CyberAlphaSecurity Mobile Application PenTest Datasheet

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Transcript of CyberAlphaSecurity Mobile Application PenTest Datasheet

  • 8/11/2019 CyberAlphaSecurity Mobile Application PenTest Datasheet


    Key Features and Dierenators

    Mul-Plaorm Reverse Engineering, File

    System & API Monitoring

    Customized emulator framework facilitates

    reverse engineering and low level applicaon


    In-depth study of communicaon protocol,

    encrypon, compression, etc.

    Detailed Fix Informaon with Source Code


    Detailed informaon is provided on how to x

    issues in your specic development language,

    framework and plaorm.

    Step by step instrucons, POCs & examples

    are given for your

    applicaons & plaorms.

    E.D.I.T.E Intelligently Selects

    the Ideal Tools

    Selects tools based on target frameworks,

    plaorms, applicaons and versions.

    Ensures that ideal combinaon of

    tools are intelligently selected and

    run for each individual target.

    Integrated Proprietary, Open-Source and

    Commercial Tools

    Unique combinaon of tools delivers ideal

    balance between security, eciency and


    Tool output is cross-referenced, correlated

    and fed to manual auditors for review &


    Expert Led Test-Case Driven Approach

    Experts create test cases specic to your

    business concerns, priories and pain areas.

    Our large internal test case database is

    referenced based on various ideners.

    Idenfy Design & Logic


    Our expert driven mapping and test case

    based approach idenes design & logic

    issues in your applicaons.

    Such issues generally have a high business

    impact & cannot be found through

    automated scans.

    Mobile Application Penetration TestingSecure mobile applicaons from technical and business logic issues. Get aconable xes.

    Our Mobile Applicaon Penetraon Tesng service leverages applicaon mapping, reverse engineering and proprietary tools to

    idenfy business logic and technical vulnerabilies in your mobile applicaons.

    Many of the risks associated with mobile applicaon are similar to those of web applicaons such as user authencaon, data security,

    data in transit, etc. Our core focus lies not only in idenfying technical vulnerabilies but idenfy key issues related to applicaon

    permission and data ow.

    Our in-house developedE.D.I.T.E framework takes our experienced consultants through a well-dened tesng workow that

    intelligently automates repeatable tasks while facilitang auditors to eciently carry out thorough manual tesng.

  • 8/11/2019 CyberAlphaSecurity Mobile Application PenTest Datasheet


    Challenge Soluon Matrix

    Developers cannot x issues.

    We are sll vulnerable aerseveral audits.

    We need to meet Compliancemandates.

    We want to prevent leakage of sensivecustomer informaon like credit carddetails.

    How do we prevent user account hi-jack?

    Detailed recommendaons with source-code examples in your developmentlanguage.

    Re-tesng of vulnerabilies llclosure is a complimentary part of ourservice.

    Our experts help your team understand

    and x issues.

    Our tesng guidelines meet therequirements set by mostcompliance standards.

    We help you idenfy and prevent sensi-

    ve data leakage like credit card details,locaon, owner idinformaon etc.

    Idenfy sensive data transmission overunencrypted channel

    Quick turn-around me for xed release.

    All issues are closed thoroughly.

    Meet the requirements of compliancestandards.

    Your applicaons are testedthoroughly for both technical and logicissues.

    Helps you to prevent data leakagethrough intercepon


    Execuve Presentaon Excel Fix TrackerDetailed Technical Report

    Compliance & Tesng Standards

    Your Challenges Key BenetsOur Soluons

    High level summary of issues

    Key metrics and analysis

    Impact and root cause analysis

    Acon items for remediaon

    Detailed proof of concepts

    Fix informaon with source code and congu-

    raon examples

    Specic to your applicaon

    Track x status of issues

    Manage melines for x

    Manage responsibilies for x

    Summary of acon items

  • 8/11/2019 CyberAlphaSecurity Mobile Application PenTest Datasheet


    Overview of Our Technical Process - E.D.I.T.E

    1 Automated Tesng Proprietary, Open-Source & Commercial Tools

    2 Manual Tesng Network Mapping and Logic Tesng

    3 Integraon Data Correlaon and Cross-Referencing

    4 Reporng Custom Developed with Detailed Fix Informaon

    a) Customized emulator framework idenes

    the applicaon frameworks, dependencies and


    b) File system and network anlayis analyzes and maps

    applicaon acviy and protocols.

    c) Internal intelligence engine selects ideal tools for the

    target, which includes proprietary, open-source and

    commercial tools.

    d) Data from various tools is collected, streamlined, cross-

    referenced and stored into the internal tesng database.

    a) Applicaons are divided into core modules and funconalareas.

    b) Data ow between components is mapped along with

    their logical relaonships..

    c) Applicaon is reverse engineered to understand its

    internal funconing

    d) Expert consultants create test cases based on business

    concerns, pain areas and potenal abuse scenarios.

    a) Data from automated and manual tesng is cross-

    referenced and correlated to establish a nal list of


    b) Data is referenced from public & private sources to

    build rich issue proles.

    c) Expert auditors analyze the data and extract any

    key details that may not have been picked up


    a) Experts manually document details, descripons, proof of

    concepts and references specic to your applicaons.

    b) Source code and conguraon xes for each issue are

    provided specic to your environment.

    c) Step by step POCs and x details helps your team

    understand issues.

  • 8/11/2019 CyberAlphaSecurity Mobile Application PenTest Datasheet
