
Seminar Report Cyber Terrorism Cyber Terrorism Hurdles faced by the wired World 1


seminar on cyberterrorism

Transcript of cyberterrorism

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Seminar Report Cyber Terrorism

Cyber Terrorism

Hurdles faced by the wired

World 1

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Seminar Report Cyber Terrorism


Cyberterrorism is a new terrorist tactic that makes use of information systems or

digital technology, especially the Internet, as either an instrument or a target. As

the Internet becomes more a way of life with us, it is becoming easier for its users

to become targets of the cyberterrorists. The number of areas in which

cyberterrorists could strike is frightening, to say the least.

The difference between the conventional approaches of terrorism and new

methods is primarily that it is possible to affect a large multitude of people with

minimum resources on the terrorist's side, with no danger to him at all. We also

glimpse into the reasons that caused terrorists to look towards the Web, and why

the Internet is such an attractive alternative to them. The growth of Information

Technology has led to the development of this dangerous web of terror, for

cyberterrorists could wreak maximum havoc within a small time span.

Various situations that can be viewed as acts of cyber-terrorism have also been

covered. Banks are the most likely places to receive threats, but it cannot be said

that any establishment is beyond attack. Tips by which we can protect ourselves

from cyberterrorism have also been covered which can reduce problems created by

the cyberterrorist.

We, as the Information Technology people of tomorrow need to study and

understand the weaknesses of existing systems, and figure out ways of ensuring

the world's safety from cyberterrorists. A number of issues here are ethical, in the

sense that computing technology is now available to the whole world, but if this

gift is used wrongly, the consequences could be disastrous. It is important that we

understand and mitigate cyberterrorism for the benefit of society, try to curtail its

growth, so that we can heal the present, and live the future... 2

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The world is a very large place, but it is getting smaller, thanks to the advent of

computers and Information Technology. However, the progress that we've made in

these fields also has a dark side, in that a new terrorist tactic, commonly called

Cyberterrorism has developed. The old, conventional methods of assassination and

hostage taking are slowly fading, as terrorists head towards the Internet to pull

their stunts. The cause for this kind of a transition stems from the fact that the

terrorist has long since realized that removing one official from office only causes

another official to take his place; which is not the end-result the terrorist wished to

achieve. This causes the terrorist to take to the net, thus affecting a wider section

than could otherwise have been targeted. From disabling a country's economy to

shutting off power in large areas, it's all possible, with less risk to the terrorists.

Cyberterrorism is any act of terrorism that uses information systems or digital

technology (computers or computer networks) as either an instrument or a target.

Cyberterrorism can either be "international", "domestic" or "political", according

to the nature of the act, but it is always an act involving a combination of the

terrorist and the computer.

What the Cyberterrorist can do?

Terrorist groups engaging in cyberterrorism are noted for threats to commerce,

public safety and national security. These threats can take any number of forms,

but are generally seen as computer versus computer confrontations (While the

current discussion focuses on the use of "high tech" applications in terrorist

operations, "low tech" operations against a victim's "high tech" infrastructure 3

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should not be ignored.) Terrorist groups use their own computer technology to

threaten or attack a victim's computer resources. This can take the form of threats

or attacks against national infrastructures that have become heavily reliant and

interconnected to computer networks. Activity of this sort is tangible in nature and

thus, generates most of the interest we have in cyberterrorism today. Cyberterrorist

threats can include:

• rapid communication of threats to a wide or specific audience

• threats to public utilities and transportation

threats to commercial institutions and transnational corporations

• threats to IGOs and NGOs

• threats to individuals

• threats to political groups or other ethnic, religious or nationalist

entities (all of these can include other terrorist groups) identified as "the enemy"

• threats to security forces

• threats to nation states

What we occasionally see (what is reported) is actual damage to the above targets

in the form of temporary disruption of services, public inconveniences or financial

loss. These incidents, however, are most often in the form of cyber crime and fall

short of what is considered as cyberterrorism. In summary, there have been no

instances where cyberterrorism has been directly translated a catastrophic loss of

life or physical destruction associated with the most violent acts of "conventional"

terrorism. The threat, however, remains real and takes on an added significance

when the growing potential of terrorist group resources is considered.

At this point it is also helpful to speak in terms of "cyberspace-based threats."

There is a wide spectrum of possibilities for "evil actions" in cyberspace. These

include attacks on the data contained within the systems, the programs and 4

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processing hardware running those systems, and the environment

(communications, networks, etc.) in which they operate.

Examples of Cyberterrorism

Cyber terrorism takes many forms. One of the more popular is to threaten a large

bank. The terrorists hack into the system and then leave an encrypted message for

senior directors, which threatens the bank. This message says that if the bank does

not pay a set amount of money, then the terrorists will use anything from logic

bombs to electromagnetic pulses and high-emission radio frequency guns to

destroy the bank's files. The fact that the terrorists may be in another in another

country adds to the difficulty of catching the criminals. A second difficulty is that

most banks would rather pay the money than have the public know how

vulnerable they are.

Significant confusion in understanding cyberterrorism also emerges when

cyberterrorism is confused with "cyber crime" and vice versa. Cyber crime is

similar to cyberterrorism in its use of computer networks and information systems

but clearly different in its motivation and goals. This appreciation, however, is

often overlooked. In many instances there is little effort to distinguish the obvious

differences between the two. Some people treat cyberterrorism simply as an

extension of cyber crime.

Cyberterrorists are often interested in gaining publicity in any possible way. For

example, information warfare techniques like Trojan horse viruses and network

worms are often used to not only do damage to computing resources, but also as a

way for the designer of the viruses to "show off" his "creativity". This is a serious

ethical issue, because many people are affected by these cases. For one, the viruses

can consume system resources until networks become useless, costing companies 5

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lots of time and money. Even if the person never meant to harm someone with

their virus, it could have unpredictable effects that could have terrible results.

In one of its more unusual forms, cyber-terrorism can be used for an assassination.

In one case, a Mafia boss was shot but survived the shooting. That night while he

was in the hospital, the assassins hacked into the hospital computer and changed

his medication so that he would be given a lethal injection. He was dead a few

hours later.

They then changed the medication order back to its correct form, after it had been

incorrectly administered, to cover their tracks so that the nurse would be blamed

for the "accident". Thus, a man was killed by the hackers' actions. Also, the life of

the nurse was probably ruined, along with the reputation of the hospital and all its

employees. Thus, there are often more victims in a terrorist situation that the

immediate recipient of the terrorism.

Cyber-terrorists often commit acts of terrorism simply for personal gain. Such a

group, known as the Chaos Computer Club, was discovered in 1997. They had

created an Active X Control for the Internet that can trick the Quicken accounting

program into removing money from a user's bank account. This could easily be

used to steal money from users all over the world that have the Quicken software

installed on their computer. This type of file is only one of thousands of types of

viruses that can do everything from simply annoy users, to disable large networks,

which can have disastrous, even life and death, results.

Terrorism can also come in the form of disinformation. Terrorists can many times

say what they please without fear of action from authorities or of accountability

for what they say. Recently, the rumor that a group of people was stealing people's

kidneys and putting them for sale was spread via the Internet. The rumour caused

thousands of people to panic, and the number of people affected was unlimited. 6

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Minor attacks come in the form of "data diddling", where information in the

computer is changed. This may involve changing medical or financial records or

stealing of passwords. Hackers may even prevent users who should have access

from gaining access to the machine. Ethical issues in this case include things like

invasion of privacy and ownership conflicts. It could be even more serious if, for

instance, the person who needed access to the machine was trying to save

someone's life in a hospital and couldn't access the machine. The patient could die

waiting for help because the computer wouldn't allow the necessary access for the

doctor to save his or her life.

What can be done about Cyberterrorism?

In response to heightened awareness of the potential for cyber-terrorism President

Clinton, in 1996, created the Commission of Critical Infrastructure Protection. The

board found that the combination of electricity, communications and computers

are necessary for the survival of the U.S., all of which can be threatened by cyber-

warfare. The resources to launch a cyber attack are commonplace in the world; a

computer and a connection to the Internet are all that is really needed to wreak

havoc. Adding to the problem is that the public and private sectors are relatively

ignorant of just how much their lives depend on computers as well as the

weaknesses of those computers.

Currently there are no foolproof ways to protect a system. The completely secure

system can never be accessed by anyone. Most of the militaries classified

information is kept on machines with no outside connection, as a form of

prevention of cyberterrorism. Apart from such isolation, the most common method

of protection is encryption. The wide spread use of encryption is inhibited by the

government's ban on its exportation, so intercontinental communication is left

relatively insecure. The Clinton administration and the FBI opposed the export of 7

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encryption in favor of a system where by the government can gain the key to an

encrypted system after gaining a court order to do so. The director of the FBI's

stance was that the Internet was not intended to go unsupervised and that the

police need to protect people's privacy and public-safety rights there. Encryption's

drawback is that it does not protect the entire system, an attack designed to cripple

the whole system, such as a virus, is unaffected by encryption.

Others promote the use of firewalls to screen all communications to a system,

including e-mail messages, which may carry logic bombs. Firewall is a relatively

generic term for methods of filtering access to a network. They may come in the

form of a computer, router other communications device or in the form of a

network configuration. Firewalls serve to define the services and access that are

permitted to each user. One method is to screen user requests to check if they

come from a previously defined domain or Internet Protocol (IP) address. Another

method is to prohibit Telnet access into the system.

Here are few key things to remember to protect yourself from cyber-terrorism:

1. All accounts should have passwords and the passwords should be

unusual, difficult to guess.

2. Change the network configuration when defects become know.

3. Check with venders for upgrades and patches.

4. Audit systems and check logs to help in detecting and tracing an intruder.

5. If you are ever unsure about the safety of a site, or receive suspicious

email from an unkown address, don't access it. It could be trouble.

Types Of Cyber Crimes: --

Broadly three types of cyber crimes are recognized:

* Hacking without any intention to commit any further offence. 8

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* Unauthorized access with intention to commit further offences. These can

include theft, fraud, miss-appropriations, forgery, cracking.

* Distribution of digital information through use of virus, trogon horses,

logic bombs.


Hackers might be

1. Code hackers – They know computers inside out. They can make the

computer do nearly anything they want it to.

2. Crackers – They break into computer systems circumventing operating

systems and their security is their favourite pastime.

3. Cyber pumps – They are masters of cryptography.

4. Phreakers – They combine their in-depth knowledge of the Internet and

mass telecommunication systems.

Hackers are becoming menacing, so uncontrollable that even largest

companies in the world are finding it difficult to cope up with their incessant

attacks. An act to constitute trespass under-section 441 I.P.C. must compromise

one of the following.

1. There must be an unauthorised entry into or upon property against the

will of the person in possession; or

2. There must be an unauthorised entry lawfully obtained into or upon

property but unlawfully remaining therein.

Five common methods of attacks through internet:

Network pocket sniffers: - 9

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It is package softer which uses a network adaptor card in promiscuous made to

capture all network pockets that are sent across a local area network this provide

user with meaningful and often sensitive information such as accounts and

passwords. Attacker uses pocket sniffers to get passwords accounts etc.

IP spoofing: -

An IP (internet protocol) Spoofing attack occurs when an attacker out side the

network enters pretending as if he is inside network and takes all information

from network or destroy information. Password attacks, Distribution of sensitive

internal information to external sources.

Man – in – the – middle attacks

Fraud on Internet:

This is a form of white collar crime whose growth may be as rapid and diverse as

growth of the internet itself. In 1997 1152 crimes were reported. But in 1998 they

skied up to 7500.

Types of Fraud

1. Online investment newsletters: These are major tools for advertising

the investments in stock market and growth of companies. But some of them are

found to be tools for fraud.

2. Bulletin boards: Online bulletin boards – whether newsgroups, use

nets or web-based- have become popular tools for sharing the information in

market. Some of these are also found to be fraudulent. 10

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3. E-mail online Spam: Because spam-junk e-mail- is so cheap and easy

to create, fraudsters increasingly use it to find investors for bogus investment

schemes using a bulk e-mail program Spammers can send personalized messages

to thousands and even millions of internet users at a time.

Alternation And Destruction Of Digital Information:

This is largest menace facing the world of computers. They are the

programs created by humans which do destruction. They are :-

1. VIRUS 2. Trojan horses 3. Worms 4. Logic bombs


Types of Viruses

1. File infectors 2. Boot sector virus 3.Macro VIRUS

Impact of Cyber Crimes on functionality, work culture and their


If any system which is working with help of internet is hacked, it is obvious that

its source code will be modified and system falls in malfunctionality. Hence all

functions taking this system’s help will also fall in malfunctionality. If this

situation happened in banks, military control systems and etc the loss will be of

great amount. Hence Government of India passed some rules to counter Cyber


Cyber crimes And Information Technology Act , 2000:---- 11

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This act, passed with the objective of promoting a secure electronic

environment deals with issues subsidiary to this secure electronic environment

such as contraventions relating to electronics transactions and I.T. offences. It

also amends the I.P.C. along with a few other statutes.


I.T. act delineates two separate types of penal provisions; contraventions

and I.T. offences. Contraventions have resultant monetary penalties, the offences

may result in the offender being imprisoned or paying a fine or both.


Contraventions – Accessing or securing access to the computer/network,

Downloading any data or information from the computer/network, Introducing or

causing to be introduced any computer contaminant or computer VIRUS into the


Damaging or causing to be damaged the computer/network, data, data base

or any other programs residing in it. Charging the service availed of by a person

to the account of another person by tampering with or manipulating any


The following acts are punishable according to I.T. offences as described in

chapter XI of the I.T. ACT 2000 in I.P.C.

1. Source code attacks: KNOWINGLY OR INTENTIONALLY destroying

computer/network source code that is used to maintain computer/network. This

offence is punishable with imprisonment up to three years or with fine up to 2

lakh rupees or both. 12

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2. Hacking: Destroying, Deleting or altering any information or

diminishing its value or utility by any means with intent to cause loss or damage

to the public or any person. Hacking is punishable with imprisonment up to 3

years or fine up to 2 lakh rupees or both.

3. Obscenity: Publishing or transmitting any material which is lascivious or

appeals to the prurient interest or of its effect is such so as to tend to deprave and

corrupt person who are likely concerned to it. This is punishable on FIRST

CONVICTION with imprisonment of either description for a term which may

extend to 5 years and with fine which may extend to 1 lakh rupees and in event

of a SECOND or subsequent conviction with imprisonment of either description

for a term which may extend to 10 years and also with fine 2 lakh rupees.

4. Failure to comply with controllers directions: The CCA [Controller

Complying Authority] may give certifying authorities to take certain measures to

ensure compliance under act. If nay such person fails to comply with such

directions liable to imprisonment up to three years or fine up to 2 lakh rupees or


5. Subscriber’s failure to comply with controller’s requirements for

decryption. In national or public interest or fails to support to CCA in such cases

the subscriber is punishable with an imprisonment for a term that may extend to

seven years.

6. Publishing false digital signature certificate: If a person knows that a

digital signature is false and still goes ahead and certifies it is guilty and he is

punishable with imprisonment up to 2 years or fine up to 2 lakh or both.

7. Making Available Digital Signature for Fraudulent Purpose: Is

punishable with imprisonment for 2 years or fine up to 1 lakh rupees or both. 13

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Original term referred to learn programming languages and computer systems;

now associated with the process of bypassing the security systems on a computer

system or network.

HACKER: A term sometimes used to describe a person who pursues the

knowledge of computer and security systems for it’s own sake, sometimes used to

describe a person who breaks into computer system for the purpose of

stealing or destroying data. Hacker's and criminals to transmit computer viruses,

invade privacy, steal or corrupt valuable information.


1. CYBER MURDERS: A hacker breaks into hospital medical records and

maliciously alters prescriptions. Say, if a patient is allergic to penicillin, the

hacker adds 500 mg of penicillin to his usual dose of medication. The nurse

administers the drug causing immediate death.

2. EFFECT ON US GOVERNMENT SITES: US government sites were

hacked by ‘mujihadeen’.Two US government sites were hacked late last week

by a group calling themselves ‘mujihadeen’. The pages were defaced with the

flag of Saudi Arabia and a message in Urdu, which translates as “Allah is the

greatest of all, Americans be prepared to die”. The hackers called themselves

‘mujihadeen’ threatened further cyber terrorism.


had offered $10,000 bounty for information about fluffy bunny, a notorious

hacker who defaced the schmitz site. The owner’s site came crashing down. 14

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4. MANIPULATING STOCK MARKETS: A hacker can some how go to

the stock markets web site and manipulate various shares they by giving some

companies great losses and some great profits.

5. TRANSMISSION OF VIRUS: In hacking a hacker can paralyze the

systems by transmitting virus they by affecting the whole data

be it of any company.

6. CRASHING OF SITES: Sometimes a mischievous hacker tries to crash down

site by sending millions of email like the tempest site.


Web business have recently found an old way to protect their new concepts

by making the patent application public on his site Mr.Tim Grey effectively put

copycats on notice.

Like Grey Natgoldhaber had fears about his company cybergold being

copied. He applied for a patent and after three years of waiting his site his one

of a handful of net business that can count a newly granted patent as one of its



Not according to Pete Shipley, chief security architect at KPMG consultancy.

Shipley is proud to call himself a hacker. He suggested the CHAOS THEORY

which is given as below

Media misconceptions:

What is a hacker? A hacker is someone who pursues technology. Ben Franklin

was an inventor, an experimenter and a hacker. According to him hackers are 15

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inventors who thirst for knowledge. They don’t want to destroy the world.

They want to rule the world. The media typically mislabels hackers as crackers

and crackers as hackers.


If you have an account on hotmail, yahoo or excite it’s vulnerable to hacker’s.

These services allow an unlimited number of log on attempts.

Secondly the user is not notified when a number of failed login attempts

have occurred.If a password attack has been attempted against a user.

Password crackers attempt to obtain an account password by exhaustively

guessing word and number combination. Password cracking is an extremely

common hacker technique.


Hacking is a euphemism for what is in fact an act of electronic war with

devastating consequences. 16

Password generators: Software in this genre is a hacker’s dream. These software

attacks serves millions of different combinations of letters and words until they

find your password and hack into your system.

Credit card numbers: These are similar to password generators and can help a

hacker find and use your credit card number.




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e-mail leaves behind a trace leading back to it’s point of origin in the form of an e-

mail header. To view the header all we need to do is press ‘options’ button and

then go to ‘preferences’. This will throw of two boxes where you can view your e-

mail ‘in full’, complete with IP addresses. The IP address, usually a number like

120.12.111,can be traced to VSNL. But only the police have authority to trace

back the route of message up to the doorstep of the offending subscriber. 17




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PREVENTIVE MEASURES : The FBI’s national infrastructure protection has

released a test of seven simple preventive measures. Computer users can take to

step up a security on their machines from hacking.

1. Use strong passwords: use passwords that are difficult or impossible to

guess. Give different passwords to all accounts.

2. Make regular backup’s of critical data: Backup’s must be done atleast once

each day.

3. Use virus protection software this means three things having it in your

computer check daily for new virus signature updates and then scan it.

4. Use firewall as a gatekeeper between your computer and Internet.

5. Do not keep computers online when not in use: either shut them or

disconnect them from Internet connection.

6. Do not open e-mail attachments from strangers. Regularly down load



The security vulnerability includes comprehensive audit of an enterprises network

security including internal and external penetration testing, host based operating

system configuration topology and infra structure assessment and firewall router

and switch analysis.

Instances Of Cyber Terrorism

Some attacks are conducted in furtherance of political and social objectives, as the

following examples illustrate:

In 1998, Spanish protestors bombarded the Institute

for Global Communications (IGC) with thousands of bogus e-mail

messages. E-mail was tied up and undeliverable to the ISP's users, and 18

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support lines were tied up with people who couldn't get their mail. IGC

finally relented and pulled the site because of the "mail bombings."

In 1998, ethnic Tamil guerrillas swamped Sri

Lankan embassies with 800 e-mails a day over a two-week period. The

messages read "We are the Internet Black Tigers and we're doing this to

disrupt your communications." Intelligence authorities characterized it as

the first known attack by terrorists against a country's computer systems.

During the Kosovo conflict in 1999, NATO

computers were blasted with e-mail bombs and hit with denial-of-service

attacks by hacktivists protesting the NATO bombings. In addition,

businesses, public organizations, and academic institutes received highly

politicized virus-laden e-mails from a range of Eastern European countries,

according to reports. Web defacements were also common.

While these incidents were motivated by political and social reasons, whether they

were sufficiently harmful or frightening to be classified as cyberterrorism is a

judgement call. No attack so far has led to violence or injury to persons, although

some may have intimidated their victims .

Factors Leading To Cyberterrorism:

Whether there are targets that are vulnerable to attack that could lead to

violence or severe harm.

Whether there are actors with the capability and motivation to carry them

Misuse of the technology that make it open to attack even after the high


Involvement of the insiders, acting alone or in concert with the other

terrorist misusing their access capabilities.

Role of consultants and contractor causing grave harm.

Cyberterror In Practice: 19

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Terrorists do use cyberspace to facilitate traditional forms of terrorism such as

bombings. They put up Web sites to spread their messages and recruit supporters,

and they use the Internet to communicate and coordinate action. However, there

are few indications that they are pursuing cyberterrorism, either alone or in

conjunction with acts of physical violence. It is believed that members of some

Islamic extremist organizations have been attempting to develop a 'hacker

network' to support their computer activities and even engage in offensive

information warfare attacks in the future. The members of the militant Indian

separatist group Harkat-ul-Ansar had tried to buy military software from hackers

who had stolen it from Department of Defense computers they had penetrated.

Cyberterror Capabilities:

There are three levels of cyberterror capability

Simple-Unstructured: The capability to conduct basic hacks against

individual systems using tools created by someone else. The organization

possesses little target analysis,command and control, or learning capability.

Advanced-Structured: The capability to conduct more sophisticated

attacks against multiple systems or networks and possibly, to modify or create

basic hacking tools. The organization possesses an elementary target analysis,

command and control, and learning capability.

Complex-Coordinated: The capability for a coordinated attacks capable of

causing mass-disruption against integrated, heterogeneous defenses (including

cryptography). Ability to create sophisticated hacking tools. Highly capable

target analysis, command and control,and organization learning capability.


Systems are complex, so it may be harder to control an attack and

achieve a desired level of damage than using physical weapons. 20

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Terrorists may be disinclined to try new methods unless they see

their old ones as inadequate, particularly when the new methods require

considerable knowledge and skill to use effectively.

Terrorists generally stick with tired and true methods.

Novelty and sophistication of attack may be much less important

than assurance that a mission will be operationally successful.

The risk of operational failure could be a deterrent to terrorists

The barrier to entry for anything beyond annoying hacks is quite

high, and that terrorists generally lack the wherewithal and human

capital needed to mount a meaningful operation. 21

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Cyberterror In Future:

The next generation of terrorists will grow up in a digital world, with ever more

powerful and easy-to-use hacking tools at their disposal. They might see greater

potential for cyberterrorism than the terrorists of today, and their level of

knowledge and skill relating to hacking will be greater. Hackers and insiders might

be recruited by terrorists or become self-recruiting cyberterrorists. Some might be

moved to action by cyber policy issues, making cyberspace an attractive venue for

carrying out an attack. Cyberterrorism could also become more attractive as the

real and virtual worlds become more closely coupled, with a greater number of

physical devices attached to the Internet. 22

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This article is not meant to give amateur hackers a crash-course in cyberterrorism,

but to provide insights on the dangers of cyberterrorism. Computer professionals

the world over need to be aware of the problem areas of information systems that

may be susceptible to terrorist attacks, to be able to attempt putting an end to such

activity. There are a large number of ethical issues to be taken into consideration,

as well. For example, there are sites on the Internet that deal with methods of

making bombs, and sites from which these materials can be purchased. This

information is available to everybody. However, if an individual acted on this

information, and made a bomb with evil intentions, then one could not blame

technology, but society, for producing such a person. Technology must be used for

the betterment of mankind, not with the intent of destroying what He created.

Doomsday and other haunting scenarios involving weapons of mass destruction

existed long before the advent of cyberterrorism and will continue to do so as long

as political actors, security firms and others who can benefit from them can exploit

the basic myths surrounding terrorism for their own purposes. Cyberterrorists have

been giving the entire computing profession a bad reputation, but we, as part of the

IT world need to realize that one of our immediate concerns must be to promote

the good name of the profession we call our own. It is extremely important that we

try to understand and mitigate cyberterrorism for the benefit of society as a whole,

and try to curtail its growth, so that we can heal the present, and live the future... 23

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A Paper by Dr.Peter Grabosky – Cyber crime

A Paper by Gaylen Duncan – Cyber crime

Computers @Home Magazine 24