CYC Shoutout Election Special Final

With the General Election looming on 7th May and politicians ever in the spotlight, what better time for Cardiff Youth Council to bring politics to the young people of Cardiff! 3.3 million potential first-time voters will line up at the ballot box this week to take part in the democratic process and have their voice heard on issues that affect them. Here at CYC, we decided to hold a twitter-style digital hustings event through a special edition shout-out to question the candidates on issues raised by you. Last year, 2261 young people across Cardiff took part in the Make Your Mark ballot as part of the largest youth consultation in Europe. Cardiff Youth Council then set their current priorities according to the findings. Using these issues, highlighted by young people, we devised a series of questions for each of Cardiff’s 29 Parliamentary Candidates representing 9 different parties and recorded their twitter-style responses in this Special 2015 General Election Edition Shout- out. We understand this is a very busy time for the candidates and we would like to thank them for taking the time to respond to the issues raised by the young people of Cardiff. Cardiff Youth Council are a representative council for 11-25 year olds that advocate for positive change across the City of Cardiff. We are not a political organisation so we have made sure to contact all the candidates standing in the four Cardiff constituencies fairly and without bias. We have no party affiliations and have been very clear in putting forward our agenda; to promote the rights and voices of young people in Cardiff. Marc Tilley Cardiff Youth Council Member General Election May 2015 Inside this issue: Cardiff North 2 Cardiff Central 5 Cardiff South & Penarth 9 Cardiff West 12 Cardiff Council Cyngor Caerdydd Special 2015 General Special 2015 General Election Edition Election Edition DIGITAL HUSTINGS SHOUT DIGITAL HUSTINGS SHOUT - - OUT OUT We’ve heard their voices, We’ve heard their voices, now it’s time to hear yours! now it’s time to hear yours! Active Involvement Team 58 Charles Street Cardiff CF10 2GG Contact Details: Phone: 07976056135 Email: [email protected]


Cardiff Youth Council Digital Hustings. Cardiff Parliamentary Candidates responding to young people on issues that affect them

Transcript of CYC Shoutout Election Special Final

  • With the General Election looming on

    7th May and politicians ever in the

    spotlight, what better time for Cardiff

    Youth Council to bring politics to the

    young people of Cardiff! 3.3 million

    potential first-time voters will line up

    at the ballot box this week to take part

    in the democratic process and have

    their voice heard on issues that affect


    Here at CYC, we decided to hold a

    twitter-style digital hustings event

    through a special edition shout-out to

    question the candidates on issues

    raised by you.

    Last year, 2261 young people across

    Cardiff took part in the Make Your Mark ballot as part of the largest youth consultation in Europe. Cardiff

    Youth Council then set their current

    priorities according to the findings.

    Using these issues, highlighted by

    young people, we devised a series of

    questions for each of Cardiffs 29

    Parliamentary Candidates representing

    9 different parties and recorded their

    twitter-style responses in this Special

    2015 General Election Edition Shout-


    We understand this is a very busy time

    for the candidates and we would like to

    thank them for taking the time to

    respond to the issues raised by the

    young people of Cardiff.

    Cardiff Youth Counci l are a

    representative council for 11-25 year

    olds that advocate for positive change

    across the City of Cardiff. We are not

    a political organisation so we have made

    sure to contact all the candidates

    standing in the four Cardiff

    constituencies fairly and without bias.

    We have no party affiliations and have

    been very clear in putting forward our

    agenda; to promote the rights and

    voices of young people in Cardiff.

    Marc Tilley

    Cardiff Youth Council Member

    General Election

    May 2015

    Inside this issue:

    Cardiff North 2

    Cardiff Central 5

    Cardiff South &



    Cardiff West 12

    Cardiff Council

    Cyngor Caerdydd

    Special 2015 General Special 2015 General

    Election EditionElection Edition





    Weve heard their voices, Weve heard their voices,

    now its time to hear yours! now its time to hear yours!

    Active Involvement Team

    58 Charles Street


    CF10 2GG

    Contact Details: Phone: 07976056135 Email: [email protected]


    1. What is your position on the introduction of a Living Wage?

    There should be an independent review to consult on how to set a fair living

    wage across all sectors.

    2. What are your plans to improve our mental health services?

    Mental health will have equal status with physical health. Mental health training for GPs, teachers and youth club workers will be


    3. What will you do to protect and fund our youth services?

    I would continue to highlight the value of youth services, as I did with the Cathays Community Centre last year.

    4. How could the national curriculum better prepare people for life?

    Vocational skills should be valued equally with academic achievement. There should also be more focus on workplace skills for


    5. Are you in favour of reducing the voting age to sixteen?


    6. How will you, and what have you done to, meaningfully engage young people?

    As a school governor I have listened to the needs of young people and encouraged them to fulfil their potential and dreams

    7. In no more than 140 characters, please summarise why young people should vote for you.

    I have helped ensure highest ever increase in minimum wage for apprentices, introduced lower bus fares for 16-18 year olds and

    will do more.

    Page 2



    1. What is your position on the introduction of a Living Wage?

    The CP policy is 0% tax and no NI on earnings up to 12k. More lower income earners keep more of

    earnings. We encourage a living wage but not enforcing it on employers.

    2. What are your plans to improve our mental health services?

    Peer group pressure, social media contributes strongly. Teach self-control, build character & independent thought to reduce self-abuse

    which can lead to mental illness

    3. What will you do to protect and fund our youth services?

    Build relationships between local business, schools, & youth centres to develop sponsored enterprise schemes for work experience,

    youth employment & financial support

    4. How could the national curriculum better prepare people for life?

    Focus on core academic subjects, 3Rs, British history, social responsibility, personal finances enterprise classes with business, & life skills

    team building

    5. Are you in favour of reducing the voting age to sixteen?

    No. Let the youth enjoy their youth and focus on their education. Theres time enough when they get to 18. You are an adult at 18

    6. How will you, and what have you done to, meaningfully engage young people?

    Championed skatepark for 5 years, judged school enterprise projects for 2 years; Now promoting dynamic youth centres and youth

    council to train our young

    7. In no more than 140 characters, please summarise why young people should vote for you.

    Old enough to know the challenges and have a track record but young enough to relate and drive projects forwards with determination

    & persistence for a better Cardiff

  • Page 3



    1. What is your position on the introduction of a Living Wage?

    Plaid Cymru supports the Living Wage

    2. What are your plans to improve our mental health services?

    We need to support people to access and engage with services in a timely manner, avoid postcode lottery, increase specialist


    3. What will you do to protect and fund our youth services?

    Invest more (scrap Barnet formula), reduce admin, increase specialist staff, coordinate Health & Local Authority, protect third

    sector, increase research

    4. How could the national curriculum better prepare people for life?

    Young people need life skills as well as academic skills. Teachers need training on how to teach these skills.

    5. Are you in favour of reducing the voting age to sixteen?


    6. How will you, and what have you done to, meaningfully engage young people?

    We have young people out canvassing with us - fab! Attended hustings too

    7. In no more than 140 characters, please summarise why young people should vote for you.

    Why vote the same way and expect different results? Vote for hope: vote to make a real difference for Wales: vote Plaid Cymru!


    1. What is your position on the introduction of a Living Wage?

    I think it's a great idea in theory but problematic in practice: how will SMEs afford this? Let's tackle minimum wage

    exploitation first

    2. What are your plans to improve our mental health services?

    The NHS needs to take a 'whole person' approach to health and give mental health parity with physical health. An extra 170bn a year.

    3. What will you do to protect and fund our youth services?

    As a young person I understand importance of youth services. I'll work with you to deliver what you want. Money is there let's use it better.

    4. How could the national curriculum better prepare people for life?

    First Aid training, compulsory MFL, high quality apprenticeships, citizenship studies, internships, core subjects (maths, English) to 18yrs.

    5. Are you in favour of reducing the voting age to sixteen?

    Personally yes! Anything that politically engages youth is a good thing. We should have a referendum and let youth decide!

    6. How will you, and what have you done to, meaningfully engage young people?

    Ive been to schools, answered Tweets, texts & emails, updated website, done Facebook & Twitter chats. I would continue to engage digital-


    7. In no more than 140 characters, please summarise why young people should vote for you.

    I'm 24, a uni student, I've set up my own business, I'm trilingual, I'm married & I've a son. I understand what young people need & want.


    1. What is your position on the introduction of a Living Wage?

    I support the Living Wage as a voluntary rate of pay & the Living Wage Foundation benchmark

    program for employers to become accredited

    2. What are your plans to improve our mental health services?

    Tackling stigma, working and empowering charities and already established expertise in the field to support front line carers and patients.

    3. What will you do to protect and fund our youth services?

    We need a strong & stable economy to fund our public services, only by sticking to our Long Term Economic Plan will we be able to do


    4. How could the national curriculum better prepare people for life?

    It needs to develop & enhance the vocational side, we need two equally respected routes through our education system, academic &


    5. Are you in favour of reducing the voting age to sixteen?

    We will empower the Welsh Assembly to decide these issues in Wales, in terms of a General Election, no, we need to work on huge

    apathy first

    6. How will you, and what have you done to, meaningfully engage young people?

    I am actively involved on social media, I visit schools, attend youth hustings & work with our youth movement, Conservative Future.

    7. In no more than 140 characters, please summarise why young people should vote for you.

    No response given

    Page 4



    1. What is your position on the introduction of a Living Wage?

    I strongly believe that everyone should be paid an honest wage for honest work, which is why Labour will be offering tax cuts to reward

    businesses which offer the living wage, as well as raising the minimum wage to 8/hr by 2019

    2. What are your plans to improve our mental health services?

    We created the NHS in 1948 and now we'll bring it into the 21st Century by making sure mental health is given the same regard as phys-

    ical health and ensuring all medical professional receive quality mental health training

    3. What will you do to protect and fund our youth services?

    Youth Services have been undermined by poor funding and protection when they should provide safe haven for young people. We want

    to make them youth-led and empower young people with ownership of these services

    4. How could the national curriculum better prepare people for life?

    As a teacher, I understand the importance of making education accessible and useful. Labour's plans will elevate the status of vocational

    courses and give all schools freedom over the curriculum (except for compulsory sex-ed)

    5. Are you in favour of reducing the voting age to sixteen?

    Personally, YES! Young people have every right to take part in democracy. Labour will reduce the voting age to include 16&17 year-olds

    in time for the 2016 London Mayoral Election and then nationally

    6. How will you, and what have you done to, meaningfully engage young people?

    Recently, I've visited High Schools across Cardiff North to answer questions about myself, why it's so important to vote in May and trying

    to make politics as interesting and accessible as possible

    7. In no more than 140 characters, please summarise why young people should vote for you.

    If elected, I will be a full-time, dedicated MP, standing up for Cardiff North and working hard for my constituents. I've shown I'm willing to

    do this through recent campaigns where I've petitioned the council and held public meetings.

  • Page 5



    1. What is your position on the introduction of a Living Wage?

    We back the Living Wage and encourage employers to take it up if they can afford it.

    2. What are your plans to improve our mental health services?

    1.25bn more to be invested in mental health to start new access standards plus 118m more to fund talking therapists across the coun-


    3. What will you do to protect and fund our youth services?

    Weve delivered a strong economy to pay for good quality youth services. Labour want more borrowing which young people will have to


    4. How could the national curriculum better prepare people for life?

    71% more pupils taking subjects employers value like English and maths. Continuing focus on restoring rigour in standards.

    5. Are you in favour of reducing the voting age to sixteen?

    Our policy is that the case is not yet made for this. Speaking personally, I have an open mind and would look into it further.

    6. How will you, and what have you done to, meaningfully engage young people?

    Ive met many young people during campaign. Done hustings and media interviews e.g. Gair Rhydd. Active presence on Facebook and


    7. In no more than 140 characters, please summarise why young people should vote for you.

    No response given




    1. What is your position on the introduction of a Living Wage?

    1 in 4 workers in Cardiff Central don't earn Living Wage. We shouldn't just increase minimum wage a little - raise it to Living Wage


    2. What are your plans to improve our mental health services?

    Must make diagnosis and treatment available more quickly. More funding for talking therapies, eating disorders and drug/alcohol


    3. What will you do to protect and fund our youth services?

    Youth services essential, not optional. I'll fight any Cardiff Council plan to cut service & push for Wales to be funded equally to Scot-


    4. How could the national curriculum better prepare people for life?

    Let each school decide how to achieve curriculum targets. More chances to learn languages & computing. Education/training to age

    18 for all.

    5. Are you in favour of reducing the voting age to sixteen?

    Yes. Scottish referendum got 16 year olds really engaged. Young people can be turned off by party politics, but that's politicians'


    6. How will you, and what have you done to, meaningfully engage young people?

    I've worked for 14 years to engage young people with global issues & develop thinking/communication skills. I'll champion these aims

    as MP.


    1. What is your position on the introduction of a Living Wage?

    I've campaigned locally in support of a Living Wage. Labour will raise the minimum wage & give incentives to employers who pay a

    Living Wage

    2. What are your plans to improve our mental health services?

    I believe mental health is as important as physical - well equalise them & improve access to services, particularly for young


    3. What will you do to protect and fund our youth services?

    Ill advocate putting young people at the heart of decision making, giving the opportunity to shape services & where funding goes.

    4. How could the national curriculum better prepare people for life?

    Id love to see innovative lessons on democracy & citizenship, financial skills and relationship education in with sex ed for a


    5. Are you in favour of reducing the voting age to sixteen?

    Yes - votes at 16 with political/democracy education. Young people matter, and should have a say in decision-making that affects


    6. How will you, and what have you done to, meaningfully engage young people?

    Ive visited schools & events and met many young people. As MP Ill keep listening & work with young people on issues that

    matter to them.

    7. In no more than 140 characters, please summarise why young people should vote for you.

    Ill be open and accessible; Ill raise the profile of young voices from Cardiff, listen to your ideas & fight hard for you in Parliament.

    Page 6

  • Page 7



    1. What is your position on the introduction of a Living Wage?

    It's Green Party policy to increase the living wage to 10 per hour by 2020.

    2. What are your plans to improve our mental health services?

    Mental health services, along with social care needs to be fully integrated into a properly funded NHS to provide a joined-up

    health service

    3. What will you do to protect and fund our youth services?

    Youth services will receive an extra 1bn funding plus 25k in each local authority for young people to spend on facilities decided

    by them.

    4. How could the national curriculum better prepare people for life?

    Teach politics as a key skill, make PSHE compulsory

    5. Are you in favour of reducing the voting age to sixteen?

    Definitely. Early involvement in the democratic process encourages engagement

    6. How will you, and what have you done to, meaningfully engage young people?

    Promote policies that young people consider relevant to them. All too often, young people feel left out of the political process

    7. In no more than 140 characters, please summarise why young people should vote for you.

    We have borrowed the planet from our young people and have left it in a mess. Sorry. Green Party policies aim to address this.


    1. What is your position on the introduction of a Living Wage?

    TUSC candidates believe that we should have a minimum/living wage of least 10/hr for all and we would also scrap zero hors


    2. What are your plans to improve our mental health services?

    TUSC are socialists that believe we should help everyone in our society; we would protect funding for vital services such as

    mental health

    3. What will you do to protect and fund our youth services?

    Only this Saturday TUSC held a protest in Queen Street to help stop the creeping privatisation and cuts to our Youth services

    in Cardiff

    4. How could the national curriculum better prepare people for life?

    The national curriculum should give young people a broad education base. It should also be based on real life experience not

    always academic

    5. Are you in favour of reducing the voting age to sixteen?

    TUSC is in favour of 16 and 17 year old getting the vote. In the Scottish referendum it was the young people that were most


    6. How will you, and what have you done to, meaningfully engage young people?

    TUSC encourages young people to participate in politics. In fact it is young people that are the driving force behind our policies

    7. In no more than 140 characters, please summarise why young people should vote for you.

    Young people should vote TUSC because we will stop their exploitation by capitalism and make their voice heard in the political




    1. What is your position on the introduction of a Living Wage?

    @libdems will pay Living Wage in all central Govt Depts & agencies and encourage the rest of public sector to do same.

    2. What are your plans to improve our mental health services?

    We will invest 8b in NHS by 2020 and give MH same status as physical health, improve liaison services & childrens MH services.

    3. What will you do to protect and fund our youth services?

    @libdems in Cardiff put together a budget to protect youth services and play centres, as they are so important in local communities.

    4. How could the national curriculum better prepare people for life?

    @libdems want compulsory SRE in all schools, which would include sex & relationship education, financial literacy & citizenship.

    5. Are you in favour of reducing the voting age to sixteen?

    Yes! And its in the @libdems manifesto.

    6. How will you, and what have you done to, meaningfully engage young people?

    Ive visited most schools/youth ctrs in area in last 10 yrs mtg 1000s of young people & Im Hon President BYC hosting events in Par-


    7. In no more than 140 characters, please summarise why young people should vote for you.

    No response given



    Page 8


    1. What is your position on the introduction of a Living Wage?

    I have campaigned for the living wage locally and well incentivise companies to pay it. We'll also increase the minimum wage to 8

    an hour.

    2. What are your plans to improve our mental health services?

    Well continue to lead the way in improving mental health services. Weve increased spending on services at a time when the UK

    coalition has cut spending year-on-year.

    3. What will you do to protect and fund our youth services?

    Ive campaigned strongly with young people in Cardiff who want to see vital youth services and facilities protected. I will continue to

    do so if re-elected.

    4. How could the national curriculum better prepare people for life?

    Personal relationship advice, as well as online safety and social media skills, should be a greater part of the school curriculum.

    5. Are you in favour of reducing the voting age to sixteen?


    6. How will you, and what have you done to, meaningfully engage young people?

    Whilst MP I visited schools, colleges, met with Cardiff Youth Council, and welcomed youth groups to Parliament, as well as making

    myself totally accessible online.

    7. In no more than 140 characters, please summarise why young people should vote for you.

    Only Labour will build a fair economy, with a focus on jobs, opportunities, training and education for all young people.

    Page 9



    1. What is your position on the introduction of a Living Wage?

    I fully support a Living Wage. The UK Government subsidies big business to pay poverty wages, by setting the minimum wage far

    too low.

    2. What are your plans to improve our mental health services?

    I believe health & social care should be merged providing a integrated service for needs of the individual rather institutional pri-


    3. What will you do to protect and fund our youth services?

    Wales can afford great Youth Services. I'd start by voting against spending 100billion making new Weapons of Mass Destruction


    4. How could the national curriculum better prepare people for life?

    I believe it should include issues like Citizenship, Equality and Welsh Culture in order to create more tolerant society.

    5. Are you in favour of reducing the voting age to sixteen?

    I support this. Plaid Cymru regularly call for a voting age to be 16- not just at election times but every day talking to young peo-


    6. How will you, and what have you done to, meaningfully engage young people?

    I believe young people need a much stronger voice in deciding what type of Wales they want. I support creation of a Youth Par-


    7. In no more than 140 characters, please summarise why young people should vote for you.

    No response given

  • Page 10



    1. What is your position on the introduction of a Living Wage?

    Large corporations want an oversupply of labour to compress wages. UKIP want to see organic wage rises via

    controlled immigration.

    2. What are your plans to improve our mental health services?

    Overhaul our education system to inspire and encourage people from their youth. Achieve more holistic health management: less bu-

    reaucracy, more compassion.

    3. What will you do to protect and fund our youth services?

    Pressure local government. Encourage more cohesion; arrange mentoring programmes that identify strengths and aspirations as early as


    4. How could the national curriculum better prepare people for life?

    Get rid of one-size-fits-all mentality. Less focus on academia, more emphasis on life skills, motivation, encouragement; preparing young

    for independence and employment on leaving education.

    5. Are you in favour of reducing the voting age to sixteen?

    My concern is that I don't want educators to be tempted to impose their own political views on students, which I think would be the

    inevitable result of this change.

    6. How will you, and what have you done to, meaningfully engage young people?

    I've mentored several young people; teaching them how to present themselves to employers throughout interactive CVs; and how to

    setup small businesses.

    7. In no more than 140 characters, please summarise why young people should vote for you.

    A vote for me is a vote for the person voting: I've no interest in toeing any party line or a political career. I love my country and want to

    serve it by ensuring electors get what they're asking for.


    1. What is your position on the introduction of a Living Wage?

    We support a 10/hour minimum wage for all ages. Scrap all zero hours contracts. Youth wages are at 1989 levels. Support trade union

    action for a pay rise.

    2. What are your plans to improve our mental health services?

    Stop the cuts to public services Inc: the NHS. Make the banks and big business pay, with a 50% tax on the 850 billion hoarded cash in

    their accounts.

    3. What will you do to protect and fund our youth services?

    Call on Cardiff Council to scrap plans to close all but six youth centres and reinstate the 140 youth workers sacked in April.

    4. How could the national curriculum better prepare people for life?

    There should be more about politics and how trade unions work. There should be less testing and more learning.

    5. Are you in favour of reducing the voting age to sixteen?

    Yes. This government encourages 16-year olds to join the army and risk their life, but won't give them the vote.

    6. How will you, and what have you done to, meaningfully engage young people?

    I run Cardiff Against The Cuts, which helped organise the campaigns that saved youth centres and play centres recently. I'd scrap uni


    7. In no more than 140 characters, please summarise why young people should vote for you.

    None of the parties will stop cuts and make the rich pay for the recession. We need a new party to stand up for ordinary people to give

    youth a future.





    1. What is your position on the introduction of a Living Wage?

    The Green Party would make the minimum wage a Living Wage of 10 an hour by 2020 for all.

    2. What are your plans to improve our mental health services?

    We will make mental health a much higher priority with resources to match, and end discrimination and stigma associated with

    mental health.

    3. What will you do to protect and fund our youth services?

    We will increase investment in youth services by 1.1bn, providing a full and inclusive youth service including youth clubs and coun-


    4. How could the national curriculum better prepare people for life?

    Greens support a broad balanced and enriching curriculum, including both creative and vocational areas.

    5. Are you in favour of reducing the voting age to sixteen?

    Yes, we would lower the voting age to sixteen.

    6. How will you, and what have you done to, meaningfully engage young people?

    I have attended many school meetings and spoken at Woodcraft Folk events and will continue to work with the Green group at the


    7. In no more than 140 characters, please summarise why young people should vote for you.

    Green policies aim to create a fair sustainable world for future generations, and our increasing young membership reflects these


    Page 11


    1. What is your position on the introduction of a Living Wage?

    Tax cuts take minimum wage closer to living wage. We'll build on our 800 income

    tax cut; no-one on minimum wage should pay any income tax.

    2. What are your plans to improve our mental health services?

    Priority for Lib Dems; on front page of our manifesto. Ensure equality with physical health in law and boost investment to cut waiting


    3. What will you do to protect and fund our youth services?

    A local fight Lib Dem councillors opposed Labour Council's budget cuts. So much wasteful Council spending that could be used for


    4. How could the national curriculum better prepare people for life?

    Broaden it important life skills like citizenship, financial literacy need to be covered. Sex and relationships education needs overhaul.

    5. Are you in favour of reducing the voting age to sixteen?

    Very strongly. Lib Dems the first party to make this policy. Combine it with better citizenship education to engage young people for


    6. How will you, and what have you done to, meaningfully engage young people?

    I'm 21, so I know what it's like to be young in Cardiff. One of the reasons I'm in politics is to represent the voice of youth!

    7. In no more than 140 characters, please summarise why young people should vote for you.

    Lib Dems offer opportunity whatever your age/background. More apprenticeships and real jobs for young people. And a real young

    voice! :)

    Page 12



    1. What is your position on the introduction of a Living Wage?

    Labour will promote the living wage, with tax rebates for businesses who pay it within the first year of government.

    2. What are your plans to improve our mental health services?

    Parity for mental health services - every person in Cardiff West receiving specialist services guaranteed right to a care and

    treatment plan

    3. What will you do to protect and fund our youth services?

    Labour will secure a better deal for Wales which will support councils in funding vital youth services.

    4. How could the national curriculum better prepare people for life?

    Labour government will champion the importance of a broad and balanced curriculum including creative education

    5. Are you in favour of reducing the voting age to sixteen?


    6. How will you, and what have you done to, meaningfully engage young people?

    I regularly visit schools and colleges across the country and in Cardiff West talking to young people about their concerns

    7. In no more than 140 characters, please summarise why young people should vote for you.

    A better plan for our future - policies for the values and hopes of young people from apprenticeships and housing to a tol-

    erant open society



    1. What is your position on the introduction of a Living Wage?

    We support a 10/hour minimum wage for all ages. Scrap all zero hours contracts. Youth wages are at 1989 levels. Support

    trade union action for a pay rise.

    2. What are your plans to improve our mental health services?

    Stop the cuts to public services inc the NHS. Make the banks and big business pay, with a 50% tax on the 850 billion hoarded

    cash in their accounts.

    3. What will you do to protect and fund our youth services?

    Call on Cardiff Council to scrap plans to close all but six youth centres and reinstate the 140 youth workers sacked in April.

    4. How could the national curriculum better prepare people for life?

    There should be more about politics and how trade unions work. There should be less testing and more learning.

    5. Are you in favour of reducing the voting age to sixteen?

    Yes. This government encourages 16-year olds to join the army and risk their life, but won't give them the vote.

    6. How will you, and what have you done to, meaningfully engage young people?

    I run Cardiff Against The Cuts, which helped organise the campaigns that saved youth centres and play centres recently. I'd

    scrap uni fees.

    7. In no more than 140 characters, please summarise why young people should vote for you.

    None of the parties will stop cuts and make the rich pay for the recession. We need a new party to stand up for ordi-

    nary people to give youth a future.

    Page 13


    1. What is your position on the introduction of a Living Wage?

    It should be implemented as soon as possible, without lesser rates 4the

    2. What are your plans to improve our mental health services?

    More investment, education and a system where ill people can see qualified consultants quickly, thats impossible at mo-


    3. What will you do to protect and fund our youth services?

    Abolish council salaries over 100,000 (226,000 a year is highest package) & put the 1.6 million saved into the youth ser-


    4. How could the national curriculum better prepare people for life?

    Subjects should also be more closely related to the reality of peoples lives and their future lives after school.

    5. Are you in favour of reducing the voting age to sixteen?


    6. How will you, and what have you done to, meaningfully engage young people?

    Tried to meet the Youth Council and was not allowed by officers! I liaise with youths in my Ward. Still available to meet


    7. In no more than 140 characters, please summarise why young people should vote for you.

    End austerity, fund Wales equally with Scotland. Vote Plaid for Cardiff, For Wales: Our City, Our Country.


    1. What is your position on the introduction of a Living Wage?

    Support a living wage. Raised minimum wage & will further. Encourage living wage

    to be paid where possible.

    2. What are your plans to improve our mental health services?

    MH has stigma that needs to go -my family & friends suffer depression so better funding & understanding.

    3. What will you do to protect and fund our youth services?

    There is no magic wand: I'd fight for fair share of budgets & encourage businesses to help "in-kind".

    4. How could the national curriculum better prepare people for life?

    Teach "home economics": personal finance, cooking and sewing really are vital life skills.

    5. Are you in favour of reducing the voting age to sixteen?

    I'm open to persuasion

    6. How will you, and what have you done to, meaningfully engage young people?

    If elected I would set up a "shadow your MP" scheme; would better use social media and visit youth groups & your council.

    7. In no more than 140 characters, please summarise why young people should vote for you.

    No Response given


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    Brian Morris UKIP Cardiff West


    Shaun Jenkins Alter Change Cardiff North

    Ruth Osner Green Party Cardiff North

    Anthony Raybould UKIP Cardiff Central

    Nigel Howells Liberal Democrats Cardiff South & Penarth

    Emma Warman Conservative Party Cardiff South & Penarth

    Ken Barker Green Party Cardiff West

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