Cyberstalking Project Proposal

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  • 7/31/2019 Cyberstalking Project Proposal


    Renee Powers/Problem #2/p1


    Since the beginning of Facebook, my friends and I have wasted time Facebook

    stalking. Though this term is used in jest, cyberstalking is no laughing matter. Social

    networking sites like Facebook highlight the commodification of relationships that rely

    on mass participation. The value of these relationships is cheapened and can be exploited.

    Mass participation contributes to the threat of privacy violations through interpersonal

    surveillance. Malicious interpersonal surveillance via social networking sites is known as

    cyberstalking. This project will take a critical look at the relationship between social

    media technology and violence against women. In an era where participation in social

    networking sites is nearly compulsory and social technology is mobile, privacy, security,

    and safety are of utmost importance.


    Interpersonal surveillance in the digital age is characterized as surreptitious

    strategies individuals use over communication technologies to gain awareness of another

    users offline and/or online behaviors (Tokunaga, 2011, p. 706). Social networking sites,

    like Twitter, Foursquare, and Facebook in particular, facilitate a mild form of casual

    stalking. In fact, some users believe Facebook was created with this intention (Trottier,

    2012) and anticipate some degree of monitoring (Marwick, 2012; Trottier, 2012). Other

    users sharing behaviors normalize social sharing activities and individuals are likely to

    conform (Brandtzaeg et al., 2010). But, serious Facebook stalking mirrors real world

    stalking in a number of ways. Termed online obsessive relational intrusion, serious

    Facebook stalking can involve unwanted gifts or messages, anonymous monitoring, and

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    following a user to virtual spaces (e.g. Facebook groups) or real-life locations (Chaulk &

    Jones, 2011). This issue is exacerbated by the ubiquity of social media use.

    The power differential is important to note, as interpersonal surveillance involves

    a nontransparent hierarchical display of power. The observers goal is closeness whereas

    the goal of the observed is autonomy (Tokunaga, 2011). This power dynamic inherent to

    surveillance is exacerbated anonymity online, which allow[s] individuals to lurk in an

    environment that reduces the threat of being discovered (p. 705). As perpetrators of

    domestic violence rely on taking advantage of an imbalance of power (Walker, 2009), we

    can assume serious interpersonal surveillance is a form of cyberstalking.

    Cyberstalking as a form of domestic or intimate partner violence cannot be

    ignored in the digital age. Perpetrators easily have access to a number of cyberstalking

    technology: smart phones, monitoring software, social networking sites, online databases,

    et cetera. Because of the internets intrinsic lack of boundaries, cyberstalking is difficult

    to detect, and cyberstalking as a crime is often overlooked (King-Ries, 2011). It is clear

    more research needs to be done in this area to shed light on the issue.

    To counteract cyberstalking, some institutions suggest women avoid using social

    media and to reconsider their smartphone purchase, contributing to a larger culture of

    violence. I propose that we critique such a suggestion to consider the smartphones

    relationship to the power structure of society--that is, to how stalkers use such

    technology. Women should not be forced to choose between mobile technology and the

    potential to be stalked. Instead, institutions and scholars ought to focus on those in power

    who wrongfully use this technology to stalk. Such consideration of the power structures

    and how mass media can be exploited to control those without power is reminiscent of

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    the Frankfurt school of critical theory.


    The issue of cyberstalking requires a critical approach to understanding the

    relationship among social media, surveillance, and violence. Inspired by Frankfurt

    scholar Theodor Adorno (1945), I will argue that social media users are conditioned by

    the structure of a social-media-saturated society that keeps its users from criticizing social

    realities. In this case, that reality is the threat and ease of cyberstalking. Much like

    Adornos discussion of popular music, social media use encourages pseudo-

    individualism; the consumer thinks he or she has choices but ultimate must conform to

    the ways that other users share personal information. In order to update Adornos

    theories, I will incorporate the theory of neoliberalism. For example, when a social media

    user lapses on their privacy settings on social networking sites, instead of critiquing the

    cultural conditions that facilitate the sharing of private information, the digital culture

    assumes the individual should take responsibility. In other words, a user only has him- or

    herself to blame for any malicious activity that comes from the lapse. In a social-media-

    saturated society, providing information to networking sites has become nearly

    compulsory, and so the blame is wrongly attributed. This suggestion complies with the

    dominant societal power structure in that it places blame on the victim of cyberstalking.

    In this sense, smartphone use is a tool of the dominant power structure. My project will

    explore the tensions and relationships among power, technology, and violence against

    women in order to find a solution to ensure womens safety in a society that seeks to both

    encourage us to participate in information-sharing and to disempower us.

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    Renee Powers/Problem #2/p4


    Cyberstalking is a serious crime that is often overlooked. In a digital age, it is

    unreasonable to suggest women avoid using social networking sites to prevent such a

    crime. In fact, this recommendation is akin to suggesting women in short skirts were

    asking to be raped. A United States Department of Justice study reported 14% of

    individuals age 18 and older have been victims of stalking, 25% of those victims reported

    some form of cyberstalking, and 75% of stalking victims knew the perpetrator (Catalano,

    2012). If the average number of Facebook friends is 229 (Hampton et al., 2011), the

    likelihood of interpersonal surveillance and cyberstalking is quite high. And with the

    Violence Against Women Act still in need of reauthorization by the United States

    Congress, women should be worried about the protections against cyberstalking provided

    by the law. A critical theory approach to the problem explores the structural conditions

    that allow these crimes to continue.


    Notable scholars:

    danah boyd

    Mark Andrejevic

    David Lyon


    Surveillance and Society

    Critical Studies in Media Communication

    Computers in Human Behavior

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    Renee Powers/Problem #2/p5

    Works cited:

    Adorno, T. (1945).

    Brandtzaeg, P.B., Luders, M., & Skjetne, J.H. (2010). Too many Facebook friends?

    Content sharing and sociability versus the need for privacy in social network sites.

    Journal of Human-Computer Interaction (26), 1006-1030.

    Catalano, S. (2012). Stalking victims in the United States Revised. Washington, DC:

    U.S. Department of Justice.

    Chaulk, K., & Jones, T. (2011). Online obsessive relational intrusion: Further concerns

    about Facebook.Journal of Family Violence (26), 245-254.

    Hampton, K., Goulet, L. S., Rainie, L., & Purcell, K. (June 16, 2011). Social networking

    sites and our lives. Pew Internet & American Life Project. Retrieved October 21,

    2012 from


    King-Ries, A. (2011). Teens, technology, and cyberstalking: The domestic violence wave

    of the future? Texas Journal of Women and the Law (20), 131-164.

    Lyon, D. (2001). Surveillance society: Monitoring in everyday life. Buckingham: Open

    University Press.

    Marwick, A. E. (2012). The public domain: Social surveillance in everyday life.

    Surveillance and Society (9), 378-393.

    Tokunaga, R. S. (2011). Social networking site or social surveillance site? Understanding

    the use of interpersonal electronic surveillance in romantic relationships.

    Computers in Human Behavior (27), 705-713.

    Trottier, D. (2012). Interpersonal surveillance on social media. Canadian Journal of

    Communication (37), 319-332.

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    Walker, L.E.A. (2009). The battered woman syndrome (3rd

    ed). New York: Springer

    Publishing Company.