approxi­m ately $3,918.00.

All th e follow ing tr a c t or parcel of land an d prem ises h e re in a fte r p a rticu ­la rly described, situa te , ly ing an d be­in g in th e B orough of N ep tune C ity in the C ounty o f M onm outh and S ta te of N ew Jersey.

B E G IN N IN G a t a po in t in th e w es­te r ly line of R idge A venue d is tan t one hund red th ir ty (130) feet sou therly from th e po in t o f in tersec tion of the sou therly line of F if th avenue w ith th e w esterly line of R idge avenue; ru n n in g thence (1) sou therly a long the w esterly line of R idge avenue fo rty (40) fee t; thence (2) w estw ardly , p a r­allel w ith th e sou therly line of F if th avenue one h u nd red six ty fee t and seventy h u n d red th s of a foot to the easterly line of lands belonging to one M orris; thence (3) n o rthw ard ly along th e said M orris land fo rty fee t and th irty -th ree h u n d red th s of a foot;

thence (4) eastw ard ly aga in paralle lCRANBURY, nT J.T ‘and” to*be so ld Y y w ith F if th A venue one hund red flfty-

H O W A R D H E IG H T , S h e r if f .! seven fee t and forty-suc hu n d red th s ofD ated Ja n u a ry 8th ,1933. j a foot to w esterly line of R idgeW ilton T. A pplegate S.ol’r. j avenue and th e po in t of B eginning.(58 lines) $24.36 j Seized as the p roperty of MARY

BRU G N O LI, e t al., ta k e n in execution a t th e su it of M ARY CLAYTON W AL­K E R , and to be sold by

H O W A RD H E IG H T , Sheriff. D ated J a n u a ry 21, 1935.D aniel S. W eigand, Sol’r.(48 1.) $20.16


N otice is hereby given th a t the follow ing local budget and T ax Ordi­nance w as approved by the Council of th e B orough of South B elm ar, County of M onm outh, on Ja n u a ry 21st, 1935, an d adopted on F eb ru a ry 4th, 1935.

Local B udget of South B elm ar, C ounty of M onm outh, fo r th e F iscal y ear1935.

T his B udget shall also constitu te the T ax O rdinance.An O rd inance re la tin g to taxes fo r th e y ea r 1935.B E IT O R D A IN E D by th e Council of th e B orough of South B elm ar,

C ounty of M onm outh, T h a t th e re shall be assessed, ra ised by taxation , and collected fo r th e y ear 1935, th e sum of Tw enty-five Thousand, E ig h t H undred and T w enty-nine and fifty -five h u n d red th s dollars ($25,829.55) fo r th e purpose

t m eeting the appropriations set forth in th e follow ing s ta tem en t of R esources and A ppropria tions fo r th e fiscal y e a r of 1935.A m ount of Surplus R evenue E s t im a te d ..... ..................

R ESO U R C ESA nticipated R evenuesSurplus R evenue A ppropriated ..........................................M iscellaneous R evenues A nticipated :Licenses .................................................................................... ...F ines and P enalties ...............................................................Fees and P e rm its ......................................................................In te re s t an d Costs .......... .......................................................F ran ch ise T ax .................................. ................................ ........G ross R eceip ts T ax ...................................................-..............Poll T axes .............................. .....................................................Bus G ross R eceip ts T ax ..............-.........................................Alcoholic B everage Licenses

C hancery 6-226

R e d u c e * *fare

e x cu f s i o n s



TRIPI Hudson TacffiiuaJ


28Feb. 17, M arch 3, 17, 31; A pril 14 W ED N ESD A Y S

Feb. 20; M arch 6, 20; A pril 3, 17 Lv. P t. P le a sa n t 9:13 a. m. E . S. T.

T otal M iscellaneous R evenues A nticipated

A m ount to be R aised by T axation

T otal R esourcesA PP R O P R IA T IO N S

G eneral G overnm ent:A dm in istra tive an d Executive ..........................................Public B uildings and G roundsP rin tin g and A d v e r tis in g .....................................................In su ran ce P rem ium sA ssessm ent and Collection of Taxes ...............................D ep artm en t of F inance:In te re s t on C u rren t L oans ................................................P reserva tion of L ife and P ro p e r ty :—PoliceF ire .................... .................. ...............................................-......H ealth an d C harities .............................................. -............Collection of G arbage ...........................................................S treets, H ighw ays, Sew ers:R oads .................................................... ............................ -.......E ng ineers F ees .......... ........................................ ....................Sew er R en ta l and M ain tenance .......................................L igh ting of S tree ts .......................-.........................................D ebt Service:P ay m en t of B onds .................................................................

aym en t of T em porary N otes ...........................................In te re s t on T em pora ry N otes ........ ... .....................- .......In te re s t on B onds ............ ............................ -................. .......C ontingent ................ ...................................... -................ -.....O verexpenditu re 1933 .............-..................... .......................County B lind R elief 1932, 1933 ...... ..... ...... -.....................W ate r O pera ting D eficit 1932 .............................................E m ergency R elief N otes .... ................................... ............1932-Deficit M iscellaneous R evenues A nticipated R em itted T axes M ore T han T h ree Y ears in A rrearsB orough H all E m ergency ......................- ...........................H ea lth and C harity E m ergency .......................................Police E m ergency ...................................................................In te re s t D eficiency ................................................................O verexpenditure O rd inance No. 75 ..................................In te re s t on S ta te School T ax ........... .................................B ath ing B each E m ergency .............................. ...............B ath ing B each D eficit 1933 ............................ ... ....... .......F u n d in g Bonds C osts O ver 1 per cen t -—In te re s t P er. Ch. 233 P . L. 1934 ...................R equired O verlay .............................. ...............A ppropriation ........................... .........-............

B alance Je rsey C en tra l P ow er & L ig h t Co. 1928-1929B elm ar Sash, D oor an d G lass Co........................................B alance C om pensation In su p ran ce ....

T o ta l A ppropriations Approved Ja n u a ry 21st, 1935.A dopted: F eb ru a ry 4th, 1935.

JO H N F . CARLTON, B orough C lerk.




1935 19342,000.00•

175.00 250.00200.00 200.00100.00 200.00

2200.00 2000.001700.00 1800.00

600.00 600.0015.00

150.00 200.002400.00 2400.00

7525.00 7665.00

25,829.55 25,840.83

35,354.55 33,505.83

1500.00 1600.00400.00 650.00350.00 350.00

1000.00 1200.001450.00 1450.00

900.00 1200.004500.00 4500.00

500.00 325.001000.00 1200.002700.00 2800.00

4000.00 3000.00100.00 200.00

1900.00 2000.001700.00 1700.00

1000.00 1000.00500.00 700.00

1000.00 1700.00600.00 1600.00150.00 150.0059.90 53.75

300.00 600.00191.47

1000.00 1000.003613.93


535.57700.00 450.93 121.77 166.70




35,354.55 33,505.83

S H E R IF F ’S SA LE — By v irtu e of a. w rit of fi. fa. to me d irected , issued ou t of th e C ourt of C hancery of the S ta te of N ew Jersey will be exposed to sale a t public vendue, on

M onday, th e 25th D ay of F ebruary , 1935,

betw een the hours of 12 o'clock and 5 o’clock (a t 2 o’clock) in th e afternoon of said day a t th e C ourt H ouse in the B orough of F reehold , C ounty of Mon­m outh, N ew Jersey , to sa tisfy a decree of said cou rt am oun ting to approxi­m ately $4,860.00.

A LL th a t ce rta in tr a c t or parcel of land and prem ises h e re in a fte r p a rtic ­u larly described, situa te , lying and be­ing in th e B orough of B radley Beach, in th e C ounty of M onm outh and S taten f NTp w Tp t r p v

B E G IN N IN G a t a point in the N or­th erly line of E verg reen A venue as now located, One H undred Forty-six F ee t easterly from the in tersec tion of th e N ortherly line of E verg reen Ave­nue w ith th e E aste r ly line of M ain S tree t; thence (1) E astw ard ly along th e n o rtherly line of E verg reen A ve­nue, f ifty fee t; thence (2) N o rthw ard ­ly a t r ig h t ang les to E verg reen Ave­nue, One H undred and F if ty feet; thence (3) W estw ard ly fifty feet; thence (4) Sou thw ard ly One H undred and F if ty fee t to th e N ortherly line of E verg reen A venue an d place of B egin­ning.

Seized as th e p roperty of SALLY L O W E N STE IN , et als. .taken in exe­cution a t th e su it o f B RA D LEY B EA C H F IR E M E N ’S R E L IE F ASSO­CIATION, a co rpora tion and to be sold by

H O W A RD H E IG H T , Sheriff. D ated J a n u a ry 16, 1925.Q uinn, P a rso n s & Dorem us, Sol’rs.(43 1.) $18.06

F R A N K T. H E R B E R T , M ayor.

C hancery 6-248S H E R IF F ’S SA LE — By v irtue of a w rit of fi. fa. to me directed, issued ou t of th e C ourt of C hancery of th e S ta te of N ew Jersey , w ill be exposed to sale a t public vendue, on M onday, th e 25th D ay of F ebruary ,

1935,betw een th e hou rs of 12 o’clock and 5 o’clock (a t 2 o’clock) in the afternoon of said day a t th e C ourt H ouse in the B orough of F reehold , C ounty of Mon­m outh, N ew Jersey , to sa tisfy a decree of said co u rt am oun ting to approxi­m ately $5,820.00.

A LL th a t ce rta in lot, t r a c t o r parcel of land an d prem ises, h e re in a fte r p a r­ticu la rly described, s itu a te , lying and being in th e Tow nship of N eptune, in th e C ounty of M onm outh and S ta te of New Jersey .

K NO W N an d designated on a m ap en titled "M ap of L ots A sbury P a rk , M onm outh Co. N. J., m ade by N ia rt R ogers, Surveyor, as L ot N um ber Sev­en, B lock C,” and described as fol­lows:

B E G IN N IN G a t a po in t in the sou­th erly line of Sew all avenue, d is ta n t tw o h u nd red an d eigh ty feet and ten one-hundred ths of a foot w esterly from th e sou thw esterly co rner of said Sew­all A venue an d R idge A venue; thence (1) w esterly , a long the said sou therly line of said Sew all Avenue, f if ty fee t to the easterly line of lot N um ber E ig h t; thence (2) southerly , and a t r ig h t angles to said line of said Sewall Avenue, an d along th e easterly line of said L ot N um ber E igh t, one hund red and seventy five fee t to th e re a r line of lot N um ber T w enty th ree ; thence (3) easterly , a long th e re a r line of said lo t N um ber tw en ty -th ree , f ifty fee t to th e w esterly line of lo t N um ber Six; thence (4) no rtherly , an d a t r ig h t ang les to sa id line o f said Sew all ave­nue, and a long th e w esterly line of said lo t N um ber Six, one h u nd red an d sev­en ty five fee t to th e po in t o r place of beginning.

Seized as th e p roperty of A LM IRA F . W A LLIN G , et. al. ta k e n in execu­tion a t the su it of T H E H O M E B U ILD IN G AND LOAN ASSOCIA­T IO N O F ASBURY PA R K , N. J., and to be sold by

H O W A RD H E IG H T , Sheriff. D ated J a n u a ry 21, 1935.P a tte rso n , R hom e & M organ, Sol’rs. (56 l.) $23.52


Page 3: d u e t - DigiFind-It · and friends as “Tom,” upheld its repu tation and made it famous throughout this state for its shore dinners and ex cellent cuisine. It became, under his

t o S 0* |. R e d u c t i o n s

Entire Stock Goss on Sale

SPECIAL10 Pc. Diningroom Suite — — - $65.00

10 Pc. Cathedral Oak Diningroom Suite.$279.00


10 Pc. Butt Walnut Dimngroom S u ite ^ ....$335.00 ___________ -—


10 Pc. Crotch Mahg Diningroom Suite--.$348.00


10 Pc. Cratch Walnut Diningroom Suite.$295.00


Governor Winthrop Desk - - pRICE FL O O R SA M PLE


Two-In-One Solid Mahogany Tabte- - $37.50$54.00 ----------—---Mahogany Livingroom Table$37.00


Mahogany Livingroom Table$22.25 _____ _

Table Lamps

SA LE P R IC E $16.50

The Greatest Sacrifice Sale


SPECIAL4 Pc. Solid Maple Bedroom S u ite ................. $ 7 9 .0 0

$85.003 Pc. Cathedral Oak Bedroom S u ite ........W O R T H $119.00 SA LE P R IC E

5 Pc. Green Ducco Bedroom S u ite ............$186.00 SA LE P R IC E $159.506 Pc. Walnut Venition Bedroom S u ite ....$245.00 SA LE P R IC E $129.00


3 Pc. SUITE$139.00 SALE P R IC E $110.00

AS LOW AS$1.00

Bridge and Junior Lamps*f f f f S V X p Q I R LAM PS and all o thers

10 to 50% lessAll E nd-T ables, Desks, Lamp-Tables, Sew-S S K ’S aS S S S ; vas- 1 5 .25% lessES AND ............................................................................................... ............." -----------

CLUB CHAIRS$19.50 SALE P R IC E $14.50






20% less

Inne Spring MattressesAS LOW AS $11.95Odd P o s e r s and Vanity 25 to 50% lessFelt and Cotton MattressesNOW 20% less


Gold Seal Congoleum Rugs9x12 SIZ E SA LE P R IC E

RUGS & CARPETS At Very Low Prices

b u y f u r n it u r e o n o u r d e f e r r e dPAYMENT P L A N_'You Pay No More than Low Cash Prices, Plus a Small Cat tying Chatge

Manner’s Furniture7 e 5 F S t r e e t T e le p h o n e B e lm a r 17* «


W an t C ontroversy O ver N etting Re- s tric tions D ecided H arm oniously

Banishironing Board IFatigu®

with a new

e m w m m m(M A D E BY THE M A K E R S O F \


Own a new Easy heifer—and watch that MAM­MOTH basket of clothes shrink down to its proper proportions in your scale ci values.

Too many women spend long hours at the tedious, hot and gruelling work oi hand ironing when, lor only a lew cents a week, they could own a new Easy Irone?—and sit comfortably and easily guiding the clothes while the Easy did all the work in one-hali to one third the usual time.

Cell today for I'iSEE demonstration ot this modern time and labor saver.

F o r m ore th a n 50 years th e h is to ry of sa lt w a te r conservation h as been com posed largely of a series of ac ri­m onious d isag reem en ts and recrim ina­tions betw een th e ang le r and th e com­m ercial m an, say th e S alt W ate r A n­glers of A m erica in th e ir recen tly is­sued association booklet. T he resu lts , in so far a s any adequa te legislation is concerned, have been negligible.. W hile i t is tru e th a t ce rta in res tric tio n s have been placed upon ne tting , th e size of m esh an d o th er m inor phases of com­m ercial activ ities, nevertheless, in th e lig h t of p resen t scien tific know ledge, a lm ost all of th e energies devoted to th is cause have been w asted . U ntil recen t years such leg isla tion h as never been based on an accu ra te , scien tific know ledge of th e basic problem s per­ta in in g to our m arine life. A very for m idable b a rr ie r h as th u s been erected betw een tw o classes whose in terests, in th e final analysis, a re identical. T here h as been no com m on g round upon hich th e com m ercial fisherm an and th e an g le r could g a th e r fo r fr ien d ­ly cooperation to determ ine how best to m eet th e situation .

I t is a perfectly obvious fac t th a t bo th th e com m ercial fish erm an an d the an g le r have iden tica l in te rests . T hey b o th w a n t “m ore fish and b e tte r fish ­ing.” T he S alt W alte r A nglers of A m erica of w hich B en F a r r ie r is p res- iden t of the B elm ar F ish ing Club is tre a su re r , h as ta k e n th e s tan d th a t con troversy betw een th e tw o classes is inexcusable and m u s t1 be elim inated. D uring th e p a s t y ear i t h as become increasing ly ev iden t th a t th e com m er­cial m an an d th e an g le r can w ork to ­ge th e r fo r a com m on purpose and in pe rfec t harm ony. T he only p e rq u is ­ite fo r th is cooperation is a com plete u n d ers tan d in g of each o th e r’s problem s and a w illingness to d iscard the un fa ir suspicions of th e past. T here can be no question b u t th a t each can lea rn from th e o ther.

Every Facility For Car Servicing

Phone 1621Authorized Agency for R. C. A. RADIO

_____S T O P . A N D F I L L U P -------

Day Beds...................................... 25 to 35% lessSOME W IT H M A PLE E N D S w /U




SPECIAL: Breakfast Sets, KitchenSETS, U T ILITY C A B IN ETS And All O ther K it- 1 ^ G c cchen F u rn itu re .................................................................. l U / 0

B e lm a r , H . J .



11th A v e n u e & F StreetBELMAR, NEW JERSEY

Auto Accessories

Of All Kinds

Jersey Central cPower & Light


A m erican people a re u rged to show hosp ita lity an d anyw ay th ey would like to en te r ta in a la rge num ber of ad ­d itiona l guests in th e ir jails.

G irls sa id to le a rn dancing quicker th an boys. M ay be because th ey have sm alle r feet, so i t is n o t so h a rd to find p laces to p u t them .

M uch isc said ab o u t th e w olf a t th e door, b u t if th e w olf com es a ro u n d th e door now adays he is likely to find sev­e ra l salesm en lined up ahead of him .



Take Advantage of this | Opportunity |

Ceilings as low as GpoC per roll.' §’ Sidewalls as low as 71/*) per roll § Plastics as low as 14c per roll |

B E ST W O R K M A N SH IP G U A RA N TEED W e c a rry th e la rg es t a sso rtm en t of la test designs :n stock.-— More jg

th a n 50,"000 rolls in stock S



706 M N T P 'V E N U E BELM AR. N. J. |

Page 4: d u e t - DigiFind-It · and friends as “Tom,” upheld its repu tation and made it famous throughout this state for its shore dinners and ex cellent cuisine. It became, under his


i HE COAST ADVERTISERLOU IS B A R R , O w ner an d P ub lisher

J . C H A R LE S T U R N E R , E d ito r


Publication Office and P la n t: 704 N in th Avenue, B elm ar, N. J.

E n te re d as secor 1 class m a tte r a t th e P o st Office a t B elm ar, N ew Jersey , under th e Act of C ongress

i..................... SU B SC R IPT IO N R A TES:Single Copy, 4 cen ts; T hree M onths, .40; Six M onths, .75; One T ear, $1.50

sin o rdering tn e change of subscrip tion address, please give th e old as w ell a s the n e v address. N ew s item s of local an d personal in te re s t invited.

Mrs. Cyrus B. H once of 501 F if th--------------------- avenue, en te rta in ed w ith a luncheonPhone 2083-W and m iscellaneous show er a t her home

on Tuesday, F eb ru a ry f if th fo r Miss E lizabeth V. W. Dodd, d au g h te r of Mr. and Mrs. S tan ley Dodd of No. 2 In le t te rrace , whose engagem ent to D onald M ontgom ery Y oung of B ethlehem , Pa., w as recen tly announced. Those en te r­ta ined w ere Mrs. C yrus B. H once, Miss E lla DuBois, M iss M ary E . DuBois, M rs. T unius S. V anderveer, Miss M.

C hancery 6-267S H E R IF F ’S SA LE — By v irtu e of a w rit of fi. fa. to me d irected , issued ou t of th e C ourt of C hancery of the S ta te of New Jersey , will be exposed to sale a t public vendue on

M onday, th e 4 th D ay of M arch, 1935,

betw een the hours of 12 o’clock and 5 o’clock (a t 2 o’clock) in the afternoon

Billiard Star GivesMasterful Exhibition

sam e y ear to “Y oung Ja k e S chaefer” in a challenge m atch . H e won his p resen t title th is y ea r w hen in the fi­nal gam e of th e 5-handed to u rn am en t consisting of E ric h H agen lacher, W il­lie H oppe, O ra C. M o m in g sta r and K in rey M atsym am a, he aga in trim ph- ed over H agen lacher to w in the dia­m ond emblem.

W elker C ochran of San Francisco , p resen t w orld’s 18.2 balk line b illiard cham pion, devoted one h o u r of free in s truc tion on th e fundam en ta ls of

„ , * ,, „ . — . .. , b illiards to the citizens of B elm ar in a , ---------------------B o r o i t h o f F r e e h o ^ r m t h T V o u n t y ' £ 6e, exhibition W ednesday evening a t ! C ochran w as born 36 years ago in of M onm outh N e w ^ ^ r s e y to 3 j P a r l“ '’ ™ W th Ave. M anson, Iowa, and a f te r spending sev-a decree of said cou rt am ounting to ! tional B illiard A s s o c ia tlo n T / A m erica * * * * “ ^ ^ he m ° Ved t0 th ea?A lP th o seC e rta in lo ts ,‘trac ts , or par- and is p a r t of th e N ationa l “B e tte r

B illiards” P rog ram . In1 E stelle 'M oored Mrs! L edyard™ A very] cels ° f ,la” d and Prem ises h e re in a fte r add ition toiM rs E dw ard V L vm an J r M rs P articu la rly described, situa te , lying tree in struction , C ochran gave a’ W illiam H. H urley, Mrs. John J . Me- and beinS m th e Tow nship of W all, in | d em onstra tion of carom b illiards and ; G rath , Mrs. C harles E . V anW ickle, : «?e County of M onm outh and S ta te of fancy shots.M rs. H a rry W. Schuyler, Mrs. A nna D. Jersey . u ! C ochran firs t won th e 18.2 title inC arson, Mrs. E dm und deM onseigle, I B eginn ing a t a point form ed by the 1928 w hen he defeated E rich H agen- M rs. S tanley Dodd and Miss E lizabeth , 1 ™ “ ^ w e s te r^ I lache r~ H e lost « how ever, in the


w est coast w here he recen tly opened a b illiard room.

In h is f irs t a tte m p t fo r th e th ree- cushion title he w as successful in w inning th a t honor in 1933, trium ph ing over th e fo rm er defending cham pion A ugie K ieckhefer of Chicago. H e lost th is cham pionship how ever, in the la s t to u rn am en t to Johnny Layton.L akew ood R oad w ith the

!fa par^wmeh

If the ghost of P. T. Barnum, the greatest showman in written history is not stalking the trial of Bruno Hauptmann in Flemington we miss our guess.

In the many sensational trials that have come un-:

The Holy N am e Society s f irs t annu- approx im ate ly seventy-three acres, w as al card p a rty has been postponed till fo rm erly conveyed by F red e rick W ilk-

T“ ‘ " *“ IM arch 5. P rizes will be on d isplay in j ^ “a n d 'w ife to 'J o h n C. B. Cook, F red-m em bers j e r ick F . Schock and Theodore H . Ben-M. M anner’s window. The

! w ill a tten d a Holy N am e R ally a t I n e tT b y deed da ted O ctober 22, 1925,Spring L ake on Sunday F eb ru a ry 10th. j recorded in th e M onm outh County

j A round table ta lk w ill be held a t our ! C lerk .s Office in Book 1321 of Deeds ; nex t m eeting in M arch. j on pagc 453) O ctober 29, 1925) and

1 ru n n in g thence (1) n o rth eighty-fourder the experience of the American people it is the biggest Mrs. L. C. T hom pson of South M degrees tw enty-five m inu tes east a long

„ , , . . . . . „ . . . , „ s tre e t w as hostess M onday n ig h t to her ; th e n o rth e rly line of Lakew ood R oadC irC U S O t them all, in our opinion. Gilbert and oullivan fellow m em bers of the W est B elm ar seven hund red fifty-six and fifty hun-

never could have conceived a better theme for a satire and j Woman’s Republican ciub. fhedinters7e5ctfon o thTwesTeriy siin°all the detective story writers since the master mind of The card p a rty w hich w as to have Of A lgonquin T ra il w ith said n o rtherly^ A11 . . j i 1 m i been held M onday n igh t in St. R ose’s line of Lakew ood R oad, thence (2)Edgar Allan r 0 6 could not nave introduced more D C W ild - P a rish H all u nder th e auspices of the sou th seven ty degrees tw enty-eigh tp r im e r n r n n n t r n r l i r d n r v “ p v i d p n p p ” i n t o t h p i r c t n r i p q Holy N am e Society w as postponed on m inu tes east still along said no rtherly61 m g 01 C O n t l aU lC L O l y e v i u e n c c i n t o b l l c l l a l u l l c a . accoun t of the dea th of Thom as P . line of Lakew ood R oad, one thousand

Newspaper reporters, news commentators, sob s t u f f M urphy a prom inen t m em ber. h u ^ r e d ^to th e in tersec tion of the w esterly line of L ennie L enape T ra il w ith the n o rth ­erly line of Lakew ood R oad, thence

RIVOLI THEATREM atinee D aily 2:45 P. M. S atu rday , Sunday, H olidays, C ontinuous

NOTE—New Prices—Matinee 10c and 20c—Evening, 15c and 25c

writers, photographers and seekers aftei political public- Max Giiman of Fifteenth avenue has ity never had such an opportunity presented to further jre tu rn ed from a stay in M iami, F ia.

(3) no rth e rly a t r ig h t angles to saidtheir individual ambitions, and none of them has neglect- ah. o, n.,de d 1 [ . * t th e sehoolhouse T u e .d .y M t .r a o o n .! f” " , “ ' u n d S fifty (460) fee t

When one is surfeited with newspaper stories of ^ _ m ore or less to th e in tersec tion of the. . , . Mrs. G. B unin o£ 906 N in th avenue w esterlv line of Lennie Lenape. T ra ilthe trial and turns to the radio tor respite only to nave is under observation in a New York .......... - ” ■— s-’-

that source of entertainment interspersed with closeup uonPltMrs? ew ith th e sou therly line of M innesink

a serious th ro a t affec- R oad, thence (4) n o rth seventy degrees B unin is 93 years old. She ; tw en ty -e igh t m inu tes w est a long the

descriptions of a Court of Justice at which a man is on refused to go u nder the kn ife and th e sou therly line of M innesink " -u c s u i p u v i i o VU a v u u d i yj bak ing system, is being used. thousand five hund red and

sandwiched between beauty powder, —trial for his life, toothpaste, medicinal and what not ads, crooners, comed­ians and grand opera stars it becomes little short of naus­eating.

And, make what excuses we may, all this palaver does not foster respect for law and justice.BOWLING RESULTS


HOUSECapobianco 92 101J . T aylor ..... ..... 88Q uering ........... 126 124M atteson ........... 92 111Bonk ......................... 146 147P. Taylor 137

544 620JE R S E Y C EN TR A L

H ickm an ...... ........... 127 167VonBrook .... ........... 120 157F rey .............. .......... 133 125P etrone ........ .......... 188 99S peaker ........ .......... 146 128

709 676







G rond ....................... 176 160D um m y ................... 135

727 772

DEM OCRATS No.Geiss ......................... 186M achette ................. 164K ovats ..................... 148B rodstein ............... 143W akste in ................. 156F rosch .....................




R oad onethousand five h u nd red and n inety and n inety-four hu n d red th s fee t (1590.94’)

! m ore or less to th e w esterly line of th e w hole tr a c t of w hich th is is a pa rt, thence (5) sou th tw enty-six degrees

; fifty - e igh t m inutes an d th ir ty sec- I onds w est along the w esterly line of th e w hole t r a c t of w hich th is is a p a rt,

j one hund red tw o and eighty-six hun- I d red th s (102.86) fee t to a co rner of said j p roperty , thence (6) n o rth seventy-one degrees th irty -e igh t m inu tes fifty sec­onds w est a long th e no rthw este rly line of th e w hole t r a c t of w hich th is is a

| p a r t fou r hund red tw enty-nine and ■ eiehtv-one h u n d red th s (429.81) fee t to

748 N OT TH A T IT S ANY O F H IS DARN- co rner of th e w hole t r a c t ofE D BU SIN ESS, BUT OUR NOSY w hich th is is a p a rt, thence (7) south

tw enty-five degrees fifty -th ree m inutes 197 C O R R E SPO N D E N T W OULD L IK F and fo rty seconds w est six hund red

th irty -n ine and fif ty h u n d red th s (639- 50) fee t still along th e w esterly line of th e w hole tr a c t of w hich th is is a p a rt

How does “W eeds” like his new boy to an o th e r co rner of th e w hole trac t, 150 friend, E no? ! thence (8) south seven ty -n ine degrees

th ree m inu tes and th ir ty seconds east,


187 TO KNO W :173179

807 886K IN G ’S B E A R CATS

W ho would ra th e r play bridge th an ea t?

D EM OCRATS No. 1Geiss ............... ......... 155 184 144K ovats ........... ........ 150 101 172D um m y ......... ........ 135 135 135

....... 144 159 129........ 152 161 176

736 740 756B ELM A R C H E V R O L ET

T aylor ....................... 158K och .'............ -......... 115D onigan ................... 123H azier ................. 181P u rch ase ................. 215




BELM A R FO R DW oodhouse ............. 174 171K le inkau f ............... 202 186Stock ......................... 14? ir>-C. M eyers ............... 144 166Dr. A. M orris 158 216

825 901S T E R N E R C. & L.

W olfN ew m anP a te rn o ste rS tauchM easureLyons












Cherel ....................... 207M orrel ..................... 191B ennett ................... 147B erk stre sse r ........... 166K ing ......................... 157





W ho has the honor of cham p k ab itize r in tow n?

being the

830 828

ROD AND GUNC. S tines ................... 123D um m y ................... 135M cCorm ick ........... 163D um m y ................... 135C randall 165J. T aylor




106135136 135 145 141


tw o hund red th irty -e igh t and tw elve h u n d red th s (238.12) fee t to an o th e r cor n e r of th e w hole tra c t, thence (9) sou th fou r degrees tw enty-six m inu tes and ten seconds w est still a long th e

, w esterly line of th e w hole t r a c t six ’ hund red eigh ty fou r and fifty -four

W ho’s in the know on the baseball hund red th s (684.54) feet m ore or less s itu a tio n ? - to the point or place of beginning.

------------ I The above described, being know nIf M. A. really busted the glass in ] as all of H ills Section C, M anasquan

th a t ca r door? ; Shores, excepting and reserving, how-_________ _ ever, from th e above described tra c t,

W hen fa rm ?

G. F . is going to buy th a t

If I. J . likes th e ride to the county ; sea t these n ig h ts?

Gibson 122 182 128Schroeder 142 119 231W eidenbecker 211 160 159SchaugerD um m y 135 135


D um m y 135 135 135

745 731 818

If the bw oling situa tion is well han d ?

S aturday , F eb ruary 9th One Day

LA U R EL AND H A R D Y in th e ir la te s t fea tu re p ic tu re“BABIES IN TOYLAND”

C o m ed y -A ll S ta r M u s ica l-C a rto o n

Sunday, M onday, Tuesday, F eb ru a ry 10-11-12 3 DAYSCarol L om bard, Zazu P itts , Sam H ardy , Leo C arrillo in

“THE GAY BRIDE”Comedy—Todd & K elly T ravelogue—M etro News

T uesday—R K O N ew s BUCK JO N E S in T H E R E D R ID E R

" """ jmitiiiiiTf lTMiiiTrnairaiig'qrar^^W ednesday-Thursday, Feb. 13-14 Double F ea tu re

Neil H am ilton , F lorence Rice, D onald Cook in“THE FUGITIVE LADY”

AlsoJe a n M uir, G eorge B ren t, V erreo Teadale, Jo h n H alliday in

“THE DESIRABLE”P aram o u n t News M etro News

Friday , F eb ru a ry 15th—One D ay Double F ea tu reIrene D unn, R alph Bellam y, C onstance C um m ings in


SH IR L E Y G R E Y w ith s ta r cast in“THE GIRL IN DANGER”

Fox News

S aturday , F eb ru a ry 16th—R o b ert Young, B e tty F u rness, S tu a r t E rw in , P res to n F o ste r

an d T ed H ealey in“THE BAND PLAYS ON”

Comedy, B etty Boop M usical, T ravelogue

BUCK JO N E S in T H E R E D R ID E R ____________

Sunday and Monday, Feb. 17-18—Two Days

GRETA GARBO—The Painted Veil

B ELM A R FO R DW oodhouse ............. 164 167E. K le inkau f ........... 179 176Stock ....................... 202 178M eyer ....................... 153 170D r. M orris ............... 178 139

876 830R IV E R S ID E D A IR Y

B ELM A R FO R DW oodhouse ...... 166 175 165G. K leinkauf ....... 135 162 171S tock ................ ....... 234 176 216M eyer ............... ....... 178 154 156D r. M orris ......... ....... 185 215 160

898 883 868K IN G ’S B E A R CATS

C herel ................ ...... 122 188 174119 177 159

B ennett 148 161 173B erk stresser 138 149 158

184 145 184

711 820 848

M E N Z L E R B A K ER Y173 221 185115 157 146

Bogel ......................... 146 151 118146 193 184174 179 172

757 902 802H A U SO TTE SE R V IC E

G leason ...............-... 162M arston ................... 152 197 233M orris ....................... 107 125 112L an g ......................... 136 155 122

W arren 134 214H ayes 151 132L arson 142 156F rench 135 209H enderson 156 169

718 880

R EPU B LIC A N CLUBD onate ... .................. 168 160H oagland ............... 137P flug ...... .................. 149 183C arr ....... .................. 191 162E g b e rt ... .................. 150 183D. B a rr 156

795 842B ELM A R A & P

M arsland ................. 143 144D um m y .................. 135D um m yW eaver ... ................. 145 176T horne .... 157Conover 189

745 814



IL ots’ 81, 82, 83 and 84, in B lock 18, on M ap of H ills Section C, M anasquan Shores and m ore particu la rly describ­ed as follows:B eginning a t a po in t in th e n o rth ­erly line of M ohegan R oad, d is tan t one hund red six ty-four (164) feet eas- j te rly from th e in tersec tion of th e nor- j s;;: th erly line of M ohegan R oad, w ith th e [ # v ! easterly line of A lgonquin T ra il and j of to ru n n in g thence (1) easte rly a long the ! #

! n o rtherly line of M ohegan R oad one hund red (100) fee t to a po in t; thence ! *

If th e kab itzers on N in th avenue a re : (2) n o rtherly a t r ig h t angles to Mo- ! # keeping w arm these days? i hegan R oad one hund red (100) fee t to ,3Z

■--------- -- a point, thence (3) w esterly para lle l I &W ho is ch a irm an of the R Associa- I w ith M ohegan R oad one h u nd red fee t j

tion? to a point, thence (4) sou therly a t----------- rig h t angles to M ohegan R oad one &

H ow long is it since he w as heard hundred (100) feet to the point oi from ? place of B eginning. Also excepting

___________________ „ and reserv ing from th e above describ- ! -X-NFXV TFRSSFY p v j n v ed prem ises all th a t ce rta in bu ild ing : XN E H T E R SE ! R--.ADY ! know n as th e Poland H om estead. ft

TO SPE N D $50,000,000 Seized as th e p roperty of M anasquan ; -<;•----------- H om esites, Inc., e t als., ta k e n in exe- ; 3C

If federal au th o ritie s announce a i cution a t th e su it of F red e rick W ilk- J -X:

If P . S. is th in k in g about going the sou th land?

This Business ot BankingThe interests of any bank, and of its customers, are identical It can prosper only as they prosper; it can grow only as they grow; it can profit only if - and when - they profit. No other business illustrates so clearly a cross sec­tion of the community it serves.



235 186 204 139 183


145159 new p rog ram of w ork fo r th e country , ; ' n s> an<l 1° be sold by m th e N ew Je rsey E m ergency R elief Ad- H O W A RD H EIG H T.

m in is tra tio n is p repared to u n d ertak e ! H ated J a n u a ry 29, 1935.^ j im m ediately p ro jec ts involving expen- f f ™ ? 1 S; Sago tsky’ So1 r '

I d itu res of considerably m ore th a n $50,- ( meS___________________ _000,000 and giving em ploym ent proba- IN C H A N CERY O F N E W JE R S E Y

I bly to m ore m en and w om en th a n _______ _w ere utilized in th e Civil W orks Ad-


I d i t t a r N a l t i m a l H a n k




$51.24 | .'A'. J >, -> *. J O %--








Y our m oney is a crea tive force. W ill you c rea te p rosperity in B elm ar by buying your supplies a t hom e, or cre­a te p ro sep rity in o th er p laces by buy­ing elsew here?

T he fellow w ho asks no g irl to m a r­ry him , will probably rem ain single, an d th e sto re th a t ask s fo r no custom ­ers th ro u g h advertising , w ill no t prob­ab ly be able to w ed Miss P rosperity .

U. S. canno t jo in L eague in easing B olivian a rm s em bargo.

B ank c learings increase 36.3 per cen t over y ear ago.

m in is tra tion program .S ta tem en ts to th is effec t w ere con-j AMY B U R LIN G A M E,

ta ined in a rep o rt by Lewis C om pton, By v irtue of an o rder of the C ourt executive s ta te d irec to r of the E R A , | of C hancery of N ew Jersey , m ade on sen t to C harles Edison, a s s ta te direc- j th e day of the da te hereof, in a cause to r of the N ew Jersey D ivision of th e \ w herein W illiam P. H a rr is and A nna N ationa l E m ergency Council. The I U- H arris , h is wife, a re th e eom plain- w ord “im m ediately ,” Mr. Com pton said i an ts , and you and o thers a re defend-is precise because plans, estim ates and !a n ts ’ y° u a re rectu ired to appear, and

■ j , . I plead, dem ur or answ er to th e com-o th er d a ta requ ired as p re lim inaries . p la in an ts’ bill on, or before the 30th to construction have all been p repar- | day of M arch , next, o r the said bill ed, a re in th e files and can be tran s- j w il 1 be tak en as confessed ag a in s t you. m uted in to action, veritab ly upon a The said bill is filed to foreclose a m om ent’s notice. m ortgage given by E lizabeth H olm es,

— — ---------------------- widow, to W illiam F. H a rris and An-H O U SEW O R K W A N TED : H ousew ork I n a R ’ H a rr is ’ his w ife’ d a ted D ecem ­

ber 12th, 1928, on lands in the B orough of B elm ar, County of M onm outh and S ta te of N ew Jersey .

And you, Jam es P . Holm es, W illiam B. Holm es, and F lorence A rm y B url­ingam e, a re m ade defendan ts because u nder the las t W ill and T estam en t of E lizabeth H olm es, deceased, you ac­qu ired an in te re s t in th e said esta te as legatees.D ated J a n u a ry 29th, 1935.

A R T H U R M. BIRD SA LL, Solicitor of C om plainant,

P . O. A ddress, 704 10th Ave. B elm ar, N ew Jersey .

Feb. 8-15-22—M arch 1.

W A N TED —G eneral housew ork or by the day. Mrs. W illiam s, 500 16th Ave.

ALCOHOL, 20 cen ts Q uart W ith the R ig h t K ind of G rease and

Oil Y our Car W ill S ta r t E as ie r L et us W interize Y our C ar N ow

W e T ake C are of C ar R epa irs ADAMS SE R V IC E STATIO N

705 N in th Avenue, B elm ar

Age pension cost se t a t $1,300,000,000 as hearings open.

H ull gives notice ta f ir r tre a ty will be nego tia ted w ith C anada.

S ecre tary H ull sends ) apology to C anada.

I ’m Alone

To M A IE L. T O PPIN G and MR. T O P­PIN G , h e r husband, and E LIZA ­B E T H K. JE N N IN G S and JA M ES JE N N IN G S, her husband:

By v irtue of an o rder of th e C ourt of C hancery of N ew Jersey , m ade on th e day of th e da te hereof, in a cause w herein Bessie Fell Camp, E xecu trix of th e las t W ill and T estam en t of E vangeline Fell K uder, deceased, is th e com plainan t, and you a re defend- nats , you a re requ ired to appear, and plead, dem ur o r an sw er to th e com­p la in an t’s bill on, o r before th e 30th day of M arch nex t, or th e said bill w ill be tak en as confessed ag a in s t you.

The said bill is filed to foreclose a m ortgage given by Bessie C. H . Good­m an and W illiam Goodm an, h e r hus­band, to E vangeline F. K uder, dated O ctober 15th, 1925, on lands in the B orough of Deal, C ounty of M onm outh and S ta te of New Jersey.

A nd you, M aie L. Topping and E liz­ab e th K. Jenn ings, a re m ade defend­an ts because you a re th e ow ners of th e said m ortgaged lands; and you, Mr. T opping and Jam es Jenn ings, a re m ade defendants, because of an y cu r­tesy or o ther s ta tu to ry r ig h ts you m igh t have in said m ortgaged lands. D ated Ja n u a ry 29th, 1935.

A R T H U R M. BIRD SA LL, Solicitor of C om plainant,

P. O. A ddress, 704 10th Ave.B elm ar, New Jersey

Feb. 8-15-22—M arch 1.


N otice is hereby given to th e legal vo ters of th e School D is tr ic t o f the B orough of South B elm ar in th e coun­ty of M onm outh th a t th e A nnual M eet­ing for th e election of T hree (3) m em ­bers of th e B oard of E duca tion will be held a t th e B orough H all, W ednesday, F eb ru a ry 13th, 1935, from seven (7) o'clock P . M. to n ine (9) o’clock P . M. and as m uch longer a s m ay be necess­a ry to enable all th e legal vo ters pres- sen t to cast th e ir ballots.

T hree m em bers w ill be elected for th ree (3) years.

A t said m eeting will be subm itted th e question of voting a tax fo r the ensuing y e a r’s c u rre n t expenses in the sum of $10,500.

M A R IE HAUG,D istric t C lerk.

The only persons w ho m ay vote in add ition to those reg iste red fo r th e la s t p reced ing genera l election (and possessing a ll th e o th e r qualifications of vo ters) w ho m ay reg is te r w ith the D istric t C lerk a t least tw o days before th e school election.

T he D is tric t C lerk will be a t the B orough H all, R edm ond avenue and F street, on F e b ru a ry 9, 1935, from 7:00 to 8:00 P . M. fo r reg iste ring those en­titled to vote.

Page 5: d u e t - DigiFind-It · and friends as “Tom,” upheld its repu tation and made it famous throughout this state for its shore dinners and ex cellent cuisine. It became, under his



G erard D ebaets, c rack B elgian bicy­cle s ta r, w ho has won seventeen six- day races and w ho w on five six-day grinds in a row la s t fall w ith A lfred L etourner, of F rance , as h is partner, m ay n o t be a s ta r te r in N ew Y ork’s fifty -e igh th In te rn a tio n a l six-day bicy­cle race w hich s ta r ts in M adison S quare G arden, Sunday night, M arch 3rd.

D ebaets cabled to M anager John M. C hapm an th a t if he w as n o t pa ired up w ith A lfred L e tou rne r in the com ­ing G arden race he w ould rem ain in E urope and ride six-day races a t A nt­w erp, Belgium s, and P aris , F rance. M anager C hapm an cabled D ebaets in re tu rn th a t he w ould le t h im know his decision in a few days and since th a t tim e, C hapm an has sen t an o th e r cable saying, “I can n o t team you w ith Le­to u rn e r, if you don’t w an t to ride the N ew Y ork six-day race i t is up to you.”

In o th e r w ords C hapm an has called th e b luff of the g rea t B elgian bike s ta r . T he n ex t move is up to D ebaets. H e has m ade thousands of dollars in A m erica w inning six-day races in De­tro it, P h iladelph ia , Chicago, New Y ork and B uffalo. The fans will be anx i­ous to see if he does pass up A m erica to ride in E urope.

H igh C ourt d ism isses Mooney plea w ith h in t of an o th e r chance.

N e w Y o rk or N e w a rk$ 1.00 R O U N D


W ED N ESD A Y , FE B R U A R Y 13

Leaves BELM A R Sun. 8:32 A. M. W ed. 8:35 A. M.

R e tu rn in g tick e ts good on any New Jersey C en tra l tra in , except T he B lue Comet, on date of sale. C onsult tick e t ag en ts fo r leaving tim es from sta tions no t shown above and add itional in form a­tion.

T here w ill »e a special a f te r th e­a tre tr a in on W ednesday, Feb. 13 leaving New York, L iberty St., 11:50 P . M., N ew ark , B road St. 11:45 P . M. fo r s ta tions P e rth Amboy to P t. P lea san t inclusive. T his special tra in provides an op­p o rtu n ity to a tte n d th e thea tre .

fa s IT ra in s— Am ple Room— M odern Equipment

J e r s e y A C e n t r a l

H o w d y !Lawrence Qnirp’s m y name, but jet* Coll m e by m y nicknam e, “Lest.”I ’m the guy what people hires For to tend their heater fires.Cot my nicknam e in a joke, Recom m endin’ Koppers Coke;’Cause the folks I praised it to Found it gave m e less to do.Sure — I knew it would! But, say—* Human nature’s built that way!Try some Koppers Coke and learn W hy it's easier to burnt

W p p e u s

;oke__ ^ ■««. O. •. PAT. •PftMonmouth Coal and

Supply Co., Inc.Sixteenth Ave. and Railroad, Belmar


m m iailiii!?: m m

✓ S\.\ SI S I S

Phillips DELICIOUSBear.s.Tomato Soup or Vegetable Soup 6m,,,25c

6 c°n* 2 5 'Vegetable, Pea, ror Chicken Broth Z consZ 3 c

Iona Beans

Hormel Soups

Chicken Broth WESrCHESTER eRAN0 '° 9 c

Pineapple Juice 2«-23' Polk’s GRAPE FRUIT JUICE 3«-25' Grape Fruit oXX™ 2 «"> 23' Del Monte peaches *Hc£ r £17' California peaches ion££Td **15' R A R BONED CHICKEN 39' Armour’s Corned Beef '«rl5 'Pillsbury’ S PANCAKE FLOUR 2 «*9»19« Aunt Jemima pancake hour <*sl O' Aunt Jemima p*g]2'Log Cabin Syrup 12 or. size 19« Karo Syrup b lu e la b el ^ lb. con 13'H -O Oats QUICK OR REGULAR pkg. 10c

O uaker Oats quick or regular Pkg.§c

Three-Minute o a t f l a k e s p^ B '

Bisquick 2P°C17' ^ 2 9 '

Buy a Supply at This Price!


l l l i l i : l i i l i f l i i l l

o f A & P ’s Annual

MONTHW hat Founder's Month Means to YOU!

In 1859. . three-quarters of a century a go .... G e o rge Huntington Hartfofd founded, this great money-saving institution. A s a tribute to our founder we a re , this year,

offering a whole M O N T H of unusual sales art, the nation’s finest foods and household

needs. The exceptional values below are. typical of many more to come. W atch for

the FOUNDER S M O N T H SALES. Buy. a- good ly supply while the special prices last..

Sunsweet Prune Juice & 18' Baker’s premium chocolate **i8«Heckers’ Farina . 21'Mueller’s MaT&3£?*w 3 ^ 2 5 ' Apple Jelly T E E T ,Kiefer Pears SQuSftY° 10* Heinz soups and Clam Chowder 2~n.25' Heinz Ketchup 1%. 12' 18'Campbell’s tomato soup 3 cons 20*Campbell’s Beans 3 'Lit 16' Ann Page Beans . >lb“n5'

mm¥ e g e ta M f * $ a le

iSTRs ii :BEAil!i;|s® g l !TOMATOES a I r iST8

T o m a t o e s 2' - “23.Sodwd Driarf -Peas 4 Z *3$

................. ........... , — - • "

Selected U. S. No. 1 Grade

POTATOESThese carefully selected potatoes are the very finest quality... all U. S. No. 1 Grade. They're the kind that are ideal for storage. Buy at least a month’s supply NOW)

[c A POUND(100 lb. bag 98c)


400 CARLO ADS WERE NOT ENOUGH!We ordered 400 carloads of selected potatoes for this sale. But the demand has been so tremendous that some of our stores may run short. So that no one will be disappointed, we have arranged to take care of all customers from an additional 100 carloads that are now enrouto. If your A a P Store is sold out of these potatoes, simply leave your order . . . It will be filled the early part of next week at this same sale price.

FLOUR SALES u n n y f i e k I J t s „ t . “ 8 5 *. H e c k e r l f d r P j l l s S u ® !

fa,....,. • *

iS O lUG o l d M e d a l or C e re s o f a *2? *1.14


2k to 3*4 lb. Sizes

Week-End Specials at A &P MarketsBROILING and FRYING

ib. 2 5 cG R A D E lb. 2 3 '

Slices of Sm oked H am ‘curs" lb- 3 9 ' Stewing Lamb Fresh FilletCOD AN0







Presto Cake Flour *9* .*9 27* Swans D o w e l cake flour X27« Royal Raking Powder 17' 'coYSS'Shaker Salt diamond crystal 2^11' New Nucoa »»• 20' 2 «>*• 39'

Hellmann’s £ 1 5 ^ 2 7'Salad Dressing raja»8,“ l l ^ 119' Jelto or Royal Desserts 3 pkg.-l 7cC___t,|_ GELATIN DESSERTS or coparKie chocolate pudding **9- O' Borden’s cream cheese 2 pX 1 9 '

Ovaltine **5^ Zt 28' X 52'Cocomalt %|b- c°n 21e lb-can 39'J a c k FrO St TABLET SUGAR 2 lb-Pkg. 1 2 '

Jack Frost Pow n " n‘r’' *-**6* Double Tip Matches box

Seminole Tissue 4 , 0 < 25' Lifebuoy Soap . . 4 «k« 23' Palmolive Soap . . 3«k«13' Camay Soap . . 3 <ok«13'Ivory Soap 2«“ «11' «'?.* 9« P*n.g Soap procter 1 gambie 2 coke*7« Yellow LAUNDRY SOAP 5 coke. 19' Super Suds . . 3 <*«•■ 25' Lux Flakes 7 ^ 19' <*«• 21'SeloX mE SPEED s°ap , . . pkg He Soap Chips • • ^ Ib. pkg. 29*Bab-o FOR ENAMEL & PORCELAIN ^ cans 19'S.O.S Cleaner Magic

Scouring Pads 2 X , 21<

Candies & Gums bXT 3 ,or10c Cigarettes 2 ^ 25' TZL l'20

Lucky Strike, Cheiterfield, O ld Gold and Camels

New Low Price!EIGHT O ’C LO C K


Finest Quality Santos Coffee lb. I

Chancery 6-357S H E R IF F ’S SAXE — By v irtue of a w rit of fi. fa. to me directed , issued ou t of th e C ourt of C hancery of the S ta te of N ew Je rsey will be exposed to sale a t public vendue, on

Monday, the 4th Day of March, 1935,

betw een the hours of 12 o’clock an d 5 o’clock (a t 2 o’clock) in th e afternoon of said day a t th e C ourt H ouse, in the B orough of F reehold , C ounty of M on­m outh , N ew Jersey , to sa tisfy a decree o f said co u rt am oun ting to approxi­m ate ly $6,065.00.

All the follow ing tra c t or parcel of land and prem ises h e re in a fte r p a rticu ­la rly described, situa te , lying and be­ing in the B orough of B elm ar in the C ounty of M onm outh and S ta te of N ew Jersey.

B E G IN N IN G a t a point in the eas­terly line of L ot No. 853, as show n on M ap of B elm ar, d is tan t 273.08 feet n o rth e rly from a po in t in the n o rth ­erly p roperty line of F if th Avenue, w hich is d is ta n t 150 fee t w esterly from th e po in t of in te rsec tion of the said p roperty line of F if th Avenue, w ith th e n o rth e rly p ro longation of th e w es­te r ly line o f E S tree t; an d from thence ru n n in g (1) N o rth 26 degrees east 18 fee t; thence (2) sou th 64 degrees east, to, th ro u g h and beyond a p a rty wall

ividing the house s tan d in g on the d here in described from th e one ad- in)ng on th e no rth , 120.63 fee t to the

curb line of T errace R oad; thence (3) a long th e line thereof, sou therly 18 fee t to a po in t in ran g e w ith th e p a r­ty w all div id ing th e house stand ing on th e land here in described from the one ad jo in ing on th e South ; and thence (4) no rth 64 degrees W est, to, th ro u g h and beyond said p a rty wall, 120.68 feet to th e po in t and place of B EG IN N IN G .

The above descrip tion is in accord­ance w ith a survey m ade by Claude W. B irdsall, Surveyor, da ted Ju ly 10, 1929.

B eing the sam e prem ises conveyed to H an n ah B ecker by deed from R. B ryce G ray and A lm a M. G ray, his wife, recorded on A ugust 9, 1929 in th e M onm outh C ounty C lerk’s O ffice in Book 1490 of D eeds of said County, page 231.

B E IN G all and the sam e prem ises a s described in M ortgage Book 919 for M onm outh County, page 316.

The p ro p erty is located a t 135 T er­race Road, B elm ar, New Jersey.

Seized as th e p roperty of M A RCEL­LA ORM SBY B E C K E R , et als., tak en in execution a t th e su it of F ID E L IT Y U N IO N T IT L E AND M ORTGAGE GUARANTY COM PANY, etc., et als, and to be sold by

H O W A RD H E IG H T , Sheriff. D ated J a n u a ry 29th, 1935.Sim on P. N orth rup , Sol’r.(67 1.) $28.14

Chancery 6-263S H E R IF F ’S SA LE — By v irtue of a w rit of fi. fa. to m e directed , issued ou t of th e C ourt o f C hancery of the S ta te of N ew Je rsey will be exposed to sale a t public vendue, on

Monday, the 4th D ay of M arch, 1935,

betw een th e hours of 12 o’clock and 5

[ o’clock (a t 2 o’clock) in the afternoon of said day a t th e C ourt H ouse, in the B orough of F reehold , C ounty of M on­m outh, N ew Jersey , to sa tisfy a decree

| of said court, am oun ting to approxi- [ m ately $5,755.00.

All th e follow ing tr a c t or parcel of land and prem ises h e re in a fte r p a iticu larly described, situa te , lying and be ing in th e B orough of B elm ar. in the C ounty of M onm outh and S ta te of N ew Jersey . B eing a p a r t of L ot num ­ber tw enty-tw o hund red and th irty - n ine (2239) as show n upon presen t M ap of B elm ar, bounded and describ­ed as follows, to w it:

B E G IN N IN G a t the in tersec tion of the n o rth line of T w elfth A venue and the ea s t line of D S tree t as show n on said m ap, and ex tending from thence (1) east along the said n o rth line of T w elfth avenue fifty (50) feet to the w est line of Lot num ber tw enty-tw o hundred and th irty -e igh t (2238); thence (2) n o rth along the said w est line of Lot num ber tw enty-tw o hun­dred and th irty -e ig h t (2238) one hu n ­dred (100) fee t; thence (3) w est, p a r­allel w ith said T w elfth avenue fifty (50) fee t to th e said line of D S tree t, and thence (4) south along the said east line of D s tre e t one hund red (100) fee t to th e point or place of beginning.

Seized as th e p roperty of G EO R G E F. T R E IB E R , e t als., tak en in execu­tion a t the su it of E D W IN P- LONG- ST R E E T , and to be sold by

H O W A RD H E IG H T , Sheriff. D ate r Ja n u a ry 29th, 1935. • •E lijah A. E delstein , SoVr. :.(48 1.) $20.16

Ja p a n reasse rts h e r dom inan t role in E a s te rn Asia.

C hancery 6-250

S H E R IF F ’S SA LE —• By v irtue of a w rit of fi. fa. to me d irected , issued ou t of the C ourt of C hancery of the S ta te of N ew Jersey , will be exposed to sale a t public vendue, on

M onday, the 4th D ay of M arch, 1935,

betw een the hours of 12 o’clock and 5 o’clock (a t 2 o’clock) in the afternoon of said day, a t th e C ourt H ouse in the B orough of Freehold , C ounty of Mon­m outh, New Jersey , to sa tisfy a decree of said cou rt am oun ting , to approxi­m ately $2,828.00.

All th a t ce rta in lot, tr a c t o r parcel of land and prem ises, h e re in a fte r p a r­ticu larly described, situa te , lying and being in the T ow nship of N eptune, in th e C ounty of M onm outh and S ta te of N ew Jersey , and being know n and des ignated on a m ap en titled “M ap of O cean Grove H eights, M onm outh Coun ty, N ew Jersey ,” surveyed by H arrison V anD uyne in April, 1893, as lot num ­bered 25 in B lock num ber 6, bounded and m ore particu la rly described as follows:

B E G IN N IN G a t a point in the no r­therly line of B ry an t A venue d is tan t one hund red GOO’) fee t easte rly from the n o rth ea s t corner of T aylor Avenue and B ry an t Avenue, as show n on aforesaid m ap; thence (1) w esterly along the no rth e rly line of B ry an t

.Avenue fifty (50’) feet; thence (2) n o rtherly and a t rig h t angles w ith B ry an t avenue one hund red and ten (110) fee t; thence (3) in an easterly d irection and para lle l w ith ' B ry an t A venue fifty (50) fee t; thence (4) sou­th e rly aga in a t r ig h t angles w ith B ry­a n t A venue One hund red and te r (110) fee t to th e point and place of BEG IN N IN G .

B E IN G the sam e prem ises conveyed u n to th e said H A R V EY A. B A K E R by COAST R EA L TY COMPANY', Body C orporate, by Deed bearing da te of A ugust 8th, 1924 and recorded in the M onm outh C ounty C lerk’s office a t F reehold , Septem ber 22, 1925 in Book 1320 of Deeds, page 26 &c.

SAID P R E M IS E S a re sub jec t to re­s tric tions con tained in deed from C oast R ea lty Com pany to H arvey A. B ak er aforesaid .

Eeized as the p roperty of H A R V EY A. B A K E R , et als., tak en in execution a t th e su it of A SBURY P A R K BUILD IN G AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, body corporate, and to be sold by

H O W A RD H E IG H T , Sheriff. D ated Ja u a ry 29th, 1935.D urand , Ivins and C arton, Sol’rs.(63 1.) $26.46

C hancery 6-264S H E R IF F ’S SA LE — By v irtu e of a w rit of fi. fa. to me d irected , issued ou t of th e C ourt of C hancery of the S ta te of N ew Jersey , will be exposed to sale a t public vendue, on

M onday, th e 4th D ay of M arch, 1935,

betw een the hours of 12 o’clock an d 5 o’clock (a t 2 o’clock) in the afternoon of said day, a t the C ourt H ouse in the B orough of Freehold , C ounty of Mon­m outh, N ew Jersey , to sa tisfy a de­cree of said cou rt am oun ting to ap ­proxim ately $6,426.00.

All th a t ce rta in tot, tra c t or parcel of land and prem ises h e re in a fte r p a r­ticu la rly described, situate , lying and being in th e B orough of B rad ley B each in the C ounty of M onm outh and S tate of N ew Jersey .

B eing know n and designated as the E aste r ly h a lf of L ot N um ber Six H un­dred and E igh ty -th ree on a M ap of

' th e B orough of B radley Beach, N. J., m ade by N ia rt R ogers, C. E., and be­ing m ore particu la rly bounded and de­scribed as follows:

B E G IN N IN G a t a po in t in th e N or­th e rly line of B rin ley Avenue, d is tan t one hund red (100) fee t W esterly from the N orthw est co rner of B rin ley Ave­nue and M adison A venue; thence ru n ­n ing N ortherly a t rig h t angles to B rin ­ley Avenue one h u nd red and fif ty (150) fee t; ru nn ing thence W esterly para lle l w ith B rin ley A venue tw enty- five (25) fee t; ru nn ing thence South­erly ag a in a t r ig h t angles to B rin ley A venue one h u nd red and fifty (150) fee t; ru n n in g thence E as te r ly again paralle l w ith B rin ley A venue tw enty- five (25) feet to the po in t o r place of B eginning.

B eing th e sam e prem ises conveyed to the said p a rty of th e f irs t p a r t by deed of N ellie R. B im bler and F red e r­ick W. B im bler, h e r husband, da ted Ju ly 13th, 1911 and recorded M ay 16th 1912 in Book 928 of D eeds fo r Mon­m outh County, on page 229 &c.

Seized as the p ro p erty of F R E D E R ­ICK W. B IM B L ER , E xecutor, etc. e t als. ta k e n in execution a t th e su it of JE R S E Y M O RTG AG E AND T IT L E G UARANTY COM PANY, a co rpora­tion, and to be sold by

H O W A RD H E IG H T , Sheriff. D ated J a n u a ry 29th, 1935.L eav itt and Talley, Sol’rs.(88 1.) $24.36

B R IE F ; V ER Y B R IE FFilip inos fe a r Jap an , com m issioner

tells th e House.Suprem e C ourt defers gold clause

decision; to ru le on N RA .U. S. p robably blocked tr ia l of ex-

K aiser, arch ives show.

Page 6: d u e t - DigiFind-It · and friends as “Tom,” upheld its repu tation and made it famous throughout this state for its shore dinners and ex cellent cuisine. It became, under his

C hancery 6-238S H E R IF F 'S SA LE — By v irtu e of a w rit of fi. fa. to m e directed , issued o u t of the C ourt o f C hancery of the S ta te of N ew Jersey , w ill be exposed to sale a t public vendue on M onday, th e 18th D ay of F eb ruary ,

1936,betw een th e ho u rs of 12 o’clock and 5 o 'clock( a t 2 o’clock) in th e afternoon of said day a t the C ourt H ouse in th e B orough of F reehold , in th e C ounty of M onm outh, N ew Jersey , to sa tisfy a decree of said co u rt am oun ting to ap ­proxim ately $11,401.00.

All th a t ce rta in lot, t r a c t o r parcel o f land an d prem ises h e re in a fte r p a r ticu larly described, s itu a te , lying and being in th e B orough of Avon-by-the- Sea, in th e C ounty 0i M onm outh and 4S ta te of N ew Jersey ,

K now n and designated as L ot N um ­ber T hree H undred and F ifty , on a M ap of L ots en titled , “Avon-by-the-Sea (fo rm erly K ey E a s t B each), Mon- ’m outh County, New Jersey ,” surveyed by E , G. H arriso n and Son, 1893, and bounded an d described as follow s:

B eginning a t a po in t on the South­erly side of Sylvania avenue, d is tan t wto h u nd red an d fif ty fee t E a s tw a rd - ly from a stone se t fo r a m onum ent in the Sou theasterly co rner of Sylvania A venue and F o u rth avenue; thence ex­tending E astw ard ly along th e S o u th ­erly line of said Sylvania Avenue, 50 feet to a po in t; thence ex tending S outhw ard ly from th is point and the po in t f i r s t m entioned, a t r ig h t angles w ith th e said Sylvania Avenue, be­tw een para lle l lines, one hund red and fo rty feet to an alleyw ay.. B ounded on th e N o rth by said Syl­van ia Avenue, on th e E a s t by L ot N um ber T hree h u nd red and fifty-one; on th e South by said A lleyway and on the W est b y L o t N um ber th ree hu n ­dred and forty-nine.

Also the rig h t of ingress and agress to an d from th e above described lot of land over the afo resa id alleyw ay, in com m on w ith th e o th er ow ners of lo ts in th e block of lo ts in w hich said lo t is situa ted , b u t i t is n o t in tended by th is conveyance to give, g ra n t o r con­vey to th e said p a rty of th e second p a r t any e th e r r ig h ts of, in o r to th e a fo resa id alleyw ay th a n a re here in specially m entioned.

B eing th e sam e prem ises conveyed to th e said pa rtie s of the f irs t p a r t by deed of Joseph P . W ildero tte r and wife, da ted M ay 10th, 1923, and re­corded in the C lerk ’s office of the C ounty of M onm outh in Book 1222 of D eeds fo r said County, on page 65, &c.

Seized as th e p roperty of M adison P . H aynes, e t als., tak en in execution a t th e su it o f Je rsey M ortgage and T itle G u aran ty Com pany, a corp., and to be sold b y

H O W A RD H E IG H T , Sherifi. D ated J a n u a ry 18th, 1935.L eav itt & T alley , Sol'rs.(68 L) ___________ $28.56


C hancery 6-203S H E R IF F ’S SA LE — By v irtue of a w rit of fi. fa. to me d irected , issued ou t of th e C ourt of C hancery of the S ta te of N ew Jersey will be exposed to sale a t public vendue, on

M onday, th e 11th D ay of F eb ruary , 1935,

betw een the hours of 12 o’clock and 5 o’clock (a t 2 o’clock) in the afternoon of said day a t th e C ourt House, in the B orough of F reehold, C ounty of Mon­m outh, N ew Jersey , to sa tisfy a decree

The tr a n s it in dustry la s t y ea r show­ed gains in revenue and passengers carried . T he to ta l num ber of riders in th e U n ited S ta tes w as a lm ost 12,- 500,000,000, w hich is an increase of abou t seven and one-half per c e n t over 1933. G ross revenue w as up six per cen t over 1933 but, a s in all o therb ranches of th e u tility industry , th is ^ co u rt am oun ting to approxi- ga in w as counter-balanced by g rea tly j m ately ?3>254.00.increased operating expense, including ^ ^ certa in tr a e t or parce i of h ig h er w ages and m ate ria l costs. j jan(j an(j p rem ises h e re in a fte r particu -

T he m ost encuorag ing fa c t is th a t la rly described, s itu a te , lying and be- th e volum e of riders show ed an io» j Jng in th e B orough of N eptune City in crease over th e preceding y ea r fo r th e j th e C ounty of M onm outh and S ta te of f irs t tim e since 1929, rep o rts th e N ew N ew Jersey and know n as L ot N um -

i-. ^ <rri.ii!*., in fo rm atio n ; her F o rty -th ree (43) pn a m ap of lots' in th e Gray Tract, said lot located on th e ea s t side of L a ird stree t, lo t being fo rty fee t by seventy five fee t deep.

Jersey P ub lic U tility C om m ittee. The in d u s try spen t m ore th a n $225,000,000 in 1934 fo r im prove­m ent, extensions and m ain tenance and th e 1935 budget fo r sim ilar w orkis se t a t $233,000,000.

Bumsteads Worm Spp"T o c h ild re n a n a n g e l o f m e rcy .” W here d irections a re followed, IT N EV ER FA ILS. D espite scarcity and enormous cost o f SANTONIN, it con­ta in s fill* dose. Stood 70 yrs.All D ruggists o r by m ail, Sue a oou ie . In s is t " on B um steads. E s t. C. A* Voorhees, M . D.. Philadelphia.

Hutchinson Art ShopE xclusive A gency fo r Columbia and M inerva Y arns, D. M. C.

j l Cotton, A lsatian E m bro ideryJr E m broidery S tam ping and & H and-kn itted Sw eaters# P H O N E 694

31 306 F ST.ft

JLPhone 210

® W. E. HefterPLU M BIN G —H EA TIN G

N in th Avenue (N ext to B ank)


B E G IN N IN G a t a po in t in th e eas­terly line of L a ird Avenue, d is tan t th ree h u nd red and seventy and ten one h u n d red th s (370.10) fee t sou thw ard ly from th e in tersec tion of the easterly line of L a ird A venue w ith th e sou th­erly line of F ield S tree t; thence (1) eastw ard ly para lle l w ith F ield S tree t, seventy five (75) fee t; thence (2) sou thw ard ly para lle l w ith L a ird Ave­nue, fo rty (40) fee t; theneo (3) w est- w ard ly para lle l w ith th e f irs t course seventy five (75) fee t to the easterly line of L a ird A venue; thence (4) no r­th e rly along th e easterly line of L aird A venue; thence (4) n o rthw ard ly along th e easte rly line of L a ird Avenue, fo rty (40) fee t to th e po in t or place of be­

ginning.Seized as th e p roperty of F R A N K

A. JE R N S T E D T , e t als. .taken in exe­cution a t th e su it of SH A R K R IV E R B U ILD IN G AND LOAN ASSOCIA­TIO N, a co rporation of th e S ta te of N ew Jersey and to be sold by

H O W A RD H E IG H T , Sheriff. D ated Ja n u a ry 4th, 1935.Sam uel Y. H am pton , Sol’r (51 lines)

! |

C hancery 6-242 S H E R IF F ’S SA LE — By v ir tu e of a w rit of fi. fa. to m e d irected , issued ou t o f the C ourt of C hancery of th e S ta te of N ew Je rsey w ill be exposed to sale a t public vendue, on

M onday, th e 18th D ay of February , 1935,

betw een th e hou rs o f 12 o’clock an d 5 o’clock (a t 2 o’clock) In th e afternoon of said day a t th e C ourt H ouse, In th e B orough of F reehold , C ounty of M on­m outh , N ew Jersey , to sa tis fy a decree of said co u rt am oun ting to approxi­m ate ly $8,762.00.

All th a t c e rta in lot, t r a c t o r parcel of land an d prem ises, h e re in a fte r de­scribed, situa te , ly ing and being in th e C ity of As b u ry P a rk , in th e Coun­ty of M onm outh, an d S ta te of N ew Jersey .

B E G IN N IN G a t a po in t in th e sou­th e rly line of Seventh avenue, d is tan t f if ty fee t w est fro m th e sou thw est co rn er of S even th avenue and E m ory s tree t, a s now located ; thence ru n n in g w esterly a long th e sou therly line of Seventh avenue, f if ty fee t, thence sou­th erly a t r ig h t ang les w ith Seventh avenue, one h u nd red an d f if ty fee t; thence easte rly p ara lle l w ith Seventh Avenue, f ifty fee t; thence no rth e rly ag a in a t r ig h t ang les to S eventh A ve­nue, one h u n d red and fif ty fee t to the place of B eginning.

Seized as th e p ro p erty of DAVID T E W E L , et als., ta k e n in execution a t th e su it of B R A D LE Y B U ILD IN G & LOAN ASSOCIATION O F ASBURY PA R K , N E W JE R S E Y , a corporation of th e S ta te o f N ew Jersey , an d to be sold by

H O W A R D H E IG H T , Sheriff. D ated Ja n u a ry 21, 1935.




P H O N E 14



Central MarketH erm an F . L azarus, P rop .

C ity D ressed Beef, Lam b, Veal, and P o rk —F resh d ressed pou ltry

a speciality

908 F S T R E E T , B ELM A R , N. J .1

G ool Job P rin tin g a t tn ls Office.F R E Y e t al. ta k e n in execution a t the su it of LONG B RA N C H T R U ST COM­PA N Y an d to be sold b y

H O W A RD H E IG H T , Sheriff. D ated Ja n u a ry 18, 1935.Jo h n W. Slocum , Sol’r.

T um en «(43 1.}

Chancery 6-239S H E R IF F ’S SA LE — By virtue of a w rit of fi. fa. to m e directed , issued ou t of the C ourt of C hancery of th e S ta te of N ew Jersey , w ill be exposed to sale a t public vendue, on

M onday, th e 18th D ay of F eb ruary . 1935,

betw een th e hou rs of 12 o 'clock and 5

C hancery 6-223 S H E R IF F ’S SA LE — By v ir tu e of a w rit of fi. fa. to m e directed , issued ou t o f th e C ourt of C hancery of the S ta te of N ew Je rsey will be exposed to sale a t publio vendue, on M onday, th e 18th D ay of F eb ru ary ,

1935,betw een th e ho u rs of 12 o’clock and 5 o’clock (a t 2 o’clock) in th e afternoon of sa id day a t th e C ourt H ouse, in the B orough of F reehold , C ounty of M on­m outh , N ew Jersey , to sa tisfy a decree of $2,402.00.

All th e follow ing tr a c t o r parcel of land and prem ises h e re in a fte r p a rtic ­u la rly described, situa te , ly ing and be­ing in th e B orough of Avon-by-the- Sea, in th e C ounty of M onm outh and S ta te of N ew Jersey .

K N O W N an d designated a s L o t No. 231 on a M ap of lo ts o f Avon-by-the- Sea (fo rm erly K ey E a s t B each) M on­m outh Co., N ew Jersey , surveyed by E . G, H arriso n and Son, 1883, and m ore p a rticu la rly described as follows:

B E G IN N IN G a t a po in t in th e sou­th e rly side of W oodland A venue a t a d is tance of 256 feet easterly from »*•- ........ ^ - ,Stone se t Tor a m onum ent in th e south easte rly co rner o f said W oodland Ave-1 nue and Second A venue; thence ex-1 tend ing along th e sou therly side of W oodland A venue easte rly 50 fee t to a po in t; thence ex tending southerly an d a t r ig h t ang les to said W oodland A venue 150 fee t to a po in t in th e cen­te r line of an alley; thence ex tending w esterly a long th e cen te r line of said alley 50 fee t to a po in t; thence extend-

C hancery 6-217S H E R IF F ’S SA LE — By v irtue of a w rit of fi. fa to m e d irected , issued o u t o f th e C ou rt of C hancery of th e S ta te of N ew Jersey w ill be exposed to sale a t public vendue, on

M onday, th e 11th D ay of F ebruary , 1935,

betw een th e hou rs of 12 o'clock and 5 o’clock (a t 2 o’clock) in the afternoon of said day a t th e C ourt H ouse in the B orough of F reehold , C ounty of M on­m outh , N ew Jersey , to sa tisfy a decree of sa id co u rt am oun ting to approxi­m ately $6,884.00.

All th e follow ing tr a c t or parcel of land an d prem ises h e re in a fte r p a rticu ­la rly described, situa te , lying and be­ing in th e B orough of Avon-by-the-Sea (fo rm erly K ey E a s t B each), in the C ounty of M onm outh a n d S ta te of N ew Jersey , know n and designa ted a s L ot N um ber one h u n d red an d nine on a M ap of L o ts en titled "Avon-By-The- Sea (fo rm erly K ey E a s t B each), Mon­m ou th County, N ew Jersey , surveyed by E . G. H arriso n an d Son, 1883" and th e re in bounded an d described as fol­low s:—

B E G IN N IN G a t a po in t on th e sou­th e rly side of N orw ood Avenue, dis­ta n t fo u r h u nd red and fif ty fee t eas­te r ly from a stone se t fo r a m onum ent on th e sou theaste rly co rner of said N orw ood A venue an d T h ird Avenue, w hich po in t is the division line be­tw een lo ts one h u n d red and e igh t (108) and one h u nd red and nine (109) on said m ap ; ru n n in g thence sou therly a long said division line, one hundred an d fo r ty fee t to th e n o rth e rly side of a tw en ty foot alleyw ay as show n on said m a p ; ru n n in g thence eastlrye along said alleyw ay, f if ty fee t to th e w esterly side of Second A venue; ru n ­n ing th en ce n o rth e rly a long th e W es­te rly side of Second Avenue, one hu n ­dred an d fo r ty fee t to th e sou thw ester­ly co rn er o f Second A venue and N or­wood A venue; ru n n in g thence w esterly a long th e sou therly side of Norwood Avenue, f if ty fe e t to the po in t o r place of beginning. ,

ALSO th e r ig h t of ingress and egress to and from th e above describ­ed lot of land over th e afo resa id alley- w ay in com m on w ith th e o th e r own­ers of lots in th e b lock o f lots in w hich said lo t is situa te , b u t i t is no t in tend ­ed by th is conveyance, to give, g ra n t o r convey any o th e r r ig h ts of, in and to th e afo resa id alleyw ay th a n are here in specifically m entioned.

Seized as th e p roperty of M A R IE L.RBABJiS, ?t als- iaa t th e su it of T R O ait ;S P ’ MOLON- EY, and to be sold by

H O W A R D H E IG H T , Sheriff. D ated J a n u a ry 11th, 1935.E dw in F. Longstreet, Sol’r.(67 lines) 1 .........$28-14

A s Old as His Mode of Living

A M AN who carries a tea kettle to and from bath room to kitchen

must feel as old as his grandfather, for he is certainly using a hot

water supply at least fifty years out of date.

D o away with old methods by installing a Gas

Automatic W ater Heater. Come and see our

complete display of these heaters, now on sale

on easy terms. W e guarantee gas bills for hut

w ater if desired.i s m*&*•*’-


^ 0 '

JerseyCenhact * your plumber_

CE GAS-2-'

o’clock (a t 2 o’clock) in th e a fte rnoon . - .of said day a t th e C ourt H ouse, in the jn g no rth e rly an d a t rig h t angles to B orough of Freehold , C ounty of Mon- tnm outh, N ew Jersey , to sa tisfy a decree o f said co u rt am oun ting to approxi­m ately $20,862.00.

All th e following tra c t or parcel of lan d and prem ises h e re in a fte r p a rticu ­la rly described, situa te , ly ing an d be­ing in th e C ity of Long B ran ch in th e C ounty of M onm outh and S ta te of N ew Jersey .

B E G IN N IN G in th e so u th east cor­n er of lo t hereby conveyed and in the sou thw est co m er of th e lo t form erly ow ned by Louis Schm ulling; thence(1) w esterly a long th e n o rth side of th e Long B ran ch an d E ato n to w n T u rn pike R oad, now know n as B roadw ay, th o rty -e ig h t fee t to a s tak e ; thence(2) n o rth five degrees an d fifteen m in­u tes w est one h u n d red a n d f ifty fee t fro m th e n o rth side of th e afo resaid B roadw ay; thence (3) easte rly th irty - e igh t fee t to said Louis Schm ulling’s line on a course o f n o rth eighty-eight degrees an d fo rty-five m in u tes east; thence (4) sou th five degrees an d fif­teen m inu tes ea s t ono h u n d red an d fif­ty fee t m ore o r less to th e beg inning an d to th e n o rth side of th e afo resaid B roadw ay.

B E IN G th e som e prem ises conveyed by C ora M. T hrockm orton to th e said Sofer-ws Frey, .by deed da ted A pril 14,1925, a s ap p ears recorded in th e Mon­m ou th C ounty C lerk’s O ffice In Book l ' -- , r e e d f . page 32.

Dek-e* the property at SOLOMON (78 l.)

C hancery 6-197

said W oodland Avenue, 150 fee t to th/e po in t or place of B EG IN N IN G .

BO U N D ED on th e east by lo t No. 232; on th e sou th by th e cen te r line of said alley; on th e w est by lot No. 230 and on th e n o rth by said W oodland Avenue; excepting and reserv ing ten (10) fee t from off th e re a r of said lot fo r th e purpose of tw en ty (20) foot alleyw ay fo r th e p riv a te use only of th e lo t ow ners of th e B lock of L o ts in w hich th e afo resaid lo t is s itu a te and w hich th e a fo resaid lo t is s itu a te and w hich can be closed a t any tim e by a n in s tru m en t of w ritin g fo r th a t p u r­pose signed an d acknow ledged by all the ow ners afo resaid of said Block and duly recorded.

B E IN G th e sam e prem ises conveyed to E d w ard T. C arroll and M arg are t A. C arroll, h is w ife, by F red e rick H. Lov­ell by deed da ted O ctober 19th, 1928 and recorded Ju n e 14th, 1929 in book 1483 of D eeds fo r M onm outh County, on page 297.

SU B JEC T to all th e covenants, con­d itions a n d res tric tio n s a s se t fo r th In fo rm er D eeds of R ecord fo r th e sam e prem ises.

Seized as th e p roperty of JE N N IE F . M URRAY, e t als., ta k e n in execu­tion a t th e su it of E D W A R D T. CAR- ROLL, e t al. an d to be sold by

H O W A RD H E IG H T , Sheriff. D ated Ja n u a ry 14th, 1935.Jo h n J . L enehan, Sol’r.

S H E R IF F ’S SALE — By v irtue of a w rit of fi. fa. to me d irected, issued ou t of the C ourt of C hancery of the S ta te of N ew Je rsey will be exposed to sale a t Dublic vendue, on

M onday, th e 11th D ay of F ebruary , 1935,

betw een th e hours of 12 o’clock and 5 o’clock (a t 2 o’clock) in th e afternoon of said day a t th e C ourt H ouse, in the B orough of Freehold, C ounty of Mon­m outh, N ew Jersey , to sa tisfy a decree of said co u rt am oun ting to approxi­m ately $3,611.00.

All th a t ce rta in lot, tr a c t or parcel of land and prem ises, h e re in a fte r p a r­ticu larly described, situa te , lying and being in th e Tow nship of N eptune in the C ounty of M onm outh an d S ta te of New Jersey , know n and designated as lo ts num bers T h irty -th ree and T hirty- fo u r (33.34) as show n on m ap of A r­th u r ’s A ddition to Maywood, W est As- b u ry P a rk , N ew Jersey , m ade by Ni- a r t R ogers, Civil E ng ineer, A ugust 24, 1907, filed in th e office of the C lerk of th e C ounty of M onm outh an d S ta te of N ew Jersey , and revised and show n on M ap of R obbins’ A ddition to As- b u ry P a rk , N. J., m ade by Joseph T. Garwood, C. E., Septem ber 1, 1924, and m ore p a rticu la rly described a s follows;

B EG IN N IN G a t a po in t form ed by th e in tersec tion o f th e sou therly line of S tra tfo rd A venue w ith th e easterly line o f S tokes A venue; thence (1) east­w ard ly along th e sou therly line of S tra tfo rd Avenue, One h u n d red and tw enty-six fee t and forty-five hu n ­d red th s of a fo o t to th e w esterly line of lo t n u m b er T hirty-five, thence (2) sou thw ard ly a t r ig h t ang les to S tr a t ­fo rd A venue an d a lo n g th e w esterly

fee t; th en ce (3) w estw ardly an d p a r­allel w ith S tra tfo rd Avenue, N inety- nine fee t and eighty-eight hu n d red th s of a foo t to the easte rly line of S tokes A venue; thence (4) no rth w ard ly along th e easte rly line of S tokes Avenue, F ifty -six fee t an d six ty -th ree hun­d red th s of a foot to th e po in t or place of beginning.

B E IN G th e sam e prem ises conveyed un to C H A R LES H. JO N E S by Jersey C oast R ea lty Com pany, a corporation, by deed bearing da te the T h ird day of Septem ber, 1926, an d recorded in the M onm outh C ounty C lerk’s office a t F reehold, Sep tem ber 21, 1926, in Book 1366 of Deeds, pages 455, etc.

E X C E P T IN G T H E R E F R O M — ALL th a t ce rta in lot, t r a c t o r p arce l of land and prem ises, situa te , ly ing an d being in th e Tow nship of N eptune, in the C ounty o f M onm outh an d S ta te of New Je rsey an d m ore p a rticu la rly describ­ed as follows:

P A R C E L NO. 77, a s ind icated on a ce rta in p lan filed or abou t to be filed show ing p a rticu la rly th e location of th e cen te r lien an d r ig h t of w ay lines of the S ta te H ighw ay lead ing from S h ark R iv er B ridge A pproach to As- b u ry Avenue as adop ted by th e S ta te H ighw ay Comm ission, w hich p lan is , en titled "(Shore R elief R oute Revision v of R oute 4) N ew Jersey S ta te H igh- I T w ay D epartm en t, G eneral P ro p e rty ; P key m ap R o u te 35, Section 1 (1927 re­vision) S h ark R iv er B ridge A pproach to A sbury P a rk show ing ex isting rig h t of w ay a n d parcels to be acqu ired in th e B orough of N ep tune C ity and Tow nship of N eptune, M onm outh County, A ugust, 1927.”

Said P arce l J7q, 77 including spefii-1‘ ' V. " '•» __feumad o r

fically a il th a t land now o r o ...... - -contro lled by th e p a rty of th e f irs t p a rt, (C harles H . Jones and Lucy M. Jones, h is w ife) lying betw een th e fo r­m er easterly side line of Stokes ave­nue and th e new easterly r ig h t of way lm e of S ta te H ighw ay R ou te 35 (R e­vision of 1927) Section 1 Shark, R iver B ridge A pproach to A sbury Avenue, d is ta n t th ir ty (30.00) fe e t easte rly from th e cen te r line of said S ta te H ighw ay as la id dow n on said p lan ex tending from lands now o r fo rm erly of C harles Lewis a t ab o u t s ta tio n 98-83 on the sou th to S tra tfo rd A venue an d lands now or fo rm erly of N icola D eSarno a t abou t S ta tion 99-65 on t h e n o rth con­ta in in g tw o h u n d red and eign ty (280) sau a re feet, he th e sam e m or or less.

T O G E T H E R w ith all right, title and interest of the grantor in and to Stokes Avenue adjacent to the above described premises.

T O G E T H E R w ith such slope righ ts

■I»M ' 'H' * * ‘H 1The United States Government

Provides the Opportunity of a Lifetime to

m o d e r n i z eYOUR HOME NOW !

The National Housing Act Provides a Very Lib­eral Financing Plan for Home Building

and ImprovementT he U nited S ta te s G overnm ent h a s provided hom e ow ners and

prospective hom eow ners w ith th e oppo rtun ity of a life tim e to build, repair, rem odel, M O D E R N IZ E th e ir hom es.

T he passing of th e N ational H ousing A ct rem oved th e p rim ­a ry obstacle in th e p a th of M O D E R N IZIN G by loosening c red it so th a t hom eow ners can g e t th e necessary fun d s fo r hom e building and im provem ent. Now, hom eow ners, everyw here, have th e oppor­tu n ity to M O D E R N IZ E th e ir hom es an d to do th is w ith a m inim um of expense and w orry.

U ncle Sam says: “B uild now! I have a rran g ed a sim ple w ay fo r you to get th e m oney u n d er libera l repaym en t te rm s and low ra te s of in te r e s t Go ahead now w ith th e bu ild ing and m odernizing you have been d ream ing about. M ake needed rep a irs add com­fo r ts an d beau ty to you r hom e enjoy a m ore a b u n d an t life inyour hom e now.

THE MONEY for Home Building and Home Im­provement Loans is READY FOR YOU!

F lan now to m odernize your hom e. H ere a re ju s t a few of th e im provem ents you can m ak e now—each one of w hich w ill in ­crease th e value of you r hom e m ore th a n i t w ill cost.

Lay New Roof P ap e r Room s

$30,66 ' U»e of lot number Thirty-five, Fifty

as m ay be requ ired fo r th a K » d in g of th e en tire r ig h t of w ay w id th of said S ta te H ighw ay.

Seized as the p r o p e r ^ of BUCHAN-ON & SMOCK L U M B E R COM PAN » a body corpora te of th e S ta te of New Tersev e t als., ta k e n in execution a t the su it of ASBURY P A R K B U ILD ­IN G A N D LOAN ASSOCIATION body co rpora te an d to be sold by

H O W A RD H E IG H T , Sheriff. D ated Ja n u a ry 3rd, 1935.D ated Ja n u a ry 3, 1935. ownor,D urand , Iv ins & C arton, S o lrs .(120 lines)

W h en in need of Job prin ting , just

think of The Coast Advertiser,

have been printers for years and we

fciow we can satisfy you. both as to

cost and quality of the work.

R efin ish E x te rio f F a in t E n tire H ouse F a in t P a r t of H ouse A pply Shingles Apply N ew Siding R em ove P a rtitio n s In su la teR efin ish Old F loors B uy P lum bing B uy In te rio r W oodw ork Apply Stucco Apply B rick V eneer R em odel P orches C hange W indow s C hange E n tran c e

F in ish B asem ent B uy E lec trica l W iring.Buy W eather S tripp ing C hange F irep lace C hange F oundation W ork B uild on R oom s B uild G arage L andscape G rounds In s ta ll New H eating P la n t Lay New F loors B uild New B athroom B uild S tairw ay

Call u s today, S T E R N E R COAL & LU M B ER *B elm ar 1900 fo r estim ates. Y ou w ill be am azed how little costs jfor th e M O D E R N IZIN G you desire. .j .

STERNER COAL 8C LUMBER CO- |12th and Railroad Aves. Belmar, N. J. j


E. HABERSTICK & SONSe x p e r t p l u m b e r s

F o r several years located a t 1002 F S tree t. B elm ar, N. J-

H ave changed th e ir location to m ore adequa te p rem ises a t

415 Eighteenth Avenue, South BelmarU p-to-date In Every Detail

Page 7: d u e t - DigiFind-It · and friends as “Tom,” upheld its repu tation and made it famous throughout this state for its shore dinners and ex cellent cuisine. It became, under his


Asks Five MillionFor Coastal Work

Rep. Sutphin Sees Possibili­ty of Obtaining More

FundsW ashington , D. C., Feb. 7—R epresen­

ta tive-W illiam H . Su tph in today de­c lared th a t th e availab ility of F edera l funds fo r coastal erosion contro l w as now m ore of a possibility th a n ever before. “C ongress has app rop ria ted $4,800,000 fo r recovery, a large portion of w hich m ust be expended fo r w ork relief. The a ttitu d e of th e S enate Ap­p ro b a tio n s Com m ittee, w hich is in ten t on forcing su bstitu tion of w ork relief fo r th e dole, toge ther w ith the favo ra­ble a tt itu d e of the R ivers and H arbors com m ittee tow ard coastal erosion con­tro l leads us to p red ict th e possibility o f th e allocation of funds by th e P re s ­iden t fo r the w ork ,” Mr. Su tph in said.

D raw ing exam ples of erosion from th e experiences of the S ta te of N ew Jersey , w ith w hich he w as m ost fam il­iar, Mr. Su tph in said th a t an average in d en ta tio n of the coast line of one and one h a lf fee t per y e a r w as costing N ew Je rsey p ro p erty ow ners alone thousands of do llars per y e a r a s on­shore sto rm s trim m ed dow n $600,000,- 000 w orth of beach fro n t property . He linked beach-erosion w ork w ith soil- erosion w ork of th e D epartm en t of the In te rio r, claim ing fo r coastal p ro tec­tion th e sam e federal responsibility as w as claim ed fo r the in land w ork.

Mr. Su tph in claim ed ju s tifica tio n fo r the expend itu re of a t least $5,000,000 fo r th e erection of je ttie s and bu lk ­heads fo r th e S ta te of N ew Jersey , and like sum s fo r o th e r coastal sta tes, un ­der the provisions of th e N ational In ­d u stria l R ecovery Act, section 202, clause (b>.”

Sedan Delivery. $515 (107' Wheelbase)

*1’A - Ton Stafce,$66C(131' Wheelbase)

AGAIN in 1934, the in- you cai1 JL sisten t demand for b ig__ riChevrolet products has made trucks.Chevrolet the world's largest by six-cbuilder of trucks as well as engines' of passenger cars. And now gas andChevrolet offers still greater these Clvalues—the highest quality you binChevrolet Trucks ever built economiand the lowest-priced trucks —at theCHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY, DEI Compare Chevrolet's low delivered prices and ei

A General Motors Value

Half-Ton Pick-up, $465(112' Wheelbase)

1%-Ton High Rock, $745 ( 15/" Wheelbase^

Half-Ton Pick-up with Canopy, $495 (112" Wheelbase)

*l'/a-Ton Stake, $720 (157" Wheelbase),___

C hancery 6-273S H E R IF F ’S SALE — By v irtue of a w rit of fi. fa. to me directed, issued ou t of the C ourt of C hancery of the S ta te o f N ew Jersey , w ill be exposed to sale a t public vendue, on

M onday, th e 4 th D ay of M arch, 1935,

betw een th e hou rs of 12 o’clock and 5 o’clock (a t 2 o’clock) in the afternoon of said day a t th e C ourt House, in the B orough of F reehold, C ounty of Mon­m outh , N ew Jersey , to sa tisfy a decree of said co u rt am oun ting to approxi­m ately $11,182.00.

A11 th e follow ing tra c ts o r parcels of land and prem ises, h e re in a fte r p a rtic ­u la rly described, situa te , lying and be­ing in th e T ow nship of N eptune, in the C ounty of M onm outh and S ta te of New Jersey.

K N O W N and designated a s L ot No. T hree and the easte rly p a r t o f lo t No. F o u r on m ap of R obbin’s T errace, m ade by N ia rt R ogers, Civil E ngineer, Septem ber 9, 1910, and duly filed in the M onm outh C ounty C lerk’s Office.


B E G IN N IN G a t a po in t in the sou­th e rly line o f Corlies Avenue, d is tan t seventy fou r feet and tw elve one-hun­d red th s of a foot w esterly from the sou thw est co rner of Corlies A venue and S tokes A venue; thenco (1) w ester­ly, a long th e sou therly line of Corlies Avenue, fo rty fee t; thence (2) sou th ­erly, and a t r ig h t ang les to Corlies Avenue, one hund red and tw en ty th ree fee t and seventy h u nd red th s of a foot to th e no rth e rly line of lo t N um ber T h irteen on th e aforesaid m ap ; thence(3) easte rly a long th e n o rth e rly line of th e afo resa id lot, fo rty feet and n inety six one-hundred ths of a foo t; thence(4) n rth erly , and aga in a t rig h t angles to Corlies Avenue, one hundred and fifteen fee t and ten h u n d red th s of a foot to the sou therly line of Corlies Avenue, and th e po in t o r place of be­ginning.


B E G IN N IN G a t a point in th e sou­therly line of Corlies A venue d is tan t one hund red and fourteen fee t and tw elve h u n d red th s of a foot w esterly from th e sou thw est co rn er of said Cor­lies A venue ar.d the Logantow n R oad; thence (1) southerly , a t rig h t angles to Corlies A venue ,one hund red and tw en ty th ree fee t and seven ty hu n ­d red th s of a foot to th e no rth e rly line of lot N um ber T h irteen on th e afo re­said m ap ; thence (2) w esterly , a long th e no rth e rly line of th e afo resa id lot, eigh teen fee t and fo rty th ree hu n ­d red th s of a foot to a po in t; Whence (3) no rtherly , paralle l to th e f irs t 1 course, one hund red and tw en ty seven 1 fee t and six ty five h u n d red th s of a : foo t to the sou therly line of Corlies i A venue; thence (4) easterly a long the 1

T A -T o n Chassis, $485 031' Wheelbase)

Above are list prices o f commercial cars f . o . b . a t F lint, M ichigan. Special extra. *D ual wheels and tires 1 20 extra. Prices subject to chance u ithom

I'A-Ton Chassis and Cab, $605^- -(157" Wheelbase) s “““ 1 7?-Ton Platform, $630

( 131" Wheelbase)

lmar Motors, IncF Street Tel. Belmar 468 B

PARK CHEVROLET, Inc.i t P h o n e A . P . S O O A s b u r y P a r k , N . J

6, 1928, in Book 1452 of D eeds on pag­es 364 etc. one dated Septem ber 6th, 1928, and recorded in said C lerk’s Of­fice on Septem ber 13, 1928, in Book 1452 of deeds on pages 472 etc., and the o th e r da ted Ja n u a ry 5, 1931,- and recorded in said C lerk’s O ffice on M arch 17, 1931 in Book 1554 of Deeds on pages 15, etc.

Seized as the p roperty of C O R L IE S SE R V IC E STATIONS, Inc., body cor­porate, e t als., tak en in execution a t the su it of T H E H O M E B U ILD IN G AND LOAN ASSOCIATION O F AS­B U R Y PA R K , N. J., and to be sold by

H O W A RD H E IG H T , Sheriff. D ated J a n u a ry 30th, 1935.P a tte rso n , R hom e and M organ, Sol’rs. $120 I ) $50.40S ta te of N ew Jersey :D epartm en t of S ta te :

C E R T IF IC A T E O F D ISSOLU TION To all to w hom these p resen ts m ay come, G reeting:

W hereas, I t ap p ears to m y sa tisfac­tion, by duly au th en tica ted record of th e proceedings fo r the v o lun ta ry dis­solution thereo f by th e unanim ous con­sen t of all th e stockholders, deposited in m y office, th a t th e UNA LAND COMPANY, Inc.

teen feet to th e po in t o r place of b ginning.

ALSO all th a t ce rta in t r a c t o r p a r­cel of land an d prem ises, situa te , ly­ing and being in said Township of N eptune, C ounty of M onm outh and S ta te of N ew Jersey , described as fol­lows:

B E G IN N IN G a t a point a t the sou thw est co rn er of Corlies A venue and Stokes A venue or Logantow n R oad; thence (1) w esterly , along the sou therly line of Corlies avenue, sev­en ty four fee t and tw elve one-hun­d red th s of a foot; thence (2) sou th ­erly a t r ig h t angles to Corlies Ave­nue, fifty fee t; thence (3) easterly , para lle l w ith Corlies Avenue, eighty fou r fee t an d n inety th ree one-hun­d red th s of a foot to th e w esterly line of S tokes Avenue o r L ogantow n R oad; thence (4) n o rtherly a long the w es­terly line of S tokes A venue or L ogan­tow n R oad, f if ty one fee t and six teen one-hundred ths of a foot to th e point or place of beginning.

C O N TAIN IN G 3984 square feet.E X C E P T IN G AND R E SE R V IN G ,

H O W E V E R , from said tra c ts or p a r­cels of land and prem ises.

ALL those p a rts of sam e conveyed by R ebecca A sch an d E dw ard I. Asch, h e r husband , to th e S ta te of N ew J e r ­sey, by th e follow ing th ree deeds: one d a ted A ugust 24, 1928 and recorded in the C lerk’s O ffice of said C ounty of

State, whose principal office Is s itu ­a ted at No. 702 M attison Avenue, in th e C ity of A sbury P a rk , C ounty of M onm outh, S ta te of N ew Je rsey (Ab­rah am R. K lltzm an, being th e agen t th e re in and in charge thereof, upon w hom process m ay be served), has com plied w ith th e requ irem en ts of "An act concern ing corpora tions (R e­vision of 1896),” p re lim inary to th e is­suing of th is C ertifica te of D issolution.

Now, T herefore, I, T hom as A. M ath­is, S ec re ta ry of S ta te of th e S ta te of N ew Jersey , Do H ereby C ertify th a t the said co rpora tion did, on th e E igh ­teen th day of Jan u a ry , 1935, file in my office a duly executed and a tte s ted consent in w ritin g to th e d issolution of said corporation , executed by all the stockholders thereof, w hich said con­sen t and th e record of th e proceedings a fo resa id a re now on file in m y said office as provided by law.

In T estim ony W hereof, I have here­to se t m y h an d and affixed m y official seal, a t T ren to n th is E ig h teen th day of Jan u a ry , A. D. one thousand nine hund red and th irty -five.

THOMAS A. M ATHIS, S ecre ta ry of S tate.



& 706 lenth Avenue Belmar, New Jersey


Electric Water Pumps and Repairs

JOS. C. STEWARDa co rporation of th is Adv.—Jan . 25—Feb. 1-8—3ts.


Y O U M AY N O T KNOW IT----- But-----




sou therly line of Corlies Avenue, eigh- M onm outh, N ew Jersey on Septem berT h o m a s D . J o e c k

Real Estate and Insurance

708 9th Avenue Belmar, N. J,

Real French Dry Cleaning

For T w o M onthLadies S u its ............ W W

“ Plain Dresses M en’s S u its .............. M

| You Save MoneyAvoid that Hard Shifting of Gears and Starting Trouble

We Have That


Also that Quick Starting TRIPLE X TYDOL GASOLINE

When you have your Auto Repair Work done byExperts

They locate the trouble quickly and repair it efficiently




Phone 3194600 F Street Belmar, N. J, 8th Avenue and F Street Belmar, N ew Jersey 709 TENTH AVENUE

/CHEVROLET-- - - —.......„.. !:■ ;.v. ,

Page 8: d u e t - DigiFind-It · and friends as “Tom,” upheld its repu tation and made it famous throughout this state for its shore dinners and ex cellent cuisine. It became, under his













GRAND OPENING SALEOpens Promptly 9 a. m. Saturday, February 9th and Continues all Next Week

Mo Seuveniars — Mo Moise Makers — Mo Music But Real Honest Valises at the Low est Possible Prices

Belfuar’s Im portant Selling Event

k i! i J lII

Y our Introduction to Belmar’sBen Franklin Store

W e are justly proud to make this important announcement to the people of Relmar and vicinity—we are proud of our modem, up-to-date store which, although independently owned enjoys all the advantages that large syndicates enjoy including the great buying pow­er of 2351 stores.

Pure Linen TowelsGood sized dish towels of pure linen. Enough said.

10c each

Boys’ Golf HoseAttractive patterns and all sizes in first quality goods.

2 pairs for 25c

Lamp and ShadeOne of the outstanding opening values but only a few of them. Large size with shade.

79c complete

18x36 Rag RugsA rug that is nearly al­ways needed. Take ad- vatage of this price.


Full Size TumblersExtra tumblers are like carrying a spare tire. Your chance to lay in a supply.

3c each

D ISH PANSGray enamel and of am­ple size. A useful kitch­en utensil at a low price

19c each


SLIPSDon’t let the price mislead you. These are 46 in. length slips bias cut and lace- trimmed but the price is for the opening only


46. in OILCLOTH, 25c yd.

Ladies* W ash Dresses

Just think 49c for

correctly styled vat dyed fast c o l o r

w a s h dresses in

beautiful patterns

at this price for the


Sizes 36 to 50



Chardonized Hose

Has the appearance of high class hose. Nice every day wear.

19c pair


BLOOMERSRegular... sizes ...and ...all made of good grade ray­on. Reinforced.




Made of good grade and the sizes are not skim­py. A new hdkf. for the price of laundering.




When you tell your friends about this value they won’t believe you. Only 600 of these in stock.


Nationally ad­vertised tooth­pastes and an­tiseptics in our complete line of toilet arti­cles



To the first 250 customers we offer a large sized m i x i n g bowl for Only

7cOne to a C ustom er

Ladles* Pare S ilk F ull

Fashioned H osiery

An unusual purchase mak­es this price

possible. An in­troductory val­

ue you can’t af­

ford to miss.

Sizes 9 to IOV2

Wrapped KissesA pound of these will delight the whole family

10c lb.

WORK GLOVESGood grade work gloves with knit wrists. For the opening

10c pair



M e n ’s F a n c y H o s e

4 for 5c

10 Qt. Water PailsYou all know what a value this is. Good grade galvanized pails.

19c each


colored b o r ­ders in a varie­ty of colors. A limited stock of these

3 for 10c


Size (21x45). Just for the opening. Better buy several.

10c each


HandkerchiefsYou have often seen these at five cents each. Buy a supply and save.

only 3c each

Trem endous

q u an titie s of

these s o c k s

have been sold

a t a m u c h higher price. I t

w ill pay you

to buy several

pair a t


lOc pr.

Men’s Work ShirtsMade of good grade chambray, reinforced el bows, shld. & armpits.


SA N A PAKSIntroductory v a l u e s . Both sizes on sale at op­ening prices

12 in box 10c6 in box 5c

WRITINGPaper 8C EnvelopesCellophane w r a p p e d packages of good quali­ty paper.

10c pkg.

Cement-on SolesFor men, women & chil­dren. For wet days they will protect your feet.

10c pair


POLISH WAXA 16-oz. can of polish wax that dries bright in 20 minutes.











R 2200 ST