CYC Waihola Annual Report 2014

2 0 1 4 CYC WAIHOLA ANNUAL REPORT Annual General Meeting Agenda Chairman’s Report Camp Manager’s Report Camping Committee Report Building And Maintenance Report Networking And Promotions Report Family Camp Report



Transcript of CYC Waihola Annual Report 2014

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Annual General Meet ing AgendaChairman’s Repor t

Camp M anager ’s Repor tCamping Committee Repor t

Bui lding And Maintenance Repor t Net work ing And Promotions Repor t

Family Camp Repor t

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SAM DUTHIE Light and Darkness - 1 John 1:5-7

SHARED LUNCH - please bring a plate to share



11. 30am

12. 30pm

All are welcome to attend the annual general meeting of Christian Youth Camps Waihola Incorporated to be held

on Saturday 28th June 2014 at the Main Lodge at our campsite at 70 Finlayson Road, Waihola.

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CHAIRMAN’S REPORTThis past year has been a milestone year for CYC. With our 50th anniversary at Labour weekend we were able to celebrate the many great achievements that have taken place over those years.

As some of the original members explained for us how CYC Waihola came to be it was clear to all that God’s hand was over the development of CYC and its ministry. The skeptic may say it is just

coincidence but for those involved in CYC’s history they know it is really God’s providence and God’s faithfulness that have enabled so much to be achieved. May His great Name be praised amongst us.

Another milestone passed in January when we farewelled Joanne and Grant as managers here at Waihola. We are very grateful to them for their work on behalf of CYC. While it is sad to have them leave us its pleasing to see their expertise in camping being put to good use in the development of a Christian campsite in Auckland. We trust that they will have good success in their new venture.

At the same time council appointed Tim and Rochelle as camp managers. Subsequently Amy Bullin has accepted the position as full time Senior Coordinator here at Waihola. Tim has had some experience in the running of the camp and knows what to expect. Amy is finding out very quickly what’s involved. As a council we look forward to working with them and continuing the development of CYC and its camping programme.

A continuing difficulty for us is the ongoing raft of government regulations that is being thrust upon us. A considerable amount of Tim’s time is having to be spent getting inspections done, engineers reports and the like so that we can get various activities certified to enable us to continue to using them. Unfortunately we are classed as an adventure activity operator and while many operators have commercial operations, CYC doesn’t however but we still have the same sort of fees and requirementsto get things signed off. It’s frustrating.

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CHAIRMAN’S REPORTAs we reflect on this year past and especially the camping programme we are very thankful for the children who came (some as a result of the sponsorship fund), for the leaders, cooks and many other helpers who make it all possible. The camp is very blessed in that we are privileged to be able to share the gospel whereas other organisations such as Bible in Schools face opposition. Christian camping still remains as one of the most effective means of evangelism we have.I would encourage any of you with a desire to be involved in evangelism to consider Christian camping as an effective avenue. Please make yourself known to us as our camping committee is always on the lookout for personnel with a heart for the gospel to help with camps.

Jesus, when calling his disciples said to them “Follow me and I will make you fishers of men” Those words remind us of what our role is in gospel ministry, that is to follow Jesus, to follow His example,to follow His words, to be available to Him, to trust Him,to know Him,who is our Saviour and Lord.

The second part of the verse “I will make you fishers of men” reminds us that gospel ministry is God-empowered ministry, a God-enabled ministry, a God- inspired ministry.

Please continue to pray for the ministry of CYC, that our God may be pleased to continue using this ministry to bring souls to Himself.

Mervyn Marshall - Chairperson

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CAMP MANAGER’S REPORTThe faithful love of the Lord never ends!

His mercies never cease.Great is his faithfulness;

his mercies begin afresh each morning.- Lamentations 3:22-23

The Lord is good to us here at CYC Waihola in giving us such a spectacular 50th anniversary year. His faithfulness

and goodness to us was certainly acknowledged over Labour Weekend as we celebrated the 50th year of Christian Youth Camps Waihola Incorporated.

As all who attended will know it was a time of celebrations, thanks-giving, re-living memories and remembering those that were involved in days gone by, some whom had been promoted into His glory.

Give thanks to the Lord for the camps that we have held this past year and although fewer campers attended, they were by no means any less wonderful in their content or presentation of the Gospel. Many thanks must be given to those that have given up their time and efforts in making these camps run so smoothly.

It was with sadness and much well-wishing that we farewelled Grant and Joanne from their work of the past 24 years here at the camp as the day-to-day managers. They along with their family have served the Lord diligently with a dedication and with long hours in what is sometimes a very lonely and thankless job. We thank them for the way they have brought the camp forward in the last couple of decades to where it is today and wish them well with their work establishing a new camp in Auckland. Please do remember them in your prayers.

We also need to thank Amy, Grant and Joanne’s daughter, for taking up the second full time staff position here at the camp. Amy has some great ideas and has hit the ground running with her marketing and design skills certainly being put to great use over the summer and autumn camps as well as promotional material for future events and camps.

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CAMP MANAGER’S REPORTI have very large shoes to fill in taking over where Grant left off and it has certainly been an interesting few months since Grant left. The Adventure Activity Regulations has been a debacle of which the camp has been stuck in the middle. Fortunately the end of the tunnel is in sight but it has not been without much time and effort. Sometimes one just needs to laugh at what new compliance issue will affect us next. An example of the ludicrous is the need for us to have a technical expert review in “Downhill Mountain Biking” (at our cost) if we are to run this activity at camp again, unless at the bottom of the hill the boys ride back up the hill, in which case the activity is deemed to be just “Mountain Biking” and no technical expert is needed. The reasoning behind the legislation is good, however the implementing of it has been less than desirable.

This compliance, along with the day to day running of an organisation the size of which CYC has grown to, certainly means there are never enough hours in the day.

The Lord has blessed us over the last 51 years and I pray he will continue to shine His face upon us for the next 50 if we remain on mission for Him in bringing young people to come to know their Creator.

I look forward to the continuing partnership we have with you all into the future.

Tim Wiel - Camp Manager

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CAMPING COMMITTEE REPORTThe Camping Committee was set up in May 2007 to assist the CYC Council in camp planning & programming. Our purpose over the last seven years has changed little; our primary focus is still in recruiting directors to run creative & exciting camps, and designing annual camping programmes. Our commitment towards excellence in both camp programming & execution has resulted in a greater emphasis being directed toward supporting, fostering, and training new staff.

Our current committee members are: Allison Paton / Anne Sinclair /Brenda Duthie / Cameron Bullin /Gail Johnson/ Grant Bullin /Hamish Smith /Karen Duthie / Kynan Gray /Peter McGimpsey/ Renee Aarsen / Tim Wiel

I was reminded again this year why being involved in Christian Youth Camps Waihola is an addictive, uplifting and deeply satisfying experience. Congratulating a mother on her patience as she’d sat in her car on a hot summers morning for over 3 hours as her daughter rode at riding club, I was bowled over when she said to me “you know why I bring her out to Waihola so often? Before I sent her to her first pony camp she had no friends, we had trouble with her at home, and her confidence was really low. After camp you sent us home a different girl! She was so happy. She couldn’t stop talking about her new friends, all the horses, her experiences on camp . She’s gained so much confidence, is happier at home, and is even going to youth group now! I’m so grateful for the change, I bring her as often as I can”.

God continues to use the ministry of CYC Waihola to change lives. Over the past twelve months we have had the privilege of sharing the Gospel with over 247 campers. These young people have heard the message of hope; please pray with us that through the continued work of His Spirit, God might draw them into a personal relationship with Jesus.

I just wanted to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who has come and shared their time, skills, effort & hearts to make this last year so successful. You only have to spend a short time on the CYC Facebook page to see how much the

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CAMPING COMMITTEE REPORTkids who have come to our 15 camps this year have enjoyed themselves! Whether completing kayaking challenges on Lake Waihola, doing wheelies on their motorbikes, hunting game in the high country, or creating artwork worthy of Leonardo, we have experienced the hand of blessing & protection on our camps. For this we give all thanks & praise to God.

On a personal note I want to say a how strange it feels to be losing Grant & Joanne from CYC Waihola as they have been the heart & soul of this ministry for so long. We wish you both much blessing, vision & continued strength as you begin a new work in the north.

We look to God for direction in this coming year

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, & lean on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge

Him, and he will make your paths straight” Proverbs 3: 5-6

Brenda Duthie - Convenor

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BUILDING AND MAINTENANCE REPORTAs the CYC property continues to be developed, the CYC council has recognised the need for more effort needed in the areas of building and maintenance around the property. Also as the paper trail grows in the office, and more and more time is spent with compliance issues etc, this committee has been established to try and help with the load of the more practical work around the CYC property.

Those currently on the committee are Sam Duthie(chairman), Nathan Leslie (secretary), Kevin Gray, Catherine Harrex, Rochelle Wiel, Russell Harrex, Malcolm Sinclair, and Alf Bradfield.

This year as a committee we have overseen the establishment of the new implement shed behind the homestead, re-furbishing of the bunks in the Homestead (as the old ones did not meet compliance) and also a range of smaller less seen jobs (such as roof leaks, and door handles). We have also been working on a scaled list of the 100 or so jobs that need doing around camp. The Clark house has also been painted this year, and is now looking much brighter.

This coming summer we will be needing to paint almost all the wooden buildings on the property, so this will be a major task and cost. Also the need to finish things around the camp is always on our list as well. There are many things that get half done, and never quite finished, so that has been something we are trying to focus on also.

Another thing that has come to our attention is the need for some tidier furniture for some of the buildings such as the homestead. Furniture always gets a hard time in kids ministries so do keep your eye

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BUILDING AND MAINTENANCE REPORTout for quality furniture you may be able to contribute to the ministry of CYC. This is something we perhaps need to be a bit fussier on as we present our best for God’s glory.

Unfortunately as it is with most people, all of us have jobs, families, houses, etc so our time is not always as free as we would like. Therefore I would encourage all reading this

report to reconsider perhaps how you can be of more use at CYC. Maybe you can come and use a paintbrush at the work days and have a part to play in keeping this great facility going.

However we are not in this alone. We have the help and the funding of the master builder Himself. Let us remember that, “Unless the LORD builds the house, the builders labour in vain.”Psalm 127:1.

To Him be the glory.

Sam Duthie - Convenor

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NETWORKING AND PROMOTIONS REPORT“Go, tell it on the mountain,

Over the hills and everywhereGo, tell it on the mountain,That Jesus Christ is born.”

-Af ri can-Amer i can spir it u al song One of the outcomes of our society wide Strategic Planning weekend in May 2013 was the formation of a Networking & Promotions committee. We quickly set about finding a core group of people that were keen on promotions, from as many different backgrounds within the CYC society as were willing to join our small committee. We now have a committee of 6 chaired by myself which has met about 3 times since May 2013. One of the key tasks for this committee was the proactive promotion of CYC Waihola’s ministry camps - promotion both to potential campers and potential leaders. The other key task was to network with other Christian groups such as youth groups, youth organisations and especially churches for the main reason of getting more people interested in Christian Camping and especially to see that CYC Waihola could be an important extension part of their own ministry and missions. Being a new committee we broke our tasks down into manageable bite-sized chunks and formulated short to long term goals to achieve. Early on we identified our core strategic purpose was to find more campers for camp, more leaders to

lead and increasing our society membership to further strengthen the organisation into the future. These purposes have been broken down into the following goals:• more church partnerships• a better on-line presence• more well known camps• more para-church partnerships

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NETWORKING AND PROMOTIONS REPORT• better organisation branding• great society membership. The past year has been a slow but steady establishing of the large job ahead of us, that ultimately has the aim that the Gospel of saving Grace will be shared with as many young people from far and wide through Christian camping (which is of course our society’s core objective). We have plans for the coming year to deck out all our volunteer staff and paid staff in a CYC branded uniform, State Highway 1 advertising road signs either side of Waihola township, more youth group events similar to the ever popular paint-ball days, run the Family Free Day that was run over Labour Weekend last year, visit between us 10 different churches to promote CYC Waihola. I would like to invite anyone that has an interest in the promotion of CYC Waihola to get in touch - we would love to have you join our small committee. The coming year certainly looks bright for the name of CYC Waihola going out further into the community. Please pray for our commitee as we work to promote the causes of CYC Waihola for Christ.

Tim Wiel - Convenor

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FAMILY CAMP REPORT This year’s Family Camp attracted smaller numbers than the previous year, but there was still a good number - 78 - who enjoyed some good teaching sessions, good fellowship and good meals.

Jay Behan from Christchurch was our main speaker. He spoke on the life of Jacob covering the middle of Genesis. Some of these insights from the history of Jacob can be perplexing. Jay highlighted the contrast between the conduct of these Old Testament characters, which is at times very questionable, with the mercy and grace of the Lord. All of which reminds us of how blessed we are when we know the grace and mercy of the living God.

Supporting speakers were Stuart Johnston and David Bayne, two regulars at Family Camp. Stuart’s topic was ‘Finding Jesus in Unexpected Places’, looking at some big moments in the lives of David and Daniel. As always Stuarts talks were encouraging and refreshing, especially in this case, as he highlighted how David and Daniel bring us afresh to Christ and the gospel.

David once again dealt with a history subject, this year looking at how Christianity came to NZ. He traced the background which lead to Samuel Marsden and the William brothers establishing a mission station in NZ. We as Christians owe a lot to these early pioneers. David also highlighted the progress of the gospel through NZ and many of the early missionaries as well as ministry carried out by some of the first

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FAMILY CAMP REPORT Maori converts in these early years.As someone has said History is His story (God’s story). This was a good study to have been given in the 200 year anniversary of Christianity in NZ.

We must not forget the other key people at any camp - the cooks - thanks to Joanne and Grant and their helpers for meals they provided. Its also a ministry and certainly one that has no detractors..

Thanks to those who helped with the programme, ordering supplies, organising accommodation and music. It all helps to make the camp enjoyable. We also appreciate all the people who step up and help out in all areas while they are at camp, it helps make a family atmosphere at Family Camp. Also thanks to those who came to stay or visit. Your continued support of CYC work and ministry is very much appreciated.

Mervyn Marshall - Camp Coodinator

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There are three main ways that you can support us here at CYC Waihola…

You can pray for the work and ministry of CYC Waihola:• Contact us to sign up to our prayer mailing list

You can physically support us by:• Volunteering at our camps as a leader - its good fun and a great way to serve

in the ministry of CYC. We are always after cabin leaders, cooks, speakers and even being a camp parent just helping around camp is of great importance.

• Volunteer to do some much needed work around our camp property. We never say no to an extra pair of hands. There is gardening, lawn mowing, cleaning and much much more that sometimes we just don’t get time to do ourselves.

You can financially support us by:• Donating to the ministry of CYC by cheque or internet banking (please put

“donation” down in the reference field).

• Sponsoring a camper to attend a CYC camp. Many campers are unable to afford the camp fees that we set even though they are priced below cost. To sponsor a camper by contributing to the sponsorship fund please send us a cheque or use internet banking (please put “sponsorship” in the reference field)

Our bank account number is 03 0905 0937076 00.

All donations and sponsorship are tax deductible and if you provide us with your postal address we will send a donation receipt out to you at the end of the financial year.


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Rapid 70 Finlayson RoadP.O. Box 15061Waihola 9243South Otago


03 417-712003 [email protected]/cycwaihola

Christian Youth Camps (Waihola) Inc. is a member of Christian Camping NZ.

Christian Youth Camps (Waihola) Inc. is an audited OSCAR child care provider and

registered with the Charities Commission as a Charitable organisation.

Christian Youth Camps (Waihola) Inc. is an alcohol and drug free venue, we are also fully smoke free, in accordance with being a youth
