Cyber safety

Top Nine Items NOT to Post Online

Transcript of Cyber safety

  1. 1. Top Nine Items NOT to Post Online
  2. 2. 9. Your Photo Think before you post. Only share photos with friends you know offline. Make sure you check your privacy settings. Todays picture post could be tomorrows disaster. Laura Marano Ross Lynch
  3. 3. Dont post your class schedule or when youre planning to show up for soccer practiceyou never know who might show up. 8. Your Schedule
  4. 4. 7. Gossip Cyberbullying is a serious form of harassment. Follow these tips: S Stop. Never ever respond to a cyber-bully. A Tell a Trusted Adult F Filter out Your Personal Information E Save the Evidence
  5. 5. Just like your schedule, this info should only be shared with your real friends. Be careful about making public postings about get togethers. Word can spread fast and not always to people you want showing up at your house. 6. Details about get-togethers
  6. 6. 5. Your School Dont post the name of your school. 4. Your Address Your friends already know where you live. 3. Your Phone Number Friends have your phone number too. 2. Your Birthday This date is often required on financial websites. Dont make it easy for thieves.
  7. 7. 1. Where you are right now This is the most important thing not to post. Although its tempting to tweet or post a status update about the awesome ice cream youre eating on Main Street, you shouldnt broadcast your location to the whole world. You never know who might be listening.
  8. 8. Think it Wont Happen to You?
  9. 9. Email from my Bank. Delivered to an email account not connected to my Bank Account.
  10. 10. People I dont know added me to their Google Circles
  11. 11. Local Newspaper is following me Some guy named Hammock Time is following me!
  12. 12. I posted this on Facebook. What did I do wrong? Now everyone knows where my daughter lives!
  13. 13. Google even memorizes your birthday.