Cyclone connection


Transcript of Cyclone connection

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Definition-Modify/describe verbs.

Also adverbs can modify adjectives and adverbs.

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Adverbs usually answer questions like where?, when?, how?, how often?, and to what extent?

Adverbs used to answer the question where are here, there, away, up.

Adverbs used to answer the question when are are afterwards, tomorrow, yesterday, and never.

Adverbs used to answer the question how are kindly, gently, frantically, and thoughtfully.

Adverbs used to answer the question how often are daily, monthly, hourly, and sometimes.

Adverbs used to answer the question to what extent are very, almost, too, and NOT.

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Adverbs usually end in ly.

Such as frantically, quietly, grossly etc.

Now coming up you can try and guess the one that is a adverb out of these test questions!

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I frantically looked for my purse.

What word is the Adverb?

A. Looked

B. for

C. I

D. Frantically

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The correct answer is D. frantically! As you can see in this test question the adverb ended in ly.

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I slowly got to the bus so I missed it!

What is the Adverb?

A. Slowly

B. Got

C. Bus

D. missed

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The correct answer is A. slowly once again the adverb ended in ly!

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I hope you learned as much about Adverbs as I did!!!(: